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Original Technics Headshell 1200 / 1210 - " SME " - Farbe Silber mit Kabeln

End: 10.12. 2023 16:18:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 14:23:46
  • Item number: 145236274089
  • Seller: albis-retro-handel (14416|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wipperfürth Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Technics Headshell 1200 / 1210 - zum Verkauf steht hier ein Original Technics Headshell mit Bajonett-Anschluss SME Technics SL 1200 / 1210 Farbe: Silbermit Kabeln Der Artikel ist in voll funktionsfähigem, sehr gutem, gebrauchtem Zustand! Details siehe Original-Fotos der Artikel! Anwendung der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG (die Mehrwertsteuer wird hier auf der Rechnung nicht separat ausgewiesen) 30 Tage Widerrufsrecht Bei Fragen können Sie mich jederzeit kontaktieren. Sollten Sie aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht zufrieden mit Ihrem Kauf sein, bitte ich um eine entsprechende Mitteilung von Ihnen, damit wir eine Lösung finden, die beide Parteien zufrieden stellt. Hinweise gemäß Preisangaben-Verordnung: Die angegebenen Preise sind Endpreise zzgl. eventueller Versandkosten. Da es sich um Differenzbesteuerte-Waren (§ 25a UStG, Gebrauchtgegenstände/Sonderregelung) handelt, ist die MwSt. im Preis zwar entsprechend der Regelungen zur Differenzbesteuerung enthalten, ein Umsatzsteuerausweis auf der Rechnung jedoch nicht möglich. Alle meine Verpackungen sind bei der Landbell AG für Rückhol-Systeme lizenziert und die entsprechenden Lizenzentgelte abgeführt. Alle hier genannten Marken sind geschützt und werden nur verwendet, um den Artikel bestmöglich zu beschreiben. Alle dargestellten, Marken, Fremdlogos, Bilder und Grafiken sind Eigentum der entsprechenden Firmen und unterliegen dem Copyright der entsprechenden Lizenzgeber. Alle Rechtlichen-Informationen finden Sie in meinen AGB´s und in der Widerrufsbelehrung.

2x Tonabnehmer-Headshell * SME-Anschluss * DJ-Turntable Gemini Reloop technics

End: 14.11. 2023 22:53:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:20:1
  • Item number: 175964138153
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Erlangen,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 1,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2x Tonabnehmer-Headshell * SME-Anschluss * DJ-Turntable Gemini Reloop technics- 2x DJ-Headshell Aluminium * SME-Anschluss Gemini, Reloop, Technics MK2... Zwei Headshells/Tonarmköpfe für DJ-Turntables (Original oder Nachbau) im Paket! Die montierten Tonabnehmer (beide mit abgebrochener Nadel) sind als Gratiszugabe zu verstehen - zum äußeren Zustand siehe bitte die Bilder! Versand als geschlossene Büwa-Sendung 1,90 eur (auf Wunsch auch versichert) Verkauf von privat ohne Sachmängelhaftung, Gewährleistung und Rücknahme. Beschreibung nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen. Nichtraucherhaushalt ohne Haustiere. -

Headshell Technics-Style, SME, schwarz mit Schraubensatz, neu, 1 St.

End: 28.10. 2023 07:12:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 6:40:58
  • Item number: 354813437356
  • Seller: sallimander (3714|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mönchengladbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Headshell Technics-Style, SME, schwarz mit Schrauben, neu s. Bilder. Sie bieten auf eine Headshell Als privater Anbieter biete ich keine Gewährleistung und auch keine Rücknahme. Da die von mir angebotenen Teile aber technisch völlig intakt sind, biete ich freiwillig eine vierwöchige Funktionsgarantie. Bitte nur bieten, wenn mit diesen Bedingungen einverstanden. Versand ins Ausland erfolgt nur nach Absprache gegen die tatsächlich entstehenden Kosten(nach Möglichkeit mit Hermes International) - kein Versand in die Schweiz !!Die Verwendung von Markennamen in der Artikelbeschreibung dient nur zur Beschreibung des Produkts.

Shure M91G Als SME- Technics 1210 Headshell Bauweise / Mit Neuer DN330 Hi Track

End: 28.10. 2023 04:42:07 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 99.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 4:13:5
  • Item number: 175747653583
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4754|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ÜBERPRÜFTE HÄNDLERWARE MIT GEWÄHRLEISTUNG!!!!!!!!! Hallo meine lieben Vinylisten!!! BIETE HIER EINE TONABNEHMER VOM US TOPSPEZIALISTEN SHURE AN!!! ZUSTAND: GEPRÜFTE HÄNDLERWARE! ALSO KEIN BIBBERN, WIE DAS SYSTEM ANKOMMT!!! GARANTIERTER ZUSTAND + GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, KAUFT BEI MIR; KAUFT SICHER!!! BIETE HIER EINEN TONABNEHMER VON Shure AN!!! Der Zustand ist Sehr Gut - Vinyl Sprache - VG+ - WIRKLICH SEHR GUTE VINTAGE OPTIK!!!! Nur kleinere Kratzer auf dem Body! Halt da wo die früheren Schrauben saßen. Kontakte sind frei. Feine Optik!!! Hat keinerlei Beschädigungen oder grobe Kratzer und Abnutzungserscheinungen. Tonabnehmer wurde ordnungsgemäß durchgemessen! In TATA, Kanalgleichheit, Premiere bei mir‘ Glaube beide bei 1845 Ohm. Perfekter geht es nicht!! Die Nadel wurde mir als neu verkauft. Ist aber schon ein paar Einführrunden gefahren. Aber sie ist absolut neuwertig! Und das erste mal muss ich sagen, wenn alle Ersatznadeln so wären wir wären dicke Freunde. Das war sicher ein versierter Kollege! Die Nadel und Cantilever sind Kerzengerade, die Verrundung schön spitz und alles zierlich und perfekt, es könnte direkt aus einem Shure Werk gekommen sein. Hab Sie zum Testen an einen Telefunken geschnallt und gegen eine Excel 700 Originale fahren lassen. Und das ist wahrlich keine schlechte, gilt als Geheimtipp, mit Elliptischem Schliff. Die musste deutlich Abstand nehmen. Also wirklich ein Ersatzerlebnis wie ich es noch nicht hatte. Bitte mehr davon…. Man muss eigentlich nicht wirklich mehr dazu sagen bei einer Nadel in diesem Zustand außer absolute Qualität…. Technisch, Akustisch und Optisch Geprüft!!! Anbei die Bilder der Nadel... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! Kein Bullshit!!! Kommt mit tollen Headshell in SME Bajonett Stil! Es ist ein Headshell In OEM Technics Bauweise wie auf den Bildern zu sehen!! Tolles System. Vom Händler! Ansonsten findet ihr noch viele extrem seltene Systeme in meinen anderen Auktionen. Unter anderem ein Ultra???????????????????? PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG:  Fazit: Purer Vintage-Spaß mit einem großen, explosiven Sound. Das Shure M75 und das M91 sind sehr ähnliche Tonabnehmer. Sie teilen sich denselben Generator, so dass die Taster ohne kosmetische Unterschiede untereinander austauschbar wären. Da NOS-Nadeln derzeit fast unmöglich zu finden sind, spielen diese Unterschiede keine Rolle mehr. Ich habe einmal ein M75 mit einem originalen konischen Shure-Nadel ausprobiert, und ich habe ehrlich gesagt nicht verstanden, was es damit auf sich hatte. Dunkel, in den Höhen sehr abgerollt, gedämpfte Dynamik, im Grunde ein ziemlich langweiliger Klang. Ich dachte immer, dass ich mit diesem Tonabnehmer nichts hören kann. Dann wurde mir ein M91 mit einer billigen elliptischen Abtastnadel aus dem Zubehörhandel angeboten. Ich spielte ihn einmal an und stellte schnell fest, dass die Nadel bestenfalls von zweifelhafter Qualität war. Ich habe einen Tonar Hyperelliptical auf dem M91 ausprobiert und fand, dass dieses Tonabnehmersystem mit einer guten Nadel viel zu bieten hat, mit guten Details und einer guten Klangbühne sowie einem druckvollen Sound. Allerdings ist die Qualitätskontrolle von Tonar-nicht die beste, so dass ich ihn schließlich zurückgab und stattdessen einen Black Diamond kaufte. Ich kann nur sagen: Wow! Diese Kombination sorgt für eine der schönsten Erfahrungen, die ich je bei der Wiedergabe von Vinyl hatte. Sie hat Mitten, Mitten und noch mehr Mitten, die eine große, gigantische Präsenz und eine explosive Dynamik erzeugen, gepaart mit einem großen Mittenbass, der alles abrundet. Die Stimmen sollten angesichts dieser Beschreibung völlig falsch klingen, aber stattdessen klingen sie überraschend süß. Es ist immer sehr druckvoll und spannend, aber nie aggressiv. Das ist wirklich eine besondere Kombination. Die Höhen sind zwar immer noch abgerollt, aber man vermisst sie nicht wirklich, denn das M91 macht wirklich Spaß zu spielen. Natürlich ist er nicht perfekt - weit gefehlt. Der Frequenzgang ist bei weitem nicht so neutral. Wenn er von einem modernen Tonabnehmer kommt, könnte er sogar ein wenig entzerrt klingen. Aber er klingt so gut, dass das nicht wirklich ins Gewicht fällt. Dieser Charakter wirkt bei schlechten Aufnahmen und Pressungen wahre Wunder, er filtert das Rauschen und lässt die Musik durch. Abhängig von der Abtastnadel klingt der M91/75 wirklich gut. Die Bässe sind ausgeprägt, die Höhen leicht abgeschwächt. (nicht so sehr mit den elliptischen Nadeln) Der Gesamtklang ist entspannt und warm. (mit einfachen Nadeln werden die Zischlaute nicht immer perfekt erfasst, mit den besseren Tastern sind die Höhen etwas frischer, was zu einem ähnlichen Ansatz führen kann) Bei höherer Eingangskapazität und höherem Widerstand (100pF plus Kabel/100kOhm oder mehr) verändert sich der Klang zu mehr Höhen. Diese Tonabnehmer sind ziemlich resistent gegen Brummen von Motoren oder Transformatoren! Zusammen mit der richtigen Abtastnadel gibt es an diesem Tonabnehmer eine Menge zu mögen. Er ist ein perfektes Backup und manchmal auch ein perfekter Abend. Ich habe mehr Freude an ihm als an manchen High-End-Tonabnehmern. Holen Sie sich einen für wenig Geld, wenn Sie können, Sie werden es nicht bereuen. Die berühmte Dynamik und der sagenumwobene Bass haben schon so manche Runde trauriger alter Männer zu legendären Abenden gemacht! LEGENDÄR - JUST FOR FUN Allgemein: Hersteller: Audio Technica Modell: AT 95 Ex Hergestellt in: Japan Farbe: roter Nadelträger Gewicht: 5,7 g Technische Daten: Prinzip: Moving Magnet (MM) Output Voltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz Tracking Force 0.75 - 1.5 g Mass 5.5 g Channel Separation 25 dB Channel Balance 2 dB Load Impedance 47k ? Output Impedance 630 ? Stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Notes Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Lieferumfang: Original M91G Tonabnehmer Original DN330 Ersatz Nadel Stylus Grau Original M91G Nadelschutz Auf SME Headshell OEM Technics ANDERE SYSTEME - KLEINE AUSWAHL: Gesuchte Tonabnehmer Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE mit echter N97xE NOS Nadel Shure Me97He mit Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast oder Nightclub E für Pro‘s! Und für Turntablisten Ortofon Qbert! Stanton Epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Verschiedene Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 mit Beryllium Cantilever Technics 205EX MIT Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C mit SD oder ED Nadel Verschiedene Grado‘s + Dual‘s Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - versch- Mc + die besten Dreher von Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & Vieles Mehr Extras: Vivid HE - unser eigens in Kleinmanufaktur hergestellter Nadelreiniger zur Verlängerung des Lebens des Systems hergestellt aus Reinstwasser aus medizinischen Umfeld um auch absolut keinerlei Rückstände auf dem guten Stück zu hinterlassen. Besonders auf den Applikator sind wir stolz, da er die richtige Mitte zwischen hart, guter Reinigung, sowie Nachgiebigkeit, also Schonung der grazilen Stellen, findet. Ein feiner Tropfen High End Cleaner - AB JETZT NEU FÜR SCHMALE 18,80€ - 15ml - mit normal destillierten Wasser 8,88€ Vorteilspreis zum System 9,90€!!! Dazu Top Phonoschrauben Set für 9,99€ in der Umweltfreundlichen, Wiederverwendbaren Verpackung!!! Selbstverständlich entmagnetisiert!! Vorteilspreis zum System 7,90€!!! Tonarmwaage die das lästige Ausjustieren des Balancegewichtes, bei dem man dann sowieso ständig unsicher ist ob es jetzt richtig ist, unnötig werden lässt. Auflegen, Auslesen, Genießen!! - 13,90€ Sonderpreis zum System 11,11€ Reinigungsgel für Nadeln - die schonende Reinigung zusätzlich zum täglichen reinigen - 11,11€ Dreher: Verschiedene Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo, DENON uvm. = ab 49€ Rest: VORVERSTÄRKER ZUM DIREKTEN ANSCHLUß = ab 15€ VERSTÄRKER MIT PHONO GEBRAUCHT HIFI BOXEN VINYL 20 EUER STYLE - 70€ VINYL 30 EUER STYLE - 90€ write me than i create an personalized Item ALLES NACH VERFÜGBARKEIT WIR HÖREN UNS AUCH GERN EURE VORSCHLÄGE ZU EUREN ALTGERÄTEN AN WICHTIGES ZUM ABLAUF: BITTE DIES LESEN!!! Anständige Verpackung ist selbstverständlich. Aus Erfahrung von knapp 20 Jahren, erfolgt definitiv eine hochwertige Packweise. Wenn vorhanden werden Transportschrauben angezogen, Teller und Gegengewicht entfernt und extra verpackt. Wobei wir hier aus, sofern möglich, umweltschonenden Gründen auf Altmittel zugreifen, um so wenig Plastik wie notwendig zu verwenden. Wir sehen uns da in der Verpflichtung nicht nur das schwarze Runde, sondern auch das Blaue Runde zu schonen und Müll, wo geht, zu vermeiden. Sollten Sie das, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, nicht wünschen, geben Sie es uns vorab darüber Bescheid. Bei Problemen helfe ich gern! Die Artikel werden aus Gründen der Effizienz Freitags konzentriert gepackt. Auch möchte ich Sie darauf hinweisen das Qualität und schnelle Lieferzeiten nicht zusammen passen. Viele Geräte bekommen die Wartung und dazu kommen langwierige Testketten etc. Pp. Geben Sie uns die Zeit die Sie sich sicher auch bei der Kaufentscheidung gegeben haben und lassen uns die Qualität liefern, die Sie wünschen und verdienen. Genießen Sie einfach die Vorfreude!!! Stress, Hektik und Schnell, Schnell erlauben keine Qualität!!! Fragen sie einen Diamanten ;-) Danke für euer Vertrauen!!! WIR LIEFERN IHNEN: Turntable Deck Plattenspieler gebraucht und neu, Tonabnehmer Gebraucht & Neu, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Nadelreiniger & Nadelgel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony, Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Kopfhörer, DJ Equipment, DJ Kopfhörer, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson, Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Klassiker, Raritäten, Plattenspieler, Schallplatten, Hardcore, Gabber, Ersatznadel, platine, Portacápsulas, Systemhalterung, Cartridge holder, Fixation de cellule, Tonabnehmersystem, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant-Abtastnadel, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Zahnriemen, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??

Tonabnehmersystem Technics U25 mit Headshell SME mit Nadel

End: 26.10. 2023 11:53:32 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 11:55:5
  • Item number: 134704028851
  • Seller: drago_013 (3803|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bielefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tonabnehmersystem Technics U25 mit Headshell SME mit NadelACHTUNG: Das Geschäft befindet sich an der Heeper Str. 42, 33607 Bielefeld ####### Für weitere Informationen erreichen sie uns unter der 01731590174 #### Tonabnehmersystem Technics U25 mit Headshell SME mit Nadel Zustand: Allgemeine Gebrauchsspuren wie Kratzer Technisch: Funktioniert einwandfrei Aufgrund der Umweltverschmutzung Benutze ich gebrauchtes Verpackungsmaterial.

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 21.10. 2023 17:21:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 138.24 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 21:31:8
  • Item number: 186089968465
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Germany Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 21,27 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi TrackThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald, ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Al Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Technics Headshell SME Aluminium / Audio-Technica Tonabnehmer Cartridge & Nadel

End: 30.09. 2023 09:48:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374953252719
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: allesbeimir (1023|94.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics Headshell SME Aluminium / Audio-Technica Tonabnehmer Cartridge & NadelHallo, liebe Käufer.Zum Verkauf steht Technics Headshell SME Aluminium / Audio-Technica Tonabnehmer Cartridge & Nadel in gutem Zustand. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schauen Sie bitte die Original Bilder an.Versand und Verpackung kostet 5,90 €. Weitere Angebote finden Sie unter Andere Artikel des Verkäufers. Achtung!! Versand zu den angegebenen Versandkosten (besteht aus Verpackungsmaterial, Porto, Aufwand) nur innerhalb Deutschland !!! Wenn Sie aus dem Ausland bieten wollen oder eine ausländische Lieferadresse haben, bitte ---vor--- Abgabe Ihres Gebotes meine Bereitschaft und die Versandkosten hierfür erfragen!! Dieses ist ein Privatverkauf. Aufgrund der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen erfolgt die Auktion unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung, Garantie und Rücknahme. Laut dem neuen EU-Recht muss dieser Zusatz unter jeder Online- Auktion stehen, sonst haftet der Verkäufer auch als Privatperson ein ganzes Jahr für die verkaufte Ware. Mit einer Gebotsabgabe stimmt der Käufer dem zu. Viel Spaß beim bieten!

Turntable record player headshell for tonearm mm/mc sme technics sony

End: 18.09. 2023 04:53:02 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 75.63 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134732244852
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: vernaan (883|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    5 headshells various names some branded some not what you see is what you will get nothing else! Sold as is and as seen Shipping flat 8 to USA

Ortofon 2M Bronze auf Technics 1210 SME Headshell -Neu- vom 12.06.23

End: 23.06. 2023 11:12:30 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 279.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134616432831
  • Seller: j.b.lansing (2017|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Norden Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Biete hier nagelneues Ortofon MM-Tonabnehmer System 2M Bronze montiert auf Technics SME Headshell zum Verkauf. Das System ist eine Beigabe zu meinem Technics 1210 gewesen...da ich aber hochwertigere MC Systeme nutze , darf es in andere Hände. Kaufdatum war der 12.06.23. Rechnungskopie ist mit dabei. Lieferumfang siehe 1. Bild.... System-PrinzipMM (Moving Magnet)Diamant-SchliffFineLine nacktOriginalstylusJaAusgangsspannung in mV5,0Auflagekraft in mN15,0Tonabnehmer Gewicht (gramm)7,2Compliance in µm/mN (Nadelnachgiebigkeit)22BefestigungHalf-Inch Schraub-Befestigung mit Gewindebohrung (Schrauben nur von oben)CD4 tauglich (Quadro)NeinBesonderheitenMM-Tonabnehmer der Spitzenklasseresonanz- optimiertes Gehäusesehr gutes Abtast-Verhaltendynamisches Klangbildaustauschbarer Nadel-Einsatzeinfache Justage dank gerader GehäusekantenBefestigung mit zwei Schrauben von oben (Gehäuse mit Gewindebohrungen)angenehm hohe Ausgangsspannungpraxisgerechte elektrische Auslegungeinsetzbar in alle gängigen Plattenspieler

Shure M91G Come Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Costruzione / Con Rinnovato DN330

End: 22.06. 2023 08:04:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 102.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175778989060
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G Come Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Costruzione / Con Rinnovato DN330La descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. MERCE AL DETTAGLIO VERIFICATA CON GARANZIA!!!!!!!!! Ciao miei cari vinilisti!!! OFFRIAMO UNA CARTUCCIA DAL MIGLIORE SPECIALISTA STATUNITENSE SHURE QUI!!! CONDIZIONE: MERCI DA RIVENDITORE TESTATE! QUINDI NESSUNA BIBBIA SU COME IL SISTEMA RICEVE!!! CONDIZIONI GARANTITE + GARANZIA, ACQUISTA DA ME; ACQUISTA SICURO!!! OFFRI UNA CARTUCCIA SHURE QUI!!! La condizione è molto buona - lingua del vinile - VG+ - LOOK VINTAGE DAVVERO MOLTO BUONO!!!! Solo piccoli graffi sulla carrozzeria! Fermati dove cerano le viti precedenti. I contatti sono gratuiti. Ottima ottica!!! Non presenta danni o graffi grossolani e segni di usura. Il ritiro è stato misurato correttamente! In TATA, canali uguali, debuttati a mio avviso entrambi a 1845 ohm. Non cè niente di più perfetto!! Lago mi è stato venduto come nuovo. Ha già effettuato alcuni giri di riscaldamento. Ma è assolutamente nuovo! E per la prima volta devo dire che se tutti gli aghi di ricambio fossero così, saremmo grandi amici. Quello era certamente un collega affermato! Lo stilo e il cantilever sono perfettamente dritti, larrotondamento è ben appuntito e tutto è delicato e perfetto, potrebbe provenire direttamente da una fabbrica Shure. Lho legato a un Telefunken per il test e lho lasciato guidare contro un Excel 700 originale. E questo non è davvero male, è considerato un consiglio da insider, con un taglio ellittico. Chiaramente doveva prendere le distanze. Quindi davvero unesperienza sostitutiva come non ho mai avuto prima. Posso averne ancora un po, per favore... Non cè davvero bisogno di dire altro su un ago in queste condizioni se non la qualità assoluta.... Testato tecnicamente, acusticamente e otticamente!!! In allegato le foto dellago... OTTIENI QUELLO CHE VEDI!!! niente cazzate!!! Viene fornito con un fantastico portatestina in stile baionetta SME! È un portatestina in costruzione OEM Technics come si può vedere nelle immagini !! Ottimo sistema. Dal rivenditore! Altrimenti troverai molti sistemi estremamente rari nelle mie altre aste. Tra laltro un Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO:  Conclusione: puro divertimento vintage con un suono grande ed esplosivo. Le Shure M75 e M91 sono testine molto simili. Condividono lo stesso generatore, quindi gli stili sarebbero intercambiabili senza differenze estetiche. Poiché gli aghi NOS sono attualmente quasi impossibili da trovare, queste differenze non contano più. Una volta ho provato un M75 con un ago conico Shure originale e ad essere sincero non capivo di cosa si trattasse. Scuro, molto srotolato negli alti, dinamiche smorzate, sostanzialmente un suono piuttosto noioso. Ho sempre pensato di non poter sentire nulla con questo pickup. Poi mi è stato offerto un M91 con uno stilo ellittico aftermarket economico. Lho suonato una volta e ho subito capito che lago era di dubbia qualità nella migliore delle ipotesi. Ho provato un Tonar Hyperelliptical sullM91 e ho scoperto che questo sistema di pickup aveva molto da offrire con una buona puntina, buoni dettagli e palcoscenico e un suono incisivo. Tuttavia, il controllo di qualità Tonar non è dei migliori, quindi ho finito per restituirlo e acquistare invece un Black Diamond. Posso solo dire: wow! Questa combinazione rende una delle esperienze più piacevoli che abbia mai avuto suonando il vinile. Ha medi, medi e più medi che creano una presenza grande e gigantesca e una dinamica esplosiva unita a un grande medio basso per completare il tutto. Le voci dovrebbero suonare completamente sbagliate data quella descrizione, ma invece suonano sorprendentemente dolci. È sempre molto potente ed eccitante, ma mai aggressivo. Questa è davvero una combinazione speciale. Gli alti sono ancora srotolati, ma non ti mancano davvero, perché lM91 è davvero divertente da suonare. Ovviamente non è perfetto, tuttaltro. La risposta in frequenza non è altrettanto neutra. Se proviene da un pickup moderno, potrebbe anche suonare un po equalizzato. Ma suona così bene che non ha molta importanza. Questo personaggio fa miracoli su registrazioni e stampe scadenti, filtrando il rumore e lasciando passare la musica. A seconda dello stilo, lM91/75 suona davvero bene. I bassi sono pronunciati, gli acuti sono leggermente indeboliti. (non tanto con gli aghi ellittici) Il suono complessivo è rilassato e caldo. (gli stili semplici non sempre catturano perfettamente le sibilanti, con gli stili migliori gli alti sono un po più freschi, il che può portare ad un approccio simile) Con una maggiore capacità di ingresso e una maggiore resistenza (100pF più cavo/100kOhm o più) il suono diventa più acuto. Questi pickup sono abbastanza resistenti al ronzio di motori o trasformatori! Insieme allo stilo giusto, cè molto da apprezzare in questa testina. È un backup perfetto e talvolta una serata perfetta. Mi piace più di alcuni pickup di fascia alta. Prendine uno economico se puoi, non te ne pentirai. Le famose dinamiche e il leggendario basso hanno trasformato molti giri di vecchi tristi in serate leggendarie! LEGGENDARIO - SOLO PER DIVERTIMENTO Generalmente: Produttore: AudioTechnica Modello: AT 95 Ex Prodotto in: Giappone Colore: porta aghi rosso Peso: 5,7 g Specifiche tecniche: Principio: magnete mobile (MM) Tensione di uscita 5mV Risposta in frequenza 20 Hz - 20 kHz forza di inseguimento 0,75 - 1,5 g dimensioni 5,5 g separazione dei canali 25 dB bilanciamento del canale 2 dB impedenza di carico 47k? Impedenza di uscita 630? stilo N91G Punta dello stilo 0,6 mil Sferico Nota Stilo alternativo N91ED e N91-3 (2,5mil) per 78 RPM. Cartucce sostitutive consigliate M35X o M97xE. Fornitura: Pickup M91G originale Puntale di ricambio originale DN330 grigio Protezione ago originale M91G Su SME Headshell OEM Technics ALTRI SISTEMI - PICCOLA SELEZIONE: Pickup ricercati Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE con ago originale N97xE NOS Shure Me97He con Hxperellisse originale Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast o Nightclub E per i professionisti! E per i giradischi Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoca 2 Shure V15-2/3 Philips diversa OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 con cantilever in berillio Technics 205EX CON Titan Cantilever Tecnica 206 Technics 270C con ago SD o ED Vari Grado + Dual Ortofon 2M Rosso Blu Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - vari - Mc + i migliori filatori della Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki e molto altro Extra: Vivid HE - il nostro pulitore per aghi, prodotto appositamente in una piccola fabbrica, per prolungare la vita del sistema, realizzato con acqua ultrapura proveniente da un ambiente medico per non lasciare assolutamente alcun residuo sul pezzo buono. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi dellapplicatore, in quanto trova il giusto equilibrio tra duro, buona pulizia e flessibilità, cioè delicato sulle aree delicate. Ovviamente smagnetizzato!! Bilance a braccio che rendono superflua la fastidiosa regolazione del contrappeso, dove non sei sempre sicuro che sia giusto comunque. Riattacca, leggi, divertiti!! filatore: Vari Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON e molti altri. Riposo: AMPLIFICATORE CON PHONO USATO CASSE HIFI scrivimi che creo un articolo personalizzato TUTTO SOGGETTO A DISPONIBILITA CI PIACE ANCHE ASCOLTARE I TUOI SUGGERIMENTI SULLA TUA VECCHIA ATTREZZATURA IMPORTANTE SUL PROCESSO: PER FAVORE LEGGI QUESTO!!! Un imballaggio adeguato è una cosa ovvia. Dallesperienza di quasi 20 anni, esiste sicuramente un metodo di imballaggio di alta qualità. Se disponibili, le viti di trasporto vengono serrate, le piastre e i contrappesi vengono rimossi e imballati separatamente. Ove possibile, utilizziamo vecchi materiali per motivi ecologici al fine di utilizzare meno plastica possibile. Consideriamo nostro obbligo non solo proteggere il cerchio nero, ma anche il cerchio blu ed evitare gli sprechi ove possibile. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non lo desideri, faccelo sapere in anticipo. Sono felice di aiutarti in caso di problemi! Gli articoli sono concentrati imballati il ??venerdì per efficienza. Vorrei anche sottolineare che qualità e tempi di consegna rapidi non vanno di pari passo. Molti dispositivi ricevono manutenzione e ci sono anche lunghe catene di test ecc. pp Concedici il tempo che sicuramente ti sei concesso quando hai preso la decisione di acquisto e lasciaci offrire la qualità che desideri e che meriti. Goditi lattesa!!! Lo stress, la frenesia e la fretta, la fretta non permette la qualità!!! chiedi a un diamante ;-) Grazie per la tua fiducia!!! TI CONSEGNIAMO: Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, guscio della testina, detergente per aghi e gel per aghi, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock , Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables , Dischi, Hardcore, gabber, ago di ricambio, circuito stampato, portacápsulas, sistema di montaggio, porta cartuccia, fissazione di cellule, sistema di prelievo, pickup, cellule polivalenti, testina fonografica stilo diamantato, stilo di ricambio, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald , ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, cinghia dentata, grammofono, fonografo, giradischi, ??, ??, ??Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, guscio della testina, detergente per aghi e gel per aghi, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock , Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madon Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Shure M91G Como Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construcción / Con Neuer DN330 Hi

End: 22.06. 2023 08:04:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 101.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175778989238
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G Como Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construcción / Con Neuer DN330 HiLa descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. MERCANCÃ?AS AL POR MENOR VERIFICADAS CON GARANTÃ?A!!!!!!!!! Hola mis queridos vinilistas!!! OFRECEMOS UN CARTUCHO DEL ESPECIALISTA SUPERIOR DE EE. UU. SHURE AQUÃ?!!! CONDICIÓN: ¡BIENES MINORISTAS PROBADOS! ¡¡¡ASÃ? QUE NO HAY BIBLIOTECAS SOBRE CÓMO RECIBE EL SISTEMA!!! CONDICIÓN GARANTIZADA + GARANTÍA, COMPRE A MÍ; COMPRA SEGURO!!! OFRECE UN CARTUCHO SHURE AQUÍ!!! El estado es muy bueno - lenguaje de vinilo - VG+ - ¡MUY BUEN ASPECTO VINTAGE REALMENTE! ¡Solo pequeños rasguños en el cuerpo! Deténgase donde estaban los tornillos anteriores. Los contactos son gratuitos. Buena óptica!!! No tiene daños ni arañazos ni signos de uso. ¡La recogida se midió correctamente! En TATA, canales iguales, estrenó en mi opinión ambos a 1845 ohmios. ¡¡No hay nada más perfecto!! La aguja me la vendieron como nueva. Ya ha dado algunas vueltas de calentamiento. ¡Pero es absolutamente nuevo! Y por primera vez tengo que decir que si todas las agujas de repuesto fueran así, seríamos grandes amigos. ¡Ese fue sin duda un colega consumado! El lápiz óptico y el voladizo están completamente rectos, el redondeo está muy bien puntiagudo y todo es delicado y perfecto, podría haber venido directamente de una fábrica de Shure. Lo ató a un Telefunken para probarlo y lo dejó conducir contra un Excel 700 original. Y eso realmente no está mal, se considera un consejo de información privilegiada, con un corte elíptico. Claramente tenía que distanciarse. Así que realmente una experiencia de reemplazo como nunca antes había tenido. ¿Puedo tener un poco más, por favor…. Realmente no tienes que decir nada más sobre una aguja en este estado excepto calidad absoluta.... Probado técnica, acústica y ópticamente!!! Adjunto las fotos de la aguja... TIENES LO QUE VES!!! ¡¡¡ningún bullshit!!! ¡Viene con un impresionante casco en estilo bayoneta SME! ¡Es un portacápsulas en construcción OEM Technics como se puede ver en las fotos! Gran sistema. ¡Por distribuidor! De lo contrario, encontrará muchos sistemas extremadamente raros en mis otras subastas. Entre otras cosas, un Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO:  Conclusión: Pura diversión vintage con un sonido grande y explosivo. Los Shure M75 y M91 son cartuchos muy similares. Comparten el mismo generador, por lo que los palpadores serían intercambiables sin diferencias cosméticas. Dado que las agujas NOS actualmente son casi imposibles de encontrar, estas diferencias ya no importan. Una vez probé un M75 con una aguja cónica original de Shure y, para ser honesto, no entendí de qué se trataba. Oscuro, muy desenrollado en los agudos, dinámica apagada, básicamente un sonido bastante aburrido. Siempre pensé que no podía escuchar nada con esta camioneta. Luego me ofrecieron un M91 con un lápiz óptico elíptico barato del mercado de accesorios. Lo jugué una vez y rápidamente me di cuenta de que la aguja era de dudosa calidad en el mejor de los casos. Probé un Tonar Hyperelliptical en el M91 y descubrí que este sistema de captación tenía mucho que ofrecer con un buen lápiz óptico, buenos detalles y escenario sonoro y un sonido contundente. Sin embargo, el control de calidad de Tonar no es el mejor, así que terminé devolviéndolo y comprando un Black Diamond en su lugar. Solo puedo decir: ¡Guau! Esta combinación lo convierte en una de las experiencias más agradables que he tenido tocando vinilos. Tiene medios, medios y más medios que crean una gran presencia gigantesca y una dinámica explosiva junto con un gran bajo medio para rematar. Las voces deberían sonar completamente mal dada esa descripción, pero en cambio suenan sorprendentemente dulces. Siempre es muy poderoso y emocionante, pero nunca agresivo. Esta es realmente una combinación especial. Los agudos todavía están desenrollados, pero realmente no los extrañas, porque el M91 es muy divertido de tocar. Por supuesto que no es perfecto, ni mucho menos. La respuesta de frecuencia no es tan neutral. Si proviene de una camioneta moderna, incluso puede sonar un poco ecualizado. Pero suena tan bien que en realidad no importa. Este personaje hace maravillas en las malas grabaciones y prensas, filtrando el ruido y dejando pasar la música. Dependiendo del lápiz óptico, el M91/75 suena muy bien. Los bajos son pronunciados, los agudos están ligeramente debilitados. (no tanto con las agujas elípticas) El sonido general es relajado y cálido. (Los palpadores simples no siempre capturan la sibilancia a la perfección, con los mejores palpadores, los agudos son un poco más frescos, lo que puede conducir a un enfoque similar) Con mayor capacitancia de entrada y mayor resistencia (100pF más cable/100kOhm o más) el sonido cambia a más agudos. ¡Estas pastillas son bastante resistentes al zumbido de motores o transformadores! Junto con el lápiz óptico correcto, hay muchas cosas que me gustan de este cartucho. Es una copia de seguridad perfecta y, a veces, una velada perfecta. Lo disfruto más que algunas camionetas de gama alta. Consigue uno barato si puedes, no te arrepentirás. ¡La famosa dinámica y el legendario bajo han convertido muchas rondas de viejos tristes en veladas legendarias! LEGENDARIO - SOLO POR DIVERSIÓN Generalmente: Fabricante: Audio Technica Modelo: AT 95 Ex Fabricado en: Japón Color: portaagujas rojo Peso: 5,7 g Especificaciones técnicas: Principio: imán móvil (MM) Tensión de salida 5mV Respuesta de frecuencia 20Hz - 20kHz fuerza de seguimiento 0,75 - 1,5 g dimensiones 5,5g separación de canales 25dB balance de canales 2dB impedancia de carga 47k? Impedancia de salida 630Ω aguja N91G Punta del lápiz óptico 0,6 mil esférico Nota Lápiz óptico alternativo N91ED y N91-3 (2,5 mil) para 78 RPM. Cartuchos de reemplazo sugeridos M35X o M97xE. Alcance de la entrega: Pastilla original M91G Aguja de repuesto original DN330 gris Protector de aguja original M91G En SME Headshell OEM Technics OTROS SISTEMAS - PEQUEÑA SELECCIÓN: camionetas buscadas Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE con aguja N97xE NOS genuina Shure Me97He con Hxperellipse original Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 ¡Ortofon Broadcast o Nightclub E para profesionales! ¡Y para los tocadiscos Ortofon Qbert! Stanton época 2 Shure V15-2/3 Philips diferentes OGP 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 con voladizo de berilio Technics 205EX CON voladizo Titan Técnicas 206 Technics 270C con aguja SD o ED Varios Grados + Duales Ortofon 2M Rojo Azul Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Edición limitada - 13eav - AT12XE - varios - Mc + los mejores hilanderos de Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki y mucho más Extras: Vivid HE: nuestro limpiador de agujas, fabricado especialmente en una pequeña fábrica para prolongar la vida útil del sistema, fabricado con agua ultrapura de un entorno médico para no dejar absolutamente ningún residuo en la pieza buena. Estamos especialmente orgullosos del aplicador, ya que encuentra el equilibrio perfecto entre dureza, buena limpieza y flexibilidad, es decir, suave en las zonas delicadas. Por supuesto desmagnetizado!! Básculas de brazo fonocaptor que hacen que el molesto ajuste del peso de la balanza, en el que siempre no está seguro de si es correcto de todos modos, es innecesario. Cuelga, lee, disfruta!! hilandero: Varios Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON y muchos más. Descansar: AMPLIFICADOR CON FONO UTILIZADO CAJAS DE ALTA FIDELIDAD escríbeme que creo un artículo personalizado TODO SUJETO A DISPONIBILIDAD TAMBIÉN NOS GUSTA ESCUCHAR SUS SUGERENCIAS SOBRE SU EQUIPO ANTIGUO IMPORTANTE SOBRE EL PROCESO: ¡¡¡POR FAVOR LEE ESTO!!! El embalaje adecuado es una cuestión de rutina. A partir de la experiencia de casi 20 años, definitivamente existe un método de embalaje de alta calidad. Si están disponibles, se aprietan los tornillos de transporte, se quitan las placas y los contrapesos y se embalan por separado. Siempre que sea posible, utilizamos materiales antiguos por razones respetuosas con el medio ambiente para utilizar la menor cantidad de plástico posible. Vemos como nuestra obligación no solo proteger el círculo negro, sino también el círculo azul y evitar el desperdicio siempre que sea posible. Si, por cualquier razón, no desea esto, infórmenos con anticipación. ¡Estoy feliz de ayudar si tienes algún problema! Los artículos se concentran empaquetados los viernes para mayor eficiencia. También me gustaría señalar que la calidad y los tiempos de entrega rápidos no van de la mano. Muchos dispositivos reciben mantenimiento y también hay largas cadenas de prueba, etc. páginas Danos el tiempo que ciertamente te diste al tomar la decisión de compra y déjanos entregarte la calidad que deseas y mereces. ¡Solo disfruta de la anticipación! Estrés, agitado y rápido, rápido no permite calidad!!! preguntale a un diamante ;-) ¡¡¡Gracias por su confianza!!! TE ENTREGAMOS: Tocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados ??y nuevos, cartuchos usados ??y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, limpiador de agujas y gel de agujas, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor, disco, alfombrilla antideslizante, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo de DJ, auriculares para DJ, techno, house, electro, ambiente, rock , Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables , Records, Hardcore, gabber, aguja de repuesto, placa de circuito, portacápsulas, montaje del sistema, portacartuchos, fijación de celula, sistema de recogida, pastilla, celula polivalente, testina fonografica stylus de diamante, stylus de repuesto, punta de lectura, ersättningsnål, reservenaald , ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, correa dentada, gramófono, fonógrafo, tocadiscos, ??, ??, ??Tocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados ??y nuevos, cartuchos usados ??y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, limpiador de agujas y gel de agujas, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor, disco, alfombrilla antideslizante, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo de DJ, auriculares para DJ, techno, house, electro, ambiente, rock , Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 22.06. 2023 08:03:34 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 103.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573698
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 14,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnÃ¥l, reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, ATurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, A

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 104.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573361
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi TrackThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald, ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Al Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 129.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175773221544
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 21,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi TrackThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald, ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, AlTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Al Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 14.06. 2023 08:03:51 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 105.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185920624819
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4683|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi TrackThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald, ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Al Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi Track

End: 14.06. 2023 08:03:50 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 127.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175751237934
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4686|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 21,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M91G As Sme- Technics 1210 Headshell Construction/With New DN330 Hi TrackThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A CARTRIDGE FROM THE US TOP SPECIALIST SHURE HERE!!! CONDITION: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! The condition is very good - vinyl language - VG+ - REALLY VERY GOOD VINTAGE LOOK!!!! Only minor scratches on the body! Stop where the earlier screws were. Contacts are free. Fine optics!!! Has no damage or gross scratches and signs of wear. Pickup was properly measured! In TATA, equal channels, premiered in my opinion both at 1845 ohms. It doesnt get any more perfect!! The needle was sold to me as new. Has already driven a few warm-up laps. But it is absolutely new! And for the first time I have to say, if all spare needles were like this, we would be great friends. That was certainly an accomplished colleague! The stylus and cantilever are dead straight, the rounding is nice and sharp and everything is delicate and perfect, it could have come straight from a Shure factory. Strapped it to a Telefunken for testing and let it drive against an Excel 700 original. And thats really not bad, its considered an insider tip, with an elliptical cut. She clearly had to distance herself. So really a replacement experience like Ive never had before. Can I have some more, please…. You dont really have to say anything more about a needle in this condition except absolute quality.... Technically, acoustically and optically tested!!! Attached are the pictures of the needle... U GET WHAT U SEE!!! no bullshit!!! Comes with awesome headshell in SME bayonet style! It is a headshell in OEM Technics construction as can be seen in the pictures!! Great system. By dealer! Otherwise you will find many extremely rare systems in my other auctions. Among other things, an Ultra?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ?»?Ÿ’??Ÿ’? PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Conclusion: Pure vintage fun with a big, explosive sound. The Shure M75 and M91 are very similar cartridges. They share the same generator, so the styli would be interchangeable with no cosmetic differences. Since NOS needles are currently almost impossible to find, these differences no longer matter. I once tried an M75 with an original Shure tapered needle and to be honest I didnt understand what it was all about. Dark, very unrolled in the highs, muted dynamics, basically a pretty boring sound. I always thought I couldnt hear anything with this pickup. Then I was offered an M91 with a cheap aftermarket elliptical stylus. I played it once and quickly realized that the needle was of dubious quality at best. I tried a Tonar Hyperelliptical on the M91 and found this pickup system had a lot to offer with a good stylus, good detail and soundstage and a punchy sound. However, the Tonar-quality control isnt the best, so I ended up returning it and buying a Black Diamond instead. I can only say: Wow! This combination makes for one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive ever had playing vinyl. It has mids, mids and more mids creating a big, gigantic presence and explosive dynamics coupled with a big mid-bass to top it all off. The voices should sound completely wrong given that description, but instead they sound surprisingly sweet. Its always very powerful and exciting, but never aggressive. This is really a special combination. The highs are still unrolled, but you dont really miss them, because the M91 is really fun to play. Of course hes not perfect - far from it. The frequency response is not nearly as neutral. If it comes from a modern pickup, it might even sound a little equalized. But he sounds so good that it doesnt really matter. This character works wonders on bad recordings and pressings, filtering out the noise and letting the music through. Depending on the stylus, the M91/75 sounds really good. The basses are pronounced, the trebles are slightly weakened. (not so much with the elliptical needles) The overall sound is relaxed and warm. (simple styli dont always capture sibilance perfectly, with the better styli the highs are a bit fresher, which can lead to a similar approach) With higher input capacitance and higher resistance (100pF plus cable/100kOhm or more) the sound changes to more treble. These pickups are quite resistant to hum from motors or transformers! Along with the right stylus, theres a lot to like about this cartridge. Its a perfect backup and sometimes a perfect evening. I enjoy it more than some high-end pickups. Get one cheap if you can, you wont regret it. The famous dynamics and the legendary bass have turned many a round of sad old men into legendary evenings! LEGENDARY - JUST FOR FUN Generally: Manufacturer: Audio Technica Model: AT 95 Ex Manufactured in: Japan Colour: red needle carrier Weight: 5.7g Technical specifications: Principle: Moving Magnet (MM) OutputVoltage 5mV Freq Response 20Hz - 20kHz tracking force 0.75 - 1.5g dimensions 5.5g channel separation 25dB channel balance 2dB load impedance 47k? Output Impedance 630Ω stylus N91G Stylus Tip 0.6 mil Spherical Note Alternate stylii N91ED and N91-3 (2.5mil) stylus for 78 RPM. Suggested replacement cartridges M35X or M97xE. Scope of delivery: Original M91G pickup Original DN330 replacement needle stylus grey Original M91G needle guard On SME Headshell OEM Technics OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra ML140HE Shure Me97HE with genuine N97xE NOS needle Shure Me97He with Original Hxperellipse Shure M97Xe Shure M44-7 Ortofon Broadcast or Nightclub E for pros! And for turntablists Ortofon Qbert! Stanton epoch 2 Shure V15-2/3 Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica ATE90 with beryllium cantilever Technics 205EX WITH Titan Cantilever Technics 206 Technics 270C with SD or ED needle Various Grados + Duals Ortofon 2M Red Blue Audio Technica - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various - Mc + the best spinners from Rega, Music Hall, Pro-Ject, Micro Seiki & much more Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a Diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Classics, Rarities, Turntables, Records, Hardcore, gabber, replacement needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pick-up system, pickup, cellule polyvalente, testina fonografica diamond stylus, replacement stylus, pointe de lecture, ersättningsnål, reservenaald, ???, aguja, puntina , Aiguille Pitch Belt, toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Needle Cleaner & Needle Gel, AT607, AT617a, Onzow Zero Dust, Nagaoka, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk , Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Al Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Universal Modellkompatibilität Twchnics 1200 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Modellkompatibilität Sony Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Scharfer Schliff Besonderheiten Nadel Neu Besonderheiten Nadelschutz Besonderheiten 15 micron Verrundung Besonderheiten Auf Headshell In Technics Bauweise Besonderheiten DN330 Hi Track Ersatznadel Besonderheiten Top Japan Nadel Besonderheiten Gute Abtastungem Besonderheiten Toller Klang Herstellernummer M75 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Produktart Elektromagnetischer Wandler (MM) Herstellungsjahr Keine Angabe Kompatible Produktlinie M75 Länge xMM Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Mobate Gewährleistung Breite xMM Höhe xMM Farbe Schwarz Gewicht 5,7g Regionaler Steckertyp 1/2“ EAN Nicht zutreffend Maßeinheit Einheit Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Thorens Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsland und -region Japan

Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 Robust

End: 14.06. 2023 08:03:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175751234288
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4683|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 RobustThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS FROM A MICRO SEIKI MB14 HERE!!!! Original spare parts including the screws!!! STATUS: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! All ACCESSORIES shown are of course not included. Standard headshell with a very good price/performance ratio in Technics design, as it is on the 1210MK2 and MK7!! Is light, low-resonance with a light construction! Special metal alloy that has been used for years. The rubber end piece prevents things from coming through that cannot get there, so it shields the arm. No resonances, Kejn Hum!!!! One always needs 1-2 at home. Be it as a DJ for under-deck systems or HiFi listeners to switch quickly. Comes with new wiring! Scope of delivery: 1 headshell including wiring Optional gold-plated or high-end with silver strands!!!! SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Options: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra Shure V15V-MR Shure ML140HE Audio Technica AT20Sla Limited Edition Stanton Epoch 2 - I still think the Epoch with Stereohedron can take on the MicroRidge!! M95ED genuine Shure Me97HE Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 Audio Technica AT15 + ATN 20Sla- DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various- MCs Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Shipping is out of my hands! Report damage immediately, I can no longer process late reports. Document the damage immediately with pictures and a description! This enables a replacement payment with insured shipping! Of course I comply with my legal rules, but the private way is usually the faster way to compensation!! Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, System mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pickup system, Shure Ultra 300 400 500 VST M97xe V15-III M9 5ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ?? Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records Marke Vinylistishell 01 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1200 1210 MK2 MK3 MK7 Modellkompatibilität SME Plattenspieler Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1200 MK2 Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 MK2 EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Maßeinheit Einheit Herstellungsland und -region Unbekannt Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Der Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Neu Mint Besonderheiten Ersatzteil Besonderheiten Leicht Metall Headshell Besonderheiten Robust Besonderheiten Resonanzarm Besonderheiten Mit Bohrung Für Zusatzgewichte Besonderheiten Technics Bauweise Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Aiwa Markenkompatibilität Für American DJ Markenkompatibilität Für American Audio Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Denon Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Kenwood Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Pro-Ject Markenkompatibilität Für Rega Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsjahr 2022 Herstellernummer Vinylistishell 01 Kapazität Nope Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie Gewährleistung 12 Monate Produktart Headshell

Technics SH 100 s Headshell ( EPA 100 ) SME Bajonett Anschluss

End: 10.06. 2023 14:41:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 109.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155542201542
  • Seller: analogrevival (9302|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Reilingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SH 100 s ( EPA 100 ) Headshell mit SME Bajonett Anschluss Funktioniert einwandfrei, optisch kleinere Spuren Sending in EU cost 15 EuroAsk for other countries Beachten Sie bitte die mich Seite, im Übrigen gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.

Tonabnehmersystem Technics U25 mit Headshell SME ohne Nadel

End: 07.06. 2023 15:46:53 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 55.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155552900912
  • Seller: matsushita-fan (1890|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lübeck Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich löse aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nun endgültig meine Sammlung an HiFi und Zubehör auf.Hier biete ich 2 Technics Systeme des Typs U25 an.Preisvorstellung pro Stück 55€ VB.Zubehör, wie Überhanglehre, etc. gehören nicht zum Angebot.Die Systeme stammen von einem alten Plattenspielerpaar der Firma Technics, diese wurden damals für eine Discothek angeschafft, die Systeme gleich gegen Concorde Systeme ausgetauscht.Lagerspuren etc. kann ich nicht ausschließen, für die Funktion gewähre ich, wie auf alle meine geprüften Artikel eine Übernahmegarantie von einer Woche nach Erhalt, Portokosten trägt der Käufer.Eine Garantie nach EU-Recht muß ich auf gebrauchte Artikel als Privatperson jedoch ausschließen. Lieferumfang; Tonabnehmersystem Technics U25 mit Headshell ohne Nadel.

Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 Robust

End: 25.05. 2023 08:08:07 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 21.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185903693746
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4631|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 13,03 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 RobustThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS FROM A MICRO SEIKI MB14 HERE!!!! Original spare parts including the screws!!! STATUS: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! All ACCESSORIES shown are of course not included. Standard headshell with a very good price/performance ratio in Technics design, as it is on the 1210MK2 and MK7!! Is light, low-resonance with a light construction! Special metal alloy that has been used for years. The rubber end piece prevents things from coming through that cannot get there, so it shields the arm. No resonances, Kejn Hum!!!! One always needs 1-2 at home. Be it as a DJ for under-deck systems or HiFi listeners to switch quickly. Comes with new wiring! Scope of delivery: 1 headshell including wiring Optional gold-plated or high-end with silver strands!!!! SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Options: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra Shure V15V-MR Shure ML140HE Audio Technica AT20Sla Limited Edition Stanton Epoch 2 - I still think the Epoch with Stereohedron can take on the MicroRidge!! M95ED genuine Shure Me97HE Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 Audio Technica AT15 + ATN 20Sla- DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various- MCs Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Shipping is out of my hands! Report damage immediately, I can no longer process late reports. Document the damage immediately with pictures and a description! This enables a replacement payment with insured shipping! Of course I comply with my legal rules, but the private way is usually the faster way to compensation!! Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, System mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pickup system, Shure Ultra 300 400 500 VST M97xe V15-III M9 5ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ?? Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records Marke Vinylistishell 01 Modellkompatibilität Technics 1200 1210 MK2 MK3 MK7 Modellkompatibilität SME Plattenspieler Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1200 MK2 Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 MK2 EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Maßeinheit Einheit Herstellungsland und -region Unbekannt Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Lieferumfang Der Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Neu Mint Besonderheiten Ersatzteil Besonderheiten Leicht Metall Headshell Besonderheiten Robust Besonderheiten Resonanzarm Besonderheiten Mit Bohrung Für Zusatzgewichte Besonderheiten Technics Bauweise Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Aiwa Markenkompatibilität Für American DJ Markenkompatibilität Für American Audio Markenkompatibilität Für Audio-Technica Markenkompatibilität Für Denon Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Kenwood Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Pro-Ject Markenkompatibilität Für Rega Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Für Yamaha Herstellungsjahr 2022 Herstellernummer Vinylistishell 01 Kapazität Nope Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie Gewährleistung 12 Monate Produktart Headshell

Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 Robust

End: 25.05. 2023 08:07:00 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 24.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185903423962
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4631|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 29,14 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS FROM A MICRO SEIKI MB14 HERE!!!! Original spare parts including the screws!!! STATUS: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! All ACCESSORIES shown are of course not included. Standard headshell with a very good price/performance ratio in Technics design, as it is on the 1210MK2 and MK7!! Is light, low-resonance with a light construction! Special metal alloy that has been used for years. The rubber end piece prevents things from coming through that cannot get there, so it shields the arm. No resonances, Kejn Hum!!!! One always needs 1-2 at home. Be it as a DJ for under-deck systems or HiFi listeners to switch quickly. Comes with new wiring! Scope of delivery: 1 headshell including wiring Optional gold-plated or high-end with silver strands!!!! SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Options: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra Shure V15V-MR Shure ML140HE Audio Technica AT20Sla Limited Edition Stanton Epoch 2 - I still think the Epoch with Stereohedron can take on the MicroRidge!! M95ED genuine Shure Me97HE Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 Audio Technica AT15 + ATN 20Sla- DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various- MCs Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Shipping is out of my hands! Report damage immediately, I can no longer process late reports. Document the damage immediately with pictures and a description! This enables a replacement payment with insured shipping! Of course I comply with my legal rules, but the private way is usually the faster way to compensation!! Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, System mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pickup system, Shure Ultra 300 400 500 VST M97xe V15-III M9 5ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ?? Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records

Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 Robust

End: 25.05. 2023 08:04:42 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185903692448
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4631|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS FROM A MICRO SEIKI MB14 HERE!!!! Original spare parts including the screws!!! STATUS: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! All ACCESSORIES shown are of course not included. Standard headshell with a very good price/performance ratio in Technics design, as it is on the 1210MK2 and MK7!! Is light, low-resonance with a light construction! Special metal alloy that has been used for years. The rubber end piece prevents things from coming through that cannot get there, so it shields the arm. No resonances, Kejn Hum!!!! One always needs 1-2 at home. Be it as a DJ for under-deck systems or HiFi listeners to switch quickly. Comes with new wiring! Scope of delivery: 1 headshell including wiring Optional gold-plated or high-end with silver strands!!!! SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Options: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra Shure V15V-MR Shure ML140HE Audio Technica AT20Sla Limited Edition Stanton Epoch 2 - I still think the Epoch with Stereohedron can take on the MicroRidge!! M95ED genuine Shure Me97HE Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 Audio Technica AT15 + ATN 20Sla- DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various- MCs Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Shipping is out of my hands! Report damage immediately, I can no longer process late reports. Document the damage immediately with pictures and a description! This enables a replacement payment with insured shipping! Of course I comply with my legal rules, but the private way is usually the faster way to compensation!! Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, System mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pickup system, Shure Ultra 300 400 500 VST M97xe V15-III M9 5ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ?? Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records

Turntable SME Headshell IN Technics Construction Black - 1210 MK2 MK7 Robust

End: 09.05. 2023 08:04:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185876425459
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4614|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS FROM A MICRO SEIKI MB14 HERE!!!! Original spare parts including the screws!!! STATUS: TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO BIBBLING ABOUT HOW THE SYSTEM RECEIVES!!! GUARANTEED CONDITION + WARRANTY, BUY FROM ME; BUY SAFE!!! All ACCESSORIES shown are of course not included. Standard headshell with a very good price/performance ratio in Technics design, as it is on the 1210MK2 and MK7!! Is light, low-resonance with a light construction! Special metal alloy that has been used for years. The rubber end piece prevents things from coming through that cannot get there, so it shields the arm. No resonances, Kejn Hum!!!! One always needs 1-2 at home. Be it as a DJ for under-deck systems or HiFi listeners to switch quickly. Comes with new wiring! Scope of delivery: 1 headshell including wiring Optional gold-plated or high-end with silver strands!!!! SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Options: Wanted pickups Shure Ultra Shure V15V-MR Shure ML140HE Audio Technica AT20Sla Limited Edition Stanton Epoch 2 - I still think the Epoch with Stereohedron can take on the MicroRidge!! M95ED genuine Shure Me97HE Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 Audio Technica AT15 + ATN 20Sla- DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE - various- MCs Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Reloop, Onkyo , DENON and many more. Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Shipping is out of my hands! Report damage immediately, I can no longer process late reports. Document the damage immediately with pictures and a description! This enables a replacement payment with insured shipping! Of course I comply with my legal rules, but the private way is usually the faster way to compensation!! Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, System mount, cartridge holder, fixation de cellule, pickup system, Shure Ultra 300 400 500 VST M97xe V15-III M9 5ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ?? Turntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck turntables used and new, cartridges used & new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Rega, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM , Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Headphones, DJ Equipment, DJ Headphones, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records

2x Headshell SME - Technics-Tonabnehmer Darling - 22-Nadel

End: 17.09. 2021 14:47:59 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 15.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 203608200164
  • Counter: 22
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: dieupcycler (761|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Karlsruhe Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,3 EUR
  • on EBAY