If youre an uncompromising collector of antique technology, make sure to check out all my listings after you look at this one. I dont think youll find a better, broader or more balanced assortment of technical antiques anywhere -- hundreds of no-reserve auctions each year, almost all of them featuring eye-popping gee whiz gadgetry in exceptional original condition. And dont forget, you can click this link to quickly add and then save me to your favorite seller list and Ebay will automatically send you updates when I put similar new auctions online. Heres a beautiful Edison GEM cylinder phonograph with an original morning glory GEM horn. The phonograph works well, and it needs nothing to be enjoyed immediately. Condition is excellent. Beautiful original enamel on the metal case, prominent original gold decorations, too. Cabinet is clean, and the cabinet decal is crisp and complete, with minimal wear. The original GEM horn is exceptionally nice, with smooth original black paint and prominent gold highlights. No dents, no damage. Both horn decals are original, and theyre nearly perfect. The C reproducer is in good condition, and it sounds good too. Ill include with the phonograph an Edison Gold Moulded cylinder. If you get tired of listening to it, hundreds of others are available on ebay and off. The phonograph plays almost all 2-minute cylinders -- wax or celluloid, Edison or Columbia. Im one of ebays best known, most highly regarded sellers of collector quality phonographs. Ive been selling and shipping them for more than 25 years. When you purchase an antique phonograph from me, youll receive a phonograph that arrives safely because its been carefully packed (by me, not by some well-intentioned but nonetheless confounded, doe-eyed teenager working at the UPS store who wouldnt know a phonograph from a farm tool), and youll receive a phonograph that includes thorough but easy-to-understand set-up and operating instructions, so you wont be left scratching your head, trying to figure out how it works. Sure, you can probably get a lower price from Joe and Janet Barn-Find, but when your bargain arrives broken, and without any hint of how it works or how you might be able to put it back together, youll realize that you really do get exactly what you pay for. If youre bidding from overseas, please contact me in advance for a shipping quote. Auction participants with no prior feedback, or with private feedback, should contact me before placing a bid. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING VIA FEDEX ONLY.
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