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Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39! Neuwertiger Zustand! Auf 18 cm Spule!

End: 21.02. 2025 18:35:01 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 34.95 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 396200719183
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: michaelsvinta-18 (304|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Münster Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 5,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39! Neuwertiger Zustand! Auf 18 cm Spule!Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39! Zustand Neuwertig! In Original Verpackung! Auf 18 cm Kunststoffspule! Top! Das Bandmaterial ist Top gewickelt! Noch Original! Nichtraucherhaushalt! Geschützte Markennamen sind Eigentum der Hersteller und Inhaber und dienen nur zum Zweck der Beschreibung des Artikels der verkauft wird.Das Agfa Tonband mit Original Aufbewahrungskarton wird sauber, sicher und im neuen oder neuwertigen Karton mit neuer Noppenfolie verpackt und gut gepolstert verschickt. Sollten Sie doch mal einen Grund haben zur Reklamation und Sie schicken uns den gekauften Artikel zurück, dann bitte genauso gut und sicher verpacken, wie Sie die Ware erhalten haben!Bei größeren Hifi-Bausteinen wie z.B. Tonbandmaschinen oder ähnlichen Artikeln, bitte unbedingt mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen! Wir helfen Ihnen beim sicheren Zurücksenden! Sehr Wichtig!Ich verschicke nur mit DHL! Der Versandkostenanteil liegt hier bei 5,95 EUR mit Verpackung. Bitte bei der Lieferung auf Transportschäden achten und beim Transportunternehmen sofort reklamieren! Sehr Wichtig! Ein Versand innerhalb der EU ist möglich, bitte vor einem Kauf anfragen! Auf die angebotenen Artikel, die zum Teil über 40 Jahre alt sind, gebe ich keine Garantie! Auch gebe ich keine Garantie für die Angaben im ebay Produktkatalog! Selbstverständlich haben Sie aber bei uns ein 14 tägiges Umtauschrecht, ab Zustellung der gekauften Ware! Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung gem. § 25a USTG, daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Umsatzsteuer in der Rechnung nicht extra ausgewiesen! Alle Fotos sind nur von mir gemacht worden und zeigen den Artikel der verkauft wird. Die Fotos sind Bestandteil der Auktion, den Zustand bitte den Fotos entnehmen! Wichtig! Sollten Sie mit meiner Beschreibung der Artikel nicht einverstanden, bitte ich Sie nicht zu bieten! Beachten Sie bitte auch meine anderen Angebote! Vielen Dank. Nun viel Spaß beim Bieten. Noch ein wichtiger Hinweis in eigener Sache: Wenn Sie Fragen haben, dann stellen Sie diese bitte vor einem möglichen Kauf!Sollten Sie mit einem Kauf nicht zufrieden sein, oder der Artikel ist nicht beschrieben, wie er sein sollte! Dann bitte bei mir melden und keinen Fall bei ebay öffnen, wir werden immer eine gemeinsame Lösung finden! Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie ein zufriedener Kunde bei uns werden. Auch später nach einem Kauf, können Sie sich bei Problemen oder Fragen gerne an uns wenden! Wir sind für Sie da.

Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39!! Neuwertiger Zustand! Auf 18 cm Spule!

End: 10.02. 2025 21:56:14 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.95 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 396165352526
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: michaelsvinta-18 (301|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Münster Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 5,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39!! Neuwertiger Zustand! Auf 18 cm Spule!Verkaufe sehr gutes Agfa Tonband PE 39! Zustand Neuwertig! In Original Verpackung! Auf 18 cm Kunststoffspule! Top! Das Bandmaterial ist Top gewickelt! Ich habe hier mit dem Agfa Band PE 39 Probeaufnahmen gemacht! Top! Das Bandmaterial bitte aus Datenschutzgründen löschen! Der Inhalt des Bandes ist mir sonst nicht bekannt, vielleicht ist es auch schon gelöscht! Nichtraucherhaushalt! Geschützte Markennamen sind Eigentum der Hersteller und Inhaber und dienen nur zum Zweck der Beschreibung des Artikels der verkauft wird.Das Agfa Tonband mit Original Aufbewahrungskarton wird sauber, sicher und im neuen oder neuwertigen Karton mit neuer Noppenfolie verpackt und gut gepolstert verschickt. Sollten Sie doch mal einen Grund haben zur Reklamation und Sie schicken uns den gekauften Artikel zurück, dann bitte genauso gut und sicher verpacken, wie Sie die Ware erhalten haben!Bei größeren Hifi-Bausteinen wie z.B. Tonbandmaschinen oder ähnlichen Artikeln, bitte unbedingt mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen! Wir helfen Ihnen beim sicheren Zurücksenden! Sehr Wichtig!Ich verschicke nur mit DHL! Der Versandkostenanteil liegt hier bei 5,95 EUR mit Verpackung. Bitte bei der Lieferung auf Transportschäden achten und beim Transportunternehmen sofort reklamieren! Sehr Wichtig! Ein Versand innerhalb der EU ist möglich, bitte vor einem Kauf anfragen! Auf die angebotenen Artikel, die zum Teil über 40 Jahre alt sind, gebe ich keine Garantie! Auch gebe ich keine Garantie für die Angaben im ebay Produktkatalog! Selbstverständlich haben Sie aber bei uns ein 14 tägiges Umtauschrecht, ab Zustellung der gekauften Ware! Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung gem. § 25a USTG, daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Umsatzsteuer in der Rechnung nicht extra ausgewiesen! Alle Fotos sind nur von mir gemacht worden und zeigen den Artikel der verkauft wird. Die Fotos sind Bestandteil der Auktion, den Zustand bitte den Fotos entnehmen! Wichtig! Sollten Sie mit meiner Beschreibung der Artikel nicht einverstanden, bitte ich Sie nicht zu bieten! Beachten Sie bitte auch meine anderen Angebote! Vielen Dank. Nun viel Spaß beim Bieten. Noch ein wichtiger Hinweis in eigener Sache: Wenn Sie Fragen haben, dann stellen Sie diese bitte vor einem möglichen Kauf!Sollten Sie mit einem Kauf nicht zufrieden sein, oder der Artikel ist nicht beschrieben, wie er sein sollte! Dann bitte bei mir melden und keinen Fall bei ebay öffnen, wir werden immer eine gemeinsame Lösung finden! Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie ein zufriedener Kunde bei uns werden. Auch später nach einem Kauf, können Sie sich bei Problemen oder Fragen gerne an uns wenden! Wir sind für Sie da.

2 St. AGFA Spulen mit AGFA Tonband 18cm Typ PE 39 in original AGFA Schubern

End: 21.01. 2025 20:23:57 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276802782333
  • Seller: 2014_krink (834|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Eppingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 St. AGFA Spulen mit AGFA Tonband 18cm Typ PE 39 in original AGFA Schubern2 St. AGFA Spulen mit AGFA Tonband 18cm Typ PE 39 in original AGFA SchubernBänder sehen gut aus. Wegen Privatverkauf kann ich keine Garantie und Rücknahme leisten.

39 Stück BASF AGFA Fischer C-BOX für Kassetten Cassetten Tape

End: 30.11. 2024 09:44:28 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 18.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156538701470
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: katwi_2081 (56|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Albertshofen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    39 Stück BASF AGFA Fischer C-BOX für Kassetten Cassetten Tape 39 Stück BASF AGFA Fischer C-BOX für Kassetten. Alle funktionsfähig sowie unbefüllt. Ideal für die Aufbewahrung eurer Kassetten.

3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 ( EP 2292 )

End: 30.09. 2024 14:23:28 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335586469544
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: pkfq5255 (128|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bobenheim-Roxheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3x Agfa Proffessional  Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39  ( EP 2292 )3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 540 M / 7 In / 1800 Ft ( EP 2292 ) Unbenutzt Versedet wird mit GLS

1x Agfa Tonband PE 39 HiFi Professional Long Play Tape 18cm Langspielband AKAI

End: 08.09. 2024 15:48:21 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 29.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115855216495
  • Seller: joergolbert (1422|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Krailling Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Aus dem Nachlass meines Schwiegervaters biete ich augenscheinlich neue, unbenutzte Tonbänder an. Da ich kein Tonbandgerät habe, kann ich die Funktion nicht überprüfen und biete die Bänder deswegen ausdrücklich als ungeprüft an. Insgesamt stehen 11 Stk zur Verfügung Der Auktionspreis gilt für 1x Agfa Tonband PE 39 HiFi Professional Long Play Tape 18cm Langspielband.

3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 ( EP 2292 )

End: 02.09. 2024 05:52:32 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 45.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335547840867
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pkfq5255 (119|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bobenheim-Roxheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3x Agfa Proffessional  Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39  ( EP 2292 )3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 540 M / 7 In / 1800 Ft ( EP 2292 ) Unbenutzt Versedet wird mit GLS

3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 ( EP 2292 )

End: 11.08. 2024 08:41:50 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 70.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335516569131
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pkfq5255 (115|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bobenheim-Roxheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3x Agfa Proffessional  Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39  ( EP 2292 )3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 540 M / 7 In / 1800 Ft ( EP 2292 ) Unbenutzt Versedet wird mit GLS

3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 ( EP 2292 )

End: 24.07. 2024 17:20:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 80.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335490801961
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pkfq5255 (111|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bobenheim-Roxheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3x Agfa Proffessional  Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39  ( EP 2292 )3x Agfa Proffessional Ø 18 cm Langspielband PE 39 540 M / 7 In / 1800 Ft ( EP 2292 ) Unbenutzt Versedet wird mit GLS

Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master

End: 18.05. 2024 21:24:58 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 14.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404932979242
  • Seller: jomi75 (10102|97.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Paris Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 27,7 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio MasterThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>> AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE       ** recorded only one use professional studio archive **Delivered blank strip erased AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPECondition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio VG + Condition Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal.Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly.Please careful examination of the photos is important to verify the cosmetic and physical condition. Operating condition is described above. This item is in very good condition and in working order unless otherwise stated see description.Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions send me a message. I will be happy to respond to anything .... All items are tested to our proficiency before listing and re-reviewed at auction end prior to packaging and shipping. Please keep in mind most objects are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older items and may need cleaning. If you have any problem, contact us to resolve any issue.Payment is expected immediately after auction. Item will be shipped the next business day. Most shipments will be made by post. We reserve the right to use Mondial Relay, UPS, DHL or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as possible. Personal delivery is not available. This item is also available locally at other points of sale. We reserve the right to cancel the sale at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any offer with buyers at negative feedbacks****** I ship worldwide ask for quotation please ********** * / * Please take a look at the photos for physical condition. Functional condition is described above. This item is in great condition and in working order. please look at all pics for details. It comes with everything shown in pics. If you have any questions please message me. Ill be glad to answer anything…. All items are tested to our ability prior to listing and retested again at the end of auction prior to packing and shipping. Please keep in mind most units are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older units and may need their pots and buttons sprayed or cleaned. If you experience a problem please contact us to resolve any issues.Payment is expected immediately after auction ends at the time of buy it now. Item will ship the next business day. Most shipments will be through Fed Ex, fully insured with signature confirmation. We reserve the right to use UPS, USPS or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it ships. Local pickup is not available This item is also offered locally in other venues. We reserve the right to cancel the auction at any point. We reserve the right to cancel any bid from bidders with negative feedbacks. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questio Marque agfa Modèle Revox B77 Numéro de pièce fabricant Non applicable

Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master

End: 19.04. 2024 20:35:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404873780216
  • Seller: jomi75 (10074|97.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Paris Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 28,19 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio MasterThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>> AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE       ** recorded only one use professional studio archive **Delivered blank strip erased AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPECondition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio VG + Condition Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal.Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly.Please careful examination of the photos is important to verify the cosmetic and physical condition. Operating condition is described above. This item is in very good condition and in working order unless otherwise stated see description.Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions send me a message. I will be happy to respond to anything .... All items are tested to our proficiency before listing and re-reviewed at auction end prior to packaging and shipping. Please keep in mind most objects are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older items and may need cleaning. If you have any problem, contact us to resolve any issue.Payment is expected immediately after auction. Item will be shipped the next business day. Most shipments will be made by post. We reserve the right to use Mondial Relay, UPS, DHL or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as possible. Personal delivery is not available. This item is also available locally at other points of sale. We reserve the right to cancel the sale at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any offer with buyers at negative feedbacks****** I ship worldwide ask for quotation please ********** * / * Please take a look at the photos for physical condition. Functional condition is described above. This item is in great condition and in working order. please look at all pics for details. It comes with everything shown in pics. If you have any questions please message me. Ill be glad to answer anything…. All items are tested to our ability prior to listing and retested again at the end of auction prior to packing and shipping. Please keep in mind most units are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older units and may need their pots and buttons sprayed or cleaned. If you experience a problem please contact us to resolve any issues.Payment is expected immediately after auction ends at the time of buy it now. Item will ship the next business day. Most shipments will be through Fed Ex, fully insured with signature confirmation. We reserve the right to use UPS, USPS or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it ships. Local pickup is not available This item is also offered locally in other venues. We reserve the right to cancel the auction at any point. We reserve the right to cancel any bid from bidders with negative feedbacks. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questio Marque agfa Modèle Revox B77 Numéro de pièce fabricant Non applicable

Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master

End: 15.03. 2024 20:27:45 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.82 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 27T 19:53:52
  • Item number: 266678345172
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: France Frankreich
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 28,26 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio MasterThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>> AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE       ** recorded only one use professional studio archive **Delivered blank strip erased AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPECondition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio VG + Condition Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal.Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly.Please careful examination of the photos is important to verify the cosmetic and physical condition. Operating condition is described above. This item is in very good condition and in working order unless otherwise stated see description.Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions send me a message. I will be happy to respond to anything .... All items are tested to our proficiency before listing and re-reviewed at auction end prior to packaging and shipping. Please keep in mind most objects are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older items and may need cleaning. If you have any problem, contact us to resolve any issue.Payment is expected immediately after auction. Item will be shipped the next business day. Most shipments will be made by post. We reserve the right to use Mondial Relay, UPS, DHL or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as possible. Personal delivery is not available. This item is also available locally at other points of sale. We reserve the right to cancel the sale at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any offer with buyers at negative feedbacks****** I ship worldwide ask for quotation please ********** * / * Please take a look at the photos for physical condition. Functional condition is described above. This item is in great condition and in working order. please look at all pics for details. It comes with everything shown in pics. If you have any questions please message me. Ill be glad to answer anything…. All items are tested to our ability prior to listing and retested again at the end of auction prior to packing and shipping. Please keep in mind most units are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older units and may need their pots and buttons sprayed or cleaned. If you experience a problem please contact us to resolve any issues.Payment is expected immediately after auction ends at the time of buy it now. Item will ship the next business day. Most shipments will be through Fed Ex, fully insured with signature confirmation. We reserve the right to use UPS, USPS or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it ships. Local pickup is not available This item is also offered locally in other venues. We reserve the right to cancel the auction at any point. We reserve the right to cancel any bid from bidders with negative feedbacks. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questio Marque agfa Modèle Revox B77 Numéro de pièce fabricant Non applicable

Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Coil Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master Tape

End: 16.01. 2024 01:25:35 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266607592770
  • Seller: jomi75 (10019|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Paris Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 28,46 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Coil Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master TapeThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>> AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE       ** recorded only one use professional studio archive **Delivered blank strip erased AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPECondition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio VG + Condition Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal.Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly.Please careful examination of the photos is important to verify the cosmetic and physical condition. Operating condition is described above. This item is in very good condition and in working order unless otherwise stated see description.Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions send me a message. I will be happy to respond to anything .... All items are tested to our proficiency before listing and re-reviewed at auction end prior to packaging and shipping. Please keep in mind most objects are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older items and may need cleaning. If you have any problem, contact us to resolve any issue.Payment is expected immediately after auction. Item will be shipped the next business day. Most shipments will be made by post. We reserve the right to use Mondial Relay, UPS, DHL or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as possible. Personal delivery is not available. This item is also available locally at other points of sale. We reserve the right to cancel the sale at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any offer with buyers at negative feedbacks****** I ship worldwide ask for quotation please ********** * / * Please take a look at the photos for physical condition. Functional condition is described above. This item is in great condition and in working order. please look at all pics for details. It comes with everything shown in pics. If you have any questions please message me. Ill be glad to answer anything…. All items are tested to our ability prior to listing and retested again at the end of auction prior to packing and shipping. Please keep in mind most units are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older units and may need their pots and buttons sprayed or cleaned. If you experience a problem please contact us to resolve any issues.Payment is expected immediately after auction ends at the time of buy it now. Item will ship the next business day. Most shipments will be through Fed Ex, fully insured with signature confirmation. We reserve the right to use UPS, USPS or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it ships. Local pickup is not available This item is also offered locally in other venues. We reserve the right to cancel the auction at any point. We reserve the right to cancel any bid from bidders with negative feedbacks. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questionsYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730m 1 / 4in Spool Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions Marque agfa Modèle Revox B77 Numéro de pièce fabricant Non applicable

Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio Master

End: 05.01. 2024 13:52:44 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 16.06 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:35:31
  • Item number: 266550525528
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: France Frankreich
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 28,26 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Agfa Pro 2395ft 1/4in Pebble Reel Used Tape 1/4 2400 FT Erased Studio MasterThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>> AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE       ** recorded only one use professional studio archive **Delivered blank strip erased AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPECondition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio VG + Condition Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal.Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly.Please careful examination of the photos is important to verify the cosmetic and physical condition. Operating condition is described above. This item is in very good condition and in working order unless otherwise stated see description.Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questions send me a message. I will be happy to respond to anything .... All items are tested to our proficiency before listing and re-reviewed at auction end prior to packaging and shipping. Please keep in mind most objects are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older items and may need cleaning. If you have any problem, contact us to resolve any issue.Payment is expected immediately after auction. Item will be shipped the next business day. Most shipments will be made by post. We reserve the right to use Mondial Relay, UPS, DHL or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as possible. Personal delivery is not available. This item is also available locally at other points of sale. We reserve the right to cancel the sale at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any offer with buyers at negative feedbacks****** I ship worldwide ask for quotation please ********** * / * Please take a look at the photos for physical condition. Functional condition is described above. This item is in great condition and in working order. please look at all pics for details. It comes with everything shown in pics. If you have any questions please message me. Ill be glad to answer anything…. All items are tested to our ability prior to listing and retested again at the end of auction prior to packing and shipping. Please keep in mind most units are complicated and not all functions are tested. Also, most are older units and may need their pots and buttons sprayed or cleaned. If you experience a problem please contact us to resolve any issues.Payment is expected immediately after auction ends at the time of buy it now. Item will ship the next business day. Most shipments will be through Fed Ex, fully insured with signature confirmation. We reserve the right to use UPS, USPS or other carriers. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it ships. Local pickup is not available This item is also offered locally in other venues. We reserve the right to cancel the auction at any point. We reserve the right to cancel any bid from bidders with negative feedbacks. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Your purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questioYour purchase relates to what is in the photo >>>  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE        ** recorded only one use professional studio archive ** Delivered blank strip erased  AGFA Pro 730 m 1 / 4in Galet Reel USED Tape 1/4 2400 ft Erased Studio MASTER TAPE Condition - used ONE Time and erased >>> come from PROFESSIONNAL Studio  VG + Condition  Shipping - Shipping is calculated by location. Item is located in France Mainland  ship this item same day if possible or the next business day after payment is received and verified by paypal. Please also buy with confidence- I take great pride packing correctly and shipping quickly. Please look at all the photos for more details. It comes with everything shown in the photos. If you have any questio Marque agfa Modèle Revox B77 Numéro de pièce fabricant Non applicable

AGFA PE39 HIFI Tonband auf Kunststoffspule - 26,5cm / 1280m

End: 29.11. 2023 19:41:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:47:15
  • Item number: 196055778566
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Österreich Österreich
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AGFA PE39 HIFI Tonband auf Kunststoffspule - 26,5cm / 1280mAGFA PE39 HIFI Tonband auf Kunststoffspule - 26,5cm / 1280m Versandkosten für Österreich. Bei anderen Zielländern Versandkosten erfragen


End: 18.09. 2023 12:31:28 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225768591589
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: haranija2 (879|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sofia, Bulgarien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 28,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 18 cm 1/4 inch ORIGINAL REVOX METAL REELS IN THEIR  BOXES NEW AGFA PE39 INSIDENormal 0 21 false false false BG X-NONE X-NONE You are bidding for TWO USED? VERY GOOD CONDITION ALUMINUM 18cm, 1/4 METAL REEL, NEW AGFA PE 39 TAPE INSIDE ORIGINAL EVOX BOXES pictures taken on both sides of the reels.Please, look at the original pictures I will pack these two reels very safe. The worldwide shipping will be 28 EURO, air mailed priority, registered mail. Please, no shipping to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, South America and Africa.I will not ship to China and Taiwan, too. According to the EU regulations as a private seller I could not give you any guarantee,

TONBÄNDER AGFA PE39 15x Tonbänder 15 cm Tonband Spulenband

End: 21.08. 2023 15:09:22 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 95.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256137198316
  • Seller: benwich (944|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Roetgen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Nicht bieten, wenn nicht in Deutschland wohnhaft! DO NOT BID IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN GERMANY!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 x TONBÄNDER AGFA PE 39 - 13cm-Tonbänder8 Bänder wurden im Archiv bis zum Rand mit dem gleichen Bandmaterial aufgefüllt,um eine längere Spielzeit (fast diedoppelte) zu erzielen. (Natürlich entstand dadurch eine kleine,unmerkliche Klebestelle.) (s.Bild). Die 7 restlichen haben diezum Bandtyp gehörige Länge. Vorhandene Archivbeschriftungen auf einigen wurden sorgfältig überklebt. Durchmesser: 13 cm . Alle Bänder stammen aus einem digitalisierten(mehrere tausend Bänder umfassenden) Schallarchiv. Sie waren dort klimatisiert untergebracht und sind in einwandfreiem Zustand. Alle wurden nur 1x bespielt! Außerdem wurden sie aus copyright-Gründen fachmännisch gelöscht. Es sind noch jede Menge Bänder vorhanden. Agfa, Telefunken, Ampex-Produktion, etc- Ggf.nachfragensiehe auch meine anderen Angebote -

Bobine de Bande Magnétique AGFA PE 39 HIFI - 13 Centimètres - Neuve Scellée

End: 22.05. 2023 18:47:41 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266256838631
  • Seller: riccardo01 (853|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Beynost Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 11,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bande Magnétique AGFA PE 39 HIFI 13 Centimètres Neuve Scellée


End: 31.03. 2021 23:18:06 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 313449348912
  • Counter: 46
  • Seller: finl_4404 (95|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Exeter Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 17,55 EUR
  • on EBAY

Bespielte Audio Kassetten, 39 Stück / Tapes - TDK - BASF - AGFA - Vintage

End: 28.03. 2021 22:12:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 324532507688
  • Counter: 42
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: levopard (174|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kleinostheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY

1 xTonband Agfa PE 39 HiFi 540m auf 18cm Spule NOS/OVP

End: 23.03. 2021 13:08:33 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 383915721788
  • Counter: 422
  • Seller: elv070 (165|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ingelfingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 2,7 EUR
  • on EBAY

1 xTonband Agfa PE 39 HiFi 360m auf 15cm Spule NOS/OVP

End: 24.02. 2021 19:49:55 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 383915735487
  • Counter: 123
  • Seller: elv070 (165|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ingelfingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 2,7 EUR
  • on EBAY

2x Tonbandspulen AGFA  PE39 18cm. im Kunststoff Archiveschuber

End: 11.10. 2020 19:48:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 174146760150
  • Counter: 257
  • Seller: samilf (2031|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wegberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,6 EUR
  • on EBAY

12 Stück Tonbänder AGFA PE39 aufgefüllt Tonband Tonbandspule Spule Tonbandgerät

End: 03.04. 2020 02:56:07 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 333529844382
  • Counter: 816
  • Seller: pickupcollector (395|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Simmerath Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,9 EUR
  • on EBAY