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Technical Pro RX45BT Home Theater Ricevitore 1000w Bluetooth USB Graffio & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:20 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 68.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:23
  • Item number: 235055924465
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 74,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Quando si ordina dagli Stati Uniti, i pacchi possono essere soggetti a tasse di importazione e dazi doganali, che lacqirente è tenuto a pagare.Technical Pro RX45BT Home Theater Ricevitore 1000w Bluetooth USB Graffio & DentQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci.Pro tecnico RX45BT Goditi la musica dalle tue fonti preferite con il ricevitore Technical Pro RX45BT a 5.2 canali. Questo ricevitore produce fino a 75 W di potenza RMS per canale e dispone di due ingressi RCA stereo e un ingresso aux da 1/8, che consente di riprodurre musica da una varietà di sorgenti. Sono presenti anche una porta USB e uno slot per schede SD, che consentono di registrare file WAV o riprodurre MP3 o altri tipi di file. I doppi ingressi per microfono da 1/4 ti consentono di cantare insieme ai tuoi brani preferiti e il sintonizzatore FM integrato ti consente di goderti la radio over-the-air gratuita.Sintonizzatore FM manualeSupporto USB e SD fino a 32 GBRegistra file WAV su USB o SD dal sintonizzatore e dagli ingressi RCAFrequenza di campionamento 128 kb/s / 32 kHz su registrazioni WAVMisuratore di visualizzazione delluscita fluorescente digitaleControlli bassi, alti e bilanciamentoDoppi ingressi microfonici con controlli di volume, eco e tonoRiproduzione ripetuta e casuale di file USB/SDDimensioni L17 x W10 x H6Ottieni.....Technical Pro RX45BT Ricevitore a 5.2 canaliTelecomandoCavo audio da 1/8.Antenna FMCavo di alimentazione CA1 ANNO DI GARANZIA!Goditi la musica dalle tue fonti preferite con il ricevitore Technical Pro RX45BT a 5.2 canali. Questo ricevitore produce fino a 75 W di potenza RMS per canale e dispone di due ingressi RCA stereo e un ingresso aux da 1/8, che consente di riprodurre musica da una varietà di sorgenti. Sono presenti anche una porta USB e uno slot per schede SD, che consentono di registrare file WAV o riprodurre MP3 o altri tipi di file. I doppi ingressi per microfono da 1/4 ti consentono di cantare insieme ai tuoi brani preferiti e il sintonizzatore FM integrato ti consente di goderti la radio over-the-air gratuita. Registra file WAV su USB o SD dal sintonizzatore e dagli ingressi RCA Frequenza di campionamento 128 kb/s / 32 kHz su registrazioni WAV Misuratore di visualizzazione delluscita fluorescente d Receiver Combo Features Receiver Number of Inputs 2 Power 1000 W Band FM MPN RX45BT Audio Outputs Headphone Jack Brand Technical Hifi UPC 613815676225 Country/Region of Manufacture China Color Black Number of Channels 2 Features Bluetooth RMS Power 150 W Model RX45BT Type Power Amplifier Audio Inputs USB Number of Outputs 2 Supported Modes FM Supported Modes AM

Technisch Pro RX38UR 1000W Empfänger Mit USB & SD Karte Eingänge Kratzer & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:19 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 59.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:26
  • Item number: 235055924396
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 74,43 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss.Technisch Pro RX38UR 1000W Empfänger Mit USB & SD Karte Eingänge Kratzer & DentDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Pro Receiver mit USB- und SD-Karteneingängen + kabelloser FernbedienungDer RX38UR Der professionelle Receiver bietet alles, was Sie für die heutigen Anforderungen benötigen. Abgestimmt auf alle Produkte von Technischer Profi, Dieses Gerät ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt und garantiert ein hohes Leistungsniveau und kristallklaren Klang! Benötigen Sie die Wiedergabe einer CD, einer DVD, eines MP3-Players? Müssen Sie zwei Mikrofone anschließen oder eine MP3-Datei von einem USB flash oder einer SD-Karte abspielen? Benötigen Sie einen UKW-Tuner, um UKW-Radio anzuhören oder abzuspielen? In der heutigen Audioumgebung ist es wichtig, mehrere, unterschiedliche Quellen an Ihr Audiosystem anschließen zu können, und der RX38UR kann all das bewältigen! Die Eingänge auf der Rückseite des RX38UR bestehen aus zwei Stereo-Cinch-Eingängen für zwei verschiedene Audioquellen. Die Eingänge auf der Vorderseite befinden sich genau dort, wo sie sein sollten: auf der Vorderseite! Dadurch können Sie problemlos einen MP3-Player, eine SD-Karte, einen USB flash Stick und zwei Mikrofone anschließen und trennen. Diese Quellen werden in der Regel täglich je nach Bedarf zu- und abgeschaltet. Bei der Entwicklung dieses Geräts haben die Technikprofis vorausschauend auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit geachtet. Möchten Sie wirklich an die Rückseite eines Racks gehen, um einen MP3-Player anzuschließen? Tun wir auch nicht! HAUPTMERKMALE Zwei 1/4-Zoll-Mikrofoneingänge Aufnahmefunktionen USB/SD-Eingänge Aux-Eingänge Bass- und Höhenregler Integrierter Radiotuner Digitaler Bildschirm Wiedergabesteuerung Gleichgewichtskontrolle Was ist das Besondere an einem USB- flash /SD-Karten-Eingang? Wie die meisten von uns verfügen Sie wahrscheinlich über eine ständig wachsende Bibliothek von MP3-Audiodateien auf Ihrem Computer oder Laptop, die Sie bequem auf der Couch anhören möchten. Sind Sie schon einmal über ein mit Ihrem Computer oder Laptop verbundenes Kabel gestolpert und sind dann auf den Boden gesprungen, um zu verhindern, dass es abstürzt und in Stücke zerbricht? Wir sind uns alle einig: Je weniger Kabel in unserem Soundsystem, desto besser. Mit einem USB- flash Laufwerk bzw. einer SD-Karte können Sie Tausende von MP3-Audiodateien in Ihrer Handfläche mit sich herumtragen. Schließen Sie einfach den USB- flash /die SD-Karte an den Computer an und kopieren Sie die MP3-Dateien auf den USB- flash /die SD-Karte. Trennen Sie es vom Computer und verbinden Sie es mit dem RX38UR. Das Gerät beginnt automatisch mit der Wiedergabe der Dateien vom USB- flash Laufwerk/der SD-Karte. Und das alles, während Ihr Laptop absolut sicher ist. Mit der neuesten Funktion von Technical Pro können Sie auch auf dem USB- flash Laufwerk bzw. der SD-Karte aufnehmen. Die Ausgänge bestehen aus branchenüblichen Bananenklemmen, die zwei Lautsprecher anschließen können, einem Druckknopf für Surround-Lautsprecher und einem RCA für einen Aufnahme-Line-Ausgang. Die beiden Mikrofoneingänge verfügen über einen Ton-, Echo- und Lautstärkeregler, sodass Sie das Signal an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen können. Der Gesamtausgang verfügt über separate Bass- und Höhenregler, mit denen Sie Ihren Sound optimieren und Ihren Sweet Spot finden können! Komplett mit einer digitalen Leuchtstoff-Ausgangsanzeige ist dieser Verstärker erstklassig! Wenn Sie sich jemals mit professioneller Audiotechnik beschäftigt haben, kennen Sie den Namen Technical Pro und wissen, wofür er steht: unglaubliche Leistung und Klang sowie ultimative Zuverlässigkeit unter rauen Bedingungen. Und jetzt bietet Technical Pro die gleiche Technologie in einer Reihe integrierter Verstärker und Receiver an, die noch mehr von dem bieten, was Technical Pro von allen anderen unterscheidet. SPEZIFIKATIONEN Modell # RX38Ur Maße L 17 x B 9,5 x H 6  gewicht 8,0 Pfund Stromspannung 110/220 V UVP Spitzenleistung 1000 Watt Eingänge RCA (2 Audioquellen), USB, SD-Karte, MP3 (AUX) (max. 32 GB) Ausgänge Bananenstecker, Druckknopf (Surround-Lautsprecher), RCA, 2 Mono-RCA  Kopfhörerausgänge 1/8 Wiedergabe .mp3, .wav, .wma Aufzeichnungen 128 kbps / 32 KHz auf .wav Mikrofoneingang Dual mit Lautstärke-, Echo- und Tonreglern Ausgleichspunkte 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Einstellungsgrad ±12dB Frequenzgang 20Hz-20KHz Integrierte Funktionen Bass-, Höhen- und Balanceregler, UKW-Tuner Eingebauter Ventilator JaDie Eingänge auf der Rückseite des RX38UR bestehen aus zwei Stereo-Cinch-Eingängen für zwei verschiedene Audioquellen. Die Eingänge auf der Vorderseite befinden sich genau dort, wo sie sein sollten: auf der Vorderseite! Dadurch können Sie problemlos einen MP3-Player, eine SD-Karte, einen USB flash Stick und zwei Mikrofone anschließen und trennen. Diese Quellen werden in der Regel täglich je nach Bedarf zu- und abgeschaltet. Bei der Entwicklung dieses Geräts haben die Technikprofis vorausschauend auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit geachtet. Möchten Sie wirklich an die Rückseite eines Racks gehen, um einen MP3-Player anzuschließen? Tun wir auch nicht! Wir sind uns alle einig: Je weniger Kabel in unserem Soundsystem, desto besser. Mit einem USB- flash Laufwerk bzw. einer SD-Karte können Sie Tausende Receiver Combo Features Radio Tuner Receiver Combo Features Digital Tuner Receiver Combo Features Karaoke Features Radio Power 1000 W MPN RX38UR Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA Brand Technical Hifi Audio Inputs/Outputs Two-Channel RCA Surround Sound Formats DTS Surround Sound Formats Dolby Color Black Number of Channels 2 Model RX38UR Type Stereo Receiver Audio Inputs Digital Coaxial RCA Audio Inputs USB

Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Pro Récepteur Wusb & Carte SD Entrée Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:19 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 64.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:26
  • Item number: 235055924377
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 65,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Les commandes réalisées à partir des États-Unis, peuvent être soumises à des taxes dimportation et droits de douane, que lacheteur est tenu responsable de payer.Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Pro Récepteur Wusb & Carte SD Entrée Scratch & DentCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.Technical Pro RX38UR Récepteur Pro 1000W avec entrées USB et carte SD + télécommande sans filLe RX38UR Le récepteur professionnel (MAINTENANT AVEC BLUETOOTH) a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour les demandes actuelles daujourdhui. Aligné avec tous les produits de Professionnel technique, cet appareil est construit pour durer et garanti pour fournir un haut niveau de performance et un son cristallin ! Avez-vous besoin de lire un CD, un DVD, un ou un lecteur MP3 ? Avez-vous besoin de connecter deux microphones ou de lire un fichier MP3 à partir dune flash USB ou dune carte SD ? Avez-vous besoin dun tuner FM pour référencer ou lire la radio FM ? Dans lenvironnement audio daujourdhui, il est important de pouvoir connecter plusieurs sources différentes à votre système audio et le RX38UR peut tout gérer ! Les entrées du panneau arrière du RX38UR se composent de deux entrées RCA stéréo pour deux sources audio différentes. Les entrées du panneau avant sont exactement là où elles devraient être, sur le panneau avant ! Cela vous permettra de connecter et de déconnecter facilement un lecteur MP3, une carte SD, une flash USB et deux microphones. Ces sources sont généralement activées et désactivées quotidiennement en fonction de vos besoins. Pensant à lavenir, Technical Pro a conçu cette unité avec la facilité à lesprit. Vous avez vraiment envie daller sur le panneau arrière dun rack pour brancher un lecteur MP3 ? Nous non plus! PRINCIPALES CARACTÉRISTIQUES Deux entrées micro 1/4 Capacités denregistrement Entrées USB/SD Entrées auxiliaires Contrôles des graves et des aigus Tuner radio intégré Affichage numérique Commandes de lecture Contrôle de léquilibre Alors, quelle est la particularité dune entrée flash USB / carte SD ? Comme la plupart dentre nous, vous avez probablement une bibliothèque sans cesse croissante de fichiers audio mp3 sur votre ordinateur ou votre ordinateur portable que vous souhaitez écouter tout en étant assis dans le confort de votre canapé. Avez-vous déjà trébuché sur un fil connecté à votre ordinateur ou ordinateur portable, puis plongé sur le sol pour lempêcher de sécraser et de se briser en morceaux ? Nous pouvons tous convenir que moins il y a de fils dans notre système audio, mieux cest. Une flash USB / carte SD vous permet de transporter des milliers de fichiers audio .mp3 dans la paume de votre main. Connectez simplement la flash USB / la carte SD à lordinateur et copiez les fichiers .mp3 sur la flash USB / la carte SD. Déconnectez-le de lordinateur et connectez-le au RX38UR et lappareil commencera automatiquement à lire les fichiers de la flash USB / carte SD. Tout en gardant votre ordinateur portable parfaitement en sécurité. La nouvelle fonctionnalité de Technical Pro vous permet également denregistrer sur la flash USB / la carte SD. Les sorties consistent en une borne banane standard de lindustrie qui peut connecter deux haut-parleurs, un bouton-poussoir pour les haut-parleurs surround et un RCA pour une sortie de ligne denregistrement. Les deux entrées microphone ont un contrôle de tonalité, décho et de volume vous permettant dajuster le signal à vos besoins. La sortie globale dispose de commandes séparées pour les graves et les aigus vous permettant de peaufiner votre son et de trouver votre point idéal ! Complet avec un compteur daffichage de sortie fluorescent numérique, cet amplificateur est de premier ordre ! Si vous avez passé du temps dans laudio professionnel, vous connaissez le nom Technical Pro et ce quil représente : des performances et un son incroyables, et le summum de la fiabilité dans des conditions difficiles. Et maintenant, Technical Pro offre la même technologie dans une série damplis et de récepteurs intégrés apportant plus de ce qui distingue Technical Pro de tous les autres. SPÉCIFICATIONS Modèle # RX38Ur Dimensions L 17 x L 9,5 x H 6  Poids 8,0 livres Tension 110/220v PDSF Puissance de crête 1000 watts Contributions RCA (2 sources audio), USB, carte SD, MP3 (AUX)(32 Go max) Les sorties Borne banane, bouton poussoir (haut-parleurs surround), RCA, 2 RCA mono  Sorties casque 1/8 Relecture .mp3, .wav, .wma Dossiers 128 kbps / 32 KHz sur .wav Entrée micro Double avec commandes de volume, décho et de tonalité Points dégalisation 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Gamme de réglage ±12dB Fréquence de réponse 20Hz-20KHz Fonctionnalités intégrées Commandes des graves, des aigus et de la balance, tuner FM Ventilateur intégré OuiLes entrées du panneau arrière du RX38UR se composent de deux entrées RCA stéréo pour deux sources audio différentes. Les entrées du panneau avant sont exactement là où elles devraient être, sur le panneau avant ! Cela vous permettra de connecter et de déconnecter facilement un lecteur MP3, une carte SD, une flash USB et deux microphones. Ces sources sont généralement activées et désactivées quotidiennement en fonction de vos besoins. Pensant à lavenir, Technical Pro a conçu cette unité avec la facilité à lesprit. Vous avez vraiment envie daller sur le panneau arrière dun rack pour brancher un lecteur MP3 ? Nous non plus! Nous pouvons tous convenir que moins il y a de fils dans notre système audio, mieux cest. Une flash USB / carte SD vous permet de transporter des milliers de fichier Receiver Combo Features Radio Tuner Receiver Combo Features Digital Tuner Receiver Combo Features Karaoke Features Radio Power 1000 W MPN RX38UR Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA Brand Technical Hifi Audio Inputs/Outputs Two-Channel RCA Surround Sound Formats DTS Surround Sound Formats Dolby Color Black Number of Channels 2 Model RX38UR Type Stereo Receiver Audio Inputs Digital Coaxial RCA Audio Inputs USB

T Pro DV10k 10000w Receiver/Amplifier/DVD Player Bluetooth/USB/FM Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:17 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 117.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:26
  • Item number: 235055924288
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 105,11 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When ordering from the US, parcels may be subject to import tax and duty charges, which the buyer is responsible to pay.T Pro DV10k 10000w Receiver/Amplifier/DVD Player Bluetooth/USB/FM Scratch & DentThis product data sheet is originally written in English.The Technical Pro DV10k is a receiver and DVD player with Bluetooth capabilities. This professional piece of sound equipment is both stylish and rugged. Technical Pro are well known for the durability of their products. This is achieved through rigorous manufacturing quality combined with the use of tough materials. The company is also committed to innovative design, and this unit displays all of those hallmarks. The faceplate of the receiver is styled with eye-catching molding to curve out towards the user. This makes the controls, situated in the middle row of the console, easier to see. The top slanting edge of the curve is occupied by the display panels of the unit, so these face up to you as you look down on the unit. The downward slope of the curve towards the bottom of the faceplate makes the input sockets on the front of the unit less visible, although they are still easily accessible. WHATS INCLUDED? One Professional DVD Receiver One Remote Control KEY FEATURES Auto region playback (region free) and PAL/NTSC switchable Display that shows key information about playback Repeat and shuffle playback on USB/SD card inputs Bluetooth compatibility allows for wireless connection to any A2DP device FM tuner with auto scan Bass and treble controls Cooling fan The unit has two channels of output and puts out 450 Watts of continuous average power over both channels and it gives a total of 10,000 Watts of peak power over and 8 ohm circuit. As this is a DVD player, it also has video output and that leads out via RCA, HDMI, sockets. The FM tuner has an autoscan feature, to skip through the white noise and get to broadcasting channels quickly. The integrated DVD player can process sound CDs as well. There is a USB port and an SD card slot on the front of the receiver to take storage media with a capacity of up to 32 GB. So the unit can handle a wide range of storage formats, including DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, VCD, MP3, MPEG4, DIVX, and CD-G. The receivers Bluetooth capabilities give it the ability to communicate with any Bluetooth-enabled device, including smart phones. That means you can play music and video straight from your cell, without having to connect it with a lead. The unit can connect to Bluetooth devices that are up to 45 feet away. The units display panels include standard playback information, including track progression, and a graphic equalizer power output display. The receiver/DVD player also has a remote control unit, so you can manage your music and video output while you stand away from the player. This is a great feature for those who use the unit for product presentations and need to stand back a view the screen to narrate a sales pitch. Model # DV10k Dimensions 17 L x 10 W x 5 H Weight 22.2 lbs Voltage 110V MSRP Peak Power 10000 Watts Inputs RCA, USB, SD Card, Bluetooth (32 GB Max) Audio Outputs RCA (2CH) Video Outputs RCA, YUV, RGB LED Effects Outputs 2 Speaker Outputs Bare speaker wire (2 main speakers, 3 surround speakers) Playback DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, VCD, MP2, MPEG4, DIVX, CD-G Bluetooth v3.0 with EDR Bluetooth Range 45 feet Mic Input Dual 1/4 with volume and Echo controls Built-in Features FM tuner with auto scan, Pal / NTSC Switchable Built-in Fan Yes Remote Yes 380 watts RMS Both Channels Driven @ 1.0% THD @ 8 ohms ****** At Technical Pro sound is our passion. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our line of professional sound amplifiers. Each amplifier is built to deliver vibrant, full-bodied audio straight to your speakers. At your home or business, Technical Pro amplifiers give you the ultimate listening experience at prices that can’t be matched. This product is built with the same quality found in all Technical Pro equipment ensuring it follows you from gig to gig over an extended lifespan. We stand by our work and every Technical Pro product comes with a one year warranty. ****** Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.The faceplate of the receiver is styled with eye-catching molding to curve out towards the user. This makes the controls, situated in the middle row of the console, easier to see. The top slanting edge of the curve is occupied by the display panels of the unit, so these face up to you as you look down on the unit. The downward slope of the curve towards the bottom of the faceplate makes the input sockets on the front of the unit less visible, although they are still easily accessible. The FM tuner has an autoscan feature, to skip through the white noise and get to broadcasting channels quickly. The integrated DVD player can process sound CDs as well. There is a USB port and an SD card slot on the front of the receiver to take storage media with a capacity of up to 32 GB. So the unit can ha Receiver Combo Features DVD Player, Features Amplifier Modified Item No MPN DV10K Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA, Brand Technical Pro Non-Domestic Product No UPC 817802016340 Custom Bundle No Connectivity Bluetooth Band Technical Pro Country/Region of Manufacture China Model DV10k Playable Disc Formats CD+G Karaoke, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, DVD+R, VCD, Audio Inputs Stereo L/R RCA, USB,

Technical Pro RX45BT Home-Cinéma Récepteur 1000w Bluetooth USB Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:17 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 68.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:26
  • Item number: 235055924311
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 74,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Les commandes réalisées à partir des États-Unis, peuvent être soumises à des taxes dimportation et droits de douane, que lacheteur est tenu responsable de payer.Technical Pro RX45BT Home-Cinéma Récepteur 1000w Bluetooth USB Scratch & DentCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.Technique Pro RX45BT Profitez de la musique de vos sources préférées avec le récepteur 5.2 canaux Technical Pro RX45BT. Ce récepteur produit jusquà 75 W de puissance RMS par canal et dispose de deux entrées RCA stéréo et dune entrée auxiliaire 1/8, vous permettant de jouer de la musique à partir dune variété de sources. Un port USB et un emplacement pour carte SD sont également intégrés, vous permettant denregistrer des fichiers WAV ou de lire des MP3 ou dautres types de fichiers. Deux entrées microphone 1/4 vous permettent de chanter avec vos morceaux préférés, et le tuner FM intégré vous permet de profiter gratuitement de la radio en direct.Syntoniseur FM manuelPrise en charge USB et SD jusquà 32 GoEnregistre les fichiers WAV sur USB ou SD à partir des entrées tuner et RCATaux déchantillonnage de 128 kb/s / 32 kHz sur les enregistrements WAVCompteur daffichage numérique de sortie fluorescenteCommandes des graves, des aigus et de la balanceDeux entrées micro avec commandes de volume, décho et de tonalitéLecture répétée et aléatoire des fichiers USB/SDDimensions L17 x L10 x H6Vous obtenez.....Récepteur 5.2 canaux Technical Pro RX45BTTélécommandeCâble audio 1/8Antenne FMCordon dalimentation secteurGARANTIE 1 AN !Profitez de la musique de vos sources préférées avec le récepteur 5.2 canaux Technical Pro RX45BT. Ce récepteur produit jusquà 75 W de puissance RMS par canal et dispose de deux entrées RCA stéréo et dune entrée auxiliaire 1/8, vous permettant de jouer de la musique à partir dune variété de sources. Un port USB et un emplacement pour carte SD sont également intégrés, vous permettant denregistrer des fichiers WAV ou de lire des MP3 ou dautres types de fichiers. Deux entrées microphone 1/4 vous permettent de chanter avec vos morceaux préférés, et le tuner FM intégré vous permet de profiter gratuitement de la radio en direct. Enregistre les fichiers WAV sur USB ou SD à partir des entrées tuner et RCA Taux déchantillonnage de 128 kb/s / 32 kHz sur les enregistrements WAV Deux entrées m Receiver Combo Features Receiver Number of Inputs 2 Power 1000 W Band FM MPN RX45BT Audio Outputs Headphone Jack Brand Technical Hifi UPC 613815676225 Country/Region of Manufacture China Color Black Number of Channels 2 Features Bluetooth RMS Power 150 W Model RX45BT Type Power Amplifier Audio Inputs USB Number of Outputs 2 Supported Modes FM Supported Modes AM

Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Récepteur Avec USB & Carte SD Entrée Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:17 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 59.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:26
  • Item number: 235055924325
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 74,43 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Les commandes réalisées à partir des États-Unis, peuvent être soumises à des taxes dimportation et droits de douane, que lacheteur est tenu responsable de payer.Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Récepteur Avec USB & Carte SD Entrée Scratch & DentCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.Technical Pro RX38UR Récepteur Pro 1000W avec entrées USB et carte SD + télécommande sans filLe RX38UR récepteur professionnel a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour les exigences actuelles daujourdhui. Aligné avec tous les produits de Professionnel technique, cet appareil est construit pour durer et garanti pour fournir un haut niveau de performance et un son cristallin ! Avez-vous besoin de lire un CD, un DVD, un ou un lecteur MP3 ? Avez-vous besoin de connecter deux microphones ou de lire un fichier MP3 à partir dune flash USB ou dune carte SD ? Avez-vous besoin dun tuner FM pour référencer ou lire la radio FM ? Dans lenvironnement audio daujourdhui, il est important de pouvoir connecter plusieurs sources différentes à votre système audio et le RX38UR peut tout gérer ! Les entrées du panneau arrière du RX38UR se composent de deux entrées RCA stéréo pour deux sources audio différentes. Les entrées du panneau avant sont exactement là où elles devraient être, sur le panneau avant ! Cela vous permettra de connecter et de déconnecter facilement un lecteur MP3, une carte SD, une flash USB et deux microphones. Ces sources sont généralement activées et désactivées quotidiennement en fonction de vos besoins. Pensant à lavenir, Technical Pro a conçu cette unité avec la facilité à lesprit. Vous avez vraiment envie daller sur le panneau arrière dun rack pour brancher un lecteur MP3 ? Nous non plus! PRINCIPALES CARACTÉRISTIQUES Deux entrées micro 1/4 Capacités denregistrement Entrées USB/SD Entrées auxiliaires Contrôles des graves et des aigus Tuner radio intégré Affichage numérique Commandes de lecture Contrôle de léquilibre Alors, quelle est la particularité dune entrée flash USB / carte SD ? Comme la plupart dentre nous, vous avez probablement une bibliothèque sans cesse croissante de fichiers audio mp3 sur votre ordinateur ou votre ordinateur portable que vous souhaitez écouter tout en étant assis dans le confort de votre canapé. Avez-vous déjà trébuché sur un fil connecté à votre ordinateur ou ordinateur portable, puis plongé sur le sol pour lempêcher de sécraser et de se briser en morceaux ? Nous pouvons tous convenir que moins il y a de fils dans notre système audio, mieux cest. Une flash USB / carte SD vous permet de transporter des milliers de fichiers audio .mp3 dans la paume de votre main. Connectez simplement la flash USB / la carte SD à lordinateur et copiez les fichiers .mp3 sur la flash USB / la carte SD. Déconnectez-le de lordinateur et connectez-le au RX38UR et lappareil commencera automatiquement à lire les fichiers de la flash USB / carte SD. Tout en gardant votre ordinateur portable parfaitement en sécurité. La nouvelle fonctionnalité de Technical Pro vous permet également denregistrer sur la flash USB / la carte SD. Les sorties consistent en une borne banane standard de lindustrie qui peut connecter deux haut-parleurs, un bouton-poussoir pour les haut-parleurs surround et un RCA pour une sortie de ligne denregistrement. Les deux entrées microphone ont un contrôle de tonalité, décho et de volume vous permettant dajuster le signal à vos besoins. La sortie globale dispose de commandes séparées pour les graves et les aigus vous permettant de peaufiner votre son et de trouver votre point idéal ! Complet avec un compteur daffichage de sortie fluorescent numérique, cet amplificateur est de premier ordre ! Si vous avez passé du temps dans laudio professionnel, vous connaissez le nom Technical Pro et ce quil représente : des performances et un son incroyables, et le summum de la fiabilité dans des conditions difficiles. Et maintenant, Technical Pro offre la même technologie dans une série damplis et de récepteurs intégrés apportant plus de ce qui distingue Technical Pro de tous les autres. SPÉCIFICATIONS Modèle # RX38Ur Dimensions L 17 x L 9,5 x H 6  Poids 8,0 livres Tension 110/220v PDSF Puissance de crête 1000 watts Contributions RCA (2 sources audio), USB, carte SD, MP3 (AUX)(32 Go max) Les sorties Borne banane, bouton poussoir (haut-parleurs surround), RCA, 2 RCA mono  Sorties casque 1/8 Relecture .mp3, .wav, .wma Dossiers 128 kbps / 32 KHz sur .wav Entrée micro Double avec commandes de volume, décho et de tonalité Points dégalisation 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Gamme de réglage ±12dB Fréquence de réponse 20Hz-20KHz Fonctionnalités intégrées Commandes des graves, des aigus et de la balance, tuner FM Ventilateur intégré OuiLes entrées du panneau arrière du RX38UR se composent de deux entrées RCA stéréo pour deux sources audio différentes. Les entrées du panneau avant sont exactement là où elles devraient être, sur le panneau avant ! Cela vous permettra de connecter et de déconnecter facilement un lecteur MP3, une carte SD, une flash USB et deux microphones. Ces sources sont généralement activées et désactivées quotidiennement en fonction de vos besoins. Pensant à lavenir, Technical Pro a conçu cette unité avec la facilité à lesprit. Vous avez vraiment envie daller sur le panneau arrière dun rack pour brancher un lecteur MP3 ? Nous non plus! Nous pouvons tous convenir que moins il y a de fils dans notre système audio, mieux cest. Une flash USB / carte SD vous permet de transporter des milliers de fichier Receiver Combo Features Radio Tuner Receiver Combo Features Digital Tuner Receiver Combo Features Karaoke Features Radio Power 1000 W MPN RX38UR Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA Brand Technical Hifi Audio Inputs/Outputs Two-Channel RCA Surround Sound Formats DTS Surround Sound Formats Dolby Color Black Number of Channels 2 Model RX38UR Type Stereo Receiver Audio Inputs Digital Coaxial RCA Audio Inputs USB

Technical Pro AX5000; 5000 Watt; 2 Channel Amplifier USB, SD, EQ Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:16 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 118.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:25
  • Item number: 235055924275
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 48,8 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When ordering from the US, parcels may be subject to import tax and duty charges, which the buyer is responsible to pay.Technical Pro AX5000; 5000 Watt; 2 Channel Amplifier USB, SD, EQ Scratch & DentThis product data sheet is originally written in English.AX-50005000 watts peak power900 watts @ 2 ohms600 watts @ 4 ohms350 watts @ 8 ohmsInputs: ¼, RCA, mp3 (?), USB Flash drive, SD CardUSB Flash drive & SD card input, plays .mp3 files on drives of up to 32 GBID3 track, title and information displays on screenRepeat & random playback on USB & SD card inputsOutputs: Speakon, Banana binding postDual cooling speed fansIridescent blue LED meterSeparate input gain and volume controlDual 3 band equalizerPower, Level & Clipping indicators per channelFrequency Response: 20hz-20KHzSignal to Noise Ratio: 79dBInput Impedance: 10 k ohm unbalancedDimensions: 19w x 3.5h x 8d110VProfessional sound engineers, studio pros and performers expect a high standard of excellence in the gear they use for their work. Technical Pro has consistently been providing these individuals with exactly that…professional equipment that is built to last and built to perform. This high level of quality can also be found in their professional grade amplifiers. Their latest addition is the AX5000 2U Professional 2CH Power Amplifier. The AX5000 pushes out a whopping 5000 watts of peak power. This is the type of power needed to power professional studio monitors, a small stage sound system, a DJ’s mobile rig or a lounge or small club’s speaker system. It will give you the power you need and also achieve a clear and crisp sound output. The rear inputs are RCA connectors making it easy to connect any standard equipment. The AX5000 has an 1/8 input on the front panel in addition to a USB Flash Drive and SD Card input for quick connections to your audio. Simply connect a mp3 player to the 1/8 input or a USB Flash drive / SD Card loaded with .mp3 files and connect them to the AX5000. All you need is a pair of speakers and you are ready to rock. The outputs are Banana Binding Post which are also an industry standard that allow you to connect to almost any speaker system. Connecting to and from this amplifier is a simple task! And the sound quality it provides will make sure your audience knows you are professional using professional audio gear! Like all of Technical Pro’s amplifiers the AX5000 is built to hold up under pressure. This unit will give you the sound output you need in a crowded club, a stage or in your studio. It can be connected to any standard studio or mobile rack with ease! And it will hold up against the pressure of performing and always set the place on fire! But not literally, the Dual Cooling Fans will keep this unit as cool as a cucumber even under long term use so you won’t have to worry about overheating. Racks of professional audio gear or crowded venues and nightclubs are always hot so not worrying about overheating your amplifier is priceless! The front panel of the AX5000 has two knobs for each channel to control the gain input and volume levels. In addition there are iridescent blue meters to show your level readings. This is not only extremely useful to gauge your levels but also looks very stylish in a dark space! The front panel also holds the power button. This is a very useful feature if you place this unit into a rack….there is no need to climb behind your gear to turn this one on and off! There is also a clipping level feature which lights up red to warn when clipping levels are reached…one fast glance to the front panel and you will see your input is at a proper level. The AX5000 2-Channel Amplifier from Technical Pro is top notch amplifier if you are serious about your sound quality….and it can be had for a cost that is very affordable! Please Note: Mode button is for switching between USB Stick and SD card only. Rack Ears May Be Bent. Its a scratch and dent, after all.  The AX5000 pushes out a whopping 5000 watts of peak power. This is the type of power needed to power professional studio monitors, a small stage sound system, a DJ’s mobile rig or a lounge or small club’s speaker system. It will give you the power you need and also achieve a clear and crisp sound output. The rear inputs are RCA connectors making it easy to connect any standard equipment. The AX5000 has an 1/8 input on the front panel in addition to a USB Flash Drive and SD Card input for quick connections to your audio. Simply connect a mp3 player to the 1/8 input or a USB Flash drive / SD Card loaded with .mp3 files and connect them to the AX5000. All you need is a pair of speakers and you are ready to rock. The outputs are Banana Binding Post which are also an industry standard that al Power 5000 W Color Black Audio Outputs Speakon, Banana binding post Brand Technical Hifi MPN AX5000 Number of Channels 2 Model AX5000 Type Power Amplifier Audio Inputs 1/4 RCA, 1/8 MP3, USB, SD Card, (Max 32GBs)

Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Pro Receiver wUSB & SD Card Inputs Scratch & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:14 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 63.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:27
  • Item number: 235055924194
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 36,31 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When ordering from the US, parcels may be subject to import tax and duty charges, which the buyer is responsible to pay.Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Pro Receiver wUSB & SD Card Inputs Scratch & DentThis product data sheet is originally written in English.Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Pro Receiver with USB & SD Card Inputs + wireless remote controlThe RX38UR professional receiver (NOW WITH BLUETOOTH)has everything you need for today’s current demands. Aligned with all of the products from Technical Pro, this unit is built to last and guaranteed to provide a high level of performance and crystal clear sound! Do you need to play a CD, a DVD, an or MP3 Player? Do you need to connect two microphones or play an MP3 file from a USB Flash drive or SD Card? Do you need an FM tuner to reference or play FM radio? In today’s audio environment it’s important to be able to connect multiple, varying sources to your audio system and the RX38UR can handle it all! The RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! KEY FEATURES Dual 1/4 mic inputs Recording capabilities USB/SD inputs Aux inputs Bass and treble controls Integrated radio tuner Digital display Playback controls Balance control So what is so special about a USB Flash drive / SD Card input? Like most of us, you probably have an ever-growing library of mp3 audio files on your computer or laptop that you want to listen to while sitting on the comfort of your couch. Have you ever tripped over a wire connected to your computer or laptop and then dive onto the floor to save it from crashing and breaking into pieces? We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card. Disconnect it from the computer and connect it to the RX38UR and the unit will automatically begin playing the files from the USB Flash drive / SD Card. All while keeping your laptop perfectly safe. Technical Pros newest feature allows you to record onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card as well. The outputs consist of industry standard banana binding post that can connect two speakers, push button for surround speakers, and an RCA for a record line output. The two microphone inputs have a tone, echo and volume control letting you adjust the signal to your needs. The overall output has separate bass and treble controls allowing you to tweak your sound and find your sweet spot! Complete with a digital fluorescent output display meter this amplifier is top notch! If youve spent any time at all in professional audio, you know the name Technical Pro and what it stands for—incredible performance & sound, and the ultimate in reliability under harsh conditions. And now, Technical Pro offers the same technology in a series of integrated amps and receivers bringing more of what sets Technical Pro apart from all others. SPECS Model # RX38Ur Dimensions L 17 x W 9.5 x H 6  Weight 8.0 lbs Voltage 110/220v MSRP Peak Power 1000 Watts Inputs RCA (2 audio sources), USB, SD Card, MP3 (AUX)(32GB Max) Outputs Banana binding post , push Button (surround speakers), RCA , 2 Mono RCA  Headphone Outputs 1/8 Playback .mp3, .wav, .wma Records 128 kbps / 32 KHz on .wav Mic Input Dual with volume, echo, and tone controls Equalization Points 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Adjustment Range ±12dB Frequency Response 20Hz-20KHz Built-in Features Bass, treble and balance controls, FM tuner Built-in Fan YesThe RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the Receiver Combo Features Radio Tuner Receiver Combo Features Digital Tuner Receiver Combo Features Karaoke Features Radio Power 1000 W MPN RX38UR Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA Brand Technical Hifi Audio Inputs/Outputs Two-Channel RCA Surround Sound Formats DTS Surround Sound Formats Dolby Color Black Number of Channels 2 Model RX38UR Type Stereo Receiver Audio Inputs Digital Coaxial RCA Audio Inputs USB

Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Ricevitore Wusb & SD Card Ingressi Graffio & Dent

End: 19.01. 2024 04:49:10 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 64.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 3:3:25
  • Item number: 404340897064
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26887|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 65,26 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Quando si ordina dagli Stati Uniti, i pacchi possono essere soggetti a tasse di importazione e dazi doganali, che lacqirente è tenuto a pagare.Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Ricevitore Wusb & SD Card Ingressi Graffio & DentQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci.Technical Pro RX38UR Ricevitore Pro da 1000 W con ingressi USB e scheda SD + telecomando wirelessIL RX38UR ricevitore professionale (ORA CON BLUETOOTH)ha tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per le esigenze attuali di oggi. Allineato con tutti i prodotti di professionista tecnico, questa unità è costruita per durare e garantisce prestazioni di alto livello e un suono cristallino! Hai bisogno di riprodurre un CD, un DVD, un lettore MP3? Devi collegare due microfoni o riprodurre un file MP3 da ununità flash USB o da una scheda SD? Hai bisogno di un sintonizzatore FM per consultare o riprodurre la radio FM? Nellambiente audio di oggi è importante essere in grado di collegare più sorgenti diverse al proprio sistema audio e lRX38UR è in grado di gestire tutto! Gli ingressi del pannello posteriore dellRX38UR sono costituiti da due ingressi RCA stereo per due diverse sorgenti audio. Gli ingressi del pannello frontale sono esattamente dove dovrebbero essere, sul pannello frontale! Ciò ti consentirà di collegare e scollegare facilmente un lettore MP3, una scheda SD, ununità flash USB e due microfoni. Queste fonti vengono solitamente attivate e disattivate quotidianamente a seconda delle esigenze. Pensando al futuro, Technical Pro ha progettato questa unità pensando alla semplicità. Vuoi davvero andare sul pannello posteriore di un rack per collegare un lettore MP3? Nemmeno noi! CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI Doppi ingressi microfonici da 1/4. Capacità di registrazione Ingressi USB/SD Ingressi ausiliari Controlli bassi e alti Sintonizzatore radio integrato Display digitale Controlli di riproduzione Controllo dellequilibrio Quindi cosa cè di così speciale in ununità flash USB / ingresso scheda SD? Come la maggior parte di noi, probabilmente hai una libreria in continua crescita di file audio mp3 sul tuo computer o laptop che desideri ascoltare mentre sei seduto comodamente sul tuo divano. Sei mai inciampato in un cavo collegato al tuo computer o laptop e poi ti sei tuffato sul pavimento per salvarlo da schiantarsi e rompersi? Siamo tutti daccordo: meno cavi nel nostro impianto audio, meglio è. Ununità flash USB/scheda SD ti consente di portare con te migliaia di file audio .mp3 nel palmo della tua mano. Basta collegare lunità flash USB/scheda SD al computer e copiare i file .mp3 sullunità flash USB/scheda SD. Scollegalo dal computer e collegalo allRX38UR e lunità inizierà automaticamente a riprodurre i file dallunità flash USB/scheda SD. Il tutto mantenendo il tuo laptop perfettamente al sicuro. La nuova funzionalità di Technical Pro ti consente di registrare anche sullunità flash USB/scheda SD. Le uscite sono costituite da un morsetto a banana standard del settore che può collegare due altoparlanti, pulsante per altoparlanti surround e un RCA per unuscita di linea di registrazione. I due ingressi microfonici hanno un controllo di tono, eco e volume che ti consente di regolare il segnale in base alle tue esigenze. Luscita complessiva ha controlli separati per bassi e alti che ti consentono di modificare il tuo suono e trovare il tuo punto debole! Completo di un misuratore di visualizzazione delluscita fluorescente digitale, questo amplificatore è di primordine! Se hai trascorso del tempo nellaudio professionale, conosci il nome Technical Pro e cosa rappresenta: prestazioni e suono incredibili e il massimo in termini di affidabilità in condizioni difficili. E ora, Technical Pro offre la stessa tecnologia in una serie di amplificatori e sintoamplificatori integrati portando più di ciò che distingue Technical Pro da tutti gli altri. SPECIFICHE Modello # RX38 Ur Dimensioni L 17 x L 9,5 x A 6  Peso 8,0 libbre Voltaggio 110/220v Prezzo consigliato Picco di potenza 1000 Watt Ingressi RCA (2 sorgenti audio), USB, scheda SD, MP3 (AUX) (massimo 32 GB) Uscite Postazione di rilegatura a banana, pulsante (altoparlanti surround), RCA, 2 RCA mono  Uscite cuffie 1/8 Riproduzione .mp3, .wav, .wma Record 128 kbps / 32 KHz su .wav Ingresso microfono Doppio con controlli di volume, eco e tono Punti di equalizzazione 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Intervallo di regolazione ±12 dB Risposta in frequenza 20Hz-20KHz Funzionalità integrate Controlli bassi, alti e bilanciamento, sintonizzatore FM Ventola incorporata SìGli ingressi del pannello posteriore dellRX38UR sono costituiti da due ingressi RCA stereo per due diverse sorgenti audio. Gli ingressi del pannello frontale sono esattamente dove dovrebbero essere, sul pannello frontale! Ciò ti consentirà di collegare e scollegare facilmente un lettore MP3, una scheda SD, ununità flash USB e due microfoni. Queste fonti vengono solitamente attivate e disattivate quotidianamente a seconda delle esigenze. Pensando al futuro, Technical Pro ha progettato questa unità pensando alla semplicità. Vuoi davvero andare sul pannello posteriore di un rack per collegare un lettore MP3? Nemmeno noi! Siamo tutti daccordo: meno cavi nel nostro impianto audio, meglio è. Ununità flash USB/scheda SD ti consente di portare con te migliaia di file audio .mp3 nel palmo dell Receiver Combo Features Radio Tuner Receiver Combo Features Digital Tuner Receiver Combo Features Karaoke Features Radio Power 1000 W MPN RX38UR Audio Outputs Stereo L/R RCA Brand Technical Hifi Audio Inputs/Outputs Two-Channel RCA Surround Sound Formats DTS Surround Sound Formats Dolby Color Black Number of Channels 2 Model RX38UR Type Stereo Receiver Audio Inputs Digital Coaxial RCA Audio Inputs USB

SONOS Play:5 Gen 1 Wireless Streaming Speaker Scratch & Dent Special Ships Free

End: 18.01. 2024 19:22:12 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 134.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 13:59:30
  • Item number: 204574700997
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Ashburn,VA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Check out these scratch & dent special SONOS Play:5 1st Gen Wireless Streaming Speakers! This is a 1st generation speaker and will only work with the S1 version of the Sonos App. Is not compatible with the S2 version of the Sonos App. Upgrade/discount codes have already been redeemed. Items have been tested and are in good mechanical condition. These are being sold as scratch & dent specials as all speakers have some form of significant scratches/scuffs/dents on them. Please see pictures for further details. Will come with SONOS Play:5 Speaker and power cable only. No other accessories included Free shipping via UPS Ground

SONOS Play:1 Black Wireless Smart Speaker S1/S2 App Scratch & Dent Special

End: 18.01. 2024 18:55:58 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 13:32:55
  • Item number: 204585159091
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Ashburn,VA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Check out this SONOS Play:1 Wireless Smart Speaker PLAY1US1BLK that is both S1/S2 app compatible! Item has been tested and is in good working condition. S1/S2 app compatible. Note that ALL available units have some cosmetic defects but performance is not affected. Includes original power cable. Please see pictures for further details. 30 day returns accepted! Ships free via UPS Ground!

Schwaiger SAT Anlage - DENT auf dem Foto sichtbar

End: 13.01. 2024 15:50:38 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 58.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305210941081
  • Seller: hmx_parts (1587|97.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: DREZDENKO Polen
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 8,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Schwaiger SAT Anlage - DENT auf dem Foto sichtbar  Heimwerker Computer, Tablets & Netzwerk Handys & Kommunikation TV, Video & Audio Haushaltsgeräte Beauty & Gesundheit WIR VERKAUFEN NUR DAS, WAS AUF UNSEREN FOTOS SEHEN. DIE HERSTELLERFOTOS SIND NUR ANSICHTEN FOTOS. DE Brutto MwSt. Rechnung WARE IN GUTEM ZUSTAND, KLEINE FEHLER ORIGINAL VERPACKUNG 12 MONATE GARANTIE PRODUCT IN GOOD CONDITION, SMALL DEFECT ORIGINAL BOX 12 MONTHS WARRANTY DENT auf dem Foto sichtbar DENT visible in the photo Empfangssystem zum Aufbau von 4 Teilnehmer-SAT-Anlagen mit integriertem Multischalter Wetterschutz LNB durch Übergehaeuse aus witterungsbestaendigem Kunststoff und herausziehbare Wetterschutzabdeckung Empfang aller freien und verschluesselten Fernseh- und Radioprogramme ueber Satellit Fuer Multifeedanlagen geeignet, kombinierbar mit allen SCHWAIGER LNBs

Rotel CD14 MKII CD player (Silver) - Scratch and dent

End: 09.01. 2024 20:01:39 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 550.96 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355133991826
  • Seller: spacetime88888 (4|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stanford, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel CD14 - MKii - with Texas Instruments 32 Bit DAC - converting at 384kbps. Priced aggressively because of Significant Scratches on Fascia and Top of unit

Sonos Arc SL Soundbar With Dolby Atmos W/Power Cord missing Side Plastic+ Dent

End: 08.01. 2024 22:12:13 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 420.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:8:58
  • Item number: 176088759241
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Merced,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sonos Arc SL Soundbar With Dolby Atmos W/Power Cord. Condition: Used - item is fully functional. NOTES: What’s included:    Please review pictures prior to purchase. ONLY comes with what's pictured. Products will not come with a power adapter or accessories unless shown or mentioned in the listing. Shipping: We ship every business day M-F. For special shipping requests message us or leave a note at checkout. Any questions/concerns/issues : We appreciate your business and want to make sure you’re always 100% satisfied with your product! We kindly ask that you please first message us any questions or concerns about your product as our team will reply within 24 hrs M-F

Zenith DTT901 Digital TV Tuner Converter Box with Remote (SMALL DENT ON SIDE)T34

End: 01.01. 2024 23:56:52 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 21.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:6:56
  • Item number: 395035851787
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Austin,TX,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    HAS A SMALL DENT ON THE SIDE All items sold are used and can show signs of wear I do not ship internationally, I only ship to the lower 48 states. We process Shipments Monday through Friday only. If a problem may arise please let us know and we will work you to address the issue. ALL PRODUCTS COME WITH WHAT YOU SEE IN THE PICTURES ONLY. NO OTHER ITEMS ARE INCLUDED IF THEY NOT IN THE PICTURE. All products are cleaned and sanitized prior to posting and cleaned again prior to shipment. We strive for excellent customer service and stand behind our products.

New TLC ALTO 8+ 2.1 Channel SOUND BAR w/ Built in Subwoofer FIRE TV Edition DENT

End: 25.12. 2023 02:26:29 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 55.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285363005107
  • Seller: matryoshka1 (22382|98.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: DeKalb, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    New TLC ALTO 8+ 2.1 Channel SOUND BAR w/ Built in Subwoofer FIRE TV Edition N-3359-#2 READ - NO REMOTE, NO OPTICAL CABLE, NO WALL MOUNT KIT - Unit was on display in a retailers store, never previously owned. Comes to you in open retail box. Package will show cosmetic imperfection. PLEASE NOTE THAT UNIT HAS A DENT, left side if unit is facing you as in the pictures, appearance of unit DOES NOT AFFECT ITS PERFORMANCE. See all pictures and ZOOM IN! Unit IS MISSING the remote, optical cable and wall mount kit. Remote can easily be purchased on-line for about 20 dlls. Please note that serial numbers are recorded. If for some reason, the unit is returned, the serial number on the returned unit must match the one on the original shipment paperwork. REMOTE NOT INCLUDEDOPTICAL CABLE NOT INCLUDEDWALL MOUNT KIT NOT INCLUDED Endless entertainment at home - The TCL Sound Bar brings you a complete entertainment solution that takes your home cinema experience to the next level. With a Fire TV 4K streaming media player built-in, Voice Remote with Alexa (REMOTE NOT INCLUDED), built-in subwoofer and optimized sound settings, the TCL Sound Bar has everything you need in one streamlined package. Press the microphone button and ask Alexa to find something new to watch, while enjoying rich, dynamic sound with powerful subwoofer bass. Fire TV edition – With a Fire TV 4K streaming media player integrated into the sound bar system, the TCL Sound Bar delivers a complete home cinema experience with video streaming and stunning sound in a single device. No additional Fire TV streaming device needed. Stunning cinematic sound – Bring the excitement of cinematic sound into your home. Engineered to provide impressive acoustic performance, with carefully tuned drivers and dopoundsy digital plus for clear, dynamic and immersive sound. Built-in subwoofer – Feel the power of deep, rich bass with woofer speakers built directly into the sound bar. Enjoy a full and an exhilarating audio experience and get the most out of your entertainment. Optimized sound modes. Endless entertainment - With a Fire TV 4K streaming media player built-in, enjoy tens of thousands of Alexa skills, channels, and apps, including Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, Starz, Showtime, CBS All Access, Amazon Music, Spotify, and more. Subscriptions may be required. Shipping is included in the BUY IT NOW price!Do You Have a Question?If you have any questions pertaining to this listing, or any other that I have to offer, please feel free to contact me. I do my best to state everything I know right here on the listing, but if youre left wondering about something, please dont hesitate. Shoot me a message, and Ill be in touch.Warranty Information:We do not represent the fact that an OEM warranty is included with this item. It is up to the purchaser to check with the manufacturer if the warranty is still in effect. However, we do offer a 30 Day Warranty on all products we sell .Return & Restocking PolicyWe have recorded the serial number for this item in the event of a customer return*** We do not accept returns during the 14 day return period if the item is AS DESCRIBED and/or the customer has BUYERS REMORSE******Buyers Remorse will not be considered a basis for returns under our Returns Policy.Example of Buyers Remorse:(1) I do not like the color(2) Does not meet my expectations(3) I wanted a different shipping service***Only conditions where you received an item Not As Described or you received the wrong item, will our Returns Policy apply to your purchase******If you receive an item NOT AS DESCRIBED in our listing, and we have a replacement in stock, MONEY BACK option is NOT AVAILABLE******We choose our shipper for the most cost effective method, based on package size, weight and ultimate destination******There will be a 15% restocking fee on any item that is returned (see exceptions).***If you overlook details in auction description, and you want to return based on those conditions already described, you will be accessed a restocking fee.Exceptions to restocking fee (ie, when restocking fee does not apply): If the auction description is substantially different than actual condition of item you receive. INCLUDES POWER CORD AND HDMI CABLE.

T Pro DV10k 10000w Receiver/Amplifier/DVD Player Bluetooth/USB/FM Scratch & Dent

End: 18.12. 2023 09:31:19 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 118.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 8:3:38
  • Item number: 235054889366
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26883|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: IE
  • Shipping: 123,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Technical Pro DV10k is a receiver and DVD player with Bluetooth capabilities. This professional piece of sound equipment is both stylish and rugged. Technical Pro are well known for the durability of their products. This is achieved through rigorous manufacturing quality combined with the use of tough materials. The company is also committed to innovative design, and this unit displays all of those hallmarks. The faceplate of the receiver is styled with eye-catching molding to curve out towards the user. This makes the controls, situated in the middle row of the console, easier to see. The top slanting edge of the curve is occupied by the display panels of the unit, so these face up to you as you look down on the unit. The downward slope of the curve towards the bottom of the faceplate makes the input sockets on the front of the unit less visible, although they are still easily accessible. WHATS INCLUDED? One Professional DVD Receiver One Remote Control KEY FEATURES Auto region playback (region free) and PAL/NTSC switchable Display that shows key information about playback Repeat and shuffle playback on USB/SD card inputs Bluetooth compatibility allows for wireless connection to any A2DP device FM tuner with auto scan Bass and treble controls Cooling fan The unit has two channels of output and puts out 450 Watts of continuous average power over both channels and it gives a total of 10,000 Watts of peak power over and 8 ohm circuit. As this is a DVD player, it also has video output and that leads out via RCA, HDMI, sockets. The FM tuner has an autoscan feature, to skip through the white noise and get to broadcasting channels quickly. The integrated DVD player can process sound CDs as well. There is a USB port and an SD card slot on the front of the receiver to take storage media with a capacity of up to 32 GB. So the unit can handle a wide range of storage formats, including DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, VCD, MP3, MPEG4, DIVX, and CD-G. The receivers Bluetooth capabilities give it the ability to communicate with any Bluetooth-enabled device, including smart phones. That means you can play music and video straight from your cell, without having to connect it with a lead. The unit can connect to Bluetooth devices that are up to 45 feet away. The units display panels include standard playback information, including track progression, and a graphic equalizer power output display. The receiver/DVD player also has a remote control unit, so you can manage your music and video output while you stand away from the player. This is a great feature for those who use the unit for product presentations and need to stand back a view the screen to narrate a sales pitch. Model # DV10k Dimensions 17 L x 10 W x 5 H Weight 22.2 lbs Voltage 110V MSRP Peak Power 10000 Watts Inputs RCA, USB, SD Card, Bluetooth (32 GB Max) Audio Outputs RCA (2CH) Video Outputs RCA, YUV, RGB LED Effects Outputs 2 Speaker Outputs Bare speaker wire (2 main speakers, 3 surround speakers) Playback DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, CD-RW, VCD, MP2, MPEG4, DIVX, CD-G Bluetooth v3.0 with EDR Bluetooth Range 45 feet Mic Input Dual 1/4 with volume and Echo controls Built-in Features FM tuner with auto scan, Pal / NTSC Switchable Built-in Fan Yes Remote Yes 380 watts RMS Both Channels Driven @ 1.0% THD @ 8 ohms ****** At Technical Pro sound is our passion. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our line of professional sound amplifiers. Each amplifier is built to deliver vibrant, full-bodied audio straight to your speakers. At your home or business, Technical Pro amplifiers give you the ultimate listening experience at prices that can’t be matched. This product is built with the same quality found in all Technical Pro equipment ensuring it follows you from gig to gig over an extended lifespan. We stand by our work and every Technical Pro product comes with a one year warranty. ****** Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.The faceplate of the receiver is styled with eye-catching molding to curve out towards the user. This makes the controls, situated in the middle row of the console, easier to see. The top slanting edge of the curve is occupied by the display panels of the unit, so these face up to you as you look down on the unit. The downward slope of the curve towards the bottom of the faceplate makes the input sockets on the front of the unit less visible, although they are still easily accessible. The FM tuner has an autoscan feature, to skip through the white noise and get to broadcasting channels quickly. The integrated DVD player can process sound CDs as well. There is a USB port and an SD card slot on the front of the receiver to take storage media with a capacity of up to 32 GB. So the unit can ha

Technical Pro RX38URBT 1000W Pro Receiver wUSB & SD Card Inputs Scratch & Dent

End: 18.12. 2023 09:31:18 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 64.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 8:3:37
  • Item number: 404339836793
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26883|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 63,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Pro Receiver with USB & SD Card Inputs + wireless remote controlThe RX38UR professional receiver (NOW WITH BLUETOOTH)has everything you need for today’s current demands. Aligned with all of the products from Technical Pro, this unit is built to last and guaranteed to provide a high level of performance and crystal clear sound! Do you need to play a CD, a DVD, an or MP3 Player? Do you need to connect two microphones or play an MP3 file from a USB Flash drive or SD Card? Do you need an FM tuner to reference or play FM radio? In today’s audio environment it’s important to be able to connect multiple, varying sources to your audio system and the RX38UR can handle it all! The RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! KEY FEATURES Dual 1/4 mic inputs Recording capabilities USB/SD inputs Aux inputs Bass and treble controls Integrated radio tuner Digital display Playback controls Balance control So what is so special about a USB Flash drive / SD Card input? Like most of us, you probably have an ever-growing library of mp3 audio files on your computer or laptop that you want to listen to while sitting on the comfort of your couch. Have you ever tripped over a wire connected to your computer or laptop and then dive onto the floor to save it from crashing and breaking into pieces? We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card. Disconnect it from the computer and connect it to the RX38UR and the unit will automatically begin playing the files from the USB Flash drive / SD Card. All while keeping your laptop perfectly safe. Technical Pros newest feature allows you to record onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card as well. The outputs consist of industry standard banana binding post that can connect two speakers, push button for surround speakers, and an RCA for a record line output. The two microphone inputs have a tone, echo and volume control letting you adjust the signal to your needs. The overall output has separate bass and treble controls allowing you to tweak your sound and find your sweet spot! Complete with a digital fluorescent output display meter this amplifier is top notch! If youve spent any time at all in professional audio, you know the name Technical Pro and what it stands for—incredible performance & sound, and the ultimate in reliability under harsh conditions. And now, Technical Pro offers the same technology in a series of integrated amps and receivers bringing more of what sets Technical Pro apart from all others. SPECS Model # RX38Ur Dimensions L 17 x W 9.5 x H 6  Weight 8.0 lbs Voltage 110/220v MSRP Peak Power 1000 Watts Inputs RCA (2 audio sources), USB, SD Card, MP3 (AUX)(32GB Max) Outputs Banana binding post , push Button (surround speakers), RCA , 2 Mono RCA  Headphone Outputs 1/8 Playback .mp3, .wav, .wma Records 128 kbps / 32 KHz on .wav Mic Input Dual with volume, echo, and tone controls Equalization Points 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Adjustment Range ±12dB Frequency Response 20Hz-20KHz Built-in Features Bass, treble and balance controls, FM tuner Built-in Fan YesThe RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the

Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Pro Receiver with USB & SD Card Inputs Scratch & Dent

End: 18.12. 2023 09:31:16 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 59.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 8:3:35
  • Item number: 235054889340
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26883|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 74,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technical Pro RX38UR 1000W Pro Receiver with USB & SD Card Inputs + wireless remote controlThe RX38UR professional receiver has everything you need for today’s current demands. Aligned with all of the products from Technical Pro, this unit is built to last and guaranteed to provide a high level of performance and crystal clear sound! Do you need to play a CD, a DVD, an or MP3 Player? Do you need to connect two microphones or play an MP3 file from a USB Flash drive or SD Card? Do you need an FM tuner to reference or play FM radio? In today’s audio environment it’s important to be able to connect multiple, varying sources to your audio system and the RX38UR can handle it all! The RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! KEY FEATURES Dual 1/4 mic inputs Recording capabilities USB/SD inputs Aux inputs Bass and treble controls Integrated radio tuner Digital display Playback controls Balance control So what is so special about a USB Flash drive / SD Card input? Like most of us, you probably have an ever-growing library of mp3 audio files on your computer or laptop that you want to listen to while sitting on the comfort of your couch. Have you ever tripped over a wire connected to your computer or laptop and then dive onto the floor to save it from crashing and breaking into pieces? We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card. Disconnect it from the computer and connect it to the RX38UR and the unit will automatically begin playing the files from the USB Flash drive / SD Card. All while keeping your laptop perfectly safe. Technical Pros newest feature allows you to record onto the USB Flash drive / SD Card as well. The outputs consist of industry standard banana binding post that can connect two speakers, push button for surround speakers, and an RCA for a record line output. The two microphone inputs have a tone, echo and volume control letting you adjust the signal to your needs. The overall output has separate bass and treble controls allowing you to tweak your sound and find your sweet spot! Complete with a digital fluorescent output display meter this amplifier is top notch! If youve spent any time at all in professional audio, you know the name Technical Pro and what it stands for—incredible performance & sound, and the ultimate in reliability under harsh conditions. And now, Technical Pro offers the same technology in a series of integrated amps and receivers bringing more of what sets Technical Pro apart from all others. SPECS Model # RX38Ur Dimensions L 17 x W 9.5 x H 6  Weight 8.0 lbs Voltage 110/220v MSRP Peak Power 1000 Watts Inputs RCA (2 audio sources), USB, SD Card, MP3 (AUX)(32GB Max) Outputs Banana binding post , push Button (surround speakers), RCA , 2 Mono RCA  Headphone Outputs 1/8 Playback .mp3, .wav, .wma Records 128 kbps / 32 KHz on .wav Mic Input Dual with volume, echo, and tone controls Equalization Points 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4KHz, 8kHz, 16kHz Adjustment Range ±12dB Frequency Response 20Hz-20KHz Built-in Features Bass, treble and balance controls, FM tuner Built-in Fan YesThe RX38UR back panel inputs consist of two stereo RCA inputs for two different audio sources. The front panel inputs are exactly where they should be, on the front panel! This will allow you to easily connect and disconnect an MP3 player, SD Card, USB Flash drive and two microphones. These sources are usually switched in and out on a daily basis depending on your needs. Thinking ahead, Technical Pro designed this unit with ease in mind. Do you really want to go to the back panel of a rack to connect an MP3 player? Neither do we! We can all agree the fewer wires in our sound system the better. A USB Flash drive / SD Card lets you carry around thousands of .mp3 audio files in the palm of your hand. Simply connect the USB Flash drive / SD Card to the computer and copy the.mp3 files onto the

Technical Pro AX5000; 5000 Watt; 2 Channel Amplifier USB, SD, EQ Scratch & Dent

End: 18.12. 2023 09:31:16 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 120.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 8:3:35
  • Item number: 404339836784
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26883|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: IE
  • Shipping: 93,24 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AX-50005000 watts peak power900 watts @ 2 ohms600 watts @ 4 ohms350 watts @ 8 ohmsInputs: ¼, RCA, mp3 (?), USB Flash drive, SD CardUSB Flash drive & SD card input, plays .mp3 files on drives of up to 32 GBID3 track, title and information displays on screenRepeat & random playback on USB & SD card inputsOutputs: Speakon, Banana binding postDual cooling speed fansIridescent blue LED meterSeparate input gain and volume controlDual 3 band equalizerPower, Level & Clipping indicators per channelFrequency Response: 20hz-20KHzSignal to Noise Ratio: 79dBInput Impedance: 10 k ohm unbalancedDimensions: 19w x 3.5h x 8d110VProfessional sound engineers, studio pros and performers expect a high standard of excellence in the gear they use for their work. Technical Pro has consistently been providing these individuals with exactly that…professional equipment that is built to last and built to perform. This high level of quality can also be found in their professional grade amplifiers. Their latest addition is the AX5000 2U Professional 2CH Power Amplifier. The AX5000 pushes out a whopping 5000 watts of peak power. This is the type of power needed to power professional studio monitors, a small stage sound system, a DJ’s mobile rig or a lounge or small club’s speaker system. It will give you the power you need and also achieve a clear and crisp sound output. The rear inputs are RCA connectors making it easy to connect any standard equipment. The AX5000 has an 1/8 input on the front panel in addition to a USB Flash Drive and SD Card input for quick connections to your audio. Simply connect a mp3 player to the 1/8 input or a USB Flash drive / SD Card loaded with .mp3 files and connect them to the AX5000. All you need is a pair of speakers and you are ready to rock. The outputs are Banana Binding Post which are also an industry standard that allow you to connect to almost any speaker system. Connecting to and from this amplifier is a simple task! And the sound quality it provides will make sure your audience knows you are professional using professional audio gear! Like all of Technical Pro’s amplifiers the AX5000 is built to hold up under pressure. This unit will give you the sound output you need in a crowded club, a stage or in your studio. It can be connected to any standard studio or mobile rack with ease! And it will hold up against the pressure of performing and always set the place on fire! But not literally, the Dual Cooling Fans will keep this unit as cool as a cucumber even under long term use so you won’t have to worry about overheating. Racks of professional audio gear or crowded venues and nightclubs are always hot so not worrying about overheating your amplifier is priceless! The front panel of the AX5000 has two knobs for each channel to control the gain input and volume levels. In addition there are iridescent blue meters to show your level readings. This is not only extremely useful to gauge your levels but also looks very stylish in a dark space! The front panel also holds the power button. This is a very useful feature if you place this unit into a rack….there is no need to climb behind your gear to turn this one on and off! There is also a clipping level feature which lights up red to warn when clipping levels are reached…one fast glance to the front panel and you will see your input is at a proper level. The AX5000 2-Channel Amplifier from Technical Pro is top notch amplifier if you are serious about your sound quality….and it can be had for a cost that is very affordable! Please Note: Mode button is for switching between USB Stick and SD card only. Rack Ears May Be Bent. Its a scratch and dent, after all.  The AX5000 pushes out a whopping 5000 watts of peak power. This is the type of power needed to power professional studio monitors, a small stage sound system, a DJ’s mobile rig or a lounge or small club’s speaker system. It will give you the power you need and also achieve a clear and crisp sound output. The rear inputs are RCA connectors making it easy to connect any standard equipment. The AX5000 has an 1/8 input on the front panel in addition to a USB Flash Drive and SD Card input for quick connections to your audio. Simply connect a mp3 player to the 1/8 input or a USB Flash drive / SD Card loaded with .mp3 files and connect them to the AX5000. All you need is a pair of speakers and you are ready to rock. The outputs are Banana Binding Post which are also an industry standard that al

Technical Pro RX45BT Home Theater Receiver 1000w Bluetooth USB scratch & dent

End: 18.12. 2023 09:31:10 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 69.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 8:3:32
  • Item number: 404339836736
  • Seller: tpranzatelli (26883|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bound Brook, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: IE
  • Shipping: 74,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technical Pro RX45BT Enjoy music from your favorite sources with the Technical Pro RX45BT 5.2-Channel Receiver. This receiver produces up to 75W of RMS power per channel and features two stereo RCA inputs and an 1/8 aux input, allowing you to play music from a variety of sources. A USB port and SD card slot are also onboard, enabling you to record WAV files or play MP3s or other file types. Dual 1/4 microphone inputs let you sing along with your favorite tracks, and the integrated FM tuner allows you to enjoy free over-the-air radio.Manual FM tunerUp to 32GB USB & SD supportRecords WAV files onto USB or SD from tuner and RCA inputs128 kb/s / 32 kHz sample rate on WAV recordingsDigital fluorescent output display meterBass, treble, and balance controlsDual mic inputs with volume, echo, and tone controlsRepeat and random playback of USB/SD filesDimensions L17 x W10 x H6You get.....Technical Pro RX45BT 5.2-Channel ReceiverRemote Control1/8 Audio CableFM AntennaAC Power Cord1 YEAR WARRENTEE!Enjoy music from your favorite sources with the Technical Pro RX45BT 5.2-Channel Receiver. This receiver produces up to 75W of RMS power per channel and features two stereo RCA inputs and an 1/8 aux input, allowing you to play music from a variety of sources. A USB port and SD card slot are also onboard, enabling you to record WAV files or play MP3s or other file types. Dual 1/4 microphone inputs let you sing along with your favorite tracks, and the integrated FM tuner allows you to enjoy free over-the-air radio. Records WAV files onto USB or SD from tuner and RCA inputs 128 kb/s / 32 kHz sample rate on WAV recordings Digital fluorescent output display meter Dual mic inputs with volume, echo, and tone controls Repeat and random playback of USB/SD files Technical Pro RX45BT 5.2-Channel Re

[WALKMAN] NW-F805K SONY Scratch dent

End: 18.12. 2023 00:12:13 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 62.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: T23:4:1
  • Item number: 145088836781
  • Seller: jamirock (4079|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: OSAKA Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    [WALKMAN] NW-F805K sony *Scratch dent Description Condition: Used It will be about 10 years ago. Please note that there are some dents and scratches. I also have a code. All data will be deleted before shipping. sony Walkman F series NW-F805K(P) BLUETOOTH compatible FLAC: FLAC compatible MICROPHONE BI: MICROPHONEOS Type (mobile): ANDROID USB type: USB2.0W-LANcolor: PINK encoder built-in/not built-in: encoder not built-in Touch panel available Display Type_ST: TFT display Resolution type: WVGA with noise canceling Portable/Stationary type: Portable type radio FM band: FM wide built-in memory type: Semiconductor Video compression method: MPEG4 compression Music playback function type: WMA/MP3 recording Media (new): Built-in memory only #sony #sony Storage capacity...16GB high high resolution support Payment I accept ebay management only. Please pay within 5 days after the auction closed. Shipping Shipping is EMS or AIRMAIL. Please choose the shipping method which you hope. About other area, please ask me. When you purchase two or more my items, I can send them together and discount shipping cost. Returns Returns are accepted ONLY if the item was not the item described. International Buyers - Please Note: * Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. * Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. * These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. * We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.It will be about 10 years ago. Please note that there are some dents and scratches. I also have a code. All data will be deleted before shipping. sony Walkman F series NW-F805K(P) BLUETOOTH compatible FLAC: FLAC compatible MICROPHONE BI: MICROPHONEOS Type (mobile): ANDROID USB type: USB2.0W-LANcolor: PINK encoder built-in/not built-in: encoder not built-in Touch panel available Display Type_ST: TFT display Resolution type: WVGA with noise canceling Portable/Stationary type: Portable type radio FM band: FM wide built-in memory type: Semiconductor Video compression method: MPEG4 compression Music playback function type: WMA/MP3 recording Media (new): Built-in memory only #sony #sony Storage capacity...16GB high high resolution support * These charges are normally collected b

Samsung 3.1.2 Soundbar Subwoofer DTS:X HW-Q700B/XU (Small Dent On Sound Bar)

End: 17.12. 2023 15:39:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 347.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: T15:7:22
  • Item number: 285290005195
  • Seller: greenboxshop (49088|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: GB Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung 3.1.2 Soundbar Subwoofer DTS:X HW-Q700B/XU (Small Dent On Sound Bar) CONDITION NEW BOX OPEN This is a brand new unit that has a small dent on the sound bar as per the attached photos . Comes with a full 12 month warranty from GreenBox Shop. This item is supplied by Samsung with a Bought out Guarantee. This allows us to offer buyers the opportunity to purchase quality Samsung products at much lower prices. The warranty is provided by us, the seller, for a one year period and not with Samsung, whose warranty is void. Our warranty provides for free returns within 30 days for a full refund, and repair or replacement for a one year period from date of delivery. DESCRIPTION Product Description This is a brand new unit that has a small dent on the sound bar as per the attached photos . Comes with a full 12 month warranty from GreenBox Shop. 3.1.2ch Sound 3D Object Based Sound (Dolby Atmos and DTS:X) Wireless Dolby Atmos Samsung Q Symphony Directional Sound Feel part of the action with powerful up firing sound * Images are simulated and for illustration purposes only. The appearance, design and GUI(Graphic User Interface) specifications which do not affect the product performance are subject to change without notice.* TV sold separately. Places you in the heart of the action for the ultimate immersive 3D sound experience 3D Object Based Sound with Wireless Dolby Atmos and DTS:X Hear the precise location of a helicopter landing or feel the sound of rain falling from above and surrounding you. The Q700B combines Dolby Atmos and DTS:X with our highly awarded market leading technology to take your audio visual experience to a breath-taking new level of realism. *Dolby Atmos and DTS:X source content required. Transport yourself to the action with 3.1.2ch sound with incredible bass. 3.1.2ch Sound The Q700B delivers truly immersive surround sound, courtesy of market leading technology through multiple, custom designed, built-in speakers. This, alongside a bass boosting subwoofer included in the box, means you’ll be encapsulated with pure and precise directional sound. The harmonious collaboration of directional sound from both your soundbar and Samsung TV Q-Symphony Like the sound of a symphony orchestra, this Q-Series soundbar can harmoniously collaborate in synergy with you Samsung TV* to enhance your audio visual experience by playing sound simultaneously from your Samsung TV and Soundbar together. *Q-Symphony is compatible with 2022 Samsung TV (BU8000? TV and above, and Frame). Sound tuned perfectly for your space SpaceFit Sound A built-in microphone in the subwoofer and the soundbar ensures sound settings are automatically optimised and calibrated to match the acoustics of your room. The equalisation of the soundbar and subwoofer changes based on measuring how the sound reflects off the shape and furnishings in your room everytime you use the soundbar. * SpaceFit Sound is compatible with Samsung QLED(Q70?and above). Samsung Audio Lab Tested and tuned at the California Audio Lab, where our world-class audio engineers apply the advanced acoustic technologies to give you perfectly balanced, room-filling sound. Game Mode Pro Immerse yourself in an audio sphere that makes you feel a part of the game with a dedicated setting that optimises audio specifically for gaming. Feel the roar of a sports car on the open road or ensure you never miss the small details such as another player creeping up from behind. Configured automatically to support you be the best player you can be so you can claim more glorious victories. *Automatic switch to Game Mode Pro only works when game consoles (over Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch) are connected to a Samsung TV.** Game console sold separately.*** Compatible devices may vary. Works with Amazon Alexa Simply connect your soundbar to a compatible Alexa device and enjoy your soundbar hands-free using voice control. Ask Alexa to play something by simply saying the title or a few lines of the song’s lyrics. No matter what kind of music you’re in the mood for, Alexa will find it. *Separate compatible Amazon Alexa device required to operate voice control Tap Sound Transfer your music with one simple tap. Just tap your smartphone anywhere on the Soundbar to hear the rich sound mirrored, without any need for manual pairing straight to your soundbar. *Tap sound is working through Bluetooth, and compatible with Samsung mobile devices with Android 8.1 and above. **Compatible Samsung Galaxy mobile required HDMI eARC Access to the very best surround sound with no degradation to the Dolby Atmos and DTS:X formats. You can now enjoy the original, full-resolution audio signal sent via HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) for a cinematic surround sound experience. One Remote Control A completely connected experience at the press of a button to control multiple connected devices. Samsungs Smart One Remote Control has the ability to control more than just your soundbar and can connect to multiple compatible devices from TV to set-top box. *Function and remote control design may vary by TV model and region.** Compatible with selected Samsung TVs. Please check the Samsung TVs specification. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth TV Connection Connect this wireless soundbar to your TV with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for a cleaner solution with added flexibility. Play music straight from your favourite music apps or get additional functionality by using the SmartThings app to integrate sound automation in your smart home. * Please check whether your TV is Wi-Fi / Bluetooth compatible. Wireless surround sound ready Banish the wires and reveal more audio detail by adding our new SWA-9500S wireless rear speakers for an enhanced cinematic experience. With newly adopted up-firing speakers to add to the side-firing drivers you will be encapsulated in 3D sound from above, in front and behind you. Product Spec Surround Sound Formats: 3.1.2 Channel Type: Soundbar MPN: HW-Q700B/XU EAN: 8806094278064 System Configuration: 3.1.2 Channel Subwoofer Type: Wireless RMS Power: 320 W Number of Speakers: 9 Connectivity: HDMI, HDMI ARC, HDMI CEC, Wi-Fi,Bluetooth, Optical In, One Control Colour: Black Playable Media Format: WAV, MP3, AAC, OGG, FLAC, ALAC, AIFF

JBL EC-25 Replacement Center Northridge E Series Speaker - Dent On Cone

End: 15.12. 2023 19:45:15 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314805257710
  • Seller: thebendingcompany (663|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cape Coral, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JBL EC-25 Replacement Center Northridge E Series Speaker - Dent On Cone. Very clean condition dent on back corner and little scratches here and there.