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SONY SH-151 PREOWNED Vintage Headshell Straight Tonearm & TONEARM WEIGHT

End: 30.09. 2023 16:17:30 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 113.35 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186092727704
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: antiquevaultandrecords (1385|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Crown Point, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Sony SH-151 Headshell / Aluminium / Mini-SME

End: 24.09. 2023 15:20:25 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 79.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355000666802
  • Seller: my-upcycling (33619|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Siegburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony SH-151 Headshell / Aluminium / Mini-SMESony SH-151 Headshellguter Gesamteindruck - keine Beschädigungdie bereitgestellten Fotos zeigen den angebotenen Artikelaußerdem zeigen sie die Bestandteile der Lieferungweitere Artikel finden Sie in meinem Shop

SONY SH-151 PREOWNED Vintage Headshell Straight Tonearm & TONEARM WEIGHT

End: 23.09. 2023 16:17:05 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 119.01 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186082372547
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: antiquevaultandrecords (1381|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Crown Point, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


SONY SH-151 Straight Tone Arm Turntable Headshell 6mm Head Shell

End: 07.09. 2023 20:28:52 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 46.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404472553845
  • Seller: gavtate31 (21|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Loveland, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The headshell is used and in very good overall condition. Wires are in great condition. Please review all pictures for complete physical details. INCLUDES: item pictured only **FAST AND PROFESSIONAL SHIPPING** Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

SONY SH-151 Straight Tone Arm Turntable Headshell 6mm Head Shell No Cartridge

End: 06.09. 2023 13:51:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386098599081
  • Seller: razdudesnowboarding (3439|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY SH-151 Straight Tone Arm Turntable Headshell 6mm Head Shell No Cartridge Minor marks/age/wear. Tested and working.

Stanton 680EE Phono Cartridge - Vintage stylus, Sony SH-151 Straight Headshell

End: 03.09. 2023 22:50:34 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 92.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195898469867
  • Seller: aisp (1335|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kennewick, Washington USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Stanton 680EE Phono Cartridge - Vintage stylus, Sony SH-151 Straight Headshell. Nice Stanton 680 EE Cartridge and 680 Stylus mounted to a Sony SH-151 Straight pipe head shell

Sony Headshell SH-151 216.5 Mini SME Plattenspieler PS-X600 PS-X55 Biotracer X45

End: 10.08. 2023 17:24:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175825933687
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4725|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony 216.5 Mini SME Headshell Tonkopf Vintage ÜBERPRÜFTE HÄNDLERWARE MIT GEWÄHRLEISTUNG!!!!!!!!! Hallo meine lieben Vinylisten!!! BIETE HIER AB JETZT REGELMÄSSIG ERSATZTEILE UND ZUBEHÖR VON GEBRAUCHTEN GERÄTEN & TEILWEISE NEU TEILE AN ! DIE ZUSTÄNDE ETC. FINDET IHR IMMER IN DEN BESCHREIBUNGEN WEITER UNTEN… ZUSTAND: HALLO VINYLISTEN!!! BIETE HIER EIN ORIGINAL SONY SH-151 216.5 HEADSHELL AN, SO WIE ES AUF DEN BILDERN IST, AN!! EINE LISTE MIT PASSENDEN PLATTENSPIELERN FINDET IHR IN DER ARTIKELBESCHREIBUNG!!! ALLE BILDER SIND ORIGINALE VON MIR UND ZEIGT WAS IHR BEKOMMT!!!! What u see is what u get!!!! Zustand der Teile ist gebraucht im Sehr Guten Zustand. Also bestens geeignet um sein Gerät für den Heimbedarf zu reparieren, oder um das Gute Stück aufzufüllen für einen Verkauf. Produktbeschreibung: 1xSony SH-151 Headshell mit 216.5 Überhang. Inzwischen sehr selten. Es passte an folgenden Geräten, übernehme allerdings keine Garantie, da ich keinerlei Kenntnisse habe ob mal der Tonarm gewechselt wurde oder weiß der Geier!! Sony PS-FL1 Sony PS-FL3 Sony PS-FL5 Sony PS-LX2 Sony PS-LX3 Sony PS-LX4 Sony PS-LX5 Sony PS-LX7 Sony PS-X500 Sony PS-X600 Sony PS-X600MC Sony PS-X45 Sony PS-X55 Sony PS-X55S Sony PS-T33 Kenwood KP07 Optional mit geeigneten Tonabnehmer Bundle Preis Möglich Lieferumfang: 1x Headshell Mini SME Sony SH151 Optional Hochwertiges NEUES Headshell Kabel mit vergoldeten Kontakten für 5€ ------------------------------------------------- Optional: Tausch eurer alten, billigen Chinch Kabel auf moderne OFC Kupfer Kabel mit hochwertigen, Niederkapazitiven Material. Dazu vergoldete High End Stecker welche die Daten, genauer, verlustfreier und schneller verarbeiten können. Zu Testzwecken zahlt ihr nur 49€ anstatt 69€. Zuzüglich den Versand zu uns, schreibt uns ruhig wenn ihr fragen habt...Foreign People please ask for shipment costs before u order! So holt ihr auch die letzte Information aus euren Rillen und Maschinen!! Systeme: PREISE ANDERE SYSTEME - KLEINE AUSWAHL: Gesuchte Tonabnehmer Shure VST V Shure M97Xe Shure Me97He Shure ML140HE Ultra Group Beryllium Cantilever Shure V15-3 Shure Me97HE Shure Whitelabel/M44-7/M44G AUDIO TECHNICA AT-E90  Cantilever Einige AKGs Ortofon 2M Red Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E uvm. Verschiedene Philips OMB 10  Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRA'S: Vivid HE - unser eigens in Kleinmanufaktur hergestellter Nadelreiniger zur Verlängerung des Lebens des Systems hergestellt aus Reinstwasser aus medizinischen Umfeld um auch absolut keinerlei Rückstände auf dem guten Stück zu hinterlassen. Besonders auf den Applikator sind wir stolz, da er die richtige Mitte zwischen hart, guter Reinigung, sowie Nachgiebigkeit, also Schonung der grazilen Stellen, findet. Ein feiner Tropfen High End Cleaner - AB JETZT NEU FÜR SCHMALE 18,80€ - 15ml - mit normal destillierten Wasser 8,88€ Vorteilspreis zum Artikel 9,90€!!! Dazu Top Phonoschrauben Set für 9,99 in der Umweltfreundlichen, Wiederverwendbaren Verpackung €!!! Selbstverständlich entmagnetisiert!! Vorteilspreis zum Artikel 7,90€!!! Zur Pflege ein kleiner Tropfen aus der Thorens Öl Pulle - flüssiges Gold für 7,90€ 15mL - reicht ein Lebenlang in der praktischen Pipettenflasche! Vorteilspreis zum Artikel 6,66€!!! Tonarmwaage die das lästige Ausjustieren des Balancegewichtes, bei dem man dann sowieso ständig unsicher ist ob es jetzt richtig ist, unnötig werden lässt. Auflegen, Auslesen, Genießen!! - 13,90€ Sonderpreis zum Artikel 11,11€ Reinigungsgel für Nadeln - die schonende Reinigung zusätzlich zum täglichen reinigen - 8,88€ Vorteilspreis zum Artikel - 7,77€ Dreher: Verschiedene Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo, Grundig, Sony uvm. nie alles im Bay oder wo anders - wer fragt gewinnt!!! Rest: VORVERSTÄRKER ZUM DIREKTEN ANSCHLUß = ab 15€ VERSTÄRKER MIT PHONO GEBRAUCHT HIFI BOXEN VINYL 20 EUER STYLE - 70€ VINYL 30 EUER STYLE - 90€ write me than i create an personalized Item Alle Vorzugspreise gelten nur in Verbindung mit dem System/Dreher/Nadel Kauf. Schreibt mit hinterher einfach was es sein soll und ich leg euch einen personalisierten Artikel an!!! Also Top Artikel, dazu mit Gewährleistung - also kaufen ohne Reue!! ALLES NACH VERFÜGBARKEIT - WENN NICHT DA NICHT DA WIR HÖREN UNS AUCH GERN EURE VORSCHLÄGE ZU EUREN ALTGERÄTEN AN WICHTIGES ZUM ABLAUF: Anständige Verpackung ist selbstverständlich. Aus Erfahrung von knapp 20 Jahren, erfolgt definitiv eine hochwertige Packweise. Alles extrem gut verpackt. Wobei wir hier aus, sofern möglich, umweltschonenden Gründen auf Altmittel zugreifen, um so wenig Plastik wie notwendig zu verwenden. Wir sehen uns da in der Verpflichtung nicht nur das schwarze Runde, sondern auch das Blaue Runde zu schonen und Müll, wo geht, zu vermeiden. Sollten Sie das, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, nicht wünschen, geben Sie es uns vorab darüber Bescheid. Bei Problemen helfe ich gern! Die Artikel werden aus Gründen der Effizienz Freitags konzentriert gepackt. Geben Sie uns die Zeit die Sie sich sicher auch bei der Kaufentscheidung gegeben haben und lassen uns die Qualität liefern, die Sie wünschen und verdienen. Ich denke da sind ein paar Tage hin oder her kein Beinbruch. Genießen Sie einfach die Vorfreude!!! Stress, Hektik und Schnell, Schnell erlauben keine Qualität!!! Fragen sie einen Diamanten ;-) Des weiteren möchte ich auf meine Telefonzeiten hinweisen, diese sind: Montag Frei - kein Telefon und keine Mails Di - Do : 17:00 - 20:00 Fr - So : 16:00 - 00:00 WhatsApp ist generell jederzeit möglich, kann aber auch mal ein wenig dauern. Danke für euer Vertrauen!!! WIR LIEFERN IHNEN: Turntable Deck Plattenspieler gebraucht und neu, Tonabnehmer Gebraucht & Neu, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony, Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, Alignment, Gauge, Belts, dj, lp, phono, Kopfhörer, DJ Equipment, DJ Kopfhörer, Techno, House, Electro, Ambient, Rock, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson, Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, Vinyl, Klassiker, Raritäten, Plattenspieler, Schallplatten, Hardcore, Gabber, Ersatznadel, platine, Portacápsulas, Systemhalterung, Cartridge holder, Fixation de cellule, Tonabnehmersystem, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant-Abtastnadel, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Zahnriemen, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??

SONY SH-151 Turntable Cartridge HeadShell OEM X-4874-226-0 6mm for PS-LX2 series

End: 03.08. 2023 18:05:00 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 32.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204409746717
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: rheil37198 (1972|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Murrieta, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original SONY head shell for Sony turntable models PS-LX2 PS-LX3 PS-LX5 PS-LX7 PS-LX2C and P-350 Part number is X-4874-226-0 that I believe is also called the SH-151 (?); this is an older style from the 1980s 6mm bayonet connection head shell; 4-pin; made in Japan Excellent condition including wiresLooks unused and includes original SONY parts box (box has some writing on top; see photos) Listed as used but looks new. There is a number on the label of 0882 that Im guessing is the date code, but not sure. I dont know if this fits other brands of turntables.Payment due within 24 hours of auction closingIf you have any questions or would like more photos, please ask before bidding


End: 03.08. 2023 17:24:08 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 74.27 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295842610122
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gsg30603 (1024|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Extremely nice and near mint Sony SH-151 Straight pipearm 6mm 4 pin mini Headshell and Sony VL-5 cartridge with original lead wires. Very hard to find in this condition. It was designed and used on most 80s Sony PS, PS-FL, PS-LX and PS-X turntables with p-mount straight tonearms. It can also be used on other brands of p-mount turntables as well. As I said, the diecast aluminum headshell is near mint. The Sony VL-5 cartridge multimeter tests at a matching 475/475 ohms per channel. That is very strong for a VL-5. No stylus is included. A lovely Japanese made rig and I dont think you will find one nicer. I stress this is not for s-shaped universal tonearms. Its for straight 6mm 4 pin p-mount arms only. FREE shipping to the lower 48 United States only. No returns and I do not accept bids from buyers with zero or excessive negative feedback. Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

SONY Headshell SH-151 with XL15A CARTRIDE

End: 25.07. 2023 16:23:29 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 110.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155560634589
  • Seller: a1dubz (3474|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Alford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 13,83 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY Headshell SH-151 with XL15A CARTRIDE. The stylus is used so may need replacing, The cartridge and headshell are in excellent condition as shown,


End: 20.07. 2023 17:22:40 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 100.84 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305022625233
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gsg30603 (1016|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Extremely nice and near mint Sony SH-151 Straight pipearm 6mm 4 pin mini Headshell and Sony VL-5 cartridge with original lead wires. Very hard to find in this condition. It was designed and used on most 80s Sony PS, PS-FL, PS-LX and PS-X turntables with p-mount straight tonearms. It can also be used on other brands of p-mount turntables as well. As I said, the diecast aluminum headshell is near mint. The Sony VL-5 cartridge multimeter tests at a matching 475/475 ohms per channel. That is very strong for a VL-5. No stylus is included. A lovely Japanese made rig and I dont think you will find one nicer. I stress this is not for s-shaped universal tonearms. Its for straight 6mm 4 pin p-mount arms only. FREE shipping to the lower 48 United States only. No returns and I do not accept bids from buyers with zero or excessive negative feedback. Good Luck and Happy Bidding!


End: 13.07. 2023 17:22:19 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 118.35 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295803270661
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gsg30603 (1008|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Extremely nice and near mint Sony SH-151 Straight pipearm 6mm 4 pin mini Headshell and Sony VL-5 cartridge with original lead wires. Very hard to find in this condition. It was designed and used on most 80s Sony PS, PS-FL, PS-LX and PS-X turntables with p-mount straight tonearms. It can also be used on other brands of p-mount turntables as well. As I said, the diecast aluminum headshell is near mint. The Sony VL-5 cartridge multimeter tests at a matching 475/475 ohms per channel. That is very strong for a VL-5. No stylus is included. A lovely Japanese made rig and I dont think you will find one nicer. I stress this is not for s-shaped universal tonearms. Its for straight 6mm 4 pin p-mount arms only. FREE shipping to the lower 48 United States only. No returns and I do not accept bids from buyers with zero or excessive negative feedback. Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

SONY SH-151 Straight Pipe Arm Head Shell 6mm Headshell silver Used From Japan

End: 24.06. 2023 00:52:58 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 73.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325640602419
  • Seller: radstore_japan (600|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: JP Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Condition DescriptionUsed Accessories: original box, dedicated lead wire Policy PaymentYou can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.International BuyersImport duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.ShipmentWe ship via FedEx or Japan Post

Sony Headshell SH-151 216.5 Mini Sme Giradischi PS-X600 PS-X55 Biotracer X45

End: 19.06. 2023 15:46:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 117.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175778989030
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony Headshell SH-151 216.5 Mini Sme Giradischi PS-X600 PS-X55 Biotracer X45La descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. Sony 216.5 Portatestina Mini SME Vintage MERCE AL DETTAGLIO VERIFICATA CON GARANZIA!!!!!!!!! Ciao miei cari vinilisti!!! OFFERTA QUI DA ORA PARTI DI RICAMBIO E ACCESSORI REGOLARI PER DISPOSITIVI USATI E PARTI PARZIALMENTE NUOVE! GLI STATI ECC. TROVERAI SEMPRE NELLE DESCRIZIONI SOTTO... STATO: CIAO VINILISTA!!! OFFRENDO QUI UN HEADSHELL ORIGINALE SONY SH-151 216.5, COME È NELLE FOTO !! TROVERETE UN ELENCO DEI GIRADISCHI ADATTI NELLA DESCRIZIONE ARTICOLO!!! TUTTE LE IMMAGINI SONO ORIGINALI DA ME E MOSTRANO COSA OTTIENI!!!! Quello che vedi è quello che ottieni!!!! Condizione delle parti è usato in buone condizioni. Quindi ideale per riparare il tuo dispositivo per uso domestico o per riempire il pezzo buono per una vendita. Descrizione del prodotto: 1 portatestina Sony SH-151 con sporgenza di 216,5. Molto raro ora. Si adatta ai seguenti dispositivi, ma non do alcuna garanzia, perché non so se il braccio è stato cambiato o chissà!! Sony PS-FL1 Sony PS-FL3 Sony PS-FL5 Sony PS LX2 Sony PS LX3 Sony PS LX4 Sony PS LX5 Sony PS LX7 Sony PSX500 Sony PSX600 Sony PS-X600MC Sony PSX45 Sony PS-X55 Sony PS-X55S Sony PS-T33 Kenwood KP07 Opzionale con prezzo del pacchetto di ritiro adatto possibile Fornitura: 1x portatesta Mini SME Sony SH151 - Opzioni: Sostituisci i tuoi vecchi ed economici cavi cinch con i moderni cavi in ??rame OFC con materiale di alta qualità e bassa capacità. Inoltre, spine di fascia alta placcate in oro che possono elaborare i dati in modo più preciso, senza perdite e più velocemente. Oltre alla spedizione a noi, scrivici se hai domande...Per gli stranieri si prega di chiedere i costi di spedizione prima di ordinare! Questo è il modo in cui ottieni le informazioni più recenti dai tuoi groove e dalle tue macchine!! Sistemi: PREZZI ALTRI SISTEMI - PICCOLA SELEZIONE: Pickup ricercati Shure VST V Shure M97Xe Shure Me97He Shure ML140HE Gruppo Ultra berillio a sbalzo Shure V15-3 Shure Me97HE Shure etichetta bianca/M44-7/M44G TECNICA AUDIO AT-E90  a sbalzo Alcuni AKG Ortofon 2M Rosso Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E e molto altro. Philips diversa OMB 10  Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Edizione Limitata - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRA: Vivid HE - il nostro pulitore per aghi, prodotto appositamente in una piccola fabbrica, per prolungare la vita del sistema, realizzato con acqua ultrapura proveniente da un ambiente medico per non lasciare assolutamente alcun residuo sul pezzo buono. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi dellapplicatore, in quanto trova il giusto equilibrio tra duro, buona pulizia e flessibilità, cioè delicato sulle aree delicate. Più un set di viti phono superiore per € 9,99 in una confezione ecologica e riutilizzabile! Ovviamente smagnetizzato!! Bilance a braccio che rendono superflua la fastidiosa regolazione del contrappeso, dove non sei sempre sicuro che sia giusto comunque. Riattacca, leggi, divertiti!! filatore: Vari Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony e molti altri. mai tutto nella Baia o da qualche altra parte - chi chiede vince!!! Riposo: AMPLIFICATORE CON PHONO USATO CASSE HIFI CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ 1210 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ 1200 CUFFIE SENNHEISER - HD25 CUFFIE BLUETOOTH AD ALTA RISOLUZIONE scrivimi che creo un articolo personalizzato Tutti i prezzi preferenziali sono validi solo in relazione allacquisto del sistema/giro inglese/ago. Scrivi dopo cosa dovrebbe essere e creerò un articolo personalizzato per te!!! Quindi articolo di punta, con garanzia, quindi acquista senza rimpianti! TUTTO SOGGETTO A DISPONIBILITA - SE NON CE NON CE CI PIACE ANCHE ASCOLTARE I TUOI SUGGERIMENTI SULLA TUA VECCHIA ATTREZZATURA IMPORTANTE SUL PROCESSO: Un imballaggio adeguato è una cosa ovvia. Dallesperienza di quasi 20 anni, esiste sicuramente un metodo di imballaggio di alta qualità. Se disponibili, le viti di trasporto vengono serrate, le piastre e i contrappesi vengono rimossi e imballati separatamente. La cartuccia e tutto il resto sono confezionati in sacchetti ESD antistatici, che impediscono lo scarico e proteggono la cartuccia e il dispositivo!! Tutto estremamente ben confezionato. Ove possibile, utilizziamo vecchi materiali per motivi ecologici al fine di utilizzare meno plastica possibile. Consideriamo nostro obbligo non solo proteggere il cerchio nero, ma anche il cerchio blu ed evitare gli sprechi ove possibile. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non lo desideri, faccelo sapere in anticipo. La spedizione è fuori dalle mie mani! Segnala immediatamente il danno, non posso più elaborare segnalazioni tardive. Documenta immediatamente il danno con immagini e una descrizione! Ciò consente un pagamento sostitutivo con spedizione assicurata! In caso di smarrimento o danneggiamento durante la spedizione, contattare lo spedizioniere! Ovviamente mi attengo alle mie regole legali, ma la via privata è di solito la via più veloce per il risarcimento!! Sono felice di aiutarti in caso di problemi! Per motivi di efficienza, gli articoli vengono imballati alla rinfusa il venerdì, il che significa che ci sono diversi tempi di consegna da 1 a 6 giorni, tutto è possibile. Vorrei anche sottolineare che qualità e tempi di consegna rapidi non vanno di pari passo. Molti dispositivi ricevono manutenzione e ci sono anche lunghe catene di test ecc. pp Concedici il tempo che sicuramente ti sei concesso quando hai preso la decisione di acquisto e lasciaci offrire la qualità che desideri e che meriti. Non credo ci sia una gamba rotta per qualche giorno o no. Goditi lattesa!!! Lo stress, la frenesia e la fretta, la fretta non permette la qualità!!! chiedi a un diamante ;-) Segnalo anche i miei orari telefonici, questi sono: Lunedì libero - niente telefono e niente email Mar - Gio : 17:00 - 20:00 Ven - Dom : 16:00 - 00:00 WhatsApp è generalmente possibile in qualsiasi momento, ma può anche richiedere un po di tempo. Grazie per la tua fiducia!!! TI CONSEGNIAMO: Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabber, ago di ricambio, circuito, portacapsule, sistema supporto, portacartuccia , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stilo, Stilo sostitutivo, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Cinghia dentata, grammofono, fonografo, Giradischi, ??, ??, ??Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabberGiradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, calibro, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabber Marke Sony Modellkompatibilität Sony PSX600 Modellkompatibilität Sony PSX55 Modellkompatibilität Kenwood KD700 Modellkompatibilität Sony PS X45 Angebotspaket Nein Kompatible Produktlinie Sony PS-X600 Länge xMM Farbe Silber Höhe xMM Maßeinheit Einheit Herstellungsland und -region Japan Regionaler Steckertyp Mini SME Besonderheiten Ersatzteil Besonderheiten Spare Part Besonderheiten Original Besonderheiten Genuine Besonderheiten Gesäubert Und Überprüft Besonderheiten Mini SME Headshell Besonderheiten Rarität Gewicht Leicht Markenkompatibilität Für Kenwood Markenkompatibilität Für Sony Herstellungsjahr 80er Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend EAN Nicht zutreffend Kapazität nicht zutreffend Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Headshell Breite xMM

Sony Headshell SH-151 216.5 Mini Kobi Tocadiscos PS-X600 PS-X55 Biotracer X45

End: 19.06. 2023 15:46:46 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 116.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185948641257
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony Headshell SH-151 216.5 Mini Kobi Tocadiscos PS-X600 PS-X55 Biotracer X45La descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. Sony 216.5 Mini SME Headshell Vintage MERCANCÍAS AL POR MENOR VERIFICADAS CON GARANTÍA!!!!!!!!! Hola mis queridos vinilistas!!! ¡OFERTE AQUÍ A PARTIR DE AHORA REPUESTOS Y ACCESORIOS REGULARES PARA DISPOSITIVOS USADOS Y PIEZAS PARCIALMENTE NUEVAS! LOS ESTADOS ETC. SIEMPRE ENCONTRARÁS EN LAS DESCRIPCIONES ABAJO... ESTADO: HOLA VINILISTAS!!! OFREZCO UN HEADSHELL ORIGINAL SONY SH-151 216.5 AQUÍ, COMO ESTÁ EN LAS FOTOS!! ¡ENCONTRARÁ UNA LISTA DE TOCADISCOS ADECUADOS EN LA DESCRIPCIÓN DEL ARTÍCULO! ¡TODAS LAS FOTOS SON ORIGINALES DE MÍ Y MUESTRAN LO QUE OBTENES! Lo que ves es lo que obtienes!!!! Estado de las piezas se utiliza en buenas condiciones. Por lo tanto, es ideal para reparar su dispositivo para uso doméstico o para completar la pieza buena para una venta. Descripción del Producto: 1 cabezal Sony SH-151 con voladizo de 216,5. Muy raro ahora. Se adapta a los siguientes dispositivos, pero no doy ninguna garantía, porque no tengo conocimiento de si se cambió el brazo o quién sabe. Sony PS-FL1 Sony PS-FL3 Sony PS-FL5 Sony PS LX2 Sony PS LX3 Sony PS LX4 Sony PS LX5 Sony PS LX7 Sony PS X500 Sony PS X600 Sony PS-X600MC Sony PS X45 Sony PS-X55 Sony PS-X55S Sony PS-T33 Kenwood KP07 Opcional con precio de paquete de recogida adecuado posible Alcance de la entrega: 1x cabezal Mini SME Sony SH151 - Opciones: Cambie sus viejos y baratos cables chinche por modernos cables de cobre OFC con material de alta calidad y baja capacidad. Además, enchufes de gama alta chapados en oro que pueden procesar los datos con mayor precisión, sin pérdidas y más rápido. Además de enviarnos el envío, escríbanos si tiene alguna pregunta... Extranjeros, ¡pregunte por los costos de envío antes de realizar el pedido! ¡Así es como obtienes la información más reciente de tus ritmos y máquinas! Sistemas: PRECIOS OTROS SISTEMAS - PEQUEÑA SELECCIÓN: camionetas buscadas Shure VST V Shure M97Xe Shure Me97He Grupo Shure ML140HE Ultra berilio viga voladiza Shure V15-3 Shure Me97HE Etiqueta blanca de Shure/M44-7/M44G TÉCNICA DE AUDIO AT-E90  viga voladiza algunos AKG Ortofon 2M Rojo Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E y mucho más. Philips diferentes OGP 10  Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Edición limitada - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRA: Vivid HE: nuestro limpiador de agujas, fabricado especialmente en una pequeña fábrica para prolongar la vida útil del sistema, fabricado con agua ultrapura de un entorno médico para no dejar absolutamente ningún residuo en la pieza buena. Estamos especialmente orgullosos del aplicador, ya que encuentra el equilibrio perfecto entre dureza, buena limpieza y flexibilidad, es decir, suave en las zonas delicadas. ¡Más un juego de tornillos para phono superior por 9,99 € en un embalaje reutilizable y respetuoso con el medio ambiente! Por supuesto desmagnetizado!! Básculas de brazo fonocaptor que hacen que el molesto ajuste del peso de la balanza, en el que siempre no está seguro de si es correcto de todos modos, es innecesario. Cuelga, lee, disfruta!! hilandero: Varios Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony y muchos más. nunca todo en la Bahía o en otro lugar - ¡quien pregunta gana! Descanso: AMPLIFICADOR CON FONO UTILIZADO CAJAS DE ALTA FIDELIDAD AURICULARES TECHNICS DJ 1210 AURICULARES TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 AURICULARES TECHNICS DJ 1200 AURICULARES SENNHEISER - HD25 AURICULARES BLUETOOTH DE ALTA RESOLUCIÓN escríbeme que creo un artículo personalizado Todos los precios preferenciales solo son válidos en relación con la compra del sistema/gasa de vuelta/aguja. ¡Solo escribe después lo que debería ser y crearé un artículo personalizado para ti! Artículo superior, con garantía, ¡así que compre sin arrepentimientos! TODO SUJETO A DISPONIBILIDAD - SI NO HAY NO HAY TAMBIÉN NOS GUSTA ESCUCHAR SUS SUGERENCIAS SOBRE SU EQUIPO ANTIGUO IMPORTANTE SOBRE EL PROCESO: El embalaje adecuado es una cuestión de rutina. A partir de la experiencia de casi 20 años, definitivamente existe un método de embalaje de alta calidad. Si están disponibles, se aprietan los tornillos de transporte, se quitan las placas y los contrapesos y se embalan por separado. ¡El cartucho y todo lo demás se empaqueta en bolsas ESD antiestáticas, que evitan la descarga y protegen el cartucho y el dispositivo! Todo muy bien embalado. Siempre que sea posible, utilizamos materiales antiguos por razones respetuosas con el medio ambiente para utilizar la menor cantidad de plástico posible. Vemos como nuestra obligación no solo proteger el círculo negro, sino también el círculo azul y evitar el desperdicio siempre que sea posible. Si, por cualquier razón, no desea esto, infórmenos con anticipación. ¡El envío está fuera de mis manos! Informe los daños de inmediato, ya no puedo procesar informes tardíos. ¡Documente el daño inmediatamente con imágenes y una descripción! ¡Esto permite un pago de reemplazo con envío asegurado! ¡En caso de pérdida o daño durante el envío, comuníquese con la compañía de envío! ¡Por supuesto que cumplo con mis reglas legales, pero la forma privada suele ser la forma más rápida de compensación! ¡Estoy feliz de ayudar si tienes algún problema! Por razones de eficiencia, los artículos se embalan a granel los viernes, lo que significa que hay diferentes plazos de entrega de 1 a 6 días, todo es posible. También me gustaría señalar que la calidad y los tiempos de entrega rápidos no van de la mano. Muchos dispositivos reciben mantenimiento y también hay largas cadenas de prueba, etc. páginas Danos el tiempo que ciertamente te diste al tomar la decisión de compra y déjanos entregarte la calidad que deseas y mereces. No creo que haya una pierna rota por unos días o no. ¡Solo disfruta de la anticipación! Estrés, agitado y rápido, rápido no permite calidad!!! preguntale a un diamante ;-) También me gustaría señalar los horarios de mi teléfono, estos son: Lunes gratis - sin teléfono ni correos electrónicos Mar - Jue : 17:00 - 20:00 Vie - Dom : 16:00 - 00:00 WhatsApp generalmente es posible en cualquier momento, pero también puede llevar un poco de tiempo. ¡¡¡Gracias por su confianza!!! TE ENTREGAMOS: Tocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezas, tocadiscos, discos, hardcore, gabber, aguja de repuesto, placa de circuito, portacápsulas, sistema montura, portacartucho, Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Stylus de repuesto, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, correa dentada, gramófono, fonógrafo, tocadiscos, ??, ??, ??Tocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezaTocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados y nuevos, cartuchos usados y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo DJ, auriculares DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rareza Marke Sony Modellkompatibilität Sony PSX600 Modellkompatibilität Sony PSX55 Modellkompatibilität Kenwood KD700 Modellkompatibilität Sony PS X45 Angebotspaket Nein Kompatible Produktlinie Sony PS-X600 Länge xMM Farbe Silber Höhe xMM Maßeinheit Einheit Herstellungsland und -region Japan Regionaler Steckertyp Mini SME Besonderheiten Ersatzteil Besonderheiten Spare Part Besonderheiten Original Besonderheiten Genuine Besonderheiten Gesäubert Und Überprüft Besonderheiten Mini SME Headshell Besonderheiten Rarität Gewicht Leicht Markenkompatibilität Für Kenwood Markenkompatibilität Für Sony Herstellungsjahr 80er Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend EAN Nicht zutreffend Kapazität nicht zutreffend Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Headshell Breite xMM

SONY SH-151 Straight Pipe Arm Head Shell 6mm Headshell silver Tested Very Good

End: 12.06. 2023 06:15:35 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 76.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394666050568
  • Seller: hinahono (479|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Aoba-ku Yokohama-shi Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 9,09 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY SH-151 Straight Pipe Arm Head Shell 6mm Headshell silver Tested Very Good Description Condition : UsedPayment Credit and Debit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Paypal Shipping Handling time 5-10 days after payment Please understand since we have many order to ship and check in our shop in Japan also. ? Due to Japanese Post Service delay, estimated arrival time can be delay. The situation changes these days. Please understand it Depends on custom in your country also. So if it is late please contact local post office with tracking number . Return You can return in 60 days We will bear the return shipping costs. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.

Sony Headshell SH-151

End: 01.10. 2021 14:45:26 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.38 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 284463757997
  • Counter: 43
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: kij100 (278|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Glasgow Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,84 EUR
  • on EBAY

SONY SH-151 Vintage Headshell USED JAPAN Straight Tonearm PS-X600 KENWOOD KP-07

End: 26.09. 2021 13:24:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 163.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 194264713826
  • Counter: 334
  • Seller: reimyo777 (1308|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Kakamigahara-shi, Gifu-ken Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Sony SH-151 Headshell mit Sony Tonabnehmer XL-15 A / sehr gepflegt

End: 14.09. 2021 15:14:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 165011038239
  • Counter: 312
  • Seller: 2005dariusch (3151|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Karlsruhe Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 5,5 EUR
  • on EBAY

Sony SH-151 Straight Arm Headshell

End: 24.08. 2021 00:12:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 154564939827
  • Counter: 59
  • Seller: jlram31 (1631|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Milford, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 21,36 EUR
  • on EBAY

Sony SH-151 Headshell

End: 19.08. 2021 18:49:27 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.58 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 114906731900
  • Counter: 82
  • Seller: neil752 (754|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tiverton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 15.08. 2021 18:02:34 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 73.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 184984509515
  • Counter: 13
  • Seller: jewelofnairobi (121|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Acton, LONDON Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 2,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Sony Headshell SH-151 Alu mit XL 15A

End: 13.08. 2021 16:03:00 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 55.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 265254511618
  • Counter: 34
  • Seller: wpschoenwalder (331|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lemgo Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 06.08. 2021 04:06:19 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 85.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 184974475518
  • Counter: 27
  • Seller: jewelofnairobi (118|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Acton, LONDON Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 2,0 EUR
  • on EBAY