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Sony HT-G700,3.1 Kanal Dolby Atmos Soundbar + Kabellosem Subwoofer

End: 05.10. 2023 06:10:51 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 263.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166194320206
  • Seller: saturn-rostock (5894|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rostock Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Saturn Rostock Sony HT-G700,3.1 Kanal Dolby Atmos Soundbar + Kabellosem Subwoofer Hinweis zum Produktzustand Bitte beachten Sie die Angaben zum Artikelzustand in der Produktbeschreibung. Das Produkt kann unter Umständen Gebrauchsspuren aufweisen. Altgeräterückgabe gewünscht ... Kein Problem, alle Informationen finden Sie weiter unten unter dem Punkt Altgeräteentsorgung. Produktbeschreibung Altgeräteentsorgung Allgemeine Hinweise SONY HT-G700, Dolby Atmos , Soundbar, Schwarz 3.1 Kanal Dolby Atmos Soundbar mit Vertical Surround Engine für beeindruckenden dreidimensionalen Surround Sound Die 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar HT-G700 mit Dolby Atmos und DTS:XTM bietet leistungsstarken Surround Sound, so dass Sie voll und ganz in Ihre Lieblingssendungen und -filme eintauchen können. Mit der AE (Audio Enhancement)-Taste kann die HT-G700 sogar normalen Stereo Sound auf nahezu 7.1.2-Kanal-Sourround-Sound-Qualität optimieren. Mit der einzigartigen Vertical Surround Engine-Technologie von Sony genießen Sie Sendungen und Filme mit Sound wie im Kino. Dieses Surround Sound System eignet sich auch perfekt zum Musik hören! 3.1-Kanal Dolby Atmos/DTS:X und Vertical Sound Engine Immersive AE (Audio-Optimierung) für Audio Upscalling auf nahezu 7.1.2-Kanal-Klang Center-Lautsprecher für klare Dialoge Kabelloser Subwoofer für kraftvolle Bassklänge Sound-Modi für optimierte Film- und Musikwiedergabe S-Force PRO Front-Surround für Sound wie im Kino Kompatibel mit 4K UHD Content, mit HDMI 2.0 Unterstützung von High-Dynamic Range und HDCP 2.2 4K HDR und Dolby Vision Pass- thru S-Master HX Digitalverstärker für unverfälschte Klangqualität Drahtlose Verbindung mit dem TV via Bluetooth oder HDMI Technische Merkmale Produkttyp Soundbar Bestandteile Soundbar, Subwoofer Gesamtleistung (W) 400 Watt Signalübertragung Kabellos und Kabelgebunden Verstärker Surround Formate DTS (HD/96/24/-ES/X), LPCM Anzahl Kanäle 3.1 Raumklangprogramme (DSP) Automatischer Sound, Kino, Musik, Standard, Nachtmodus, Sprachmodus, Sprachmodus (Pegel) Lautsprecher Subwoofer Wireless Kabellose Lautsprecher Ja Ausstattung Eingebaute Decoder Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Dual Mono Musikübertragung Bluetooth Bluetooth Ja Fernbedienung Ja Anschlüsse 1x HDMI-In/1x HDMI-Out mit eARC, 1x optischer Digitaleingang Besondere Merkmale Vertical Surround Engine Technologie: S-Force PRO, Vertical Surround Engine, DTS Virtual:X, Dolby Atmos 3D Surround Sound, Kompatibel mit 4K UHD Content, Unterstützung von High-Dynamic Range, S-Master HX Digitalverstärker, Drahtlose Verbindung mit dem TV via Bluetooth, kompatibel mit Dolby Vision Allgemeine Merkmale Smart Home Bereich Streaming Audio Breite 980 mm Höhe 64 mm Tiefe 108 mm Breite Subwoofer 192 mm Höhe Subwoofer 387 mm Tiefe Subwoofer 406 mm Gewicht Subwoofer 7.5 kg Farbe (laut Hersteller) Schwarz Gewicht (laut Hersteller) 3.5 kg Gewicht 3.5 kg Lieferumfang Soundbar, Subwoofer, Fernbedienung inkl. Batterien, optisches Kabel, Netzkabel, Wandhalterung, Quick Set Up Guide, Bedienungsanleitung Ursprungsland/Herkunftsort China Hersteller Artikelnummer HTG700.CEL Es handelt sich um einen Neuen und unbenutzten Artikel in der Originalverpackung, der Karton kann leichte Lagerspuren aufweisen. Neuwertig und unbenutzt / Verpackung ungeöffnet Die Verpackung kann Spuren unserer Diebstahlsicherung oder versandbedingte Aufkleberreste aufweisen. Der Warenversand beinhaltet einen Kaufbeleg mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer. Garantieansprüche können mit diesem Beleg Deutschlandweit in jedem Saturn geltend gemacht werden. Gutschein- & Cashback sowie Rabatt -Aktionen können ausschließlich in unseren Filialen berücksichtigt werden! Der Versand kann aufgrund der PayPal-Vorschriften ausschließlich an die bei eBay hinterlegte Lieferadresse erfolgen! Altgeräteabholung gewünscht? Nachdem Sie über eBay ein Elektrogerät bei uns gekauft haben, können Sie über MediaMarkt oder Saturn ein vergleichbares Altgerät kostenfrei, gemäß den rechtlichen Vorgaben bei Ihnen zu Hause abholen lassen. Dies gilt ausnahmslos für nachfolgende Altgerätekategorien: Kategorie 1: Wärmeüberträger, z. B. Kühlgeräte, Getränkekühler, Kühlboxen Kategorie 2: Bildschirmgeräte mit einer Bildschirmoberfläche über 100 cm² Kategorie 4: Geräte mit einer Kantenlänge von mehr als 50 cm Lieferungen mit Spedition: In diesen Fällen organisiert der Verkäufer gerne eine Abholung für Sie. Melden Sie sich bei einem Rückgabewunsch eines vergleichbaren Altgerätes nach dem Kaufabschluss im entsprechenden Markt, bei dem Sie Ihren Artikel gekauft haben. 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Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Sie für die korrekte Verpackung des Altgeräts gemäß der Verpackungsanweisung verantwortlich sind, sowie dafür, dass nur rückgabeberechtigte Altgeräte versendet werden dürfen (keine anderen Gegenstände oder Verbotsgüter). Für Schäden, die aus einer unsachgemäßen Verpackung oder dem Versand von nicht von der Altgeräterücknahme erfassten Gegenständen entstehen, haften Sie. >> Jetzt Abholauftrag generieren Keine Lust auf Verpacken? Bringen Sie Ihr Altgerät einfach zu einem Media- oder Saturn Märkt in Ihrer Nähe oder Ihrem lokalen Wertstoffhof. Altgeräterückgabe gewünscht? Nachdem Sie über eBay ein Elektrogerät bei uns gekauft haben, können Sie bei unseren Media- oder Saturn Märkten ein vergleichbares Altgerät kostenfrei, gemäß den rechtlichen Vorgaben zurückbringen. Dies gilt für alle Altgerätekategorien: Kategorie 1: Wärmeüberträger, z. B. Kühlgeräte, Getränkekühler, Kühlboxen Kategorie 2: Bildschirmgeräte mit einer Bildschirmoberfläche über 100 cm² Kategorie 3: Lampen Kategorie 4: Geräte mit einer Kantenlänge von mehr als 50 cm Kategorie 5&6: Kleingeräte mit einer Kantenlänge kleiner oder gleich 50 cm Beachten Sie: Für Kleingeräte mit einer max. Kantenlänge von 25 cm gilt dies sogar ohne Kauf. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hierzu auf unseren Media Markt Serviceseiten unter dem Punkt Altgeräteentsorgung. Altgeräte gehören nicht in den Hausmüll! Elektroaltgeräte enthalten wertvolle Ressourcen, die in Recyclingverfahren wiedergewonnen und wiederverwendet werden können. Außerdem enthalten sie aber auch Schadstoffe, die keinesfalls in die Umwelt gelangen dürfen. Die „durchgestrichene Mülltonne auf Rädern“ auf Ihren Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten weist deshalb darauf hin, dass Altgeräte nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgt werden dürfen, sondern getrennt gesammelt werden müssen. Sie sind dazu verpflichtet, Ihre Elektroaltgeräte bei einer offiziellen Rücknahmestelle, zum Beispiel beim lokalen Wertstoff- oder Recyclinghof abzugeben. Die MediaMärkte sind ebenfalls zur Rücknahme von Elektroaltgeräten verpflichtet. BITTE BEACHTEN SIE AUSSERDEM FOLGENDE HINWEISE: Das abgegebene Altgerät kann nicht mehr an Sie zurückgegeben werden. Es erfolgt keine Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises oder Restwertes. Das Altgerät wird nach den Vorgaben des Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetzes verwertet. DATENSCHUTZ: Ihre Daten gehören Ihnen! Bitte achten Sie deshalb vor der Abgabe Ihrer Altgeräte darauf, alle auf den Altgeräten vorhandenen persönlichen oder sensiblen Daten zu löschen. VORSICHT BEI BATTERIEN, AKKUS UND LAMPEN: Batterien, Akkus und Lampen, die in Geräten nicht fest verbaut sind, sollten aus Sicherheitsgründen vor der Abgabe des Altgeräts entnommen und getrennt entsorgt werden. Kleben Sie bei Lithiumbatterien die Batteriepole ab, um Kurzschlüsse zu vermeiden. Altbatterien enthalten wertvolle Rohstoffe, wie Zink, Eisen und Nickel, die in Recyclingverfahren wiedergewonnen und anschließend wiederverwertet werden können. Außerdem enthalten sie aber auch Schadstoffe und Schwermetalle, die keinesfalls in die Umwelt gelangen dürfen. Die „durchgestrichene Mülltonne“ auf Batterien zeigt, dass Altbatterien getrennt gesammelt werden müssen. Sie gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Sie zur Rückgabe von Altbatterien gesetzlich verpflichtet sind. Finden sich unter der durchgestrichenen Mülltonne auf der Batterie zusätzlich die Zeichen Cd, Hg oder Pb ist das ein Hinweis darauf, dass die Batterie entweder mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium, mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber oder mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei enthält. Es handelt sich dabei um giftige Schwermetalle, die nicht nur erhebliche Risiken für die Umwelt, sondern auch für die menschliche Gesundheit bergen. Werfen Sie Ihre Altbatterien also nicht in die Abfalltonne, sondern geben Sie diese kostenfrei bei einer offiziellen Rücknahmestelle ab. Das sind beispielsweise die kommunalen Wertstoff- oder Recyclinghöfe oder aber auch jeder Media Markt. Um Kurzschlüsse zu vermeiden, sollten bei Lithiumbatterien die Batteriepole zudem vor der Abgabe mit Klebestreifen isoliert werden. RÜCKNAHME Bitte entnehmen Sie die Rücknahmebedingungen der unten angegebenen Widerrufsbelehrung. Sollten Sie sich zur Rückgabe innerhalb des Widerrufsrechts entschließen, senden Sie ihren Widerruf bitte an die in den rechtlichen Informationen des Verkäufers hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse. Sie erhalten anschließend umgehend einen vorfrankierten Retourenaufkleber zum Ausdrucken. VERSANDBEDINGUNGEN Wir senden Ihnen die Ware gerne innerhalb Deutschlands zu. Zu beachten: Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass Saturn ausschließlich an die bei eBay hinterlegte Lieferadresse versendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit Ihrer Lieferadresse vor oder während der Kaufabwicklung, weil nachträgliche Änderungswünsche nichtmehr berücksichtigt werden können. SPEDITIONSLIEFERUNGEN Groß- bzw. Palettengeräte werden von einer Spedition geliefert. Vor der Auslieferung vereinbart diese mit Ihnen einen Liefertermin - bitte geben Sie immer eine aktuelle Telefonnummer bei Ihrer Bestellung an - nur so ist ein reibungsloser Ablauf gegeben. FRAGEN Bei Fragen können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden: 0221 / 22 243 123

Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos Surround Sound W23-DY3387

End: 04.10. 2023 15:21:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 215.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204466513156
  • Seller: cas-auktionen (147131|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hartmannsdorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos Surround Sound        W23-DY3387Artikelbeschreibung Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos Surround Sound, Bluetooth, kabelloser Subwoofer, DTS:X Schwarz Zustand: ohne Gebrauchsspuren Achtung! Angegebenes Zubehör in dieser automatisch erstellten Produktbeschreibung kann vom tatsächlichen Lieferumfang abweichen! Der tatsächliche Lieferumfang ist unter Lieferumfang und Fehlt explizit aufgeführt. Lieferumfang: Soundbar, Subwoofer, Fernbedienung, Toslink-Kabel, 2x Netzkabel, Bedienungsanleitung, Originalverpackung Fehlt: - Beschreibung:ProdukttypSoundbar mit SubwooferLautsprecher System3.1AnschlüsseÜbertragungsartkabellosFunkübertragungBluetoothdigitaler EingangHDMIdigitaler AusgangHDMIBetriebStromversorgungNetzbetriebWiedergabeAudiofunktionenNachtmodus, Equalizer (DSP), StimmenmodusVideofunktionen4K Passthrough, Dolby Vision, HDR PassthroughSurround-FormateDolby Atmos, DTS, DTS:X, Dolby Virtual:XAnzahl DSP-Programme4DSP ProgrammeMovie, Music, Standard, Virtual SurroundFunktionKomforteigenschaftenWandmontage möglich, Lernfunktion (Steuerung über TV-Fernbedienung), HDMI-ARC (Audio Return Channel), HDMI-eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel), Abschaltautomatik, HDMI-CECAufstellortean der Wand, vor dem Fernsehermit FernbedienungjaHersteller-BesonderheitenBravia SyncSoundbarAbmessungen Soundbar (BxHxT)980 x 64 x 108 mmBreite980 mmGewicht Soundbar3,5 kgSubwooferEigenschaften SubwooferdrahtlosAbmessungen Subwoofer (BxHxT)192 x 387 x 406 mmGewicht Subwoofer7,5 kgVersandSchneller Versand per DHL. Kontakt und andere AuktionenÜber unsAndere ArtikelCAS Discount merkenGeben Sie uns ein FeedbackCopyright © 2021 - CAS Discount GmbH - Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alle genannten Markennamen, Warenzeichen und Produktbilder sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Eigentümer und Rechteinhaber.

Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos (Surround Sound, DTS:X) Schwarz

End: 04.10. 2023 12:10:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 219.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175885746031
  • Seller: bringin2012 (11956|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bembsmühle Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos (Surround Sound, DTS:X) Schwarz. Aus 30-tgigem Rckgaberecht leichte Gebrauchsspuren

Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ*

End: 30.09. 2023 17:51:21 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 372.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386146962411
  • Seller: peakhomebargains (99695|97.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Beaumont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ* Dent on sound bar screen see photos. Tested and works. May have minor cosmetic issues as it is used. See photos for exactly what is included. MSRP: $600 Please carefully review the photos. If you dont see it in a photo, it is NOT INCLUDED. We do our best to indicate the condition of the item and any missing parts or damage. Questions? If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us directly via eBay Messages and we will do our best to make it right. Thank you for giving us the first opportunity to resolve any issues you may have. Shipping Your package will be shipped within one business day. Original packaging may not be included. Please be patient- Currently, shipping carriers are experiencing very high demand combined with labor shortages. Please expect delivery to take a day or two longer than usual. We cannot at this time guarantee a delivery time. If eBay provides a Guaranteed Delivery time, please contact eBay directly if this time has passed. We have no control over that date and do not guarantee delivery by it. We ship only to the address supplied to us by eBay per eBay policy. Shipping is available to the contiguous 48 United States. Orders over $250 will require signature upon delivery. Returns We provide a 30-day return policy. If you wish to return an item for any reason, please send us a message through eBay in order to resolve the issue quickly and directly with you. Items returned in worse condition than when we shipped it or missing parts will have a 20% to 50% refund deduction to cover the reduced value of the item, as appropriate. Please be aware that any item listed with a condition of Parts-Only, AS IS, or Defective is sold without any returns allowed. We list what is wrong with the item and by purchasing it, you acknowledge that the item was in a nonworking & defective state upon purchase. We do not guarantee these items to be repairable or have any salvageable parts. Warranty We do not provide any warranties other than the 30-day return policy. Original manufacturers may or may not provide warranty coverage; we provide no guarantee of manufacturers coverage. -->

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 24.09. 2023 19:43:03 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 282.7 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355045790376
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: lgm656 (1345|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar, equipped with wireless subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X technology for immersive audio. This universal soundbar is compatible with various brands and models and offers a system configuration of 3.1 channels with a powerful RMS power of 400W. Connectivity options include Bluetooth and audio inputs for USB, while features such as a remote control make it easy to operate. Measuring 38.5” in length, 2.5” in height, and 4.5” in width, this soundbar is a sleek addition to any home audio setup. Manufactured in 2020, it also boasts surround sound formats for a truly cinematic experience. Brand new, factory sealed from Crutchfield. My loss, is your gain. Bid with confidence, check my feedback. Comes from a non smoking home. Shipping charges for Lower 48 States, Only!

Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ*

End: 23.09. 2023 04:21:02 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 185.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386124172302
  • Seller: peakhomebargains (99659|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Beaumont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ* Dent on sound bar screen see photos. Tested and works. May have minor cosmetic issues as it is used. See photos for exactly what is included. MSRP: $600 Please carefully review the photos. If you dont see it in a photo, it is NOT INCLUDED. We do our best to indicate the condition of the item and any missing parts or damage. Questions? If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us directly via eBay Messages and we will do our best to make it right. Thank you for giving us the first opportunity to resolve any issues you may have. Shipping Your package will be shipped within one business day. Original packaging may not be included. Please be patient- Currently, shipping carriers are experiencing very high demand combined with labor shortages. Please expect delivery to take a day or two longer than usual. We cannot at this time guarantee a delivery time. If eBay provides a Guaranteed Delivery time, please contact eBay directly if this time has passed. We have no control over that date and do not guarantee delivery by it. We ship only to the address supplied to us by eBay per eBay policy. Shipping is available to the contiguous 48 United States. Orders over $250 will require signature upon delivery. Returns We provide a 30-day return policy. If you wish to return an item for any reason, please send us a message through eBay in order to resolve the issue quickly and directly with you. Items returned in worse condition than when we shipped it or missing parts will have a 20% to 50% refund deduction to cover the reduced value of the item, as appropriate. Please be aware that any item listed with a condition of Parts-Only, AS IS, or Defective is sold without any returns allowed. We list what is wrong with the item and by purchasing it, you acknowledge that the item was in a nonworking & defective state upon purchase. We do not guarantee these items to be repairable or have any salvageable parts. Warranty We do not provide any warranties other than the 30-day return policy. Original manufacturers may or may not provide warranty coverage; we provide no guarantee of manufacturers coverage. -->

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 19.09. 2023 19:42:48 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 283.26 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355036114244
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lgm656 (1344|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar, equipped with wireless subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X technology for immersive audio. This universal soundbar is compatible with various brands and models and offers a system configuration of 3.1 channels with a powerful RMS power of 400W. Connectivity options include Bluetooth and audio inputs for USB, while features such as a remote control make it easy to operate. Measuring 38.5” in length, 2.5” in height, and 4.5” in width, this soundbar is a sleek addition to any home audio setup. Manufactured in 2020, it also boasts surround sound formats for a truly cinematic experience. Brand new, factory sealed from Crutchfield. My loss, is your gain. Bid with confidence, check my feedback. Comes from a non smoking home. Shipping charges for Lower 48 States, Only!

Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos Surround Sound W23-DY3387

End: 18.09. 2023 05:04:45 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 222.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204385150465
  • Seller: cas-auktionen (146656|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hartmannsdorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Artikelbeschreibung Sony HT-G700 3.1-Kanal-Soundbar mit Dolby Atmos Surround Sound, Bluetooth, kabelloser Subwoofer, DTS:X Schwarz Zustand: ohne Gebrauchsspuren Achtung! Angegebenes Zubehör in dieser automatisch erstellten Produktbeschreibung kann vom tatsächlichen Lieferumfang abweichen! Der tatsächliche Lieferumfang ist unter Lieferumfang und Fehlt explizit aufgeführt. Lieferumfang: Soundbar, Subwoofer, Fernbedienung, Toslink-Kabel, 2x Netzkabel, Bedienungsanleitung, Originalverpackung Fehlt: - Beschreibung:ProdukttypSoundbar mit SubwooferLautsprecher System3.1AnschlüsseÜbertragungsartkabellosFunkübertragungBluetoothdigitaler EingangHDMIdigitaler AusgangHDMIBetriebStromversorgungNetzbetriebWiedergabeAudiofunktionenNachtmodus, Equalizer (DSP), StimmenmodusVideofunktionen4K Passthrough, Dolby Vision, HDR PassthroughSurround-FormateDolby Atmos, DTS, DTS:X, Dolby Virtual:XAnzahl DSP-Programme4DSP ProgrammeMovie, Music, Standard, Virtual SurroundFunktionKomforteigenschaftenWandmontage möglich, Lernfunktion (Steuerung über TV-Fernbedienung), HDMI-ARC (Audio Return Channel), HDMI-eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel), Abschaltautomatik, HDMI-CECAufstellortean der Wand, vor dem Fernsehermit FernbedienungjaHersteller-BesonderheitenBravia SyncSoundbarAbmessungen Soundbar (BxHxT)980 x 64 x 108 mmBreite980 mmGewicht Soundbar3,5 kgSubwooferEigenschaften SubwooferdrahtlosAbmessungen Subwoofer (BxHxT)192 x 387 x 406 mmGewicht Subwoofer7,5 kgVersandSchneller Versand per DHL. Kontakt und andere AuktionenÜber unsAndere ArtikelCAS Discount merkenGeben Sie uns ein FeedbackCopyright © 2021 - CAS Discount GmbH - Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alle genannten Markennamen, Warenzeichen und Produktbilder sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Eigentümer und Rechteinhaber.

Technics SU-G700 MK2 Vollverstärker mit Phono MM/MC / Neu / Euro 2599,--

End: 17.09. 2023 18:15:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1900.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355018918793
  • Bids: 22
  • Seller: vip-exklusiv (2101|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Albstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SU-G700 MK2 Vollverstärker mit Phono MM/MC / Neu / Euro 2599,--Neue Webseite unter Audition6Technics SU-G700 MK2 Stereo Vollverstärker Deutsche VertriebswareHerbst 2023 / Pre OrderFarbe silber / silver oder schwarz / black UVP: Euro 2599,--Neuware vom Vertrieb, wird nach Kauf für Sie geordert, bitte Lieferzeit einkalkulieren!Brandnew from the distributor, will be ordered fro you, some waiting time!Einmalige Chance!Take your chance!JENO-Engine (Jitter-Beseitigung und Noise-Shaping-Optimierung)LAPC (Load Adaptive Phase Calibration)Hochleistungs-Schaltnetzteil Advanced Speed Silent Power SupplyDreigeteilter AufbauRauscharmer Phono-EingangClass-AA-KopfhörerverstärkerAusgangsleistung70 W + 70 W ( 1 kHz, T.H.D. 0,5 %, 8 ?, 20 kHz LPF ) 140 W + 140 W ( 1 kHz, T.H.D. 0,5 %, 4 ?, 20 kHz LPF )Lastimpedanz4 ?-16 ?FrequenzgangPHONO (MM)20Hz - 20kHz ( RIAA DEVIATION ±1dB, 8? )PHONO (MC)20Hz - 20kHz ( RIAA DEVIATION ±1dB, 8? )LINE5Hz - 80kHz ( -3dB, 8? )DIGITAL5 Hz - 80 kHz ( -3 dB, 8? )Eingangsempfindlichkeit/EingangsimpedanzPHONO (MM)2.5 mV / 47 k?PHONO (MC)300 uV /100 ?LINE200 mV / 22 k?Analoge EingängeLINE x 2 (LINE1, LINE2 / MAIN IN) PHONO (MM/MC) x1DLNA Unterstützte FormateOptischer Digitaleingang x2 (OPT 1, OPT 2) Digitaler Koaxialeingang x2 (COAX 1, COAX 2) USB-B x1 (PC)Analoge AusgängeLINE OUT x1?(LINE OUT) PRE OUT x1 (PRE OUT)Kopfhörer AnschlussJa, Stereo ?6,3 mmPC(USB-B)USB 2.0 Highspeed, USB Audio Class 2.0, asynchroner ModusUnterstützte FormatePCM Ja (32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit) DSD Ja (2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 11.2 MHz)DSD contol modeASIO-Nativ-Modus, DoP-ModusStromversorgungAC 220 V - 240 V, 50/60 HzStromverbrauch95WAbmessungen (B x H x T)430 mm × 148 mm × 428 mmGewichtCa. 12,6 kgZubehörNetzkabel, Fernbedienung, Batterien für die Fernbedienung, Benutzerhandbuch

Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ*

End: 15.09. 2023 08:23:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 229.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386102055470
  • Seller: peakhomebargains (99630|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Beaumont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ* Dent on sound bar screen see photos. Tested and works. May have minor cosmetic issues as it is used. See photos for exactly what is included. MSRP: $600 Please carefully review the photos. If you dont see it in a photo, it is NOT INCLUDED. We do our best to indicate the condition of the item and any missing parts or damage. Questions? If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us directly via eBay Messages and we will do our best to make it right. Thank you for giving us the first opportunity to resolve any issues you may have. Shipping Your package will be shipped within one business day. Original packaging may not be included. Please be patient- Currently, shipping carriers are experiencing very high demand combined with labor shortages. Please expect delivery to take a day or two longer than usual. We cannot at this time guarantee a delivery time. If eBay provides a Guaranteed Delivery time, please contact eBay directly if this time has passed. We have no control over that date and do not guarantee delivery by it. We ship only to the address supplied to us by eBay per eBay policy. Shipping is available to the contiguous 48 United States. Orders over $250 will require signature upon delivery. Returns We provide a 30-day return policy. If you wish to return an item for any reason, please send us a message through eBay in order to resolve the issue quickly and directly with you. Items returned in worse condition than when we shipped it or missing parts will have a 20% to 50% refund deduction to cover the reduced value of the item, as appropriate. Please be aware that any item listed with a condition of Parts-Only, AS IS, or Defective is sold without any returns allowed. We list what is wrong with the item and by purchasing it, you acknowledge that the item was in a nonworking & defective state upon purchase. We do not guarantee these items to be repairable or have any salvageable parts. Warranty We do not provide any warranties other than the 30-day return policy. Original manufacturers may or may not provide warranty coverage; we provide no guarantee of manufacturers coverage. -->

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 14.09. 2023 19:42:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 274.44 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355026426207
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lgm656 (1343|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar, equipped with wireless subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X technology for immersive audio. This universal soundbar is compatible with various brands and models and offers a system configuration of 3.1 channels with a powerful RMS power of 400W. Connectivity options include Bluetooth and audio inputs for USB, while features such as a remote control make it easy to operate. Measuring 38.5” in length, 2.5” in height, and 4.5” in width, this soundbar is a sleek addition to any home audio setup. Manufactured in 2020, it also boasts surround sound formats for a truly cinematic experience. Brand new, factory sealed from Crutchfield. My loss, is your gain. Bid with confidence, check my feedback. Comes from a non smoking home. Shipping charges for Lower 48 States, Only!

Technics SU-G700 MK2 Vollverstärker mit Phono MM/MC / Neu / Euro 2599,--

End: 10.09. 2023 18:15:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1750.97 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355008735815
  • Bids: 20
  • Seller: vip-exklusiv (2093|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Albstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SU-G700 MK2 Vollverstärker mit Phono MM/MC / Neu / Euro 2599,--Neue Webseite unter Audition6Technics SU-G700 MK2 Stereo Vollverstärker Deutsche VertriebswareHerbst 2023 / Pre OrderFarbe silber / silver oder schwarz / black UVP: Euro 2599,--Neuware vom Vertrieb, wird nach Kauf für Sie geordert, bitte Lieferzeit einkalkulieren!Brandnew from the distributor, will be ordered fro you, some waiting time!Einmalige Chance!Take your chance!JENO-Engine (Jitter-Beseitigung und Noise-Shaping-Optimierung)LAPC (Load Adaptive Phase Calibration)Hochleistungs-Schaltnetzteil Advanced Speed Silent Power SupplyDreigeteilter AufbauRauscharmer Phono-EingangClass-AA-KopfhörerverstärkerAusgangsleistung70 W + 70 W ( 1 kHz, T.H.D. 0,5 %, 8 ?, 20 kHz LPF ) 140 W + 140 W ( 1 kHz, T.H.D. 0,5 %, 4 ?, 20 kHz LPF )Lastimpedanz4 ?-16 ?FrequenzgangPHONO (MM)20Hz - 20kHz ( RIAA DEVIATION ±1dB, 8? )PHONO (MC)20Hz - 20kHz ( RIAA DEVIATION ±1dB, 8? )LINE5Hz - 80kHz ( -3dB, 8? )DIGITAL5 Hz - 80 kHz ( -3 dB, 8? )Eingangsempfindlichkeit/EingangsimpedanzPHONO (MM)2.5 mV / 47 k?PHONO (MC)300 uV /100 ?LINE200 mV / 22 k?Analoge EingängeLINE x 2 (LINE1, LINE2 / MAIN IN) PHONO (MM/MC) x1DLNA Unterstützte FormateOptischer Digitaleingang x2 (OPT 1, OPT 2) Digitaler Koaxialeingang x2 (COAX 1, COAX 2) USB-B x1 (PC)Analoge AusgängeLINE OUT x1?(LINE OUT) PRE OUT x1 (PRE OUT)Kopfhörer AnschlussJa, Stereo ?6,3 mmPC(USB-B)USB 2.0 Highspeed, USB Audio Class 2.0, asynchroner ModusUnterstützte FormatePCM Ja (32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384 kHz / 16, 24, 32 bit) DSD Ja (2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 11.2 MHz)DSD contol modeASIO-Nativ-Modus, DoP-ModusStromversorgungAC 220 V - 240 V, 50/60 HzStromverbrauch95WAbmessungen (B x H x T)430 mm × 148 mm × 428 mmGewichtCa. 12,6 kgZubehörNetzkabel, Fernbedienung, Batterien für die Fernbedienung, Benutzerhandbuch

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 09.09. 2023 19:42:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 256.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355017753480
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lgm656 (1342|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar, equipped with wireless subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X technology for immersive audio. This universal soundbar is compatible with various brands and models and offers a system configuration of 3.1 channels with a powerful RMS power of 400W. Connectivity options include Bluetooth and audio inputs for USB, while features such as a remote control make it easy to operate. Measuring 38.5” in length, 2.5” in height, and 4.5” in width, this soundbar is a sleek addition to any home audio setup. Manufactured in 2020, it also boasts surround sound formats for a truly cinematic experience. Brand new, factory sealed from Crutchfield. My loss, is your gain. Bid with confidence, check my feedback. Comes from a non smoking home. Shipping charges for Lower 48 States, Only!

Sony HT-G700 400W Soundbar with Subwoofer 3.1 Black Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 06.09. 2023 17:35:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 161.04 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115904487129
  • Seller: electricals4u2010 (4009|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Smethwick Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    In very good condition, may have the some marks and slight dent mark on mesh, comes with replacement remote and power leads in brown box. 3.1ch Dolby Atmos®/DTS:X™ soundbar with Vertical Surround Engine, powerful wireless subwoofer, centre speaker for clear dialogue, 400W total output, Bluetooth® technology, and HDMI/HDMI ARC. Vertical Surround Engine, our advanced surround technology, lets you enjoy the thrill of the latest cinema audio formats like Dolby Atmos®/ DTS:X™ in a single slim unit. Its three front speakers, combined with unique Sony signal processing, reproduce “vertical” audio, creating virtual surround sound that seems to come from all around you.

Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ*

End: 06.09. 2023 04:24:06 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 442.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386060875702
  • Seller: peakhomebargains (99303|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Beaumont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony - HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer *READ* Dent on sound bar screen see photos. Tested and works. May have minor cosmetic issues as it is used. See photos for exactly what is included. MSRP: $600 Please carefully review the photos. If you dont see it in a photo, it is NOT INCLUDED. We do our best to indicate the condition of the item and any missing parts or damage. Questions? If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us directly via eBay Messages and we will do our best to make it right. Thank you for giving us the first opportunity to resolve any issues you may have. Shipping Your package will be shipped within one business day. Original packaging may not be included. Please be patient- Currently, shipping carriers are experiencing very high demand combined with labor shortages. Please expect delivery to take a day or two longer than usual. We cannot at this time guarantee a delivery time. If eBay provides a Guaranteed Delivery time, please contact eBay directly if this time has passed. We have no control over that date and do not guarantee delivery by it. We ship only to the address supplied to us by eBay per eBay policy. Shipping is available to the contiguous 48 United States. Orders over $250 will require signature upon delivery. Returns We provide a 30-day return policy. If you wish to return an item for any reason, please send us a message through eBay in order to resolve the issue quickly and directly with you. Items returned in worse condition than when we shipped it or missing parts will have a 20% to 50% refund deduction to cover the reduced value of the item, as appropriate. Please be aware that any item listed with a condition of Parts-Only, AS IS, or Defective is sold without any returns allowed. We list what is wrong with the item and by purchasing it, you acknowledge that the item was in a nonworking & defective state upon purchase. We do not guarantee these items to be repairable or have any salvageable parts. Warranty We do not provide any warranties other than the 30-day return policy. Original manufacturers may or may not provide warranty coverage; we provide no guarantee of manufacturers coverage. -->

Technics Pre-Main Amplifier Su-G700 Sound Equipment 2017 Made Management 5Tr0807

End: 06.09. 2023 01:33:46 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2530.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225749833031
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (621|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Operation has been checked and confirmed to be in good working order. There are some scratches, stains, and signs of use, but overall the product is in good condition. The main unit and power cable are included in the sale. All items in the photos are included in the sale.DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures, please contact us. Due to differences in region codes, some games, CDs, DVDs, etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia, Canada, and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase, the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments. Shipping discounts are available for multiple purchases.We now accept more than just PayPal!Condition? MINT

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X

End: 04.09. 2023 19:41:14 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 255.91 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 355009080572
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: lgm656 (1342|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ashland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home entertainment experience with the Sony HT-G700 3.1 Channel Soundbar, equipped with wireless subwoofer and Dolby Atmos/DTS:X technology for immersive audio. This universal soundbar is compatible with various brands and models and offers a system configuration of 3.1 channels with a powerful RMS power of 400W. Connectivity options include Bluetooth and audio inputs for USB, while features such as a remote control make it easy to operate. Measuring 38.5” in length, 2.5” in height, and 4.5” in width, this soundbar is a sleek addition to any home audio setup. Manufactured in 2020, it also boasts surround sound formats for a truly cinematic experience. Brand new, factory sealed from Crutchfield. My loss, is your gain. Bid with confidence, check my feedback. Comes from a non smoking home. Shipping charges for Lower 48 States, Only!

Sony HT-G700 3.1ch Dolby Atmos DTS:X Soundbar with wireless subwoofer

End: 04.09. 2023 11:45:27 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.47 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285456281742
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: annakarl2009 (516|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stevenage Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony HT-G700 3.1ch Dolby Atmos DTS:X Soundbar with wireless subwoofer. What can I say, awesome for movies. No boxes and I believe the manual is available online. Hardly used. And this one come with the correct remote, it will also work with Sony tv remotes. This will be the cheapest one on eBay !!!!! Collection only….. Preferred cash on collection. On 04-Sep-23 at 10:58:55 BST, seller added the following information: No optical cable unless I find it I have a very short hdmi cable I will put with this It’s has its two power cables

Barra de sonido - Sony HT-G700, 7.1.2ch, Bluetooth, Subwoofer Inalámbrico, 400 W

End: 31.08. 2023 14:38:52 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 269.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 304982036138
  • Seller: mediamarkt-roquetasdemar (109|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: 04740 Spanien
  • Ships to: ES
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    CONTACTO TIENDA DE EBAY Móviles y telefonía Imagen y sonido Casa, jardín y bricolaje Deportes Belleza y salud Informática y Telefonía Tv, Audio y Foto Hogar Entretenimiento y Deporte Belleza y Salud POLÍTICAS DE VENTA ENVÍO Recogida local solo en tienda de null Entrega a domicilio: Las entregas a domicilio sólo se realizan a null La entrega se realizará, en general, en un plazo de entre uno y tres días laborables a partir de la confirmación del pedido, en la dirección postal que se haya incluido en los datos del pedido, salvo causa de fuerza mayor. El albarán de entrega será remitido junto con el Producto o Productos, por lo que será requisito indispensable facilitar un DNI válido en 48 horas laborables. Sin este, el pedido no será enviado y se procederá a su cancelación. La empresa de transporte se comunicará preferentemente vía SMS contigo para informarte del día en el que se realizará la entrega. En caso de no encontrarte en el lugar de entrega, se realizará un segundo intento del cual también serás notificado vía SMS. En caso de no poder entregar el pedido en este segundo intento, la empresa de transporte lo enviará a la franquicia, donde tendrás hasta 10 días para retirarlo. En todo momento la empresa de transporte te informará vía SMS de los dos intentos de entrega así como del periodo restante que tienes para recogerlo en franquicia. PAGO Todos los medios de pago dispuestos por parte de Media Markt, se encuentran sujetos a comprobaciones y autorizaciones por parte de las entidades emisoras del medio de pago (emisores de tarjeta y/o emisores de cuentas de pago) Métodos de pago aceptados: El usuario puede pagar de manera rápida y segura, sin compartir información financiera con MediaMarkt, a través de la pasarela de pago de PayPal, ya sea mediante su cuenta o mediante tarjeta de crédito sin necesidad de estar registrado en PayPal. DEVOLUCIÓN Devolución local solo en tienda de null que siempre deberá ser solicitada y reembolsada a través de eBay Podrá devolver el Producto en un plazo máximo de treinta (30) días naturales desde que haya adquirido la posesión del producto/s.La devolución se podrá hacer tanto de forma online como presencial en la tienda de null, pero el proceso deberá iniciarse a través de eBay y el reembolso se realizará en el mismo medio de pago con el que el Producto fue adquirido. La devolución incluirá el importe de la compra y si hubieran existido, los costes de entrega. La devolución se realizará en el mismo medio de pago con el que el Producto fue adquirido. Los costes de devolución correrán a cargo del cliente siempre que sea objeto de desistimiento. Media Markt correrá con los costes de devolución cuando el producto sea defectuoso o distinto a lo descrito. El Cliente deberá devolver los productos objeto de desistimiento sin ninguna demora indebida y en cualquier caso a más tardar en el plazo de 14 días naturales a partir de la fecha en que se comunique su decisión de desistimiento. La devolución del importe correspondiente al desistimiento se realizará en un plazo de 2 días laborables desde la fecha en la que se hayan recibido previamente los bienes o productos objeto de desistimiento, en caso contrario, podrá retenerse el reembolso hasta la recepción de dichos bienes o hasta que el Cliente acredite la devolución de los bienes. El Cliente será responsable de la disminución de valor de los bienes resultante de una manipulación de los mismos distinta a la necesaria para establecer su naturaleza, sus características o su funcionamiento. En todo caso, a los efectos de hacer uso del derecho de desistimiento, es necesario que los Productos sean devueltos en sus embalajes originales junto con la factura, en el caso de que se devuelvan sin dichos embalajes originales o con desperfectos el importe que se abonará al Cliente por la devolución del producto será disminuido en la cantidad que corresponda. Antes de devolver el Producto, el Cliente debe asegurarse de que el mismo se encuentra debidamente protegido y precintado para que no sufra ningún daño durante el transporte.

Sony 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer -Dolby Atmos - DTS:X - HT-G700

End: 18.08. 2023 21:16:06 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 373.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266314154790
  • Seller: savecentral-outlet (61384|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SaveCentral Helpful Links Visit our Store Sign Up For Newsletter Contact Us View Feedback Store Categories $1.99 Deals $3.99Clearance Cameras & Camcorders Televisions Laptops Desktop Computers Monitors Video Game Consoles Video Components Networking Portable Audio Car Audio & Video Audio Components Blank Media Cables & Connectors Cell Phones Components Drives & Storage Electronics Handhelds Input Devices Memory Phones Modems Multimedia POS Equipment Printers Projectors/AV Equipment Scanners Security & Surveillance Servers Software Speakers Tools & Hardware UPS & Power Video Games Apparel Home Improvement Household Purses/Hand Bags Automotive Industrial Travel Toys Office Supplies New - Inner Seals Intact Sony HT-G700 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer -Dolby Atmos - DTS:X - Bluetooth 5.0 - 400 Watts - ARC - HDMI - Black Product Condition: New-Inner Seals Intact with manufacturer warranty. Packaging: Original manufacturer packaging. Box has been opened/might be distressed. Accessories: Includes all accessories as provided by the manufacturer. Shipping: Most items ship via FedEx or USPS 1 business day after payment clears Immerse yourself in TV and movies with powerful, dynamic surround sound. Stylish and easy to use, this Dolby Atmos soundbar even features a dedicated center speaker for clearer dialog. Vertical Surround Engine, the advanced surround technology, lets you enjoy the thrill of the latest theater audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X in a slim unit. Its three front speakers, combined with unique Sony signal processing, reproduce vertical surround, creating virtual surround sound that seems to come from all around you. In a modern movie theater there are speakers all around you, each with their finely tuned sounds, combining to make a fully immersive surround sound experience. Hit the Immersive AE (Audio Enhancement) button and the HT-G700 can upscale even regular stereo audio to 7.1.2 surround sound-so every TV show and movie gets the surround sound treatment. Sound is fine-tuned to match the height of your TV by S-Force PRO. Now, even if your TV is bigger than 55 inches (diag.), it will sound like audio is coming from your TV screen, putting you deeper into everything you watch. A powerful wireless subwoofer delivers a deeper, richer bass sound-and with simple wireless connection, where you place it is up to you. Select the sound or audio mode best suited to your entertainment with a direct key on your remote control. Go deeper into movies with Cinema mode and hear every detail of your favorite tracks in Music mode. Voice mode tailors sound settings to accentuate speech so you wont miss a word. And Night mode optimizes the sound balance so you can hear everything clearly even at low volume levels. Connect a compatible TV or device wirelessly via Bluetooth(r) technology, or use the HDMI eARC/ARC or optical digital input for full-bandwidth sound. With the latest 4K HDR 18 Gbps pass through and HDCP2.2/HDCP2.3, the HT-G700 is made for the latest home theater formats including Dolby Vision, HDR10 and Hybrid Log Gamma. Send audio wirelessly from your compatible Sony TV to your soundbar using Bluetooth technology. Send audio and control information from your TV using just one cable with HDMI. Stream music wirelessly with Bluetooth technology. Thanks to Sonys virtual-surround technology, the soundbar can position sound in vertical space-so you can experience 3D audio without the need for in-ceiling or up-firing speakers. As well as Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, Vertical Surround Engine lends a more realistic, multidimensional sound to other formats too. Using front speakers only, Sonys unique digital-sound-field-processing technology virtually reproduces the surround sound field, with audio coming at you from both sides. Theres no need to add rear speakers, meaning you can enjoy rich, cinematic surround sound without cluttering your living space. Product Specifications Model numberHT-G700Product NameSony HT-G700 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless SubwooferProduct TypeSoundbarColorBlackSystem ComponentsSubwoofer, Sound BarChannels3.1 ChannelSpeaker TypeActiveNominal Output Power (Total)400 WattsAmplifierIntegratedSound EffectsVertical Surround, S-Force ProAudio Return Channel (ARC) CapabilityYesInterfacesBluetooth 5.0Bluetooth ProfilesAdvanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCPBluetooth Audio CodecSBC, AACVideo Pass-Through2160 (4KBuilt-in DecodersDTS-ES decoder, DTS 96/24, Dolby Digital, DTS decoder, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS-HD High Resolution, Dolby Atmos, DTS:XSpeakers Included1 x Sound Bar - 300 Watt - Wired, 1 x Subwoofer - 100 Watt - WirelessSpeaker DetailsSound bar - Front Channel x 2 - 100 Watt - Active, Sound bar - Center Channel - 100 Watt - Active, Speaker - Subwoofer - 100 Watt - ActiveDriver Details (Sound Bar) 3 x Full-range Driver - 1-13/16 x 4 inch - PaperDriver Details (Subwoofer)Subwoofer Driver - 6.5 inch - PaperConnector TypeHDMI Input (19 pin HDMI Type A), HDMI Output (19 pin HDMI Type A), SPDIF Input (TOSLINK), Audio Line-In (Mini-phone Stereo 3.5 mmPower SourceIntegrated Power SupplyOptionsAuto Power OffPower ConsumptionBar - 45 Watts / Subwoofer - 20 WattsWall-MountableYesDimensions (Sound Bar)W 38.6 x D 4.3 x H 2.5 inchesDimensions (Subwoofer)W 7.6 x D 16 x H 15.2 inchesWeight (Sound Bar)7.7 lbsWeight (Subwoofer)16.5 lbsWarranty Warranty: Manufacturer warranty. For defective returns, SaveCentral will give you a full refund and will arrange for and pay all shipping costs. About Us SaveCentral operates this outlet store. We have been selling on eBay and Amazon since early 2010 and we guarantee your satisfaction. Check out our generous returns policy, and feel free to contact us with any questions. See some of our other listings in our store: Shipping Policy Within the United States, we ship via FedEx or USPS at our discretion. If we offer free ground shipping on a listing, it will be for the 48 contiguous United States only. Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and the US Territories will incur regular shipping charge as we cannot ship via the regular ground service. Freight delivery appointments may be required for oversized or heavy items. SaveCentral is not responsible for any customs, duties, and/or taxes for international shipments. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts as US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Removing the product from the United States will void all warranties/guarantees. Please check with the product manufacturer to find out their international warranty terms. We only ship to Confirmed Addresses on your Paypal Account. We cannot change the delivery address, nor cancel the order, nor set this up for a hold at the shipping company for pickup. If you refused the shipment or it is otherwise returned to us, it will be considered a non-defective return and you will be responsible for all shipping costs. Orders will leave our warehouse within 48 hours of your payment being cleared by Paypal. We ship Monday through Friday, we do not ship on Saturdays or Sundays because our offices are closed. At this time, we do not provide local pick up. Please Note: All International orders (including orders shipping to US territories) will be held for a period of 72 hours from the time of payment to insure payment via PayPal is cleared. Payment We only accept payment by PayPal and they must be from confirmed addresses. Immediate payment is required, or within 5 days of auction closing. Returns Buy With Confidence! We inspect and test all of our products to ensure it meets the manufacturer quality standards. We have a 30 Day Return Policy and most products have the Manufacturer Warranty against defects. Please contact our Customer Service team if you have any issues with your item and to obtain an RMA number. You can return or exchange an item purchased within 30 days of the original purchase date. You must return the product in its original packaging (or equivalent) that was shipped to you, prepay shipping charges, and insure the shipment or accept the risk if the product is lost or damaged in shipment. For non-defective returns, you are responsible for the original and return shipping costs. Items that qualified for free shipping that are being returned will have our standard shipping charges deducted from the refund. Once an order ships, we cannot set this up for a hold at the shipping company for pickup, nor change the delivery address, nor cancel the order. If you refused the shipment or it is otherwise returned to us, it will be considered a non-defective return and you will be responsible for all shipping costs. If your product happens to be defective and the manufacturer warranty applies, please contact the manufacturer for assistance. You can contact us if you need help working with the manufacturer, or to request an RMA to return the item back to SaveCentral. A pre-paid return label will be emailed to you when the RMA for a defective return is approved. If SaveCentral cannot reproduce the reason for a defective return, you will be responsible for all shipping costs. In the event that a product received by the customer is defective and the product has been removed from the country after delivery within the USA (regardless if the item was shipped to a freight forwarder, international mail forwarder or a family member), the warranty/guarantee is no longer valid. The customer must return the product to the USA ship-to address listed on the order, and only then will SaveCentral provide a shipping return label for the return to SaveCentral. SaveCentral will not be responsible for any taxes, duties, or fees related to this return. Products returned without an RMA number will be charged all shipping costs. If you have a return, it must be complete with all blank warranty cards, accessories and documentation as provided by the manufacturer. If your return is incomplete, opened, used or not in the condition we shipped it to you, you will be charged for those costs depending on how we will be able to relist the item. We send you an email that includes your shipped products part number and serial number. We verify all serial numbers against our ship records and If your return is missing the UPC code on the manufacturers packaging, or the product serial number is removed or incorrect, we will refuse your return. Refunds will be processed to your account 7-10 days after SaveCentral receives your authorized return at our facility. Contact Us Our customer support is available from 9:00am to 5:00pm MT, Monday through Friday. Please contact us via the eBay Contact Seller Functionality. Please contact us with any concerns so that we can ensure you are satisfied with your purchase. If you feel you cant leave us top ratings, contact us and well make it right!

Sony HT-G700 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer

End: 18.08. 2023 21:13:06 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 378.96 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185971434412
  • Seller: tfldealz (13789|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Listing Details: Sony HT-G700 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer -Dolby Atmos - DTS:X - Bluetooth 5.0 - 400 Watts - ARC - HDMI - Black - New - Inner Seals Intact Product Condition: Inner Seals Intact items are new products in the original manufacturer packaging, however the box has been opened and might be distressed. Includes a manufacturer warranty. Immerse yourself in TV and movies with powerful, dynamic surround sound. Stylish and easy to use, this Dolby Atmos soundbar even features a dedicated center speaker for clearer dialog. Vertical Surround Engine, the advanced surround technology, lets you enjoy the thrill of the latest theater audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X in a slim unit. Its three front speakers, combined with unique Sony signal processing, reproduce vertical surround, creating virtual surround sound that seems to come from all around you. In a modern movie theater there are speakers all around you, each with their finely tuned sounds, combining to make a fully immersive surround sound experience. Hit the Immersive AE (Audio Enhancement) button and the HT-G700 can upscale even regular stereo audio to 7.1.2 surround sound-so every TV show and movie gets the surround sound treatment. Sound is fine-tuned to match the height of your TV by S-Force PRO. Now, even if your TV is bigger than 55 inches (diag.), it will sound like audio is coming from your TV screen, putting you deeper into everything you watch. A powerful wireless subwoofer delivers a deeper, richer bass sound-and with simple wireless connection, where you place it is up to you. Select the sound or audio mode best suited to your entertainment with a direct key on your remote control. Go deeper into movies with Cinema mode and hear every detail of your favorite tracks in Music mode. Voice mode tailors sound settings to accentuate speech so you wont miss a word. And Night mode optimizes the sound balance so you can hear everything clearly even at low volume levels. Connect a compatible TV or device wirelessly via Bluetooth(r) technology, or use the HDMI eARC/ARC or optical digital input for full-bandwidth sound. With the latest 4K HDR 18 Gbps pass through and HDCP2.2/HDCP2.3, the HT-G700 is made for the latest home theater formats including Dolby Vision, HDR10 and Hybrid Log Gamma. Send audio wirelessly from your compatible Sony TV to your soundbar using Bluetooth technology. Send audio and control information from your TV using just one cable with HDMI. Stream music wirelessly with Bluetooth technology. Thanks to Sonys virtual-surround technology, the soundbar can position sound in vertical space-so you can experience 3D audio without the need for in-ceiling or up-firing speakers. As well as Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, Vertical Surround Engine lends a more realistic, multidimensional sound to other formats too. Using front speakers only, Sonys unique digital-sound-field-processing technology virtually reproduces the surround sound field, with audio coming at you from both sides. Theres no need to add rear speakers, meaning you can enjoy rich, cinematic surround sound without cluttering your living space. Model numberHT-G700Product NameSony HT-G700 3.1-Channel Soundbar with Wireless SubwooferProduct TypeSoundbarColorBlackSystem ComponentsSubwoofer, Sound BarChannels3.1 ChannelSpeaker TypeActiveNominal Output Power (Total)400 WattsAmplifierIntegratedSound EffectsVertical Surround, S-Force ProAudio Return Channel (ARC) CapabilityYesInterfacesBluetooth 5.0Bluetooth ProfilesAdvanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCPBluetooth Audio CodecSBC, AACVideo Pass-Through2160 (4KBuilt-in DecodersDTS-ES decoder, DTS 96/24, Dolby Digital, DTS decoder, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS-HD High Resolution, Dolby Atmos, DTS:XSpeakers Included1 x Sound Bar - 300 Watt - Wired, 1 x Subwoofer - 100 Watt - WirelessSpeaker DetailsSound bar - Front Channel x 2 - 100 Watt - Active, Sound bar - Center Channel - 100 Watt - Active, Speaker - Subwoofer - 100 Watt - ActiveDriver Details (Sound Bar) 3 x Full-range Driver - 1-13/16 x 4 inch - PaperDriver Details (Subwoofer)Subwoofer Driver - 6.5 inch - PaperConnector TypeHDMI Input (19 pin HDMI Type A), HDMI Output (19 pin HDMI Type A), SPDIF Input (TOSLINK), Audio Line-In (Mini-phone Stereo 3.5 mmPower SourceIntegrated Power SupplyOptionsAuto Power OffPower ConsumptionBar - 45 Watts / Subwoofer - 20 WattsWall-MountableYesDimensions (Sound Bar)W 38.6 x D 4.3 x H 2.5 inchesDimensions (Subwoofer)W 7.6 x D 16 x H 15.2 inchesWeight (Sound Bar)7.7 lbsWeight (Subwoofer)16.5 lbsWarranty Warranty: Manufacturer warranty. For defective returns, TFLDealz will give you a full refund and will arrange for and pay all shipping costs. TFL Dealz has been selling on eBay since 2014 and we guarantee your satisfaction. Check out our generous returns policy, and feel free to contact us with any questions. SHIPPING Please note that once an order ships, we cannot change the delivery address, nor set this up for a hold at the shipping company for pickup, nor cancel the order. If the shipment is refused by the customer or otherwise returned to us, it will be considered a non-defective return and the customer will be responsible for the costs as detailed in our Return Policy. Freight delivery appointments may be required for oversized or heavy items. TFLDealz is not responsible for any customs, duties, and/or taxes for international shipments and we do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts as US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Please check with the product manufacturer to find out their international warranty terms if you remove your product from the USA. TFLDealz is not responsible for any shipping issues, defects or damage to an item if it is moved locally, or out of the country after having been delivered within the USA (regardless if the item was shipped to a family member, or any type of forwarder, and regardless if a delivery signature was captured or not). We ship Monday through Friday, so any order placed over the weekend will ship the next business day. We will hold International orders (including orders shipping to US territories) for 72 hours to insure payment is cleared. RETURNS TFLDealz offers a 30 day return policy Please contact our Support team if you have any issues with your order and well work with you to ensure your satisfaction so we can earn your 5-star review. You may return most products for a refund during the first 30 days from the invoice date (excluding shipping and handling charges). You must return the product in its original or equivalent packaging that was shipped to you, prepay shipping charges, and insure the shipment or accept the risk if the product is lost or damaged in shipment. For non-defective returns, the customer is responsible for their original and return shipping costs. Items that qualified for free shipping that are being returned will have our standard shipping charges deducted from the refund. The return shipping cost (the cost to send an item back to us) is not refundable. Please note that once an order ships, we cannot change the delivery address, nor set this up for a hold at the shipping company for pickup, nor cancel the order. If the shipment is refused by the customer or otherwise returned to us, it will be considered a non-defective return and the customer will be responsible for all the costs as noted above. If a defective product was purchased from TFLDealz and the manufacturer Warranty applies, you will need to contact the manufacturer first for assistance. Please contact us if you need help working with the manufacturer, or to request an RMA to return the item back to us. If the manufacturer is unable to assist, and you are outside of the 30-Day return window, please contact our Customer Service Department to arrange for shipment to our repair center. Just as is required when shipping an item to the manufacturer for warranty, the customer is responsible for shipping the item to us. We will ship the repaired item back to the customer at our expense. Your invoice contains the product part number and serial number that was shipped to you. Product that is returned that contains a tampered, damaged, incomplete or missing serial number will not be accepted for return. WE VERIFY ALL SERIAL NUMBERS AGAINST OUR INVOICE AND SHIP RECORDS. If we cannot reproduce the reason for a defective return, the customer will be responsible for all shipping costs. A pre-paid return label will be emailed to the customer when the RMA for a defective return is approved. Returned product must be complete, in original boxes and packaging materials and contain all software, accessories, and blank warranty cards provided at time of original purchase. Customer will be charged the replacement cost of missing, damaged, or altered products and accessories Software, ink and toner may be returned only if the factory seal remains intact and is subject to the remainder of this policy. Refunds to be processed to your account a few days after TFLDealz receives your authorized return. If a product has been removed from the United States, after delivery within the country, regardless if this was via a family member, or any type of forwarder, our return policy is no longer valid and the manufacturer warranty will be void. If there is an issue and the item must be returned to us, you are responsible for returning the product to the original ship to address within the United States as noted on the order. At that point, TFLDealz will provide a shipping return label as appropriate. We will not be responsible for any duties, taxes or other fees related to such a return. Product returned without an RMA number will be charged the return shipping fee. All returns must be postmarked within 9 days of the shipping label being issued to be considered within the return policy, or TFLDealz will charge the return shipping fee.

Sony HT-G700 3.1CH Dolby Atmos DTS:X Soundbar w Bluetooth Technology Subwoofer

End: 14.08. 2023 09:28:05 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 153.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285333373436
  • Seller: dollarhog (90834|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Siloam Springs, Arkansas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Functions as intended. Light wear: Some scuffs on items from previous use. Item appears somewhat dirty: Dust and smudges from packaging and handling. Includes: (1) Soundbar, (1) Manual, (3) Cords, (1) Remote, (2) Batteries, (1) Subwoofer. Missing manufacturer packaging. Color: Black. PLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. Used Sony HT-G700 3.1CH Dolby Atmos DTS:X Soundbar w Bluetooth Technology Subwoofer $499.00 $164.09 Functions as intended. Light wear: Some scuffs on items from previous use. Item appears somewhat dirty: Dust and smudges from packaging and handling. Includes: (1) Soundbar, (1) Manual, (3) Cords, (1) Remote, (2) Batteries, (1) Subwoofer. Missing manufacturer packaging. Color: Black. PLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. SKU: #192864 INSPECTOR: CCJ Store Favorite Live Chat --> Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us About Us Dollarhog has partnered with some of the Nations largest retailers and distributors to aggressively liquidate consumer merchandise. This merchandise is generally customer returns, overstock items, or retail shelf pulls. We personally understand the importance of saving money while getting a quality product. That philosophy inspired family-owned Dollarhog. We enjoy helping others save money and hope to do so for many years. We appreciate your business! Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal payments. Please be aware that payment is required within 24 hours of the listing ending unless other approved arrangements have been made with us. NOTE: All bidders/buyers must have a feedback score with at least 5 positive feedbacks to be eligible to bid or purchase from us. Please contact us prior to bidding/buying if you want to purchase and you dont meet this requirement. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us About Us Dollarhog has partnered with some of the Nations largest retailers and distributors to aggressively liquidate consumer merchandise. This merchandise is generally customer returns, overstock items, or retail shelf pulls. We personally understand the importance of saving money while getting a quality product. That philosophy inspired family-owned Dollarhog. We enjoy helping others save money and hope to do so for many years. We appreciate your business! Quality All merchandise is tested prior to listing unless it is sealed in the factory package. This will include powering on the unit and checking all the major functions. You will find condition and testing notes in the item description. This helps our buyers know EXACTLY what they are getting. We have worked with thousands of ebay members to achieve the best service available anywhere. If you have any questions before or after the sale, please contact us. We check and respond to our messages often. We will work with you to make your purchase the best it can be. Communication We are here for you. Use the ASK THE SELLER A QUESTION button to contact us anytime. We check these messages often throughout the day, 5 days a week, and it is our goal to respond as quickly as possible. Packaging Conditions listed refer to the condition of the item only, and any item may still have distressed commercial packaging meaning the box may show signs of wear from shipping, warehousing, label removing, etc. Keep this in mind when buying an item as a gift or if you are a collector. Listed items marked as Opened manufacturers package may be missing some of the internal packaging. Also, the packaging may show significant signs of handling or wear. All items will be packed well or repacked for shipping purposes. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us We offer shipping to the United States only unless specified in the listing. If the listing is for FREE SHIPPING, it will be for the 48 contiguous United States ONLY. Please contact us prior to bidding for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canadian shipping rates through USPS. Items ship within 1 business day of cleared payment (We usually ship same day if payment is received before 9 am CST). Please DO NOT ENTER A PO BOX for your shipping address. Many carriers will not deliver to a PO Box and this can delay your order. We CANNOT ship to PO BOXES or APO/FPO. We do not process shipping on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays in which shipping carriers do not operate. We CANNOT be responsible for any fees, tariffs, duties or taxes that may be charged by your country or carrier. If the item value is $750 or greater, signature will be required at delivery. Details Shipping About Us Payment About Us Condition Functions as intended.Light wear: Some scuffs on items from previous use. Item appears somewhat dirty: Dust and smudges from packaging and handling. Included • (1) Soundbar • (1) Manual • (3) Cords • (1) Remote • (2) Batteries • (1) SubwooferPLEASE SEE PHOTOS FOR WHAT IS INCLUDED. Please do NOT ASSUME an item is included if it is not in the photo. Packaging Missing manufacturer packaging. Sign on Delivery If the item value is $750 or greater, signature will be required at delivery. Brand Sony Model HT-G700 Color Black UPC 27242919235 ASIN B0856M2T37 Micromobility Devices In addition to eBay’s policy, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recently called on manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of micromobility devices to ensure these devices are certified under the UL 2272 or UL 2849 safety standards. Per the CPSC, “failure to adhere to applicable UL safety standards…may pose an unreasonable risk to consumers of fire and serious injury or death; and that compliance with the relevant UL standards significantly reduces the risk of injuries and deaths from micromobility device fires.”

Sony HT-G700 3.1ch 400W Dolby Atmos DTS:X Bluetooth Soundbar w/ Subwoofer HTG700

End: 12.08. 2023 20:25:26 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 187.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 364270996578
  • Seller: bid$buy (34997|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Willoughby, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    3.1ch Dolby Atmos / DTS:X Soundbar with Bluetooth Sound Bar Speaker P/N: HTG700 Manufacturer: Sony HTG700 | Cinematic surround sound and crystal-clear dialogue This 3.1ch Dolby Atmos®/ DTS:X™ soundbar couples powerful, immersive surround sound with crystal-clear dialogue-so you can lose yourself completely in your favorite TV and movies. Discover HT-G700 | Hear sound from all directions with up to 7.1.2 channel surround sound Vertical Surround Engine, our advanced surround technology, lets you enjoy the thrill of the latest theater audio formats like Dolby Atmos®/ DTS:X™ in a single slim unit. Its three front speakers, combined with unique Sony signal processing, reproduce vertical audio, creating virtual surround sound that seems to come from all around you. Experience sound from above Thanks to Sonys virtual-surround technology, the soundbar can position sound in vertical space-so you can experience 3D audio without the need for in-ceiling or up-firing speakers. As well as Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, Vertical Surround Engine lends a more realistic, multidimensional sound to other formats too. Surround made simple Using front speakers only, Sonys unique digital-sound-field-processing technology virtually reproduces the surround sound field, with audio coming at you from both sides. Theres no need to add rear speakers, meaning you can enjoy rich, cinematic surround sound without cluttering your living space. Give every movie the full theater 7.1.2 experience In a modern movie theater there are speakers all around you, each with their finely tuned sounds, combining to make a fully immersive surround sound experience. Hit the Immersive AE (Audio Enhancement) button and the HT-G700 can upscale even regular stereo audio to 7.1.2 surround sound-so every TV show and movie gets the surround sound treatment. Center speaker for clear dialog A dedicated center speaker ensures that voice sounds can be clearly heard, whether its quick-fire dialog in your favorite TV show or whispered lines in a Hollywood movie. Its great for music too, ensuring a richly detailed listening experience. Choose the perfect setting A button for every sound-choose the one thats right for whatever youre watching or listening to. Take your pick from Auto Sound, Standard Surround, Cinema, Music, Night and Voice modes and use subwoofer volume control to fine-tune your viewing experience. Theater mode Feel and hear the action all around you as sound travels behind you and draws you into the movie experience. Music mode Hear all the vividness and richness of your favorite music in fine detail. Voice mode Whether its the morning news or a season finale, this mode tailors sound settings to accentuate speech so you wont miss a word. Compatibility TV Phone Tablet Bluetooth Devices Specifications: UPC: 027242919235 SKU: 1063556489 Brand: Sony MPN: HTG700 Product Type: Sound Bar Speaker Bluetooth: Yes HDMI: Yes Sound System: DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS-ES, DTS 96/24, DTS Virtual:X, DTS, DTS- Mount Type: Wall Mountable Power Source: AC Power Cord Subwoofer Weight (Approximate): 16 lb Weight (Approximate): 7 lb Depth: 4.3 Width: 38.6 Height: 2.5 Product Color: Black Wireless Speaker(s): Yes Subwoofer Type: Active Subwoofer Depth: 16 Subwoofer Width: 7.63 Subwoofer Height: 15.25 RMS Output Power: 400 W USB: Yes Speaker Configuration: 3.1 Manufacturer: Sony Corporation Terms and Conditions Domestic (US) Orders Domestic orders are shipped within 2 business days from receipt of payment. Please be aware that your order may be processed on the following business day after you check out. Domestic shipments are sent via standard UPS or Fedex service. Standard shipping service may not be available to some addresses. Additional charges may apply. We do not provide expedited shipping or order processing. Orders to PO boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US protectorates, and military addresses require an additional 3-4 business days of processing time before shipment. International Orders You are purchasing a product designed for use in North America. The power and transmission requirements may be different then in your local country, please make sure to follow all applicable use and safety regulations. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges, they will be billed to the recipient. These charges are usually collected by the shipping company at the time of delivery. On customs documents we do not mark merchandise price below the sale price, or mark items as gifts. Government and shipper regulations prohibit such behavior. International orders are shipped via various air cargo carriers which are selected by our warehouse when your order is processed. International orders require 3-4 business days of processing time before shipment. Shipments to PO boxes must be sent via postal services. Additional charges may apply. Heavy or over-sized shipments may not be eligible for export to some countries or incur additional charges. Please contact us before placing your order if you require combined shipping for multiple items. Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations We stand by the items we sell and will issue a full refund including freight charges on any defective or ship damaged item. Please inspect your item as soon as it arrives, we only accept reports of shipping damage within 14 days from delivery. All returns must be shipped to the appropriate facility for processing. Before returning a product, please contact us to receive return instructions. Items must be returned within 30 days from purchase. Refunds may take up to 21 days to be issued after your return is received. When you submit your payment, your order will be automatically processed. We may no longer be able to change or cancel your order. After the order is received, we cannot update your shipping address address. The order will be shipped to the address you submit with your payment. Scroll down and click on ask a question if you would like to send us a message. The products description is automatically generated with information from manufacturer catalogs and other content providers. Please excuse any image and typographical errors.

Sony HT-G700 3.1 Kanal Soundbar (Subwoofer, Dolby, Bluetooth, HDMI, eARC)

End: 05.08. 2023 09:15:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 214.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266359066080
  • Seller: (10632|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Langenhagen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony HT-G700 3.1 Kanal Soundbar (Subwoofer, Dolby, Bluetooth, HDMI, eARC)--> GÜnstige Versandkosten --> Abholung nach Absprache möglich eBay Shop Bewertungen Profil Newsletter Sony HT-G700 3.1 Kanal Soundbar Subwoofer, Dolby, Bluetooth, HDMI, eARC Unsere Artikelnummer: BW-38217_B Beschreibung Kategorien --> Bei dem Produkt handelt es sich um einen Versandrcklufer bei dem die Originalverpackung bereits geffnet wurde. Die Verpackung kann leicht beschdigt sein oder der Artikel kann nachverpackt sein. Das Produkt selbst weit keine oder nur minimale Gebrauchsspuren wie z.B. Fingerabdrcke oder Putzschlieren auf. Um Ihnen technisch eine einwandfreie Funktion zu gewhrleisten, wurde das Produkt von unseren Technikern einer grndlichen Prfung unterzogen. Auf diesen Artikel erhalten Sie 2 Jahre Gewhrleistung. Der Artikel ist nicht fr eine Cashback Aktion o.. qualifiziert.Produktdaten:Anschlsse und SchnittstellenAnzahl HDMI-Anschlsse2BluetoothJaBluetooth-Version5.0Digital-Audio-Optical-In1HDCPJaHDCP-Version2.2Nahfeldkommunikation (NFC)NeinbertragungstechnikKabellosUSB PortJaWLANNeinAudioAudio Kanle3.1 KanleEingebaute Audio-DecoderDTS:X,Dolby AtmosEqualizerJaRMS-Leistung400 WGewicht & AbmessungenBreite980 mmBreite des Subwoofers17,7 cmGewicht Soundbar3,17 kgHhe64 mmHhe des Subwoofers38,1 cmTiefe108 mmTiefe des Subwoofers40,6 cmTieftnergewicht7,26 kgMerkmaleNachtmodusJaProduktfarbeSchwarzTV-Stnder VerwendungJaSubwooferSubwoofer enthaltenJaVerpackungsinformationVerpackungsartBoxVerpackungsinhaltFernbedienung enthaltenJaMitgelieferte KabelAC, HDMI --> PRODUKTEMPFEHLUNGEN Premium Auction Tools - Cross-Selling loading... Cross-Selling powered by Premium Auction Tools 2020-12-03 09:12 - 0 FAQ 1. Bekomme ich eine Rechnung ? Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener MwSt. 2. Wie sieht es mit der Garantie/Gewährleistung aus? Sie erhalten auf Neuware eine Gewährleistung von 24 Monaten und auf Gebrauchtware 12 Monate. 3. Verkaufen Sie auch ins Ausland? Wir verkaufen unsere Produkte nur innerhalb der EU. Achtung! Großgeräte, welche per Spedition versendet werden mÜssen sind davon nicht betroffen. Diese werden nur National verkauft. Hinweis: Versand von Großgeräten Über Spedition erfolgt nur frei Bordsteinkante 4. Ist ein Kauf auf Rechnung, oder mit Ratenzahlung möglich. Dies ist bei uns nicht möglich. 5. Welche Zahlungsmöglichkeiten bieten Sie vor Ort an? Sie können bei uns per EC-Karte, oder auch Bar bezahlen. 6. Ist ein Sofortkauf bei einer Auktion auch möglich? Dies ist nicht möglich. Sie mÜssen, wie jeder andere Nutzer auch, auf diesen Artikel bieten. VERSAND Wir versenden alle Bestellungen mit unseren Logistikpartnern (Spedition) oder DHL (Paketsendungen). --> BEZAHLUNG Die Bezahlung ist per PayPal und BankÜberweisung möglich. Sie können hierfÜr einfach nach dem Kauf die eBay Kaufabwicklung nutzen. VORKASSE ABHOLUNG Sie können alle Artikel auch nach Absprache bei uns abholen. Bei Abholung bieten wir zusätzlich auch eine Zahlung in Bar oder per EC-Karte an. --> KONTAKT Bei allen Fragen zu unseren Produkten, stehen wir Ihnen gerne telefonisch oder per eMail zur VerfÜgung. Tel. 0511 / 676 997 0 --> Copyright 2017 Sertronics GmbH | Design & Development by Pixelsafari --> #0492d0basictemplate160