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End: 07.09. 2023 07:20:21 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1500.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225755632588
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: proiettoreusato (49|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Torino Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Descrizione DESCRIZIONE DELLOGGETTO: VIDEOPROIETTORE EPSON EB-G6250W ANSI LUMEN 6500 PROIETTORE HDMI WXGA LENTE MOBILE 3LCDANSI lumen 6500Risoluzione nativa WXGA 1280X800Contrasto 5000:1Ingressi HDMI VGA RCA AUDIO OUT LANRAPPORTO DI PROIEZIONE 1.26:1 – 2.30:1Lente mobile, lens shift, regolazione proiezione asse verticale, orizzontale e angolareLa vendita include il videoproiettore con la propria lampada e il cavo di alimentazione. Il proiettore ha il proprio menu, tutte le opzioni si possono gestire dal tasto menu sul proiettore stesso. Per il telecomando, se richiesto, è possibile acquistarlo separatamente. Sono disponibili a parte, con supplemento, i seguenti accessori: - telecomando - cavo VGA - cavo HDMI - cavo RCA - borsa custodia SPEDIZIONE Le spedizioni vengono effettuate entro 24-48 ore dal momento in cui viene ricevuto il pagamento presso lindirizzo indicato nei dettagli dordine, non si risponde di eventuali dati errati per la consegna. Non è possibile il ritiro a mano. In caso di assenza del destinatario indicato, al momento della consegna da parte del corriere, i prodotti dovranno essere ritirati allindirizzo seguendo le modalità indicate dal corriere stesso. I prodotti vengono imballati con attenzione. In caso di prodotti ricevuti danneggiati al momento della consegna, l’Acquirente dovrà entro 24 ore dalla consegna, comunicare allassistenza dello Store il danno riscontrato, comunicazioni successive non saranno considerate valide al fine di attribuire al corriere responsabilità a riguardo, ma sarà responsabilità dell’Acquirente il quale non potrà richiedere rimborsi o resi per materiale danneggiato. PAGAMENTI Il pagamento deve essere effettuato entro 48 ore dal momento dellacquisto. In caso di ritardi viene in automatico avviata la segnalazione a Ebay di pagamento non ricevuto. In caso di pagamenti oltre il periodo indicato si chiede di contattarci appena effettuato lacquisto. Sono accettati i seguenti tipi di pagamento: Paypal, bonifico bancario, altri pagamenti sono da concordare preventivamente. Non sono disponibili sconti post acquisto. CONDIZIONI Per richieste di un documento fiscale (es. Fattura) inviare i dati completi della propria denominazione al momento dellacquisto tramite messaggio contatta il venditore. Ad ogni prodotto si applicano gli stessi termini e condizioni di vendita che si trovano su alla pagina relativa condizioni di vendita. DIRITTO DI RECESSO DIRITTO DI RECESSO Ai sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato. Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dallAcquirente. Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre allassistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza. Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dallAcquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento. L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni: a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origine b) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dallAcquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggetto e) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dallAcquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sullimmagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato allottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito allAcquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dallAcquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione o) mancata ricezione finale della merce al magazzino dimostrabile da tracciabilità onlineDIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione DIRITTO DI RECESSOAi sensi degli artt. 52 e ss. del Codice del Consumo, il Consumatore, ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto effettuato sullo Store online nel caso in cui abbia cambiato idea circa l’acquisto effettuato.Tale diritto deve essere esercitato entro il termine di 14 (quattordici) giorni a partire dal giorno in cui viene consegnato il prodotto presso l’indirizzo indicato nelle note dell’ordine dall’Acquirente.Per esercitare il diritto di recesso l’Acquirente dovrà anticipare la propria intenzione di recedere contattando l’assistenza dello Store online via email a: , inoltre è necessario inviare comunicazione scritta utilizzando il modulo che può essere chiesto sempre all’assistenza. Il modulo da compilare in ogni sua parte, è da spedire con raccomandata A/R con ricevuta di ritorno presso l’indirizzo che verrà comunicato dalla nostra assistenza.Una volta comunicato il recesso, l’Acquirente è tenuto a restituire il prodotto entro 2 giorni dal momento in cui ha comunicato sua intenzione a recedere ed a comunicare codice tracking della spedizione al momento della spedizione stessa. Il prodotto dovrà essere restituito nel suo imballaggio originale e in uno stato pari a quello in cui è stato ricevuto dall’Acquirente. I rischi del trasporto per la restituzione dei prodotti sono integralmente a carico dell’Acquirente, così come le spese necessarie per la restituzione dei prodotti oggetto di recesso. L’Acquirente è responsabile della diminuzione del valore del prodotto se diversa da quanto in origine acquistato per caratteristiche e funzionamento.L’integrità del prodotto da restituire è condizione essenziale per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso. Non vengono accettati resi che presentano una o più condizioni:a) oggetto che presenti graffi, righe o difetti tecnici/estetici differenti da quanto ricevuto in origineb) oggetto che si presenta diverso da quanto originariamente ricevuto dall’Acquirente c) danni derivati da cadute, contatti con liquidi o altro materiale d) difetti diversi da quanto indicati nella descrizione dell’oggettoe) manomissione, danneggiamento o cattivo utilizzo da parte dell’Acquirente f) apertura del prodotto e/o alloggiamento lampada g) azzeramento timer lampada oppure timer indicante un tempo ore differente da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente al momento della consegna h) fenomeno di white dots (pixel danneggiati) ovvero manifestazione di pixel fissi sull’immagine, fenomeno tipico ai proiettori DLP i) discolorazioni, macchie, ombre o qualsiasi problema legato all’ottica, alla parte elettronica e non del prodotto nonché in ogni sua altra parte l) oggetto mancante di accessori al momento della restituzione rispetto a quanto originariamente rispedito all’Acquirente m) lampada manomessa o sostituita con una diversa da quanto ricevuto dall’Acquirente n) mancanza di tracciabilità della spedizione CHI SIAMO PROIETTOREUSATO.IT è uno store online che ritira materiale elettronico, in particolare videoproiettori, da attività di formazione, scuole, sale congressi, bar o ristoranti, aziende, sale di proiezione, enti o associazioni oppure privati che intendono sostituire il proprio videoproiettore in seguito alla cessazione della propria attività o per esigenze particolari proprie. Tutti i prodotti presenti sullo store online, vengono testati con più cicli di proiezione, controllando le funzionalità di ogni prodotto quali ingressi, tasti e comandi presenti, funzionamento ventola, zoom e focus e accessori eventuali. Ogni prodotto viene riportato con le proprie caratteristiche ed in caso di difetti ottici o hardware, viene indicato per ogni inserzione il proprio stato conforme. CONTATTACI Contattaci per qualsiasi domanda esclusivamente tramite Ebay al link Contatta il venditore. Solo per emergenze relative a ordini e spedizioni anche tramite Whatsapp (solo sms) al 331.331.3361 oppure al numero 011.1911.5383 e via email Il nostro obiettivo è rendere ogni acquisto un’esperienza positiva per i nostri clienti. Per questo assicuriamo la massima serietà e siamo sempre disponibili per qualsiasi problema. In caso di problematiche riscontrate, risolveremo in modo corretto e professionale con la massima disponibilità e correttezza.Un punteggio di 5 stele e il feedback positivo è ciò che invitiamo a rilasciare appena ricevuto l’oggetto. Il rilascio del feedback negativo non risolve un problema e può danneggiare gravemente la nostra attività per questo siamo consapevoli che l’attenzione e il rispetto al cliente siano fondamentali.Grazie!

SONY ICF-6500 AM/FM/SW RADIO - Works, Clean Shape

End: 05.09. 2023 22:03:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 94.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314756828552
  • Seller: meoutbidu (9885|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Kooskia, Idaho USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 62,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Clean set and it works! I see no damage, just some general wear (scratches and scuffs) but this is a really clean set and all knobs and buttons work. Clean antenna too.

Junk SONY CF-6500 2way speaker stereo boombox

End: 01.09. 2023 23:38:02 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 176.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404465452783
  • Seller: wutianzh-43 (222|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Nagoya-Shi, Meito-Ku Japan
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Junk SONY CF-6500 2way speaker stereo boombox SONYmodel : cf-6500 Power cord is available. Power is turned on, but sound does not come out. There are no noticeable flaws. I do not know how to operate it, so I am selling it as junk.Please check the pictures to confirm the condition of the item. Please check the pictures to confirm the condition.??Please confirm the condition with the pictures.?Please check the pictures to see if it is in good condition.?Please check the pictures to confirm the condition. Please check the pictures carefully and understand the condition of the item before you purchase. ?Please see before dealings? ?Payment? Payment is only paypal available. Payment must be pay within 5 days after auction is finished. ?Shipping? ?Usually goods will be shipped within 3 business days ?after payment is received. ?Time of delivery depend on the country or region. ?Package will be send by JAPAN POST OFFICE or YAMATO or Fedex with tracking number. It will be arrived about 1week ~ 3weeks on average after shipping information is provided. International Buyers - Please Note ?Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer’s responsibility. ?Please check with your country’s customs office to determine

Sony MDP 6500 CD CDV LD Player

End: 16.08. 2023 16:48:06 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155720680015
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: wuschel-2 (1109|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Groß-Rohrheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony MDP 6500 CD CDV LD PlayerSony MDP 6500 CD CDV LD Player. Ich biete hier einen oben genannten Player zum Verkauf an. Ich habe das Teil maximal dreimal genutzt als ich vor 20 Jahren 3 Laserdisc aus USA mitgebracht habe. Ich habe versucht eine der Platten einzulesen und es hat nicht funktioniert. Deshalb hier als defektes Ersatzteil. Die 3 Platten gibt es dazu. Am liebsten Abholung in 68649 Gro-Rohrheim

Sony RMT-VB100U Remote Sony DVD Player BDP-S5500 BDPS-6500

End: 15.08. 2023 13:50:16 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175729592680
  • Seller: justindavis25 (795|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Gulf Shores, Alabama USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 21,07 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony RMT-VB100U Remote For Sony DVD Player BDP-S5500 BDPS-6500.


End: 13.08. 2023 15:10:47 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 36.85 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155706025613
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: 1treasurehunt (9845|98.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 149,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PANASONIC RA-6500 INTEGRATED STEREO RECEIVER WITH CASSETTE. WORKSThis PANASONIC RA-6500 integrated stereo receiver with cassette is a vintage gem that will enhance your audio experience. The quality of sound produced is remarkable and will definitely leave you impressed. It has been well maintained and is in excellent working condition, providing you with a unique opportunity to own a piece of vintage electronics history. The receiver is a PANASONIC product, well-known for producing high-quality audio systems. Its model number is RA-6500, Get your hands on this rare piece of technology today and enjoy its beautiful sound.

Cinera Dual 2.5k 3D Videobrille + Sony MDR-DS 6500 7.1 Dolby Digital Kopfhörer

End: 11.08. 2023 16:02:16 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134647628807
  • Seller: dado2019 (853|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Siegelsbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe Cinera Dual 2.5k 3D Home Cinema Headset / Videobrille + Sony MDR-DS 6500 7.1 Dolby Digital dts Kopfhörer mit Prozessor. Habe die Cinera Videobrille in Verbindung mit dem Sony Kopfhörer benutzt. Cinera Videobrille:Dual 2,5k Ultra HD Auflösung (5120 x 1440), 3D, 66 Grad Sichtfeld. inkl. Head Mounted Kopfhalterung - Akku für Stromversorgung für die Videorille intigriert (kleiner Riss am Gehäuse aber ohne Einschränkung der Funktion), Halterung für Wandmontage, Fernbedienung, Netzkabel (zum Laden oder auch für direkte Stromversorgung mit der Videobrille möglich z.B. bei Betrieb mit der Halterung für die Wand), Ersatzschaumstoff für die Polsterung, Bedienungsanleitung, OVP. Sony Kopfhörer:(MDR-RF6500) und Prozessor/Ladestation (DP-RF6500)inkl. Netzteil, optischem Digitalkabel und Cinchkabel auf Klinke. Kopfhörer mit zwei neuen Ohrpolster. Sehr guter Zustand (siehe Bilder). Privatverkauf: Keine Garantie/Rücknahme/Gewährleistung

Epson Pro G7000W 3LCD Projector 6500 ANSI Home Theatre HDMI - 2600Hr NO LENS

End: 08.08. 2023 23:31:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 388.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314682852056
  • Seller: d-dog0818 (1796|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bellefonte, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for your interest in this Epson Pro G7000W 3LCD Projector 6500 ANSI Home Theatre HDMI - 2600Hr NO LENS This projector was removed in good working condition (other than missing a lens) from a business that recently sold off some assets We installed a compatible lens (not included) in the projector and tested it over HDMI, finding the picture to be sharp and colorful The included lamp has 2600 hours of Normal operation and 123 hours of ECO operation The lamp is rated at 3000 Normal / 4000 ECO, so it should still have a few hundred hours of its life left - I would budget for a lamp replacement within the next few months to a year depending on how much you use the projector Feel free to ask any questions and we will do our best to get back to you promptly Here are additional specifications on the G7000W courtesy of Projector Central Epson Pro G7000W Projector SpecificationsMSRP$4,149 (USD)Best Used ForHigher EducationHouse of WorshipCorporate/BusinessMuseum/ExhibitsSimulationStatusDiscontinued Nov 2020ReleasedJune 2016Warranty3 YearsUser ReviewsReview this ProjectorGlobalAlso sold as the Epson EB-G7000W and the Epson CB-G7000W outside of the USA. (Specs may differ) Switch to MetricWhite Brightness6,500 ANSI LumensColor Brightness6,500 Lumens CLOResolution1280x800Aspect Ratio16:10 (WXGA)Contrast50,000:1 (full on/off)Dynamic IrisYesDisplay Type3LCD ChipsColor Processing10-bitVideo Modes720p, 1080i, 1080p/60, 1080p/50, 576i, 576p, 480p, 480iData ModesMAX 1920x1200Lamp Type400W UHE bulbLamp Life3,000 hours / 4,000 hours (Eco)Lamp ModelV13H010L93 / ELPLP93 Included Lens1.6x Powered zoom , Powered focusOptional LensesELPLL08 Long Zoom LensThrow Ratio 7.21:1-10.11:1ELPLM08 Middle Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 1.44:1-2.32:1ELPLM09 Middle Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 2.16:1-3.48:1ELPLM10 Middle Zoom #3 LensThrow Ratio 3.32:1-5.06:1ELPLM11 Middle Zoom #4 LensThrow Ratio 4.85:1-7.38:1ELPLU03S Short Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 0.65:1-0.78:1ELPLU04 Short Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 0.87:1-1.05:1ELPLW05 Wide Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 1.04:1-1.46:1ELPLW06 Wide Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 1.62:1-2.22:1ELPLX01 Short Fixed LensThrow Ratio 0.35:1Lens ShiftHorizontal +/-30% & Vertical +/-67%Throw Distance4.9 - 30.5 Calculate Throw DistanceImage Size29.89 - 299.73Throw Ratio1.44:1 - 2.32:1 (D:W)Digital ZoomYesDigital KeystoneHorizontal & VerticalProjector Size6.50 x 20.70 x 16.70 (HxWxD)Weight28.4 lbsAudible Noise35 dB / 31 dB (Eco)Internal Speakers10.0 Watts MonoPower540 Watts 100V - 240VConnection PanelAudio In: Mini Jack x 3Audio Out: Mini JackDVI Digital InputHDBaseT: RJ-45HDMINetwork: RJ-45RGB In: BNCRS232: DB-9pinUSB x 2VGA In: Dsub-15pinVGA Out: Dsub-15pinFeatures2:3 PulldownDICOMOperate 24/7Edge BlendingGeometric CorrectionFrame InterpolationLens Memory2:2 PulldownCrestron RoomView™

^ Panasonic 3LCD Full HD HDMI Projector PT-EZ770ZL 6500 Lumens 3155 Lamp Hours

End: 03.08. 2023 03:48:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 451.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185944072831
  • Seller: vlsurplus (4126|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Greer, South Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale i have a : ^ Panasonic 3LCD Full HD HDMI Projector PT-EZ770ZL 6500 Lumens 3155 Lamp Hours. Only comes with a power cord and remote, no other accessories are included. Projector Run time: 6190 HoursLamp Hours: 3155 #X787 Condition: Used, item was pulled from a working environment. It does show damage like scratches/scuffs/dents. Shipping: My shipping quote is only for items being ship inside the United States. Hawaii / Alaska and Puerto Rico please ask me for a shipping quote before purchasing the item. I do ship internationally using eBay Global shipping program. I only accept returns on this item if something is wrong with it, otherwise its a Final Sale!

Sony Cf-6500 Stereo Boombox Junk for Parts Untested

End: 02.08. 2023 03:39:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 445.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285382928671
  • Seller: swing77is (83|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Item TitleSony Cf-6500 Stereo Boombox Junk for Parts Untested Payment Supports managed payments Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About Us We are located in Japan. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item. If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note: -Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. -Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. -These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. -We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you for your understanding.

Sony MDR-RF(DS) 6500 7.1 Kabelloser kopfhörer *Gebraucht*

End: 01.08. 2023 17:03:39 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 84.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295832390273
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: tyson1912 (3825|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Seelze Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe hier einen**gebrauchten** kabellosen Kopfhrer mit einem sehr guten klang. + Ein paar neue Ohrpolster,(lege ich mit rein) Ohne ovp Sony MDR-RF 6500 7.1 Stromkabel Bedienungsanleitung Wird so verkauft wie auf dem Foto zusehen.!!!!!!!! Fragen bitte vor Gebotsabgabe stellen!!!!! Hat gebrauchsspuren!!!!! Keine Garantie oder Rcknahme!!!!!!

Panasonic PT-RZ670B U( Zero Hours ) 6500 lúmenes Projector WUXGA (1920 x 1200

End: 01.08. 2023 05:46:07 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 3249.62 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354937859088
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jonnip9191_5 (63|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic PT-RZ670B U 6500 lmenes ANSI DLP Projector WUXGA (1920 x 1200.. This projector is totally new since it has 0 hours of use as shown in the images, but it is from an open box. It works correctly and only has a small scratch on the top, it contains all its accessories as it comes from the factory...


End: 31.07. 2023 09:43:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354887194769
  • Seller: 845value (637|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Palm Beach, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Sony TR-6500 Transistor Radio Service Manual Factory Original The Real Thing

End: 31.07. 2023 02:22:20 on Monday
  • Condition: Sehr Gut
  • Price: 14.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235040107211
  • Seller: snoopwiz (11847|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lakehurst, Ontario Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 9,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony TR-6500 service manual. This is an original factory released manual, it is not a copy. In very good condition. We will include a stiff cardboard insert and a Please Do Not Bend sticker on the envelope to help maintain the integrity of the manual.

Sony RF 6500

End: 27.07. 2023 17:35:56 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225682320369
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: buddyhautdenlukas (153|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hemer Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony RF 6500. Verkaufe meine Sony MDR-RF6500 Funkkopfhrer. 7.1 Kopfhrer, zum Filme schauen oder zocken. Erstklassiger Sound. hnliche Overear gibt es am Markt kaum, und nicht unter 200. Das Gert ist technisch voll funktionsfhig. Polster sind einwandfrei. Fast wie neu. Lieferumfang: Kopfhrer, Ladestation, Netzteil und Chinch Kabel.

Epson Pro G7500U 3LCD Projector 6500 ANSI Home Theatre 4K HDMI - 653Hr NO LENS

End: 25.07. 2023 12:45:47 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 466.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185994622264
  • Seller: d-dog0818 (1803|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bellefonte, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for your interest in this Epson Pro G7500U 3LCD Projector 6500 ANSI Home Theatre 4K HDMI - NO LENS This projector was removed in good working condition (other than missing a lens) from a business that recently sold off some assets We installed a compatible lens (not included) in the projector and tested it over HDMI, finding the picture to be sharp and colorful The included lamp has 653 hours of Normal operation and 72 hours of ECO operation The lamp is rated at 3000 Normal / 4000 ECO, so it should still have most of its life left Feel free to ask any questions and we will do our best to get back to you promptly Here are additional specifications on the G7500U courtesy of Projector Central Epson Pro G7500U Projector SpecificationsMSRP$5,699 (USD)Best Used ForHigher EducationHouse of WorshipCorporate/BusinessEvents/StagingMuseum/ExhibitsSimulationStatusDiscontinued Aug 2021ReleasedJune 2016Warranty3 YearsUser Reviews(1)Review this ProjectorGlobalAlso sold as the Epson CB-G7500U outside of the USA. (Specs may differ) Switch to MetricWhite Brightness6,500 ANSI LumensColor Brightness6,500 Lumens CLOResolution1920x12004K w/pixel shiftingAspect Ratio16:10 (WUXGA)Contrast50,000:1 (full on/off)Dynamic IrisYesDisplay Type3LCD ChipsColor Processing10-bitVideo Modes720p, 1080i, 1080p/60, 1080p/50, 576i, 576p, 480p, 480iData ModesMAX 3840x2400Lamp Type400W UHE bulbLamp Life3,000 hours / 4,000 hours (Eco)Lamp ModelV13H010L93 / ELPLP93 Buy Replacement LampIncluded Lens1.6x Powered zoom , Powered focusOptional LensesELPLL08 Long Zoom LensThrow Ratio 7.21:1-10.11:1ELPLM08 Middle Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 1.44:1-2.32:1ELPLM09 Middle Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 2.16:1-3.48:1ELPLM10 Middle Zoom #3 LensThrow Ratio 3.32:1-5.06:1ELPLM11 Middle Zoom #4 LensThrow Ratio 4.85:1-7.38:1ELPLU03S Short Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 0.65:1-0.78:1ELPLU04 Short Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 0.87:1-1.05:1ELPLW05 Wide Zoom #1 LensThrow Ratio 1.04:1-1.46:1ELPLW06 Wide Zoom #2 LensThrow Ratio 1.62:1-2.22:1ELPLX01 Short Fixed LensThrow Ratio 0.35:1Lens ShiftHorizontal +/-30% & Vertical +/-67%Throw Distance4.9 - 30.5 Calculate Throw DistanceImage Size29.89 - 299.73Throw Ratio1.44:1 - 2.32:1 (D:W)Digital ZoomYesDigital KeystoneHorizontal & VerticalProjector Size6.50 x 20.70 x 16.70 (HxWxD)Weight28.4 lbsAudible Noise39 dB / 31 dB (Eco)Internal Speakers10.0 Watts MonoPower601 Watts 100V - 240VConnection PanelAudio In: Mini Jack x 3Audio Out: Mini JackDVI Digital InputHDBaseT: RJ-45HDMINetwork: RJ-45RGB In: BNCRS232: DB-9pinUSB x 2VGA In: Dsub-15pinVGA Out: Dsub-15pinFeatures2:3 PulldownDICOMOperate 24/7Edge BlendingGeometric CorrectionFrame InterpolationLens Memory2:2 PulldownCrestron RoomView™

Panasonic PT-RZ670B U( Zero Hours ) 6500 lúmenes Projector WUXGA (1920 x 1200

End: 25.07. 2023 05:45:35 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 3214.7 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354922656118
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jonnip9191_5 (63|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic PT-RZ670B U 6500 lmenes ANSI DLP Projector WUXGA (1920 x 1200.. This projector is totally new since it has 0 hours of use as shown in the images, but it is from an open box. It works correctly and only has a small scratch on the top, it contains all its accessories as it comes from the factory...

Epson, Powerlite Pro G6270W Projector 6500 Lmns 1280x800 HDMI, 17 Lamp Hours.

End: 24.07. 2023 18:49:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 292.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374764058766
  • Seller: uwilllikeit (33105|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dawsonville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Make: Epson Model: G6270W Part Number: ** Description: You are looking at a Epson G6270W Projector w/ 17 Hrs Large Venue 1280x800 6.5K Lumens HDMI.This model features closed captioning.This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 6,500 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280x800 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The zoom lens on the Epson Pro G6270W has an impressive zoom ratio of 1.82x combined with the ability to shift the lens which allows for flexibility in positioning. Functionality: Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale. Condition: Used in good condition, some signs of wear from previous use. Accessories: Power + HDMI Cables Quality Assurance Plan We do our best to ensure each and every product we sell is fully tested and free of problems. We try to note any issues we notice and describe them in the listing. Everything included in this ad is shown in the pictures unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, please do not assume that it is included. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us through eBay immediately upon receipt of your item if you have any issues. We will help to resolve any issues quickly and fairly. Recycling As an R2 certified company we desire to ensure that electronic equipment is recycled in compliance with local, state, and federal laws upon reaching the end of its useful life or becoming un-useful for any reason. Your participation in ensuring proper recycling of the equipment is appreciated. Please help us responsibly recycle any unused parts by taking to your local recycling facility or by shipping back to us once the item has reached the end of its useful life. We appreciate your business and your effort in helping to reduce electronic waste in our landfills. 30 Day Return Policy All buyers located in Georgia will pay 7.0% sales tax. Depending on your location, eBay may be required to charge sales tax in accordance with the Internet Sales Tax laws. Buyer can pay with: PayPal. Everything included in the ad is shown in the pictures and listed in the accessories line unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, or it is not listed above next to Accessories, please do not assume that it is included. A3CLM

Epson, Powerlite Pro G6270W Projector 6500 Lmns 1280x800 HDMI, 765 Lamp Hours.

End: 24.07. 2023 18:49:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 292.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374764008682
  • Seller: uwilllikeit (33105|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dawsonville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Make: Epson Model: G6270W Part Number: ** Description: You are looking at a Epson G6270W Projector w/ 765 Hrs Large Venue 1280x800 6.5K Lumens HDMI.This model features closed captioning.This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 6,500 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280x800 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The zoom lens on the Epson Pro G6270W has an impressive zoom ratio of 1.82x combined with the ability to shift the lens which allows for flexibility in positioning. Functionality: Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale. Condition: Used in good condition, some signs of wear from previous use. Accessories: Power + HDMI Cables Quality Assurance Plan We do our best to ensure each and every product we sell is fully tested and free of problems. We try to note any issues we notice and describe them in the listing. Everything included in this ad is shown in the pictures unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, please do not assume that it is included. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us through eBay immediately upon receipt of your item if you have any issues. We will help to resolve any issues quickly and fairly. Recycling As an R2 certified company we desire to ensure that electronic equipment is recycled in compliance with local, state, and federal laws upon reaching the end of its useful life or becoming un-useful for any reason. Your participation in ensuring proper recycling of the equipment is appreciated. Please help us responsibly recycle any unused parts by taking to your local recycling facility or by shipping back to us once the item has reached the end of its useful life. We appreciate your business and your effort in helping to reduce electronic waste in our landfills. 30 Day Return Policy All buyers located in Georgia will pay 7.0% sales tax. Depending on your location, eBay may be required to charge sales tax in accordance with the Internet Sales Tax laws. Buyer can pay with: PayPal. Everything included in the ad is shown in the pictures and listed in the accessories line unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, or it is not listed above next to Accessories, please do not assume that it is included. A3CLM

Vintage 1980s Sony Boombox Cf-6500 Cassette-corder Am/fm Stereo

End: 23.07. 2023 20:12:05 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 229.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175820806961
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: tariq_moh (1205|95.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ajman ae
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 84,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage 1980s Sony Boombox Cf-6500 Cassette-corder Am/fm Stereo I dont have power cabel .I test it with battery Cassette work but I think sound not clear Radio works Please see the photos carefully for conditionSold as is For fast sale make offer

OEM Home Cinema 6500 Replacement Lamp for Epson Projector (Osram Inside)

End: 22.07. 2023 16:35:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 131.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364271813054
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (43000|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 33,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector lamps TV lamps Toys Home & other OEM Home Cinema 6500 Replacement Lamp for Epson Projector (Osram Inside) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for Epson Home Cinema 6500. Aurabeam Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Aurabeam housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Aurabeam Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8500UBEpson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UBEpson PowerLite Home Cinema 8100Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100Epson Home Cinema 6100Epson Home Cinema 6500Epson Home Cinema 8345Epson Home Cinema 8350Epson Home Cinema 8700Epson PowerLite 6100Epson PowerLite 6500Epson PowerLite 7100Epson PowerLite 7500Epson EMP-TW3000Epson EMP-TW4000Epson EH-TW2800Epson EH-TW2900Epson EH-TW3000Epson EH-TW3200Epson EH-TW3500Epson EH-TW3800Epson EH-TW4500Epson EH-TW5000Epson EH-TW5800Epson ELPLP49 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment We are one of the biggest distributors of DLP and LCD lamps and bulbs. We are a member of the National Electronics Service Dealers Association, as well as the BBB Online. With well over thousands of online transactions, you can trust our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff! Authorized dealer, backed by an established business setup. Excellent Customer service Free Troubleshooting service and free technical support Hassle free warranty guaranteed Super fast shipping... read reviews! Experts on the Lamp Market, We have verified specialist to ensure you can find the correct bulb for you Quality and superior products Above all, thousands of satisfied customers. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent, please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

OEM PowerLite 6500 Replacement Lamp for Epson Projector (Osram Inside)

End: 22.07. 2023 16:35:56 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 131.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115813443897
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (43000|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 35,63 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector lamps TV lamps Toys Home & other OEM PowerLite 6500 Replacement Lamp for Epson Projector (Osram Inside) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for Epson PowerLite 6500. Aurabeam Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Aurabeam housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Aurabeam Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8500UBEpson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UBEpson PowerLite Home Cinema 8100Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100Epson Home Cinema 6100Epson Home Cinema 6500Epson Home Cinema 8345Epson Home Cinema 8350Epson Home Cinema 8700Epson PowerLite 6100Epson PowerLite 6500Epson PowerLite 7100Epson PowerLite 7500Epson EMP-TW3000Epson EMP-TW4000Epson EH-TW2800Epson EH-TW2900Epson EH-TW3000Epson EH-TW3200Epson EH-TW3500Epson EH-TW3800Epson EH-TW4500Epson EH-TW5000Epson EH-TW5800Epson ELPLP49 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment We are one of the biggest distributors of DLP and LCD lamps and bulbs. We are a member of the National Electronics Service Dealers Association, as well as the BBB Online. With well over thousands of online transactions, you can trust our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff! Authorized dealer, backed by an established business setup. Excellent Customer service Free Troubleshooting service and free technical support Hassle free warranty guaranteed Super fast shipping... read reviews! Experts on the Lamp Market, We have verified specialist to ensure you can find the correct bulb for you Quality and superior products Above all, thousands of satisfied customers. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent, please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Compatible Home Cinema 6500 Replacement Projection Lamp for Epson Projector

End: 21.07. 2023 16:33:37 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 29.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364270203130
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (43000|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector lamps TV lamps Toys Home & other Compatible Home Cinema 6500 Replacement Projection Lamp for Epson Projector Description: Economy Front Projection lamp for Epson Home Cinema 6500. For a better and brighter picture look for the Aurabeam Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Aurabeam Professional series replacement lamps. Compatible Models: Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8500UBEpson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UBEpson PowerLite Home Cinema 8100Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100Epson Home Cinema 6100Epson Home Cinema 6500Epson Home Cinema 8345Epson Home Cinema 8350Epson Home Cinema 8700Epson PowerLite 6100Epson PowerLite 6500Epson PowerLite 7100Epson PowerLite 7500Epson EMP-TW3000Epson EMP-TW4000Epson EH-TW2800Epson EH-TW2900Epson EH-TW3000Epson EH-TW3200Epson EH-TW3500Epson EH-TW3800Epson EH-TW4500Epson EH-TW5000Epson EH-TW5800Epson ELPLP49 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment We are one of the biggest distributors of DLP and LCD lamps and bulbs. We are a member of the National Electronics Service Dealers Association, as well as the BBB Online. With well over thousands of online transactions, you can trust our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff! Authorized dealer, backed by an established business setup. Excellent Customer service Free Troubleshooting service and free technical support Hassle free warranty guaranteed Super fast shipping... read reviews! Experts on the Lamp Market, We have verified specialist to ensure you can find the correct bulb for you Quality and superior products Above all, thousands of satisfied customers. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent, please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difficulty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Home Cinema 6500 Replacement For Epson Lamp (Osram Bulb)

End: 19.07. 2023 16:36:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 113.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334881188560
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70615|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:ELPLP49,EH-TW2800,EH-TW2900,EH-TW3000,EH-TW3200,EH-TW3500,EH-TW3800,EH-TW4500,EH-TW5000,EH-TW5800,EMP-TW3000,EMP-TW4000,Home Cinema 6100,Home Cinema 6500,Home Cinema 8345,Home Cinema 8350,Home Cinema 8700,PowerLite 6100,PowerLite 6500,PowerLite 7100,PowerLite 7500,PowerLite Home Cinema 8100,PowerLite Home Cinema 8500UB,PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100,PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UB Home Cinema 6500 Replacement For Epson Lamp (Osram Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for Epson Home Cinema 6500. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8500UBEpson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UBEpson PowerLite Home Cinema 8100Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100Epson Home Cinema 6100Epson Home Cinema 6500Epson Home Cinema 8345Epson Home Cinema 8350Epson Home Cinema 8700Epson PowerLite 6100Epson PowerLite 6500Epson PowerLite 7100Epson PowerLite 7500Epson EMP-TW3000Epson EMP-TW4000Epson EH-TW2800Epson EH-TW2900Epson EH-TW3000Epson EH-TW3200Epson EH-TW3500Epson EH-TW3800Epson EH-TW4500Epson EH-TW5000Epson EH-TW5800Epson ELPLP49 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through