Sony LF-S50G
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- Item number: 364543853122
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Sony LF-S50G.
Sony LF-S50G.
Sony LF-S50G SchwarzDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. href=> SONY LF-S50G SCHWARZ Beschreibung Modellnummer: LF-S50GGarantiezeitraum: 3 Monate Garantie Voraussichtlicher Versand: 3–4 Tage später Registrierungsdatum: 27. Juni 2018 Erscheinungsdatum: 2017Funktionen/HinweiseEinfache freihändige Bedienung von Musik, Wetter, Nachrichten und kompatiblen Geräten mit Ihrer StimmeFunktionen/ Hinweise: Intelligente Lautsprecher verändern Ihr Leben. Merkmale/Hinweise: Wird mit Box, Handbuch und Netzteil geliefert. 221020001106]?Hinweis nur für eingeschaltete Produkte. Produkte, die sich nicht einschalten lassen, sind nicht berechtigt.? Die Stromversorgung für dieses Produkt ist AC100V 50/60Hz.In einigen Ländern ist möglicherweise ein Transformator erforderlich.Bitte bereiten Sie den Transformator kaufseitig vor. Steckdosenspezifikationen ?A-TypWenn es sich vom A-Typ unterscheidet, ist ein Konverter erforderlich. Sie in anderen Bereichen als 100 V.Wenn Sie den von mir verkauften Transformator verwenden, können Sie ihn in anderen Bereichen als 100 V verwenden.eBay.com UK verkaufen auch außerhalb von kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie einen Kauf tätigen möchten.Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte.* In einigen Gebieten ist dies möglicherweise nicht möglichBitte überlegen Sie sorgfältig.Zahlung ??Wir akzeptieren nur Zahlungen per PayPal.??Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb ??3 Tage nach Auktionsende. Versand Kostenloser VersandVersand per Express-EMS, DHL oder FedExWir liefern mit der schnellsten Versandart.Versand mit Schadens-/VerlustversicherungMit einer Verfolgungs Nummer??(10-15 Tage in die USA) ??(10-30 Tage oder mehr in andere Länder) Verkaufsbedingungen ??[Über zurückgegebene Waren]????Rücksendungen werden nur akzeptiert, wenn der Artikel im Originalzustand war? nicht der in der Auktion beschriebene Artikel. [Zurückkehren] Rücksendungen aus persönlichen Gründen werden nicht akzeptiert. Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie: Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten oder Kaufen beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden. Bereitgestellt von HARUModellnummer: LF-S50GGarantiezeitraum: 3 Monate Garantie Voraussichtlicher Versand: 3–4 Tage später Registrierungsdatum: 27. Juni 2018 Erscheinungsdatum: 2017Funktionen/HinweiseEinfache freihändige Bedienung von Musik, Wetter, Nachrichten und kompatiblen Geräten mit Ihrer StimmeFunktionen/ Hinweise: Intelligente Lautsprecher verändern Ihr Leben. Merkmale/Hinweise: Wird mit Box, Handbuch und Netzteil geliefert. 221020001106]?Hinweis nur für eingeschaltete Produkte. Produkte, die sich nicht einschalten lassen, sind nicht berechtigt.? Die Stromversorgung für dieses Produkt ist AC100V 50/60Hz.In einigen Ländern ist möglicherweise ein Transformator erforderlich.Bitte bereiten Sie den Transformator kaufseitig vor. Steckdosenspezifikationen ?A-TypWenn es sich vom A-Typ unterscheidet, ist ein Kon Smart Home Compatibility Google Assistant Connectivity Bluetooth MPN Does not apply Brand Sony UPC Does not apply Color Black Model Sony LF-S50G Type Smart Speaker
Sony Wireless Speaker LF S50G. . Avec lenceinte Sony LF-S50G, le fabricant nippon propose une enceinte omnidirectionnelle sans fil connecte avec Google Assistant intgr. En plus de diffuser la musique, elle est donc en mesure de rpondre de multiples requtes de lutilisateur puisquelle rpond la voix ! . Points forts Son omnidirectionnel (360) Google Assistant intgr Compatible Chromecast Commande vocale et gestuelle tanche IPX3 WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC Lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gest quipe dun cran pour afficher lheure, de microphones pour recevoir les consignes et de deux haut-parleurs. Lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gest avant tout uneenceinte sans fil amplifie, quipe ce titre dune amplification et de haut-parleurs. Au nombre de deux, un pour le grave, lautre pour les frquences mdium et aigus, les haut-parleurs sont monts verticalement, lun en face de lautre et spars par un diffuseur acoustique lenticulaire charg de guider les ondes sonores tout autour de lenceinte, 360. Par ailleurs, un conduit bass-reflex est charg damliorer la rponse de lenceinte dans le grave, pour une reproduction plus dynamique et plus vivante. La lentille acoustique positionne lintrieur de lenceinte Sony LF-S50G, entre les deux haut-parleurs, permet de diffuser les ondes sonores dans toutes les directions. Une fois connecte au rseau local, lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gpeut lire les musiques partages mais aussi accder de nombreuses webradios, des podcasts ainsi quaux principaux services de musique en ligne. Il suffit de lavoir au pralable paramtre via lapplicationGoogle Homedisponible sur Android et iOS. Cette application permet ainsi de connecter lenceinte au rseau local enWiFi, de lui indiquer les diffrents services de musique en ligne pour lesquels on dispose dun abonnement, etc. Une fois le paramtrage termin, lenceinte est totalement autonome. Il suffit de lui adresser une demande en commenant sa phrase par les mots Ok Google pour quelle sactive et lance une recherche dinformation, programme un vnement ou une alarme, vrifie la date dun rendez-vous dans votre agenda ou vous informe des conditions de circulation pour aller au travail. Reconditionns SONY LFS50G Reconditionns 1 avis client1 Questions / rponses Indisponible la vente Dcouvrez les autres modles:Sony Voir tous les articles Une question ? Un clic on vous rappelle ! facebooktwitter DESTOCK-20171209002 Description Caractristiques Avis Questions/rponses Description Points forts Son omnidirectionnel (360) Google Assistant intgr Compatible Chromecast Commande vocale et gestuelle tanche IPX3 WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC ArticleEnceinte sans fil SONY LFS50Greconditionn. produit reconditionn - grade A Sony LF-S50G (Maia) Avec lenceinte Sony LF-S50G, le fabricant nippon propose une enceinte omnidirectionnelle sans fil connecte avecGoogle Assistantintgr. En plus de diffuser la musique, elle est donc en mesure de rpondre de multiples requtes de lutilisateur puisquelle rpond la voix ! Lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gest quipe dun cran pour afficher lheure, de microphones pour recevoir les consignes et de deux haut-parleurs. Lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gest avant tout uneenceinte sans fil amplifie, quipe ce titre dune amplification et de haut-parleurs. Au nombre de deux, un pour le grave, lautre pour les frquences mdium et aigus, les haut-parleurs sont monts verticalement, lun en face de lautre et spars par un diffuseur acoustique lenticulaire charg de guider les ondes sonores tout autour de lenceinte, 360. Par ailleurs, un conduit bass-reflex est charg damliorer la rponse de lenceinte dans le grave, pour une reproduction plus dynamique et plus vivante. La lentille acoustique positionne lintrieur de lenceinte Sony LF-S50G, entre les deux haut-parleurs, permet de diffuser les ondes sonores dans toutes les directions. Une fois connecte au rseau local, lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gpeut lire les musiques partages mais aussi accder de nombreuses webradios, des podcasts ainsi quaux principaux services de musique en ligne. Il suffit de lavoir au pralable paramtre via lapplicationGoogle Homedisponible sur Android et iOS. Cette application permet ainsi de connecter lenceinte au rseau local enWiFi, de lui indiquer les diffrents services de musique en ligne pour lesquels on dispose dun abonnement, etc. Une fois le paramtrage termin, lenceinte est totalement autonome. Il suffit de lui adresser une demande en commenant sa phrase par les mots Ok Google pour quelle sactive et lance une recherche dinformation, programme un vnement ou une alarme, vrifie la date dun rendez-vous dans votre agenda ou vous informe des conditions de circulation pour aller au travail. Grce sa conception tanche (IPX3), lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gpeut tre utilise dans la cuisine sans crainte des claboussures. Grce lintgration deChromecast, lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gpeut galement tre associe plusieurs autres appareils audio compatibles Chromecast pour mettre en place un systme de diffusion audio multiroom dans toute la maison. Enfin, linteraction est galement possible avec dautres appareils connects compatiblesGoogle Homecomme des thermostats, des lampes et ampoules connectes, des prises lectriques etc, ce qui permet de commander la voix le chauffage du domicile, lclairage, certains appareils lectromnagers... Enfin, grce sa connectivit sans filBluetooth, lenceinte Sony LF-S50Gpeut aussi diffuser la musique en liaison directe avec un smartphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur portable, sans passer par le rseau local. Lenceinte connecte Sony LF-S50Gdispose dun contrleur Bluetooth et peut diffuser la musique dun smartphone ou dune tablette compatible sans quil soit connect au rseau local. Conue pour tre pratique utiliser au quotidien, lenceinte connecte Sony LF-S50Gavec assistant vocalGooglepeut ainsi tre pilote par commandes gestuelles, sans contact, pour le contrle de la lecture audio et du volume sonore. Par ailleurs, la fonction derglage automatique du volume adapte le niveau sonore de lenceinte en fonction du bruit ambiant, afin que vous puissiez toujours couter votre programme un niveau confortable. Pratique galement, sa conception tanche aux claboussures (IPX3) permet denvisager son utilisation dans la cuisine sans crainte des claboussures. Sa housse peut mme tre retire pour tre nettoye sous le robinet ! Enfin, son cran LED intgr dont lintensit lumineuse est rglable indique lheure si vus le souhaitez, ou peut tre dsactiv si vous nen avez pas lusage. La grille de protection amovible de lenceinte connecte Sony LF-S50Gpeut tre nettoye sous leau courante. Avec lenceinte connecte Sony LF-S50Gavecassistant vocal Google, vous faites entrer bien plus que la musique dans votre maison : cest toute la puissance des algorithmes de rechercheGoogleet toute la richesse de son cosystme qui vous est accessible porte de voix. Caractristiques Conception Enceinte monophonique omnidirectionnelle HP grave : 1 x 53 mm HP large bande : 1 x 48 mm Fonctionnalits Google Assistant intgr Multiroom audio Contrle domotique Commandes gestuelles sans contact Rglage automatique du volume Affichage de lheure Rsistance leau : IPX3 (housse nettoyable sous le robinet !) Connectivit sans fil Wi-Fi : IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n Radiofrquence : bande de 2,4/5 GHz NFC Chromecast intgr Bluetooth Version 4.2 Porte maximale de communication : 10 m Profils compatibles : A2DP, AVRCP Codecs pris en charge : SBC Rponse en frquence : 20 Hz - 20 000 Hz (chantillonnage : 44,1 kHz) Alimentation Consommation lectrique : 8 W Consommation lectrique (mode arrt) : moins de 0,5 W Gnralits Dimensions (diamtre x hauteur) : 110 x 162 mm Poids : environ 750 g
Sony lf-s50g bluetooth speaker.
Sony Model LF-S50G Smart Speaker Built-In Google Assistant #6543 z58/6 (kS) Cosmetic Condition: Marks, spots on the fabric.Scratches and scuffs on the surface. We are a reseller of this product, and not the products manufacturer. This product is not covered by manufacturer warranty and therefore does not get manufacturer service assistance. This product covered by seller 30 day warranty. This item is sold under the First Sale Doctrine Copyright Law Title 17 Chapter 1 113 Functional Condition: Tested. Fully functional Included: main item only Not Included: original box, manual, cables, power cord or any other accessories not pictured Payment: PAYPAL with confirmed addresses only. Payment is due within 3 days of the close of the sale. Ohio residence may be subject to 7.5% tax. Shipping: Orders are shipped Monday through Saturday. If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or any US Territory, please email us for shipping quote. Shipping is not always free to these locations. We will send you a message with the quote and you need to respond the same day as we have 1 day handling time, otherwise we will have to cancel the order. We are offering international shipping via eBays Global Shipping Program The buyer can eBay message us for an international shipping quote. We dont ship large items to PO Box addresses. If you are buying something large and heavy from us , please provide us your street address. We dont always ship for free to PO Box addresses Returns: 30 DAYS RETURNS ACCEPTED for New and Used products We do not offer returns for items listed for Parts or not working items Feedback: Please let us know if you have a problem with your order/item before leaving negative feedback. 100% Customer satisfaction is our #1 Goal. If you are satisfied with your purchase, please leave positive feedback. Customer Service: PLEASE use eBay messages for communication, do not send emails. eBay messages are checked frequently and a response will be given ASAP.
Sony LF-S50G Wireless Bluetooth Smart Speaker **FOR PARTS** No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Smart Speaker ** UNTESTED** #2 No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Wireless Bluetooth Smart Speaker **FOR PARTS** No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Smart Speaker ** UNTESTED** #2 No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Smart Bluetooth Wireless Speaker with Google Assistant (Black).I only used the speaker for a few weeks but decided to sell it because I realized I dont have much time to listen to music in my home. I was really impressed with the audio quality from this small/medium sized speaker. It gets quite loud without distorting, so it can easily fill a room with music. The bass had solid depth and the treble wasnt blown out. The mids were pleasantly defined as well; if I just had more use for this speaker I woundt sell it. The device has a white LED clock face on the front that automatically corrects the time through the internet as it is a Google Assistant smart speaker. And since Google Assistant can set alarms, it can function as an alarm clock as well. Other than playing songs through bluetooth, you can ask the speaker to play music from all of the sources Google Assistant supports. It works very similarly to Google Assistant on the phone, so you can even ask it questions such as unit conversions or to play a trivia game. Essentially it is an upgraded Google Home because it can do all the things Googles speaker can but sounds much better because it was made by Sony. Since its listed as open box, all of the accessories are included as well as the documentation and packaging. The wall adapter is designed for U.S. style outlets, so you would need an adapter if you plan to use this in a different country. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the item.
viewport content=width=device-width, initial-scale=1> Sony LF-S50G-WIRELESS SMART SPEAKER In Working Condition From Japan Description ?Note only for products that are turned on.?????????????Products that do not turn on are not eligible? The power supply for this product is AC100V 50/60Hz.A transformer may be required in some countries.Please prepare the transformer on the purchase side. Outlet specifications??A typeIf it is different from A type, a converter is required. You in areas other than 100V.If you use the transformer I sell, you can use it in areas other than 100V.ebay.com ebay.eu also sell other than contact us if you would like to purchase.If you have any other questions, please contact me.* It may not be possible in some areasPlease consider carefully.Payment ??We accept payment by PayPal only. ??Please payment within ??3 days after the auction closed. Shipping free shippingShip by express EMS?or DHL or FedExWe will deliver by the fastest delivery method. Shipment with damage / loss insuranceWith tracking number ??(10-15 days to US) ??(10-30days or more to Other countries) Terms of Sale ??[About returned goods]????Returns are accepted only if the item was ? not the item described in the aution. [Return] Returned goods for personal reasons will not be accepted. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Provided by HARU
Sony LF-S50G Wireless Bluetooth Smart Speaker **FOR PARTS** No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Smart Bluetooth Wireless Speaker with Google Assistant (Black).I only used the speaker for a few weeks but decided to sell it because I realized I dont have much time to listen to music in my home. I was really impressed with the audio quality from this small/medium sized speaker. It gets quite loud without distorting, so it can easily fill a room with music. The bass had solid depth and the treble wasnt blown out. The mids were pleasantly defined as well; if I just had more use for this speaker I woundt sell it. The device has a white LED clock face on the front that automatically corrects the time through the internet as it is a Google Assistant smart speaker. And since Google Assistant can set alarms, it can function as an alarm clock as well. Other than playing songs through bluetooth, you can ask the speaker to play music from all of the sources Google Assistant supports. It works very similarly to Google Assistant on the phone, so you can even ask it questions such as unit conversions or to play a trivia game. Essentially it is an upgraded Google Home because it can do all the things Googles speaker can but sounds much better because it was made by Sony. Since its listed as open box, all of the accessories are included as well as the documentation and packaging. The wall adapter is designed for U.S. style outlets, so you would need an adapter if you plan to use this in a different country. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the item.
Sony LF-S50G Wireless Bluetooth Smart Speaker **FOR PARTS** No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
Sony LF-S50G Smart Speaker ** UNTESTED** #2 No any test are done. As is. For parts or repair. May have some scratches. As on pictures. Package includes ONLY what shown on the pictures! NO WARRANTY! NO RETURN! NO REFUNDS!
For Sale: Sony LF-S50G Google Speakers (Bundle of 3) + 1 Dismantled Speaker Enhance your audio experience and embrace the convenience of smart technology with this bundle of Sony LF-S50G Google Speakers. Whether youre looking to upgrade your home entertainment system or add a touch of modernity to your living space, these speakers offer a perfect combination of premium sound quality and intelligent voice control. I originally had these speakers throughout my house, one in each room and when they are linked together offered a unique inhouse sound experience. Im now moving toa smaller house and they are not required. Description of the Bundle: 1. Three Sony LF-S50G Google Speakers: These speakers were originally part of a system setup and were known to be in working condition. While I havent individually tested each one, I have plugged in the power supply to each speaker and the lights came on, indicating a functional state i believe. However, to ensure optimal performance, a reset within your own google home environment will be required. Each speaker comes with Google Assistant built-in, allowing you to control your music, manage your smart home devices, and access a world of information with just your voice. 2. One Dismantled Sony LF-S50G Speaker: This dismantled speaker can be an excellent opportunity for those seeking spare parts or looking to attempt repairs. While I cannot guarantee its functionality, it presents an ideal chance for tech enthusiasts or DIYers to potentially restore it to working condition. Whether you are skilled at troubleshooting or enjoy tinkering with electronics, this dismantled speaker might be the perfect project for you. If I remember correctly, i think the internal speaker had blown and as a result the sound wasnt great....I was looking to replace the speaker but didnt get around to it. Additionally, I will include two power supplies with this auction. Please note that one of the power supplies appears to be functioning correctly, while the other may require attention. It could be a straightforward fix, but I am uncertain. Regardless, I am including both power supplies in this sale, allowing you to explore their potential. Invest in this bundle of Sony LF-S50G Google Speakers and the dismantled speaker to elevate your audio experience, experiment with repairs, or obtain valuable spare parts. With their sleek design, voice control capabilities, and renowned Sony quality, these speakers are an excellent addition to any home or audio setup. Please feel free to ask any questions or request additional information. The information above is to the best of my knowledge as havent been using them for the past six months or so. If I come across the additional transformers, I will include them but at the moment this isnt the case. No instructions and no original boxes Im afraid but user manuals are available online. Postage will be around 9 as the box will be well packed, heavy and insured. Please be aware, Ill use the best delivery option at the time of check-out. I will NOT send abroad I think thats about it, but please ask questions and i will try to respond. 2 black speakers, 2 white speakers
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