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Yamaha RX-AS710D AVENTAGE - 7.2 Kanal Netzwerk AV-Receiver / DAB+ / slimline

End: 02.11. 2023 17:57:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 330.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 9T 22:19:55
  • Item number: 266469490311
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Am Rönndeich,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-AS710D AVENTAGE - 7.2 Kanal Netzwerk AV-Receiver / DAB+ / slimlineNormal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE Yamaha RX-AS710D AVENTAGE - 7.2 Kanal Netzwerk AV-Receiver Sehr gut erhaltener, voll funktionsfähiger, sehr schlanker Netzwerk AV-Receiver inkl. DAB+/FM, WLAN-Netradio und Bluetooth in Titan-Design. 4K Ultra HD und Unterstützung der 4:4:4-Videosignalübertragung. Unterstützt auch das 21:9 Bildseitenverhältnis für Filme, die im Cinema Scope aufgenommen wurden. Neben der Fernbedienung sehr komfortable Bedienung per Yamaha AV Controller-App (Android und IPhone über WLAN) wie auch einfaches und besonders praktisches Setup per Yamaha-App. Komplett mit original Yamaha Zubehör wie Fernbedienung, Einmessmikrofon, Antenne, Bedienungsanleitung und alles in der Originalverpackung (vom baugleichen Modell in schwarz). Abmessungen B/H/T: 43,5 x 11,1 x 37,7 cm …weitere Details siehe unten. Verkauf nur, da ich nun das von mir bevorzugte baugleiche Modell in schwarz fand, dass optisch bei mir besser passt. Herstellerangaben zum Yamaha RX-AS710D AVENTAGE: Interessante Details hier > Das erste flache und kompakte AVENTAGE Modell kommt als 7.2 Kanal Netzwerk AV-Receiver. Er verspricht hochwertige Klangqualität mit Anti-Resonanz Technologie und einer hochwertigen Aluminiumfront. Außerdem bietet er Digitalradio durch DAB/DAB+, integriertes Wi-Fi und Bluetooth, 4K Ultra HD, HDMI mit HDCP2.2 und vielseitige Zonensteuerung. Übersicht MusicCast für ein Hörvergnügen in jedem RaumAVENTAGE AV-Receiver: Entwickelt um das höchste Maß an Audioleistung zu erreichenFünfter Fuß mit Anti-Resonance Technologie (A.R.T. Wedge) reduziert VibrationenDas Frontpanel aus Aluminium bietet visuelle und akustische VorteileDAB/DAB+ für hochwertiges DigitalradioKraftvoller 7-Kanal Surround Sound - 60 W pro Kanal (8 Ohm, 20Hz-20kHz, 0,07 % THD, 2 Kanäle angesteuert) - 100 W pro Kanal (8 Ohm, 1 kHz, 10 % THD, 1 Kanal angesteuert) - 130 W pro Kanal (4 Ohm, 1kHz, 0,9% THD, 1 Kanal angesteuert)Integriertes Wi-Fi und Wireless DirectBluetooth für kabelloses Musik-Streaming und Compressed Music Enhancer für BluetoothAirPlay, Napster®*, Spotify®*, JUKE* Musik-Streaming-Dienste und AV Controller App *Musik-Dienste variieren je nach Region.DSD 2.8MHz/5.6MHz, FLAC/WAV/AIFF 192kHz/24bit, Apple Lossless 96kHz / 24-bit WiedergabeGapless Playback - lückenlose Wiedergabe4K60p 4:4:4 Pass-Through, HDMI (6 Eingange/1 Ausgang) mit HDCP2.2 (3 Eingänge/1 Ausgang), 3D und Audio Return ChannelHDMI und digitaler USB-Anschluss für iPod und iPhone an der GerätefrontYPAO R.S.C. (Reflected Sound Control) Automatisches Lautsprecher-Setup mit KlangoptimierungYPAO Volume für einen natürlichen Klang auch bei niedriger LautstärkeDie Virtual Surround Back Speaker Funktion erzeugt 7.1 Sound auch mit einem 5.1 SystemExtra Bass erzeugt einen kraftvollen Bass auch mit kleinen LautsprechernMehrsprachiges, farbiges OSD (Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Italienisch, Japanisch und Chinesisch)Multizone Audio Support (2 Zonen)ECO-Modus für einen reduzierten Stromverbrauch bis zu 20% Schlanke und kompakte Erscheinung für einen eleganten Auftritt Der RX-AS710D ist nur 111 mm hoch und 377 mm tief. Dadurch passt er auch in kleine AV-Racks ohne überzustehen. Der Receiver findet fast überall Platz und überzeugt dabei mit seinem eleganten Design. MusicCast MusicCast ist eine Revolution des Netzwerkaudios und gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, alle MusicCast Produkte zusammen oder einzeln zu nutzen. Sie steuern alles über eine App, die intuitiv zu bedienen ist. Mit einer Soundbar, einem Netzwerklautsprecher, einem AV-Receiver oder einer HiFi-Komponente und verbinden diesen miteinander oder vergrößern Sie Ihr System nach und nach. Everything to Everywhere for Everyone. Bluetooth-kompatibel für kabelloses Musik-Streaming Dieser Receiver ist mit Bluetooth ausgestattet - so können Sie ganz leicht kabellos Musik vom Smartphone und anderen Geräten wiedergeben. Der Yamaha Compressed Music Enhancer ist nun speziell für die Bluetooth Audio Übertragung optimiert, um einen lebhaften Klang auch bei kabelloser Wiedergabe zu gewährleisten. Bluetooth-Sender für bequemes Musik-Streaming Der RX-AS710D mit der neuesten Bluetooth-Technologie macht kabellose Steuerung bequemer denn je. Sie können Musik vom RX-AS710D zu Bluetooth-Kopfhörern oder Bluetooth-Lautsprechern senden. Volle HDMI 2.0a Unterstützung für Ultra HD 4K60p, HDCP2.2 und HDR* Video Dieses Gerät unterstützt vollständig den neuesten HDMI Standard. 4K Ultra HD-Hochskalierung und Unterstützung der 4:4:4-Videosignalübertragung für lebensechte HD Bilder, so genießen Sie in vollem Umfang die hohe Video- Qualität von 4K. Auch der HDCP2.2 Kopierschutz-Standard für 4K-Videoübertragungen wird unterstützt. Mehrere HDCP2.2 Ein- und Ausgänge (3 in / 1 out) sind bereit für zukünftige Systemerweiterungen. HDR Video für verbesserte Bildqualität und und größere Details in dunklen und hellen Bereichen. *Firmware Update für HDR erforderlich. AVENTAGE AV-Receiver: Entwickelt um das höchste Maß an Audioleistung zu erreichen Die hochwertige AVENTAGE AV-Receiver-Serie hat das Ziel massive und satte Klangeffekte für Film zu liefern sowie die detailgenaue Wiedergabe von Musikquellen. Die Zusammenführung traditioneller und neuwertiger Technologien, von Materialien und Bauteilen zur Konstruktion, Aufbau, Vibrationsdämpfung (A.R.T. Wedge) und dem Feintuning des Klangs, erfolgte nur vor dem Aspekt die bestmögliche Audioqualität zu erreichen. Das Ergebnis sehen Sie in jedem AVENTAGE-Modell, das die Fähigkeiten besitzt einen einzigartigen, detailreichen HD Klang zu liefern. Jeder seiner Zuhörer kann mit diesen AVENTAGE-Modellen auch Zuhause eine echte High-Class Studio Erfahrung machen und erleben. Anti Resonance Technology (A.R.T) Wedge garantiert eine überragende Klangqualität dank Vibrationsdämpfung Die Anti Resonance Technology (A.R.T) Wedge beinhaltet einen fünften Fuß in der Mitte des Receivers. Dieser reduziert die vom Power-Transformer, von Power-Transistoren und Hitzeableitungen kommenden Vibrationen. Ebenfalls dämpft er mögliche Vibrationen, die durch hohe Lautstärkepegel entstehen können. HDMI mit 3D und Audio Return Channel Der Zusatz 3D bedeutet, dass der Receiver 3D Videosignale verarbeiten kann. Die Audio Return Channel-Funktion ermöglicht den Versand und Empfang von Daten über nur ein HDMI-Kabel, sodass Sie über das HDMI-Kabel den Fernsehton ohne zusätzliches Kabel hören können. Genießen Sie Digitalradio mit dem DAB/DAB+ Tuner DAB und DAB+ sind Digital Audio Broadcasting Formate, welche eine große Auswahl an Radiosendern in bester Klangqualität bieten. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die automatische Sendersuche. Alle Sender-Informationen werden im Display angezeigt. Insgesamt können 40 DAB/DAB+ Stationen gespeichert werden. Technische Daten Verstärkersektion Channel 7.2 Rated Output Power (1kHz, 1ch driven) 100 W (8 Ohm, 10% THD) Rated Output Power (20Hz-20kHz, 2ch driven) 60 W (8 Ohm, 0,07% THD) Maximum Effective Output Power (1kHz, 1ch driven) (JEITA) 130W (4 Ohm, 0,9% THD) Dynamic Power per Channel (8/6/4/2 ohms) 90 / 110 / 140 / 160 W Surround Sound Ausstattung CINEMA DSP Ja (3D) DSP Programs 17 Virtual Presence Speaker Ja SILENT CINEMA / Virtual CINEMA DSP Ja (Virtual CINEMA FRONT) Dolby TrueHD Ja Dolby Digital Plus Ja DTS-HD Master Audio Ja Audio Ausstattung Pure Direct Ja Compressed Music Enhancer Ja (inkl. Enhancer für Bluetooth) YPAO sound optimization Ja YPAO multi-point measurement Ja Audio Features YPAO Volume Ja Audio Ausstattung Adaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control) Ja Initial Volume & Maximum Volume Setting Ja A.R.T. Wedge Ja Bi-amp capability Ja Audio Delay Ja (0-500 ms) 192kHz/24-bit DACs for all channels Ja (Burr-Brown) Video Features 4K Ultra HD Pass-through and upscaling Ja (4K60p 4:4:4) Video Ausstattung HDMI 3D passthrough Ja HDMI Audio Return Channel ARC Ja HDMI upscaling Ja (Analog zu HDMI / HDMI zu HDMI) Video adjustment Ja Deep Color/x.v.Color/24Hz Refresh Rate /Auto Lip-Sync Ja Anschlüsse HDMI Input/Output 6 (HDMI1,2,3: HDCP2.2 kompatibel) / 1 (HDCP2.2 kompatibel) HDMI CEC Ja (SCENE, Gerätesteuerung) USB Input iPod / iPhone, USB Speicher, Tragbarer Audio Player Network Port Ja Connectivity Wi-Fi Ja (mit Wireless Direct) Anschlüsse AirPlay Ja Connectivity Bluetooth Ja (SBC/AAC) Anschlüsse Front AV Input USB / Miniklinke Digital Audio Input/Output: Optical 2 / 0 Digital Audio Input/Output: Coaxial 2 / 0 Analog Audio Input/Output 4 / 0 Phono Input Ja Component Video Input/Output 2 / 0 Composite Video Input/Output 2 / 0 Preout Subwoofer Headphone Output 1 Radiosektion FM/AM Tuner Ja DAB Tuner Ja Bedienung On-screen display Graphical User Interface SCENE SCENE (4 Sets) App Control Ja (iPhone / iPad / Android phone / tablet) Web Browser Control Ja Remote Control Unit Ja Multiroom Ausstattung Zone 2 Audio Output 1 Powered Zone Zone 2 +12V Trigger Output 1 Remote (IR) Input/Output 1 / 1 Basics Standby Power Consumption (IR only) ?0.1W Auto Power Standby Ja ECO mode Ja Dimensions (W x H x D) 435 x 111 x 377 mm (mit Antenne: 435 x 181 x 377 mm) Weight 9,2 kg Zusatzinformation Kurzbeschreibung AVENTAGE 7.2 AV-Receiver mit 110 Watt pro Kanal (6 Ohm), DAB/DAB+, integriertes Wi-Fi und Bluetooth, 4K Ultra HD, HDMI mit HDCP2.2 und vielseitige Zonensteuerung. Artikelnummer 41248 UVP 899,00 € Hersteller YAMAHA EAN-Nummer 4957812587723 Versandgewicht (kg) 12.0000 - tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt - - Ohne Garantie, Gewährleistung und Rücknahme - - Angaben ohne Gewähr - - Verkauf wie besehen -

Yamaha RX-S602 Slim Audio and Video Component Receiver Slimline

End: 01.11. 2023 19:07:08 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 323.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115953232586
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (919|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Enhance your audio and video experience with the Yamaha RX-S602 Slim Audio and Video Component Receiver Slimline. This versatile A/V receiver, with a sleek black finish, not only delivers superior sound quality with Dolby and Dolby Digital surround sound formats, but also features Bluetooth connectivity for easy streaming. With 5.1 channels and multiple audio inputs including USB and HDMI, you can connect all of your favorite devices for a seamless entertainment experience. This Yamaha receiver is perfect for those who want to upgrade their home audio system without compromising on style. Its compact design and receiver combo features make it a space-saving option without sacrificing performance. With the Yamaha RX-S602, you can enjoy high-quality sound for music, movies, and more. Like new. All accessories (remote, microphone, antennas, manual. Original box

OEM Genuine YAMAHA Remote Control for Audio Receiver System RX-SL100 YHT-F1500

End: 30.10. 2023 15:56:44 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 60.04 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126117100494
  • Seller: mr-remoto (6506|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Osprey, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    *************************************************************************************************************** Remote Control ONLY Genuine Yamaha OEM factory unit For use with A/V Receiver model RX-SL100 And associated Home Theater in A Box System YHT-F1500 This is the original factory remote NOT a generic or third party unit Tested and fully functional Guaranteed against DOA as long as item is returned with SECURITY TAPE intact Used, in very good cosmetic condition ************************************************ WB99850brujita ***********************************************

Yamaha RX-S70 - Vintage Stereo Receiver + CDC-S90 cd wechsler + fernbedienung

End: 29.10. 2023 07:14:58 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 5T 6:44:24
  • Item number: 204443678869
  • Seller: vintage-audio-store (18822|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Horst Niederlande
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 20,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-S70 - Vintage Stereo Receiver + CDC-S90 cd wechsler + fernbedienungFunktioniert einwandfrei, Gebrauchsspuren sind auf den bildern zu finden. Weitere Fotos finden Sie hier unter in der Beschreibung. mit fernbedienung wird ohne weiteres Zubehör geliefert. Photo Gallery - click to enlarge

Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100

End: 06.10. 2023 15:51:14 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 231.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335019904500
  • Seller: foghornleg90 (3064|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Louisville, Tennessee USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 6,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100SEE PHOTOS - This was protected in a cabinet for the last couple years, and had no dust or orders. I plugged it in, and it powered right up, and worked perfectly as it should. No stains, flaws, or issues to note. Clean & ready to go. Offers will be considered... so, if you really want this, what are they worth to you? =========================== STOREFEEDBACKContact UsAdd to Favorites DESCRIPTIONYamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100 Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100SEE PHOTOS - This was protected in a cabinet for the last couple years, and had no dust or orders. I plugged it in, and it powered right up, and worked perfectly as it should. No stains, flaws, or issues to note. Clean & ready to go. Offers will be considered... so, if you really want this, what are they worth to you? =========================== Check our other productsSHOP NOW!Vince Camuto Womens 6.5M Leather Block Heel Sandals Wesher Black EU37 AWESOME !SHOP NOW!NIB RALPH LAUREN Gold Leather Geanne RL Plati Tumbled Metallic Womens 6.5B 1942 SHOP NOW!Arizona Jean Co Denver WC Black Riding Knee Boots 037-0572 Womens Sz 10 M NWOBSHOP NOW!MADISON Piper Leather Black Mary Jane casual shoes Womens 9MOur Store ~ Thank you for visiting. We hope you find things youre looking for, or never knew you wanted or needed. We have a little bit of many different types of things.We care. Our goal is to offer High Quality, accurately photographed and described, absolutely useable condition, along with solid service, at competitive prices. With our store, you get what you see - or your money back! This section is the over view of what to expect in our store, and how we conduct business. PLEASE LOOK THROUGH the information, as this info is the same on all our items from here down. That should help save you time, and convey our goals, policies, business ethics, and answer 99.9% of the general questions. If, however, you still have any questions or curiosities you dont find answered here, please feel free to ask. This information occasionally gets updated; so, if you havent read them, you might double check. (Last edited 2023 August 30th)➤ BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! ➤ FAST Shipping! Your order will leave our facilities usually same day, or next business day, properly packaged, tracked & insured which protects us both! We ship 5 to 6 days a week, excluding holidays & weekends, from zip code 37777;➤ Our Guarantee ~ Items match the photos, any flaws noticed are pictured or described. ➤ Items are in the condition AS PICTURED ~ and those are worth thousands of words! We DO NOT CLEAN items after photos. WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).➤ We NEVER put an invoice IN THE PACKAGE(s) ➤ Best REASONABLE offers are welcome, and will be considered. We add items to our store MULTIPLE DAYS A WEEK. ➤ VINTAGE and ANTIQUE items are purposefully SOLD AS IS, in the same condition we found them, other than *maybe* wiped with a damp cloth, so the item can be left as is, or professionally restored at the buyers discretion).➤ We work hard trying to please every customer, but sometimes things happen; if you are not satisfied, please contact us via “Messages” first; we will ALWAYS respond fast and do our very best to sort out any problems you may have. As buyers ourselves, we understand... and our goal is to meet and exceed expectations WHEN POSSIBLE (knowing we cant please everyone every time, but we can exceed the expectations of most - most of the time... and, as you see from our feedback rating, we have a history of doing that well). WE CARE, and GO OUT OF OUR WAY TO BE FAIR, REASONABLE, AND HONEST in our business practices.➤ All images (photos) are the EXACT ITEM(s) we list, unless stated otherwise (sealed items will NOT be opened). View photos AND OUR DESCRIPTION to determine the condition. ➤ Combined Shipping ~ LET US KNOW asap, if you want see if it’s possible. light weight shirts, baseball caps, DVDs/GAME DISCs, other small non-breakable items that typically weigh less than 4 to 6ozs each are usually easy options. With the exception of authenticated items, and some very large heavy items, and larger breakables, the more you bundle IN THE SAME SHIPMENT/PACKAGE, the bigger the POTENTIAL savings (some things just cant be combined, but please check with us first if that is important to you). Saving Money ~ Be sure to check our store. COMBINING SHIPPING is the fastest ways to save money.➤ We are American SELLERS - and both are Honorably Discharged Veterans (USAF) ➤ Breakables are shipped IN A BOX to prevent crushing, breakage, and damage in transit (this includes all shaped baseball caps, hats, and figurines). ➤ FEEDBACK is automatically left AFTER positive feedback is left for us. We do our best to earn 5 star ratings with fast shipping of well packed items, guaranteed to match the photos, all at a reasonable price. IF there is a problem, communicate BEFORE leaving negative feedback. ➤ Our location is smoke, dog and cat free, and if it helps any, we are also FDA inspected at least once a year (because of our day job - MDs Choice & VetSupplements (real science through honest nutrition, no herbs)).➤ MAKE OFFER: Look at the photos, read the description, ask questions. We purposefully SHOW any known flaws, cracks, or problems because we want informed buyers. Let us know YOUR ship to ZIP CODE (to calc shipping cost) & make your best reasonable offer. You are ultimately offering on what you feel that item is worth to you – tracked, insured, delivered AS PICTURED. We know what we paid; subtract platform fees of 13-25% of the gross & shipping. Reasonable offers are to conder. ➤ USED or PRE-OWNED items may have some wear, scratches, nicks, blemishs, pulls, burrs, stains, spots, or dust. We point out anything we notice IN THE PHOTOS! ➤ Every order over $750 has Signature Required (required by most platforms).➤ LOST or DAMAGED GOODS: In the unlikely event a package is damaged, KEEP THE PACKAGE AND all packing material THERE (at your location); SEND US PHOTOS via eBay Messenger asap. We will work with the carrier to make things right asap! The carrier will determine how THEY need to deal with the claim. Each case is different, YOUR PHOTOS & ACTIONS WILL MATTER! Some immediately issue a pickup ticket, some want to personally inspect it, this is out of our control. HOWEVER, as buyers ourselves - we understand, and will do everything we can to HELP MAKE THINGS RIGHT ASAP, as we would expect if we were the buyer of this same item. Shipping insurance ULTIMATELY PROTECTS US BOTH!➤ Returns ~ If there is ever an issue, COMMUNICATE WITH US prior to throwing away the packaging, opening a return, or leaving negative feedback. We generally accept DOMESTIC RETURNS for up to 30 days, UNLESS PASSED THROUGH THE AUTHENTICATION PROGRAM or CUSTOMS, or a given listing says something different. However, returns must be in the SAME CONDITION IT WAS SHIPPED, and refunds will be for the full cost of the item purchased MINUS shipping. Any return must be in undamaged and unaltered. If there are any questions please contact us. We prefer totally avoiding returns when ever possible, by offering quality product, and solid good service to our paying customers.➤ Feedback ~ Online sales are one of the few business models that buyers actually have the opportunity to see the feedback OF OTHERS before doing business with them. We try hard to earn good, positive feedback from those we do business with. IF there is any issue, LET US KNOW; we try our best to honestly and rationally solve it fairly, and earn positive feedback.➤ LOCAL Pickup is welcome if you are in the area of the Knoxville Airport (Maryville/Alcoa TN), we can schedule a meetup so you can pickup your order in person; HOWEVER, you MUST have a smart phone to comply with platform Rules for pickup (scanning the received item QR code).➤ IF there is NO RETAIL BOX IN THE PHOTOS, THEN NO RETAIL BOX. ➤ Authenticated items will NOT be eligible for RETURNS because the authenticator verifies the item is both real and matches our photos & description; since many of those items are collectables or purchased by people already familiar with the brand, model, size, etc. we figure they KNOW WHAT THEY ARE BUYING! ALSO, authenticated items are NOT eligible for Combined Shipping since each authenticated item must be split into a separate order (platform rules). We have never had an item fail the AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE because it was fake or misrepresented knockoff. Combined Shipping CAN NOT HAPPEN on authenticated items (platform Rules).➤ QUALITY PRODUCT & SERVICE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES ARE OUR PRIMARY GOALS! ** SEE OUR FEEDBACK, we accomplish those goals daily, have for over thirty years online ** ➤ Unless stated otherwise, prior history of an item is unknown. We source from our personal & family purchses, garage sales, flea markets, thrift shops, estate sales, and even reselling platforms. ➤ About US ~ Both honorably discharged from the US Airforce. We are in our 60s, and self-employed most of our life; so this ‘reselling’ is our retirement. As retired CONCERT & EVENT Photographers, we havent worked a commercial event since the government mandated closures. Terry works for MDs Choice VetSupplements (Pure Nutrition, in forms the body can use), and lists, answers questions, and packs things out for orders most evenings; Carly deals with sourcing, cleaning, prepping, and getting things to the shipper daily (as well as photography). She’s learning how to list, and the strange challenges of gathering the details to list items properly.➤ Be sure to add us to your favorites list for future item listings, discounts, and coupons!➤ INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AVAILABLE for most items, some can NOT BE shipped to certain countries, because of THEIR LAWS (not our choice or rules)! ➤ We WILL message you if no feedback left, to make sure all is well and to remind you that we leave feedback AUTOMATICALLY AFTER positive feedback is left for us. ➤ Let us know if you have any questions, We will respond as quickly as possible, usually within a few hours.. Have a wonderful day! 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Yamaha Rx-V567 Av Verstärker 7.1Ch Auslauf Produkt

End: 06.10. 2023 05:55:29 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 267.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910625229
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 79,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Rx-V567 Av Verstärker 7.1Ch Auslauf ProduktYamaha Rx-V567 Av Verstärker 7.1Ch Auslauf ProduktDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbiete Receiver Combo Features NA Number of Inputs NA Year Manufactured NA Audio Outputs NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Supported Modes NA Power NA Compatible Product NA Type NA Brand Yamaha Surround Sound Formats NA Band NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Number of Channels NA Number of Outputs NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Amplifier Class NA Features NA Color NA MPN NA

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Verstärker Empfänger

End: 30.09. 2023 05:31:46 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 296.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910625428
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 79,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Verstärker EmpfängerYamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Verstärker EmpfängerDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbiete Receiver Combo Features NA Number of Inputs NA Year Manufactured NA Audio Outputs NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Supported Modes NA Power NA Compatible Product NA Type NA Brand Yamaha Surround Sound Formats NA Band NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Number of Channels NA Number of Outputs NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Amplifier Class NA Features NA Color NA MPN NA

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Amplifier Receiver

End: 30.09. 2023 05:26:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 265.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910613555
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 75,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PaymentRest assured that our store offers a variety of payment methods.Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About UsWe are located in Japan.For electrical products check the manufacturer and product and convert to the voltage of each country.We plan to ship by FedEx or DHL.Please contact us as the shipping fee can be changed in some cases. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item.If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note:-Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.-Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.-These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.-We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.>

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim M0A2332

End: 13.09. 2023 05:49:46 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 327.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910632364
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 79,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim M0A2332Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim M0A2332Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbiete Receiver Combo Features NA Number of Inputs NA Year Manufactured NA Audio Outputs NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Supported Modes NA Power NA Compatible Product NA Type NA Brand No Brand Surround Sound Formats NA Band NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Number of Channels NA Number of Outputs NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Amplifier Class NA Features NA Color NA MPN NA

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim M0A2332

End: 13.09. 2023 05:32:53 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 292.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910613289
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 75,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PaymentRest assured that our store offers a variety of payment methods.Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About UsWe are located in Japan.For electrical products check the manufacturer and product and convert to the voltage of each country.We plan to ship by FedEx or DHL.Please contact us as the shipping fee can be changed in some cases. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item.If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note:-Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.-Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.-These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.-We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.>

Summer Thanksgiving Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Thin Av Amp Receiver Pre-Main Refurbishe

End: 13.09. 2023 05:32:50 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 293.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910616133
  • Seller: dr_nine (1286|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 75,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PaymentRest assured that our store offers a variety of payment methods.Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About UsWe are located in Japan.For electrical products check the manufacturer and product and convert to the voltage of each country.We plan to ship by FedEx or DHL.Please contact us as the shipping fee can be changed in some cases. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item.If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note:-Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.-Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.-These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.-We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.>

Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100 Home Theater Fully TESTED WORKING

End: 04.09. 2023 17:12:50 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.46 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335009836340
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: bakershortz (204|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100 Home Theater Fully TESTED WORKING. No remote receiver only. Fully tested and working. Feel free to sent me a offer! SUPER FAST SAFE SHIPPING!!! If you have any questions about this item or anything on my page feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Stereoanlage: Receiver YAMAHA RX.396RDS, CD-Player Technics SL-PG3, 2 CANTON- 

End: 04.09. 2023 15:55:10 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295905187187
  • Bids: 9
  • Seller: khboeker (212|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bielefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Stereoanlage: Receiver YAMAHA RX.396RDS, CD-Player Technics SL-PG3, 2 CANTON- Stereoanlage: Receiver YAMAHA RX.396RDS, CD-Player Technics SL-PG3, 2 CANTON-Lautsprecher. Alle notwendigen Strom- und Verbindungskabel liegen bei.Aus einem Nachlass. Alles hochwertige Geräte, guter Sound. Hat bis zuletzt alles funktioniert. Der CD-Schlitten hat gelegentlich gehakt, nach einigen Versuchen lief es aber immer. Beim Receiver machte der Loudness-Regler gelegentlich Kratzgeräusche beim Drehen, müsste wohl mal gereinigt werden.

Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100

End: 03.09. 2023 21:22:46 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 263.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 335008874815
  • Seller: foghornleg90 (3039|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Louisville, Tennessee USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 6,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100SEE PHOTOS - This was protected in a cabinet for the last couple years, and had no dust or orders. I plugged it in, and it powered right up, and worked perfectly as it should. No stains, flaws, or issues to note. Clean & ready to go. Offers will be considered... so, if you really want this, what are they worth to you? =========================== STOREFEEDBACKContact UsAdd to Favorites DESCRIPTIONYamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100 Yamaha Natural Sound AV Receiver RX-SL 100SEE PHOTOS - This was protected in a cabinet for the last couple years, and had no dust or orders. I plugged it in, and it powered right up, and worked perfectly as it should. No stains, flaws, or issues to note. Clean & ready to go. Offers will be considered... so, if you really want this, what are they worth to you? =========================== Check our other productsSHOP NOW!NASCAR Racing Champion 8 Dale Earnhardt Jr Hat Cap NEW NWOT Red White EUCSHOP NOW!BCG Windbreaker Women L (12-14) Black blue zipper Track Jacket Poly Spandex !SHOP NOW!Index Cards 3 X 5 Ring Bound, 50 count RULES CARDS - 2 Packs (100 total) NEW !SHOP NOW!1965 JENNIFER MOORE Genuine Crystal Brooch Original BOX & Price tag VTG !Our Store ~ Thank you for visiting. We hope you find things youre looking for, or never knew you wanted or needed. We have a little bit of most everything.We care. Our goal is to offer High Quality and Solid Service, at competitive prices. With our store, you get what you see - or your money back! This section is the over view of what to expect in our store, and how we conduct business. PLEASE LOOK THROUGH the information, as this info is the same on all our items from here down. That should help save you time, and convey our goals, policies, business ethics, and answer 99.9% of the general questions. If, however, you still have any questions or curiosities you dont find answered here, please feel free to ask. This information occasionally gets updated; so, if you havent read them, you might double check. (Last edited 2023 August 30th)➤ BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! ➤ FAST Shipping! Your order will leave our facilities usually same day, or next business day, properly packaged, tracked & insured which protects us both! 5 to 6 days a week, excluding holidays & weekends, from zip code 37777;➤ Our Guarantee ~ Items match the photos, any flaws noticed are pictured or described.➤ USED or PRE-OWNED items may have some wear, scratches, nicks, blemishs, pulls, burrs, stains, spots, or dust. We point out anything we notice IN THE PHOTOS! ➤ Every order over $750 has Signature Required (required by most platforms).➤ Items are in the condition AS PICTURED ~ and those are worth thousands of words! We DO NOT CLEAN items after photos. WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).➤ We NEVER put an invoice IN THE PACKAGE(s) ➤ Best REASONABLE offers are welcome, and will be considered. We add items to our store MULTIPLE DAYS A WEEK. ➤ VINTAGE and ANTIQUE items are purposefully SOLD AS IS, in the same condition we found them, other than *maybe* wiped with a damp cloth, so the item can be left as is, or professionally restored at the buyers discretion).➤ We work hard trying to please every customer, but sometimes things happen; if you are not satisfied, please contact us via “Messages” first; we will ALWAYS respond fast and do our very best to sort out any problems you may have. As buyers ourselves, we understand... and our goal is to meet and exceed expectations WHEN POSSIBLE (knowing we cant please everyone every time, but we can exceed the expectations of most - most of the time... and, as you see from our feedback rating, we have a history of doing that well). WE CARE, and GO OUT OF OUR WAY TO BE FAIR, REASONABLE, AND HONEST in our business practices.➤ All images (photos) are the EXACT ITEM(s) we list, unless stated otherwise (sealed items will NOT be opened). View photos AND OUR DESCRIPTION to determine the condition. ➤ Combined Shipping ~ LET US KNOW asap, if you want see if it’s possible. light weight shirts, baseball caps, DVDs/GAME DISCs, other small non-breakable items that typically weigh less than 4 to 6ozs each are usually easy options. With the exception of authenticated items, and some very large heavy items, and larger breakables, the more you bundle IN THE SAME SHIPMENT/PACKAGE, the bigger the POTENTIAL savings (some things just cant be combined, but please check with us first if that is important to you). Saving Money ~ Be sure to check our store. COMBINING SHIPPING is the fastest ways to save money.➤ We are American SELLERS - and both are Honorably Discharged Veterans (USAF) ➤ Breakables are shipped IN A BOX to prevent crushing, breakage, and damage in transit (this includes all shaped baseball caps, hats, and figurines). ➤ FEEDBACK is automatically left AFTER positive feedback is left for us. We do our best to earn 5 star ratings with fast shipping of well packed items, guaranteed to match the photos, all at a reasonable price. IF there is a problem, communicate BEFORE leaving negative feedback. ➤ Our location is smoke, dog and cat free, and if it helps any, we are also FDA inspected at least once a year (because of our day job - MDs Choice & VetSupplements (real science through honest nutrition, no herbs)).➤ MAKE OFFER: Look at the photos, read the description, ask questions. We purposefully SHOW any known flaws, cracks, or problems because we want informed buyers. Let us know YOUR ship to ZIP CODE (to calc shipping cost) & make your best reasonable offer. You are ultimately offering on what you feel that item is worth to you – tracked, insured, delivered AS PICTURED. We know what we paid; subtract platform fees of 13-25% of the gross & shipping. Reasonable offers are to conder. ➤ LOST or DAMAGED GOODS: In the unlikely event a package is damaged, KEEP THE PACKAGE AND all packing material THERE (at your location); SEND US PHOTOS via eBay Messenger asap. We will work with the carrier to make things right asap! The carrier will determine how THEY need to deal with the claim. Each case is different, YOUR PHOTOS & ACTIONS WILL MATTER! Some immediately issue a pickup ticket, some want to personally inspect it, this is out of our control. HOWEVER, as buyers ourselves - we understand, and will do everything we can to HELP MAKE THINGS RIGHT ASAP, as we would expect if we were the buyer of this same item. Shipping insurance ULTIMATELY PROTECTS US BOTH!➤ Returns ~ If there is ever an issue, COMMUNICATE WITH US prior to throwing away the packaging, opening a return, or leaving negative feedback. We generally accept DOMESTIC RETURNS for up to 30 days, UNLESS PASSED THROUGH THE AUTHENTICATION PROGRAM or CUSTOMS, or a given listing says something different. However, returns must be in the SAME CONDITION IT WAS SHIPPED, and refunds will be for the full cost of the item purchased MINUS shipping. Any return must be in undamaged and unaltered. If there are any questions please contact us. We prefer totally avoiding returns when ever possible, by offering quality product, and solid good service to our paying customers.➤ Feedback ~ Online sales are one of the few business models that buyers actually have the opportunity to see the feedback OF OTHERS before doing business with them. We try hard to earn good, positive feedback from those we do business with. IF there is any issue, LET US KNOW; we try our best to honestly and rationally solve it fairly, and earn positive feedback.➤ LOCAL Pickup is welcome if you are in the area of the Knoxville Airport (Maryville/Alcoa TN), we can schedule a meetup so you can pickup your order in person; HOWEVER, you MUST have a smart phone to comply with platform Rules for pickup (scanning the received item QR code).➤ IF there is NO RETAIL BOX IN THE PHOTOS, THEN NO RETAIL BOX. ➤ Authenticated items will NOT be eligible for RETURNS because the authenticator verifies the item is both real and matches our photos & description; since many of those items are collectables or purchased by people already familiar with the brand, model, size, etc. we figure they KNOW WHAT THEY ARE BUYING! ALSO, authenticated items are NOT eligible for Combined Shipping since each authenticated item must be split into a separate order (platform rules). We have never had an item fail the AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE because it was fake or misrepresented knockoff. Combined Shipping CAN NOT HAPPEN on authenticated items (platform Rules).➤ QUALITY PRODUCT & SERVICE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES ARE OUR PRIMARY GOALS! ** SEE OUR FEEDBACK, we accomplish those goals daily, have for over thirty years online ** ➤ Unless stated otherwise, prior history of an item is unknown. We source from our personal & family purchses, garage sales, flea markets, thrift shops, estate sales, and even reselling platforms. ➤ About US ~ Both honorably discharged from the US Airforce. We are in our 60s, and self-employed most of our life; so this ‘reselling’ is our retirement. As retired CONCERT & EVENT Photographers, we havent worked a commercial event since the government mandated closures. Terry works for MDs Choice VetSupplements (Pure Nutrition, in forms the body can use), and lists, answers questions, and packs things out for orders most evenings; Carly deals with sourcing, cleaning, prepping, and getting things to the shipper daily (as well as photography). She’s learning how to list, and the strange challenges of gathering the details to list items properly.➤ Be sure to add us to your favorites list for future item listings, discounts, and coupons!➤ INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AVAILABLE for most items, some can NOT BE shipped to certain countries, because of THEIR LAWS (not our choice or rules)! ➤ We WILL message you if no feedback left, to make sure all is well and to remind you that we leave feedback AUTOMATICALLY AFTER positive feedback is left for us. ➤ Let us know if you have any questions, We will respond as quickly as possible, usually within a few hours.. Have a wonderful day! Save 10 to 60+% on Select ItemsPortable 14 x 11 Desk Top Easel Stand Sketch Paint Drawing Artist Wooden Box$32.58SHOP NOW!Easton High Top CHILD Soccor baseball Cleats B24147 Lace Up Shoes size 11, EU29$33.53SHOP NOW!GOLF SHOES MENS 9 ADIDAS POWERBAND CHASSIS USA 791003 EU 42.5 NOS *MINT*$114.81SHOP NOW!RARE Sitting Ducks Lotion Dispenser 200x Universal Studios GUC !$1,043.43SHOP NOW!Santa gathering gifts around FLAT tree with ornaments and elf resin figurine VTG$95.24SHOP NOW!Glazed Stoneware Oval White 8 & 10 Casseroles Oven Dish Wicker Basket Set Of 2$42.14SHOP NOW!SINGLE salt shake Hand Painted Ceramic Teddy Bear siblings sisters unique$6.26SHOP NOW!EVERLAST PRO STYLE BOXING BAG GLOVES VINTAGE MODEL 4306 good working shape$43.04SHOP NOW!Sandra Kuck Collectible Plate Sharing Secrets 1996 Reco 84-R60-52.1 3806ST$36.22SHOP NOW!santa in sleigh with boy and girl four reindeer on clouds Rare VTG Unique 80s$95.22SHOP NOW!Red Heart Vase Love Planter Teleflora Ceramic 5 1/2 Tall Valentine Vintage !$21.43SHOP NOW!Little Girl Figurine blue dress signed 1979 Original Arnart Creations Porcelain$37.00SHOP NOW!Vtg Solid Brass Pig Hog Figurine Paperweight 3.5 Farmhouse Country Desk Patina$37.93SHOP NOW!Lowepro Camera Bag 7x4x4 Universal Padded Digital Black with belt hand shoulder$40.84SHOP NOW!KitchenAid 5 Qt. Artisan Stand Mixer Frosted Pearl splash guard stainless bowl$418.90SHOP NOW!60s Oster Regency Controlled Power Kitchen 12 Speed Mixer & Base only TESTED$142.10SHOP NOW!Kevin Vandam Bobble Head Figure Bass Pro Nitro Z9 holding 2 Bass Fishing Van Dam$37.97SHOP NOW!ASICS Gel-Noosa Tri-X Running Shoes Purple Pink Womens 9, EU 40.5 Athletic T580N$58.24SHOP NOW!Silverplated bank ABCs coin box embossed with animals letters trick bottom VTG$27.41SHOP NOW!Smartphone 3-Axis Video Stabilizer Gimbal live stable videos Moza Mini-MI$127.83SHOP NOW!ADD TO FAVORITESFeedbackContacts UsMessages

Yamaha Surround-Receiver RX-V640 RDS und CD-Wechsler CDM 900 wenig gebraucht 

End: 24.08. 2023 15:01:45 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 80.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145248931480
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: dprbuyer (47|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kirchlinteln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Surround-Receiver RX-V640 RDS und CD-Wechsler CDM 900 wenig gebraucht Yamaha Surround-Receiver RX-V640 RDS und CD-Wechsler CDM 900, kaum Gebrauchsspuren, da seit vielen Jahren unbenutzt Receiver mit RDS-Tuner, 8-Kanal-Surround-Receiver mit 135 Watt (DIN) pro Kanal, Fernbedienung, Farbe: Titan-SchwarzMaße: 43,5 x 17,1 x 39 cm, Gewicht: 13,0 kg CD-Wechsler für 110 CD s, Fernbedienung. Farbe: Titan-Schwarz, Maße: 43,5 x 17,6 x 40,7 cm Privatverkauf ohne Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme, kein MWSt-Ausweis

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Verstärker Empfänger M0A2332

End: 12.08. 2023 05:40:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 439.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115862224138
  • Seller: dr_nine (1218|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 98,03 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Verstärker Empfänger M0A2332Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir befinden uns in Japan. Überprüfen Sie für elektrische Produkte den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein Receiver Combo Features NA Number of Inputs NA Year Manufactured NA Audio Outputs NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Supported Modes NA Power NA Compatible Product NA Type NA Brand No Brand Surround Sound Formats NA Band NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Number of Channels NA Number of Outputs NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Amplifier Class NA Features NA Color NA MPN NA

Yamaha Rx-S600 Slim Av Amplifier Receiver M0A2332

End: 12.08. 2023 05:28:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 414.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115861793292
  • Seller: dr_nine (1218|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 97,84 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PaymentRest assured that our store offers a variety of payment methods.Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About UsWe are located in Japan.For electrical products check the manufacturer and product and convert to the voltage of each country.We plan to ship by FedEx or DHL.Please contact us as the shipping fee can be changed in some cases. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item.If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note:-Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.-Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.-These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.-We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.>

Yamaha RX-S 600 D 5.1 Slim AV Receiver / DAB+ / Internetradio

End: 06.08. 2023 17:31:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 183.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235109580825
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: doleful (2516|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kirchheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-S 600 D 5.1 Slim AV Receiver / DAB+ / InternetradioGebrauchter, funktionstüchtiger YAMAHA 5.1 Slim AV Receiver RX-S 600D / schwarz mit Originalfernbedienung und DAB Antenne zu verkaufen. HDMI, DAB+ Radio, Internetradio, USB, Airplay, etc..Nähere Informationen zum Produkt bitte über Internet. Als Privatanbieter kann ich leider keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung übernehmen!

OEM Genuine YAMAHA Remote Control for Audio Receiver System RX-SL100 YHT-F1500

End: 01.08. 2023 06:38:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 60.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115848376078
  • Seller: mr-remoto (6294|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Osprey, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    *************************************************************************************************************** Remote Control ONLY Genuine Yamaha OEM factory unit For use with A/V Receiver model RX-SL100 And associated Home Theater in A Box System YHT-F1500 This is the original factory remote NOT a generic or third party unit Tested and fully functional Guaranteed against DOA as long as item is returned with SECURITY TAPE intact Used, in very good cosmetic condition ************************************************ WB99850brujita ***********************************************

Yamaha CRX-N470D Network CD Receiver DAB FAULTY SPARES SL8

End: 31.07. 2023 11:01:55 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 79.24 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394765307939
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: comm-2648 (6391|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bristol Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 39,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Yamaha RAV300 WA22030 Remote Control YHT150 YHT550 RXV350 HTR5630 HTR5830SL

End: 29.07. 2023 10:12:29 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266287417643
  • Seller: treasures-n-trash (610|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Perry, Iowa USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 23,78 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RAV300 WA22030 Remote Control YHT150 YHT550 RXV350 HTR5630 HTR5830SL. Fully tested and functions just as it did when new. Please note that the remote does have normal amounts of scuffs, scrapes, scratches, etc. as to be expected with any pre-owned item. Please check compatibility prior to purchasing. Item Will Ship Without batteries included. Thank you for viewing, and happy bidding!

Yamaha RX-SL100 RDS Natural Sound AV Receiver - Excellent Condition

End: 11.07. 2023 06:49:03 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195773329420
  • Seller: somerset_tools (296|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bristol Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 49,33 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-SL100RDS natural sound av receiver - Excellent Condition Fully functional and excellent sound quality, with many different sound processor optioons. Built-in 6-channel original Yamaha digital power amplifier ? Minimum RMS output power (0.9% THD, 1 kHz, 6?)Front: 70 W + 70 WCenter: 70 WSurround: 70 W + 70 WSurround Back: 70 WMaximum 100W in stereo mode. This unit has a very comprehensive list of features Link to the User Manual is here: The interfaces available are shown in the photos of the front and rear panels. There are two blemishes; there is a minor scratch on top rear of case and a small mark on the bottom right of the facia (visible in photo 6) The photos are not retouched so they are as they appear in the photos. If you have any questions please ask.Pictures form part of the description. If you buy any of my other items I will combine postage Thanks for looking Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE

Yamaha RX-V750 7.1 Channel 400W (100 WPC) Stereo Receiver w/Optical TOSLink Port

End: 01.07. 2023 15:50:47 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 90.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185908935361
  • Seller: cosmic_goods (3354|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Freeport, Maine USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 59,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used, Tested, Working.Clean/CleanedPlease see finger point pics for any cosmetic blemishes (the most notable being the edge of the volume knob).Has several digital optical (TOSLINK) ports including one on the front!I package extremely well (triple/quad wrap in custom cut cardboard) and ship out daily!ModelBrandYAMAHAModelRX-V750DetailsTypeReceiverColorWalnutChannels 7.1-ChannelProcessingPower Output 100 Watts x 7DecoderDolby Digital EX Dolby Pro Logic IIx DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 DTS Neo:6 DTS 96/24D/A Converter192-kHz/24-bitRadioFM/AM Tuner 40-Station PresetConnectivityComponent Video 2 In / 1 OutHeadphone Jack YesMulti Channel Input7.1-ChannelPre-Amp Out 7.1-ChannelPowerPower SupplyAC 120 V, 60 HzConsumption500 WattsStandby Consumption0.5 W or lessFeaturesFeaturesCINEMA DSP Digital Digital ToP-ART Audio Delay for adjusting Lip Sinc (0-160 ms) 29 Surround Programs (51 Variations) Night Listening Enhancer (Cinema/Music) and SILENT CINEMA Selectable 9-Band Subwoofer Crossover Subwoofer Phase Select Analog Mixdown Dialogue Lift Straight/Effect Switch 2-Channel Mode High Dynamic Power Linear Damping Wide-Range Audio Frequency Response for DVD-Audio/SA-CD Compatibility Phono Input Custom Installation (Zone 2) Compatibility and Speaker B 9-Channel Speaker Outputs Center Graphic Equalizer Virtual CINEMA DSP Learning Capable and Preset Remote Control Unit with LCD DisplayDimensions & WeightDimensions17.13 x 6.75 x 17.06Weight15.5 kg (34.2 lbs.)

OEM Genuine YAMAHA Remote Control for Audio Receiver System RX-SL100 YHT-F1500

End: 01.07. 2023 01:09:42 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 59.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125957875372
  • Seller: mr-remoto (6270|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Osprey, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    *************************************************************************************************************** Remote Control ONLY Genuine Yamaha OEM factory unit For use with A/V Receiver model RX-SL100 And associated Home Theater in A Box System YHT-F1500 This is the original factory remote NOT a generic or third party unit Tested and fully functional Guaranteed against DOA as long as item is returned with SECURITY TAPE intact Used, in very good cosmetic condition ************************************************ WB99850brujita ***********************************************