eiki lc wxl200a (11) |
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excel 75ql (17) |
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Eiki LC-WUL100A Home Theater HD Projector 1080p 1080i WUXGA HDMI 5,000 Lumens
End: 21.02. 2025 16:50:54 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 57.1 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 196469403565
- Seller: mime357 (306|98.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bedford, New Hampshire
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
This Eiki LC-WUL100A projector is perfect for anyone who wants to experience high-quality home theater viewing. With a maximum resolution of 1080p, this projector delivers crisp and clear images that are sure to impress. Its 5000 ANSI lumens brightness ensures that the images are bright and vivid regardless of the lighting conditions. The projector is equipped with a range of connectivity options that include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard. The aspect ratio of this projector is 16:10, which makes it suitable for widescreen viewing. With ceiling projection, motorized zoom, motorized focus, and built-in speakers, this projector offers a range of features that make it easy to use and enjoyable to watch. Comes with power cord units have scratches on them but work perfectly sold with 30 day return for defects.
EIKI LC-WUL100A HD-Beamer, HDMI, DVI, Comp., Ton, Fernbed.- exzellentes Bild -#2
End: 17.02. 2025 17:37:17 on Monday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 90.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 226591853029
- Bids: 5
- Seller: fes_frankfurt_re-use (185|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Frankfurt
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
EIKI LC-WUL100A HD-Beamer, HDMI, DVI, Comp., Ton, Fernbedienung.- exzellentes Bild -#3Das ist der zweite von drei Profi-Beamern mit Wechsel-Optik. ( mittleres Gerät )Die Geräte wurden mit HDMI / HD und FBAS-Signal getestet. Das Bild ist scharf und brilliant und wurde auf eine normale weiße Wand projiziert, alle Bildparameter auf Mittelstellung, Lampenzähler zeigt 1716 Std. ( könnten noch 2-3 Std vom Testen mehr sein )Lebensdauer der Lampe ist mit 2000 Std. bzw 3000 Std. ( Eco-Mode ) angegeben.Dauertest mit Ton über eingebauten Lautsprecher, Lens-Shift und motorischer Zoom funktionieren ebenfalls,Die Fernbedienung ist nicht original aber es lassen sich die wesentlichen Funktionen bedienen. Die Warnlampe Lamp leuchtet, weshalb das Gerät hier als defekt angeboten wird. Aufgrund der aufgeführten Mängel und Defekte, wird das Gerät alsdefekte Bastlerware / Ersatzteilspender angeboten - unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung ! ! Verkauf nur nach Deutschland !! no shipping to foreign countries - Germany only ! Versand per Hermes versichertAbholung bei Vorkasse möglichSie erhalten auf Wunsch eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mwst. ( als pdf )Der Umwelt zuliebe verwenden wir bevorzugt recycelte Versandverpackungen und Polstermaterial
EIKI LC-WUL100A HD-Beamer, HDMI, DVI, Comp., Ton, Fernbed.- exzellentes Bild -#3
End: 10.02. 2025 18:28:17 on Monday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 123.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 226580334083
- Bids: 4
- Seller: fes_frankfurt_re-use (183|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Frankfurt
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
EIKI LC-WUL100A HD-Beamer, HDMI, DVI, Comp., Ton, Fernbedienung.- exzellentes Bild -#3Das ist einer von drei Profi-Beamern mit Wechsel-Optik. ( oberstes Gerät )Die Geräte wurden mit HDMI / HD und FBAS-Signal getestet. Das Bild ist scharf und brilliant und wurde auf Wand projiziert, alle Bildparameter auf Mittelstellung, Lampenzähler zeigt 1530 Std. ( könnten noch 2-3 Std vom Testen mehr sein )Lebensdauer der Lampe ist mit 2000 Std. bzw 3000 Std. ( Eco-Mode ) angegeben.Dauertest mit Ton über eingebauten Lautsprecher, Lens-Shift und motorischer Zoom funktionieren ebenfalls,Die Fernbedienung ist nicht original aber es lassen sich die wesentlichen Funktionen bedienen.Montageplatte für Deckenhalterung ist montiert und wird mitgeliefert.Die Warnlampe Lamp leuchtet, weshalb das Gerät hier als defekt angeboten wird. Aufgrund der aufgeführten Mängel und Defekte, wird das Gerät alsdefekte Bastlerware / Ersatzteilspender angeboten - unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung ! ! Verkauf nur nach Deutschland !! no shipping to foreign countries - Germany only ! Versand per Hermes versichertAbholung bei Vorkasse möglichSie erhalten auf Wunsch eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mwst. ( als pdf )Der Umwelt zuliebe verwenden wir bevorzugt recycelte Versandverpackungen und Polstermaterial
Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector - Used, 1727 Hours Lamp, Lens Only, Junk Condition
End: 20.01. 2025 03:32:28 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 567.45 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 356363386079
- Seller: ocha4060 (1516|98.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 120,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector - Used, 1727 Hours Lamp, Lens Only, Junk ConditionFeaturesSpecificationsEiki LC-WUL100 Projector - Used, 1727 Hours Lamp, Lens Only, Junk ConditionBrand Name: EikiProduct Type: ProjectorModel: LC-WUL100Condition: Junk Condition (Used)Lamp Hours: 1727 hoursFilter Hours: 868 hoursIncluded Items: Lens only (remote control not included) This Eiki LC-WUL100 projector is being sold as junk due to its condition. It has been tested and powers on, successfully projecting an image. The lamp has been used for 1727 hours, and the filter has been used for 868 hours. Please note that this listing includes the projector lens only, and the remote control is missing. The projector can still be operated using the buttons on the side.
Lot of 2 Eiki AutoFilter Cartridge for LC-WUL100, LC-WUL100L, LC-WUL100AL
End: 30.12. 2024 23:21:45 on Monday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 67.94 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235093748714
- Seller: namuaya_0 (95|98.1%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Santa Ana, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 23,54 EUR
- on EBAY
Lot of 2 Eiki AutoFilter Cartridge for LC-WUL100, LC-WUL100L, LC-WUL100AL. Please see all photos. feel free to ask any questions pertaining tothis item. We do our best to respond ASAP! NOTE: In case you received a DamagedItem, which might have been caused during shipping, please provide me photos ofThe item received along with its original packaging (showing the label on thepackage) Disclaimer: The buyer assumes full responsibility for the useof this device and will not hold us (the seller) responsible for theinappropriate use of this device. Once purchased, it is the sole responsibilityof the purchaser to have the item checked by a certified technician beforeuse. By purchasing this item, buyer assumes all liability resulting from theUse of this deviceSHIPPINGWeShip USPS / FedEx/ UPS- Items are shipped the same day or the next business dayfrom time of payments.
End: 19.12. 2024 15:31:53 on Thursday
*Sanyo PLC-ZM5000L*WUXGA Beamer Projektor 5000lm(EIKI LC-WUL100/Christie LWU505)
End: 02.11. 2024 20:55:14 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 899.95 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 134581637638
- Seller: projection.dw (2706|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Dippoldiswalde
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 9,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Zum Verkauf steht ein WUXGA Installations/Event-Beamer der Marke SANYO! Dabei handelt es sich um das Modell Sanyo PLC-ZM5000L! Der für den professionellen Einsatz im Unternehmens- und Bildungssektor konzipierte PLC-ZM5000L überzeugt mit einer Vielzahl an innovativen Ausstattungsmerkmalen. Dank des RollON-Filtersystems und des Einsatzes anorganischer LCD-Panels ist er zudem besonders langlebig und wartungsarm. Features im Überblick: o RollOn-Filtersystem – tauscht den Luftfilter bis zu zehn mal automatisch aus o Anorganische LCD-Panels verlängern die Lebensdauer der optischen Einheit o Integrierte LAN-Funktion zur Steuerung o Integrierter 10 Watt Lautsprecher, besonders praktisch für Präsentationen in Räumen ohne spezielle Medienausstattung (z.B. Klassenzimmer oder Besprechungsräume) o Projektionen in beliebiger vertikaler Neigung des Projektors möglich o Idealer Partner für den Installations- und Vermietbereichi o Instant-Shading-Funktion – Mechanischer Blendenmechanismus o Vertikale und horizontale Lensshiftfunktion o 3D-Keystone-Korrektur o Clog-Detect – eine automatische Anzeige von Luftfilterverschmutzungen o LifelikeColourBoost-Funktion zur Darstellung von mehr als 1 Milliarde Farben o Bajonettverschlusssystem für einen einfachen und schnellen Objektivwechsel o Optimierte Menüführung führt auch technisch nicht versierte Anwender schnell und problemlos ans gewünschte Ziel o Umweltfreundlicher Energiesparmodus (ECO-Mode) o Mit vorkonfiguriertem Blackboard- und Colour-Board-Modus zur sekundenschnellen Farbanpassung an verschiedenfarbige Projektionsflächen (z.B. grüne Schultafeln oder colorierte Wände) o Access-Ease-Funktion – ermöglicht einen unkomplizierten Zugriff auf das Objektiv und den Prismenblock Der Sanyo PLC-ZM5000 ist gebraucht, aber in gutem Zustand und voll funktionsfähig. Die Lampe hat erst 36h Laufzeit. Der Projektor ist baugleich dem Christie LWU505 und dem EIKI LC-WUL100. Der Projektor kommt samt Standardobjektiv, Fernbedienung, VGA-, HDMI- und Stromkabel. technische Daten: - Projektionssystem: 3 x 0,76 LCD TFT Panel mit MLA - Ansi-Lumen: 5000 / 4400 im Eco Mode - Kontrast: 2000:1 - Schwarzwert: 2,5000 min. Lumen - Lens shift: Vert.: +/-60% Hori.: +/-10% - Auflösung: WUXGA 1920 x 1200 - Wiedergabesignale: PAL, SECAM, NTSC, HDTV 720p, 1080i, 1080p EDTV 480p, 576p - Einsatzgebiet: Stationär - Lampe: 330W NSHA (610 346 9607 / LMP136) - Lampenlebensdauer: 2000 Std. 3000 Std im eco Mode - Candela pro m²: 706 cd/m² - Focus: motorisch - Zoom: motorisch 1,69 - Objektiv: F=1,7-2,3 f=26,9-45,5 mm - Projektionsverhältnis: 1,64-2,78:1 - Audio: 10W mono - Deckenmontage: Ja - Stromverbrauch: 488 / 415 im Eco Mode - Maße BxHxT: 489,5 x 164 x 371,10 mm - Betriebsgeräusch: 31 dB im Eco Mode - Gewicht: 9,0 kg - Keystone-Korrektur: Vert.: +/-30° / Hori.: +/-30° - Ausleuchtung: 90% - Frequenz: H-sync: 15-100 kHz; V-sync: 48-100 Hz, Bandbreite max.: 162 MHz Anschlüsse: o HDMI 1.3b in o DVI-D mit HDCP in o 5 x BNC RGBHC in o D-sub 15 pin in und out o YUV in o S-Video in o Cinch Video in o Mini Jack Audio in und out o USB Typ B o RJ45 in Ausstattung (Extras): o Full HD 1080P kompatibel o Direkt Power Off o Lens shift Funktion o Freeze o Benutzer-Logo Einblendung o Eco Mode o Kensington Slot o Gamma-Korrektur o 360° Installation fähig o Bild im Bild o Passwortschutz o Fernbedienung mit Maussteuerung o PJLink™ o Lan Netzwerk kompatibel. o Bild-neben-Bild o Digitalzoom o Automatische Blende o E-Mail-Fehlermeldung Zustand: guter Zustand, voll funktionsfähig, Lampenlaufzeit: 36h Lieferumfang: - Sanyo PLC-ZM5000 - Standardobjektiv Sanyo LNS-S20 - Stromkabel - VGA-Datenkabel - HDMI-Kabel - Fernbedienung Abbildung ähnlich. Bei weiteren Fragen einfach fragen. Bei einem Versand in das Nicht-EU-Ausland können im Rahmen Ihrer Bestellung zusätzliche Steuern oder Kosten (z. B. Zölle) anfallen, die nicht über uns abgeführt bzw. von uns in Rechnung gestellt werden, sondern von Ihnen direkt an die zuständigen Zoll- oder Steuerbehörden zu zahlen sind. Einzelheiten erfragen Sie bitte bei den jeweils zuständigen Behörden. P.S. schaut auch in meine anderen Auktionen da gibt´s weitere Projektionstechnik!
EIKI LC-WUL100A - 5000 ANSI LUMENS - 21 Lamp Hours
End: 14.09. 2024 15:02:05 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 180.35 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156062542433
- Seller: coretek10 (15239|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
EIKI LC-WUL100A - 5000 ANSI LUMENS - 21 Lamp Hours Item Specifics This EIKI Projector is fully functional and in excellent working condition. There is minor wear on the body from normal use, as shown in pictures. It does not affect the functional integrity of the device whatsoever. Only the items pictured are included in the listing unless stated otherwise. One power cord and one VGA cable are included. Our Grading Policy Grade A: An item that appears in near flawless condition; contains no visible defects and very minor wear (if any). Grade B: An item that contains normal wear and minor cosmetic defects such as light scratches and minor bent corners (Note for LCDs: may contain minor spots/blemishes that do not affect functionality; minor spots being no larger than the size of a pea). Grade C: An item that has noticeable cosmetic defects/minor-moderate damage including dents, cosmetic cracks and more than 2 bent corners. Hinges may be slightly worn. Item still remains fully functional (LCD spots will be noticeable in most circumstances). Grade D: An item that contains major cosmetic damage/wear & tear and typically includes functional issues (Note: functional issues will be disclosed in the description). Our Battery Policy Please note that our batteries may not hold their full/new/original charge capacity. Battery life can vary significantly depending on usage patterns and device age. All of our devices, unless otherwise noted, are sold with a battery that will operate the device for at least 30 minutes under normal usage conditions. Batteries are wearable components which can sometimes fail during first use or during transit. If you bought a good-battery item from us and the battery is defective upon arrival, please reach out so that we may resolve the issue! About Coretek We strive to ensure a pleasant buying experience and offer only the best customer support! You can buy with confidence knowing:Coretek has nearly 20 years, and counting, in the Refurbished IT market.Nearly all of our items ship within 1 shipping day (M-F), with tracking provided upon shipment.Our R2/RIOS certified processes guarantee quality and minimize environmental impact. The most efficient form of recycling is redeployment!We are a Microsoft Registered Refurbisher! Buy with confidence knowing that any Microsoft software installed on your item will be Authentic and Genuine! Make your purchase knowing you are in good hands! If for any reason you are not fully satisfied, please be sure to reach out to us and we will work hard to promptly resolve your concerns! Disclaimers All of our buyers are expected to perform due-diligence research prior to purchasing one of our items to confirm that it will suit their needs. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our items!If you are buying on a quantity listing (more than 1 item available), the unit shown in the pictures may vary in cosmetic wear from the one you receive. We attempt to detail any issues in our pictures, but minor variances may occur.
EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector WUXGA Large Venue Projector 5000 Lumens
End: 15.08. 2024 12:52:02 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 80.43 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 355904228250
- Seller: allenst4642 (47|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Calgary, Alberta
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
The EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920x1200 Transform your home into a cinema with the Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector. The 3LCD display technology ensures accurate and vivid color reproduction, while the motorized zoom and focus allow for easy adjustments. Connectivity options include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. The projector also features built-in speakers and ceiling projection capabilities.
EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector WUXGA Large Venue Projector 5000 Lumens
End: 27.07. 2024 17:56:57 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 66.11 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 355886199859
- Bids: 0
- Seller: allenst4642 (47|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Calgary, Alberta
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
The EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920x1200 Transform your home into a cinema with the Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector. The 3LCD display technology ensures accurate and vivid color reproduction, while the motorized zoom and focus allow for easy adjustments. Connectivity options include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. The projector also features built-in speakers and ceiling projection capabilities.
EIKI LC-WUL100A Beamer Projektor
End: 06.07. 2024 18:23:00 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 150.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204840719354
- Seller: dailer244 (1722|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Potsdam
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 11,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE Der EIKI LC-WUL100A ist gebrauch und hat einige Gebrauchsspuren (Kratzer, bitte die Bilder beachten) Technisch ist er in einem einwandfreien Zustand. Es wird nur der EIKI LC-WUL100A Beamer, ohne weiteres Zubehör geliefert. Auch das Objektiv ist NICHT mit bei. (Panasonic ET-ELS20 Standard Objektiv) Die Lampe hat eine Laufzeit von 126 Stunden. Es ist KEIN Kombiversand möglich! !!! Vor dem Kauf, bitte Lesen !!! Schnelle Abwicklung nach Auktionsende (Zahlung innerhalb einer Woche)! Sollte die Zahlung nicht innerhalb einer Woche nach Auktionsende bei mir eingegangen sein, erfolgt die Meldung an eBay wegen eines nicht bezahlten Artikels. Dabei geht es dann nicht darum, gegen den Käufer vorzugehen, sondern vielmehr um die Wahrung der Frist für die Gutschrift der Verkaufsprovision. Bieten auf mehrere Auktionen! Sollten Sie auf mehrere Auktionen bieten, fallen nur einmalig Versandkosten an! Wenn das Auktionsende mehr als 3 Tage auseinander liegt, zahlen Sie den gesamten Betrag bitte sofort und geben mir Bescheid, dass Sie noch auf eine andere Auktion bieten. Ich werde dann, die gezahlten, von den endgültigen Versandkosten abziehen und Ihnen, nach Ende der letzten Auktion eine Zahlungsinformation senden! Der Versand erfolgt umgehend nach Zahlungseingang! Der Artikel wird spätestens am 3. Werktag nach Zahlungseingang Versendet und als Verschickt markiert! Sollten Sie noch auf weitere Auktionen bieten, geben Sie mir bitte Bescheid. Dann werde ich mit dem Versand bis zum Auslauf der letzten Auktion warten. Dadurch ist es Ihnen möglich Versandkosten zu Sparen. Die Höhe der Versandkosten, beim Ersteigern mehrerer Artikel, richtet sich nach dem Gesamtgewicht der Sendung (max. 16,50 Euro für 31,5 kg). Versand.- und Verpackungskosten! Ich bemühe mich die günstigste Versandart zu wählen! Sollten Sie eine andere Versandart (Versichert) wünschen, bitte ich frühzeitig um eine entsprechende Rückmeldung. Die Verpackungskosten sind in den Versandkosten enthalten (auch wenn das viele glauben aber Verpackung ist nicht billig). Ich übernehme generell keine Haftung für den Versand! Garantie, Gewährleistung und Rücknahme Da es sich hierbei um einen Privatverkauf handelt, sind Garantie, Gewährleistung und Rücknahme ausgeschlossen! Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Der Artikel wird von mir als Privatperson angeboten und nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Alle Artikel sind von mir, nach bestem Wissen und Möglichkeiten, getestet und geprüft worden! Entschädigungen bei einem Versandschaden, sind bei dem jeweiligen Versandunternehmen geltend zu machen. Bitte achten Sie aus diesem Grund, immer auf den Zustand der Verpackung, wenn der Artikel bei Ihnen eintrifft. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzungen von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzungen meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleibt uneingeschränkt. Urheberrecht Alle verwendeten Markennahmen sind geistiges Eigentum der jeweiligen Unternehmen.
EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector WUXGA Large Venue Projector 5000 Lumens
End: 05.07. 2024 16:36:48 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 100.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 355827435711
- Bids: 0
- Seller: allenst4642 (46|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Calgary, Alberta
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
The EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920x1200 Transform your home into a cinema with the Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector. The 3LCD display technology ensures accurate and vivid color reproduction, while the motorized zoom and focus allow for easy adjustments. Connectivity options include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. The projector also features built-in speakers and ceiling projection capabilities.
EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector WUXGA Large Venue Projector 5000 Lumens
End: 28.06. 2024 16:35:41 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 100.16 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 355811279884
- Bids: 0
- Seller: allenst4642 (46|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Calgary, Alberta
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
The EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920x1200 Transform your home into a cinema with the Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector. The 3LCD display technology ensures accurate and vivid color reproduction, while the motorized zoom and focus allow for easy adjustments. Connectivity options include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. The projector also features built-in speakers and ceiling projection capabilities.
Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector 1080p 1080i WUXGA HDMI 5,000 Lumens
End: 21.06. 2024 16:35:26 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 68.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 355792868630
- Bids: 0
- Seller: allenst4642 (44|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Calgary, Alberta
- Ships to: CA
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
The EIKI LC-WUL100 Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920x1200 Transform your home into a cinema with the Eiki LC-WUL100 Home Theater HD Projector. The 3LCD display technology ensures accurate and vivid color reproduction, while the motorized zoom and focus allow for easy adjustments. Connectivity options include wired, USB, VGA/SVGA D-Sub, and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. The projector also features built-in speakers and ceiling projection capabilities.
Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (L1111-2176)
End: 09.05. 2024 09:24:35 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 459.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226077433942
- Seller: avgearavgear (1842|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (2564 Op Hours) (L1111-2176) Product SKU L1111-2176 Condition Used. (2564 Op Hours) 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description A most versatile mid-range projector, the LC-WUL100 delivers true High Definition 1080p video and UXGA & WUXGA computer imaging without scaling. Combining large venue projection features with durable components and reduced maintenance, the EIKI LC-WUL100 comes complete with a wide-range power zoom and focus lens, or, as the LC-WUL100L, it is available without lens and ready for a selection from a suite of optional lenses. (2564 Op Hours) Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (L1111-2175)
End: 09.05. 2024 09:24:34 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 459.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326078470861
- Seller: avgearavgear (1842|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (2564 Op Hours) (L1111-2175) Product SKU L1111-2175 Condition Used. (2564 Op Hours) 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description A most versatile mid-range projector, the LC-WUL100 delivers true High Definition 1080p video and UXGA & WUXGA computer imaging without scaling. Combining large venue projection features with durable components and reduced maintenance, the EIKI LC-WUL100 comes complete with a wide-range power zoom and focus lens, or, as the LC-WUL100L, it is available without lens and ready for a selection from a suite of optional lenses. (2564 Op Hours) Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (L1111-2174)
End: 09.05. 2024 09:24:32 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 459.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326078470956
- Seller: avgearavgear (1842|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (2900 Op Hours) (L1111-2174) Product SKU L1111-2174 Condition Used. (2900 Op Hours) 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description A most versatile mid-range projector, the LC-WUL100 delivers true High Definition 1080p video and UXGA & WUXGA computer imaging without scaling. Combining large venue projection features with durable components and reduced maintenance, the EIKI LC-WUL100 comes complete with a wide-range power zoom and focus lens, or, as the LC-WUL100L, it is available without lens and ready for a selection from a suite of optional lenses. (2900 Op Hours) Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (L1111-2173)
End: 09.05. 2024 09:24:08 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 459.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326078471030
- Seller: avgearavgear (1842|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Eiki LC-WUL100 WUXGA 5000 Lumens Projector (2700 Op Hours) (L1111-2173) Product SKU L1111-2173 Condition Used. (2700 Op Hours) 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description A most versatile mid-range projector, the LC-WUL100 delivers true High Definition 1080p video and UXGA & WUXGA computer imaging without scaling. Combining large venue projection features with durable components and reduced maintenance, the EIKI LC-WUL100 comes complete with a wide-range power zoom and focus lens, or, as the LC-WUL100L, it is available without lens and ready for a selection from a suite of optional lenses. (2700 Op Hours) Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
Eiki LC-WUL100L LCD Projector (L1111-2132)
End: 09.05. 2024 09:24:03 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 46.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226023510687
- Seller: avgearavgear (1829|98.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Eiki LC-WUL100L LCD Projector (2389 Op Hours) (L1111-2132) Product SKU L1111-2132 Condition Used. (2389 Op Hours) 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description A most versatile mid-range projector, the LC-WUL100 delivers true High Definition 1080p video and UXGA & WUXGA computer imaging without scaling. Combining large venue projection features with durable components and reduced maintenance, the EIKI LC-WUL100 comes complete with a wide-range power zoom and focus lens, or, as the LC-WUL100L, it is available without lens and ready for a selection from a suite of optional lenses. (2389 Op Hours) Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-398)
End: 09.05. 2024 05:13:49 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 185.76 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226089409312
- Seller: avgearavgear (1801|98.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-398) Product SKU C1652-398 Condition Used, 682 Lamp Hours, AC Cable Included 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector-5,000 ANSI lumens bright with 90% uniformity and a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Native WUXGA resolution. Compatible with inputs up to UXGA and WUXGA. Supports analog and digital video input in all color standards up to 1080p. Durable inorganic 3-panel LCD imaging engine with a high contrast ratio. 10-bit color processing, for superior color reproduction. Power zoom and focus lens. Optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Vertical and horizontal power lens shift and digital keystone correction. HDMI® input supports digital data, plus digital video with HDCP. Built-in 10 Watt amplifier and speaker system. Closed Caption decoding. Built-in wired LAN connection for projector monitoring and control. Self-advancing cartridge air filter reduces maintenance: up to 13,000-hour life. Mechanical shutter for true black screen in “No Show” mode. Physically centered lens with push-button lens change. Picture-in-Picture & Picture-by-Picture. Inclides Generic AC Cable Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-397)
End: 09.05. 2024 05:13:41 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 185.76 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226089407586
- Seller: avgearavgear (1801|98.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-397) Product SKU C1652-397 Condition Used, 0 lamp hours, 179 Filter hours , AC Cable Included 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector-5,000 ANSI lumens bright with 90% uniformity and a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Native WUXGA resolution. Compatible with inputs up to UXGA and WUXGA. Supports analog and digital video input in all color standards up to 1080p. Durable inorganic 3-panel LCD imaging engine with a high contrast ratio. 10-bit color processing, for superior color reproduction. Power zoom and focus lens. Optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Vertical and horizontal power lens shift and digital keystone correction. HDMI® input supports digital data, plus digital video with HDCP. Built-in 10 Watt amplifier and speaker system. Closed Caption decoding. Built-in wired LAN connection for projector monitoring and control. Self-advancing cartridge air filter reduces maintenance: up to 13,000-hour life. Mechanical shutter for true black screen in “No Show” mode. Physically centered lens with push-button lens change. Picture-in-Picture & Picture-by-Picture. Inclides Generic AC Cable Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-392)
End: 09.05. 2024 05:13:39 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 111.44 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326087354695
- Seller: avgearavgear (1801|98.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-392) Product SKU C1652-392 Condition For Parts, 2130 op hours, Alignment Issue 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector-5,000 ANSI lumens bright with 90% uniformity and a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Native WUXGA resolution. Compatible with inputs up to UXGA and WUXGA. Supports analog and digital video input in all color standards up to 1080p. Durable inorganic 3-panel LCD imaging engine with a high contrast ratio. 10-bit color processing, for superior color reproduction. Power zoom and focus lens. Optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Vertical and horizontal power lens shift and digital keystone correction. HDMI® input supports digital data, plus digital video with HDCP. Built-in 10 Watt amplifier and speaker system. Closed Caption decoding. Built-in wired LAN connection for projector monitoring and control. Self-advancing cartridge air filter reduces maintenance: up to 13,000-hour life. Mechanical shutter for true black screen in “No Show” mode. Physically centered lens with push-button lens change. Picture-in-Picture & Picture-by-Picture. Inclides Generic AC Cable Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-381)
End: 09.05. 2024 05:13:30 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 185.76 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226089412310
- Seller: avgearavgear (1801|98.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-381) Product SKU C1652-381 Condition Used, 632 Lamp hours, AC Cable Included 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector-5,000 ANSI lumens bright with 90% uniformity and a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Native WUXGA resolution. Compatible with inputs up to UXGA and WUXGA. Supports analog and digital video input in all color standards up to 1080p. Durable inorganic 3-panel LCD imaging engine with a high contrast ratio. 10-bit color processing, for superior color reproduction. Power zoom and focus lens. Optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Vertical and horizontal power lens shift and digital keystone correction. HDMI® input supports digital data, plus digital video with HDCP. Built-in 10 Watt amplifier and speaker system. Closed Caption decoding. Built-in wired LAN connection for projector monitoring and control. Self-advancing cartridge air filter reduces maintenance: up to 13,000-hour life. Mechanical shutter for true black screen in “No Show” mode. Physically centered lens with push-button lens change. Picture-in-Picture & Picture-by-Picture. Inclides Generic AC Cable Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-380)
End: 09.05. 2024 05:13:28 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 185.76 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326087348355
- Seller: avgearavgear (1801|98.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Your #1 Source For New & Used AV Equipment Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services Menu Audio Video Camera Lighting Rigging Projectors Cases New Used Business Services EIKI LC-WUL100 HD 3LCD WUXGA, 5000 Lumens Widescreen Venue Projector (C1652-380) Product SKU C1652-380 Condition Used, Lamp counter 241 Hours, Filter counter 260 Hours, AC Cable Included 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED description Payment Feedback Shipping Returns description Eiki LC-WUL100 Projector-5,000 ANSI lumens bright with 90% uniformity and a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Native WUXGA resolution. Compatible with inputs up to UXGA and WUXGA. Supports analog and digital video input in all color standards up to 1080p. Durable inorganic 3-panel LCD imaging engine with a high contrast ratio. 10-bit color processing, for superior color reproduction. Power zoom and focus lens. Optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses. Vertical and horizontal power lens shift and digital keystone correction. HDMI® input supports digital data, plus digital video with HDCP. Built-in 10 Watt amplifier and speaker system. Closed Caption decoding. Built-in wired LAN connection for projector monitoring and control. Self-advancing cartridge air filter reduces maintenance: up to 13,000-hour life. Mechanical shutter for true black screen in “No Show” mode. Physically centered lens with push-button lens change. Picture-in-Picture & Picture-by-Picture. Inclides Generic AC Cable Payments We accept the following payment method: Paypal Please contact us if you have any questions Feedback Click here to see our Feedback Shipping Domestic :We ship most items Ground unless a faster shipping is requested. International : We use UPS,FEDEX or USPS . Please feel free to email us for a shipping quote. Returns After receiving the item, contact us within: 14 days Refund will be given as: Money back Return shipping: Buyer pays return shipping 24 HOUR SHIPPING COMBINED SHIPPING AVAILABLE Categories Musical Instruments & Gear Pro Audio Equipment Speakers Monitors Camera Photo Camcorders Consumer Electronics Cameras Photo About Us View All ListingsContact Us Shipping Copyright © 2020 AvGear. All rights reserved.Design by OCDesignsOnline
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