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Audio Research SP-14 Preamplifier with phono - Stereophile recommended

End: 12.01. 2025 00:37:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1919.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146247955088
  • Seller: tomincol (81|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Columbus, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Power Outputs:- 2 Switched- 1 Unswitched

Audio Research SP9 / SP-9 Preamplifier -project unit , for repair SP6 SP14

End: 24.11. 2024 03:40:48 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 672.22 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126781524547
  • Bids: 26
  • Seller: jdmsales (8970|94.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Savage, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Physical condition - very good *Project unit* When I got this unit the shafts on the toggle switches on the front were broken off. I have purchased exact replacements. They are included in the listing I just dont have time to take it all apart and repair. I just have too much going on. Just got to move on to other things. My loss is your gain. The unit is sold as is for repair I have recently acquired a very large collection of high-end audio from a world renowned collector and restoration specialist. I will be listing a part of it over the next week and then a larger part within a month. Please keep an eye on my listings for many great opportunities to find scarce pieces.

Audio Research Sp14 Preamp

End: 21.10. 2024 18:41:16 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1227.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156447632361
  • Seller: thinhh123 (345|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: North Lima, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research Sp14 Preamp in good condition.

Audio Research SP 14

End: 13.10. 2024 10:25:58 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1180.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156439464675
  • Seller: cosmogolh999 (4260|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Moormerland Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research SP 14Audio Research SP 14 - Vorstärker der Oberklasse, technisch und Optisch top. - die kleinere Version des zweiteiligen Audio Research SP 15 - mit einem sehr guten RIAA Eingang über Röhre ( TAD ) für MM Systeme . mit Ersatzröhre Telefunken E 88 CC Diamond Botton. Die Röhre wurde auf einem Funke W19 als sehr gut geprüft. Die Prüfergebnisse der Prüfung in mA:11/11,5 - Daten des Vorverstärkers: Frequenzgang 5dB, 5Hz bis 50kHz, -3db Punkte unter 1Hz und über 200 kHz. phono: 3dB RIAA, 30Hz bis 40kHz Verzerrung (THD) Weniger als 0,01 % bei 2V RMS-Ausgang Phono-Eingang zur Bandausgabe: 46 dB. Phono-Eingang zur Hauptausgabe: 66 dB.High Input Eingänge Phono: 47K Ohm (Einstellung für jeden Wert unter 47K Ohm oder zusätzliche Eingangskapazität z 250 Ohm Hauptleistung, 1000 Ohm Recorder Leistung. Empfohlene Last 60K - 100K Ohm und 100pF. (20K-Ohms und max 100pf ) Rechtliche Hinweise und Bedingungen: Aufgrund der gesetzlichen Regelung zum Gewährleistungs- und Rückgaberecht, bei Verkäufen von Privatpersonen . Die von mir privat angebotenen Artikel werden unter Ausschluss jeglicher Garantie, Sachmangelhaftung, Gewährleistung und ohne Rücknahme oder Wandlung verkauft . Alle Angaben, Bilder und Hinweise zur Ware sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht und möglichst genau, damit sich der Käufer ein genaues Bild machen kann! Sehen sie hierzu auch meine Bewertungen. Hiermit möchte ich bestätigen, dass ich auf der Auktionsplattform Ebay nur als Privatperson und nicht unternehmerisch tätig bin und hier nur Artikel aus meinem Privatbesitz oder dem Privatbesitz. Der genannte Markenname wird nur zur Produktbeschreibung genutzt und die Rechte liegen bei dem jeweiligen Inhaber.

Audio Research SP-14 preamplifier - solid state and tube hybrid design

End: 12.08. 2024 12:33:16 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1893.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145835695105
  • Seller: tomincol (78|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Columbus, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research SP-14 hybrid solid state / tube design. A single tube is used in the phono section. Stereophile recommended.This preamplifier is in excellent condition from a non-smoking environment. All functions work as new and the sound is very high quality. RCA Inputs:- Phono- CD- Tuner- Video- Spare- Tape 1- Tape 2RCA Outputs:- Recorder 1- Recorder 2- Main 1- Main 2Outputs:- 2 Switched- 1 Unswitched

Audio Research SP9 / SP-9 Preamplifier - in Excellent Condition SP6 SP14

End: 10.07. 2024 00:22:11 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 985.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296554182178
  • Seller: jdmsales (8931|94.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Savage, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Physical condition - excellent, there is a little bit of some tape residue on the back that I will clean off before sending Electrical condition - Unit is working just as it, no issues. I have recently acquired a very large collection of high-end audio from a world renowned collector and restoration specialist. I will be listing a part of it over the next week and then a larger part within a month. Please keep an eye on my listings for many great opportunities to find scarce pieces.

Audio research SP14

End: 07.06. 2024 12:11:43 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1444.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276498112213
  • Seller: drken2001 (156|92.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: South Bend, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 75,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AR SP14 in really wonderful condition. My personal preamp and works flawlessly. Especially quiet and a fantastic phono section. Will be packed and boxed properly.

Audio Research SP 14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker Top

End: 07.05. 2024 20:10:44 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1649.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305477861290
  • Seller: hifi-klang-studio (2451|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Windeck Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research SP 14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker Tophifi-klang-studio Lust auf besseren Sound ? Musik bedeutet nicht nur zu hören, Musik kann man fühlen! Fühlen Sie den Unterschied mit uns!Erstellt mit Eselt - Vorlage-EditorErstellt mit Eselt - Vorlage-EditorAudio Research SP-14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker TopBESUCHEN SIE UNS UNTER: www hifi-klang-studio deDort bekommen Sie diesen Artikel zum günstigen fairen Preis !Zum Verkauf steht ein seltener High-End Audio Research SP-14 Preamplifier Vorverstärker Technischer Zustand:Das Gerät ist voll funktionsfähig und wurde die Jahre gepflegt behandelt! Optischer Zustand:Sehr guter gebrauchter Zustand. Eine Abholung wäre mir lieber, in 51570 Windeck NRW BESUCHEN SIE UNS UNTER: hifi-klang-studio Dort bekommen Sie diesen Artikel zum günstigen fairen Preis !Erstellt mit Eselt - Vorlage-Editor ZahlungBESUCHEN SIE UNS UNTER: hifi-klang-studio deDort bekommen Sie diesen Artikel zum günstigen fairen Preis !Unser ServiceAnkauf und Verkauf von gebrauchten High-End Geräten, sowie Wartung der HiFi-Geräte. Inzahlungnahme gebrauchte High-End HiFi Geräte, auch komplette HiFi Sammlungen ! Die Abholung erfolgt Deutschlandweit vor Ort. Wir zahlen in Bar !Unsere starke LeistungBei uns im Shop finden Sie die geprüfte und gepflegte HiFi Geräte! Bevor unsere HiFi Geräte unser Lager verlassen, führen wir eine komplette Wartung und die Prüfung der Geräte durch. Alle unsere Sendungen werden Fachmännisch, Professionell und sicher verpackt, damit Sie einwandfreie Ware bekommen.Alle Sendungen werden per DHL versichert verschickt.Unser VersprechenWir achten auf die Höchste Qualität in der HiFi Branche 80-er, 90-er und von heute, sowie auf eine attraktive Preisgestaltung für Sie.Dabei stellen wir immer die Wünsche unserer Kunden in den Mittelpunkt. Nur wenn Sie zufrieden sind, sind wir es auch!Allgemeine Geschäftsbedienungen und Widerrufs-Rückgabebelehrung :Mit dem Kauf, akzeptieren Sie unsere AGB, Widerrufs-und Rückgabebelehrung, sowie die Gewährleistungbedienungen.Bitte nehmen Sie sich Zeit und lesen Sie unsere AGBFür Druckfehler oder falsche Angaben, übernehmen wir keine Haftung. Versand RückgabeWiderrufsbelehrung:Sie können Ihre Vertragserklärung innerhalb von 14 Tagen ohne Angabe von Gründen in Textform (z. B. Brief, Fax, E-Mail) oder - wenn Ihnen die Sache vor Fristablauf überlassen wird - durch Rücksendung der Sache widerrufen. Die Frist beginnt nach Erhalt dieser Belehrung in Textform, jedoch nicht vor Eingang der Ware beim Empfänger (bei der wiederkehrenden Lieferung gleichartiger Waren nicht vor Eingang der ersten Teillieferung) und auch nicht vor Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß § 312c Abs. 2 BGB in Verbindung mit § 1 Abs. 1, 2 und 4 BGB-InfoV sowie unserer Pflichten gemäß § 312e Abs. 1 Satz 1 BGB in Verbindung mit § 3 BGB-InfoV. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist genügt die rechtzeitige Absendung des Widerrufs oder der Sache.Der Widerruf ist zu richten an:HiFi-Klang-StudioOleg ZimmermannLandstr. 3751570 WindeckDeutschlandWiderrufsfolgen:Im Falle eines wirksamen Widerrufs sind die beiderseits empfangenen Leistungen zurückzugewähren und ggf. gezogene Nutzungen (z. B. Zinsen) herauszugeben. Können Sie uns die empfangene Leistung ganz oder teilweise nicht oder nur in verschlechtertem Zustand zurückgewähren, müssen Sie uns insoweit ggf. Wertersatz leisten. Bei der Überlassung von Sachen gilt dies nicht, wenn die Verschlechterung der Sache ausschließlich auf deren Prüfung - wie sie Ihnen etwa im Ladengeschäft möglich gewesen wäre - zurückzuführen ist. Für eine durch die bestimmungsgemäße Ingebrauchnahme der Sache entstandene Verschlechterung müssen Sie keinen Wertersatz leisten. Wir unterliegen der Differenzbesteuerung gem. § 25a UStG , deshalb keine Ausweisung der 19 % MwSt. auf angeforderten Rechnungen.

Audio Research SP 14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker in silber

End: 03.03. 2024 20:07:57 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256420248086
  • Seller: data007_de (581|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Zeuthen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research SP 14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker in silberAudio Research SP 14 High-End Preamplifier Vorverstärker in silber Privatverkauf, keine Rücknahme, keine Garantie.

Audio Research tube hybrid preamplifier SP-14

End: 17.12. 2023 18:22:19 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 9:22:45
  • Item number: 126230200080
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Fort Lee,NJ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Audio Research SP-14 tube amplifier is a high-quality preamplifier that delivers exceptional sound performance. The brand is well-known for their expertise in creating top-of-the-line audio equipment. The preamp is suitable for use in a home audio setup and is perfect for music enthusiasts who want to enjoy an immersive listening experience. This preamplifier is designed to work with other audio equipment such as receivers and amplifiers to enhance overall audio quality. It is a great choice for those who appreciate vintage audio equipment and want to add an old-school charm to their sound system. With its sleek and stylish design, this tube amplifier is sure to impress. Unit is very good working and sound excellent. The exterior has no noticeable dullness, scratches, nor damages. Packing will be carefully done to prevent a damage during the transit. Its a perfect working condition but will be sold as is, no return due to the age of the unit. The shipping will be fully insured. Thank you for looking.


End: 04.08. 2023 22:04:07 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1434.45 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134667118140
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: us.amek (1051|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 153,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP 14 ONLY!!!!! If you want to by extra AUDIO RESEARCH CLASSIC 60 - See My other auctions. The SP14s musicality comes surprisingly close to the state of the art, with soundstage of remarkable depth and breadth; imaging of uncanny solidity: palpable dynamic authority; timbral accuracy that virtually recreates live music; an exceptionally low noise floor; and a special ease with frequency extremes. But unlike many high-performance preamplifiers, the SP14 doesnt scrimp on control features. It has separate Gain and Attenuation for wide-ranging-yet-subtle level management. Separate Input and Record Output selectors (with a common menu) permit exceptional flexibility in playing and recording: owners can listen to one source while recording from another. The Bypass switch allows owners to remove the Balance and Mode controls from the signal path, for greater sonic purity. There are two separate sets of outputs, and three power outlets. And, of course, the SP14 features its own version of the hybrid technology that has made Audio Research electronics world-famous. As with every Audio Research product, SP14 parts quality, construction and factory support are the finest in the audio industry, with a two-decade track record to prove it. And all this comes at only half the cost of the celebrated SP15. FREQUENCY RESPONSEHigh-level section: ±.5dB, 5Hz to 50kHz, -3db points below 1Hz and above 200 kHz. Magnetic phono: ±.3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHzDISTORTION (THD)Less than .01% at 2V RMS outputNOISE & HUMHigh level: (1) 70 µV RMS maximum residual unweighted wideband noise at main output with gain control minimum (98 dB below 5V RMS output) (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input (less than 7 µV equivalent input noise). Phono: 0.12 µV equivalent input noise, IHF weighted, shorted input (78dB below 1mV input).GAINPhono input to tape output: 46 dB. Phono input to main output: 66 dB. High-level inputs to tape output: 0 dB. High-level inputs to main output: 20 dB.INPUT IMPEDANCELine inputs: 50 K ohms. Phono: 47K ohms (provisions for any value below 47K ohms or added input capacitance for matching certain magnetic cartridges.)OUTPUT IMPEDANCE250 ohms main output, 1000 ohms recorder output. Recommended load 60K - 100K ohms and 100pF. (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF maximum)OUTPUT POLARITY-MAXIMUM INPUTSMagnetic phono, 200mV at 1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10 kHz). High-level inputs are essentially overload-proof.RATED OUTPUTS2V RMS 5 Hz to 50 kHz, all outputs; 60K ohm load (main output capability is 50V RMS output at .5% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load with 5V RMS high level input)POWER SUPPLIESElectronically-regulated low and high voltage supplies and electronic decoupling. Shielded toroid transformer. Line regulation is better than .01%.TUBE COMPLEMENT(1) 6DJ8/ECC88POWER REQUIREMENTS100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC 50/60Hz) 60 WattsOTHERHybrid FET/Tube audio circuit, solid-state power supply. Inputs (7): Phono, C-D, Tuner, Video, Spare, Tape 1, Tape 2. Outputs (4): (2) Main, (2) Recorder. Controls (6): Gain, Attenuation, Balance. Mode, Record Out, Input. Switches (8): Power, Outlets, Bypass, Mute, Copy, Tape 1 to 2/2 to 1, Tape 2/1, Monitor.DIMENSIONS19” (48 cm) W x 5 ¼” (13.4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x 10 ¼” (26 cm) D. Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of front panel. Rear chassis fittings extend ? (2.3 cm)WEIGHT12 lbs. (5.5kg) Net, 21 lbs. (9.6 kg) Shipping

Audio Research Classic 60 Power Amplifier+(AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP-14)

End: 31.07. 2023 09:09:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1856.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134662376792
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: us.amek (1051|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH AMPLIFIER CLASSIC 60 ONLY!!!!! If you want to by extra AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP-14 - See My other auctions.The new Classic 60 Hybrid Stereo Power Amplifier resembles the long-popular D115 in Audio Researchs family of High Definition® power amplifiers. But its lineage is strictly Classic 150. Which means nothing less than state-of-the-art in design, construction, musicality, and operational an affordable price. Like the Classic 150, the Classic 60 proceeds from the notion that power ratings dont always describe a power amplifiers real capabilities. Far more important are such qualities as dynamic stability. lucidity, subtlety. And to achieve those, Audio Research has used its traditional partial cathode coupling along with triode operation of the Classic 60s eight 6550 power output tubes. Additional circuit improvements, as well as the usual rigorous parts selection and manufacturing Audio Research, are noted for, also contributing sonically. Translated into the language of listening, this signifies stunning bandwidth, a noise floor virtually beneath audibility, and musically fulfilling SPLs at dramatically lower gain settings. Dynamics, timbres of individual instruments, soundstage, and musical emotion all surge out from a black velvet of silence. Simply put the Classic 60 resolves far more of a musical program than amplifiers rated at two, three, or four times its seemingly modest 60 WPC. But the Classic 60 is easily up to the task of driving all but the most demanding loudspeakers, even in spacious listening rooms. And while it shows modest preamplifiers in their best light, it also shines when coupled with premiere designs, such as Audio Researchs SP14 or SP15. Convenience figures are high on the Classic 60s list of attributes, as well. For example, the DC balance of the output tubes is maintained automatically, while tube biasing continuously adjusts to changes in incoming line voltage. Performance stays razor-sharp without bothersome tweaking or adjustments. And quiet fan cooling, along with triode operation, means significantly longer tube life. A Classic 60 owner can look forward to years of low-maintenance performance POWER OUTPUT60 watts minimum continuous at 16 ohms from 15Hz to 20kHz with less than 1.0% total harmonic distortion. Typically below .005% at 1 watt. The approximate actual power available at clipping: 62 watts. (1kHz) (Note that the actual RMS power output is dependent upon both line voltage and condition ie: if the power line has high distortion, maximum power will be affected adversely, although, from a listening standpoint, this is not very critical.)POWER BANDWIDTH(-3dB points): 12Hz to 40kHzFREQUENCY RESPONSE-INPUT SENSITIVITY.55V RMS for rated outputINPUT IMPEDANCE100K ohms, nominalOUTPUT TAPS-OUTPUT REGULATIONApproximately 0.3dB 16-ohm load to open circuitOVERALL NEGATIVE FEEDBACK20dBDAMPING FACTORApproximately 30DISTORTION-SLEW RATE20V/µsRISE TIME2.0 µsHUM & NOISELess than 2.0mV RMS - 84dB below-rated output (20kHz bandwidth unweighted, inputs shorted)POWER SUPPLY ENERGY STORAGEApproximately 280 joulesPOWER REQUIREMENTS105-125VAC 60Hz (210-250VAC 50Hz) 500 watts at rated output, 700 watts maximum, 370 watts at idleTUBE COMPLEMENT(4 matched pairs) 6550 power output, (4) 6FQ7/6CG7 driversDIMENSIONS19 (48 cm) W (standard rack panel) x 7 (18 cm) H x 15 ¾ (40 cm) D (front panel back). Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of the front panel. Output connectors extend 1 behind the rear panel.WEIGHT63 lbs (28.64 kg) Net, 76 lbs (34.55 kg) Shipping


End: 24.07. 2023 21:26:38 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1425.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134653604224
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: us.amek (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP 14 ONLY!!!!! If you want to by extra AUDIO RESEARCH CLASSIC 60 - See My other auctions. The SP14s musicality comes surprisingly close to the state of the art, with soundstage of remarkable depth and breadth; imaging of uncanny solidity: palpable dynamic authority; timbral accuracy that virtually recreates live music; an exceptionally low noise floor; and a special ease with frequency extremes. But unlike many high-performance preamplifiers, the SP14 doesnt scrimp on control features. It has separate Gain and Attenuation for wide-ranging-yet-subtle level management. Separate Input and Record Output selectors (with a common menu) permit exceptional flexibility in playing and recording: owners can listen to one source while recording from another. The Bypass switch allows owners to remove the Balance and Mode controls from the signal path, for greater sonic purity. There are two separate sets of outputs, and three power outlets. And, of course, the SP14 features its own version of the hybrid technology that has made Audio Research electronics world-famous. As with every Audio Research product, SP14 parts quality, construction and factory support are the finest in the audio industry, with a two-decade track record to prove it. And all this comes at only half the cost of the celebrated SP15. FREQUENCY RESPONSEHigh-level section: ±.5dB, 5Hz to 50kHz, -3db points below 1Hz and above 200 kHz. Magnetic phono: ±.3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHzDISTORTION (THD)Less than .01% at 2V RMS outputNOISE & HUMHigh level: (1) 70 µV RMS maximum residual unweighted wideband noise at main output with gain control minimum (98 dB below 5V RMS output) (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input (less than 7 µV equivalent input noise). Phono: 0.12 µV equivalent input noise, IHF weighted, shorted input (78dB below 1mV input).GAINPhono input to tape output: 46 dB. Phono input to main output: 66 dB. High-level inputs to tape output: 0 dB. High-level inputs to main output: 20 dB.INPUT IMPEDANCELine inputs: 50 K ohms. Phono: 47K ohms (provisions for any value below 47K ohms or added input capacitance for matching certain magnetic cartridges.)OUTPUT IMPEDANCE250 ohms main output, 1000 ohms recorder output. Recommended load 60K - 100K ohms and 100pF. (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF maximum)OUTPUT POLARITY-MAXIMUM INPUTSMagnetic phono, 200mV at 1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10 kHz). High-level inputs are essentially overload-proof.RATED OUTPUTS2V RMS 5 Hz to 50 kHz, all outputs; 60K ohm load (main output capability is 50V RMS output at .5% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load with 5V RMS high level input)POWER SUPPLIESElectronically-regulated low and high voltage supplies and electronic decoupling. Shielded toroid transformer. Line regulation is better than .01%.TUBE COMPLEMENT(1) 6DJ8/ECC88POWER REQUIREMENTS100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC 50/60Hz) 60 WattsOTHERHybrid FET/Tube audio circuit, solid-state power supply. Inputs (7): Phono, C-D, Tuner, Video, Spare, Tape 1, Tape 2. Outputs (4): (2) Main, (2) Recorder. Controls (6): Gain, Attenuation, Balance. Mode, Record Out, Input. Switches (8): Power, Outlets, Bypass, Mute, Copy, Tape 1 to 2/2 to 1, Tape 2/1, Monitor.DIMENSIONS19” (48 cm) W x 5 ¼” (13.4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x 10 ¼” (26 cm) D. Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of front panel. Rear chassis fittings extend ? (2.3 cm)WEIGHT12 lbs. (5.5kg) Net, 21 lbs. (9.6 kg) Shipping

Audio Research Classic 60 Power Amplifier+(AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP-14)

End: 21.07. 2023 07:18:18 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1839.33 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134648769200
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: us.amek (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 274,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH AMPLIFIER CLASSIC 60 ONLY!!!!! If you want to by extra AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP-14 - See My other auctions.The new Classic 60 Hybrid Stereo Power Amplifier resembles the long-popular D115 in Audio Researchs family of High Definition® power amplifiers. But its lineage is strictly Classic 150. Which means nothing less than state-of-the-art in design, construction, musicality, and operational an affordable price. Like the Classic 150, the Classic 60 proceeds from the notion that power ratings dont always describe a power amplifiers real capabilities. Far more important are such qualities as dynamic stability. lucidity, subtlety. And to achieve those, Audio Research has used its traditional partial cathode coupling along with triode operation of the Classic 60s eight 6550 power output tubes. Additional circuit improvements, as well as the usual rigorous parts selection and manufacturing Audio Research, are noted for, also contributing sonically. Translated into the language of listening, this signifies stunning bandwidth, a noise floor virtually beneath audibility, and musically fulfilling SPLs at dramatically lower gain settings. Dynamics, timbres of individual instruments, soundstage, and musical emotion all surge out from a black velvet of silence. Simply put the Classic 60 resolves far more of a musical program than amplifiers rated at two, three, or four times its seemingly modest 60 WPC. But the Classic 60 is easily up to the task of driving all but the most demanding loudspeakers, even in spacious listening rooms. And while it shows modest preamplifiers in their best light, it also shines when coupled with premiere designs, such as Audio Researchs SP14 or SP15. Convenience figures are high on the Classic 60s list of attributes, as well. For example, the DC balance of the output tubes is maintained automatically, while tube biasing continuously adjusts to changes in incoming line voltage. Performance stays razor-sharp without bothersome tweaking or adjustments. And quiet fan cooling, along with triode operation, means significantly longer tube life. A Classic 60 owner can look forward to years of low-maintenance performance POWER OUTPUT60 watts minimum continuous at 16 ohms from 15Hz to 20kHz with less than 1.0% total harmonic distortion. Typically below .005% at 1 watt. The approximate actual power available at clipping: 62 watts. (1kHz) (Note that the actual RMS power output is dependent upon both line voltage and condition ie: if the power line has high distortion, maximum power will be affected adversely, although, from a listening standpoint, this is not very critical.)POWER BANDWIDTH(-3dB points): 12Hz to 40kHzFREQUENCY RESPONSE-INPUT SENSITIVITY.55V RMS for rated outputINPUT IMPEDANCE100K ohms, nominalOUTPUT TAPS-OUTPUT REGULATIONApproximately 0.3dB 16-ohm load to open circuitOVERALL NEGATIVE FEEDBACK20dBDAMPING FACTORApproximately 30DISTORTION-SLEW RATE20V/µsRISE TIME2.0 µsHUM & NOISELess than 2.0mV RMS - 84dB below-rated output (20kHz bandwidth unweighted, inputs shorted)POWER SUPPLY ENERGY STORAGEApproximately 280 joulesPOWER REQUIREMENTS105-125VAC 60Hz (210-250VAC 50Hz) 500 watts at rated output, 700 watts maximum, 370 watts at idleTUBE COMPLEMENT(4 matched pairs) 6550 power output, (4) 6FQ7/6CG7 driversDIMENSIONS19 (48 cm) W (standard rack panel) x 7 (18 cm) H x 15 ¾ (40 cm) D (front panel back). Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of the front panel. Output connectors extend 1 behind the rear panel.WEIGHT63 lbs (28.64 kg) Net, 76 lbs (34.55 kg) Shipping

Audio Research SP-14

End: 15.07. 2023 16:32:49 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1289.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175817557634
  • Seller: 350standard (949|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tooele, Utah USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For sale is myAudio Research SP-14. Its its in like new condition physically and in functionality. It comes with the original tube and sounds absolutely amazing!


End: 14.07. 2023 19:32:17 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1425.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134648769028
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: us.amek (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 155,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP 14 ONLY!!!!! If you want to by extra AUDIO RESEARCH CLASSIC 60 - See My other auctions. The SP14s musicality comes surprisingly close to the state of the art, with soundstage of remarkable depth and breadth; imaging of uncanny solidity: palpable dynamic authority; timbral accuracy that virtually recreates live music; an exceptionally low noise floor; and a special ease with frequency extremes. But unlike many high-performance preamplifiers, the SP14 doesnt scrimp on control features. It has separate Gain and Attenuation for wide-ranging-yet-subtle level management. Separate Input and Record Output selectors (with a common menu) permit exceptional flexibility in playing and recording: owners can listen to one source while recording from another. The Bypass switch allows owners to remove the Balance and Mode controls from the signal path, for greater sonic purity. There are two separate sets of outputs, and three power outlets. And, of course, the SP14 features its own version of the hybrid technology that has made Audio Research electronics world-famous. As with every Audio Research product, SP14 parts quality, construction and factory support are the finest in the audio industry, with a two-decade track record to prove it. And all this comes at only half the cost of the celebrated SP15. FREQUENCY RESPONSEHigh-level section: ±.5dB, 5Hz to 50kHz, -3db points below 1Hz and above 200 kHz. Magnetic phono: ±.3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHzDISTORTION (THD)Less than .01% at 2V RMS outputNOISE & HUMHigh level: (1) 70 µV RMS maximum residual unweighted wideband noise at main output with gain control minimum (98 dB below 5V RMS output) (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input (less than 7 µV equivalent input noise). Phono: 0.12 µV equivalent input noise, IHF weighted, shorted input (78dB below 1mV input).GAINPhono input to tape output: 46 dB. Phono input to main output: 66 dB. High-level inputs to tape output: 0 dB. High-level inputs to main output: 20 dB.INPUT IMPEDANCELine inputs: 50 K ohms. Phono: 47K ohms (provisions for any value below 47K ohms or added input capacitance for matching certain magnetic cartridges.)OUTPUT IMPEDANCE250 ohms main output, 1000 ohms recorder output. Recommended load 60K - 100K ohms and 100pF. (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF maximum)OUTPUT POLARITY-MAXIMUM INPUTSMagnetic phono, 200mV at 1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10 kHz). High-level inputs are essentially overload-proof.RATED OUTPUTS2V RMS 5 Hz to 50 kHz, all outputs; 60K ohm load (main output capability is 50V RMS output at .5% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load with 5V RMS high level input)POWER SUPPLIESElectronically-regulated low and high voltage supplies and electronic decoupling. Shielded toroid transformer. Line regulation is better than .01%.TUBE COMPLEMENT(1) 6DJ8/ECC88POWER REQUIREMENTS100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC 50/60Hz) 60 WattsOTHERHybrid FET/Tube audio circuit, solid-state power supply. Inputs (7): Phono, C-D, Tuner, Video, Spare, Tape 1, Tape 2. Outputs (4): (2) Main, (2) Recorder. Controls (6): Gain, Attenuation, Balance. Mode, Record Out, Input. Switches (8): Power, Outlets, Bypass, Mute, Copy, Tape 1 to 2/2 to 1, Tape 2/1, Monitor.DIMENSIONS19” (48 cm) W x 5 ¼” (13.4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x 10 ¼” (26 cm) D. Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of front panel. Rear chassis fittings extend ? (2.3 cm)WEIGHT12 lbs. (5.5kg) Net, 21 lbs. (9.6 kg) Shipping


End: 09.07. 2023 08:07:22 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1411.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134634066131
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: us.amek (1048|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP 14 ONLY!!!!! See My other auctions. The SP14s musicality comes surprisingly close to the state of the art, with soundstage of remarkable depth and breadth; imaging of uncanny solidity: palpable dynamic authority; timbral accuracy that virtually recreates live music; an exceptionally low noise floor; and a special ease with frequency extremes. But unlike many high-performance preamplifiers, the SP14 doesnt scrimp on control features. It has separate Gain and Attenuation for wide-ranging-yet-subtle level management. Separate Input and Record Output selectors (with a common menu) permit exceptional flexibility in playing and recording: owners can listen to one source while recording from another. The Bypass switch allows owners to remove the Balance and Mode controls from the signal path, for greater sonic purity. There are two separate sets of outputs, and three power outlets. And, of course, the SP14 features its own version of the hybrid technology that has made Audio Research electronics world-famous. As with every Audio Research product, SP14 parts quality, construction and factory support are the finest in the audio industry, with a two-decade track record to prove it. And all this comes at only half the cost of the celebrated SP15. FREQUENCY RESPONSEHigh-level section: ±.5dB, 5Hz to 50kHz, -3db points below 1Hz and above 200 kHz. Magnetic phono: ±.3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHzDISTORTION (THD)Less than .01% at 2V RMS outputNOISE & HUMHigh level: (1) 70 µV RMS maximum residual unweighted wideband noise at main output with gain control minimum (98 dB below 5V RMS output) (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input (less than 7 µV equivalent input noise). Phono: 0.12 µV equivalent input noise, IHF weighted, shorted input (78dB below 1mV input).GAINPhono input to tape output: 46 dB. Phono input to main output: 66 dB. High-level inputs to tape output: 0 dB. High-level inputs to main output: 20 dB.INPUT IMPEDANCELine inputs: 50 K ohms. Phono: 47K ohms (provisions for any value below 47K ohms or added input capacitance for matching certain magnetic cartridges.)OUTPUT IMPEDANCE250 ohms main output, 1000 ohms recorder output. Recommended load 60K - 100K ohms and 100pF. (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF maximum)OUTPUT POLARITY-MAXIMUM INPUTSMagnetic phono, 200mV at 1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10 kHz). High-level inputs are essentially overload-proof.RATED OUTPUTS2V RMS 5 Hz to 50 kHz, all outputs; 60K ohm load (main output capability is 50V RMS output at .5% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load with 5V RMS high level input)POWER SUPPLIESElectronically-regulated low and high voltage supplies and electronic decoupling. Shielded toroid transformer. Line regulation is better than .01%.TUBE COMPLEMENT(1) 6DJ8/ECC88POWER REQUIREMENTS100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC 50/60Hz) 60 WattsOTHERHybrid FET/Tube audio circuit, solid-state power supply. Inputs (7): Phono, C-D, Tuner, Video, Spare, Tape 1, Tape 2. Outputs (4): (2) Main, (2) Recorder. Controls (6): Gain, Attenuation, Balance. Mode, Record Out, Input. Switches (8): Power, Outlets, Bypass, Mute, Copy, Tape 1 to 2/2 to 1, Tape 2/1, Monitor.DIMENSIONS19” (48 cm) W x 5 ¼” (13.4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x 10 ¼” (26 cm) D. Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of front panel. Rear chassis fittings extend ? (2.3 cm)WEIGHT12 lbs. (5.5kg) Net, 21 lbs. (9.6 kg) Shipping

Audio Research Classic 60 Power Amplifier+(AUDIO RESEARCH PREAMPLIFIER SP-14)

End: 09.07. 2023 08:06:49 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1820.91 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134634065633
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: us.amek (1048|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Francisco, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATTENTION! This auction is for AUDIO RESEARCH AMPLIFIER CLASSIC 60 ONLY!!!!! See My other auctions.The new Classic 60 Hybrid Stereo Power Amplifier resembles the long-popular D115 in Audio Researchs family of High Definition® power amplifiers. But its lineage is strictly Classic 150. Which means nothing less than state-of-the-art in design, construction, musicality, and operational an affordable price. Like the Classic 150, the Classic 60 proceeds from the notion that power ratings dont always describe a power amplifiers real capabilities. Far more important are such qualities as dynamic stability. lucidity, subtlety. And to achieve those, Audio Research has used its traditional partial cathode coupling along with triode operation of the Classic 60s eight 6550 power output tubes. Additional circuit improvements, as well as the usual rigorous parts selection and manufacturing Audio Research, are noted for, also contributing sonically. Translated into the language of listening, this signifies stunning bandwidth, a noise floor virtually beneath audibility, and musically fulfilling SPLs at dramatically lower gain settings. Dynamics, timbres of individual instruments, soundstage, and musical emotion all surge out from a black velvet of silence. Simply put the Classic 60 resolves far more of a musical program than amplifiers rated at two, three, or four times its seemingly modest 60 WPC. But the Classic 60 is easily up to the task of driving all but the most demanding loudspeakers, even in spacious listening rooms. And while it shows modest preamplifiers in their best light, it also shines when coupled with premiere designs, such as Audio Researchs SP14 or SP15. Convenience figures are high on the Classic 60s list of attributes, as well. For example, the DC balance of the output tubes is maintained automatically, while tube biasing continuously adjusts to changes in incoming line voltage. Performance stays razor-sharp without bothersome tweaking or adjustments. And quiet fan cooling, along with triode operation, means significantly longer tube life. A Classic 60 owner can look forward to years of low-maintenance performance POWER OUTPUT60 watts minimum continuous at 16 ohms from 15Hz to 20kHz with less than 1.0% total harmonic distortion. Typically below .005% at 1 watt. The approximate actual power available at clipping: 62 watts. (1kHz) (Note that the actual RMS power output is dependent upon both line voltage and condition ie: if the power line has high distortion, maximum power will be affected adversely, although, from a listening standpoint, this is not very critical.)POWER BANDWIDTH(-3dB points): 12Hz to 40kHzFREQUENCY RESPONSE-INPUT SENSITIVITY.55V RMS for rated outputINPUT IMPEDANCE100K ohms, nominalOUTPUT TAPS-OUTPUT REGULATIONApproximately 0.3dB 16-ohm load to open circuitOVERALL NEGATIVE FEEDBACK20dBDAMPING FACTORApproximately 30DISTORTION-SLEW RATE20V/µsRISE TIME2.0 µsHUM & NOISELess than 2.0mV RMS - 84dB below-rated output (20kHz bandwidth unweighted, inputs shorted)POWER SUPPLY ENERGY STORAGEApproximately 280 joulesPOWER REQUIREMENTS105-125VAC 60Hz (210-250VAC 50Hz) 500 watts at rated output, 700 watts maximum, 370 watts at idleTUBE COMPLEMENT(4 matched pairs) 6550 power output, (4) 6FQ7/6CG7 driversDIMENSIONS19 (48 cm) W (standard rack panel) x 7 (18 cm) H x 15 ¾ (40 cm) D (front panel back). Handles extend 1 ? (4.1 cm) forward of the front panel. Output connectors extend 1 behind the rear panel.WEIGHT63 lbs (28.64 kg) Net, 76 lbs (34.55 kg) Shipping

Audio Research SP-14 tube preamp. Stereophile recommended. $3,000 MSRP

End: 28.05. 2023 04:02:23 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1373.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134581742220
  • Seller: kahlaudio12 (2473|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Northvale, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When Stereophile reviewed this preamp, they concluded it will set new standards for the industry. A quick listen and you will probably come to the same conclusion. Music reproduction was simply magical. Soundstage was large in scale with loads of detail and if you listen to a lot of vocals, the SP-14 is a gem. The level of performance it offered at its $3,000 MSRP then is a bargain now when you look at some of the current crop of $3,000 preamp. Design is a hybrid where one E88CC tube is used. Current tube inside is a Tesla E88CC which is renown for its warmth and overall performance. Previous owner had it serviced when some of the original resistors and caps were replaced. Some browning of the board is from the old resistors over heating but issue is resolved with new resistors. Cosmetically, it looks really nice with minor scuff marks from use but nothing major. Unit will be securely packed for safe shipping. Terms and conditions - PLEASE READ! Changes to PAYPAL refund: Due to recent policy changes at PAYPAL where they will not be refunding their portion of the PAYPAL fees, any refund that is requested to us will be treated likewise. In other words, when you send over a payment, the fee that PAYPAL takes out, will no longer be refunded back to you should you request a refund or we have to do a refund because you did not meet our transactional policy (like asking us to ship to a different address that is on the PAYPAL payment). We know this is unfair and have filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, they will be able to “persuade” PAYPAL to drop this ridiculous policy. If you think this policy is ridiculous, pls contact your local BBB and file a similar complaint. That will add some weight to our filed complaint.TRANSACTIONS on eBay: ALL transactions must be completed on eBay. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not respond to offers or suggestions on completing the transaction outside of eBay. Do not ask us to contact you directly outside eBay. If you find an item here on our eBay store that you are interested in purchasing, please conclude the transaction here on eBay.PRODUCT INFO: All items are fully tested and evaluated. If an item is not working properly, it will be mentioned in the listing. So read carefully. Cosmetic conditions will also be clearly laid out in the listing. But because everyone has a different standard, what is an 8/10 condition to me may be a 6/10 condition to you. So it is important you check out every picture on the listing. All pictures are of the actual item and taken just prior to listing it on eBay. All opinions expressed on our listings are our own and based on our evaluation in our system. They are not Gospel truth and should not be treated as such. Every system, every room and every conditions are different. We do not guarantee the result we get in our system will be the same in yours. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCTS WE SELL: We are a used hifi store so everything is used. So no warranty of any kind is offered or expressed. If there is a balance factory warranty from the manufacturer, you should check with them to see if it’s transferable. See above paragraph, everything is tested prior to selling and if there is any issue, we would list it in the listing. So it’s important you read every word in our listing. Occasionally, we may get dealer demo units, NOS (New Old Stock) or dealer excess inventory. Again, you need to check with the manufacturer if they will continue to honor any kind of warranty to you. PAYMENT INFO: PayPal payment is preferred and expected within 3 days after listing has closed. If payment is made through PAYPAL, we will ONLY ship to the address on the PAYPAL payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. SHIPPING: Item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment clearance except late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Tracking numbers will be provided on all shipments. We ship via FEDEX and USPS with insurance and signature required. In the very rare event that an item arrives not as described in our ads, we will resolve the issue(s) with the customer to their satisfaction. Returns are not accepted for shipping damage. If somehow the item arrives damaged, the buyer will need to inform us immediately so that we can get the claim process rolling. We will assist every way we can to get your money back. But this will be rare as we professionally pack every item that goes out to survive the rigor of shipping regardless of value. All orders will be insured and declared at full purchase value. If you want us to declare it at a lower value, you will need to fill out a form authorizing us to declare it at the amount you want us to and that you will assume all risk at the lowered value. And that includes insurance claim should the package be damaged or go missing during shipping. RETURNS: There are absolutely no returns for any items shipped outside the United States. International purchases for all items are as-is. The buyer assumes all cost of return shipping and handling. The only variation of this is if the item you receive is not the item you bought. In the rare event you have a change of mind (buyers remorse) after receiving the item; we may take the item back under our buy back quote or impose a re-stocking of 20% of the original purchase price. Cost of return shipping is your responsibility. This is a case to case basis and not an outright offer to accept every and any returns back. This is why it is important to read our listing carefully. Everything and anything is described in it with all pertinent information for you to make an informed decision. If you have any questions, ASK! DECLARED VALUE: All overseas purchases will be declared based on purchase price. NO EXCEPTION. This is because;1) For your protection as the declared value is also the insured value. 2) eBay and PAYPAL policies dictate that all declared value must be the purchase or transacted price.We know this may be tough in some countries because of your high duties so we will make exceptions but you need to contact us first and work out the details to complete your purchase. We will not entertain any requests after you have made the purchase and paid for it. PARTS OR REPAIRS: All items sold as parts or repairs are NOT returnable. Please read the listing carefully and understand what you are bidding/buying before committing. FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY: Due to recent actions by a few rotten apples we will be tagging all our items with tamper proof labels. If the labels are in any way removed or shows attempted action to remove it, we will be reporting the buyer to the relevant authorities for fraud. And if the buyer does a switch-a-roo where the labels have been removed or desecrated in any way, we will also report this fraudulent activity and will not honor any refunds or returns or exchanges.

Audio Research SP-14 tube preamp. Stereophile recommended. $3,000 MSRP

End: 11.05. 2023 15:23:59 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1393.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134555654984
  • Seller: kahlaudio12 (2463|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Northvale, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 772,77 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    When Stereophile reviewed this preamp, they concluded it will set new standards for the industry. A quick listen and you will probably come to the same conclusion. Music reproduction was simply magical. Soundstage was large in scale with loads of detail and if you listen to a lot of vocals, the SP-14 is a gem. The level of performance it offered at its $3,000 MSRP then is a bargain now when you look at some of the current crop of $3,000 preamp. Design is a hybrid where one E88CC tube is used. Current tube inside is a Tesla E88CC which is renown for its warmth and overall performance. Previous owner had it serviced when some of the original resistors and caps were replaced. Some browning of the board is from the old resistors over heating but issue is resolved with new resistors. Cosmetically, it looks really nice with minor scuff marks from use but nothing major. Unit will be securely packed for safe shipping. Terms and conditions - PLEASE READ! Changes to PAYPAL refund: Due to recent policy changes at PAYPAL where they will not be refunding their portion of the PAYPAL fees, any refund that is requested to us will be treated likewise. In other words, when you send over a payment, the fee that PAYPAL takes out, will no longer be refunded back to you should you request a refund or we have to do a refund because you did not meet our transactional policy (like asking us to ship to a different address that is on the PAYPAL payment). We know this is unfair and have filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, they will be able to “persuade” PAYPAL to drop this ridiculous policy. If you think this policy is ridiculous, pls contact your local BBB and file a similar complaint. That will add some weight to our filed complaint.TRANSACTIONS on eBay: ALL transactions must be completed on eBay. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not respond to offers or suggestions on completing the transaction outside of eBay. Do not ask us to contact you directly outside eBay. If you find an item here on our eBay store that you are interested in purchasing, please conclude the transaction here on eBay.PRODUCT INFO: All items are fully tested and evaluated. If an item is not working properly, it will be mentioned in the listing. So read carefully. Cosmetic conditions will also be clearly laid out in the listing. But because everyone has a different standard, what is an 8/10 condition to me may be a 6/10 condition to you. So it is important you check out every picture on the listing. All pictures are of the actual item and taken just prior to listing it on eBay. All opinions expressed on our listings are our own and based on our evaluation in our system. They are not Gospel truth and should not be treated as such. Every system, every room and every conditions are different. We do not guarantee the result we get in our system will be the same in yours. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCTS WE SELL: We are a used hifi store so everything is used. So no warranty of any kind is offered or expressed. If there is a balance factory warranty from the manufacturer, you should check with them to see if it’s transferable. See above paragraph, everything is tested prior to selling and if there is any issue, we would list it in the listing. So it’s important you read every word in our listing. Occasionally, we may get dealer demo units, NOS (New Old Stock) or dealer excess inventory. Again, you need to check with the manufacturer if they will continue to honor any kind of warranty to you. PAYMENT INFO: PayPal payment is preferred and expected within 3 days after listing has closed. If payment is made through PAYPAL, we will ONLY ship to the address on the PAYPAL payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. SHIPPING: Item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment clearance except late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Tracking numbers will be provided on all shipments. We ship via FEDEX and USPS with insurance and signature required. In the very rare event that an item arrives not as described in our ads, we will resolve the issue(s) with the customer to their satisfaction. Returns are not accepted for shipping damage. If somehow the item arrives damaged, the buyer will need to inform us immediately so that we can get the claim process rolling. We will assist every way we can to get your money back. But this will be rare as we professionally pack every item that goes out to survive the rigor of shipping regardless of value. All orders will be insured and declared at full purchase value. If you want us to declare it at a lower value, you will need to fill out a form authorizing us to declare it at the amount you want us to and that you will assume all risk at the lowered value. And that includes insurance claim should the package be damaged or go missing during shipping. RETURNS: There are absolutely no returns for any items shipped outside the United States. International purchases for all items are as-is. The buyer assumes all cost of return shipping and handling. The only variation of this is if the item you receive is not the item you bought. In the rare event you have a change of mind (buyers remorse) after receiving the item; we may take the item back under our buy back quote or impose a re-stocking of 20% of the original purchase price. Cost of return shipping is your responsibility. This is a case to case basis and not an outright offer to accept every and any returns back. This is why it is important to read our listing carefully. Everything and anything is described in it with all pertinent information for you to make an informed decision. If you have any questions, ASK! DECLARED VALUE: All overseas purchases will be declared based on purchase price. NO EXCEPTION. This is because;1) For your protection as the declared value is also the insured value. 2) eBay and PAYPAL policies dictate that all declared value must be the purchase or transacted price.We know this may be tough in some countries because of your high duties so we will make exceptions but you need to contact us first and work out the details to complete your purchase. We will not entertain any requests after you have made the purchase and paid for it. PARTS OR REPAIRS: All items sold as parts or repairs are NOT returnable. Please read the listing carefully and understand what you are bidding/buying before committing. FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY: Due to recent actions by a few rotten apples we will be tagging all our items with tamper proof labels. If the labels are in any way removed or shows attempted action to remove it, we will be reporting the buyer to the relevant authorities for fraud. And if the buyer does a switch-a-roo where the labels have been removed or desecrated in any way, we will also report this fraudulent activity and will not honor any refunds or returns or exchanges.

Audio Research SP14

End: 16.07. 2021 19:44:28 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 284362828967
  • Counter: 300
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cornmeyer-_0 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rheinberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 3,79 EUR
  • on EBAY

Audio Research SP-14 Stereo Tube/Hybrid Pre-Amplifier

End: 05.06. 2021 16:30:36 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1337.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 164883629329
  • Counter: 1648
  • Seller: reginaldgoldworthy (417|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Melbourne, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 114,58 EUR
  • on EBAY

Acoustic Research AR14 Large Stand Mount Vintage Audiophile Speakers Rare

End: 27.03. 2021 21:16:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 86.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 254912312487
  • Counter: 402
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: malcthepoet (125|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Croydon Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 15.03. 2021 00:05:07 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 133687239763
  • Counter: 99
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: jg-soundtrain (2100|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Harlingen Niederlande
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 7,0 EUR
  • on EBAY