GennLab Standard Alignment Cassettes Frequency Response (FR) Please note. These cassettes are LEVEL cassettes (not 90 degrees ANGLE cassettes). They CAN NOT be used for final Azimuth adjustment.To perform playback frequency response test, set Playback Head Azimuth for maximum output for EACH Frequency Response cassette INDIVIDUALLY.On completion of playback frequency response test, finally set Playback Head Azimuth for maximum output and minimum difference in phase between channels using AZIMUTH cassettes. Suitable for Playback Frequency Response adjustment of any Cassette Tape Deck using AC millivoltmeter.Recorded -20dB below Reference Fluxiviti Level. See the options below.Level fluctuation: less than +/-0.2 dB measured. Typically +/-0.1 dBFrequency fluctuation: +/-0.01% measuredVertical azimutn angle: 90 degr. +/- 30 min (NOT suitable for final azimuth adjustments).Duration of each Tape 10 min recorded at the BEGINNING of the Tape from 00 min 30 sec to 10min 30 sec. Please specify Cassette Equalization Standard from the options below: Type I Ferro NAB 160nWb/m. Time Constants: 3180us + 120us,Type II CrO NAB 160nWb/m. Time Constants: 3180us + 70u,Nakamichi SX. Time Constants: 3180us + 70us,Type I Ferro NAB 200nWb/m. Time Constants: 3180us + 120us,Type II CrO NAB 200nWb/m. Time Constants: 3180us + 70us,Pioneer Type I Ferro. Time Constants: 3180us+120us, -20 dB,Pioneer Typ II CrO2, Time Constants: 3180us+70us -20 dB,SONY Type I Ferro. Time Constants: 3180+120us, -20dB re 315Hz Level cassette,SONY Type I Ferro. Time Constants: 3180+120us, -20dB re 333Hz Level cassette,Type II CrO2 DIN 250nWb/m -20dB 3180us + 70us,Tascam 122mk3 Fr. Resp. Time Constants: 3180us + 120us,3-3/4 ips FR DIN 250 nWb/m -10 dB Time Constants: 3180+50us. Following frequencies can be recorded:20 Hz, 25 Hz, 31.5 Hz, 40 Hz, 50 Hz, 63 Hz, 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz, 160 Hz, 200 Hz,250 Hz, 315 Hz (DIN Reference), 333 Hz (Philips Reference), 400 Hz (Nakamichi reference), 500 Hz, 630 Hz, 700 Hz,800 Hz, 1 kHz, 1.25 kHz,1.6 kHz, 2 kHz, 2.5 kHz,3 kHz, 3.15 kHz, 4 kHz, 5 kHz, 6.3 kHz, 7.5 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz, 12 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 14 kHz, 15 kHz, 16 kHz, 18 kHz, 20 kHzPleas specify Cassette Frequency from the options above.
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