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Dynaco ST-70 - Vintage Audiophile Hifi Classic Stereo Tube Power Amplifier

End: 22.01. 2025 23:41:35 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 542.25 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335772269060
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (16722|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Vintage Audiophile Hifi Classic Stereo Tube Power Amplifier For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds great. - Curicio Audio driver circuit board installed. - Unit uses 7199 tubes and has strong testing (95/100) Telefunken EL34-TK tubes installed.Voltage:120V 50/60HzSerial #:N/AOriginal Box:NoManual:NoRemote:N/APower Cord:YesShipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / FedEx Economy, USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International)Shipping Weight:30lbs (22x18x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1680 (GS 9.8.3 (1680))

Dynakit ST-70 Stereo Röhrenverstärker von DYNACO, 1. Serie. Vintage Verstärker

End: 12.08. 2024 16:18:36 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 400.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196538031255
  • Bids: 15
  • Seller: wer-es-braucht (96|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gründau Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dynakit ST-70 Stereo Röhrenverstärker von DYNACO, 1. Serie.  Vintage VerstärkerWer nicht irgendeine 2 x 35 Watt Endstufe mit EL 34 kaufen möchte, sollte sich für dieses legendäre Stück Geschichte entscheiden.2x 35 Watt klingen nicht nach viel, der Kenner weiß aber, es sind Röhrenwatt! Nicht vergleichbar mit Transistoren jeglicher Art.Es ist faszinierend zu hören wie die Röhren in Betrieb, wenn sie warm werden, immer mehr ein Klangspektrum eröffnen welches Seinesgleichen sucht. Ich hatte den Verstärker an 2x Bose 601. Ich biete den Verstärker nur als Abholung an, da ich nicht möchte das durch einen Versand die Röhren beschädigt werden.So kann auch bei Abholung die Funktion noch einmal selbst überprüft werden. Bitte beachten: Ich habe immer den Trenntrafo benutzt, welcher die Spannung von US Netz auf Deutsches Netz bringt. Die Inbetriebnahme und der Betrieb erfolgt dadurch natürlich auf eigene Gefahr. Ich glaube sogar, dass man im inneren des Gerätes auf 220 Volt umschalten kann. Bitte dies Selbst eruieren. Ja, was bleibt noch zu sagen. Ich selbst habe das Gerät 1985 gekauft, zu Zeiten von Miami Vice. Daher auch die Lackierung. :-)Tatsächlich wurde die dynakit STEREO 70 / Bose Kombi immer nur zu besonderen Anlässen in Betrieb genommen. Nun möge sich ein neuer Besitzer finden, welcher das Gerät zu schätzen weiß. Viel Spaß beim bieten. PS: Die goldenen Aufkleber an der Front unten können problemlos entfernt werden! Das Gerät stand immer im Wohnraum, nennen wir die scheinbaren Rostpünktchen bitte einfach Patina. Startpreis 100, der Ernsthaftigkeit wegen. :-)

Dynaco ST-70 Power Rohr Verstärker Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work Good

End: 30.05. 2024 09:22:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1233.74 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235032472213
  • Seller: technogold (1535|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 199,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dynaco ST-70 Power Rohr Verstärker Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work GoodDie Beschreibung dieses Artikels erfolgte durch automatische Übersetzung. Bei anstehenden Fragen, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. DYNACO ST-70 Leistungsröhrenverstärker DYNAKIT STEREO 70 WRMS Vintage 1970 ARBEIT GUT AUSSEHEN Dynaco Stereo 70 Stereo-Leistungsverstärker (1971-17) Beschreibung Der Dynakit Stereo 70 ist ein komplettes Dual-35-Watt-Leistungsverstärker-Kit, das die höchstmögliche Wiedergabetreue zu geringen Kosten und in einer kompakten Anordnung bietet. Es verwendet eine patentierte Schaltung mit herausragenden Leistungsmerkmalen sowie hochwertige Teile, darunter die neuen Dynaco Super-Fidelity A-470-Transformatoren – die besten auf dem Markt. Die gemessenen Spezifikationen zeigen, dass der Stereo 70 ein Verstärker mit unübertroffener Leistung ist, und auch seine Hörqualität ist unabhängig vom Preis von keinem zu übertreffen. Dieser Verstärker verfügt über Eigenschaften und Nennleistung, die ideal für den stereophonen oder monophonen Einsatz sind. Die beiden nicht interagierenden 35-Watt-Kanäle liefern in einem Stereo- oder Zweikanalsystem ausreichend Leistung für Lautsprecher jeder Leistungsstufe. Die Kanäle können parallel geschaltet werden, um satte 70 Watt verzerrungsarme Ausgangsleistung zu erzielen, was praktisch für jeden monophonen Einsatz geeignet ist, selbst wenn mehrere Lautsprecher in verschiedenen Bereichen im Einsatz sind. Die hohe Leistungskapazität und die niedrige Innenimpedanz sorgen für eine hervorragende Dämpfung für alle Arten hochwertiger Lautsprechersysteme, ohne dass Anpassungen an bestimmte Lautsprecherinstallationen vorgenommen werden müssen. Zu den Designmerkmalen Ihres Dynakit, die zu seiner überragenden Hörqualität beitragen, gehören einige, die bei den üblichen stationären Labormessungen nicht sichtbar sind. Beispielsweise kommt es nicht zu Sprüngen und Flattern, wenn es mit einem transienten Signal gepulst wird. Dadurch wird ein scharfes perkussives Signal wie ein Trommelschlag oder eine Klaviernote scharf und klar reproduziert, ohne Überhang oder Unschärfe. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Verstärkerschaltungen wurde der Stereo 70 so konzipiert, dass er seine spezifizierte Leistung auch bei einer Lautsprecherlast und nicht nur unter Labormessbedingungen erbringt. Daher beeinträchtigt der Anschluss eines Lautsprechers an den Verstärker weder dessen Leistung noch die Hörqualität. Darüber hinaus bleibt die Belastbarkeit des Dynakit aufgrund der hohen Qualität der verwendeten Ausgangstransformatoren über das gesamte Audioband erhalten, ohne dass es zu einem starken Anstieg der Verzerrungen kommt, der bei den meisten Verstärkern im Extrembereich hoher und niedriger Frequenzen charakteristisch ist. Spezifikationen Serie I Ausgangsleistung: 35 Watt pro Kanal in 8Ohm (Stereo) Frequenzgang: 10 Hz bis 40 kHz Gesamte harmonische Verzerrung: 1 % Dämpfungsfaktor: 15 Eingangsempfindlichkeit: 1,3 V Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis: 90 dB Lautsprecherlastimpedanz: 4Ohm bis 16Ohm Ventilbestückung: 4 x EL34, 2 x 7199, 1 x GZ34 Abmessungen: 13 x 9,5 x 6,5 Zoll Gewicht: 32 Pfund Oberfläche: vernickeltes Gehäuse, anthrazitfarbene Vinyl-LackabdeckungDieser Verstärker verfügt über Eigenschaften und Nennleistung, die ideal für den stereophonen oder monophonen Einsatz sind. Die beiden nicht interagierenden 35-Watt-Kanäle liefern in einem Stereo- oder Zweikanalsystem ausreichend Leistung für Lautsprecher jeder Leistungsstufe. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Verstärkerschaltungen wurde der Stereo 70 so konzipiert, dass er seine spezifizierte Leistung auch bei einer Lautsprecherlast und nicht nur unter Labormessbedingungen erbringt. Daher beeinträchtigt der Anschluss eines Lautsprechers an den Verstärker weder dessen Leistung noch die Hörqualität. Darüber hinaus bleibt die Belastbarkeit des Dynakit aufgrund der hohen Qualität der verwendeten Ausgangstransformatoren über das gesamte Audioband erhalten, ohne dass es zu einem starken Anstieg de País/Región de fabricación Estados Unidos Número de entradas 2 Número de canales 2 Garantía del fabricante Sin garantía Tipo Amplificador integrado Potencia RMS 2 X 35 Watts RMS Color Plata EAN No aplicable Marca Dynaco Entradas de audio Estéreo RCA Año de fabricación 1970 Características combinadas del receptor Tube Amplifier Cantidad de unidades 1 Tipo de unidad Unidad Salidas de audio Conectores de altavoz de cable sin procesar Modelo ST-70 Número de salidas 3 Características Término análogo Características Tube Amplifier Potencia 2 X 35 Watts RMS

Dynaco ST-70 Alimentation Tuyau Amplificateur Dynakit Stéréo 70 Wrms Rétro 1970

End: 30.05. 2024 09:22:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1233.74 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235032472450
  • Seller: technogold (1535|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 339,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dynaco ST-70 Alimentation Tuyau Amplificateur Dynakit Stéréo 70 Wrms Rétro 1970Cette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. DYNACO ST-70 Power TUBE Amplifier DYNAKIT STEREO 70 WRMS Vintage 1970 TRAVAIL BON LOOK Dynaco Stéréo 70 Amplificateur de puissance stéréo (1971-17) Description Le Dynakit Stereo 70 est un kit complet damplificateur de puissance double de 35 watts qui offre la plus haute fidélité possible, à faible coût et dans un agencement compact. Il utilise un circuit breveté aux caractéristiques de performance exceptionnelles, ainsi que des pièces de qualité supérieure, y compris les nouveaux transformateurs Dynaco Super-Fidelity A-470 - les meilleurs disponibles. Les spécifications mesurées montrent que le Stereo 70 est un amplificateur aux performances inégalées, et sa qualité découte est également inégalée quel que soit le prix. Cet amplificateur a des caractéristiques et une puissance nominale idéales pour une utilisation stéréophonique ou monophonique. Les deux canaux de 35 watts sans interaction fournissent une puissance adéquate, dans un système stéréophonique ou à deux canaux, pour des haut-parleurs de nimporte quel niveau defficacité. Les canaux peuvent être mis en parallèle pour une sortie à faible distorsion de 70 watts, adaptée à pratiquement toutes les utilisations monophoniques, même lorsque plusieurs haut-parleurs sont utilisés dans différentes zones. La capacité de puissance élevée et la faible impédance interne offrent un excellent amortissement pour tous les types de systèmes de haut-parleurs de haute qualité sans quil soit nécessaire de faire des ajustements pour correspondre à des installations de haut-parleurs spécifiques. Les caractéristiques de conception de votre Dynakit qui contribuent à sa qualité découte supérieure incluent certaines qui ne sont pas révélées par les mesures habituelles en laboratoire en régime permanent. Par exemple, il ne présente pas de rebond et de flottement lorsquil est pulsé avec un signal transitoire. Ainsi, un signal de percussion aigu comme un battement de tambour ou une note de piano sera reproduit avec netteté et clarté et sans surplomb ni confusion. Le Stereo 70, contrairement à de nombreux autres circuits amplificateurs, a été conçu pour fournir ses performances spécifiées sur une charge de haut-parleur, et pas seulement dans des conditions de mesure en laboratoire. Ainsi, le raccordement dune enceinte à lamplificateur ne détériore pas ses performances ni sa qualité découte. De plus, en raison de la haute qualité des transformateurs de sortie utilisés, les capacités de gestion de puissance du Dynakit sont maintenues sur toute la bande audio sans la forte augmentation de la distorsion qui caractérise la plupart des amplificateurs aux extrêmes des hautes et basses fréquences. Caractéristiques série I Puissance de sortie : 35 watts par canal en 8ohms (stéréo) Réponse en fréquence : 10 Hz à 40 kHz Distorsion harmonique totale : 1 % Facteur damortissement : 15 Sensibilité dentrée : 1,3 V Rapport signal sur bruit : 90 dB Impédance de charge du haut-parleur : 4ohms à 16ohms Complément de vannes : 4 x EL34, 2 x 7199, 1 x GZ34 Dimensions : 13 x 9,5 x 6,5 pouces Poids : 32 lb Finition : châssis nickelé, capot peinture vinyle marron anthraciteCet amplificateur a des caractéristiques et une puissance nominale idéales pour une utilisation stéréophonique ou monophonique. Les deux canaux de 35 watts sans interaction fournissent une puissance adéquate, dans un système stéréophonique ou à deux canaux, pour des haut-parleurs de nimporte quel niveau defficacité. Le Stereo 70, contrairement à de nombreux autres circuits amplificateurs, a été conçu pour fournir ses performances spécifiées sur une charge de haut-parleur, et pas seulement dans des conditions de mesure en laboratoire. Ainsi, le raccordement dune enceinte à lamplificateur ne détériore pas ses performances ni sa qualité découte. De plus, en raison de la haute qualité des transformateurs de sortie utilisés, les capacités de gestion de puissance du Dynakit sont maintenues País/Región de fabricación Estados Unidos Número de entradas 2 Número de canales 2 Garantía del fabricante Sin garantía Tipo Amplificador integrado Potencia RMS 2 X 35 Watts RMS Color Plata EAN No aplicable Marca Dynaco Entradas de audio Estéreo RCA Año de fabricación 1970 Características combinadas del receptor Tube Amplifier Cantidad de unidades 1 Tipo de unidad Unidad Salidas de audio Conectores de altavoz de cable sin procesar Modelo ST-70 Número de salidas 3 Características Término análogo Características Tube Amplifier Potencia 2 X 35 Watts RMS

Dynaco ST-70 Power Tubo Amplifier Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work Good

End: 30.05. 2024 09:22:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1243.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334893631359
  • Seller: technogold (1535|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 339,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Dynaco ST-70 Power Tubo Amplifier Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work GoodLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. DYNACO ST-70 Amplificatore valvolare di potenza DYNAKIT STEREO 70 WRMS Vintage 1970 LAVORO BUON ASPETTO DynacoStereo 70 Amplificatore di potenza stereo (1971-17) descrizione Il Dynakit Stereo 70 è un kit completo di doppio amplificatore di potenza da 35 watt che offre la massima fedeltà possibile, a basso costo e in una disposizione compatta. Utilizza un circuito brevettato con caratteristiche prestazionali eccezionali, insieme a componenti di alta qualità, inclusi i nuovi trasformatori Dynaco Super-Fidelity A-470, i migliori disponibili. Le specifiche misurate mostrano che lo Stereo 70 è un amplificatore dalle prestazioni ineguagliabili e anche la sua qualità di ascolto non ha rivali, indipendentemente dal prezzo. Questo amplificatore ha caratteristiche e potenza ideali sia per uso stereofonico che monofonico. I due canali da 35 watt non interagenti forniscono una potenza adeguata, in un sistema stereofonico oa due canali, per altoparlanti di qualsiasi livello di efficienza. I canali possono essere messi in parallelo per ben 70 watt di uscita a bassa distorsione, adatti praticamente a qualsiasi uso monofonico, anche quando sono in uso diversi altoparlanti in aree diverse. Lelevata capacità di potenza e la bassa impedenza interna forniscono un eccellente smorzamento per tutti i tipi di sistemi di altoparlanti di alta qualità senza la necessità di effettuare regolazioni per adattarsi a specifiche installazioni di altoparlanti. Le caratteristiche di progettazione del tuo Dynakit che contribuiscono alla sua qualità di ascolto superiore includono alcune che non vengono rivelate dalle consuete misurazioni di laboratorio allo stato stazionario. Ad esempio, non mostra rimbalzi e fluttuazioni quando pulsato con un segnale transitorio. Così un forte segnale percussivo come un battito di batteria o una nota di pianoforte sarà riprodotto con nitidezza e chiarezza e senza sporgenze o confusione. Lo Stereo 70, a differenza di molti altri circuiti di amplificazione, è stato progettato per fornire le prestazioni specificate su un carico di altoparlanti, non solo in condizioni di misurazione di laboratorio. Pertanto, il collegamento di un altoparlante allamplificatore non ne deteriora le prestazioni o la qualità di ascolto. Inoltre, grazie allelevata qualità dei trasformatori di uscita utilizzati, le capacità di gestione della potenza del Dynakit vengono mantenute su tutta la banda audio senza il brusco aumento della distorsione che caratterizza la maggior parte degli amplificatori agli estremi delle frequenze alte e basse. specifiche serie I Potenza di uscita: 35 watt per canale in 8ohm (stereo) Risposta in frequenza: da 10Hz a 40kHz Distorsione armonica totale: 1% Fattore di smorzamento: 15 Sensibilità di ingresso: 1,3 V Rapporto segnale/rumore: 90 dB Impedenza di carico dellaltoparlante: 4ohm a 16ohm Complemento valvole: 4 x EL34, 2 x 7199, 1 x GZ34 Dimensioni: 13 x 9,5 x 6,5 pollici Peso: 32 libbre Finitura: telaio nichelato, rivestimento in vernice vinilica marrone antraciteQuesto amplificatore ha caratteristiche e potenza ideali sia per uso stereofonico che monofonico. I due canali da 35 watt non interagenti forniscono una potenza adeguata, in un sistema stereofonico oa due canali, per altoparlanti di qualsiasi livello di efficienza. Lo Stereo 70, a differenza di molti altri circuiti di amplificazione, è stato progettato per fornire le prestazioni specificate su un carico di altoparlanti, non solo in condizioni di misurazione di laboratorio. Pertanto, il collegamento di un altoparlante allamplificatore non ne deteriora le prestazioni o la qualità di ascolto. Inoltre, grazie allelevata qualità dei trasformatori di uscita utilizzati, le capacità di gestione della potenza del Dynakit vengono mantenute su tutta la banda audio senza il brusco aumento della dist País/Región de fabricación Estados Unidos Número de entradas 2 Número de canales 2 Garantía del fabricante Sin garantía Tipo Amplificador integrado Potencia RMS 2 X 35 Watts RMS Color Plata EAN No aplicable Marca Dynaco Entradas de audio Estéreo RCA Año de fabricación 1970 Características combinadas del receptor Tube Amplifier Cantidad de unidades 1 Tipo de unidad Unidad Salidas de audio Conectores de altavoz de cable sin procesar Modelo ST-70 Número de salidas 3 Características Término análogo Características Tube Amplifier Potencia 2 X 35 Watts RMS

Dynaco ST-70 Power Tube Amplifier Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work Good

End: 30.05. 2024 09:22:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1254.13 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235032471699
  • Seller: technogold (1535|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 339,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DYNACO ST-70 Power TUBE Amplifier DYNAKIT STEREO 70 WRMS Vintage 1970 WORK GOOD LOOK Dynaco Stereo 70 Stereo Power Amplifier (1971-17) Description The Dynakit Stereo 70 is a complete dual 35 watt power amplifier kit which offers the highest possible fidelity, at low cost and in a compact arrangement. It uses a patented circuit of outstanding performance characteristics, along with top quality parts, including the new Dynaco Super-Fidelity A-470 transformers - the finest available. The measured specifications show that the Stereo 70 is an amplifier of unequaled performance, and its listening quality is also unrivaled by any regardless of price. This amplifier has characteristics and power rating ideal for either stereophonic or monophonic use. The two non-interacting 35 watt channels provide adequate power, in a stereophonic or two channel system, for loudspeakers of any level of efficiency. The channels can be paralleled for a full 70 watts of low distortion output, suitable for practically any monophonic use even where several loudspeakers are in use in different areas. The high power capacity and low internal impedance provide excellent damping for all types of high quality speaker systems without need to make adjustments to match specific speaker installations. The design features of your Dynakit which contribute to its superior listening quality include some which are not revealed by the customary steady-state laboratory measurements. For example, it does not exhibit bounce and flutter when pulsed with a transient signal. Thus a sharp percussive signal like a drum beat or a piano note will be reproduced with sharpness and clarity and neither overhang nor muddiness. The Stereo 70, unlike many other amplifier circuits, has been designed to provide its specified performance on a loudspeaker load, not just under laboratory measuring conditions. Therefore, the connection of a loudspeaker to the amplifier does not deteriorate its performance or listening quality. In addition, due to the high quality of the output transformers used, the Dynakits power handling capabilities are maintained over the entire audio band without the sharp rise in distortion which characterizes most amplifiers at the extremes of high and low frequencies. specifications series I Power output: 35 watts per channel into 8ohms (stereo) Frequency response: 10Hz to 40kHz Total harmonic distortion: 1% Damping factor: 15 Input sensitivity: 1.3V Signal to noise ratio: 90dB Speaker load impedance: 4ohms to 16ohms Valve complement: 4 x EL34, 2 x 7199, 1 x GZ34 Dimensions: 13 x 9.5 x 6.5 inches Weight: 32lbs Finish: nickel plated chassis, charcoal brown vinyl paint coverThis amplifier has characteristics and power rating ideal for either stereophonic or monophonic use. The two non-interacting 35 watt channels provide adequate power, in a stereophonic or two channel system, for loudspeakers of any level of efficiency. The Stereo 70, unlike many other amplifier circuits, has been designed to provide its specified performance on a loudspeaker load, not just under laboratory measuring conditions. Therefore, the connection of a loudspeaker to the amplifier does not deteriorate its performance or listening quality. In addition, due to the high quality of the output transformers used, the Dynakits power handling capabilities are maintained over the entire audio band without the sharp rise in distortion which characterizes most amplifiers at the extremes of high

Dynaco ST-70 Power Rohr Verstärker Dynakit Stereo 70 Wrms Vintage 1970 Work Good

End: 30.05. 2024 09:22:46 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1174.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235032471855
  • Seller: technogold (1535|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 339,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DYNACO ST-70 Leistungsröhrenverstärker DYNAKIT STEREO 70 WRMS Vintage 1970 ARBEIT GUT AUSSEHEN Dynaco Stereo 70 Stereo-Leistungsverstärker (1971-17) Beschreibung Der Dynakit Stereo 70 ist ein komplettes Dual-35-Watt-Leistungsverstärker-Kit, das die höchstmögliche Wiedergabetreue zu geringen Kosten und in einer kompakten Anordnung bietet. Es verwendet eine patentierte Schaltung mit herausragenden Leistungsmerkmalen sowie hochwertige Teile, darunter die neuen Dynaco Super-Fidelity A-470-Transformatoren – die besten auf dem Markt. Die gemessenen Spezifikationen zeigen, dass der Stereo 70 ein Verstärker mit unübertroffener Leistung ist, und auch seine Hörqualität ist unabhängig vom Preis von keinem zu übertreffen. Dieser Verstärker verfügt über Eigenschaften und Nennleistung, die ideal für den stereophonen oder monophonen Einsatz sind. Die beiden nicht interagierenden 35-Watt-Kanäle liefern in einem Stereo- oder Zweikanalsystem ausreichend Leistung für Lautsprecher jeder Leistungsstufe. Die Kanäle können parallel geschaltet werden, um satte 70 Watt verzerrungsarme Ausgangsleistung zu erzielen, was praktisch für jeden monophonen Einsatz geeignet ist, selbst wenn mehrere Lautsprecher in verschiedenen Bereichen im Einsatz sind. Die hohe Leistungskapazität und die niedrige Innenimpedanz sorgen für eine hervorragende Dämpfung für alle Arten hochwertiger Lautsprechersysteme, ohne dass Anpassungen an bestimmte Lautsprecherinstallationen vorgenommen werden müssen. Zu den Designmerkmalen Ihres Dynakit, die zu seiner überragenden Hörqualität beitragen, gehören einige, die bei den üblichen stationären Labormessungen nicht sichtbar sind. Beispielsweise kommt es nicht zu Sprüngen und Flattern, wenn es mit einem transienten Signal gepulst wird. Dadurch wird ein scharfes perkussives Signal wie ein Trommelschlag oder eine Klaviernote scharf und klar reproduziert, ohne Überhang oder Unschärfe. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Verstärkerschaltungen wurde der Stereo 70 so konzipiert, dass er seine spezifizierte Leistung auch bei einer Lautsprecherlast und nicht nur unter Labormessbedingungen erbringt. Daher beeinträchtigt der Anschluss eines Lautsprechers an den Verstärker weder dessen Leistung noch die Hörqualität. Darüber hinaus bleibt die Belastbarkeit des Dynakit aufgrund der hohen Qualität der verwendeten Ausgangstransformatoren über das gesamte Audioband erhalten, ohne dass es zu einem starken Anstieg der Verzerrungen kommt, der bei den meisten Verstärkern im Extrembereich hoher und niedriger Frequenzen charakteristisch ist. Spezifikationen Serie I Ausgangsleistung: 35 Watt pro Kanal in 8Ohm (Stereo) Frequenzgang: 10 Hz bis 40 kHz Gesamte harmonische Verzerrung: 1 % Dämpfungsfaktor: 15 Eingangsempfindlichkeit: 1,3 V Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis: 90 dB Lautsprecherlastimpedanz: 4Ohm bis 16Ohm Ventilbestückung: 4 x EL34, 2 x 7199, 1 x GZ34 Abmessungen: 13 x 9,5 x 6,5 Zoll Gewicht: 32 Pfund Oberfläche: vernickeltes Gehäuse, anthrazitfarbene Vinyl-LackabdeckungDieser Verstärker verfügt über Eigenschaften und Nennleistung, die ideal für den stereophonen oder monophonen Einsatz sind. Die beiden nicht interagierenden 35-Watt-Kanäle liefern in einem Stereo- oder Zweikanalsystem ausreichend Leistung für Lautsprecher jeder Leistungsstufe. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Verstärkerschaltungen wurde der Stereo 70 so konzipiert, dass er seine spezifizierte Leistung auch bei einer Lautsprecherlast und nicht nur unter Labormessbedingungen erbringt. Daher beeinträchtigt der Anschluss eines Lautsprechers an den Verstärker weder dessen Leistung noch die Hörqualität. Darüber hinaus bleibt die Belastbarkeit des Dynakit aufgrund der hohen Qualität der verwendeten Ausgangstransformatoren über das gesamte Audioband erhalten, ohne dass es zu einem starken Anstieg de

Dynaco ST-70 Corded Dynakit Power Stereo Tube Amplifier Brown

End: 29.03. 2024 21:16:12 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 495.59 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296313231161
  • Bids: 27
  • Seller: goodwill_industries_of_san_francisco (313488|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: South San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Condition Unit Powers ON. No other tests were conducted. Item shows some signs of use, wear and scuffs. Unit sold AS IS. Additional Detail Power Cord Included. No Power Adapter Included. ONLY ITEMS IN PICTURES ARE INCLUDED. Please contact us via the eBay message system if you have any questions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for shopping with SF Goodwill! Your generous purchase from Goodwill makes a big difference for local people struggling with unemployment. Your purchase funds job programs and services for people overcoming challenges like homelessness, former incarceration, lack of job skills and limited education. We create second chances through training and the dignity of work. Payment: ??????Payments are due within 7 days from auction end date. Shipping: ??????We do not ship to PO Boxes or Military Addresses (ie: APO/FPO/DPO/etc) Combined Shipping: Yes, We Offer Combined Shipping Discounts! Item with the highest shipping price will be billed at full price shipping, additional items: 75% off each shipping cost Most orders qualify for an automatic combined shipping discount, simply check out and pay! Some items cannot be combined in shipping (fragile, oversize or heavy items) We cannot apply a combined shipping discount after payment has been made Please send us a direct message if you need help, or require a custom combined shipping invoice. Local Pickup: Were offering local pickup effective 11/1/2023. Once the auction has ended, choose the local pickup option during checkout. If you have any issues choosing local pickup, please let us know. Once checkout via local pickup has been completed, please allow 24-48 hours to contact you and schedule your order pickup. Local Pickup is by appointment only. We will not accept on the spot pickups. Orders must be picked up within 7-days of the scheduled appointment. Pickup extensions will not be offered. Contact us for the local pickup instructions. Order Issues and Questions: Problems with your order? Were here to help! Please contact us via the eBay message system if you have any issues with your order. Due to our high volume of sales, please allow 24-48 hours for us to respond to your messages. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Mission: Each year, nonprofit Goodwill of San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin breaks the cycle of poverty for thousands of local people through our transformative free training and work placement programs. Goodwill serves anyone who comes through our doors with a willingness to work. Job Creation: From skills training to job coaching that leads to employment, we identify and develop job-readiness skills on both a personal and professional level, plus offer a variety of employment support services. Employment at Goodwill: Our 21 retail stores, 25 attended donation centers and 2 warehouses employ more than 600 people and provide training and employment opportunities for individuals seeking to learn and build work skills that lead to career pathways. Employment with Top Bay Area Companies: Our experienced employment coaches connect work-ready job seekers with open positions at a range of companies throughout San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties. Impacts: Last year, Goodwill of San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin placed our participants in 636 jobs and transitional employment opportunities. In addition, education, job training, and employment services were provided to 3,200 people in our three-county region, and 10,300 visits were made to our Comprehensive Access Point Job Center.

Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped

End: 25.03. 2024 22:41:47 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 483.51 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235476618926
  • Bids: 18
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15960|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord and RCA jacks. - 6CA7 tubes test strong Voltage:120V 60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 18.03. 2024 00:23:56 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 469.32 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335293106138
  • Bids: 37
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15920|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped

End: 14.03. 2024 18:37:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 711.79 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335287785440
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15913|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord and RCA jacks. - 6CA7 tubes test strong Voltage:120V 60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 07.03. 2024 23:06:16 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 599.3 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355495218382
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15883|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped

End: 03.03. 2024 01:35:27 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 715.24 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235442473356
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15872|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord and RCA jacks. - 6CA7 tubes test strong Voltage:120V 60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 24.02. 2024 03:21:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 695.76 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235431138348
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15858|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped

End: 18.02. 2024 01:11:29 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 738.06 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335248281066
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15836|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord and RCA jacks. - 6CA7 tubes test strong Voltage:120V 60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 13.02. 2024 00:54:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 701.18 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235414447101
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15826|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Freshly Serviced

End: 08.02. 2024 01:11:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 515.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335237034765
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15817|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Freshly Serviced For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedCosmetic Notes:Unit’s chassis is cloudy. Very good overall physical condition. Please see all high resolution photographs below.Functional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Strong testing quad of Tesla EL34 tubes / GE Copper Post 5AR4. - New Caps, RCA Jacks, Power Cord, - Bias supply rectifier replaced with Silicon diode.Voltage:117V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:AttachedShipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / FedEx Economy, USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International)Shipping Weight (lbs):45 (24x20x12) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped

End: 07.02. 2024 23:24:45 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 795.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:46:4
  • Item number: 235411451235
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Brooklyn,NY,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
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  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 Audiophile Hifi Stereo Tube Power Amplifier - Refurbished Recapped For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord and RCA jacks. - 6CA7 tubes test strong Voltage:120V 60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Flat Rate FreightShipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x10) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 20.01. 2024 01:18:01 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 805.52 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235380883949
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (15781|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 08.01. 2024 16:18:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 975.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 22:54:5
  • Item number: 235364515734
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Brooklyn,NY,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 15.12. 2023 00:46:25 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 19:23:14
  • Item number: 235329787920
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Brooklyn,NY,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds great.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor) - Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International)Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34

End: 10.12. 2023 00:17:26 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 975.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 19:38:26
  • Item number: 335142796039
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Brooklyn,NY,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Follow us| Sign up for our newsletter Dynaco ST-70 - Audiophile Quality Tube Stereo Power Amplifier - Mullard EL34 For over 20 years High End Audio Auctions has been selling the finest HiFi online, but did you know that we BUY your HiFi equipment as well? Contact our sister company STEREOBUYERS for a fair quote today! All items included are pictured. Items are tested fully to ensure all functions work as expected - any defects and additional service done to the item are noted below. Items are not restored or reconditioned, unless specified. All items we sell come with a 30-day warranty - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Original shipping on returns will be refunded at the sellers discretion. Local Pickup in NYC Available Dynaco ST-70 Details & Testing Notes Cosmetic Condition:7/10: Good - some signs of wear, looks used but well-maintainedFunctional Notes:Functions as intended and sounds excellent.Service Performed:- Replaced all capacitors - Installed silicon diode in bias supply, new power cord, RCA jacks, - EL34 tubes test strong (Tube Amp Doctor), Mullard (Russia) 5AR4Voltage:120V 50/60HzOriginal Box:NoManual:NoPower Cord:Yes (attached)Shipping Method:FedEx Ground (Domestic) / USPS Priority, Ebay Standard Delivery (International) Shipping Weight (lbs):30 (24x20x20) High-End Audio Auctions has been THE trusted source for high-end, classic and vintage audio components on eBay since 2000! Our unique products, unparalleled service and bombproof packaging keeps our customers coming back again and again. We are experts at selling and shipping worldwide, with items ranging from $5 to $50,000. We look forward to earning your repeat business! By placing a bid on any of our listings, you agree to our terms & conditions Click here to learn more Home| About Us| Store Policies| FAQs| Feedback| Contact Us| Custom Tuned Cables _gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516))

~Vintage~ Dynaco Dynakit Stereo 70 Tube Amplifier Amp Dyna ST-70

End: 04.10. 2023 22:13:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 790.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256206278336
  • Seller: soundsbydave-ca (1564|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chico, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 109,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Excellent Condition Rectifier Tube replaced with Solid state device hence there is no tube in the socket. New Output tubes- Ruby tubes -2 matched sets Bias set to 1.56 volts All caps on board have been replaced (See Picture) New Power supply Multi cap. Selenium rectifier replaced. 7199 Tubes replaced with modification that allows 6AQ8 ($8) To replace 7199 ($80) Replaced parts are shown in the pictures. Attention: We Ship UPS, USPS and depending on the item. Please, always view pics closely before bidding ! We are a reputable Stereo Store with 45 years experience. Professionally Serviced, Cleaned and Tested by our Technicians. All items are shipped fully Insured. World Class packaging guaranteed to arrive as shown in the pictures. Lower 48 States only Please.

Dynaco Dynakit ST-70 Stereo Chassis

End: 07.09. 2023 02:56:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 165.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195958672433
  • Seller: mikegi315 (525|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Eastchester, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 48,24 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Here is a Dynaco ST-70 chassis that includes everything except transformers and quad capacitor. Chassis has surface rust, but can be sanded down and painted or powder coated. NO EXTRA HOLES! Perfect project starter! Sold as is.