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Quad ESL-63 / Pro-63 Abdeckungen Staubschutzhüllen - wie neu!
End: 22.02. 2025 08:26:38 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 50.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 126937047519
- Bids: 0
- Seller: zeppelin42 (636|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: München
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Guten Tag Quad Fans, wegen Verkauf meiner Pro-63er stehen diese maßgefertigten Abdeckungen zum Verkauf. Hochwertiges, angenehmes Material. Der Preis gilt für beide Abdeckungen auf dem Foto. Viel Erfolg beim Bieten, bitte beachten Sie meine Bewertungen und weitere Angebote! Mit Ihrer GEBOTSABGABE bestätigen Sie folgende AUKTIONSBEDINGUNGEN: Die Möglichkeit einer persönlichen Abholung der ersteigerten Ware besteht nicht, es sei denn Sie wird ausdrücklich in den Auktionsmerkmalen vorgeschrieben bzw. angeboten. Auch bei ggf. möglicher Selbstabholung gilt: aus persönlichen Gründen akzeptiere ich keine Haustür-Bargeldgeschäfte, d.h. der ersteigerte Artikel muss vor der Abholung bezahlt sein! Bei dieser Auktion handelt es sich um einen Kaufvertrag von Verbraucher zu Verbraucher nach § 13 BGB. Der Verkauf dieses Artikels erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung. Der Gefahrenübergang auf den Käufer erfolgt bei Übergabe der Ware an das Transportunternehmen. Zusätzlich gilt: Das angebotene Produkt ist gebraucht, es sei denn es ist in den ebay Eigenschaften ausdrücklich als neu klassiert. Garantieausschluss: Nach gesetzlichen Regelungen müssen auch Privatpersonen Garantieansprüche auf verkaufte Waren gewähren, es sei denn sie distanzieren sich ausdrücklich davon. Ich verkaufe hier lediglich als Privatperson und gewähre keine Garantie, Gewährleistung, Rücknahme oder Umtausch. Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft, dies bedeutet: mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren zu verzichten. Ich versichere das der Artikel zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufes die beschriebenen Merkmale aufweist. Der Zustand des Artikels wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Bitte stellen Sie alle Fragen bezüglich des Artikels per E-Mail bevor Sie bieten. Es handelt sich bei diesem Angebot um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes. Dies bedeutet für den Höchstbietenden (= Käufer), dass er kein Widerrufsrecht gemäß Fernabsatzgesetz geniesst. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie diesen Umstand vor Gebotsabgabe. Mit Abgabe Ihres Gebotes schließen Sie einen rechtsverbindlichen Kaufvertrag. Nachdem Sie den Artikel erfolgreich ersteigert haben, erhalten Sie von ebay eine Information mit dem zu bezahlenden Gesamtbetrag. Um Missverständnisse/Verzögerungen im Voraus auszuschließen, überprüfen Sie bitte die von Ihnen hinterlegte Lieferadresse. Nach Bestätigung des Zahlungseinganges durch ebay wird der Artikel schnellstmöglich von mir versendet. Der Gefahrenübergang beim Versand erfolgt bei der Übergabe der Sendung an das Transportunternehmen. Sollten Teile der oben aufgeführten Bedingungen rechtlich unwirksam sein, so bleiben die verbleibenden Bedingungen sinngemäß wirksam. Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten solange kein Gebot oder kein gültiger Kaufvertrag vorliegt (=Ende der Auktion mit vorhandenem gültigen Höchstgebot). Fällt die ebay Plattform für Bieter innerhalb der letzten 24 Stunden vor Auktionsende ganz oder zeitweise aus, behalte ich mir das Recht vor das Höchstgebot oder den daraus resultierenden Kaufvertrag abzuwehren.
Quad ESL-63 Stands - Lautsprecherständer
End: 25.12. 2024 15:23:22 on Wednesday
Quad ESL-63 Electrostatic Speakers
End: 13.12. 2024 04:03:50 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 761.75 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156558537362
- Bids: 1
- Seller: johnsc (674|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Redmond, Washington
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 500,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Ive had love affair with my Quad ESL-63 electrostatic speakers but now must downsize my living situation and part ways. Consecutive numbers 14971,2. I am the second owner in a kid free, smoking free, low humidity home. As purchased condition, only replaced the thick outer cloth with a lighter fabric and upgraded minimalist power cables. Speaker stands are included. There are no rips to the cloth and no nicks to the top black panels. In excellent physical condition.Quad ESL-63s are famous for their silky midrange and when toed in to the listener are truly special. Full-range electrostatic speaker system. Nominal impedance: 8 ohms (6.2 ohms minimum). Sensitivity: 86dB SPL for 2.83V rms at 1 meter.Dimensions: 36 H by 26 W by 6 D (base 10 D). Shipping to lower 48 contiguous US states only.
Quad ESL-63 Electrostatic Speakers
End: 03.12. 2024 04:03:31 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 945.71 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 156538243932
- Bids: 0
- Seller: johnsc (674|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Redmond, Washington
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 500,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Ive had love affair with my Quad ESL-63 electrostatic speakers but now must downsize my living situation and part ways. Consecutive numbers 14971,2. I am the second owner in a kid free, smoking free, low humidity home. As purchased condition, only replaced the thick outer cloth with a lighter fabric and upgraded minimalist power cables. Speaker stands are included. There are no rips to the cloth and no nicks to the top black panels. In excellent physical condition.Quad ESL-63s are famous for their silky midrange and when toed in to the listener are truly special. Full-range electrostatic speaker system. Nominal impedance: 8 ohms (6.2 ohms minimum). Sensitivity: 86dB SPL for 2.83V rms at 1 meter.Dimensions: 36 H by 26 W by 6 D (base 10 D). Shipping to lower 48 contiguous US states only.
End: 13.09. 2024 18:49:12 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 894.53 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 226240735236
- Seller: ralphk2009 (173|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Hamden, Connecticut
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Experience high-quality sound with these Quad ESL-63 speakers. Designed for music enthusiasts, these speakers provide clear and detailed audio, making them perfect for any home or office. With their sleek design, they blend easily with any décor and are a great addition to any sound system. Used. Fully functional.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 20.05. 2024 13:22:41 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.94 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145785631692
- Seller: effgjm (22460|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 09.05. 2024 10:47:34 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145763624710
- Seller: effgjm (22285|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 07.05. 2024 11:57:44 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.21 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145743890084
- Seller: effgjm (22258|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 25.04. 2024 13:31:37 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.22 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166728588713
- Seller: effgjm (22257|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 23.04. 2024 15:00:42 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.28 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145721259052
- Seller: effgjm (22237|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 12.04. 2024 14:26:23 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.35 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166675467349
- Seller: effgjm (22204|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 22.03. 2024 13:43:50 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.36 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166659941889
- Seller: effgjm (22194|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 20.03. 2024 16:44:49 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.4 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166647541677
- Seller: effgjm (22174|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 14.03. 2024 14:26:43 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.29 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166641917073
- Seller: effgjm (22172|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
QUAD ESL-63 Rare Speaker Review, 1982, 2 pgs, Full Test
End: 11.03. 2024 13:41:04 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.2 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145657932903
- Seller: effgjm (22170|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is a reprint of an original Review from 1982. Very rare and hard to find! I have reviews and advertisements for hundreds of audio products on my Ebay Store! A piece of Audio History! I have THOUSANDS more Ads and Reviews on my Ebay Store. Email with ANY questions, THANKS! -Each Page is 8.5 by 11 -Shipping is $3 in the USA and $6 ANYWHERE else, I ship WORLDWIDE! Each additional item is only $1 more to ship! -As always, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED at Electronics Archives! If you are unhappy with any purchase, email and I will get you a resolution or a refund! -Email me with any questions, I put 10-20 new Ads and Brochures on my site EVERY DAY! THANK YOU! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Brochure commerciale - QUAD - Enceinte acoustique électrostatique ESL-63
End: 17.12. 2023 04:53:42 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 3.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 185901712549
- Seller: memphis-titou (1982|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: MERIGNAC
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 7,1 EUR
- on EBAY
Brochure commerciale - QUAD - Enceinte acoustique électrostatique ESL-63 Brochure commerciale de présentation de lenceinte acoustique électrostatique QUAD 44 ESL-63 des années 80. Principe technique, caractéristiques et illustrations. Document en français.Format : 4 pages en papier glacé 21 x 29,7 cm Emballage soigné. Expédition en courrier postal avec suivi. Minterroger pour la possibilité dun envoi groupé avec dautres brochures et documents, afin de réduire les frais dexpédition. Commercial brochure - QUAD - Electrostatic acoustic loudspeaker ESL-63 Commercial brochure presenting the electrostatic acoustic loudspeaker QUAD 44 ESL-63 from the 80s. Technical principle, characteristics and illustrations. Documentation in French. Size: 4 glossy pages 21 x 29.7 cm Careful packaging. Shipping by post with tracking. Ask me for the possibility of a joint shipment with other brochures and documents, in order to reduce shipping costs. Labo D1
QUAD ESL-63 + Gradient SW-63, altoparlanti elettrostatici + subwoofer, coppia
End: 01.11. 2023 11:32:01 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 3289.0 EUR

- Status: 5T 9:55:43
- Item number: 166309410067
- Seller: wenwaudionl (2086|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Enschede
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 44,0 EUR
- on EBAY
QUAD ESL-63 + Gradiente SW-63 Altoparlanti elettrostatici + Subwoofer 1 paio Nessuna confezione originale disponibile Tecnicamente impeccabile ottico, Vedi le foto------------------ ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------domande sul suono Per non far perdere il vostro e il nostro tempo, non rispondiamo a nessuna domanda sul suono, ad esempio come si comporta il dispositivo con laltoparlante x e i cavi y. Ancora domande?Fai clic su Contatta il venditore nella casella Informazioni sul venditore in alto a destra!----------------------------------Per favore, non è giusto chiedere qual è il prezzo più basso,se intende acquistare gli articoli che vendiamo, inviateci la proposta tramite eBay e non tramite news,se riteniamo che lofferta sia conveniente la accetti!!!Grazie,-------------------------------------------------- -Per favore, non è giusto chiedere qual è il prezzo più basso,Se sei seriamente intenzionato ad acquistare dalla nostra gamma di articoli, inviaci la proposta di prezzo tramite eBay e non tramite messaggi,se crediamo che il tuo suggerimento sul prezzo è interessante allora lo accettiamo!!!Grazie. -----------------------Ciao, non cè ritorno problema,dovrebbe essere notato i dispositivi dovrebbero essere nelle tue stesse condizioni ricevere Avere, senza problemi tecnici!!!senza graffi o altri segni di usura!!!La confezione deve essere quella originale e non neutra!!!Le spese di spedizione (spedizione e spedizione di ritorno) sono a carico dellacquirente!!!Se hai ulteriori domande, saremo felici di aiutarti Disposizione. il ritorno va a, W&W AudioDe Reulver 977544RT EnschedePaesi Bassi-----------------------------------Diamo una garanzia di tre mesi per i nostri dispositivi usati Diamo una garanzia completa per i nuovi dispositivi Se la vendita viene effettuata su commissione per un privato, lIVA non può essere dichiarata e non viene fornita alcuna garanzia -------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------- ----Processo di acquisto: Il pagamento dovrebbe essere completato entro 4 giorni lavorativi. Oppure lacquirente e il venditore hanno concordato diversamente, ad esempio puoi acquistare loggetto, assicurarlo con un deposito e ad a paga dopo. (A questo proposito, per favore Da chiarire in anticipo!)------------------------------------------------ Una nota sugli accessori inclusi: Anche se nella fornitura standard possono essere inclusi più accessori, è incluso solo ciò che è elencato sotto Accessori inclusi. Gli offerenti internazionali si prega di chiedere il prezzo di spedizione nel proprio paese Prima facendo unofferta! Potremmo anche offrire permute/scambi da/con altri dispositivi. Purtroppo non cè alcun finanziamento. Altre domande? Nessun problema, inviaci une-mail e ovviamente ti risponderemo il più rapidamente possibile. Tuttavia, prima di porre domande, leggere attentamente il testo descrittivo; lesperienza ha dimostrato che molte domande si rispondono da sole. La vendita è soggetta a tassazione differenziale ai sensi dellart. §25a UStG, pertanto limposta sulle vendite può essere inclusa nella fattura non essere mostrati separatamente. ---------------------------------------------
QUAD ESL-63 + Gradient SW-63, Elektrostatische Lautsprecher + Subwoofer , Paar
End: 30.10. 2023 03:58:50 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 3289.0 EUR

- Status: 4T 3:27:1
- Item number: 155580642758
- Seller: wenwaudionl (2086|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Enschede
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 369,0 EUR
- on EBAY
QUAD ESL-63 + Gradient SW-63 Elektrostatische Lautsprecher + Subwoofer 1 Paar Kein Originalverpackung vorhanden Technisch Einwandfrei Optisch, Siehe Fotos------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------Fragen zum Klang Um Ihre und unsere Zeit nicht unnütz zu vergeuden, beantworten wir keine Fragen zum Klang, z.B. wie das Gerät sich mit dem Lautsprecher x und den Kabeln y verhält. Noch Fragen?Bitte klicken Sie rechts oben im Kasten Angaben zum Verkäufer auf den Punkt Verkäufer kontaktieren!----------------------------------Please, it is not fair to ask what is the lowest price,if hes going to buy the items we sell, then send us the proposal via eBay and not via news,if we believe that the offer sie affordable accept it !!!thank you,---------------------------------------------------Bitte, es ist nicht fair zu fragen, was ist der niedrigste Preis,wenn sie vor haben aus unsere Artikel sortiment ernsthaft zu kaufen , dann senden Sie uns den Preisvorschlag über eBay und nicht über Nachrichten,wenn wir glauben dass ihre Preisvorschlag interessant ist, dann akzeptieren wir es !!!danke. -----------------------Hallo, eine Rückgabe ist kein Problem,zu beachten ist, die Geräte soll in der gleiche Zustand sein wie sie erhalten haben, ohne Technische Problemen!!!ohne Kratzer oder sonstigen Gebrauchsspuren!!!der Verpackung soll der Original und kein Neutral sein!!!die Versandkosten ( Versand und Rückversand) trägt der Käufer!!!bei weiteren Fragen , stehen wir gerne zu Verfügung. die Rückgabe geht an, W&W AudioDe Reulver 977544RT EnschedeNL------------------------------------------Wir geben drei Monaten Garantie für unsere Gebrauchte Geräte bei Neugeräte geben wir die Volle Garantie Erfolgt der Verkauf in Kommission für eine Privatperson ist weder die Mehrwertsteuer ausweisbar noch eine Gewährleistung gegeben ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------Kaufabwicklung: Die Zahlung sollte innerhalb 4 Werktage abgeschlossen sein. Oder Käufer und Verkäufer haben sich anders geeinigt, so können Sie zum Beispiel den Artikel Kaufen, durch eine Anzahlung sichern und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zahlen. (Diesbezüglich bitte im Vorfeld zu klären!)------------------------------------------------ Ein Hinweis noch zum mitgelieferten Zubehör: Auch wenn im serienmäßigen Lieferumfang eventuell mehr Zubehör enthalten sein sollte wird lediglich das mitgeliefert was unter Mitgeliefertes Zubehör auch aufgeführt ist International bidders please ask the shipping price to your country before placing a bid! Wir bieten eventuell auch Inzahlungnahme/Tausch von/mit anderen Geräten an. Eine Finanzierung ist leider nicht. Noch irgendwelche Fragen? Kein Problem, schickt uns eine Mail und wir werden diese selbstverständlich so schnell wie möglich beantworten. Bevor sie jedoch die Fragen stellen lesen sie sich bitte zuerst den Beschreibungstext sorgfältig durch, viele Fragen beantworten sich dann erfahrungsgemäß von selbst. Der Verkauf erfolgt differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, daher kann die Umsatzsteuer auf der Rechnung nicht separat ausgewiesen werden. ---------------------------------------------
Vintage QUAD ESL-63 active Loudspeakers matched pair RARE CLASSIC please read
End: 19.09. 2023 21:41:55 on Tuesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 1352.68 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235103709424
- Seller: littlepomponette (1480|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Drummondville, Quebec
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 1168,77 EUR
- on EBAY
Vintage QUAD ESL-63 active Loudspeakers matched pair RARE CLASSIC please read. Speakers are in fabulous condition and comes with original stand, I still have original boxes and packing for safe shipping. One Loudspeakers is perfectly working but the second one have the usual buzzing and popping sound. In 2015 original owner purchased a repair kit from an Australian company but the work never been done, the repair kit is included in the sale... They will be a nice project. Due of age and condition they must be SOLD AS FOUND CONDITION, NO RETURN OR REFUND IN ANY WAY. Units will be packed with extreme care. I will pack this for war, I know how to make it smooth and secure. This unit will be professionally packaged secure travel, I know how to pack them, no worry.LOOK AND SUPERSIZE EACH PICTURES TO SEE THE CONDITION !!!Winner pay actual shipping cost plus packing fees, About 450$ for USA, 250$ for QC & ON, around 1295$ WORLDWIDE via AIRMAIL.PICKUP IS ALLOWED BUT I SHIP ANYWHERE, WORLDWIDE... Please ask for rates. ITEM WILL BE PROFESSIONALY PACKED TO SURVIVE ON ANY TRIP!!! I charge real price paid, Im not in the business of making on money on shipping... I DO AWESOME BLASTPROOF PACKAGING... CHECK MY FEEDBACKS...
Quad ESL-63 Speakers X 2 Pairs
End: 06.09. 2023 12:15:55 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 351.6 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 145270960821
- Bids: 5
- Seller: gugg50 (499|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Harrow,
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I have two sets of these speakers, one set is boxed. You are bidding on both sets. Quality of sound unknown and they are untested. Bought originally for refurbishment. Collection only please. Photos show any little flaws that I have noticed on one set.
Pair of Quad ESL-63 electrostatic floorstanding speakers
End: 03.09. 2023 18:27:43 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 402.41 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 155740870908
- Bids: 1
- Seller: mleibling (317|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
They are both in very good condition. May be very light signs of wear/use but nothing significant. The wood is in excellent condition. Both in full working order and sound brilliant. Power cables for both speakers included. Size of each speaker h 93cm w 66cm d 16cm THESE ARE COLLECTION ONLY FROM FINCHLEY, LONDON, N3 3RA Power/pre-amp also available. See:
Quad ESL-63QA ESL 63 QA High End Standlautsprecher in schwarz frisch geserviced
End: 10.08. 2023 07:08:28 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 4799.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166236459671
- Seller: der-perfekte-klang (2786|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Dudenhofen
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 100,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Aus einer Inzahlungnahme bieten wir ein Paar Quad ESL-63QA Standlautsprecher in schwarz an.Die Lautsprecher befinden sich in einem guten Zustand, nur an der Seite leichte Gebrauchsspuren.Die Lautsprecher wurden im Sommer 2022 komplett überholt bei Quad. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE <p><a href= target=_blank>Widget erstellen oder Farben anpassen.</a></p> <a href= target=_blank><img src= border=0 /></a> <div style=clear: left;> </div> supremeauctiononlinesoftware.widgets.FeedbackWidgetBasic.swf
Quad ESL-63 405-2 34 FM4 Magazine Ad Audio October 1983 Original
End: 30.07. 2023 11:50:06 on Sunday
- Condition: Gut
- Price: 17.49 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295743508411
- Seller: snoopwiz (11847|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Lakehurst, Ontario
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: 7,3 EUR
- on EBAY
Quad ESL-63, 405-2, 34, FM42 magazine ad. From the October 83 issue of Audio Magazine. It is an original. In good condition. Safely packed, we do include a stiff cardboard insert, the insert and ad wrapped with saran wrap and a Please Do Not Bend sticker on the envelope to help preserve the integrity of the ad.
Vintage QUAD ESL-63 active Loudspeakers matched pair RARE CLASSIC please read
End: 25.07. 2023 18:05:09 on Tuesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 1607.35 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235025453150
- Seller: littlepomponette (1461|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Drummondville, Quebec
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 1203,25 EUR
- on EBAY
Vintage QUAD ESL-63 active Loudspeakers matched pair RARE CLASSIC please read. Speakers are in fabulous condition and comes with original stand, I still have original boxes and packing for safe shipping. One Loudspeakers is perfectly working but the second one have the usual buzzing and popping sound. In 2015 original owner purchased a repair kit from an Australian company but the work never been done, the repair kit is included in the sale... They will be a nice project. Due of age and condition they must be SOLD AS FOUND CONDITION, NO RETURN OR REFUND IN ANY WAY. Units will be packed with extreme care. I will pack this for war, I know how to make it smooth and secure. This unit will be professionally packaged secure travel, I know how to pack them, no worry.LOOK AND SUPERSIZE EACH PICTURES TO SEE THE CONDITION !!!Winner pay actual shipping cost plus packing fees, About 450$ for USA, 250$ for QC & ON, around 1295$ WORLDWIDE via AIRMAIL.PICKUP IS ALLOWED BUT I SHIP ANYWHERE, WORLDWIDE... Please ask for rates. ITEM WILL BE PROFESSIONALY PACKED TO SURVIVE ON ANY TRIP!!! I charge real price paid, Im not in the business of making on money on shipping... I DO AWESOME BLASTPROOF PACKAGING... CHECK MY FEEDBACKS...
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