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Restored Thorens TD 160 turntable SME 3009 Series III tonearm

End: 26.10. 2024 03:12:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2294.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146046764345
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6447|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 212,15 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRESTORED by ART-AND-SOUNDThorens TD160 with SME Series IIIItem description:Limit switch:    NoInner plate:             metalSpindle:                   10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.Cover plate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160

Thorens TD 160 Super, SME 3009 Series III Gold, DL-305, Plattenspieler Turntable

End: 19.10. 2024 05:36:30 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1720.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235759717131
  • Seller: stereo-net (5403|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Nürnberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 160 Super, SME 3009 Series III Gold, DL-305, Plattenspieler TurntableBei ernsthaftem Interesse kann das angebotene Produkt - auch vor einem Kauf - in unserem Hörraum probegehört und technisch von Ihnen überprüft werden! Dafür aber bitte unbedingt einen Termin vorab vereinbaren. Bei Selbstabholung ist außerdem immer ein höherer Preisnachlaß als sonst möglich Your template | Trixum Thorens TD 160 Super - Gesetzliche Gewährleistung - mit Rechnung vom Händler - Alle Geräte können bei ernsthaftem Interesse in unserem Hörraum getestet werden und Sie können sich von der Richtigkeit unserer Angaben überzeugen. Preisnachlaß bei Selbstabholung möglich! Infos gerne auch per Tel. Unsere Nummer finden Sie unten in den Pflichtangaben. Informationen zum Produkt / Product information Beschreibung: Wundervoller Plattenspieler von Thorens. Ein absolutes Traumgerät. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet. SME 3009 Series III Gold, Denon DL 305. Aus Erstbesitz. Gehegt und gepflegt... Bei ernsthaftem Interesse kann der Plattenspieler in unserem Hörraum getestet werden und Sie können sich vom tollen Zustand und dem fantastischen Klang selbst überzeugen. Bei Selbstabholung können wir Ihnen auch vom Preis her etwas besser entgegenkommen. Bitte vereinbaren sie hierfür aber unbedingt vorab telefonisch einen Termin. Zustand: Der optische Zustand ist sehr gut. Leichte, übliche Gebrauchspuren. Technisch einwandfrei. Versand: In Deutschland: 29 Euro mit Top-Verpackung und Versicherung (kostet alleine 15 Euro). Description: Wonderful record player from Thorens. An absolute dream device. Further information can be found online. SME 3009 series III Gold, Denon DL-305. If you are seriously interested, the record player can be tested in our listening room and you can see for yourself its great condition and fantastic sound. If you pick it up yourself, we can also accommodate you a little better in terms of price. Please be sure to make an appointment in advance by telephone. Condition: The visual condition is very good. Light signs of wear. Technically flawless. Shipping: In EU: 49,80 incl. Insurance Worldwide: 174,80 with DHL Sicher einkaufen Bei einem Händler sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite! Seit dem es das Internet gibt, gab es noch nie so viele Betrugsfälle und Betrugsversuche, wie im Moment! Die Methoden der Betrüger sind mittlerweile so ausgefeilt, dass selbst Profis darauf hereinfallen können. Ein Gewerblicher Händler bietet Ihnen davor Schutz. Er ermöglicht Ihnen:einen persönlichen Telefonkontakt (Nummer im Impressum)eine persönliche Besichtigung vor OrtSelbstabholungBarzahlung nach ProbelaufPaypal-ZahlungRückgaberecht gemäß Fernabsatzgesetzgesetzliche Gewährleistung (AGB´s beachten)Möglicherweise eine Garantie (AGB´s beachten)einen sicheren Versandprofessionelle Verpackung... und viele weitere Serviceleistungen Garantiebedingungen und Allgemeine Angaben In unseren Rechnungen wird wegen Differenzbesteuerung KEINE Mehrwertsteuer ausgewiesen.Fragen versuchen wir so schnell wie möglich zu beantworten. Im Einzelfall kann es aber mal zwei bis drei Tage dauern.Keine Garantie für die Angaben im Ebay-Produktkatalog. Für Fragen bitte den entsprechenden Button hier bei Ebay benutzen nicht das Telefon.Verwendete Markennamen sind Eigentum des Herstellers und werden nur verwendet um das Produkt uns seine hervorragende Qualität zu beschreiben.*GARANTIEBEDINGUNGEN:Wenn in unseren Angeboten eine Haltbarkeitsgarantie angegeben ist, dann bleiben Ihre weiteren gesetzlichen Rechte (z. B. Gewährleistung davon unberührt. Die Garantie umfasst alle technischen Fehlfunktionen, soweit diese nicht durch falschen Gebrauch hervorgerufen wurden. Ausgenommen von der hier dargestellten Garantie sind Batterien, Lautsprechersicken, Laser, CD-Laufwerke und Akkus (auch festinstallierte). Der Garantiegeber ist Harald Leichtle, Kobergerstraße 37, 90408 Nürnberg. Die Garantie ist deutschlandweit und ist auf den oben im Angebot angegebenen Zeitrahmen beschränkt. Zur Prüfung und Abwicklung des Garantiefalles setzen Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder schriftlich mit uns in Verbindung. Zur Prüfung und eventuellen Schadensbehebung muss uns der Kaufgegenstand und eine Kopie der Rechnung kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ist eine Reperatur oder eine Ersatzlieferung nicht möglich, erhält der Käufer den Kaufpreis zuzüglich Rücksendekosten zurück.Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz: Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei. Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium. Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere AGB´s und unser Impressum. Beide sind auf dieser Seite hinterlegt.Photos are original. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. No guarantee for the informations of the Ebay-catalogue. For questions please use the button here on Ebay.

Restored Thorens TD160 turntable black bordeaux red met. & SME 3009

End: 16.10. 2024 03:03:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2336.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146029706327
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6443|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 210,54 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Black Burgundy Red Metallic & SmeThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored THORENS TD160 with SME 3009 black and burgundy red metallicOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting burgundy red metallicOrtofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:A matt black finish on the turntable gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood to be placed on the housing: 160Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 360Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound perform Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue with SME 3009

End: 15.10. 2024 00:28:10 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2441.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146026276036
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6441|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 210,54 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting ice blue metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 25.09. 2024 23:52:18 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2323.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116305432479
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6428|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 212,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in glossy black but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in shiny black but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound Germany REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. with transparent turntable support and single puck. Height-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Our record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxyge Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland Herstellergarantie 1 Jahr

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 22.09. 2024 23:32:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2319.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116301844592
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6428|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 211,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking Arm

End: 22.09. 2024 23:32:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2319.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145973944507
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6428|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 211,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRESTORED by ART-AND-SOUNDThorens TD160 with SME Series IIIItem description:Limit switch:    NoInner plate:             metalSpindle:                   10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.Cover plate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160

Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 27.08. 2024 00:23:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2290.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145915371343
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6415|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 206,34 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in glossy black but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in shiny black but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound Germany REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. with transparent turntable support and single puck. Height-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Our record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxyge Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland Herstellergarantie 1 Jahr

Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009

End: 16.08. 2024 00:41:41 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2224.26 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145895273336
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6413|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 207,14 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009

End: 14.08. 2024 01:01:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2325.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116253634374
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6412|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,91 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting ice blue metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 28.07. 2024 00:26:36 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2234.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116232285824
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6409|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in glossy black but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in shiny black but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound Germany REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. with transparent turntable support and single puck. Height-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Our record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxyge Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland Herstellergarantie 1 Jahr

Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking Arm

End: 24.07. 2024 20:18:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2192.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145852457202
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6408|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,87 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRESTORED by ART-AND-SOUNDThorens TD160 with SME Series IIIItem description:Limit switch:    NoInner plate:             metalSpindle:                   10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.Cover plate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 24.07. 2024 20:18:15 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2192.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116229254017
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6408|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,87 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009

End: 17.07. 2024 02:04:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2239.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116220980213
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6401|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,03 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 27.06. 2024 22:18:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2221.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116199244505
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,28 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in glossy black but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in shiny black but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound Germany REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. with transparent turntable support and single puck. Height-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Our record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxyge Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland Herstellergarantie 1 Jahr

Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking Arm

End: 25.06. 2024 02:18:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2210.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145798525727
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,96 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRESTORED by ART-AND-SOUNDThorens TD160 with SME Series IIIItem description:Limit switch:    NoInner plate:             metalSpindle:                   10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.Cover plate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 25.06. 2024 02:18:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2210.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116195928745
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,96 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009

End: 17.06. 2024 00:01:52 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2209.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145784083818
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009

End: 15.06. 2024 03:14:53 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2419.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145778994684
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6312|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,81 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting ice blue metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 29.05. 2024 20:24:08 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2213.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116165345487
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in glossy black but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in shiny black but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound Germany REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. with transparent turntable support and single puck. Height-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Our record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxyge Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland Herstellergarantie 1 Jahr

Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking Arm

End: 26.05. 2024 20:21:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2213.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116162160982
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRESTORED by ART-AND-SOUNDThorens TD160 with SME Series IIIItem description:Limit switch:    NoInner plate:             metalSpindle:                   10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.Cover plate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 26.05. 2024 20:21:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2213.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145747644755
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6379|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 203,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009

End: 18.05. 2024 21:11:17 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2274.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145733976932
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6287|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 202,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009

End: 16.05. 2024 01:14:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2379.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116146224553
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6312|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 202,39 EUR
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  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting ice blue metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland