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Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 SP series DJ Turntable/ Plattenspieler

End: 02.03. 2024 21:06:23 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204667862146
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ben0010_2 (1302|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: München Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 SP series DJ Turntable/ PlattenspielerTechnics Supreme SL-1200 MK7 SP series DJ turntable. Features coreless direct drive motor, vibration damping platter, 78 RPM speed with wider pitch adjustment and reverse play function. Removable cables and hingeless dust cover. Inset metal badge at base and printed logos on slipmat. 17.8 × 6.7 × 13.7. 21 lbs. Cartridge not included. Made exclusively for Supreme. 1 x SL-1200 MK7 SP Technics Supreme 3.2.1. Deins

Crazy bundle Technics SL 1210 mk7 R Red Bull ovp Sammlerzustand + Omnitronic TRM

End: 21.02. 2024 11:42:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1400.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116071366372
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: metroman6 (367|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Crazy bundle Technics SL 1210 mk7 R Red Bull ovp Sammlerzustand + Omnitronic TRMSelling within Europe.Technics SL-1210MK7R turntable Collectors item Sold Out + mixer Omnitronic TRM-202MK3 Rotary Mixer The barely used turntable comes with original packaging and original dust cover without needle Great turntable! The mixer is also like new and comes with natural wooden sides without cables and without a box. This is a perfect set with divine sound. Grab it fast!!

Crazy bundle Technics SL 1210 mk7 R Red Bull ovp Sammlerzustand + Omnitronic TRM

End: 17.02. 2024 10:52:04 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1650.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116065571154
  • Seller: metroman6 (369|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Crazy bundle Technics SL 1210 mk7 R Red Bull ovp Sammlerzustand + Omnitronic TRMSelling within Europe.Technics SL-1210MK7R turntable Collectors item Sold Out + mixer Omnitronic TRM-202MK3 Rotary Mixer The barely used turntable comes with original packaging and original dust cover without needle Great turntable! The mixer is also like new and comes with natural wooden sides without cables and without a box. This is a perfect set with divine sound. Grab it fast!!

Technics sl 1210 mk7 + (Ortofon 2m Blue Neu Mit Rechnung)

End: 15.02. 2024 13:41:51 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285702927449
  • Seller: puddle.jumper* (116|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Zehlendorf bei Oranienburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics sl 1210 mk7 + (Ortofon 2m Blue Neu Mit Rechnung)Er ist noch angeschlossen sehr gerne kann er auch bei einer Tasse Kaffee begutachtet werden gerne auch mit eigener Musik ???? Ich bin der erst Besitzer er ist ca. 3 Jahre alt gekauft habe ich ihn bei Music Store die Rechnung habe ich nicht mehr da Garantie eh nicht mehr drauf ist welche man bei diesem Gerät aber auch nicht brauch da er läuft und läuft und läuft Mit original Verpackung sowie ein Neues Ortofon 2 m Blue mit Rechnung Komplet System siehe Bilder Er steht in einem Nichtraucher Haushalt Sieht aus wie am ersten Tag außer auf der Haube hat er leichte Kratzer was sich aber auch nicht vermeiden lässt ansonsten ist er selten benutzt worden technisch voll funktionsfähig verkaufe ihn nur da ich mir den GR 2 kaufen werde Falls ihr Fragen haben solltet immer her damit antworte so schnell wie möglich Da von privat gebe ich keine Garantie Gewehre keinen Umtausch und biete auch keine Rücknahme an

Technics SL-1210MK7 + Otofonsystem +2 Nadel + Eine Digital Platte

End: 05.02. 2024 11:04:38 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 850.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186255693878
  • Seller: ky-76 (21|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ravensburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-1210MK7 + Otofonsystem +2 Nadel + Eine Digital PlatteIch habe den Plattenspieler gekauft kaum benutz vielleicht ist der ingesamt keine 10 Stunden gelaufen musst umziehen beruflich. Wohne in einer WG habe leider kein Platz mehr

Technics SL1210mk7,ca 7 Monate alt,OVP, Garantie

End: 04.02. 2024 04:51:06 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 679.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315131697320
  • Seller: hbu_9865 (6|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gottenheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 15,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL1210mk7,ca 7 Monate alt,OVP, GarantieTechnics SL1210mk7 ca.3Monate alt,OVP, Garantie alles Top Zustand,ca 20St gelaufen ***OHNE SYSTEM***Kein DJ Betrieb, nur Wohnzimmer Privatverkauf keine Rcknahme keine Gewhrleistung meinerseits aber eben fast volle Herstellergarantie

Technics SL-1200 MK7 mit Ortofon - System

End: 16.01. 2024 13:01:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 19:37:39
  • Item number: 116012014706
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Düsseldorf,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-1200 MK7 mit Ortofon - SystemTechnics SL-1200 MK7 - Silber * Mit Ortofon Concorde System * Sehr schöner und neuwertiger Zustand * Technisch und optisch einwandfrei * Lediglich die Schutzhaube hat ein paar minimale Kratzer * Mit Originalverpackung Abholung in Düsseldorf oder Versand in OVP Wir sind ein Nichtraucherhaushalt.--------------------Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf: Keine Garantie, Gewährleistung oder Rücknahme.

2x Decksaver Technics SL-1200, SL-1210 (MK1-MK7)

End: 13.01. 2024 17:17:48 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 59.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:19:30
  • Item number: 225915175850
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Dannau,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2x Decksaver Technics SL-1200, SL-1210 (MK1-MK7)Es handelt sich um ein Paar. Gebraucht aber neuwertig, also makellos. Schtze deine Technics SL-1200 und SL-1210 Plattenspieler mit der Decksaver Staubschutzhlle. Die transparente Hlle aus Polycarbonat ist passgenau fr die Modelle MK1 bis MK7 und schtzt sie vor Staub, Schmutz und Kratzern. Die Decksaver Marke ist fr ihre robusten Hllen bekannt und diese ist keine Ausnahme. Die Hlle ist einfach aufzulegen und bietet einen perfekten Schutz fr deine wertvollen Plattenspieler. Hol dir jetzt die Decksaver Technics Staubschutzhlle und verlngere die Lebensdauer deiner Gerte.

Technics SL-1200M7L R Red MK7 DJ-Plattenspieler, limitiertes Modell zum...

End: 09.01. 2024 12:50:43 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1924.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355134807510
  • Seller: monsterkingjp (415|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-1200M7L R Red MK7 DJ-Plattenspieler, limitiertes Modell zum...BeschreibungTechnics SL-1200M7L R Red MK7 DJ-Plattenspieler, limitiertes Modell zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum, neuwertigDieser Artikel ist in neuwertigem Zustand.Technics Plattenspielersystem mit Direktantrieb SL-1200M7L (ROT) – Limited Edition zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum?Dies ist ein Auslaufmodell in limitierter Auflage, das anlässlich seines 50-jährigen Jubiläums herausgebracht wurde.?Es ist in tadellosem Zustand, da es nur wenige Male im Innenbereich verwendet wurde.?Es wurde zu Ausstellungszwecken geöffnet.?Es sind nur die Artikel auf den Fotos enthalten; Die Kiste wurde entsorgt.?Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Stift/die Nadel nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist (er war von Anfang an nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten). Rücksendungen werden innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Erhalt des Artikels durch den Käufer akzeptiert. Wir ermutigen unsere Kunden, sich bei Fragen oder Bedenken an uns zu wenden. Wenn Sie Fragen, Kommentare oder Produktwünsche haben, können wir jederzeit über eBay-Nachrichten kontaktiert werden. Wir werden Ihnen innerhalb von 24 Stunden antworten und unser Bestes tun, um Ihnen zu helfen.Alle meine Produkte sind 100 % authentisch.Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Fragen haben. Versand Wir versenden mit FedEx, DHL und Japan Post. ZahlungWir versenden in der Regel innerhalb von 5–7 Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang. Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie: Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden. Diese Gebühren werden in der Regel von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) eingezogen oder bei der Abholung des Artikels nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten verwechselt. Ich kennzeichne Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichne Artikel nicht als „Geschenke“ – US-amerikanische und internationale Regierungsvorschriften verbieten ein solches Verhalten.

Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 Turntable Plattenspieler NEU

End: 29.12. 2023 14:55:12 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1700.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 22:0:35
  • Item number: 325934952016
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 Turntable Plattenspieler NEU

Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 Turntable Plattenspieler NEU

End: 27.12. 2023 13:48:04 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1700.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 20:19:57
  • Item number: 325932249784
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Supreme Technics SL-1200 MK7 Turntable Plattenspieler NEU

Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Plattenspieler

End: 23.11. 2023 21:10:08 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155841462482
  • Seller: disturbedleila (259|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics - SL-1210 MK7 PlattenspielerTechnics - SL-1210 MK7 Black. An alle Beobachter und Interessenten. Ich bin nicht interessiert, das Gert noch weiterhin einzulagern. Mach deinen Preisvorschlag und wenn er mir passt, ist das Gert deins. Nur, fr 200 verkauf ich ihn auch nicht. Ich biete einen sehr gut erhaltenen Technics SL-1210 MK7 Plattenspieler an. Der Spieler ist technisch und optisch in einwandfreiem Zustand. Alle LEDs sowie ihre Funktionen, sind wie den Bildern zu entnehmen, funktionsfhig. Der Spieler wird mit einem standarmigen Audio Technica System verkauft. Geliefert wird in OVP und mit Decksafer. Bei Bedarf kann das Gert vor Ort, in Leipzig, besichtigt und abgeholt werden. Versand mglich. Bei Nachfragen bitte melden.

Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Black

End: 23.11. 2023 20:16:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:42:24
  • Item number: 196046518414
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics - SL-1210 MK7 BlackHallo zusammen , ich habe mir vor einem Jahr in einem nostalgischen Anflug einen zweiten Plattenspieler zum privaten Auflegen meiner 7“ Platten gekauft . Das hat aber nicht stattgefunden . Platz habe ich auch keinen mehr und so verkaufe ich den 1210 er nun . Ein paar Platten habe ich laufen lassen Vielleicht 10 Stunden Laufzeit . Viel Spaß mit dem Plattenspieler. Wenn Ihr Fragen habt legt los . Die Rechnung habe ich sicherlich noch im mailpostfach . Lieben Gruß Thomas Wieczorek

Technics SL1210mk7,Mit VML95ml,ca 3 Monate alt,OVP, Garantie

End: 15.11. 2023 13:55:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 839.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:0:32
  • Item number: 314889697530
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Gottenheim,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 15,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL1210mk7,Mit VML95ml,ca 3 Monate alt,OVP, GarantieTechnics SL1210mk7,mit VML95ml,beides ca.3Monate alt,OVP, Garantie alles Top Zustand,ca 10St gelaufen Privatverkauf keine Rcknahme keine Gewhrleistung meinerseits aber eben fast volle Herstellergarantie


End: 05.11. 2023 15:01:31 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 3000.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:20:39
  • Item number: 166363773719
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Griechenland Griechenland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 178,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Technics SL-1200MK7 Silver Manual Direct Drive Turntable 33 45 78rpm

End: 23.10. 2023 16:00:50 on Monday
  • Condition: Vom Hersteller generell überholt
  • Price: 693.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 14:58:11
  • Item number: 325666327543
  • Seller: panasonic_outlet (42737|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: UK Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SL-1200MK7EB From the disco era to today’s super-clubs, the Technics SL1200 (and similar SL1210) has been and still is the heart of most professional DJs’ gigs. World renowned for its robust build quality, reliability and precise and stable sound, the SL1200 is a living legend. Now in MK7 form, it’s as capable as ever and great value for the engineering involved. Using Technics’ famous and expensively engineered direct drive system, the SL1200 MK7 delivers class-leading torque for super-stable pitch and rapid start/stop action. When you need to precisely control your mixing, this is still the standard setter. Based on technology from the reference G and GR models, the MK7 uses an all new motor design with coreless tech. This results in the elimination of ‘cogging’ which can afflict other direct drive decks. Cogging is an instability in the running speed, which gives inconsistent pitch. With the SL1200MK7, you get the same rock-solid pitch stability that’s always been a hallmark of these Technics decks. SL1200 turntables have always been robustly built, and the MK7 is no different. Although it’s not quite as solid as the more expensive GR model, it still beats its similarly priced rivals. The rigid, die-cast aluminium chassis features hybrid, anti-resonance cladding and isolation feet. These not only help keep the deck solidly in place but also absorb vibrations, preventing stylus skip and sound distortion. Lift the platter and there’s a range of user adjustments. From a bank of micro switches you can select 78rpm, reverse play and even adjust start-up torque and brake speed – getting this deck to perform exactly how you want it to. A new x2 button lets you double the range of the pitch control from +/- 8% to +/-16%. This extra range makes it even more flexible as a mixing tool and even handier in the studio than ever. The MK7’s tonearm is a classic S-shape design that tracks precisely and is easy to handle. It also offers a wide range of adjustments, including VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle), weight and bias, making it ideal for a huge range of different cartridges and even different thicknesses of slipmat. The detachable headshell makes swapping cartridges a quick and simple process. Coreless Direct-Drive Motor Achieving Stable Rotation Diverse New Functions Adapt to Various Playing Styles High Sensitive Tonearm Stylus Illuminator Featuring a High-brightness and Long-life White LED Power / Phono Cable Terminals Official outlet store Contact Us Menu Panasonic Sound & Vision > HiFi Technics SL-1200MK7 Silver Manual Direct Drive Turntable 33 45 78rpm Your browser does not support the video tag. Technics SL-1200MK7 Silver Manual Direct Drive Turntable 33 45 78rpm All Panasonic products come with a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty from date of purchase (unless otherwise stated) £599.99 Original price: £599.99 Panasonic Officially Refurbished Product Coreless Direct-Drive Motor Achieving Stable Rotation Diverse New Functions Adapt to Various Playing Styles High Sensitive Tonearm Stylus Illuminator Featuring a High-brightness and Long-life White LED Power / Phono Cable Terminals Description From the disco era to today’s super-clubs, the Technics SL1200 (and similar SL1210) has been and still is the heart of most professional DJs’ gigs. World renowned for its robust build quality, reliability and precise and stable sound, the SL1200 is a living legend. Now in MK7 form, it’s as capable as ever and great value for the engineering involved. Using Technics’ famous and expensively engineered direct drive system, the SL1200 MK7 delivers class-leading torque for super-stable pitch and rapid start/stop action. When you need to precisely control your mixing, this is still the standard setter. Based on technology from the reference G and GR models, the MK7 uses an all new motor design with coreless tech. This results in the elimination of ‘cogging’ which can afflict other direct drive decks. Cogging is an instability in the running speed, which gives inconsistent pitch. With the SL1200MK7, you get the same rock-solid pitch stability that’s always been a hallmark of these Technics decks. SL1200 turntables have always been robustly built, and the MK7 is no different. Although it’s not quite as solid as the more expensive GR model, it still beats its similarly priced rivals. The rigid, die-cast aluminium chassis features hybrid, anti-resonance cladding and isolation feet. These not only help keep the deck solidly in place but also absorb vibrations, preventing stylus skip and sound distortion. Lift the platter and there’s a range of user adjustments. From a bank of micro switches you can select 78rpm, reverse play and even adjust start-up torque and brake speed – getting this deck to perform exactly how you want it to. A new x2 button lets you double the range of the pitch control from +/- 8% to +/-16%. This extra range makes it even more flexible as a mixing tool and even handier in the studio than ever. The MK7’s tonearm is a classic S-shape design that tracks precisely and is easy to handle. It also offers a wide range of adjustments, including VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle), weight and bias, making it ideal for a huge range of different cartridges and even different thicknesses of slipmat. The detachable headshell makes swapping cartridges a quick and simple process. All Panasonic products come with a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty from date of purchase (unless otherwise stated) Specification Delivery/Returns & Warranty Delivery All of our orders are shipped via DPD except TVs 44 and above, that are sent via a specialist courier. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). All Original Packaging must be kept. In the case of a warranty claim or return, we will be unable to collect (where applicable) the item without correct and sufficient packaging. We aim to ship orders within 1 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number (where applicable) when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-8:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address. Items will not be left in garages, porches etc or left with neighbours. Deliveries to Flats and Tower Blocks is to the ground floor main door only. They will not be taken upstairs or in the lift. DPD deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A fee of £10.00 may be charged for further deliveries. Large Screen orders will only be attempted on one occasion. You will be contacted prior to the delivery to arrange a suitable time. If this delivery fails the cost of a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland (Excluding all TV’s over 44”); we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland & Scottish Islands or the Republic of Ireland. If you would like to collect your item from our store then Payment must be made in person with a credit/debit card using chip & pin or cash. We do NOT accept paypal for items being collected in person. Our address for collections is; Panasonic Outlet, Wickentree Lane, Hollinwood, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 7AA, United Kingdom. DPD Deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send you a text message on the day of delivery advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will email the provided email address on the day of delivery with the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Large Screen TVs Orders (Over 44”) If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, our large screen couriers will send a text message to confirm the day of delivery. If you have not provided us with a valid telephone number, the couriers will send an email to confirm the delivery date. On the day of delivery, an approximate time slot for delivery will be communicated via text message and/or email. Please be aware: If there is no one home to take delivery on the date advised by the courier (without subsequent instruction) they will return the unit to the depot & any subsequent delivery attempt may be chargeable. Returns At Panasonic_Outlet we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore all items come with a 30 day cooling off period. This product is also covered with a 12 month manufacturer warranty. Please inform us if your item arrives damaged within 48 hours of receiving the item. You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 days of the date you received the item. Please contact us via the Ebay messaging system to obtain a unique Return reference number. Items will be collected by our nominated courier at a UK mainland address FOC. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge if applicable) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at Panasonic_Outlet. Warranty Faulty Products – within 30 days of receipt (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault within 30 days of receipt, please contact us via Ebay message to advise us of the fault. We will then, at your preference collect the item for a full refund or offer to exchange the item for the same model. If you prefer you can also elect to have the item repaired free of charge at one of our approved service centres (as per the process below). Faulty Products – after 30 days of receipt (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault within the 12 month warranty period Panasonic will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item at one of our approved service centres. You are responsible (including costs) for transport of your item. Please use our service centre locator to find your closest Approved Service Centre: Contact your local service centre directly to book your repair. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair a like for like replacement will be provided. When we have repaired your item we will contact you to advise it is ready for collection. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide you an estimate for repairing or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. From the disco era to today’s super-clubs, the Technics SL1200 (and similar SL1210) has been and still is the heart of most professional DJs’ gigs. World renowned for its robust build quality, reliability and precise and stable sound, the SL1200 is a living legend. Now in MK7 form, it’s as capable as ever and great value for the engineering involved. Using Technics’ famous and expensively engineered direct drive system, the SL1200 MK7 delivers class-leading torque for super-stable pitch and rapid start/stop action. When you need to precisely control your mixing, this is still the standard setter. Based on technology from the reference G and GR models, the MK7 uses an all new motor design with coreless tech. This results in the elimination of ‘cogging’ which can afflict other direct drive decks. Cogging is an instability in the running speed, which gives inconsistent pitch. With the SL1200MK7, you get the same rock-solid pitch stability that’s always been a hallmark of these Technics decks. SL1200 turntables have always been robustly built, and the MK7 is no different. Although it’s not quite as solid as the more expensive GR model, it still beats its similarly priced rivals. The rigid, die-cast aluminium chassis features hybrid, anti-resonance cladding and isolation feet. These not only help keep the deck solidly in place but also absorb vibrations, preventing stylus skip and sound distortion. Lift the platter and there’s a range of user adjustments. From a bank of micro switches you can select 78rpm, reverse play and even adjust start-up torque and brake speed – getting this deck to perform exactly how you want it to. A new x2 button lets you double the range of the pitch control from +/- 8% to +/-16%. This extra range makes it even more flexible as a mixing tool and even handier in the studio than ever. The MK7’s tonearm is a classic S-shape design that tracks precisely and is easy to handle. It also offers a wide range of adjustments, including VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle), weight and bias, making it ideal for a huge range of different cartridges and even different thicknesses of slipmat. The detachable headshell makes swapping cartridges a quick and simple process. All Panasonic products come with a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty from date of purchase (unless otherwise stated) Delivery All of our orders are shipped via DPD except TVs 44 and above, that are sent via a specialist courier. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). All Original Packaging must be kept. In the case of a warranty claim or return, we will be unable to collect (where applicable) the item without correct and sufficient packaging. We aim to ship orders within 1 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number (where applicable) when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-8:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address. Items will not be left in garages, porches etc or left with neighbours. Deliveries to Flats and Tower Blocks is to the ground floor main door only. They will not be taken upstairs or in the lift. DPD deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A fee of £10.00 may be charged for further deliveries. Large Screen orders will only be attempted on one occasion. You will be contacted prior to the delivery to arrange a suitable time. If this delivery fails the cost of a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland (Excluding all TV’s over 44”); we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland & Scottish Islands or the Republic of Ireland. If you would like to collect your item from our store then Payment must be made in person with a credit/debit card using chip & pin or cash. We do NOT accept paypal for items being collected in person. Our address for collections is; Panasonic Outlet, Wickentree Lane, Hollinwood, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 7AA, United Kingdom. DPD Deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send you a text message on the day of delivery advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will email the provided email address on the day of delivery with the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Large Screen TVs Orders (Over 44”) If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, our large screen couriers will send a text message to confirm the day of delivery. If you have not provided us with a valid telephone number, the couriers will send an email to confirm the delivery date. On the day of delivery, an approximate time slot for delivery will be communicated via text message and/or email. Please be aware: If there is no one home to take delivery on the date advised by the courier (without subsequent instruction) they will return the unit to the depot & any subsequent delivery attempt may be chargeable. Returns At Panasonic_Outlet we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore all items come with a 30 day cooling off period. This product is also covered with a 12 month manufacturer warranty. Please inform us if your item arrives damaged within 48 hours of receiving the item. You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 days of the date you received the item. Please contact us via the Ebay messaging system to obtain a unique Return reference number. Items will be collected by our nominated courier at a UK mainland address FOC. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge if applicable) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at Panasonic_Outlet. Warranty Faulty Products – within 30 days of receipt (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault within 30 days of receipt, please contact us via Ebay message to advise us of the fault. We will then, at your preference collect the item for a full refund or offer to exchange the item for the same model. If you prefer you can also elect to have the item repaired free of charge at one of our approved service centres (as per the process below). Faulty Products – after 30 days of receipt (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault within the 12 month warranty period Panasonic will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item at one of our approved service centres. You are responsible (including costs) for transport of your item. Please use our service centre locator to find your closest Approved Service Centre: Contact your local service centre directly to book your repair. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair a like for like replacement will be provided. When we have repaired your item we will contact you to advise it is ready for collection. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide you an estimate for repairing or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. You may also like Information About Us Delivery Returns Warranty FAQ Contact Us Join our mailing list Hear about our latest offers and new arrivals first Join eBay Store & ListingDesigned & Powered by

Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem Zustand

End: 14.10. 2023 13:06:45 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 705.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175956909726
  • Bids: 88
  • Seller: philipps_schmuckladen (9|76.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aachen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem ZustandTechnics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem Zustand.

Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem Zustand

End: 10.10. 2023 15:17:47 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 27.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175953724587
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: philipps_schmuckladen (9|76.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aachen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem ZustandTechnics - SL-1210 MK7 Black Gebraucht In Sehr Gutem Zustand.

NEW Technics SL-1210MK7RB - RED BULL - Professional DD Turntable - LTD EDITION

End: 05.10. 2023 14:38:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1599.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166287118439
  • Seller: studioakis (1207|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: A T H E N Griechenland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 89,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NEW Technics SL-1210MK7RB - RED BULL - Professional DD Turntable - LTD EDITIONNO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU! NEW & UNUSED, OUT OF THE BOX ONLY FOR THE PICTURES TAKEN, Technics SL-1210MK7R- RED BULL - Professional Direct Drive Turntable. VERY LIMITED EDITION! Numbered # 27! SPECIAL: A VERY RARE UNIT, ACCORDING TO THE SERIAL NUMBER, ONLY THE 27th UNIT EVER MANUFACTURED! STILL IN A NEW, UNUSED, FRESH FACTORY CONDITION!Original, in opened factory packaging. Pictures of the ACTUAL unit and packaging. The packaging has obvious some external signs of wear. The content has not been affected at all. Please see all photos. NO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU! Limited edition Technics & Red Bull BC One turntableCoreless Direct Drive MotorDigital pitch control improving tracking performanceHigh sensitive S-shape tonearmHigh-rigidity cabinet and high-damping insulatorTechnics and Red Bull BC One have started a collaboration for the development of both DJ and breakdance culture. Limited edition Technics & Red Bull BC One turntable features:Red HeadshellRed Bull BC One Logo on TopYellow Gold S-shaped TonearmRed Bull BC One Slip Mat Made in conjuction with the Red Bull BC One competition, the Technics SL-1210MK7R is a very limited run of specially designed turntables (limited to a quantity of 1000 pieces worldwide!) in the unmistakable red and gold colours. The mechanics of the SL-1210Mk7R are the same as the SL-1210Mk7, the tone arm is finished in yellow / gold with a sharp red headshell. The chasis carries the BC One logo and a special edition BC One slipmat is includedTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONTECHNICS TECHNICS SL-1210MK7RTypeDirect Drive Manual TurntableTurntable Speeds33-1/3, 45 rpm (with switch 78 rpm)Starting Torque0.18 N?m / 1.8 kg?cmBuild-up Characteristics0.7 s. from standstill to 33 1/3 rpmWow And Flutter0.025 %?W.R.M.S.Turntable PlatterAluminium diecastDiameter : 332 mmWeight : Approx. 1.8 kg (Including slipmat and slipsheet)Tonearm SectionTypeUniversal Static BalanceEffective Length230 mmOverhang15 mmTracking Error AngleWithin 2° 32 (at the outer groove of 30 cm record)Within 0° 32 (at the inner groove of 30 cm record)Offset Angle22°Arm-height Adjustment Range0 - 6 mmStylus Pressure Adjustment Range0 - 4 g (Direct Reading)Head Shell WeightApprox. 7.6 gApplicable Cartridge Weight Range(without auxiliary weight)5.6 - 12.0 g14.3 - 20.7 g (including head shell)Head Shell Terminal Lug1.2 mm? 4-pin terminal lugTerminalsAudio OutputPHONO (Pin Jack) x 1, EARTH TERMINAL x 1GeneralPower SupplyAC 110 - 240 V, 50 / 60 HzPower Consumption8 WApprox. 0.2 W (Standby)Dimensions (W x H x D)453 x 169 x 353 mmWeightApprox. 9.6 kgAccessoriesTurntable, Slipmat, Slipsheet, Dust cover, EP record adaptor, Balance weight, Head shell, Screw set for cartridge, PHONO cable, PHONO earth lead, AC power supply cord (UK specs), Owners ManualFROM MY PRIVATE COLLECTION, STORED ALWAYS ONLY IN A DUST-FREE, SUNLIGHT-FREE, SMOKE-FREE, PET-FREE AND MOISTURE-FREE ENVIRONMENT! LIMITED EDITION ITEM, NEW, NOT AVAILABLE NOW FOR SALE IN THIS FACTORY-NEW CONDITION FROM ANYWHERE, BECAUSE IT IS NOW LONG DISCONTINUED. PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE THAT THE ITEM IS SUITABLE TO YOUR NEEDS. PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU DO NOT 100% AGREE WITH THIS PRIVATE LISTING CONDITIONS: ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE APPLIED, NO RETURN APPLIED, NO REFUND APPLIED! AS ALWAYS, THE ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED WITHIN A SOLID AND SAFE CARTON-BOX PACKAGING, PLEASE CHECK MY 100% POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS AS A SELLER. NO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES ON DELIVERY, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU!Shipping and handling cost:EPG Countries/Interconnect: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France (including Corsica & Monaco), Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (including Azores Islands), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Balearic Islands & Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom: EUR 89,00. Other Countries: Please ask for a quotation before bidding.Through ELTA Hellenic Post is the cheapest and safe way for shipping, registered parcel, with tracking number but not insured. You agree with this with your bidding. TERMS OF TRANSACTION: PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU DO NOT 100% AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING:THIS IS A PRIVATE LISTING.NO GUARANTEE APPLIED, NO RETURN APPLIED, NO REFUND APPLIED, NO LIABILITY IF DAMAGED OR DELAYED IN THE POST.The new terms and conditions of eBay oblige me as a vendor to point out the following: The article is sold privately as is and is described by me to the best of my knowledge and belief. With the submission of a bid you expressly agree that the seller assumes no guarantee under new EU law. You have no right of withdrawal and no right of return and a refund for the items you have purchased. A warranty or liability is expressly excluded. This note has nothing to do with the condition of the item. The bidder agrees and accepts this with his bid. According to EU law, this addition must be under any online auctionIMMEDIATE PAYMENT REQUESTED. PRIVAT VERKAUF.KEINE GARANTIE, KEINE RUCKNAHME, KEINE GELD-ZURÜCKGEBE.BEZAHLUNG INNERHALB 1 TAG.

NEW Technics SL-1210MK7RB - Professional Direct Drive Turntable LIMITED EDITION

End: 05.10. 2023 14:38:33 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1799.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166272624473
  • Seller: studioakis (1205|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: A T H E N Griechenland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 89,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NEW Technics SL-1210MK7RB - Professional Direct Drive Turntable LIMITED EDITIONNO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU! NEW & UNUSED, NEVER OUT OF THE BOX Technics SL-1210MK7R- RED BULL - Professional Direct Drive Turntable VERY LIMITED EDITION! SPECIAL: A VERY RARE UNIT, ACCORDING TO THE SERIAL NUMBER, ONLY THE 56th UNIT EVER MANUFACTURED! STILL IN A NEW, FRESH FACTORY CONDITION!Original open factory packaging, item never out of the box. Pictures of the unit are stock-photos, item never out of the box. NO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU! Limited edition Technics & Red Bull BC One turntableCoreless Direct Drive MotorDigital pitch control improving tracking performanceHigh sensitive S-shape tonearmHigh-rigidity cabinet and high-damping insulatorTechnics and Red Bull BC One have started a collaboration for the development of both DJ and breakdance culture. Limited edition Technics & Red Bull BC One turntable features:Red HeadshellRed Bull BC One Logo on TopYellow Gold S-shaped TonearmRed Bull BC One Slip Mat Made in conjuction with the Red Bull BC One competition, the Technics SL-1210MK7R is a very limited run of specially designed turntables (limited to a quantity of 1000 pieces worldwide!) in the unmistakable red and gold colours. The mechanics of the SL-1210Mk7R are the same as the SL-1210Mk7, the tone arm is finished in yellow / gold with a sharp red headshell. The chasis carries the BC One logo and a special edition BC One slipmat is includedTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONTECHNICS TECHNICS SL-1210MK7RTypeDirect Drive Manual TurntableTurntable Speeds33-1/3, 45 rpm (with switch 78 rpm)Starting Torque0.18 N?m / 1.8 kg?cmBuild-up Characteristics0.7 s. from standstill to 33 1/3 rpmWow And Flutter0.025 %?W.R.M.S.Turntable PlatterAluminium diecastDiameter : 332 mmWeight : Approx. 1.8 kg (Including slipmat and slipsheet)Tonearm SectionTypeUniversal Static BalanceEffective Length230 mmOverhang15 mmTracking Error AngleWithin 2° 32 (at the outer groove of 30 cm record)Within 0° 32 (at the inner groove of 30 cm record)Offset Angle22°Arm-height Adjustment Range0 - 6 mmStylus Pressure Adjustment Range0 - 4 g (Direct Reading)Head Shell WeightApprox. 7.6 gApplicable Cartridge Weight Range(without auxiliary weight)5.6 - 12.0 g14.3 - 20.7 g (including head shell)Head Shell Terminal Lug1.2 mm? 4-pin terminal lugTerminalsAudio OutputPHONO (Pin Jack) x 1, EARTH TERMINAL x 1GeneralPower SupplyAC 110 - 240 V, 50 / 60 HzPower Consumption8 WApprox. 0.2 W (Standby)Dimensions (W x H x D)453 x 169 x 353 mmWeightApprox. 9.6 kgAccessoriesTurntable, Slipmat, Slipsheet, Dust cover, EP record adaptor, Balance weight, Head shell, Screw set for cartridge, PHONO cable, PHONO earth lead, AC power supply cord (UK specs), Owners ManualFROM MY PRIVATE COLLECTION, STORED ALWAYS ONLY IN A DUST-FREE, SUNLIGHT-FREE, SMOKE-FREE, PET-FREE AND MOISTURE-FREE ENVIRONMENT! LIMITED EDITION ITEM, NEW, NOT AVAILABLE NOW FOR SALE IN THIS FACTORY-NEW CONDITION FROM ANYWHERE, BECAUSE IT IS NOW LONG DISCONTINUED. PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE THAT THE ITEM IS SUITABLE TO YOUR NEEDS. PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU DO NOT 100% AGREE WITH THIS PRIVATE LISTING CONDITIONS: ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE APPLIED, NO RETURN APPLIED, NO REFUND APPLIED! AS ALWAYS, THE ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED WITHIN A SOLID AND SAFE CARTON-BOX PACKAGING, PLEASE CHECK MY 100% POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS AS A SELLER. NO ADDITIONAL CUSTOMS EXPENSES ON DELIVERY, WHEN SHIPPED WITHIN THE EU!Shipping and handling cost:EPG Countries/Interconnect: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France (including Corsica & Monaco), Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (including Azores Islands), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Balearic Islands & Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom: EUR 89,00. Other Countries: Please ask for a quotation before bidding.Through ELTA Hellenic Post is the cheapest and safe way for shipping, registered parcel, with tracking number but not insured. You agree with this with your bidding. TERMS OF TRANSACTION: PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU DO NOT 100% AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING:THIS IS A PRIVATE LISTING.NO GUARANTEE APPLIED, NO RETURN APPLIED, NO REFUND APPLIED, NO LIABILITY IF DAMAGED OR DELAYED IN THE POST.The new terms and conditions of eBay oblige me as a vendor to point out the following: The article is sold privately as is and is described by me to the best of my knowledge and belief. With the submission of a bid you expressly agree that the seller assumes no guarantee under new EU law. You have no right of withdrawal and no right of return and a refund for the items you have purchased. A warranty or liability is expressly excluded. This note has nothing to do with the condition of the item. The bidder agrees and accepts this with his bid. According to EU law, this addition must be under any online auctionIMMEDIATE PAYMENT REQUESTED. PRIVAT VERKAUF.KEINE GARANTIE, KEINE RUCKNAHME, KEINE GELD-ZURÜCKGEBE.BEZAHLUNG INNERHALB 1 TAG.

2 x Technics SL1210 MK7 limited Red Bull Edition SL-1210MK7RB

End: 26.09. 2023 20:28:57 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2200.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166346304618
  • Seller: shellymaus20 (137|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuwühren Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 x Technics SL1210 MK7 limited Red Bull Edition SL-1210MK7RBMoin,zum Verkauf stehen hier 2 x Technics SL1210 MK7 limited Red Bull EditionSie funktionieren tadellos und sind ca. 2 Jahre alt. Original Slipmats und Headshells sind dabei und alle dazugehörigen Kabel. Die beiden Ortofon Systeme gibt es auch mit dazu. Sie werden nur verkauft, weil wir auf Controller umgestiegen sind. Sie Stehen sonst im raucherfreien udn fangen Staub. Definitv zu schade dafür. Kein Clubbetrieb, keinem Rauch oder sonstigem ausgesetzt gewesen. Hier ein Link zur Beschreibung Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Garantie oder Gewährleistung verkauft

Technics SL-1200MK7-K Schwarz Direkte Drive Dj Turntable System SL-1200 MK7

End: 24.09. 2023 09:37:29 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 922.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364478177465
  • Seller: tsurugi-shoten (1049|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: nagoyashi Japan
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 102,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SL-1200MK7-K Schwarz Direkte Drive Dj Turntable System SL-1200 MK7Technics SL-1200MK7-K Schwarz Direkte Drive Dj Turntable System SL-1200 MK7Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.   Beschreibung Drehzahl 33 1/3 U/min, 45 U/min (78 U/min: Einstellung über Umschalter)Einstellbereich der Drehzahl (Pitch-Schalter) ±8 %, ±16Anlaufdrehmoment 0,18 Nm (1,8 kg-cm)Anlaufverhalten 0,7 Sek. (bei 33 1/3 U/min)Wah-Flatter 0,025 % WRMSTonarmtyp Universeller S-förmiger Tonarm, statisch ausbalanciertÜberstand 15mmAnwendbares Tonabnehmergewicht 5,6 g bis 12,0 g / 14,3 g bis 20,7 g (einschließlich Kopfgehäuse)Ausgangsanschlüsse PHONO-Anschluss x 1, PHONO-Erdungsanschluss x 1Stromversorgung AC100V, 50/60HzStromverbrauch 8,0 W (im eingeschalteten Zustand) / ca. 0,2 W (bei ausgeschaltetem Gerät)Abmessungen (B x H x T) 453 x 169 x 353 mmGewicht ca. 9,6 kgZubehör Slip-Matte x 1, Slip-Sheet x 1, Staubschutz x 1, Adapter für EP-Schallplatten x 1, Ausgleichsgewicht x 1, Schale x 1, PHONO-Kabel x 1, PHONO-Erdungskabel x 1, Netzkabel x 1 Zahlung Wir akzeptieren Kredit-, Debit- und Geschenkkarten; Apple Pay; Google Pay; PayPal und PayPal-Guthaben. Versand WeltweitDHL oder FEDEX oder Japan Post(Versicherungs- und Sendungsverfolgungsnummer 3 – 7 Tage in die USA.)Der Versand ist nur an die bei PayPal hinterlegte Adresse möglich.Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Versand an Adressen, die nicht bei PayPal registriert sind, nicht möglich ist.Der Versand ist von Montag bis Freitag möglich.Wochenenden sind nicht verfügbar, da das Postamt geschlossen ist. Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie: Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten.Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.Bitte erkundigen Sie sich beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden, bevor Sie bieten oder kaufen.Bitte beachten Sie die Spannung usw. entsprechend Ihrem Land.Die Herstellergarantie gilt nur in Japan.Drehzahl 33 1/3 U/min, 45 U/min (78 U/min: Einstellung über Umschalter)Einstellbereich der Drehzahl (Pitch-Schalter) ±8 %, ±16Anlaufdrehmoment 0,18 Nm (1,8 kg-cm)Anlaufverhalten 0,7 Sek. (bei 33 1/3 U/min)Wah-Flatter 0,025 % WRMSTonarmtyp Universeller S-förmiger Tonarm, statisch ausbalanciertÜberstand 15mmAnwendbares Tonabnehmergewicht 5,6 g bis 12,0 g / 14,3 g bis 20,7 g (einschließlich Kopfgehäuse)Ausgangsanschlüsse PHONO-Anschluss x 1, PHONO-Erdungsanschluss x 1Stromversorgung AC100V, 50/60HzStromverbrauch 8,0 W (im eingeschalteten Zustand) / ca. 0,2 W (bei ausgeschaltetem Gerät)Abmessungen (B x H x T) 453 x 169 x 353 mmGewicht ca. 9,6 kgZubehör Slip-Matte x 1, Slip-Sheet x 1, Staubschutz x 1, Adapter für EP-Schallplatten x 1, Ausgleichsgewicht x 1, Schale x 1, PHONO-Kabel x 1, PHONO-Er Tonearm Shape S-Shaped Features Built-in Phono Preamp Features Detachable Headshell Features Free Wheel Features LED Light(s) Features Pitch Control Features Pitch Reset Button Features Real-time Scratching Features Reverse Platter Material Aluminum MPN SL1200MK7 Audio Outputs RCA/Phono Female Items Included Cable, Lead & Connector Items Included DJ Turntable Items Included Slipmat Country/Region of Manufacture Japan Color Black Speed Settings 33.3 RPM Speed Settings 45 RPM Drive Type Direct Drive Model SL-1200MK7-K Type DJ Turntable Brand Technics Pitch Range ±8% / ±16%

Biete einen kaum gebrauchten Technics sl 1210 mk7 Schwarz in Top Verpackung

End: 11.09. 2023 07:38:59 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 655.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276030028753
  • Bids: 13
  • Seller: partyboyxxxl (139|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Biete einen kaum gebrauchten Technics sl 1210 mk7 Schwarz in Top VerpackungBiete einen kaum gebrauchten Technics sl 1210 mk7 Schwarz mit Originalverpackung. Es ist alles dabei Slimmate, Haube, Stromkabel, Chinch, Massekabel, sowie das System


End: 05.09. 2023 20:58:54 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 706.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285454818099
  • Bids: 80
  • Seller: pianoroll_shop (1450|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: MILANO Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Arricchito delle ultime tecnologie e di anni di know-how, questo giradischi segna un nuovo step nellevoluzione della cultura del DJing. Il motore a trazione diretta resta il cuore della nuova serie: dallintroduzione nel 1970, la tecnologia dei motori direct drive offre una precisione ineguagliabile, e affidabilità per un uso a lungo termine. LSL-1210MK7 è dotato di un braccio statico a forma di S Balance come da tradizione; linterno ha una costruzione a cuscinetti ad alta precisione. Il braccio offre una fedeltà di tracciamento assoluta, garantendo una tenuta, anche durante luso intensivo, come nello scratch. Ognuno dei piedini è composto da gomma e da una molla di sospensione interna, mentre la parte inferiore è ricoperta da un materiale di imbottitura, il tutto per eliminare le vibrazioni anche in console con elevata pressione sonora. Technics SL-1210 MK7 è dotato di un nuovo controllo del pitch completamente digitale, che consente una regolazione precisa e stabile nellintervallo ±8/16%. Anche il Target Light, che ha celebrato la sua apparizione nellSL-1200MK2, è tornato aggiornato con la tecnologia più recente: ora dotato di LED bianco ad elevata luminosità, promette una lunga durata, e un angolo di illuminazione ampliato, per garantire visibilità ottimale anche in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione in console. Lunità in asta è nuova, nellimballo originale completo di accessori, mai aperto; regolare garanzia italiana di 2 anni. Buona asta a tutti! Lo staff Visita il nostro store: Caratteristiche Tecniche:Giradischi professionale per DJ a trazione direttacoperchio anti-polvere: SiLine-Out: SiNumero di giri: 33 / 45 / 78Pitch con controllo digitale: ±8% ; ±16%braccio curvo a forma di S ad alta sensibilitàControllo motore ad alta precisionePrecisione di tracciamento estremamente elevatachassis metallico robusto e resistentePiedini gommati con sospensione a molla interna, per il massimo isolamento dalle vibrazioniconnettori placcati in oroTarget-Light con luce bianca a LEDVelocità di rotazione: 33 1/3, 45, 78 giri/min.Torq: 2,2 kg/cmTempo di avviamento: 0,7 s. da fermo a 33 1/3 di giri/min.Lunghezza del braccio: 230 mmGamma di forza di supporto: 0 - 4g (scansione diretta)Peso del porta-testina: Circa 7.6gTensione di rete: AC230 V, 50 HzConsumo energetico: 11 W (circa 0,2 W in standby)Peso: 11,2 kgDimensioni (L x A x P): 453 x 173 x 372 mmIncluso nella confezione:Giradischi Technics SL-1210 MK7Slipmat in gommacoperchio antipolvereadattatore per 45 giricontrappesopeso ausiliarioheadshellSet di viti per il fissaggio del pickupCavo di collegamento phonocavo di messa a terracavo di alimentazionemanuale di istruzioniNB: pickup non incluso