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jvc t-40p (12) |
jvc dd-v7 (13) |
Instruction Book For JVC TD-V661, TD-V662
End: 03.02. 2025 21:42:38 on Monday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 10.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 365322616293
- Seller: viktorion (30443|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,24 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V662 BK,TD-V661 TN, Original
End: 01.02. 2025 21:31:28 on Saturday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 15.89 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 365318916664
- Seller: viktorion (30424|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Regensburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,32 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual instructions for JVC in English(circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL!!! Good condition! Be sure to include me in your Favorites on! Have fun and success with the repair!!! Service Manual instructions for JVC in English (circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL!!! Good condition! Be sure to include me in your Favorites on! Have fun and success with the repair!!!
Service Manual Guide For JVC TD-V66
End: 31.01. 2025 21:13:35 on Friday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 10.49 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256770165858
- Seller: viktorion (30424|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 6,75 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual guide for JVC in English(circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and acceptable reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from OriginalLegal notice: We are licensed as a switching service and authorized to reproduce these instructions.The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a guide that is not listed in our shop, we are always available. By all means, take me into yours favorites!Have fun and success with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for JVC in English (circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and acceptable reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are licensed as a switching service and authorized to reproduce these instructions. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a guide that is not listed in our shop, we are always available. By all means, take me into yours favorites! Have fun and success with the repair!!!
JVC TD-V662 3-Kopf Stereo Kassettendeck in sehr gutem Zustand
End: 25.12. 2024 19:23:34 on Wednesday
JVC TD-V621, 3 head stereo cassette deck, ( Funktioniert)
End: 19.11. 2024 15:45:01 on Tuesday
End: 19.11. 2024 11:23:51 on Tuesday
JVC TD-V621, 3 head stereo cassette deck, ( Funktioniert)
End: 11.11. 2024 20:15:01 on Monday
JVC TD-V661 3-head Direct Drive Cassette Deck
End: 03.11. 2024 02:59:09 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 264.12 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 296790563695
- Seller: ff97 (2563|98.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Orlando, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
For sale is JVC TD-V661 3-head direct drive dual capstan cassette deck. It features motorized tray, Bias and Level calibration. It was tested and found to work as expected. Cosmetics are good for the age, scratches on the face plate and on the case. Heads are in excellent condition. Shipping is flat $30 to Continental USA only.
JVC TD-V621 3-Kopf Kassettendeck / Dual Capstan / gewartet 1 Jahr Garantie [2]
End: 10.10. 2024 08:22:43 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 329.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 256407723976
- Seller: positron-e (23811|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
@copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Elektrofachbetrieb für Audio- und Videotechnik Aktuelle Seite Kategorien CD Player Tapedeck DVD-Recorder DVD-VHS-Kombination VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/Beta Blu-Ray Recorder Sonstige Über uns Bewertungen Als Favorit speichern Kontakt In unserer Fachwerkstatt professionell geprüft und gewartet 12 Monate Garantie* Optischer Zustand: Gut (Produktbilder sind Beispielbilder)** Technischer Zustand: Voll funktionsfähig Kassettenlaufwerk(e) komplett gewartet mit speziellen Testkassetten und Oszilloskop eingemessen auch bei hohen Frequenzen einwandfreie Wiedergabe und Aufnahme alle Laufwerksfunktionen gegeben Lieferumfang: JVC TD-V621 Kassettenspieler & Recorder Ausstattung / technische Daten: 3-Kopf-Laufwerk Bandarten: Typ I (Fe), Typ II (CrO2), Typ IV (Metall) Dolby B, Dolby C, HX Pro Rauschunterdrückung MPX-Filter schaltbar regelbarer Kopfhörerausgang automatische Bandsortenwahl manuelle Kalibrierung der Vormagnetisierung mittels Bias Regler Frequenzgang: Fe 10 Hz - 20 kHz (15 Hz - 18 kHz ± 3 dB); CrO2 10 Hz - 20 kHz (15 Hz - 18 kHz ± 3 dB); Metall 10 Hz - 22 kHz (15 Hz - 20 kHz ± 3 dB) Signalrauschabstand: 59 dB Gleichlaufschwankungen: ± 0,12 % DIN Gesamtklirrfaktor: 1,0 % uvm. Anschlüsse: Eingänge: 3 x Analog Cinch (Line/Direct/CD Direct) 2 x Compu Link-1 Synchro Ausgänge: 1 x 6,3mm Klinke 1 x Analog Cinch Maße: Breite x Höhe x Tiefe: 435 x 130 x 335 [mm] Informationen zur Wartung Kassettendecks Im Rahmen der Wartung von Kassettenlaufwerken wird die komplette Laufwerksmechanik gewartet. Das umfasst unter anderem eine gründliche Reinigung, den Austausch anfälliger Kunststoffteile und die Behandlung bestimmter Komponenten mit anwendungsspezifischem Fett bzw. Öl. Um eine zuverlässige Funktion zu gewährleistungen werden die Riemen erneuert. Die Andruckrollen werden genau inspiziert und wenn notwendig ebenso erneuert. Jedes Laufwerk wird nach der Wartung mit hochwertigen Prüfkassetten (Pegel, Bandgeschwindigkeit und Azimuth (optimale Wiedergabe der hohen Frequenzen)) eingemessen und in einem längeren Testlauf betrieben. Über die Aufnahmequalität eines hochfrequenten Sinustons können wir die Qualtität des Tonkopfes bestimmen. Anhand dieser Daten entscheiden wir unter anderem, ob sich das Gerät noch für einen Verkauf eignet. Weitere Tätigkeiten sind beispielsweise die Entmagnetisierung des Tonkopfes, Dolby Einstellungen und Einstellungen für die automatische Bandeinmessung. Je nach Gerätemodell beachten wir weitere Aspekte, damit wir in der Lage sind, Ihnen ein langlebiges Gerät anbieten zu können. Elektronik Die Elektronik der Elektrogeräte wird genau begutachtet. Durch langjährige Erfahrung können wir bestimmte bzw. typenspezifische Schwachstellen beheben, bevor es dadurch zu einem Fehler kommt. Bei bestimmten Geräten kann die Lebensdauer so enorm erhöht werden. --> *Garantiebedingungen Hier finden Sie unsere Garantiebedingungen **Informationen zum optischen Zustand Die Artikel werden in der Regel mit Beispielbildern angeboten, um unsere Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Diesen Vorteil können wir in der Preisgestaltung an unsere Kunden weitergeben. Bei der Zuteilung des optischen Zustands achten wir sehr genau darauf, dass folgende Kriterien zutreffen: Sehr gut [1]: Die Geräte sind in jedem Fall wohnzimmertauglich. Vereinzelte unwesentliche Schönheitsfehler an der Front und/oder an der Gehäuseabdeckung können vorhanden sein. Diese sind aus maximal einem Meter Entfernung kaum wahrnehmbar. Gut [2]: Die Geräte sind ansehnlich. Es können vereinzelte kleine Makel an der Front und/oder vereinzelte kleine Lackkratzer (nicht länger als ca. 5cm) vorhanden sein. Aus ca. 2 Metern Entfernung fallen diese Spuren kaum mehr auf. Feine oberflächliche Gebrauchsspuren auf der Abdeckung sind möglich. Akzeptabel [3]: Es können vereinzelte deutlichere Makel an der Front und/oder vereinzelte kleine Lackkratzer (nicht länger als ca. 5cm) vorhanden sein. Feine oberflächliche Gebrauchsspuren auf der Abdeckung sind möglich. Deutliche Gebrauchsspuren [4]: Die Gebrauchsspuren sind deutlich sichtbar. Gebrauchsspuren an der Front und/oder einige Kratzer (auch länger als 5cm) auf der Oberseite können vorhanden sein. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Bewertungen Als Favorit speichern Kontakt
Bedienungsanleitung-Instruction Book for JVC TD-V661, TD-V662
End: 03.10. 2024 03:59:02 on Thursday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 10.23 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256625860198
- Seller: viktorion (29565|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,85 EUR
- on EBAY
Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from OriginalLegal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual.The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on!Have fun!!! Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun!!! Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun!!!
JVC Cassette Deck TD-V66 242012
End: 02.10. 2024 18:14:04 on Wednesday
Original JVC TD-V621 Cassette Deck Bedienungsanleitung
End: 01.10. 2024 09:46:24 on Tuesday
JVC TD-V621 3-Head Fine Amorphous Double Capstan Cassette Deck
End: 20.09. 2024 19:28:58 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 308.37 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 126679213590
- Seller: mayrel2015 (155|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Holiday, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 40,0 EUR
- on EBAY
JVC TD-V621 3-Head Fine Amorphous Double Capstan Cassette Deck, this is a very well built and specified Deck, wonderful recordings and playbacks with excellent dynamic range to the sound. This deck is in excellent condition both cosmetically and mechanically, the cassette transport was cleaned, lubed and serviced, new belts fitted and the two problematic motor gears replaced leaving the transport ready for long hours of use, all is well here, records and plays back perfectly, cosmetically it is a 9/10, some marks on the top lid but the front is in perfect condition, here is something very nice to add to your collection, please make it clear that there are NO RETURNS so any questions or doubts about the item please message me first, I will gladly clarify any concerns about the item, thank you! Video Recording demo
End: 17.09. 2024 05:19:42 on Tuesday
Bedienungsanleitung-Instruction Book for JVC TD-V661, TD-V662
End: 08.08. 2024 21:40:35 on Thursday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 9.83 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256560534504
- Seller: viktorion (29337|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,6 EUR
- on EBAY
Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from OriginalLegal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual.The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on!Have fun!!! Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun!!! Owners Manual-Instruction Book for JVC in English Operating instructions in perfect and permissible reproduction of the original Operating Instructions is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun!!!
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V662 BK,TD-V661 TN, Original
End: 03.08. 2024 20:42:33 on Saturday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 16.17 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256561527953
- Seller: viktorion (29344|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,58 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual guide for JVC in English(schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!! Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V662 BK,TD-V661 TN, Original
End: 03.08. 2024 20:34:31 on Saturday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 16.01 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 364986088183
- Seller: viktorion (29344|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Regensburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,6 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual instructions for JVC in English(circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL!!! Good condition! Be sure to include me in your Favorites on! Have fun and success with the repair!!! Service Manual instructions for JVC in English (circuit diagrams, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL!!! Good condition! Be sure to include me in your Favorites on! Have fun and success with the repair!!!
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V66
End: 03.08. 2024 20:31:49 on Saturday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 10.11 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256561528289
- Seller: viktorion (29344|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 6,97 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual guide for JVC in English(schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and legal reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from OriginalLegal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual.The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on!Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and legal reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!
End: 03.08. 2024 00:39:31 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 174.54 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 266893360681
- Seller: pcnixon (307|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Austin, Texas
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
When I first purchased this deck two years ago, it was working fine and sounded amazing. Ive had a local stereo technician look at this and do some troubleshooting. He said he wasnt able to successfully get it working properly. It fast-forwards, rewinds, but--most importantly--doesnt play (see the video). Im sad to have to let this go because it was an amazing sounding deck before it stopped playing, so someone is bound to be able to fix it, but I dont want to keep it around gathering dust. Please send any questions you have and Ill do my best to answer them. Here are the specifications for this once top-of-the-line machine (copied from •Monitor-capable combination 3-head configuration •Closed-loop dual- capstan drive with Pulse-Servo direct-drive motor •Computer-controlled full-logic control •Silent Mechanism driven by an exclusive motor actuator •Reduced acoustic modulation: cassette-shell stabilizer, large insulators and aluminum front panel •Center-drive mechanism •Analog transmission of tape control signals •CD DIRECT input for direct connection with a CD player •DDRP (Dynamics Detection Recording Processor) •PCOCC coil wiring in heads •Powered cassette lid ®High bias frequency (210kHz) for clear sound •Record calibration (bias and level) for low distortion and flat response •Built-in record oscillator •Precision low-wear head with laser-joined gaps •Dolby HX-Pro and double-Dolby B/C noise reduction systems with MPX filter switch •Fluorescent Digital Peak Display, level meters and 4-digit linear counter •Auto rec mute, Music Scan, Timer start (record/play), Auto tape selector, Auto monitor •Balance control ®Headphone output with volume control •Enhanced COMPULINK Control System D: 17¾6W X 5¼H X 13?D inches W: 11.5 lbs.
Kult Tapedeck JVC TD-V66 einwandfrei selten in Europa zu bekommen
End: 12.07. 2024 06:47:48 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 233.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226231142101
- Bids: 0
- Seller: technikvenus (266|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Soltau
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Ich biete ein technisch einwandfreies Tapedeck von JVC TD-V66 an, es ist eine echte Rarität mit zahlreichen besonderen Funktionen. Gerne Abholung mit Funktionstest vor Ort oder Versand für 9,99€. Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: Line In 1, 2: 80 mV, 80 kOhm Anzahl der Ausgänge: Line out: 0 - 500 mV, 5 kOhm Kopfhörer 0 - 0,6 mW, 8 Ohm (geeignet für 8 Ohm - 1 kOhm) 1x Compu-Link 2x Synchro Technische Daten Tonköpfe: 3 (1x Sen-Alloy für Aufnahme, 1x Metaperm für Wiedergabe, 1x 2-Spalt Ferrit für Löschen) Motoren: 3 (1x DC-Motor für Capstan, 1x DC-Motor für Spulen, 1x DC-Motor für Antriebsmechanismus) Spuren: 4-Spur Bandgeschwindigkeit: 4,75 cm/s Gleichlaufschwankungen: 0,038% Bandarten: Normal, Chrom, Metall Frequenzgang: Normal: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Chrom: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Metall: 20 - 21.000 Hz ± 3 dB Klirrfaktor: K3: 0,5%, THD: 1,0% Signalrauschabstand: 58dB, mit Dolby C max. 20dB bei 1 kHz höher Übersprechdämpfung: 65 dB bei 1 kHz Kanaltrennung: 40 dB bei 1 kHz Auto-Reverse: nein Titelsuchlauf: ja, nächster Titel Dolby: B,C MPX-Filter CD-Synchro-Aufnahme: ja, mit Compu-Link Schnelles Vor- und Rückspulen: ~100 Sekunden für C-60 Besondere Ausstattungen Output Level Regler Balanceregler Compu-Link Index Scan Auto Repeat
Kult Tapedeck JVC TD-V66 einwandfrei selten in Europa zu bekommen
End: 01.07. 2024 19:03:10 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 249.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226213761134
- Bids: 0
- Seller: technikvenus (265|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Soltau
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Ich biete ein technisch einwandfreies Tapedeck von JVC TD-V66 an, es ist eine echte Rarität mit zahlreichen besonderen Funktionen. Gerne Abholung mit Funktionstest vor Ort oder Versand für 9,99€. Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: Line In 1, 2: 80 mV, 80 kOhm Anzahl der Ausgänge: Line out: 0 - 500 mV, 5 kOhm Kopfhörer 0 - 0,6 mW, 8 Ohm (geeignet für 8 Ohm - 1 kOhm) 1x Compu-Link 2x Synchro Technische Daten Tonköpfe: 3 (1x Sen-Alloy für Aufnahme, 1x Metaperm für Wiedergabe, 1x 2-Spalt Ferrit für Löschen) Motoren: 3 (1x DC-Motor für Capstan, 1x DC-Motor für Spulen, 1x DC-Motor für Antriebsmechanismus) Spuren: 4-Spur Bandgeschwindigkeit: 4,75 cm/s Gleichlaufschwankungen: 0,038% Bandarten: Normal, Chrom, Metall Frequenzgang: Normal: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Chrom: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Metall: 20 - 21.000 Hz ± 3 dB Klirrfaktor: K3: 0,5%, THD: 1,0% Signalrauschabstand: 58dB, mit Dolby C max. 20dB bei 1 kHz höher Übersprechdämpfung: 65 dB bei 1 kHz Kanaltrennung: 40 dB bei 1 kHz Auto-Reverse: nein Titelsuchlauf: ja, nächster Titel Dolby: B,C MPX-Filter CD-Synchro-Aufnahme: ja, mit Compu-Link Schnelles Vor- und Rückspulen: ~100 Sekunden für C-60 Besondere Ausstattungen Output Level Regler Balanceregler Compu-Link Index Scan Auto Repeat
Kult Tapedeck JVC TD-V66 einwandfrei selten in Europa zu bekommen
End: 26.06. 2024 11:01:31 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 249.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226201998733
- Bids: 0
- Seller: technikvenus (265|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Soltau
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Ich biete ein technisch einwandfreies Tapedeck von JVC TD-V66 an, es ist eine echte Rarität mit zahlreichen besonderen Funktionen. Gerne Abholung mit Funktionstest vor Ort oder Versand für 9,99€. Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: Line In 1, 2: 80 mV, 80 kOhm Anzahl der Ausgänge: Line out: 0 - 500 mV, 5 kOhm Kopfhörer 0 - 0,6 mW, 8 Ohm (geeignet für 8 Ohm - 1 kOhm) 1x Compu-Link 2x Synchro Technische Daten Tonköpfe: 3 (1x Sen-Alloy für Aufnahme, 1x Metaperm für Wiedergabe, 1x 2-Spalt Ferrit für Löschen) Motoren: 3 (1x DC-Motor für Capstan, 1x DC-Motor für Spulen, 1x DC-Motor für Antriebsmechanismus) Spuren: 4-Spur Bandgeschwindigkeit: 4,75 cm/s Gleichlaufschwankungen: 0,038% Bandarten: Normal, Chrom, Metall Frequenzgang: Normal: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Chrom: 20 - 19.000 Hz ± 3 dB Metall: 20 - 21.000 Hz ± 3 dB Klirrfaktor: K3: 0,5%, THD: 1,0% Signalrauschabstand: 58dB, mit Dolby C max. 20dB bei 1 kHz höher Übersprechdämpfung: 65 dB bei 1 kHz Kanaltrennung: 40 dB bei 1 kHz Auto-Reverse: nein Titelsuchlauf: ja, nächster Titel Dolby: B,C MPX-Filter CD-Synchro-Aufnahme: ja, mit Compu-Link Schnelles Vor- und Rückspulen: ~100 Sekunden für C-60 Besondere Ausstattungen Output Level Regler Balanceregler Compu-Link Index Scan Auto Repeat
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V66
End: 17.06. 2024 22:40:22 on Monday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 10.06 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 364873120583
- Seller: viktorion (29145|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 6,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Service Manual guide for JVC in English(schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and legal reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from OriginalLegal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual.The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on!Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) Repair instructions in perfect and legal reproduction of the original Service Manual for Repair of Items is not original but faultless and permitted reproduction from Original Legal notice: We are approved as a placement service and authorized to reproduce this manual. The business registration and approvals from the rights holders/manufacturers are available. If you have any questions or are looking for a manual that is not listed in our shop, we are always at your disposal. By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!
Service Manual Instructions for JVC TD-V662 BK,TD-V661 TN, Original
End: 17.06. 2024 22:20:09 on Monday
- Condition: Sehr Gut
- Price: 16.22 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256465651727
- Seller: viktorion (29171|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,65 EUR
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Service Manual guide for JVC in English(schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!! Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for JVC in English (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!
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