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Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher

End: 29.07. 2023 16:35:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 9.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195794546558
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10798|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher. LA19D400E1M, LA22D400E1M, LA32D400E1M, LA32D403E2M, LA32D403E2W, LA32E420E2M, LA32E420E2W, LA40D503F7M, LA40D503F7W, LA46B650T1F, LE19D450, LE22D450, LE32D400E1W, LE32D403E2W, LE32D404E2W, LE32D450, LE32D550, LE32D580, LE32E420E2W, LE32E420M2W, LE37D550, LE37D580, LE40D503F7W, LE40D503F7WXXH, LE40D504F7W, LE40D550, LE40D580, LE46D550, LE46D580, lt22b300, LT22B300EW/EN, LT22B300EWEN, LT22B350EW/EN, LT22B350EWEN, lt22c300/ew, lt22c300ew, LT22C300EW/EN, LT22C300EWEN, lt24c300, LT27B300, PS43D450, PS43E400U1W, PS43E450A, PS43E450A1M, PS43E450A1W, PS43E450A1WXXC, PS43E451A2W, PS43E452A4W, PS43E455A1W, PS43E470A1M, PS43F4500AW, PS43F4510AW, PS43F4520AW, PS51D450, PS51D530A5W, PS51D535A5W, PS51E450A, PS51E450A1M, PS51E450A1W, PS51E450A1WX GlobalTradeNetwork EU Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: UE22D5003BW-CN LA19D400E1M, LA22D400E1M, LA32D400E1M, LA32D403E2M, LA32D403E2W, LA32E420E2M, LA32E420E2W, LA40D503F7M, LA40D503F7W, LA46B650T1F, LE19D450, LE22D450, LE32D400E1W, LE32D403E2W, LE32D404E2W, LE32D450, LE32D550, LE32D580, LE32E420E2W, LE32E420M2W, LE37D550, LE37D580, LE40D503F7W, LE40D503F7WXXH, LE40D504F7W, LE40D550, LE40D580, LE46D550, LE46D580, lt22b300, LT22B300EW/EN, LT22B300EWEN, LT22B350EW/EN, LT22B350EWEN, lt22c300/ew, lt22c300ew, LT22C300EW/EN, LT22C300EWEN, lt24c300, LT27B300, PS43D450, PS43E400U1W, PS43E450A, PS43E450A1M, PS43E450A1W, PS43E450A1WXXC, PS43E451A2W, PS43E452A4W, PS43E455A1W, PS43E470A1M, PS43F4500AW, PS43F4510AW, PS43F4520AW, PS51D450, PS51D530A5W, PS51D535A5W, PS51E450A, PS51E450A1M, PS51E450A1W, PS51E450A1WXXC, PS51E451A2W, PS51E452A4W, PS51E455A1W, PS51E455A1WX, PS51E470A1M, PS51E530A3W, PS51E531A6M, PS51E535A3W, PS51E537A3K, PS51F4500AM, PS51F4500AW, PS51F4510AW, PS51F4520AW, PS51F5000AM, PS51F5000AW, PS51F5500AW, PS51F8590SL, PS51LA32E420E2M, PS59D530A5W, PS59D535A5W, PS60E530A3W, PS60E531A6M, PS60F5000AK, PS60F5000AW, PS60F5500AW, PS64F5000AW, T19B300EW, T22B300EW, T22B300MW, T22B350, T22B350EW, t22c300, T23B350EW, T24B300EW, t24b301, T24b301ew, T24B350EW, T24C300, T24C300EW, T27B300, T27b300ew, T27B300MW, UA19ES4000M, UA22D5003BJ, UA22D5003BM, UA22D5003BW, UA22ES5000M, UA26D4003BJ, UA26D4003BM, UA26EH4000M, UA26EH4000W, UA28F4000AM, UA32D4003BM, UA32D4003BW, UA32EH4000M, UA32EH4000W, UA32EH4003M, UA32EH5000M, UA32EH5006M, UA32F4000AM, UA32F5000AM, UA40D5003BM, UA40D5003BW, UA40EH5000M, UA40EH5000W, UA40EH5006M, UA40EH6000M, UA40F5000AM, UA40F6400AM, UA46EH5000M, UA46EH5000W, UA46EH5006M, UA46EH6000M, UA46F5000AM, UA50EH6000M, UA55EH6000M, UA55F6400AM, UA60EH6000M, UE19D4003BW, UE19D4004BW, UE19ES4000W, UE19ES4005W, UE19ES4030W, UE19F4000AW, UE19H4000AW, UE22D5003BW, UE22D5004BW, UE22ES5000W, UE22ES5005W, UE22ES5030W, UE22F5000AK, UE22F5000AW, UE26D4003BW, UE26D4004BW, UE26EH4000W, UE26EH4005W, UE26EH4030W, UE28F4000AW, UE28H4000, UE32D4003BW, UE32D4004BW, UE32EH4000W, UE32EH4003W, UE32EH4005W, UE32EH4030W, UE32EH5000K, UE32EH5000W, UE32EH5005K, UE32EH5007K, UE32EH5030W, UE32EH5040W, UE32EH5050W, UE32EH5057K, UE32EH5200S, UE32F4000AW, UE32F4020AW, UE32F5000AK, UE32F5000AW, UE32F5020AK, UE32F5070SS, UE32F6330AK, UE32F6400AK, UE32F6400AW, UE32F6470SS, UE32F6800AB, UE32F6800SB, UE32J5000, UE39F5000AK, UE39F5000AW, UE39F5020AK, UE40D5003BW, UE40D5004BW, UE40EH5000K, UE40EH5000W, UE40EH5005K, UE40EH5007K, UE40EH5030W, UE40EH5040W, UE40EH5050W, UE40EH5200S, UE40F5000, UE40F6330AK, UE40F6400AK, UE40F6400AW, UE40F6470SS, UE40F6500AB, UE40F6500SB, UE40F6500SS, UE40F6640SB, UE40F6670SB, UE40F6740SB, UE40F6740SS, UE40F6800SB, UE40F6800SS, UE40F7000SL, UE40F7000ST, UE40F7080ST, UE40F7090SL, UE40F8000AT, UE40F8000SL, UE40F8000ST, UE40F8005ST, UE40F8090SL, UE40J5100, UE42F5000AK, UE42F5000AW, UE42F5020AK, UE46EH5000K, UE46EH5000W, UE46EH5005K, UE46EH5007K, UE46EH5030W, UE46EH5040W, UE46EH5050W, UE46EH5200S, UE46F5000AK, UE46F5000AW, UE46F5020AK, UE46F5070SS, UE46F6330AK, UE46F6400AK, UE46F6400AW, UE46F6470SS, UE46F6500SB, UE46F6500SS, UE46F6640SB, UE46F6640SS, UE46F6650SB, UE46F6670SB, UE46F6740SB, UE46F6740SS, UE46F6750SB, UE46F6750SS, UE46F6770SB, UE46F6800SB, UE46F6800SS, UE46F6890SS, UE46F7000AT, UE46F7000SL, UE46F7000ST, UE46F7090SL, UE46F8000AT, UE46F8000SL, UE46F8000ST, UE46F8005ST, UE46F8080ST, UE46F8090SL, UE48J5100, UE49K5102, UE50F5000AK, UE50F5000AW, UE50F6400AK, UE55F6400AK, UE55F6400AW, UE55F6470SS, UE55F6500SB, UE55F6500SS, UE55F6640SB, UE55F6640SS, UE55F6650SB, UE55F6670SB, UE55F6740SB, UE55F6750SB, UE55F6750SS, UE55F6770SS, UE55F6800SB, UE55F7000SL, UE55F7000ST, UE55F7005ST, UE55F7090SL, UE55F8000SL, UE55F8000ST, UE55F8005ST, UE55F8080ST, UE55F8090SL, UE60F7000SLXXH, UE65F6400AK Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team

Samsung UE22D5003 Power Supply Board BN44-00467D - MB5G074D

End: 26.07. 2023 19:59:38 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 33.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275910810703
  • Seller: jameharriso-499 (10657|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Spalding Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 12,09 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Genuine partWorking order Warehouse reference:Green 0074 Returns Policy:All of our items, unless otherwise specified, are covered by a 30 day warranty. If you choose to return an item because youve changed your mind or no longer want the product, please open a return request specifying this and you will have to pay for the return postage fee. Please note, an incorrect purchase will also result in the buyer paying for the return postage fee. If an item arrives faulty or damaged, please open a return request specifying this and we will pay for the return postage fee. Please note that it is the buyers responsibility to return the item in the same condition it was received in, therefore if an item arrives back damaged due to poor packaging, you may not receive a full refund.

Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher

End: 14.07. 2023 16:33:37 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195767633865
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10649|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher. 19LE19B350, 19-LE19B350, 2033HD, 22A457C1D, 22LE22B350, 22-LE22B350, 2333HD, 26LE26B350, 26-LE26B350, 32LE32B350, 32-LE32B350, 42PS42B430, 42-PS42B430, 50PS50B430, 50-PS50B430, 933HD, E32B350, HD2333, LA19D400E1M, LA22B450C4D, LA22B450C4DXXY, LA22B450C4M, LA22B450C4MXRD, LA22B650T6D, LA22B650T6DXRD, LA22B650T6DXXY, LA22D400E1M, LA26B450C4D, LA26B450C4DXXY, LA26B450C4M, LA26B450C4MXRD, LA32B350F1D, LA32B350F1DXXY, LA32B450C4D, LA32B450C4DXXY, LA32B450C4M, LA32B450C4MXRD, LA32D400E1M, LA32D403E2M, LA32D403E2W, LA40D503F7M, LA40D503F7W, LE19A656A1C/XXE, LE19A656A1CXXE, LE19A656A1D/XRU, LE19A656A1DXRU, LE19A656A1DXXC, LE19A656A1D/XXC, LE19A656A1D/XXH, LE19A656A1DXXH, LE19A656A1DXXU, LE19A656A1D/XXU, LE19B350F2W, LE19B350F2WXXC, LE19B45 GlobalTradeNetwork EU Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: UE22D5003BW-CN 19LE19B350, 19-LE19B350, 2033HD, 22A457C1D, 22LE22B350, 22-LE22B350, 2333HD, 26LE26B350, 26-LE26B350, 32LE32B350, 32-LE32B350, 42PS42B430, 42-PS42B430, 50PS50B430, 50-PS50B430, 933HD, E32B350, HD2333, LA19D400E1M, LA22B450C4D, LA22B450C4DXXY, LA22B450C4M, LA22B450C4MXRD, LA22B650T6D, LA22B650T6DXRD, LA22B650T6DXXY, LA22D400E1M, LA26B450C4D, LA26B450C4DXXY, LA26B450C4M, LA26B450C4MXRD, LA32B350F1D, LA32B350F1DXXY, LA32B450C4D, LA32B450C4DXXY, LA32B450C4M, LA32B450C4MXRD, LA32D400E1M, LA32D403E2M, LA32D403E2W, LA40D503F7M, LA40D503F7W, LE19A656A1C/XXE, LE19A656A1CXXE, LE19A656A1D/XRU, LE19A656A1DXRU, LE19A656A1DXXC, LE19A656A1D/XXC, LE19A656A1D/XXH, LE19A656A1DXXH, LE19A656A1DXXU, LE19A656A1D/XXU, LE19B350F2W, LE19B350F2WXXC, LE19B450, LE19B450C4W, LE19B450C4W/XXC, LE19B450C4WXXC, LE19B455, LE19B455C4, LE19B650, LE19B650T6W, LE19B650T6WXXC, LE19C430, LE19C430C4W, LE19C430C4WXXC, LE22A457C1C/XXE, LE22A457C1CXXE, LE22A457C1D, LE22A457C1D/XXC, LE22A457C1DXXC, LE22A457C1DXXH, LE22A457C1D/XXH, LE22A457C1D/XXU, LE22A457C1DXXU, LE22A656A1C/XXE, LE22A656A1CXXE, LE22A656A1D/XRU, LE22A656A1DXRU, LE22A656A1DXXC, LE22A656A1D/XXC, LE22A656A1D/XXH, LE22A656A1DXXH, LE22A656A1DXXU, LE22A656A1D/XXU, LE22B350, LE-22B350, LE22B350F2W, LE22B350F2W/XB, LE-22B350F2W/XB, LE22B350F2WXB, LE-22B350F2WXB, LE22B350F2WXBT, LE-22B350F2WXBT, LE22B350F2W/XBT, LE-22B350F2W/XBT, LE22B350F2W/XXC, LE-22B350F2W/XXC, LE22B350F2WXXC, LE-22B350F2WXXC, LE22B350F2WXXH, LE-22B350F2WXXH, LE22B350F2W/XXH, LE-22B350F2W/XXH, LE22B350F2W/XXN, LE-22B350F2W/XXN, LE22B350F2WXXN, LE-22B350F2WXXN, LE22B350F2WXXU, LE-22B350F2WXXU, LE22B350F2W/XXU, LE-22B350F2W/XXU, LE22B350F2W/XZG, LE-22B350F2W/XZG, LE22B350F2WXZG, LE-22B350F2WXZG, LE22B450, LE22B450C4W, LE22B450C4W/XRU, LE22B450C4WXRU, LE22B450C4WXXC, LE22B450C4W/XXC, LE22B450C4W/XXH, LE22B450C4WXXH, LE22B450C4WXXN, LE22B450C4W/XXN, LE22B450C4W/XXU, LE22B450C4WXXU, LE22B450C4WXZG, LE22B450C4W/XZG, LE22B450C8W/XXC, LE22B450C8WXXC, LE22B451, LE22B451C4H, LE22B451C4HXXC, LE22B455, LE22B455C4W, LE22B541, LE22B541C4W, LE22B541C4WXXC, LE22B650, LE22B650T6W, LE22B650T6WXXC, LE22B655, LE22B655T6W, LE22C430, LE22C430C4W, LE22C430C4WXXC, LE26A346J1D/XBT, LE26A346J1DXBT, LE26A346J1DXXC, LE26A346J1D/XXC, LE26A346J1D/XXH, LE26A346J1DXXH, LE26A346J1DXXU, LE26A346J1D/XXU, LE26A346J3D/XXC, LE26A346J3DXXC, LE26A346J3DXXE, LE26A346J3D/XXE, LE26A346J3D/XXH, LE26A346J3DXXH, LE26A467C1M, LE26B350F1W/XXC, LE26B350F1WXXC, LE26B350F1WXXN, LE26B350F1W/XXN, LE26B350F2W, LE26B350F2WXXC, LE26B355, LE26B355F1W, LE26B355F1WXXE, LE26B450, LE26B450C4W, LE26B450C4W/XBT, LE26B450C4WXBT, LE26B450C4WXXC, LE26B450C4W/XXC, LE26B450C4W/XXH, LE26B450C4WXXH, LE26B450C4WXXN, LE26B450C4W/XXN, LE26B450C4W/XXU, LE26B450C4WXXU, LE26B450C4WXZG, LE26B450C4W/XZG, LE26B460, LE26B460B2W, LE26B460B2WXXC, LE32A336J1D/XBT, LE32A336J1DXBT, LE32A336J1DXCX, LE32A336J1D/XCX, LE32A336J1D/XXH, LE32A336J1DXXH, LE32A336J1DXXU, LE32A336J1D/XXU, LE32A336J1N/XXC, LE32A336J1NXXC, LE32A437T2C, LE32B350, LE32B350F1W/XBT, LE32B350F1WXBT, LE32B350F1WXXC, LE32B350F1WXXH, LE32B350F1WXXN, LE32B350F1W/XXN, LE32B350F1WXXU, LE32B350F1WXZG, LE32B350F2W, LE32B350F2WXXC, LE32B355, LE32B355F1W, LE32B355F1WXXE, LE32B450, LE32B450C4W, LE32B450C4W/XAB, LE32B450C4WXAB, LE32B450C4WXBT, LE32B450C4W/XBT, LE32B450C4W/XXC, LE32B450C4WXXC, LE32B450C4WXXH, LE32B450C4W/XXH, LE32B450C4W/XXN, LE32B450C4WXXN, LE32B450C4WXXU, LE32B450C4W/XXU, LE32B450C4W/XZG, LE32B450C4WXZG, LE32B455, LE32B455C4W, LE32B455C4WXXE, LE32B465, LE32B465B2W, LE32B465B2WXXE, LE32D400, LE-32D400, LE32D400E1W, LE-32D400E1W, LE32D400E1W/XXC, LE-32D400E1W/XXC, LE32D400E1WXXC, LE-32D400E1WXXC, LE32D403, LE32D403E2W, LE32D404E2W, LE37A456C2C, LE37B551A6W, Le40B530, LE40D503, LE40D503F7W, LE40D503F7WXXH, LE40D504F7W, LE-40D504F7W, LE40D504F7W/XXE, LE-40D504F7W/XXE, LE40D504F7WXXE, LE-40D504F7WXXE, LS19CFVKF, LS20CMYKF/EN, LS20CMYKFEN, LS22TDDSUV/EN, LS22TDDSUVEN, LS23CFVKF, LS23CFVKF/EN, LS23CFVKFEN, LS23CFVKFXY, LS23EMDKU/EN, LS23EMDKUEN, LT27A300, LT27A300E, LT27A300EW, P2033HD, P2270HD, P2270HDLS22EMDKU, P2270HD-LS22EMDKU, P2370HD, P2370HD/LS23EMDKU, P2370HDLS23EMDKU, P237OHD, P2770HD, PS42A416C1C/XXE, PS42A416C1CXXE, PS42A416C1D/XXC, PS42A416C1DXXC, PS42A416C1DXXH, PS42A416C1D/XXH, PS42A416C1D/XXU, PS42A416C1DXXU, PS42A418C4D/XXC, PS42A418C4DXXC, PS42A426C1M/X, PS42A426C1MX, PS42A426C1MXZF, PS42A426C1M/XZF, PS42B430, PS42B430P2D, PS42B430P2M, PS42B430P2W, PS42B430P2WXXC, PS42B435, PS42B435P2W, PS42B435P2WXXE, PS50A416C1C/XXE, PS50A416C1CXXE, PS50A416C1D/XXC, PS50A416C1DXXC, PS50A416C1DXXH, PS50A416C1D/XXH, PS50A416C1D/XXU, PS50A416C1DXXU, PS50A418C4D/XXC, PS50A418C4DXXC, PS50A426C1M/XZF, PS50A426C1MXZF, PS50B430, PS50B430P2W, PS50B430P2W/XUA, PS50B430P2WXUA, PS50B430P2WXXC, PS50B430P2W/XXC, PS50B430P2WXXU, PS50B435, PS50B435P2W, PS50B435P2WXXE, PS51D530A5W, PS51D535A5W, PS59D530A5W, PS59D535A5W, SYNCMASTERT200HD, SYNCMASTER-T200HD, T200HD, T220HD, T22A300, T240HD, T260HD, T27A300, TM20WS, UA22D5003BJ, UA22D5003BM, UA22D5003BW, UA26D4003BJ, UA26D4003BM, UA32D4003BM, UA32D4003BW, UA40D5003BM, UA40D5003BW, UE19D4003BW, UE19D4004BW, UE22D5003BW, UE22D5004BW, UE26D40, UE26D4003, UE-26D4003, UE26D4003BW, UE26D4004BW, UE32D4003, UE32D4003BW, UE32D4004BW, UE40D5003, UE-40D5003, UE40D5003BW, UE40D5004BW, XL2260HD, XL2270HD, XL2360HD, XL2370HD Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team

Original TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher

End: 10.07. 2023 04:38:13 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 22.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394619582205
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10598|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher. 2033M, 250w, 2PQ8716, 2RD5141, 2RD5147, 2RD5156, 400018400, 400UX, 400UXNUD2, 400UXUD, 460CX2, 460DXN2, 460UX, 460UX2, 460UXM, 460UXN, 460UXN2, 460UXNUD2, 650TS, 700DX2, 700DXN2, 700TSN2, 820DXN2, 933HD, AH01, C2018, CFT2790, CFTD2785, CFTD2785AX/SMS, CFTD2785AXSMS, CH02, CL14B501KJ, CL14C600KJ, CL15K5MNZX/GSU, CL15K5MNZXGSU, CL15K5MNZXRCL, CL15K5MNZX/RCL, CL15K5MNZX/STR, CL15K5MNZXSTR, CL17M2MQ, CL17M2MQZX/GSU, CL17M2MQZXGSU, CL17M2MQZXRCL, CL17M2MQZX/RCL, CL17M2MQZX/STR, CL17M2MQZXSTR, CL17M2MQZXXAO, CL17M2MQZX/XAO, CL17M2MQZX/XAP, CL17M2MQZXXAP, CL17M2MQZXXAX, CL17M2MQZX/XAX, CL17M6MQZX/XAX, CL17M6MQZXXAX, CL21A11MQ, CL21A11MQ6XXAO, CL21A551ML, CL21A730EL, CL21B501HJ, CL21B501HL, CL21B850FQ, CL21C650ML, CL21K30M16TXAP, CL21K30 GlobalTradeNetwork EU Original TV Fernbedienung für Samsung UE22D5003BW Fernseher Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: UE22D5003BW-NEW 2033M, 250w, 2PQ8716, 2RD5141, 2RD5147, 2RD5156, 400018400, 400UX, 400UXNUD2, 400UXUD, 460CX2, 460DXN2, 460UX, 460UX2, 460UXM, 460UXN, 460UXN2, 460UXNUD2, 650TS, 700DX2, 700DXN2, 700TSN2, 820DXN2, 933HD, AH01, C2018, CFT2790, CFTD2785, CFTD2785AX/SMS, CFTD2785AXSMS, CH02, CL14B501KJ, CL14C600KJ, CL15K5MNZX/GSU, CL15K5MNZXGSU, CL15K5MNZXRCL, CL15K5MNZX/RCL, CL15K5MNZX/STR, CL15K5MNZXSTR, CL17M2MQ, CL17M2MQZX/GSU, CL17M2MQZXGSU, CL17M2MQZXRCL, CL17M2MQZX/RCL, CL17M2MQZX/STR, CL17M2MQZXSTR, CL17M2MQZXXAO, CL17M2MQZX/XAO, CL17M2MQZX/XAP, CL17M2MQZXXAP, CL17M2MQZXXAX, CL17M2MQZX/XAX, CL17M6MQZX/XAX, CL17M6MQZXXAX, CL21A11MQ, CL21A11MQ6XXAO, CL21A551ML, CL21A730EL, CL21B501HJ, CL21B501HL, CL21B850FQ, CL21C650ML, CL21K30M16TXAP, CL21K30M16XSTR, CL21K30M16XXAO, CL21K30M16XXAP, CL21K30MQ, CL21K30MQ6TXAP, CL21K30MQ6XGSU, CL21K30MQ6XRCL, CL21K30MQ6XSTR, CL21K30MQ6XXAP, CL21K30MQ6XXAX, CL21K5MN6X/GSU, CL21K5MN6XGSU, CL21K5MN6XRCL, CL21K5MN6X/RCL, CL21K5MQ, CL21K5MQ4X/XAO, CL21K5MQ4XXAO, CL21K5MQ4XXAX, CL21K5MQ4X/XAX, CL21K5MQ6X/STR, CL21K5MQ6XSTR, CL21K5MQ6XXAO, CL21K5MQ6X/XAO, CL21M16MN, CL21M16MNZXBDB, CL21M16MNZXGSU, CL21M16MNZXSTR, CL21M16MNZXXAO, CL21M21M22XXAO, CL21M21M22XXAP, CL21M21MQ, CL21M21MQ2XGSU, CL21M21MQ2XRCL, CL21M21MQ2XXAO, CL21M21MQ2XXAP, CL21M2MQ2X/GSU, CL21M2MQ2XGSU, CL21M2MQ2XRCL, CL21M2MQ2X/RCL, CL21M2MQ2X/STR, CL21M2MQ2XSTR, CL21M2MQ2XXAP, CL21M2MQ2X/XAP, CL21M2MQ2X/XAX, CL21M2MQ2XXAX, CL21M5MQ, CL21M5MQ6X/GSU, CL21M5MQ6XGSU, CL21M5MQ6XRCL, CL21M5MQ6X/RCL, CL21M5W, CL21M5W4X/GSU, CL21M5W4XGSU, CL21M5W4XRCL, CL21M5W4X/RCL, CL21M6MQ, CL21M6MQ2X/XAZ, CL21M6MQ2XXAZ, CL21M6MQ4X/XAP, CL21M6MQ4XXAP, CL21M6MQ6X/STR, CL21M6MQ6XSTR, CL21M6MQ6XXAO, CL21M6MQ6X/XAO, CL21M6MQ6X/XAP, CL21M6MQ6XXAP, CL21N11MQ, CL21N11MQUXXAZ, CL21S8MQ, CL21S8MQUX/STR, CL21S8MQUXSTR, CL21S8MQUXXAO, CL21S8MQUX/XAO, CL21S8W, CL21Z30MQL, CL21Z30MQLXXAX, CL21Z43MQ, CL21Z50MQ4XXAZ, CL21Z58MQ, CL21Z58MQ4XXAX, CL21Z58MQ4XXAZ, CL25M2MQ, CL25M2MQ2T/XAP, CL25M2MQ2TXAP, CL25M2MQ2X/GSU, CL25M2MQ2XGSU, CL25M2MQ2XRCL, CL25M2MQ2X/RCL, CL25M2MQ2X/STR, CL25M2MQ2XSTR, CL25M2MQ2XXAO, CL25M2MQ2X/XAO, CL25M2MQ2X/XAP, CL25M2MQ2XXAP, CL25M2MQ2XXAX, CL25M2MQ2X/XAX, CL25M5MQ, CL25M5W, CL25M5W4X/RCL, CL25M5W4XRCL, CL25M6MQ, CL25M6MQUX/STR, CL25M6MQUXSTR, CL25M6MQUXXAO, CL25M6MQUX/XAO, CL29K5MQ, CL29K5MQ2T/XAP, CL29K5MQ2TXAP, CL29K5MQ2X, CL29K5MQ2X/GSU, CL29K5MQ2XGSU, CL29K5MQ2XRCL, CL29K5MQ2X/RCL, CL29K5MQ2X/STR, CL29K5MQ2XSTR, CL29K5MQ2XXAO, CL29K5MQ2X/XAO, CL29K5MQ2X/XAP, CL29K5MQ2XXAP, CL29K5MQ2XXAX, CL29K5MQ2X/XAX, CL29K5MQUXSTR, CL29K5MQUX/STR, CL29K5MQUX/XAP, CL29K5MQUXXAP, CL29M16MQ, CL29M16MQ2TXAP, CL29M16MQ2X, CL29M16MQ2XGSU, CL29M16MQ2XRCL, CL29M16MQ2XSTR, CL29M16MQ2XXAO, CL29M16MQ2XXAP, CL29M16MQ2XXAX, CL29M16MQDNXAP, CL29M16MQDXGSU, CL29M16MQDXRCL, CL29M16MQDXSTR, CL29M16MQDXXAO, CL29M16MQDXXAP, CL29M16MQUXSTR, CL29M16MQUXXAO, CL29M21MQ, CL29M21MQ2TXAP, CL29M21MQ2XSTR, CL29M21MQ2XXAO, CL29M21MQ2XXAP, CL29M2MQ2X/GSU, CL29M2MQ2XGSU, CL29M2MQ2XRCL, CL29M2MQ2X/RCL, CL29M2MQ2X/XAP, CL29M2MQ2XXAP, CL29M2MQ2XXAX, CL29M2MQ2X/XAX, CL29M5W, CL29M5W4X/GSU, CL29M5W4XGSU, CL29M5W4XRCL, CL29M5W4X/RCL, CL29Z30HS, CL29Z43MQ, CL29Z43MQ9XXAZ, CL29Z50MQ, CL29Z50MQ9XXAZ, CM19033S, CM19033SX/KMT, CM19033SXKMT, CMP6200S, CS14F30X/BWT, CS14F30XBWT, CS14F3R, CS14F3X/BWT, CS14F3XBWT, CS14H40X/BWT, CS14H40XBWT, CS14H4R, CS14V10R, CS14V10V2X/BWT, CS14V10V2XBWT, CS14Y530X/WBT, CS14Y530XWBT, CS15K5ML0X/UMG, CS15K5ML0XUMG, CS15K90XG/BWT, CS15K90XGBWT, CS15K90XI/WBT, CS15K90XIWBT, CS15K9GQ, CS20H2SX/XSE, CS20H2SXXSE, CS20H40X/BWT, CS20H40XBWT, CS20H4R, CS25V5MCPX/XST, CS25V5MCPXXST, CS29D4S7X/AAG, CS29D4S7XAAG, CS29D8WT7X/AAG, CS29D8WT7XAAG, CS29K10MQ, CS29K10MQBXXSE, CS29K5MHBX/AAG, CS29K5MHBXAAG, CS29K5MT, CS29V10MCPXXST, CS29V10MNLXXST, CS29V5MHLX/AAG, CS29V5MHLXAAG, CS29V5WT, CT17M6MQ, CT19916X/SMS, CT19916XSMS, CT1991FX/SMS, CT1991FXSMS, CT21A530FL, CT21A550M5, CT21A750J5, CT21B500H5, CT21B850F5, CT21B860AD, CT21C512C5, CT21M7W, CT21M7WKX/XTC, CT21M7WKXXTC, CT21S8W, CT21S8WKX/XTC, CT21S8WKXXTC, CT21Z30MQ, CT21Z50ML, CT21Z57M5, CT21Z58M5, CT25K10MQ, CT25K10MQKXXTC, CT25M6W, CT25M6WKX/XTC, CT25M6WKXXTC, CT29B850F5, CT29D4WZ, CT29K10MQ, CT29K10MQLXXTW, CT29V10MQ, CT29V10MQKXXTC, CT29Z50M5, CT29Z57M5, CT29Z58M5, CT3338VC/MXWCX, CT3338VCMXWCX, CT3338VCSPWCX, CT3338VC/SPWCX, CT3338VCX/XAP, CT3338VCXXAP, CT501EBC, CT503EBC, CT5066BC, CT5066BC/SPAX, CT5066BCSPAX, CT5066VBC, CT567BW, CT567BWX/ATCX, CT567BWXATCX, CT567BWXCOL, CT567BWX/COL, CT567BWX/XAP, CT567BWXXAP, CT567BWXXAX, CT567BWX/XAX, CT568BWZX, CT568BWZX/XAP, CT568BWZXXAP, CT765DWZX, CT765DWZX/XAP, CT765DWZXXAP, CT766DWX/ATCX, CT766DWXATCX, CT766DWXCOL, CT766DWX/COL, CT766DWX/MIACX, CT766DWXMIACX, CT766DWXXAP, CT766DWX/XAP, CT766DWX/XAX, CT766DWXXAX, CZ21A083NX/XEC, CZ21A083NXXEC, CZ21M63NSPX/XEH, CZ21M63NSPXXEH, CZ28V53N, CZ28V53NSPX/XEH, CZ28V53NSPXXEH, DE40A, DE40C, DE46A, DE46C, DE55A, DE55C, DM32DS, DM48DS, DRT400, DS32D, DS55D, E450A1W, ED32C, ED40C, ED55C, ED65E, ED75E, F1, h10, h20, H32B, H40B, H46B, HCN653WX, HCP4363WX, HDS210R, HE40A, HE46A, HG22NA470, HG22NA470BF, HG22NA470BFXZA, HG22ND690, HG22ND690ZF, HG22ND690ZFXZA, HG24ND470AF, HG24ND470AFXZA, HG24ND690, HG24ND690AF, HG24ND690AFXZA, HG26NA470, HG26NA470P, HG26NA470PF, HG26NA470PFXZA, HG26NA477, HG26NA477PF, HG26NA477PFXZA, HG28NB670, HG28NB670BF, HG28NB670BFXZA, HG28NB677BF, HG28NB677BFXZA, HG28NC670AF, HG28NC670AFXZA, HG28NC677AF, HG28NC677AFXZA, HG28NC690AF, HG28NC690AFXZA, HG28ND460, HG28ND460AF, HG28ND460AFXZA, HG28ND670AF, HG28ND670AFXZA, HG28ND677, HG28ND677AF, HG28ND677AFXZA, HG28ND690AF, HG28ND690AFXZA, HG28NE470, HG28NE470AF, HG28NE470AFXZA, HG28NE690, HG28NE690AF, HG28NE690AFXZA, HG32NA470, HG32NA470GF, HG32NA470GFXZA, HG32NA470P, HG32NA470PF, HG32NA470PFXZA, HG32NA477, HG32NA477GF, HG32NA477GFXZA, HG32NA477PF, HG32NA477PFXZA, HG32NA478, HG32NA478GF, HG32NA478GFXZA, HG32NA478PF, HG32NA478PFXZA, HG32NB460GF, 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HG55NA790MFXZA, HG55NB690, HG55NB690QF, HG55NB690QFXZA, HG55NB890, HG55NB890XF, HG55NB890XFXZA, HG55NC690EF, HG55NC690EFXZA, HG55NC890XF, HG55NC890XFXZA, HG55ND677EF, HG55ND677EFXZA, HG55ND678, HG55ND678EF, HG55ND678EFXZA, HG55ND690, HG55ND690EF, HG55ND690EFXZA, HG55ND690UF, HG55ND690UFXZA, HG55ND890UF, HG55ND890UFXZA, HG55ND890WF, HG55ND890WFXZA, HG55NE477, HG55NE477BF, HG55NE477BFXZA, HG55NE890UF, HG55NE890UFXZA, HG60ND470, HG60ND470RF, HG60ND470RFXZA, HG60NE470, HG60NE470EF, HG60NE470EFXZA, HG60NE477, HG60NE477EF, HG60NE477EFXZA, HG60NE690, HG60NE690EF, HG60NE690EFXZA, HG65NB890, HG65NB890XF, HG65NB890XFXZA, HG65NC890VF, HG65NC890VFXZA, HG65NC890XF, HG65NC890XFXZA, HG65ND890, HG65ND890UF, HG65ND890UFXZA, HG65ND890WF, HG65ND890WFXZA, HG65NE478, HG65NE478EF, HG65NE478EFXZA, HG65NE690, HG65NE690EF, HG65NE690EFXZA, HG65NE890, HG65NE890UF, HG65NE890UFXZA, HL50A650, HL67A510, HL67A510J1FXZA, HLR4667W, HLR4667WAX/XAA, HLR4667WAXXAA, HLR6167W, HLR6167WX/XAA, HLR6167WXXAA, HLS4676SX, HLS6187W, HR10250, HR20, KN55S9CAF, KN55S9CAFXZA, L22D390EW, L24D390EW, LA19D400E1M, LA22A350C1, LA22A350C1XZK, LA22A450C1, LA22A450C1CHD, LA22A450C1H, LA22A450C1V, LA22A450CV, LA22A450Q1, LA22A480Q1, LA22D400E1M, LA26R71BB, LA26R71BBL/XTL, LA26R71BBLXTL, LA26R71BBM/XTL, LA26R71BBMXTL, LA32A330J1, LA32A330J1CHD, LA32A330J1LXL, LA32A330J1MXL, LA32A330J1N, LA32A330J1NLSG, LA32A330J1NLXL, LA32A330J1NMER, LA32A330J1NMHE, LA32A330J1NMXL, LA32A330J1NSAB, LA32A330J1NSBW, LA32A330J1NSDP, LA32A330J1NSGA, LA32A330J1NSHD, LA32A330J1NSMN, LA32A330J1NSXA, LA32A330J1NXRD, LA32A330J1NXSH, LA32A330J1NXSQ, LA32A330J1NXSV, LA32A330J1NXUM, LA32A330J1NXXA, LA32A330J1NXXD, LA32A330J1NXXL, LA32A330J1NXXM, LA32A330J1NXXP, LA32A330J1NXXT, LA32A330J1NXXV, LA32A330J1NXZK, LA32A330J1NXZN, LA32A330J1SAB, LA32A330J1SBW, LA32A330J1SDP, LA32A330J1SHD, LA32A330J1SXA, LA32A330J1VXSQ, LA32A330J1XHC, LA32A330J1XRD, LA32A330J1XSQ, LA32A330J1XSV, LA32A330J1XUM, LA32A330J1XXD, LA32A330J1XXM, LA32A330J1XXP, LA32A330J1XXS, LA32A330J1XXT, LA32A330J1XXV, LA32A330J1XZK, LA32A330J1XZN, LA32A550P1R, LA32A650A1H, LA32A650A1HXXL, LA32A650A1HXXV, LA32A650A1HXXY, LA32A650A1HXZN, LA32A650A2H, LA32A650A2HXZN, LA32A651A1HXZN, LA32A651AH, LA32A653A1H, LA32A653A1HXZN, LA32C530F1R, LA32C530F1RXXP, LA32C550J1R, LA32C550J1RXXP, LA32D400E1M, LA32D403E2M, LA32D403E2W, LA32E420E2M, LA32E420E2W, LA37A550P1R, LA37C550J1R, LA37C550J1RXXP, LA40A330J1, LA40A330J1CHD, LA40A330J1LSG, LA40A330J1LXL, LA40A330J1MER, LA40A330J1MHE, LA40A330J1MXL, LA40A330J1N, LA40A330J1NLXL, LA40A330J1NMXL, LA40A330J1NSAB, LA40A330J1NSGA, LA40A330J1NXSH, LA40A330J1NXSV, LA40A330J1NXUM, LA40A330J1NXXA, LA40A330J1NXXD, LA40A330J1NXXM, LA40A330J1NXXS, LA40A330J1NXXT, LA40A330J1NXXV, LA40A330J1SAB, LA40A330J1SBW, LA40A330J1SHD, LA40A330J1SXA, LA40A330J1V, LA40A330J1VXSQ, LA40A330J1XHC, LA40A330J1XRD, LA40A330J1XSQ, LA40A330J1XSV, LA40A330J1XUM, LA40A330J1XXA, LA40A330J1XXD, LA40A330J1XXL, LA40A330J1XXM, LA40A330J1XXP, LA40A330J1XXS, LA40A330J1XXT, 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UN50EH5000V, UN50EH5000VXZA, UN50EH5050, UN50EH5050F, UN50EH5050FXZA, UN50EH6000, UN50EH6000F, UN50EH6000FXZA, UN50EH6000FXZACH01, UN50EH6050, UN50EH6050F, UN50EH6050FXZA, UN50ES6100F, UN50ES6100FXZA, UN50ES6500FXZA, UN50ES6900, UN50ES6900F, UN50ES6900FX, UN50ES6900FXZA, UN50F5000, UN50F5000AF, UN50F5000AFXZA, UN50F5500, UN50F5500AFXZA, UN50F5500AFXZP, UN50F5500AFXZX, UN50F6300, UN50F6300AF, UN50F6300AFXZA, UN50F6350, UN50F6350AF, UN50F6350AFXZA, UN50H5203, UN50H5203AF, UN50H5203AFXZA, UN50H5500, UN50H5500AF, UN50H5500AFXZA, UN50H6201AFXZA, UN50H6350, UN50H6350AF, UN50H6350AFXZA, UN50HU6950F, UN50HU8550F, UN50J5000AF, UN50J5000AFXZA, UN50J5000BFXZA, UN50J5200AF, UN50J5200AFXZA, UN50J5201, UN50J520DAF, UN50J520DAFXZA, UN50J520DFXZA, UN50J5500, UN50J5500AFXZA, UN50J550D, UN50J550DAFXZA, UN50J6200AF, UN50J6200AFXZA, UN50J620DAF, UN50J620DAFXZA, UN50J6300AF, UN50JU6500, UN50JU6500F, UN50JU6500FXZA, UN50JU650D, UN50JU650DF, UN50JU650DFXZA, UN50M5300AFXZA, UN50M5300FXZA, UN50M530DAFXZA, UN50MU6070F, UN50MU6070FXZA, UN55B6000VF, UN55B6000VFUZA, UN55B6000VFXSR, UN55B6000VFXZA, UN55B6000VFXZC, UN55B6000VFXZL, UN55B6000VFXZP, UN55B6000VFXZX, UN55B7100, UN55C5000, UN55C5000QF, UN55C5000QFXZA, UN55C5000QFXZASQ02, UN55C5000QFXZC, UN55C6300, UN55C6300S, UN55C6300SF, UN55C6300SFXZA, UN55C6300SFXZACN01, UN55C6300SFXZACN03, UN55C6300SFXZAH306, UN55C6300SFXZAH308, UN55C6300SFXZAHQ05, UN55C6300SFXZASQ02, UN55C6300SFXZC, UN55C6400, UN55C6400RF, UN55C6400RFXZA, UN55C6400RFXZC, UN55C6400RH, UN55C6400RHXZA, UN55C6500, UN55C6500VF, UN55C6500VFXZA, UN55C6500VFXZC, UN55C6500VFXZX, UN55C6800, UN55C6800UF, UN55C6800UFXZA, UN55C6800UFXZC, UN55C6900, UN55C6900VF, UN55C6900VFXZA, UN55C7000, UN55C7000WF, UN55C7000WFXZA, UN55C7000WFXZX, UN55C7000WR, UN55C7000WRXSR, UN55C7000WRXZL, UN55C7100, UN55C7100WF, UN55C7100WFXZA, UN55C8000, UN55C8000XF, UN55C8000XFXZA, UN55C8000XFXZX, UN55C8000XR, UN55C8000XRXSR, UN55D6000, UN55D6000SF, UN55D6000SFXZA, UN55D6000SFXZC, UN55D6000SG, UN55D6000SGXZS, UN55D6000SH, UN55D6000SHXZA, UN55D6050TF, UN55D6050TFXZA, UN55D6300, UN55D6300SF, UN55D6300SFXZA, UN55D6300SFXZC, UN55D6400, UN55D6400UF, UN55D6400UFX, UN55D6400UFXZA, UN55D6400UFXZAH301, UN55D6400UG, UN55D6400UGXZD, UN55D6420UF, UN55D6420UFXZA, UN55D6420UFXZC, UN55D6450, UN55D6450UF, UN55D6450UFX, UN55D6450UFXZA, UN55D6450UFXZX, UN55D6500, UN55D6500VF, UN55D6500VFXZA, UN55D6500VFXZC, UN55D6500VG, UN55D6500VGXZD, UN55D6500VGXZS, UN55D6900, UN55D6900W, UN55D6900WF, UN55D6900WFXZA, UN55D6900WFXZACN03, UN55D6900WFXZAH301, UN55D6900WFXZAHQ02, UN55D6900WG, UN55D6900WGXZD, UN55D7000, UN55D7000L, UN55D7000LF, UN55D7000LFXZA, UN55D7000LFXZAH302, UN55D7000LFXZAH303, UN55D7000LFXZC, UN55D7000LFXZP, UN55D7000LFXZX, UN55D7050, UN55D7050XF, UN55D7050XFXZA, UN55D7500, UN55D7500XF, UN55D7500XFXZA, UN55D7900, UN55D7900XF, UN55D7900XFXZA, UN55D8000, UN55D8000Y, UN55D8000YF, UN55D8000YFXZA, UN55D8000YFXZAH302, UN55D8000YFXZAH303, UN55D8000YFXZC, UN55EH6000, UN55EH6000F, UN55EH6000FXZA, UN55EH6000FXZACH01, UN55EH6000FXZATH02, UN55EH6001F, UN55EH6001FXZA, UN55EH6001FXZATH03, UN55EH6001V, UN55EH6001VXZA, UN55EH6030FXZA, UN55EH6030FXZACH02, UN55EH6050, UN55EH6050F, UN55EH6050FXZA, UN55EH6070FXZA, UN55EH6070FXZATH01, UN55ES6003F, UN55ES6003FXZA, UN55ES6003FXZATS01, UN55ES6100F, UN55ES6100FXZA, UN55ES6150, UN55ES6150F, UN55ES6150FXZA, UN55ES6500F, UN55ES6500FXZA, UN55ES6500FXZATS01, UN55ES6550, UN55ES6550F, UN55ES6550FXZA, UN55ES6580F, UN55ES6820, UN55ES6820F, UN55ES6820FXZA, UN55ES6900, UN55ES6900F, UN55ES6900FXZA, UN55ES7000, UN55ES7000M, UN55ES7000MXPA, UN55ES7003, UN55ES7003F, UN55ES7003FXZA, UN55ES7100, UN55ES7100F, UN55ES7100FXZA, UN55ES7150, UN55ES7150F, UN55ES7150FXZA, UN55ES7500, UN55ES7500F, UN55ES7500FXZA, UN55ES7550, UN55ES7550F, UN55ES7550FXZA, UN55ES8000, UN55ES8000F, UN55ES8000FXZA, UN55ES8000FXZATS01, UN55F6300, UN55F6300AFXZA, UN55F6350, UN55F6350AFXZA, UN55F8000, UN55F8000BF, UN55F8000BFXZA, UN55FH6003, UN55FH6003F, UN55FH6003FX/ZA, UN55FH6003FXZA, UN55FH6030FXZA, UN55FH6200, UN55H6203AFXZA, UN55H6300, UN55H6300AFXZA, UN55H6350AF, UN55H7150, UN55H8000AFXZA, UN55HU7200F, UN55HU8500F, UN55HU8550, UN55HU8700, UN55HU8700FXZA, UN55HU8700FZ, UN55HU9000F, UN55J6200AF, UN55J6200AFXZA, UN55J6201AF, UN55J6201AFXZA, UN55J620DAF, UN55J620DAFXZA, UN55J6300AF, UN55JU6400F, UN55JU6400FXZA, UN55JU640DF, UN55JU640DFXZA, UN55JU6500, UN55JU6500F, UN55JU6500FXZA, UN55JU650D, UN55JU650DF, UN55JU650DFXZA, UN55MU6071F, UN55MU6290F, UN55MU6490F, UN58H5005, UN58H5005AF, UN58H5005AFXZA, UN58J5190AFXZA, UN58MU6071F, UN58MU6100, UN58MU6100F, UN58MU6100FXZA, UN60C6300, UN60C6300SF, UN60C6300SFXZA, UN60C6300SFXZADB02, UN60C6300SFXZAFB01, UN60C6300SFXZC, UN60C6400, UN60C6400SF, UN60C6400SFXZA, UN60D6000, UN60D6000SF, UN60D6000SFXZA, UN60D6400, UN60D6400UF, UN60D6400UFXZA, UN60D6420UF, UN60D6420UFXZA, UN60D6450, UN60D6450UF, UN60D6450UFXZA, UN60D6500VF, UN60D6500VFXZA, UN60D6900, UN60D6900V, UN60D6900VF, UN60D6900VFXZA, UN60D7000, UN60D7000VF, UN60D7000VFXZA, UN60D7000VFXZAF301, UN60D7050, UN60D7050VF, UN60D7050VFXZA, UN60D8000, UN60D8000YFXZA, UN60D8000YFXZAH301, UN60EH6000F, UN60EH6000FXZA, UN60EH6000FXZAHS01, UN60EH6002, UN60EH6002F, UN60EH6002FXZA, UN60EH6003F, UN60EH6003FXZA, UN60EH6003FXZAHH01, UN60EH6003V, UN60EH6003VXZA, UN60EH6050, UN60EH6050F, UN60EH6050FXZA, UN60ES6003F, UN60ES6003FXZA, UN60ES6003FXZAHH01, UN60ES6003V, UN60ES6003VXZA, UN60ES6100, UN60ES6100F, UN60ES6100FXZA, UN60ES6100SXZA, UN60ES6500FXZA, UN60ES6500FXZAHS01, UN60ES7100, UN60ES7100F, UN60ES7100FXZA, UN60ES7150, UN60ES7150F, UN60ES7150FXZA, UN60ES7500, UN60ES7500F, UN60ES7500FXZA, UN60ES8000, UN60ES8000F, UN60ES8000FXZA, UN60F6300, UN60F6300AFXZA, UN60F6300AFXZAHS01, UN60F6350, UN60F6350AF, UN60F6350AFXZA, UN60F8000, UN60F8000BF, UN60F8000BFXZA, UN60FH6003, UN60FH6003F, UN60FH6003FX/ZA, UN60FH6003FXZA, UN60FH6200, UN60H6350, UN60H6350AF, UN60H6350AFXZA, UN60H7100AF, UN60HU8500F, UN60HU8550F, UN60J6200AF, UN60J6200AFXZA, UN60J620DAF, UN60J620DAFXZA, UN60J6300AF, UN60JU6400, UN60JU6400F, UN60JU6400FXZA, UN60JU6500, UN60JU6500F, UN60JU6500FXZA, UN60JU650D, UN60JU650DF, UN60JU650DFXZA, UN65C6500, UN65C6500VF, UN65C6500VFXZA, UN65C8000, UN65C8000XF, UN65C8000XFXZA, UN65D8000, UN65D8000XF, UN65D8000XFXZA, UN65D8000XFXZAG301, UN65D8000XFXZAGA02, UN65EH6000, UN65EH6000F, UN65EH6000FXZA, UN65EH6050, UN65EH6050F, UN65EH6050FXZA, UN65ES6500FXZA, UN65ES6550, UN65ES6550F, UN65ES6550FXZA, UN65ES8000, UN65ES8000F, UN65ES8000FXZA, UN65F6300, UN65F6300AFXZA, UN65F6350, UN65F6350AFXZA, UN65F8000, UN65F8000BF, UN65F8000BFXZA, UN65FH6001, UN65FH6001F, UN65FH6001FX/ZA, UN65FH6001FXZA, UN65H6203AF, UN65H6203AFXZA, UN65H6350AF, UN65H7150AF, UN65H8000, UN65HU8500, UN65HU8550, UN65HU8550F, UN65HU9000, UN65HU9000F, UN65HU9000FXZA, UN65J6200AF, UN65J6200AFXZA, UN65J620DAF, UN65J620DAFXZA, UN65J6300AF, UN65J630DAF, UN65JU6400F, UN65JU6400FXZA, UN65JU640DAFXZA, UN65JU640DF, UN65JU640DFXZA, UN65JU6500, UN65JU6500F, UN65JU6500FXZA, UN65JU650D, UN65JU650DF, UN65JU650DFXZA, UN65MU6070F, UN65MU6070FXZA, UN65MU6290F, UN75ES9000, UN75ES9000F, UN75ES9000FXZA, UN75F8000, UN75F8000AF, UN75F8000AFXZA, UN75H6300, UN75H6300AF, UN75H6300AFXZA, UN75H6350, UN75H6350AF, UN75H6350AFXZA, UN75H7150AFXZA, UN75HU8500F, UN75HU8550, UN75HU8550FXZA, UN75J6300AF, UN75J630DAF, UN75JU641D, UN75JU6500, UN75JU6500F, UN75JU6500FXZA, UN75JU650D, UN75JU650DF, UN75JU650DFXZA, UN75MU6290F, UN78HU9000FXZA, UN85HU8550F, US02, UY03, XLF216BK, XLM417TN, XVBP10, YSP4000BL Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team

Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5" Black Freeview HDMI SCART

End: 03.07. 2023 13:22:18 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 91.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225606126944
  • Seller: arami889 (665|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: aberdeen, Aberdeen City Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 33,42 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5 Black Freeview HDMI SCART. Comes with remote control Please see all pictures for more details If you have any problems with or do not working properly I would accept return so no negative feedback please you will get exactly what you see

Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition. 

End: 02.07. 2023 12:52:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.93 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314669549541
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mclll-88 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition..please note this is not a smart TV its just a screen, no other features. It can be connected to any other screen with hdmi cable which comes with it, power cable, and wall mounting piece. All details in the pictures.

Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition. 

End: 25.06. 2023 12:51:51 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314655951867
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mclll-88 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition..please note this is not a smart TV its just a screen, no other features. It can be connected to any other screen with hdmi cable which comes with it, power cable, and wall mounting piece. All details in the pictures.

Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22" 1080p HD LED Televisions L25

End: 24.06. 2023 16:53:47 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.94 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404338927894
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cocktails007 (259|95.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22 1080p HD LED Televisions L25. No remote control Only power cables supplied Used items with some scratches on screen and casing as shown in the photographs collection only from Walthamstow East London

Samsung UE22D5003BW 22” LED Digital TV

End: 19.06. 2023 21:23:06 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 31.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364267047578
  • Seller: bennyvin-uk (1404|98.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oxford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 34,86 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung UE22D5003BW 22” LED Digital TV. Comes as in the photos with cracked screen. Listed as spares and not working because it has cracked screen. Remote control not included. No stand bracket.

DEHA TV Remote Control for Samsung UE22D5003BW Television

End: 16.06. 2023 04:33:25 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 16.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266261409929
  • Seller: dehabrand (2273|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Marcos, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,86 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DEHA TV Remote Control for Samsung UE22D5003BW Television Welcome to DEHA Brand Store! TV Remote AC Remote Home Theater Remote BluRay Remote Sound Bar Remote Price 35.99 Free Next Day Delivery Free next day delivery on orders over $50 30 Days Return Policy See our return policy Online & Phone Support Have a query? Just contact our support team 100% Buyer Satisfaction Checkout safely with peace of mind FOLLOW US HAVE A QUESTION? CATEGORIES HELPFUL LINKS Add to Favorite Seller Ask Seller a Question View Feedback Visit Our Store About Us Contact Us Stay Updated! Add my shop to your favourites & receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions! SUBSCRIBE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Specifications BRAND DEHA TYPE MODEL BN59-01303A-UE22D5003BW-NEW-DEHA MANUFACTURER DEHA USE UPC 761132486888 MPN BN59-01303A-UE22D5003BW-NEW-DEHA WIRELESS COMMUNICATION BATTERIES INCLUDED No MANUFACTURER COLOR Black FEATURES COMPATIBLEBRAND Samsung ORIGINALLYSUPPLIEDWITH UE22D5003BW-NEW COUNTRY/REGION OF MANUFACTURE United States Custom Block Heading Custom Block Content. ABOUT US DEHA Brand specializes in OEM and replacement remmote accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message. PAYMENT We accept payment by PayPal and Credit / Debit cards entered on eBay only. You must be registered with PayPal or eBay to buy from us. SHIPPING We accept payment by PayPal and Credit / Debit cards entered on eBay only. You must be registered with PayPal or eBay to buy from us. RETURNS We stand behind our products and offer a 30 day return period on all our products. CONTACT US At DEHA Brand Store, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible on-line shopping experience. This includes a commitment to excellent customer service, even after your order has been delivered. Please feel free to submit any questions or inquiries regarding your order by sending us a message through the eBay messaging system. Our customer service department will respond to eBay messages within 24 hours Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm EST. WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT US We appreciate your business and the timely payment. Cheers! dehabrand (1220 ) good buyer ghonstore (2654 ) Excellent Transaction - Come back again soon A+++ nothingbutmakeup (95 ) RELATED PRODUCTS DEHA Replacement Smart TV Remote Control for Vizio E80U-DE Television USD 14.84 DEHA Smart Tv Remote Control Replacement for Samsung UN46EH5300FXZA Television USD 18.80 DEHA Audio Receiver Remote Control for Sony HBD-E2100 USD 14.84 DEHA Smart TV Remote Control Replacement for Samsung UN40F6300AF Television USD 9.89 DEHA TV Remote Control for Sony KD-49X720E Television USD 10.88 DEHA Smart Tv Remote Control Replacement for Samsung UN55KU6290F Television USD 8.90 TV Remote AC Remote Home Theater Remote BluRay Remote Sound Bar Remote

Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition. 

End: 11.06. 2023 12:50:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.29 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314629176225
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mclll-88 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition..please note this is not a smart TV its just a screen, no other features. It can be connected to any other screen with hdmi cable which comes with it, power cable, and wall mounting piece. All details in the pictures.

Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5" Black Freeview HDMI SCART

End: 05.06. 2023 22:22:19 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 92.26 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225587672021
  • Seller: arami889 (658|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: aberdeen, Aberdeen City Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5 Black Freeview HDMI SCART. Comes with remote control Please see all pictures for more details If you have any problems with or do not working properly I would accept return so no negative feedback please you will get exactly what you see

Samsung UE22D5003BW 22” Inch Series 5 Full HD TV With freeview, Remote & Box

End: 05.06. 2023 08:16:54 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 70.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325673975840
  • Seller: chi26zach (1379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Glasgow Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung UE22D5003BW 22” Inch Series 5 Full HD TV With freeview, Remote & BoxPlease check out other items. Due to house sale, were trying minimise moving/removal! From petsmoke free home.Thanks for looking :-)

Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition. 

End: 04.06. 2023 12:50:14 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.04 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314616562754
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mclll-88 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition..please note this is not a smart TV its just a screen, no other features. It can be connected to any other screen with hdmi cable which comes with it, power cable, and wall mounting piece. All details in the pictures.

Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22" 1080p HD LED Televisions L25

End: 03.06. 2023 16:51:55 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.83 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404308327804
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cocktails007 (253|95.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22 1080p HD LED Televisions L25. No remote control Only power cables supplied Used items with some scratches on screen and casing as shown in the photographs collection only from Walthamstow East London

Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5" Black Television TV Monitor On A Stand

End: 01.06. 2023 17:30:44 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256085637176
  • Seller: ageukbromsgroveredditchwyreforest (4577|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Stourport Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 34,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled DocumentEBAY StoreFeedbackSamsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5 Black Television TV Monitor On A Stand This tv is in used condition with no major wear or tear, there may be some light surface marks. Please see the photos. It has been switched on and appears to be in working order. It does not come with a remote, only the power cable. Current Postage and Despatch InformationIn line with current Government regulations and advice, we are still able to pick and send items. If the situation changes and we are unable to despatch your item we will be in touch to find an appropriate solution.For collection of items we are located on the Sandy Lane Industrial Estate, Stourport. Collection of goods is possible between 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday (other collection times may be possible)About Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest Age UK Bromsgrove Redditch & Wyre Forest is a local, independent charity which supports older people across North Worcestershire. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to promoting wellbeing and independence for over-50s, ensuring later life is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We pride ourselves in offering a local person-centred service to thousands of people across the districts of Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest.RETURNS Items can be returned to us within 14 days. If an item is faulty or you believe not as described please message us and we will try our best to sort it. SHIPPING We aim to dispatch within 2 working days and ship using Royal Mail or Hermes through Packlink. All items come with a proof of postage or tracking number and will normally be sent second class. Please message us if you require a faster postage option or with special details. Global shipping available through eBay GSP. If you would like a direct global shipping quote please get in touch. PAYMENTS Payments through Paypal within 3 days of purchase. Cash on collection will be accepted for larger items and items can be collected from our Hub located in Stourport-on Severn.


End: 30.05. 2023 11:20:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 65.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295726445319
  • Seller: locoto0 (114|97.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: False Spanien
  • Ships to: ES
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition. 

End: 28.05. 2023 12:49:58 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.54 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314604228055
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mclll-88 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung screen, model UE22D5003BW, used but in good condition..please note this is not a smart TV its just a screen, no other features. It can be connected to any other screen with hdmi cable which comes with it, power cable, and wall mounting piece. All details in the pictures.

Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22" 1080p HD LED Televisions L25

End: 27.05. 2023 16:51:36 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404298039103
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cocktails007 (253|95.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung UE22H5000AK, UE22F5000AK, UE22D5003BW 22 1080p HD LED Televisions L25. No remote control Only power cables supplied Used items with some scratches on screen and casing as shown in the photographs collection only from Walthamstow East London

Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5" Black TV Monitor On A Stand with wall mount

End: 26.05. 2023 08:28:50 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 28.74 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225582974783
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: drummer-boy-brown (490|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Watton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung Model UE22D5003BW 21.5 Black TV Monitor On A Stand with wall mount. Fully working. Has stand, remote, wall mount, mains and HDMI cable included. No fixings for wall mount included, I dont know your wall :)

Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXZG UE22D5003BWXZT

End: 25.05. 2023 14:45:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145099129600
  • Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54851|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: MANCHESTER Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store!   Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXZG UE22D5003BWXZT 6.97 & Free P&P Product Description Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXZG UE22D5003BWXZT AA59-00622A Replacement Remote Control For SAMSUNG UE22D5003BWXZG UE22D5003BWXZT BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXZG UE22D5003BWXZT SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US   DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally.     PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world.     Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period.   Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD   Phone:     At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.  

Replacement Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung UE22D5003BWXXU UE22D5003BW UE2...

End: 25.05. 2023 14:45:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266268660676
  • Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54851|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: MANCHESTER Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store!   Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Replacement Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung UE22D5003BWXXU UE22D5003BW UE22D5003 6.97 & Free P&P Product Description Replacement Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung UE22D5003BWXXU UE22D5003BW UE22D5003 AA59-00622A Replacement Remote Control For SAMSUNG UE22D5003BWXXU UE22D5003BW BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Replacement Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung UE22D5003BWXXU UE22D5003BW UE22D5003 SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US   DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally.     PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world.     Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period.   Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD   Phone:     At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.  

Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXKZ UE22D5003BWXRU

End: 25.05. 2023 14:45:11 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145099129426
  • Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54851|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: MANCHESTER Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store!   Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXKZ UE22D5003BWXRU 6.97 & Free P&P Product Description Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXKZ UE22D5003BWXRU AA59-00622A Replacement Remote Control For SAMSUNG UE22D5003BWXKZ UE22D5003BWXRU BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Remote Control For Samsung AA59-00622A For TV UE22D5003BWXKZ UE22D5003BWXRU SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US   DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally.     PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world.     Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period.   Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD   Phone:     At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.  

Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung TV UE22D5003BWXXU / UE22D5003BW/UE22D5003 UK

End: 25.05. 2023 14:45:11 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145099129300
  • Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54851|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: MANCHESTER Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store!   Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung TV UE22D5003BWXXU / UE22D5003BW/UE22D5003 UK 6.97 & Free P&P Product Description Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung TV UE22D5003BWXXU / UE22D5003BW/UE22D5003 UK AA59-00622A Replacement Remote Control For SAMSUNG UE22D5003BWXXU / UE22D5003BW BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Remote Control AA59-00622A Samsung TV UE22D5003BWXXU / UE22D5003BW/UE22D5003 UK SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US   DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally.     PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world.     Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period.   Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD   Phone:     At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.