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ATR ( Thorens TD 160 MK II) mit Hadcock GH 242, Sony VM 266-MM System, neuwertig

End: 10.02. 2025 21:50:31 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 795.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 316047295229
  • Seller: schlabuckel (3075|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Krefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATR ( Thorens TD 160 MK II) mit Hadcock GH 242, Sony VM 266-MM System, neuwertigHallo zusammen, zum Verkauf kommt ein Besonderes Schmankerl, mein Kernsanierter ATR (Thorens TD 160 MK II) mit Hadcock GH 242 einpunktgelagertem Tonarm. Hier mit einem neuwertigen Sony VM 266 MM-System. ATR als Vertrieb von Thorens Geräten in Deutschland hat dieses Gerät als Kleinserie auflegen lassen, und mit speziellen Tonarmen unter eigenem Namen angeboten. Immer teurer als die Werksgeräte, klanglich aber auch immer BESSER. Das Gerät stammt aus einer Inzahlungnahme und kam in bemitleidenswertem Zustand in meinen Besitz. Haube gebrochen, Scharniere ebenso, Zarge hatte wohl mal Feuchtigkeit mitbekommen und war an allen Kanten aufgequollen. Staub und Dreck können konservierend wirken, so auch bei diesem Dreher. Dieses Gerät sollte nach der technischen Prüfung eine neue Behausung erhalten. Die wurde entsprechend aus MDF nachgefertigt und in der Lackiererei meines Vertrauens hochglanz schwarz lackiert. Zuvor wurden in der Rückwand Löcher zur Aufnahme von Neutrik-Studio-Buchsen und der Erde-Buchse eingebracht. Das Gerät selber wurde bis auf die letzte Schraube zerlegt gereinigt, Motorwelle geschmiert, Tellerachse poliert und mit frischem Öl eingesetzt. Das Lager selber gereinigt. Mein Gerät hat den schweren Metall Innen- und Außenteller. Die Tonarmverkabelung wurde im Armsockel erneuert, hier gab es auf einem Kanal ein Problem, das ist jetzt behoben. Die Motorsteuerung wurde Inspiziert, alles wies sein soll. So Überarbeitet, konnte das Chassis in die frische Zarge eingebaut werden. Und weil das bisher so toll aussah, wurden Neue Scharniere und eine neue Haube beschafft. Das Ergebniß ist hier gezeigt. Zum ausführlichen Abschlußtest wurde das gezeigte Sony MM-System eingebaut. Es braucht sich vor modernen Abtastern nicht zu verstecken. Es wurde mittels Schön-Schablone eingestellt.Infos zur Justage des Tonarmes finden sich bei Google. Hr Barske, Chefredakteur bei der LP stellt dort alle Kniffe und Feinheiten vor, sodass auch die höchstmögliche Performance aus dem Arm geholt werden kann. Dieser Tonarm ist wohl eher nichts für Anfänger. Zustand: wie ober beschrieben, technisch in absolut zuverlässigem Zustand. Das Gerät hat nur minimalste Spuren des Gebrauchs. Die Haube und Schaniere, ebenso der Riemen sind NEU.Meine Fotos entstehen bei Tageslicht und ergänzen meine Artikelbeschreibung! Lieferumfang: das gezeigte Gerät, BDA vom 160er (nicht auf den Fotos gezeigt), Netzkabel, NEUE Haube, NF-Kabel mit vergoldeten Steckern, Erdekabel. Singlepuck.ABHOLUNG bevorzugt!!!Versand erfolgt mit DHLPrivatauktion, deshalb Ausschluss von Garantie/Rücknahme/Wandlung/Sachmangelhaftung. Mit der Abgabe Ihres Gebotes erklären Sie sich mit dieser Regelung einverstanden. Sollten Sie der Meinung sein, das Gerät entspräche nicht der Beschreibung, erwarte ich, das Sie zuerst mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen, bevor Sie einen Fall öffnen! Es gibt immer eine Möglichkeit.....Versand: am Folge-Tag des GeldeingangesInternational Bidders please ask for shippingcostAbholung natürlich bevorzugt. Versand aber auch möglich.Es sind auch immer unterschiedliche Tonabnehmer vorrätig, Neu oder Gebraucht. Da wird sich schon was finden, obwohl nicht nötig....Fragen beantworte ich auch gerne Telefonisch (01722365660)Der Preis ist absolut gerechtfertigt, für ein Gerät in diesem Zustand, Punkt.


End: 24.12. 2024 02:29:16 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175763078893
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35871|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,36 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: TEAC PITCH CONTROL PCB BOARD Excellent used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: TEAC E HEAD PCB

End: 06.08. 2024 15:57:18 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.72 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175763075725
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35801|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,15 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: TEAC E HEAD PCB Excellent used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: LOT OF 4 MISC. CABLES

End: 06.07. 2024 05:14:37 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 16.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204361869712
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35746|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,2 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: LOT OF 4 MISC. CABLES Excellent used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

THORENS TD 160 B MKII Atr + LINN K5 + Hadcock GH228 in sehr gutem Zustand

End: 04.01. 2024 14:56:25 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 499.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134870890261
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: baan-thai (580|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rodgau Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THORENS TD 160 B MKII Atr + LINN K5 + Hadcock GH228 in sehr gutem ZustandTHORENS TD 160 B MKII in sehr gutem Zustand. Verkaufe meinen THORENS TD 160 B MKII + HADCOCK GH228 Arm + LINN K5. BESONDERHEITEN: Anleitung GH 228 Metall-Innenteller mit 10 mm AchseOriginal NetzteilHaube in sehr gutem Zustand (außer die unvermeidlichen Staub-Wischspuren)Umbau auf Thorens 16 V AC MotorUmbau auf Chinch-Anschluß16mm Multiplex Basis zur Verwendung mit Spikes oder Tellerfüßen (Original ist auch dabei)Alu-Kaschiertes Chassis - siehe letztes Bild - Tonabnehmer LINN K 5 (Audio Technica)Neuer Riemen, neues Lageröl, innen Staubfrei, Tonarm HADCOCK GH 228Diverse Gegengewichte für den HADCOCK Neue Reinsilber-Litze Verkabelung200.000 und 500.000 Silikonöl für den HADCOCK Arm SPECTRA Tellermatte, Legendär !!!Auflagegewicht / Puck auf Anfrage Rest siehe Bilder oder einfach fragen. NUR ABHOLUNG, event. Bringservice in 150 km Umkreis. Privarverkauf ohne Garantie, Rücknahme oder sonstiger Gewährleistungen. Weiterhin steht ein TD160 MKII und TD 320 MKII mit TP90 in Mahagonie zum Verkauf, einfach anfragen.

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: PAIR OF BODY CORNER PIECES

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:45 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 32.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:20
  • Item number: 204361869750
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,43 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: PAIR OF BODY CORNER PIECES Good used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .


End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:26
  • Item number: 175763075685
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - BACK PANEL WITH MODEL NUMBER TAG Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - SIDE PANEL

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 40.97 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:26
  • Item number: 175763075686
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - SIDE PANEL Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - UPPER FRONT PANEL

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 40.97 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:26
  • Item number: 175763075695
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - UPPER FRONT PANEL Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - U CHANNEL BRACKET PANEL

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 16.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:26
  • Item number: 175763075706
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 16,71 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - U CHANNEL BRACKET PANEL Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - INNER SUPPORT BRACKET

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:22
  • Item number: 175763075715
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - INNER SUPPORT BRACKET Good used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - INNER SIDE PANELS (2)

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 51.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:22
  • Item number: 185932564338
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,81 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - INNER SIDE PANELS (2) Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: INNER FRONT PANEL

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:22
  • Item number: 185932564369
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: INNER FRONT PANEL Good used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - SUPPORT BRACKETS (2)

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:19
  • Item number: 204361869714
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,2 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - SUPPORT BRACKETS (2) Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - MESH PANEL

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:19
  • Item number: 204361869719
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 16,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - MESH PANEL Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: FLIP UP TAPE HEAD COVER GUARD

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 51.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:19
  • Item number: 204361869723
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,81 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: FLIP UP TAPE HEAD COVER GUARD Excellent used condition. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - WEIGHT BRACKETS (2)

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:19
  • Item number: 204361869727
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,16 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - WEIGHT BRACKETS (2) Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - BRACKET

End: 08.12. 2023 09:51:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 8T 23:56:19
  • Item number: 204361869740
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35213|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,15 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - BRACKET Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .


End: 17.09. 2023 18:57:05 on Sunday
  • Condition: Sehr Gut
  • Price: 10.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354849237123
  • Seller: radiotvmanuals (15727|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Spring Hill, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 11,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RADIO SERVICE MANUAL1960 ATR TR1279-6V TR1279-12V 1279-6V 1279-12V This listing is for an original Photofact service folder that fits the make and model listed above. This item includes information such as alignment instructions, schematics, line drawings, exploded views of the interior, parts listings and more. This manual is 4 pages long. US customers receive FREE SHIPPING on all radio and TV service manuals. Outside the US? We mail up to FIVE manuals for the single manual shipping cost! If you are purchasing more than one item, PLEASE WAIT for a combined shipping invoice. If you are purchasing multiple items, PLEASE WAIT for a combined shipping invoice. _gsrx_vers_856 (GS 7.0.20 (856))

ATR Magnetics MDS-36 Tape 1/4" x 3600 10.5" NAB Metal Reel - Red, New.

End: 11.09. 2023 01:46:01 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 71.22 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285459010793
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: babis8086 (1412|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 21,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale is a new ATR Magnetics MDS-36 tape 1/4 x 3600 10.5 NAB metal tape reel, red color. Thank you for looking.

Tascam ATR-60 TEAC 53700053-00 DC 10/24V 40W Take Up Reel Table Motor

End: 01.09. 2023 02:24:59 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 81.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175763075721
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (35057|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,33 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 TEAC 53700053-00 DC 10/24V 40W Take Up Reel Table Motor Excellent used working condition. Note* I have seen quite a few sellers that are selling these as New but they are obviously used. I sell excellent used tested parts and it is really frustrating seeing sellers lying about the condition of their items. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .

- ATR / Thorens TD160 - hochwertiger Plattenspieler - sehr gepflegt - turntable

End: 19.08. 2023 18:15:44 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 369.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166199234885
  • Seller: stereoid! (3335|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schöntal Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ATR... ...Vintage Dreher von ATR. Der Dreher läuft einwandfrei und dreht gleichmäßig seine Runden. Lageröl und Riemen sind neu. Es ist eine Vorbereitung für SME Tonarme montiert. Er ist sehr gepflegt und in einem sehr gutem optischen Zustand. Die Haube ist ebenfalls gut, hat aber vorne und hinten ein paar Kratzer. ...vintage turntable by ATR. The turntable turns smoothly. Bearing oil and belt are new. It has a SME plate attached. Its very well kept and in a very good optical condition. The cover is good, too but has some scratches at front and back. fast forward hifi bietet Ihnen folgenden Service:100% funktionsfähige Geräte eine objektive Artikelbeschreibung bei Bedarf werden die Komponenten einer sanften Innenreinigung mit Druckluft unterzogen. Sie erhalten ein staubfreies Gerät alle Geräte werden außen aufwändig gereinigt, sind sofort einsatzbereit und voll wohnzimmertauglichjeder Artikel wird sachgerecht und bruchsicher verpackt diskussionsfreie Rücknahme der Geräte innerhalb von 14 Tagen - siehe hierzu meine AGBs Dies ist ein gewerblicher Verkauf, bitte beachten Sie die AGBs und Ihr Rückgaberecht!

2" 600 Watts Heavy Duty Titanium Super Tweeter Car Audio Loud Audiopipe ATR-4061

End: 12.08. 2023 21:28:21 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 19.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374693874483
  • Seller: piratetreasuretraders (1677|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Saint Matthews, South Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 41,54 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 600 Watts Heavy Duty Titanium Super Tweeter Car Audio Loud Audiopipe ATR-4061.

Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - BACK PANEL

End: 06.08. 2023 03:23:23 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204361869698
  • Seller: littlebrother2009 (34964|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,28 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tascam ATR-60 Reel to Reel Part: - BACK PANEL Good used condition with wear and scratches.. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. If you have any questions about the item please ask before you buy and we will answer them promptly (usually within an hour). Buy with confidence. We sell on multiple online market places and have over 60,000 sales with 100% positive feedback. We try to add over twenty unique collectibles and interesting items daily so come back and check us out. We offer free domestic returns on everything we sell (for any reason) so just message us and ask us for a return shipping label and well email it right out. Once we get the item back well send you a refund as quickly as possible. We prefer for you to message us instead of opening a return. We are trying to avoid detrimental return cases because they can effect our seller best match search rating making our listings harder to find for future buyers. Please be aware that we never offer price adjustments for any reason we only offer free returns. .