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Audio Research Reference DAC / Digital Media Bridge

End: 16.02. 2025 20:29:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12434.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335363246721
  • Seller: mitch4t (131|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Los Angeles, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This unit easily be considered a 9/10 ...rated 8 for age only. This is an outstanding Audio Research Reference DAC. Original box is included and the unit operates and plays perfectly. The Reference DAC is designed to be a digital-to-analog converter and a reference-level preamplifier with state of the art sound quality, and also to accommodate the ever-growing formats used in today’s digital world. The Reference DAC is based on the vaunted Reference 5SE you a killer preamp with an outstanding DAC in a single chassis. Combining unparalleled digital connectivity with renowned Audio Research vacuum tube technology makes the Reference DAC a leader in the world of high performance music reproduction. The experience begins with the intuitive graphic interface, guiding the user easily through input selection and the appropriate menus to begin music playback. With nine different ways to connect, plus a built-in internet radio tuner, virtually all digital sources in your system are connectable to the Reference DAC. Inputs providing metadata will allow track and album information to be displayed. All functions are controllable with the included remote or from the available iOS/Android smartphone or tablet apps. The Reference DAC has been designed to decode virtually all major formats to provide trouble-free music playback. At the heart of the Reference DAC is Audio Research’s custom designed quad DAC technology supplying perfect decoding of the incoming bit stream. The Reference DAC is capable of up to 192 kHz sampling frequency and 24 bit resolution; it also offers the option of native rate upsampling (44.1 – 88.2 – 176.4 or 48 – 96 – 192) and soft or sharp digital filter selection. After the signal is decoded it enters the analog stage. Derived from the esteemed Reference 5SE preamplifier, the vacuum tube analog stage and tube regulated power supply provide the pinnacle of nuance and musicality. The built-in volume control allows direct connection to an amplifier. The Reference DAC is poised to be at the center of your audio system and the pulse of your digital lifestyle. The convenience, ease of use and superior performance of the Reference DAC will provide years of enjoyment The reviews below are from The Absolute Sound and HiFi News: Hi_Fi_News_Dec_ARC_REFDAC4web.pdf ( 2013June_ARC_RefDAC_HFC.pdf ( Shipping is a flat fee of $100.00 in the continental USA Shipping fee to Alaska and Hawaii will be calculated before sale is finalized. no shipping outside of the USA

Audio Research Reference DAC High-End D/A-Wandler Topas HiFi

End: 11.10. 2023 12:47:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 385739523307
  • Seller: topas-highfidelity (2064|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Pforzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research Reference DAC High-End D/A-Wandler Topas HiFi Hier bekommen Sie HIFI Komponenten das ganze Jahr zum Vorzugspreis! Die Topas Vorteile: •Ankauf oder Inzahlungnahme ihre Geräte möglich •Persönliche Beratung von der Chefetage •Langjährige HiFi Erfahrung •Lieferung nach Absprache möglich •Hilfestellung mit Problemlösung rund um ihre HiFi-Anlagen •Umzugshilfe für ihre HiFi-Anlagen •Bei Fragen rufen oder schreiben Sie uns gerne an BESONDERHEITEN Der Reference DAC baut sowohl auf der klanglichen Einmaligkeit des DAC8 als auch auf der Technik legendärer Vorverstärker wie dem Reference Anniversary auf. Das Gehäuse weist die gleiche Größe und gleiches Aussehen wie andere Vorverstärker der Reference Baureihe auf. Neu ist das 3,5“ (89 mm) TFT-Display an der Vorderseite, a welchem sowohl sämtliche Funktionen des Geräts als auch die Metadaten bestimmter Quellen angezeigt werden können. Der Reference DAC beinhaltet auch die Fähigkeit jede 44,1 kHz. Und 48 kHz. Quelle auf eine Wiedergabe bei 176,4 kHz. Oder 192 kHz. upzusamplen. - Kabelgebundenes Ethernet - Drahtloses Ethernet über IEEE802.11/g/n - vTuner Internet Radio - AES/EBU Eingang - S/PDIF optischer Eingang - S/PDIF koaxialer Eingang - USB 2.0 HS für Computer - USB 2.0 für iPod, iPad, iTouch und/oder iPhone - USB Eingang Memory Stick (USB-Stick) Fronteingang TECHNISCHE DATEN: - STREAMING FUNKTION: Ja - UNTERSTÜTZE FORMATE:bis zu 24 bit192 kHz - D/A WANDLER:Refrence DAC - Audio Research - ANALOG AUSGÄNGE:1 x Stereo Cinch, 1 x XLR-Stereo - DIGITAL EINGÄNGE:Koaxial, Optisch (Toslink), USB-B, 1 x AES/EBU, 1x BNC - SYMMETRISCHER AUSGANG :XLR - Stereo - WIRELESS/NETZWERK:Ja/Ja Ausführung: silber Abmessungen (H x B x T): 17,8 x 48 x 39,4 cm Gewicht: 14,6kg Zustand und Zubehör: Der Referenz DAC befindet sich in einem guten gebraucht Zustand! Das Zubehör ist wie auf den Bildern zu sehen vorhanden. Verpackung und Versand: Der Reference DAC wird in der originalen Verpackung verschickt. Differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG. - keine MwSt. ausweisbar! Sie erhalten beim Kauf eine Gewährleistung von 12 Monaten! Wir sind ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen. Wir lieben, leben und verkaufen qualitativ hochwertige HIFI Geräte! Unser Konzept besteht aus dem zuverlässigen Verkauf von gepflegtem und gut erhaltenem High-End HiFi von Händlern und Herstellern sowie Privatpersonen mit namenhaften Produkten. Zudem nehmen wir gebrauchte High-End Bausteine von Privatpersonen in Zahlung. Dies bietet unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit, sich ohne großen finanziellen Verlust oder Aufwand mit ihrer HiFi-Anlage weiterzuentwickeln. Was unser Unternehmen ausmacht: •wir sind jung und dynamisch •gemeinsam haben wir mehr als 20 Jahre HiFi-Erfahrung •wir haben unser Hobby zum Beruf gemacht •wir legen größten Wert auf hochwertige Ware, sowie deren erstklassigen Zustand •für uns ist es entscheidend, das unser Kunde mit seiner Entscheidung am Ende des Tages glücklich und zufrieden ist •Transparenz beim Preis Suchen Sie ein High-End Gerät, wollen aber nicht neu kaufen? Sie möchten sich aber sicher sein, High-End im bestmöglichsten Zustand für Ihr Geld zu bekommen? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig. Sie finden bei uns Vollverstärker, Endverstärker, Monoblöcke, Röhrengeräte, CD-Player, Plattenspieler, Receiver, Tuner und natürlich Lautsprecher. Sollten wir einmal etwas nicht im Programm haben, erteilen Sie uns doch einfach einen Suchauftrag. Mit unseren weitläufigen Kontakten finden wir bestimmt in kürzester Zeit Ihr persönliches Wunschgerät für Sie. Andrea + Nedjeljko Topalovic + David Ovcarik zusätzliche Informationen: An- & Verkauf von Unterhaltungselektronik Abholung gerne möglich – bitte um vorherige telefonische Absprache nachfolgend finden Sie die rechtlichen Informationen, AGB’s, Widerrufsbelehrung sowie Rückgabebelehrung


End: 22.06. 2023 12:38:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4450.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325703803966
  • Seller: varanasi084 (113|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Moncalieri Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 90,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research REFERENCE DAC PRE AMP TUBE STREAMER “DIGITAL MEDIA BRIDGE”. I CONSIDER ALSO EXCHANGES PEER TO PEER (or with a difference in mine or your favour, depending on the item) WITH PRE AMP OR POWER AMP BY ACCUPHASE! For addicted to pure analog even on digital, very rare AUDIO RESEARCH OF THE REFERENCE SERIES DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24-bit 192khz. Source best digital I've ever heard, especially if combined with a mechanic high quality !! Perfectly working, with original packaging, original metal remote control from a kilo from which you can really do anything. One of the few existing Dacs that reads still any digital source including iPods, iPhones, iPads via dedicated input, and also usb and external memories up to one Terabyte (this is the best I've tried), in addition to the classic coaxial optical inputs aes/ebu and also bnc. Revalved Sovtek recently at my expense at technician valve specialist at a well-known Turin shop. It also acts as a streamer. Per appassionati che ricercano analogico puro anche sul digitale rarissimo AUDIO RESEARCH DELLA SERIE REFERENCE DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24 bit 192 khz. La sorgente digitale migliore che abbia mai sentito, soprattutto se abbinata ad una meccanica di alta qualità !! Perfettamente funzionante, con imballi originali, telecomando originale in metallo da un chilo da cui si può fare davvero di tutto. Uno dei pochi Dac esistenti che legge ancora qualsiasi sorgente digitale, compresi gli iPod, iPhone, iPad tramite ingresso dedicato, e anche uso e memorie esterne sino ad un Terabyte (questo è il massimo che ho provato), oltre ai classici ingressi ottici coassiali aes/ebu e anche bnc. Rivalvolato Sovtek di recente a mie spese presso tecnico specializzato in valvole presso un noto negozio torinese. Fa anche da streamer di rete. Pour pure dans de l'analogique pur même en numérique, tres rare AUDIO RESEARCH DES SÉRIE DE RÉFÉRENCE DAC HIGH DÉFINITION 24 bits 192khz. Source meilleur numérique que j'aie jamais entendu, surtout s'il est combiné avec un mécanicien haute qualité !! à la perfection fonctionne, avec emballage d'origine, télécommande en métal d'origine d'un kilo à partir duquel on peut vraiment tout faire. L'un des rares Dacs existants qui lit encore n'importe quelle source numérique y compris iPods, iPhones, iPads via entrée dédiée, et aussi usb et mémoires externes jusqu'à un téraoctet (c'est le meilleur que j'ai essayé), en plus des entrées optiques coaxiales classiques aes/ebu et aussi bnc. Sovtek revalorisée récemment à mes frais chez technicien spécialiste des vannes chez un célèbre Boutique de Turin. Il agit également comme un streamer. FREE shipping (the price refers just to the very expensive on this kind of item insurance for international abroad shipping)


End: 22.06. 2023 04:24:39 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3790.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325696229939
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: varanasi084 (113|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Moncalieri Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research REFERENCE DAC PRE AMP TUBE STREAMER “DIGITAL MEDIA BRIDGE”. I CONSIDER ALSO EXCHANGES PEER TO PEER (or with a difference in mine or your favour, depending on the item) WITH PRE AMP OR POWER AMP BY ACCUPHASE! For addicted to pure analog even on digital, very rare AUDIO RESEARCH OF THE REFERENCE SERIES DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24-bit 192khz. Source best digital I've ever heard, especially if combined with a mechanic high quality !! Perfectly working, with original packaging, original metal remote control from a kilo from which you can really do anything. One of the few existing Dacs that reads still any digital source including iPods, iPhones, iPads via dedicated input, and also usb and external memories up to one Terabyte (this is the best I've tried), in addition to the classic coaxial optical inputs aes/ebu and also bnc. Revalved Sovtek recently at my expense at technician valve specialist at a well-known Turin shop. It also acts as a streamer. Per appassionati che ricercano analogico puro anche sul digitale rarissimo AUDIO RESEARCH DELLA SERIE REFERENCE DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24 bit 192 khz. La sorgente digitale migliore che abbia mai sentito, soprattutto se abbinata ad una meccanica di alta qualità !! Perfettamente funzionante, con imballi originali, telecomando originale in metallo da un chilo da cui si può fare davvero di tutto. Uno dei pochi Dac esistenti che legge ancora qualsiasi sorgente digitale, compresi gli iPod, iPhone, iPad tramite ingresso dedicato, e anche uso e memorie esterne sino ad un Terabyte (questo è il massimo che ho provato), oltre ai classici ingressi ottici coassiali aes/ebu e anche bnc. Rivalvolato Sovtek di recente a mie spese presso tecnico specializzato in valvole presso un noto negozio torinese. Fa anche da streamer di rete. Pour pure dans de l'analogique pur même en numérique, tres rare AUDIO RESEARCH DES SÉRIE DE RÉFÉRENCE DAC HIGH DÉFINITION 24 bits 192khz. Source meilleur numérique que j'aie jamais entendu, surtout s'il est combiné avec un mécanicien haute qualité !! à la perfection fonctionne, avec emballage d'origine, télécommande en métal d'origine d'un kilo à partir duquel on peut vraiment tout faire. L'un des rares Dacs existants qui lit encore n'importe quelle source numérique y compris iPods, iPhones, iPads via entrée dédiée, et aussi usb et mémoires externes jusqu'à un téraoctet (c'est le meilleur que j'ai essayé), en plus des entrées optiques coaxiales classiques aes/ebu et aussi bnc. Sovtek revalorisée récemment à mes frais chez technicien spécialiste des vannes chez un célèbre Boutique de Turin. Il agit également comme un streamer. FREE shipping (the price refers just to the very expensive on this kind of item insurance for international abroad shipping)


End: 16.06. 2023 11:57:06 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4450.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325695010583
  • Seller: varanasi084 (113|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nichelino Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research REFERENCE DAC PRE AMP TUBE STREAMER “DIGITAL MEDIA BRIDGE”. I CONSIDER ALSO EXCHANGES PEER TO PEER (or with a difference in mine or your favour, depending on the item) WITH PRE AMP OR POWER AMP BY ACCUPHASE! For addicted to pure analog even on digital, very rare AUDIO RESEARCH OF THE REFERENCE SERIES DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24-bit 192khz. Source best digital I've ever heard, especially if combined with a mechanic high quality !! Perfectly working, with original packaging, original metal remote control from a kilo from which you can really do anything. One of the few existing Dacs that reads still any digital source including iPods, iPhones, iPads via dedicated input, and also usb and external memories up to one Terabyte (this is the best I've tried), in addition to the classic coaxial optical inputs aes/ebu and also bnc. Revalved Sovtek recently at my expense at technician valve specialist at a well-known Turin shop. It also acts as a streamer. Per appassionati che ricercano analogico puro anche sul digitale rarissimo AUDIO RESEARCH DELLA SERIE REFERENCE DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24 bit 192 khz. La sorgente digitale migliore che abbia mai sentito, soprattutto se abbinata ad una meccanica di alta qualità !! Perfettamente funzionante, con imballi originali, telecomando originale in metallo da un chilo da cui si può fare davvero di tutto. Uno dei pochi Dac esistenti che legge ancora qualsiasi sorgente digitale, compresi gli iPod, iPhone, iPad tramite ingresso dedicato, e anche uso e memorie esterne sino ad un Terabyte (questo è il massimo che ho provato), oltre ai classici ingressi ottici coassiali aes/ebu e anche bnc. Rivalvolato Sovtek di recente a mie spese presso tecnico specializzato in valvole presso un noto negozio torinese. Fa anche da streamer di rete. Pour pure dans de l'analogique pur même en numérique, tres rare AUDIO RESEARCH DES SÉRIE DE RÉFÉRENCE DAC HIGH DÉFINITION 24 bits 192khz. Source meilleur numérique que j'aie jamais entendu, surtout s'il est combiné avec un mécanicien haute qualité !! à la perfection fonctionne, avec emballage d'origine, télécommande en métal d'origine d'un kilo à partir duquel on peut vraiment tout faire. L'un des rares Dacs existants qui lit encore n'importe quelle source numérique y compris iPods, iPhones, iPads via entrée dédiée, et aussi usb et mémoires externes jusqu'à un téraoctet (c'est le meilleur que j'ai essayé), en plus des entrées optiques coaxiales classiques aes/ebu et aussi bnc. Sovtek revalorisée récemment à mes frais chez technicien spécialiste des vannes chez un célèbre Boutique de Turin. Il agit également comme un streamer. FREE shipping (the price refers just to the very expensive on this kind of item insurance for international abroad shipping)


End: 29.05. 2023 10:46:57 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325672980676
  • Seller: varanasi084 (113|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nichelino Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 52,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Audio Research REFERENCE DAC PRE AMP TUBE STREAMER “DIGITAL MEDIA BRIDGE”. I CONSIDER ALSO EXCHANGES PEER TO PEER (or with a difference in mine or your favour, depending on the item) WITH PRE AMP OR POWER AMP BY ACCUPHASE! For addicted to pure analog even on digital, very rare AUDIO RESEARCH OF THE REFERENCE SERIES DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24-bit 192khz. Source best digital I've ever heard, especially if combined with a mechanic high quality !! Perfectly working, with original packaging, original metal remote control from a kilo from which you can really do anything. One of the few existing Dacs that reads still any digital source including iPods, iPhones, iPads via dedicated input, and also usb and external memories up to one Terabyte (this is the best I've tried), in addition to the classic coaxial optical inputs aes/ebu and also bnc. Revalved Sovtek recently at my expense at technician valve specialist at a well-known Turin shop. It also acts as a streamer. Per appassionati che ricercano analogico puro anche sul digitale rarissimo AUDIO RESEARCH DELLA SERIE REFERENCE DAC HIGH DEFINITION 24 bit 192 khz. La sorgente digitale migliore che abbia mai sentito, soprattutto se abbinata ad una meccanica di alta qualità !! Perfettamente funzionante, con imballi originali, telecomando originale in metallo da un chilo da cui si può fare davvero di tutto. Uno dei pochi Dac esistenti che legge ancora qualsiasi sorgente digitale, compresi gli iPod, iPhone, iPad tramite ingresso dedicato, e anche uso e memorie esterne sino ad un Terabyte (questo è il massimo che ho provato), oltre ai classici ingressi ottici coassiali aes/ebu e anche bnc. Rivalvolato Sovtek di recente a mie spese presso tecnico specializzato in valvole presso un noto negozio torinese. Fa anche da streamer di rete. Pour pure dans de l'analogique pur même en numérique, tres rare AUDIO RESEARCH DES SÉRIE DE RÉFÉRENCE DAC HIGH DÉFINITION 24 bits 192khz. Source meilleur numérique que j'aie jamais entendu, surtout s'il est combiné avec un mécanicien haute qualité !! à la perfection fonctionne, avec emballage d'origine, télécommande en métal d'origine d'un kilo à partir duquel on peut vraiment tout faire. L'un des rares Dacs existants qui lit encore n'importe quelle source numérique y compris iPods, iPhones, iPads via entrée dédiée, et aussi usb et mémoires externes jusqu'à un téraoctet (c'est le meilleur que j'ai essayé), en plus des entrées optiques coaxiales classiques aes/ebu et aussi bnc. Sovtek revalorisée récemment à mes frais chez technicien spécialiste des vannes chez un célèbre Boutique de Turin. Il agit également comme un streamer. FREE shipping (the price refers just to the very expensive on this kind of item insurance for international abroad shipping)

Audio Research Reference CD9/DAC, in excellent condition

End: 11.02. 2021 15:56:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9283.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 154323900208
  • Counter: 157
  • Seller: spsa6488-tppvdln (123|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Woodbridge Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

DAC card v2.0 from AUDIO RESEARCH Reference CD9 **MINT!!!**

End: 25.03. 2020 16:32:56 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 270.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 223916972623
  • Counter: 238
  • Seller: quickship_charles (263|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Chino, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 46,55 EUR
  • on EBAY

Audio Research CD9 Reference TUBE Compact Disc CD Player - Upsampling USB DAC

End: 29.07. 2019 20:28:23 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4444.75 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 233299000524
  • Counter: 49
  • Seller: highendaudioauctions (9813|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

Audio Research Reference DAC Media Bridge/ Röhrenvorstufe und DAC

End: 07.12. 2016 14:13:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 6500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 302139099803
  • Counter: 174
  • Seller: golfmomo (745|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Düsseldorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,99 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 08.12. 2015 21:49:15 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10536.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 221961152564
  • Counter: 86
  • Seller: gazzip2000 (305|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY