ak cs-20d (6) |
akg tdu (6) |
akai at57 (6) |
aiwa sx-hdt 7 (6) |
akai cd69 (6) |
akai at-53 (6) |
End: 23.02. 2025 06:23:31 on Sunday
Aikido Kopfhörerverstärker HighEnd
End: 22.02. 2025 18:15:00 on Saturday
Aikido Phono 1 ,FET Phono Vorverstärker / Riaa für MM Tonabnehmer
End: 22.02. 2025 11:06:03 on Saturday
Aikido Phono 1 ,FET Phono Vorverstärker / Riaa für MM Tonabnehmer
End: 21.02. 2025 16:44:51 on Friday
End: 09.02. 2025 07:23:42 on Sunday
Aikido Phono 1 Plus Phonovorverstärer MM
End: 05.02. 2025 16:55:13 on Wednesday
End: 23.01. 2025 06:24:20 on Thursday
AIKIDO PHONO 2 RIAA mit Akkustromversorgung
End: 17.01. 2025 00:14:00 on Friday
Glassware Aikido Octal Highend Röhrenvorverstärker DIY
End: 15.01. 2025 17:46:49 on Wednesday
End: 12.01. 2025 10:23:32 on Sunday
Röhren Aikido Stereo Phono Vorstufe, Tube Phono preamp DIY
End: 11.01. 2025 18:47:06 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 229.8 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 176772429716
- Bids: 20
- Seller: albertzuser (1281|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Mauer bei Melk
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Diese Phono Vorstufe der Firma GlassWare wurde von mir 2010 in den USA gekauft - zusammengebaut und als MM-Vorstufe sehr oft genutzt. Auf der Hompage von GlassWare kann man sich mal einen Eindruck über deren Produkte verschaffen. Meiner Meinung nach absolut hochwertig und durchdacht mit Priorität auf den Klang - ohne unnötigen Schnikschnak. Ich verkaufe hier die bestückte Platine mit Röhren (dieser Satz ist noch relativ frisch - max.300Stunden) aber ohne Netzteil.Als Versorgungsspannung werden ca.250Volt /100mA als Anodenspannung sowie 12Volt / 2A für die Heizung benötigt (bei aktueller Dimensionierung). Ein Vorschlag wie das Netzteil aufgebaut werden kann ist in dem beiliegenden User Guide zu finden. Die verwendeten Röhren sind jeweils in der ersten Verstärkerstufe die ECC803S - also sehr rauscharme Röhren von JJ Electronics, in der jeweils zweiten Stufe sind 6N1P/EV Röhren im Einsatz. Bei einer Stufe habe ich einen Wahlschalter eingebaut mit dem man zwischen 6V und 12V Heizspannung für die jeweilige Stufe schnell zwischen unterschiedlichen Typen (europäisch/russisch) auswählen kann - aktuell steht er auf 12V da die ECC803s in Verwendung ist. Bei den andern Stufen kann mittels gelöteter Brücken die gewünschte Heizspannung ausgewählt werden. Die verwendeten Komponenten sind alle sorgfältig ausgewählt worden - als Koppelkondensatoren habe ich mich damals für Paper in Oil entschieden. Als Widerstände sind Metallfilmtypen im Einsatz - um den genauen Wert zu erreichen sind in manchen Fällen zwei Widerstände in Serie verbaut. Sollten sie in Erwägung ziehen auf den Artikel zu bieten - bitte bedenken sie dass sie es bei der Platine mit Hochspannung zu tun haben !!! Versand nur innerhalb der EU, gut verpackt in einem stabilen Karton. EUR 14,90.- in Eurozone 1 - gilt für Deutschland, Belgien, Niederlande, Dänemark, Luxemburg, Tschechien, Slowakei, Ungarn, Slowenien, Polen, Rumänien.EUR 19,90.- in Eurozone 2 - gilt für Kroatien, Frankreich, Italien, Monaco, Finnland, Portugal, Spanien, Schweden, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Bulgarien, Republik Irland Alle Angaben nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen, da der Verkauf von Privat erfolgt ist jedoch keine Garantie/Gewärleistung möglich.
End: 12.12. 2024 21:59:29 on Thursday
End: 29.11. 2024 05:18:32 on Friday
End: 16.11. 2024 03:04:25 on Saturday
End: 16.10. 2024 02:44:47 on Wednesday
AIKIDO Tube Phono (fertig aufgebaut)
End: 23.09. 2024 09:32:35 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 215.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 135253679554
- Bids: 0
- Seller: cristalpalace (590|97.8%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Lügde
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Hier bieten Sie auf einen fertig zusammengebauten RIAA-Vorverstärker von Dipl. Ing. Otto, aus dem Jahre 2013. Ein echter Hingucker, der in diesem Fall nicht nur aus dem VV besteht, sondern auch das dazugehörige Netzteil und eine Strombegrenzung beinhaltet. Der Verstärker wurde zudem vom Hersteller abgeglichen und schriftlich bestätigt. Der Aufbau kann, so wie er ist, offen betrieben werden. Die beiden ECC-Röhren sind mit einem Metallschutz umgeben - siehe Begleitschreiben Hr. Otto). Ich selbst habe diesen Verstärker nie genutzt; er ist mir zu Jahresbeginn zugewachsen. Nach den einschlägigen Foren zu urteilen handelt es sich um einen hochwertigen Vorverstärker für Plattenspieler mit Magnetsystem (Moving Magnet). Es ist nicht etwa so, dass ich mich so gar nicht in der Audio-Technik auskennen; so nutze ich selbst einen entsprechenden Plattenspieler mit MM-System(PF-800), den ich über einen Yamaha CR-2020 verstärke - der eben auch MM-Systeme verstärken kann. (Sonst wäre das hier genau das Richtige gewesen, was ich benötige ;-) ) Dieser RIAA-Vorverstärker wird auch sehr ausführlich in einem englischen Blog vorgestellt und getestet. Der fertige Aufbau beinhaltet 4 Röhren je Kanal, das Universal-Netzteil mit dazugehörigen Anschlußkabeln, sowie die separat aufgebaute Strombegrenzung und Einschaltverzögerung --> Es ist halt an alles gedacht !Zudem sind die Anleitungen, die Rechnung, als auch die Bestätigung von Herrn Otto dabei. Ein Interessent hat mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, noch zusätzlich etwas zum genaueren Zustand dieses VV mitzuteilen. Hier ist es: Ich habe den Vorverstärker mit meiner Dolby 5.1 Anlage am VCR-Eingang verkabelt (nicht am Phono-Eingang, denn hier habe ich ja nun einen VV) und einen Yamaha MC-Plattenspieler daran angeschlossen. Dann habe ich die Platte von Dire Straits aufgelegt und Privat Investigations abgespielt. Dort gibt es ein paar versteckte Bässe und im zweiten Teil ein paar krachende Crescendos (nach dem Miau und der Tür).Der Sound ist überragend ! Beide Kanäle kommen kräftig und gleichmäßig rüber (soweit ich das objektiv beurteilen kann). Auch das Netzteil hat eine relaisgesteuerte Einschaltverzögerung - wie eben auch der Verstärker. Logischerweise sind alle 8 Röhren leuchtend in Betrieb.Das Ensemble zu verkaufen ist ein Fehler ;-) - wenns niemand kauft, werde ich es schön behalten und ein Acrylglas-Gehäuse drumherum bauen. Viel Spaß beim Bieten und ganz besonders viel Spaß beim späteren Hören !!! Da es sich um eine Privat-Auktion handelt gewähre ich keinerlei Garantie und nehme auch nichts zurück.
End: 23.09. 2024 04:54:06 on Monday
End: 21.09. 2024 19:54:07 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 206.14 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 276641094006
- Bids: 1
- Seller: adbm3 (2135|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
End: 07.09. 2024 19:52:44 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 205.52 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276620422332
- Bids: 0
- Seller: adbm3 (2134|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
End: 31.08. 2024 19:51:48 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 205.11 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276609624762
- Bids: 0
- Seller: adbm3 (2134|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
End: 24.08. 2024 19:48:35 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 203.88 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276599271248
- Bids: 0
- Seller: adbm3 (2134|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
End: 16.08. 2024 04:51:56 on Friday
End: 10.08. 2024 19:46:50 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 201.27 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276579570598
- Bids: 0
- Seller: adbm3 (2133|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
End: 03.08. 2024 19:42:07 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 219.71 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276569756142
- Bids: 0
- Seller: adbm3 (2133|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Danville, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
GlassWare AudioAikido Line Stage and PS-21 Power Supply Kit This started out as a kit build that converts a line stage amp into a roll-your own tube headphone amp. However, for deeply personal reasons I will not finish it and want it all out of the house. PLEASE NOTE: It has been a very long time since I have worked on this project and dont remember all the particulars. I also dont care to revisit it in any way. Why? See the bold statement above. If you are an electronics guy/gal then you will know what this is and what to do with it. I will NOT be providing technical support. Most all of the components, excluding the cabinet, are included. All of the parts are as super high end as I could find, including Nichicon, Wima, Cdet, and Audyn Caps, Metal Film Resistors, Glassware Audio control boards, Toroid Transformers (Triad VPM18-2780, AnTek AS-05T240), etc. Ive been into high-end audio since I was a wee boy and didnt screw around with the components. There is far more with this package included than I have time to describe. The original intent was to set this up to roll different varieties of tube types in the 6DJ8 family. Switches and biasing parts are included to facilitate bias changes on the board for various tubes. The power supply board was completed but there is some work to do on the head amp, including installing the biasing resistors and switches for tube biasing. All solder joints done with Cardas Silver Quad-Eutectic. Included will be all the technical literature I have collected and used for the build. I am not in a position to supply technical support. I have not Tested any of the build. Refer to the second sentence in the first paragraph above on any further Why. Please note that the package is going to be fairly heavy and shipping will reflect that. What I am asking for the kit its far less than you will pay for all the parts otherwise. I have described it fairly and accurately as I always do. Failure to read the descriptions above is not my fault. Failure to ask reasonable non-technical questions beforehand is not my fault. As a result, if you buy this wonderful, little item there will be NO Refunds if you change your mind later. I do accept Offers but will ignore low balls. OK....ready, set, bid! Some background: See above for description on packaging. Ask questions before the auction is over. I will combine shipping on multiple orders. Please: I dont need lessons on shipping so save the emails. The item will be packed carefully - Im a collector too. NO REFUNDS! All sales are final. A note on shipping: I charge shipping based on actual content weight and box size. These parameters are input into e-bay, e-bay applies the prevailing US Postal shipping rate applicable from my location to your location and thats what you see when you looking at the shipping tab. Additionally, every shipment gets a tracking number sent to you automatically after I ship it. Check your e-mail in-box and spam box for the notification. Keep reading... Please read carefully: Winning bidder to obtain US Priority Mail or Ground Advantage shipping as part of the auction price. I wont offer parcel post anymore since the postal service takes particular delight in damaging items sent in that method and then I get the blame by the purchaser. Please dont send me email vociferously arguing about my unfair shipping methodology replete with your heartfelt, if not borderline accusatory insights into what it really costs to ship and how I am just taking advantage of you. I will ignore those complaints and/or direct you to take up your outrage with your local Postmaster and/or redirect you to once again carefully read the auction description including the shipping terms, which should have provided a more than sufficient answer to your concerns. If the shipping charged by eBay is materially different than what it actually costs at the post office then I will refund the difference. International Buyers- Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight(shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Also please be patient. Delivery takes longer than youd like because our respective postal services are just terrible.
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