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B&W Bowers & Wilkins Aktiv-Subwoofer PV1 Lautsprecher Powered Sub
End: 16.03. 2024 05:48:25 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 560.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 235396128152
- Seller: stereo-net (5119|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Nürnberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Your template | Trixum B&W Subwoofer - 1 Jahr Garantie* (bitte untenstehende Bedingungen beachten) - mit Rechnung vom Händler - alle Fotos sind vom angebotenen Produkt - perfekter technischer Zustand - sicherer Versand in stabiler Verpackung (auf Palette) - Alle Geräte können bei ernsthaftem Interesse in unserem Hörraum getestet werden und Sie können sich von der Richtigkeit unserer Angaben überzeugen. Preisnachlaß bei Selbstabholung möglich! Infos gerne auch per Tel. Unsere Nummer finden Sie unten in den Pflichtangaben. › ‹ › ‹ › ‹ Beschreibung: Hervorragender Subwoofer von B&W. Traumhaftes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis. Im Internet finden Sie viele Stimmen und begeisterte Testberichte. Achtung: ein sicherer Versand dieses wertvollen Stückes ist nur mit erheblichem Verpackungsaufwand möglich. Das ist von vornherein schon teuer und es kommen auch noch hohe Kosten für Verpackungsmaterial hinzu. Besser wäre Selbstabholung - dann können wir Ihnen auch vom Preis her noch leichter entgegenkommen. Bitte vereinbaren Sie aber vorher einen Termin. Unsere Nummer finden Sie ganz unten in den Pflichtangaben. Zustand: Der Subwoofer ist unserer Meinung nach in einem guten Zustand, nur leichte, übliche Gebrauchspuren. Ein kleines Pünktchen auf der hinteren Membran. Technisch perfekt. Versand: In Deutschland: 19,00 Euro mit sehr guter Verpackung. Selbstabholung nach Terminvereinbarung möglich. Unsere Nummer ist ganz unten in den Pflichtangaben angegeben. Description: Fabulous Subwoofer. The optical condition is very good. Light, normal signs of wear. One small point on the backwards chassis. The technical condition is perfect. Shipping: In EU: 39,00 Euro with very good packaging. Worldwide: not possible. Sicher einkaufen Bei einem Händler sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite! Seit dem es das Internet gibt, gab es noch nie so viele Betrugsfälle und Betrugsversuche, wie im Moment! Die Methoden der Betrüger sind mittlerweile so ausgefeilt, dass selbst Profis darauf hereinfallen können. Ein Gewerblicher Händler bietet Ihnen davor Schutz. Er ermöglicht Ihnen:einen persönlichen Telefonkontakt (Nummer im Impressum)eine persönliche Besichtigung vor OrtSelbstabholungBarzahlung nach ProbelaufPaypal-ZahlungRückgaberecht gemäß Fernabsatzgesetzgesetzliche Gewährleistung (AGB´s beachten)Möglicherweise eine Garantie (AGB´s beachten)einen sicheren Versandprofessionelle Verpackung... und viele weitere Serviceleistungen Garantiebedingungen und Allgemeine Angaben In unseren Rechnungen wird wegen Differenzbesteuerung KEINE Mehrwertsteuer ausgewiesen.Fragen versuchen wir so schnell wie möglich zu beantworten. Im Einzelfall kann es aber mal zwei bis drei Tage dauern.Keine Garantie für die Angaben im Ebay-Produktkatalog. Für Fragen bitte den entsprechenden Button hier bei Ebay benutzen nicht das Telefon.Verwendete Markennamen sind Eigentum des Herstellers und werden nur verwendet um das Produkt uns seine hervorragende Qualität zu beschreiben.*GARANTIEBEDINGUNGEN:Wenn in unseren Angeboten eine Haltbarkeitsgarantie angegeben ist, dann bleiben Ihre weiteren gesetzlichen Rechte (z. B. Gewährleistung davon unberührt. Die Garantie umfasst alle technischen Fehlfunktionen, soweit diese nicht durch falschen Gebrauch hervorgerufen wurden. Ausgenommen von der hier dargestellten Garantie sind Batterien, Lautsprechersicken, Laser, CD-Laufwerke und Akkus (auch festinstallierte). Der Garantiegeber ist Harald Leichtle, Kobergerstraße 37, 90408 Nürnberg. Die Garantie ist deutschlandweit und ist auf den oben im Angebot angegebenen Zeitrahmen beschränkt. Zur Prüfung und Abwicklung des Garantiefalles setzen Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder schriftlich mit uns in Verbindung. Zur Prüfung und eventuellen Schadensbehebung muss uns der Kaufgegenstand und eine Kopie der Rechnung kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ist eine Reperatur oder eine Ersatzlieferung nicht möglich, erhält der Käufer den Kaufpreis zuzüglich Rücksendekosten zurück.Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz: Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei. Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium. Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere AGB´s und unser Impressum. Beide sind auf dieser Seite hinterlegt.Photos are original. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. No guarantee for the informations of the Ebay-catalogue. For questions please use the button here on Ebay.
End: 11.03. 2024 20:55:07 on Monday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 500.0 USD

- Status: 27T 20:45:29
- Item number: 145608694493
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Asbury Park,NJ,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
OK Shape, has been used and shows its age. When turning power on you can hear it click on but does not respond to input at all. I have played with it a little have had no luck. This Bowers & Wilkins PV1 subwoofer in white is a great addition to any home audio setup. With RCA connectivity, it can easily be integrated into your existing system. The subwoofer has been well-used and is being sold for parts or repair. It is a great opportunity for anyone looking to fix it up or use it for spare parts.
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D 400-Watt Powered Subwoofer Black Test At Pickup
End: 28.02. 2024 14:16:11 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 646.86 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204664780327
- Bids: 0
- Seller: leonewinston11 (144|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bronx, New York
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D 400-Watt Powered Subwoofer Black Test At Pickup. Condition is Used. Local pickup only.
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D Powered Subwoofer Black Great Condition !
End: 26.02. 2024 00:04:30 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 502.58 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204655836964
- Seller: dmcfee70 (938|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Saint Augustine, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Inherited this. Hooked it up my Rega Queen Turntable via a Denon AVR-1513 Receiver and RCA Jacks - see video. Worked great, but did not test any of the other functions so I cant guarantee those. Molex socket is misaligned - see image of base. I dont use Molex, so did not test or try to realign. I was going to update the firmware and text other functions on the PC, but it works on a the old .NET Framework 3.5 and I didnt bother to see if I could get it working on current OS. Sounds and looks great. Cosmetically no damage. Front touch display works as intended. Amazing design and if youre here you know these are $2K new. Only comes with unit and power cable. No box, instructions or other cables. Instructions can be found online. Would prefer local pickup, since its heavy. Located in St Augustine Beach FL. Rega is also for sale in another listing.
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D 400-Watt Powered Subwoofer Black Test At Pickup
End: 15.02. 2024 12:13:10 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 652.92 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204647436537
- Bids: 0
- Seller: leonewinston11 (144|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bronx, New York
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D 400-Watt Powered Subwoofer Black Test At Pickup. Condition is Used. Local pickup only.
BOWERS & WILKINS PV1D Powered Subwoofer Black Great Condition !
End: 14.02. 2024 16:32:53 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 504.24 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204645783774
- Seller: dmcfee70 (938|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Saint Augustine, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Inherited this. Hooked it up my Rega Queen Turntable via a Denon AVR-1513 Receiver and RCA Jacks - see video. Worked great, but did not test any of the other functions so I cant guarantee those. Molex socket is misaligned - see image of base. I dont use Molex, so did not test or try to realign. I was going to update the firmware and text other functions on the PC, but it works on a the old .NET Framework 3.5 and I didnt bother to see if I could get it working on current OS. Sounds and looks great. Cosmetically no damage. Front touch display works as intended. Amazing design and if youre here you know these are $2K new. Only comes with unit and power cable. No box, instructions or other cables. Instructions can be found online. Would prefer local pickup, since its heavy. Located in St Augustine Beach FL. Rega is also for sale in another listing.
Bowers & Wilkins B&W PV1D Subwoofer schwarz
End: 09.02. 2024 18:39:01 on Friday
End: 22.01. 2024 05:36:29 on Monday
B&W Bowers & Wilkins PV1 PV 1 High End Aktivsubwoofer in schwarz mit Macken
End: 19.11. 2023 07:05:11 on Sunday
Bowers & Wilkins B&W PV1 HiFi Subwoofer
End: 14.11. 2023 19:57:47 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 650.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:19:33
- Item number: 186121426520
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Parrish,FL,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
B&W Bowers & Wilkins PV1 PV 1 High End Aktivsubwoofer in schwarz mit Macken
End: 11.11. 2023 15:10:36 on Saturday
Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8" 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White
End: 06.11. 2023 21:48:37 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 949.99 USD

- Status: 4T 22:43:10
- Item number: 266484558426
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sun Valley,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Bowers & Wilkins B&W PV1D Subwoofer only- Matt Black - Near Mint Condition
End: 04.11. 2023 21:56:00 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 660.11 EUR

- Status: 2T 21:55:50
- Item number: 204450942891
- Seller: satnamx (563|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: ilford
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Bowers & Wilkins B&W PV1D Subwoofer only- Matt Black - Near Mint Condition Used but in great condition and perfect working order Selling my prized Bowers PV1D Subwoofer in Matt black due to a house moveL. This sub sounds sublime. Just do your own research on its spec and quality. I can honestly say its deep and accurate. I used it mainly for music due to its agility but movies sound atmospheric and dramatic! If you’re looking to take your music/home cinema set up to the next level of bad ass with a talented sub ...then look no further Comes with full original boxing and accessories. Main point’s summary: · Near mint condition – see pics, there are a few very minor marks, but nothing that detracts from the sonic excellence it delivers · Full original boxing and accessories/cord ect · Marble isolation stand not included (can be purchased separately – contact me for details) · Happy to demo upon request · Prefer pickup due to size and sheer weight in IG3 postcode – but will post if required. · smoke and pet free environment I do not accept refunds. My preferred method is paypal although cash is fine. I am a credible trader on ebay, please see my feedback for confirmation. I have tried to be as accurate with the description as possible I welcome any questions and will endeavour to answer as quickly and as accurately as possible. If you have any problems/issues, please contact me first to resolve before leaving feedback. I always try and do my best to accommodate! Good Luck!
Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8" 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White
End: 31.10. 2023 20:02:12 on Tuesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 999.99 USD

- Status: 4T 21:21:20
- Item number: 266474581761
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sun Valley,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
B&W Bowers And Wilkins PV1 Active Subwoofer
End: 29.10. 2023 11:14:50 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 366.03 EUR

- Status: 5T 10:33:34
- Item number: 305103303396
- Seller: harbans9 (769|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Gravesend
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 16,94 EUR
- on EBAY
B&W Bowers And Wilkins PV1 Active Subwoofer. Work fine .
End: 28.10. 2023 09:35:14 on Saturday
B&W Bowers & Wilkins PV1 Subwoofer Speaker / 8 Ohm
End: 27.10. 2023 17:57:32 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 119.95 USD

- Status: 29T 21:59:25
- Item number: 364502509614
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
B&W Driver This listing is for a B&W Speaker.It has been fully tested and it works and sounds great. Make: B&WFits: PV1Diameter: 8 3/4Impedance: 8 Ohm Thanks for looking!!
Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8" 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White
End: 26.10. 2023 00:33:30 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 999.99 USD

- Status: 4T 19:58:40
- Item number: 266464966206
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sun Valley,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Condition: Brand New item! Original box! Description: Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White What’s included: Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW Subwoofer, 5m USB to mini-jack cable (to connect a computer when using SubApp), Power cord, 5m cable (for connection to speaker level input), Microfibre cleaning cloth, User ManualOnly the items shown in pictures will be included. What’s not included: N/A. Original box and packaging: Yes Add booming bass tones to your home theater setup with this Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW active subwoofer that features a 400W Class D amplifier and dual 8 long-throw drivers for robust, detailed audio output. Active subwooferFeatures dual 8 paper, DuPont™ KEVLAR® fiber and aluminum composite long-throw drivers for rich low-frequency output.400W Class D amplifierDelivers thunderous bass tones.Balanced drivePlus DSP (digital signal processing) helps ensure optimal performance.5 presetsAlong with analog input sensitivity, digital gain, automatic on/standby, 12V trigger on/standby, 12V trigger preset switching, RS-232 automation control and frequency, slope and phase low-pass filter options offer versatility.Stereo line input (2x RCA/phono/cinch)Along with a speaker level input with included 16.4 cable enables flexible connectivity.DuPont™ and KEVLAR® are registered trademarks of DuPont used under license by Motorola Mobility LLC and its subsidiaries.Key SpecsRMS Power150 wattsInput(s)Analog audio, Auxiliary, RCAGeneralProduct NameDual 8 400W Active SubwooferBrandBowers & WilkinsModel NumberPV1DWColorMatte WhiteColor CategoryWhiteIncludedIntegrated AmplifierYesRemote Control IncludedNoCable(s) IncludedPowerAudioAmplifier ClassDEnclosedNoFeatureApp-ControlledNoConnectivityWi-Fi Built-inNoDimensionProduct Height13.5 inchesProduct Width10.62 inchesProduct Depth14.12 inchesProduct Weight41 pounds
Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8" 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White
End: 20.10. 2023 23:58:44 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 999.99 USD

- Status: 4T 19:23:47
- Item number: 266457217910
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sun Valley,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Condition: Brand New item! Original box! Description: Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White What’s included: Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW Subwoofer, 5m USB to mini-jack cable (to connect a computer when using SubApp), Power cord, 5m cable (for connection to speaker level input), Microfibre cleaning cloth, User ManualOnly the items shown in pictures will be included. What’s not included: N/A. Original box and packaging: Yes Add booming bass tones to your home theater setup with this Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW active subwoofer that features a 400W Class D amplifier and dual 8 long-throw drivers for robust, detailed audio output. Active subwooferFeatures dual 8 paper, DuPont™ KEVLAR® fiber and aluminum composite long-throw drivers for rich low-frequency output.400W Class D amplifierDelivers thunderous bass tones.Balanced drivePlus DSP (digital signal processing) helps ensure optimal performance.5 presetsAlong with analog input sensitivity, digital gain, automatic on/standby, 12V trigger on/standby, 12V trigger preset switching, RS-232 automation control and frequency, slope and phase low-pass filter options offer versatility.Stereo line input (2x RCA/phono/cinch)Along with a speaker level input with included 16.4 cable enables flexible connectivity.DuPont™ and KEVLAR® are registered trademarks of DuPont used under license by Motorola Mobility LLC and its subsidiaries.Key SpecsRMS Power150 wattsInput(s)Analog audio, Auxiliary, RCAGeneralProduct NameDual 8 400W Active SubwooferBrandBowers & WilkinsModel NumberPV1DWColorMatte WhiteColor CategoryWhiteIncludedIntegrated AmplifierYesRemote Control IncludedNoCable(s) IncludedPowerAudioAmplifier ClassDEnclosedNoFeatureApp-ControlledNoConnectivityWi-Fi Built-inNoDimensionProduct Height13.5 inchesProduct Width10.62 inchesProduct Depth14.12 inchesProduct Weight41 pounds
B&W Bowers & Wilkins PV1 PV 1 High End Aktivsubwoofer in schwarz mit Macken
End: 19.10. 2023 06:05:59 on Thursday
Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8" 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White
End: 15.10. 2023 19:37:33 on Sunday
- Condition: New
- Price: 927.25 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266449551396
- Bids: 0
- Seller: bestbuywholesale1 (9225|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Sun Valley, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Condition: Brand New item! Original box! Description: Bowers & Wilkins - Dual 8 400W Active Subwoofer (PV1DW) - Matte White What’s included: Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW Subwoofer, 5m USB to mini-jack cable (to connect a computer when using SubApp), Power cord, 5m cable (for connection to speaker level input), Microfibre cleaning cloth, User ManualOnly the items shown in pictures will be included. What’s not included: N/A. Original box and packaging: Yes Add booming bass tones to your home theater setup with this Bowers & Wilkins PV1DW active subwoofer that features a 400W Class D amplifier and dual 8 long-throw drivers for robust, detailed audio output. Active subwooferFeatures dual 8 paper, DuPont™ KEVLAR® fiber and aluminum composite long-throw drivers for rich low-frequency output.400W Class D amplifierDelivers thunderous bass tones.Balanced drivePlus DSP (digital signal processing) helps ensure optimal performance.5 presetsAlong with analog input sensitivity, digital gain, automatic on/standby, 12V trigger on/standby, 12V trigger preset switching, RS-232 automation control and frequency, slope and phase low-pass filter options offer versatility.Stereo line input (2x RCA/phono/cinch)Along with a speaker level input with included 16.4 cable enables flexible connectivity.DuPont™ and KEVLAR® are registered trademarks of DuPont used under license by Motorola Mobility LLC and its subsidiaries.Key SpecsRMS Power150 wattsInput(s)Analog audio, Auxiliary, RCAGeneralProduct NameDual 8 400W Active SubwooferBrandBowers & WilkinsModel NumberPV1DWColorMatte WhiteColor CategoryWhiteIncludedIntegrated AmplifierYesRemote Control IncludedNoCable(s) IncludedPowerAudioAmplifier ClassDEnclosedNoFeatureApp-ControlledNoConnectivityWi-Fi Built-inNoDimensionProduct Height13.5 inchesProduct Width10.62 inchesProduct Depth14.12 inchesProduct Weight41 pounds
B&W Bowers Wilkins PV1 (1826)
End: 11.10. 2023 19:20:03 on Wednesday
B&W Bowers Wilkins PV1 (1823)
End: 11.10. 2023 19:18:45 on Wednesday
B&W Bowers & Wilkins PV1 PV 1 High End Aktivsubwoofer in schwarz mit Macken
End: 09.10. 2023 06:05:49 on Monday
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