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Technics SL-M2 Direct Drive Automatic Turntable System used free first shipping

End: 13.11. 2023 15:43:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 448.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:45:44
  • Item number: 166376794985
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Shipping Expeditated Shipping (Japan Post , FedEx , DHL) : The package will arrive 2-5 days after shipment. Shipping : Approximately 7 business days after payment is confirmed. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please dont hesitate to contact us in your native language. Thank you.

Technics SL-G700M2 Netzwerk/Super Audio CD-Spieler– GARANTIE!

End: 12.11. 2023 12:41:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2450.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:55:19
  • Item number: 276096257730
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Österreich Österreich
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-G700M2 Netzwerk/Super Audio CD-Spieler– GARANTIE!Das ist die neueste/aktuellste Version in schwarz. CD, SACD, Netzwerkradio, Streamer, MQA-Dateien und MQA-CD, WAV/AIFF, FLAC/ALAC und DSD-Daten, USB Superpräziser Coherent D/A-Wandler, Kohärente Signalverarbeitung, Mehrstufiges, rauscharmes Netzteil, Aktive Rauschunterdrückung durch Strominjektion, Hochwertige Gehäusekonstruktion und entkoppeltes Chassis Weitere technische Details findet ihr auf der Technics Homepage. H/B/T/kg – 9,8/43,0/40,3/12,3 Gekauft am 25.03.2023 bei einem österreichischen HiFi Händler (nicht Online). Absolut neuwertig; keinerlei Abnutzungen Sehr wenige Spielstunden. Neupreis € 2.990.- Jetzt Schnäppchen um € 2.450.- Das Gerät hat noch Original-Händler-Garantie Das Gerät ist wie neu, alle Beschreibungen, Fernsteuerung, Rechnung, und alles, was sonst in der Verpackung war wird mitgeliefert. Keine Originalverpackung; die Verpackung kommt von einem anderen Player. Es handelt sich um einen privaten Verkauf. Ohne Garantien, Gewährleistungen und Rücknahmen.

Technics Wuartz Direct Drive Turntable System SL-M2 Operating Instructions OEM

End: 30.10. 2023 12:40:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166227330038
  • Seller: alphawolf001 (1803|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Metuchen, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics Wuartz Direct Drive Turntable System SL-M2 Operating Instructions OEM Condition is used. Check out all my listings.

Technics SL-M1 SL-M2 Platter Mat/ Used Turntable Parts SFTGMO1NO1 D-2

End: 29.10. 2023 22:53:23 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.75 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 18:16:12
  • Item number: 266432478712
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Fairless Hills,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-M1 SL-M2 Platter Mat/ Used Turntable Parts SFTGMO1NO1 D-2. Rubber is in excellent condition, no dry rot or cracks. In good used condition.

Technics SL-G700M2 Referenz Netzwerk- CD- SACD- Multiplayer / Euro 3000,--

End: 27.10. 2023 18:15:01 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 9T 22:38:2
  • Item number: 355106289686
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Albstadt,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-G700M2 Referenz Netzwerk- CD- SACD- Multiplayer / Euro 3000,--Neue Webseite unter Audition6TechnicsSL-G700M2Referenz Netzwerk-, CD-, SACD-, Multiformat Player, DacHerbst 2023 !!!Pre order!Farbe schwarz / black oder silber / silver UVP: Euro 3000,-- Zum Verkauf kommt der brandneue SL-G700 MK2 Referenz Netzwerk- CD- SACD- Multiformat Player + Dac des japanischen Spezialisten Technics, wahlweise in schwarz oder silber.Sale of the brandnew SL-G700 MK2 reference network- cd- sacd- multiunit player + dac from the Japanese specialist Technics. You can choose between black and silver color.Wird für Sie geordert. Bitte Lieferzeit einkalkulieren!!!Will be ordered for you. Some waiting time!!!Produktinformationen Technics SL-G700MK2Technics SL-G700MK2 Grand Class Netzwerk-/SACD-Spieler der neuen Generation. Der SL-G700M2 ist ein digitaler Multi-Player, der die überwiegende Mehrheit aller heute verfügbaren digitalen Audiomedien beherrscht, darunter auch MQA®. Er unterstützt zahlreiche Hi-Res Formate und eine Vielzahl von Musik-Streamingdiensten. Gegenüber seinem Vorgänger glänzt der neue SL-G700M2 mit vielen technischen Neuerungen und weiter verbesserter Klangqualität.Bei der Entwicklung neuer Technologien in der digitalen Audiosignalverarbeitung für die nächste Produktgeneration war es das erklärte Ziel von Technics, eine perfekte Phasenlage und ideale Impulsantworten zu erreichen. Diese Eigenschaften sind für eine naturgetreue Musikwiedergabe mit einer realistischen Klangbühne unerlässlich. Bereits im Jahr 2014 hat Technics im SE-R1 mit LAPC (Load Adaptive Phase Calibration) eine branchenführende Technologie eingesetzt, die mit Space Tune und dem PHONO Response Optimiser fortgeführt wurde und je nach Produkt und Klasse in vielen Technics-Produkten konsequent zum Einsatz kommt.Um auch im SL-G700M2 diese Technologien umzusetzen, wurde dieser mit einem hochpräzisen D/A-Wandler ausgestattet, der digitale Werte mit höchster Genauigkeit in analoge Signale umwandelt, bevor er sie an einen Verstärker weiterleitet. Die gesamte Wandler-Einheit arbeitet dabei in drei Stufen: Einer kohärenten Signal-Verarbeitung; dem eigentlichen Hochleistungs-D/A-Wandler in Dual-Mono-Konfiguration und einer speziell entwickelten, diskret aufgebauten Verstärkerschaltung.Kohärente Signalverarbeitung: Diese Technologie verbessert die Reproduzierbarkeit von Impulssignalen durch Minimierung von Amplituden- und Phasenabweichungen, die während des D/A-Wandlungsprozesses auftreten. Das Ergebnis ist dank proprietärer digitaler Signalverarbeitung eine Steigerung der Klangreinheit und ein klareres Klangbild für PCM-Signale* bis zu 192 kHz. *DSD-Signale wie Super Audio CD werden direkt in den DAC eingegeben, ohne diese Verarbeitung durchzuführen.2. Hochleistungs-D/A-Wandler in Doppel-Mono-Konfiguration: Der SL-G700MK2 verfügt mit dem ESS ES9026PRO über einen topaktuellen, dualen D/A-Wandler. Die symmetrische Platzierung der einzelnen Einheiten für linken und rechten Kanal auf jeder Seite des Chips und ihre unabhängigen Signalwege reduzieren gegenseitige Störungen und geben das im Musiksignal enthaltene Klangspektrum sowie räumliche Informationen originalgetreu wieder.3. Diskret aufgebaute Verstärkerschaltung: Ebenso wichtig für den Analogausgang wie der D/A-Wandler ist der nachgeschaltete Filterschaltkreis. Beim SL-G700MK2 kommt hier kein einfacher Operationsverstärker-IC zum Einsatz, sondern eigens entwickelte Verstärkerzüge mit diskretem Aufbau. Transistoren mit niedrigem Eigenrauschen und Dünnfilmwiderstände halten das Rauschen so niedrig wie möglich. Die sehr lineare, originalgetreue Wiedergabe lässt auch kleinste Details klar und transparent erscheinen.Da digitale Audioplayer kleinste Signale verarbeiten, ist eine sorgfältige Rauschunterdrückung erforderlich, da selbst das geringste Rauschen die Klangqualität erheblich beeinträchtigen kann. Der SL-G700MK2 ist daher mit einem mehrstufigen „Silent-Netzteil“ ausgestattet, welches eigens von Technics entwickelte und bewährte Technologien einsetzt. Das Multi-Stage „Silent-Netzteil“ bietet daher eine effektive Rauschunterdrückung in drei Stufen mit einem ultraschnellen Schaltnetzteil einem rauscharmen Regler und der aktive Rauschunterdrückung durch die sogenannte Strominjektion.1. Ultraschnelles Schaltnetzteil: Der SL-G700MK2 verwendet ein Hochgeschwindigkeits-Schaltnetzteil mit einer Taktung von etwa 300 kHz, welches bereits im legendären Technics Referenzklasse-Verstärker SU-R1000 eingesetzt wurde. Dank dieser enorm hohe Schaltfrequenz werden störende Einflüsse auf das Musiksignal minimiert und eine äußerst reaktionsschnelle, stabile Stromversorgung sichergestellt.2. Rauscharmer Regelkreis: In Verbindung mit einem Spannungsregler bietet das Netzteil des SL-G700MK2 eine stabile Stromversorgung mit extrem geringem Rauschen. Diese Regel- Schaltung verwendet keine einfachen Standard-ICs sondern ist stattdessen mit diskreten, selektierten Bauteilen aufgebaut, die nach intensiven Hörvergleichen für ein originalgetreues Klangbild ausgesucht wurden.3. Aktive Rauschunterdrückung durch Strom-Injektion: Diese von Technics neu entwickelte Technologie entfernt unerwünschte Rauschkomponenten, indem durch Einspeisung eines in Phase invertiertem Strom ein von der Schaltung erkanntes Rauschsignal eliminiert wird.Der SL-G700MK2 unterstützt die Wiedergabe des hochwertigen Disc-Formats Super Audio CD und verfügt über einen dedizierten SACD/CD-Modus „Pure Disc Playback“ für maximale Klangqualität. Dieser Modus schaltet alle Schaltungsblöcke außer denen ab, die für die Super Audio CD/CD-Wiedergabe erforderlich sind. Dadurch wird internes Rauschen deutlich reduziert und die Klangqualität hörbar verbessert. Der SL-G700MK2 kann MQA-Dateien und MQA-CDs dekodieren und wiedergeben. Verschiedene andere hochauflösende Formate werden ebenfalls unterstützt, einschließlich WAV/AIFF bis zu 384 kHz/32 Bit, FLAC/ALAC bis zu 384 kHz/24 Bit und DSD mit einer Datenrate bis zu 11,2 MHz.Dank der Unterstützung von „Google Chromecast built-in“ ermöglicht der SL-G700M2 den Zugriff auf eine breite Palette von Musik-Streamingdiensten über Chromecast-fähige Apps. Kabellose Wi-Fi®- und Bluetooth®-Verbindungen werden ebenso wie Apple AirPlay 2 unterstützt. Der Player ist außerdem mit einem neuen USB-B-Anschluss ausgestattet, der eine ständige Verbindung mit einem Netzwerk-Audioserver oder PC zur Wiedergabe hochauflösender Musikdaten vom angeschlossenen Gerät ermöglicht.Das Gehäusekonstruktion des SL-G700MK2 in vier Sektionen unterteilt, wobei die Stromversorgung, die digitale Schnittstellen, die analogen Schaltungen und die Laufwerks-Einheit entkoppelt sind und somit jeweils unabhängig voneinander arbeiten können. Diese Trennung der Baugruppen unterdrückt gegenseitige Interferenzen zwischen den Schaltkreisen und verbessert somit die gesamte Klangqualität. Beim Abspielvorgang einer Disc ist die Auslesepräzision der Daten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das CD/SACD-Laufwerk im SL-G700 besteht aus einer dreifach-geschachtelten Chassis-Konstruktion. Dieses ermöglicht ein besonders fehlerfreies Auslesen der Daten und verhindert gleichzeitig eine Übertragung von Vibrationen in die Peripherie des Laufwerks. Darüber hinaus besitzt das Laufwerk des SL-G700 auch eine stabile Disc-Schublade aus Aluminium-Druckguss, die sich durch eine hohe Vibrationsdämpfung auszeichnet und eine hochpräzise Wiedergabe sicherstellt.Details Technics SL-G700MK2SACD (Single/Hybrid 2ch) CD-WiedergabeNetzwerkunterstützung für hochauflösende digitale AudiodateienEinschließlich MQAMQA-CD-WiedergabeEingebauter Chromecast / Funktioniert mit Google AssistantSpotify-VerbindungTIDALDEEZERInternet-RadioAirplay2Roon ready (per Software-Update nach der Einführung)BluetoothGeräuscharmes Hochgeschwindigkeits-Hybrid-NetzteilHochwertiger D/A-Wandler AK4497, und DualMono-Konstruktion D/A-Schaltung, variabler analoger AudioAusgangDiskretes AMP-ModulBatteriebetriebener TaktgeneratorPure Disc Mode für SACD/CD-Wiedergabe für mehrKlangreinheitUnterstützt höherwertige Kopfhöreranschlüsse mitIntegriertem Kopfhörer-Amp der Klasse AAHochauflösendes Re-MasteringVierteilige KonfigurationHochstabiles Gehäuse und Aluminium-Druckguss Disc-Tray -Hochstabiler SACD-Mechanismus7 mm dicke Aluminiumplatte für die FrontblendeSteueranschluss für die Systemsteuerung mit SU-G700Disc KompatibilitätSuper Audio CD (2 ch area only), CD, CD-R, CD-RWDisc FormatSuper Audio CD, CD-DAFrequency ResponseSuper Audio CD: 2 Hz to 50 kHz (-3 dB) / CD: 2Hz to 20 kHz (-3 dB)Dynamic Range (IHF-A)Super Audio CD: BALANCED: 110dB (IHF-A) /UNBALANCED: 110dB (IHF-A)CD: BALANCED: 98dB (IHF-A) / UNBALANCED: 98dB (IHF-A)Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF-A)BALANCED: 110 dB (IHF-A) / UNBALANCED: 110 dB (IHF-A)THD+NSuper Audio CD: 0.0006% (1 kHz, 0 dB) / CD: 0.0015% (1 kHz, 0 dB)Anschlüsse: Digital EingangCoaxial Digital x 1, Optical Digital x 1, USB-A x 2, USB-B x1 (back)Anschlüsse: Analog AusgangBALANCED x 1, UNBALANCED x 1Support Variable Level OutputAnschlüsse: Digital AusgangCoaxial Digital x 1, Optical Digital x 1System PortSystem Control Input / Output (?3.5 mm Jack)Kopfhörer Ausgang?6.3 mm, 110 mV, 32 ? VOL MAXUSB-A/ USB-B (Rückseite)32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24 bit2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 11.2MHz32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz / 16-320 kbps32, 44.1, 48 kHz / 16-320 kbpsNetzwerk Wiedergabe (unterstützte Codecs)32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24 bit2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 11.2 MHz32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24 bit32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz / 16-320 kbps32, 44.1, 48 kHz / 16-320 kbpsEthernet InterfaceLAN (100 Base-TX / 10 Base-T)Wi-FiIEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz BandBluetooth (Codec)AAC, SBC, LDACJa (AAC, SBC, LDAC)StromversorgungAC 220-240 V, 50 Hz / 60 HzStromverbrauch/ Standby45W/ 2WAbmessungen (B x H x T)430 x 98 x 407 mmGewicht12.3 kg


End: 26.10. 2023 20:13:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 19:43:43
  • Item number: 364322324767
  • Seller: turntableworld02 (120|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Ca de Fabbri Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-2000 COVER LED LIGHT STROBE LAMP NEON - SFUM200-02Proveniente da Technics SL-2000 Disponibili altri ricambi. Foto Reali. >>>> ENGLISH VERSION <<<< Coming from Technics SL-2000 Other spare parts available. Real Photos.


End: 26.10. 2023 20:12:41 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 19:42:55
  • Item number: 364322324071
  • Seller: turntableworld02 (120|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Ca de Fabbri Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-2000 COVER LED LIGHT STROBE LAMP NEON - SFUM200-02Proveniente da Technics SL-2000 Disponibili altri ricambi. Foto Reali. >>>> ENGLISH VERSION <<<< Coming from Technics SL-2000 Other spare parts available. Real Photos.

Technics SL-M2 Direct Drive Automatic Turntable Pre-Owned From JAPAN

End: 19.10. 2023 20:24:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 412.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355079455553
  • Seller: allmant-jp (39|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sakaishi, default Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Our products are 100% authentic! DescriptionCondition: The power has been checked. Both 33/45 rotated in response to the switch, but sound cant be played with the needle attached, so will be sold as it is. There are scratches on the dust cover and metal parts are dull. Please confirm the state with a photograph.PaymentWe will ship the item 3~10 business days after your payment clears.ShippingWe ship via Fedex or DHL or Japan Post. All orders will be shipped with tracking number. Please bid with confidence.I will only ship to addresses that are registered with ebay. Please note that we cannot ship to non-registered addresses.Terms of SaleReturnsReturns are accepted ONLY if the item was not the item described.International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.

Technics HiFi Stereo Seperates HiFi SA-104L - Tape Deck M216 - Turntable SL-B21

End: 17.10. 2023 07:18:19 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 230.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285350734766
  • Seller: philip8746 (2054|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: St. Helens Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 63,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully Working system, all tested thoroughly, the Turntable has new belt (receipt provided). The tape deck works on fastforward, rewind, play and sounds surprisingly good given its age. The Stereo Receiver works on all channels and has virtually no crackling when dials and switches are operated. The stylus looks relatively new and has a protective cover with it. The only issue is the Turntable hinges which have snapped unfortunately. The lid is without cracks but has scratches. It does require a 4 way in-line unit (included) - see photos but the Turntable can run off a conventional figure 8 plug and lead if you wish. The Turntable is much deeper than the amp and tape deck so would advise putting it on a seperate shelf (not resting it on top as seen in photos) Manual for Turntable and Reciever are included as well Stereo RCA leads you see in the photos. Will be carefully packaged as much as possible though and dispatched within two working days of purchase via DHL. Full tracking details provided. International delivery available via eBays global shipping programme.

Technics SL-G700M2, Netzwerk-/SACD Player, Schwarz, 6/2023

End: 08.10. 2023 06:25:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2399.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204486290767
  • Seller: YS7h2pV8SVu@Deleted (385|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Butzbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-G700M2, Netzwerk-/SACD Player, Schwarz, 6/2023Technics SL-G700M2, Schwarz, Netzwerk-/SACD Player, Schwarz, 6/2023. Grand Class – Multiformat Player der Spitzenklasse Netzwerk / Super Audio CD-Spieler SL-G700M2: Netzwerkunterstützung für hochauflösende digitale Audiodateien einschließlich MQA MQA-CD-Wiedergabe , Airplay2, Chromecast built-in, Spotify, amazon music, deezer, TIDAL, quobuz, Internet Radio sind mit an Bord. Weitere Details bitte bei technics anschauen. Das Gerät funktioniert einwandfrei und befindet sich in einem optisch sehr guten Zustand. Die Rechnung vom 14. Juni 2023 liegt bei. Neupreis 2999 Euro. Zubehör ist komplett. Das Gerät wird voll versichert in der OVP versandt. Dies ist ein Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmängelhaftung.

Technics Grand Class SL-G700M2E-S Rückläufer

End: 25.09. 2023 16:50:09 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204454601078
  • Seller: fidelity_acker*buck (29|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rellingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics Grand Class SL-G700M2E-S RückläuferTechnics Grand Class SL-G700M2E-S Rückläufer Das Gerät wurde ausgepackt und getestet. Der Karton war geöffnet. Das Gerät ist technisch und optisch einwandfrei. Inkl. Rechnung und voller Hersteller Garantie Zubehör vollständig. Hinweis zur Batterieentsorgung Die chemischen Inhaltsstoffe von Batterien können bei nicht sachgemäßer Lagerung und Entsorgung Umwelt und Gesundheit schädigen. Nur über eine vom sonstigen Hausmüll getrennte Sammlung und Verwertung können gesundheits- und umweltschädigende Auswirkungen vermieden werden. Batterien können auch wiederverwertbare Rohstoffe enthalten. Batterien dürfen daher nicht über den normalen Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet, gebrauchte Altbatterien (wiederaufladebar und nicht-wiederaufladbar) zurückzugeben bzw. ordnungsgemäß zu entsorgen. Dazu können Sie Ihre gebrauchten Altbatterien bei den öffentlichen Sammelstellen in Ihrer Gemeinde oder in Verkaufsstellen (bei einem Versender können Sie am Versandlager zurückgeben) unentgeltlich abgeben. Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei auf für Endnutzer für die Entsorgung übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat. Das Zeichen mit der durchgestrichenen Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien aufgrund ihres Schadstoffgehaltes nicht in den Hausmüll geben dürfen. Unter diesem Zeichen können Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung finden: Pb: Batterie enthält Blei Cd: Batterie enthält Cadmium Hg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber

Technics SL-M2 turntable record player From Japan

End: 16.09. 2023 01:04:23 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1142.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374765293800
  • Seller: omakase_retro (69|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product:Turntable record player TechnicsCondition:Very GoodProduct Details:Turntable record playerAccessories:Record playerPayment:Pyament within 3daysShipping: Japan Post & Fedex:7-20DaysInternational Buyers: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.Return& Questions: For returns within 60 days, please explain and consult in advance. Any other questions will be answered within 48 hours.

Technics SL-G700M2 SACD Cd Streamer Dac Orig Box Manual Remote 1 Owner Mint

End: 13.09. 2023 20:03:47 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2273.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256212623222
  • Seller: 3mahighendaudio (888|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Houston, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    1 Owner trade in: TECHNICS - SL-G700M2-K Network/SACD Player Mint condition and play perfectly. We take trade in, please contact us here or 3mA audio Houston Tx. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @3mAaudio 3mA audio is authorized dealer for: MBL MAGICO dCS Bowers&wilkins Audio research Luxman Yg acoustic Anthem Clearaudio ACORA Shunyata Nordost AudioQuest Ultrasonic audio Artnovion Aurender Acousitic signature Estelon Berkeley audio HiFi Rose Chord audio Rel acoustic Degritter HifiRose Marantz Innuos Perlisten Stax HeadAmp Blue Hawaii

Technics SL-D202,SU-V3,RS-M230, ST-Z11, Speakers and Manuals.

End: 09.09. 2023 16:00:11 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 346.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155751015616
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: nigeweb4 (790|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sale Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TECHNICS SL-D202 direct drive turntable no cover, SU-V3 STEREO INTEGRATED DC Amplifier, ST-Z11L fm/mw/lw stereo tuner, all in good working condition. 2 x stereo speakers plus full set of operating manuals and schematic diagrams with connection diagram for units. Also included is RS-M230 tape deck which works when it feels like so is included for parts or not working, all items were purchased together at the same time in the late 70s or early 80s not sure which and have been with me from new. Can be collected from Sale in Manchester or will deliver in 50 mile radius for fuel money which will be much cheaper than post.

Technics Vintage 1980s Stacking System SL-B202,SU-Z11,ST-Z11L,RS-M215

End: 09.09. 2023 10:52:22 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126076153326
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: jd20060_0 (98|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leicester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics Vintage Hi-Fi System SL-B202,SU-Z11,ST-Z11L,RS-M215 and 2 x SB-3030 Stored in garage for last 2 years, not confirmed working

Technics SL-G700M2 Network/SACD Player

End: 22.08. 2023 20:18:27 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2652.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225646705465
  • Seller: audiophilemusicdirect (2027|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About this product:Technics SL-G700M2 Network/SACD Player Offers Dazzling Sonics for Brilliant Streaming, Astonishing Disc Playback, Full MQA Decoding, and MoreThe Technics SL-G700M2 Network/Super Audio CD Player can serve as the agile, potent centerpiece of your hi-fi system, providing exquisite sonics whenever you stream music or play discs. An improved successor to the acclaimed SL-G700, the SL-G700M2 offers numerous digital and analog upgrades to improve its performance and sound. Versatile and flexible, the SL-G700M2 supports Super Audio CD and standard CD playback, full MQA decoding, numerous other high-resolution audio sources, and a wide variety of streaming services.Precision engineering enables the SL-G700M2 to offer spectacular sound. Under the hood, the unit is divided into four sections, with the power supply, digital interface, analog circuitry, and disk drive sections each being independent of one another. This design suppresses mutual interference between circuits and reduces potential sonic degradation. The disc drive adopts a meticulously designed, three-layer chassis configuration. Additional vibration-damping and low-noise techniques and materials—including a disc tray made of die-cast aluminum—ensure high-precision disc playback.The SL-G700M2 is equipped with the High Precision Coherent D/A Converter, which converts digital values to analog signals with the utmost precision and outputs them to an amplifier. The three precisely engineered elements include coherent processing; a high-performance D/A converter in dual monaural configuration; and a proprietary discrete amplifier circuit. The dual ESS ES9026PRO is newly adopted for the DAC chip. The symmetrical placement of one (Left/Right) unit on each side, and their independent transmission structures, reduce mutual interference and faithfully reproduce the image and spatial perspective contained in the original sound source. The filter circuit after the D/A conversion uses an amplifier circuit with a unique discrete configuration. This results in higher responsiveness and a better signal-to-noise ratio.Technics proprietary coherent processing technology improves the reproducibility of impulse signals by minimizing amplitude and phase deviations that occur throughout the D/A conversion process for signals up to 192kHz PCM, using proprietary digital signal processing. With this processing, the purity of the sound is increased, and the imaging is clearer. (DSD signals such as those from a Super Audio CD are input directly to the DAC without performing this processing.)Digital audio players that handle small signals require thorough noise suppression because even the slightest noise can significantly affect the sound quality. Technics Multi-Stage Silent Power Supply provides thorough noise suppression in three stages: (1) a high-speed switching power supply, (2) a low-noise regulator, and (3) current injection active noise cancelling (ANC). The SL-G700M2 uses a high-speed switching power supply of approximately 300kHz (which is also used for the analog circuits of the reference-class SU-R1000 integrated amplifier).For enhanced sound quality, a Pure Disc Playback mode is available for Super Audio CD and standard CD playback. In Pure Disc Playback mode, all circuit blocks except those required for Super Audio CD/CD playback are shut off to reduce the internal noise and enhance sound quality.This unit is capable of full decoding playback of MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) files and MQA-CDs. Various other high-resolution formats are also supported, including WAV/AIFF (up to 32-bit/384kHz), FLAC/ALAC (up to 24-bit/384kHz), and DSD up to 11.2MHz file playback. Furthermore, the SL-G700M2 is equipped with a USB-B port that allows for constant connection to a network audio server or PC for playback of high-res sources from the connected device.The SL-G700M2 supports Chromecast built-in, which enables a wide range of streaming services from Google Chromecast-enabled apps, along with AirPlay 2. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connections are also supported. (Other compatible music streaming services will be supported in the future through firmware updates.)The exterior of the chassis features a hairline-finished 7mm-thick aluminum front panel and 3mm-thick aluminum side panels, as well as an engraved Technics logo for aesthetic appeal. This exceptional component comes with the 100% Music Direct Satisfaction Guarantee.The fittingly named SL-G700M2 possesses all the features that made the original such a Swiss-army knife of a digital source, including an SACD player that supports CD, SACD and MQA discs and is complete with a dedicated Pure Disc Playback mode for enhanced performance.—Becky Roberts, What Hi-Fi?Precision EngineeringWhile developing digital audio signal processing technology for the next generation, Technics goal has been to achieve phase alignment and ideal impulse response. Starting with LAPC (Load Adaptive Phase Calibration), which was first incorporated in the SE-R1 in 2014, and continuing with Space Tune and the PHONO Response Optimizer, this concept has been consistently applied according to product and class. The SL-G700M2 is equipped with the High Precision Coherent D/A Converter, which is the result of the accumulation of these technologies.High-Speed Switching Power SupplyThe SL-G700M2 uses a high-speed switching power supply of approximately 300 kHz. By increasing the switching frequency, the interference of noise on the music playback bandwidth is reduced, and a highly responsive power supply is achieved.Low-Noise RegulatorCombined with the original stabilized power supply circuit, the dedicated power supply unit provides stable power with low noise. The discrete circuit structure does not use any general-purpose ICs, and meticulous tuning provides power optimized for analog circuits. Low noise (even at high volume levels) and a stable power supply are achieved, in part, because of the careful fine-tuning of circuit patterns.Current Injection ANCCurrent injection active noise canceling removes unwanted noise by applying an inverse phase current to the detected noise. More effective current noise rejection can be achieved by using the push/pull method in combination with conventional noise rejection by drawing current. SKU:UTRA1954255 Warranty: This unit comes with a 30 day Music Direct warranty. Whats Included:Accessories: Owners manual, remote, AAA batteries (x2), quick start guide. RCA cable, power cord, System connection cable Notes: 9/10 Condition with no signs of damage or abuse. All functions tested successfully, sonically perfect. NONE ORIGINAL PACKING Shipping Policy:If you require shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, please contact us first before making an offer.

Technics SLG700M2 CD/Network Player - Black

End: 02.07. 2023 03:15:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2575.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 385701850683
  • Seller: cargolargo (555900|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Kansas City, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SLG700M2 CD/Network Player - Black Item Specifics: Color: Black Condition: Open Box--all included items shown in photos and untested unless otherwise noted; distressed packaging; labels removed from box exterior Features: Model: SLG700M2 Stereo playback for SACDs, CDs, CD-Rs & CD-RWs Remote W Batteries Built-in dual-band Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) and Bluetooth for wireless music streaming Built-in headphone amplifier with discrete DAC circuit Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. This item cannot be shipped out of the United States! Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. Contact Seller If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Seller” link in the upper right section of the listing.Our business hours are 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday (Central Time).Sales completed and emails received after normal business hours may be handled the next business day. Shipping Policy We ONLY ship within the lower 48 United States.We ONLY ship to the address selected by the customer at checkout.Buyers MAY NOT arrange their own shipping.ALL orders with total value of $250 or more WILL require a delivery signature.For this item, we DO NOT offer combined shipping with other listings. Location We offer local pickup for all our eBay auction items. To request local pickup for items you have won, please send us a message asking for “pick up” and we will send you an eBay invoice with your total.All local pickup orders MUST be paid within 8 DAYS after the listing ended per eBay policy. The payment total will include Missouri sales tax  AND a $4 handling fee per item.Non-Missouri residents will need to pay IN PERSON (credit/debit cards only) within 4 days after the listing ended.Buy It Now items are NOT eligible for local pickup.Paid items must be picked up within 10 DAYS after the end of the listing. If not, your order will be cancelled and refunded.Social distancing policies WILL be enforced during pickups. Local Pickup Location 7460 Stadium Drive Kansas City, MO 64129 Pickup Hours SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CLOSED 11am-6pm 7:30am-4pm CLOSED 7:30am-4pm 7:30am-6pm CLOSED Return Policy We are not an authorized dealer of this product and any warranty included with the product may not be honored by the manufacturer. If you believe that the item purchased from us does not match the item description, or if your item was damaged during transit, please contact us to discuss return and refund options. In order to initiate the refund process, buyer must contact us within 30 Days of receipt of item. All returns will require a return authorization. Please note that we will only pay return shipping if our listing does not accurately reflect the specifications or condition of the item received. If you wish to return an item for any other reason, we will accept a return on MOST items, provided that the item is returned to us in the same condition and within 30 Days. This applies to both the item and retail packaging. Buyer will be responsible for both original and return shipping charges Seller will initiate this transaction and refund the buyer once the item has been received AND agreed to the mutual cancellation. We DO NOT accept any returns on swimsuits, undergarments, stockings, lingerie, or any item marked AS IS for any reason other than a grievous error in the listing. Please bid accordingly on all items listed AS IS. Payments Cargo Largo requires payment within eight (8) days. (Please note that this is real-time, beginning when the auction ends.) If payment has still not been received by the eighth (8th) day after the end of the auction, Cargo Largo will relist the item. Most states require the collection of SALES TAX on online sales by remote sellers. We will abide by all local, state and federal tax codes and buyer should check their state and locality for tax liability. Residents of Missouri and all buyers who pick their item(s) up locally are required to pay Missouri sales tax on all items. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management

Technics HiFi Stereo Seperates HiFi SA-104L - Tape Deck M216 - Turntable SL-B21

End: 26.06. 2023 17:36:58 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 234.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285350700464
  • Seller: philip8746 (2016|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: St. Helens Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 63,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully Working system, all tested thoroughly, the Turntable has new belt (receipt provided). The tape deck works on fastforward, rewind, play and sounds surprisingly good given its age. The Stereo Receiver works on all channels and has virtually no crackling when dials and switches are operated. The stylus looks relatively new and has a protective cover with it. The only issue is the Turntable hinges which have snapped unfortunately. The lid is without cracks but has scratches. It does require a 4 way in-line unit (included) - see photos but the Turntable can run off a conventional figure 8 plug and lead if you wish. The Turntable is much deeper than the amp and tape deck so would advise putting it on a seperate shelf (not resting it on top as seen in photos) Manual for Turntable and Reciever are included as well Stereo RCA leads you see in the photos. Will be carefully packaged as much as possible though and dispatched within two working days of purchase via DHL. Full tracking details provided. International delivery available via eBays global shipping programme.

Technics HiFi Stereo Seperates HiFi SA-104L - Tape Deck M216 - Turntable SL-B21

End: 22.06. 2023 19:02:42 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 234.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285304712740
  • Seller: philip8746 (1991|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: St. Helens Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 59,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully Working system, all tested thoroughly, the Turntable has new belt (receipt provided). The tape deck works on fastforward, rewind, play and sounds surprisingly good given its age. The Stereo Receiver works on all channels and has virtually no crackling when dials and switches are operated. The stylus looks relatively new and has a protective cover with it. The only issue is the Turntable hinges which have snapped unfortunately. The lid is without cracks but has scratches. It does require a 4 way in-line unit (included) - see photos but the Turntable can run off a conventional figure 8 plug and lead if you wish. The Turntable is much deeper than the amp and tape deck so would advise putting it on a seperate shelf (not resting it on top as seen in photos) Manual for Turntable and Reciever are included as well Stereo RCA leads you see in the photos. Will be carefully packaged as much as possible though and dispatched within two working days of purchase via DHL. Full tracking details provided. International delivery available via eBays global shipping programme.

Sistema Hi-Fi Technics-Sony Da Verificare SL-D212 ST-Z11 SU-Z22 M205 CDP-670

End: 21.06. 2023 07:09:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325693266683
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: theoldredbaron (522|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Santa Maria Capua Vetere Italien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sistema Hi-Fi Technics-Sony Vintage : Giradischi Technics SL-D212 Tuner Technics ST-Z11 Amplificatore Technics SU-Z22 Piastra Technics M205 Lettore Sony CD CDP-670 Diffusori Technics SB-302540 40W 3 Vie Sistema da verificare, non suona da molti anni. Il Tuner si accende, la piastra si accende e si illuminano i meter muovendosi, il giradischi parte regolarmente. Lamplificatore sembra avere un falso contatto, si accende a volte si, a volte no.

For Technics SL-D2 3200 B2 Q2 D3 Others Turntable Dust Repair D2U7 Tabs M2I9

End: 16.06. 2023 13:30:32 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145090717383
  • Seller: add2urcart (113506|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:If youre like me there is nothing worse than having to lift off your dust-cover when you want to use your turntable. I became so disgusted I decided to do something about it. These professionally manufactured tabs are made out of machined aluminum and leather tumbled for a great smooth feel and appearance. They fit nice and snug into the pockets of virtually any Technics table that come with those nasty tabs (check the measurements) and work perfectly. Very professional appearance. #8 machine screws, nuts and washers included with each tab purchased. These work much better on the outside of the cover instead of the inside. Ive always had problems with the cover not completely closing when you place the tabs on the inside. For the SL-D2 type tables you line up the base even with the dust-cover (see photo). For the Q200 type tables with the shorter cover you will want to line up the actual small tab with the bottom of the cover. I use #8 machine screws (included) which work perfectly. If you want to drill a slightly larger hole in your dust-cover this will give you some wiggle room in case youre slightly off with your drilling. To grind off your broken tab you want to use a (or equivalent) and take your time. Make sure to wear safety goggles and remove as much as the old tab as possible so the back of the cover is nice and flush. Once that is accomplished you want to line up the new tab in the proper position on the cover. I use painters tape which doesnt leave residue and is plenty strong enough. Check to make sure the new tab is in the proper position by placing the cover with the tab (held by tape) in your tables hinge. This is easier if youre replacing just one tab but if you need both just take your time, youll be able to see the area where the old tab was by the marks. package include: 1*set Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to chontact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on PAYPAL to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with PAYPAL, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Paypal only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

Sistema Hi-Fi Technics-Sony Da Verificare SL-D212 ST-Z11 SU-Z22 M205 CDP-670

End: 14.06. 2023 07:08:52 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325684568623
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: theoldredbaron (519|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Santa Maria Capua Vetere Italien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sistema Hi-Fi Technics-Sony Vintage : Giradischi Technics SL-D212 Tuner Technics ST-Z11 Amplificatore Technics SU-Z22 Piastra Technics M205 Lettore Sony CD CDP-670 Diffusori Technics SB-302540 40W 3 Vie Sistema da verificare, non suona da molti anni. Il Tuner si accende, la piastra si accende e si illuminano i meter muovendosi, il giradischi parte regolarmente. Lamplificatore sembra avere un falso contatto, si accende a volte si, a volte no.

Technics SL-XP7 Discman - defekt (WKM285) spare or repair

End: 10.06. 2023 07:33:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 47.72 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185925151316
  • Bids: 11
  • Seller: rosew_stace (523|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Taunton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-XP7 Discman - defekt (WKM285) spare or repair. Untested. Sold as spare or repair. Will post to UK only.

Giradischi Technics sl 1900 + Accessori e Testina Ortofon Red M2

End: 07.06. 2023 18:16:42 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 300.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225598246622
  • Seller: nicetum-art (386|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Roma Nord Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Giradischi Technics sl 1900 + Accessori e Testina Ortofon Red M2. Perfettamente funzionante e attualmente in uso. Con testina Ortofon Red M2 Accessori per pulizia dischi e puntina Bilancia digitale per taratura peso puntina