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Panasonic SC-PM252 Bluetooth, DAB, MP3, DAB Micro SA-PM252 Hi-Fi RO 020000136061

End: 04.09. 2023 09:41:40 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266391957509
  • Seller: (18412|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rochdale Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Looking to sell Panasonic SC-PM252 Bluetooth, DAB, MP3, DAB Micro SA-PM252 Hi-Fi SystemSystem is in full working order, in a used condition please see pictures. Will come well generically packaged with remote.(condition has been reflected in price). Any Questions Please get in touch

Panasonic TX-32FST606 Full HD TV

End: 31.08. 2023 07:22:57 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 95.88 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386008697748
  • Bids: 17
  • Seller: nasiju (1653|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blaubeuren Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic TX-32FST606 Full HD TVBiete 1 x gebrauchten, geprüften, gut erhaltenen Panasonic TX-32FST606 Full HD TV (siehe Bilder wegen Zustand / Zubehör) zum Kauf an

Panasonic TX-32FST606 - 32 Zoll Full HD TV HDR

End: 29.08. 2023 15:53:48 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 225.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126059360820
  • Seller: kreuels2005 (445|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Düsseldorf-Bilk Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic TX-32FST606 - 32 Zoll Full HD TV HDRAngeboten wird ein Panasonic TX-32FST606. Es handelt sich um einen LED TV in 32 Zoll mit einer Auflösung von 1920 x 1080 p (FHD) und HDR. Das Gerät befindet sich in einem neuwertigen Zustand und ist voll funktionsfähig. Lediglich auf der Rückseite ist eine kleine Macke vorhanden. Das Zubehör wird in der Originalverpackung mitgeliefert. Der TV wurde fast ausschließlich zum Spielen mit einer PS4 benutzt Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft.

TH-42PD60U Panasonic Schlüssel Button Board RE0355R60602 + Sensor

End: 19.08. 2023 00:07:57 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275981870577
  • Seller: yahirs-computer-parts (27415|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: San Bernardino, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 24,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TH-42PD60U Panasonic Schlüssel Button Board RE0355R60602 + SensorWenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss.TH-42PD60U Panasonic Schlüssel Button Board RE0355R60602 + SensorDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.Yahirs Computerteile und ReparaturenARTIKELGRADA „** EILVERARBEITUNG! VERRÜCKTLICH SCHNELLE LIEFERUNG! **”Ich versende in der Regel montags bis samstags am selben Tag EchtTH-42PD60U PANASONIC Tastenplatine RE0355R60602 + Sensor „“[[[[STOP]]] Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass es sich um das Teil handelt, das Sie benötigen. Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an. VOR DEM KAUF.. unterlassen Sie. Kaufen Sie, bevor Sie sicherstellen, dass dies das Teil ist, das Sie benötigen.”Bei internationalen Käufern ohne Angabe von Gründen übernehme ich die Kosten für die RücksendungWenn Sie mit dieser Richtlinie nicht einverstanden sind, kaufen Sie meine Waren nicht. Vielen Dank und EntschuldigungBITTE ERÖFFNEN SIE KEINE REKLAMATION BEI EBAY UND HINTERLASSEN SIE KEINE NEGATIVE ODER NEUTRALE FEEDBACK, BEVOR SIE UNS KONTAKT AUFNEHMEN, UM IHRE PROBLEME ZU LÖSENRückgaberichtlinie: Rücksendungen werden akzeptiert, Artikel müssen innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach Erhalt zurückgegeben werden. Was ist inbegriffen:  Was Sie auf dem Bild sehen, ist alles, was Ihnen zugesandt wird in Bezug auf das, was enthalten ist. Es ist DEINE VERANTWORTUNG um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den richtigen Artikel bestellen.Wir bemühen uns, jeden Artikel zu testen und beschreiben in unseren Angeboten alle uns bekannten Mängel. Sollten wir jedoch versehentlich einen Mangel oder Fehler übersehen, rufen Sie uns bitte an, bevor Sie eine Beschwerde bei eBay einreichen. Wir arbeiten sehr hart daran, unseren positiven Feedback-Wert hoch zu halten, und das werden wir auch weiterhin tun. Wir bitten Sie lediglich, uns die Möglichkeit zu geben, es richtig zu machen, falls wir einen Fehler gemacht haben.Vielen Dank, dass Sie bei uns bestellt haben. Da wir ein kleines Unternehmen sind, liegt uns jeder Kunde am Herzen.Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Einkaufen bei eBay!„“[[[[STOP]]] Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass es sich um das Teil handelt, das Sie benötigen. Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an. VOR DEM KAUF.. unterlassen Sie. Kaufen Sie, bevor Sie sicherstellen, dass dies das Teil ist, das Sie benötigen.” Bei internationalen Käufern ohne Angabe von Gründen übernehme ich die Kosten für die RücksendungWenn Sie mit dieser Richtlinie nicht einverstanden sind, kaufen Sie meine Waren nicht. Vielen Dank und Entschuldigung Wir bemühen uns, jeden Artikel zu testen und beschreiben in unseren Angeboten alle uns bekannten Mängel. Sollten wir jedoch versehentlich einen Mangel oder Fehler übersehen, rufen Sie uns bitte an, bevor Sie eine Beschwerde bei eBay einreichen. Wir arbeiten sehr hart daran, unseren positiven Feedback-Wert hoch zu halten, und das werden wir auch wei UPC Does not apply MPN RE0355R60602 Brand Panasonic Compatible Model TH-42PD60U Compatible Brand TH-42PD60U Bundle Listing No Type Key Button Board

Panasonic Walkman WM-EX606, Inklusive Kopfhörer RM-77E , Batterie Fach

End: 13.08. 2023 18:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 47.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204410737286
  • Bids: 16
  • Seller: chriobi36 (108|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mainz Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic Walkman WM-EX606,  Inklusive Kopfhörer RM-77E , Batterie FachPanasonic Walkman WM-EX606, Inklusive Kopfhörer RM-77E , Batterie Fach Ungeprüft! Keine Gewährleistung auf jegliche Funktion. Bitte Fotos anschauen der Artikel wird verkauft wie abgebildet Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Artikel muss innerhalb von 4 Tagen bezahlt werden.Am 07.08.23 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: Es handelt sich um einen Sony Walkman. In der Beschreibung steht Panasonic das ist falsch.

AC Netzsteckdose-Rauschfilter für Panasonic TX-P55VT50 TV RPEN - 03606FA- 01HL

End: 09.08. 2023 18:41:21 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404411696012
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schaperjahn1953 (822|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Reken Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AC Netzsteckdose-Rauschfilter für Panasonic  TX-P55VT50 TV RPEN - 03606FA- 01HLAC Netzsteckdose-Rauschfilter für Panasonic TX-P55VT50 TV RPEN - 03606FA- 01HL +Netzstecker Art des Artikels: Teilenummern: RPEN-03605FA-01HL Kompatibilität: Dieses Boardfunktioniert mit allen in den Titeln genannten Marken/Modellen. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob alle Etiketten und Nummern auf der Tafel mit den Nummern im Titel übereinstimmen und alle Verbindungspunkte identisch sind, um sicherzustellen, dass der Artikel für Ihren Fernseher geeignet ist. Bitte nachfolgenden Text lesen ! Fotos sind Bestandteil der Beschreibung Versandkosten sparen! Wenn Sie mehrere Artikel erwerben, ab 35,00 € Gesamtsumme fällt kein Porto innerhalb Deutschland an!!Schauen Sie sich deshalb meine anderen Artikel an. Liebe Ebayer,ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus.Ich versuche meine Artikel so gut und genau wie möglich zu beschreiben. Sollte es einmal Meinungsverschiedenheiten diesbezüglich geben, bitte ich um Kontaktaufnahme - es gibt nichts was man nicht regeln könnte.Der Markenname ist rechtlich geschützt und wird hier nur verwendet, da er Bestandteil dieses Artikels ist und die Qualität kennzeichnet.


End: 31.07. 2023 15:07:58 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195786203312
  • Seller: ogunadestores (1398|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dagenham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description



End: 31.07. 2023 07:01:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374817499863
  • Seller: rickc2021 (192|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Maidenhead Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 18,42 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BASE STAND PANASONIC TX-40CS620B TX-40CS630E TX-40DSW504 TV + SCREWS TBL5ZA36061. Stand never really used (in storage for a long time) in excellent condition, but I don’t think I can find the screws now.

Panasonic RC-6066 Radio Alarm Clock FM AM Battery Back Up Vintage Tested & Works

End: 29.07. 2023 06:38:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204352085146
  • Seller: klick-klick-buy (1088|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Thetford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 17,31 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Panasonic RC-6066 Radio Alarm Clock FM AM Battery Back Up Vintage Tested & WorkingItem Condition:This is a used item but is in perfect working order. There may be some scuff marks/stains or scratches due to age & general use. This is a cream/white colour but has some yellowing to it.Please check pictures thoroughly for a more detailed view of condition. The pictures make up part of the description. Thanks for looking, we have lots of similar items in our shop.

Panasonic PT-AX200U LCD HD Projector See Video 606 Hours Tested Works w/ Remote

End: 27.07. 2023 18:24:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 65.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305040038043
  • Seller: micscha_8085 (479|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Coventry, Rhode Island USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector is being sold for parts however it does seem to work, please read full description Projector seems to work fine, picture looks good. see video, lamp has 606 Hours on it Comes with remote The projector does have a unpleasant smell coming from the cooling fan, not too sure why. Therefore selling as is for parts / repair.

Dynamic Lamps 126062 Panasonic TY-LA1001 TV Lamp Module

End: 26.07. 2023 02:14:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4.35 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126019830241
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: unbeatsale (32919|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lakewood, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 4,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    UnbeatSale UnbeatsaleSelling Overstock & Hard To Find Product at 50-99% off! UnbeatSale eBay Shop Feedbacks Add to Favorites About Us Contact Service and Support We stand 100% behind our products, service and shipments!!! Dynamic Lamps 126062 Panasonic TY-LA1001 TV Lamp Module Product description Panasonic TYLA1001 TV Lamp Module We have a large selection of Rear Projection TV Lamps Front Projector Lamps DLP Chips Medical Veterinary Lamps Stage Studio Bulbs as well as many other types of lighting FeaturesExceptional designs and illuminationBeautiful decoration capability featureHigh quality products with innovative and creative designsCompatibilityTYLA1001 TYLA 1001 TYLA1001 TYLA1001ModelPT52LCX16 PT 52LCX16 PT 52LCX16 B PT 52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16 PT52LCX16 B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX66 PT 52LCX66 PT52LCX66 PT56LCX16 PT 56LCX16 PT56LCX16 PT56LCX66 PT 56LCX66 PT56LCX66 PT61LCX16 PT 61LCX16 PT61LCX16 PT61LCX66 PT 61LCX66 PT61LCX66SpecificationsWeight 2 lbs Some of Our Current Live Listings ! (Clicking below items will take you to our eBay store) Please Search Our eBay Store To Find These Items... (Use the store Search or Category Navigation to locate these and many other deals) See More Items... About Us Thank you for visiting our eBay Store.UnbeatSale offers overstock, new, like new, as well as open box, slightly damaged, or refused products up for sale.This is where our customers get the most bang for its buck as most of our listings sell at 50-99% below the lowest retail price!Most orders are shipped the same or next business day from New Jersey via UPS, FedEx or US Mail.Purchased items may be picked up from our store during regular business hours.State Tax is added to NJ and CA states.We encourage you Follow and save our eBay Store within your browsers for a quick access to new deals.Please check with us often, there are limited time sales and dozens of real and amazing daily deals ending every day!Subscribers of our Newsletter get a weekly email with newly listed products.We promote exclusive deals and bargains to our social media followers on Facebook and Twitter.We monitor and care for our feedback. Your positive posts give us the satisfaction and drive to continue working hard.Heres what some of our customer say:Thank you guys for the truly Unbeatable Sale!Wasnt original package, but who cares - I saved $150!Works perfect great ebayer great products @ great prices fast shipper A+++Just as listed and shipped promptly. Highly recommended seller, A+You may Click Here to see all feedback for most recent comments from our customers.Thank you for visiting and looking forward to many happy transaction! Shipping We take great care packaging every item to ensure safe shipment to you.Most orders are shipped the same or next business day from New Jersey via UPS, FedEx or US Mail. We do NOT ship to AK, HI, PR, VI, PO Boxes and other U.S. Territories unless the package weight is under 15 oz or fits into USPS Medium Flat Rate box. We weigh each item and charge a shipping fee only to cover the actual cost of shipping (and not the cost of labor and material). Our discounted rates are market competitive and are based on the weight, size and distance of the shipment. Please message us prior to purchasing if you find any erroneous fees that may prevent you from buying, and we will reweigh the item or send you an adjusted invoice. Alternatively you can take your time out and drive over for a local pickup.Extra large items such as furniture that exceed USPS size/weight limits ship via LTL trucks. These are curbside deliveries that are shipped through common freight brokers and it may delay the departure and transit time as well as require a delivery appointment. If you need White Glove or any kind of special delivery service, please contact us right away. We will always tell you upfront of additional charges if any come up.Purchased items may be picked up from our store during regular business hours. Please message us prior to making a payment so we may get it ready and send an adjusted invoice if needed. Sales Tax may not be removed on shipped or locally picked up items.Items with free shipping are shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States.International shipments are done globally through eBay Global Shipping and direct on specific items to select countries.Option of expediting orders is available on most items, please use the Shipping and Payments tab on the item page to see the rates.Combined shipping is available by placing all purchased items into cart before making the Payment. eBays new checkout now offers to consolidate multiple items into one order. Returns For the first 30 days from the date of receipt of your purchase you may return the merchandise for any reason for a refund or exchange.Non-defective items must be returned in its original state and original packaging and refunds will exclude the shipping charges.We will cover all shipping expenses for items found to be Defective or Not-As-Described.Please enclose a copy of your invoice and tell us whether you would like the item to be repaired, exchanged, or refunded. We are not responsible for the item until it is received and signed for.Returns are normally processed within 24-48 hours from the date we receive it.We understand that a product may need to be returned from time to time, therefore please Contact Us for a resolution.Please allow 1 full business day to respond back to you prior to resending multiple messages or filing a complaint.We stand 100% behind our products, service and shipments! Popular Categories ALL STORE CATEGORIES Home and Garden Clothing, Shoes & More Business & Industrial Pet Supplies Health & Beauty eBay Motors Tablets & Networking Sports Memorabilia Consumer Electronics Sporting Goods Toys & Hobbies Collectibles Crafts Jewelry & Watches Musical Instruments Baby Products EVERYTHING ELSE Payments PayPal Credit Card Local Pickup Shipping Service & Location Orders ship within 24 hours Ships from New Jersey USAFamily operated since 2014 (888) 657-8436 x791 Achievements Copyrights 2014 All rights reserved. eBay Shop Feedbacks Add to favorites About Us Contact

Panasonic PT-AX200U LCD HD Projector See Video 606 Hours Tested Works w/ Remote

End: 24.07. 2023 22:25:17 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 73.72 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304954748369
  • Seller: micscha_8085 (452|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Coventry, Rhode Island USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector is being sold for parts however it does seem to work, please read full description Projector seems to work fine, picture looks good. see video, lamp has 606 Hours on it Comes with remote The projector does have a unpleasant smell coming from the cooling fan, not too sure why. Therefore selling as is for parts / repair.

AC Netzsteckdose-Rauschfilter für Panasonic TX-P55VT50 TV RPEN - 03606FA- 01HL

End: 19.07. 2023 17:41:00 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404372092340
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schaperjahn1953 (820|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Reken Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AC Netzsteckdose-Rauschfilter für Panasonic TX-P55VT50 TV RPEN - 03606FA- 01HL +Netzstecker Art des Artikels: Teilenummern: RPEN-03605FA-01HL Kompatibilität: Dieses Boardfunktioniert mit allen in den Titeln genannten Marken/Modellen. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob alle Etiketten und Nummern auf der Tafel mit den Nummern im Titel übereinstimmen und alle Verbindungspunkte identisch sind, um sicherzustellen, dass der Artikel für Ihren Fernseher geeignet ist. Bitte nachfolgenden Text lesen ! Fotos sind Bestandteil der Beschreibung Versandkosten sparen! Wenn Sie mehrere Artikel erwerben, ab 35,00 € Gesamtsumme fällt kein Porto innerhalb Deutschland an!!Schauen Sie sich deshalb meine anderen Artikel an. Liebe Ebayer,ich bin kein Händler, sondern nach BGB eine Privatperson und schließe hiermit jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus.Ich versuche meine Artikel so gut und genau wie möglich zu beschreiben. Sollte es einmal Meinungsverschiedenheiten diesbezüglich geben, bitte ich um Kontaktaufnahme - es gibt nichts was man nicht regeln könnte.Der Markenname ist rechtlich geschützt und wird hier nur verwendet, da er Bestandteil dieses Artikels ist und die Qualität kennzeichnet.

Dynamic Lamps 126062 Panasonic TY-LA1001 TV Lamp Module

End: 17.07. 2023 19:55:13 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4.55 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115856223132
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: unbeatsale (32789|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lakewood, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 4,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    UnbeatSale UnbeatsaleSelling Overstock & Hard To Find Product at 50-99% off! UnbeatSale eBay Shop Feedbacks Add to Favorites About Us Contact Service and Support We stand 100% behind our products, service and shipments!!! Dynamic Lamps 126062 Panasonic TY-LA1001 TV Lamp Module Product description Panasonic TYLA1001 TV Lamp Module We have a large selection of Rear Projection TV Lamps Front Projector Lamps DLP Chips Medical Veterinary Lamps Stage Studio Bulbs as well as many other types of lighting FeaturesExceptional designs and illuminationBeautiful decoration capability featureHigh quality products with innovative and creative designsCompatibilityTYLA1001 TYLA 1001 TYLA1001 TYLA1001ModelPT52LCX16 PT 52LCX16 PT 52LCX16 B PT 52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16 PT52LCX16 B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX16B PT52LCX66 PT 52LCX66 PT52LCX66 PT56LCX16 PT 56LCX16 PT56LCX16 PT56LCX66 PT 56LCX66 PT56LCX66 PT61LCX16 PT 61LCX16 PT61LCX16 PT61LCX66 PT 61LCX66 PT61LCX66SpecificationsWeight 2 lbs Some of Our Current Live Listings ! (Clicking below items will take you to our eBay store) Please Search Our eBay Store To Find These Items... (Use the store Search or Category Navigation to locate these and many other deals) See More Items... About Us Thank you for visiting our eBay Store.UnbeatSale offers overstock, new, like new, as well as open box, slightly damaged, or refused products up for sale.This is where our customers get the most bang for its buck as most of our listings sell at 50-99% below the lowest retail price!Most orders are shipped the same or next business day from New Jersey via UPS, FedEx or US Mail.Purchased items may be picked up from our store during regular business hours.State Tax is added to NJ and CA states.We encourage you Follow and save our eBay Store within your browsers for a quick access to new deals.Please check with us often, there are limited time sales and dozens of real and amazing daily deals ending every day!Subscribers of our Newsletter get a weekly email with newly listed products.We promote exclusive deals and bargains to our social media followers on Facebook and Twitter.We monitor and care for our feedback. Your positive posts give us the satisfaction and drive to continue working hard.Heres what some of our customer say:Thank you guys for the truly Unbeatable Sale!Wasnt original package, but who cares - I saved $150!Works perfect great ebayer great products @ great prices fast shipper A+++Just as listed and shipped promptly. Highly recommended seller, A+You may Click Here to see all feedback for most recent comments from our customers.Thank you for visiting and looking forward to many happy transaction! Shipping We take great care packaging every item to ensure safe shipment to you.Most orders are shipped the same or next business day from New Jersey via UPS, FedEx or US Mail. We do NOT ship to AK, HI, PR, VI, PO Boxes and other U.S. Territories unless the package weight is under 15 oz or fits into USPS Medium Flat Rate box. We weigh each item and charge a shipping fee only to cover the actual cost of shipping (and not the cost of labor and material). Our discounted rates are market competitive and are based on the weight, size and distance of the shipment. Please message us prior to purchasing if you find any erroneous fees that may prevent you from buying, and we will reweigh the item or send you an adjusted invoice. Alternatively you can take your time out and drive over for a local pickup.Extra large items such as furniture that exceed USPS size/weight limits ship via LTL trucks. These are curbside deliveries that are shipped through common freight brokers and it may delay the departure and transit time as well as require a delivery appointment. If you need White Glove or any kind of special delivery service, please contact us right away. We will always tell you upfront of additional charges if any come up.Purchased items may be picked up from our store during regular business hours. Please message us prior to making a payment so we may get it ready and send an adjusted invoice if needed. Sales Tax may not be removed on shipped or locally picked up items.Items with free shipping are shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States.International shipments are done globally through eBay Global Shipping and direct on specific items to select countries.Option of expediting orders is available on most items, please use the Shipping and Payments tab on the item page to see the rates.Combined shipping is available by placing all purchased items into cart before making the Payment. eBays new checkout now offers to consolidate multiple items into one order. Returns For the first 30 days from the date of receipt of your purchase you may return the merchandise for any reason for a refund or exchange.Non-defective items must be returned in its original state and original packaging and refunds will exclude the shipping charges.We will cover all shipping expenses for items found to be Defective or Not-As-Described.Please enclose a copy of your invoice and tell us whether you would like the item to be repaired, exchanged, or refunded. We are not responsible for the item until it is received and signed for.Returns are normally processed within 24-48 hours from the date we receive it.We understand that a product may need to be returned from time to time, therefore please Contact Us for a resolution.Please allow 1 full business day to respond back to you prior to resending multiple messages or filing a complaint.We stand 100% behind our products, service and shipments! Popular Categories ALL STORE CATEGORIES Home and Garden Clothing, Shoes & More Business & Industrial Pet Supplies Health & Beauty eBay Motors Tablets & Networking Sports Memorabilia Consumer Electronics Sporting Goods Toys & Hobbies Collectibles Crafts Jewelry & Watches Musical Instruments Baby Products EVERYTHING ELSE Payments PayPal Credit Card Local Pickup Shipping Service & Location Orders ship within 24 hours Ships from New Jersey USAFamily operated since 2014 (888) 657-8436 x791 Achievements Copyrights 2014 All rights reserved. eBay Shop Feedbacks Add to favorites About Us Contact


End: 17.07. 2023 07:35:04 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374790085616
  • Seller: rickc2021 (188|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Maidenhead Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 18,4 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BASE STAND PANASONIC TX-40CS620B TX-40CS630E TX-40DSW504 TV + SCREWS TBL5ZA36061. Stand never really used (in storage for a long time) in excellent condition, but I don’t think I can find the screws now.

TV Part TNPA6061 TXNPB1KCVB Power Supply Board For Panasonic TX-65CR730B

End: 15.07. 2023 01:13:35 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 25.23 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404349562697
  • Seller: priceattackshop (264586|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Watford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Be sure to check out our other items.Come to our Store These parts were removed from UK TVs and as such the default settings (if applicable) will be set to EnglishThese parts should only be installed by an experienced technician, Green Resource Recycling (GRR) Limiteds liabilities are limited to the purchase and postage cost of the item purchased only. GRR accept no responsibility or liability for any other cost, damage or injury incurred Stock#: FTP/01549RCS TV parts z52 Terms Of Sale WARRANTY: All items unless stated otherwise carry a 30 day warranty. All manufacturer warranties, obligations and liabilities are voidIf there’s an issue with your order please contact us with an eBay message to see if we can resolve the issue without you having to open an eBay return request. If you do need to return your order please ensure it is packed safely with everything included, plus a short note describing the issue & reference/item number Postage and Packaging We use APC Overnight and Royal Mail to get your goods quickly and safely to your doorstep. All 24hr orders paid for before 2PM weekdays will be dispatched the same day. You will always be informed of the dispatch via eBay. Tracking is uploaded onto eBay when the label is generatedCollection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completedPallet shipping where available is a Kerbside Drop Service Only. It is recommended that you have someone to help unload at the time of delivery. Please provide a mobile number to help avoid your delivery being delayed Contact Info & Opening Hours The best way to contact us is with an eBay message, we do not reply to e-mails. When sending a message with a question or referring to your order please ensure you send the message from the actual contact seller link from the Running Listing or your Purchase HistoryOPENING/COLLECTION TIMES: We are open Monday-Friday 10-4 (closed between 1-2 for lunch). We are closed Weekends and Bank Holidays. Collection in person is available on for all our listingsWhen collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Return Policy If you have a problem with your order, please contact us via the Contact Seller link in your Purchase History and we promise always to do our absolute upmost to rectify any issue you may haveIf we cant get the issue resolved and you need to return your order, please open an eBay Return Request. This can be accessed from your Purchase History FAQ Is collection in person available on any of your items? Collection in person is available on for all our listings. When collecting you must have the ‘QR Collection’ code which is sent by email from eBay when checkout is completed Ive placed an order by mistake, can I cancel? Please click this link How buyers can cancel an order | eBay I have received an order but no longer want it, can I return it? Yes, you may return it for a refund, if returned in the same condition we sent it. To begin the return process, open an eBay Return Request, this can be found in your Purchase History Can you offer combined shipping if I make more than 1 purchase? We are happy to combine the shipping for multiple orders but to do so you need to contact us before completing Checkout. Once Checkout is completed the invoice becomes fixed and the only way that we could combine would be to cancel the orders and start again Can I change the delivery address for my order? When completing checkout make sure the shipping address and contact information is correctIf you have made an error when checking out please send an eBay message and we will try to rectify this for you I havent received my order yet, where is it? If your orders estimated delivery date has passed then please contact us by clicking the Contact Us link in your purchase history, we will then find out the status of your order. Depending on the shipping service selected, we will (where applicable) upload tracking information. During peak periods there may be a delay with delivery when the courier is exceptionally busy (i.e Christmas and public holidays). Extreme weather may also cause delivery delays Do I have to pay the postage cost if I collect the item(s)? No, you can collect during our opening hours Do you ship internationally? No, UK Mainland only Do you have more detailed information on this item? All the information available for this listing is in the Item Specifics & Full Description Is there a manual/original box/accessories etc with the item? Only if stated in the description or shown in the pictures sp -->

Vintage Panasonic RC-6065 Clock Radio w/Original Box - Works

End: 10.07. 2023 19:56:45 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 7.74 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295797949367
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: fim99 (8147|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Tyrone, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 60,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for auction is this vintage Clock Radio. Nice condition. Seems to be working. Was still in plastic inside box so not even sure if it was used or not. Box is a little beat up. Please zoom in and look at photos as they are part of the description. I gladly combine shipping. If you have any specific questions I will be more then happy to answer them if able. I ALMOST ALWAYS SHIP WITHIN 2 Business DAYS! Disclaimer: This is an old Estate Item so there could be normal wear from age and use. It sells as is. There are no returns or refunds unless there was a gross error on my part. I will include insurance at no extra cost for items selling for 50.00 or more. On Jun-19-23 at 07:58:04 PDT, seller added the following information: THIS IS MARKED PEWTER IN THE DESCRIPTION LISTING BUT IT IS NOT PEWTER -- MISTAKE ON MY PART

3 x Boombox / Ghetto Blaster Inc SHARP GF-6060 . National Panasonic

End: 08.07. 2023 20:07:00 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 47.59 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175796945292
  • Bids: 11
  • Seller: vintagehoneypots (82764|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leeds Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 35,13 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Quantity 3 Summary 3 x Boombox / Ghetto Blaster Inc SHARP GF-6060 . National Panasonic Sold as seen Untested so sold as Spares / Repairs Item is in vintage condition Signs of age & wear Please see photographs Weight (g) 10977 Item Questions: Kindly note once our items are listed, they are sent to an off-site warehouse where they are pre-packaged ready for shipping to auction winners. Unfortunately, this means that we are generally unable to answer item specific questions or provide further images. We do our best to provide many detailed photos that accurately represent our items. Payment: Please pay via eBay using either Paypal or all major Credit and Debit cards Shipping: We ship to your eBay address so please ensure this is up to date before making payment. We work to a 2-business day dispatch, however, 95% of our orders are dispatched within 1 business day. For domestic shipping only, in order to reduce your shipping costs, we offer combined shipping at a rate of 3 lots per 1 p&p charge. Please request a combined invoice before making payment. Terms of Sale: If there are any issues with your order, please contact us and we will do all that we can to resolve any and all problems. Good luck and happy bidding!

Lot x3 Baladeurs Aiwa TP-VS450 Panasonic RQ-P45 Philips D-6606 pour Pièces (HS)

End: 06.07. 2023 17:08:34 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374684794976
  • Seller: tom_77190 (29|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dammarie les Lys Frankreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 16,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Lot de 3 Baladeurs cassette, vendus pour pièces et/ou réparation : - Aiwa TP-VS450 (+ capot capricieux) - Panasonic RQ-P45 - Philips D-6606 État esthétique moyen, ils sont usés mais pas d’autre défaut particulier. Et les compartiments à piles sont en bon état. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si besoin de renseignements et/ou photos supplémentaires. Je ne suis pas expert mais ferai de mon mieux pour vous répondre. ???????? Nouveau vendeur Français sur la plateforme ???? Photos 100% authentiques prises avec mon iPhone ???? Envois soignés, livraison en France par Mondial Relay et dans toute l’Europe par Colissimo (assurance incluse) ??Tout achat effectué avant lundi 18h sera déposé le mardi. Et tout achat effectué avant vendredi 18h sera déposé le samedi Mots clés : lecteur walkman

Panasonic NV-SB606 S-VHS Fedex From Japan

End: 04.07. 2023 15:03:53 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 362.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374737663645
  • Seller: made_japan1 (314|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Grade*Near Mint*Appearance of the item It is a good appearance. There are small scratches on the main body. Please check photos.Optics Lens beatiful Lens. no dust. no fog. no fungus. no separation.Finder beatiful Finder. no dust. no fog. no fungus. no separation.Functional It works properly. Including See first photo.All the accessories in the firstphoto are included. Ready to use upon arrival.If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for visiting.Shipping I send a product by Japan Post (FEDEX/EMS/Air Mail). I attach the tracking number. Please bid it without worrying. Our handling time is 5 business days. Well pack carefully! Depending on your location(for example, an island or a rural area really far from a city), sometimes I may ask you the additional shipping cost. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.


End: 03.07. 2023 06:57:59 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374762484060
  • Seller: rickc2021 (182|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Maidenhead Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    BASE STAND PANASONIC TX-40CS620B TX-40CS630E TX-40DSW504 TV + SCREWS TBL5ZA36061. Stand never really used (in storage for a long time) in excellent condition, but I don’t think I can find the screws now.


End: 30.06. 2023 10:33:40 on Friday
  • Condition: Akzeptabel
  • Price: 15.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354822006238
  • Seller: harkorn31 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Palm Beach, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


TBLA3606 Panasonic TV Ständer Standfuß

End: 28.06. 2023 17:32:26 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134631800430
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: 2011.svetik (1155|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Harsefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkauft wird ein gebrauchte Panasonic TBLA3606 TV Ständer.Zustand : mit Gebrauchsspuren und kleiner Kratzer.Lieferung wie auf der Bilder ist. Bei Ersteigerung von mehreren Artikeln können die Versandkosten gesenkt werden, wenn Gewicht und Größe es zu lassen.Da es sich um eine Privatauktion handelt, schließe ich eine Garantie und Rücknahme aus Versandkosten außerhalb Deutschland vorher erfragen.

Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Panasonic TX-32CST606 Fernseher

End: 28.06. 2023 04:35:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195736953113
  • Seller: globaltradenetworkeu (10482|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Panasonic TX-32CST606 Fernseher. 10, 15, 32CS510B, 32CST606, 40CS620E, 40CST636, 40CX700B, 40CXR800, 40DSX639, 43, 43CX750E, 49CX750E, 50CS520E, 50CSR620, 50CX700E, 50D5630E, 50DS630E, 55CS630E, 55CSW524, 55CXE720, 55CXM710, 55GX530E, 65CS620B, AYB000928, CS520E, CS630E, CX740E, CX750E, M715TX40DSX639, M715TX-40DSX639, N2Q., Sub, TH42PV45EH, TH-42PV45EH, TX, TX-, TX24CS500B, TX-24CS500B, TX24CS500E, TX-24CS500E, TX24CSW504, TX-24CSW504, TX32CS510E, TX-32CS510E, TX32CS600, TX-32CS600, TX32CS600B, TX-32CS600B, TX32CS600E, TX-32CS600E, TX32CSF607, TX-32CSF607, TX32CSN608, TX-32CSN608, TX32CSR5, TX-32CSR5, TX32CSR510, TX-32CSR510, TX32CST606, TX-32CST606, TX32CSW514, TX-32CSW514, TX32CSW514S, TX-32CSW514S, TX32CSX609, TX-32CSX609, TX32DS500E, TX-32DS500E, TX32DS500E GlobalTradeNetwork EU Ersatz TV Fernbedienung für Panasonic TX-32CST606 Fernseher Liebe Kunden, unsere angebotenen Ersatzfernbedienungen können ohne programmiert werden zu müssen, nach Einlegen der Batterien sofort eingesetzt werden. Einige unserer original Fernbedienungen müssen dagegen mit dem Fernseher gepaart oder programmiert werden. Eine Beschreibung wird sodann mitgeliefert. (Batterien sind nicht im Angebot enthalten) Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unsere Bose Fernbedienungen nur mit den angegeben Modellen kompatibel sind und nicht universell eingesetzt werden können. Diese Fernbedienung ist mit folgenden Geräten kompatibel: TX-32CST606-CN 10, 15, 32CS510B, 32CST606, 40CS620E, 40CST636, 40CX700B, 40CXR800, 40DSX639, 43, 43CX750E, 49CX750E, 50CS520E, 50CSR620, 50CX700E, 50D5630E, 50DS630E, 55CS630E, 55CSW524, 55CXE720, 55CXM710, 55GX530E, 65CS620B, AYB000928, CS520E, CS630E, CX740E, CX750E, M715TX40DSX639, M715TX-40DSX639, N2Q., Sub, TH42PV45EH, TH-42PV45EH, TX, TX-, TX24CS500B, TX-24CS500B, TX24CS500E, TX-24CS500E, TX24CSW504, TX-24CSW504, TX32CS510E, TX-32CS510E, TX32CS600, TX-32CS600, TX32CS600B, TX-32CS600B, TX32CS600E, TX-32CS600E, TX32CSF607, TX-32CSF607, TX32CSN608, TX-32CSN608, TX32CSR5, TX-32CSR5, TX32CSR510, TX-32CSR510, TX32CST606, TX-32CST606, TX32CSW514, TX-32CSW514, TX32CSW514S, TX-32CSW514S, TX32CSX609, TX-32CSX609, TX32DS500E, TX-32DS500E, TX32DS500ES, TX-32DS500ES, TX32DS600E, TX-32DS600E, TX40, TX-40, TX40CS, TX-40CS, TX40CS520B, TX-40CS520B, TX40CS520E, TX-40CS520E, TX40CS620B, TX-40CS620B, TX40CS620E, TX-40CS620E, TX40CS630, TX-40CS630, TX40CS630E, TX-40CS630E, TX40CSF637, TX-40CSF637, TX40CSN638, TX-40CSN638, TX40CSR520, TX-40CSR520, TX40CSR620, TX-40CSR620, TX40CSR625, TX-40CSR625, TX40CST636, TX-40CST636, TX40CSW524, TX-40CSW524, TX40CSW524S, TX-40CSW524S, TX40CSX639, TX-40CSX639, TX40CX670, TX-40CX670, TX40CX670E, TX-40CX670E, TX40CX680, TX-40CX680, TX40CX680B, TX-40CX680B, TX40CX680E, TX-40CX680E, TX40CX700, TX-40CX700, TX40CX700B, TX-40CX700B, TX40CX700E, TX-40CX700E, TX40CXC725, TX-40CXC725, TX40CXE720, TX-40CXE720, TX40CXM710, TX-40CXM710, TX40CXM715, TX-40CXM715, TX40CXR700, TX-40CXR700, TX40CXR800, TX-40CXR800, TX40CXW684, TX-40CXW684, TX40CXW704, TX-40CXW704, TX40DS500ES, TX-40DS500ES, TX40DS630, TX-40DS630, TX40DS630E, TX-40DS630E, TX40DSN638, TX-40DSN638, TX40DST636, TX-40DST636, TX40DX600, TX-40DX600, TX40DX650E, TX-40DX650E, TX40DX653E, TX-40DX653E, TX40DX700E, TX-40DX700E, TX40DX703E, TX-40DX703E, TX40DX730E, TX-40DX730E, TX40DXE720, TX-40DXE720, TX40DXF687, TX-40DXF687, TX40DXM710, TX-40DXM710, TX40DXN688, TX-40DXN688, TX40DXT686, TX-40DXT686, TX40DXU701, TX-40DXU701, TX40DXW654, TX-40DXW654, TX40DXX689, TX-40DXX689, Tx42a5520, TX42CSR610, TX-42CSR610, TX43, TX-43, TX43CX740, TX-43CX740, TX43CX740E, TX-43CX740E, TX43CX750E, TX-43CX750E, TX43CXW754, TX-43CXW754, TX43GX525E, TX-43GX525E, TX43GX530E, TX-43GX530E, TX43GX550E, TX-43GX550E, TX43GX555E, TX-43GX555E, TX49, TX-49, TX49CX740, TX-49CX740, TX49CX740E, TX-49CX740E, TX49CX750E, TX-49CX750E, TX49CXW754, TX-49CXW754, TX49DS500ES, TX-49DS500ES, TX49DX650E, TX-49DX650E, TX49DX653E, TX-49DX653E, TX49GX525E, TX-49GX525E, TX49GX530E, TX-49GX530E, TX49GX550E, TX-49GX550E, TX49GX555E, TX-49GX555E, TX50CS520B, TX-50CS520B, TX50CS620B, TX-50CS620B, TX50CS620E, TX-50CS620E, TX50CS630, TX-50CS630, TX50CS630E, TX-50CS630E, TX50CSF637, TX-50CSF637, TX50CSN638, TX-50CSN638, TX50CSR520, TX-50CSR520, TX50CSR620, TX-50CSR620, TX50CSR625, TX-50CSR625, TX50CST636, TX-50CST636, TX50CSW524, TX-50CSW524, TX50CSW524S, TX-50CSW524S, TX50CSX639, TX-50CSX639, TX50CX670E, TX-50CX670E, TX50CX680B, TX-50CX680B, TX50CX680E, TX-50CX680E, TX50CX700, TX-50CX700, TX50CX700B, TX-50CX700B, TX50CX700E, TX-50CX700E, TX50CXC725, TX-50CXC725, TX50CXE720, TX-50CXE720, TX50CXM710, TX-50CXM710, TX50CXM715, TX-50CXM715, TX50CXR800, TX-50CXR800, TX50CXW704, TX-50CXW704, TX50CXWT04, TX-50CXWT04, TX50DX700E, TX-50DX700E, TX50DX703E, TX-50DX703E, TX50DX730E, TX-50DX730E, TX50DX750E, TX-50DX750E, TX50DX780E, TX-50DX780E, TX50DXE720, TX-50DXE720, TX50DXM710, TX-50DXM710, TX50DXU701, TX-50DXU701, TX55, TX-55, TX55C5620E, TX-55C5620E, TX55CR730E, TX-55CR730E, TX55CS520B, TX-55CS520B, TX55CS520E, TX-55CS520E, TX55CS620, TX-55CS620, TX55CS620B, TX-55CS620B, TX55CS620E, TX-55CS620E, TX55CS630, TX-55CS630, TX55CS630E, TX-55CS630E, TX55CSW524, TX-55CSW524, TX55CX, TX-55CX, TX55CX680B, TX-55CX680B, TX55CX680E, TX-55CX680E, TX55CX700, TX-55CX700, TX55CX700B, TX-55CX700B, TX55CX700E, TX-55CX700E, TX55CX740, TX-55CX740, TX55CX740E, TX-55CX740E, TX55CX750E, TX-55CX750E, TX55CXC725, TX-55CXC725, TX55CXE720, TX-55CXE720, TX55CXM7, TX-55CXM7, TX55CXM710, TX-55CXM710, TX55CXM715, TX-55CXM715, TX55CXR800, TX-55CXR800, TX55CXW704, TX-55CXW704, TX55CXW754, TX-55CXW754, TX55CXW7O4, TX-55CXW7O4, TX55DSU501, TX-55DSU501, TX55DX650E, TX-55DX650E, TX55DX653E, TX-55DX653E, TX55GX525E, TX-55GX525E, TX55GX550E, TX-55GX550E, TX55GX555E, TX-55GX555E, TX58DX700E, TX-58DX700E, TX58DX703E, TX-58DX703E, TX58DX730E, TX-58DX730E, TX58DX750E, TX-58DX750E, TX58DX780E, TX-58DX780E, TX58DXE720, TX-58DXE720, TX58DXM710, TX-58DXM710, TX58DXU701, TX-58DXU701, TX5CXW704, TX-5CXW704, TX60CX740, TX-60CX740, TX60CX740E, TX-60CX740E, TX60CX750E, TX-60CX750E, TX60CXW754, TX-60CXW754, TX65CR730E, TX-65CR730E, TX65CS620B, TX-65CS620B, TX65CS620E, TX-65CS620E, TX65CX680, TX-65CX680, TX65DX750E, TX-65DX750E, TX65DX780E, TX-65DX780E, TXL42EW6, TX-L42EW6, TXP42U10E, TX-P42U10E, TXP42U2, TX-P42U2 Wenn Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst über die Nachrichtenfunktion. Bei Unsicherheiten sind wir Ihnen auch gerne bei der Suche behilflich die passende Fernbedienung zu ihrem Fernseher zu finden. Versandmethode: Wir versenden unsere Ware täglich Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post/ DHL. Die Ware wird Ihnen in der Regel bereits innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen zugestellt. Es kann jedoch im Einzelfall auch mal 1-2 Tage länger dauern. Auf die Bearbeitung in der Postfiliale haben wir leider keinen Einfluss. Die Versandkosten sind im Kaufpreis enthalten. Auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis bieten wir Ihnen auch einen DHL-Expressversand an. Internationale Standardsendungen werden ebenfalls von Montag bis Freitag mit der Deutschen Post und mit DHL versendet. Diese benötigen je nach Zielland in der Regel 2-10 Arbeitstage. Auch hier kann der Transport im Ausnahmefall etwas länger dauern. Für den internationalen Versand bieten wir ebenfalls einen Expressversand über DHL an, dieser benötigt in der Regel 1-2 Werktage (Samstage ausgeschlossen). Nach dem Kauf: Sollte einmal mit ihrem gekauften Produkt etwas nicht in Ordnung sein oder sollten Sie nachträglich noch Fragen haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte ebenfalls Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst auf. Wir werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich behilflich sein und im Falle eines Problems, dieses umgehend beheben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf, Ihr GlobalTradeNetworkEU Team