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ProJect 2 Xperience SB DC, Superpack (Ortofon 2M Bronze)

End: 03.01. 2024 20:00:32 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1000.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:54:9
  • Item number: 315007402987
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Krefeld,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ProJect 2 Xperience SB DC, Superpack (Ortofon 2M Bronze)Hallo zusammen, zum Verkauf steht ein (wie Neu) aussehenden ProJect 2 Xperience SB-DC, in Hochglanz Lackierter Olive. Hier als Super-Pack mit dem Ortofon 2Bronze, hochwertigerem Phono-Kabel, schraubbarer Plattenklemme, Gleichstrom-Netzteil, komplett in der OVP. Das Gerät habe ich in Zahlung genommen. Der Vorbesitzer habe das Gerät vor genau 3 Jahren bei Schluderbacher für 1500€ erworben, und war bis zu dem Zeitpunkt zufrieden, bis er beim Säubern des Gerätes die Nadel abgebrochen hat.Die Ersatznadel habe ich jetzt Neu beschafft (ca. 300€), das Gerät komplett gereinigt. Dabei fiel auf, das der Gummiring, der den Motor vom Chassis entkoppelt, gerissen war. Das Teil habe ich auch erneuert. Jetzt läuft er wieder wie Neu.Gebrauchsspuren kann ich keine erkennen, da der Vorbesitzer immer ordentlich damit umgegangen war.Zustand: wie ober beschrieben, technisch in zuverlässigem und extrem gepflegtem Zustand. Die Haube ebenso. Es wurde eine Politur durchgeführt. Meine Fotos entstehen bei Tageslicht und ergänzen meine Artikelbeschreibung!Lieferumfang: das gezeigte Gerät, in der OVP samt allem ZubehörABHOLUNG bevorzugt!!!Versand erfolgt mit DHLPrivatauktion, deshalb Ausschluss von Garantie/Rücknahme/Wandlung/Sachmangelhaftung. Mit der Abgabe Ihres Gebotes erklären Sie sich mit dieser Regelung einverstanden. Sollten Sie der Meinung sein, das Gerät entspräche nicht der Beschreibung, erwarte ich, das Sie zuerst mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen, bevor Sie einen Fall öffnen! Es gibt immer eine Möglichkeit.....Versand: am Folge-Tag des Geldeinganges, kostenfrei bei SofortkaufInternational Bidders please ask for shippingcostAbholung natürlich bevorzugt.Versand aber auch möglich.Es sind auch immer unterschiedliche Tonabnehmer vorrätig, Neu oder Gebraucht. Da wird sich schon was finden, obwohl nicht nötig....Fragen beantworte ich auch gerne Telefonisch (01722365660)Der Preis ist absolut gerechtfertigt, für ein Gerät in diesem Zustand, Punkt.Bei Sofortkauf: Versandkostenfrei!!!

PRO-JECT record player 2-XPERIENCE From Japan ACRYLIC VERSION 0 £300 Stylus

End: 15.12. 2023 09:08:57 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1162.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266301713727
  • Seller: oldschool_bmx (1134|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Newcastle upon tyne Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PRO-JECT record player 2-XPERIENCE From Japan. Less of the dribble If your viewing this you will know your stuff Amazing condition Fully working and from clean smoke free home Ortofon Mc Rondo New over 2k Pick up or arrange your own NE31TY TYNE AND WEAR 07929298090 NO ZERO POST NOT WORTH THE RISK PAY ON PICKUP WILL GIVE FULL DEMO

Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB DC Turntable Olive Wood Finish with upgraded Power supply

End: 22.11. 2023 16:19:30 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 875.69 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:58:44
  • Item number: 256266087134
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Canada Kanada
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Great condition, low hour Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB DC in Olive Wood FinishComes with :- Brand new Audio-Technica AT-VM95EN ($169 cart)- Upgraded High Power it power supply (worth $60)- Box and all accessories- The dust cover is still in the box.Speed: 33, 45 (electronic speed change)Drive principle: belt drivePlatter: 300mm MDFMains bearing: stainless steelWow & flutter: 33: +/-0,12%; 45: +/-0,11%Speed drift: 33: +/-0,12%; 45: +/-0,28%Signal to noise: 70dBTonearm: 9” Carbon EVOEffective arm length: 230 mmEffective arm mass: 8,5 gOverhang: 18 mmTracking force: 10 - 30mNIncluded accessories: 15 volts DC / 800 mA power supply,dust coverPower connection: 110/120 or 230/240 Volt - 50 or 60 HzPower consumption: 4 watt max / < 0,5 watt standbyDimensions: 460 x 160 x 360 mm (WxHxD) lid closedWeight: 8 kgCartridge & StylusFrequency Response 20-23,000 HzChannel Separation 22 (dB at 1 kHz)Vertical Tracking Angle 23°Vertical Tracking Force 1.8-2.2 g (2.0 g standard)Stylus Construction Nude round shank

Pro Ject 2 Xperience Classic Super Pack mit Hana EL im Topzustand

End: 19.11. 2023 19:44:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 650.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285384581075
  • Seller: rudolfy49 (552|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wipperfürth Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Feiner Highender zu verkaufen: Pro Ject 2 Xperience Classic Super Pack mit Hana EL (mit LOW Ausgang klingt besser als Highoutput über meinen MK 15 II Vorverstärker)) aus Erstbesitz mit allen Unterlagen zu verkaufen. Neupreis vom Player mit Hana System 1700 Euro. Der Vorverstärker MK II rechts vom Player gehört nicht zum Angebot !!! Der Player mit einem MC System von Hana Modell EL (450 Euro Neupreis ohne Einbau und Justierung) stammt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt und alle Einbauten und Einmessung wurden in einem feinem kleinen Audioladen meines Vertrauens vom Chef selber vorgenommen. Highend mit dem Hana EL mit Naim und Audio Physic ist hier vorgegeben, feine brillante Bühne, schnell und sehr räumliche Widergabe. Kein Versand nur Abholung im Bergischen Land. Der Name wird nur zur Erkennung des Gerätes hier benannt l Nach EU-Recht wird keine Garantie oder Umtausch eingeräumt.

Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Plattenspieler mit Riemenantrieb und Ortofon 2M Black MM

End: 07.11. 2023 19:03:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 723.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404580451027
  • Bids: 30
  • Seller: projekt-akustik (12639|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bad Schwartau Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Plattenspieler mit Riemenantrieb und Ortofon 2M Black MMWillkommen bei einer Auktion von Projekt-Akustik ZUR VERSTEIGERUNG KOMMT HIERPro-Ject 2 Xperience mit Ortofon 2M Black MM Tonabnehmer AUSFÜHRUNGAcryl SERIENNUMMER- ZUSTANDInzahlungnahme, technisch einwandfrei und optisch mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren (siehe Fotos) (Differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG. MwSt. nicht ausweisbar) LIEFERUMFANG- Pro-Ject 2 Xperience - Speedbox- Ortofon 2M Black MM Tonabnehmer- Ortofon 2M Bronze Stylus - Plattenschraubauflage- Cinchkabel- Netzteil- Schrauben- Dokumente- Zubehör- Originalverpackung Auch wenn im serienmäßigem Lieferumfang evtl. mehr Zubehör enthalten sein sollte, erhalten Sie ausschließlich den oben aufgeführten Lieferumfang. VERSANDWir versenden per Spedition oder DHL. Wir versenden nach Deutschland. Der Versand erfolgt innerhalb Deutschlands, in der Regel innerhalb von 1 - 4 Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang zu den angegebenen Versandkosten. ZAHLUNGSie haben die Möglichkeit, den Artikel in bar bei Abholung, per Überweisung oder per PayPal zu bezahlen. Einen Versand per Nachnahme bieten wir nicht! an. Bei Rückfragen oder Vereinbarung für einen Hörtermin erreichen Sie uns von Di. – Fr. von 10.00 – 19.00 Uhr und Sa. von 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr unter 0451-20 33 300. Und nun wünschen wir Ihnen viel Erfolg bei der Auktion! Ihr Projekt Akustik Team Projekt Akustik Schönberg GmbHTremskamp 51 - 51aD-23611 Bad Schwartau Geschäftsführer: Birger Schönberg, Tobias Schönberg und Torge Schönberg Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 858 BS USt-ID-Nr.: DE 135123958ZSVR-Nummer: DE4122505792345A.Nr.: 193185 _gsrx_vers_1547 (GS 9.4.2 (1547))

Pro Ject 2 Xperience Comfort

End: 30.10. 2023 10:38:22 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 888.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 4T 9:48:50
  • Item number: 275973364635
  • Seller: polo-stephanius (619|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Marl Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro Ject 2 Xperience Comfort. Biete den auf den Fotos zu sehnende Plattenspieler Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Comfort. Der Spieler befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand, funktioniert einwandfrei. Die Haube hat keine tiefen Kratzer. Absolut neuwertig. Das Tonabnehmer System Blue Point No.2 ist ein MC System, welches aber an einem herkömmlichen MM Eingang betrieben werden kann. Ich hatte es nur wenige Stunden genutzt, danach ist es meinem Ortofon 2M Bronze gewichen. Daher nahezu neuwertig. Kostet alleine ca. 400€. Anbei auch Testberichte vom Spieler und dem Tonabnehmer. Privatverkauf. Keine Garantie. Keine Rücknahme bei Nichtgefallen.


End: 30.09. 2023 12:07:13 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 433.78 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126053715704
  • Seller: syclops123 (41530|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Clitheroe Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 56,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PROJECT XPERIENCE COMFORT TURNTABLEThe Project Xperience Comfort is a manual turntable with electronic speed change, automatic cut off and comes with a Ortofon MC Rondo cartridge, minimalist features and fine engineering provides excellent sound quality. Another winner from the Project stable.The Project Xperience Comfort incorporates a conical carbon fibre arm-tube allows adjustment of needle azimuth despite fixed head shell. Tone arm bearing comprises inverted hardened stainless-steel points and sapphire thrust-pads.The resonance optimised platter is a sandwich construction utilising the hub, a fine balanced medium density fibre platter weighing 2Kgs, a 4mm thick flat ground layer of vinyl and a screw down metal record clamp. The platters low-tolerance chrome-plated stainless steel axel runs on Teflon bearing plate in a sintered bronze bearing housing. Fully working, has little use, motor runs smoothly and quietly. Some scuffs on the lid but in overall very good condition. I have many years experience of shipping turntables so it will packed very securely.

pro-ject 2xperience sb Walnut

End: 29.09. 2023 10:46:24 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 466.53 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314848854400
  • Bids: 16
  • Seller: he_5139 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Utica, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    pro-ject 2xperience sb Walnut . Condition is New. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.

Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB S-Shape + Ortofon SPU -1 S

End: 16.09. 2023 15:28:03 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1400.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266413213397
  • Seller: 1890deniz (393|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Esslingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB S-Shape + Ortofon SPU -1 SVerkauft wird ein Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB S-Shape + Ortofon SPU -1 S. noch im Karton nicht aufgebaut. mit Orttofon SPU-1S.Orginal Rechnung mit Garantie vom Händler noch 12 Monate. Drehzahlen: 33, 45 (elektronische Umschaltung) Antriebsprinzip: Riemenantrieb Plattenteller: 300mm MDF Plattentellerlager: Edelstahl Gleichlaufschwankungen: +/- 0,08% Drehzahlabweichung: +/- 0,5% Rumpeln: - 70dB Tonarm: 9” S-Shape Aluminium Effektive Tonarmlänge: 230 mm Effektive Armmasse: 8,5 g Übehang: 18 mm Auflagekraftbereich: 10 - 30mN Enthaltenes Zubehör: Netzteil 15 Volt DC / 800 mA, Abdeckhaube Netzanschluss: 110/120 bzw 230/240 Volt - 50 oder 60 Hz Leistungsaufnahme: 4 Watt max / < 0,5 Watt Standby Abmessungen: 460 x 160 x 360 mm (BxHxT) Haube geschlossen Gewicht: 7,7 kg netto Privatverkauf keine Rücknamhme.

PRO-JECT 2 Xperience Turntable With Linn K18 Cartridge

End: 11.09. 2023 20:37:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 404.13 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256207499408
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: cat_claussen (283|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nottingham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Project 2 XPerience turntable with Linn K18 cartridge. In excellent condition Project carbon fibre tonearm Clear acrylic plinth Switchable belt drive between 33 - 45RPM. Linn k18 cartridge. Collection only due to size and weight. No box Thanks for looking

PRO-JECT 2 Xperience Turntable With Linn K18 Cartridge

End: 04.09. 2023 20:36:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 437.54 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256199511717
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cat_claussen (283|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nottingham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Project 2 XPerience turntable with Linn K18 cartridge. In excellent condition Project carbon fibre tonearm Clear acrylic plinth Switchable belt drive between 33 - 45RPM. Linn k18 cartridge. Collection only due to size and weight. No box Thanks for looking

Project 2 Xperience turntable with 9CC Evolution tonearm + Denon DL-110 MC cart

End: 02.09. 2023 21:46:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 572.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225754375952
  • Seller: kowkdowkd (478|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Highgate, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Hello and welcome to my listing for my Project 2 Xperience record player. I have owned this for about 8 years and it has had minimal use. Originally a Super pack with the Ortofon 2m Blue cartridge, it has been upgraded with a Denon DL110 high output moving coil cartridge. This has the amazing 9cc Evolution tonearm, not to be confused with the regular 9cc tonearm. I have had various turntables in the past and this one had always sounded just right and been an excellnt all rounder, hence owning it for so long. After much research, I then decided to upgrade it with the Denon DL110 with some extra mass and this had really elevated the performance to another level. I estimate the cartridge has about 200h on it and approx 4 years old. Condition is good for the age; there are fine scratches on the dust cover. The power supply, phono cables and the ground cable are included. Unfortunately no box or packaging available (the box was massive!) so this a cash/bank transfer on collection or arrange your own courier. No returns so id suggest please inspect the item (I can demo it fully working) upon collection. Collection from North LondonAny questions, please ask.

Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Basic + / mit Transportschaden

End: 02.09. 2023 20:49:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256199520669
  • Bids: 22
  • Seller: die-mai-burg (187|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aurich Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Basic + / mit TransportschadenVerkaufe hier einen defekten Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Basic + Plattenspieler, der Plattenspieler hat leider einen Transportschaden erlitten. Es ist soweit alles dabei, der Tonarm wurde beim Versand beschädigt. Lieferumfang siehe Bilder, Plattenspieler inkl. Antrieb und Netzteil.AnleitungAntriebsgummiband Ersatz Diamant-Abtastnadel SGA 10135 Weitere Defekte können nicht ausgeschlossen werden, der Plattenspieler wird als defekt verkauft, keine Rücknahme.

Pro-ject 2 Xperience-SB turntable with Pro-ject phono stage

End: 02.09. 2023 18:40:33 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 690.54 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134707428217
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: bollostore (305|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Glasgow, Glasgow (City of) Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pre owned Pro-Ject Xperience sb with Pro-Ject Phono stage. We sold it to customer, so completely know is provenance.

Pro-ject 2-Xperience Classic Olive

End: 30.08. 2023 22:13:24 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 634.95 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225749223508
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: bananacamel (347|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Billingshurst Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 19,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is my Pro-ject 2-Xperience Classic, purchased in 2012 and has been brilliant, selling due to upgrading. It had a new stylus in March 2022, so has had about roughly 50 hours of use (it was the first stylus change in 10 years oops, i have kept the old stylus so you can see it has been changed) It also had a new tonearm lift mechanism fitted last week. It is in full working condition, platter and plinth have no knocks, scuffs scratches or dents. It has the original box and instructions. The clear plastic cover is in good condition, but does have some light scuffs. Other than that it is all set up and ready to go. Some additional info, it has a full carbon fibre tonearm, 9CC It has the Ortofon 2m blue cartridge New, just the tonearm and the cartridge retail for 689. Final thing is postage, i would be much happier if you could come and listen to the turntable, we package it up and you take it away. Turntables are very delicate and even with the original box and packaging there is still a risk of shipping damage. i will post it, but it will at your risk. Im also happy to answer any questions and do skype call to show it working, just message me. Thanks for looking

Project 2-Xperience SB The Beatles Album

End: 16.08. 2023 17:42:07 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1217.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354858158214
  • Seller: iano2003 (1357|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pinner Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Project 2-Xperience SB The Beatles Album. The table has been used and is in perfect condition The dust cover is like new as still in original packaging unused

PRO-JECT 2 Xperience Turntable with Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil Cartridge

End: 14.08. 2023 11:24:11 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 745.74 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134658021968
  • Seller: bexcollectibles (2729|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brighton, East Sussex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 50,7 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable in excellent carefully used condition, featuring:Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil CartridgePro-Ject 9cc Carbon Fibre tonearmBelt drive, manually switchable between 33 & 45rpmClear acrylic plinth2Kg MDF/Acrylic platter with record clampGold plated RCA phono connectors.Adjustable Sorbothane conical feet.Included with the turntable are:16v Power SupplyEarth cableBelt speed change toolSpare drive beltSpare dust cover hinges.45RPM Single spindle adapterAlan keyGlovesInstruction leafletThere is a small approx 5mm chip towards the back of the acrylic plinth, only visible from certain angles. I have attempted to show this in one of the photographs.

Plattenspieler Pro-Ject 2Xperience Acryl

End: 31.07. 2023 17:45:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 969.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145206991539
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: sotzafir0 (19|91.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wetter Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 15,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plattenspieler Pro-Ject 2Xperience Acryl. Audiophiler Plattenspieler mit Acrylchassis Carbon - Tonarm 9c .Plattenspieler mit Riemenantrieb & 2-stufigem PulleySeparat stehender Motorblock, 33/45 U/min mit manuellem Drehzahlwechsel9” Tonarm aus Carbon Hed-Metall, ohne Tonabnehmer Zwischenverkauf möglich!Elektronische Motorsteuerung mit hoher DrehzahlstabilitätPräzise gewuchteter Sandwich-Plattenteller & Korkmatteschafft besten Kontakt zum Plattenteller.Transparentes Acryl-ChassisAudiophiler 9? EVO Carbon TonarmInvertierte Tonarmlager (ABEC 7 Qualität)Zwischenverkauf vorbehaltenIn gut bis sehr gutem ZustandKeine Gewährleistung

PRO-JECT 2 Xperience Turntable with Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil Cartridge

End: 17.07. 2023 19:44:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 741.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134614972405
  • Seller: bexcollectibles (2716|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brighton, East Sussex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 46,15 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable in excellent carefully used condition, featuring:Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil CartridgePro-Ject 9cc Carbon Fibre tonearmBelt drive, manually switchable between 33 & 45rpmClear acrylic plinth2Kg MDF/Acrylic platter with record clampGold plated RCA phono connectors.Adjustable Sorbothane conical feet.Included with the turntable are:16v Power SupplyEarth cableBelt speed change toolSpare drive beltSpare dust cover hinges.45RPM Single spindle adapterAlan keyGlovesInstruction leafletThere is a small approx 5mm chip towards the back of the acrylic plinth, only visible from certain angles. I have attempted to show this in one of the photographs.

Pro-Ject Audio 2-Xperience Basic+ Turntable Record Player - Broken Stylus

End: 16.07. 2023 21:09:44 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 639.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295766968071
  • Seller: 2000saleen297 (327|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tampa, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 35,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Audio 2-Xperience Basic+ Turntable with acrylic platform. Cartridge is a Bluepoint No. 2 but stylus was broken off when the turntable was dusted too aggressively. Includes Pro-Ject Audio Cork-it platter mat. The rest of the turntable is in mint condition and will ship in/with all original packaging. Thanks for looking!

Pro-Ject 2Xperience DC Acryl Turntable, very good condition, 3 month warranty

End: 29.06. 2023 15:31:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 877.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195783878401
  • Seller: 2ndhandhifi-uk (6665|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Teesside Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience DC Acryl Turntable, very good condition, 3 month warranty Pro-Ject 2Xperience DC Acryl Turntable, very good condition, 3 month warranty A really nice example of this highly regarded turntable from Austrian turntable specialists Pro-Ject. It is the best version which has the 9cc Evolution tonearm fitted. It comes in very good condition, noting a couple of very small blemishes on the lid – please see photographs. It is supplied in original factory packaging, with record clamp, PSU, interconnect cables plus of course our normal 3 month warranty. Pro-Ject Say…. 2Xperience DC Acryl is based on the 2Xperience belt-drive concept which incorporates over 20 years of turntable design experience. The addition of precision motor control and a high-end 9cc Evolution carbon fibre tonearm means playback quality is vastly improved. The acoustically inert chassis is made from transparent acrylic. The turntable platter is built with heavy, non-resonant materials in a precisely balanced sandwich configuration. A vinyl layer acts as the perfect turntable mat. A screwable and light-weight record clamp eliminates unwanted record vibration and rumbling of the main platter bearing. The audio performance of the final product benefits from the resonance-free platter, avoiding the ringing effect of common metal and glass platters. The 2Xperience DC Acryl is not only equipped with a high-end tonearm but an acrylic dust cover is also included. While audio electronics are often hidden and controlled by phone or tablet apps, the analogue record player again is put in scene as the centre of a hi-fi system and proudly presented like high-quality speakers. Specifications: Speed: 33, 45 (electronic speed change) Drive Principle: belt drive Platter: 300mm MDF Mains Bearing: stainless steel Wow & Flutter: +/- 0.08% Speed Drift: +/- 0.3% Signal to Noise: 70dB Tonearm: 9” Carbon EVO Effective Arm Length: 230 mm Effective Arm Mass: 8.5 g Overhang: 18 mm Tracking Force: 10 – 30mN Power Connection: 110/120 or 230/240 Volt – 50 or 60 Hz Power Consumption: 4 watt max / < 0.5 watt standby Dimensions: 460 (W) x 360 (D) x 133 (H) mm (lid closed) Weight: 7.2 kg Manufacturer : Pro-Ject Model : 2-Xperience DC Acryl Serial Number : 4146 Packaging : Original Accessories Included : PSU / Interconnects Price When New : ? Shipping Shipping cost:Please contact us or check listing info. If you are outside the UK you will need a shipping quote BEFORE buying. Delivery time:48 hours Payment We accept the following payment methods: Paypal Credit/Debit Card BACS Please contact us if you have any questions. Service Established in 2003, 2ndhandhifi is the UKs largest stockist of used quality audio equipment. All items are checked before despatch and guaranteed for 30 days for ebay buyers to give you peace of mind that the item will arrive safely and work exactly as per ebay descriiptions. This means that all items described as used will be in good working order but may show minimal cosmetic marks resulting from everyday use. Any more significant cosmetic issues will be highlighted in the listing if present. We accept most payment methods but card payment to our shop is preferred. We use a reputable overnight courier service - items will be despatched next working day for delivery the next working day after that, but you are welcome to collect from our sister shop in Stockton on Tees if you prefer. Check our feedback if you have any doubts about the validity of this auction or us! We are a business so (although most times we do) we cannot always answer emails over the weekend so please try to ask Monday to Friday. Important 1. If there is no buy it now price stated, please dont ask - it is intended to be an auction which will run until its end time. 2. If you are outside the UK mainland please ask us for a shipping quote BEFORE placing a bid or clicking “Buy it Now”. If you dont ask, it means you will accept our quote. We do not cut corners on shipping, we only use reliable shipping companies, and we dont profit from the shipping prices we quote. 3. For any item where there is no original packaging the shipping costs include the cost to package the item to ensure safe delivery. Larger items may be shipped on a pallet - but this usually will be stated in the listing. 4. If you win the auction or buy the item, we expect you to pay and we will issue a non payment against you if you dont. Such auctions/listings cost us time (and therefore money). Requests to cancel will be rejected.

Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB DC Turntable, Olive veneer, Litz Wired, FWO, 1 owner

End: 24.06. 2023 12:48:51 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 298.42 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225617803831
  • Bids: 10
  • Seller: bertpoodle (2942|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kettering Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Here is my olive wood veneered Pro-Ject 2Xperience SB DC with a Pro-Ject Evolution 9CC Carbon Fibre tonearm (the one you can find on some Linn turntables or buy on-line for an eye watering sum of money). This has spent it’s life so far on my desk and has been my main turntable for some years. It was not the turntable I initially wanted and only accepted this model due to the offer of a super discount deal, but I have decided not to keep this anymore so I have spent the past year experimenting with alternatives and come to the conclusion that I need a turntable that is more ‘grandson proof’ and have bought a higher end DJ deck. The arm had to be rewired following an incident involving the cartridge being forcibly removed destroying a Shibata stylus in the process. I used Litz wiring and installed a Din socket on the tonearm, after which I put it in its box and stored it for the past 18 months or so. Surprisingly it is all in very good condition, the tonearm looks excellent and the plinth has a very small chip on the front right corner. The lid has suffered from the “It’s a flat surface so stuff must be put on it” problem but I have never polished it and always covered it with spare slipmats This turntable has been used, so a new owner may feel the need to tinker about with it. As it is, it plays very well, although the installed anonymous cartridge (I think it’s an AT3600 copy or variant and the stylus has what looks like a carbon cantilever) plays quite nicely on my test records (My test records are ones from my alternate (wife’s) collection which are a bit challenging to any tonearm!) I always add a cartridge to any deck I sell but on this occasion used one from my ‘new’ stock as, I have used up my stock on VM95s. A new owner would definitely want a far better cartridge and choice of cartridge/stylus is a personal choice depending on what music you listen to an the sound system you use. Included are 2 drive belts (I always keep a spare ), A Van Damme din to phono cable, 2 dangly anti skate weights, a new Pro-Ject ‘High Power It’ earthed power supply (the idea is that nothing hums anymore), The original furniture scratching pointy feet (Replaced on the plinth with ‘Fisual’ Sorbothane feet that don’t slip or scratch furniture), an Elvon felt slipmat -the quite heavy turntable platter is made of reconstituted vinyl records which you can put records directly onto, but I prefer a buffer between the platter and record, and all packed in the original box with any other stuff that this turntable came with. Worth noting that the platter is ‘balanced’ so the rotation is perfectly smooth -like the wheels on your car. A full manual for the deck and tonearm are printed off and included and placed in the top of the box…it is advisable to make a cup of tea or coffee and read these first! This was a very expensive turntable when I bought it, even with the hefty discount, but I had a bit of money to spend at the time and I most certainly have had a considerable amount of pleasure from it. It has had an AT-VM95SH cartridge on for most of that time (till it was destroyed,!) which suited it very well. It is also in its way a very attractive deck despite the olive veneer being a bit of an acquired taste, but for some reason these don’t show up in auction on eBay very often (and as soon as I list this a dozen will appear!). In spite of that I have no delusions regarding value and will sell by auction only with no buy it now price in the UK only, so please bid generously as I have a needy poodle and a demanding but lovable spaniel to care for. Delivery via EVRI at a cost to you of £9 Also selling a reconstituted REGA turntable with RB303 arm with AT VM95E (black) fitted and Neo PSU. See my ‘other items’.

PRO-JECT 2 Xperience Turntable with Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil Cartridge

End: 16.06. 2023 09:06:23 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 761.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134563863843
  • Seller: bexcollectibles (2700|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brighton, East Sussex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable in excellent carefully used condition, featuring:Ortofon Rondo Red Moving-coil CartridgePro-Ject 9cc Carbon Fibre tonearmBelt drive, manually switchable between 33 & 45rpmClear acrylic plinth2Kg MDF/Acrylic platter with record clampGold plated RCA phono connectors.Adjustable Sorbothane conical feet.Included with the turntable are:16v Power SupplyEarth cableBelt speed change toolSpare drive beltSpare dust cover hinges.45RPM Single spindle adapterAlan keyGlovesInstruction leafletThere is a small approx 5mm chip towards the back of the acrylic plinth, only visible from certain angles. I have attempted to show this in one of the photographs.

Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable, good condition, boxed, 3 month warranty

End: 30.05. 2023 08:29:48 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 615.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325661991543
  • Seller: 2ndhandhifi-uk (6476|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Teesside Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable, good condition, boxed, 3 month warranty Pro-Ject 2Xperience Turntable, good condition, boxed, 3 month warranty A really nice example of this award winning turntable from Austrian turntable specialists Pro-Ject. It comes in good condition, noting a few blemishes on the lid. It does not have an off board electronic speed change, this is done manually on the pulley. Comes in original factory packaging, with power supply, interconnect cable and of course our 3 month warranty. Please note the cartridge shown in the pictures was faulty and has been removed. Manufacturer : Pro-Ject Model : 2Xperience Serial Number : 2359 Packaging : Original Accessories Included : PSU / Interconnect Price When New : £900ish Shipping Shipping cost:Please contact us or check listing info. If you are outside the UK you will need a shipping quote BEFORE buying. Delivery time:48 hours Payment We accept the following payment methods: Paypal Credit/Debit Card BACS Please contact us if you have any questions. Service Established in 2003, 2ndhandhifi is the UKs largest stockist of used quality audio equipment. All items are checked before despatch and guaranteed for 30 days for ebay buyers to give you peace of mind that the item will arrive safely and work exactly as per ebay descriiptions. This means that all items described as used will be in good working order but may show minimal cosmetic marks resulting from everyday use. Any more significant cosmetic issues will be highlighted in the listing if present. We accept most payment methods but card payment to our shop is preferred. We use a reputable overnight courier service - items will be despatched next working day for delivery the next working day after that, but you are welcome to collect from our sister shop in Stockton on Tees if you prefer. Check our feedback if you have any doubts about the validity of this auction or us! We are a business so (although most times we do) we cannot always answer emails over the weekend so please try to ask Monday to Friday. Important 1. If there is no buy it now price stated, please dont ask - it is intended to be an auction which will run until its end time. 2. If you are outside the UK mainland please ask us for a shipping quote BEFORE placing a bid or clicking “Buy it Now”. If you dont ask, it means you will accept our quote. We do not cut corners on shipping, we only use reliable shipping companies, and we dont profit from the shipping prices we quote. 3. For any item where there is no original packaging the shipping costs include the cost to package the item to ensure safe delivery. Larger items may be shipped on a pallet - but this usually will be stated in the listing. 4. If you win the auction or buy the item, we expect you to pay and we will issue a non payment against you if you dont. Such auctions/listings cost us time (and therefore money). Requests to cancel will be rejected.