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Sony CDP-291 Single Tray Compact Disc Player - For Parts
End: 08.01. 2024 21:21:15 on Monday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 25.0 USD

- Status: 30T 22:17:35
- Item number: 315018959633
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Tacoma,WA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
This Sony CDP-291 single tray compact disc player is the perfect addition to your collection. With its sleek design and reliable performance, it is sure to meet all your audio needs. This player is compatible with all CD formats and has been tested for key functions, ensuring it is ready for resale. The model number for this CD player is CDP-291 and it falls under the category of consumer electronics, specifically home audio components. It is a CD player type that comes with a few important aspects such as the brand Sony and playable media format being CD. This CD player is being sold for parts and is a great opportunity to get your hands on a quality player.
Sony CDP-291 Lecteur CD Noir/Uniforme 1 An Garantie [3]
End: 07.01. 2024 05:49:45 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 82.05 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266283044154
- Seller: positron-e (23048|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 9,73 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Lecteur CD Noir/Uniforme 1 An Garantie [3]Cette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Spécialiste en électricité pour la technologie audio et vidéo Page actuelle catégories lecteur CD platine cassette lecteur DVD Combiné DVD-VHS VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ Beta Enregistreurs Blu Ray Autre À propos de nous Commentaires Ajouter aux Favoris Contact Testé et entretenu par des professionnels dans notre atelier spécialisé Garantie 12 mois* État optique : acceptable (les images du produit sont des exemples dimages)** État technique : Complètement fonctionnel Mécanique laser entièrement révisée testé avec des CD de test spéciaux pas dabandon même avec des processus de lecture et de recherche exigeants Suivi stable du laser et bonne correction des erreurs - lecture sans problème, même avec de légères secousses et des vibrations normales de la surface Contenu de la livraison : Sony Lecteur CD CDP-291 Télécommande de remplacement (préprogrammée, fonctionnement simple, étiquetage des boutons comme sur la télécommande dorigine) Ameublement: Fonction aléatoire et répétition sortie casque réglable Réponse en fréquence : 2Hz - 20kHz (±0.5dB) Rapport signal/bruit : 97 dB Séparation des canaux : 93 dB Plage dynamique : 90 dB Distorsion harmonique : 0,035 % et beaucoup plus Connexions: 1 prise jack 6,3 mm 1 x analogique (RCA) Dimensions: Hauteur x largeur x profondeur : 100 x 430 x 280 [mm] Informations dentretien lecteur CD Dans le cadre de la maintenance des lecteurs CD, la mécanique laser complète incl. Unité laser nettoyée et composants spécifiques lubrifiés avec une graisse spécifique à lapplication ou traité à lhuile. Pour garantir un fonctionnement fiable, nous testons les appareils avec des CD de test spéciaux. En utilisant le soi-disant Eye Pattern, qui est mesuré avec un oscilloscope, nous pouvons déterminer dans quelle mesure le laser lit les informations sur le CD. Sur la base de ces données, nous décidons, entre autres, si les appareils sont toujours adaptés à la vente ou sils doivent être vendus. si lunité laser doit être remplacée. Dautres activités comprennent la mise au point et le suivi. Lunité laser est toujours traitée avec le plus grand soin. électronique Lélectronique des appareils électriques est examinée en détail. Grâce à de nombreuses années dexpérience, nous pouvons Corrigez les vulnérabilités spécifiques au type avant quelles ne provoquent une erreur. Avec certains appareils, la durée de vie peut être considérablement augmentée. --> *Conditions de garantie Vous pouvez trouver nos conditions de garantie ici **Informations sur létat optique Les articles sont généralement proposés avec des exemples dimages pour rendre nos processus plus efficaces. Nous pouvons répercuter cet avantage sur nos clients dans la tarification. Lors de lattribution de la condition optique, nous accordons une attention toute particulière aux critères suivants : Très bien [1] : Dans tous les cas, les appareils conviennent aux pièces à vivre. Il peut y avoir quelques défauts insignifiants sur le devant et/ou le couvercle du boîtier. Celles-ci sont à peine perceptibles à une distance maximale dun mètre. Bon [2] : Les appareils sont beaux. Il peut y avoir quelques petites imperfections sur le devant et/ou quelques petites rayures sur la peinture (pas plus denv. 5cm) doit être présent. à partir denv. A une distance de 2 mètres, ces marques sont à peine perceptibles. De fines traces dusure superficielles sur la couverture sont possibles. Acceptable [3] : Il peut y avoir quelques imperfections plus claires sur le devant et/ou quelques petites rayures sur la peinture (pas plus denv. 5cm) doit être présent. De fines traces dusure superficielles sur la couverture sont possibles. Signes dusure importants [4] : Les signes dutilisation sont clairement visibles. Il peut y avoir des signes dusure sur le devant et/ou des rayures (également plus longues que 5 cm) sur le dessus. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Droits dauteur © Positron-e. Tous les droits sont réservés. Commentaires Ajouter aux Favoris Contact Pour garantir un fonctionnement fiable, nous testons les appareils avec des CD de test spéciaux. En utilisant le soi-disant Eye Pattern, qui est mesuré avec un oscilloscope, nous pouvons déterminer dans quelle mesure le laser lit les informations sur le CD. Sur la base de ces données, nous décidons, entre autres, si les appareils sont toujours adaptés à la vente ou sils doivent être vendus. si lunité laser doit être remplacée. Lélectronique des appareils électriques est examinée en détail. Grâce à de nombreuses années dexpérience, nous pouvons Corrigez les vulnérabilités spécifiques au type avant quelles ne provoquent une erreur. Avec certains appareils, la durée de vie peut être considérablement augmentée. Les appareils sont beaux. Il peut y avoir quelques petites imperfections Abspielbares Medienformat CD Marke Sony Farbe Schwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Besonderheiten Hi-Fi Besonderheiten Kopfhörerbuchse Modell CDP-291 Herstellernummer CDP-291_3 Produktart CD-Player
Sony CDP-291 CD Player Nero/revisionato 1 Anno garanzia [3]
End: 06.01. 2024 04:59:29 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 83.42 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256097839054
- Seller: positron-e (23048|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 9,73 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 CD Player Nero/revisionato 1 Anno garanzia [3]La descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Specialista elettrico per la tecnologia audio e video Pagina corrente categorie lettore CD piastra di registrazione registratore DVD Combo DVD-VHS /Hi8/MiniDV/ Beta Registratori Blu Ray Altro Chi siamo recensioni Aggiungi ai preferiti Contatto Testato e revisionato professionalmente nella nostra officina specializzata 12 mesi Garanzia * Condizione ottica: accettabile (le immagini del prodotto sono immagini di esempio)** Condizione tecnica: Perfettamente funzionante Meccanica laser completamente revisionato testato con speciali CD di prova nessun abbandono anche con processi di lettura e ricerca impegnativi Tracciamento stabile del laser e buona correzione degli errori - riproduzione senza problemi, anche con leggeri tremori e normali vibrazioni della superficie Fornitura: Sony Lettore CD CDP-291 Telecomando sostitutivo (preprogrammato, funzionamento semplice, etichettatura dei pulsanti come sul telecomando originale) Arredamento: Funzione di riproduzione casuale e ripetizione uscita cuffia regolabile Risposta in frequenza: 2Hz - 20kHz (±0,5dB) Rapporto segnale/rumore: 97 dB Separazione dei canali: 93 dB Gamma dinamica: 90 dB Distorsione armonica: 0,035% e altro ancora Connessioni: 1 jack da 6,3 mm 1 analogico (RCA) Dimensioni: Altezza x larghezza x profondità: 100 x 430 x 280 [mm] Informazioni sulla manutenzione lettore CD Nellambito della manutenzione dei lettori CD, la meccanica laser completa incl. Unità laser pulita e componenti specifici lubrificati con grasso specifico per lapplicazione o trattato ad olio. Per garantire un funzionamento affidabile, testiamo i dispositivi con speciali CD di prova. Utilizzando il cosiddetto Eye Pattern, che viene misurato con un oscilloscopio, possiamo determinare quanto bene il laser legge le informazioni sul CD. Sulla base di questi dati, decidiamo, tra laltro, se i dispositivi sono ancora adatti alla vendita o se devono essere venduti. se lunità laser deve essere sostituita. Altre attività includono limpostazione della messa a fuoco e il monitoraggio. Lunità laser è sempre trattata con la massima cura. elettronica Lelettronica dei dispositivi elettrici viene esaminata in dettaglio. Grazie a molti anni di esperienza, possiamo Correggi le vulnerabilità specifiche del tipo prima che causino un errore. Con determinati dispositivi, la durata può essere enormemente aumentata. --> *Condizioni di garanzia Puoi trovare le nostre condizioni di garanzia qui **Informazioni sulla condizione ottica Gli articoli sono generalmente offerti con immagini di esempio per rendere più efficienti i nostri processi. Possiamo trasmettere questo vantaggio ai nostri clienti nei prezzi. Quando si assegna la condizione ottica, prestiamo molta attenzione ai seguenti criteri: Molto buono [1]: In ogni caso, i dispositivi sono adatti ai soggiorni. Potrebbero esserci alcune imperfezioni insignificanti sulla parte anteriore e/o sul coperchio dellalloggiamento. Questi sono appena percettibili da una distanza massima di un metro. Buono [2]: I dispositivi sono belli. Potrebbero esserci alcune piccole imperfezioni sulla parte anteriore e/o alcuni piccoli graffi sulla vernice (non più lunghi di ca. 5 cm) devono essere presenti. da ca. A una distanza di 2 metri, questi segni sono appena percettibili. Possibili fini segni di usura superficiali sulla copertina. Accettabile [3]: Potrebbero esserci alcune imperfezioni più evidenti sulla parte anteriore e/o alcuni piccoli graffi sulla vernice (non più lunghi di ca. 5 cm) devono essere presenti. Possibili fini segni di usura superficiali sulla copertina. Segni di usura significativi [4]: I segni di utilizzo sono ben visibili. Potrebbero esserci segni di usura sulla parte anteriore e/o qualche graffio (anche superiore a 5 cm) sulla parte superiore. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyright © Positron-e. Tutti i diritti riservati. recensioni Aggiungi ai preferiti Contatto Per garantire un funzionamento affidabile, testiamo i dispositivi con speciali CD di prova. Utilizzando il cosiddetto Eye Pattern, che viene misurato con un oscilloscopio, possiamo determinare quanto bene il laser legge le informazioni sul CD. Sulla base di questi dati, decidiamo, tra laltro, se i dispositivi sono ancora adatti alla vendita o se devono essere venduti. se lunità laser deve essere sostituita. Lelettronica dei dispositivi elettrici viene esaminata in dettaglio. Grazie a molti anni di esperienza, possiamo Correggi le vulnerabilità specifiche del tipo prima che causino un errore. Con determinati dispositivi, la durata può essere enormemente aumentata. I dispositivi sono belli. Potrebbero esserci alcune piccole imperfezioni sulla parte anteriore e/o alcuni piccoli graff Abspielbares Medienformat CD Marke Sony Farbe Schwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Besonderheiten Hi-Fi Besonderheiten Kopfhörerbuchse Modell CDP-291 Herstellernummer CDP-291_3 Produktart CD-Player
Sony CDP-291 CD Player Black/Serviced 1 Year Warranty [3]
End: 06.01. 2024 04:59:29 on Saturday
- Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
- Price: 69.84 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256097839062
- Seller: positron-e (23048|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,59 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 CD Player Black/Serviced 1 Year Warranty [3]The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: acceptable (product images are example images)** Technical condition: Fully functional Laser mechanics completely serviced tested with special test CDs no dropouts even with demanding read and search processes Stable tracking of the laser and good error correction - problem-free playback, even with slight shaking and normal vibrations of the surface Scope of delivery: sony CDP-291 CD player Replacement remote control (pre-programmed, uncomplicated operation, button labeling as on the original remote control) Furnishing: Shuffle and repeat function adjustable headphone output Frequency Response: 2Hz - 20kHz (±0.5dB) Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 97dB Channel Separation: 93dB Dynamic range: 90 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.035% and much more Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack 1 x analog (RCA) Dimensions: Height x width x depth: 100 x 430 x 280 [mm] Maintenance information CD players As part of the maintenance of CD players, the complete laser mechanics incl. Laser unit cleaned and specific components lubricated with application specific grease or oil treated. To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. Other activities include setting the focus and tracking. The laser unit is always treated with the utmost care. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Abspielbares Medienformat CD Marke Sony Farbe Schwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Besonderheiten Hi-Fi Besonderheiten Kopfhörerbuchse Modell CDP-291 Herstellernummer CDP-291_3 Produktart CD-Player
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc Player 1991 (Tested Working)
End: 05.01. 2024 21:36:01 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 59.95 USD

- Status: 30T 22:27:37
- Item number: 296092136900
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Saint Louis,MO,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
You are purchasing a Sony CDP-291 CD Player. This has been tested and works great. Good used condition. Light wear from normal use, please see pictures for condition details. Remote, manual and original box are NOT included.Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Shipping Details: All US shipments to the Lower 48 States are free for this item and includes a tracking number. All items are shipped within 1-2 business days. International shipping is processed through the Global Shipping Program ONLY. Please contact us if you need any more information. We are NOT responsible for ANY customs fees or taxes. Returns: We will accept any item back for a return within 30 days as long as the item is returned in the same condition it arrived in with all included items. Payment: Payment is due within 48 hours of purchase.
End: 05.01. 2024 16:23:10 on Friday
Sony CDP-291 Compact Disk Player VTG 90s (Read/for Parts) Powers on
End: 04.01. 2024 03:49:04 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 13.82 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266408754670
- Seller: nunezendstuff (428|99.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Garden Grove, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Vintage Japan 1991 Sony CDP-291 Compact Disk Player (Sold as is) / (Parts or repair) Condition: Good Flaws: CD door opens and closes, but jams. CD door has a gap Thanks for stopping by and/or visiting NUNEZENDSTUFF Any qs feel free to reach out
GENUINE SONY RM-D190 CD Remote Control Unit For: CDP-211 291 311 391 P43 590 391
End: 02.01. 2024 09:51:13 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 13.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:4:22
- Item number: 404657223406
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Minneapolis,MN,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
GENUINE SONY RM-D190 CD Remote Control Unit For: CDP-211 291 311 391 P43 590 391. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS First Class. Thanks for the purchase. Please contact me if you are not satisfied by the purchase and will make you are happy with your purchase.I am 100% willing to fix if an issue arises with the purchase. You have also 30 days to return an item in case it doesnt meet the description.Please provide feedback for your experience and will help me to provide best experience for my customers and eBay in general!! Thank you
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc Player 1991 (Tested Working)
End: 28.12. 2023 03:25:50 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 41.19 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 285600188034
- Seller: acekingsuited1986 (589|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Naugatuck, Connecticut
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc Player 1991 (Tested Working) Used in good condition Tested and working No remote Fast shipping
VINTAGE Sony CDP-291 Single Tray CD Player Tested Works Great
End: 27.12. 2023 20:01:28 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 45.93 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 186118900341
- Seller: 2014dudle (514|96.7%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Madison, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 21,65 EUR
- on EBAY
VINTAGE Sony CDP-291 Single Tray CD Player Tested Works Great. Condition is Used. Shipped with UPS Ground.
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291 With Remote - Tested
End: 26.12. 2023 01:02:31 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.99 USD

- Status: 6T 19:43:21
- Item number: 166507973808
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Dallas,TX,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,99 USD
- on EBAY
SONY COMPACT DISC PLAYER CDP-291 Condition: Good - shows some sign of wear Functionality: Item powers on - no further testing *** DONATED | SOLD AS-IS *** Your purchases today provide a second chance for those in need. All items being sold on this ebay store have been donated and should be considered second-hand. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding our active or completed listings. We will do our best to provide you with the information you are looking for. Employees of The Salvation Army manage this eBay account Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm CST. We are available during these hours to answer questions and address customer concerns. Please send all communication via the eBay messaging system. Items won will be shipped directly from our distribution center. All items must be shipped unless otherwise noted with LOCAL PICKUP ONLY in the title and description. The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center provides spiritual, social, and emotional assistance for men and women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. The program is offered free of charge to participants and focuses on rehabilitating the mind, body, and spirit. The center provides the physical necessities needed by participants, as well as the emotional and spiritual support needed during difficult times. While in the program each man or woman participates in a variety of therapies including individual, group, family, and work; all in a clean, wholesome environment. The physical and spiritual care the program participants receive prepares them to re-enter society and return to gainful employment. Many of those who have completed the program, are reunited with their families and resume a normal life. This program is funded solely by the sale of donated goods. The items we receive are sold in our Family Stores and through our eBay program. Each time you make a purchase from us, either here or in one of our Family Stores, you are helping to restore broken lives. To find a Salvation Army Family Store location near you visit Please visit to see other listings from the Salvation Army. PAYMENT TERMS: eBay managed payments is the only method of payment we accept. Payment must be received within 11 days of winning the item. Payments not received within 11 days of winning the auction will result in the order being canceled. The item will be relisted to the marketplace. We can not end auctions early for Buy-it-Now or Best offer offers. SHIPPING TERMS: We provide flat-rate shipping for most of our items, allowing us to select the most secure and cost-effective shipping carrier for your package. If you prefer to choose a specific carrier for any reason, please note that additional fees may apply to accommodate your request. We are happy to offer combined shipping for listings ending on the same day. Payment must clear before an item will be shipped All shipments come with delivery confirmation We will only ship to the address the buyer has registered with eBay We do not ship internationally LOCAL PICKUP ITEMS: Local Pickup items must be picked up within 14 days of the order date. If an item is not retrieved within 14 days, the payment will be refunded and the item will be relisted to the marketplace. Buyers who do not follow local pickup policies risk being blocked from future auctions. Please reach out via eBay messaging if you have questions or need additional assistance. Customer service is our top priority. If you make a purchase from us and an issue arises; please give us a chance to make things right by contacting us before leaving negative feedback or opening a case. We promise to resolve problems quickly and professionally.
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used.
End: 25.12. 2023 02:27:21 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 29.99 USD

- Status: 6T 20:33:39
- Item number: 395071245145
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Aubrey,TX,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 USD
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. This auction is for Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player, the unit is used and in good working condition, I tested the unit before putting it on auction, and the unit does not have a remote control, please see all the pictures before you make a bid, thanks for looking at my auction… Please go through all pictures & description before you make a bid thanks. (What you see will be shipped) Note: My account is now set with an automatic Unpaid Item Assistant so payment is expected within 48 hours after the auctions end if for some reason you need more time to pay for your item, let me know within the payment time frame. We Dont Use Stock Pictures in Any Our Auctions, Please Check the Pictures Thoroughly Shows Exactly the Item for Sale Includes : Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping & Handling with Insurance in U. S. A. - $ 25.00 We can only ship this item to street addresses within the continental (48 states) USA. (No P.O Box) We cannot deliver to Alaska, Hawaii, P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO... For your protection and ours, we take PayPal payments from buyers with confirmed shipping addresses. If you have not done so already, please have your address confirmed with PayPal prior to bidding We Only use FedEx, UPS & USPS for Shipping, the item takes Approx 3 - 5 Business Days to arrive at the buyers address, I try to ship on the very same day after receiving the payment. Please respond in 2 to 3 working days by e-mail. If the item is not paid within 3 days after the end of the auction, we reserve the right to relist the item NOTE: Please note that we keep track of all S/N numbers of each and every tool We try to describe each item to the best of our ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vintage Sony CDP-291 Single Tray CD Player Tested See Video NO REMOTE
End: 24.12. 2023 19:55:41 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 50.96 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 185957091516
- Seller: futurae (596|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Augusta, Wisconsin
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
To help protect my small business from fraud, the serial number is recorded 8815710. Item will be securely packed. Smoke-Free Home If you have any questions, please let me know. Will leave feedback once feedback is received. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day. Justin Thank you for visiting my store. Please keep in mind that most of my items in my store that are listed as used are being sold second hand. I do my best to carefully inspect, accurately picture, and correctly describe each listing so that you know exactly what you are purchasing and are pleased with your purchase. These are not my personal possessions, so sometimes I may not be aware of all issues regarding the items functioning or content. Please ask any questions you may have regarding the listing, or address any concerns before purchasing. Please see photos for detail. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!
End: 22.12. 2023 16:22:32 on Friday
Vintage Sony CD Player CDP-291 High Precision D/A System Parts Only Not Working
End: 22.12. 2023 03:51:09 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 27.44 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 315017149567
- Seller: backyardbinz (249|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Nampa, Idaho
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 29,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291Turns on but cd tray does not stay closed
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291,HIGH PRECISION D/A System
End: 21.12. 2023 15:38:55 on Thursday
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291 With Remote - Tested
End: 19.12. 2023 01:00:26 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.25 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166494505023
- Bids: 0
- Seller: salvationarmytulsaarc (3105|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Dallas, Texas
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 25,99 EUR
- on EBAY
SONY COMPACT DISC PLAYER CDP-291 Condition: Good - shows some sign of wear Functionality: Item powers on - no further testing *** DONATED | SOLD AS-IS *** Your purchases today provide a second chance for those in need. All items being sold on this ebay store have been donated and should be considered second-hand. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding our active or completed listings. We will do our best to provide you with the information you are looking for. Employees of The Salvation Army manage this eBay account Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm CST. We are available during these hours to answer questions and address customer concerns. Please send all communication via the eBay messaging system. Items won will be shipped directly from our distribution center. All items must be shipped unless otherwise noted with LOCAL PICKUP ONLY in the title and description. The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center provides spiritual, social, and emotional assistance for men and women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. The program is offered free of charge to participants and focuses on rehabilitating the mind, body, and spirit. The center provides the physical necessities needed by participants, as well as the emotional and spiritual support needed during difficult times. While in the program each man or woman participates in a variety of therapies including individual, group, family, and work; all in a clean, wholesome environment. The physical and spiritual care the program participants receive prepares them to re-enter society and return to gainful employment. Many of those who have completed the program, are reunited with their families and resume a normal life. This program is funded solely by the sale of donated goods. The items we receive are sold in our Family Stores and through our eBay program. Each time you make a purchase from us, either here or in one of our Family Stores, you are helping to restore broken lives. To find a Salvation Army Family Store location near you visit Please visit to see other listings from the Salvation Army. PAYMENT TERMS: eBay managed payments is the only method of payment we accept. Payment must be received within 11 days of winning the item. Payments not received within 11 days of winning the auction will result in the order being canceled. The item will be relisted to the marketplace. We can not end auctions early for Buy-it-Now or Best offer offers. SHIPPING TERMS: We provide flat-rate shipping for most of our items, allowing us to select the most secure and cost-effective shipping carrier for your package. If you prefer to choose a specific carrier for any reason, please note that additional fees may apply to accommodate your request. We are happy to offer combined shipping for listings ending on the same day. Payment must clear before an item will be shipped All shipments come with delivery confirmation We will only ship to the address the buyer has registered with eBay We do not ship internationally LOCAL PICKUP ITEMS: Local Pickup items must be picked up within 14 days of the order date. If an item is not retrieved within 14 days, the payment will be refunded and the item will be relisted to the marketplace. Buyers who do not follow local pickup policies risk being blocked from future auctions. Please reach out via eBay messaging if you have questions or need additional assistance. Customer service is our top priority. If you make a purchase from us and an issue arises; please give us a chance to make things right by contacting us before leaving negative feedback or opening a case. We promise to resolve problems quickly and professionally.
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used.
End: 18.12. 2023 02:04:19 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 29.99 USD

- Status: 6T 21:3:18
- Item number: 395055808599
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Aubrey,TX,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 USD
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. This auction is for Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player, the unit is used and in good working condition, I tested the unit before putting it on auction, and the unit does not have a remote control, please see all the pictures before you make a bid, thanks for looking at my auction… Please go through all pictures & description before you make a bid thanks. (What you see will be shipped) Note: My account is now set with an automatic Unpaid Item Assistant so payment is expected within 48 hours after the auctions end if for some reason you need more time to pay for your item, let me know within the payment time frame. We Dont Use Stock Pictures in Any Our Auctions, Please Check the Pictures Thoroughly Shows Exactly the Item for Sale Includes : Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping & Handling with Insurance in U. S. A. - $ 25.00 We can only ship this item to street addresses within the continental (48 states) USA. (No P.O Box) We cannot deliver to Alaska, Hawaii, P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO... For your protection and ours, we take PayPal payments from buyers with confirmed shipping addresses. If you have not done so already, please have your address confirmed with PayPal prior to bidding We Only use FedEx, UPS & USPS for Shipping, the item takes Approx 3 - 5 Business Days to arrive at the buyers address, I try to ship on the very same day after receiving the payment. Please respond in 2 to 3 working days by e-mail. If the item is not paid within 3 days after the end of the auction, we reserve the right to relist the item NOTE: Please note that we keep track of all S/N numbers of each and every tool We try to describe each item to the best of our ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc CD Player 1991, Tested and Working
End: 16.12. 2023 01:42:51 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 40.77 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 225902271961
- Seller: zhjoe2005 (99|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Vintage Sony CDP-291 CD player from 1991. Tested and working in great condition.
End: 15.12. 2023 16:22:07 on Friday
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291,HIGH PRECISION D/A System
End: 11.12. 2023 15:38:33 on Monday
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used.
End: 11.12. 2023 02:00:35 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 29.99 USD

- Status: 4T 20:52:6
- Item number: 395045261094
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Aubrey,TX,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 25,0 USD
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. This auction is for Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player, the unit is used and in good working condition, I tested the unit before putting it on auction, and the unit does not have a remote control, please see all the pictures before you make a bid, thanks for looking at my auction… Please go through all pictures & description before you make a bid thanks. (What you see will be shipped) Note: My account is now set with an automatic Unpaid Item Assistant so payment is expected within 48 hours after the auctions end if for some reason you need more time to pay for your item, let me know within the payment time frame. We Dont Use Stock Pictures in Any Our Auctions, Please Check the Pictures Thoroughly Shows Exactly the Item for Sale Includes : Sony CDP-291 Compact Single CD Player Used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping & Handling with Insurance in U. S. A. - $ 25.00 We can only ship this item to street addresses within the continental (48 states) USA. (No P.O Box) We cannot deliver to Alaska, Hawaii, P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO... For your protection and ours, we take PayPal payments from buyers with confirmed shipping addresses. If you have not done so already, please have your address confirmed with PayPal prior to bidding We Only use FedEx, UPS & USPS for Shipping, the item takes Approx 3 - 5 Business Days to arrive at the buyers address, I try to ship on the very same day after receiving the payment. Please respond in 2 to 3 working days by e-mail. If the item is not paid within 3 days after the end of the auction, we reserve the right to relist the item NOTE: Please note that we keep track of all S/N numbers of each and every tool We try to describe each item to the best of our ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc Player 1991 (Tested Working)
End: 09.12. 2023 00:01:45 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 45.56 EUR

- Status: 7T 23:41:30
- Item number: 295806647652
- Seller: bigtime_powertools (4|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Saucier, Mississippi
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 79,81 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony CDP-291 Vintage Compact Disc Player 1991 (Tested Working) -Nextdayship.
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291 - HIGH PRECISION D/A System
End: 08.12. 2023 17:32:34 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 24.9 EUR

- Status: 8T 22:55:48
- Item number: 235081904259
- Seller: hierweg1 (629|98.2%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Heinsberg
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 8,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Sony Compact Disc Player CDP-291 - HIGH PRECISION D/A SystemFarbe schwarz Das Gerät ist gebraucht, optisch gut erhalten, siehe Fotos.Modell: CDP-291Typ: CD-PlayerBaujahre: 1990 - 1992Hergestellt in: JapanFarbe: SchwarzFernbedienung: neinLeistungsaufnahme: 10 WAbmessungen: 430 x 100 x 280 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 3,5 kgNeupreis: 298 DM (UVP)Maße: 430 x 100 x 280Gewicht 3,5 KG Technisch voll funktionsfähig. Folgende Bedingungen gelten bei meinen Auktionen: Käufer trägt nur Porto- und Versandkosten! Kein Ebay oder sonstiges. Bitte nur ernsthafte Gebote! Ich versuche in meinen Beschreibungen möglichst objektiv zu sein und alle Mängel zu beschreiben. Sollte dennoch mal etwas nicht stimmen, bitte ich einfach um Rückmeldung. Für gebrauchte Ware wird wie bei Ebay üblich keine 2-jährige Garantie übernommen, die Rücknahme ist ausgeschlossen. Verkauf von Privat.Die Bezahlung erfolgt per Überweisung oder bei Abholung (nicht bei jedem Artikel möglich, vorher anfragen). Nachnahme ist nicht möglich, da einige Käufer die an Sie gesendete Ware nicht angenommen haben und ich auf den Kosten sitzengeblieben bin. Der Versand erfolgt nach Eingang der Überweisung auf mein Konto so schnell wie möglich. Ich markiere den Artikel dabei in dem Ebay-System als bezahlt, sie können also einfach nachschauen, ob der Artikel schon auf dem Weg zu Ihnen ist. Versicherter Versand bedeutet übrigens gegen Verlust versichert. Eventuelle Transportschäden müssen gegenüber dem Paketdienst geltend gemacht werden. Der Käufer trägt das Versandrisiko. Artikelstandort ist Erfüllungsort. Sonst noch fragen? Einfach mailen!
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