V-MODA Crossfade LP2 Kopfhörer
- Condition: Used
- Price: 50.0 EUR
- Status: unsold
- Item number: 326282783003
- Bids: 0
- Seller: toschiba1300 (100|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Karlsruhe
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Geil klingende Kopfhrer mit sattem Bass, guter gebrauchter Zustand: kaum Gebrauchsspuren, selten genutzt. Zum rumliegen zu Schade. Funktionierte bis zum Schluss tadellos. Inklusive Case (ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, Reiverschluss schliet ohne Probleme, Einlagen sind dabei) und den beiden Original-Kabeln (das Mikrofon-/Fernbedienungskabel hat einen Wackelkontakt im Schalter, neues Ersatzteil liegt bei, siehe Fotos) sowie Klinkenstecker-Adapter. Privatverkauf, keine Rcknahme, keine Herstellergarantie
ebay shop Bewertungen Newsletter -Tags in der mit der Klasse .bigPic. Und ein zweites Mal im zugehörigen -Tag im mit der Klasse .galleryThumb --> Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen -Tag --> V-MODA Crossfade LP2 Over-Ear Kopfhörer Matt Schwarz Kopfhörer Musik TEILDEFEKT Zustand: TEILDEFEKT – gebrauchter & nur teilweise funktionsfähiger Artikel mit deutlichen bis starken optischen Gebrauchsspuren. Mängel: nur eine Seite mit Ton, deutliche Gebrauchsspuren Zubehör komplett: nein Fehlendes Zubehör: Anschlußkabel Funktionalität Der Artikel ist nur teilweise funktionsfähig. Seriennummer: 0652827494700 Originalverpackung: Vorhanden und weist leichte Beschädigungen auf. Farbe: Schwarz Hersteller: ROLAND Material: Leder Modell: XFL2V-U-MBLACK HINWEIS: In den meisten Angeboten werden Symbolbilder verwendet, die kein Abbild des tatsächlichen Zustandes des Artikels vermitteln. Die ausführlichen Zustandsangaben entnehmen Sie bitte der Artikelbeschreibung. Die in der Artikelbeschreibung nicht genannten Informationen zu den vorhandenen Gebrauchspuren (Wo ist der Kratzer genau? Wie tief er ist?) können im Einzelfall nicht ermittelt werden. 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Verkauft werden V-Moda Crossfade LP2 Kopfhörer.Die Kopfhörer sind gebraucht und werden aufgrund eines Wackelkontakts als Defekt verkauft.Rest siehe Bilder. Verkauf inklusive Zubehör wie auf den Bildern zu sehen.Privatverkauf: Keine Rückgabe oder Gewährleistung Garantie.
Toll klingende Kopfhrer mit sattem Bass, guter gebrauchter Zustand: kaum Gebrauchsspuren, wenig genutzt weil ich noch ein Paar mit noise cancelling habe. Inklusive Case (ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, Reiverschluss schliet ohne Probleme, Einlagen sind dabei) und den beiden Original-Kabeln (das Mikrofon-/Fernbedienungskabel hat einen Wackelkontakt im Schalter, neues Ersatzteil liegt bei, siehe Fotos) sowie Klinkenstecker-Adapter. Privatverkauf, keine Rcknahme, keine Herstellergarantie
Toll klingende Kopfhrer mit sattem Bass, guter gebrauchter Zustand: kaum Gebrauchsspuren, wenig genutzt weil ich noch ein Paar mit noise cancelling habe. Inklusive Case (ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, Reiverschluss schliet ohne Probleme, Einlagen sind dabei) und den beiden Original-Kabeln (das Mikrofon-/Fernbedienungskabel hat einen Wackelkontakt im Schalter, neues Ersatzteil liegt bei, siehe Fotos) sowie Klinkenstecker-Adapter. Privatverkauf, keine Rcknahme, keine Herstellergarantie
Toll klingende Kopfhrer mit sattem Bass, guter gebrauchter Zustand: kaum Gebrauchsspuren, wenig genutzt weil ich noch ein Paar mit noise cancelling habe. Inklusive Case (ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, Reiverschluss schliet ohne Probleme, Einlagen sind dabei) und den beiden Original-Kabeln (das Mikrofon-/Fernbedienungskabel hat einen Wackelkontakt im Schalter, neues Ersatzteil liegt bei, siehe Fotos) sowie Klinkenstecker-Adapter. Privatverkauf, keine Rcknahme, keine Herstellergarantie
Toll klingende Kopfhrer mit sattem Bass, guter gebrauchter Zustand: kaum Gebrauchsspuren, wenig genutzt weil ich noch ein Paar mit noise cancelling habe. Inklusive Case (ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, Reiverschluss schliet ohne Probleme, Einlagen sind dabei) und den beiden Original-Kabeln (das Mikrofon-/Fernbedienungskabel hat einen Wackelkontakt im Schalter, neues Ersatzteil liegt bei, siehe Fotos) sowie Klinkenstecker-Adapter. Privatverkauf, keine Rcknahme, keine Herstellergarantie
has sign of use comes with all you see on pictures
V-Moda Crossfade LP2 (Matte Black Metal) - Wired - Noise Isolation Metal. Wired. Good condition, couple years old. Incredible sound and quality - robust for DJing
Inoperative. driver does not function Light wear: structural damage cracked off plastic on one side of headphones and one split part of plastic right next to it. Item appears Somewhat dirty: light dust and scuffs from previous use or handling. Includes: (1) Headphones, (1) Headphone Case. Missing manufacturer Packaging. Color: Black. PLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. Missing (1) Speakeasy 1-Button Mic, Missing (1) Extended Shareplay Audio, Missing (1) Pro Adapter ForParts FOR PARTS V MODA XFL2V-U-MBLACK Crossfade LP2 Vocal Limited Edition Headphone $149.99 $18.98 Inoperative. driver does not function Light wear: structural damage cracked off plastic on one side of headphones and one split part of plastic right next to it. Item appears Somewhat dirty: light dust and scuffs from previous use or handling. Includes: (1) Headphones, (1) Headphone Case. Missing manufacturer Packaging. Color: Black. PLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. Missing (1) Speakeasy 1-Button Mic, Missing (1) Extended Shareplay Audio, Missing (1) Pro Adapter SKU: #288524 INSPECTOR: KSR Store Favorite Live Chat --> Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us About Us Dollarhog has partnered with some of the Nations largest retailers and distributors to aggressively liquidate consumer merchandise. This merchandise is generally customer returns, overstock items, or retail shelf pulls. We personally understand the importance of saving money while getting a quality product. That philosophy inspired family-owned Dollarhog. We enjoy helping others save money and hope to do so for many years. We appreciate your business! Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal payments. Please be aware that payment is required within 24 hours of the listing ending unless other approved arrangements have been made with us. NOTE: All bidders/buyers must have a feedback score with at least 5 positive feedbacks to be eligible to bid or purchase from us. Please contact us prior to bidding/buying if you want to purchase and you dont meet this requirement. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us About Us Dollarhog has partnered with some of the Nations largest retailers and distributors to aggressively liquidate consumer merchandise. This merchandise is generally customer returns, overstock items, or retail shelf pulls. We personally understand the importance of saving money while getting a quality product. That philosophy inspired family-owned Dollarhog. We enjoy helping others save money and hope to do so for many years. We appreciate your business! Quality All merchandise is tested prior to listing unless it is sealed in the factory package. This will include powering on the unit and checking all the major functions. You will find condition and testing notes in the item description. This helps our buyers know EXACTLY what they are getting. We have worked with thousands of ebay members to achieve the best service available anywhere. If you have any questions before or after the sale, please contact us. We check and respond to our messages often. We will work with you to make your purchase the best it can be. Communication We are here for you. Use the ASK THE SELLER A QUESTION button to contact us anytime. We check these messages often throughout the day, 5 days a week, and it is our goal to respond as quickly as possible. Packaging Conditions listed refer to the condition of the item only, and any item may still have distressed commercial packaging meaning the box may show signs of wear from shipping, warehousing, label removing, etc. Keep this in mind when buying an item as a gift or if you are a collector. Listed items marked as Opened manufacturers package may be missing some of the internal packaging. Also, the packaging may show significant signs of handling or wear. All items will be packed well or repacked for shipping purposes. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us We offer shipping to the United States only unless specified in the listing. If the listing is for FREE SHIPPING, it will be for the 48 contiguous United States ONLY. Please contact us prior to bidding for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canadian shipping rates through USPS. Items ship within 1 business day of cleared payment (We usually ship same day if payment is received before 9 am CST). Please DO NOT ENTER A PO BOX for your shipping address. Many carriers will not deliver to a PO Box and this can delay your order. We CANNOT ship to PO BOXES or APO/FPO. We do not process shipping on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays in which shipping carriers do not operate. We CANNOT be responsible for any fees, tariffs, duties or taxes that may be charged by your country or carrier. If the item value is $750 or greater, signature will be required at delivery. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us Condition Inoperative. driver does not functionLight wear: structural damage cracked off plastic on one side of headphones and one split part of plastic right next to it. Item appears Somewhat dirty: light dust and scuffs from previous use or handling. Included • (1) Headphones • (1) Headphone CasePLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. • Missing (1) Speakeasy 1-Button Mic • Missing (1) Extended Shareplay Audio • Missing (1) Pro Adapter Packaging Missing manufacturer Packaging. Sign on Delivery If the item value is $750 or greater, signature will be required at delivery. Brand V-MODA Model XFL2V-U-MBLACK Color Black UPC 877653006235 ASIN B00HYH7HXA Micromobility Devices In addition to eBay’s policy, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recently called on manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of micromobility devices to ensure these devices are certified under the UL 2272 or UL 2849 safety standards. Per the CPSC, “failure to adhere to applicable UL safety standards…may pose an unreasonable risk to consumers of fire and serious injury or death; and that compliance with the relevant UL standards significantly reduces the risk of injuries and deaths from micromobility device fires.”
V-MODA Crossfade LP2 Over-Ear Headphones XFL2V-MBLACK Parts Only (No Headphones)
V-MODA Crossfade LP 2 Wired Over the Ear Headphones Headset Only.
Genuine V-Moda Crossfade LP2 (Matte Black Metal) - Wired - Noise Isolation Metal Headphones. Carry case and accessories including spare set of new metal shields. Excellent clean condition except some small usual scuffs on the headband which dont affect top quality sound of these headphones.Hardly used from pet and smoke free home.
DescriptionAuthenticity: 100% AUTHENTIC! If you have any question about the condition, accessories, or anything about the product,Please feel free to message us. We are glad to answer all your concerns. ShippingDHL, Fedex Fastshipping3-10 business days after shipment(Tracking number + Insurance.)PaymentPlease give me the payment within 3days from the date of bid.About UsWe sell our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Japan at the same time.If the item was sold out before your purchase, your order will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued immediately. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you.
3.5mm Boom Microphone Volume Cable For V-MODA Crossfade M-100 for LP2 M-80 V- Features: Boom microphone volume cable for V-MODA Crossfade M-100 for LP2 M-80 V-80 to 3.5mm gaming headphone. This cable instantly transforms your headphones into a professional headset for gaming, business, podcasting and taking calls on the go. Improve voice clarity and cut background noise. for all headphones with 3.5 mm port. Two colors option: Black/Gloden Specifications: Size: 2m/78.74inches Package Includes: 1xMicrophone Cable note: Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid.
This a used set of V-MODA Crossfade LP 2 Wired Over the Ear Headphones. All serial numbers are recorded before shipping SN: 1100487248 The headphones work great They come with everything you see in the pictures As always feel free to make a reasonable offer
Extreme Comfort Earpads for V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless M-100 LP2 Headphone brand new and high quality Features: Specially designed for V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless M-100 LP2 Headphones. Replaces old/ broken/ cracked/ damaged/ bad Earphone Ear Pads Earpads. Effectively blocks noise and enhances , providing you with comfortable listening experience. The earpads help reduces and blocks the noise coming from outside for optimal sound quality. Easy to install. Simply remove the old ear pads and install the new replacement pads within seconds. Ear Pads only, other accessories demo in the picture are not included! Specification: Material: Sponge Type: Accessories Color: Black Dimension: 95x79x20mm/ 3.74x3.11x0.79in Quantity: 1 Set Note: 1.No retail package. 2.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. plz make sure you do not mind before you bid. 3.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 2 Pcs x Ear Pads
Easily Replaced Earmuffs forV-MODA XS Crossfade M-100 LP2 for DJ Headphone Pa Features: Replaces old/ broken/ cracked/ damaged/ bad Earphone Ear Pads Earpads. Soft foam can manages the ability of blocking noise coming from outside. Durable and comfortable, soft texture, improve the cozy using feeling. Easy to install. Simply remove the old ear pads and install the new replacement pads within seconds. Specification: Suitable for V-MODA XS Crossfade M-100 LP2 for DJ Headphones Material: Sponge Type: Accessories Color: Gray, Black Dimension: 90x75mm Quantity: 1 Pair/2Pcs?Left and Right? Note: 1.No retail package. 2.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. plz make sure you do not mind before you bid. 3.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 Pair x Replacement Cushion For Headphone Left and Right
Universal Headset Soft Earpads forV-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless M-100 LP2 brand new and high quality Features: Specially designed for V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless M-100 LP2 Headphones. Replaces old/ broken/ cracked/ damaged/ bad Earphone Ear Pads Earpads. Effectively blocks noise and enhances , providing you with comfortable listening experience. The earpads help reduces and blocks the noise coming from outside for optimal sound quality. Easy to install. Simply remove the old ear pads and install the new replacement pads within seconds. Ear Pads only, other accessories demo in the picture are not included! Specification: Material: Sponge Type: Accessories Color: Black Dimension: 95x79x20mm/ 3.74x3.11x0.79in Quantity: 1 Set Note: 1.No retail package. 2.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. plz make sure you do not mind before you bid. 3.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 2 Pcs x Ear Pads
DescriptionAuthenticity: 100% AUTHENTIC! If you have any question about the condition, accessories, or anything about the product,Please feel free to message us. We are glad to answer all your concerns. ShippingDHL, Fedex Fastshipping3-10 business days after shipment(Tracking number + Insurance.)PaymentPlease give me the payment within 3days from the date of bid.About UsWe sell our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Japan at the same time.If the item was sold out before your purchase, your order will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued immediately. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you.
Merkmale: Ersetzt die alte gebrochene, geknackte, beschädigte schlechte Ohrhörerpolster Earpads. ### Langlebig und komfortabel, weiche Textur, verbessern Sie das gemütliche mit Gefühl. ######## einfach zu installieren. Entfernen Sie einfach die alten Ohrhörer und installieren Sie die neuen Ersatzbeläge innerhalb von Sekunden -100 LP2 LP DJ Kopfhörer Material: Schwamm Typ: Zubehör ######## Farbe: Grau, schwarz ##### #### Dimension: 90x75mm Menge: 1 Pair2pcs ?links und rechts? ##### #### 1.No Retail Paket. 2.Please 0--1cm Fehler aufgrund der manuellen Messung. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass es Ihnen nichts ausmacht, bevor Sie bieten. ###reichen Sie den Unterschied zwischen verschiedenen Monitoren. Das Bild spiegelt möglicherweise nicht die tatsächliche Farbe des Elements wider. Vielen Dank! Am 15.03.2023 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: Preview: 1. We only accept payment via PayPal, other payment is not acceptable. 2. If you don’t have PayPal account, please register through https://www.paypal.com before you bid our items. 3. Please make sure your shipping address is the same of your eBay address before you pay. We will not be responsible for such a case if you change you shipping address as we have shipped your items out. 1. We only ship to confirmed eBay address, your eBay address must match your Shipping address. 2. All items are available for shipping within 1-3 business days after receiving the payment. Please be aware that weekends are not business days. 3. Any non-received items caused by invalid address registered on PayPal are not in our full refund or replacement policy. Shipping fee has including the local handing and packaging fee. 4. We are unable to take any responsibility for any custom delay or tax, Reason is because transit time is highly depended and provided by postal Service( Except weekends and holidays.) 1. If you are not satisfied with the item, please return it within 7 days for a replacement or money back. Please contact me before you return it. We are 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to our customers. 2. All returned items MUST BE in the original packaging with all components and accessories included, And you MUST provide us the return shipping information The shipment or the tracking number?. 3. Returned shipping fee is to be paid by the buyers. We will not responsible for any custom duty or import tax. Thank you for your understanding. Our working time: Beijing time : Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. If you send email to us,In our working hours will be resumed within 24 hours. If you we are not satisfied with the product or service ,please contact me and dont give us negative or natural feedback,We must give you a satisfactory solution. I hope all of us try together to create a better environment for ebay shopping !!
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