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Bang & Olufsen Beogram 6002
End: 01.10. 2023 19:40:01 on Sunday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 176.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 195987856359
- Bids: 10
- Seller: bokeh123 (760|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Freiburg
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Bang & Olufsen Beogram 6002 Den Beogram 6002 habe ich mir vor vielen Jahren neu gekauft. Weil der Reciever aber vor Jahren seinen Geist aufgegeben hat und eher CDs angesagt waren, wurde der Plattenspieler lange nicht benutzt. Erst beim Beiseitestellen habe ich bemerkt, dass er das Blumenwasser nicht mochte, das offenbar darunter gelaufen war. Er ist dort also angerostet, nur sieht man es oben nicht ;) Ich habe ihn kürzlich wieder in Betrieb genommen und mit einem Adapterkabel an meinen Sony Verstärker angeschlossen. Er startet und läuft wie immer, allerdings schaltet er am Ende nicht selbsttätig ab. Ich meine, dass er das früher gemacht hat. Bei der Wiederinbetriebnahme habe ich bemerkt, dass der Antriebsriemen reichlich locker ist. Es wäre ratsam, den zu ersetzen (wird bei ebay angeboten). Kurzum: das Gerät funktioniert weitgehend, aber wegen der Mängel biete ich es als defekt an. Der optische Zustand ist ordentlich aber nicht wie neu. Die Mängel in Kurzform: Rost auf der Unterseite Keine automatische Abschaltung Lockerer Antriebsriemen Deswegen ausdrücklich Verkauf als defektes Gerät. Das Gerät hat eine MMC-3 Nadel, wenig genutzt Zum Lieferumfang gehören das Original Kabel sowie ein Adapterkabel für Cinch. Privatverkauf aus der persönlichen Verwendung. Keine Rückgabe und keine Garantie.
Vintage B&O Bang & Olufsen Beogram 6002 - MMC2 Stylus - Rosewood -Turntable
End: 21.09. 2023 02:56:29 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 616.79 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 145313582838
- Bids: 1
- Seller: bbank (2267|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Sterling, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 110,0 EUR
- on EBAY
A rare find to get this carefully and gently used classic B&O fully automatic turntable, with a MMC2 stylus in perfect condition, cosmetically flawless. Additional information:
Vintage B&O Bang & Olufsen Beogram 6002 - MMC2 Stylus - Rosewood By Jacob Jenson
End: 20.09. 2023 17:18:34 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 756.89 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145298587564
- Bids: 0
- Seller: bbank (2267|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Sterling, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 110,0 EUR
- on EBAY
A rare find to get this carefully and gently used classic B&O fully automatic turntable, with a MMC2 stylus in perfect condition, cosmetically flawless. Additional information:
Bang & Olufsen Beogram TX + MMC4 System 4000 6002 8002 Turntable Plattenspieler
End: 03.09. 2023 19:06:36 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 299.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175882639572
- Bids: 0
- Seller: niclinste (339|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Deutschland
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 20,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BITTE GENAU LESEN !Beogram TX inkl. MMC4-System Tangential-PlattenspielerDer Plattenspieler ist grundsätzlich funktionstüchtig. Selbst das MMC-4System klingt in meinen Augen noch gut (siehe Video, Plattenspieler ist allerdings nur an einem alten Beosystem 10 angeschlossen).Allerdings setzt die Nadel manchmal (nicht immer ?) etwas zu früh auf und der rechte Deckel über dem Tonarm ist lose und müßte neu verklebt werden (habe es schon versucht, aber es hält nicht ordentlich).Es wäre daher sicher nicht verkehrt, wenn sich der Käufer zumindest etwas damit auskennt und ggf. kleinere Korrekturen/Justierungen selber vornehmen kann. Alleine ein gebrauchtes MMC4-System wird hier schon mit über 100 Euro gehandelt.Da das Gerät sehr schwer und super empfindlich ist, würde ich eine Abholung bevorzugen. So kann sich der Käufer auch vor Ort gleich von dem Zustand des Plattenspielers überzeugen.Sollte dennoch ein Versand gewünscht werden, erfolgt dieser ausschliesslich AUF EIGNES RISIKO und in dem Fall würde ich nur die direkte Überweisung auf mein Konto, oder PayPal an Freunde akzeptieren, um späteren Ärger zu vermeiden. Selbstverständlich würde ich ihn super sicher einpacken und es auch mit Fotos dokumentieren, damit mir hinterher niemand etwas nachsagen kann.Sie können natürlich hier mitbieten um das Gerät zu ersteigern, aber die Bezahlung über eBay würde ich nicht akzeptieren und wieder stornieren, aus den zuvor angegebenen Gründen, die hoffentlich für jeden nachvollziehbar sind. Sollte er beim Transport beschädigt werden, möchte ich nicht der Leidtragende sein, der dann auf dem Schaden sitzen bleibt. Für so ein hochwertiges Gerät lohnt sich vielleicht auch mal ein kleiner Ausflug ins schöne Weserbergland ???? Optisch hat er natürlich ein paar Gebrauchsspuren (siehe original Fotos), ist aber noch absolut Wohnzimmertauglich.Abholung in der Nähe von 31785 Hameln bzw. ca. 50km südlich von Hannover !
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002 BeoCenter 2200
End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:24 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 325.14 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266321185415
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,93 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/Stylus Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds great Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specification Tracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantileverTracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus EllipticalCantilever tube. Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,4Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5Channel separation 1000>dB 22Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources. No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG & OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 5000, 9500
End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:23 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 301.83 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266321185394
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,1 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 1800, RX, RX2, 7000,
End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:23 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 325.14 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266321185431
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,82 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/StylusUk StockSounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2 Diamond Stylus Elliptical Cantilever tube. Tap. alum. . Effective tip mass mg 0,4 Compliance mg/mN 25 Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5 Channel separation 1000>dB 22 Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 9500, 7000.
End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:23 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 325.14 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266321185443
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,82 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/Stylus Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds great Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specification Tracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantileverTracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus EllipticalCantilever tube. Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,4Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5Channel separation 1000>dB 22Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources. No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG & OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 5000, 7000.
End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:22 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 301.83 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266321185427
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,1 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG & OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 5000, 9500
End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:44 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 311.7 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266301730129
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,73 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002
End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:43 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 334.87 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266301730111
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 44,44 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/Stylus Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds great Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specification Tracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantileverTracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus EllipticalCantilever tube. Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,4Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5Channel separation 1000>dB 22Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources. No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 9500, 7000.
End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:42 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 334.87 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266301730116
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 44,44 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/Stylus Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds great Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specification Tracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantileverTracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus EllipticalCantilever tube. Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,4Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5Channel separation 1000>dB 22Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources. No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 1800, RX, RX2, 7000,
End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:41 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 336.71 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266304506518
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 44,44 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/StylusUk StockSounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2 Diamond Stylus Elliptical Cantilever tube. Tap. alum. . Effective tip mass mg 0,4 Compliance mg/mN 25 Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5 Channel separation 1000>dB 22 Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
BANG & OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005, 6002, 8002, 5000, 7000.
End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:40 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 311.7 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266301730096
- Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 43,73 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.
End: 27.08. 2021 21:19:36 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 277.93 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 265277135060
- Counter: 587
- Bids: 34
- Seller: qda-quality-dream-audio (5224|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: hailsham
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 18,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Bang & Olufsen beogram 6002
End: 23.08. 2021 16:35:46 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 50.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 284408418727
- Counter: 147
- Bids: 0
- Seller: olivierbenjamin (6|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Marseille
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Bang Olufsen B&O Beogram 6002 Turntable
End: 24.07. 2021 22:13:54 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 432.31 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 324714703522
- Counter: 395
- Bids: 36
- Seller: hifi_shop_uk (2348|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Trowbridge, Wiltshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 23,33 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O with brush Beogram 3500 5005 6002 8002
End: 15.06. 2021 22:36:29 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 83.95 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 324670140214
- Counter: 94
- Seller: dampudampu (898|99.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Hounslow
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 3,85 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002
End: 21.04. 2021 20:21:04 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 275.68 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 265080166375
- Counter: 98
- Seller: musicuk (341|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002 6500 7000 1800
End: 07.04. 2021 21:14:07 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 275.68 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 265080177512
- Counter: 185
- Seller: musicuk (341|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 06.04. 2021 11:50:36 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 805.1 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 274729697518
- Counter: 177
- Seller: press893 (314|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Warrington
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002
End: 07.03. 2021 22:01:54 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 290.02 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 265059300549
- Counter: 43
- Seller: musicuk (341|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002
End: 07.03. 2021 22:01:53 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 290.02 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 265059300521
- Counter: 103
- Seller: musicuk (341|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Herefordshire
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BANG OLUFSEN MMC1 Stylus Cartridge BOXED Beogram 6500 7000 8002 4500 6006 6002
End: 24.02. 2021 01:50:10 on Wednesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 1842.88 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 265031366834
- Counter: 555
- Seller: qualitronics (307|97.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: LONDON, London
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 9,45 EUR
- on EBAY
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