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End: 31.10. 2023 19:25:54 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 90.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166403034898
  • Seller: pascuhoff2012 (739|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mannheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ROTEL STEREO OCTAVE EQUALIZER MODEL RE-1010 VINTAGEZum verkauf steht ,ein ROTEL 10+10 Chanel Stereo Equalizer gebraucht.Technisch in voll Funktion und Funktionstüchtig.Optisch schön, und gute Zustand mit leichte gebrauch spuren.Weltweiterverkauf und EU weit, bitte vor den kauf nach Versandkosten erfragen.Viel spaß beim bitten. Hersteller: Rotelzurück zu Rotel EqualizerModell: RE-1010Baujahre: 1982 - 1984Hergestellt in: JapanFarbe: schwarz und silberLeistungsaufnahme: 8WAbmessungen (BxHxT): 430 x 100 x 290mmGewicht: 4,3kgNeupreis: unbekannt AnschlüsseAnzahl der Eingänge: 3, Line in + 2x Tape inEingangsspannung und Impedanz: 1V 50kOhmAnzahl der Ausgänge: 3, Line out + 2x Tape outAusgangsspannung und Impedanz: 1V 600 Ohm Technische DatenRegelbare Frequenzbänder: 1032, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000HzRegelbereich: +/- 12dBFrequenzgang: 15Hz - 45kHz +0/-1 dBSignalrauschabstand IHF-a: 108dBEigenrauschen 3,9µVKlirrfaktor IHF-a bei 1V: 0,009%Ausgangsspannung: 0dB=775mVEingangsspannung max.: 4000mV Besondere AusstattungenÜberspielmöglichkeit für zwei Tonbandgeräte

Rotel RSX-1560 7.1 AV Receiver m410

End: 31.10. 2023 02:30:32 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 192.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:56:54
  • Item number: 404568773691
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Winchester,CA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSX-1560 7.1 AV Receiver m410. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Ground Advantage.

Rotel RSX 1550 AV 5.1 Receiver High End

End: 30.10. 2023 18:11:18 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 299.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:35:31
  • Item number: 285528764300
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Flensburg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSX 1550 AV 5.1 Receiver High EndHigh End AV Receiver der Edelmarke Rotel. ber die Qualitt braucht , glaube ich, nichts weiter gesagt zu werden. Eventuelle Zweifel rumen die Testergebnisse von Audio und Stereoplay schnell aus. Die vollstndigen Berichte kann ich als PDF zur Verfgung stellen. Technisch und optisch in Bestzustand ohne Beschdigungen oder Gebrauchsspuren. Einzig der Lautstrkeregler sitz ein wenig schief auf dem Poti und die FB musste ersetzt werden. Verkaufe das gute Stck nur, weil ich auf stereo Betrieb umstelle und einen Amp mit Phono Eingang mchte. Rauchfreier Haushalt Bewertung Connect: berragend, 97 Punkte natrlicher, feinsinniger Klang mit schner Stimmabbildung; toller HD-Knstler Klang Stereo 85 Klang surround 95 Klang HD 110 Bedienung sehr gut Ausstattung sehr gut Verarbeitung berragend Preis / Leistung berragend Datenblatt Abmessungen 43,1 x 16,2 x 43,5 cm Gewicht 17,0 kg Endstufen, Anzahl 5 Surround/HD Formate Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby ProLogic IIx, DTS, DTS-ES, DTS 96/24, LPCM (bis zu 192 kHz), Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Fernbedienung Bildschirmmen Lip-Sync manuell Equalizer Autom. Einmessen nur Pegel / Entfernung Digitaleingnge Cinch 3 Digitaleingnge optisch 4 Digitaleingnge HDMI 4 Digitalausgang HDMI 1 Digitalausgnge Cinch 1 Digitalausgnge optisch 1 Netzwerkanschlu Multikanal-Eingang Ausgnge Audio 1 Vorverstrkerausgang Labor-Daten Sinusleistung Stereo 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 110,0 W / 170,0 W Musikleistung Stereo 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 128,0 W / 196,0 W Sinusleistung 5-Kanal 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 83,0 W / 113,0 W Musik-Leistung 5-Kanal 4 Ohm / 8 Ohm 117,0 W / 94,0 W Sinusleistung 5-Kanal 4 Ohm 113,0 W Musik-Leistung 7-Kanal 4 Ohm / 8 Ohm 0 W / 0 W Strabstand Line 99,0 dB Strabstand digital 99,0 dB Nun noch das wichtige fr diese Privat Auktion: Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes. Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft! Damit findet die EU-Regelung fr Gewhrleistung und Garantie auf Gebrauchtwaren keine Anwendung. Sie gilt nur fr Hndler. Verkufe zwischen Privatpersonen sind davon ausgenommen! Es wird keine Rcknahme, Garantie oder Gewhrleistung fr die in dieser Auktion aufgefhrten Artikel bernommen. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklren Sie ausdrcklich, davon Kenntnis gehabt zu haben. Bieten Sie nur, wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind

Stereo 5/06 Octave V70, Tascam HD-P2, MAP 303 DA II, Rotel RB-1091, Jamo R 909

End: 30.10. 2023 12:54:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 20:10:1
  • Item number: 285496871507
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Heidelberg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 2,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Stereo 5/06 Octave V70, Tascam HD-P2, MAP 303 DA II, Rotel RB-1091, Jamo R 909STEREO Mai 2006. Im Heft sind unter anderem folgende Themen/Tests/Gerätebesprechungen zu finden: Vollverstärker: Octave V70 (SBB) Advance Acoustic MAP 303 DA II Kophörer: Stax SRS-7147 CD-Spieler: Meridian G06 Lautsprecher: Martin Logan Vantage Jamo R 909 Audio Physic Scorpio Fijitsu-Ten Eclipse MP3-Player: Apple ipod Cowon X5L Creative Zen Sleek Photo Philips HDD 6320 Samsung YH-J70 Sony NW-A 3000 Service: Hifi-Literatur von Phonotechnik bis zu Taschenbüchern Profi-Recorder: Marantz PMD 671 Tascam HD-P2 Digitalisieren: Nero 7 Wavelab 6 Disc Welder Bronze Endstufen: Rotel RB-1091 Klassiker: Saba Feldberg STEREO Testspiegel und Bestenliste: neue und frühere Geräte im Klang- und Preisvergleich Viele ausführliche CD- bzw. Plattenbesprechungen Anzeigen aus der damaligen Zeit und vieles mehr Falls nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt, sind die Hefte immer ohne CD und sonstige Beilagen. Die Hefte sind auch alle mehr oder weniger gebraucht. Es können evtl. Markierungen bei der Announcen vorhanden sein. Auch ist vereinzelt der Adressaufkleber noch ganz bzw. teilweise vorhanden, es können auch noch Reste am Heft sein. Preisausschrauben wurden in der Regel ausgefüllt bzw. auch ausgeschnitten und sonstige Vorlagen zum Herausschneiden sind in der Regel entfernt. Ab und zu ist auch eine Plattenkritik ausgeschnitten. Abholung möglich oder Versand auf Kosten des Käufers. Versand erfolgt nach Zahlungseingang. Bezahlung muss innerhalb einer Woche erfolgen oder nach Vereinbarung mit mir. Abholung bevorzugt. Erfüllunsort ist 69115 Heidelberg. Nach der allgemeinen Regelung des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches (BGB) trägt grundsätzlich der Käufer das Risiko des Verlusts und der Beschädigung der Ware auf dem Transportweg (§ 447 Abs.1 BGB). Der Versand der Ware geschieht also auf Risiko des Käufers. Versicherter Versand optional möglich, dann: 3,50 Euro extra. Dieses Angebot ist privater, nicht gewerblicher Natur. „Verkauf gebrauchter Ware von Privat“. Keine Haftung für Tippfehler. Bei Abholung 2 Monate Funktionsgarantie, sonst: Verkauf abweichend vom geltenden Recht. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes verzichten Sie auf die gesetzlichen Garantie- und Gewährleistungsansprüche sowie auf Ihr Rückgaberecht (ausser bei Abholung).

Rotel RSX-1560 AV Receiver

End: 29.10. 2023 18:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 203.75 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335083414633
  • Bids: 44
  • Seller: georgeisele (299|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cottbus Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSX-1560 AV ReceiverRotel RSX 1560 Der Rotel RSX-1560 AV-Receiver mit 7.1 Kanälen ist als Ersatzteil oder defekt erhältlich. Dieses Modell ist ideal für Heimkino-Enthusiasten geeignet und bietet eine Vielzahl von Anschlussmöglichkeiten für verschiedene Geräte. Die Marke Rotel steht für qualitativ hochwertige Audioprodukte und der RSX-1560 ist keine Ausnahme. Obwohl das Gerät defekt ist, kann es repariert oder als Ersatzteil für andere RSX-1560-Besitzer verwendet werden. Ein Muss für alle, die eine hochwertige Audiowiedergabe zu schätzen wissen. Ich selber haben den Rotel RSX 1560 über eBay erworben mit dem Hinweis das der Rechte Kanal nicht mehr funktioniert. Ich habe auf einen Software/Bedienungsfeh ler gehofft und dieses über Einstellung zurückgesetzt und mich ein wenig im Menü probiert, leider habe ich es nicht hinbekommen. In den Einstellungen habe ich über den Punkt Be-Amping die hinteren Endstufen nach vorne gelegt was auch gut funktioniert und dadurch über die extra Kanäle ein funktionierendes 5.1 Setup(Rear zu Front- Recht/Links) hinbekommen und dadurch den ausgefallenen Kanal kompensiert. Wer auf ein 7.1 setup verzichten kann und mit einen normalen 5.1 setup auskommt der hat jetzt hier die Möglichkeit günstig an einen klanglich hervorragenden Receiver zu erwerben. Vorgänger hat wohl mal in den Receiver geschaut und war wohl auch schon mal dran aber hat es auch nicht hinbekommen. Verkaufe ihn um jegliche Missverständnisse und Ärger aus dem Weg zu gehen ausdrücklich als defekt oder als Ersatzteilspender. In dieser Versteigerung wird lediglich der Receiver ohne Zubehör verkauft. Da Privatverkauf, schließe ich eine Rücknahme, Gewährleistung oder Garantie aus. Ich hafte nicht für unsachgemäßen Nutzung oder Transportschäden. Sollten Unklarheiten bestehen, bitte ich Sie, mir vor einem Gebot eine Nachricht zur Klärung zu schreiben. NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING! THANK YOU!

Rotel RX-1052 Stereo Av Receiver 200 W RMS Vintage W Remote And Manual Bundle

End: 27.10. 2023 05:05:50 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 350.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 20:22:48
  • Item number: 314853872618
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Lakeville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Rotel RX-1052 stereo AV receiver is a vintage model that comes with a remote and manual. With a power output of 200 W RMS, it is perfect for home audio use. The brand, Rotel, is known for its high-quality audio equipment, making this receiver a great addition to any home theater setup. The receiver is in excellent working condition and has been well-maintained by its previous owner. Its sleek design and powerful performance make it a highly sought-after item for audio enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to enhance your home audio experience or simply add to your collection, this Rotel RX-1052 stereo AV receiver is a must-have.

ROTEL RX-1052 6 Channel 120V 60Hz AM/FM Stereo AV Receiver Black Tested Working

End: 24.10. 2023 15:10:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 435.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 21:39:21
  • Item number: 145321940883
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Saint Louis,MO,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This impressive Rotel RX-1052 AV receiver is a top-of-the-line device that is sure to satisfy even the most demanding audiophile. Boasting a powerful 200W output, this receiver features 4 audio inputs and 12 audio outputs, including raw cable and banana speaker jacks. It also includes an AM/FM radio tuner and supports AM modes. The black color and analog features add a sleek and classic touch to any home audio setup. Tested and in perfect working order, this unit is a must-have for serious music and audio lovers. DISPLAY GLASS LOOSE Please see pictures and reach out with any questions you may have prior to purchase Thank you for supporting my small business and wedding fund! Be sure to check out my store for more great items available! Bundle shipping available!! ?? Also, please note the handling time of items. I travel often and will usually set my handling time between 3-5 business days. While I’m usually able to ship pretty quickly, it’s worth noting sometimes it will take me until the last business day to ship! If you need something shipped sooner, REACH OUT PRIOR TO PURCHASE Thank you in advance for your patience! ????????

Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | W/Remote | Clean

End: 23.10. 2023 21:34:49 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 128.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394934668438
  • Seller: liquidcowboys (1851|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dallas, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | W/Remote | Clean

Rotel RSX 1550 AV 5.1 Receiver High End

End: 23.10. 2023 18:11:05 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 349.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 22:34:23
  • Item number: 285519151616
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Flensburg,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSX 1550 AV 5.1 Receiver High EndHigh End AV Receiver der Edelmarke Rotel. ber die Qualitt braucht , glaube ich, nichts weiter gesagt zu werden. Eventuelle Zweifel rumen die Testergebnisse von Audio und Stereoplay schnell aus. Die vollstndigen Berichte kann ich als PDF zur Verfgung stellen. Technisch und optisch in Bestzustand ohne Beschdigungen oder Gebrauchsspuren. Einzig der Lautstrkeregler sitz ein wenig schief auf dem Poti und die FB musste ersetzt werden. Verkaufe das gute Stck nur, weil ich auf stereo Betrieb umstelle und einen Amp mit Phono Eingang mchte. Versand erfolgt wegen Urlaubs am 28./29.10. Rauchfreier Haushalt Bewertung Connect: berragend, 97 Punkte natrlicher, feinsinniger Klang mit schner Stimmabbildung; toller HD-Knstler Klang Stereo 85 Klang surround 95 Klang HD 110 Bedienung sehr gut Ausstattung sehr gut Verarbeitung berragend Preis / Leistung berragend Datenblatt Abmessungen 43,1 x 16,2 x 43,5 cm Gewicht 17,0 kg Endstufen, Anzahl 5 Surround/HD Formate Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby ProLogic IIx, DTS, DTS-ES, DTS 96/24, LPCM (bis zu 192 kHz), Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Fernbedienung Bildschirmmen Lip-Sync manuell Equalizer Autom. Einmessen nur Pegel / Entfernung Digitaleingnge Cinch 3 Digitaleingnge optisch 4 Digitaleingnge HDMI 4 Digitalausgang HDMI 1 Digitalausgnge Cinch 1 Digitalausgnge optisch 1 Netzwerkanschlu Multikanal-Eingang Ausgnge Audio 1 Vorverstrkerausgang Labor-Daten Sinusleistung Stereo 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 110,0 W / 170,0 W Musikleistung Stereo 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 128,0 W / 196,0 W Sinusleistung 5-Kanal 8 Ohm / 4 Ohm 83,0 W / 113,0 W Musik-Leistung 5-Kanal 4 Ohm / 8 Ohm 117,0 W / 94,0 W Sinusleistung 5-Kanal 4 Ohm 113,0 W Musik-Leistung 7-Kanal 4 Ohm / 8 Ohm 0 W / 0 W Strabstand Line 99,0 dB Strabstand digital 99,0 dB Nun noch das wichtige fr diese Privat Auktion: Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes. Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft! Damit findet die EU-Regelung fr Gewhrleistung und Garantie auf Gebrauchtwaren keine Anwendung. Sie gilt nur fr Hndler. Verkufe zwischen Privatpersonen sind davon ausgenommen! Es wird keine Rcknahme, Garantie oder Gewhrleistung fr die in dieser Auktion aufgefhrten Artikel bernommen. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklren Sie ausdrcklich, davon Kenntnis gehabt zu haben. Bieten Sie nur, wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind

Rotel RSP-1570 AV processor/preamp. HDMI. Positive reviews! $2,200 MSRP. NO RSV!

End: 23.10. 2023 15:12:39 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 0.99 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 22:14:4
  • Item number: 134769594657
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Northvale,NJ,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    If you want an excellent sounding home theater/music control center that didnt cost a whole bunch of money, this is it. It is well built, easy to use and setup and a great sounding unit to round it up. The number of available inputs and outputs is mesmerizing so it should satisfy most users. There is no complicated setup process or calibration. Just hook it up to a monitor (monitor in the pic not included) and you can see all the inputs and outputs and set each one accordingly. And when its all done, just sink back into your armchair and enjoy. Unit is in nice shape. Two remotes are included because the original remote had a battery leak previously so that probably needs to be cleaned up before use. A Logitech Harmony 650 remote has been programmed to work the functions and is included. Manual is available online. Unit will be securely packed for safe shipping. Terms and conditions - PLEASE READ! Changes to PAYPAL refund: Due to recent policy changes at PAYPAL where they will not be refunding their portion of the PAYPAL fees, any refund that is requested to us will be treated likewise. In other words, when you send over a payment, the fee that PAYPAL takes out, will no longer be refunded back to you should you request a refund or we have to do a refund because you did not meet our transactional policy (like asking us to ship to a different address that is on the PAYPAL payment). We know this is unfair and have filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, they will be able to “persuade” PAYPAL to drop this ridiculous policy. If you think this policy is ridiculous, pls contact your local BBB and file a similar complaint. That will add some weight to our filed complaint.TRANSACTIONS on eBay: ALL transactions must be completed on eBay. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not respond to offers or suggestions on completing the transaction outside of eBay. Do not ask us to contact you directly outside eBay. If you find an item here on our eBay store that you are interested in purchasing, please conclude the transaction here on eBay.PRODUCT INFO: All items are fully tested and evaluated. If an item is not working properly, it will be mentioned in the listing. So read carefully. Cosmetic conditions will also be clearly laid out in the listing. But because everyone has a different standard, what is an 8/10 condition to me may be a 6/10 condition to you. So it is important you check out every picture on the listing. All pictures are of the actual item and taken just prior to listing it on eBay. All opinions expressed on our listings are our own and based on our evaluation in our system. They are not Gospel truth and should not be treated as such. Every system, every room and every conditions are different. We do not guarantee the result we get in our system will be the same in yours. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCTS WE SELL: We are a used hifi store so everything is used. So no warranty of any kind is offered or expressed. If there is a balance factory warranty from the manufacturer, you should check with them to see if it’s transferable. See above paragraph, everything is tested prior to selling and if there is any issue, we would list it in the listing. So it’s important you read every word in our listing. Occasionally, we may get dealer demo units, NOS (New Old Stock) or dealer excess inventory. Again, you need to check with the manufacturer if they will continue to honor any kind of warranty to you. PAYMENT INFO: PayPal payment is preferred and expected within 3 days after listing has closed. If payment is made through PAYPAL, we will ONLY ship to the address on the PAYPAL payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. SHIPPING: Item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment clearance except late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Tracking numbers will be provided on all shipments. We ship via FEDEX and USPS with insurance and signature required. In the very rare event that an item arrives not as described in our ads, we will resolve the issue(s) with the customer to their satisfaction. Returns are not accepted for shipping damage. If somehow the item arrives damaged, the buyer will need to inform us immediately so that we can get the claim process rolling. We will assist every way we can to get your money back. But this will be rare as we professionally pack every item that goes out to survive the rigor of shipping regardless of value. All orders will be insured and declared at full purchase value. If you want us to declare it at a lower value, you will need to fill out a form authorizing us to declare it at the amount you want us to and that you will assume all risk at the lowered value. And that includes insurance claim should the package be damaged or go missing during shipping. RETURNS: There are absolutely no returns for any items shipped outside the United States. International purchases for all items are as-is. The buyer assumes all cost of return shipping and handling. The only variation of this is if the item you receive is not the item you bought. In the rare event you have a change of mind (buyers remorse) after receiving the item; we may take the item back under our buy back quote or impose a re-stocking of 20% of the original purchase price. Cost of return shipping is your responsibility. This is a case to case basis and not an outright offer to accept every and any returns back. This is why it is important to read our listing carefully. Everything and anything is described in it with all pertinent information for you to make an informed decision. If you have any questions, ASK! DECLARED VALUE: All overseas purchases will be declared based on purchase price. NO EXCEPTION. This is because;1) For your protection as the declared value is also the insured value. 2) eBay and PAYPAL policies dictate that all declared value must be the purchase or transacted price.We know this may be tough in some countries because of your high duties so we will make exceptions but you need to contact us first and work out the details to complete your purchase. We will not entertain any requests after you have made the purchase and paid for it. PARTS OR REPAIRS: All items sold as parts or repairs are NOT returnable. Please read the listing carefully and understand what you are bidding/buying before committing. FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY: Due to recent actions by a few rotten apples we will be tagging all our items with tamper proof labels. If the labels are in any way removed or shows attempted action to remove it, we will be reporting the buyer to the relevant authorities for fraud. And if the buyer does a switch-a-roo where the labels have been removed or desecrated in any way, we will also report this fraudulent activity and will not honor any refunds or returns or exchanges.

Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean

End: 21.10. 2023 22:25:22 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 46.65 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126138016312
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: deerfield8 (27|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Great Falls, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean.

ROTEL RX-1052 120V 60Hz AM/FM Stereo AV Receiver

End: 20.10. 2023 17:52:47 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 113.74 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404551028861
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: waresmikey (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Portland, Oregon USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Rotel RX-1052 is a top-performing A/V receiver from 2005 that can deliver up to 300W of power. It has a sleek silver and black exterior, making it an excellent addition to any home audio setup. With audio inputs such as AUX, Composite, and Ethernet, this unit is compatible with a variety of devices, and it comes with a remote and antenna included. Additionally, the Rotel RX-1052 has audio outputs such as a headphone jack, stereo RCA, HDMI, and banana speaker jacks. It also features analog technology and multi-channel RCA inputs. This unit is a reliable and high-quality choice for anyone looking to boost their home audio experience.

Rotel RSX-1550 AV Receiver w/ RR-1061 LCD Remote

End: 18.10. 2023 16:36:40 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 379.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166195564834
  • Seller: llumag (9926|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Abington, Massachusetts USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 44,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Description Rotel AV Receiver w/ RR-1061 LCD Remote Model: RSX-1550The unit and its remote have been tested and are in working condition. The unit includes a Rotel LCD screen remote. The unit is used and has some scuffs and scrapes from normal wear.Only what is pictured is included in this listing.Classification: Used good condition key functions working. At the end of this device’s life please recycle responsibly with R2 Certified Recycler. PAYMENT We accept payments in US Dollars through Paypal Please allow extra days to clear if you pay by an eCheck We will hold your order pending receipt of your payment for up to 2 days if no immediate payment is required If the payment is not received in 3 days the sale will be canceled and the item will become available for sale WARRANTY AND RETURNS We guarantee our items for 30 days unless otherwise stated in listing. We ask that you please contact us first if you would like to return a purchase. If you have any issues or concerns with your purchase please contact us , we will make it right. Returns for defective items are accepted within 30 days of receipt. We offer an exchange (if product is available) or money back. Shipping for returned items that are not defective is the responsibility of the buyer. We ship exactly as described in auction. If manuals, software, packaging etc. are not mentioned, they are not included. Returned items must be in the same condition as they were shipped. ALL FREIGHT SHIPPING CHARGES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE! SHIPPING We ship 1-2 business days after cleared payment (excluding holidays and weekends) Shipping is via our choice of UPS Ground or USPS Priority Mail If you need a different method of shipping please contact us before auction ends and we will do our best to accommodate you. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We ship internationally with eBay Global Shipping and on a case by case basis. If you are an international buyer please contact us before buying or bidding on any of our items. Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. All Listings Contact Us You may be interested in our other eBay listings. Powered by SixBits eCommerce Solution

Rotel RSX-1550 / 7-Kanal AV-Receiver, 100 Watt RMS, Dolby True HD / DTS HD, 4x H

End: 17.10. 2023 14:18:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374978381332
  • Seller: schoenklinger (19294|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Gelsenkirchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSX-1550 / 7-Kanal AV-Receiver, 100 Watt RMS, Dolby True HD / DTS HD, 4x HHeute biete ich Ihnen folgendes an: Rotel RSX-1550 / 7-Kanal AV-Receiver, 100 Watt RMS, Dolby True HD / DTS HD, 4x HDMI / ohne Fernbedienung / mit kleinen Fehler technischer Zustand: Kundenrückläufer / Gerät funktioniert soweit ganz gut, nach dem Versand funktionierten die HDMI Anschlüsse nicht mehr optischer Zustand: geringe optische Gebrauchsspuren Falls Sie den oben aufgeführten Artikel ersteigern und diesen persönlich bei mir abholen, so können wir diesen sehr gerne gemeinsam auf den von mir angegebenen Zustand hin überprüfen. Kein Versand an Packstationen oder Paketshops !!! No shipping to USA

ROTEL RX-1052 120V 60Hz AM/FM Stereo AV Receiver

End: 15.10. 2023 17:52:27 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 184.52 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404541924888
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: waresmikey (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Portland, Oregon USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Rotel RX-1052 is a top-performing A/V receiver from 2005 that can deliver up to 300W of power. It has a sleek silver and black exterior, making it an excellent addition to any home audio setup. With audio inputs such as AUX, Composite, and Ethernet, this unit is compatible with a variety of devices, and it comes with a remote and antenna included. Additionally, the Rotel RX-1052 has audio outputs such as a headphone jack, stereo RCA, HDMI, and banana speaker jacks. It also features analog technology and multi-channel RCA inputs. This unit is a reliable and high-quality choice for anyone looking to boost their home audio experience.

Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean

End: 14.10. 2023 22:24:55 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 46.27 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126127873316
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: deerfield8 (25|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Great Falls, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean.

Rotel RSP-1570 AV processor/preamp. HDMI

End: 12.10. 2023 18:37:27 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 870.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295975255851
  • Seller: defineav (7|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Spring, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    amazing condition, all inputs tested and are in working orderComes with the REMOTE NOT in the Original Box (431 × 144 × 358mm) 17 × 5.7 × 14

Rotel RSP-1570 AV processor/preamp. HDMI. Positive reviews! $2,200 MSRP. NO RSV!

End: 12.10. 2023 01:44:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 330.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134755410298
  • Bids: 39
  • Seller: kahlaudio12 (2527|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Northvale, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    If you want an excellent sounding home theater/music control center that didnt cost a whole bunch of money, this is it. It is well built, easy to use and setup and a great sounding unit to round it up. The number of available inputs and outputs is mesmerizing so it should satisfy most users. There is no complicated setup process or calibration. Just hook it up to a monitor (monitor in the pic not included) and you can see all the inputs and outputs and set each one accordingly. And when its all done, just sink back into your armchair and enjoy. Unit is in nice shape. Two remotes are included because the original remote had a battery leak previously so that probably needs to be cleaned up before use. A Logitech Harmony 650 remote has been programmed to work the functions and is included. Manual is available online. Unit will be securely packed for safe shipping. Terms and conditions - PLEASE READ! Changes to PAYPAL refund: Due to recent policy changes at PAYPAL where they will not be refunding their portion of the PAYPAL fees, any refund that is requested to us will be treated likewise. In other words, when you send over a payment, the fee that PAYPAL takes out, will no longer be refunded back to you should you request a refund or we have to do a refund because you did not meet our transactional policy (like asking us to ship to a different address that is on the PAYPAL payment). We know this is unfair and have filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, they will be able to “persuade” PAYPAL to drop this ridiculous policy. If you think this policy is ridiculous, pls contact your local BBB and file a similar complaint. That will add some weight to our filed complaint.TRANSACTIONS on eBay: ALL transactions must be completed on eBay. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not respond to offers or suggestions on completing the transaction outside of eBay. Do not ask us to contact you directly outside eBay. If you find an item here on our eBay store that you are interested in purchasing, please conclude the transaction here on eBay.PRODUCT INFO: All items are fully tested and evaluated. If an item is not working properly, it will be mentioned in the listing. So read carefully. Cosmetic conditions will also be clearly laid out in the listing. But because everyone has a different standard, what is an 8/10 condition to me may be a 6/10 condition to you. So it is important you check out every picture on the listing. All pictures are of the actual item and taken just prior to listing it on eBay. All opinions expressed on our listings are our own and based on our evaluation in our system. They are not Gospel truth and should not be treated as such. Every system, every room and every conditions are different. We do not guarantee the result we get in our system will be the same in yours. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCTS WE SELL: We are a used hifi store so everything is used. So no warranty of any kind is offered or expressed. If there is a balance factory warranty from the manufacturer, you should check with them to see if it’s transferable. See above paragraph, everything is tested prior to selling and if there is any issue, we would list it in the listing. So it’s important you read every word in our listing. Occasionally, we may get dealer demo units, NOS (New Old Stock) or dealer excess inventory. Again, you need to check with the manufacturer if they will continue to honor any kind of warranty to you. PAYMENT INFO: PayPal payment is preferred and expected within 3 days after listing has closed. If payment is made through PAYPAL, we will ONLY ship to the address on the PAYPAL payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. SHIPPING: Item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment clearance except late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Tracking numbers will be provided on all shipments. We ship via FEDEX and USPS with insurance and signature required. In the very rare event that an item arrives not as described in our ads, we will resolve the issue(s) with the customer to their satisfaction. Returns are not accepted for shipping damage. If somehow the item arrives damaged, the buyer will need to inform us immediately so that we can get the claim process rolling. We will assist every way we can to get your money back. But this will be rare as we professionally pack every item that goes out to survive the rigor of shipping regardless of value. All orders will be insured and declared at full purchase value. If you want us to declare it at a lower value, you will need to fill out a form authorizing us to declare it at the amount you want us to and that you will assume all risk at the lowered value. And that includes insurance claim should the package be damaged or go missing during shipping. RETURNS: There are absolutely no returns for any items shipped outside the United States. International purchases for all items are as-is. The buyer assumes all cost of return shipping and handling. The only variation of this is if the item you receive is not the item you bought. In the rare event you have a change of mind (buyers remorse) after receiving the item; we may take the item back under our buy back quote or impose a re-stocking of 20% of the original purchase price. Cost of return shipping is your responsibility. This is a case to case basis and not an outright offer to accept every and any returns back. This is why it is important to read our listing carefully. Everything and anything is described in it with all pertinent information for you to make an informed decision. If you have any questions, ASK! DECLARED VALUE: All overseas purchases will be declared based on purchase price. NO EXCEPTION. This is because;1) For your protection as the declared value is also the insured value. 2) eBay and PAYPAL policies dictate that all declared value must be the purchase or transacted price.We know this may be tough in some countries because of your high duties so we will make exceptions but you need to contact us first and work out the details to complete your purchase. We will not entertain any requests after you have made the purchase and paid for it. PARTS OR REPAIRS: All items sold as parts or repairs are NOT returnable. Please read the listing carefully and understand what you are bidding/buying before committing. FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY: Due to recent actions by a few rotten apples we will be tagging all our items with tamper proof labels. If the labels are in any way removed or shows attempted action to remove it, we will be reporting the buyer to the relevant authorities for fraud. And if the buyer does a switch-a-roo where the labels have been removed or desecrated in any way, we will also report this fraudulent activity and will not honor any refunds or returns or exchanges.

ROTEL RX-1052 120V 60Hz AM/FM Stereo AV Receiver

End: 10.10. 2023 17:52:04 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 182.38 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404533452744
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: waresmikey (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Portland, Oregon USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Rotel RX-1052 is a top-performing A/V receiver from 2005 that can deliver up to 300W of power. It has a sleek silver and black exterior, making it an excellent addition to any home audio setup. With audio inputs such as AUX, Composite, and Ethernet, this unit is compatible with a variety of devices, and it comes with a remote and antenna included. Additionally, the Rotel RX-1052 has audio outputs such as a headphone jack, stereo RCA, HDMI, and banana speaker jacks. It also features analog technology and multi-channel RCA inputs. This unit is a reliable and high-quality choice for anyone looking to boost their home audio experience.


End: 08.10. 2023 02:21:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 289.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166357985292
  • Seller: pmtcaonhathuy_72 (827|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Garden Grove, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 26,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RE-900 Stereo Graphic Equalizer 10 Bands Very Good Condition Works Perfect There is a squeaking sound when using the volume up and down buttons but then the sound stabilizes.. this is a sign of classic audio vintage . Very simple, just need to clean. Thanks

Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean

End: 07.10. 2023 22:24:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 45.53 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126117511379
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: deerfield8 (25|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Great Falls, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RDV-1040 CD / DVD Player With Heavy Duty Power Cable | No Remote | Clean.

ROTEL RX-1052 120V 60Hz AM/FM Stereo AV Receiver

End: 05.10. 2023 17:51:05 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 182.02 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404525308990
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: waresmikey (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Portland, Oregon USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Rotel RX-1052 is a top-performing A/V receiver from 2005 that can deliver up to 300W of power. It has a sleek silver and black exterior, making it an excellent addition to any home audio setup. With audio inputs such as AUX, Composite, and Ethernet, this unit is compatible with a variety of devices, and it comes with a remote and antenna included. Additionally, the Rotel RX-1052 has audio outputs such as a headphone jack, stereo RCA, HDMI, and banana speaker jacks. It also features analog technology and multi-channel RCA inputs. This unit is a reliable and high-quality choice for anyone looking to boost their home audio experience.

Rotel RSP-1570 AV processor/preamp. HDMI. Positive reviews! $2,200 MSRP.

End: 04.10. 2023 19:09:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 468.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125941408030
  • Seller: kahlaudio12 (2497|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Northvale, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    If you want an excellent sounding home theater/music control center that didnt cost a whole bunch of money, this is it. It is well built, easy to use and setup and a great sounding unit to round it up. The number of available inputs and outputs is mesmerizing so it should satisfy most users. There is no complicated setup process or calibration. Just hook it up to a monitor (monitor in the pic not included) and you can see all the inputs and outputs and set each one accordingly. And when its all done, just sink back into your armchair and enjoy. Unit is in nice shape. Two remotes are included because the original remote had a battery leak previously so that probably needs to be cleaned up before use. A Logitech Harmony 650 remote has been programmed to work the functions and is included. Manual is available online. Unit will be securely packed for safe shipping. Terms and conditions - PLEASE READ! Changes to PAYPAL refund: Due to recent policy changes at PAYPAL where they will not be refunding their portion of the PAYPAL fees, any refund that is requested to us will be treated likewise. In other words, when you send over a payment, the fee that PAYPAL takes out, will no longer be refunded back to you should you request a refund or we have to do a refund because you did not meet our transactional policy (like asking us to ship to a different address that is on the PAYPAL payment). We know this is unfair and have filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, they will be able to “persuade” PAYPAL to drop this ridiculous policy. If you think this policy is ridiculous, pls contact your local BBB and file a similar complaint. That will add some weight to our filed complaint.TRANSACTIONS on eBay: ALL transactions must be completed on eBay. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not respond to offers or suggestions on completing the transaction outside of eBay. Do not ask us to contact you directly outside eBay. If you find an item here on our eBay store that you are interested in purchasing, please conclude the transaction here on eBay.PRODUCT INFO: All items are fully tested and evaluated. If an item is not working properly, it will be mentioned in the listing. So read carefully. Cosmetic conditions will also be clearly laid out in the listing. But because everyone has a different standard, what is an 8/10 condition to me may be a 6/10 condition to you. So it is important you check out every picture on the listing. All pictures are of the actual item and taken just prior to listing it on eBay. All opinions expressed on our listings are our own and based on our evaluation in our system. They are not Gospel truth and should not be treated as such. Every system, every room and every conditions are different. We do not guarantee the result we get in our system will be the same in yours. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCTS WE SELL: We are a used hifi store so everything is used. So no warranty of any kind is offered or expressed. If there is a balance factory warranty from the manufacturer, you should check with them to see if it’s transferable. See above paragraph, everything is tested prior to selling and if there is any issue, we would list it in the listing. So it’s important you read every word in our listing. Occasionally, we may get dealer demo units, NOS (New Old Stock) or dealer excess inventory. Again, you need to check with the manufacturer if they will continue to honor any kind of warranty to you. PAYMENT INFO: PayPal payment is preferred and expected within 3 days after listing has closed. If payment is made through PAYPAL, we will ONLY ship to the address on the PAYPAL payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. SHIPPING: Item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment clearance except late Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Tracking numbers will be provided on all shipments. We ship via FEDEX and USPS with insurance and signature required. In the very rare event that an item arrives not as described in our ads, we will resolve the issue(s) with the customer to their satisfaction. Returns are not accepted for shipping damage. If somehow the item arrives damaged, the buyer will need to inform us immediately so that we can get the claim process rolling. We will assist every way we can to get your money back. But this will be rare as we professionally pack every item that goes out to survive the rigor of shipping regardless of value. All orders will be insured and declared at full purchase value. If you want us to declare it at a lower value, you will need to fill out a form authorizing us to declare it at the amount you want us to and that you will assume all risk at the lowered value. And that includes insurance claim should the package be damaged or go missing during shipping. RETURNS: There are absolutely no returns for any items shipped outside the United States. International purchases for all items are as-is. The buyer assumes all cost of return shipping and handling. The only variation of this is if the item you receive is not the item you bought. In the rare event you have a change of mind (buyers remorse) after receiving the item; we may take the item back under our buy back quote or impose a re-stocking of 20% of the original purchase price. Cost of return shipping is your responsibility. This is a case to case basis and not an outright offer to accept every and any returns back. This is why it is important to read our listing carefully. Everything and anything is described in it with all pertinent information for you to make an informed decision. If you have any questions, ASK! DECLARED VALUE: All overseas purchases will be declared based on purchase price. NO EXCEPTION. This is because;1) For your protection as the declared value is also the insured value. 2) eBay and PAYPAL policies dictate that all declared value must be the purchase or transacted price.We know this may be tough in some countries because of your high duties so we will make exceptions but you need to contact us first and work out the details to complete your purchase. We will not entertain any requests after you have made the purchase and paid for it. PARTS OR REPAIRS: All items sold as parts or repairs are NOT returnable. Please read the listing carefully and understand what you are bidding/buying before committing. FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY: Due to recent actions by a few rotten apples we will be tagging all our items with tamper proof labels. If the labels are in any way removed or shows attempted action to remove it, we will be reporting the buyer to the relevant authorities for fraud. And if the buyer does a switch-a-roo where the labels have been removed or desecrated in any way, we will also report this fraudulent activity and will not honor any refunds or returns or exchanges.

Rotel RSP-1098 Av Vorverstärker Zustand: Gebraucht, Von: Japan

End: 03.10. 2023 00:57:10 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 978.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374940409860
  • Seller: jamazon77 (1002|97.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Tokyo Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 28,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Rotel RSP-1098 Av Vorverstärker Zustand: Gebraucht, Von: JapanRotel RSP-1098 Av Vorverstärker Zustand: Gebraucht, Von: JapanDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.  href=> ROTEL RSP-1098 AV-Vorverstärker Zustand: Gebraucht, aus: Japan  Beschreibung Modellnummer: RSP-1098Garantiezeitraum 6 Monate Geld-zurück-Garantie Voraussichtlicher Versand 1-2 Tage später Registrierungsdatum 4. September 2020 Merkmale/BemerkungenAV-VerstärkerMerkmale/BemerkungenMehrkanal-AV-Vorverstärker *Fernbedienung/Handbuch fehltMerkmale/BemerkungenAnaloger Audioeingang (CD, TAPE, TUNER, VIDIO 1-5) Digitaler Eingang 8 Leitungen (optisch 3 RCA5)WEB-Nr. 1010510000013263[Angabe basierend auf dem Secondhand Articles Dealer Act: Kommission für öffentliche Sicherheit der Präfektur Niigata Nr. 461060001043]?Hinweis nur für eingeschaltete Produkte. Produkte, die sich nicht einschalten lassen, sind nicht berechtigt.?  Die Stromversorgung für dieses Produkt ist AC100V 50/60Hz.In einigen Ländern ist möglicherweise ein Transformator erforderlich.Bitte bereiten Sie den Transformator kaufseitig vor. Steckdosenspezifikationen ?Typ AWenn es sich vom A-Typ unterscheidet, ist ein Konverter erforderlich.     Sie in anderen Bereichen als 100 V.Wenn Sie den von mir verkauften Transformator verwenden, können Sie ihn in anderen Bereichen als 100 V verwenden.eBay.com UK verkaufen auch außerhalb von kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie einen Kauf tätigen möchten.Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte.* In einigen Gebieten ist dies möglicherweise nicht möglichBitte überlegen Sie sorgfältig.Zahlung ??Wir akzeptieren nur Zahlungen per PayPal.??Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb ??3 Tage nach Auktionsende. Versand Kostenloser VersandVersand per Express-EMS, DHL oder FedExWir liefern mit der schnellsten Versandart.Versand mit Schadens-/VerlustversicherungMit einer Verfolgungs Nummer??(10-15 Tage in die USA) ??(10-30 Tage oder mehr in andere Länder) Verkaufsbedingungen ??[Über zurückgegebene Waren]????Rücksendungen werden nur akzeptiert, wenn der Artikel im Originalzustand war?   nicht der in der Auktion beschriebene Artikel.            [Zurückkehren]       Rücksendungen aus persönlichen Gründen werden nicht akzeptiert.    Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie: Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten oder Kaufen beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.  Bereitgestellt von HARUModellnummer: RSP-1098Garantiezeitraum 6 Monate Geld-zurück-Garantie Voraussichtlicher Versand 1-2 Tage später Registrierungsdatum 4. September 2020 Merkmale/BemerkungenAV-VerstärkerMerkmale/BemerkungenMehrkanal-AV-Vorverstärker *Fernbedienung/Handbuch fehltMerkmale/BemerkungenAnaloger Audioeingang (CD, TAPE, TUNER, VIDIO 1-5) Digitaler Eingang 8 Leitungen (optisch 3 RCA5)WEB-Nr. 1010510000013263[Angabe basierend auf dem Secondhand Articles Dealer Act: Kommission für öffentliche Sicherheit der Präfektur Niigata Nr. 461060001043]?Hinweis nur für eingeschaltete Produkte. Produkte, die sich nicht einschalten lassen, sind nicht berechtigt.?  Die Stromversorgung für dieses Produkt ist AC100V 50/60Hz.In einigen Ländern ist möglicherweise ein Transformator erforderlich.Bitte bereiten Sie den Tran MPN Does not apply Brand NA Type NA Model NA UPC NA