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Ear 834 Custom 100 Units Limited Model

End: 20.04. 2024 10:32:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3489.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226059984244
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (828|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

EAR 834 P Yoshino Röhren Phonovorverstärker MM/MC Übertrager 2 x Röhrensatz

End: 14.04. 2024 10:40:24 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 949.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204701771885
  • Seller: audio-box (2042|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 10,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    EAR 834 P Yoshino  Röhren Phonovorverstärker MM/MC Übertrager 2 x RöhrensatzEAR 834 P Yoshino Phono RöhrenvorverstärkerMM/MC Phonovorverstärker der Entwickler Legende Tim de Paravicini. Der EAR Yoshino 834 P Röhren Phonovorverstärker ist mit einem auf der Rückseite zuschaltbaren Übertrager für den Betrieb mit MC Systemen ausgestattet. Klanglich ein echter Überflieger und hochgeschützt. Lieferung mit Original Röhrensatz und ein zusätzlicher Röhrensatz von Groove Tube. Prima Zustand, nur kleinere Gebrauchsspuren. 1 Jahr Händlergewährleistung Den Rest gibt es auf der Hersteller/Vertriebsseite, für die grandiosen Testauszüge einfach googlen. Im Kundenauftrag Differenzbesteuerung.Mehrwertsteuer wird nicht ausgewiesen. Teste den Besten in Baden ! Seit 39 Jahren der Partner für Hifidelity, Heimkino,Multiroom und hochwertige Flachbildschirme in Baden. ebay - mit 100% positiver Bewertung ! Perfektion bis in´s Detail ! Topauswahl und allerbeste Beratung. Inzahlungsnahme zu Höchstpreisen. Rücknahme von Batterien gemäß Batterieverordnung (BattV) Als Verbraucher sind Sie gesetzlich verpflichtet, gebrauchte Batterien und Akkus an dafür eingerichteten Rücknahmestellen zurückzugeben. Sie können Ihre verbrauchten Batterien und Akkus bei den öffentlichen Sammelstellen in Ihrer Gemeinde oder überall dort abgeben, wo Batterien und Akkus der betreffenden Art verkauft werden. Sie können Ihre Batterien und Akkus aber auch an unseren Firmensitz abgeben oder schicken Sie Ihre verbrauchten Batterien und Akkus ausreichend frankiert an unsere Firma.Batterien/Akkus sind vom Hersteller mit einem der beiden folgenden Zeichen und dem entsprechenden chemischen Symbol (Pb/Cd/Hg) des für die Einstufung als schadstoffhaltig ausschlaggebenden Schwermetalls gekennzeichnet, z.B.: Pb = Batterie/Akku enthält Blei Cd = Batterie/Akku enthält Cadmium Hg = Batterie/Akku enthält Quecksilber Sie finden diese Hinweise auch noch einmal in den Begleitpapieren der Warensendung oder in der Bedienungsanleitung des Herstellers.Hinweis auf Beteiligung am Befreiungssystem der Landbell AGHinsichtlich der von uns erstmals mit Ware befüllten und an private Endverbraucher abgegebene Verkaufsverpackungen hat sich unser Unternehmen zur Sicherstellung der Erfüllung unserer gesetzlichen Pflichten nach § 6 VerpackV dem bundesweit tätigen Rücknahmesystem der Landbell AG, Mainz, (Kundennummer: 4216971 angeschlossen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Landbell AG. Audio-Box Klaus Büchele Hauptstr. 87 * 77855 Achern IdNr.: DE142578916 Widerrufsbelehrung Widerrufsrecht Stand Juni 2014 Sie haben das Recht, binnen vierzehn Tagen ohne Angabe von Gründen diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen. „Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt vierzehn Tage ab dem Tag an dem Sie oder ein von Ihnen benannter Dritter, der nicht der Beförderer ist, die Waren in Besitz genommen haben bzw. hat“.Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie unsAudio-Box Klaus BücheleHauptstr. 8777855 AchernFon 07841/669688 Fax 07841/669885e-mail mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung (z. B. ein mit der Post versandter Brief, Telefax oder E-Mail) über Ihren Entschluss, diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren. Sie können dafür das beigefügte Muster-Widerrufsformular verwenden, das jedoch nicht vorgeschrieben ist. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist reicht es aus, dass Sie die Mitteilung über die Ausübung des Widerrufsrechts vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist absenden. Folgen des Widerrufs Wenn Sie diesen Vertrag widerrufen, haben wir Ihnen alle Zahlungen, die wir von Ihnen erhalten haben, einschließlich der Lieferkosten (mit Ausnahme der zusätzlichen Kosten, die sich daraus ergeben, dass Sie eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von uns angebotene, günstigste Standardlieferung gewählt haben), unverzüglich und spätestens binnen vierzehn Tagen ab dem Tag zurückzuzahlen, an dem die Mitteilung über Ihren Widerruf dieses Vertrags bei uns eingegangen ist. Für diese Rückzahlung verwenden wir dasselbe Zahlungsmittel, das Sie bei der ursprünglichen Transaktion eingesetzt haben, es sei denn, mit Ihnen wurde ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart; in keinem Fall werden Ihnen wegen dieser Rückzahlung Entgelte berechnet. „Wir können die Rückzahlung verweigern, bis wir die Waren wieder zurückerhalten haben oder bis Sie den Nachweis erbracht haben, dass Sie die Waren zurückgesandt haben, je nachdem, welches der frühere Zeitpunkt ist“. Sie haben die Waren unverzüglich und in jedem Fall spätestens binnen vierzehn Tagen ab dem Tag, an dem Sie uns über den Widerruf dieses Vertrags unterrichten, an Audio-Box, Klaus Büchele, Hauptstr. 87, 77855 Achern, Fon 07841/669688 Fax07841/669885 e-mail: info@audio-box.dezurückzusenden oder zu übergeben. Die Frist ist gewahrt, wenn Sie die Waren vor Ablauf der Frist von vierzehn Tagen absenden. Sie tragen die unmittelbaren Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren. Sie müssen für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Waren nur aufkommen, wenn dieser Wertverlust auf einen zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise der Waren nicht notwendigen Umgang mit ihnen zurückzuführen ist. Ende der Widerrufsbelehrung Muster-Widerrufsformular (Wenn Sie den Vertrag widerrufen wollen, dann füllen Sie bitte dieses Formular aus und senden Sie es zurück.) Audio-Box Klaus Büchele Hauptstr. 87 77855 Achern Hiermit widerrufe(n) ich/wir (*) den von mir/uns (*) abgeschlossenen Vertrag über den Kauf der folgenden Waren (*)/die Erbringung der folgenden Dienstleistung (*) Bestellt am (*)/erhalten am (*) Name des/der Verbraucher(s) Anschrift des/der Verbraucher(s) Unterschrift des/der Verbraucher(s) (nur bei Mitteilung auf Papier) Datum (*) Unzutreffendes streichen. Die europäische Kommission plant, bis zum 15.02.2016 eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Plattform wird unter dem folgenden Link erreichbar sein:

Ear 834L Vacuum Tube Preamp

End: 11.03. 2024 11:39:56 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2437.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226022230991
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (797|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

EAR Yoshino 834T Solid-State Integrated Amplifier

End: 04.03. 2024 23:38:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1206.58 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386826665771
  • Seller: walculp_62 (3|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The powerful and precise EAR 834T integrated amplifier is the brainchild of world-famous audio engineer, Tim deParavicini. EAR (Esoteric Audio Research) amplifiers deliver unparalleled accuracy and transparency, a pure rendition of the signal put into them, free from coloration and distortion. First released around 2005, de Paravicini described the 834T as a solid-state hybrid design. As one early audiophile review described it, the 834T offers 100W of transformer-coupled MOSFET powerper channel. A valve-like output configuration gives the noted virtues of valvesound together with bullet-proof stability and reliability not alwaysassociated with MOSFETs.”Another reviewer summed up his experience for in the following manner, This is an integrated amplifier like no other in my experience. In my book, theEAR/Yoshino 834T is a sonic masterpiece, combining as it does solid-statevirtues with a significant subset of tube magic. As such, it clearly vindicatesTim de Paravicini’s technical approach of casting solid-state in the mold oftube amplification. Magnepan owners take note: this may just be the mostsynergistic amplifier for Maggie amplification — your best bet of reaching thepromised land. The specific 834T model (serial # 03A606) on offer was manufactured in 2006 and acquired by current and sole owner/operator in January 2007. It has seen slightly less than 7,500 hours of service over the past 17 years driving a pair of Wilson Audio Sophia II floor-standing speakers (4 ohms, 87 dB) using two of the six 834Ts RCA analog inputs for one CD player and one HD-FM tuner. All components were protected through a Shunyata Research HYDRA 4 power conditioner, Shunyata mains cables, and Cardas Golden-Cross interconnects. The units performance remains acoustically up to standards and has no cosmetic defects whatsoever. To the best of our knowledge, it has never sustained any physical or electrical damage. It has one pair of RCA unbalanced tape outputs plus right and left channel 5-way binding posts for 4 and 8 ohm/speaker connections. Dimensions are 16 X 16 X 7 height. Shipping weight is 60 pounds. The original shipping/packing boxes no longer exist. It will be packed professionally and shipped UPS ground at buyers expense. EARs 834 model integrated amplifier is currently only available in a lower powered, all vacuum- tube version. Unlike its 12-valved sisters, this 100 WPC solid-state model is highly power efficient, runs cool and can drive any speaker with ease. Existing 834Ts are rarely offered for resale. This unit is on sale at a considerable discount to the current list price of new 834 tube-powered inventory ($6,500.) Seller is moving to a smaller home and needs to downsize audio gear. Consequently, this sale is final, non-returnable, and non-refundable.

Ear 834 clone boards und Netzteil Platine

End: 03.03. 2024 19:03:45 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 18:23:54
  • Item number: 296250132311
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Neuried,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ear 834 clone boards und Netzteil Platine

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier. MM version.

End: 26.02. 2024 09:16:10 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1112.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204653979692
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1369|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in Excellent condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.Has 3 Gold Lions 12ax7 tubes ( not gold pins) insideThis is MM version. Needs a separate step up for MC cartridges. We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

Ear 834 Custom 100 Units Limited Model

End: 24.02. 2024 05:27:15 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3547.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225978242251
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (758|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Ear 834 clone boards und 2 Netzteil Platinen

End: 10.02. 2024 19:28:54 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296209820274
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: abc4230 (574|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuried Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ear 834 clone boards und 2 Netzteil Platinen Biete neue Platinensatz für ein Ear 834 clone . der blaue set für 35 € Weltweiter Versand bitte nachfragen.!!keine Garantie und Rücknahme.

Ear 834L Rohr Vorverstärker

End: 09.02. 2024 05:45:38 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2907.65 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116038683374
  • Seller: dr_nine (1334|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 127,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ear 834L Rohr VorverstärkerEar 834L Rohr VorverstärkerDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten e Unit Quantity NA Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Ear UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Type NA

Ear 834 Custom 100 Units Limited Model

End: 27.01. 2024 05:40:44 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3496.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225938303140
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (983|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Ear 834 clone

End: 23.01. 2024 16:35:55 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 285.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296176507719
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: abc4230 (570|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuried Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ear 834 cloneErstmals Danke für Ihr Interesse!!Weiles sich während der Jahre zu vieles angesammelt hatBiete einen kaum genutzten Douk Audio EAR834 MM (Moving Magnet)/MC (Moving Coil) Vorverstärkeran. Ist fast neuwertig und funktioniert tadellos.Habe drei Telefunken Röhren reingemacht.!!Bei welteiten Versand Bitte Kosten nachfragenFolgendes muss erwänt werden:Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme, Irrtum vorbehalten.

Ear 834 Custom 100 Units Limited Model

End: 30.12. 2023 05:33:36 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3561.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225899845632
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (968|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier. MM version.

End: 19.11. 2023 22:54:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1036.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204522870956
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1383|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in as New condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.This is MM version. Needs a separate step up for MC cartridges. We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

EAR 834P Tube MM / MC Phono Preamplifier; E.A.R.; 834-P

End: 22.10. 2023 18:17:25 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1469.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 22:32:48
  • Item number: 335040539465
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Erie,CO,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 36,99 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies EAR 834P Tube MM / MC Phono Preamplifier; E.A.R.; 834-P Product SKU: 53510 Voltage: 100 - 120V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 153397 Age: Unknown Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $1895 Cosmetic Description: Good cosmetic condition with some minor visible cosmetic wear including a few barely visible scratches along the faceplate and chassis of the unit. This item shows some wear consistent with its age but is still presentable and sounds wonderful. What is Included: Preamplifier, Three ECC83 tubes, Manual, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: This item includes the optional MM/MC switch. The EAR 834P is a remarkable piece of work: a reference-quality phono preamplifier that would feel at home in a system of any price. Stereophile Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $37- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier. MM version.

End: 13.10. 2023 19:52:59 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1031.21 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204484981870
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1383|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in as New condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.This is MM version. Needs a separate step up for MC cartridges. We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

Ear 834L Rohr Vorverstärker

End: 05.10. 2023 06:48:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3009.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910026611
  • Seller: dr_nine (1285|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 130,72 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ear 834L Rohr VorverstärkerEar 834L Rohr VorverstärkerDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbiete Unit Quantity NA Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Ear UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Type NA

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier 

End: 03.10. 2023 16:57:35 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 940.54 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204477163256
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1327|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in as New condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.This is MM version. Needs a separate step up for MC cartridges. We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

Esoteric Audio Research EAR 834P Tim De Paravicini MM/MC Valve Phono Stage

End: 25.09. 2023 23:02:11 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 855.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225789567031
  • Seller: hifihangaruk (10226|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bordon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Esoteric Audio Research EAR 834P Tim De Paravicini MM/MC Valve Phono StageWe use a 24 hour courier service but please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and timeconsuming to package. Many thanks :) Fully working and tested EAR 834P valve MM & MC switchable Phonostage. Fully working and tested, great sounding! Valves are all SOVTEK. Very little in the way of cosmetic imperfections. One of finest valve stages available.A true audio classic. Please inspect the pictures (please also use the zoom function on the photos) and be sure of what you are buying, please don’t buy this if you are at all unsure, I will answer any questions you have, just email BEFORE PURCHASING. This is a used item and has been fairly described to the best of our ability, it has not been serviced by us, just described in it’s current operational and cosmetic order. If you are not happy with any item, we can arrange collection from you for a full refund (even if you are outside the UK) We will not provide any partial refunds and will not cover any restoration, detailed or internal cleaning, repairs or modification costs. Any questions regarding out of eBay deals will be ignored Any items suspected missing in transit, must be reported to us within 10 days. Shipping We ship using a 24 hour courier. Please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and take time to package well. Collections Collections from our unit in Bordon are available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Visit our storeHi-Fi Hangar Vintage hifi specialists Other PROJECTS, SPARES & REPAIRS HI-FI & AUDIO EQUIPMENT AMPLIFIERS DISK PLAYERS (CD/DVD/MD/SACD) TUNERS CASSETTE/TAPE DECKS SPEAKERS STUDIO EQUIPMENT TURNTABLES/RECORD PLAYERS CARTRIDGES TONEARMS MERCHANDISE T-SHIRTS ACCESSORIES Payment We take payment through the ebay managed payment system, Shipping We ship using a 24 hour courier. Please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and take time to package well. _gsrx_vers_1545 (GS 9.4.1 (1545))

EAR 834P MM phono preamp With 3 Telefunken 12ax7 Tubes 1960 Diamond on bottom

End: 18.09. 2023 16:32:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 728.93 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235192506301
  • Seller: warnie7 (34|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Washington, District Of Columbia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The phono pre functions like a gem. It’s missing the switch on the back where it says MM/MC because it’s strictly MM. throwing in 3 1960 Telefunken 12ax7 with the distinctive diamond on the bottom. I have 3 Sylvania JAN tubes I’ll just add with the order at no cost.

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier 

End: 15.09. 2023 18:21:24 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 947.3 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204460708555
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1325|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in as New condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

EAR 834P tube phono box preamp preamplifier 

End: 13.09. 2023 15:40:03 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 944.87 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204452823286
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: starayaaudio (1325|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We have EAR 834P tube phono preamplifier for sale.Cosmetically it is in as New condition.It has been tested. And It works and sound great.We ship worldwide via USPS Priority Mail.Thanks for looking.

Control amplifier (tube type) Model No. 834L EAR _83158

End: 13.08. 2023 13:02:22 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2876.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225690395113
  • Seller: japan-good-goods (1035|96.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: chiba Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAuthenticity: 100% AUTHENTIC! If you have any question about the condition, accessories, or anything about the product,Please feel free to message us. We are glad to answer all your concerns. ShippingDHL, Fedex Fastshipping3-10 business days after shipment(Tracking number + Insurance.)PaymentPlease give me the payment within 3days from the date of bid.About UsWe sell our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Japan at the same time.If the item was sold out before your purchase, your order will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued immediately. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you.

Epson Home Cinema 880 HD Projector 834 Total Hours Near Mint Small Issue

End: 31.07. 2023 07:10:09 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 334.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275966626832
  • Seller: briandboswell1969 (1630|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Aumsville, Oregon USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hi, i have here for sale a Epson Home Cinema 880. This projector is in near mint condition, but please see my images and judge for yourself. The projector works perfectly as it should and the focus uniformity is excellent. This projector projector produces a beautiful image that is very bright and sharp. I uploaded several images to show just how beautiful the image is. OK ISSUE, this has a couple faint orbs that i can see when viewing a very dark background and the auto iris is turned off. If the auto iris is turned on then the orbs become nearly invisible. These orbs are very common even with new projectors. Please see my last images and judge for yourself. I uploaded several images to give you an idea of what to expect. This sale includes the projector, remote, batteries and the power cord. This will be carefully boxed up and shipped fully insured. The lamp casing has been marked for security purposes.

EAR Yoshino EAR834 - Integrated Valve Amp - Genalex Gold Lion KT66 - Excellent

End: 22.06. 2023 00:54:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2650.58 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155618205646
  • Seller: hopey1985wfc (1602|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Shrewsbury Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 230,24 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    EAR Yoshino EAR834 - Integrated Valve Amp - Genalex Gold Lion KT66 - Excellent. Excellent condition throughout. Only selling due to some unexpected bills popping up which can’t be avoided, heartbreaking sale if I’m honest. 6 inputs and 1 tape out 8ohm & 15ohm speaker outputs Recently been treated to a brand new matched set of 8 Genalex Gold Lion KT66 output valves at a cost of £650. It was serviced a couple of years back by HiFi Sound in Middlesbrough and has been used sparingly since. I can’t see anything that needs replacing. I’ve recently had one of the front knobs replaced for a brand new one (at a cost of £75) as the one was a bit more discoloured than the other, the second one has lost a bit of gold but nothing major. The one that was replaced is also included (so 3 in total) As the KT66 are such big valves, the iconic cages don’t fit over the top of the valves. They are obviously included though, and can be seen in other photos when I had EL34 valves installed. It’s a nightmare to photograph with all the polished surfaces, none of which I can see are scratched at all. I’ll add pictures accordingly when I can get a decent one without seeing my ugly mush in the reflection! Any questions please ask. Original packaging is present but would still prefer collection. Postage cost is high due to the weight and insurance