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Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker (schwarz) - wie neu!

End: 16.12. 2023 07:28:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 9T 22:52:39
  • Item number: 296093027003
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Hofgeismar,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker (schwarz) - wie neu!Der hier zum Verkauf stehende Phono-Vorverstärker ist in einem neuwertigem voll funktionsfähigen Zustand. Das Gerät weist keinerlei Gebrauchsspuren auf und ist technisch in einem einwandfreiem Zustand. Das Gerät ist in zwei Hifi-Ketten gelaufen. Da ich nunmehr nur noch eine Kette betreibe ist es nicht mehr nötig. Der Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker in schwarz ist in neuwertigem Zustand und bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen. Mit zwei Stereo-L/R RCA und XLR Audioeingängen sowie Ausgängen können Sie Ihre Musik in bestmöglicher Qualität genießen. Der Vorverstärker unterstützt bis zu zwei Kanäle und verfügt über eine Stereo-Funktion für ein noch intensiveres Klangerlebnis. Das Modell ist mit einer Vielzahl von Besonderheiten ausgestattet, die es von anderen Vorverstärkern abheben. Geeignet für alle, die ein hervorragendes Audioerlebnis suchen, bietet der Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker eine hervorragende Klangqualität und ist einfach zu bedienen. Mit seiner schwarzen Farbe und dem eleganten Design passt er perfekt zu jedem Audio-Setup. Ob Sie Musik hören oder Filme schauen, dieser Vorverstärker gibt Ihnen das bestmögliche Audioerlebnis. PRODUKT­INFORMATIONEN BESCHREIBUNGTECHNISCHE DATENTUBE BOX DS2 RÖHREN- PHONOVORVERSTÄRKER SCHWARZ PRO-JECT TUBE BOX DS2RÖHREN-PHONOVORVERSTÄRKER2x Doppeltriode ECC83 (12AX7)Für 2 Plattenspieler oder 2 TonarmeFür MM-, MI- und MC-TonabnehmerVerstärkung in fünf Stufen einstellbarWiderstand und Kapazität einstellbarSchaltbarer Subsonic-FilterOptionales Linear-NetzteilExternes Netzteil reduziert StörungenDAS RÖHRT GANZ SCHÖN!Ein externer Phono-Vorverstärker ist dann unverzichtbar, wenn am vorhandenen Verstärker kein Anschluss für einen Plattenspieler vorhanden ist oder der eingebaute Phono-Vorverstärker dem Qualitätsanspruch des Musikliebhabers nicht gerecht wird. Der Anschluss erfolgt dann an einem Hochpegeleingang des Verstärkers. Jeder Tonabnehmer spielt im optimalen elektrischen Umfeld am besten. Von Vorteil ist es deshalb, wenn ein Phono-Vorverstärker in der Abschlusskapazität, dem Abschlusswiderstand und in seiner Verstärkung auf die Anforderungen des Tonabnehmers feinfühlig einstellbar ist.Die beiden zur besseren Wärmeabfuhr (und schöneren Optik) oben aus dem Gehäuse ragenden ECC83-Röhren (international als 12AX7 bezeichnet) sind hochwertige Doppeltrioden nach einem hunderttausendfach produzierten Standard. Die Versorgung mit diesen Röhren ist absolut gesichert. In der Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 werden sie zudem von einem aufwändigen Dämpfungselement, das gleichzeitig der zusätzlichen Kühlung dient, vor klangschädlichen Vibrationen geschützt.Zwei Ein- und Ausgänge: Dies ermöglicht den Betrieb mit zwei Plattenspielern oder eines Plattenspielers mit zwei Tonarmen sowie den Anschluss von zwei Verstärkern. Das Gerät verfügt über vielfältige Einstellmöglichkeiten für die Abschlusskapazität von MM-, Moving Iron- und High-Output MC-Tonabnehmer sowie, des Abschlusswiderstand für Low-Output MC-Tonabnehmer. Der Abschlusswiderstand für Low-Output MC-Tonabnehmer kann während des Hörens mit dem Drehregler auf der Gerätefront stufenlos justiert werden. Die Verstärkung ist in fünf Stufen einstellbar. Die Einstellung der Verstärkung ist nicht an eine Betriebsart gekoppelt. Alle Einstellungen können für die Betriebsarten MM und MC verwendet werden.Die Einstellungen zur Anpassung von MM-, Moving Iron- und High-Output MC-Tonabnehmern, der Verstärkung und die des Subsonic-Filters können für beide Eingänge individuell erstellt und abgespeichert werden. Beim Anwählen eines Eingangs werden die gespeicherten Einstellungen automatisch geladen. Die individuell erstellten Einstellungen werden in einem Permanentspeicher abgelegt, gehen so nicht verloren, auch wenn das Gerät vom Stromnetz getrennt wird.Sehr praktisch: Schaltspannungseingang zum Fernein- und -ausschalten des Geräts. Die Vorverstärker der DS2-Linie, Pro-Ject Pre Box DS2 Analogue und Pro-Ject Pre Box DS2 Digital sowie die Vollverstärker der DS2-Linie, Pro-Ject MaiA DS2 und Pro-Ject Stereo Box DS2, geben, korrespondierend mit der Stand-By-Taste, eine 12V-Schaltspannung aus. Mit Schaltleitungen verbunden lassen sich so mehrere Geräte der DS2-Linie mit einem Knopfdruck an einem der Vorverstärker, der Vollverstärker oder deren beiliegenden Fernbedienungen komfortabel gemeinsam ein- und ausschalten.AUSFÜHRUNGENGehäuse aus gebürstetem Aluminium in schwarzTECHNIK FÜR DEN GUTEN KLANGZwei Doppeltrioden vom Typ ECC83 (12AX7)Abschlusskapazität und Abschlusswiderstand einstellbar:Abschlusswiderstand: stufenlos 10 bis 1.000 Ohm (Low-Output MC-Tonabnehmer)Abschlusskapazitäten/-widerstand: 47pF, 147pF, 267pF und 367pF/47kOhm (High-Output MC-, Moving Iron- und MM-Tonabnehmer)Verstärkung: 40dB, 45dB, 50dB, 60dB und 65dBSchaltbarer Subsonic-FilterAusgelagertes Netzteil (im Lieferumfang enthalten)TECHNISCHE DATENMaße B x H x T (T mit Buchsen/Drehknopf): 206 x 71 x 194 (230) mmGewicht: 1.540g ohne NetzteilGewicht Gerät mit optionalen Wangen: zuzüglich ca. 320gB x H Gerät mit optionalen Wangen: 240 x 72mm

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - silver - Perfect Condition

End: 29.11. 2023 23:33:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 800.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:52:5
  • Item number: 186141570125
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Levittown,NY,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    includes the pre-amp/power cable and original packaging.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - silver - flawless condition

End: 23.11. 2023 03:48:05 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 650.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 10:58:0
  • Item number: 235265462212
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Merrimac,MA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 10,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner. Unit has minimal use with under 5 hours. Selling due to downsizing of my system. Perfect working and visual condition.The Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 vacuum tube phono preamp provides highly flexible options and settings for a wide range of phono cartridges, from moving magnet, to high- or low-output moving coil. Ensuring top-notch performance thats tuned perfectly for your system.dual-mono design using two dual-triode ECC83 (12AX7A) vacuum tubes for optimal channel separation.compatible with moving magnet and moving coil phono cartridges.pre-mounted Cool Dampers reduce vacuum tube vibration for lower distortion and provide better heat dissipation for longer tube life.front-panel input impedance control for low output moving coil cartridges (continuously variable from 10-1000 ohms)adjustable input capacitance and gain settings for more accurate cartridge matchingaudiophile-grade polypropylene capacitorssubsonic filter reduces low-frequency rumble and wasted amplifier power (-12dB/octave at 20 Hz)all-metal chassis for improved shielding from vibration and electromagnetic interferencetwo sets of gold-plated RCA connectors for corrosion-free signal transfer from two turntablesswitchable loading: variable or 47kcapacitance settings: 100pF, 220pF, 320pF (for MM and high-output MC cartridges)gain settings: 40dB, 45dB, 50dB, 60dB, and 65dBRIAA response accuracy: 0.2dB (20-20,000 Hz)AC power adapter (attached 5 DC cord)3 AC plug inserts (US/EU/UK)

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker (schwarz) - wie neu!

End: 15.11. 2023 15:02:26 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 599.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:18:52
  • Item number: 285517648753
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Karben,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono-Vorverstärker (schwarz) - wie neu!Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Röhren-Phono-Vorverstärker (schwarz) Hochpräziser Röhren-Preamp, die Vorstufe ist sowohl für MM als auch MC Tonabnehmer geeignet. Als Besonderheit bietet sie nicht nur die Anschlussmöglichkeit für 2 Plattenspieler und 2 Line-Ausgänge sondern auch eine stufenlos anpassbare Eingangsimpedanz für MC-Tonabnehmer mit niedriger Ausgangsspannung, welche sogar während der laufenden Plattenwiedergabe angepasst werden kann! Für MM-Abtaster besteht die Möglichkeit die Eingangskapazitäten individuell zu verändern, ein schaltbarer Subsonic-Filter hält tieffrequente Störgeräusche unterhalb von 20Hz von Verstärkern und Lautsprechern fern. Alles zusammen ergbib eine Phonovorstufe mit Röhrenbestückung und High-End-Klang! (siehe Vergleichstest: Abmessungen (b/h/t): 206 x 91 x 227 mm Gewicht (ohne Netzteil) 1.650 g Technisch einwandfreier Zustand, keine Kratzer. Originalverpackung! Wegen Umstieg auf Streaming mit einem weinenden Auge abzugeben. Privatverkauf, keine Gewährleistung oder Rücknahme.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - silver-preamplifier

End: 07.11. 2023 16:31:14 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 665.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:21:58
  • Item number: 145404959537
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Sterling,VA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 18,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the P This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage. I’ve owned this unit since new, cosmetically clean and works great. Tubes included are JJ brand 12AX7. Includes AC adapter and nothing else.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - Silver- Eucalyptus MINT!!

End: 07.11. 2023 16:10:50 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 733.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175981854979
  • Seller: mywatchstore1 (1525|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Clovis, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Open box unit in Mint condition. Original box and all accessories included

PRO-JECT TUBE BOX DS2 - NEUWERTIG- Röhren-Phonovorverstärker Orig. verpackt

End: 06.11. 2023 06:14:26 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 530.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:36:23
  • Item number: 276085093037
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Lahntal,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PRO-JECT TUBE BOX DS2 - NEUWERTIG- Röhren-Phonovorverstärker Orig. verpacktDer High-End Röhren Phono-Vorverstärker von Pro-Ject Phono Box DS 2 ist perfekt zur individuellen Anpassung an alle gängigenMM/MC-Systeme ausgelegt und mit doppelten Anschlüssen für ZWEI Plattenspieler ausgestattet.Ausstattung, Funktionen:* Solideste Rundum-Metallausführung, wertige Front mit allen Einstellmöglichkeiten* Subsonic optional schaltbar.* Dual Mono - Bauweise.* Ausgelagertes Netzteil.* Anschlüsse hartgold-plated(usw. - bitte die begeisterten positiven Tests und Kritiken im Internet auch für weitere Daten bei Bedarf suchen)Die Besonderheit der DS 2 ist definitiv die phantastische Möglichkeit der stufenlosen Justage des Eingangswiderstandes für Tonabnehmer - und zwar WÄHREND des Plattenhörens. Nur auf diese Weise lässt sich individuell das Tonabnehmersystem perfekt anpassen - und den Klang der Musikaufnahme im Detail nach ihren Wünschen beeinflussen. Alternativ gibt es natürlich auch eine Fix-Einstellung.Mit dem Taster rechts auf der Frontplatte (siehe Foto) wählt man zwischen einer Verstärkung von 40, 50 , 60 und sogar 65 (!) Dezibel, um das klanglich beste Ergebnis im Zusammenspiel mit dem Tonabnehmer und Verstärker zu erreichen.Die Kapazitäts-Anpassung für Tonabnehmer erfolgt innovativ übersichtlich an der Front mittels Taster (alle Einstellungen werden gespeichert).Durch extrem geringe Ausgangsimpedanz ist die Phono TubeBox DS 2 weniger empfindlich bei Kabelwahl und Längen und nachgeschaltetem Vor- oder Vollverstärker.Dieser High End Phono-Pre lässt bei geringem Rauschen und kleinstmöglichen Verzerrungen keine Wünsche offen.Gleichzeitig ist die Box phantastisch musikalisch. Die Box spielt leicht röhrentypisch warm und voll, ohne zu übertreiben, dabei entfaltet sie satte Bässe und filigranste kristallklare Höhen.Ein wundervoller Klanggenuss mit grosser detaillreicher Bühne. Die DS 2 ist in der Lage für den kritischen audiophilen Hörer das letzte aus seinen Platten herauszuholen.....Die optimale Anpassbarkeit an praktisch jeden Tonabnehmer machen diese Vorstufe zu einem wirklichen Highlight - zudem lassen sich ZWEI PLATTENSPIELER ANSCHLIESSEN (Output an der Front wählbar)!Zustand: NeuwertigDie aktuellen Bilder stammen natürlich von dem zum Verkauf steheden Artikel.Nichtraucher-HaushaltLieferung bestens geschützt im Original-Karton (nochmals umverpackt) incl.separatem Netzteil und Betriebsanleitung.Ich habe mich nach stundenlangem lustvollem Vergleichen -mit nicht weniger als 4 Phonoboxen im Rennen- mit wirklich nur hauchdünnem Vorsprung für den non-tube Konkurrenten Phono-Box RS entschieden (spielt ein wenig trockener), daher darf die mindestens gleichgute DS 2 nun an den nächsten glücklichen Besitzer gehen...Dies ist ein Privatverkauf - keine Rücknahme oder Garantie.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Preamplifier (Black) with Sovtek 12AX7L Tubes

End: 03.11. 2023 21:35:13 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 895.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:57:3
  • Item number: 276080952598
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Redmond,WA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 25,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Like New, I bought to compare with a few other pre-amps and missed my return window on this preamp so Im selling. Still needs break in time as in only has 10 - 15 hrs on it. The matched pair of upgraded Sovtek Tubes are installed in the pre amp. The original tubes are in the box along with all manuals, cables etc.

Pro-Ject Audio Systems Phono Box DS2 USB - Silver Walnut

End: 01.11. 2023 14:35:41 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 709.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:9:35
  • Item number: 175934593638
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Ormond Beach,FL,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 9,99 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Jects Box line has been a hit with audiophiles worldwide. With fantastic price to performance value, compact size, and ease of use, its easy to see why so many love these little gems in their audio system. The Phono Box DS2 USB illustrates just how important the phono section can be in getting the most from your vinyl. This is a sophisticated phono stage based on a high-end passive/active ultra-linear phono equalization. MM and MC capability as well as ‘on-the-fly’ impedance adjustment and multiple capacitance settings make this a feature-rich, sound-first design. The two phono inputs and input selector allow enthusiasts to toggle between two turntable/cartridge combos with the push of a button.Additionally, via the USB output, it’s easier than ever to record your vinyl to digital. There is also an analog line-in to record other analog sources.FEATURES - Suitable for MM and MC cartridgesAnalogue RCA, USB and optical out on back3 Inputs (2 Phono, 1 Line)Precise RIAA equalizationDual mono circuitry for optimized channel separationSelectable input impedance on frontSelectable input capacitance on frontDigital output sampling frequency adjustableLow noise circuitryGold-plated RCA in and outputsSandwich alu/metal casing protects from vibrations and electromagnetic interferenceHandmade in EuropeSPECIFICATIONS -INPUT GAIN - 40, 45, 50, 60, 65 dBNOISE FLOOR - 80 dB (A weighted) at 40 dB input gainTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION - < 0.02%RIAA-EQUALZATION CURVE ACCURACY - 20Hz - 20kHZ / MAX. 0.3dBSUBSONIC FILTER - at 20Hz with 12dB/octavePHONO INPUTS - 2 pairs RCA/phono socketsLINE INPUT: 1 pair RCA/phono socketsLINE OUTPUTS - 1 pair RCA/phono socketsDIGITAL OUTPUTS - 1x USB B-type1x S/PDIF opticalOUTBOARD POWER SUPPLY - 18V / 500mA DCDIMENSIONS - (W x H x D) 8.9 x 8.1 x 2.8WEIGHT: 3 lbsIN THE BOX -Original Box and packingOriginal ManualOriginal power supplyCONDITION - Demo item, excellent. SHIPPING - We ship worldwide with UPS, Fed-Ex, and various truck freight lines for items weighing over 100 lbs. All items are packed and padded with care if the original packaging is deemed insufficient. We know how exciting it is to anticipate the arrival of new gear and we want your item to arrive in the same condition it left our facility.RETAIL PRICE $800

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - silver-preamplifier

End: 31.10. 2023 16:30:54 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 699.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:23:55
  • Item number: 145389302273
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Sterling,VA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 18,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the P This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage. I’ve owned this unit since new, cosmetically clean and works great. Tubes included are JJ brand 12AX7. Includes AC adapter and nothing else.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Preamplifier - Silver/Walnut (Used: Mint Condition)

End: 27.10. 2023 00:16:55 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 900.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 19:36:42
  • Item number: 256233905981
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Washington,District Of Columbia,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phonostage. I’m the first owner. Bought new from Upscale Audio in May 2020. I ran this for about a year, got the upgrade itch, and just haven’t brought it back into the system since. Deserves a good home. Fantastic phonostage with lots of great reviews. As shown in the pictures, this is the silver version with walnut sides. A real looker. Seems like the walnut versions are hard to find these days. I’ve examined closely and can’t find a single flaw. I take good care of my equipment. But listing as excellent, not mint, since it’s not new. All features work perfectly. Front panel adjustments make this a very easy and accessible phonostage. Will ship with stock tubes. I also have some RFTs (awesome for rock/metal), Mullards, and Gold Lions. I would sell some or all those as well for market price. Not necessarily looking to sell those since I have other tube gear, but would consider bundling with appropriate markup. I have all factory/original boxes. Also ships with stock power cord and English manual. Shipping to US and Canada included in asking price. Feel free to inquire with any questions.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 MM / MC Tube Phono Preamplifier

End: 26.10. 2023 22:17:39 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 663.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 21:41:51
  • Item number: 225693343197
  • Seller: tmraudio (12502|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 26,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 MM / MC Tube Phono Preamplifier Product SKU: 52290 Voltage: 120 # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 21A007985 Age: 1 year Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $999 Cosmetic Description: Very good condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including some faint scratches on the top surface as well as some tiny nicks on the top edge of the faceplate. Outstanding condition overall - the condition will please even the most discerning audiophile. What is Included: Preamplifier, Two 12AX7 tubes, Power adapter, Regional plugs, Factory packaging Other Notes: This precision tube phono preamplifier benefits from outstanding circuit technology from Dr. Sykora and uses ultimate components. Compatible with both MM and MC cartridges. It offers connection for two turntables plus two selectable line outputs and a continuously variable selection of input impedance for low output MC cartridges while playing a record! Other features include input capacitance for MM cartridges and switchable subsonic, that prevents your amplifier and speakers of ultra low rumble below 20Hz. All components including tube output and polypropylene capacitors are audiophile-grade and guarantee a breathtaking sound experience. A perfect upgrade for ambitious vinyl lovers! - Pro-Ject Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $27- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 USB MM / MC Phono Preamplifier; Vinyl Ripper; Silver

End: 26.10. 2023 20:13:32 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 397.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 19:43:39
  • Item number: 325670587672
  • Seller: tmraudio (12502|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 USB MM / MC Phono Preamplifier; Vinyl Ripper; Silver Product SKU: 49681 Voltage: 100-240V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 17A048569 Age: Less than 1 year Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $750 Cosmetic Description: Very good condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including a single nick on the right side surface and a couple on the top surface. Outstanding condition overall - the condition will please even the most discerning audiophile. What is Included: Preamplifier, Power adapter, Manual, Factory packaging Other Notes: Pro-Ject’s DS2 USB combines in one chassis a versatile MM/MC phono preamplifier and a high resolution A/D converter capable of digitizing at up to 192/24 bit PCM or 128 DSD (A/K/A “double DSD”). - Analog Planet Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $23- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Phono Stage - silver-preamplifier

End: 24.10. 2023 16:30:32 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 650.66 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145373080862
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bbank (2331|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sterling, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 18,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the P This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage. I’ve owned this unit since new, cosmetically clean and works great. Tubes included are JJ brand 12AX7. Includes AC adapter and nothing else.

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Pre-Amplifier

End: 24.10. 2023 16:00:31 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 215.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155847232964
  • Seller: sunbeltmagic (1107|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Athens, Tennessee USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Pre-Amplifier Up for consideration is a Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Pre-Amplifier. This pre-amp is in excellent pre-owned condition with no issues at all. I used this amp with a Ortofon 2M Red cartridge and it sounds great. This Pre-Amp has no scuffs, scrapes, or blemishes. It looks and works like the day purchased it. The pre-amp comes in its original packaging and power supply. Very little use and ready for a new owner. Please ask any questions before bidding. Thank you and good luck.

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Pre-Amplifier

End: 19.10. 2023 17:19:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 239.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155805522674
  • Seller: sunbeltmagic (1106|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Athens, Tennessee USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 12,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Pre-Amplifier Up for consideration is a Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Pre-Amplifier. This pre-amp is in excellent pre-owned condition with no issues at all. I used this amp with a Ortofon 2M Red cartridge and it sounds great. This Pre-Amp has no scuffs, scrapes, or blemishes. It looks and works like the day purchased it. The pre-amp comes in its original packaging and power supply. Very little use and ready for a new owner. Please ask any questions before bidding. Thank you and good luck.

Project Phono Box Preamplifier DS2 Black for MM, MI,MC, ONLY 10 Mths old

End: 22.09. 2023 22:20:37 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 193.74 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285476098160
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: 14144141 (527|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sandy, Utah USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Project Phono Box Preamplifier DS2 Black for MM, MI ,MC, ONLY 10 Months old.. In perfect working and cosmetic condition, comes with Audioquest R.C.A. cables, power unit, and booklet. Comes from a smoke free home.

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Premium (Phono Verstärker)

End: 21.09. 2023 06:31:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 200.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145312540961
  • Seller: mistermburns (133|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Premium (Phono Verstärker)Ich verkaufe hier meine Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Premium (Phono Verstärker). Der Phono Verstärker befindet sich in einem neuwertigen Zustand, er kommt aus einem tierlosen und Raucherfreien Haushalt. Eine Rechnung von Auditorium (31.07.2023) liegt vor (aktueller Neupreis: 349 €). Der Verkauf erfolgt wegen eines Systemwechsels (Aktivlautsprecher). Detaillierte Informationen sind auf der Webseite des Herstellers zu finden: Abholung: Hamburg (Altona) Versand: DHL (6.99 €) Bezahlung: Paypal oder Bargeld

pro-ject tube box ds2 Phono Stage (silver) Gain And Loading / JJ 12ax7 Tube

End: 18.09. 2023 15:58:02 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 670.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186078491836
  • Seller: twaanx (406|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Des Moines, Iowa USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage in silver is a must-have for any audio enthusiast. With customizable gain and loading options, you can fine-tune your vinyl listening experience to your exact preferences. This high-quality phono stage is the perfect addition to any home audio setup and is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. Featuring a sleek silver design and made by the trusted brand Pro-Ject, this phono stage is sure to last for years to come. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vinyl listening experience with the Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono Stage. I’ve owned this unit since new, cosmetically clean and works great. Tubes included are JJ brand 12AX7. Includes AC adapter and nothing else. Ships from my record store — ROGUE PLANET MUSIC in Des Moines Thanks

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Preamp - Silver

End: 13.09. 2023 21:01:21 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 252.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225764810960
  • Seller: tecknoservice-es (2975|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Alginet Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 48,17 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    New, open box to try phono preamplifierPremium phono preamplifier for MM and MC cartridgesPhono Box DS2 is a highly customizable phono stage that is ideal for MM and MC systems. With the ability to switch on the front panel between input impedance and capacitance, as well as gain, it becomes one of the most user-friendly phono stages in its price segment. Provides a pair of RCA connectors for a turntable and a pair of RCA (output) connectors for connecting to a preamplifier or integrated amplifier. The casing is a durable aluminum/metal sandwich construction, which not only effectively protects against electromagnetic interference and vibration, but is also a delight to the eye with its aesthetic appearance. The design of the Phono Box DS2 is very linear, resulting in the best possible sound from a minimalist printed circuit board. High sound quality coupled with a low price make the Phono Box DS2 a real bargain for audiophiles!The magnetic side panels made of real wood in walnut, rosenut and eucalyptus are available separately and are not included in the scope of delivery.CHARACTERISTICSSuitable for MM and MC systemsAccurate RIAA equalizationDual mono construction for optimal channel separationFront selectable input impedanceFront selectable input capacitanceLow noise componentsGold plated connectorsAluminum/metal sandwich housing protects against vibration and EMIAvailable in silver or blackMagnetic side panels in eucalyptus, rosenut and walnut sold separatelyTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSInput impedance 10-47 kOhmCapacitance 100/220 and 320pFGain 40/45/50/60/65dBOutput voltage 500mV at 1kHz (at an input voltage of 5mV at 1kHz)Noise floor - 80dB VTHD+N < 0.02%THD 0.0008%RIAA equalization within 0.5dB/20Hz - 20kHzInputs 1 pair RCAOutputs 1 pair RCApower supply 18V/500mA DC; 110 - 240V, 50/60HzPower consumption 100 mA DC, < 1 watt standbyDimensions W x H x D 206 x 71 x 194 mm (aluminum)240 x 72 x 194 mm (wood)Weight 1320 g (aluminum) without power supply1770 g (wood) without power supplyPhono Box DS2 is a highly customizable phono stage that is ideal for MM and MC systems. With the ability to switch on the front panel between input impedance and capacitance, as well as gain, it becomes one of the most user-friendly phono stages in its price segment. Provides a pair of RCA connectors for a turntable and a pair of RCA (output) connectors for connecting to a preamplifier or integrated amplifier. The casing is a durable aluminum/metal sandwich construction, which not only effectively protects against electromagnetic interference and vibration, but is also a delight to the eye with its aesthetic appearance. The design of the Phono Box DS2 is very linear, resulting in the best possible sound from a minimalist printed circuit board. High sound quality coupled with a low price ma

Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Vorverstärker - Silber

End: 13.09. 2023 21:01:21 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 259.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225764811021
  • Seller: tecknoservice-es (2975|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Alginet, Comunidad Valenciana Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 19,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Vorverstärker - SilberPro-Ject Phono Box DS2 Phono Vorverstärker - SilberDie Beschreibung dieses Artikels erfolgte durch automatische Übersetzung. Bei anstehenden Fragen, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Neue, offene Box zum Ausprobieren Phono-VorverstärkerPremium-Phono-Vorverstärker für MM- und MC-TonabnehmerDie Phono Box DS2 ist eine hochgradig anpassbare Phono-Vorstufe, die sich ideal für MM- und MC-Systeme eignet. Mit der Möglichkeit, an der Vorderseite zwischen Eingangsimpedanz und -kapazität sowie Verstärkung umzuschalten, handelt es sich um eine der am einfachsten zu bedienenden Phonostufen in ihrem Preissegment. Es bietet ein Paar Cinch-Anschlüsse für einen Plattenspieler und ein Paar Cinch-Anschlüsse (Ausgang) für den Anschluss an einen Vorverstärker oder integrierten Verstärker. Das Gehäuse besteht aus einer langlebigen Aluminium-/Metall-Sandwichkonstruktion, die nicht nur wirksam vor elektromagnetischen Störungen und Vibrationen schützt, sondern auch optisch durch ihre ästhetische Optik überzeugt. Das Design der Phono Box DS2 ist sehr linear, was zu bestmöglichem Klang auf einer minimalistischen Platine führt. Hohe Klangqualität gepaart mit einem günstigen Preis machen die Phono Box DS2 zu einem echten audiophilen Schnäppchen!Die magnetischen Seitenteile aus Echtholz in Walnuss, Rosennuss und Eukalyptus sind separat erhältlich und nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.EIGENSCHAFTENGeeignet für MM- und MC-SystemePräzise RIAA-EntzerrungDual-Mono-Konstruktion für optimale KanaltrennungVorne wählbare EingangsimpedanzVorne wählbare EingangskapazitätGeräuscharme KomponentenVergoldete AnschlüsseDas Aluminium/Metall-Sandwichgehäuse schützt vor Vibrationen und elektromagnetischen StörungenErhältlich in Silber oder SchwarzMagnetische Seitenwände aus Eukalyptus, Rosennuss und Walnuss sind separat erhältlichTECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATIONENEingangsimpedanz 10-47 kOhmKapazität 100/220 und 320 pFVerstärkung um 40/45/50/60/65 dBAusgangsspannung 500 mV bei 1 kHz (bei einer Eingangsspannung von 5 mV bei 1 kHz)Grundrauschen – 80 dB VTHD+N < 0,02 %THD 0,0008 %RIAA-Entzerrung innerhalb von 0,5 dB/20 Hz – 20 kHzEingänge 1 Paar CinchAusgänge: 1 Paar CinchStromversorgung 18V/500mA DC; 110 - 240 V, 50/60 HzStromverbrauch 100 mA DC, < 1 Watt StandbyAbmessungen B x H x T 206 x 71 x 194 mm (Aluminium)240 x 72 x 194 mm (Holz)Gewicht 1320 g (Aluminium) ohne Netzteil1770 g (Holz) ohne NetzteilDie Phono Box DS2 ist eine hochgradig anpassbare Phono-Vorstufe, die sich ideal für MM- und MC-Systeme eignet. Mit der Möglichkeit, an der Vorderseite zwischen Eingangsimpedanz und -kapazität sowie Verstärkung umzuschalten, handelt es sich um eine der am einfachsten zu bedienenden Phonostufen in ihrem Preissegment. Es bietet ein Paar Cinch-Anschlüsse für einen Plattenspieler und ein Paar Cinch-Anschlüsse (Ausgang) für den Anschluss an einen Vorverstärker oder integrierten Verstärker. Das Gehäuse besteht aus einer langlebigen Aluminium-/Metall-Sandwichkonstruktion, die nicht nur wirksam vor elektromagnetischen Störungen und Vibrationen schützt, sondern auch optisch durch ihre ästhetische Optik überzeugt. Das Design der Phono Box DS2 ist sehr linear, was zu bestmöglichem Klang auf einer mini Modelo Phono Box DS2 Marca Pro-Ject Tipo Amplificador de alta fidelidad EAN No aplicable


End: 07.09. 2023 19:41:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 160.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285450332813
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (5174|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for PRO-JECT Dacs, Phono Preamps and Streamers (DS/DS2/DS3 and RS/ RS2 Families)This is high quality linear power supply for audio applications designed especially for use with Pro-Ject devices.The PSU provides accurately regulated power with parameters as specified for DS/DS2/DS3 series devices:DAC BOX DIGITAL PREAMPLIFIERTUBE BOXSTREAMER BOXCD BOX (incl. DS 3)PHONO BOX -including DS3 B version PLEASE CONTACT VIA MESSENGER IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT APPLICABILITY OF THIS POWER SUPPLY FOR models other than shown in list, we have power supplies dedicated to S,S2, SE and RS/RS series please have a look on our parallel auctions or send a message if you are interested PSU presented in the auction built with the best quality components dedicated to high class audio and provides higher output current ceiling that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the devices. Sonic effect is more transparent and pleasant to hear sound, deep and persuasive bass range, totally undistorted vocal range and accurate, airy treble. AVAILABLE WITH BLACK (anodized) or SILVER (brushed aluminium) SOLID FRONT PANELSupplied with high quality DC power cable to connect to Pro-Ject deviceAdditional IEC power cable for mains can be sent on request. Please note that this is not a poor quality switching power supply, but designed and dedicated to use in audio low noise linear psuy..Its design is matched to Pro-Ject items both electronically and aestetically how you can see in our example pictures. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item.Please note that Pro-Ject devices shown in pictures as example of use are not included to this auction, This auction is for one power supply unit and one cable for it only We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £25 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £29 (USA, China) to £35(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. This psu can be used in 100-120v or 220-240V mains everywhere in the world. Please specify mains voltage on ordering Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side. We combine shipments, every second item won by the same bidder will be sent in one package with the first one at postage rate for the one (heavy) item only. Please note that we ship in 4-5 days after the payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Award Winning phono stage / preamplifier For MM and MC

End: 04.09. 2023 19:28:52 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 516.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256204090066
  • Seller: geminijr1 (3650|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Haywards Heath, West Sussex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    In perfect condition with all original packaging and power supply. A fantastic phono amp with the optional wood veneer cheeks. (I have used double sided tape to hold them on as the original magnet system is to weak and falls as soon as you move the amp)

Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 phono stage preamplifier with Accu Box S2 power supply

End: 02.09. 2023 12:08:41 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 662.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235159723334
  • Seller: lionelhifi (2101|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Malvern Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Im selling my Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 phono stage preamplifier with the upgraded Accu Box S2 power supply. I bought these new from authorised Pro-Ject hi fi dealers in February 2023, so theyre just about run in! In immaculate condition, this is a very highly reviewed valve phono preamplifier to get the best out of your vinyl. (Hi Fi News Outstanding Product). Suitable for both MM and MC cartridges with huge range of adjustment to suit all loadings. All adjustments made on the front panel rather than fiddly dipswitches! Inputs for 2 turntables. I also bought the Accu Box power supply to further enhance performance, which replaces the standard walwart supply to the phono stage (also included). Includes cable to connect Accu Box to Phono Box, all original packaging and manuals. All in immaculate condition, and has been cherished like all my hi-fi. Both in black finish, no wooden side cheeks to the phono stage, which are an optional extra for the unit from Pro-Ject dealers. I personally prefer the standard metal case. Total cost new £814. Free insured shipping to UK only for this item.