cdr-205x (15) |
ct-w704rs (42) |
ct w 803 rs (71) |
ct-w703rs (77) |
cdr-s1000 (91) |
cd-rx30 (129) |
Pioneer Dual Cassette Deck Tape Player/Recorder Auto Rev CD Syncro (CT-W604RS)
End: 18.12. 2024 14:51:25 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 53.36 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276780665441
- Seller: nickschmidt1991 (209|98.1%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 19,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer Dual Cassette Deck Tape Player/Recorder Auto Rev CD Syncro (CT-W604RS) In good condition All features work CD Syncro Auto Reverse Fast shipping
Pioneer CT-W604RS Stereo Cassette Deck With Dolby S. -HEAR IT- {{{RESTORED}}}
End: 18.11. 2024 18:52:22 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 157.41 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166875177093
- Seller: k_o_stereo (1692|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Lake Zurich, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 18,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer Stereo Cassette Deck CT-W604RS. Deep Cleaned New BeltsNew Top Cover Paint (Textured For Better Durability & Less Slippage of Top Components)New Pinch Rollers (Made In House) Cleaned, De-Magnetized & Aligned HeadsSpeed Adjusted & VerifiedFully TestedTypical Scuffs and scratches on the front for its age. Nothing too bad. The display is dim but works. Works great & sounds excellent. There is no such thing as a Brand New Tape anymore. A refurbished deck is still an old deck. All of our decks are thoroughly tested several times during the restoration process, right before they go up for sale, and once again after they are purchased right before they get boxed up. We do not have your tapes and we make ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEES any of your tapes will work!
Pioneer CT-W604RS Stereo Double Cassette Deck Tapedeck Kassettendeck Auto Revers
End: 03.10. 2024 05:22:05 on Thursday
Pioneer CT-W604RS Kassettendeck für Ersatzteil oder Restauration
End: 26.08. 2024 17:57:54 on Monday
Pioneer CT-W604RS Stereo Double Cassette Deck Tapedeck Kassettendeck Auto Revers
End: 04.08. 2024 17:14:01 on Sunday
Pioneer CT-W604RS, PD-S604, A-504R Audio HiFi Anlage (DISK, Casette, Verstärker)
End: 11.06. 2024 20:52:13 on Tuesday
Pioneer CT-W604RS Doppel Kassettendeck / Auto Bias/ gewartet 1 Jahr Garantie [3]
End: 07.06. 2024 07:55:04 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 169.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266550503666
- Seller: positron-e (23215|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
@copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Elektrofachbetrieb für Audio- und Videotechnik Aktuelle Seite Kategorien CD Player Tapedeck DVD-Recorder DVD-VHS-Kombination VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/Beta Blu-Ray Recorder Sonstige Über uns Bewertungen Als Favorit speichern Kontakt In unserer Fachwerkstatt professionell geprüft und gewartet 12 Monate Garantie* Optischer Zustand: Akzeptabel (Produktbilder sind Beispielbilder)** Technischer Zustand: Voll funktionsfähig Kassettenlaufwerk(e) komplett gewartet mit speziellen Testkassetten und Oszilloskop eingemessen auch bei hohen Frequenzen einwandfreie Wiedergabe und Aufnahme alle Laufwerksfunktionen gegeben Lieferumfang: Pioneer CT-W604RS Kassettenspieler & Recorder Ausstattung / technische Daten: Deck A für Wiedergabe Deck B für Wiedergabe und Aufnahme Bandarten: Typ I (Fe), Typ II (CrO2), Typ IV (Metall) Dolby B, Dolby C, Dolby S, HX Pro Rauschunterdrückung Auto Reverse Kopfhörerausgang 2 Kopiergeschwindigkeiten umschaltbar automatische Kalibrierung von Vormagnetisierung und Aufsprechstrom mittels BLE XD Frequenzgang: Metall 20 Hz - 20 kHz Signalrauschabstand: Dolby S > 79 dB Gleichlaufschwankungen: ± 0,09 % Klirrfaktor: 0,8 % uvm. Anschlüsse: Eingänge: 1 x Analog Cinch 1 x Control In 1 x CD Deck Synchro Ausgänge: 1 x 6,3mm Klinke 1 x Analog Cinch 1 x Control Out Maße: Breite x Höhe x Tiefe: 420 x 125 x 250 [mm] Informationen zur Wartung Kassettendecks Im Rahmen der Wartung von Kassettenlaufwerken wird die komplette Laufwerksmechanik gewartet. Das umfasst unter anderem eine gründliche Reinigung, den Austausch anfälliger Kunststoffteile und die Behandlung bestimmter Komponenten mit anwendungsspezifischem Fett bzw. Öl. Um eine zuverlässige Funktion zu gewährleistungen werden die Riemen erneuert. Die Andruckrollen werden genau inspiziert und wenn notwendig ebenso erneuert. Jedes Laufwerk wird nach der Wartung mit hochwertigen Prüfkassetten (Pegel, Bandgeschwindigkeit und Azimuth (optimale Wiedergabe der hohen Frequenzen)) eingemessen und in einem längeren Testlauf betrieben. Über die Aufnahmequalität eines hochfrequenten Sinustons können wir die Qualtität des Tonkopfes bestimmen. Anhand dieser Daten entscheiden wir unter anderem, ob sich das Gerät noch für einen Verkauf eignet. Weitere Tätigkeiten sind beispielsweise die Entmagnetisierung des Tonkopfes, Dolby Einstellungen und Einstellungen für die automatische Bandeinmessung. Je nach Gerätemodell beachten wir weitere Aspekte, damit wir in der Lage sind, Ihnen ein langlebiges Gerät anbieten zu können. Elektronik Die Elektronik der Elektrogeräte wird genau begutachtet. Durch langjährige Erfahrung können wir bestimmte bzw. typenspezifische Schwachstellen beheben, bevor es dadurch zu einem Fehler kommt. Bei bestimmten Geräten kann die Lebensdauer so enorm erhöht werden. --> *Garantiebedingungen Hier finden Sie unsere Garantiebedingungen **Informationen zum optischen Zustand Die Artikel werden in der Regel mit Beispielbildern angeboten, um unsere Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Diesen Vorteil können wir in der Preisgestaltung an unsere Kunden weitergeben. Bei der Zuteilung des optischen Zustands achten wir sehr genau darauf, dass folgende Kriterien zutreffen: Sehr gut [1]: Die Geräte sind in jedem Fall wohnzimmertauglich. Vereinzelte unwesentliche Schönheitsfehler an der Front und/oder an der Gehäuseabdeckung können vorhanden sein. Diese sind aus maximal einem Meter Entfernung kaum wahrnehmbar. Gut [2]: Die Geräte sind ansehnlich. Es können vereinzelte kleine Makel an der Front und/oder vereinzelte kleine Lackkratzer (nicht länger als ca. 5cm) vorhanden sein. Aus ca. 2 Metern Entfernung fallen diese Spuren kaum mehr auf. Feine oberflächliche Gebrauchsspuren auf der Abdeckung sind möglich. Akzeptabel [3]: Es können vereinzelte deutlichere Makel an der Front und/oder vereinzelte kleine Lackkratzer (nicht länger als ca. 5cm) vorhanden sein. Feine oberflächliche Gebrauchsspuren auf der Abdeckung sind möglich. Deutliche Gebrauchsspuren [4]: Die Gebrauchsspuren sind deutlich sichtbar. Gebrauchsspuren an der Front und/oder einige Kratzer (auch länger als 5cm) auf der Oberseite können vorhanden sein. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Bewertungen Als Favorit speichern Kontakt
Pioneer Stereo Double CT-W604RS Cassette Deck Dolby B,C,S TESTED
End: 29.05. 2024 08:25:11 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 93.49 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 155647861223
- Seller: 50hokester (1722|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Richland, Washington
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 62,29 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer Stereo Double CT-W604RS Cassette Deck Dolby B,C,S TESTED. The deck was hooked to a vintage Yamaha receiver. Both cassettes play, rewind and forward work. I have not tested any other features of the unit. The light in the display is dim. The last picture is in a dark lights out room.
PIONEER CT-W604RS Double Cassette Deck / Revidiert / Auto-Reverse / Dolby S
End: 07.05. 2024 16:14:27 on Tuesday
Pioneer CT-W604RS Double Cassette Deck Stereo TESTED
End: 31.01. 2024 20:48:56 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 67.5 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 386692143995
- Seller: cathtay_24 (117|97.4%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Tacoma, Washington
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
This Pioneer CT-W604RS double cassette deck stereo has been thoroughly tested and is ready to provide high-quality sound for your audio needs. With its sleek design and reliable performance, this cassette tape deck is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring Pioneer's renowned brand and the CT-W604RS model, this cassette deck is an excellent addition to any home audio system. Its ability to play and record on two separate cassette tapes simultaneously makes it a versatile and practical choice for anyone who loves music. Whether you're a collector of vintage cassette tapes or just looking for a reliable way to enjoy your favorite albums, this Pioneer CT-W604RS double cassette deck stereo is the perfect choice.
Vintage Pioneer CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck
End: 31.10. 2023 06:55:29 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 70.84 EUR

- Status: 4T 5:32:41
- Item number: 125997458434
- Seller: call-me-firedog (622|98.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Poquoson, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 111,97 EUR
- on EBAY
Vintage Pioneer CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck Clean, Tested. No remote.
End: 21.09. 2023 13:00:01 on Thursday
Pioneer CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck (powers On)
End: 18.09. 2023 02:21:17 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 66.08 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 386065392421
- Seller: caroline_sellers (274|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Albion, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 54,68 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck (powers On)
End: 07.09. 2023 20:25:13 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 23.83 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204391646244
- Seller: rustbeltrelics (676|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Smithton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 96,66 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W604RS Stereo Double Deck Cassette Tape Player Dual Auto Reverse (powers On) Dim display Item is considered to be for parts, and is untested. Powers up with a faint display
pioneer stereo double cassette deck **untested For Parts Only*** CT W604RS
End: 31.08. 2023 07:20:32 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 32.25 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 155663233421
- Seller: rockymountainreseller (1378|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Encampment, Wyoming
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 54,37 EUR
- on EBAY
This Pioneer double cassette deck is a vintage piece of consumer electronics that is perfect for collectors and enthusiasts. The CT W604RS model is known for its high-quality audio and durable build, making it a great addition to any vintage audio and video setup. Please note that this item is being sold as For Parts Only and has not been tested. However, it may still have value for those who are skilled in repair and restoration. Don't miss your chance to own this rare and sought-after piece of vintage audio equipment. No returns
Pioneer CT-W604RS Cassette Deck With Dolby S Noise Reduction. {{{REFURBISHED}}}
End: 26.07. 2023 22:19:55 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 191.44 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 166230367156
- Seller: k_o_stereo (1584|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Lake Zurich, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 17,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W604RS Stereo Cassette Deck.Deep CleanedNew BeltsNew Pinch Rollers (Made In House)New Lubrication on all Moving PartsReplaced Both Head Housings Cleaned, De-Magnetized & Aligned HeadsSpeed VerifiedHigh Speed Dubbing TestedTypical Pioneer dim display that works fine just hard to see. The biggest problem with these decks is the plastic housing that holds the heads cracks causing the heads to either get stuck in reverse or not move at all. We replaced both housings and solved the problem. Only the plastic housings were replaced, the original heads are still installed. Works and sounds great. Sold AS-IS. Please Note... We work very hard to bring these units up to a quality that could surpass even its factory brand new original sound quality. However, this is not a new deck. Its still an analog technology, it still suffers from unwanted noise, it still eats a tape from time to time. These are flaws of the format and not necessarily an indication of a faulty cassette deck. We test our cassette decks for several hours using a combination of very old, worn tapes, new old stock tapes, pre-recorded original tapes, and custom made tapes from our own new tape stock. Only when a deck can make it through a test cycle without any major issues, and without eating a tape, do we post them for sale. Despite all this, it will still eat a tape from time to time. We DO NOT guarantee your tapes will work. Handling Time Note...It is our policy that all Sony cassette decks undergo an additional, complete test before being shipped out. This is to make sure this deck you purchased will function correctly as Sony cassette decks from this era are notoriously unreliable. This is mandatory and only applies to Sony brand cassette decks. 90% of the time we ship these out within 1 day of purchase.
Pioneer CT-W604RS Doppel Stereo Cassette Deck Auto Reverse. 100% Ok
End: 17.07. 2023 07:49:02 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 34.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 385775028512
- Seller: leemox-konsolen-spieleparadies (8274|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Gelsenkirchen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 7,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W694RS Doppel Kasettendeck .getestet und 100% OK.. Weitere Top Artikel in meinen Auktionen. ...Rcknahme 14 Tage wird akzeptiert . Kufer trgt die kosten vom Rckversand....
Pioneer CT-W604RS Doppel Stereo Cassette Deck Auto Reverse. 100% Ok
End: 12.07. 2023 08:18:38 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 34.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 385735745439
- Seller: leemox-konsolen-spieleparadies (8229|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Gelsenkirchen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 7,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W694RS Doppel Kasettendeck .getestet und 100% OK.. Weitere Top Artikel in meinen Auktionen. ...Rcknahme 14 Tage wird akzeptiert . Kufer trgt die kosten vom Rckversand....
Pioneer CT-W604RS Doppel Stereo Cassette Deck Auto Reverse. 100% Ok
End: 05.07. 2023 15:11:41 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 34.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 385677207253
- Seller: leemox-konsolen-spieleparadies (8112|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Gelsenkirchen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 7,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W694RS Doppel Kasettendeck .getestet und 100% OK.. Weitere Top Artikel in meinen Auktionen. ...Rcknahme 14 Tage wird akzeptiert . Kufer trgt die kosten vom Rckversand....
Pioneer CT-W604RS Double Kassettendeck Tape Deck Auto Reverse Dolby S Super BLE
End: 19.06. 2023 10:58:29 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 60.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 275908256019
- Bids: 1
- Seller: nrw.traveller (162|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Neukirchen-Vluyn
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 8,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W604RS Kassettendeck Tape Deck Auto Reverse Dolby S revidiert Super Ausstattung, inkl. :AutoreverseCD-Synchro Flex (Frequency Level Explander) FLEX untersucht den Anteil hoher Töne im Signal. Bei älteren oder fremdbespielten Kassetten kann es vorkommen, dass diese zu dumpf wiedergegeben werden, dann hebt FLEX die Höhen auf einen Durchschnittswert automatisch anAuto BLE XD (BLE = Bias, Level und Equalisation) also automatische Bandeinmessung für hochwertige AufnahmenDolby HX Pro - dynamische Vormagnetisierung So erhöht HX Pro die Dynamikbandbreite von Kassetten und ermöglicht damit klarere AufnahmenDazu kommt noch Rauschunterdrückung nicht nur als Dolby B un C, sondern auch Dolby SZustand s. Fotos. Das Tape ist revidiert, Riemen getauscht. Kassetten sind kein Bestand der Anzeige. Bei Anfrage kann ich ein Paar Kassetten mitverkaufen. Fragen gerne fragen =) Keine Garantie oder Rücknahme möglich.
PIONEER CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck - TESTED!
End: 17.06. 2023 14:48:15 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 68.28 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 155603873692
- Seller: g00dies4saleonline (726|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Lake Elmo, Minnesota
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 42,86 EUR
- on EBAY
The item for sale is a vintage PIONEER CT-W604RS Dual Auto Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Double Deck - TESTED! About Us We are honest sellers and try our best to represent everything we sell with accuracy, but we are human. If you feel there is an error or need clarification on a listing, please contact us. We will be glad to help to the best of our ability. Shipping/PaymentUSPS shipping with delivery confirmation is FREE for this listing. Packages are usually shipped out the next business day but could take up to two business days. We ask that all orders be paid via PayPal within 48 hours of Auction end or instantly with Buy It Now. An Unpaid Item case will be opened for any unpaid orders after 48 hours. If theres a problem and you cant pay within 48 hours, please contact us to make other arrangements.International ShippingWe only ship within the U.S. However, for our international shoppers, we use eBays Global Shipping Program. We will ship your item to the Global Shipping Center in Kentucky, and they will forward it to you. Please check out the Global Shipping Program for fees and specifications. Sales TaxWe are located in the state of Minnesota and are required to collect 6.875% sales tax for orders shipped within the state of Minnesota. Some other states also require sales tax to be collected as well. eBay collects sales tax on behalf of your state. We dont charge this ourselves or have any control over the process. Return PolicyWe do not offer returns. However, if something has been misrepresented or doesnt work as advertised, we will offer to replace the item and/or offer return shipping and a refund. Feedback Once a transaction is complete and feedback is left for us, we will also leave feedback. It is our goal to ensure a problem free transaction. If you have any concern or complaint at all, please contact us. We will do our best to remedy any problem that may arise. Thanks for checking out our eBay store! Make sure to check out our other listings for some great deals!
Pioneer CT-W604RS Cassette Deck Dolby Noise Reduction / Issues "As Is"
End: 09.06. 2023 01:11:39 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 24.06 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 304936735626
- Seller: satxflame82bt (5271|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: San Antonio, Texas
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 276,18 EUR
- on EBAY
Up for sale is a Pioneer CT-W604RS Cassette Deck Player / Recorder. Deck # 1 works and Deck # 2 was working and then just stopped. It may be just a belt issue or maybe the motor locked up. I am selling it As Is due to the issues. There will be no returns for this unit so please read the information below. Physical Condition- Front Face - Excellent - A few hairline marks- Top - Excellent - A few very light marks- Left Side - Excellent- Right Side - Excellent- Back Side - Excellent- Bottom - Excellent Cassette Deck # 1 Functions - Play - Works - Pause - Works - Song search Forward - Works- Song search Reverse - Works- Fast Forward - Works- Fast Back - Works- Auto Reverse - Works- Stop - Works - Open / Close - Works Deck # 2- All functions were working and then deck deck either broke a belt or locked up - Power - Works- LED Lights - All work Please see the photos for more details or contact me with any questions. Shipping for the Cassette Deck is $30.00 in the USA only. Alaska and Hawaii will cost more. Thank you for looking.
Rare Vintage 1995 Pioneer CT-w604rs High Specification Cassette deck UNTESTED
End: 18.08. 2021 14:00:28 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 75.77 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 284340113775
- Counter: 231
- Seller: maxbates-96 (220|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Newbiggin By The Sea
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CT-W604RS Dolby S High-End Doppel Kassettendeck, 2 Jahre Garantie
End: 16.08. 2021 17:45:00 on Monday
- Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
- Price: 199.99 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 373658652014
- Counter: 102
- Seller: dragonxdragon (43823|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Herzogenaurach
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 29,99 EUR
- on EBAY
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