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Thorens TDK 125 MK II Turntable With Shure SME 3009 Tone Arm

End: 10.04. 2024 21:09:11 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2138.84 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266752735144
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: strat1953 (3341|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition. New cover. Works great! Includes a Shure sme-3009 tone arm with a Shure V15 type 3 cartridge and stylus. Also includes original paperwork.

Thorens TD 321 MK 2 mit SME 3009 Series III und AT OC 9. Top!

End: 07.04. 2024 18:04:40 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 950.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315260689265
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: onion-city-trader (2097|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Griesheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 321 MK 2 mit SME 3009 Series III und AT OC 9. Top!BeschreibungIch habe meine Schallplattensammlung aufgelöst und verkaufe jetzt nach und nach meine Analoge Technik.Absolutes Highlight ist der Plattenspielen von Thorens TD 321 MK II mit ähnlicher Ausstattung wie das Flackschiff 531.Der PS wurde aufgerüstet mit dem High End Tonarm SME 3009 / Series III und dem High End Tonabnehmer System Audio Technica AT OC 9, mit doppelter Schwingspule und einem Übertragungsbereich von 15 - 50.000 HZ, das maximal 100 Stunden gelaufen ist.Alle Unterlagen sind im Original erhalten, das Zubehör wird selbstverständlich mitgeliefert.Der PS steht auf Spike - Dämpfern von Perfect Sound die selbstverständlich dabei sind.Das Gerät steht in einem gepflegten Haushalt ohne Tiere, ohne Rauch und ohne Corona.Leider konnte ich keine besseren Fotos machen, da der PS im Schrank eingebaut ist und die Beleuchtung nicht optimal war. Einen Versand will ich nicht ausschließen, aber da das System insgesamt sehr sensibel ist rate ich davon ab, oder das Risiko trägt der Käufer.Natürlich würde ich versuchen alles so gut wie möglich zu verpacken.Alternativ biete ich an das Gerät selbst zu liefern in einem Umkreis von 200 KM um 64347 Griesheim, dann allerdings nur gegen Vorkasse. Die ist ein privater Verkauf. Garantie, Gewährleistung usw. sind ausgeschlossen.Irrtum vorbehalten. Kontakt bitte über mail. Danke. Lieber ebayer, Leider ist der nachfolgende Text so oder ähnlich bei Privatverkäufen mittlerweile üblich und notwendig: Alle Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen gemacht. Wie Sie aus meinen Bewertungen sehen können verkaufe ich einwandfreie Ware und lege Wert auf eine reibungslose Abwicklung. Sollte einmal ein Qualitätsmangel vorliegen, so weise ich ausdrücklich darauf hin. Unser Haushalt ist sauber, Corona,- Tier- und Rauch - FREI. Fall ich einmal etwas übersehen haben sollte, so bin ich selbstverständlich jederzeit ansprechbar. Bitte unverzüglich Kontakt mit mir aufnehmen. Bitte stellen Sie Fragen bevor Sie ein Gebot abgeben. Der Versand erfolgt in der Regel versichert, es sei denn ich weise darauf hin, z.B. bei kleinen Artikeln mit geringem Wert. Hier ist auch der Versand als Päckchen oder als Warensendung möglich. Die Versandkosten sind ausschließlich für Deutschland (Inland ohne Inseln). Falls Sie eine andere Versandart wünschen, klären Sie das bitte vor Abgabe Ihre Angebotes mit mir ab. Nachverhandlungen übersteigen den Aufwand und müssen leider ausgeschlossen werden. Paypal Zahlungen bitte nur von Konten die in Europa geführt werden, oder die Mehrkosten müssen vom Käufer übernommen werden (z.B. Asien +3,5%). Irrtum vorbehalten. Hinweis: Markennamen sind Eigentum des Rechtsinhabers und werden von mir nur verwendet, weil sie Bestandteil des Produktes sind und die Qualität kennzeichnen, bzw. zur Beschreibung und Definition des Artikels notwendig waren. Lieber Käufer,ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit die nach neuem EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Garantie und Umtauschrecht von einem Jahr auf alle hier angebotenen Produkte aus. Mit Abgabe eines Gebots nimmt der Bieter den Haftungsauschluss und die AGB von eBay an und akzeptiert, dass es sich bei einer Auktion um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes handelt und dem Höchstbietenden kein Widerrufsrecht gemäß dem Fernabsatzgesetz zusteht. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gehen Sie mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes eine Kaufverpflichtung ein und verzichten auf jegliche Garantie und Gewährleistung, sowie Rückgabe und Umtausch, egal aus welchen Gründen.Viel Erfolg.

Thorens TDK 125 MK II Turntable With Shure SME 3009 Tone Arm

End: 03.04. 2024 21:08:53 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2125.2 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266740819637
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: strat1953 (3338|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition. New cover. Works great! Includes a Shure sme-3009 tone arm with a Shure V15 type 3 cartridge and stylus. Also includes original paperwork.

Restored Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Also Sme 3009 Possible

End: 01.04. 2024 20:57:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2180.82 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116089339790
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6232|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Also Sme 3009 PossibleThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 125 MKII in flight green and stainless steelAlso possible with different SME 3009 tonearms20kg turntableOur record players are lovingly put together, restored and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color, veneer grain or other details. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle: 10mmBasic dimensions:            Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of endurance testHousing:The housing consists of 40mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base, also made of MDF. The surface was painted several times and then polished. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Basic dimensions of the frame (without feet): 525mm x 413mm x 97mmWeight (without feet): 6.3 kgOrtofon OM5E cartridge:The Ortofon OM5E is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The OM5E features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. Drive belt:The drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood:for placing on the housing: 160 Device feet XXL: 90Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact area with the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Total weight 2520g, diameter 65mm, height 26mmSME tonearms (the matching systems are selected according to the tonearms): SME Series III (replaceable tonearm tube, eff. Mass approx. 5g): 690 SME 3009 improved (fixed headshell, eff. Mass 6.5g): 690 SME 3009 S2 improved (replaceable headshell, eff. Mass 9.5g): 690 SME 3009 Series II (replaceable headshell, eff. Mass 12.5g): 790 Cartridge MM system including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 740ML (Microlinear): 339 AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 750 SH (Shibata): 439 AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 760 SLC (special line): 699Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 Cartridge MC System including installation: ORTOFON Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 ORTOFON Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 ORTOFON Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 ORTOFON Quinted Black (Shibata): 940 ORTOFON Cadenza Red (Fineline): 1299 AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369 AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33EV (elliptical): 499AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33PTG/II (Microlinear): 599AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33SA (Shibata): 799Our record players are lovingly put together, restored and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color, veneer grain or other details. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test completes the complex work. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 29.03. 2024 20:16:19 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2308.13 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116085779345
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6269|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,69 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180 Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger, naked): 390Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 90 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190 Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250: 890 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The Ortofon Alpha is a full-fledged pickup. It impresses with its temperament and neutral basic character. The VinylMaster Alpha features an elliptical stylus that allows for balanced and distortion-free playback. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009 IN Birnenholz Oiled

End: 28.03. 2024 22:21:44 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2894.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116084328578
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6269|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 205,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009 Birnenholz OiledThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/230/ 50Hz or 110V/120/60Hz (for example USA)DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!DANGER! The following change applies! The turntable plate is no longer delivered in polished but in matt black!You can find even more interesting offers from us. Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyRevised by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned 125 MKII with SME 3009 in a solid oiled pear wood frame20kg turntablePlease note that wood is a natural product. The grain and color will always differ from the item photos.Our record players are lovingly put together, restored and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color, veneer grain or other details.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as shown)Device feet: Stainless steel, height adjustable, 65mm x 25mm, total weight 2.5kgLift control:          Frontally on the control bar and on the tonearmLimit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mmThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of an endurance testHousing:The housing consists of 40mm solid pear wood side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. The surface was oiled and polished several times. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable stainless steel device feet are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Basic dimensions of the frame (without feet): 525mm x 413mm x 97mmWeight (without feet): approx. 6.3kgOrtofon VM Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is painted matt black. It gives your record player a lasting and discreet elegance. Drive belt:The drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system. --The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood to be placed on the housing: 160Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 399Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 109Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked):229Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 740ML (Microlinear): 339AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 750 SH (Shibata): 439AUDIO TECHNICA VM 760 SLC (special line contact grind): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33EV (elliptical): 499AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33PTG/II (Microlinear): 599AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33SA (Shibata): 799With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modifizierter Artikel Ja Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Ausländisches Produkt Ja Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Thorens Td-320Mkii/Sme 3009 With Imp Serviced Record Player

End: 28.03. 2024 17:30:41 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2266.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226034684677
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (813|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009 Birnenholz Oiled

End: 27.03. 2024 22:24:40 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2745.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145635369798
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6225|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,26 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009 Birnenholz OiledThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Thorens TDK 125 MK II Turntable With Shure SME 3009 Tone Arm

End: 27.03. 2024 21:05:57 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2125.59 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266730153126
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: strat1953 (3335|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition. New cover. Works great! Includes a Shure sme-3009 tone arm with a Shure V15 type 3 cartridge and stylus. Also includes original paperwork.

Desired Color! Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Sme 3009 Series III

End: 22.03. 2024 20:34:52 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2933.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116063234549
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6242|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 204,4 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Desired Color! Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Sme 3009 Series IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.You can choose the color of the housing, top plate and tonearm base yourself.You can choose the color of the housing, the cover plate and the tonearm base yourself.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA) Restored Thorens TD125 MKII with SME 3009 Series III Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mmThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of an endurance testHousing:Painted in your desired color!The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. It is painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Cover plate:The cover plate is painted in your desired color!Tonearm base:The tonearm base is painted in your desired color!Device feet:There are four height-adjustable ones on the bottom of the case SPIKES Installed from chrome-plated stainless steel.Ortofon VM Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine. The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood to be placed on the housing: 160Device feet:Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact area with the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.XL (see pictures 11 and 12): 84XXL (see pictures 9 and 10): 130Cartridge MM system including installation: Ortofon VinylMaster Red (naked elliptical cut):             220Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut):        470 Ortofon 2MRed (elliptical):             99Ortofon 2M Blue (diamond cut):   220Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline diamond cut): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata diamond cut):         599 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata diamond cut):              945audio-technica VM740ML Dual MM (Microlinear Needle):        339audio-technica VM750SH Dual MM (Shibata needle):                439 audio-technica VM760SLC Dual MM (Special Line Contact):  699Cartridge MC System including installation: audio-technica AT-OC9XML Dual MC (Microlinear Needle):    599 audio-technica AT-OC9XSH Dual MC (Shibata needle grind):  699 audio-technica AT-OC9XSLDual MC (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. It is painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxy Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modifizierter Artikel Ja Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Ausländisches Produkt Ja Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Thorens TDK 125 MK II Turntable With Shure SME 3009 Tone Arm

End: 20.03. 2024 21:05:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2500.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 20:35:8
  • Item number: 266718529579
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Phoenix,AZ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition. New cover. Works great! Includes a Shure sme-3009 tone arm with a Shure V15 type 3 cartridge and stylus. Also includes original paperwork.

Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009

End: 19.03. 2024 08:09:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2253.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116064281235
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6243|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Black Orange Sme 3009 Series III

End: 19.03. 2024 07:52:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2824.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145601846403
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6242|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 204,4 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Black Orange Sme 3009 Series IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA) Restored Thorens TD125 MKII with SME 3009 Series III Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mmThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of an endurance testHousing:The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. The surface was painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Device feet:There are four height-adjustable ones on the bottom of the case SPIKES Installed from chrome-plated stainless steel. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Ortofon VM Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine. The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood: The hood is a new product (replica) with a wall thickness of 4mm, extremely stable, Plexiglas XT, absolutely colorless and clear, break-proof to impact-resistant, weatherproof and... Age-resistant, high-quality surface and flatness: 160XXL device feet (Figure 9-12):Solid stainless steel, height adjustable, total weight 2.5kg, diameter 65mm: 129Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 360Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata, boron needle carrier): 899Cartridge MC System including installation: Audio-technica AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699Audio-technica AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. The surface was painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor m Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Thorens TD 321 MK 2 mit SME 3009 Series III und AT OC 9. Top!

End: 17.03. 2024 18:03:51 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 950.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315214631443
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: onion-city-trader (2095|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Griesheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 321 MK 2 mit SME 3009 Series III und AT OC 9. Top!BeschreibungIch habe meine Schallplattensammlung aufgelöst und verkaufe jetzt nach und nach meine Analoge Technik.Absolutes Highlight ist der Plattenspielen von Thorens TD 321 MK II mit ähnlicher Ausstattung wie das Flackschiff 531.Der PS wurde aufgerüstet mit dem High End Tonarm SME 3009 / Series III und dem High End Tonabnehmer System Audio Technica AT OC 9, mit doppelter Schwingspule und einem Übertragungsbereich von 15 - 50.000 HZ, das maximal 100 Stunden gelaufen ist.Alle Unterlagen sind im Original erhalten, das Zubehör wird selbstverständlich mitgeliefert.Der PS steht auf Spike - Dämpfern von Perfect Sound die selbstverständlich dabei sind.Das Gerät steht in einem gepflegten Haushalt ohne Tiere, ohne Rauch und ohne Corona.Leider konnte ich keine besseren Fotos machen, da der PS im Schrank eingebaut ist und die Beleuchtung nicht optimal war. Einen Versand will ich nicht ausschließen, aber da das System insgesamt sehr sensibel ist rate ich davon ab, oder das Risiko trägt der Käufer.Natürlich würde ich versuchen alles so gut wie möglich zu verpacken.Alternativ biete ich an das Gerät selbst zu liefern in einem Umkreis von 200 KM um 64347 Griesheim, dann allerdings nur gegen Vorkasse. Die ist ein privater Verkauf. Garantie, Gewährleistung usw. sind ausgeschlossen.Irrtum vorbehalten. Kontakt bitte über mail. Danke. Lieber ebayer, Leider ist der nachfolgende Text so oder ähnlich bei Privatverkäufen mittlerweile üblich und notwendig: Alle Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen gemacht. Wie Sie aus meinen Bewertungen sehen können verkaufe ich einwandfreie Ware und lege Wert auf eine reibungslose Abwicklung. Sollte einmal ein Qualitätsmangel vorliegen, so weise ich ausdrücklich darauf hin. Unser Haushalt ist sauber, Corona,- Tier- und Rauch - FREI. Fall ich einmal etwas übersehen haben sollte, so bin ich selbstverständlich jederzeit ansprechbar. Bitte unverzüglich Kontakt mit mir aufnehmen. Bitte stellen Sie Fragen bevor Sie ein Gebot abgeben. Der Versand erfolgt in der Regel versichert, es sei denn ich weise darauf hin, z.B. bei kleinen Artikeln mit geringem Wert. Hier ist auch der Versand als Päckchen oder als Warensendung möglich. Die Versandkosten sind ausschließlich für Deutschland (Inland ohne Inseln). Falls Sie eine andere Versandart wünschen, klären Sie das bitte vor Abgabe Ihre Angebotes mit mir ab. Nachverhandlungen übersteigen den Aufwand und müssen leider ausgeschlossen werden. Paypal Zahlungen bitte nur von Konten die in Europa geführt werden, oder die Mehrkosten müssen vom Käufer übernommen werden (z.B. Asien +3,5%). Irrtum vorbehalten. Hinweis: Markennamen sind Eigentum des Rechtsinhabers und werden von mir nur verwendet, weil sie Bestandteil des Produktes sind und die Qualität kennzeichnen, bzw. zur Beschreibung und Definition des Artikels notwendig waren. Lieber Käufer,ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit die nach neuem EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Garantie und Umtauschrecht von einem Jahr auf alle hier angebotenen Produkte aus. Mit Abgabe eines Gebots nimmt der Bieter den Haftungsauschluss und die AGB von eBay an und akzeptiert, dass es sich bei einer Auktion um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes handelt und dem Höchstbietenden kein Widerrufsrecht gemäß dem Fernabsatzgesetz zusteht. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gehen Sie mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes eine Kaufverpflichtung ein und verzichten auf jegliche Garantie und Gewährleistung, sowie Rückgabe und Umtausch, egal aus welchen Gründen.Viel Erfolg.

SME 3009 MKII Improved Tonearm For Parts Or Repair

End: 14.03. 2024 00:09:38 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 277.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276379683273
  • Seller: fli-fisher (3058|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ridgefield, Washington USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is an SME 3009 MK2 improved tonearm for parts or repair.

Thorens TDK 125 MK II Turntable With Shure SME 3009 Tone Arm

End: 13.03. 2024 21:05:09 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2284.46 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266707267029
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: strat1953 (3327|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition. New cover. Works great! Includes a Shure sme-3009 tone arm with a Shure V15 type 3 cartridge and stylus. Also includes original paperwork.

Desired Color! Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009

End: 12.03. 2024 12:18:49 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2933.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145601846671
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6242|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 204,4 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Desired Color! Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.You can choose the color of the housing, top plate and tonearm base yourself.You can choose the color of the housing, the cover plate and the tonearm base yourself.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA) Restored Thorens TD125 MKII in desired color with SME 3009 ATTENTION: The brass tonearm cutting bearing was replaced by the original plastic one!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mmThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of an endurance testHousing:Painted in your desired color!The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. It is painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Cover plate:The cover plate is painted in your desired color!Device feet:There are four height-adjustable ones on the bottom of the case SPIKES Installed from chrome-plated stainless steel.Ortofon VM Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine. The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions). Plate weight:With a weight of 320g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood: The hood is a new product (replica) with a wall thickness of 4mm, extremely stable, Plexiglas XT, absolutely colorless and clear, break-proof to impact-resistant, weatherproof and... Age-resistant, high-quality surface and flatness: 160XXL device feet:Solid stainless steel, height adjustable, total weight 2.5kg, diameter 65mm: 129Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 360Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata, boron needle carrier): 899The housing consists of 40mm side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. It is painted with several layers of paint and then sealed with clear varnish. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 32 Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modifizierter Artikel Ja Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Ausländisches Produkt Ja Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

tonearm board for thorens td 125 mk II and sme 3009, black

End: 11.03. 2024 17:58:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 75.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 27T 17:42:58
  • Item number: 256410415701
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Mansfield,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    tonearm board for thorens td 125 mk II and sme 3009, black. Comes with 4 screws (one a little bent). The board was taken from a td 125 mkII turntable with an sme 3009 arm. It is in fine working condition with signs of use, minor scratches and scuffs. Easily refinished. as is condition. Ships from Pa.

Thorens TD 126 MK III Electronic+ SME 3009 SERIES II + Dokumente

End: 11.03. 2024 07:54:04 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 700.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145654748801
  • Seller: kubus1204 (1128|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Potsdam Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 126 MK III Electronic+ SME 3009 SERIES II + DokumenteThorens TD 126 MK III Electronic+ SME 3009 SERIES II Aus Nachlass, sucht neuen Besitzer / Sammler / Raritäten-Fan! Testen ist nur bedingt möglich, da mein Verstärker kein MM Eingang hat. Alle wesentliche Funktionen wurden getestet. Vorne Kratzer/Sprung an der Haube, siehe letztes Bild. LIEFERUNG, nach Absprache im Raum Potsdam & Berlin möglich!Gewicht: 14Kg NUR ABHOLUNG! Hinweis: Aufgrund vieler Anfragen: Ich finde auf dem Gerät KEIN Typenschild mehr. Lediglich auf der Garantiekarte steht: Seriennummer: 55288 vom 30.August 1982 Standort: Potsdam / OT Eiche

THORENS TD-125 MK II mit SME 3009 S2 Improved+AT-120Ea serviced! VINTAGE HIGHEND

End: 04.03. 2024 19:46:42 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 779.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 28T 18:49:48
  • Item number: 355439017975
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Königsbach-Stein,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THORENS TD-125 MK II mit SME 3009 S2 Improved+AT-120Ea serviced! VINTAGE HIGHEND

Thorens Td-320Mkii/Sme 3009 With Imp Our Serviced Record Player

End: 04.03. 2024 05:34:02 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2105.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225990846432
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (762|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Release Date1989 Drive SystemBelt drive system Rotation speed33, 1/3, 45 rpm (electronic speed selection) Needle pressure adjustment range0 to 1.5g (0.25g step) Tone arm typeStatically balanced DimensionsW 440 x H 170 x D 350mm Weight: 11kg Features/RemarksRecord player developed as an improved model of the TD320, a compact version of the TD520, featuring a short arm for easy handling Features / RemarksPlease enjoy the sound extension and spacious sound by THORENS unique floating suspension system. Features & RemarksSME 3009/Series II Improved ?Tone arm that is an improved version of 3009/SeriesII, adopting technologies such as arm mass separation by 3-point elastic coupling.DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures, please contact us. Due to differences in region codes, some games, CDs, DVDs, etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia, Canada, and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase, the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Restored Thorens TD160 Mkii Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III

End: 02.03. 2024 10:14:11 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2232.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116066142703
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6202|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 206,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 Mkii Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting petrol metallicThe Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:High-gloss finish in black, turntable support in transparent acrylic glass, 7 single puck made of demagnetized stainless steelHeight-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160Hood large (to put on the base): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Blue (Nude fineline cut): 299Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inneThe housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inne Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met

End: 29.02. 2024 12:33:48 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2258.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116066319490
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6202|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 207,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue MetThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Discount and more interesting offers from us... Take a look at... Art and Sound GermanyIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Revised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch:     NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions:            Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure):    180The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160Hood large (to put on the base):           180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 399 The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact se Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland

Revised Thorens Td 125 Mkii Turntable With Sme 3009 IN Birnenholz Oiled

End: 28.02. 2024 13:25:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2803.08 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145607051284
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6202|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Achern Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 209,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revised Thorens Td 125 Mkii Turntable With Sme 3009 IN Birnenholz OiledThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Revised by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned 125 MKII with SME 3009 in a solid oiled pear wood frame20kg turntablePlease note that wood is a natural product. The grain and color will always differ from the item photos.Our record players are lovingly put together, restored and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color, veneer grain or other details.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as shown)Device feet: Stainless steel, height adjustable, 65mm x 25mm, total weight 2.5kgLift control:          Frontally on the control bar and on the tonearmLimit switch:      NoInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 525mm, depth: 413mm, height 97mmThe following work will be carried out:Revision of electronic and mechanical componentsUm- or Components required for installationSetting and balancing the different speedsAdjustment and adjustment of the suspensionChecking and adjusting the tonearm and cartridge Thorough cleaning of the entire record playerExecution of an endurance testHousing:The housing consists of 40mm solid pear wood side panels and a 16mm thick MDF base. The surface was oiled and polished several times. The connection panel for all required cables is located on the back. Four height-adjustable stainless steel device feet are installed on the bottom of the housing. The base is screwed to the frame and can be easily removed.Basic dimensions of the frame (without feet): 525mm x 413mm x 97mmWeight (without feet): approx. 6.3kgOrtofon VM Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine. The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine. Drive belt:The drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system. --The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood to be placed on the housing: 160Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 399Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 109Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked):229Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 740ML (Microlinear): 339AUDIO-TECHNICA VM 750 SH (Shibata): 439AUDIO TECHNICA VM 760 SLC (special line contact grind): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation: AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33EV (elliptical): 499AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33PTG/II (Microlinear): 599AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-33SA (Shibata): 799With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next higher needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modifizierter Artikel Ja Modell TD 125 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Ausländisches Produkt Ja Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland