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BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200 7007 7700 beogram 6500

End: 12.11. 2024 15:38:25 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395892854708
  • Seller: romansdaddy81 (4409|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Farnborough Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 28,29 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200 7007 7700 beogram 6500Working fine on both channels with no distortion or drop out. Used.

Bang Olufsen Beogram 2200 + B&O MMC 3000 Nadel, Top Zustand

End: 29.10. 2024 20:38:21 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 190.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276707243257
  • Seller: ramboorot (947|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bang Olufsen Beogram 2200 + B&O MMC 3000 Nadel, Top ZustandSCHNÄPPCHEN !!!! Verkauft wird hier ein Vintage Plattenspieler der oberen Klasse Bang & Olufsen Beogram 2200 mit MMC 3000 Nadelsystem Made in Denmark Der Beogram 2200 von B&O Design Jacob Jensen Das Gerät ist in original Zustand und läuft einwandfrei, technisch ohne Mängel,die MMC 3000 Nadel ist auch in einem guten Zustand - Alle Anzeigelämpchen leuchten. - Elektronik für die Ansteuerung funktioniert auch wunderbar. Der Plattenspieler ist Allgemein in einem Top Zustand, siehe original Bilder. Mängel Die Haube ist lose, habe es rausgenommen da die Haubengelenk leider hinten rechts kleines stück abgebrochen ist.( siehe original Bilder ) dafür muss man es mechanisch selber die Haube abnehmen und wieder drauf tun ,hat mich soweit auch nicht gestört. Für einen Kenner, müsste es kein großes Problem sein, es wieder hinzubekommen. Sehr leise arbeitender Vollautomat Tonabnehmer in gutem Zustand, siehe original Bilder. ( nur der MMC3000 System Nadel ist schon soviel Wert ) Zustand Kein Keller Fund, keine Tiere, kein Geruch, kein Schmutz, kein Staub, kein Raucher Haushalt, es ist sofort Wohnzimmer tauglich,ohne bedenken da die Sachen selber im Wohnzimmer standen und auch sehr gut und sauber behandelt wurden sind.In dem Zustand und in dem Preis Verhältnis, werden Sie bestimmt so ein Vintage Plattenspieler nicht wieder finden, garantiert. Falls Sie Fragen haben bitte vor dem Kauf, ich stehe gerne zur Verfügung. Technische Daten entnehmen Sie bitte dem Internet oder dem Bang Olufsen Buch über die Designklassiker. PRIVAT VERKAUFT KEINE RÜCKNAHME,KEINE GARANTIEBitte nicht bieten wenn Sie damit nicht einverstanden sind. ( siehe aber Meine Bewertungen ) Selbstabholung in Hamburg bevorzugt kann natürlich bei Abholung probegehört und getestet werden. Selbstverständlich wird sehr gut mit viel Folie verpackt und als versichertes Paket verschickt. Liebe Leute,trotz allem kann ich leider für Transport Schäden, keine Haftung übernehmen. Nicht lange zögern , sonst ist es nachher zu spät !!! ACHTUNG : BEI EINEM SOFORTKAUF , KEINE VERSAND KOSTEN !!

B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Gehäuse / Housing

End: 15.10. 2024 14:19:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 11.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146026255082
  • Seller: allgoodthingsshop (1880|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil  Gehäuse /  HousingB&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Gehäuse / Housing. Gebrauchtes oberes und unteres Gehäuse. Teil, mit Transportschrauben und Gebrauchsspuren siehe Fotos. Fotos sind toll Überschreibung. Bitte betrachten Sie diese genau. Wird das Ersatzteil oder warst du Ware verkauft. Privatverkauf keine Gewährleistung keine Rücknahme. Der Käufer akzeptiert dies mit Annahme des Angebots. Schauen Sie auch meine anderen Angebote. Nutzen Sie den Kombi Versand.

B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Gehäuse / Housing

End: 14.09. 2024 12:28:53 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 11.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145304359928
  • Seller: allgoodthingsshop (1866|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil  Gehäuse /  HousingB&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Gehäuse / Housing. Gebrauchtes oberes und unteres Gehäuse. Teil, mit Transportschrauben und Gebrauchsspuren siehe Fotos. Fotos sind toll Überschreibung. Bitte betrachten Sie diese genau. Wird das Ersatzteil oder warst du Ware verkauft. Privatverkauf keine Gewährleistung keine Rücknahme. Der Käufer akzeptiert dies mit Annahme des Angebots. Schauen Sie auch meine anderen Angebote. Nutzen Sie den Kombi Versand.

Motor - Rahmen* Gewicht vom Bang & Olufsen B&O - Beogram 2200 Plattenspieler

End: 28.08. 2024 07:35:00 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335550923356
  • Seller: easy_2016 (4015|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Haseldorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Motor - Rahmen* Gewicht vom Bang & Olufsen B&O - Beogram 2200 PlattenspielerVintage Turntable / Plattenspieler Zubehör - Ersatzteile Vom Hersteller / Modell:B & O Beogram 2200 / Type 5721, demontierte Motorfassung* Metallplatten Beschreibung/Zustand - Wird als Ersatzteil angeboten und so verkauft da wir keine volle Garantie geben können- wurde nur vom Plattenspieler demontiert- ungetestet Versand durch DHL / Shipping EU & WORLD via DHL

Mechanik Automatik vom Bang & Olufsen B&O - Beogram 2200 Plattenspieler

End: 20.10. 2023 21:58:15 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 9.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145304373059
  • Seller: allgoodthingsshop (1689|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Mechanik Automatik vom Bang & Olufsen B&O - Beogram 2200 PlattenspielerMechanik Automatik vom Bang & Olufsen B&O - Beogram 2200 Plattenspieler. Mechanik mit Zahnrädern. Unsere lesen hier Fotos Fotos sind alle Beschreibung. Bitte betrachten Sie genau. Der Träger Privatverkauf keine EU Gewährleistung keine Rücknahmeangebot. Schauen Sie auch meine anderen Angebote. Nutzen Sie die Kombi Versand einmal Versandkosten berechnet.

B&O Bang & Olufsen Beogram 2200 Type 5721 Plattenspieler Turntable Record Player

End: 20.10. 2023 16:58:55 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 46.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314894324998
  • Bids: 10
  • Seller: stepupchris (620|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Bang & Olufsen Beogram 2200 Type 5721 Plattenspieler Turntable Record PlayerBang & Olufsen Beogram 2200 Type 5721 Stereo Plattenspieler Aus Nachlass. Schöner und sauberer optischer Zustand. Ohne Tonabnehmer. Es wurde geprüft. Es geht zwar an und der Tonarm schwenkt zur Platte, aber der Plattenspieler dreht auf volle Geschwindigkeit auf und lässt sich nicht stoppen, noch verlangsamen. Bei der Abdeckung ist auf einer Seite ein Plastikteil / die Halterung an der rechten Seite abgebrochen, so dass sich diese ohne reinpressen nicht vollkommen schließt bzw. ein Spalt entsteht. Aufgrund der genannten Dinge, wird der Plattenspieler ausdrücklich als defekt für Bastler verkauft. BeoGram 2200 Record Deck Product SpecificationsTypes: 5721 (1978 - Feb 1980) F 5723 (1978 - March 1980) Speeds 33 - 45 rpm Speeds control range > +/- 3 % Wow and flutter < 0.06 % Rumble weighted > 65 dB Rumble, unweighted > 45 dB Drive system Flat Belt Motor Servo controlled DC Power supply 220 (110) V Power consumption 8 W Dimensions W x H x D 44 x 8.5 x 37cm Weight 6.5 kg Pick-up MMC 20 E Recommended tracking force 15 mN / 1.5 g Frequency range 20 - 20,000 Hz +/- 2.5 dBRecommended tracking force 12 mN / 1.2 gFrequency range 20 - 20,000 Hz +/- 2 dB Lieferumfang: Siehe Fotos. Viel Spaß beim Bieten!Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf, daher keine Rücknahme, Garantie oder ähnlich

B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Plattenteller

End: 30.09. 2023 18:50:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 9.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145304363403
  • Seller: allgoodthingsshop (1689|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil PlattentellerB&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil Plattenteller. Gebraucht aber in Ordnung, mit Gebrauch spuren. Siehe Fotos Fotos in Thale Beschreibung. Bitte betrachten Sie diese genau. Privatverkauf keine Gewährleistung keine Rücknahme. Der Käufer akzeptiert dies mit Annahme des Angebots. Schauen Sie auch meine anderen Angebote. Nutzen Sie den Kombi Versand. Das wird nur einmal Versandkosten berechnet.

B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil / Part Tonarm / Pickup arm 170

End: 20.09. 2023 13:20:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 15.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145304353625
  • Seller: allgoodthingsshop (1689|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 1,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil / Part Tonarm / Pickup arm 170B&O Beogram 2200 Ersatzteil / Part Tonarm / Pickup arm 170. Gebrauchter Zustand als Ersatzteil oder Bastlerware siehe Fotos. Fotos sind Teil der Beschreibung. Bitte betrachte diese genau. Privatverkauf keine Gewährleistung keine Rücknahme. Der Käufer akzeptiert dies mit Annahme des Angebots. Schauen Sie auch meine anderen Angebote. Nutzen Sie den Kombi Versand. Es wird nur einmal Versandkosten berechnet bei Warensendung keine Haftung für beschädigen oder Untergang. Empfohlen Versicherter Hermes Versand

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800

End: 14.08. 2023 21:09:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 407.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305029310793
  • Seller: levharri_16 (572|98.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Thetford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 51,13 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800

End: 17.07. 2023 19:38:25 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 409.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304989700020
  • Seller: levharri_16 (553|98.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Thetford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 51,38 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5005 6002 8002 BeoCenter 2200

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:24 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 325.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185415
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 43,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/Stylus Uk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds great Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specification Tracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantileverTracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus EllipticalCantilever tube. Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,4Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5Channel separation 1000>dB 22Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources. No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC4 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beogram 5500, TX2 RX2 1800 BeoCenter 2200

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:24 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 325.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185424
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 43,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC4 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC4 Specifications Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2 Diamond Stylus Elliptical Cantilever tube. Tap. alum. . Effective tip mass mg 0,4 Compliance mg/mN 25 Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2,5 Channel separation 1000>dB 22 Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC2 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 7007, 7700, 2200 Beogram 1800

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:23 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 546.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185404
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire , United Kingdom Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 50,92 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC2 Cartridge/StylusNewly refurbished Bang & Olufsen MMC2.Refurbished suspension with an original Bang & Olufsen nude multi-radial contact line diamond mounted on a sapphire tube cantilever.Tracking perfectly with 1gram vertical tracking forceMMC2 Specifications :Nude multi-radial Contact Line diamond mounted on a sapphire cantileverTracking force 1 gramNude Contact Line diamond stylusCantilever tube - sapphire Effective tip mass 0.3 mgCompliance mg/mN 30Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 1.5Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0.6Cartridge weight 1.6 grams Courtesy of Beoworld.orgMMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies. Any questions just get in touch, Id be glad to help.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 3300

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:22 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 360.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185410
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 44,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC3 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC3 Product SpecificationsDescription Nude elliptical diamond mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus Elliptical nudeCantilever tube Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,35Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 8002

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:22 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 360.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185414
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 44,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC3 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC3 Product SpecificationsDescription Nude elliptical diamond mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus Elliptical nudeCantilever tube Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,35Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20E CART STYLUS B&O BEOGRAM 1600, 1602, 1102, 3400, 2400, 2200,

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:21 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 227.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185412
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 41,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20E Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise.Tracking perfectly.Sounds great.Stock images appearance will vary slightly.BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CART & STYLUS BEOGRAM 6000 4000 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 3600 4600Inspected, tested - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! MMC20EManufactured: 1979 - 1985 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colours: BlackPrior to the release of MMC1 - 5 cartridges, Bang & Olufsen had the following MMC range of combined styli and cartridges:MMC cartridges were available with standard ½ mounting brackets, or with easy plug-in, lightweight connectors. These enabled you to mount MMC cartridges onto non-Bang & Olufsen arms. The cartridges plugged directly into Beogram pickup arms without additional mounting gearMMC 20 S was a stereo cartridge with a spherical framed diamondMMC 20 E was fitted with a framed elliptical diamond which has a high polishMMC 20EN had a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantileverMMC 20 CL utilised a Contact Line naked diamond mounted on a single crystal sapphire cantilever. This shape ensures maximum groove contact. This was the most highly-specified cartridge in the MMC 20 rangeIn 1958, Bang & Olufsen introduced the first stereo pickup cartridge ever made in Europe. This was called the SP1. Since then, many design innovations and the creative use of new materials have kept B&Os cartridges at the forefront of audio technology. By 1979 - 80, Bang & Olufsens cartridges were represented by the MMC 20 series. MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. The MMC20 series therefore represented the closest that modern technology at that time, could possibly afford.Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.Bang & Olufsen cartridges have always been highly acclaimed for their low ETM values. The ETM of the MMC 20CL is a mere 0,3mg and in the standard MMC 20 range,, only 0,5mg.MMC cartridges were manufactured by Bang & Olufsen as totally integrated units. This means that the elements were matched, balanced and sealed at the factory. Using a computer-supported testing programme,, each sealed unit was meticulously tested and its performance information automatically registered and packed with each cartridge. The information given included output voltage, relative voltage output (channel balance), channel separation and frequency response. Individually-calibrated frequency response curves were also supplied with the higher-specified MMC 20CL cartridges.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:21 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 360.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185430
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 44,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC3 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC3 Product SpecificationsDescription Nude elliptical diamond mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus Elliptical nudeCantilever tube Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,35Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200 7007 7700 beogram 6500

End: 14.07. 2023 11:13:21 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 301.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321185435
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 43,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC20E CART STYLUS B&O BEOGRAM 1600, 1602, 1102, 3400, 2400, 2200,

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 237.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730118
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 42,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC20E Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch Checked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise.Tracking perfectly.Sounds great.Stock images appearance will vary slightly.BANG & OLUFSEN MMC20E CART & STYLUS BEOGRAM 6000 4000 8000 BEOCENTER 7000 7002 3600 4600Inspected, tested - see images MMC means Moving Micro-Cross Titanium-bonded naked elliptical diamond, to reduce record wear and maintain optimum surface contact Effective Tip Mass of mg 0,4 this is what preserves your vinyl! MMC20EManufactured: 1979 - 1985 Designer: Jacob Jensen Colours: BlackPrior to the release of MMC1 - 5 cartridges, Bang & Olufsen had the following MMC range of combined styli and cartridges:MMC cartridges were available with standard ½ mounting brackets, or with easy plug-in, lightweight connectors. These enabled you to mount MMC cartridges onto non-Bang & Olufsen arms. The cartridges plugged directly into Beogram pickup arms without additional mounting gearMMC 20 S was a stereo cartridge with a spherical framed diamondMMC 20 E was fitted with a framed elliptical diamond which has a high polishMMC 20EN had a naked elliptical diamond, mounted on a tiny tapered cantileverMMC 20 CL utilised a Contact Line naked diamond mounted on a single crystal sapphire cantilever. This shape ensures maximum groove contact. This was the most highly-specified cartridge in the MMC 20 rangeIn 1958, Bang & Olufsen introduced the first stereo pickup cartridge ever made in Europe. This was called the SP1. Since then, many design innovations and the creative use of new materials have kept B&Os cartridges at the forefront of audio technology. By 1979 - 80, Bang & Olufsens cartridges were represented by the MMC 20 series. MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. The MMC20 series therefore represented the closest that modern technology at that time, could possibly afford.Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.Bang & Olufsen cartridges have always been highly acclaimed for their low ETM values. The ETM of the MMC 20CL is a mere 0,3mg and in the standard MMC 20 range,, only 0,5mg.MMC cartridges were manufactured by Bang & Olufsen as totally integrated units. This means that the elements were matched, balanced and sealed at the factory. Using a computer-supported testing programme,, each sealed unit was meticulously tested and its performance information automatically registered and packed with each cartridge. The information given included output voltage, relative voltage output (channel balance), channel separation and frequency response. Individually-calibrated frequency response curves were also supplied with the higher-specified MMC 20CL cartridges.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 3300

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:40 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 369.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730088
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 45,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC3 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC3 Product SpecificationsDescription Nude elliptical diamond mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus Elliptical nudeCantilever tube Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,35Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC5 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200 7007 7700 beogram 6500

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:40 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 311.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730089
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 43,84 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC5 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.5gram vertical tracking force Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC3 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 2200, 7700, 7007, Beogram 1800

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:40 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 369.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730110
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 45,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC3 Cartridge/StylusUk stock ready for dispatch NOW Sounds greatChecked on a spectrum analyser, delicate, accurate and precise matching perfectly to its published specificationTracking perfectly with 1.2gram vertical tracking force MMC3 Product SpecificationsDescription Nude elliptical diamond mounted on a tapered aluminium cantilever Tracking force - grams 1.2Diamond Stylus Elliptical nudeCantilever tube Tap. alum. .Effective tip mass mg 0,35Compliance mg/mN 25Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 2Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6 Cartridge weight gram 1,6 Courtesy of MMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis. The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker. A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridge If you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play. While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear. Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies.

BANG OLUFSEN MMC2 Stylus Cartridge B&O Beocenter 7007, 7700, 2200 Beogram 1800

End: 02.07. 2023 18:36:39 on Sunday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 555.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301730102
  • Seller: musicuk (379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herefordshire , United Kingdom Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 51,61 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Bang & Olufsen MMC2 Cartridge/StylusNewly refurbished Bang & Olufsen MMC2.Refurbished suspension with an original Bang & Olufsen nude multi-radial contact line diamond mounted on a sapphire tube cantilever.Tracking perfectly with 1gram vertical tracking forceMMC2 Specifications :Nude multi-radial Contact Line diamond mounted on a sapphire cantileverTracking force 1 gramNude Contact Line diamond stylusCantilever tube - sapphire Effective tip mass 0.3 mgCompliance mg/mN 30Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 1.5Channel separation 1000>dB 25Output mV/cm/s RMS 0.6Cartridge weight 1.6 grams Courtesy of Beoworld.orgMMC stands for Moving Micro-Cross; the patented moving-iron principle upon which all B&O cartridges were based. This unique system employed a cross-shaped armature which, among other advantages, guaranteed exceptional stereo separation since each channel moves on a separate axis.The job of any pickup cartridge is to transform the records physical profile (groove modulation) into corresponding electrical signals (which are then amplified or enlarged by the amplifier and turned into audible sound waves by the loudspeaker.A cartridge must perform three separate and exacting tasks if it is to do this job successfully. It must function mechanically (the movements of the stylus in the groove); it must function magnetically (using the physical movements to create changes in a magnetic field); and it must function electrically (using the changes in magnetic flux to generate an electrical current). At each stage, one type of energy is transferred into another, quite different, type. And the transfer must be perfect, with no energy lost and none added from extraneous sources.No cartridge will ever reach this ideal unless the Laws of Physics can be repealed. However, by understanding the relationships between the three transfer stages and continually applying refined engineering techniques, B&Os belief was that each stage of cartridge improvement would bring each successive cartridge closer to the ideal. Record wear and the cartridgeIf you take music seriously the value of your record collection is likely to be high. Many of your records are likely to be irreplaceable. You will also know that the signals pressed into your vinyl discs are very fragile indeed. The pickup cartridge can be the discs worse enemy since an ill-suited cartridge can mark a record for life in a single play.While B&O is aware that cartridge specifications are inter-related, their research shows consistently that Effective Tip Mass (ETM) is one of the major factors affecting record wear. ETM is the equivalent of the amount of inertia the groove sees in moving or accelerating the stylus tip. Consequently, the higher the ETM value, the higher the force required for a given constant acceleration. Obviously, more force results in more wear.Three elements contribute to ETM. The stylus tip (diamond) contributes with its entire weight and mass. The armature contributes between 5 - 20% of its weight and mass; the cantilever around 30%. B&O has been able to reduce ETM substantially by refining these elements and building them into an integrated unit. The result is a system which not only reduces damage to the groove walls dramatically, but also provides exceptional performance at all frequencies. Any questions just get in touch, Id be glad to help.

B&o Beogram 2200