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iRiver H320 Digital MP3 & Multi-Codec Mediaplayer

End: 02.02. 2025 18:54:39 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 53.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276827604060
  • Bids: 14
  • Seller: cmos2003 (73|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße Österreich
  • Ships to: AT
  • Shipping: 14,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 Digital MP3 & Multi-Codec MediaplayeriRiver H320 Digital MP3 & Multi-Codec Mediaplayer Eigenschaften2 Zoll FarbbildschirmWiedergabe von MP3-, Ogg-, WMA-, ASF- und WAV- codierten AudiodateienUKW-Radio mit 20 Stationsspeichern1300mA h Li-Polymer- Akku mit einer Wiedergabezeit von 16 StundenAnzeigen von JPEG-und BMP- BildernAnzeigen von TXT-DateienAnzeigen von XviDAVI- Videos, die mit 15 Bildern pro Sekunde codiert sindAufnahme über internes oder externes Mikrofon oder Line-In zu MP3Aufnahme von UKW-Radio in MP3USB 2.0-AnschlussToshiba MK2004GAL 20GB FestplatteGerätemaße (ohne Ledertasche): 62x103x22 mm (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe)Gerätegewicht(ohne Ledertasche): 183 gUS-Gerät (EU Adapter für Netz-/Ladegerät inkludiert) LieferumfangiRiver H320 (20GB)LedertaschePanasonic RP-HJE120E1K In-Ear-KopfhörerNetz-/LadegerätUSB 2.0 KabelQuick Start Guide& Bedienungsanleitung (englisch)Installations-CD Voll funktionsfähig, sehr guter Zustand

iRiver MP3 player H320

End: 28.08. 2024 13:50:33 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126631717960
  • Seller: mattwit2 (2|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stühlingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,48 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver MP3 player H320Nostalgischer iRiver H320 MP3-Player - Dein Musikbegleiter aus vergangenen Zeiten Tauche ein in die Vergangenheit und erlebe Musikgenuss wie damals mit dem kultigen iRiver H320 MP3-Player! Dieser gebrauchte iRiver H320 ist ein wahrer Klassiker und funktioniert sogar noch. Er bietet dir die Möglichkeit, deine Lieblingsmusik unterwegs zu genießen, ohne auf moderne Smartphones angewiesen zu sein. Highlights:Großzügiger Speicherplatz für deine MusiksammlungRobuste VerarbeitungRetro-Charme Zustand:Gebraucht, aber funktionsfähigLeichte Gebrauchsspuren möglichVerkauf ohne Gewährleistung Hinweis: Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, erfolgt der Verkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Sichere dir jetzt dieses Stück Musikgeschichte und genieße deine Lieblingssongs auf dem legendären iRiver H320!

iRiver H320 Multi Codec Jukebox Player, ohne Zubehör, Akku defekt

End: 26.06. 2024 19:31:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 25.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 156269703795
  • Seller: colognestuff (2|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 Multi Codec Jukebox Player, ohne Zubehör, Akku defektiRiver H320 Multi Codec Jukebox. Player, der verschiedene Fileformate abspielen kann und auch aufnehmen. 20 GB. Kommt bis auf die Tasche ohne Zubehör. Funktioniert noch wunderbar. War damals top of its class, eigentlich ein super Teil. Versand per BüWa oder kleinem Päckchen, nach Wunsch.

iriver H320 Mediaplayer

End: 31.05. 2024 16:10:36 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386880942189
  • Seller: manara15 (2287|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Griesheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iriver H320 Mediaplayeririver H320 Mediaplayer Zustand siehe Bilder. Lieferung wie abgebildet. Nicht testen, deswegen verkaufe ich es als defekt.

iRiver H320 20Gb multi-codec jukebox Lettore MP3 - A++ - Ottimo stato

End: 25.05. 2024 21:42:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256516062614
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: mattegaditt_0 (270|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Veronella Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 20Gb multi-codec jukebox Lettore MP3 - A++ - Ottimo statoiRiver H320 20Gb multi-codec jukebox con hard disk meccanico, in ottime condizioni Conservato perfettamente, come si può vedere dalle foto, è pari al nuovo, larticolo è stato testato, ed è perfettamente funzionante - Accetto anche il ritiro in zona. Nellinserzione cè un piccolo video dimostrativo, la particolarità di questo dispositivo, dal mio punto di vista, è che monta un piccolo hard disk meccanico ancora perfettamente funzionante da 20Gb, ha un entrata audio, che permette di registrare laudio di ogni dispositivo, e un altra uscita audio loop, per riascoltare mentre si registra o per collegarci dei diffusori e in più un altra uscita per le cuffie, quindi per un totale di 2 uscite audio e 1 di entrata, e sempre per registrare possiede anche un microfono con qualità accettabili se non ottime. Ha FM STEREO e si può registrare la radio mentre la si sta ascoltando, ha un ottima fedeltà nella riproduzione di file multimediali come MP3,WMA,OGG,ASF e IRM, si possono caricare anche FOTO e TESTI, insomma, una tecnologia che ancora oggi si difende abbastanza bene. Audio 3D della massima potenza - Effetti acustici WOW SRS ed 5 equalizzatori preimpostati e 1 equalizzatore configurabile dallutente (Normal, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Ultra Bass) oppure il proprio equalizzatore personalizzato. Permette di caricare i dati con un USB 2.0 o 1.1 tramite PC e si ricarica sia con USB e anche con la sua entrata di ricarica.

iriver H320 Mediaplayer

End: 23.03. 2024 14:47:41 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386872195666
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: manara15 (2209|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Griesheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iriver H320 Mediaplayeririver H320 Mediaplayer Zustand siehe Bilder. Lieferung wie abgebildet. Nicht testen, deswegen verkaufe ich es als defekt.

iriver H320 Mediaplayer + Bose OE2

End: 25.12. 2023 21:28:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 33.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 16:41:58
  • Item number: 196140168695
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Falkensee,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iriver H320 Mediaplayer + Bose OE2Angeboten wir einwandfrei funktionierend ein Mediaplayer iriver H320 mit Ledertasche, Netzteil Mikrofon und USB Adapter. Zustzlich ein Mipassender Bose OE2 Kopfhrer. Speicher mit 20 GB Musik/ Hrbuchdaten (wird noch gelscht). Akku wurde professionell erneuert und ist auch gut. Ohrpolster sind ebenso einmal getauscht worden und in gutem Zustand. Klasse Klang! PayPal Freunde Zahlung und versicherter Versand mglich. Privatverkauf, daher keine Garantie oder Rcknahme seitens des Verkufers.

iriver H320 Mediaplayer + Bose OE2

End: 18.12. 2023 21:28:35 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 33.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196135579843
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kaktus2000 (2008|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Falkensee Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iriver H320 Mediaplayer + Bose OE2Angeboten wir einwandfrei funktionierend ein Mediaplayer iriver H320 mit Ledertasche, Netzteil Mikrofon und USB Adapter. Zustzlich ein Mipassender Bose OE2 Kopfhrer. Speicher mit 20 GB Musik/ Hrbuchdaten (wird noch gelscht). Akku wurde professionell erneuert und ist auch gut. Ohrpolster sind ebenso einmal getauscht worden und in gutem Zustand. Klasse Klang! PayPal Freunde Zahlung und versicherter Versand mglich. Privatverkauf, daher keine Garantie oder Rcknahme seitens des Verkufers.

IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel Zubehörpaket

End: 07.11. 2023 16:25:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:55:1
  • Item number: 314926303973
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Hamburg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel ZubehörpaketVerkauft wird hier ein IRiver mp3 Player ! Würde getestet und funktioniert. dazu gibt es noch die originale Tasche sowie das originale ladegerät ! Zustand ist sehr gut ! Siehe Fotos !

IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel Zubehörpaket

End: 31.10. 2023 16:24:43 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:54:39
  • Item number: 314909885205
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Hamburg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel ZubehörpaketVerkauft wird hier ein IRiver mp3 Player ! Würde getestet und funktioniert. dazu gibt es noch die originale Tasche sowie das originale ladegerät ! Zustand ist sehr gut ! Siehe Fotos !

IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel Zubehörpaket

End: 24.10. 2023 16:24:23 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:54:19
  • Item number: 314894251242
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Hamburg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel ZubehörpaketVerkauft wird hier ein IRiver mp3 Player ! Würde getestet und funktioniert. dazu gibt es noch die originale Tasche sowie das originale ladegerät ! Zustand ist sehr gut ! Siehe Fotos !

IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel Zubehörpaket

End: 17.10. 2023 16:24:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314880399679
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: anthru-67 (9|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    IRiver H320 Player mit Tasche und Ladekabel ZubehörpaketVerkauft wird hier ein IRiver mp3 Player ! Würde getestet und funktioniert. dazu gibt es noch die originale Tasche sowie das originale ladegerät ! Zustand ist sehr gut ! Siehe Fotos !

Astell & Kern AK320 iRiver UVP:1999€ Hi-Res Music Player Dual DAC

End: 26.08. 2023 08:56:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 470.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275909565021
  • Seller: mcreuhl (1046|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Langenselbold Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe sehr gut erhaltenen Astell & Kern AK 320 mit Original Kabel und Original Lederhülle. Er wurde wenig gebraucht und läuft einwandfrei. Er kann mit einer Micro SD Karte um 256 GB erweitert werden.Originalverpackung etc. nicht vorhanden Model AK320Body Color Gun MetalBody Material AluminumDisplay 4inch WVGA (480 x 800) TouchscreenSupported Audio Formats WAV, FLAC, WMA, MP3, OGG, APE(Normal, High, Fast), AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DFF, DSFSample rate PCM : 8kHz ~ 192kHz (8/16/24bits per Sample) / DSD : DSD64, Stereo / DSD128, StereoOutput Level Unbalance 2.2Vrms / Balance 2.3Vrms (Condition No Load)DAC AKM AK4490 x2 (Dual DAC)Decoding Support up to 24bit / 192kHz Bit to Bit DecodingInput USB Micro-B input (for charging & data transfer (PC & MAC)) / Connection Mode : MTP (Media Device)Outputs PHONES (3.5mm) / Optical Out (3.5mm) / Balanced Out (2.5mm, only 4-pole supported)Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (2.4GHz)Dimensions 2.95 ”(75.15 mm) [W] x 4.42 ”(112.4 mm) [H] x 0.64 ”(16.45 mm) [D]Weight 7.65 oz (217 g)Feature Enhancements Firmware upgrades supported (OTA Frequency Response ±0.053dB (Condition: 20Hz~20kHz) Unbalance & Balance±0.56dB (Condition: 10Hz~70kHz) Unbalance / ±0.55dB (Condition: 10Hz~70kHz) BalanceSignal to Noise Ratio 116dB @ 1kHz, Unbalance / 117dB @ 1kHz, BalanceCrosstalk 130dB @ 1kHz, Unbalance / 135dB @ 1kHz, BalanceTHD+N 0.0008% @ 1kHz, Unbalance / 0.0007% @ 1kHz, BalanceIMD SMPTE 0.0007% 800Hz 10kHz(4:1) Unbalance / 0.0006% 800Hz 10kHz(4:1) BalanceOutput Impedance Balanced out 2.5mm (1ohm) / PHONES 3.5mm (2ohm) Built-in Memory 128GB [NAND]External Memory microSD (Max 256GB) x1 AK4490’s Dual-DACDSD-to-PCM PlaybackParametric EQ with 20bands 0.01dB200 Femto Second VCXO Reference ClockExceptional ExpandabilityDLNA-based AK Connect AppMetal Touch Sensor Home Button Privatverkauf: Keine Gewährleistung und keine Garantie

iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD

End: 01.08. 2023 14:55:28 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 27.39 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155685993141
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cassetti02 (180|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cocoa, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD. Unit was well loved, firmware was updated (as seen in the photos), this version of firmware allowed you to watch videos (not originally available at release). Unit was stored in climate controlled closet for the past 15 years Battery does not seem to hold a charge, but unit does power on when connected to a 5vdc power supply (NOT included). Also error message Check HDD comes up which leads me to believe that the Hard Drive is shot and needs to be replaced. As such I am selling as-is! Product Info: Enjoy your music when you are out and about with this iRiver H320 digital media player. From the gym to the office, this iRiver music player keeps you entertained with your favorite songs. Don’t struggle with the complex navigation systems on other mp3 players. Instead, utilize the seamless navigation on the 2-inch color screen of this H320 series music player. The iRiver H320 has numerous functions, including working as an FM radio, audio playback device, and portable jukebox. Just plug your headphones into the headphone jack to rock out to amazing music or inspiring podcasts. Control the volume with the simple to use controls. Since this player accommodates multiple types of audio files, you can put your entire music collection on a single device. With 20GB of storage, this iRiver holds up to 5,000 songs, ensuring you have a wide selection of great tunes for every possible occasion. Songs that you add to this H320 player are stored on its hard drive. Since the digital device comes with such a spacious hard drive, there is no need for additional accessories to expand the storage capacity. This device is much more than a mp3 player. When you need to record a passing thought quickly, such as an item you have to add to your errand list, use the screen to bring up the voice recording option. Create a voice recording with your thoughts so you can use the display screen to revisit them later. The option for voice recording makes this a terrific device for recording important lectures or meetings. Though this player does not have a screen that plays back videos, it is capable of playing back audio from videos. Thanks to the quality construction of the hardware on this device, the audio of your recordings is crystal clear when you play them back. When you are ready to add music to the 20GB of space on this iRiver H320 mp3 player, it is simple to do so. The device does not require a driver and allows users to connect it to a computer within minutes. Since this player doesn’t require special software to use, you can add music files from practically any computer. As you search for different players, it is important to find one that lasts the entire day. The extended battery of this H320 series player lasts for a whopping 16 hours of run time. When your battery starts to get low, it is simple to recharge the unit thanks to the USB port. Just connect the charging cable to the USB port and plug it into your computer or charging station to prepare it for future use. You can also use a portable AC/DC adapter to charge the player. Use the display to keep tabs on the charging progress. If you want to catch up on the local news, use the FM tuner to find your favorite local station. The crisp black exterior hue of this unit ensures that it appeals to practically every user. Thanks to the compact size, it comfortably fits in your pocket when you are squeezing in a workout or tackling your to-do list.

iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD

End: 25.07. 2023 14:55:04 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 29.85 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155673899905
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cassetti02 (178|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cocoa, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD. Unit was well loved, firmware was updated (as seen in the photos), this version of firmware allowed you to watch videos (not originally available at release). Unit was stored in climate controlled closet for the past 15 years Battery does not seem to hold a charge, but unit does power on when connected to a 5vdc power supply (NOT included). Also error message Check HDD comes up which leads me to believe that the Hard Drive is shot and needs to be replaced. As such I am selling as-is! Product Info: Enjoy your music when you are out and about with this iRiver H320 digital media player. From the gym to the office, this iRiver music player keeps you entertained with your favorite songs. Don’t struggle with the complex navigation systems on other mp3 players. Instead, utilize the seamless navigation on the 2-inch color screen of this H320 series music player. The iRiver H320 has numerous functions, including working as an FM radio, audio playback device, and portable jukebox. Just plug your headphones into the headphone jack to rock out to amazing music or inspiring podcasts. Control the volume with the simple to use controls. Since this player accommodates multiple types of audio files, you can put your entire music collection on a single device. With 20GB of storage, this iRiver holds up to 5,000 songs, ensuring you have a wide selection of great tunes for every possible occasion. Songs that you add to this H320 player are stored on its hard drive. Since the digital device comes with such a spacious hard drive, there is no need for additional accessories to expand the storage capacity. This device is much more than a mp3 player. When you need to record a passing thought quickly, such as an item you have to add to your errand list, use the screen to bring up the voice recording option. Create a voice recording with your thoughts so you can use the display screen to revisit them later. The option for voice recording makes this a terrific device for recording important lectures or meetings. Though this player does not have a screen that plays back videos, it is capable of playing back audio from videos. Thanks to the quality construction of the hardware on this device, the audio of your recordings is crystal clear when you play them back. When you are ready to add music to the 20GB of space on this iRiver H320 mp3 player, it is simple to do so. The device does not require a driver and allows users to connect it to a computer within minutes. Since this player doesn’t require special software to use, you can add music files from practically any computer. As you search for different players, it is important to find one that lasts the entire day. The extended battery of this H320 series player lasts for a whopping 16 hours of run time. When your battery starts to get low, it is simple to recharge the unit thanks to the USB port. Just connect the charging cable to the USB port and plug it into your computer or charging station to prepare it for future use. You can also use a portable AC/DC adapter to charge the player. Use the display to keep tabs on the charging progress. If you want to catch up on the local news, use the FM tuner to find your favorite local station. The crisp black exterior hue of this unit ensures that it appeals to practically every user. Thanks to the compact size, it comfortably fits in your pocket when you are squeezing in a workout or tackling your to-do list.

iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD

End: 18.07. 2023 14:54:24 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 31.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155660644382
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cassetti02 (173|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cocoa, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,61 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 Digital MP3 Media Player 20GB Extremely RARE - NEEDS BATTERY/HDD. Unit was well loved, firmware was updated (as seen in the photos), this version of firmware allowed you to watch videos (not originally available at release). Unit was stored in climate controlled closet for the past 15 years Battery does not seem to hold a charge, but unit does power on when connected to a 5vdc power supply (NOT included). Also error message Check HDD comes up which leads me to believe that the Hard Drive is shot and needs to be replaced. As such I am selling as-is! Product Info: Enjoy your music when you are out and about with this iRiver H320 digital media player. From the gym to the office, this iRiver music player keeps you entertained with your favorite songs. Don’t struggle with the complex navigation systems on other mp3 players. Instead, utilize the seamless navigation on the 2-inch color screen of this H320 series music player. The iRiver H320 has numerous functions, including working as an FM radio, audio playback device, and portable jukebox. Just plug your headphones into the headphone jack to rock out to amazing music or inspiring podcasts. Control the volume with the simple to use controls. Since this player accommodates multiple types of audio files, you can put your entire music collection on a single device. With 20GB of storage, this iRiver holds up to 5,000 songs, ensuring you have a wide selection of great tunes for every possible occasion. Songs that you add to this H320 player are stored on its hard drive. Since the digital device comes with such a spacious hard drive, there is no need for additional accessories to expand the storage capacity. This device is much more than a mp3 player. When you need to record a passing thought quickly, such as an item you have to add to your errand list, use the screen to bring up the voice recording option. Create a voice recording with your thoughts so you can use the display screen to revisit them later. The option for voice recording makes this a terrific device for recording important lectures or meetings. Though this player does not have a screen that plays back videos, it is capable of playing back audio from videos. Thanks to the quality construction of the hardware on this device, the audio of your recordings is crystal clear when you play them back. When you are ready to add music to the 20GB of space on this iRiver H320 mp3 player, it is simple to do so. The device does not require a driver and allows users to connect it to a computer within minutes. Since this player doesn’t require special software to use, you can add music files from practically any computer. As you search for different players, it is important to find one that lasts the entire day. The extended battery of this H320 series player lasts for a whopping 16 hours of run time. When your battery starts to get low, it is simple to recharge the unit thanks to the USB port. Just connect the charging cable to the USB port and plug it into your computer or charging station to prepare it for future use. You can also use a portable AC/DC adapter to charge the player. Use the display to keep tabs on the charging progress. If you want to catch up on the local news, use the FM tuner to find your favorite local station. The crisp black exterior hue of this unit ensures that it appeals to practically every user. Thanks to the compact size, it comfortably fits in your pocket when you are squeezing in a workout or tackling your to-do list.

iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player

End: 09.07. 2023 20:07:08 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 173.88 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155642626599
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: tomstech8652uk (1293|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hoddesdon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 40,79 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player COMES WITH: Main H320 device IRiver original iRiver leather case and Screen cleaning cloth, not pictured. Original Sony PSP 2 Amp 5 Volt mains charger, which uses the same plug just on a angel, the voltage and current is the same as the original mains charger. Black LCD remote, this remote can control the whole device, the remote is in used condition has a few scratches on it and works fine.Black USB leadKingston 128GB Compact flash card already fitted, into a compact flash to 50 pin IDE adaptor Original iRiver H320 box The condition: Its in really good condition for its age, has a few scratches on the front from the case and marks from normal use, there are a few light scratches on the screen but you can not see these scratches while the device is on, there are a few marks on both sides where the screws are and there are a few light scratches on the back of the device and the bottom of the device. All the functions work fine, i.e. MP3 playback, Line in recording, Built in mic, USB host, I tested the USB host function while a HDD was installed, the USB host mode wont work as the iRiver firmware doesnt support the 128GB storage.The device only plays on Rockbox, if you boot into the iRiver firmware it will come up: CHECK HDD CONNECTION, This is due to the compact flash card mod. I have also tried all the functions on the LCD remote and that also works 100%. Battery times below are from using Rockbox 3.14 only! Battery times: On the HDD with the back light on all the time: 13 hours and 2 Minutes On the radio with the back light on all the time: 17 Hours and 11 minutes I have replaced the battery with a 2200mAh Cameron Sino battery which are the best ones you can get for this device. I have also updated the Rockbox version to 3.14 Now what this device can do! Line in recording, from 40kbs to 320kbs in MP3 and up to 1400kbs in WAV format, FM radio with FM radio recording, also this device has a built in mic so you can use it as a voice recorder. There is no software for this device as it doesnt use that! its a simple drag n drop way to add or remove to and from the device, it also works on, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,8,10, Linux & any OS which supports FAT32 format! I have been using this on Rockbox firmware only as I dont like the original firmware, but I have loaded a dual bootloader to the device so you can either boot in the original firmware or the Rockbox firmware, to do this press the record button and also press and hold the play buttons down till you see the iRiver screen, then both buttons can be let go.iRiver firmware is: 1.29K The reasons I only use Rockbox: 1. You can have USB charging and transfer files at the same time, also unlike the original firmware which when you disconnect the device from the pc it goes back to the first folder in the first track, not with Rockbox, if you are in the middle of a track and connect it to a pc and then disconnect it, it will go back to the file where you stopped it at. 2. Gapless play back, good for me as Im into dance music and most of it is mixed into another tune, with the original firmware, it pauses for a second and then starts on the next track, not with Rockbox, some times I dont notice that its gone into the next track. 3. You can name the FM radio presets, the original firmware only saves the frequency. 4. Gives you a 7 band EQ and also let you change each frequency for each band, the original firmware only has bass and treble. 5. Can play more formats, AAC and a few others, the original firmware wont play AAC format. 6. Give you real time VU meters, the original firmware doesnt do real time vu meters, only while it’s recording it does. 7. Give you old arcade games and a few apps, the original firmware doesnt have these functions at all! Now why people love these devices to other MP3 players, well first you dont need any program to add or remove files from this device! Just a simple drag n drop onto the device. Next the sound quality, Ive tried out other good makes and none of them produce the same sound quality as this device does. Next the battery life is 3 times better than other MP3 players, you can have this running on the HDD with the back light on all the time and you get at least 12 hours or more! Functions i.e. line in recording, FM radio, full function remote and gives you track name, time, volume level, battery level. They are built to last, Ive had a lot of friends say when they dropped there MP3 players it never worked again, I also own a H340 from new which has a 128GB SDD in it now which I have had for 17 years & dropped it so many times I have forgotten how many! lol and it doesnt seem to effect it! I will remove all the music from the device before I send the device to you, unless you say in a message you want music left on the device. I will also be giving a 14 day breakdown cover on this device. If you have any other questions then please ask. Thank you for looking and happy bidding.

iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player

End: 02.07. 2023 20:06:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 173.59 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155628970160
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: tomstech8652uk (1292|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hoddesdon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 40,88 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player COMES WITH: Main H320 device IRiver original iRiver leather case and Screen cleaning cloth, not pictured. Original Sony PSP 2 Amp 5 Volt mains charger, which uses the same plug just on a angel, the voltage and current is the same as the original mains charger. Black LCD remote, this remote can control the whole device, the remote is in used condition has a few scratches on it and works fine.Black USB leadKingston 128GB Compact flash card already fitted, into a compact flash to 50 pin IDE adaptor Original iRiver H320 box The condition: Its in really good condition for its age, has a few scratches on the front from the case and marks from normal use, there are a few light scratches on the screen but you can not see these scratches while the device is on, there are a few marks on both sides where the screws are and there are a few light scratches on the back of the device and the bottom of the device. All the functions work fine, i.e. MP3 playback, Line in recording, Built in mic, USB host, I tested the USB host function while a HDD was installed, the USB host mode wont work as the iRiver firmware doesnt support the 128GB storage.The device only plays on Rockbox, if you boot into the iRiver firmware it will come up: CHECK HDD CONNECTION, This is due to the compact flash card mod. I have also tried all the functions on the LCD remote and that also works 100%. Battery times below are from using Rockbox 3.14 only! Battery times: On the HDD with the back light on all the time: 13 hours and 2 Minutes On the radio with the back light on all the time: 17 Hours and 11 minutes I have replaced the battery with a 2200mAh Cameron Sino battery which are the best ones you can get for this device. I have also updated the Rockbox version to 3.14 Now what this device can do! Line in recording, from 40kbs to 320kbs in MP3 and up to 1400kbs in WAV format, FM radio with FM radio recording, also this device has a built in mic so you can use it as a voice recorder. There is no software for this device as it doesnt use that! its a simple drag n drop way to add or remove to and from the device, it also works on, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,8,10, Linux & any OS which supports FAT32 format! I have been using this on Rockbox firmware only as I dont like the original firmware, but I have loaded a dual bootloader to the device so you can either boot in the original firmware or the Rockbox firmware, to do this press the record button and also press and hold the play buttons down till you see the iRiver screen, then both buttons can be let go.iRiver firmware is: 1.29K The reasons I only use Rockbox: 1. You can have USB charging and transfer files at the same time, also unlike the original firmware which when you disconnect the device from the pc it goes back to the first folder in the first track, not with Rockbox, if you are in the middle of a track and connect it to a pc and then disconnect it, it will go back to the file where you stopped it at. 2. Gapless play back, good for me as Im into dance music and most of it is mixed into another tune, with the original firmware, it pauses for a second and then starts on the next track, not with Rockbox, some times I dont notice that its gone into the next track. 3. You can name the FM radio presets, the original firmware only saves the frequency. 4. Gives you a 7 band EQ and also let you change each frequency for each band, the original firmware only has bass and treble. 5. Can play more formats, AAC and a few others, the original firmware wont play AAC format. 6. Give you real time VU meters, the original firmware doesnt do real time vu meters, only while it’s recording it does. 7. Give you old arcade games and a few apps, the original firmware doesnt have these functions at all! Now why people love these devices to other MP3 players, well first you dont need any program to add or remove files from this device! Just a simple drag n drop onto the device. Next the sound quality, Ive tried out other good makes and none of them produce the same sound quality as this device does. Next the battery life is 3 times better than other MP3 players, you can have this running on the HDD with the back light on all the time and you get at least 12 hours or more! Functions i.e. line in recording, FM radio, full function remote and gives you track name, time, volume level, battery level. They are built to last, Ive had a lot of friends say when they dropped there MP3 players it never worked again, I also own a H340 from new which has a 128GB SDD in it now which I have had for 17 years & dropped it so many times I have forgotten how many! lol and it doesnt seem to effect it! I will remove all the music from the device before I send the device to you, unless you say in a message you want music left on the device. I will also be giving a 14 day breakdown cover on this device. If you have any other questions then please ask. Thank you for looking and happy bidding.

Astell & Kern AK320 iRiver UVP:1999€ Hi-Res Music Player Dual DAC

End: 29.06. 2023 17:52:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 530.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354851219367
  • Seller: vlkli_39 (99|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Altenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe mein Astell & Kern AK320 mit OVP und Zubehr. Gert ist 3 Jahre alt, und wei leichter Gebrauchsspuren. Akku noch in gutem Zustand. Immer mit Folie und im Case genutzt. Vollfunktionsfhig ohne Mngel. Worldwide shipping, please contact me about Shipping Costs before purchasing. Value of shipping that You see is valid only for EU-Countries. Privatverkauf daher keine Garantie und Rcknahme.

iRiver H320 black (20 GB) Digital MP3 Media Player FOR REPAIR READ

End: 28.06. 2023 14:19:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 72.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354863155451
  • Seller: tolo_3812 (854|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 32,07 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320 black (20 GB) Digital MP3 Media Player FOR REPAIR READ The player has music on it and will play as long as the charger is hooked up. I think it needs a battery replacement, but Im not sure. Selling for parts or repair

iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player

End: 25.06. 2023 20:05:51 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 174.85 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155616406890
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: tomstech8652uk (1285|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hoddesdon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 41,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    iRiver H320, Upgraded to 128GB, Voice Recorder, Line In Recorder MP3 Player COMES WITH: Main H320 device IRiver original iRiver leather case and Screen cleaning cloth, not pictured. Original Sony PSP 2 Amp 5 Volt mains charger, which uses the same plug just on a angel, the voltage and current is the same as the original mains charger. Black LCD remote, this remote can control the whole device, the remote is in used condition has a few scratches on it and works fine.Black USB leadKingston 128GB Compact flash card already fitted, into a compact flash to 50 pin IDE adaptor Original iRiver H320 box The condition: Its in really good condition for its age, has a few scratches on the front from the case and marks from normal use, there are a few light scratches on the screen but you can not see these scratches while the device is on, there are a few marks on both sides where the screws are and there are a few light scratches on the back of the device and the bottom of the device. All the functions work fine, i.e. MP3 playback, Line in recording, Built in mic, USB host, I tested the USB host function while a HDD was installed, the USB host mode wont work as the iRiver firmware doesnt support the 128GB storage.The device only plays on Rockbox, if you boot into the iRiver firmware it will come up: CHECK HDD CONNECTION, This is due to the compact flash card mod. I have also tried all the functions on the LCD remote and that also works 100%. Battery times below are from using Rockbox 3.14 only! Battery times: On the HDD with the back light on all the time: 13 hours and 2 Minutes On the radio with the back light on all the time: 17 Hours and 11 minutes I have replaced the battery with a 2200mAh Cameron Sino battery which are the best ones you can get for this device. I have also updated the Rockbox version to 3.14 Now what this device can do! Line in recording, from 40kbs to 320kbs in MP3 and up to 1400kbs in WAV format, FM radio with FM radio recording, also this device has a built in mic so you can use it as a voice recorder. There is no software for this device as it doesnt use that! its a simple drag n drop way to add or remove to and from the device, it also works on, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,8,10, Linux & any OS which supports FAT32 format! I have been using this on Rockbox firmware only as I dont like the original firmware, but I have loaded a dual bootloader to the device so you can either boot in the original firmware or the Rockbox firmware, to do this press the record button and also press and hold the play buttons down till you see the iRiver screen, then both buttons can be let go.iRiver firmware is: 1.29K The reasons I only use Rockbox: 1. You can have USB charging and transfer files at the same time, also unlike the original firmware which when you disconnect the device from the pc it goes back to the first folder in the first track, not with Rockbox, if you are in the middle of a track and connect it to a pc and then disconnect it, it will go back to the file where you stopped it at. 2. Gapless play back, good for me as Im into dance music and most of it is mixed into another tune, with the original firmware, it pauses for a second and then starts on the next track, not with Rockbox, some times I dont notice that its gone into the next track. 3. You can name the FM radio presets, the original firmware only saves the frequency. 4. Gives you a 7 band EQ and also let you change each frequency for each band, the original firmware only has bass and treble. 5. Can play more formats, AAC and a few others, the original firmware wont play AAC format. 6. Give you real time VU meters, the original firmware doesnt do real time vu meters, only while it’s recording it does. 7. Give you old arcade games and a few apps, the original firmware doesnt have these functions at all! Now why people love these devices to other MP3 players, well first you dont need any program to add or remove files from this device! Just a simple drag n drop onto the device. Next the sound quality, Ive tried out other good makes and none of them produce the same sound quality as this device does. Next the battery life is 3 times better than other MP3 players, you can have this running on the HDD with the back light on all the time and you get at least 12 hours or more! Functions i.e. line in recording, FM radio, full function remote and gives you track name, time, volume level, battery level. They are built to last, Ive had a lot of friends say when they dropped there MP3 players it never worked again, I also own a H340 from new which has a 128GB SDD in it now which I have had for 17 years & dropped it so many times I have forgotten how many! lol and it doesnt seem to effect it! I will remove all the music from the device before I send the device to you, unless you say in a message you want music left on the device. I will also be giving a 14 day breakdown cover on this device. If you have any other questions then please ask. Thank you for looking and happy bidding.

Astell & Kern AK320 iRiver UVP:1999€ Hi-Res Music Player Dual DAC

End: 15.06. 2023 12:40:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 599.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354797329647
  • Seller: vlkli_39 (70|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Altenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe mein Astell & Kern AK320 mit OVP und Zubehr. Gert ist 3 Jahre alt, und wei leichter Gebrauchsspuren. Akku noch in gutem Zustand. Immer mit Folie und im Case genutzt. Vollfunktionsfhig ohne Mngel. Worldwide shipping, please contact me about Shipping Costs before purchasing. Value of shipping that You see is valid only for EU-Countries. Privatverkauf daher keine Garantie und Rcknahme.

Iriver Lettore Multimediale H320

End: 12.06. 2023 09:38:03 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 9.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166150605073
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: vincmod-27 (121|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bitonto Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 19,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Iriver Lettore Multimediale H320. A bisogno di una nuova batteria

MP3 iRiver H320

End: 07.06. 2023 10:30:26 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 190.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314621899684
  • Bids: 52
  • Seller: anthru-67 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hier wird ein MP3 iRiver H320 verkauft ! Ist in einem sehr guten Zustand ! Dazu gibt es auch eine originale Tasche von iRiver !!