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Philips 8500 series The One 109,2 cm (43") 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Argent

End: 07.07. 2023 10:11:38 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 549.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195779941872
  • Seller: trippodoshop (1485|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PC COMPONENTS DRONES MONITOR NOTEBOOK PC DESKTOP PERIPHERALS SMARTPHONE SMARTWATCH PRINTERS TABLET TVS GAMES VIDEOPROJECTORS Philips 8500 series The One 109,2 cm (43) 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Argent La magia di Ambilight. Solo da Philips. Grazie a Philips Ambilight, la brillante esperienza di visione con un televisore Philips diventa ancora più coinvolgente! Il sistema di illuminazione a LED sui bordi del televisore si illumina e cambia colore in perfetta sincronia con i colori dellazione sullo schermo o con la tua musica. È così coinvolgente che non potrai più farne a meno!Immagini HDR vivaci. TV Philips 4K UHD. Desideri goderti immagini perfette per ogni scena? Il tuo televisore Philips 4K UHD è compatibile con tutti i principali formati HDR, per immagini nitide e brillanti. Vedrai ogni dettaglio, anche nelle aree chiare e scure.La perfezione da qualsiasi sorgente. Processore Philips P5. Il processore Philips P5 offre immagini brillanti come i contenuti che ami. I dettagli sono notevolmente più profondi, i colori più vivaci e i toni della pelle appaiono naturali. Il contrasto è così nitido che potrai vedere ogni dettaglio e i movimenti sono eccezionalmente fluidi.Audio e immagini come al cinema. Dolby Vision e Dolby Atmos. Con Dolby Vision e Dolby Atmos, lesperienza di visione dei tuoi film, dei programmi e dei giochi sarà straordinaria e con un suono incredibile. Potrai goderti immagini super dettagliate e sentire chiaramente ogni parola. Sperimenta gli effetti sonori, come se lazione accadesse realmente intorno a te.TV sottile. Pronto per il futuro. Cerchi un televisore da posizionare nella tua stanza? Lo schermo praticamente privo di cornice di questo smart TV 4K si abbina a qualsiasi arredo e, grazie ai piedini geometrici, lo schermo sembra fluttuare. Inoltre, le nostre confezioni e gli inserti sono realizzati in carta e cartone riciclati.Sistema home wireless Philips dotato di tecnologia DTS Play-Fi Il sistema home wireless Philips, dotato di tecnologia DTS Play-Fi, consente di collegare in pochi secondi la soundbar e gli altoparlanti wireless compatibili in tutta la casa. Ascolta i film in cucina e riproduci la tua musica ovunque. Puoi anche creare un sistema Home Theater con audio surround utilizzando il televisore Philips come altoparlante centrale.Semplicemente smart. Android TV. Il tuo TV Philips Android ti offre i contenuti che desideri, quando vuoi. Puoi personalizzare la schermata principale per visualizzare le tue app preferite, semplificando la riproduzione in streaming dei film e dei programmi che ami, oppure riprenderli da dove hai lasciato.Per giocare su qualsiasi console, in ogni momento. Il tuo TV Philips è perfetto per il gaming. Quando accendi la console, il televisore passa automaticamente a unimpostazione a latenza ultra bassa per offrire unazione di gioco veloce e reattiva e una grafica incredibilmente fluida. Sono supportati HDMI 2.1 e VRR e la modalità di gioco Ambilight porta lemozione del gioco direttamente nella tua stanza.Controllo vocale. Assistente Google. Compatibile con Alexa. Premi un pulsante sul telecomando per parlare con lAssistente Google. Controlla con la tua voce il TV o i dispositivi domestici smart compatibili con Assistente Google. Oppure chiedi ad Alexa di controllare il TV tramite i dispositivi compatibili con Alexa.Philips 8500 series The One. Taille de lécran: 109,2 cm (43), Résolution de lécran: 3840 x 2160 pixels, Type HD: 4K Ultra HD, Technologie daffichage: LED, Forme décran: Plat. Smart TV. Format dimage: 16:9. Format du système de signal numérique: DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-T2 HD. Wifi, Ethernet/LAN. Couleur du produit: ArgentÉcranTaille de lécran109,2 cm (43)Type HD4K Ultra HDRésolution de lécran3840 x 2160 pixelsTechnologie daffichageLEDForme décranPlatFormat dimage16:9Résolutions graphiques prises en charge3840 x 2160Taux de rafraîchissement natif60 HzTuner TVType de tunerNumériqueFormat du système de signal numériqueDVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-T2 HDTV intelligente / smart TVSmart TVOuiInternet TVOuiSystème dexploitation installéAndroidVersion du système dexploitation11HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV)OuiModes SmartÉconomie dénergie, Cinéaste, JeuPlateforme de distribution dapplicationGoogle PlayApps musiqueSpotify, YouTube MusicAudioNombre de haut-parleurs2Puissance évaluée de RMS20 WPuissance RMS du haut-parleur Soundbar10 WDécodeurs audio intégrésDolby AtmosModes sonoresAI Sound, DialogueCanal de retour audio amélioré (eARC)OuiRéseauWifiOuiEthernet/LANOuiStandards wifiWi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)Modèle du Bluetooth5.0DesignÉcran enroulableNonCouleur du produitArgentNom de la couleurLight silverMontage VESAOuiNorme VESA100 x 200 mmEclairage dambianceOuiConception sans châssisOuiType de supportSupport à piedsCouleur de la tribuneArgentreprésentation / réalisationPrise en charge HDROuiTechnologie HDR (plage dynamique élevée)Dolby Vision, Filmmaker Mode, High Dynamic Range 10 (HDR10), High Dynamic Range 10+ (HDR10 Plus), Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG)Mode JeuOuiFonction TélétexteOuiTélétexte1000 pagesTélétexte standardsHyper-textFonction sous-titresOuiFormat sous-titres supportéASS, SMI, SRT, SSA, SUB, TXTDolby VisionOuiGradation localeOuiTechnologie de traitement dimagePhilips Perfect Pixel Picture EngineType dassombrissementMicro Dimming ProNombre de coeurs de processeurs4Fonctions du jeuMode de faible latence automatique (ALLM), Taux de rafraîchissement variable (VRR)Technologies spécifiques à la marqueMicro dimmingEnregistrement USBOuiConnectivitéQuantité de ports HDMI4Connecteur PC intégré (D-Sub)NonVersion HDMI2.1Canal de retour audio (ARC, Audio Return Channel)OuiHDCPOuiNombre de port ethernet LAN (RJ-45)1Quantité de Ports USB 2.02Sortie Audio numérique (Optique)1Sortie de casque1Interface Commune (IC)NonInterface commune Plus (Cl+)OuiSecteur dentrée dalimentationOuiPuissanceClasse defficacité énergétique (SDR)GConsommation dénergie (SDR) pour 1000 heures54 kWhConsommation dénergie (HDR) pour 1000 heures133 kWhConsommation dénergie (mode veille)0,3 WTension dentrée AC220 - 240 VFréquence dentrée AC50/60 HzMode Économie dénergieOuiPlage d’efficacité énergétiqueA à GPoids et dimensionsLargeur appareil (support inclus)962,8 mmProfondeur (support inclus)221,5 mmHauteur (support inclus)628,3 mmPoids (avec support)9,4 kgLargeur (sans support)96,3 cmProfondeur (sans support)7,71 cmHauteur (sans support)55,8 cmPoids (sans support)9,1 kgLargeur du support77,7 cmProfondeur du support22,1 cmInformations sur lemballageSupport de bureauOuiCâbles inclusSecteurTélécommande fournieOuiGuide de démarrage rapideOuiLargeur du colis1070 mmProfondeur du colis140 mmHauteur du colis650 mmPoids du paquet13 kgType demballageBoîteAutres caractéristiquesCapteur de lumièreOuiPiles fourniesOuiType de batterieAAANombre de batteries prises en charge2 Plus dinformations Paiements Nous acceptons les formes de paiement les plus courantes APPIEFFE GROUP SRL offers its customers different payment methods to let them choose the one that best suits their needs and habits. PAYPAL gives users the opportunity to send real time payments in different currencies in a free and totally secure way, as it does not require to share any financial information. BANK TRANSFER allows funds transfer from your bank account to our bank account as a direct payment. Expédition Les envois seront fabriqués par courrier express: UPS, FedEx, TNT, BRT, GLS. EXPÉDITION MONDIALE, SI VOUS LE POINT EN INTÉRESSÉ SIL VOUS PLAÎT DEMANDEZ LES FRAIS DE PORT Tous les envois sont traités à partir de nos bureaux à Rome et sont donnés aux courriers internationaux primaires basés sur la destination finale, le poids et la valeur de la commande. Il ny a pas denvois partiels: les commandes sont traitées lorsque tous les produits commandés sont disponibles. Sur le territoire national, la livraison a lieu dans les 24 heures de travail suivant la confirmation dexpédition (vous recevrez un email contenant le code de suivi de votre commande) et peut atteindre 48 heures de travail pour les régions de Pouilles, Basilicata et Calabria, et à 48/72. heures de travail pour les îles. En Europe et dans le reste des délais de livraison du monde varient de 2 à 7 jours ouvrables (il est possible que, dans les cas de destination en dehors de lUE, des droits de douane et / ou des coÛts des douanes qui ne soient pas dépendants et dont nous pouvons Ne pas être au courant est appliqué: par conséquent, avant denvoyer une commande, nous vous conseillons de contacter les autorités douanières locales pour plus dinformations). All orders placed before 13:00, will be processed the same day and shipped within 24/48 working hours, unless otherwise indicated and delivered within the next 24/48 working hours. Le courrier fournit du lundi au vendredi entre 8h30 et 18h00. Il nest pas possible de définir lheure et / ou le jour de la livraison des produits, et il nest pas possible de demander la livraison aux boîtes de poste. La contribution des coÛts de transport calculée au cours de la commande peut varier dans les cas oÙ la taille et / ou le poids des marchandises dépassent les dimensions minimales du poids / global. Si ladresse dexpédition diffère de ladresse de facturation, veuillez la spécifier dans les notes qui accompagnent la commande afin déviter des retards inutiles. Conditions TRIPPODO SHOP issues a Tax Receipt for each order and is sent as an attachment to the shipment.? More information Suite à la question dune facture, le document est transmis par courrier électronique au titulaire de la commande, conformément à larticle 14 du décret présidentiel 445/2000 et de DL 52/2004. Dans le cas de la facturation, les informations fournies par le client au moment de la proposition de commande sont contraignantes. Aucune modification de la facture ne sera possible après lémission de celle-ci. À la livraison des marchandises par le Courrier, le client est tenu de vérifier: a) que le nombre de packages livrés correspond à ce qui est indiqué dans le document de transport du courrier; b) que lemballage est intact, non endommagé ou humide ou altéré autrement, même dans les matériaux de fermeture (ruban adhésif de lemballage / enveloppe ou des clips de sangle ou de métal); En cas de falsification et / ou même de dommages mineurs (par exemple, des larmes sur le sac, des coins écrasés, des ruptures ou altérer avec lemballage extérieur, le remplacement des rubans dorigine, le client doit collecter le paquet en apposant lécriture sur le document de livraison Reçu par le transporteur Retrait avec la réserve de contrôle interne décrivant clairement la raison de la réserve. Tout dommage ou inadéquation dans le nombre de colis ou dindications doit être immédiatement signalé au courrier qui fait la livraison. Après avoir contresi la lettre de messagerie émise de la messagerie, le client ne sera pas en mesure de sopposer à aucun différend sur les caractéristiques externes de ce qui a été livré. Tous les problèmes liés à lintégrité physique, à la correspondance ou à lexhaustivité des produits reçus doivent être signalés dans les 2 jours ouvrables suivant la livraison en envoyant un courrier électronique à Trippodo Shop. En cas de non-collecte dans les 5 jours ouvrables du matériel de stockage sur les entrepôts de messagerie (en raison de lincapacité répétée de livrer à ladresse indiquée par le client lors de la commande), les marchandises reviennent à Appieffe Group Srl et la commande sera considéré comme annulé. Le client sera remboursé pour la valeur de lachat moins les frais dexpédition aller-retour et les frais / commissions que Appieffe Group SRL encouragera à rembourser le client. APPIEFFE GROUP SRL - Via Codigoro, 9 - 00127 - (RM) Tel: +39 6 92939466 - P.Iva: 11872671000 Prestalia e-commerce solutions.

Philips 43PUS8517 109,2 cm (43") 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Anthracite

End: 07.07. 2023 10:11:33 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 608.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195779938255
  • Seller: trippodoshop (1485|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PC COMPONENTS DRONES MONITOR NOTEBOOK PC DESKTOP PERIPHERALS SMARTPHONE SMARTWATCH PRINTERS TABLET TVS GAMES VIDEOPROJECTORS Philips 43PUS8517 109,2 cm (43) 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Anthracite Quella da non perdere Desideri una straordinaria qualità delle immagini per i tuoi programmi preferiti? E che ne dici della connettività super semplice e dellincredibile immersione che offre Philips Ambilight? Goditi unesperienza TV senza stress e su misura per te, grazie al prodotto perfetto.Quella da non perdereAndroid TV LED 4K UHD con AmbilightLa magia di Ambilight. Solo da Philips. Grazie a Philips Ambilight, la brillante esperienza di visione con un televisore Philips diventa ancora più coinvolgente! Il sistema di illuminazione a LED sui bordi del televisore si illumina e cambia colore in perfetta sincronia con i colori dellazione sullo schermo o con la tua musica. È così coinvolgente che non potrai più farne a meno!Immagini HDR vivaci. TV Philips 4K UHD. Desideri goderti immagini perfette per ogni scena? Il tuo televisore Philips 4K UHD è compatibile con tutti i principali formati HDR, per immagini nitide e brillanti. Vedrai ogni dettaglio, anche nelle aree chiare e scure.La perfezione da qualsiasi sorgente. Processore Philips P5. Il processore Philips P5 offre immagini brillanti come i contenuti che ami. I dettagli sono notevolmente più profondi, i colori più vivaci e i toni della pelle appaiono naturali. Il contrasto è così nitido che potrai vedere ogni dettaglio e i movimenti sono eccezionalmente fluidi.Audio e immagini come al cinema. Dolby Vision e Dolby Atmos. Con Dolby Vision e Dolby Atmos, lesperienza di visione dei tuoi film, dei programmi e dei giochi sarà straordinaria e con un suono incredibile. Potrai goderti immagini super dettagliate e sentire chiaramente ogni parola. Sperimenta gli effetti sonori, come se lazione accadesse realmente intorno a te.TV sottile. Pronto per il futuro. Cerchi un televisore da posizionare nella tua stanza? Lo schermo praticamente privo di cornice di questo smart TV 4K si abbina a qualsiasi arredo e, grazie ai piedini geometrici, lo schermo sembra fluttuare. Inoltre, le nostre confezioni e gli inserti sono realizzati in carta e cartone riciclati.Sistema home wireless Philips dotato di tecnologia DTS Play-Fi Il sistema home wireless Philips, dotato di tecnologia DTS Play-Fi, consente di collegare in pochi secondi la soundbar e gli altoparlanti wireless compatibili in tutta la casa. Ascolta i film in cucina e riproduci la tua musica ovunque. Puoi anche creare un sistema Home Theater con audio surround utilizzando il televisore Philips come altoparlante centrale.Per giocare su qualsiasi console, in ogni momento. Il tuo TV Philips è perfetto per il gaming. Quando accendi la console, il televisore passa automaticamente a unimpostazione a latenza ultra bassa per offrire unazione di gioco veloce e reattiva e una grafica incredibilmente fluida. Sono supportati HDMI 2.1 e VRR e la modalità di gioco Ambilight porta lemozione del gioco direttamente nella tua stanza.Semplicemente smart. Android TV. Il tuo TV Philips Android ti offre i contenuti che desideri, quando vuoi. Puoi personalizzare la schermata principale per visualizzare le tue app preferite, semplificando la riproduzione in streaming dei film e dei programmi che ami, oppure riprenderli da dove hai lasciato.Controllo vocale. Assistente Google. Compatibile con Alexa. Premi un pulsante sul telecomando per parlare con lAssistente Google. Controlla con la tua voce il TV o i dispositivi domestici smart compatibili con Assistente Google. Oppure chiedi ad Alexa di controllare il TV tramite i dispositivi compatibili con Alexa.Philips 43PUS8517. Taille de lécran: 109,2 cm (43), Résolution de lécran: 3840 x 2160 pixels, Type HD: 4K Ultra HD, Technologie daffichage: LCD, Forme décran: Plat, Rétroéclairage LED: LED. Smart TV. Format dimage: 16:9. Format du système de signal numérique: DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-T2 HD. Wifi, Ethernet/LAN. Couleur du produit: AnthraciteÉcranTaille de lécran109,2 cm (43)Type HD4K Ultra HDRésolution de lécran3840 x 2160 pixelsTechnologie daffichageLCDRétroéclairage LEDLEDForme décranPlatFormat dimage16:9Résolutions graphiques prises en charge3840 x 2160Taux de rafraîchissement natif60 HzDiagonale décran (cm)108 cmTuner TVType de tunerAnalogique et numériqueFormat du système de signal numériqueDVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-T2 HDRecherche automatique des canauxOuiTV intelligente / smart TVSmart TVOuiInternet TVOuiSystème dexploitation installéAndroidVersion du système dexploitationTV 11HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV)OuiPlateforme de distribution dapplicationGoogle PlayApps musiqueSpotify, YouTube MusicAudioNombre de haut-parleurs2Puissance évaluée de RMS20 WDécodeurs audio intégrésDTS, Dolby AtmosÉgaliseurOuiModes sonoresAI SoundNiveleur automatique de volumeOuiCanal de retour audio amélioré (eARC)OuiRéseauWifiOuiEthernet/LANOuiStandards wifiWi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)Modèle du Bluetooth5.0NavigationOuiDesignCouleur du produitAnthraciteNom de la couleurAnthracite greyMontage VESAOuiNorme VESA100 x 200 mmEclairage dambianceOuiIndication de lintensité du signalOuiType de supportSupport à piedsCouleur de la tribuneGrisreprésentation / réalisationPrise en charge HDROuiTechnologie HDR (plage dynamique élevée)Dolby Vision, Filmmaker Mode, High Dynamic Range 10 (HDR10), High Dynamic Range 10+ (HDR10 Plus), Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG)Mode JeuOuiFonction TélétexteOuiTélétexte1000 pagesTélétexte standardsHyper-textFonction sous-titresOuiFormat sous-titres supportéASS, SMI, SRT, SSA, SUB, TXTCapteur de lumière ambianteOuiGradation localeOuiRéduction du bruitOuiNombre de coeurs de processeurs4Amélioration du dialogueOuiContrôle parentalOuiEnregistrement USBOuiConnectivitéQuantité de ports HDMI4Connecteur PC intégré (D-Sub)NonVersion HDMI2.1Canal de retour audio (ARC, Audio Return Channel)OuiHDCPOuiNombre de port ethernet LAN (RJ-45)1Quantité de Ports USB 2.02Sortie Audio numérique (Optique)1Sortie de casque1Quantité de ports RF2Interface commune Plus (Cl+)OuiSecteur dentrée dalimentationOuiPuissanceClasse defficacité énergétique (SDR)GConsommation dénergie (SDR) pour 1000 heures54 kWhConsommation dénergie (HDR) pour 1000 heures133 kWhConsommation dénergie (mode veille)0,3 WTension dentrée AC220 - 240 VFréquence dentrée AC50/60 HzPoids et dimensionsLargeur appareil (support inclus)962,8 mmProfondeur (support inclus)221,5 mmHauteur (support inclus)628,2 mmPoids (avec support)9,4 kgLargeur (sans support)96,3 cmProfondeur (sans support)7,71 cmHauteur (sans support)55,8 cmPoids (sans support)9,1 kgLargeur du support77,7 cmProfondeur du support22,1 cmInformations sur lemballageSupport de bureauOuiCâbles inclusSecteurTélécommande fournieOuiLargeur du colis1070 mmProfondeur du colis140 mmHauteur du colis650 mmPoids du paquet13 kgType demballageBoîte Plus dinformations Paiements Nous acceptons les formes de paiement les plus courantes APPIEFFE GROUP SRL offers its customers different payment methods to let them choose the one that best suits their needs and habits. PAYPAL gives users the opportunity to send real time payments in different currencies in a free and totally secure way, as it does not require to share any financial information. BANK TRANSFER allows funds transfer from your bank account to our bank account as a direct payment. Expédition Les envois seront fabriqués par courrier express: UPS, FedEx, TNT, BRT, GLS. EXPÉDITION MONDIALE, SI VOUS LE POINT EN INTÉRESSÉ SIL VOUS PLAÎT DEMANDEZ LES FRAIS DE PORT Tous les envois sont traités à partir de nos bureaux à Rome et sont donnés aux courriers internationaux primaires basés sur la destination finale, le poids et la valeur de la commande. Il ny a pas denvois partiels: les commandes sont traitées lorsque tous les produits commandés sont disponibles. Sur le territoire national, la livraison a lieu dans les 24 heures de travail suivant la confirmation dexpédition (vous recevrez un email contenant le code de suivi de votre commande) et peut atteindre 48 heures de travail pour les régions de Pouilles, Basilicata et Calabria, et à 48/72. heures de travail pour les îles. En Europe et dans le reste des délais de livraison du monde varient de 2 à 7 jours ouvrables (il est possible que, dans les cas de destination en dehors de lUE, des droits de douane et / ou des coÛts des douanes qui ne soient pas dépendants et dont nous pouvons Ne pas être au courant est appliqué: par conséquent, avant denvoyer une commande, nous vous conseillons de contacter les autorités douanières locales pour plus dinformations). All orders placed before 13:00, will be processed the same day and shipped within 24/48 working hours, unless otherwise indicated and delivered within the next 24/48 working hours. Le courrier fournit du lundi au vendredi entre 8h30 et 18h00. Il nest pas possible de définir lheure et / ou le jour de la livraison des produits, et il nest pas possible de demander la livraison aux boîtes de poste. La contribution des coÛts de transport calculée au cours de la commande peut varier dans les cas oÙ la taille et / ou le poids des marchandises dépassent les dimensions minimales du poids / global. Si ladresse dexpédition diffère de ladresse de facturation, veuillez la spécifier dans les notes qui accompagnent la commande afin déviter des retards inutiles. Conditions TRIPPODO SHOP issues a Tax Receipt for each order and is sent as an attachment to the shipment.? More information Suite à la question dune facture, le document est transmis par courrier électronique au titulaire de la commande, conformément à larticle 14 du décret présidentiel 445/2000 et de DL 52/2004. Dans le cas de la facturation, les informations fournies par le client au moment de la proposition de commande sont contraignantes. Aucune modification de la facture ne sera possible après lémission de celle-ci. À la livraison des marchandises par le Courrier, le client est tenu de vérifier: a) que le nombre de packages livrés correspond à ce qui est indiqué dans le document de transport du courrier; b) que lemballage est intact, non endommagé ou humide ou altéré autrement, même dans les matériaux de fermeture (ruban adhésif de lemballage / enveloppe ou des clips de sangle ou de métal); En cas de falsification et / ou même de dommages mineurs (par exemple, des larmes sur le sac, des coins écrasés, des ruptures ou altérer avec lemballage extérieur, le remplacement des rubans dorigine, le client doit collecter le paquet en apposant lécriture sur le document de livraison Reçu par le transporteur Retrait avec la réserve de contrôle interne décrivant clairement la raison de la réserve. Tout dommage ou inadéquation dans le nombre de colis ou dindications doit être immédiatement signalé au courrier qui fait la livraison. Après avoir contresi la lettre de messagerie émise de la messagerie, le client ne sera pas en mesure de sopposer à aucun différend sur les caractéristiques externes de ce qui a été livré. Tous les problèmes liés à lintégrité physique, à la correspondance ou à lexhaustivité des produits reçus doivent être signalés dans les 2 jours ouvrables suivant la livraison en envoyant un courrier électronique à Trippodo Shop. En cas de non-collecte dans les 5 jours ouvrables du matériel de stockage sur les entrepôts de messagerie (en raison de lincapacité répétée de livrer à ladresse indiquée par le client lors de la commande), les marchandises reviennent à Appieffe Group Srl et la commande sera considéré comme annulé. Le client sera remboursé pour la valeur de lachat moins les frais dexpédition aller-retour et les frais / commissions que Appieffe Group SRL encouragera à rembourser le client. APPIEFFE GROUP SRL - Via Codigoro, 9 - 00127 - (RM) Tel: +39 6 92939466 - P.Iva: 11872671000 Prestalia e-commerce solutions.

Samsung The Frame 43LS03B 109,2 cm (43") 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Noir

End: 07.07. 2023 10:11:32 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1194.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195794969238
  • Seller: trippodoshop (1488|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PC COMPONENTS DRONES MONITOR NOTEBOOK PC DESKTOP PERIPHERALS SMARTPHONE SMARTWATCH PRINTERS TABLET TVS GAMES VIDEOPROJECTORS Samsung The Frame 43LS03B 109,2 cm (43) 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wifi Noir Lo Smart TV The Frame LS03B è molto più di quello che immagini: acceso è un TV fantastico con definizione QLED e un suono coinvolgente; spento diventa un quadro, grazie alle opere d’arte internazionali scaricabili. Design, cornici intercambiabili, emozioni: trasforma la tua casa in una straordinaria esposizione di capolavori. Con i nuovi TV di Samsung la bellezza è l’assoluta protagonista. Frame Design e Art Mode Design Slim per ammirare le più importanti opere d’arte e una cornice personalizzabile: scegli tra le opere d’arte internazionali dei musei e delle gallerie più importanti. La tua casa diventa un capolavoro.Display Matte Innovativo pannello anti-abbagliamento, anti-riflesso e anti-impronte per godersi ogni opera come se fossi davvero in un museo. Inoltre, la speciale texture ultra realistica al tatto sembra davvero una tela. Dolby Atmos e OTS Al centro della scena: audio senza rivali grazie al suono tridimensionale diffuso dagli speciali altoparlanti integrati nel TV. (Dolby Atmos non è presente nel modello da 32”) Processore Quantum 4K L’intelligenza alla base di immagini e suoni spettacolari: un potente processore trasforma i tuoi contenuti di ogni sorgente nella straordinaria risoluzione 4K. (Il modello 32” NON è dotato di tecnologia 4K ma di tecnologia FHD QLED)DVB-T2 Il televisore Samsung The Frame è predisposto a ricevere il nuovo Digitale Terrestre 2.0, senza bisogno di decoder TV.Samsung The Frame 43LS03B. Taille de lécran: 109,2 cm (43), Résolution de lécran: 3840 x 2160 pixels, Type HD: 4K Ultra HD, Technologie daffichage: QLED, Forme décran: Plat. Smart TV. Format du système de signal numérique: DVB-T2,DVB-C,DVB-S2. Wifi, Ethernet/LAN. Couleur du produit: NoirÉcranTaille de lécran109,2 cm (43)Type HD4K Ultra HDRésolution de lécran3840 x 2160 pixelsTechnologie daffichageQLEDForme décranPlatTaux de rafraîchissement natif100 HzÉcran antirefletOuiTuner TVType de tunerAnalogique et numériqueFormat du système de signal numériqueDVB-T2,DVB-C,DVB-S2Recherche automatique des canauxOuiTV intelligente / smart TVSmart TVOuiInternet TVOuiSystème dexploitation installéTizenReflet décranOuiMiroir acoustiqueOuiHbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV)OuiVersion HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV)2.0.3Modes SmartFilm, JeuGuide universelOuiAudioNombre de haut-parleurs2Puissance évaluée de RMS40 WAmplificateur vocal actif (AVA)OuiTechnologie de sonorisation multipiècesSamsung Multiroom LinkCanal de retour audio amélioré (eARC)OuiRéseauWifiOuiEthernet/LANOuiStandards wifiWi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)Wi-Fi DirectOuiModèle du Bluetooth5.2Prise en charge HDIOuiDesignCouleur du produitNoirMontage VESAOuiNorme VESA200 x 200 mmreprésentation / réalisationPrise en charge HDROuiTechnologie HDR (plage dynamique élevée)Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG),Quantum HDR,High Dynamic Range 10+ (HDR10 Plus)Mode JeuOuiMode ambiantAmbient Mode+Détection de brillanceOuiTechnologie de traitement dimageSamsung Contrast EnhancerGalerie dimagesOuiType AMD FreeSyncFreeSync Premium ProFonctions du jeuMode de faible latence automatique (ALLM), Game Motion Plus, Dynamic Black EQ, Game Bar, Super Ultra Wide Game ViewTechnologies spécifiques à la marqueMicro dimmingSupport de Dex sans filOuiConnectivitéQuantité de ports HDMI4Nombre de port ethernet LAN (RJ-45)1Quantité de Ports USB 2.02Sortie Audio numérique (Optique)1Interface Commune (IC)OuiInterface commune Plus (Cl+)OuiVersion Common Interface Plus (CI+)1.4Contrôle délectronique grand publique (CEC)Anynet+PuissanceClasse defficacité énergétique (SDR)GConsommation dénergie (SDR) pour 1000 heures74 kWhConsommation dénergie (HDR) pour 1000 heures127 kWhPlage d’efficacité énergétiqueA à GPoids et dimensionsLargeur appareil (support inclus)969,5 mmProfondeur (support inclus)196,8 mmHauteur (support inclus)591,9 mmPoids (avec support)8,9 kgLargeur (sans support)97 cmProfondeur (sans support)2,49 cmHauteur (sans support)55,8 cmPoids (sans support)8,6 kgLargeur du support67,8 cmProfondeur du support19,7 cmInformations sur lemballageSupport de bureauOuiTélécommande fournieOuiType de télécommandeTM2281EAutres caractéristiquesBoîtier One ConnectOui Plus dinformations Paiements Nous acceptons les formes de paiement les plus courantes APPIEFFE GROUP SRL offers its customers different payment methods to let them choose the one that best suits their needs and habits. PAYPAL gives users the opportunity to send real time payments in different currencies in a free and totally secure way, as it does not require to share any financial information. BANK TRANSFER allows funds transfer from your bank account to our bank account as a direct payment. Expédition Les envois seront fabriqués par courrier express: UPS, FedEx, TNT, BRT, GLS. EXPÉDITION MONDIALE, SI VOUS LE POINT EN INTÉRESSÉ SIL VOUS PLAÎT DEMANDEZ LES FRAIS DE PORT Tous les envois sont traités à partir de nos bureaux à Rome et sont donnés aux courriers internationaux primaires basés sur la destination finale, le poids et la valeur de la commande. Il ny a pas denvois partiels: les commandes sont traitées lorsque tous les produits commandés sont disponibles. Sur le territoire national, la livraison a lieu dans les 24 heures de travail suivant la confirmation dexpédition (vous recevrez un email contenant le code de suivi de votre commande) et peut atteindre 48 heures de travail pour les régions de Pouilles, Basilicata et Calabria, et à 48/72. heures de travail pour les îles. En Europe et dans le reste des délais de livraison du monde varient de 2 à 7 jours ouvrables (il est possible que, dans les cas de destination en dehors de lUE, des droits de douane et / ou des coÛts des douanes qui ne soient pas dépendants et dont nous pouvons Ne pas être au courant est appliqué: par conséquent, avant denvoyer une commande, nous vous conseillons de contacter les autorités douanières locales pour plus dinformations). All orders placed before 13:00, will be processed the same day and shipped within 24/48 working hours, unless otherwise indicated and delivered within the next 24/48 working hours. Le courrier fournit du lundi au vendredi entre 8h30 et 18h00. Il nest pas possible de définir lheure et / ou le jour de la livraison des produits, et il nest pas possible de demander la livraison aux boîtes de poste. La contribution des coÛts de transport calculée au cours de la commande peut varier dans les cas oÙ la taille et / ou le poids des marchandises dépassent les dimensions minimales du poids / global. Si ladresse dexpédition diffère de ladresse de facturation, veuillez la spécifier dans les notes qui accompagnent la commande afin déviter des retards inutiles. Conditions TRIPPODO SHOP issues a Tax Receipt for each order and is sent as an attachment to the shipment.? More information Suite à la question dune facture, le document est transmis par courrier électronique au titulaire de la commande, conformément à larticle 14 du décret présidentiel 445/2000 et de DL 52/2004. Dans le cas de la facturation, les informations fournies par le client au moment de la proposition de commande sont contraignantes. Aucune modification de la facture ne sera possible après lémission de celle-ci. À la livraison des marchandises par le Courrier, le client est tenu de vérifier: a) que le nombre de packages livrés correspond à ce qui est indiqué dans le document de transport du courrier; b) que lemballage est intact, non endommagé ou humide ou altéré autrement, même dans les matériaux de fermeture (ruban adhésif de lemballage / enveloppe ou des clips de sangle ou de métal); En cas de falsification et / ou même de dommages mineurs (par exemple, des larmes sur le sac, des coins écrasés, des ruptures ou altérer avec lemballage extérieur, le remplacement des rubans dorigine, le client doit collecter le paquet en apposant lécriture sur le document de livraison Reçu par le transporteur Retrait avec la réserve de contrôle interne décrivant clairement la raison de la réserve. Tout dommage ou inadéquation dans le nombre de colis ou dindications doit être immédiatement signalé au courrier qui fait la livraison. Après avoir contresi la lettre de messagerie émise de la messagerie, le client ne sera pas en mesure de sopposer à aucun différend sur les caractéristiques externes de ce qui a été livré. Tous les problèmes liés à lintégrité physique, à la correspondance ou à lexhaustivité des produits reçus doivent être signalés dans les 2 jours ouvrables suivant la livraison en envoyant un courrier électronique à Trippodo Shop. En cas de non-collecte dans les 5 jours ouvrables du matériel de stockage sur les entrepôts de messagerie (en raison de lincapacité répétée de livrer à ladresse indiquée par le client lors de la commande), les marchandises reviennent à Appieffe Group Srl et la commande sera considéré comme annulé. Le client sera remboursé pour la valeur de lachat moins les frais dexpédition aller-retour et les frais / commissions que Appieffe Group SRL encouragera à rembourser le client. APPIEFFE GROUP SRL - Via Codigoro, 9 - 00127 - (RM) Tel: +39 6 92939466 - P.Iva: 11872671000 Prestalia e-commerce solutions.

National Radio Co. NC-109 Communications Radio Receiver works with manual

End: 07.07. 2023 01:59:54 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 142.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354788881399
  • Seller: tyhan-47 (1052|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Madison, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 102,02 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    National Radio Co. NC-109 Communications Radio Receiver works with manual.

Yamaha Audio YAS-109 Sound Bar with Built-In Subwoofers

End: 06.07. 2023 11:18:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204383154648
  • Bids: 21
  • Seller: gr_liquidators (17270|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hudsonville, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This products condition is Used-Like New - Used-Like New: The item has been previously owned but shows very little use and is thus not listed as Open-Box / New-Other. This may include the power cord being unraveled, very minor cosmetic signs, or other minor overall wear. We strictly abide by ebays counterfeit item policy (see link below): If you have any questions about the authenticity of our items please ask for information please message us on ebay and we will respond as soon as we can.

Jabra Speak 510 MS Haut-Parleur de Conférence Bluetooth - Noir (7510-109)

End: 03.07. 2023 09:27:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225639664539
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: trajceg06 (71|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nice Frankreich
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 7,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jabra Speak 510 MS Haut-Parleur de Conférence Bluetooth - Noir (7510-109).

rare Sony Walkman WM-109 Cassette player fully working with Remote control set

End: 02.07. 2023 22:16:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 461.75 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235038435300
  • Seller: faieq32 (342|98.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 48,12 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is a fully working good condition walkman with its AA battery attachment and its original remote control with earphones only in a plain packing. See all photos for detail cosmetic condition. Lovely smooth sound quality from both directions. Eventhough its fully working but still you cant expect 100% performance from it as is about 36 years old machine. I believe it was Sonys first remote controlled compact size walkman . Purely collectable

YAMAHA YAS-109 Soundbar 2.1 Kanäle 120 Watt Bluetooth schwarz B-WARE

End: 29.06. 2023 09:57:22 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 119.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235033395615
  • Seller: favorio (473940|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hot deals Schnelle Lieferung Startseite Über favorio Impressum Bitte beachten: Es handelt sich um B-Ware! Lieferumfang: Yamaha YAS-109 Soundbar Fernbedienung Stromkabel Kurzanleitung Yamaha YAS-109 Schwarz 2.1 Kanäle 120 W Spezifikationen Audio Audio Kanäle 2.1 Kanäle RMS-Leistung 120 W Eingebaute Audio-Decoder DTS Digital Surround, Dolby Digital Audio Return Channel (ARC) Ja Soundbar-Lautsprecher Soundbar Lautsprecher RMS Leistung 60 W Anzahl der Hochtöner-Antriebe 2 Anzahl der mid-range Antriebe 2 Anzahl der Tieftöner-Antriebe 2 Hochtönerdurchmesser (Imperial) 2,54 cm (1 Zoll) Hochtönerdurchmesser 2,5 cm Treiberdurchmesser Mitteltöner (imperial) 5,4 cm (2.12 Zoll) Treiberdurchmesser Mitteltöner 5,5 cm Tieftönerdurchmesser (imperial) 7,62 cm (3 Zoll) Tieftönerdurchmesser 7,5 cm Subwoofer Subwoofer enthalten Ja Subwoofer Effektivwert Energie 60 W Subwoofer Frequenzbereich 62 - 170 Hz Subwoofer Widerstand 3 Ohm Bass-Reflex Ja Subwoofer-Position Eingebaut Merkmale Produktfarbe Schwarz FM-Radio Nein Eingebautes Display Nein Unterstützte Audioformate AAC, ALAC, FLAC, MP3, WAV, WMA Ein-/Ausschalter Ja Virtual Surround Ja Smartphone Fernsteuerung Ja Virtueller Assistent Amazon Alexa Wandmontage Ja TV-Ständer Verwendung Nein LED-Anzeigen Ja Anschlüsse und Schnittstellen Übertragungstechnik Verkabelt & Kabellos Bluetooth Ja Bluetooth-Version 4.2 WLAN Ja Eingebauter Ethernet-Anschluss Ja Anzahl HDMI-Anschlüsse 2 HDMI-In 1 Anzahl der HDMI-Ausgänge 1 Digital-Audio-Optical-In 1 Leistung Energiequelle AC AC Eingangsspannung 100 - 240 V AC Eingangsfrequenz 50/60 Hz Stromverbrauch Soundbar 30 W Stromverbrauch (Standby) 2,2 W Gewicht und Abmessungen Breite 890 mm Tiefe 131 mm Höhe 53 mm Gewicht Soundbar 3,4 kg Sonstige Funktionen Bluetooth-Profile A2DP, AVRCP Bluetooth-Bereich 10 m Apple-Docking-Kompatibilität Nicht unterstützt Minimalistisch, aber alles andere als primitiv: Die YAS-109 Soundbar bringt hochwertigen Yamaha-Klang für TV-Serien, Filme, Games und Musik in jedes Wohnzimmer - und hebt so das Heimkinoerlebnis auf ein ganz neues Level. Dank eingebauter Alexa-Sprachsteuerung lässt sich die All-in-one-Soundbar ganz einfach per Stimme steuern und gehorcht aufs Wort. DTS Virtual:X und zwei eingebaute Tieftöner sorgen hierbei für umwerfend kristallklaren Surround Sound von allen Seiten. Mit ihrem minimalistischen, schlanken Design fügt sie sich nahtlos in jedes Heimkinosystem ein und macht dabei immer eine gute Figur - ob vor dem Fernseher liegend oder an der Wand montiert. WAS IST B-WARE? Bei dem Artikel handelt es sich um eine Kundenrücksendung oder ein Vorführgerät, welches nur minimal im Einsatz war. Es können leichte Gebrauchsspuren (z.B. nicht mehr original aufgewickelte Stromkabel, entfernte Schutzfolien, Fingerabdrücke) und/oder geringfügige Lagerspuren (z.B. verschmutzter, beschädigter oder ausgetauschter Umkarton, leichte Kratzer) vorliegen, die die Funktionalität des Artikels aber nicht beeinträchtigen. Verjährungsfrist für Mängelansprüche (Gewährleistung): 2 Jahre Sie erhalten nach Kauf eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener MwSt. per Mail. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere weiteren Angebote. Hinweis zu Batterien und Akkus in unseren Waren: Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus gesetzlich verpflichtet. Altbatterien können Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei nicht sachgemäßer Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe wie z. B. Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel und können verwertet werden. Sie können die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder unter folgender Adresse: Hatraco GmbH | Peutestr. 22a | 20539 Hamburg oder in Ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe (z. B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen) unentgeltlich zurückgegeben. Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei auf für Endnutzer für die übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat. Das Zeichen mit der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen. Unter diesem Zeichen finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung: Pb: Batterie enthält Blei Cd: Batterie enthält Cadmium Hg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber Das sollten Sie wissen: Dieser Artikel kann leider aufgrund seiner Beschaffenheit nicht mit anderen Artikeln zusammengefasst werden. MM11MM Shop-Seiten Über favorio favorio als Favorit --> FAQs --> Kontakt Datenschutzerklärung --> Impressum Informationen zum Verkäufer --> Haben Sie Fragen? Unser Team steht Ihnen von Montag bis Donnerstag von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr, Freitags von 08:00 bis 17:00 Uhr und Samstags von 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr zur VerfÜgung. FAQs - weiter. --> Kundenzufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Gebot Ein guter Kundenservice, Bezahlung Über Paypal mit Käuferschutz, kurze Lieferzeiten sowie eine permanente Paketverfolgung sind fÜr uns selbstverständlich.

Car receiver Jensen MCD 5110 (without faceplate) **FOR PARTS** #109

End: 28.06. 2023 12:50:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 9.97 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304992093444
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: boomwarehouse2022 (3673|98.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cleveland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 38,53 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Car receiver Jensen MCD 5110 (without faceplate) **FOR PARTS** #109 As is.For parts or repair. No any test are done. May have missing or broken parts. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!

THOMAS Collectors Edition BD-109 Wood Cathedral AM/FM Radio, 1986, Vtg (Works)

End: 27.06. 2023 17:29:25 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 26.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374747558150
  • Seller: happystore_07 (789|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Mount Prospect, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 84,54 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THOMAS Collectors Edition BD-109 Wood Cathedral AM/FM Radio, Vintage, Works (V3--3911-B) Brand: Thomas.Collectors EditionAM/FM RadioModel BD-109. The casing is made of wood.The radio is from June, 1986. The radio measures approx.: 11.5 in height X 11.5 in length X 8 in depth.This is a replica of a 1920s RadioJust a AM - FM - AFC radio. Condition: Good condition, works. There may be slight scuffs of old age. Missing one piece of wood - please, see the last photo. Take a look at the pictures for the best description. A photo is as good as a thousand words and is the best description of a cosmetic condition. Use your ZOOM TOOL to best see this item! Please look closely at the photos for condition answers. We describe items as best we can and as we see them. Some details may be missed but not intentionally. Condition of an item is our opinion. If you have any questions on the condition of these items let us know before you purchase! Ordering multiple items from me?Just send me a message before paying so I can combine shipping for you!Thanks for looking.


End: 27.06. 2023 14:32:30 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 25.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325672501767
  • Seller: mercedesman6572 (16340|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Tonopah, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 18,57 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

      TUBE HUNTER VACUUM TUBE GEMS THESE ARE THE SPECIFICS OF THE TUBE/TUBES FOR SALE THESE ARE THE TUBE/TUBES FOR SALE:    MANUFACTURER:                               RCA PRODUCTION CITY:                                     USA TUBE TYPE:    6CG7 DESIGNATION:                                             US MADE  YEAR:     1960 MONTH OR WEEK    AUGUST Date code match    SINGLE SILK SCREEN CONDITION %:                    100% MICA:    2 PLATES:    GREY GM %:     109% and 111% SINGLE/PAIR/QUAD/MULTI:     SINGLE GETTER:                                                          O GETTER                       DATE:     LU   NOS NIB  STRONG LIKE BULL!!!! PERFECT BALANCE!!!!!STOCK PHOTOSALL TUBES MEASURE OVER 100% ON EACH TRIODE. This auction is for ONE TUBE. NOS NIB ALL TUBES ARE TESTED BEFORE THEY SHIP! Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE On my tester a B&K 747 tester:    Below 55 = BAD      55-65 = ?     65 -100 = Good     100-120+ = NOS     I want to see you happy with your purchase. I will never sell a tube that is below standard…… I have sold many tubes here on Ebay, and all my customers have been completely satisfied. I will work with you in good faith if there are any problems, or if you are unsatisfied in any way. I want your business now and in the future, so I assume you are the boss, and I am the employee. All tubes are tested for shorts, continuity, and emissions. I prefer PayPal. ALL CUSTOMERS PLEASE READ ALL NOTES BEFORE BUYING FROM ME !! 1.  RETURNS: It is my highest desire that you are completely satisfied with your purchase from me. I will bend over backwards to make sure that you are a happy customer. If anything you buy from me is less than satisfactory, message me BEFORE you either open a case or hit the “item not as described” button. Sound quality is tremendously SUBJECTIVE. For tubes returned for noise or sound quality of any kind you pay for the shipping we refund the purchase. We refund the price of the item NOT THE SHIPPING COST. If we sent the wrong tube we will of course pay for return shipping. For any tubes that are DOA we require that you send a us a picture of the shipping box to show us the damage. We test EVERY tube sent out and none should be DOA unless broken in shipping. 2.    PLEASE NOTE:  Tube silkscreen (lettering on the tubes) is VERY fragile. It can be wiped off and destroyed VERY easily. If you wipe off the silkscreen while handling the tube you diminish their value by up to 70%. DO NOT handle the tubes or hold them from the cylinder. ALWAYS hold them from the ENDS. If you are returning tubes and they are not in the same condition cosmetically I cannot give you a full refund. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. 3.  UNLESS YOU MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, YOU MUST PAY FOR ITEMS PURCHASED WITHIN 2 DAYS OR A CASE WILL BE OPENED FOR AN UNPAID ITEM!!! 4. TESTING: I test all tubes that I sell in one way or another, or I will state untested. I have a B&K 747 tube tester. This is a mutual conductance tester. It give a percentage value of gm for the tube under test and checks for shorts and grid emissions. I also use a Tektronix curve tracer for testing triodes. I give a number of evaluations for tubes. One evaluation is a screen shot of the tube with a high voltage applied to the plate. This helps the buyer see the linearity of the tube in question at the highest voltage the tube will see in a real circuit. The Curve tracer steps the triode through 10 gate/grid voltages starting with -10 volts and going to 0 volts. The lines show how the tube conducts throughout that range. At 0 volt the tube is at max conduction and is the top line on the display. It is easy at that point to take where that top line intersects the plate voltage, find the milliamp level and compare it to the datasheet. I give those numbers for you in the Item condition box. To further help the buyer I also include the Design values, for gm and ma readings in the table. This can then be compared to other tube sellers using inferior test methods such as Hickok,  Amplitrex, and other testers. The Tektronix curve tracer gives values within 3% of the actual value. The very best portable testers only can approach 10% accuracy.5.    Please note: The numbers given for gm are what I see on my tester. I DO NOT guarantee that you will see those numbers on your tester. I only guarantee that these tubes will test good, with no shorts, or gas, on a decent calibrated tester. I dont guarantee or imply anything else. 6. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Vintage tube testers almost always, due to age, have VERY LOW HEATER VOLTAGES!!!  Every tester I have ever bought is below 6 volts when selecting 6.3 volts. They average 5.8 volts. The voltage NEEDS to be 6.3 and 12.6. You can calibrate a vintage tube tester all you want. If the heater voltage is not right, you will NEVER get the right gm value. I have customers complain that their tubes are not the same as what I see on my tester. They say they have a calibrated tube tester. I have 40 tube testers. On all of them I have an outside regulated DC power supply that feeds the tube tester the correct heater voltage. 7. I dont check each and every tube for noise or tone. This is SUBJECTIVE and it is too time consuming. If you dont like the noise level or the tone we offer a hassle free refund policy.  International customers note: 1. Please wait for us to invoice you for the correct amount. If you have purchased more than one item, we must calculate how much the shipping will be. Shipping will be HIGHER due to insurance and shipping methods needed for expensive item totals. If you are buying only one item this will not be an issue. 2. Under no circumstances will we state on a US customs a declared value of less than the sale price. This is an honesty issue. We are honest with everyone to the best of our ability to do so. We want you to trust that what we say is true. There cannot be that trust, if we make false statements knowingly to anyone. If your country has tariffs/taxes so high that they cause large numbers of normally honest folks to make false statements, we urge you to work for change of those laws. 3 International buyers if you bought more than one item and want combined shipping it will ship in 2 days. 4. And all the Angels sang because the heavenly music was playing and it was turned all the way up.   Listing and template services provided by inkFrog

Soundbar Yamaha YAS-109 2.1 120W, Controllo Vocale Alexa, Bluetooth

End: 27.06. 2023 12:56:59 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 70.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225629290627
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: robertoclaurens (253|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Genova Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vendo Soundbar Yamaha YAS-109 usata pochissimo. Non possiedo la scatola ma dotata di tutti i suoi accessori come da foto.E un ottimo prodotto dal suono potente e avvolgente. La vendo perche ha dimensioni non compatibili con la nuova tv acquistata.

Jabra Evolve 75 MS Stereo Bluetooth Headphones - No Stand 7599-832-109 Wireless

End: 26.06. 2023 19:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 52.43 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275901907883
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: paolo7gtv (452|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Milton Keynes Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jabra Evolve 75 MS Stereo Bluetooth Wireless Headphones Part No. 7599-832-109 Excellent condition, opened but never used. Comes with USB charging lead and protective zip-up case. The Link USB adapter is not present but the headphones connect to all devices via a standard Bluetooth connection

Jabra Speak 510 MS Haut-Parleur de Conférence Bluetooth - Noir (7510-109)

End: 26.06. 2023 09:27:14 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225626557442
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: trajceg06 (71|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nice Frankreich
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 7,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jabra Speak 510 MS Haut-Parleur de Conférence Bluetooth - Noir (7510-109).

Pro-Gen lamp for VIEWSONIC RLC-109 with housing

End: 24.06. 2023 04:34:37 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 142.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325669187609
  • Seller: codalux (4950|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenfeldbruck. Bavaria Deutschland
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Beamer replacement lamp suitable for VIEWSONIC PA503W, PS501W, PS600W, VS16907, PG603WPro-Gen replacement lamps with housing are the clever alternative to original (OEM) lamps and offer the highest quality with an optimal price-performance ratio with service and guarantee processing in Germany. They ensure extraordinary brightness and brilliant colors with enduring performance and thus enable carefree projection.This is ensured by the exclusive use of branded lamps (OSRAM, Philips & Co.) in OEM quality. Easy replacement is ensured through the use of high quality lamp housings, making Pro-Gen replacement lamps ideal for use in both private and professional settings.Original replacement lamps without housing (OSRAM, Our ebay store About us Contact Pro-Gen lamp for VIEWSONIC RLC-109 with housing Beamer replacement lamp suitable for VIEWSONIC PA503W, PS501W, PS600W, VS16907, PG603W Pro-Gen replacement lamps with housing are the clever alternative to original (OEM) lamps and offer the highest quality with an optimal price-performance ratio with service and guarantee processing in Germany. They ensure extraordinary brightness and brilliant colors with enduring performance and thus enable carefree projection.This is ensured by the exclusive use of branded lamps (OSRAM, Philips & Co.) in OEM quality. Easy replacement is ensured through the use of high quality lamp housings, making Pro-Gen replacement lamps ideal for use in both private and professional settings. Original replacement lamps without housing (OSRAM, Philips, USHIO, Phoenix) are the first choice for the do-it-yourself reprocessing of your projector lamp module in OEM quality. Reusing your case reduces plastic waste, protects the environment and lowers your operating costs without any loss of quality! Still have questions about your order or our product? Write to us, well be happy to help!

Yamaha Audio YAS-109 Sound Bar with Built-In Subwoofers, Bluetooth, and Black

End: 23.06. 2023 23:43:01 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 179.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404317075381
  • Seller: xcanwholesale (170|86.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Winamac, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha Audio YAS-109 Sound Bar with Built-In Subwoofers, Bluetooth, and Black Product Details Easy setup with HDMI or Optical connections Built in subwoofers for deep bass in 1 slim sound bar Clear voice for enhanced dialogue clarity. Output power: 120W Alexa built in for voice control of your sound bar, playing music, listening to news, setting alarms and timers, asking questions, controlling smart home devices, and more DTS Virtual: x Virtual 3D surround sound. Audio Formats-File Format-WAV (PCM format only) / FLAC: up to 192kHz, ALAC: up to 96kHz, MP3 / WMA / MPEG-4 AAC: up to 48 kHz Play music and podcasts through Spotify connect, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth Yamaha YAS-109 sound bar with built-in subwoofers, Bluetooth, and Alexa voice control Built-in.


End: 19.06. 2023 20:54:27 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 27.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325663036714
  • Seller: mercedesman6572 (16260|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Tonopah, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 21,21 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

      TUBE HUNTER VACUUM TUBE GEMS THESE ARE THE SPECIFICS OF THE TUBE/TUBES FOR SALE THESE ARE THE TUBE/TUBES FOR SALE:    MANUFACTURER:                               RCA PRODUCTION CITY:                                     USA TUBE TYPE:    6CG7 DESIGNATION:                                             US MADE  YEAR:     1963 MONTH OR WEEK    04 Date code match    SINGLE SILK SCREEN CONDITION %:                    100% MICA:    2 PLATES:    GREY GM %:     109% and 111% SINGLE/PAIR/QUAD/MULTI:     SINGLE GETTER:                                                          O GETTER                       DATE:     63-04 188   NOS NIB  STRONG LIKE BULL!!!! PERFECT BALANCE!!!!! This auction is for ONE TUBE. NOS NIB ALL TUBES ARE TESTED BEFORE THEY SHIP! Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE On my tester a B&K 747 tester:    Below 55 = BAD      55-65 = ?     65 -100 = Good     100-120+ = NOS     I want to see you happy with your purchase. I will never sell a tube that is below standard…… I have sold many tubes here on Ebay, and all my customers have been completely satisfied. I will work with you in good faith if there are any problems, or if you are unsatisfied in any way. I want your business now and in the future, so I assume you are the boss, and I am the employee. All tubes are tested for shorts, continuity, and emissions. I prefer PayPal. ALL CUSTOMERS PLEASE READ ALL NOTES BEFORE BUYING FROM ME !! 1.  RETURNS: It is my highest desire that you are completely satisfied with your purchase from me. I will bend over backwards to make sure that you are a happy customer. If anything you buy from me is less than satisfactory, message me BEFORE you either open a case or hit the “item not as described” button. Sound quality is tremendously SUBJECTIVE. For tubes returned for noise or sound quality of any kind you pay for the shipping we refund the purchase. We refund the price of the item NOT THE SHIPPING COST. If we sent the wrong tube we will of course pay for return shipping. For any tubes that are DOA we require that you send a us a picture of the shipping box to show us the damage. We test EVERY tube sent out and none should be DOA unless broken in shipping. 2.    PLEASE NOTE:  Tube silkscreen (lettering on the tubes) is VERY fragile. It can be wiped off and destroyed VERY easily. If you wipe off the silkscreen while handling the tube you diminish their value by up to 70%. DO NOT handle the tubes or hold them from the cylinder. ALWAYS hold them from the ENDS. If you are returning tubes and they are not in the same condition cosmetically I cannot give you a full refund. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. 3.  UNLESS YOU MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, YOU MUST PAY FOR ITEMS PURCHASED WITHIN 2 DAYS OR A CASE WILL BE OPENED FOR AN UNPAID ITEM!!! 4. TESTING: I test all tubes that I sell in one way or another, or I will state untested. I have a B&K 747 tube tester. This is a mutual conductance tester. It give a percentage value of gm for the tube under test and checks for shorts and grid emissions. I also use a Tektronix curve tracer for testing triodes. I give a number of evaluations for tubes. One evaluation is a screen shot of the tube with a high voltage applied to the plate. This helps the buyer see the linearity of the tube in question at the highest voltage the tube will see in a real circuit. The Curve tracer steps the triode through 10 gate/grid voltages starting with -10 volts and going to 0 volts. The lines show how the tube conducts throughout that range. At 0 volt the tube is at max conduction and is the top line on the display. It is easy at that point to take where that top line intersects the plate voltage, find the milliamp level and compare it to the datasheet. I give those numbers for you in the Item condition box. To further help the buyer I also include the Design values, for gm and ma readings in the table. This can then be compared to other tube sellers using inferior test methods such as Hickok,  Amplitrex, and other testers. The Tektronix curve tracer gives values within 3% of the actual value. The very best portable testers only can approach 10% accuracy.5.    Please note: The numbers given for gm are what I see on my tester. I DO NOT guarantee that you will see those numbers on your tester. I only guarantee that these tubes will test good, with no shorts, or gas, on a decent calibrated tester. I dont guarantee or imply anything else. 6. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Vintage tube testers almost always, due to age, have VERY LOW HEATER VOLTAGES!!!  Every tester I have ever bought is below 6 volts when selecting 6.3 volts. They average 5.8 volts. The voltage NEEDS to be 6.3 and 12.6. You can calibrate a vintage tube tester all you want. If the heater voltage is not right, you will NEVER get the right gm value. I have customers complain that their tubes are not the same as what I see on my tester. They say they have a calibrated tube tester. I have 40 tube testers. On all of them I have an outside regulated DC power supply that feeds the tube tester the correct heater voltage. 7. I dont check each and every tube for noise or tone. This is SUBJECTIVE and it is too time consuming. If you dont like the noise level or the tone we offer a hassle free refund policy.  International customers note: 1. Please wait for us to invoice you for the correct amount. If you have purchased more than one item, we must calculate how much the shipping will be. Shipping will be HIGHER due to insurance and shipping methods needed for expensive item totals. If you are buying only one item this will not be an issue. 2. Under no circumstances will we state on a US customs a declared value of less than the sale price. This is an honesty issue. We are honest with everyone to the best of our ability to do so. We want you to trust that what we say is true. There cannot be that trust, if we make false statements knowingly to anyone. If your country has tariffs/taxes so high that they cause large numbers of normally honest folks to make false statements, we urge you to work for change of those laws. 3 International buyers if you bought more than one item and want combined shipping it will ship in 2 days. 4. And all the Angels sang because the heavenly music was playing and it was turned all the way up.   Listing and template services provided by inkFrog

Meze 109 Pro Over-ear Headphones, Walnut, Open Box with custom cable

End: 17.06. 2023 00:54:20 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 877.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285294437478
  • Seller: needtogetridofthisstuffagain (56|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I have tested these, and bought a cable especially for them before giving them a good listen to as you can see from my other live auctions, Ive been spending a lot on headphones looking for that grail, but to be honest I just prefer IEM sound. these do sound amazing with good amp, or even just thought my laptop. the treble was a bit hot for me, (maybe I should have ran them in?) also I just dont like open back sound, crazy I know, maybe why I love IEMS. So if your here you will know how well reviewed these are, they do have incredible comfort. The custom cable was bought from China from openheart on Aliexpress, and cost £40 delivered. These are like new, as I waited till I got some other over ears to do my sound test, they were bought March 1st for £769

codalux projector lamp for DIGITAL PROJECTION 105-495, 109-688 with housing

End: 13.06. 2023 16:35:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 58.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325656384066
  • Seller: codalux (4922|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenfeldbruck. Bavaria Deutschland
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    codalux projector lamp with housing for DIGITAL PROJECTION iVISION 20-1080P-XB, iVISION 20-1080P-XC, iVISION 20-1080P-XL, iVISION 20HD-W, iVision 20SX+, iVISION 20SX+UW, iVISION 20SX+W, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XB, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XC, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XL, iVISION 30-1080P, iVISION 30-1080P-W, iVISION 30SX+, iVISION 30SX+W Our ebay store About us Contact codalux projector lamp for DIGITAL PROJECTION 105-495, 109-688 with housing codalux projector lamp with housing for DIGITAL PROJECTION iVISION 20-1080P-XB, iVISION 20-1080P-XC, iVISION 20-1080P-XL, iVISION 20HD-W, iVision 20SX+, iVISION 20SX+UW, iVISION 20SX+W, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XB, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XC, iVISION 20-WUXGA-XL, iVISION 30-1080P, iVISION 30-1080P-W, iVISION 30SX+, iVISION 30SX+W Still have questions about your order or our product? Write to us, well be happy to help!

Pro-Gen lamp for DIGITAL PROJECTION 109-804 with housing

End: 13.06. 2023 16:35:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 228.78 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275853018374
  • Seller: codalux (4922|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenfeldbruck. Bavaria Deutschland
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Beamer replacement lamp suitable for DIGITAL PROJECTION EON WXGA 6000, EON XGA 6000, E-Vision WXGA 600, E-Vision XGA 600Pro-Gen replacement lamps with housing are the clever alternative to original (OEM) lamps and offer the highest quality with an optimal price-performance ratio with service and guarantee processing in Germany. They ensure extraordinary brightness and brilliant colors with enduring performance and thus enable carefree projection.This is ensured by the exclusive use of branded lamps (OSRAM, Philips & Co.) in OEM quality. Easy replacement is ensured through the use of high quality lamp housings, making Pro-Gen replacement lamps ideal for use in both private and professional settings.Original replacement Our ebay store About us Contact Pro-Gen lamp for DIGITAL PROJECTION 109-804 with housing Beamer replacement lamp suitable for DIGITAL PROJECTION EON WXGA 6000, EON XGA 6000, E-Vision WXGA 600, E-Vision XGA 600 Pro-Gen replacement lamps with housing are the clever alternative to original (OEM) lamps and offer the highest quality with an optimal price-performance ratio with service and guarantee processing in Germany. They ensure extraordinary brightness and brilliant colors with enduring performance and thus enable carefree projection.This is ensured by the exclusive use of branded lamps (OSRAM, Philips & Co.) in OEM quality. Easy replacement is ensured through the use of high quality lamp housings, making Pro-Gen replacement lamps ideal for use in both private and professional settings. Original replacement lamps without housing (OSRAM, Philips, USHIO, Phoenix) are the first choice for the do-it-yourself reprocessing of your projector lamp module in OEM quality. Reusing your case reduces plastic waste, protects the environment and lowers your operating costs without any loss of quality! Still have questions about your order or our product? Write to us, well be happy to help!

7510-109 Jabra Speak 510 MS vivavoce Universale USB/Bluetooth Nero 57069910148

End: 06.06. 2023 17:05:31 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 105.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134590644687
  • Seller: okp_2021 (675|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 7,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jabra Speak 510 MS vivavoce Universale USB/Bluetooth Nero CODICE ARTICOLO: 7510-109 DESCRIZIONE ARTICOLO Trasforma qualsiasi chiamata in una teleconferenza in pochi secondi con Jabra Speak 510, lintuitivo dispositivo vivavoce USB e Bluetooth di Jabra dallaudio eccezionalmente cristallino. Tutte le funzioni di conferenza a portata di mano, senza alcuna complessità. Progettato per riempire la stanza con il suono, lo Speak 510 è un dispositivo viva voce per chiamate in teleconferenza pensato per coloro che desiderano un audio straordinario e compatibilità con tutte le principali piattaforme per le UC. Grazie al microfono omnidirezionale, tutti sperimentano una chiamata cristallina. Connessione tramite USB o Bluetooth®. Copertura nella stanza per un massimo di quattro persone. Tasto Smart one-touch per MS Cortana, Siri® e Google Assistant™*. Accessori inclusiAC adaptorRetroilluminazioneNoDisplay incorporatoNoTecnologia di connessioneCon cavo e senza cavoInterfacciaUSB/BluetoothBluetoothSProfili BluetoothHSPVersione Bluetooth3.0Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)NoLarghezza120 mmProfondit120 mmAltezza33 mmPeso195 gTipologia alimentazioneBatteriaTempo di conversazione15 hDurata batteria15 hTempo di ricarica2 hAlimentazione5V DCIntervallo temperatura di funzionamento5 - 40 CIntervallo di temperatura-5 - 45 CLarghezza imballo145 mmProfondit imballo45 mmAltezza imballo132 mmPeso dellimballo300 gVelocit di alimentazione della carta (a colori, lettere)1Modalit mute microfonoSTipo direzionamento microfonoOmnidirezionaleQuantit1Tipo di dispositivoUniversaleAutoNoColore del prodottoNeroTelefono con vivavoceSCancellazione ecoSMassima distanza di funzionamento100 mLettore di schede integratoNoLED integratoSIndicatori LEDSIndicatore livello batteriaSInterrutore On/OffSPlug & PlaySTipo di controlloPulsantiSistema operativo Windows supportatoSCompatibilit sistema operativo MacSPaese di origineCinaLarghezza scatola principale39,9 cmLunghezza del cartone principale16,7 cmAltezza scatola principale59,5 cmPeso del cartone principale9,32 kgQuantit per cartone principale32 pz Creata da Sellrapido - Vendi i tuoi prodotti, Gestisci le tue vendite

Samsung The Sero GQ43LS05BAUXZG LED 4K / UHD Smart TV (Tizen) 109 cm (43") HDR

End: 06.06. 2023 06:06:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1599.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325678281588
  • Seller: computeruniverse (199129|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Friedberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 39,99 EUR
  • on EBAY

Yamaha YAS-109 - 2.1-Channel Soundbar with Built-in Subwoofers & Alexa, Black

End: 06.06. 2023 00:20:06 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 244.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204355210645
  • Seller: pluto-house (494|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Locations USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Menu HomeAboutFeedbackContactView all items categories Laser TVsReceivers & AmplifiersSpeakers & SoundbarsPro AudioEverything Else Laser TVsReceivers & AmplifiersSpeakers & SoundbarsPro AudioEverything Else Yamaha YAS-109 - 2.1-Channel Soundbar with Built-in Subwoofers & Alexa, Black Product Description specification Description Yamaha YAS-109 - 2.1-Channel Soundbar with Built-in Subwoofers and Alexa Built-in - Black Specifications Shipping Payment Returns Warranty Contact Shipping * Items will be shipped within 1-2 business days of receiving payment. (We are closed on weekends and most major holidays.) * Delivery ETA: eBay supplies an estimated delivery date that is JUST an estimation. It is a proprietary method of estimating delivery times based on the buyers proximity to the item location, the shipping service selected, the sellers shipping history, and other factors. * You will receive a tracking number once your item ships. We ship from multiple locations in the USA. Signature may be required upon delivery. Address changes are not permitted. Please call us for assistance. Shipping within the 48 contiguous United States ONLY. No international shipping. No delivery to Alaska or Hawaii. No P.O. Box delivery. No APO/FPO delivery. * Items will be shipped within 1-2 business days of receiving payment with the exception of larger televisions that ship via freight. (We are closed on weekends and most major holidays.) Payment Immediate payment is required We do not sell to resellers. The purchase MUST be made by the end user Must have a valid working phone number for all orders. We will not ship items without it May require additional customer verification. If information cannot be verified, we reserve the right to cancel the order For payment questions, please contact eBay or PayPal. We do not take payment. As per eBay policy, we can only ship to the address that is listed on your order at checkout. Returns We offer Free 30 day returns on all items. Refer to eBay return policy for more details. Warranty All Items come with manufacturer warranty. Please refer to manufacturer website for details. Contact Click Here To Contact Us HomeAboutFeedback ContactView all items Copyright © 2022 Pluto House. All rights reserved. eBay Templates Design by OCDesignsOnline

Yamaha Soundbar YAS-109 Alexa Equipped HDMI DTS Virtual: X Bluetooth Compatible

End: 04.06. 2023 20:29:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 365.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304925613766
  • Seller: tokkoba (349|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for visiting our page c18udenls3 Detail Yamaha Soundbar YAS-109 Alexa Equipped HDMI DTS Virtual: X Bluetooth Compatible [ Condition ] New [ Brand ] Yamaha [ Release Date(yyyy/mm/dd) ] [ Note : Pre-Order (P/O) ] If title has Pre-Order, we will ship out as soon as released. We want all buyers to understand there is possibility that the manufacturer will change contents, date and quantity for sale. Please enter the model number Check if this fits: Please enter the model number Check if this fits: Check if this fits: Built-in voice control microphone, compatible with the voice assistant function of Amazon Alexa Virtual Supports 3D surround technology DTS Virtual: X and reproduces virtual sound field in the height direction Supports music distribution services Spotify and Amazon Music and can be operated with a dedicated app Sophistication with a thin round form Achieves a well-designed design, excellent installability, and operability the condition rank : New [ Country of Manufacture ] If Made in Japan is NOT described on whole listing page,Items are manufactured in other country (China, Vietnam and etc.). [ Manual & Menu Language ] We treat Japanese Market Usage Items. So items have only Japanese Manual & Menu Language. Please contact us if you would like to know more details. *Japanese Menu Only : Panasonic Camera *English Menu available : Nikon, Canon [ Warranty ] Japanese Warranty Only. Buyers need to send item to us in Japan to repair with warranty & own all shipping cost. If you need to repair item in your country with warranty, please do not order this item. [ Electronics ] Japan Usage Item. Voltage:100V, Plug :Type A, FM Tune:70-90MHz Please check your countrys condition for use. [ Multiple sizes and colors ] Before your payment, please contact us about stock of size & color. Payment [ International Buyers - Please Note ] - Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. - Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. - These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up. Please do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. Please pay within 3 days after your purchase. levelcountryservice namespeedtrack numberexpeditedworldwideEMS,DHL or FedExabout 1 weekyes If your address is remote, you will have to pay additional shipping charges. Please check the following site. In this case, you will need to pay the remote fee before shipping. --> Shipping [ Method ] levelcountryservice namespeedtrack numberexpeditedworldwideEMS,DHL or FedExabout 1 weekyes If your address is remote, you will have to pay additional shipping charges. Please check the following site. In this case, you will need to pay the remote fee before shipping. [ Shipping Address ] We ship to only address where be registered by ebay. [ Other Carrier ] We can arrange shipment by EMS,DHL and FedEx. Please ask us about Handling Time and Price. [ Combine shipping & Large Quantity ] Please contact us for combine shipping & large quantity deals before payment.We do our best for you!!!!! [ Order Processing & Handling Time ] Your order will be shipped within 5~7 business days (excluding Saturday, Sunday & Japans Holiday) after the payment is confirmed. [ Compensation & Insurance] When you choose EMS, in order to receive compensation, it is necessary to open the box and check your item with delivery staff at the time of delivery. If you dont do that, you may not receive compensation and new item from us even if your item is damaged and lacked. [ Li-ion Battery ] Some countries( Germany,France,Italy,Mongolia,SriLanka,Turkey,Nigeria and more.) does not accept lithium battery via EMS, SAL by Post Office. Please check your countrys rule yourself. If we receive order from buyer who located in these countries, we will ask buyer to choose 1 from 3. 1. Ship without Ri-ion Battery removed from item. 2. Change shipping method to Fedex or DHL with additional shipping cost. 3. Cancel