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RCF Evox 12 Aktives 2-Wege Array System Gebraucht

End: 30.01. 2025 11:08:38 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 387249796794
  • Seller: pro_lighting_muenchen (68818|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Aschheim bei München Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RCF Evox 12 Aktives 2-Wege Array System GebrauchtRCF Evox 12 Aktives 2-Wege Array System Gebraucht Artikelbeschreibung: Artikel mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, aber voll funktionsfähig. Bitte beachten Sie die Schäden auf den Bildern RCF EVOX 12 Anwendungen: DJs Corporate events Presentations Live Band Beschreibung EVOX 12 ist der leistungsfähigste Linienstrahler seiner Klasse und bietet eine besonders tiefreichende und dynamische Wiedergabe mit hohen Pegeln dank integrierter 1400W Verstärkerleistung. Das Topteil verfÜgt Über acht hochleistungs- Neodym 4 Fullrange-Wandler mit Phase-Plug. Dadurch verfÜgt EVOX 12 Über eine deutlich gesteigerte Low-Mid-Wiedergabe bei konstanter und breiter Abstrahlung der Höhen. Der 15 Subwoofer liefert das kräftige Bassfundament fÜr die große Party oder die Kick-Drum der Live Band. Trotz hoher Leistung ist er kompakt und lässt sich dank integrierter Rollen und ausziehbaren Griff einfach transportieren. 1400 Watt 130 dB max SPL 40 Hz 20 kHz frequency response 15 Woofer 8 x 4 neodymium fullrange woofer 85° x 30° slightly tilted pattern control Innovative DSP processing Pole mountable, easy set-up and transportation FIRPhase-Technologie inklusive Distanzstange und Speakon Kabel vom Bass zum Top Pro Lighting 3 Jahre-Garantie FÜr alle bei Pro Lighting gekauften Produkte gewähren wir zusätzlich zur gesetzlichen Gewährleistung eine 3 Jahres Garantie unter den hier beschriebenen Voraussetzungen, sofern der Kunde ein Verbraucher im Sinne des §13 BGB ist, und die Ware privat verwendet wird. Hinweis: die gesetzliche Gewährleistung wird damit in keiner Weise eingeschränkt. Die Garantieabwicklung erfolgt Über Pro Lighting e.K. . Herstellergarantien, die Über 36 Monate hinausgehen, werden ebenfalls Über Pro Lighting abgewickelt. Wenn fÜr Herstellergarantien besondere Bedingungen erfÜllt werden mÜssen, werden diese im Artikeltext oder in der Lieferung beiliegenden Hinweisen genannt Die Firma Pro Lighting e.K. verlängert die meist nur einjährige Garantie der Hersteller auf volle 36 Monate, ohne zusätzliche Kosten. Wir leisten Garantie fÜr alle während der Garantiezeit auftretenden Mängel, welche nachweislich auf einen Material- oder Herstellungsfehler zurÜckzufÜhren sind. Ausgeschlossen von der Garantie sind: Alle Verschleißteile wie z. B. Kabel, Taschen, Cases, Leuchtmittel, Scheinwerfer LED‘s, Potis, Fader, Laserdioden, Laser-Galvos, Akkus, etc.. Des Weiteren sind ausgeschlossen Produktmängel, die auf Fehlbedienung oder Nichtbeachtung von Bedienungshinweisen, nicht bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch, unsachgemäße oder Übermäßige Benutzung, Überlastung oder mangelnde Wartung und Pflege zurÜckzufÜhren sind. Ebenso Produkte mit Abweichungen von Soll-Werten, die fÜr die Gebrauchstauglichkeit des Produktes unerheblich sind. FÜr alle anerkannten Mängel obliegt uns ausschließlich die Wahl der Mangelbeseitigung. Zum Beispiel durch eine unentgeltliche Reparatur oder Ersatz durch ein einwandfreies Produkt (falls nicht mehr lieferbar evtl. durch ein Nachfolgemodell ). Die Wahl der Maßnahme obliegt vollkommen der Firma Pro Lighting e.K.. Erbrachte Garantieleistungen fÜhren nicht zur Verlängerung oder einem Neubeginn der Garantiezeit. Ausgetauschte Produkte oder Bestandteile werden unser Eigentum. Ihre RÜcksendung beantragen Sie bitte formlos per email. Zur Zuordnung benötigen wir die Belegnummer der Kaufrechnung. Die Versandkosten fÜr Endkunden aus Deutschland und dem EU-Ausland tragen wir in den ersten 6 Monaten. Hiervon ausgeschlossen sind deutsche und europäische Inseln. (zum Beispiel, aber nicht ausschließlich: Balearen, Kanaren, Azoren, Korsika, Sardinien, Sizilien, Malta, Kreta und griechische Inseln ) Nach erfolgter Garantieabwicklung erhalten Sie das Gerät kostenfrei zurÜck. Die RÜcksendekosten von uns zum Kunden Übernehmen wir. FÜr GarantieansprÜche außerhalb der EU sind die Versandkosten komplett (in beide Richtungen) vom Kunden zu tragen. Diese GarantieansprÜche können (zum Beispiel durch Weiterverkauf) nicht abgetreten werden. Der Garantieanspruch muss innerhalb der Garantiezeit geltend gemacht werden. Andere AnsprÜche als das in unseren Garantiebedingungen genannte Recht auf Behebung der Mängel am Produkt werden durch diese Garantie nicht begrÜndet. Unseren gewerblichen Kunden bieten wir 2 Jahre Garantie.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 08.08. 2024 17:20:55 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.55 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235681211647
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (664|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 02.08. 2024 18:27:43 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.68 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235672074516
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (662|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 20.07. 2024 22:45:26 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235654543504
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (661|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 30.06. 2024 17:21:36 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 90.33 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235624389635
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (652|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 25.06. 2024 03:31:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.55 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235616072031
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (651|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 20.06. 2024 03:15:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 93.03 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235608483185
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (631|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 13.06. 2024 17:25:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.46 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235599581176
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (651|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

Array Solutions WX0B Bias-T Plus RF + DC USED Boxs Several Older style boxs

End: 08.06. 2024 14:30:08 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 92.49 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235592562643
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dungeonbob (627|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description The Array Solutions Bias-T PLUS is a 1.8-148 MHz stand alone weatherproof unit that permits the application of DC control signals of up to 400ma on your coax cable. By inserting the control voltage on the coax cable feed-line, you eliminate the requirement for external DC wires for powering remote devices. The Bias-T PLUS weatherproof assembly means that it can be placed indoors or outdoors for maximum flexibility. Typically, one Bias-T PLUS will be placed indoors for inserting DC on your coax feed-line, and one Bias-T PLUS will be placed at the remote device where the DC voltage is extracted. Specifications Frequency Range: 1.8-148 MHz SWR: <1.1:1 across the full frequency range RF Power Handling: 1.5KW SSB/CW/RTTY Lightning Protection: Internal Gas Discharge Tube DC voltage limit: 50VDC maximum, positive or negative polarity DC current capability: 400 milliamps maximum DC Interface: 2.1x5.5mm jack RF Interfaces: SO-239 UHF connectors (RF, RF+DC) Size: 4x4x2.5” These two boxs show with Array Solutions brand sticks on boxs This come out of a Amateur Radio Silent Key estate he was a big DXer at one time. One box has new l1 and l2 coils inside you will need to verify which is to tx and which is antenna ( Used to insert 12 volts into Coax feed line.) each has dc in/out Second one same box with that needs new parts. ( there are two new parts inside no 1 box ) Same as above. Selling AS-IS Needs some parts replace. I couldnt believe what the price on the cover sold far PLEASE LOOK CLOSELY AT PHOTOS The Price sticks on the box was from there sticker I didnt put it there. I dont know if the manual is for new box or older box.

LED 43inch_A-type _ Array _Rev0.0_ 180220 HC430DGG-ABTL1-A11X (ABTL3) LG L12 (U)

End: 06.11. 2023 00:29:52 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 19.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:55:24
  • Item number: 155813172119
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Italien Italien
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 14,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    LED 43inch_A-type _ Array _Rev0.0_ 180220 HC430DGG-ABTL1-A11X (ABTL3) LG L12 (U)

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 02.11. 2023 20:51:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 180.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:10:58
  • Item number: 404576341656
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Savannah,GA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 26.10. 2023 20:51:12 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 180.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:12:56
  • Item number: 404560558921
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Savannah,GA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 19.10. 2023 20:50:52 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 163.79 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404545963444
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 12.10. 2023 20:49:55 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 166.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404533668205
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 05.10. 2023 20:49:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 164.64 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404521924816
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 28.09. 2023 20:48:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 170.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404506598436
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 21.09. 2023 20:47:55 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 171.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404491860774
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

Visio Television, 16:9, Full Array LED, 31"x 21", Very good Condition.

End: 14.09. 2023 20:47:08 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 170.93 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404479830135
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peki-5980 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Savannah, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    35inx21in Visio TV for sale. Very good Condition. Voice Remote Smart TVWifi 5 Dual-BandFull HDBluetooth CapableAMD FreeSync & VRR

SONY BRAVIA KE-XH9005 65” 4K UHD Full Array LED Television

End: 09.09. 2023 19:47:00 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 635.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175888765353
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lsim2137 (1444|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rushden Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY BRAVIA KE-XH9005 65” 4K UHD Full Array LED Television. Used, excellent condition , not used for last year 10-2021 model all working- remote like new no issues or damage what so ever - no time wasters buyer collects

SONY BRAVIA KE-XH9005 65” 4K UHD Full Array LED Television

End: 04.09. 2023 19:46:44 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 634.95 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175881464248
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lsim2137 (1444|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rushden Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY BRAVIA KE-XH9005 65” 4K UHD Full Array LED Television. Used, excellent condition , not used for last year 10-2021 model all working- remote like new no issues or damage what so ever - no time wasters buyer collects

Sony BRAVIA 55 inch XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV Television Smart Google TV

End: 24.07. 2023 21:59:30 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 513.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285389041437
  • Seller: hotdigital-international (20243|95.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hot Digital Sony BRAVIA 55in XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV Used SKU: XR55X90K_FCLN Features Intelligent TV processing technologyDelivers natural and realistic picture qualityDeep black, high peak brightnessReal-life detail with Full Array LEDExperience immersive cinematic contentHear true immersive audio with 2 sound positioning tweeters Product Description Enjoy your entertainment like never before on this ultra-bright 4K12 HDR TV, delivering exceptional color and contrast with the Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR.Next-Generation Picture and Sound with Cognitive Intelligence Take vision and sound to the next level with Cognitive Processor XR. The revolutionary processor on Sony BRAVIA XR TVs reproduces content the way humans see and hear for an incredibly lifelike experience. It understands how the human eye focuses, cross analyzing images to give real-life depth, extraordinary contrast, and beautiful vivid colors.Full-Array Contrast with Lifelike Depth The Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR, controls the backlight in zones to reproduce realistic contrast in bright and dark areas simultaneously. The intelligent processor sees the world as you do, enhancing pictures with real-life color and depth.Sound from the Screen, Pictures and Sound in Harmony Enjoy sound that precisely matches whats on-screen with Acoustic Multi-Audio technology. Sound positioning tweeters ensure pictures and sound are in harmony for an immersive viewing experience.Hands-Free Help from Google With hands-free voice control built into Google TV, you can set aside your remote and simply use your voice to control your TV. Ask Google to find a specific title, search by genre, and get personalized recommendations on what to watch by saying, Hey Google, what should I watch?. Even get answers on-screen, control smart home devices, and more.Renew, Recycle and Reduce, Designed for the Environment The BRAVIA XR TVs are designed for immersive experiences with the environment in mind. We are committed to using less virgin plastic in the TVs and packaging. The X90K uses recycled plastics in its bezel. The unique backlight control technologies, BRAVIA CAM, and sensors not only deliver high picture quality but also reduce power consumption.A Wide Color Spectrum for Real-World Shades and Hues Powered by Cognitive Processor XR, the Full-Array LED panel with a unique new LED structure and XR Triluminos Pro enables X90K to access over a billion colors and reproduce each one with the subtle differences seen in the real world. It can detect color from saturation, hue, and brightness to deliver natural shades in every detail, especially in greens and reds.Enjoy More Depth with Deep Blacks and Extra Brightness The Cognitive Processor XR enhances pictures in the same way as your eyes focus on real-life color and depth. By precisely balancing the light output across the screen, dimming some areas, and boosting others, XR Contrast Booster adjusts brightness for higher peaks in glare and deeper blacks in shadow. Scenes look more real with extra depth and detail.Recreating Lost Texture, All Your Content Upscaled to 4K With XR 4K Upscaling, youll enjoy entertainment close to 4K quality, whatever the content or source. The Cognitive Processor XR accesses a vast amount of data, intelligently recreating lost textures and detail for real-world pictures.Intelligent Motion Processing for Fast-Moving, Blur-Free Scenes Watching sports and fast-moving movies just got a whole lot better. The Cognitive Processor XR with XR Motion Clarity analyzes motion across several frames to ensure action stays smooth, bright, and clear.Powerful Sound From the Screen Matches Pictures Precisely The Acoustic Multi-Audio technology includes sound positioning tweeters to ensure high-frequency sounds come from the right place in the scene, precisely matching whats on-screen. With X-Balanced speakers, youll hear clear, high-quality sound. Whats in the Box Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV (55-Inch) Specifications Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV AccessibilityAccessibility Shortcut: YesAudio Description (Audio key): YesClosed Caption: Closed CaptionScreen Reader: YesText Magnification: YesVoice Search: YesBuilt-in TunerCI+: -Number of tuners (Sat): -Number of tuners (Terrestrial/Cable): 1(Digital/Analog)TV system (Analog): MTV system (Digital Cable): Clear QAMTV system (Digital Sat): -TV system (Digital Terrestrial): ATSC/ATSC 3.0(NEXTGEN TV)Tuner channel coverage (Analog): VHF: 2-13/UHF: 14-69/CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Cable): CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Terrestrial): VHF: 2–13/UHF: 14–69 (2–13/14–36 for ATSC3.0)CameraCamera: BRAVIA CAM(Option)CAMERA FUNCTION: Yes(Camera apps)ConnectivityApple AirPlay: YesApple HomeKit: YesAudio output(s): -Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM): Yes (for HDMI3/4)BRAVIA sync (including HDMI-CEC): YesBluetooth profile support: Version 4.2, HID (mouse/keyboard connectivity)/HOGP (Low Energy device connectivity)/SPP (Serial Port Profile)/Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (stereo audio) /AVRCP (AV remote control)Chromecast built-in: YesComponent video (Y/Pb/Pr) input(s): NoComposite video input(s): Hybrid with S-Center Speaker input x1 (Side, Mini jack)Digital Audio output(s): 1 (Side)Ethernet inputs: 1 (Side)Features specified in HDMI2.1: 4K120/eARC/VRR/ALLMHDCP: HDCP 2.3 (for HDMI 1/2/3/4)HDMI Audio Return Channel (ARC): Yes (eARC/ARC)HDMI inputs total: 4 (4 side)Headphone output(s): -IF (satellite) input(s): NoRF (Terrestrial/Cable) Connection input(s): 1 (Side)RS-232C input(s): 1 (Side)Subwoofer output(s): -USB HDD recording: NoUSB drive format support: FAT16/FAT32/exFAT/NTFSUSB playback codecs: MPEG1: MPEG1/MPEG2PS: MPEG2/MPEG2TS (HDV, AVCHD): MPEG2, AVC/MP4 (XAVC S): AVC, MPEG4, HEVC/AVI: Xvid, MotionJpeg/ASF(WMV): VC1/MOV: AVC, MPEG4, MotionJpeg/MKV: Xvid, AVC, MPEG4, VP8.HEVC/WEBM: VP8/3GPP: MPEG4, AVC/MP3/ASF (WMA)/LPCM/WAV/MP4AAC/FLAC/JPEG, WEBM: VP9/AC4/ogg/AAC/ARW (Screen nail only)USB ports: 2 (side)Variable refresh rate (VRR): Yes (for HDMI3/4)Wi-Fi frequency: 2.4 GHz/5 GHz (for Wi-Fi Direct: 2.4 GHz Only)Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a/b/g/n/acDesignBezel color: BlackBezel design: Flush SurfaceRemote control: Standard RemoteStand color: Dark silverStand position: Two-way position (Standard position/Soundbar position)Stand design: Metal Slim Blade StandDimensions and WeightDimension of TV with stand (soiundbarposition) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 30.75 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 780 x 331mm)Dimension of TV with stand (Standard position) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 29.25 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 740 x 331mm)Dimension of package carton (W x H x D): 53.62 x 33.07 x 6.3 inch (1,362 x 840 x 160mm)Dimension of TV without stand (W x H x D): 48.54 x 27.99 x 2.84 inch (1,233 x 711 x 72mm)Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmStand width (SOUNDBAR position): 0.5-inch (1,027mm)Stand width (StandARD position): 40.5-inch (1,027mm)Screen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)VESA Hole Pitch(W x H): 11.81 x 11.81 inch (300 x 300mm)Weight of Package Carton (Gross): 55.1 lb / 25 kgWeight of TV with Stand: 40.8 lb / 18.5 kgWeight of TV without Stand: 38 lb 5.8 oz (17.4 kg)Features for? PlayStation5Auto Genre Picture mode: YesAuto HDR Tone Mapping: YesModel YearModel year: 2022Picture (Panel)Anti-Reflection (X-Anti Reflection): -Backlight dimming type: Local DimmingBacklight type: Direct (Full Array LED)Display resolution (H x V, pixels): 3840 x 2160Display type: LCDPanel refresh rate: 120 HzViewing angle (X-Wide Angle): -Picture (processing)Contrast enhancement: XR Contrast Booster XR HDR remaster Dynamic Contrast EnhancerClarity enhancement: XR 4K Upscaling Dual database processing XR Super ResolutionColor enhancement: XR TRILUMINOS PRO XR Smoothing Live Color TechnologyHDR (High Dynamic Range) compatibility: Yes (HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision)Motion enhancer (Native Hz): XR Motion Clarity, Auto modeNetflix calibrated mode: YesPicture modes: Vivid, Standard, Cinema, IMAX Enhanced, Game, Graphics, Photo, Custom, Dolby Vision Bright, Dolby Vision Dark, Netflix calibratedPicture processor: Cognitive Processor XRSensor: LightVideo signal support: HDMI signal: 4096 x 2160p (24, 60 Hz), 3840 x 2160p (24, 30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080p (30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080/24p, 1080i (60 Hz), 720p (30, 60 Hz), 720/24p, 480pPower and Energy SavingDynamic Backlight Control: YesEco-friendly: YesEnergy Star compliant: -Mercury content (mg): 0.0 ozPower consumption (On Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (Standby Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (in Standby): 0.5 WPower requirements (voltage/frequency): 60 Hz for UL cUL 50/60 Hz for other AC 120 V for UL cUL AC 110-240 V for otherPower saving mode/Back Light Off Mode: YesPresence of lead: -Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmScreen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)SoftwareApplication store: Yes (Google Play Store)Auto calibration with CalMAN: YesBuilt-in mic switch: YesClosed captions (Analog/Digital): (Analog) Closed Caption (Digital)Closed CaptionDisplay Language: AFRIKAANS, AMH, ARABIC, ASSAMESE, AZE, BEL, BULGARIAN, BENGALI, BOSNIAN, CATALAN, CZECH, DANISH, DEU, GREEK, ENGLISH, SPANISH, ESTONIAN, BAQ, PER, FINNISH, FRENCH, GLG, GUJARATI, HINDI, CROATIAN, HUNGARIAN, INDONESIAN, ISL, ITALIAN, HEBREW, JAPANESE, KAZAKH, KANNADA, KOR, KIR, LAO, LITHUANIAN, LATVIAN, MACEDONIAN, MALAYALAM, MON, MARATHI, MAY, BUR, NOB, NEP, NLD, ORIYA, PANJABI, POLISH, PORTUGUESE, ROMANIAN, RUSSIAN, SOL, SLOVENIAN, ALB, SERBIAN, SWEDISH, SWAHILI, TAMIL, TELUGU, THAI, TGL, TURKISH, UKRAINIAN, URD, UZB, VIETNAMESE, SIMPLIFIED CHINESE, TRADITIONAL CHINESE, ZULUElectronic Program Guide (EPG): YesInternet browser: Vewd (not pre-installed)On-board Storage (GB): 16 GBOn/Off Timer: YesOperating system: Android TVSmart TV: Google TVSleep timer: YesTeletext: NoText input language: ENGLISH / FRENCH / GERMAN / HEBREW / ITALIAN / RUSSIAN / SPANISH / VIETNAMESE / JAPANESEVoice Search: (Voice Search) Yes/(Built-in Mic) YesSound (Processing)Acoustic auto calibration: Room and User Position CompensationAcoustic center sync: Yes (Sony-compatible Soundbar)DTS audio format support: DTS Digital SurroundDolby audio format support: Dolby Audio, Dolby AtmosFM radio: NoHeadphone 3D Surround Ready: YesSimulated surround sound: 3D Surround UpscalingSound Modes: Standard, Dialog, Theater, Music, Sports, Dolby AudioSound processing: NoVoice zoom: Voice Zoom 2Sound (Speakers and Amplifier)Audio power output: 10 W + 10 W + 5 W + 5 WSpeaker configuration: Full Range (Bass Reflex) x 2, Tweeter x 2Speaker type: Acoustic Multi-Audio Sound Positioning Tweeter Shipping Payment Returns Shipping for this Auction is FREE in the Continental US Lower 48 states only. 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Sony BRAVIA 55 inch XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV Television Smart Google TV

End: 18.07. 2023 16:44:34 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 510.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285362384478
  • Seller: hotdigital-international (20187|95.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hot Digital Sony BRAVIA 55in XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV Used SKU: XR55X90K_FCLN Features Intelligent TV processing technologyDelivers natural and realistic picture qualityDeep black, high peak brightnessReal-life detail with Full Array LEDExperience immersive cinematic contentHear true immersive audio with 2 sound positioning tweeters Product Description Enjoy your entertainment like never before on this ultra-bright 4K12 HDR TV, delivering exceptional color and contrast with the Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR.Next-Generation Picture and Sound with Cognitive Intelligence Take vision and sound to the next level with Cognitive Processor XR. The revolutionary processor on Sony BRAVIA XR TVs reproduces content the way humans see and hear for an incredibly lifelike experience. It understands how the human eye focuses, cross analyzing images to give real-life depth, extraordinary contrast, and beautiful vivid colors.Full-Array Contrast with Lifelike Depth The Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR, controls the backlight in zones to reproduce realistic contrast in bright and dark areas simultaneously. The intelligent processor sees the world as you do, enhancing pictures with real-life color and depth.Sound from the Screen, Pictures and Sound in Harmony Enjoy sound that precisely matches whats on-screen with Acoustic Multi-Audio technology. Sound positioning tweeters ensure pictures and sound are in harmony for an immersive viewing experience.Hands-Free Help from Google With hands-free voice control built into Google TV, you can set aside your remote and simply use your voice to control your TV. Ask Google to find a specific title, search by genre, and get personalized recommendations on what to watch by saying, Hey Google, what should I watch?. Even get answers on-screen, control smart home devices, and more.Renew, Recycle and Reduce, Designed for the Environment The BRAVIA XR TVs are designed for immersive experiences with the environment in mind. We are committed to using less virgin plastic in the TVs and packaging. The X90K uses recycled plastics in its bezel. The unique backlight control technologies, BRAVIA CAM, and sensors not only deliver high picture quality but also reduce power consumption.A Wide Color Spectrum for Real-World Shades and Hues Powered by Cognitive Processor XR, the Full-Array LED panel with a unique new LED structure and XR Triluminos Pro enables X90K to access over a billion colors and reproduce each one with the subtle differences seen in the real world. It can detect color from saturation, hue, and brightness to deliver natural shades in every detail, especially in greens and reds.Enjoy More Depth with Deep Blacks and Extra Brightness The Cognitive Processor XR enhances pictures in the same way as your eyes focus on real-life color and depth. By precisely balancing the light output across the screen, dimming some areas, and boosting others, XR Contrast Booster adjusts brightness for higher peaks in glare and deeper blacks in shadow. Scenes look more real with extra depth and detail.Recreating Lost Texture, All Your Content Upscaled to 4K With XR 4K Upscaling, youll enjoy entertainment close to 4K quality, whatever the content or source. The Cognitive Processor XR accesses a vast amount of data, intelligently recreating lost textures and detail for real-world pictures.Intelligent Motion Processing for Fast-Moving, Blur-Free Scenes Watching sports and fast-moving movies just got a whole lot better. The Cognitive Processor XR with XR Motion Clarity analyzes motion across several frames to ensure action stays smooth, bright, and clear.Powerful Sound From the Screen Matches Pictures Precisely The Acoustic Multi-Audio technology includes sound positioning tweeters to ensure high-frequency sounds come from the right place in the scene, precisely matching whats on-screen. With X-Balanced speakers, youll hear clear, high-quality sound. Whats in the Box Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV (55-Inch) Specifications Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV AccessibilityAccessibility Shortcut: YesAudio Description (Audio key): YesClosed Caption: Closed CaptionScreen Reader: YesText Magnification: YesVoice Search: YesBuilt-in TunerCI+: -Number of tuners (Sat): -Number of tuners (Terrestrial/Cable): 1(Digital/Analog)TV system (Analog): MTV system (Digital Cable): Clear QAMTV system (Digital Sat): -TV system (Digital Terrestrial): ATSC/ATSC 3.0(NEXTGEN TV)Tuner channel coverage (Analog): VHF: 2-13/UHF: 14-69/CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Cable): CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Terrestrial): VHF: 2–13/UHF: 14–69 (2–13/14–36 for ATSC3.0)CameraCamera: BRAVIA CAM(Option)CAMERA FUNCTION: Yes(Camera apps)ConnectivityApple AirPlay: YesApple HomeKit: YesAudio output(s): -Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM): Yes (for HDMI3/4)BRAVIA sync (including HDMI-CEC): YesBluetooth profile support: Version 4.2, HID (mouse/keyboard connectivity)/HOGP (Low Energy device connectivity)/SPP (Serial Port Profile)/Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (stereo audio) /AVRCP (AV remote control)Chromecast built-in: YesComponent video (Y/Pb/Pr) input(s): NoComposite video input(s): Hybrid with S-Center Speaker input x1 (Side, Mini jack)Digital Audio output(s): 1 (Side)Ethernet inputs: 1 (Side)Features specified in HDMI2.1: 4K120/eARC/VRR/ALLMHDCP: HDCP 2.3 (for HDMI 1/2/3/4)HDMI Audio Return Channel (ARC): Yes (eARC/ARC)HDMI inputs total: 4 (4 side)Headphone output(s): -IF (satellite) input(s): NoRF (Terrestrial/Cable) Connection input(s): 1 (Side)RS-232C input(s): 1 (Side)Subwoofer output(s): -USB HDD recording: NoUSB drive format support: FAT16/FAT32/exFAT/NTFSUSB playback codecs: MPEG1: MPEG1/MPEG2PS: MPEG2/MPEG2TS (HDV, AVCHD): MPEG2, AVC/MP4 (XAVC S): AVC, MPEG4, HEVC/AVI: Xvid, MotionJpeg/ASF(WMV): VC1/MOV: AVC, MPEG4, MotionJpeg/MKV: Xvid, AVC, MPEG4, VP8.HEVC/WEBM: VP8/3GPP: MPEG4, AVC/MP3/ASF (WMA)/LPCM/WAV/MP4AAC/FLAC/JPEG, WEBM: VP9/AC4/ogg/AAC/ARW (Screen nail only)USB ports: 2 (side)Variable refresh rate (VRR): Yes (for HDMI3/4)Wi-Fi frequency: 2.4 GHz/5 GHz (for Wi-Fi Direct: 2.4 GHz Only)Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a/b/g/n/acDesignBezel color: BlackBezel design: Flush SurfaceRemote control: Standard RemoteStand color: Dark silverStand position: Two-way position (Standard position/Soundbar position)Stand design: Metal Slim Blade StandDimensions and WeightDimension of TV with stand (soiundbarposition) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 30.75 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 780 x 331mm)Dimension of TV with stand (Standard position) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 29.25 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 740 x 331mm)Dimension of package carton (W x H x D): 53.62 x 33.07 x 6.3 inch (1,362 x 840 x 160mm)Dimension of TV without stand (W x H x D): 48.54 x 27.99 x 2.84 inch (1,233 x 711 x 72mm)Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmStand width (SOUNDBAR position): 0.5-inch (1,027mm)Stand width (StandARD position): 40.5-inch (1,027mm)Screen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)VESA Hole Pitch(W x H): 11.81 x 11.81 inch (300 x 300mm)Weight of Package Carton (Gross): 55.1 lb / 25 kgWeight of TV with Stand: 40.8 lb / 18.5 kgWeight of TV without Stand: 38 lb 5.8 oz (17.4 kg)Features for? PlayStation5Auto Genre Picture mode: YesAuto HDR Tone Mapping: YesModel YearModel year: 2022Picture (Panel)Anti-Reflection (X-Anti Reflection): -Backlight dimming type: Local DimmingBacklight type: Direct (Full Array LED)Display resolution (H x V, pixels): 3840 x 2160Display type: LCDPanel refresh rate: 120 HzViewing angle (X-Wide Angle): -Picture (processing)Contrast enhancement: XR Contrast Booster XR HDR remaster Dynamic Contrast EnhancerClarity enhancement: XR 4K Upscaling Dual database processing XR Super ResolutionColor enhancement: XR TRILUMINOS PRO XR Smoothing Live Color TechnologyHDR (High Dynamic Range) compatibility: Yes (HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision)Motion enhancer (Native Hz): XR Motion Clarity, Auto modeNetflix calibrated mode: YesPicture modes: Vivid, Standard, Cinema, IMAX Enhanced, Game, Graphics, Photo, Custom, Dolby Vision Bright, Dolby Vision Dark, Netflix calibratedPicture processor: Cognitive Processor XRSensor: LightVideo signal support: HDMI signal: 4096 x 2160p (24, 60 Hz), 3840 x 2160p (24, 30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080p (30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080/24p, 1080i (60 Hz), 720p (30, 60 Hz), 720/24p, 480pPower and Energy SavingDynamic Backlight Control: YesEco-friendly: YesEnergy Star compliant: -Mercury content (mg): 0.0 ozPower consumption (On Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (Standby Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (in Standby): 0.5 WPower requirements (voltage/frequency): 60 Hz for UL cUL 50/60 Hz for other AC 120 V for UL cUL AC 110-240 V for otherPower saving mode/Back Light Off Mode: YesPresence of lead: -Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmScreen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)SoftwareApplication store: Yes (Google Play Store)Auto calibration with CalMAN: YesBuilt-in mic switch: YesClosed captions (Analog/Digital): (Analog) Closed Caption (Digital)Closed CaptionDisplay Language: AFRIKAANS, AMH, ARABIC, ASSAMESE, AZE, BEL, BULGARIAN, BENGALI, BOSNIAN, CATALAN, CZECH, DANISH, DEU, GREEK, ENGLISH, SPANISH, ESTONIAN, BAQ, PER, FINNISH, FRENCH, GLG, GUJARATI, HINDI, CROATIAN, HUNGARIAN, INDONESIAN, ISL, ITALIAN, HEBREW, JAPANESE, KAZAKH, KANNADA, KOR, KIR, LAO, LITHUANIAN, LATVIAN, MACEDONIAN, MALAYALAM, MON, MARATHI, MAY, BUR, NOB, NEP, NLD, ORIYA, PANJABI, POLISH, PORTUGUESE, ROMANIAN, RUSSIAN, SOL, SLOVENIAN, ALB, SERBIAN, SWEDISH, SWAHILI, TAMIL, TELUGU, THAI, TGL, TURKISH, UKRAINIAN, URD, UZB, VIETNAMESE, SIMPLIFIED CHINESE, TRADITIONAL CHINESE, ZULUElectronic Program Guide (EPG): YesInternet browser: Vewd (not pre-installed)On-board Storage (GB): 16 GBOn/Off Timer: YesOperating system: Android TVSmart TV: Google TVSleep timer: YesTeletext: NoText input language: ENGLISH / FRENCH / GERMAN / HEBREW / ITALIAN / RUSSIAN / SPANISH / VIETNAMESE / JAPANESEVoice Search: (Voice Search) Yes/(Built-in Mic) YesSound (Processing)Acoustic auto calibration: Room and User Position CompensationAcoustic center sync: Yes (Sony-compatible Soundbar)DTS audio format support: DTS Digital SurroundDolby audio format support: Dolby Audio, Dolby AtmosFM radio: NoHeadphone 3D Surround Ready: YesSimulated surround sound: 3D Surround UpscalingSound Modes: Standard, Dialog, Theater, Music, Sports, Dolby AudioSound processing: NoVoice zoom: Voice Zoom 2Sound (Speakers and Amplifier)Audio power output: 10 W + 10 W + 5 W + 5 WSpeaker configuration: Full Range (Bass Reflex) x 2, Tweeter x 2Speaker type: Acoustic Multi-Audio Sound Positioning Tweeter Shipping Payment Returns Shipping for this Auction is FREE in the Continental US Lower 48 states only. Shipping Fees include all Handling & Insurance. Domestic Shipping to lower 48:All Shipping Prices Include Shipping Handling and Insurance Domestic Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Territories:The free shipping is for the lower 48 only. Shipping to APO/FPOs: In order to get a quote please e-mail us with your APO/FPO zip code first. We will respond with the shipping cost. Please note there are some locations we will NOT be able to ship to. The free shipping is for lower 48 only International Shipping: Paypal is our only accepted from of payment . Shipping charges only cover the cost of shipping and insurance. HotDigital is not responsible for any customs/duty/tax/brokerage fees that may be incurred. These are the sole responsibility of the buyer. As these fees are assessed by each country we are unable to quote a price for or control them. We can only ship to addresses which are Confirmed or Verified through PayPal. We cannot declare items at a lesser value or as gifts. Tax: NY & NJ State Residents please add your local Sales Tax. Hotels: We DO NOT Ship to Hotels. Express Shipping: Express Shipping is for the lower 48 states only. There is no express shipping available for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Territories and International orders. Paypal: Feel free to use Paypal to pay for your auction. For customer service please contact us through eBay Messages Immediate payment via U.S. PayPal account is required. (No International PayPal accepted). If you need special arrangements, please contact us through eBay Messages. After your order has been shipped, you will receive an e-mail with the name of the carrier and the tracking number, so you can track your package.If you are not satisfied with any part of our service we would appreciate if you would contact us first to correct the problem, prior to your leaving your feedback. Returns are permitted If you are not satisfied with your purchase and must be initiated by the buyer within 14 days from delivery date. For Domestic Purchases: If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it (see exceptions in Paragraph g) below) within 14 days of receipt, for a refund, or a replacement - subject to the following: a) Contact Hotdigital to receive a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number, to ensure proper handling of the return and/or replacement. Products cannot be returned without an RMA number. b) In order to be eligible for a full refund, less shipping expenses, your returned merchandise must be in its original unopened mint condition, as shipped, with all packaging, manuals, and paperwork intact and unaltered. Items removed from their blister-pack display packaging are non refundable. c) Customers remain responsible for the shipping and handling expenses incurred in shipping the item to them. If an item is offered with Free Shipping, this means we are paying the freight on your behalf. If that product is returned for a refund, the shipping expenses incurred, will be deducted from the refund. If an item is refused, the carrier bills us for shipping both ways, and these expenses incurred on your behalf need to be deducted from your refund. d) The issuance of an RMA# does not guarantee final disposition, as all returns are subject to our inspection. If the product you are returning is not in brand new, mint condition, as per Paragraph b) it is non refundable and can be picked up of subject to at least 15% restocking fee. If your return is missing accessory components, or shows signs of wear and tear - restocking fees will be higher. So please limit your Returns to unopened items in their original condition with all documentation, packing material, and accessories intact. For specific restocking fees that may be applicable to your Return, please contact us through eBay Messages e) Returns should be packed in an outer shipping carton, to avoid defacing the original box/packing of the product. The RMA# should be clearly inscribed on the shipping label. A copy of your invoice and Order # should be included, and your Return should be insured, with shipping costs pre-paid. We cannot accept any COD shipments. g) There are product categories which are not returnable, due to hygienic, sanitary, or other reasons, as required by the respective Manufacturers. Please review the categories below to make sure that your purchase qualifies to be returned. Purchases from these categories are final. In case any of these items is defective, Customer must return them to the respective authorized service centers, for repair or replacement at the option of the Manufacturer. These items cannot be returned to the Merchant. 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Televisores Sony Bravia XR-55X90KAEP 55" Full Array LED UltraHD 4K HDR10

End: 17.07. 2023 10:48:38 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 889.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155611006286
  • Seller: pccomponentes_outlet (517|92.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: es Spanien
  • Ships to: ES
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  • on EBAY
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    CONTACTOVISITAR TIENDA EBAY {Titulo} {Descripcion} ComponentesPAEOrdenadoresPeriféricosSmartphone/TabletsTelevisión Ampliar imagen Ampliar imagen Ampliar imagen Ampliar imagen Ampliar imagen {Titulo} {Descripcion} MÁS INFORMACIÓN Características: ${PRODUCT.CustomFields.Features} --> ComponentesPAEOrdenadoresPeriféricosSmartphone/TabletsTelevisión POLÍTICAS DE VENTA PAGO El método de pago aceptado es a través de tarjeta. ENVÍO El envío se efectuará una vez se haya recibido el pago, y en un tiempo máximo de 48 horas lo recibirá en su domicilio. DEVOLUCIÓN Dispone de 30 días para devolución de su pedido, el cual deberá de enviar por sus medios a nuestros almacenes con todos los envoltorios y accesorios originales y sin daños estéticos. Tu tienda de tecnología online líder por precio, calidad y servicio eBay store powered by Shopping Feed.

Sony BRAVIA 55 inch XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV Television Smart Google TV

End: 03.07. 2023 14:40:16 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 501.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275906511463
  • Seller: hotdigital-international (20114|95.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hot Digital Sony BRAVIA 55in XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV Used SKU: XR55X90K_FCLN Features Intelligent TV processing technologyDelivers natural and realistic picture qualityDeep black, high peak brightnessReal-life detail with Full Array LEDExperience immersive cinematic contentHear true immersive audio with 2 sound positioning tweeters Product Description Enjoy your entertainment like never before on this ultra-bright 4K12 HDR TV, delivering exceptional color and contrast with the Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR.Next-Generation Picture and Sound with Cognitive Intelligence Take vision and sound to the next level with Cognitive Processor XR. The revolutionary processor on Sony BRAVIA XR TVs reproduces content the way humans see and hear for an incredibly lifelike experience. It understands how the human eye focuses, cross analyzing images to give real-life depth, extraordinary contrast, and beautiful vivid colors.Full-Array Contrast with Lifelike Depth The Full-Array LED, powered by Cognitive Processor XR, controls the backlight in zones to reproduce realistic contrast in bright and dark areas simultaneously. The intelligent processor sees the world as you do, enhancing pictures with real-life color and depth.Sound from the Screen, Pictures and Sound in Harmony Enjoy sound that precisely matches whats on-screen with Acoustic Multi-Audio technology. Sound positioning tweeters ensure pictures and sound are in harmony for an immersive viewing experience.Hands-Free Help from Google With hands-free voice control built into Google TV, you can set aside your remote and simply use your voice to control your TV. Ask Google to find a specific title, search by genre, and get personalized recommendations on what to watch by saying, Hey Google, what should I watch?. Even get answers on-screen, control smart home devices, and more.Renew, Recycle and Reduce, Designed for the Environment The BRAVIA XR TVs are designed for immersive experiences with the environment in mind. We are committed to using less virgin plastic in the TVs and packaging. The X90K uses recycled plastics in its bezel. The unique backlight control technologies, BRAVIA CAM, and sensors not only deliver high picture quality but also reduce power consumption.A Wide Color Spectrum for Real-World Shades and Hues Powered by Cognitive Processor XR, the Full-Array LED panel with a unique new LED structure and XR Triluminos Pro enables X90K to access over a billion colors and reproduce each one with the subtle differences seen in the real world. It can detect color from saturation, hue, and brightness to deliver natural shades in every detail, especially in greens and reds.Enjoy More Depth with Deep Blacks and Extra Brightness The Cognitive Processor XR enhances pictures in the same way as your eyes focus on real-life color and depth. By precisely balancing the light output across the screen, dimming some areas, and boosting others, XR Contrast Booster adjusts brightness for higher peaks in glare and deeper blacks in shadow. Scenes look more real with extra depth and detail.Recreating Lost Texture, All Your Content Upscaled to 4K With XR 4K Upscaling, youll enjoy entertainment close to 4K quality, whatever the content or source. The Cognitive Processor XR accesses a vast amount of data, intelligently recreating lost textures and detail for real-world pictures.Intelligent Motion Processing for Fast-Moving, Blur-Free Scenes Watching sports and fast-moving movies just got a whole lot better. The Cognitive Processor XR with XR Motion Clarity analyzes motion across several frames to ensure action stays smooth, bright, and clear.Powerful Sound From the Screen Matches Pictures Precisely The Acoustic Multi-Audio technology includes sound positioning tweeters to ensure high-frequency sounds come from the right place in the scene, precisely matching whats on-screen. With X-Balanced speakers, youll hear clear, high-quality sound. Whats in the Box Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV (55-Inch) Specifications Sony BRAVIA XR X90K 4K HDR Full Array LED TV with Smart Google TV AccessibilityAccessibility Shortcut: YesAudio Description (Audio key): YesClosed Caption: Closed CaptionScreen Reader: YesText Magnification: YesVoice Search: YesBuilt-in TunerCI+: -Number of tuners (Sat): -Number of tuners (Terrestrial/Cable): 1(Digital/Analog)TV system (Analog): MTV system (Digital Cable): Clear QAMTV system (Digital Sat): -TV system (Digital Terrestrial): ATSC/ATSC 3.0(NEXTGEN TV)Tuner channel coverage (Analog): VHF: 2-13/UHF: 14-69/CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Cable): CATV: 1-135Tuner channel coverage (Digital Terrestrial): VHF: 2–13/UHF: 14–69 (2–13/14–36 for ATSC3.0)CameraCamera: BRAVIA CAM(Option)CAMERA FUNCTION: Yes(Camera apps)ConnectivityApple AirPlay: YesApple HomeKit: YesAudio output(s): -Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM): Yes (for HDMI3/4)BRAVIA sync (including HDMI-CEC): YesBluetooth profile support: Version 4.2, HID (mouse/keyboard connectivity)/HOGP (Low Energy device connectivity)/SPP (Serial Port Profile)/Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (stereo audio) /AVRCP (AV remote control)Chromecast built-in: YesComponent video (Y/Pb/Pr) input(s): NoComposite video input(s): Hybrid with S-Center Speaker input x1 (Side, Mini jack)Digital Audio output(s): 1 (Side)Ethernet inputs: 1 (Side)Features specified in HDMI2.1: 4K120/eARC/VRR/ALLMHDCP: HDCP 2.3 (for HDMI 1/2/3/4)HDMI Audio Return Channel (ARC): Yes (eARC/ARC)HDMI inputs total: 4 (4 side)Headphone output(s): -IF (satellite) input(s): NoRF (Terrestrial/Cable) Connection input(s): 1 (Side)RS-232C input(s): 1 (Side)Subwoofer output(s): -USB HDD recording: NoUSB drive format support: FAT16/FAT32/exFAT/NTFSUSB playback codecs: MPEG1: MPEG1/MPEG2PS: MPEG2/MPEG2TS (HDV, AVCHD): MPEG2, AVC/MP4 (XAVC S): AVC, MPEG4, HEVC/AVI: Xvid, MotionJpeg/ASF(WMV): VC1/MOV: AVC, MPEG4, MotionJpeg/MKV: Xvid, AVC, MPEG4, VP8.HEVC/WEBM: VP8/3GPP: MPEG4, AVC/MP3/ASF (WMA)/LPCM/WAV/MP4AAC/FLAC/JPEG, WEBM: VP9/AC4/ogg/AAC/ARW (Screen nail only)USB ports: 2 (side)Variable refresh rate (VRR): Yes (for HDMI3/4)Wi-Fi frequency: 2.4 GHz/5 GHz (for Wi-Fi Direct: 2.4 GHz Only)Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a/b/g/n/acDesignBezel color: BlackBezel design: Flush SurfaceRemote control: Standard RemoteStand color: Dark silverStand position: Two-way position (Standard position/Soundbar position)Stand design: Metal Slim Blade StandDimensions and WeightDimension of TV with stand (soiundbarposition) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 30.75 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 780 x 331mm)Dimension of TV with stand (Standard position) (W x H x D): 48.63 x 29.25 x 13.13-inch (1,233 x 740 x 331mm)Dimension of package carton (W x H x D): 53.62 x 33.07 x 6.3 inch (1,362 x 840 x 160mm)Dimension of TV without stand (W x H x D): 48.54 x 27.99 x 2.84 inch (1,233 x 711 x 72mm)Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmStand width (SOUNDBAR position): 0.5-inch (1,027mm)Stand width (StandARD position): 40.5-inch (1,027mm)Screen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)VESA Hole Pitch(W x H): 11.81 x 11.81 inch (300 x 300mm)Weight of Package Carton (Gross): 55.1 lb / 25 kgWeight of TV with Stand: 40.8 lb / 18.5 kgWeight of TV without Stand: 38 lb 5.8 oz (17.4 kg)Features for? PlayStation5Auto Genre Picture mode: YesAuto HDR Tone Mapping: YesModel YearModel year: 2022Picture (Panel)Anti-Reflection (X-Anti Reflection): -Backlight dimming type: Local DimmingBacklight type: Direct (Full Array LED)Display resolution (H x V, pixels): 3840 x 2160Display type: LCDPanel refresh rate: 120 HzViewing angle (X-Wide Angle): -Picture (processing)Contrast enhancement: XR Contrast Booster XR HDR remaster Dynamic Contrast EnhancerClarity enhancement: XR 4K Upscaling Dual database processing XR Super ResolutionColor enhancement: XR TRILUMINOS PRO XR Smoothing Live Color TechnologyHDR (High Dynamic Range) compatibility: Yes (HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision)Motion enhancer (Native Hz): XR Motion Clarity, Auto modeNetflix calibrated mode: YesPicture modes: Vivid, Standard, Cinema, IMAX Enhanced, Game, Graphics, Photo, Custom, Dolby Vision Bright, Dolby Vision Dark, Netflix calibratedPicture processor: Cognitive Processor XRSensor: LightVideo signal support: HDMI signal: 4096 x 2160p (24, 60 Hz), 3840 x 2160p (24, 30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080p (30, 60, 120 Hz), 1080/24p, 1080i (60 Hz), 720p (30, 60 Hz), 720/24p, 480pPower and Energy SavingDynamic Backlight Control: YesEco-friendly: YesEnergy Star compliant: -Mercury content (mg): 0.0 ozPower consumption (On Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (Standby Mode) for Energy Star: -Power consumption (in Standby): 0.5 WPower requirements (voltage/frequency): 60 Hz for UL cUL 50/60 Hz for other AC 120 V for UL cUL AC 110-240 V for otherPower saving mode/Back Light Off Mode: YesPresence of lead: -Screen size (cm, measured diagonally): 139 cmScreen size (inch, measured diagonally): 55-inch (54.6-inch)SoftwareApplication store: Yes (Google Play Store)Auto calibration with CalMAN: YesBuilt-in mic switch: YesClosed captions (Analog/Digital): (Analog) Closed Caption (Digital)Closed CaptionDisplay Language: AFRIKAANS, AMH, ARABIC, ASSAMESE, AZE, BEL, BULGARIAN, BENGALI, BOSNIAN, CATALAN, CZECH, DANISH, DEU, GREEK, ENGLISH, SPANISH, ESTONIAN, BAQ, PER, FINNISH, FRENCH, GLG, GUJARATI, HINDI, CROATIAN, HUNGARIAN, INDONESIAN, ISL, ITALIAN, HEBREW, JAPANESE, KAZAKH, KANNADA, KOR, KIR, LAO, LITHUANIAN, LATVIAN, MACEDONIAN, MALAYALAM, MON, MARATHI, MAY, BUR, NOB, NEP, NLD, ORIYA, PANJABI, POLISH, PORTUGUESE, ROMANIAN, RUSSIAN, SOL, SLOVENIAN, ALB, SERBIAN, SWEDISH, SWAHILI, TAMIL, TELUGU, THAI, TGL, TURKISH, UKRAINIAN, URD, UZB, VIETNAMESE, SIMPLIFIED CHINESE, TRADITIONAL CHINESE, ZULUElectronic Program Guide (EPG): YesInternet browser: Vewd (not pre-installed)On-board Storage (GB): 16 GBOn/Off Timer: YesOperating system: Android TVSmart TV: Google TVSleep timer: YesTeletext: NoText input language: ENGLISH / FRENCH / GERMAN / HEBREW / ITALIAN / RUSSIAN / SPANISH / VIETNAMESE / JAPANESEVoice Search: (Voice Search) Yes/(Built-in Mic) YesSound (Processing)Acoustic auto calibration: Room and User Position CompensationAcoustic center sync: Yes (Sony-compatible Soundbar)DTS audio format support: DTS Digital SurroundDolby audio format support: Dolby Audio, Dolby AtmosFM radio: NoHeadphone 3D Surround Ready: YesSimulated surround sound: 3D Surround UpscalingSound Modes: Standard, Dialog, Theater, Music, Sports, Dolby AudioSound processing: NoVoice zoom: Voice Zoom 2Sound (Speakers and Amplifier)Audio power output: 10 W + 10 W + 5 W + 5 WSpeaker configuration: Full Range (Bass Reflex) x 2, Tweeter x 2Speaker type: Acoustic Multi-Audio Sound Positioning Tweeter Shipping Payment Returns Shipping for this Auction is FREE in the Continental US Lower 48 states only. Shipping Fees include all Handling & Insurance. Domestic Shipping to lower 48:All Shipping Prices Include Shipping Handling and Insurance Domestic Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Territories:The free shipping is for the lower 48 only. Shipping to APO/FPOs: In order to get a quote please e-mail us with your APO/FPO zip code first. We will respond with the shipping cost. Please note there are some locations we will NOT be able to ship to. The free shipping is for lower 48 only International Shipping: Paypal is our only accepted from of payment . Shipping charges only cover the cost of shipping and insurance. HotDigital is not responsible for any customs/duty/tax/brokerage fees that may be incurred. These are the sole responsibility of the buyer. As these fees are assessed by each country we are unable to quote a price for or control them. We can only ship to addresses which are Confirmed or Verified through PayPal. We cannot declare items at a lesser value or as gifts. Tax: NY & NJ State Residents please add your local Sales Tax. Hotels: We DO NOT Ship to Hotels. Express Shipping: Express Shipping is for the lower 48 states only. There is no express shipping available for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Territories and International orders. Paypal: Feel free to use Paypal to pay for your auction. For customer service please contact us through eBay Messages Immediate payment via U.S. PayPal account is required. (No International PayPal accepted). If you need special arrangements, please contact us through eBay Messages. After your order has been shipped, you will receive an e-mail with the name of the carrier and the tracking number, so you can track your package.If you are not satisfied with any part of our service we would appreciate if you would contact us first to correct the problem, prior to your leaving your feedback. Returns are permitted If you are not satisfied with your purchase and must be initiated by the buyer within 14 days from delivery date. For Domestic Purchases: If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it (see exceptions in Paragraph g) below) within 14 days of receipt, for a refund, or a replacement - subject to the following: a) Contact Hotdigital to receive a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number, to ensure proper handling of the return and/or replacement. Products cannot be returned without an RMA number. b) In order to be eligible for a full refund, less shipping expenses, your returned merchandise must be in its original unopened mint condition, as shipped, with all packaging, manuals, and paperwork intact and unaltered. Items removed from their blister-pack display packaging are non refundable. c) Customers remain responsible for the shipping and handling expenses incurred in shipping the item to them. If an item is offered with Free Shipping, this means we are paying the freight on your behalf. If that product is returned for a refund, the shipping expenses incurred, will be deducted from the refund. If an item is refused, the carrier bills us for shipping both ways, and these expenses incurred on your behalf need to be deducted from your refund. d) The issuance of an RMA# does not guarantee final disposition, as all returns are subject to our inspection. If the product you are returning is not in brand new, mint condition, as per Paragraph b) it is non refundable and can be picked up of subject to at least 15% restocking fee. If your return is missing accessory components, or shows signs of wear and tear - restocking fees will be higher. So please limit your Returns to unopened items in their original condition with all documentation, packing material, and accessories intact. For specific restocking fees that may be applicable to your Return, please contact us through eBay Messages e) Returns should be packed in an outer shipping carton, to avoid defacing the original box/packing of the product. The RMA# should be clearly inscribed on the shipping label. A copy of your invoice and Order # should be included, and your Return should be insured, with shipping costs pre-paid. We cannot accept any COD shipments. g) There are product categories which are not returnable, due to hygienic, sanitary, or other reasons, as required by the respective Manufacturers. Please review the categories below to make sure that your purchase qualifies to be returned. Purchases from these categories are final. In case any of these items is defective, Customer must return them to the respective authorized service centers, for repair or replacement at the option of the Manufacturer. These items cannot be returned to the Merchant. For Warranty information, merchandise Damaged in Transit, or Order Cancellations, please contact us through eBay Messages. In an event where there is an error regarding a price error or description we will notify you ASAP. In this event there will be no obligation to proceed with the purchase. Any amount charged to the customer will be 100% refunded. For International Purchases: Returns will be accepted within 14 days of the receipt of the item. In order to be eligible for a refund your returned merchandise must be in its original unopened mint condition, as shipped, with all packaging, manuals, and paperwork intact and unaltered. Items removed from their blister-pack display packaging are non refundable. Buyer must pay return shipping via the same method originally shipped.