ak cs-20d (6) |
akg tdu (6) |
akai at57 (6) |
aiwa sx-hdt 7 (6) |
akai cd69 (6) |
akai at-53 (6) |
End: 21.02. 2025 06:11:33 on Friday
End: 19.02. 2025 09:00:22 on Wednesday
End: 12.02. 2025 08:59:48 on Wednesday
End: 05.02. 2025 08:59:27 on Wednesday
AKG K141 Vintage Studio Headphone | Very good +1y warranty!
End: 04.01. 2025 06:36:15 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 49.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 395541949674
- Seller: spectral_headphones (120|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wernigerode
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 5,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Spectral Headphones Second hand, modified and refurbished headphones in excellent condition! About Spectral Headphones Welcome to my online shop! Here you will find mostly analog headphones from all ages and manufacturers clean and in their best possible condition! Also as an officially registered business based in Germany, all my items come with a 14-day return period and a 1-year warranty! If you have any question, feel free to look into the FAQ at the end of the description or send me a message otherwise. Product description: For sale is an AKG K141 vintage studio headphone in excellent condition! This on-ear headphone might not look too spectacular, but sounds pretty decent and balanced all across. Definitely not a bad choice for the price for someone looking for this style of headphone. The rubber suspensions of the headband and ear pads have been completely renewed! The headband shows some small signs of use. Specifications: Impedance: 600 ohm Construction: on-ear / open back Driver type: dynamic What has been renewed?: - rubber suspensions - ear pads (velour) Modifications: ... Additional info and things to note: ... FAQ 1. How, when and to what locations do I ship? All orders will be shipped well packaged with DHL to all countries in the EU after ~1-2 days. Shipping to places outside of the EU is currently not possible for me. 2. Why would you buy something at Spectral Headphones? In terms of used headphones, especially when it comes to older models, the chance of undeclared defects by private, but also a lot of business sellers is sadly rather high. Damaged drivers, loose contacts, missing parts, unusable mechanisms (especially with AKG), smoke stench and completely disastrous hygienic conditions are very common in reality. With no exaggeration, at least 25-35% of all used headphones I purchase for refurbish possess one or more undeclared technical defects that are only possible to fix with specific knowledge and / or specialized spare parts. I want to offer products that can be ordered with no worries and arrive clean, fully working and ready to use at your home! 3. What are the criteria for choosing correct ear pads? For the selection of ear pads, the wearing comfort as well as a minimum (negative) impact on the sound quality / characteristics are the most important aspects. The selection of matching ear pads for a wide variety of different models is a very time- and cost intensive task and should absolutely not be underestimated when it comes to restoring headphones. The correct set of ear pads is responsible for half of the entire acoustic performance. 4. In which cases will I use original parts? Depending on the type of issue / replacement, availability and economic sustainability I will decide for or against the use of original parts. Often their cost is completely unreasonable compared to the total selling price of the headphone and I would need to ask for double the price for some products. Most of the time I will use high quality third-party parts or custom manufactured spare parts for repair and restoration, which also results in a high quality final product. If something doesnt meet my quality standards, it will not be offered for sale. 5. Who is responsible for the return shipping cost? In case of technical problems or transport damage the seller (me) is responsible for the shipping cost. A lot of issues can possibly also be fixed without the need to return it for repair. In this case I am of course ready to help you! In case of a return with no warranty background in the 14-day window after arrival, the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs back, including a tracking number. ------ Since I am a small business seller under German law, my items currently do not inherit any VAT (but are of course still all import-fee-free in EU-countries). Gemäß Abschnitt 19 Abs. 1 UStG ist im Rechnungsbetrag keine Umsatzsteuer enthalten (Kleinunternehmerregelung). Spectral Headphones
AKG K141 Vintage Studio Headphone Kopfhörer mit orig. Karton + Quittung von 1989
End: 26.12. 2024 08:50:42 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 60.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 365300189337
- Seller: secondhandshopsl (571|99.7%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Hüsby
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Angeboten wird hier ein gebrauchter Kopfhörer der Firma AKG. AKG Monitor Headphones K-141 Testurteile: Video aktiv digital 4/00: sehr guter Klang, guter Tragekomfort Stiftung Warentest 1/97: Gut Viele große Popstars haben schon mit diesem Kopfhörer gearbeitet Meistverwendeter Kopfhörer in US-Studios (Billboard) Knackige Bässe und brillante Höhen Bauweise: Dynamisch halboffen Übertragungsbereich: 20 - 20.000 Hz Kennschalldruckpegel: 97,5 dB/mW Nennbelastbarkeit: 200 mW Impedanz: 600 Ohm Klinkenstecker 6,5mm Wechselbare Ohrpolster Patentierte Bügelbandautomatik Kardangelenk zur Ohrmuschelanpassung Akustische Durchlüftung gegen Klangverfärbung Bruchsichere Metall-Bügel Einseitiges Kabel, 3m, sauerstoffrei 99,999% Membran optimiert nach Wigner-Verteilung NdFe Magnet Extended Frequency Response (EFD) CD-, MC-, DVD-, DAT-, DCC geeignet Gewicht: 225 g Der Kopfhörer ist geprüft und funktioniert einwandfrei. Von Nichtraucher. Gereinigt, er kann sofort benutzt werden. Mit dem original Karton und dem Kaufbeleg aus dem Jahr 1989. Optischer Zustand: Gut, fast keine erkennbaren Gebrauchsspuren. Keine dicken Kratzer, Risse, Brüche oder sonstige Schäden. Der Karton weißt sichtbare Lager- und Alterungsspuren auf. Bitte die Bilder ansehen. Geliefert wird nur der Kopfhörer mit Karton und Quittung so wie er auf den Bildern zu sehen ist. Der Glaskopf gehört nicht dazu. Kein Ausweis von Umsatzsteuer, da Kleinunternehmerregelung gemäß § 19 UStG. Ich versende umgehend nach Zahlungseingang und sorge für eine gute Verpackung damit Ihr Artikel auch heil ankommt. Gesetzliche Hinweise: Handeln Sie beim Kauf von Gebrauchtware als Verbraucher, beträgt die Verjährungsfrist für Mängelansprüche ein Jahr ab Ablieferung dieser Ware an Sie. Diese Fristverkürzung gilt nicht für Sachen, die entsprechend ihrer üblichen Verwendungsweise für ein Bauwerk verwendet worden sind und dessen Mangelhaftigkeit verursacht haben, für Schadensersatz- und Aufwendungsersatzansprüche, sowie für den Fall des arglistigen Verschweigens des Mangels. Bitte beachten Sie auch die AGB und die Widerrufsbelehrung. Informationen zur Entsorgung von Elektro-/ Elektronikgeräten und Batterien finden sie in den AGB. Die aufgeführten Warenzeichen und Markennamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Eigentümer. Sie dienen lediglich zur Beschreibung und Identifikation der Artikel.
AKG K141 Studio Kopfhörer
End: 23.12. 2024 13:09:32 on Monday
AKG K 141 Studio Kopfhörer
End: 17.11. 2024 12:10:24 on Sunday
AKG K141 Monitor Vintage Studio Headphone | Excellent +1y warranty!
End: 12.10. 2024 17:23:21 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 59.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 395789091584
- Seller: spectral_headphones (91|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wernigerode
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 5,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Spectral Headphones Second hand, modified and refurbished headphones in excellent condition! About Spectral Headphones Welcome to my online shop! Here you will find mostly analog headphones from all ages and manufacturers clean and in their best possible condition! Also as an officially registered business based in Germany, all my items come with a 14-day return period and a 1-year warranty! If you have any question, feel free to look into the FAQ at the end of the description or send me a message otherwise. Product description: For sale is an AKG K141 Monitor vintage studio headphone in excellent condition! This on-ear headphone might not look too spectacular, but actually sounds pretty decent. Definitely not a bad choice for the price for someone looking for this style of headphone. The ear pads have been completely renewed! Also brand new is the 3,5mm to 6,3mm adapter! Specifications: Impedance: 600 ohm Construction: on-ear / open back Driver type: dynamic What has been renewed?: - 3,5 to 6,3mm adapter - ear pads (velour) Modifications: ... Additional info and things to note: ... FAQ 1. How, when and to what locations do I ship? All orders will be shipped well packaged with DHL to all countries in the EU after ~1-2 days. Shipping to places outside of the EU is currently not possible for me. 2. Why would you buy something at Spectral Headphones? In terms of used headphones, especially when it comes to older models, the chance of undeclared defects by private, but also a lot of business sellers is sadly rather high. Damaged drivers, loose contacts, missing parts, unusable mechanisms (especially with AKG), smoke stench and completely disastrous hygienic conditions are very common in reality. With no exaggeration, at least 25-35% of all used headphones I purchase for refurbish possess one or more undeclared technical defects that are only possible to fix with specific knowledge and / or specialized spare parts. I want to offer products that can be ordered with no worries and arrive clean, fully working and ready to use at your home! 3. What are the criteria for choosing correct ear pads? For the selection of ear pads, the wearing comfort as well as a minimum (negative) impact on the sound quality / characteristics are the most important aspects. The selection of matching ear pads for a wide variety of different models is a very time- and cost intensive task and should absolutely not be underestimated when it comes to restoring headphones. The correct set of ear pads is responsible for half of the entire acoustic performance. 4. In which cases will I use original parts? Depending on the type of issue / replacement, availability and economic sustainability I will decide for or against the use of original parts. Often their cost is completely unreasonable compared to the total selling price of the headphone and I would need to ask for double the price for some products. Most of the time I will use high quality third-party parts or custom manufactured spare parts for repair and restoration, which also results in a high quality final product. If something doesnt meet my quality standards, it will not be offered for sale. 5. Who is responsible for the return shipping cost? In case of technical problems or transport damage the seller (me) is responsible for the shipping cost. A lot of issues can possibly also be fixed without the need to return it for repair. In this case I am of course ready to help you! In case of a return with no warranty background in the 14-day window after arrival, the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs back, including a tracking number. ------ Since I am a small business seller under German law, my items currently do not inherit any VAT (but are of course still all import-fee-free in EU-countries). Gemäß Abschnitt 19 Abs. 1 UStG ist im Rechnungsbetrag keine Umsatzsteuer enthalten (Kleinunternehmerregelung). Spectral Headphones
AKG K141 Monitor Studio Kopfhörer
End: 21.09. 2024 09:53:27 on Saturday
End: 11.09. 2024 11:30:40 on Wednesday
AKG K141 Studio Kopfhörer
End: 28.08. 2024 16:39:14 on Wednesday
AKG K141 Studio Headphones Kopfhörer made in Austria like new
End: 24.08. 2024 11:15:31 on Saturday
AKG K141 Studio Headphones Kopfhörer Vintage Made in Austria 4-600 Ohms
End: 01.07. 2024 14:23:07 on Monday
AKG K141 Monitor Studiokopfhörer 600 Ohm, der Klassiker in besten Zustand
End: 28.03. 2024 08:25:50 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 40.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 186365302777
- Seller: holzboy (2154|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bad Rodach
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
AKG K141 Monitor Studiokopfhörer 600 Ohm, der Klassiker in besten Zustand Biete meine nur im Studio genutzten Kopfhörer von AKG, Modell K141. Ich habe die damals mit meinem Gitarre & Bass Abo dazubekommen und habe sie sehr gerne benutzt. Absolut sauberer Klang, den man mit keinem Bluetooth Kopfhörer so hinbekommt. Tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt! Die Kopfhörer klingen einwandfrei und sind auch optisch in sehr gutem Zustand. Zwar schon etwas älter, aber immer sehr pfleglich behandelt, wie man an den geringen Gebrauchsspuren erkennen kann. Bitte hierzu die Fotos beachten, es sollte alles zu erkennen sein. Bei Bedarf gibt es neue Ohrpolster z.B. hier oder beim großen T. für unter 10 Euro. Allgemeine Daten: Hersteller: AKG Modell: K141 Monitor Typ: Kopfhörer Baujahre: 1988 - 2004 Hergestellt in: Österreich Gewicht: 225 g (netto) Technische Daten: Prinzip: halboffen, dynamisch Ankopplung an das Ohr: ohraufliegend Nennimpedanz: 600 Ohm Nennbelastbarkeit: 200 mW Andruckkraft: Übertragungsbereich: 20 - 20.000 Hz Klirrfaktor: < 0,4% Schalldruckpegel: 98 dB Stecker: Klinke 3,5 / 6,3 mm Kabellänge: 3 m Die reinen Versandkosten trägt der Käufer. Diese belaufen sich auf 5,49 Euro für ein bestens verpacktes und versichertes Paket via DHL. Abholung und Zahlung vor Ort sind natürlich auch kein Problem. Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne per eMail zur Verfügung. Antwort erfolgt schnellstmöglich.
NEU 4x Ohrpolster Earpads AKG K 141 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones
End: 29.02. 2024 08:10:13 on Thursday
AKG K 141 Monitor 600 ohms Kopfhörer und Spiralkabel bis 5 m, Studiokopfhörer
End: 11.01. 2024 16:12:52 on Thursday
End: 09.11. 2023 21:16:18 on Thursday
AKG K141 Studio/Monitor Kopfhörer - Vintage - gebraucht
End: 23.09. 2023 09:17:06 on Saturday
Kopfhörer AKG K141 Studio Vintage
End: 31.08. 2023 19:59:10 on Thursday
Kopfhörer AKG K141 Studio Vintage
End: 16.08. 2023 20:03:36 on Wednesday
❗️AKG Kopfhörer K141 Studio (55 Ohm) kaum benutzt - funktioniert (Headphone)
End: 16.07. 2023 19:44:01 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 20.5 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 134641010535
- Bids: 9
- Seller: musikwolle (1311|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Berlin
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Ich biete hier meinen alten Studio Kopfhörer an.Ich habe ihn kaum benutzt - nur ab und zu in meinem Studio.Er hat wenige Gebrauchspuren, 2 -3 kleine Abplatzer. Er funktioniert einwandfrei.Die Kabellänge beträgt circa 2,90 m Der Versand erfolgt unversichert als Päckchen oder auf Wunsch Paket.
Earpads Cushions Pillow for AKG K Series Studio HD MKII K550 K551 K553 K271 K141
End: 01.07. 2023 02:09:02 on Saturday
- Condition: New
- Price: 14.74 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 354821336681
- Seller: lifn_32 (4467|98.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Manchester
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Product Description If you have any questions, please contact customer service first, do not open disputes easily, thank you!Brief informations:Color: Black100% Brand new and high qualityMaterial: High quality leather and foamSoft, high elasticity, comfortable and durableGood for replacing your worn-out or lost ear padsHigh elasticity, durable, light-weight, soft and comfortableCompatible for AKG K Series Studio HD MKII K550 K551 k553 k271 k141 k240 k270 k290 k241 k272 HeadphonesPackage Content:1 Pair Earpads ( Headphone not included ) Payment We accept paypal payments and all payments authorized by eBay. Shipping 1.We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay.2.Items will be shipped within 1-3 business day when we received payment.3.Delivery time depends on destination and other factors;4.International buyers please note: a.Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are buyer’s responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties. b.Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. Contact Us If there is any questions, just contact us via ebay message, we will answer within 24 hours and will definitely solve your problems. powered by
AKG K141 Studio Headphones 55 ohm Black / Gold Made in Austria Vintage | Tested
End: 28.06. 2023 14:08:56 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 67.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 364256861383
- Seller: huntaudioequipment (25|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Cumberland, Rhode Island
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 39,53 EUR
- on EBAY
This pair of AKG K141 Studio Headphones 55 ohm have been tested working and have been used for personal listening. They come with 2 sets of pads, pleather and velour, and an upgraded aftermarket cable. They sound terrific and are very light and comfortable.
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