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Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2 Beamer Standard Throw-Projektor 500 ANSI Lumen DLP 1

End: 07.07. 2023 10:08:49 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 655.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195779895703
  • Seller: trippodoshop (1485|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 26,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PC-KOMPONENTEN DRONI MONITOR NOTEBOOK PC DESKTOP PERIPHERALS SMARTPHONE SMARTWATCH DRUCKER TABLET FERNSEHEN GAMES VIDEOPROIETTORI Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2 Beamer Standard Throw-Projektor 500 ANSI Lumen DLP 1080p (1920x1080) Schwarz, Weiß Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2. Projektorhelligkeit: 500 ANSI Lumen, Projektionstechnologie: DLP, native Auflösung des Projektors: 1080p (1920x1080). Typ der Lichtquelle: LED. Fokus: Auto, Projektionsverhältnis: 1.2:1. Unterstützte Video-Modi: 1080p. WLAN-Standards: 802.11a,802.11b,802.11g,Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)ProjektorProjektorhelligkeit500 ANSI LumenProjektionstechnologieDLPnative Auflösung des Projektors1080p (1920x1080)Smart ProjektorJaProjektionsflächenkapazität1524 - 3048 mm (60 - 120 Zoll)Projektionsabstand1,6 - 3,2 mLichtquelleTyp der LichtquelleLEDObjektivFokusAutoProjektionsverhältnis1.2:1VideoFull-HDJaUnterstützte Video-Modi1080pAnschlüsse und SchnittstellenAnzahl HDMI-Anschlüsse1DVI AnschlussNeinAnzahl USB 2.0 Anschlüsse1Kopfhörerausgänge1Gleichstrom-Anschluss (DC)JaNetzwerkSmart-TVJaEingebauter Ethernet-AnschlussNeinWLANJaWLAN-Standards802.11a,802.11b,802.11g,Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)BluetoothJaBluetooth Low Energy (BLE)JaSpeichermediumIntegrierter KartenleserNeinMerkmaleInteraktivNeinGeräuschpegel28 dBMultimediaEingebaute LautsprecherJaAnzahl eingebauter Lautsprecher2DesignProdukttypStandard Throw-ProjektorMarktpositionierungHeimkinoProduktfarbeSchwarz, WeißBildschirmEingebautes DisplayNeinLeistungEnergiequelleACStromverbrauch (Standardbetrieb)65 WStromverbrauch (Standby)0,5 WNetzteil Ausgangsspannung19 VBetriebsbedingungenBetriebstemperatur0 - 40 °CTemperaturbereich bei Lagerung-20 - 55 °CRelative Luftfeuchtigkeit in Betrieb20 - 80%Luftfeuchtigkeit bei Lagerung0 - 90%Gewicht und AbmessungenGewicht1,3 kgBreite115 mmTiefe150 mmHöhe150 mmLieferumfangFernbedienung enthaltenNein Weitere Informationen Zahlungen Wir akzeptieren die gängigsten Zahlungsarten APPIEFFE GROUP SRL bietet seinen Kunden verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden an, so dass sie diejenige auswählen können, die ihren BedÜrfnissen und Gewohnheiten am besten entspricht. Mit PAYPAL können Benutzer Zahlungen in Echtzeit und auf eine kostenlose und absolut sichere Weise senden, da keine Weitergabe von Finanzinformationen erforderlich ist. Paypal autorisiert Zahlungen in 25 verschiedenen Währungen. BANKÜBERWEISUNG ermöglicht die direkte Zahlung auf das Girokonto der Bank Sendungen Der Versand erfolgt per Express-Kurier: UPS, FEDEX, TNT, BRT, GLS. WE SHIP WORLDWIDE, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE ITEM PLEASE ASK THE SHIPPING COSTS Alle Sendungen werden von unserem BÜro in Rom aus bearbeitet und an internationale Hauptkuriere weitergeleitet, basierend auf dem endgÜltigen Bestimmungsort, Gewicht und Wert der Bestellung. Es gibt keine Teillieferungen: Bestellungen werden bearbeitet, wenn alle bestellten Produkte verfÜgbar sind. Im Inland erfolgt die Lieferung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Versandbestätigung (Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit dem Sendungsverfolgungscode Ihrer Bestellung) und kann in den Regionen Apulien, Basilikata und Kalabrien bis zu 48 Stunden und 48/72 Stunden dauern Arbeiten fÜr die Inseln. In Europa und in der Übrigen Welt variieren die Lieferzeiten zwischen 2 und 7 Werktagen (es ist möglich, dass bei Bestimmungsorten außerhalb der EU Zölle und / oder Zollkosten anfallen, die nicht von uns abhängig sind und von denen wir möglicherweise nichts wissen : Daher empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich vor dem Absenden einer Bestellung an die örtlichen Zollbehörden zu wenden, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Alle Bestellungen, die vor 13:00 Uhr eingehen, werden am selben Tag bearbeitet und innerhalb von 24/48 Stunden versandt, sofern nicht anders angegeben und innerhalb der nächsten 24/48 Stunden zugestellt. Der Kurier liefert von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 8.30 und 18.00 Uhr. Es ist in keiner Weise möglich, die Uhrzeit und / oder den Tag der Lieferung der Produkte festzulegen oder die Lieferung an Postfächer anzufordern. Der bei der Bestellung berechnete Beitrag zu den Transportkosten kann variieren, wenn die Größe und / oder das Gewicht der Waren das Mindestgewicht / die Gesamtabmessungen Überschreiten. Wenn die Lieferadresse von der Rechnungsadresse abweicht, geben Sie diese bitte in den Anmerkungen zur Bestellung an, um unnötige Verzögerungen zu vermeiden. Bedingungen TRIPPODO SHOP stellt fÜr jede Bestellung einen Steuerbeleg aus und wird als Anhang zur Sendung versendet.? Weitere Informationen Nach Ausstellung einer Rechnung wird das Dokument gemäß Artikel 14 des Präsidialerlasses per E-Mail an den Auftragsinhaber weitergeleitet 445/2000 und DL 52/2004. Bei Rechnungsstellung sind die Angaben des Kunden zum Zeitpunkt des Bestellvorschlags verbindlich. Eine Änderung der Rechnung ist nach deren Ausstellung nicht mehr möglich. Bei Lieferung der Ware durch den Kurier ist der Kunde verpflichtet zu prÜfen: a) dass die Anzahl der gelieferten Pakete den Angaben im Beförderungsdokument des Kuriers entspricht; b) dass die Verpackung intakt ist, weder beschädigt noch nass oder anderweitig verändert wurde, auch nicht in den Verschlussmaterialien (Klebeband der Verpackung / Umschlag oder Riemen oder Metallklammern); Im Falle von Manipulationen und / oder sogar geringfÜgigen Beschädigungen (z. B. Risse am Beutel, zerdrÜckte Ecken, Bruchstellen oder Manipulationen an der Außenverpackung, Austausch der Originalbänder) muss der Kunde die Verpackung abholen, indem er die Schrift auf dem vom Spediteur erhaltenen Lieferdokument anbringt RÜCKZUG MIT INTERNEM KONTROLLRESERVE, der den Grund fÜr das RESERVE klar beschreibt. Jegliche Beschädigung oder NichtÜbereinstimmung in der Anzahl der Pakete oder Angaben muss sofort dem Kurier gemeldet werden, der die Lieferung vornimmt. Nach der Gegenzeichnung des vom Kurier ausgestellten Briefes kann der Kunde keinen Widerspruch gegen die äußeren Merkmale des Zustellungsgegenstandes erheben. Alle Probleme in Bezug auf die physische Integrität, die Korrespondenz oder die Vollständigkeit der erhaltenen Produkte mÜssen innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach Lieferung per E-Mail an TRIPPODO SHOP gemeldet werden. Bei Nichtabholung innerhalb von 5 Arbeitstagen nach Einlagerung des Materials in den Kurierlagern (aufgrund der wiederholten Unfähigkeit, an die vom Kunden bei der Bestellung angegebene Adresse zu liefern), wird die Ware an die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL und die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL zurÜckgesandt Bestellung gilt als storniert. Dem Kunden wird der Kaufpreis abzÜglich der Kosten fÜr den Hin- und RÜckversand sowie etwaiger GebÜhren / Provisionen erstattet, die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL zur Erstattung des Kunden berechnet. APPIEFFE GROUP SRL - Via Codigoro, 9 - 00127 - (RM) Tel: +39 6 92939466 - P.Iva: 11872671000 Prestalia e-commerce solutions.

Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2 Pro Beamer Standard Throw-Projektor 1300 ANSI Lumen

End: 07.07. 2023 10:08:48 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 960.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195779895605
  • Seller: trippodoshop (1485|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PC-KOMPONENTEN DRONI MONITOR NOTEBOOK PC DESKTOP PERIPHERALS SMARTPHONE SMARTWATCH DRUCKER TABLET FERNSEHEN GAMES VIDEOPROIETTORI Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2 Pro Beamer Standard Throw-Projektor 1300 ANSI Lumen DMD 1080p (1920x1080) Schwarz, Weiß Xiaomi Mi Smart Projector 2 Pro. Projektorhelligkeit: 1300 ANSI Lumen, Projektionstechnologie: DMD, native Auflösung des Projektors: 1080p (1920x1080). Typ der Lichtquelle: LED. Fokus: Auto, Projektionsverhältnis: 1.1:1. Interne Speicherkapazität: 16 GB, RAM-Speicher: 2 GB, Interner Speichertyp: DDR3. Geräuschpegel: 28 dB, Installiertes Betriebssystem: Android, Version des Betriebsystems: Android TV 9.0ProjektorProjektorhelligkeit1300 ANSI LumenProjektionstechnologieDMDnative Auflösung des Projektors1080p (1920x1080)Smart ProjektorJaProjektionsflächenkapazität1016 - 5080 mm (40 - 200 Zoll)LichtquelleTyp der LichtquelleLEDObjektivFokusAutoProjektionsverhältnis1.1:1VideoFull-HDJa3DNeinAnschlüsse und SchnittstellenDVI AnschlussNeinNetzwerkSmart-TVNeinEingebauter Ethernet-AnschlussNeinWLANNeinBluetoothJaBluetooth Low Energy (BLE)JaSpeichermediumIntegrierter KartenleserNeinInterne Speicherkapazität16 GBRAM-Speicher2 GBInterner SpeichertypDDR3MerkmaleGeräuschpegel28 dBInstalliertes BetriebssystemAndroidVersion des BetriebsystemsAndroid TV 9.0MultimediaEingebaute LautsprecherJaRMS-Leistung10 WAudio-DecodierungstechnologienDTS-HDDesignProdukttypStandard Throw-ProjektorMarktpositionierungTragbarProduktfarbeSchwarz, WeißBildschirmEingebautes DisplayJaBildschirmdiagonale1,19 cm (0.47 Zoll)LeistungEnergiequelleACStromverbrauch (Standardbetrieb)220 WAC Eingangsspannung100 - 240 VAC Eingangsfrequenz50 - 60 HzBetriebsbedingungenBetriebstemperatur0 - 40 °CTemperaturbereich bei Lagerung-20 - 55 °CRelative Luftfeuchtigkeit in Betrieb20 - 80%Gewicht und AbmessungenGewicht3,7 kgBreite215 mmTiefe201 mmHöhe143 mmLieferumfangFernbedienung enthaltenJaFernbedienungstypBluetoothLogistische DatenMenge pro Packung1 Stück(e) Weitere Informationen Zahlungen Wir akzeptieren die gängigsten Zahlungsarten APPIEFFE GROUP SRL bietet seinen Kunden verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden an, so dass sie diejenige auswählen können, die ihren BedÜrfnissen und Gewohnheiten am besten entspricht. Mit PAYPAL können Benutzer Zahlungen in Echtzeit und auf eine kostenlose und absolut sichere Weise senden, da keine Weitergabe von Finanzinformationen erforderlich ist. Paypal autorisiert Zahlungen in 25 verschiedenen Währungen. BANKÜBERWEISUNG ermöglicht die direkte Zahlung auf das Girokonto der Bank Sendungen Der Versand erfolgt per Express-Kurier: UPS, FEDEX, TNT, BRT, GLS. WE SHIP WORLDWIDE, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE ITEM PLEASE ASK THE SHIPPING COSTS Alle Sendungen werden von unserem BÜro in Rom aus bearbeitet und an internationale Hauptkuriere weitergeleitet, basierend auf dem endgÜltigen Bestimmungsort, Gewicht und Wert der Bestellung. Es gibt keine Teillieferungen: Bestellungen werden bearbeitet, wenn alle bestellten Produkte verfÜgbar sind. Im Inland erfolgt die Lieferung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Versandbestätigung (Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit dem Sendungsverfolgungscode Ihrer Bestellung) und kann in den Regionen Apulien, Basilikata und Kalabrien bis zu 48 Stunden und 48/72 Stunden dauern Arbeiten fÜr die Inseln. In Europa und in der Übrigen Welt variieren die Lieferzeiten zwischen 2 und 7 Werktagen (es ist möglich, dass bei Bestimmungsorten außerhalb der EU Zölle und / oder Zollkosten anfallen, die nicht von uns abhängig sind und von denen wir möglicherweise nichts wissen : Daher empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich vor dem Absenden einer Bestellung an die örtlichen Zollbehörden zu wenden, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Alle Bestellungen, die vor 13:00 Uhr eingehen, werden am selben Tag bearbeitet und innerhalb von 24/48 Stunden versandt, sofern nicht anders angegeben und innerhalb der nächsten 24/48 Stunden zugestellt. Der Kurier liefert von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 8.30 und 18.00 Uhr. Es ist in keiner Weise möglich, die Uhrzeit und / oder den Tag der Lieferung der Produkte festzulegen oder die Lieferung an Postfächer anzufordern. Der bei der Bestellung berechnete Beitrag zu den Transportkosten kann variieren, wenn die Größe und / oder das Gewicht der Waren das Mindestgewicht / die Gesamtabmessungen Überschreiten. Wenn die Lieferadresse von der Rechnungsadresse abweicht, geben Sie diese bitte in den Anmerkungen zur Bestellung an, um unnötige Verzögerungen zu vermeiden. Bedingungen TRIPPODO SHOP stellt fÜr jede Bestellung einen Steuerbeleg aus und wird als Anhang zur Sendung versendet.? Weitere Informationen Nach Ausstellung einer Rechnung wird das Dokument gemäß Artikel 14 des Präsidialerlasses per E-Mail an den Auftragsinhaber weitergeleitet 445/2000 und DL 52/2004. Bei Rechnungsstellung sind die Angaben des Kunden zum Zeitpunkt des Bestellvorschlags verbindlich. Eine Änderung der Rechnung ist nach deren Ausstellung nicht mehr möglich. Bei Lieferung der Ware durch den Kurier ist der Kunde verpflichtet zu prÜfen: a) dass die Anzahl der gelieferten Pakete den Angaben im Beförderungsdokument des Kuriers entspricht; b) dass die Verpackung intakt ist, weder beschädigt noch nass oder anderweitig verändert wurde, auch nicht in den Verschlussmaterialien (Klebeband der Verpackung / Umschlag oder Riemen oder Metallklammern); Im Falle von Manipulationen und / oder sogar geringfÜgigen Beschädigungen (z. B. Risse am Beutel, zerdrÜckte Ecken, Bruchstellen oder Manipulationen an der Außenverpackung, Austausch der Originalbänder) muss der Kunde die Verpackung abholen, indem er die Schrift auf dem vom Spediteur erhaltenen Lieferdokument anbringt RÜCKZUG MIT INTERNEM KONTROLLRESERVE, der den Grund fÜr das RESERVE klar beschreibt. Jegliche Beschädigung oder NichtÜbereinstimmung in der Anzahl der Pakete oder Angaben muss sofort dem Kurier gemeldet werden, der die Lieferung vornimmt. Nach der Gegenzeichnung des vom Kurier ausgestellten Briefes kann der Kunde keinen Widerspruch gegen die äußeren Merkmale des Zustellungsgegenstandes erheben. Alle Probleme in Bezug auf die physische Integrität, die Korrespondenz oder die Vollständigkeit der erhaltenen Produkte mÜssen innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach Lieferung per E-Mail an TRIPPODO SHOP gemeldet werden. Bei Nichtabholung innerhalb von 5 Arbeitstagen nach Einlagerung des Materials in den Kurierlagern (aufgrund der wiederholten Unfähigkeit, an die vom Kunden bei der Bestellung angegebene Adresse zu liefern), wird die Ware an die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL und die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL zurÜckgesandt Bestellung gilt als storniert. Dem Kunden wird der Kaufpreis abzÜglich der Kosten fÜr den Hin- und RÜckversand sowie etwaiger GebÜhren / Provisionen erstattet, die APPIEFFE GROUP SRL zur Erstattung des Kunden berechnet. APPIEFFE GROUP SRL - Via Codigoro, 9 - 00127 - (RM) Tel: +39 6 92939466 - P.Iva: 11872671000 Prestalia e-commerce solutions.

WiFi 20A EU/US Standard Smart Life WiFi Water Heater Switch Boiler Switch

End: 07.07. 2023 06:58:02 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 19.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155577337577
  • Seller: runrain18 (12430|97.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    WiFi 20A EU/US Standard Smart Life WiFi Water Heater Switch Boiler Switch Can be shared with family and friends to achieve multi-person control. Remotely turn on the water heater to preheat with your mobile phone, and you can use it at home. Intelligent voice control, free your hands. It is more convenient and quick to set up group control for multiple switches. Set the timer to turn on or off the water heater in the mobile APP. Specification: Color: Black, White Model: EU/US Shell Material: Flame Retardant PVC Panel Material: Tempered Glass Start Method: Touch, Mobile APP, Voice Control Package Included: 1* Water Heater Switch * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. BEGIN]--> * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. END]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. BEGIN]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. END]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! BEGIN]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! END]--> - Our working time:* Hong Kong time : Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. * if you send email to us,In our working hours will be resumed within 24 hours. * If you we are not satisfied with us ,please contact me and dont give us negative or natural feedback,We must give you a satisfactory solution. * You can contact us through emailBEGIN]--> * You can contact us through email * You can contact us through emailEND]-->

Q2 Backlit Air Mouse Wireless 2.4GHz RF Smart Remote Control (Standard)

End: 06.07. 2023 07:14:56 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404296306385
  • Seller: angelsupplieriod-002 (1441|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

LG C2 OLED48C2PUA 48" Ultra HD OLED Smart TV - Dark Silver

End: 05.07. 2023 18:22:18 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 462.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185973262737
  • Seller: mattyp603 (-1|33.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dover, New Hampshire USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 184,87 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bought 7 months ago brand new and has always been used for 5 of those . No scratchs/cracks and magic remote is in good condition. Power outlet and an HDMI Cable included. Looking to sell ASAP hence the low price as I am moving soon and selling my 2nd house . Thanks !

LG 24TN510S 24 inch Smart LED HD Ready dark grey TV

End: 04.07. 2023 07:45:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 117.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204350679573
  • Seller: lebag-5 (453|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sandbach Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    LG 24TN510S 24 inch Smart LED HD Ready dark grey TV. Used twice in spare room, not used so perfect next to new working order. Smart tv for Netflix, internet and YouTube etc. Power lead Remote and TV Paid £229 new Collection SandBach cw11

Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray)

End: 03.07. 2023 08:31:46 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 6.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385588756637
  • Seller: topysealler-02 (13146|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

LG 50UQ80006LB (2022) 50" LED HDR 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Dark Iron Grey

End: 03.07. 2023 00:08:30 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 374.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204350001946
  • Seller: electrical-deals (67786|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    4K UHD resolution with HDR a5 Gen5 AI processor webOS smart platform Voice control & smart compatibility Enjoy rich 4K HDR picture vibrancy, colour and depth, with LGs UQ80 TV. Driven by the brands a5 Gen5 AI processor for enhanced Ultra HD visuals, it features AI Sound tech for more immersive cinematic viewing. Use LGs award-winning webOS smart platform to stream shows from such apps as Netflix and Prime Video*, and you can interact by voice with both the Google Assistant and Alexa built in. 4K UHD resolution with HDR This screen has four times the number of pixels than Full HD TVs, delivering stunning realism, natural motion and incredible detail. High Dynamic Range expands light, dark, and every colour in between for a picture thats closer to real life. This set supports multiple HDR formats including HDR10 & HLG. a5 Gen5 AI processor LGs processor ensures optimised picture and sound quality, whatever you watch or play. Cinematic viewing HDR and FILMMAKER mode turns any room into a cinema, adding depth and richness, just as the director intended. AI Sound LGs AI sound puts you right at the centre of the action, creating an absorbing atmosphere in any room, so you get fully immersed in whatever youre watching. Game optimiser Levels up the gaming experience by optimising the picture depending on the type of game youre playing. webOS smart platform LGs award-winning webOS platform revolutionises how you experience your entertainment. With quick and easy content discovery and switching, theres more entertainment available than ever before. You can stream from all the most popular services like Netflix, NOW TV, Prime Video, Disney+, Twitch, and more.* Voice control & smart compatibility This TV has the Google Assistant and Alexa built in, so you can get answers to questions while youre watching TV, and control compatible smart home devices. Sleek and slim design The elegantly slim profile of this TV enhances any room. Brand: LG Colour: Grey Condition: Manufacturer Refurbished - Includes Stand, Remote control, User manual and Power lead. Non-essential accessories (cables, adapters etc.) may NOT be supplied. Dimensions: 1121 x 651 x 57.1 (W x H x D in mm) Type: 4K ULTRA HD TV Product Overview EPG: Yes Freesat: Yes Freesat HD: Yes Freeview: Yes Freeview HD: Yes WiFi Built in: Yes Display 4K ULTRA HD: Yes Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (4K Resolution) Screen Type: LED Connections HDMI Inputs: x 3 USB: x 2 SMART Features Netflix 4K Streaming: Yes SMART Operating System: WebOS Media General Vesa Wall Bracket Mounting Size: 200 x 200 LG 50UQ80006LB (2022) 50 LED HDR 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Dark Iron Grey View more Close LG 50UQ80006LB (2022) 50 LED HDR 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Dark Iron Grey This product has no reviews yet, however see what our buyers say about our other products... View more Close This product has no reviews yet, however see what our buyers say about our other products... All of our orders are shipped via DPD or Royal Mail 1st Class/1st Class Recorded (except TVs over 43 which are shipped via a specialist courier). Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis (TVs over 43 are shipped via a specialist courier and may take up to 3-5 working days to be delivered depending on postcode). You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-20:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. For orders delivered via DPD, deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £10.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. Large Screen deliveries will only be attempted on one occasion. If this delivery fails the cost of a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland; we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. DPD deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send a text message on the day of delivery advising of an approximate time slot for the delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send an email on the day of delivery to the supplied email address advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Large Screen TVs (Over 43”) If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, our large screen couriers will send a text message to confirm the day of delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, the couriers will send an email to confirm the delivery date. On the day of delivery, the courier will advise an estimated 3 hour time slot for delivery. Please be aware the driver will attempt delivery on this day even if there is no response to the email. Please be aware: If there is no one home to take delivery on the date agreed the courier will return the unit & a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. All of our orders are shipped via DPD or Royal Mail 1st Class/1st Class Recorded (except Plasmas and over 46 TVs which are shipped via a specialist courier). Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis (Plasma and over 46 TVs are shipped via a specialist courier and may take 3-5 working days to be delivered). You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched, (no tracking number provided for large screen TVs). Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 09:00am-5:30pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. For orders delivered via DPD, deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £10.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. Large Screen orders will only be attempted on one occasion. You will be contacted prior to the delivery to arrange a suitable time. If this delivery fails the cost of a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland; we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. If you would like to collect your item from our store then Payment must be made in person with a credit/debit card using chip & pin or cash on collection. Our address for collections is; Electrotec, Manchester Road, Hollinwood, Oldham, OL9 7AA. DPD deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send a text message on the day of delivery advising of an approximate time slot for the delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send an email on the day of delivery to the supplied email address advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Large Screen TVs & Plasma Orders (Over 42” & Plasma) If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, our large screen couriers will send a text message to confirm the day of delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, the couriers will send an email or attempt to call the landline number to confirm the delivery date. On the day of delivery, the driver assigned to deliver your order will attempt to phone before 10am to inform you of the estimated 3 hour time slot for delivery. Please be aware the driver will attempt delivery on this day even if there is no answer to this call. Please be aware: If there is no one home to take delivery on the date agreed the courier will return the unit & a second delivery attempt will be chargeable. At Electrical-Deals we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore all items come with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: In the event of your item arriving damaged, please inform us within 48 hours. Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 14 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered byRoyal Mail / DPD / Specialist courier, Electrical-Deals will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at Electrical-Deals. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by Initial City Link / DPD / Specialist courier, Electrical-Deals will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at Electrical-Deals. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Electrical-Deals, Manchester Road, Hollinwood, Oldham, OL9 7AA. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. At Electrical-Deals we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore all items come with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 14 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by Initial City Link / DPD / Specialist courier, Electrical-Deals will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at Electrical-Deals. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by Initial City Link / DPD / Specialist courier, Electrical-Deals will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at Electrical-Deals. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Electrotec, Manchester Road, Hollinwood, Oldham, OL9 7AA. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. You may also be interested in... Home About Us Delivery & Returns FAQs Add to Favourites Join Mailing List Contact Us Subscribe to our Newsletter Keep in touch for our latest special offers and competitions Subscribe eBay Store & ListingDesigned & Powered by

Escort M2 Radar-Mounted Smart Dash Cam 1080P FHD Video Car Camera Wi-Fi &...

End: 02.07. 2023 14:52:49 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 89.81 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195841620720
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: lmudak (1931|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Northbrook, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,69 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    In lightly used clean excellent condition As pictured, nothing else is included

Q2 Backlit Air Mouse Wireless 2.4GHz RF Smart Remote Control (Standard)

End: 30.06. 2023 10:52:09 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 6.08 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155582664028
  • Seller: elegance-02 (1336|96.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    elegance-02 Add to my favorite sellers Mon. to Sat. Customer Service Warranty Service Product Description Description: Q2 Smart TV Backlight Remote Control IR Learning 2.4GHz RF Wireless Remote Controller for Computer Android TV Box Feature: 1. Voice search function. 2. With 3-Gyro + 3-Gsensor, its more convenient to easy operate in horizontal and vertical mode. 3. IR learning function, power key and four-color buttons can be programmed. Specification: Material: plastic + silica gel Color: Black Transmission mode: 2.4G RF wireless Sensor: 6-axis gyroscope Battery type: AAA * 2 (not included) Number of keys: 33 Transmission distance: 10m Standby power consumption: < 30uA Power consumption: About 20mA Product size: 162 * 42 * 18mm Model: Backlit, Standard Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-2cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Inclus: 1 X Remote Control 1 X USB Receiver 1 X Instructions pictures Paiement Nous acceptons une variété de méthodes de paiementl. Toutes les cartes de crédit principales sont acceptées par le processeur de paiement sécurité de PayPal. Si votre commande nest pas payée dans 7 jours ouvrables après lacception de lachat, nous devons lannuler. Si vous avez acheté plusieurs articles de notre boutique, vous pouvez nous envoyer un paiement pour tous les articles au lieu dun paiement pour chacun individuellement. Lorsque vous cliquez sur le bouton « Payer immédiatement », Ebay determinerai automatiquement sil existe dautres éléments que vous avez gagnés ou achetés de notre boutique et les combinerait pour votre vérification. NOTE: Import duties, taxes and chargers are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding buying. Garantie 12 mois de garantie. Achetez-vous en toute confiance! Si vous nêtes pas satisfaits de larticle quand vous le recevez, vous avez la possibilité de le retourner dans 30 jours pour soit un changement nouveau soit un remboursement. Nous vous prions de nous contactez avant de le renvoyer, sil vous plaît. Si vous trouvez un article défectueux dans 3 mois, vous avez le choix de nous renvoyer pour soit un changement nouveau, soit un remboursement. Cependant, vous devez payer les frais de port supplémentaires. If item is defective after 3 months, you can still send it back to us. We will send you a new one after receiving the defective item. But you have to pay the extra shipping fee. Politiques Nous ne sommes pas responbles de tous les frais de douane et les taxes dimport. Nous laisserons des commentaires positifs après le reçu du paiement. Veuillez nous contacter tout de suite quand vous rencontrez un problème après la reception de larticle. Tous les messages seront répondus dans 1 jour ouvrable. Si vous ne recevez pas la réponse, nous vous prions de bien vouloir re-envoyer un message et nous vous répondrons dès que possible. Assurez-vous que vous connaissez et acceptez tous les termes avant doffrir un enchère. If you have any problems or concerns whatever with your order or products, please message us and give us a chance to assist you before you leave any feedback. We believe we can produce a positive outcome to any situation and will work hard to earn your praise. If you were pleased with this transaction, Please give us 5 star rating, thanks! Frais de transport Si vous narrivez pas à valider votre commande, il risque que votre région dhabitation nest pas sur notre liste de livraison à cause du lointain. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension. Les articles seront envoyés dans 1-3 jours ouvrables dès le reçu de votre paiement. Les articles seront envoyés de Hong Kong en utilisant la poste aérienne. Ils pourraient arriver à la plupart des pays dans 10-20 jours ouvrables. Le délai de livraison dépond en destinaticon et aux autres facteurs, il peut être supérieur de 20 jours ouvrables. Contactez-nous Horaire de service: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (GMT+8) de Lundi à Samedi. Nous ne travaillons pas le Samedi et les jours fériés (Hong Kong). Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour tout le retard des réponses pendant les vacances. Le 31 mai 2023 à 08:18:38 CEST, le vendeur a ajouté les informations suivantes :

Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray)

End: 30.06. 2023 08:42:48 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 6.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125954001863
  • Seller: excellentsale004 (860|95.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shen Zhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Q2 Backlit Air Mouse Wireless 2.4GHz RF Smart Remote Control (Standard)

End: 29.06. 2023 02:17:17 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285289239323
  • Seller: uebebestshop2017 (26856|95.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Shen Zhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Tv Hisense 43A72GQ A7GQ SERIES Smart Tv 4K Uhd Dark grey

End: 28.06. 2023 10:04:30 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 470.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204341918716
  • Seller: scontolo-net (3501|95.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: ITA Italien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Free eBay listing template designed by

Q2 Backlit Air Mouse Wireless 2.4GHz RF Smart Remote Control (Standard)

End: 28.06. 2023 03:49:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.19 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354790856135
  • Seller: identyyou007 (5390|96.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shen Zhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

IT Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray)

End: 28.06. 2023 02:04:46 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 4.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134591681056
  • Seller: hot_sale66 (4229|96.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Schedule 20A Boiler Switch WiFi Water Heater Switch EU/US Standard Smart Life

End: 28.06. 2023 02:03:15 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 20.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155578629134
  • Seller: gaibia113 (340|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Schedule 20A Boiler Switch WiFi Water Heater Switch EU/US Standard Smart Life

LG 65QNED816QA (2022) 65" QNED 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart TV Dark Meteor C Grade

End: 27.06. 2023 13:01:33 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 520.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235013785605
  • Seller: (13161|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Information LG 65QNED816QA (2022) 65 QNED 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart TV Dark Meteor C Grade Your browser does not support the video tag. This refurbished item comes with a 12 month guarantee and is in full working condition, but will have noticeable marks such as scratches, dents or signs of handling and cleaning on the item, surround or ancilliary areas. These marks do not affect the functionality of the item. The item may be missing some non-essential accessories, alternative packaging may be used. Details Specifications Warranty Delivery Returns Details Specifications Brand: LG Colour: Grey Dimensions: 1452 x 839 x 44.3 (W x H x D in mm) Type: 4K ULTRA HD TV Product Overview Freesat HD: Yes WiFi Built in: Yes Display 4K ULTRA HD: Yes Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (4K Resolution) Screen Type: QNED Connections Ethernet Port: Yes HDMI Inputs: x 4 USB: x 2 SMART Features Amazon 4K Streaming: Yes Netflix 4K Streaming: Yes SMART Operating System: WebOS Media General Vesa Wall Bracket Mounting Size: 300x300 Warranty At The Outlet Hub we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore this refurbished item comes with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Servicecare Support Services (Clipper), Saxon Avenue, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 5EZ. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. Delivery All of our Large screen TVs are shipped via a specialist courier who will contact you to arrange a delivery date within 24 hours of despatch. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 09:00am-7:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. Deliveries will be attempted twice, If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £20.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. We can only ship to Mainland UK we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Returns We will happily accept the return of your purchase under the following circumstances. 1. We offer a full refund or exchange (subject to stock availability) for Buy It Now units purchased in our eBay store, providing they are returned complete with packaging/accessories and returned in the same condition within 14 days of purchase. We will only issue refunds to the original Paypal account. 1a. The cost of the return delivery charge under these circumstances is to be paid directly by the customer. 1b. The item must be returned via a trackable method i.e. Royal Mail special delivery etc. 1c. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for any returned item which does not comply with the above conditions. 2. Should any unit arrive faulty or damaged in transit; we will happily exchange this for a replacement unit or issue you with a full refund or credit as soon as possible. 3. Items which develop a fault within 30 Days of Delivery will be collected for a full refund or exchanged free of charge (subject to stock availability). 4. Items which develop a fault after 30 days will be collected, repaired and returned free of charge for the remainder of the 12 month warranty. All items (excluding wearable parts) are guaranteed for a full 12 months for domestic use. We do not guarantee against misuse/accidental damage (i.e. coffee spilt inside, damaged screens etc.), excessive wear and tear (i.e. commercial use),loss of data stored on any form of writeable/ rewriteable media/ hard drive devices, dead pixels of an amount not covered by the manufacturers specifications or normal wear and tear. Please note that if repairs are done other than by ourselves or authorised agents our guarantee cant apply. This guarantee is naturally in addition to your statutory rights. After the guarantee has expired we will still endeavour to help with any servicing your equipment may require however this may incur an additional cost. Should you wish to use the service mentioned above please contact our after sales department via the eBay message centre. You May Also Like... View these items & similar Powered by

Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray) -au

End: 27.06. 2023 07:08:34 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 5.97 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385645414412
  • Seller: besteffiestore-1 (398|92.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray) -au-

End: 27.06. 2023 06:54:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 5.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385643903361
  • Seller: besteffiestore-1 (384|92.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


NEW Anti-Slip Smart TV Remote Control Cover for LG MR21GA/MR21GC (Dark Gray)

End: 27.06. 2023 06:18:40 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 5.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385638791745
  • Seller: besteffiestore-1 (352|92.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

LG C2 OLED48C2PUA 48" Ultra HD OLED Smart TV - Dark Silver

End: 26.06. 2023 13:24:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 725.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225604266995
  • Seller: tmccann1789 (127|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rockford, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    No burn in or dead pixels Extend warranty to 08/24 through best buy Includes original box and remote Wall mount brackets not included. LG C2 OLED48C2PUA 48 Ultra HD OLED Smart TV - Dark Silver.

Amazon Echo Plus 2nd Generation L9D29R Smart Speaker Alexa Dark Gray

End: 26.06. 2023 11:41:07 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374764628264
  • Seller: prepa_4130 (3537|98.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Terrell, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 21,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Amazon Echo Plus 2nd Generation L9D29R Smart Speaker Alexa Dark Gray. Works great. Used. Please look at pictures for condition Loc: r r

LG 50QNED816QA (2022) 50" QNED 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart TV Dark Meteor C Grade

End: 25.06. 2023 14:06:57 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 447.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235057168615
  • Seller: (13488|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    QNED technology 4K UHD resolution with HDR 120Hz Motion Pro AI Sound Pro LGs QNED screen features Quantum Dot NanoCell technology for richer tone and colour gradation. The QNED81 produces an immersive 4K picture, enhanced by contrast and depth-boosting HDR, with AI Sound Pro audio, for a captivating viewing experience. Use LG’s award-winning webOS smart platform to stream shows from such apps as Netflix and Prime Video*, and you can interact by voice with both the Google Assistant and Alexa built in. 4K UHD resolution with HDR This screen has four times the number of pixels than Full HD TVs, delivering stunning realism, natural motion and incredible detail. High Dynamic Range expands light, dark, and every colour in between for a picture thats closer to real life. This set supports multiple HDR formats including HDR10 and HLG. QNED technology LGs QNED screens feature Quantum Dot Nanocell tech, delivering richer and more accurate colour, for more delicate differences in tone and the colour spectrum. AI Sound Pro LGs AI Sound Pro puts you right at the centre of the action, creating an absorbing atmosphere in any room, so you get fully immersed in whatever youre watching. Great gaming Get the most out of next-gen consoles, and give yourself the competitive edge, with HDMI 2.1, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), High Frame Rate (HFR), and picture optimisation to suit the type of game. 120Hz Motion Pro With a 120Hz refresh rate plus Motion Pro tech, every detail is kept in focus, even when the action is super-fast, for realistic and thrilling live sports. webOS smart platform LGs award-winning webOS platform revolutionises how you experience your entertainment. With quick and easy content discovery and switching, theres more entertainment available than ever before. You can stream from all the most popular services like Netflix, NOW TV, Prime Video, Disney+, Twitch, and more.* Voice control & smart compatibility This TV has the Google Assistant and Alexa built in, so you can get answers to questions while youre watching TV, and control compatible smart home devices. *Some services may require subscription (sold separately) Specifications Brand: LG Colour: Grey Dimensions: 1120 x 653 x 49.2 (W x H x D in mm) Size: 50 Type: 4K ULTRA HD TV Product Overview Freesat HD: Yes WiFi Built in: Yes Display 4K ULTRA HD: Yes Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (4K Resolution) Screen Type: QNED Connections Ethernet Port: Yes HDMI Inputs: x 4 USB: x 2 SMART Features Amazon 4K Streaming: Yes Netflix 4K Streaming: Yes SMART Operating System: WebOS Media General Vesa Wall Bracket Mounting Size: 200 x 200 Warranty At The Outlet Hub we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore this refurbished item comes with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Servicecare Support Services (Clipper), Saxon Avenue, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 5EZ. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. Delivery All of our Large screen TVs are shipped via a specialist courier who will contact you to arrange a delivery date within 24 hours of despatch. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 09:00am-7:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. Deliveries will be attempted twice, If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £20.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. We can only ship to Mainland UK we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Returns We will happily accept the return of your purchase under the following circumstances. 1. We offer a full refund or exchange (subject to stock availability) for Buy It Now units purchased in our eBay store, providing they are returned complete with packaging/accessories and returned in the same condition within 14 days of purchase. We will only issue refunds to the original Paypal account. 1a. The cost of the return delivery charge under these circumstances is to be paid directly by the customer. 1b. The item must be returned via a trackable method i.e. Royal Mail special delivery etc. 1c. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for any returned item which does not comply with the above conditions. 2. Should any unit arrive faulty or damaged in transit; we will happily exchange this for a replacement unit or issue you with a full refund or credit as soon as possible. 3. Items which develop a fault within 30 Days of Delivery will be collected for a full refund or exchanged free of charge (subject to stock availability). 4. Items which develop a fault after 30 days will be collected, repaired and returned free of charge for the remainder of the 12 month warranty. All items (excluding wearable parts) are guaranteed for a full 12 months for domestic use. We do not guarantee against misuse/accidental damage (i.e. coffee spilt inside, damaged screens etc.), excessive wear and tear (i.e. commercial use),loss of data stored on any form of writeable/ rewriteable media/ hard drive devices, dead pixels of an amount not covered by the manufacturers specifications or normal wear and tear. Please note that if repairs are done other than by ourselves or authorised agents our guarantee cant apply. This guarantee is naturally in addition to your statutory rights. After the guarantee has expired we will still endeavour to help with any servicing your equipment may require however this may incur an additional cost. Should you wish to use the service mentioned above please contact our after sales department via the eBay message centre. You May Also Like... View these items & similar Powered by

LG DSN8YG 3.1.2 Kanal Smart Soundbar - Dark Steel Silver

End: 24.06. 2023 14:15:51 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 225.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364307050002
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ny20-89 (77|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stuhr-Brinkum Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    LG DSN8YG 3.1.2 Kanal Smart Soundbar - Dark Steel Silver. Zum Verkauf steht das o.f Soundsystem von LG. Gekauft 24.12.22 bei Media Markt. Rechnung ist vorhanden. Es erfolgt kein Versand. Nur Abholung