22rs294 (6) |
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ross 8400 (6) |
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NAD C 3050 NEU Stereo-Vollverstärker - Walnuss/Schwarz
End: 28.04. 2024 20:16:31 on Sunday
NAD C 3050 LE HIGH-END Stereo-Vollverstärker
End: 25.04. 2024 09:50:18 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1999.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 386954652524
- Seller: topas-highfidelity (2097|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Pforzheim
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
NAD C 3050 LE HIGH-END Stereo-Vollverstärker Die Topas Vorteile • Ankauf oder Inzahlungnahme Ihrer Geräte möglich • Persönliche Beratung von der Chefetage • Langjährige HiFi Erfahrung • Lieferung nach Absprache möglich • Hilfestellung mit Problemlösung rund um ihre HiFi-Anlagen • Umzugshilfe für ihre HiFi-Anlagen • Bei Fragen rufen oder schreiben Sie uns gerne an Beschreibung Der integrierte Verstärker C 3050 LE nutzt die gefeierte HybridDigital UcD-Verstärkertechnologie von NAD und kann 100 Watt Dauerleistung und 135 Watt Impulsleistung liefern, um mühelos musikalische Transienten mit praktisch nicht messbarem Rauschen und Verzerrungen zu liefern. Das Ergebnis ist ein neutraler, verzerrungsfreier Klang, selbst bei hohen Hörpegeln, mit exquisiten Details, hervorragender Raumdarstellung und aufregender Dynamik. Die Digitalsektion basiert auf dem hochauflösenden D/A-Wandler PCM5242 von Texas Instruments, einem Design, das für eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber Taktjitter und eine hervorragende dynamische Leistung bekannt ist. Dieser Hochleistungs-Wandler ermöglicht es dem C 3050 LE, alle Ihre digitalen Quellen mit erstaunlicher Musikalität und atemberaubender Klarheit wiederzugeben. Technische Daten siehe Herstellerangaben! Zustand und Zubehör Der NAD C3050 LE befindet sich technisch wie optisch in einem sehr guten Zustand! Zuebhör wie auf dem letzten Bild zu erkennen vorhanden! Verpackung und Versand Der NAD C3050 LE wird in der Originalverpackung verkauft und kann versichert verschickt werden. Sie erhalten beim Kauf eine Gewährleistung von 12 Monaten! Differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG. - keine MwSt. ausweisbar! Wir sind ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen. Wir lieben, leben und verkaufen qualitativ hochwertige HIFI Geräte! Unser Konzept besteht aus dem zuverlässigen Verkauf von gepflegtem und gut erhaltenem High-End HiFi von Händlern und Herstellern sowie Privatpersonen mit namenhaften Produkten. Zudem nehmen wir gebrauchte High-End Bausteine von Privatpersonen in Zahlung. Dies bietet unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit, sich ohne großen finanziellen Verlust oder Aufwand mit ihrer HiFi-Anlage weiterzuentwickeln. Was unser Unternehmen ausmacht: • wir sind jung und dynamisch • gemeinsam haben wir mehr als 20 Jahre HiFi-Erfahrung • wir haben unser Hobby zum Beruf gemacht • wir legen größten Wert auf hochwertige Ware, sowie deren erstklassigen Zustand • für uns ist es entscheidend, das unser Kunde mit seiner Entscheidung am Ende des Tages glücklich und zufrieden ist • Transparenz beim Preis Suchen Sie ein High-End Gerät, wollen aber nicht neu kaufen? Sie möchten sich aber sicher sein, High-End im bestmöglichsten Zustand für Ihr Geld zu bekommen? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig. Sie finden bei uns Vollverstärker, Endverstärker, Monoblöcke, Röhrengeräte, CD-Player, Plattenspieler, Receiver, Tuner und natürlich Lautsprecher. Sollten wir einmal etwas nicht im Programm haben, erteilen Sie uns doch einfach einen Suchauftrag. Mit unseren weitläufigen Kontakten finden wir bestimmt in kürzester Zeit Ihr persönliches Wunschgerät für Sie. zusätzliche Informationen: An- & Verkauf von Unterhaltungselektronik Abholung gerne möglich – bitte um vorherige telefonische Absprache nachfolgend finden Sie die rechtlichen Informationen, AGB’s, Widerrufsbelehrung sowie Rückgabebelehrung
Fischer Receiver RS 3050 Verstärker Tuner
End: 11.04. 2024 17:47:20 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 13.49 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156152843956
- Bids: 7
- Seller: bonniprincesilvester (1054|96.9%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Freiburg
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 19,5 EUR
- on EBAY
funktionsfähig, mit led level anzeige, die drei anzeige instrumente vom tuner sind teilweise schwergängig oder reagieren nicht, tuner hat guten empfang, verstärker funktion auch einwandfrei, sehr schöner klang und sehr gute leistung schwerers gerät, sehr gut verarbeitet, made in japan, grosser trafo verbaut, neue elkos auf der endstufe und netzteilplatine cinchanschlüsse, 2 lautsprecherpaare anschliessbar Modell: RS-3050 Typ: Receiver Baujahre: 1979 - 1981 Hergestellt in: Japan Farbe: Stratosilber oder Studioschwarz Fernbedienung: Leistungsaufnahme: 160 W max. 30 W Ruhe Abmessungen: 440 x 134 x 334 mm (BxHxT) Verstärker Dauerleistung (bei Klirrfaktor) 8 Ohm: 2 x 50 W 4 Ohm: Dynamikleistung 8 Ohm: 4 Ohm: Gesamtklirrfaktor: 0,05 % Dämpfungsfaktor: 50 (8 Ohm) Frequenzgang: 10 Hz - 50 KHz Signalrauschabstand: Phono: 65 dB Tape, Aux: 85 dB Klangregelung: Bass: ± 10 dB bei 100 Hz Höhen: ± 10 dB bei 10 kHz Loudness: + 8 dB bei 100 Hz, + 4 dB bei 10 kHz High Filter: nein Low Filter (Subsonic): nein Mute: Gewicht: 10 kg Neupreis ca.: 898 DM
Verstärker Stereo Receiver Fisher RS-3050
End: 31.03. 2024 19:00:01 on Sunday
NAD C 3050 LE , Vollverstärker Inkl. BluOs Modul, 12/23
End: 19.03. 2024 19:23:35 on Tuesday
Stax Kopfhörer & Verstärker Set 3050 II OVP
End: 06.03. 2024 18:34:09 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 444.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 226023250672
- Bids: 1
- Seller: ralfbets (126|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Stuttgart Mitte
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo zusammen, das Stax Set 3050 II mit SR 303 und SRM 323 habe ich 2009 neu vom Stax-Händler erworben (siehe Lieferschein), Preis damals 1.445 €. Gehört habe ich damit selten. Ich schätze an etwa 50 Tagen, was ich daran festmache, dass das Set die ganze Zeit in der Ferienwohnung stand. Sieht alles aus wie neu, die Gerätschaften wurden pfleglich behandelt. Allenfalls einen kleinen Kratzer gibt es an der Ecke von der Verstärkerfrontplatte - siehe Bild mit Bleistiftspitze. Das Kopfhörerkabel ist ca. 2,4 Meter lang. Bei habe ich einen Test aus 2010 gefunden - - interessant, wenn Sie Stax Elektrostaten noch nicht kennen sollten. Ergebnis, Referenzklasse, fünf Sterne: Das Stax-Gespann lässt keinen Zweifel darüber aufkommen, dass es sich um ein absolutes Spitzenprodukt in Sachen Kopfhörer handelt. Dynamik, Spielfreude, Stimmenwiedergabe, Tonalität – alles perfekt, selbst im Praxistest überzeugt der Exot. Obwohl es sich „nur“ um den Einstieg in die Welt der Elektrostaten handelt ist die Distanz zu den dynamischen Konkurrenten der Kopfhörerwelt so glasklar wie der Klang dieses Japaners. Viel Spaß damit, Ralf
Stax Kopfhörer & Verstärker Set 3050 II OVP
End: 28.02. 2024 16:05:10 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 444.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226013384029
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ralfbets (126|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Stuttgart Mitte
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo zusammen, das Stax Set 3050 II mit SR 303 und SRM 323 habe ich 2009 neu vom Stax-Händler erworben (siehe Lieferschein), Preis damals 1.445 €. Gehört habe ich damit selten. Ich schätze an etwa 50 Tagen, was ich daran festmache, dass das Set die ganze Zeit in der Ferienwohnung stand. Sieht alles aus wie neu, die Gerätschaften wurden pfleglich behandelt. Allenfalls einen kleinen Kratzer gibt es an der Ecke von der Verstärkerfrontplatte - siehe Bild mit Bleistiftspitze. Das Kopfhörerkabel ist ca. 2,4 Meter lang. Bei habe ich einen Test aus 2010 gefunden - - interessant, wenn Sie Stax Elektrostaten noch nicht kennen sollten. Ergebnis, Referenzklasse, fünf Sterne: Das Stax-Gespann lässt keinen Zweifel darüber aufkommen, dass es sich um ein absolutes Spitzenprodukt in Sachen Kopfhörer handelt. Dynamik, Spielfreude, Stimmenwiedergabe, Tonalität – alles perfekt, selbst im Praxistest überzeugt der Exot. Obwohl es sich „nur“ um den Einstieg in die Welt der Elektrostaten handelt ist die Distanz zu den dynamischen Konkurrenten der Kopfhörerwelt so glasklar wie der Klang dieses Japaners. Viel Spaß damit, Ralf
Samsung SSG-3050 3D Glasses - 2 Pairs
End: 20.02. 2024 12:39:36 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 18.43 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276343348862
- Bids: 0
- Seller: surf42day (245|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Monmouth Beach, New Jersey
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
3D glasses for Samsung TV - 2 Pairs - Came with TV - Never used or tested Since we never had a 3D program we never used the glasses so sold as is.
Q Acoustics 3050 floorstanding PAIR OF SPEAKERS Color: Graphite
End: 15.02. 2024 17:59:30 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 325.0 USD

- Status: 0T 17:49:4
- Item number: 134936532233
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Norwalk,CT,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Rated 5 stars by WhatHifi magazine these speakers are outstanding in a surround sound setup. Both speakers in excellent condition. No marks or scratches. They were $728 new. Im moving and pricing them to sell. Theyre in Norwalk CT for pickup or Ill happily hand over to your courier. Am also selling the B12 Sub Woofer separately. Another outstanding addition and WhatHifi 5 star.
q acoustics 3050 Loudspeakers
End: 03.02. 2024 18:35:20 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 135.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 404758990880
- Seller: jlhs59 (23|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Ledgewood, New Jersey
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pair of lightly used speakers. Perfect condition. Downsizing so need to sell. Local pickup only. Ledgewood NJ. Priced new at $680.
Samsung SSG-3050 3D Glasses - 2 Pairs
End: 30.01. 2024 13:52:01 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 18.47 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276302280388
- Bids: 0
- Seller: surf42day (242|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Monmouth Beach, New Jersey
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
3D glasses for Samsung TV - 2 Pairs - Came with TV - Never used or tested Since we never had a 3D program we never used the glasses so sold as is.
NAD C 3050 LE Stereo-Vollverstärker mit Dirac und HDMI Anschluss
End: 27.12. 2023 20:03:00 on Wednesday
Stax Kopfhörer & Verstärker Set 3050 II OVP
End: 25.12. 2023 19:08:04 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 725.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 225922010829
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ralfbets (126|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Stuttgart Mitte
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo zusammen, das Stax Set 3050 II mit SR 303 und SRM 323 habe ich 2009 erworben (siehe Lieferschein), Preis damals 1.445 €. Gehört habe ich damit nicht besonders häufig. Ich schätze an etwa 50 Tagen, was ich daran festmache, dass das Set in der Ferienwohnung stand. Sieht alles aus wie neu, die Gerätschaften wurden pfleglich behandelt. Allenfalls einen kleinen Kratzer gibt es an der Ecke von der Verstärkerfrontplatte - siehe Bild mit Bleistiftspitze. Das Kopfhörerkabel ist ca. 2,4 Meter lang. Bei habe ich einen Test aus 2010 gefunden - - interessant, wenn Sie Stax Elektrostaten noch nicht kennen sollten. Ergebnis, Referenzklasse, fünf Sterne: Das Stax-Gespann lässt keinen Zweifel darüber aufkommen, dass es sich um ein absolutes Spitzenprodukt in Sachen Kopfhörer handelt. Dynamik, Spielfreude, Stimmenwiedergabe, Tonalität – alles perfekt, selbst im Praxistest überzeugt der Exot. Obwohl es sich „nur“ um den Einstieg in die Welt der Elektrostaten handelt ist die Distanz zu den dynamischen Konkurrenten der Kopfhörerwelt so glasklar wie der Klang dieses Japaners. Viel Spaß damit, Ralf
Stax Kopfhörer & Verstärker Set 3050 II OVP
End: 18.12. 2023 19:07:30 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 725.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 225912358966
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ralfbets (126|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Stuttgart Mitte
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo zusammen, das Stax Set 3050 II mit SR 303 und SRM 323 habe ich 2009 erworben (siehe Lieferschein), Preis damals 1.445 €. Gehört habe ich damit nicht besonders häufig. Ich schätze an etwa 50 Tagen, was ich daran festmache, dass das Set in der Ferienwohnung stand. Sieht alles aus wie neu, die Gerätschaften wurden pfleglich behandelt. Allenfalls einen kleinen Kratzer gibt es an der Ecke von der Verstärkerfrontplatte - siehe Bild mit Bleistiftspitze. Das Kopfhörerkabel ist ca. 2,4 Meter lang. Bei habe ich einen Test aus 2010 gefunden - - interessant, wenn Sie Stax Elektrostaten noch nicht kennen sollten. Ergebnis, Referenzklasse, fünf Sterne: Das Stax-Gespann lässt keinen Zweifel darüber aufkommen, dass es sich um ein absolutes Spitzenprodukt in Sachen Kopfhörer handelt. Dynamik, Spielfreude, Stimmenwiedergabe, Tonalität – alles perfekt, selbst im Praxistest überzeugt der Exot. Obwohl es sich „nur“ um den Einstieg in die Welt der Elektrostaten handelt ist die Distanz zu den dynamischen Konkurrenten der Kopfhörerwelt so glasklar wie der Klang dieses Japaners. Viel Spaß damit, Ralf
MCS Series 3050 Quartz Synthesized AM/FM Digital Stereo Tuner POWERS ON
End: 14.12. 2023 13:24:08 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 27.73 EUR

- Status: 8T 11:46:16
- Item number: 134653055551
- Seller: coolcaddy (26150|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 34,99 EUR
- on EBAY
The item for auction, is an Original Vintage unit , powers on! good looking piece, some light scratching on it from age. With a great look to it and nice colors.
Q Acoustic 3050 Floorstanding HiFi Speakers - Pair
End: 29.09. 2023 12:35:53 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 200.9 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 195963253594
- Seller: milesstaton (488|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Cumwhitton
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Q Acoustic 3050 Floorstanding HiFi Speakers - Pair.
Technics SU-3050 User Manual / Operators Manual / Genuine Original Print
End: 25.09. 2023 17:22:11 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 10.09 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 386059280539
- Seller: fido-trotter (237|99.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Norwich, Norfolk
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 4,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Technics SU-3050 User Manual / Operators Manual Genuine Original Print--in used condition complete signs of use commensurate of age---Uk post £4.50 courier sign fororcash on collection is welcome---im always happy to combine post where possible / please ask before checkout---please view my other / Audio Manuals
Technics ST-3050 User Manual / Operators Manual / Genuine Original Print
End: 25.09. 2023 17:22:11 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.94 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 386059278571
- Seller: fido-trotter (237|99.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Norwich, Norfolk
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 4,1 EUR
- on EBAY
Technics ST-3050 User Manual / Operators Manual Genuine Original Print--in used condition complete signs of use commensurate of age---Uk post £4.10 courier sign fororcash on collection is welcome---im always happy to combine post where possible / please ask before checkout---please view my other / Audio Manuals
Q Acoustics 3050 walnut floorstanding speakers
End: 09.09. 2023 12:24:14 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 202.07 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 134712532290
- Bids: 6
- Seller: marcu-hickm (264|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Barwell, Leicester
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Q Acoustics 3050 walnut floorstanding speakers. Brilliant sounding pair of speakers, includes the original boxes. Spikes and port hole bungs, No noticeable marks or scratches Happy to demo,
Kenwood KR-A3050 AM-FM Stereo Receiver Verstärker HiFi Sound A 3050 Audio
End: 20.08. 2023 13:40:26 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 24.9 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204405857090
- Seller: noergelschwester (506|98.1%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Ennigerloh
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,75 EUR
- on EBAY
Hier wird ein Kenwood KR-A3050 AM-FM Stereo Receiver Verstrker HiFi Sound A 3050 Audio.gebraucht versteigert. Siehe Bilder Versand mit Hermes Versand.
Q Acoustics 3050 floorstanding Speaker (1 Speaker) - Graphite
End: 30.07. 2023 13:03:29 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 69.18 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 385829336915
- Bids: 0
- Seller: cargolargo (556367|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Kansas City, Missouri
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Q Acoustics 3050 floorstanding Speaker (1 Speaker) - Graphite Item Specifics: Color: Graphite Condition: New other--all included items shown in photos and untested unless otherwise noted; distressed packaging; labels removed from box exterior Features: Model: 3050 Floorstanding Wired Connection Integral Steel Outrigger Plinth Twin 165mm Cone Drivers Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. This item cannot be shipped out of the United States! Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. Contact Seller If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Seller” link in the upper right section of the listing.Our business hours are 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday (Central Time).Sales completed and emails received after normal business hours may be handled the next business day. Shipping Policy We ONLY ship within the lower 48 United States.We ONLY ship to the address selected by the customer at checkout.Buyers MAY NOT arrange their own shipping.ALL orders with total value of $250 or more WILL require a delivery signature.For this item, we DO NOT offer combined shipping with other listings. Location We offer local pickup for all our eBay auction items. To request local pickup for items you have won, please send us a message asking for “pick up” and we will send you an eBay invoice with your total.All local pickup orders MUST be paid within 8 DAYS after the listing ended per eBay policy. The payment total will include Missouri sales tax AND a $4 handling fee per item.Non-Missouri residents will need to pay IN PERSON (credit/debit cards only) within 4 days after the listing ended.Buy It Now items are NOT eligible for local pickup.Paid items must be picked up within 10 DAYS after the end of the listing. If not, your order will be cancelled and refunded.Social distancing policies WILL be enforced during pickups. Local Pickup Location 7460 Stadium Drive Kansas City, MO 64129 Pickup Hours SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CLOSED 11am-6pm 7:30am-4pm CLOSED 7:30am-4pm 7:30am-6pm CLOSED Return Policy We are not an authorized dealer of this product and any warranty included with the product may not be honored by the manufacturer. If you believe that the item purchased from us does not match the item description, or if your item was damaged during transit, please contact us to discuss return and refund options. In order to initiate the refund process, buyer must contact us within 30 Days of receipt of item. All returns will require a return authorization. Please note that we will only pay return shipping if our listing does not accurately reflect the specifications or condition of the item received. If you wish to return an item for any other reason, we will accept a return on MOST items, provided that the item is returned to us in the same condition and within 30 Days. This applies to both the item and retail packaging. Buyer will be responsible for both original and return shipping charges Seller will initiate this transaction and refund the buyer once the item has been received AND agreed to the mutual cancellation. We DO NOT accept any returns on swimsuits, undergarments, stockings, lingerie, or any item marked AS IS for any reason other than a grievous error in the listing. Please bid accordingly on all items listed AS IS. Payments Cargo Largo requires payment within eight (8) days. (Please note that this is real-time, beginning when the auction ends.) If payment has still not been received by the eighth (8th) day after the end of the auction, Cargo Largo will relist the item. Most states require the collection of SALES TAX on online sales by remote sellers. We will abide by all local, state and federal tax codes and buyer should check their state and locality for tax liability. Residents of Missouri and all buyers who pick their item(s) up locally are required to pay Missouri sales tax on all items. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management
Q Acoustics 3050 ( Matte Graphite) Pair of speakers
End: 26.07. 2023 20:51:39 on Wednesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 258.16 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 374831698922
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ashfam15 (6219|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: CROYDON, Surrey
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 57,57 EUR
- on EBAY
Speakers are in new condition. However theres a cosmetic damage to side on one speaker, a chip. Kindly study the photos. Apart from that condition is as new. Powerful and assertive, the 3050s deliver a huge sense of scale and are capable of enveloping our largest test room. What Hi-Fi Award Winner 2017 Award-winning predecessors The Q Acoustics 2000-Series was one of the most widely praised speaker ranges, having picked up numerous awards throughout its life. With revisions to every aspect of that fundamentally assured design, the 3000-Series is set to take the market by storm. Revised drive units At the heart of the 3050 are brand new speaker units for an even more impressive sound quality. Starting at the top, the new Ring Dome tweeter provides precise reproduction of even the most subtle aspects of music. Its also decoupled from the rest of the cabinet, it isnt affected by vibration from the bass units. The new Aramid Fibre/Paper woofer cones are light and rigid, and help give the 3050s their punchy, agile sound quality. Twin woofers The 3050 is a worthy flagship - with twin woofer units the bass depth and dynamics are effortlessly deep and powerful. Yet, despite its exhilarating sound, its far from uncouth. Thanks to high quality components and design, it still has the same subtle skill with extracting the finer subtleties of music. A new design of plinth not only looks good, but keeps the 3050 firmly planted, helping to promote a cleaner, tighter sound. Class-leading cross-over With revised cabinet bracing, the distinctive Q Acoustics cabinets have been made even better. With reduced cabinet resonance, the sound becomes less coloured and closer its studio/concert venue sound. Up-rated audiophile grade crossover components improve the transparency of sound still further. New range of finishes Still distinctively designed with signature rounded cabinets, the new 3000-Series is available in a broad range of finishes. Choose between Matt Graphite, Black Leather Effect or Black Lacquer for a technical look. Alternatively, White Lacquer looks great in modern interiors. Finally, the American Walnut vinyl finish is the ideal complement for both antique and traditional furniture. Robust yet refined and offering an expansive sound quality, the Q Acoustics 3050 speakers will have you glued to your seat!Pricing History
Q Acoustics 3050 floorstanding Speaker (1 Speaker) - Graphite
End: 25.07. 2023 12:48:18 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 91.84 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 385800820191
- Bids: 0
- Seller: cargolargo (556122|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Kansas City, Missouri
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Q Acoustics 3050 floorstanding Speaker (1 Speaker) - Graphite Item Specifics: Color: Graphite Condition: New other--all included items shown in photos and untested unless otherwise noted; distressed packaging; labels removed from box exterior Features: Model: 3050 Floorstanding Wired Connection Integral Steel Outrigger Plinth Twin 165mm Cone Drivers Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. This item cannot be shipped out of the United States! Cargo Largo is not sponsored by or affiliated with the brand associated with the product being sold. Contact Seller If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Seller” link in the upper right section of the listing.Our business hours are 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday (Central Time).Sales completed and emails received after normal business hours may be handled the next business day. Shipping Policy We ONLY ship within the lower 48 United States.We ONLY ship to the address selected by the customer at checkout.Buyers MAY NOT arrange their own shipping.ALL orders with total value of $250 or more WILL require a delivery signature.For this item, we DO NOT offer combined shipping with other listings. Location We offer local pickup for all our eBay auction items. To request local pickup for items you have won, please send us a message asking for “pick up” and we will send you an eBay invoice with your total.All local pickup orders MUST be paid within 8 DAYS after the listing ended per eBay policy. The payment total will include Missouri sales tax AND a $4 handling fee per item.Non-Missouri residents will need to pay IN PERSON (credit/debit cards only) within 4 days after the listing ended.Buy It Now items are NOT eligible for local pickup.Paid items must be picked up within 10 DAYS after the end of the listing. If not, your order will be cancelled and refunded.Social distancing policies WILL be enforced during pickups. Local Pickup Location 7460 Stadium Drive Kansas City, MO 64129 Pickup Hours SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CLOSED 11am-6pm 7:30am-4pm CLOSED 7:30am-4pm 7:30am-6pm CLOSED Return Policy We are not an authorized dealer of this product and any warranty included with the product may not be honored by the manufacturer. If you believe that the item purchased from us does not match the item description, or if your item was damaged during transit, please contact us to discuss return and refund options. In order to initiate the refund process, buyer must contact us within 30 Days of receipt of item. All returns will require a return authorization. Please note that we will only pay return shipping if our listing does not accurately reflect the specifications or condition of the item received. If you wish to return an item for any other reason, we will accept a return on MOST items, provided that the item is returned to us in the same condition and within 30 Days. This applies to both the item and retail packaging. Buyer will be responsible for both original and return shipping charges Seller will initiate this transaction and refund the buyer once the item has been received AND agreed to the mutual cancellation. We DO NOT accept any returns on swimsuits, undergarments, stockings, lingerie, or any item marked AS IS for any reason other than a grievous error in the listing. Please bid accordingly on all items listed AS IS. Payments Cargo Largo requires payment within eight (8) days. (Please note that this is real-time, beginning when the auction ends.) If payment has still not been received by the eighth (8th) day after the end of the auction, Cargo Largo will relist the item. Most states require the collection of SALES TAX on online sales by remote sellers. We will abide by all local, state and federal tax codes and buyer should check their state and locality for tax liability. Residents of Missouri and all buyers who pick their item(s) up locally are required to pay Missouri sales tax on all items. Sell Smarter with Kyozou.Inventory and Ecommerce Management
Q Acoustics 3050 ( Matte Graphite) Pair of speakers
End: 23.07. 2023 18:48:36 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 257.53 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 374825188290
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ashfam15 (6218|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: CROYDON, Surrey
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 57,36 EUR
- on EBAY
Speakers are in new condition. However theres a cosmetic damage to side on one speaker, a chip. Kindly study the photos. Apart from that condition is as new. Powerful and assertive, the 3050s deliver a huge sense of scale and are capable of enveloping our largest test room. What Hi-Fi Award Winner 2017 Award-winning predecessors The Q Acoustics 2000-Series was one of the most widely praised speaker ranges, having picked up numerous awards throughout its life. With revisions to every aspect of that fundamentally assured design, the 3000-Series is set to take the market by storm. Revised drive units At the heart of the 3050 are brand new speaker units for an even more impressive sound quality. Starting at the top, the new Ring Dome tweeter provides precise reproduction of even the most subtle aspects of music. Its also decoupled from the rest of the cabinet, it isnt affected by vibration from the bass units. The new Aramid Fibre/Paper woofer cones are light and rigid, and help give the 3050s their punchy, agile sound quality. Twin woofers The 3050 is a worthy flagship - with twin woofer units the bass depth and dynamics are effortlessly deep and powerful. Yet, despite its exhilarating sound, its far from uncouth. Thanks to high quality components and design, it still has the same subtle skill with extracting the finer subtleties of music. A new design of plinth not only looks good, but keeps the 3050 firmly planted, helping to promote a cleaner, tighter sound. Class-leading cross-over With revised cabinet bracing, the distinctive Q Acoustics cabinets have been made even better. With reduced cabinet resonance, the sound becomes less coloured and closer its studio/concert venue sound. Up-rated audiophile grade crossover components improve the transparency of sound still further. New range of finishes Still distinctively designed with signature rounded cabinets, the new 3000-Series is available in a broad range of finishes. Choose between Matt Graphite, Black Leather Effect or Black Lacquer for a technical look. Alternatively, White Lacquer looks great in modern interiors. Finally, the American Walnut vinyl finish is the ideal complement for both antique and traditional furniture. Robust yet refined and offering an expansive sound quality, the Q Acoustics 3050 speakers will have you glued to your seat!Pricing History
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