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Lot of Vintage SHURE Turntable Cartridges & Stylus M44C M93E M92E N44-7 R25XT

End: 25.06. 2023 17:59:42 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 283.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 125984105536
  • Bids: 23
  • Seller: funkybayou2 (12721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: West Monroe, Louisiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 17,13 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is an Auction and there is NO BUY IT NOW price available. Also, please DO NOT BID if you have no intention of paying. Sorry for this but I keep getting asked the buy it now price and have had a couple of unpaid items recently. Thanks. Lot of Vintage Shure Turntable Cartridges & Stylus. All are from the estate of a deceased Radio Engineer. These are sold AS IS for Parts or Repair. I have not tested any of these and have no idea if they will work properly. Again these are for parts or repair. Please know what you are buying as I do not know how compatible these are with various turntables. M44C Cartridge. There are 3 of these. These do NOT have a stylus. M93E Cartridge. There are 2 of these. These do NOT have a stylus. M92E Cartridge. One cartridge with no stylus. Shure/Realistic R25XT Cartridge. The plastic portion on the top has come unglued and will have to be reattached. Box & plastic case marked N44-7 Stylus (the plastic case does not state the model number). Box is falling apart. The plastic case contains 12 Stylus. Some of the needles are slightly bent and may need some adjusting. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED AN INVOICE. U.S. Shipping: FREE U. S. Shipping via USPS Retail Ground. No International Shipping. Payment via Ebays Managed Payments. Additional information: All items are guaranteed to be in the stated condition or you may return the item(s) for a full refund.

Shure M44-7 Sistema Originale Chiodo N44-7 Buone Condizioni + Numark SME

End: 22.06. 2023 08:04:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 163.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175778989037
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 Sistema Originale Chiodo N44-7 Buone Condizioni + Numark SMELa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. MERCE AL DETTAGLIO VERIFICATA CON GARANZIA!!!!!!!!! Ciao miei cari vinilisti!!! OFFRENDO UNOPPORTUNITÀ CHE NON VERRÀ FREQUENTE NELLA PROSSIMA VOLTA - UN SISTEMA DJ RARITÀ - CARTUCCIA SHURE M44-7 + AGO ORIGINALE IN BUONE CONDIZIONI + HEADSHELL SUPERIORE!!!! CONDIZIONE: sistema n. 2 MERCI DA RIVENDITORE TESTATE! QUINDI NIENTE THIBBLING COME ARRIVA IL SISTEMA!! OFFRI UNA CARTUCCIA SHURE QUI!!! Descriverei le condizioni generali come MOLTO BUONE - Linguaggio in vinile - VG+ - La cartuccia è in OTTIME CONDIZIONI. Quindi non è nuovo, ma è stato trattato con cura. Non ha grossi difetti ottici o tecnici, piccoli graffi ma per il resto niente di degno di nota! Può ancora essere visto molto bene. Il nero è ancora pieno e anche i contatti sono ancora belli e chiari! Anche lago è ancora in una buona gamma!!! Il buon pezzo che sarebbe dovuto arrivare purtroppo non è più prodotto! E ti accorgi sempre di più che la fine sta arrivando, perché sono disponibili sempre meno aghi originali. Ma le repliche sono tutte, e dico tutte, così pessime in termini di valori che non si avvicinano nemmeno alloriginale. Puoi capire che tipo di diamante cè sopra. Non hanno mai la stabilità direzionale e i migliori chiodi da bara saranno disponibili anche dopo il 3 ° trimestre al più tardi. Scratch al nirvana, il che è meglio considerando il suono che avrebbe dovuto affrontare. Nella migliore delle ipotesi, hai un ago che suona schifoso. Ma può anche succedere che tu ne prenda uno che si rompe molto velocemente o uno che batte i tuoi record molto male. Il tempo di funzionamento e lusura della piastra da soli mettono in prospettiva i costi aggiuntivi. In ogni caso, di solito suonano come una donnola che fa la cacca nella tuba, no, nessuno ne ha davvero bisogno!!! Ecco loriginale. Ancora un bellaspetto! La vernice dellevidenziatore sembra ancora molto bella, il cantilever è dritto e il diamante è ancora bello e chiaro. GUARDA LE IMMAGINI ORIGINALI - OTTIENI QUELLO CHE VEDI - NESSUNA CAZZATA - Anche un portatestina superiore sta aspettando il nuovo proprietario. È il Numark HS1! Inoltre è disponibile in ottime condizioni! Bel colore intenso anche qui! È considerata una risonanza molto bassa e quindi ha un effetto positivo sul suono. Inoltre, sembra estremamente ripido!! Testato acusticamente, tecnicamente e otticamente!!! Offri un altro con un nuovo ago NOS e uno buono con un piccolo difetto come affare! NELLE ALTRE AZIONI!!!!!!! DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO:  Quando più di ventanni fa gli accaniti DJ di scratch e battle hanno iniziato a utilizzare testine Shure più vecchie, lazienda ha risposto rapidamente e ha lanciato lM44-7 appositamente per questo gruppo target. Lutente ottiene un pickup con un segnale di uscita piuttosto elevato e unelevata resistenza al rimbalzo. Un altro motivo per cui questo sistema è diventato uno dei preferiti di molti deejay è il fatto che si tratta di un pickup a conchiglia. Pertanto, cose come la sporgenza e langolo verticale possono essere liberamente configurate e adattate alle esigenze personali. I graffi di base veloci e i normali backspin possono già essere eseguiti al valore minimo. Lago si fa strada attraverso il solco con totale sicurezza, senza distorsioni evidenti. E questo con una forza di tracciamento di soli 1,5 grammi (nM). Assolutamente fantastico! Con un po di istinto si possono eseguire anche graffi molto veloci (scarabocchi, strappi, ecc.). Ma se vuoi andare sul sicuro, penso che dovresti aumentare a due grammi. In termini di resistenza alla molla, lM44-7 gioca nella classe superiore per me con le sue basse forze di tracciamento compatibili con il vinile. Superiore! Per i backspin molto veloci, il valore da impostare è di 2,2 grammi, con cui lago rimane ben saldo nel solco, praticamente come incollato. Il suo cantilever ha una sospensione molto morbida, che è ben accolta anche dallhi-fi. Grazie al suo diamante naturale super lucidato, sorpassa anche la colonna sonora senza suono, ma allo stesso tempo protegge i dischi attraverso la lucidatura, poiché scivola delicatamente attraverso di essa!! So che sono entusiasta, ma sfortunatamente è davvero così…. FATTI SOFT: Contrassegno colorato dei pin di connessione Elevata resistenza della molla con forze di contatto molto basse Ottime proprietà antigraffio Alto livello di rendimento Riproduzione dei bassi molto nitida SPECIFICHE TECNICHE: Modello Pickup completo con attacco a baionetta SME Raccoglitore tipo MM Tensione di uscita 9,5 mV Carico consigliato 47 k?; 450pF Gamma di forza di tracciamento 1,5 - 3 g Tipo di ago sferico 18 µm Gamma di trasmissione 20 Hz - 17 kHz Bilanciamento stereo 2dB Separazione canali (a 1 kHz) 20 dB Peso 6,7 g Altezza 15,9 mm Fornitura: 1 pickup originale SHURE M44-7 1x Ago originale SHURE N44-7 1x portatestina originale Numark HS1 SME Nuovo cablaggio opzionale incl. Conclusione:  La Shure M44-7 è ancora una delle migliori testine per DJ e giradischi. Lelevata resilienza alle azioni estreme di mix e scratch, un alto livello di uscita e unottima riproduzione dei bassi sono argomenti potenti a favore dellutilizzo di questo classico. Inoltre, molti DJ preferiscono i sistemi con portatestina perché consentono di configurare liberamente la sporgenza e langolazione. I DJ di club professionisti dovrebbero assolutamente dare unocchiata allM44-7, anche se non è un affare! Sistema Hammer e uno dei pochi top dog ancora esistenti. LM44-7 mette davvero allangolo sistemi come lOrtofon Nightclub MK2. Semplicemente unesplosione in termini di suono, la pista da ballo è felice e sorride soddisfatta... Concedetevi, comunque assolutamente necessario per i professionisti, la Champions League si gioca solo qui... Anche gli hi-fi se ne sono accorti nel frattempo, dato che ora è estremamente popolare anche in combinazione con Dual 10**!! Opzioni: Extra: ALTRI SISTEMI - PICCOLA SELEZIONE: Pickup ricercati Stanton epoca 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure etichetta bianca/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E e molto altro. Philips diversa OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Edizione Limitata - 13eav - AT12XE  Extra: Vivid HE - il nostro pulitore per aghi, prodotto appositamente in una piccola fabbrica, per prolungare la vita del sistema, realizzato con acqua ultrapura proveniente da un ambiente medico per non lasciare assolutamente alcun residuo sul pezzo buono. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi dellapplicatore, in quanto trova il giusto equilibrio tra duro, buona pulizia e flessibilità, cioè delicato sulle aree delicate. Ovviamente smagnetizzato!! Bilance a braccio che rendono superflua la fastidiosa regolazione del contrappeso, dove non sei sempre sicuro che sia giusto comunque. Riattacca, leggi, divertiti!! TUTTO SOGGETTO A DISPONIBILITA CI PIACE ANCHE ASCOLTARE I TUOI SUGGERIMENTI SULLA TUA VECCHIA ATTREZZATURA IMPORTANTE SUL PROCESSO: PER FAVORE LEGGI QUESTO!!! Un imballaggio adeguato è una cosa ovvia. Dallesperienza di quasi 20 anni, esiste sicuramente un metodo di imballaggio di alta qualità. Se disponibili, le viti di trasporto vengono serrate, le piastre e i contrappesi vengono rimossi e imballati separatamente. Ove possibile, utilizziamo vecchi materiali per motivi ecologici al fine di utilizzare meno plastica possibile. Consideriamo nostro obbligo non solo proteggere il cerchio nero, ma anche il cerchio blu ed evitare gli sprechi ove possibile. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non lo desideri, faccelo sapere in anticipo. Sono felice di aiutarti in caso di problemi! Gli articoli sono concentrati imballati il ??venerdì per efficienza. Vorrei anche sottolineare che qualità e tempi di consegna rapidi non vanno di pari passo. Molti dispositivi ricevono manutenzione e ci sono anche lunghe catene di test ecc. pp Concedici il tempo che sicuramente ti sei concesso quando hai preso la decisione di acquisto e lasciaci offrire la qualità che desideri e che meriti. Goditi lattesa!!! Lo stress, la frenesia e la fretta, la fretta non permette la qualità!!! Chiedi a un diamante ;-) TI CONSEGNIAMO: Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, Stilo, Aghi, Portatestina, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Cavo , Record, slipmat, allineamento, misuratore, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura DJ, cuffie DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabber, ago di ricambio, circuito stampato, portacapsule, sistema supporto, portacartuccia, Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Cinghia dentata, grammofono, fonografo, Giradischi,??, ??, ??Anche lago è ancora in una buona gamma!!! Il buon pezzo che sarebbe dovuto arrivare purtroppo non è più prodotto! E ti accorgi sempre di più che la fine sta arrivando, perché sono disponibili sempre meno aghi originali. Ma le repliche sono tutte, e dico tutte, così pessime in termini di valori che non si avvicinano nemmeno alloriginale. Puoi capire che tipo di diamante cè sopra. Non hanno mai la stabilità direzionale e i migliori chiodi da bara saranno disponibili anche dopo il 3 ° trimestre al più tardi. Scratch al nirvana, il che è meglio considerando il suono che avrebbe dovuto affrontare. Nella migliore delle ipotesi, hai un ago che suona schifoso. Ma può anche succedere che tu ne prenda uno che si rompe molto velocemente o uno che batte i tuoi record molto male. Il tempo di funzion Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 Sistema Original Aguja N44-7 Buen Estado + Numark SME Headshell

End: 22.06. 2023 08:04:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 161.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175778989087
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4694|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 Sistema Original Aguja N44-7 Buen Estado + Numark SME HeadshellLa descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. MERCANCÍAS AL POR MENOR VERIFICADAS CON GARANTÍA!!!!!!!!! Hola mis queridos vinilistas!!! OFRECEMOS UNA OPORTUNIDAD QUE NO VENDRÁ CON FRECUENCIA LA PRÓXIMA VEZ - UNA RAREZA DEL SISTEMA DE DJ - CARTUCHO SHURE M44-7 + AGUJA ORIGINAL EN BUEN ESTADO + CABEZA SUPERIOR!!!! CONDICIÓN: número de sistema 2 ¡BIENES MINORISTAS PROBADOS! ¡¡ASÍ QUE NO HAY DUDAS EN CÓMO ALCANZA EL SISTEMA!! OFRECE UN CARTUCHO SHURE AQUÍ!!! Describiría el estado general como MUY BUENO - Lenguaje de vinilo - VG+ - El cartucho está en MUY BUEN ESTADO. Así que no es nuevo, pero ha sido tratado con cuidado. No tiene grandes defectos ópticos o técnicos, pequeños rasguños, pero por lo demás, ¡nada digno de mención! Todavía se puede ver muy bien. ¡El negro todavía está lleno y los contactos también son agradables y claros! ¡La aguja también está todavía en buen rango! ¡La buena pieza que debería haber llegado lamentablemente ya no se fabrica! Y se nota cada vez más que se acerca el final, porque cada vez hay menos agujas originales disponibles. Pero las réplicas son todas, y me refiero a todas, tan malas en términos de valores que nunca se acercan ni siquiera al original. Puedes averiguar qué tipo de diamante hay en él. Nunca tienen la estabilidad direccional, y las mejores uñas de ataúd también estarán disponibles después del 3er trimestre a más tardar. Scratch al nirvana, que es mejor teniendo en cuenta el sonido que debería haber enfrentado. En el mejor de los casos, tienes una aguja que suena horrible. Pero también puede darse el caso de que atrapes uno que rompa extremadamente rápido o uno que rompa muy mal tus récords. El tiempo de ejecución y el desgaste de la placa por sí solos ponen en perspectiva los costos adicionales. En cualquier caso, suelen sonar como una comadreja haciendo caca en la tuba, no, nadie lo necesita!!! Aquí está el original. Sigue siendo un gran aspecto! La pintura marcadora aún se ve muy bien, el voladizo es recto y el diamante aún es agradable y claro. MIRA LAS FOTOS ORGINALES - OBTIENES LO QUE VES - SIN TONTERÍAS - Un casco superior también está esperando al nuevo propietario. ¡Es el Numark HS1! También viene en muy buenas condiciones! Bonito color rico aquí también! Se considera que tiene una resonancia muy baja y, por lo tanto, tiene un efecto positivo en el sonido. Además, ¡parece extremadamente empinado! Probado acústica, técnica y ópticamente!!! ¡Ofrezca otra con una aguja NOS nueva y una buena con un pequeño defecto como ganga! EN LAS OTRAS ACCIONES!!!!!!! DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO:  Cuando los ávidos DJ de batallas y scratch comenzaron a usar cartuchos Shure más antiguos hace más de veinte años, la compañía respondió rápidamente y lanzó el M44-7 específicamente para este grupo objetivo. El usuario obtiene una pastilla con una señal de salida bastante alta y una alta resistencia al rebote. Otra razón por la que este sistema se ha convertido en el favorito de muchos disc jockeys es el hecho de que es una pastilla de cabeza. Por lo tanto, cosas como el voladizo y el ángulo vertical se pueden configurar y adaptar libremente a los requisitos personales. Los scratches básicos rápidos y los backspins normales ya se pueden ejecutar con el valor mínimo. La aguja se abre paso a través de la ranura con total confianza, sin distorsiones notables. Y eso con solo 1,5 gramos (nM) de fuerza de seguimiento. ¡Absolutamente genial! Con un poco de instinto se pueden realizar incluso scratches muy rápidos (scribble, tear, etc.). Pero si quieres estar seguro, creo que deberías aumentar a dos gramos. En términos de resistencia de resorte, el M44-7 juega en la clase superior para mí con sus bajas fuerzas de seguimiento amigables con el vinilo. ¡Arriba! Para retrocesos muy rápidos, el valor a establecer es de 2,2 gramos, con lo que la aguja queda sólida como una roca en la ranura, básicamente como si estuviera pegada. Su voladizo tiene una suspensión muy blanda, que también es bien recibida por los equipos de alta fidelidad. Debido a su diamante natural súper pulido, también supera la pista de sonido sin sonido, pero al mismo tiempo protege los discos a través del pulido, ¡mientras se desliza suavemente a través de él! Sé que delira, pero desafortunadamente realmente es así…. HECHOS SUAVES: Marcado de color de los pines de conexión Alta resistencia de resorte con fuerzas de contacto muy bajas Muy buenas propiedades de rayado. Alto nivel de salida Reproducción de graves muy nítida ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS: Diseño Pickup completo con conexión de bayoneta SME Tipo de recogida MM Voltaje de salida 9,5 mV Carga recomendada 47 k?; 450pF Rango de fuerza de seguimiento 1,5 - 3 g Aguja tipo esférica 18 µm Rango de transmisión 20 Hz - 17 kHz Equilibrio estéreo 2dB Separación de canales (a 1 kHz) 20 dB Peso 6,7 g Altura 15,9 mm Alcance de la entrega: 1 pastilla SHURE M44-7 original 1x Aguja SHURE N44-7 original 1 cabezal original Numark HS1 SME Nuevo cableado opcional incl. Conclusión:  El Shure M44-7 sigue siendo uno de los mejores cartuchos para DJ y tocadiscos. La alta resistencia a las acciones extremas de mezcla y scratch, un alto nivel de salida y una muy buena reproducción de graves son argumentos poderosos a favor del uso de este clásico. Además, muchos DJ prefieren los sistemas headshell porque permiten configurar libremente el voladizo y el ángulo. Los DJ profesionales definitivamente deberían echarle un vistazo al M44-7, ¡incluso si no es una ganga! Sistema de martillo y uno de los pocos top dogs que aún existen. El M44-7 realmente pone sistemas como el Ortofon Nightclub MK2 en la esquina. Simplemente una maravilla en términos de sonido, la pista de baile está feliz y sonríe contenta... Date un capricho, es absolutamente necesario para los profesionales de todos modos, la Champions League solo se juega aquí... Incluso los hi-fis lo han notado mientras tanto, ya que ahora también es extremadamente popular en combinación con Dual 10**!! Opciones: Extras: OTROS SISTEMAS - PEQUEÑA SELECCIÓN: camionetas buscadas Stanton época 2 shure ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Etiqueta blanca de Shure/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E y mucho más. Philips diferentes OGP 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Edición limitada - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE: nuestro limpiador de agujas, fabricado especialmente en una pequeña fábrica para prolongar la vida útil del sistema, fabricado con agua ultrapura de un entorno médico para no dejar absolutamente ningún residuo en la pieza buena. Estamos especialmente orgullosos del aplicador, ya que encuentra el equilibrio perfecto entre dureza, buena limpieza y flexibilidad, es decir, suave en las zonas delicadas. Por supuesto desmagnetizado!! Básculas de brazo fonocaptor que hacen que el molesto ajuste del peso de la balanza, en el que siempre no está seguro de si es correcto de todos modos, es innecesario. Cuelga, lee, disfruta!! TODO SUJETO A DISPONIBILIDAD TAMBIÉN NOS GUSTA ESCUCHAR SUS SUGERENCIAS SOBRE SU EQUIPO ANTIGUO IMPORTANTE SOBRE EL PROCESO: ¡¡¡POR FAVOR LEE ESTO!!! El embalaje adecuado es una cuestión de rutina. A partir de la experiencia de casi 20 años, definitivamente existe un método de embalaje de alta calidad. Si están disponibles, se aprietan los tornillos de transporte, se quitan las placas y los contrapesos y se embalan por separado. Siempre que sea posible, utilizamos materiales antiguos por razones respetuosas con el medio ambiente para utilizar la menor cantidad de plástico posible. Vemos como nuestra obligación no solo proteger el círculo negro, sino también el círculo azul y evitar el desperdicio siempre que sea posible. Si, por cualquier razón, no desea esto, infórmenos con anticipación. ¡Estoy feliz de ayudar si tienes algún problema! Los artículos se concentran empaquetados los viernes para mayor eficiencia. También me gustaría señalar que la calidad y los tiempos de entrega rápidos no van de la mano. Muchos dispositivos reciben mantenimiento y también hay largas cadenas de prueba, etc. páginas Danos el tiempo que ciertamente te diste al tomar la decisión de compra y déjanos entregarte la calidad que deseas y mereces. ¡Solo disfruta de la anticipación! Estrés, agitado y rápido, rápido no permite calidad!!! Pregúntale a un diamante ;-) TE ENTREGAMOS: Tocadiscos de plataforma giratoria usados ??y nuevos, cartuchos usados ??y nuevos, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Cartucho magnético móvil , cartucho de cerámica, lápiz óptico, agujas, cabezal, Audio Technica MM y MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, cable conductor , Record, slipmat, alineación, calibre, cinturones, dj, lp, phono, auriculares, equipo de DJ, auriculares para DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinilos, clásicos, rarezas, tocadiscos, discos, hardcore, gabber, aguja de repuesto, placa de circuito, portacápsulas, sistema montura, portacartuchos, Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, correa dentada, gramófono, fonógrafo, tocadiscos,??, ??, ??¡La aguja también está todavía en buen rango! ¡La buena pieza que debería haber llegado lamentablemente ya no se fabrica! Y se nota cada vez más que se acerca el final, porque cada vez hay menos agujas originales disponibles. Pero las réplicas son todas, y me refiero a todas, tan malas en términos de valores que nunca se acercan ni siquiera al original. Puedes averiguar qué tipo de diamante hay en él. Nunca tienen la estabilidad direccional, y las mejores uñas de ataúd también estarán disponibles después del 3er trimestre a más tardar. Scratch al nirvana, que es mejor teniendo en cuenta el sonido que debería haber enfrentado. En el mejor de los casos, tienes una aguja que suena horrible. Pero también puede darse el caso de que atrapes uno que rompa extremadamente rápido o uno que rompa muy Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME Headshell

End: 22.06. 2023 08:03:34 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 164.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175773221478
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 14,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT COME FREQUENTLY IN THE NEXT TIME - A DJ SYSTEM RARITY - SHURE M44-7 CARTRIDGE + ORIGINAL NEEDLE IN GOOD CONDITION + TOP HEADSHELL!!!! STATUS: system no. 2 TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO THIBBLING HOW THE SYSTEM REACHES!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! I would describe the overall condition as VERY GOOD - Vinyl language - VG+ - The cartridge is in VERY GOOD CONDITION. So its not new, but its been treated with care. He has no major optical or technical defects, minor scratches but otherwise nothing worth mentioning! Can still be seen very well. The black is still full and the contacts are also still nice and clear! The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The running time and plate wear alone put the additional costs into perspective. In any case, they usually sound like a weasel pooping in the tuba, nope, nobody really needs it!!! Here is the original. Still a great look! Marker paint still looks very nice, the cantilever is straight and the diamond is still nice and clear. LOOK AT THE ORGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT - A top headshell is also waiting for the new owner. It is the Numark HS1! Also comes in very good condition! Nice rich color here too! It is considered to be very low in resonance and therefore has a positive effect on the sound. In addition, it looks extremely steep!! Acoustically, technically and optically tested!!! Offer another one with a new NOS needle and a good one with a small flaw as a bargain! IN THE OTHER ACTIONS!!!!!!! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  When avid battle and scratch DJs began using older Shure cartridges more than twenty years ago, the company responded quickly and launched the M44-7 specifically for this target group. The user gets a pickup with a fairly high output signal and high bounce resistance. Another reason why this system has become a favorite of many deejays is the fact that it is a headshell pickup. Thus, things like overhang and vertical angle can be freely configured and adapted to personal requirements. Fast basic scratches and normal backspins can already be executed at the minimum value. The needle makes its way through the groove with complete confidence, without any noticeable distortions. And that with only 1.5 grams (nM) tracking force. Absolutely great! With a little instinct, even very fast scratches (scribble, tear, etc.) can be performed. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should increase to two grams. In terms of spring resistance, the M44-7 plays in the top class for me with its vinyl-friendly low tracking forces. Top! For very fast backspins, the value to be set is 2.2 grams, with which the needle remains rock-solid in the groove, basically as if glued. Its cantilever has a very soft suspension, which is also well received by hi-fis. Due to its super highly polished natural diamond, it also overtakes the sound track without a sound, but at the same time protects the records through the polish, as it glides gently through it!! I know I rave, but unfortunately it really is like that…. SOFT FACTS: Color marking of the connector pins High spring resistance with very low contact forces Very good scratching properties High output level Very crisp bass reproduction TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Design Complete pickup with SME bayonet connection Pickup type MM Output voltage 9.5mV Recommended load 47 k?; 450pF Tracking force range 1.5 - 3 g Needle type spherical 18 µm Transmission range 20 Hz - 17 kHz Stereo balance 2dB Channel separation (at 1 kHz) 20 dB Weight 6.7g Height 15.9mm Scope of delivery: 1x original SHURE M44-7 pickup 1x Original SHURE N44-7 needle 1x Genuine Numark HS1 SME Headshell Optional new wiring incl. Conclusion:  The Shure M44-7 is still one of the best cartridges for DJs and turntablists. High resilience to extreme mix and scratch actions, a high output level and very good bass reproduction are powerful arguments in favor of using this classic. In addition, many DJs prefer headshell systems because they allow the overhang and angle to be freely configured. Professional club DJs should definitely take a look at the M44-7, even if its not a bargain! Hammer system and one of the few top dogs that still exist. The M44-7 really puts systems like the Ortofon Nightclub MK2 in the corner. Simply a blast in terms of sound, the dance floor is happy and grins contentedly... Treat yourself to it, absolutely necessary for pros anyway, the Champions League only plays here... Even the hi-fis have noticed that in the meantime, as it is now also extremely popular in combination with Dual 10**!! Options: Extras: OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Stanton epoch 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If, for whatever reason, you do not want this, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a diamond ;-) WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runni

Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME Headshell

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 205.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573560
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 21,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME HeadshellThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT COME FREQUENTLY IN THE NEXT TIME - A DJ SYSTEM RARITY - SHURE M44-7 CARTRIDGE + ORIGINAL NEEDLE IN GOOD CONDITION + TOP HEADSHELL!!!! STATUS: system no. 2 TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO THIBBLING HOW THE SYSTEM REACHES!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! I would describe the overall condition as VERY GOOD - Vinyl language - VG+ - The cartridge is in VERY GOOD CONDITION. So its not new, but its been treated with care. He has no major optical or technical defects, minor scratches but otherwise nothing worth mentioning! Can still be seen very well. The black is still full and the contacts are also still nice and clear! The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The running time and plate wear alone put the additional costs into perspective. In any case, they usually sound like a weasel pooping in the tuba, nope, nobody really needs it!!! Here is the original. Still a great look! Marker paint still looks very nice, the cantilever is straight and the diamond is still nice and clear. LOOK AT THE ORGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT - A top headshell is also waiting for the new owner. It is the Numark HS1! Also comes in very good condition! Nice rich color here too! It is considered to be very low in resonance and therefore has a positive effect on the sound. In addition, it looks extremely steep!! Acoustically, technically and optically tested!!! Offer another one with a new NOS needle and a good one with a small flaw as a bargain! IN THE OTHER ACTIONS!!!!!!! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  When avid battle and scratch DJs began using older Shure cartridges more than twenty years ago, the company responded quickly and launched the M44-7 specifically for this target group. The user gets a pickup with a fairly high output signal and high bounce resistance. Another reason why this system has become a favorite of many deejays is the fact that it is a headshell pickup. Thus, things like overhang and vertical angle can be freely configured and adapted to personal requirements. Fast basic scratches and normal backspins can already be executed at the minimum value. The needle makes its way through the groove with complete confidence, without any noticeable distortions. And that with only 1.5 grams (nM) tracking force. Absolutely great! With a little instinct, even very fast scratches (scribble, tear, etc.) can be performed. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should increase to two grams. In terms of spring resistance, the M44-7 plays in the top class for me with its vinyl-friendly low tracking forces. Top! For very fast backspins, the value to be set is 2.2 grams, with which the needle remains rock-solid in the groove, basically as if glued. Its cantilever has a very soft suspension, which is also well received by hi-fis. Due to its super highly polished natural diamond, it also overtakes the sound track without a sound, but at the same time protects the records through the polish, as it glides gently through it!! I know I rave, but unfortunately it really is like that…. SOFT FACTS: Color marking of the connector pins High spring resistance with very low contact forces Very good scratching properties High output level Very crisp bass reproduction TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Design Complete pickup with SME bayonet connection Pickup type MM Output voltage 9.5mV Recommended load 47 k?; 450pF Tracking force range 1.5 - 3 g Needle type spherical 18 µm Transmission range 20 Hz - 17 kHz Stereo balance 2dB Channel separation (at 1 kHz) 20 dB Weight 6.7g Height 15.9mm Scope of delivery: 1x original SHURE M44-7 pickup 1x Original SHURE N44-7 needle 1x Genuine Numark HS1 SME Headshell Optional new wiring incl. Conclusion:  The Shure M44-7 is still one of the best cartridges for DJs and turntablists. High resilience to extreme mix and scratch actions, a high output level and very good bass reproduction are powerful arguments in favor of using this classic. In addition, many DJs prefer headshell systems because they allow the overhang and angle to be freely configured. Professional club DJs should definitely take a look at the M44-7, even if its not a bargain! Hammer system and one of the few top dogs that still exist. The M44-7 really puts systems like the Ortofon Nightclub MK2 in the corner. Simply a blast in terms of sound, the dance floor is happy and grins contentedly... Treat yourself to it, absolutely necessary for pros anyway, the Champions League only plays here... Even the hi-fis have noticed that in the meantime, as it is now also extremely popular in combination with Dual 10**!! Options: Extras: OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Stanton epoch 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If, for whatever reason, you do not want this, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a diamond ;-) WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runni Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 Système Original Stylet N44-7 Bon État + Numark SME Coquille

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 164.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573520
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 14,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 Système Original Stylet N44-7 Bon État + Numark SME CoquilleCette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. MARCHANDISES AU DÉTAIL VÉRIFIÉES AVEC GARANTIE !!!!!!!!! Hello mes chers vinylistes !!! OFFRANT UNE OPPORTUNITÉ QUI NE SERA PAS FRÉQUENTE DANS LA PROCHAINE FOIS - UNE RARETÉ DJ SYSTEM - CARTOUCHE SHURE M44-7 + AIGUILLE DORIGINE EN BON ÉTAT + COQUE TOP !!!! STATUT: système non. 2 MARCHANDISES DE DÉTAILLANT TESTÉES ! DONC AUCUN THIBBLING COMMENT LE SYSTÈME ATTEINT !! OFFREZ UNE CARTOUCHE SHURE ICI !!! Je décrirais létat général comme TRÈS BON - Langue vinyle - VG+ - La cartouche est en TRÈS BON ÉTAT. Ce nest donc pas nouveau, mais il a été traité avec soin. Il na pas de défauts optiques ou techniques majeurs, des rayures mineures mais rien dautre à signaler ! Se voit encore très bien. Le noir est toujours plein et les contacts sont également toujours beaux et clairs ! Laiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui casse très vite ou qui bat très mal vos records. La durée de fonctionnement et lusure des plaques relativisent à elles seules les surcoûts. En tout cas, ils sonnent généralement comme une fouine qui fait caca dans le tuba, non, personne nen a vraiment besoin !!! Voici loriginal. Encore un super look ! La peinture du marqueur est toujours très belle, le porte-à-faux est droit et le diamant est toujours beau et clair. REGARDEZ LES PHOTOS ORIGINALES - VOUS OBTENEZ CE QUE VOUS VOYEZ - PAS DE BULLSHIT - Une coque supérieure attend également le nouveau propriétaire. Cest le Numark HS1 ! Vient également en très bon état! Belle couleur riche ici aussi! Il est considéré comme ayant une très faible résonance et a donc un effet positif sur le son. En plus, ça a lair extrêmement raide !! Testé acoustiquement, techniquement et optiquement !!! Offrez-en une autre avec une aiguille NOS neuve et une bonne avec un petit défaut en guise daubaine ! DANS LES AUTRES ACTIONS !!!!!!! DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT:  Lorsque les DJ passionnés de combat et de scratch ont commencé à utiliser des cartouches Shure plus anciennes il y a plus de vingt ans, la société a réagi rapidement et a lancé le M44-7 spécifiquement pour ce groupe cible. Lutilisateur obtient un micro avec un signal de sortie assez élevé et une résistance élevée au rebond. Une autre raison pour laquelle ce système est devenu le favori de nombreux DJ est le fait quil sagit dun micro à tête de lecture. Ainsi, des éléments tels que le porte-à-faux et langle vertical peuvent être librement configurés et adaptés aux besoins personnels. Les scratchs de base rapides et les backspins normaux peuvent déjà être exécutés à la valeur minimale. Laiguille se fraye un chemin à travers la rainure en toute confiance, sans aucune distorsion notable. Et cela avec seulement 1,5 gramme (nM) de force dappui. Absolument génial! Avec un peu dinstinct, même des rayures très rapides (griffonnage, déchirure, etc.) peuvent être réalisées. Mais si vous voulez être prudent, je pense que vous devriez augmenter à deux grammes. En termes de résistance des ressorts, le M44-7 joue pour moi dans la classe supérieure avec ses faibles forces de suivi compatibles avec le vinyle. Haut! Pour les backspins très rapides, la valeur à régler est de 2,2 grammes, avec laquelle laiguille reste solide comme le roc dans la rainure, essentiellement comme si elle était collée. Son porte-à-faux a une suspension très douce, qui est également bien accueillie par la hi-fi. Grâce à son diamant naturel super hautement poli, il dépasse également sur la piste sonore sans un son, mais protège en même temps les disques grâce au poli, car il glisse doucement à travers !! Je sais que je délire, mais malheureusement cest vraiment comme ça…. FAITS DOUX : Marquage de couleur des broches de connexion Haute résistance du ressort avec des forces de contact très faibles Très bonnes propriétés de grattage Niveau de sortie élevé Reproduction des basses très nette SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES: Design Micro complet avec connexion à baïonnette SME Type de ramassage MM Tension de sortie 9.5mV Charge recommandée 47 k? ; 450pF Plage de force dappui 1,5 - 3 g Aiguille type sphérique 18 µm Plage de transmission 20 Hz - 17 kHz Balance stéréo 2dB Séparation des canaux (à 1 kHz) 20 dB Poids 6.7g Hauteur 15,9 mm Contenu de la livraison : 1x micro dorigine SHURE M44-7 1 fois Aiguille dorigine SHURE N44-7 1x véritable porte-cellule Numark HS1 SME Nouveau câblage en option incl. Conclusion:  Le Shure M44-7 est toujours lune des meilleures cellules pour les DJ et les platines. Une grande résistance aux actions extrêmes de mixage et de scratch, un niveau de sortie élevé et une très bonne reproduction des basses sont de puissants arguments en faveur de lutilisation de ce classique. De plus, de nombreux DJ préfèrent les systèmes de porte-cellule car ils permettent de configurer librement le porte-à-faux et langle. Les DJ de clubs professionnels devraient absolument jeter un œil au M44-7, même si ce nest pas une bonne affaire ! Système de marteau et lun des rares meilleurs chiens qui existent encore. Le M44-7 met vraiment des systèmes comme lOrtofon Nightclub MK2 dans le coin. Tout simplement génial en termes de son, la piste de danse est joyeuse et sourit de contentement... Offrez-vous-en, cest absolument nécessaire pour les pros de toute façon, la Champions League ne se joue quici... Même les hi-fi lont remarqué entre-temps, puisquil est maintenant aussi extrêmement populaire en combinaison avec le Dual 10** !! Option : Suppléments: AUTRES SYSTÈMES - PETITE SÉLECTION : Micros recherchés Stanton époque 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Marque blanche Shure/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E et bien plus encore. Différent Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Édition Limitée - 13eav - AT12XE  Suppléments: Vivid HE - notre nettoyeur daiguilles, spécialement fabriqué dans une petite usine, pour prolonger la durée de vie du système, fabriqué à partir deau ultra pure provenant dun environnement médical pour ne laisser absolument aucun résidu sur la bonne pièce. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de lapplicateur, car il trouve le juste équilibre entre dureté, bon nettoyage et souplesse, cest-à-dire doux pour les zones délicates. Bien sûr démagnétisé !! Balances de bras de lecture qui rendent inutile le réglage ennuyeux du poids déquilibrage, où vous ne savez toujours pas sil est correct de toute façon. Raccrochez, lisez, profitez !! TOUS SOUS RÉSERVE DE DISPONIBILITÉ NOUS AIMONS AUSSI ÉCOUTER VOS SUGGESTIONS SUR VOTRE ANCIEN ÉQUIPEMENT IMPORTANT SUR LE PROCESSUS : LIS ÇA SIL TE PLAIT!!! Un emballage approprié est une évidence. Daprès une expérience de près de 20 ans, il existe définitivement une méthode demballage de haute qualité. Si disponibles, les vis de transport sont serrées, les plaques et les contrepoids sont retirés et emballés séparément. Dans la mesure du possible, nous utilisons des matériaux anciens pour des raisons écologiques afin dutiliser le moins de plastique possible. Nous considérons quil est de notre devoir de protéger non seulement le cercle noir, mais aussi le cercle bleu et déviter le gaspillage dans la mesure du possible. Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne le souhaitez pas, veuillez nous en informer à lavance. Je suis heureux de vous aider si vous avez des problèmes! Les articles sont concentrés emballés le vendredi pour plus defficacité. Je tiens également à souligner que la qualité et les délais de livraison rapides ne vont pas ensemble. De nombreux appareils font lobjet dune maintenance et il existe également de longues chaînes de test, etc. pp Donnez-nous le temps que vous vous êtes certainement accordé lors de la prise de décision dachat et laissez-nous vous livrer la qualité que vous voulez et méritez. Profitez simplement de lanticipation !!! Le stress, trépidant et rapide, rapide ne permet pas la qualité !!! Demandez à un diamant ;-) NOUS VOUS LIVRONS : Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cellule céramique, Stylet, Aiguilles, Porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Câble , Record, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, raretés, platines, disques, hardcore, gabber, aiguille de rechange, circuit imprimé, portacápsulas, système support, porte-cartouche, Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylet, Stylet de remplacement, Pointe de lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Courroie crantée, gramophone, phonographe, Tourne-disque, ??, ??, ??Laiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui c Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME Headshell

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 165.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573658
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME HeadshellThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT COME FREQUENTLY IN THE NEXT TIME - A DJ SYSTEM RARITY - SHURE M44-7 CARTRIDGE + ORIGINAL NEEDLE IN GOOD CONDITION + TOP HEADSHELL!!!! STATUS: system no. 2 TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO THIBBLING HOW THE SYSTEM REACHES!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! I would describe the overall condition as VERY GOOD - Vinyl language - VG+ - The cartridge is in VERY GOOD CONDITION. So its not new, but its been treated with care. He has no major optical or technical defects, minor scratches but otherwise nothing worth mentioning! Can still be seen very well. The black is still full and the contacts are also still nice and clear! The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The running time and plate wear alone put the additional costs into perspective. In any case, they usually sound like a weasel pooping in the tuba, nope, nobody really needs it!!! Here is the original. Still a great look! Marker paint still looks very nice, the cantilever is straight and the diamond is still nice and clear. LOOK AT THE ORGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT - A top headshell is also waiting for the new owner. It is the Numark HS1! Also comes in very good condition! Nice rich color here too! It is considered to be very low in resonance and therefore has a positive effect on the sound. In addition, it looks extremely steep!! Acoustically, technically and optically tested!!! Offer another one with a new NOS needle and a good one with a small flaw as a bargain! IN THE OTHER ACTIONS!!!!!!! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  When avid battle and scratch DJs began using older Shure cartridges more than twenty years ago, the company responded quickly and launched the M44-7 specifically for this target group. The user gets a pickup with a fairly high output signal and high bounce resistance. Another reason why this system has become a favorite of many deejays is the fact that it is a headshell pickup. Thus, things like overhang and vertical angle can be freely configured and adapted to personal requirements. Fast basic scratches and normal backspins can already be executed at the minimum value. The needle makes its way through the groove with complete confidence, without any noticeable distortions. And that with only 1.5 grams (nM) tracking force. Absolutely great! With a little instinct, even very fast scratches (scribble, tear, etc.) can be performed. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should increase to two grams. In terms of spring resistance, the M44-7 plays in the top class for me with its vinyl-friendly low tracking forces. Top! For very fast backspins, the value to be set is 2.2 grams, with which the needle remains rock-solid in the groove, basically as if glued. Its cantilever has a very soft suspension, which is also well received by hi-fis. Due to its super highly polished natural diamond, it also overtakes the sound track without a sound, but at the same time protects the records through the polish, as it glides gently through it!! I know I rave, but unfortunately it really is like that…. SOFT FACTS: Color marking of the connector pins High spring resistance with very low contact forces Very good scratching properties High output level Very crisp bass reproduction TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Design Complete pickup with SME bayonet connection Pickup type MM Output voltage 9.5mV Recommended load 47 k?; 450pF Tracking force range 1.5 - 3 g Needle type spherical 18 µm Transmission range 20 Hz - 17 kHz Stereo balance 2dB Channel separation (at 1 kHz) 20 dB Weight 6.7g Height 15.9mm Scope of delivery: 1x original SHURE M44-7 pickup 1x Original SHURE N44-7 needle 1x Genuine Numark HS1 SME Headshell Optional new wiring incl. Conclusion:  The Shure M44-7 is still one of the best cartridges for DJs and turntablists. High resilience to extreme mix and scratch actions, a high output level and very good bass reproduction are powerful arguments in favor of using this classic. In addition, many DJs prefer headshell systems because they allow the overhang and angle to be freely configured. Professional club DJs should definitely take a look at the M44-7, even if its not a bargain! Hammer system and one of the few top dogs that still exist. The M44-7 really puts systems like the Ortofon Nightclub MK2 in the corner. Simply a blast in terms of sound, the dance floor is happy and grins contentedly... Treat yourself to it, absolutely necessary for pros anyway, the Champions League only plays here... Even the hi-fis have noticed that in the meantime, as it is now also extremely popular in combination with Dual 10**!! Options: Extras: OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Stanton epoch 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If, for whatever reason, you do not want this, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a diamond ;-) WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runni Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 latest version cartridge and new after market N44-7 stylus

End: 21.06. 2023 07:20:14 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 165.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266270916825
  • Seller: vintageaudiostore (5092|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Orange, California USA
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 18,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Shure M44-7 Cartridge & Stylus on new Audio Technica Headshell m447 n44-7 DJ

End: 17.06. 2023 15:56:49 on Saturday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 253.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275907346319
  • Seller: r-a-v-e--h-e-a-r-t (406|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wirral Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 DJ Cartridge & Stylus mounted on new Audio Technica Headshell Excellent condition, top of the range DJ cartridge with aftermarket stylus also in great condition- plenty of life left on this quality stylus before it would need to be replaced, of which there are many options. Mounted on a brand new audiophile Audio Technica silver headhsell - in the style and shape of the classic Technics DJ headshell design, allowing for extra tracking weight via the standardised screw mount. Brand new Audio Technica wiring has been used for perfect sound quality. Premium Black T8 twist grip headed bolts also included Universal fit for all turntables that use the standard tone arm connection. Tested fully working and sounding perfect as you would expect. The M447 has exactly the same physical form factor and DJ performance characteristics as the entire M44 range but with the highest output mv level, which results in a crisp, super punchy sound. All of the legendary M44 series carts are now discontinued and increasingly difficult to get hold of while there will always be many options for quality replacement stylus, given their status as the king of DJ carts and overwhelming popularity. The M44-7 is the choice cartridge of turntablists everywhere. Expertly packaged for safe delivery via quicky, fully insured and tracked courier - please see my feedback

Shure M44-7 Cartridge Stylus on new Audio Technica Headshell m447 n44-7 DJ #2

End: 16.06. 2023 22:27:25 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 189.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275888608599
  • Seller: r-a-v-e--h-e-a-r-t (396|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wirral Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 37,91 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 DJ Cartridge & Stylus mounted on new Audio Technica Headshell 2 of 2 (also available as a pair until one sells!) Excellent condition, top of the range DJ cartridge with aftermarket stylus also in great condition- plenty of life left on this quality stylus before it would need to be replaced, of which there are many options. Mounted on a brand new audiophile Audio Technica silver headhsell - in the style and shape of the classic Technics DJ headshell design, allowing for extra tracking weight via the standardised screw mount. Brand new Audio Technica wiring has been used for perfect sound quality. Premium Black T8 twist grip headed bolts also included Universal fit for all turntables that use the standard tone arm connection. Tested fully working and sounding perfect as you would expect. The M447 has exactly the same physical form factor and DJ performance characteristics as the entire M44 range but with the highest output mv level, which results in a crisp, super punchy sound. All of the legendary M44 series carts are now discontinued and increasingly difficult to get hold of while there will always be many options for quality replacement stylus, given their status as the king of DJ carts and overwhelming popularity. The M44-7 is the choice cartridge of turntablists everywhere. Expertly packaged for safe delivery via quicky, fully insured and tracked courier - please see my feedback

Shure M44-7 Cartridge Stylus on new Audio Technica Headshell m447 n44-7 DJ #1

End: 16.06. 2023 21:48:21 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 189.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275888607426
  • Seller: r-a-v-e--h-e-a-r-t (396|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wirral Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 25,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 DJ Cartridge & Stylus mounted on new Audio Technica Headshell 1 of 2 (also available as a pair until one sells!) Excellent condition, top of the range DJ cartridge with aftermarket stylus also in great condition- plenty of life left on this quality stylus before it would need to be replaced, of which there are many options. Mounted on a brand new audiophile Audio Technica silver headhsell - in the style and shape of the classic Technics DJ headshell design, allowing for extra tracking weight via the standardised screw mount. Brand new Audio Technica wiring has been used for perfect sound quality. Premium Black T8 twist grip headed bolts also included Universal fit for all turntables that use the standard tone arm connection. Tested fully working and sounding perfect as you would expect. The M447 has exactly the same physical form factor and DJ performance characteristics as the entire M44 range but with the highest output mv level, which results in a crisp, super punchy sound. All of the legendary M44 series carts are now discontinued and increasingly difficult to get hold of while there will always be many options for quality replacement stylus, given their status as the king of DJ carts and overwhelming popularity. The M44-7 is the choice cartridge of turntablists everywhere. Expertly packaged for safe delivery via quicky, fully insured and tracked courier - please see my feedback

Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME Headshell

End: 14.06. 2023 08:03:51 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 203.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175752733347
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4686|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 21,37 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME HeadshellThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT COME FREQUENTLY IN THE NEXT TIME - A DJ SYSTEM RARITY - SHURE M44-7 CARTRIDGE + ORIGINAL NEEDLE IN GOOD CONDITION + TOP HEADSHELL!!!! STATUS: system no. 2 TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO THIBBLING HOW THE SYSTEM REACHES!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! I would describe the overall condition as VERY GOOD - Vinyl language - VG+ - The cartridge is in VERY GOOD CONDITION. So its not new, but its been treated with care. He has no major optical or technical defects, minor scratches but otherwise nothing worth mentioning! Can still be seen very well. The black is still full and the contacts are also still nice and clear! The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The running time and plate wear alone put the additional costs into perspective. In any case, they usually sound like a weasel pooping in the tuba, nope, nobody really needs it!!! Here is the original. Still a great look! Marker paint still looks very nice, the cantilever is straight and the diamond is still nice and clear. LOOK AT THE ORGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT - A top headshell is also waiting for the new owner. It is the Numark HS1! Also comes in very good condition! Nice rich color here too! It is considered to be very low in resonance and therefore has a positive effect on the sound. In addition, it looks extremely steep!! Acoustically, technically and optically tested!!! Offer another one with a new NOS needle and a good one with a small flaw as a bargain! IN THE OTHER ACTIONS!!!!!!! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  When avid battle and scratch DJs began using older Shure cartridges more than twenty years ago, the company responded quickly and launched the M44-7 specifically for this target group. The user gets a pickup with a fairly high output signal and high bounce resistance. Another reason why this system has become a favorite of many deejays is the fact that it is a headshell pickup. Thus, things like overhang and vertical angle can be freely configured and adapted to personal requirements. Fast basic scratches and normal backspins can already be executed at the minimum value. The needle makes its way through the groove with complete confidence, without any noticeable distortions. And that with only 1.5 grams (nM) tracking force. Absolutely great! With a little instinct, even very fast scratches (scribble, tear, etc.) can be performed. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should increase to two grams. In terms of spring resistance, the M44-7 plays in the top class for me with its vinyl-friendly low tracking forces. Top! For very fast backspins, the value to be set is 2.2 grams, with which the needle remains rock-solid in the groove, basically as if glued. Its cantilever has a very soft suspension, which is also well received by hi-fis. Due to its super highly polished natural diamond, it also overtakes the sound track without a sound, but at the same time protects the records through the polish, as it glides gently through it!! I know I rave, but unfortunately it really is like that…. SOFT FACTS: Color marking of the connector pins High spring resistance with very low contact forces Very good scratching properties High output level Very crisp bass reproduction TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Design Complete pickup with SME bayonet connection Pickup type MM Output voltage 9.5mV Recommended load 47 k?; 450pF Tracking force range 1.5 - 3 g Needle type spherical 18 µm Transmission range 20 Hz - 17 kHz Stereo balance 2dB Channel separation (at 1 kHz) 20 dB Weight 6.7g Height 15.9mm Scope of delivery: 1x original SHURE M44-7 pickup 1x Original SHURE N44-7 needle 1x Genuine Numark HS1 SME Headshell Optional new wiring incl. Conclusion:  The Shure M44-7 is still one of the best cartridges for DJs and turntablists. High resilience to extreme mix and scratch actions, a high output level and very good bass reproduction are powerful arguments in favor of using this classic. In addition, many DJs prefer headshell systems because they allow the overhang and angle to be freely configured. Professional club DJs should definitely take a look at the M44-7, even if its not a bargain! Hammer system and one of the few top dogs that still exist. The M44-7 really puts systems like the Ortofon Nightclub MK2 in the corner. Simply a blast in terms of sound, the dance floor is happy and grins contentedly... Treat yourself to it, absolutely necessary for pros anyway, the Champions League only plays here... Even the hi-fis have noticed that in the meantime, as it is now also extremely popular in combination with Dual 10**!! Options: Extras: OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Stanton epoch 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If, for whatever reason, you do not want this, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a diamond ;-) WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runni Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME Headshell

End: 14.06. 2023 08:03:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 166.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185920619291
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4683|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shure M44-7 System Original Needle N44-7 Good Condition + Numark SME HeadshellThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT COME FREQUENTLY IN THE NEXT TIME - A DJ SYSTEM RARITY - SHURE M44-7 CARTRIDGE + ORIGINAL NEEDLE IN GOOD CONDITION + TOP HEADSHELL!!!! STATUS: system no. 2 TESTED RETAILER GOODS! SO NO THIBBLING HOW THE SYSTEM REACHES!! OFFER A SHURE CARTRIDGE HERE!!! I would describe the overall condition as VERY GOOD - Vinyl language - VG+ - The cartridge is in VERY GOOD CONDITION. So its not new, but its been treated with care. He has no major optical or technical defects, minor scratches but otherwise nothing worth mentioning! Can still be seen very well. The black is still full and the contacts are also still nice and clear! The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The running time and plate wear alone put the additional costs into perspective. In any case, they usually sound like a weasel pooping in the tuba, nope, nobody really needs it!!! Here is the original. Still a great look! Marker paint still looks very nice, the cantilever is straight and the diamond is still nice and clear. LOOK AT THE ORGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT - A top headshell is also waiting for the new owner. It is the Numark HS1! Also comes in very good condition! Nice rich color here too! It is considered to be very low in resonance and therefore has a positive effect on the sound. In addition, it looks extremely steep!! Acoustically, technically and optically tested!!! Offer another one with a new NOS needle and a good one with a small flaw as a bargain! IN THE OTHER ACTIONS!!!!!!! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  When avid battle and scratch DJs began using older Shure cartridges more than twenty years ago, the company responded quickly and launched the M44-7 specifically for this target group. The user gets a pickup with a fairly high output signal and high bounce resistance. Another reason why this system has become a favorite of many deejays is the fact that it is a headshell pickup. Thus, things like overhang and vertical angle can be freely configured and adapted to personal requirements. Fast basic scratches and normal backspins can already be executed at the minimum value. The needle makes its way through the groove with complete confidence, without any noticeable distortions. And that with only 1.5 grams (nM) tracking force. Absolutely great! With a little instinct, even very fast scratches (scribble, tear, etc.) can be performed. But if you want to be on the safe side, I think you should increase to two grams. In terms of spring resistance, the M44-7 plays in the top class for me with its vinyl-friendly low tracking forces. Top! For very fast backspins, the value to be set is 2.2 grams, with which the needle remains rock-solid in the groove, basically as if glued. Its cantilever has a very soft suspension, which is also well received by hi-fis. Due to its super highly polished natural diamond, it also overtakes the sound track without a sound, but at the same time protects the records through the polish, as it glides gently through it!! I know I rave, but unfortunately it really is like that…. SOFT FACTS: Color marking of the connector pins High spring resistance with very low contact forces Very good scratching properties High output level Very crisp bass reproduction TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Design Complete pickup with SME bayonet connection Pickup type MM Output voltage 9.5mV Recommended load 47 k?; 450pF Tracking force range 1.5 - 3 g Needle type spherical 18 µm Transmission range 20 Hz - 17 kHz Stereo balance 2dB Channel separation (at 1 kHz) 20 dB Weight 6.7g Height 15.9mm Scope of delivery: 1x original SHURE M44-7 pickup 1x Original SHURE N44-7 needle 1x Genuine Numark HS1 SME Headshell Optional new wiring incl. Conclusion:  The Shure M44-7 is still one of the best cartridges for DJs and turntablists. High resilience to extreme mix and scratch actions, a high output level and very good bass reproduction are powerful arguments in favor of using this classic. In addition, many DJs prefer headshell systems because they allow the overhang and angle to be freely configured. Professional club DJs should definitely take a look at the M44-7, even if its not a bargain! Hammer system and one of the few top dogs that still exist. The M44-7 really puts systems like the Ortofon Nightclub MK2 in the corner. Simply a blast in terms of sound, the dance floor is happy and grins contentedly... Treat yourself to it, absolutely necessary for pros anyway, the Champions League only plays here... Even the hi-fis have noticed that in the meantime, as it is now also extremely popular in combination with Dual 10**!! Options: Extras: OTHER SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Wanted pickups Stanton epoch 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Shure White Label/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE  Extras: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: PLEASE READ THIS!!! Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If, for whatever reason, you do not want this, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! Items are concentrated packed on Fridays for efficiency. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! Ask a diamond ;-) WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, Record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system mount, cartridge holder , Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??The needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runniThe needle is also still in nice range!!! The good piece that should have arrived is unfortunately no longer manufactured! And you notice more and more that the end is coming, because fewer and fewer original needles are available. But replicas are all, and I mean all of them, so bad in terms of values ??that they never even come close to the original. You can figure out what kind of diamond is on it. They never have the directional stability, and the better coffin nails will then also be available after the 3rd quarter at the latest. Scratch to nirvana, which is better considering the sound it should have faced. At best, you have a needle that sounds crappy. But it can also be the case that you catch one that breaks extremely quickly or one that breaks your records really badly. The runni Herstellungsland und -region Vereinigte Staaten Marke Shure Modellkompatibilität Technics 1210 Mk 2 3 5 MG5 Modellkompatibilität Dual Modellkompatibilität Thorens Modellkompatibilität Denon Modellkompatibilität Onkyo Modellkompatibilität Stanton Modellkompatibilität Alle SME Oder 1/2“ Geräte Angebotspaket Ja Kompatible Produktlinie Technics 1210 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 Länge xmm Farbe Weiß Höhe xmm Maßeinheit Einheit Regionaler Steckertyp SME Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Besonderheiten Extreme Trackability Besonderheiten Scratch System Besonderheiten Top Klang Besonderheiten Original N44-7z Nadel Besonderheiten Numark Top Headshell Besonderheiten Nadel Im Guten Gebrauchten Zustand Besonderheiten Tonabnehmer Besonderheiten Cartridge Besonderheiten Phono Besonderheiten Plattenspieler Besonderheiten Turntable Besonderheiten Hifi Besonderheiten Dual 1019 Besonderheiten Original Shure Nadel Gewicht 6,7g Markenkompatibilität Universell Markenkompatibilität Für Gemini Markenkompatibilität Für Marantz Markenkompatibilität Für Numark Markenkompatibilität Für Ortofon Markenkompatibilität Für Panasonic Markenkompatibilität Für Pioneer Markenkompatibilität Für Reloop Markenkompatibilität Für Sennheiser Markenkompatibilität Für Shure Markenkompatibilität Für SME Markenkompatibilität Für Stanton Markenkompatibilität Für Technics Markenkompatibilität Für Vestax Markenkompatibilität Technics EAN 0424060604938 Herstellernummer 7378365261 Kapazität 600-1199mAh Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Produktart Nadel Breite xmm

SHURE M44-7 N44-7 with Technics Headshell Cartridge Needle Stylus N447 N44 M44

End: 07.06. 2023 02:16:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 139.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235034787261
  • Seller: dj_thousand_store (1036|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hyougo Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Same-day or Next-day Shipping !SHURE N44-7 with Technics Headshell (63792584) ?Description ?Condition?- Needles are not broken or bent. ?Operation check?- I connected it to the turntable and verified that sound comes out of the left and right speakers.- No noise is generated.- It comes with a 30-day free return guarantee. ?Accessory?- Cartridge: M44-7- Stylus: N44-7- Technics Headshell - Technics Overhang Gauge (RMR2210-W) / NEW ?Precautions?- ?Related Products (search ebay for numbers)? 63792584SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell28569473SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell Pair ?About Handling Time - Ships within 1 business day.- Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays do not count as business days. ?About Shipping Policy - We ship via FedEx or EMS. ?International Buyers - Please Note: Duties, taxes, and fees are not included in the product price or shipping cost. You are responsible for paying any duties, taxes, or fees that may be incurred when importing products into your country. We also recommend that you check with your customs office in advance of your purchase to determine how much these additional costs will be.

Shure M44-7 Système Original Stylet N44-7 Bon État + Numark SME Coquille

End: 06.06. 2023 23:29:34 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 220.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175751238177
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4686|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 16,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARCHANDISES AU DÉTAIL VÉRIFIÉES AVEC GARANTIE !!!!!!!!! Hello mes chers vinylistes !!! OFFRANT UNE OPPORTUNITÉ QUI NE SERA PAS FRÉQUENTE DANS LA PROCHAINE FOIS - UNE RARETÉ DJ SYSTEM - CARTOUCHE SHURE M44-7 + AIGUILLE DORIGINE EN BON ÉTAT + COQUE TOP !!!! STATUT: système non. 2 MARCHANDISES DE DÉTAILLANT TESTÉES ! DONC AUCUN THIBBLING COMMENT LE SYSTÈME ATTEINT !! OFFREZ UNE CARTOUCHE SHURE ICI !!! Je décrirais létat général comme TRÈS BON - Langue vinyle - VG+ - La cartouche est en TRÈS BON ÉTAT. Ce nest donc pas nouveau, mais il a été traité avec soin. Il na pas de défauts optiques ou techniques majeurs, des rayures mineures mais rien dautre à signaler ! Se voit encore très bien. Le noir est toujours plein et les contacts sont également toujours beaux et clairs ! Laiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui casse très vite ou qui bat très mal vos records. La durée de fonctionnement et lusure des plaques relativisent à elles seules les surcoûts. En tout cas, ils sonnent généralement comme une fouine qui fait caca dans le tuba, non, personne nen a vraiment besoin !!! Voici loriginal. Encore un super look ! La peinture du marqueur est toujours très belle, le porte-à-faux est droit et le diamant est toujours beau et clair. REGARDEZ LES PHOTOS ORIGINALES - VOUS OBTENEZ CE QUE VOUS VOYEZ - PAS DE BULLSHIT - Une coque supérieure attend également le nouveau propriétaire. Cest le Numark HS1 ! Vient également en très bon état! Belle couleur riche ici aussi! Il est considéré comme ayant une très faible résonance et a donc un effet positif sur le son. En plus, ça a lair extrêmement raide !! Testé acoustiquement, techniquement et optiquement !!! Offrez-en une autre avec une aiguille NOS neuve et une bonne avec un petit défaut en guise daubaine ! DANS LES AUTRES ACTIONS !!!!!!! DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT:  Lorsque les DJ passionnés de combat et de scratch ont commencé à utiliser des cartouches Shure plus anciennes il y a plus de vingt ans, la société a réagi rapidement et a lancé le M44-7 spécifiquement pour ce groupe cible. Lutilisateur obtient un micro avec un signal de sortie assez élevé et une résistance élevée au rebond. Une autre raison pour laquelle ce système est devenu le favori de nombreux DJ est le fait quil sagit dun micro à tête de lecture. Ainsi, des éléments tels que le porte-à-faux et langle vertical peuvent être librement configurés et adaptés aux besoins personnels. Les scratchs de base rapides et les backspins normaux peuvent déjà être exécutés à la valeur minimale. Laiguille se fraye un chemin à travers la rainure en toute confiance, sans aucune distorsion notable. Et cela avec seulement 1,5 gramme (nM) de force dappui. Absolument génial! Avec un peu dinstinct, même des rayures très rapides (griffonnage, déchirure, etc.) peuvent être réalisées. Mais si vous voulez être prudent, je pense que vous devriez augmenter à deux grammes. En termes de résistance des ressorts, le M44-7 joue pour moi dans la classe supérieure avec ses faibles forces de suivi compatibles avec le vinyle. Haut! Pour les backspins très rapides, la valeur à régler est de 2,2 grammes, avec laquelle laiguille reste solide comme le roc dans la rainure, essentiellement comme si elle était collée. Son porte-à-faux a une suspension très douce, qui est également bien accueillie par la hi-fi. Grâce à son diamant naturel super hautement poli, il dépasse également sur la piste sonore sans un son, mais protège en même temps les disques grâce au poli, car il glisse doucement à travers !! Je sais que je délire, mais malheureusement cest vraiment comme ça…. FAITS DOUX : Marquage de couleur des broches de connexion Haute résistance du ressort avec des forces de contact très faibles Très bonnes propriétés de grattage Niveau de sortie élevé Reproduction des basses très nette SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES: Design Micro complet avec connexion à baïonnette SME Type de ramassage MM Tension de sortie 9.5mV Charge recommandée 47 k? ; 450pF Plage de force dappui 1,5 - 3 g Aiguille type sphérique 18 µm Plage de transmission 20 Hz - 17 kHz Balance stéréo 2dB Séparation des canaux (à 1 kHz) 20 dB Poids 6.7g Hauteur 15,9 mm Contenu de la livraison : 1x micro dorigine SHURE M44-7 1 fois Aiguille dorigine SHURE N44-7 1x véritable porte-cellule Numark HS1 SME Nouveau câblage en option incl. Conclusion:  Le Shure M44-7 est toujours lune des meilleures cellules pour les DJ et les platines. Une grande résistance aux actions extrêmes de mixage et de scratch, un niveau de sortie élevé et une très bonne reproduction des basses sont de puissants arguments en faveur de lutilisation de ce classique. De plus, de nombreux DJ préfèrent les systèmes de porte-cellule car ils permettent de configurer librement le porte-à-faux et langle. Les DJ de clubs professionnels devraient absolument jeter un œil au M44-7, même si ce nest pas une bonne affaire ! Système de marteau et lun des rares meilleurs chiens qui existent encore. Le M44-7 met vraiment des systèmes comme lOrtofon Nightclub MK2 dans le coin. Tout simplement génial en termes de son, la piste de danse est joyeuse et sourit de contentement... Offrez-vous-en, cest absolument nécessaire pour les pros de toute façon, la Champions League ne se joue quici... Même les hi-fi lont remarqué entre-temps, puisquil est maintenant aussi extrêmement populaire en combinaison avec le Dual 10** !! Option : Suppléments: AUTRES SYSTÈMES - PETITE SÉLECTION : Micros recherchés Stanton époque 2 Shure Ultra  Shure M97xe Shure ME97he AKG Marque blanche Shure/M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E et bien plus encore. Différent Philips OMB 5 10 Audio Technica - DR500LC - AT20Sla SS Édition Limitée - 13eav - AT12XE  Suppléments: Vivid HE - notre nettoyeur daiguilles, spécialement fabriqué dans une petite usine, pour prolonger la durée de vie du système, fabriqué à partir deau ultra pure provenant dun environnement médical pour ne laisser absolument aucun résidu sur la bonne pièce. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de lapplicateur, car il trouve le juste équilibre entre dureté, bon nettoyage et souplesse, cest-à-dire doux pour les zones délicates. Bien sûr démagnétisé !! Balances de bras de lecture qui rendent inutile le réglage ennuyeux du poids déquilibrage, où vous ne savez toujours pas sil est correct de toute façon. Raccrochez, lisez, profitez !! TOUS SOUS RÉSERVE DE DISPONIBILITÉ NOUS AIMONS AUSSI ÉCOUTER VOS SUGGESTIONS SUR VOTRE ANCIEN ÉQUIPEMENT IMPORTANT SUR LE PROCESSUS : LIS ÇA SIL TE PLAIT!!! Un emballage approprié est une évidence. Daprès une expérience de près de 20 ans, il existe définitivement une méthode demballage de haute qualité. Si disponibles, les vis de transport sont serrées, les plaques et les contrepoids sont retirés et emballés séparément. Dans la mesure du possible, nous utilisons des matériaux anciens pour des raisons écologiques afin dutiliser le moins de plastique possible. Nous considérons quil est de notre devoir de protéger non seulement le cercle noir, mais aussi le cercle bleu et déviter le gaspillage dans la mesure du possible. Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne le souhaitez pas, veuillez nous en informer à lavance. Je suis heureux de vous aider si vous avez des problèmes! Les articles sont concentrés emballés le vendredi pour plus defficacité. Je tiens également à souligner que la qualité et les délais de livraison rapides ne vont pas ensemble. De nombreux appareils font lobjet dune maintenance et il existe également de longues chaînes de test, etc. pp Donnez-nous le temps que vous vous êtes certainement accordé lors de la prise de décision dachat et laissez-nous vous livrer la qualité que vous voulez et méritez. Profitez simplement de lanticipation !!! Le stress, trépidant et rapide, rapide ne permet pas la qualité !!! Demandez à un diamant ;-) NOUS VOUS LIVRONS : Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cellule céramique, Stylet, Aiguilles, Porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Câble , Record, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, Dqvid Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, raretés, platines, disques, hardcore, gabber, aiguille de rechange, circuit imprimé, portacápsulas, système support, porte-cartouche, Fixation de cellule, Pickup system, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamant Stylet, Stylet de remplacement, Pointe de lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Courroie crantée, gramophone, phonographe, Tourne-disque, ??, ??, ??Laiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui cLaiguille est également toujours dans une belle gamme !!! La bonne pièce qui aurait dû arriver nest malheureusement plus fabriquée ! Et vous remarquez de plus en plus que la fin approche, car de moins en moins daiguilles originales sont disponibles. Mais les répliques sont toutes, et je veux dire toutes, si mauvaises en termes de valeurs quelles ne se rapprochent même jamais de loriginal. Vous pouvez déterminer quel type de diamant est dessus. Ils nont jamais la stabilité directionnelle, et les meilleurs clous de cercueil seront alors également disponibles après le 3ème trimestre au plus tard. Scratch au nirvana, ce qui est mieux compte tenu du son auquel il aurait dû faire face. Au mieux, vous avez une aiguille qui sonne merdique. Mais il se peut aussi que vous en attrapiez un qui c

Atrylogy N44-7 Ersatznadel Nachbau für Shure - M44-7

End: 06.06. 2023 07:26:58 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 23.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404279208584
  • Seller: musicstorekoeln (119769|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 7,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
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    Ebay Shop Bewertungen Favorit Newsletter -Tags in der mit der Klasse .bigPic. Und ein zweites Mal im zugehörigen -Tag im mit der Klasse .galleryThumb --> Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen Zoomansicht schließen -Tag --> Atrylogy N44-7 Ersatznadel Nachbau für Shure - M44-7 - Ersatznadel für Tonabnehmer Systeme MS-ID:DJE0007149-000Hersteller:AtrylogyFarbe:WeißFarbbezeichnung:WeißHeadshell erforderlich:Jainkl. Headshell:NeinScratch-geeignet:Jainkl. Nadelbürste:Nein Kostenloser Versand. 30-Tage-Money-Back-Garantie. Professionelle Beratung. 41.000 Produkte Versandbereit. einfügen, damit die Umfließung durch float aufgehoben wird. --> Beschreibung Bezahlung Versand Über Uns --> Bei der Atrylogy - N44-7 handelt es sich um eine passende Ersatznadel (Nachbau) für das Shure M44-7 DJ-Tonabnehmersystem. Zahlungsmöglichkeiten Bezahlen können Sie bequem und sicher per Paypal oder Kreditkarte. PayPal Mit PayPal sofort oder 14 Tage später zahlen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir aufgrund der Verkäuferschutzrichtlinien von PayPal nur an Ihre bei PayPal hinterlegte Lieferadresse versenden dürfen. Kreditkarte Sofort und unkompliziert bezahlen per Kreditkarte. Versand Eine schnelle Auftragsabwicklung ist eine unserer Kernkompetenzen. Alle Bestellungen werden von uns zeitnah bearbeitet und verschickt. Bitte denken Sie daran, bei Ihrer Bestellung über eBay eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse und Ihre aktuelle Lieferadresse anzugeben. Der Paketdienst benötigt diese Informationen, um Sie über die Lieferung zu informieren. Bei Lieferungen in die Schweiz sowie in Länder, die nicht Mitglied der EU sind, können zusätzliche Zölle und Gebühren anfallen. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Reiter Versand und Zahlungsmethoden. Lieferzeit - DHL / andere Paketdienste ca. 2-3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands. - Lieferzeiten ins Ausland können Sie unter dem Reiter Versand und Zahlungsmethoden einsehen. Zurzeit versenden wir in folgende Länder: Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien. Über Uns Mit einer gigantischen Lagerfläche von über 13000 m² sowie einer Verkaufsfläche von 5000 m² auf 4 Etagen gehört der MUSIC STORE zu den weltweit größten Versendern von Musikinstrumenten! Am Stadtrand von Köln – direkt am Autobahnzubringer gelegen – befindet sich unser modernes Logistik-Zentrum nebst Ladengeschäft. Praktisch zu erreichen, ob mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder mit dem PKW. Hier finden Sie unser Musiker-Paradies: Über 100.000 originalverpackte Instrumente warten hier auf ihre neuen Besitzer. Und wenn einmal nicht alles so ist wie es sein sollte: Eine Servicewerkstatt mit 15 spezialisierten Technikern garantiert einen hervorragenden und kompetenten Service. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich auf den umfassenden Verkaufsflächen umzuschauen und nach Herzenslust auszuprobieren und zu testen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch MUSIC STORE professional GmbH Istanbulstr. 22-26 51103 Köln Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr: 10:00 - 19:00, Sa: 10:00 - 18:00 Bei Fragen zu unseren Artikeln oder wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, erreichen Sie uns direkt über eBay oder rufen Sie uns einfach an: Zentrale: +49 (0) 221 8884-0 Support: +49 (0) 221 8884-1800 Montag–Freitag : 09:30–18:30 Uhr Samstag : 09:30–18:00 Uhr Das meistbesuchte Musikhaus Europas Was uns auszeichnet 41.000 Produkte Wir bieten ein riesiges Angebot an verschiedenstem Musik-Equipment. Und das stets mit unseren 3-Jahre-Produkt-Garantie auf alle Produkte. Schneller Versand Unser vollautomatisiertes Versandsystem und eine zentrale Lage in Köln sorgen dafür, dass Sie Ihre Bestellung stets schnell und in bestem Zustand erhalten. Service Ihre Zufriedenheit ist uns wichtig. Falls Ihr bestellter Artikel also einmal nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht, können Sie ihn innerhalb von 30 Tagen kostenlos an uns zurücksenden. Beratung Vor und nach Ihrer Bestellung stehen Ihnen unsere Profis zur Seite, damit Sie immer das richtige Instrument erhalten. Kontakt Bei Fragen zu unseren Artikeln oder Ihrer Bestellung, erreichen Sie uns direkt über ebay oder rufen uns einfach an: Zahlung & Versand Bei uns zahlen Sie stets bequem und sicher mit: PayPal Kreditkarte Mit den besten Versandpartnern: DHL, Deutsche Post, DPD, UPS Weitere Angebote Mehr als 41.000 Angebote finden Sie direkt in unserem eBay Shop oder erhalten Sie stets die Übersicht bei Neuheiten oder Aktionen mit unserem Newsletter Vor Ort Testen Kommen Sie vorbei und testen unser umfangreiches Angebot direkt vor Ort: Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch MUSIC STORE professional GmbH Istanbulstr. 22-26 51103 Köln Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr: 10:00 - 19:00 Sa: 10:00 - 18:00 Design & Development by Pixelsafari #e67e22flatauction295

SHURE N44-7 for M44-7 Cartrige Stylus Needle DJ Turntable Player N447 N44 M44

End: 06.06. 2023 02:24:24 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 107.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235033093538
  • Seller: dj_thousand_store (1036|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hyougo Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SHURE N44-7 (6379) ?Description ?Condition?- Unused. ?Operation check?- It comes with a 30-day free return guarantee. ?Related Products (search ebay for numbers)? 79684352SHURE M44-7 - NEW63792584SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell28569473SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell Pair ?About Handling Time - Ships within 5 business day.- Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays do not count as business days. ?About Shipping Policy - We ship via FedEx or EMS. ?International Buyers - Please Note: Duties, taxes, and fees are not included in the product price or shipping cost. You are responsible for paying any duties, taxes, or fees that may be incurred when importing products into your country. We also recommend that you check with your customs office in advance of your purchase to determine how much these additional costs will be.

Stylus D135E Elliptical Shure 387 N44-7

End: 05.06. 2023 11:04:19 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256089208011
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jazz40 (4499|98.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Moonee Ponds Australien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,02 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Stylus E135D.

shure N44-7 jico

End: 01.06. 2023 07:46:49 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 150.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195784611321
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mazumbo (238|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rastatt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jico Shur N44-7. 2 Stück Ersatz Nadel Für 44-7 shure Systeme von der Firma jico. Bin selbst DJ und muss hoffentlich keine näheren Eckdaten dazu schreiben. Es ist ovp neu unbenutzt. Ihr kauft 2 Ersatzradeln Es handelt handelt sich um ein privat Verkauf jegliche Garantie und Ersatz Ansprüche entfallen

SHURE M44-7 N44-7 with Technics Headshell Cartridge Needle Stylus N447 N44 M44

End: 01.06. 2023 01:49:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 133.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235030701961
  • Seller: dj_thousand_store (1012|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hyougo Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Same-day or Next-day Shipping !SHURE N44-7 with Technics Headshell (63792584) ?Description ?Condition?- Needles are not broken or bent. ?Operation check?- I connected it to the turntable and verified that sound comes out of the left and right speakers.- No noise is generated.- It comes with a 30-day free return guarantee. ?Accessory?- Cartridge: M44-7- Stylus: N44-7- Technics Headshell - Technics Overhang Gauge (RMR2210-W) / NEW ?Precautions?- ?Related Products (search ebay for numbers)? 63792584SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell28569473SHURE M44-7 with Technics Headshell Pair ?About Handling Time - Ships within 1 business day.- Please note that Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays do not count as business days. ?About Shipping Policy - We ship via FedEx or EMS. ?International Buyers - Please Note: Duties, taxes, and fees are not included in the product price or shipping cost. You are responsible for paying any duties, taxes, or fees that may be incurred when importing products into your country. We also recommend that you check with your customs office in advance of your purchase to determine how much these additional costs will be.

Genuine SHURE N44-7 Replacement Stylus For M44-7 Cartridge

End: 30.05. 2023 16:27:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 169.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175714112888
  • Seller: otek (69|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Copenhagen Dänemark
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 19,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand new, unopened, genuine SHURE N44-7 Replacement Stylus For M44-7 Cartridge.More available on request, no additional shipping cost

Jico Dead Stock de Rechange Saphir Disque Shure N44-7 Correspondance Dj

End: 28.05. 2023 05:39:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 218.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115808822762
  • Seller: dr_nine (1160|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jico Dead Stock de Rechange Saphir Disque Shure N44-7 Correspondance DjCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter.PaiementSoyez assuré que notre magasin offre une variété de méthodes de paiement.Veuillez payer dans les 5 jours suivant la fin de lenchère.À proposNous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. Cest avec plaisir que nous vous ferons plaisir en vous proposant notre article recommandé.Si vous avez des questions ou des demandes concernant des articles, nhésitez pas à nous les demander.Acheteurs internationaux - Veuillez noter :-Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur.-Veuillez vérifier auprès du bureau de douane de votre pays pour déterminer quels seront ces coûts supplémentaires avant denchérir/acheter.-Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires.-Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouvernementales américaines et internationales interdisent un tel comportement.]]>Nous sommes situés au Japon. Pour les produits électriques, vérifiez le fabricant et le produit et convertissez-les à la tension de chaque pays. Nous prévoyons dexpédier par FedEx ou DHL. Veuillez nous contacter car les frais dexpédition peuvent être modifiés dans certains cas. -Les droits dimportation, les taxes et les frais ne sont pas inclus dans le prix de larticle ou les frais dexpédition. Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur. -Ces frais sont normalement perçus par la société de livraison de fret (expédition) ou lorsque vous récupérez larticle - ne les confondez pas avec des frais dexpédition supplémentaires. -Nous ne marquons pas les valeurs des marchandises en dessous de la valeur ou ne marquons pas les articles comme - des cadeaux - Les réglementations gouv Capacity NA Item Width NA Compatible Product Line NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Type NA Brand No Brand Plug Regional Fitment NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Item Length NA Year Manufactured NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Compatible Model NA Item Weight NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Item Height NA Features NA Color NA Compatible Brand NA MPN NA

Jico Muerto Stock Repuesto Aguja Registro Shure N44-7 Correspondence Dj

End: 28.05. 2023 05:39:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 218.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115809297046
  • Seller: dr_nine (1160|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jico Muerto Stock Repuesto Aguja Registro Shure N44-7 Correspondence DjEsta ficha técnica del producto ha sido originalmente escrita en inglés. A continuación puede encontrar una traducción automática al español. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.PagoTenga la seguridad de que nuestra tienda ofrece una variedad de métodos de pago.Pague dentro de los 5 días posteriores a la finalización de la subasta.Quiénes somosEstamos ubicados en Japón. Para productos eléctricos, verifique el fabricante y el producto y convierta al voltaje de cada país. Planeamos enviar por FedEx o DHL. Comuníquese con nosotros ya que la tarifa de envío puede cambiar en algunos casos. Es un placer hacerle feliz proponiendo nuestro artículo recomendado.Si tiene alguna pregunta o solicitud sobre artículos, no dude en consultarnos.Compradores internacionales: tenga en cuenta:-Los derechos de importación, los impuestos y los cargos no están incluidos en el precio del artículo ni en los gastos de envío. Estas cargas son la responsabilidad del comprador.-Consulte con la oficina de aduanas de su país para determinar cuáles serán estos costos adicionales antes de ofertar/comprar.-Estos cargos normalmente los cobra la empresa de flete (envío) o cuando usted recoge el artículo; no los confunda con cargos de envío adicionales.-No marcamos los valores de la mercancía por debajo del valor ni marcamos los artículos como - obsequios - Las regulaciones gubernamentales internacionales y de EE. UU. prohíben tal comportamiento.]]>Estamos ubicados en Japón. Para productos eléctricos, verifique el fabricante y el producto y convierta al voltaje de cada país. Planeamos enviar por FedEx o DHL. Comuníquese con nosotros ya que la tarifa de envío puede cambiar en algunos casos. -Los derechos de importación, los impuestos y los cargos no están incluidos en el precio del artículo ni en los gastos de envío. Estas cargas son la responsabilidad del comprador. -Consulte con la oficina de aduanas de su país para determinar cuáles serán estos costos adicionales antes de ofertar/comprar. -Estos cargos normalmente los cobra la empresa de flete (envío) o cuando usted recoge el artículo; no los confunda con cargos de envío adicionales. -No marcamos los valores de la mercancía por debajo del valor ni marcamos los artículos como - obs Capacity NA Item Width NA Compatible Product Line NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Type NA Brand No Brand Plug Regional Fitment NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Item Length NA Year Manufactured NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Compatible Model NA Item Weight NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Item Height NA Features NA Color NA Compatible Brand NA MPN NA

Jico Morto Stock Ricambio Ago Registrazione Shure N44-7 Corrispondenza Dj

End: 28.05. 2023 05:39:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 218.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115809490286
  • Seller: dr_nine (1160|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Jico Morto Stock Ricambio Ago Registrazione Shure N44-7 Corrispondenza DjQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci.PagamentoSiate certi che il nostro negozio offre una varietà di metodi di pagamento.Si prega di pagare entro 5 giorni dal termine dellasta.Chi siamoCi troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. È nostro piacere renderti felice proponendoti il ??nostro articolo consigliato.Se hai domande o richieste sugli articoli, non esitare a chiederci.Acquirenti internazionali - Nota:-I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente.-Si prega di verificare con lufficio doganale del proprio paese per determinare quali saranno questi costi aggiuntivi prima dellofferta/acquisto.-Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive.-Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportamento.]]>Ci troviamo in Giappone. Per i prodotti elettrici, controllare il produttore e il prodotto e convertirli alla tensione di ciascun paese. Prevediamo di spedire tramite FedEx o DHL. Vi preghiamo di contattarci poiché in alcuni casi le spese di spedizione possono essere modificate. -I dazi doganali, le tasse e le spese non sono inclusi nel prezzo dellarticolo o nelle spese di spedizione. Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente. -Queste spese vengono normalmente riscosse dalla società di spedizione (spedizione) o al momento del ritiro dellarticolo - non confonderle con spese di spedizione aggiuntive. -Non contrassegniamo i valori della merce al di sotto del valore né contrassegniamo gli articoli come - regali - Le normative governative statunitensi e internazionali vietano tale comportam Capacity NA Item Width NA Compatible Product Line NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA Type NA Brand No Brand Plug Regional Fitment NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Item Length NA Year Manufactured NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Compatible Model NA Item Weight NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Item Height NA Features NA Color NA Compatible Brand NA MPN NA