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Thores TD 124 MK II, in Maxi Zarge, SME 3009 imp.+ Bokrand Ortofon 309

End: 02.01. 2024 19:53:37 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4250.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:47:30
  • Item number: 315005337833
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Krefeld,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thores TD 124 MK II, in Maxi Zarge, SME 3009 imp.+ Bokrand Ortofon 309Hallo zusammen, Zum Verkauf steht ein General-Überholter Thorens TD 124 MK II. Als Tonarme sind ein SME 3009 S2 improved sowie ein Ortofon 309 (Bokrand modifizierter 12 Tonarm). Als Tonabnehmer im Ortofon ein Ortofon Nr.2 MC-System, im SME ein Shure MM 97XE nebst JICO SAS Neo Nadel (Bor-Badelträger, SAS (super audio stylus) Diamant. Das Gerät stammt von einem Sammler, der sich als Erstbesitzer beschrieb. Nach diversen Lebens-Ereignissen, und der teilweise Verwahrlosung seiner Sammlung, kam dieses Gerät in meinen Besitz. Offensichtlich war das Gerät Witterungseinflüssen ausgesetzt. Im Innern waren diverse Metallteile koridiert, Gummis verhärtet, und die Lackierung des Chassis in einem eher schlechten Zustand. Also wurde in 2020 der Entschuß gefasst, dieses Gerät wieder schön aufzubauen. Es wurde bis auf die letzte Schraube zerlegt, Rost an Bauteilen entfernt, das Chassis in der Lackiererei meines Vertrauens in seidenglanz Schwarz aufgearbeitet (2K--Lack).Die dazugekaufte Zarge stammt aus Portugal, ist aus insgesamt 7 Schichten Buche-Multiplex, dann Hochglanz Schwarz lackiert. Es ist eine Zarge die eine Montage eines 9 Tonarmes auf dem originalen Tonarmbrett erlaubt, ebenso die Montage eine 12 Armes hinten links auf dem Gerät. Es ist eine Basis für SME-Arme montiert, im Lieferumfang befindet sich aber auch eine ungebohrte Basis, für Ihren Traumtonarm (12)....Der Motor wurde zerlegt und in neuen Lagern eingesetzt, Die Motorwelle wurde poliert, der Zusammenbau erfolgte mit Unterstützung eines Stethoskope, es wurde Geräuscharmut erreicht. Der Motor dreht nach Abschalten (bei Betriebstemperatur) noch 40 Sekunden nach. Dieser Zustand ist nach ca. 30 Minuten in Betrieb möglich. In Kaltem Zustand steht der Motor nach 15 Sekunden. Aber Kenner der Bange wissen, das der Motor im Betrieb ca. 40° erreichen muss, bis er zuverlässig seine Drehzahl hält. Im www. sind entsprechend Kommentare zahlreich. Der Motor wurde in Federn aufgehängt, was eine Übertragung von Motorvibrationen auf das Chassis besser reduziert, als die originalen GummiteileDas Hauptlager wurde ebenso mit einem Tuningteil (kpl. Lagerboden)aufgewertet, Die Tellerachse läuft jetzt mit der eingepressten Kugel auf einen Teflonspiegel. Das soll die Laufruhe (Rumpel) verbessern. Das Idler-Wheel ist gegen eine massives Alukonstrukt gewechselt. Hier soll die Drehzahlkonstanz besser sein als beim Original. Im Lieferumfang sind mehrere Gummi/Silikon Riemen, da hat der Käufer die Möglichkeit unterschiedliche Materialien zu testen.Das Stufenrad wurde frisch gelagert, und mit frischem Öl eingesetzt.Was soll ich noch schreiben?Es ist alles gemacht: Beim Test fiel auf, das der Außenteller einen leichten Höhenschlag hat, gemessen 0,9mm, und die Regulierung des Pitch hakelt meistens. Der Pitch läßt sich durch Anheben der Zarge und manuellen verschieben der Achse im Gerät organisieren. Den Innenteller gibt es als Nachfertigung bei Swiss-Sonor. Im Betrieb stört das aber nicht, die Tonarme gleichen den Höhenschlag souverän aus. ABHOLUNG erforderlich!Privatauktion, deshalb Ausschluss von Garantie/Rücknahme/Wandlung/Sachmangelhaftung. Mit der Abgabe Ihres Gebotes erklären Sie sich mit dieser Regelung einverstanden. Sollten Sie der Meinung sein, das Gerät entspräche nicht der Beschreibung, erwarte ich, das Sie zuerst mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen, bevor Sie einen Fall öffnen! Es gibt immer eine Möglichkeit.....Es sind auch immer unterschiedliche Tonabnehmer vorrätig, Neu oder Gebraucht. Da wird sich schon was finden, obwohl nicht nötig....Fragen beantworte ich auch gerne Telefonisch (01722365660)Der Preis ist absolut gerechtfertigt, für ein Gerät in diesem Zustand, Punkt. Bei Sofortkauf: Anlieferung im Umkreis von 200 Km gratis (weitere Entfernungen bitte anfragen, ggf. Kostenübernahme durch den Käufer 1€/Km)ebenso, das auf den letzten gezeigten Fotos Plattengewicht, sowie der originale Aluminium Plattenteller der sich im Betrieb vor MC-Systemen als Vorteilhaft erwiesen hat (Nicht gezeigt, aber in gutem Zustand vorhanden)

Base/holder for EMT 929,997(930) and Ortofon 229,297,212,309 tonearms

End: 06.11. 2023 01:23:20 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.96 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126136320596
  • Seller: zolea (1593|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Banja Luka Bosnien und Herzegowina
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For sell Base / holder for EMT 929,997 and Ortofon 229,297,212,309 tonearms. Made of aluminum.

High End 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon As 309 S

End: 04.11. 2023 14:11:58 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1250.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:23:58
  • Item number: 126159240940
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Reinheim,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    High End 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon As 309 SWegen Umstiegs auf einen Groovemaster Tonarm, der nicht besser aus meiner Sicht ist, zu verkaufen. Mich hat einfach die Bananen Form des Tonarms fasziniert, die sehr selten ist. Aber das ist Geschmackssache, der Ortofon ist ebenfalls ein wunderschner Tonarm mit einer Topverarbeitung. Mit einem hochwertigen ProJect Tonarmkabel und einem neuen Jelco Headshell wie abgebildet . 2 Armgewichte und 2 Montagebasen. Leider habe ich keine OVP. Sachgerechte Verpackung ist selbstverstndlich.Barzahlung bei Abholung oder Bankberweisung.Kein Paypal.Keine Garantie, Gewhrleistung oder Rcknahme.Der Arm befindet sich einem sehr guten Zustand und wird sehr selten angeboten. Er passt perfekt zu den Ortofon SPU Mc. Faire Preisvorschlge sind willkommen , meine Preisvorstellung ist und bleibt unverndert, weil sie angemessen und am unteren Ende der Marktpreise angesiedelt ist.

Ortofon AB 309 Alfred Bokrand 12" banana tonearm

End: 02.11. 2023 18:40:19 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 828.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204519371125
  • Seller: prolix123_4144 (585|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bokrand AB 309 12 tonearm based on Ortofon AS212. Beautiful tonearm, some scuffs on brass. Works perfectly. I used it mainly with an SPU on my Thorens TD124, but the split weights make it possible to use this arm with many different cartridges. It also has a magnetic anti-skate which works well. Read the reviews. Alfred Bokrand knows what hes doing. The issue with his tonearms is that they take months--as in MONTHS--to arrive. Mine will arrive soon after purchase. I always accept returns.

12" Tonearm Ortofon AS- 309 for SPU-G and SME type Headshells

End: 28.10. 2023 16:56:07 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:9:20
  • Item number: 126148046434
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Spanien Spanien
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12the normal selling price is 725 EUR. Here you have the opportunity to purchase this tonearm at a reasonable price ************************************************here is one of the last feedbacks from july 30thAligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extendedand the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm.Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonically perfect. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin Wyatt Miyajima Labs USA importer.********************************************************************************** Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AS -309 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME typeHeadshells MADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º continuous wiring included from the Headshell to the RCA´s with silver plated copper litz from USA This tonearm does not have a fixed effective mass, but is variable due to its different counter weights and the distance to the pivot point of the tonearm It is one of the very rare tonearms with variable mass worlwide.A tonearm with variable effective mass, which makes it possible to use all cartridges with low compliance or with high compliance.************************************************ connector fits Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells Improved base maximum stability and less resonance all my Ortofon Tonearms have the same bearingshighest industry standard and sealed maintenance free ***************************** here YouTube video from a satisfied customerGarrard 301 with my Ortofon AS-309 12 long Tonearm ********************************************RCA´s REAN brand from NEUTRIK,the worlds leading supplier of professional audio and video connectors – Neutrik AG *********************************** PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º_____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE RMG-309 ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to ORTOFON RMG-309 SPECIFICATIONS AS-309 RMG-309 pivot to spindle (mm) 308.81 309 effective length (mm) 321.46 320 overhang (mm) 12.65 11 offset angle ° 16.9 15.9 maximum error ° 1.28 1.69 maximum distortion % 0.44 0.58 average rms distortion % 0.29 0.35 all results taken fromvinylengineTonearm Alignment Calculator Pro Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises. if the distortions are very high, because the geometry of the armtube is bad, then helps no ball bearings from NASA or whatever. Many manufacturers want to persuade one. it also no helps no arm tube, made of 500 years old wood, which is the specially manufactured and polished by moonlight from a virgin.**************************************************************** The Armwand is high damped with inlet of Balsa Wood(the inlet of balsa for damping is precisely balanced- when you overdamped you will take the life out of the sound and it will get boring)********************************************************************* Armwand with matt surface and inlet of balsa woodwhich guarantees no resonances in Armtube and CartridgeYOU WILL HEAR THIS.********************************************************************************** continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCAloom steel braid and PET braid to ensure enhanced signal flow and screening due to the use of a Faraday cage to kill off RF. this is the best what do you can do you not need a expensive tonearm cable buy *********************************************************the benefit of continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCA *************************************************************** my cable have only 57 pF at 1.2 m in length; the Genesis cable have 135 pF at 1.2 m in length and cost $ 549 high capacities affect and eliminate high and mid frequencies and ruin the original music information ************************************** 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMSor BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges**************************************** **************************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUAL SCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICE _____________________________ WORLDWIDE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 28.10. 2023 16:53:45 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 6.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:6:11
  • Item number: 126148044786
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Spanien Spanien
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

As309s 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon!

End: 28.10. 2023 14:11:26 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1250.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:26:55
  • Item number: 126147864459
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Reinheim,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    As309s 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon!Wegen Umstiegs auf einen Groovemaster Tonarm, der nicht besser aus meiner Sicht ist, zu verkaufen. Mich hat einfach die Bananen Form des Tonarms fasziniert, die sehr selten ist. Aber das ist Geschmackssache, der Ortofon ist ebenfalls ein wunderschner Tonarm mit einer Topverarbeitung. Mit einem hochwertigen ProJect Tonarmkabel und einem neuen Jelco Headshell wie abgebildet . 2 Armgewichte und 2 Montagebasen. Leider habe ich keine OVP. Sachgerechte Verpackung ist selbstverstndlich.Barzahlung bei Abholung oder Bankberweisung.Kein Paypal.Keine Garantie, Gewhrleistung oder Rcknahme.Der Arm befindet sich einem sehr guten Zustand und wird sehr selten angeboten. Er passt perfekt zu den Ortofon SPU Mc. Faire Preisvorschlge sind erwnscht.

Ortofon SPU-GE MC Cartridge in original box for RMG-309 / SME 3012 Tonearm

End: 24.10. 2023 11:45:32 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 747.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 11:16:19
  • Item number: 266385421274
  • Seller: analogsoundmelbourne (1645|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sunshine West, VIC Australien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,27 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ortofon SPU-GE MC Cartridge in Original box and documents The cartridge has been tested in my system in perfect working condition The stylus look in excellent sharp as show Come with stylus guard, brush and box as shown in the photos Please have a look at the pictures will tell you everything before you have placed a bid Do not hesitate to contact us if you are not clear or need more information before you bid Various the destination, so please take waiting for me send correctly the shipping fees to you I do professional packing and combine for all items Ill send to worldwide. The buyer pays shipping and insurance Please make payment within 3 days after listing end

As309s 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon!

End: 21.10. 2023 14:11:06 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1250.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:28:22
  • Item number: 126137563401
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Reinheim,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    As309s 12 Zoll Tonarm Ortofon!Wegen Umstiegs auf einen Groovemaster Tonarm, der nicht besser aus meiner Sicht ist, zu verkaufen.Mit einem hochwertigen ProJect Tonarmkabel und einem neuen Jelco Headshell wie abgebildet.Das Ortofon SPU und der Armausleger gehren nicht zum Lieferumfang.Mitgeliefert werden 2 Armgewichte und 2 Montagebasen.Leider habe ich keine OVP. Sachgerechte Verpackung ist selbstverstndlich.Barzahlung bei Abholung oder Bankberweisung.Kein Paypal.Keine Garantie, Gewhrleistung oder Rcknahme.Der Arm befindet sich einem sehr guten Zustand.Er passt perfekt zu den Ortofon SPU.Am 21.10.23 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: Wegen Umstiegs auf einen Groovemaster Tonarm, der nicht besser aus meiner Sicht ist, zu verkaufen.Mit einem hochwertigen ProJect Tonarmkabel und einem neuen Jelco Headshell wie abgebildet.Das Ortofon SPU und der Armausleger gehren nicht zum Lieferumfang.Mitgeliefert werden 2 Armgewichte und 2 Montagebasen.Leider habe ich keine OVP. Sachgerechte Verpackung ist selbstverstndlich.Barzahlung bei Abholung oder Bankberweisung.Kein Paypal.Keine Garantie, Gewhrleistung oder Rcknahme.Der Arm befindet sich einem sehr guten Zustand.Er passt perfekt zu den Ortofon Faire Preisvorschlge sind erwnscht.

Base/holder for EMT 929,997(930) and Ortofon 229,297,212,309 tonearms

End: 11.10. 2023 16:56:20 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 47.07 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126018114255
  • Seller: zolea (1534|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Banja Luka Bosnien und Herzegowina
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 8,89 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For sell Base / holder for EMT 929,997 and Ortofon 229,297,212,309 tonearms. Made of aluminum.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 09.10. 2023 17:28:12 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 755.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126121377987
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (282|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

12" Tonearm Ortofon AS- 309 for SPU-G and SME type Headshells

End: 08.10. 2023 14:28:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 755.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126121343677
  • Bids: 26
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (274|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12the normal selling price is 725 EUR. Here you have the opportunity to purchase this tonearm at a reasonable price ************************************************here is one of the last feedbacks from july 30thAligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extendedand the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm.Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonically perfect. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin Wyatt Miyajima Labs USA importer.********************************************************************************** Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AS -309 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME typeHeadshells MADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º continuous wiring included from the Headshell to the RCA´s with silver plated copper litz from USA This tonearm does not have a fixed effective mass, but is variable due to its different counter weights and the distance to the pivot point of the tonearm It is one of the very rare tonearms with variable mass worlwide.A tonearm with variable effective mass, which makes it possible to use all cartridges with low compliance or with high compliance.************************************************ connector fits Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells Improved base maximum stability and less resonance all my Ortofon Tonearms have the same bearingshighest industry standard and sealed maintenance free ***************************** here YouTube video from a satisfied customerGarrard 301 with my Ortofon AS-309 12 long Tonearm ********************************************RCA´s REAN brand from NEUTRIK,the worlds leading supplier of professional audio and video connectors – Neutrik AG *********************************** PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º_____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE RMG-309 ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to ORTOFON RMG-309 SPECIFICATIONS AS-309 RMG-309 pivot to spindle (mm) 308.81 309 effective length (mm) 321.46 320 overhang (mm) 12.65 11 offset angle ° 16.9 15.9 maximum error ° 1.28 1.69 maximum distortion % 0.44 0.58 average rms distortion % 0.29 0.35 all results taken fromvinylengineTonearm Alignment Calculator Pro Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises. if the distortions are very high, because the geometry of the armtube is bad, then helps no ball bearings from NASA or whatever. Many manufacturers want to persuade one. it also no helps no arm tube, made of 500 years old wood, which is the specially manufactured and polished by moonlight from a virgin.**************************************************************** The Armwand is high damped with inlet of Balsa Wood(the inlet of balsa for damping is precisely balanced- when you overdamped you will take the life out of the sound and it will get boring)********************************************************************* Armwand with matt surface and inlet of balsa woodwhich guarantees no resonances in Armtube and CartridgeYOU WILL HEAR THIS.********************************************************************************** continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCAloom steel braid and PET braid to ensure enhanced signal flow and screening due to the use of a Faraday cage to kill off RF. this is the best what do you can do you not need a expensive tonearm cable buy *********************************************************the benefit of continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCA *************************************************************** my cable have only 57 pF at 1.2 m in length; the Genesis cable have 135 pF at 1.2 m in length and cost $ 549 high capacities affect and eliminate high and mid frequencies and ruin the original music information ************************************** 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMSor BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges**************************************** **************************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUAL SCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICE _____________________________ WORLDWIDE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 08.10. 2023 14:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 595.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126121340067
  • Bids: 23
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (274|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12the normal selling price is 755 EUR .Here you have the opportunity to purchase this tonearm at a reasonable price For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

12" Tonearm Ortofon AS- 309 for SPU-G and SME type Headshells

End: 30.09. 2023 14:40:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 610.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126109685645
  • Bids: 33
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (260|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12the normal selling price is 725 EUR. Here you have the opportunity to purchase this tonearm at a reasonable price ************************************************here is one of the last feedbacks from july 30thAligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extendedand the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm.Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonically perfect. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin Wyatt Miyajima Labs USA importer.********************************************************************************** Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AS -309 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME typeHeadshells MADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º continuous wiring included from the Headshell to the RCA´s with silver plated copper litz from USA This tonearm does not have a fixed effective mass, but is variable due to its different counter weights and the distance to the pivot point of the tonearm It is one of the very rare tonearms with variable mass worlwide.A tonearm with variable effective mass, which makes it possible to use all cartridges with low compliance or with high compliance.************************************************ connector fits Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells Improved base maximum stability and less resonance all my Ortofon Tonearms have the same bearingshighest industry standard and sealed maintenance free ***************************** here YouTube video from a satisfied customerGarrard 301 with my Ortofon AS-309 12 long Tonearm ********************************************RCA´s REAN brand from NEUTRIK,the worlds leading supplier of professional audio and video connectors – Neutrik AG *********************************** PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º_____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE RMG-309 ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to ORTOFON RMG-309 SPECIFICATIONS AS-309 RMG-309 pivot to spindle (mm) 308.81 309 effective length (mm) 321.46 320 overhang (mm) 12.65 11 offset angle ° 16.9 15.9 maximum error ° 1.28 1.69 maximum distortion % 0.44 0.58 average rms distortion % 0.29 0.35 all results taken fromvinylengineTonearm Alignment Calculator Pro Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises. if the distortions are very high, because the geometry of the armtube is bad, then helps no ball bearings from NASA or whatever. Many manufacturers want to persuade one. it also no helps no arm tube, made of 500 years old wood, which is the specially manufactured and polished by moonlight from a virgin.**************************************************************** The Armwand is high damped with inlet of Balsa Wood(the inlet of balsa for damping is precisely balanced- when you overdamped you will take the life out of the sound and it will get boring)********************************************************************* Armwand with matt surface and inlet of balsa woodwhich guarantees no resonances in Armtube and CartridgeYOU WILL HEAR THIS.********************************************************************************** continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCAloom steel braid and PET braid to ensure enhanced signal flow and screening due to the use of a Faraday cage to kill off RF. this is the best what do you can do you not need a expensive tonearm cable buy *********************************************************the benefit of continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCA *************************************************************** my cable have only 57 pF at 1.2 m in length; the Genesis cable have 135 pF at 1.2 m in length and cost $ 549 high capacities affect and eliminate high and mid frequencies and ruin the original music information ************************************** 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMSor BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges**************************************** **************************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUAL SCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICE _____________________________ WORLDWIDE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 30.09. 2023 14:36:29 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 595.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126109678989
  • Bids: 25
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (260|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12the normal selling price is 755 EUR .Here you have the opportunity to purchase this tonearm at a reasonable price For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 18.09. 2023 07:18:11 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 695.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 126061083441
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (255|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12” Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Analog Audio

End: 03.09. 2023 08:48:35 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1953.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285271520432
  • Seller: nihon358 (307|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Nishinomiya, Hyogo Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12” Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Analog Audio Domo Arigato! Welcome, Thank you for your visit. Description Operation confirmed. The appearance is a beautiful product without any noticeable scratches. For other appearances, please refer to the photo. *The wooden pedestal in the photo is for photographic purposes only and is not included in the product. Specifications Effective length: 311mm (with SPU: 315mm)?Overhang: 15mm?Stylus adjustment range: 0 to 3g?Compatible weight: 18 to 28g (including shell)?Weight: 545g Shipping Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay. Shipping is by FedEx or EMS. Free Shipping Returns Unconditional Return Policy Customer service and satisfaction are very important to us.I have an unconditional return policy if notified within 30 of the receipt of the item. All returned items must be the original condition.All return requests must be made within 30 days of the receipt of the item. Please contact me first for return before you ship it back to me.The postage of the returned goods is a buyer burden. International Buyers Please Note:Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer?s responsibility.Please check with your country?s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up -do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as ?gifts? -US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. I am sorry but we can not arrange that because it is illegal in Japan.Thank you.

ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12” Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Analog Audio

End: 01.09. 2023 10:16:29 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1868.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285453681799
  • Seller: nihon358 (307|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Nishinomiya, Hyogo Japan
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12” Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Analog Audio Domo Arigato! Welcome, Thank you for your visit. Description Operation confirmed. The appearance is a beautiful product without any noticeable scratches. For other appearances, please refer to the photo. *The wooden pedestal in the photo is for photographic purposes only and is not included in the product. Specifications Effective length: 311mm (with SPU: 315mm)?Overhang: 15mm?Stylus adjustment range: 0 to 3g?Compatible weight: 18 to 28g (including shell)?Weight: 545g Shipping Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay. Shipping is by FedEx or EMS. Free Shipping Returns Unconditional Return Policy Customer service and satisfaction are very important to us.I have an unconditional return policy if notified within 30 of the receipt of the item. All returned items must be the original condition.All return requests must be made within 30 days of the receipt of the item. Please contact me first for return before you ship it back to me.The postage of the returned goods is a buyer burden. International Buyers Please Note:Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer?s responsibility.Please check with your country?s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up -do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as ?gifts? -US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. I am sorry but we can not arrange that because it is illegal in Japan.Thank you.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 15.08. 2023 22:09:49 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 720.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126040520462
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (249|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

12" Tonearm Ortofon AS- 309 for SPU-G and SME type Headshells

End: 12.08. 2023 19:24:21 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 765.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126041693276
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (249|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    12**************************************************here is one of the last feedbacks from july 30thAligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extendedand the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm.Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonically perfect. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin Wyatt Miyajima Labs USA importer.********************************************************************************** Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AS -309 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME typeHeadshells MADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º continuous wiring included from the Headshell to the RCA´s with silver plated copper litz from USA This tonearm does not have a fixed effective mass, but is variable due to its different counter weights and the distance to the pivot point of the tonearm It is one of the very rare tonearms with variable mass worlwide.A tonearm with variable effective mass, which makes it possible to use all cartridges with low compliance or with high compliance.************************************************ connector fits Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells Improved base maximum stability and less resonance all my Ortofon Tonearms have the same bearingshighest industry standard and sealed maintenance free ***************************** here YouTube video from a satisfied customerGarrard 301 with my Ortofon AS-309 12 long Tonearm ********************************************RCA´s REAN brand from NEUTRIK,the worlds leading supplier of professional audio and video connectors – Neutrik AG *********************************** PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º_____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE RMG-309 ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to ORTOFON RMG-309 SPECIFICATIONS AS-309 RMG-309 pivot to spindle (mm) 308.81 309 effective length (mm) 321.46 320 overhang (mm) 12.65 11 offset angle ° 16.9 15.9 maximum error ° 1.28 1.69 maximum distortion % 0.44 0.58 average rms distortion % 0.29 0.35 all results taken fromvinylengineTonearm Alignment Calculator Pro Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises. if the distortions are very high, because the geometry of the armtube is bad, then helps no ball bearings from NASA or whatever. Many manufacturers want to persuade one. it also no helps no arm tube, made of 500 years old wood, which is the specially manufactured and polished by moonlight from a virgin.**************************************************************** The Armwand is high damped with inlet of Balsa Wood(the inlet of balsa for damping is precisely balanced- when you overdamped you will take the life out of the sound and it will get boring)********************************************************************* Armwand with matt surface and inlet of balsa woodwhich guarantees no resonances in Armtube and CartridgeYOU WILL HEAR THIS.********************************************************************************** continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCAloom steel braid and PET braid to ensure enhanced signal flow and screening due to the use of a Faraday cage to kill off RF. this is the best what do you can do you not need a expensive tonearm cable buy *********************************************************the benefit of continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCA *************************************************************** my cable have only 57 pF at 1.2 m in length; the Genesis cable have 135 pF at 1.2 m in length and cost $ 549 high capacities affect and eliminate high and mid frequencies and ruin the original music information ************************************** 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMSor BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges**************************************** **************************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUAL SCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICE _____________________________ WORLDWIDE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much.

ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12″ Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Audio Equipment

End: 11.08. 2023 12:03:49 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1968.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285340905977
  • Seller: nihon358 (305|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Nishinomiya, Hyogo Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ortofon AS-309S Static Balance Type 12? Long Tonearm Pickup Arm Audio Equipment Domo Arigato! Welcome, Thank you for your visit. Description Operation confirmed with the following contents. Output from both channels. Lifter descent speed. Each adjustment point, operation feeling. Height adjustment, etc. The appearance is a beautiful product without any noticeable scratches. Specifications Effective length: 311mm (with SPU: 315mm)?Overhang: 15mm?Stylus adjustment range: 0 to 3g?Compatible weight: 18 to 28g (including shell)?Weight: 545g Accessories Standard weightsArm BasePHONO cableFixing screws x 3Fixing wood screws x 3Hexagonal wrench x 2Guide pinMounting templateArm base mounting templateInstruction Manual (Japanese)Original box Shipping Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay. Shipping is by FedEx or EMS. Free Shipping Returns Unconditional Return Policy Customer service and satisfaction are very important to us.I have an unconditional return policy if notified within 30 of the receipt of the item. All returned items must be the original condition.All return requests must be made within 30 days of the receipt of the item. Please contact me first for return before you ship it back to me.The postage of the returned goods is a buyer burden. International Buyers Please Note:Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer’s responsibility.Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up -do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” -US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. I am sorry but we can not arrange that because it is illegal in Japan.Thank you.

12" Tonearm Ortofon AS- 309 for SPU-G and SME type Headshells

End: 29.07. 2023 07:16:53 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 825.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126014478591
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (244|97.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    **************************************************here is one of the last feedbacks from july 30thAligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extendedand the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm.Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonically perfect. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin Wyatt Miyajima Labs USA importer.********************************************************************************** Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AS -309 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME typeHeadshells MADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º continuous wiring included from the Headshell to the RCA´s with silver plated copper litz from USA This tonearm does not have a fixed effective mass, but is variable due to its different counter weights and the distance to the pivot point of the tonearm It is one of the very rare tonearms with variable mass worlwide.A tonearm with variable effective mass, which makes it possible to use all cartridges with low compliance or with high compliance.************************************************ connector fits Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells Improved base maximum stability and less resonance all my Ortofon Tonearms have the same bearingshighest industry standard and sealed maintenance free ***************************** here YouTube video from a satisfied customerGarrard 301 with my Ortofon AS-309 12 long Tonearm ********************************************RCA´s REAN brand from NEUTRIK,the worlds leading supplier of professional audio and video connectors – Neutrik AG *********************************** PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.65 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.89 º_____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE RMG-309 ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to ORTOFON RMG-309 SPECIFICATIONS AS-309 RMG-309 pivot to spindle (mm) 308.81 309 effective length (mm) 321.46 320 overhang (mm) 12.65 11 offset angle ° 16.9 15.9 maximum error ° 1.28 1.69 maximum distortion % 0.44 0.58 average rms distortion % 0.29 0.35 all results taken fromvinylengineTonearm Alignment Calculator Pro Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises. if the distortions are very high, because the geometry of the armtube is bad, then helps no ball bearings from NASA or whatever. Many manufacturers want to persuade one. it also no helps no arm tube, made of 500 years old wood, which is the specially manufactured and polished by moonlight from a virgin.**************************************************************** The Armwand is high damped with inlet of Balsa Wood(the inlet of balsa for damping is precisely balanced- when you overdamped you will take the life out of the sound and it will get boring)********************************************************************* Armwand with matt surface and inlet of balsa woodwhich guarantees no resonances in Armtube and CartridgeYOU WILL HEAR THIS.********************************************************************************** continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCAloom steel braid and PET braid to ensure enhanced signal flow and screening due to the use of a Faraday cage to kill off RF. this is the best what do you can do you not need a expensive tonearm cable buy *********************************************************the benefit of continuous internal wiring from the headshell plug to the RCA *************************************************************** my cable have only 57 pF at 1.2 m in length; the Genesis cable have 135 pF at 1.2 m in length and cost $ 549 high capacities affect and eliminate high and mid frequencies and ruin the original music information ************************************** 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMSor BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges**************************************** **************************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUAL SCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICE _____________________________ WORLDWIDE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much.

12" Ortofon tonearm AB-309 banana for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells,

End: 25.07. 2023 17:02:19 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 755.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126003824673
  • Seller: rightkindofwife (243|97.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Antequera Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For the audiophiles all over the world ORTOFON products reach legendary status. And thats rightfully. This is a opportunity to own whats becoming rare and more expensive on the world market. Excellent tonearm for serious music lovers ********************Broadcast Tonearm Ortofon AB -309 banana 12 long for Ortofon SPU-G and SME type Headshells ONE OF THE BEST 12 LONG TONEARMSMADE BY ALFRED BOKRANDGERMAN BROADCAST ENGINEER(RADIO+TV) WHY?PHYSICS and GEOMETRY never lies.....THIS ARMWAND IS OPTIMIZED FORLOWEST TRACKING DISTORSION3 THINGS DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF A PERFECT TONEARM:1) EFFEKTIVE LENGHT 2) OVERHANG3) OFFSET ANGLE============================ TONEARM GEOMETRY:EFFEKTIVE LENGTH : 321.459 mm MOUNTING DISTANCE: 309.4mmOVERHANG: 12.66 mmOFFSET ANGLE (DEGREES): 16.9 º _____________________________________________________________========================== ORTOFON 12 AS-309 TONEARM HAVE LESS DISTORSIONS AS THE SME 3012 series I ORTOFON AS-309 12 long compared to SME 3012 series I 309.4 mm mounting distance 294 mm 321.5 mm effektive lenght 305 mm 12.6 mm Over hang 11 mm 16.9 º offset angle(degrees) 16.15 º 1.26 º maximum error º 2.11 º 0.3 % average distorsion 0.36 % 0.46 % maximum distorsion 0.72 % all results taken fromAlignment Calculator Provinylengine page Tonearm geometry with the lowest distortion worldwide, you will hear it immediately the geometry had to be calculated by hand in the 60s, because you did not have any computer calculation programs yet, this could never be the optimum, because the 3 parameters for the geometry are interdependent. When you change only one parameter to 0.5mm the distortions are great. Therefore, tonearms from the 60s can NEVER reach the perfection that is possible with the computer programs today___________________________________This tonearm combines the simple aesthetics of Ortofon Tonearms with the current best armtube geometry currently available only a perfect geometry of the armtube guarantees a low distortion.this is the first and most important thing with a tonearm.not the material, not exotic armtube materials or mimics can eliminate a fundamental distortion that exist due to a wrong and bad geometry.material of the armtube and Vaccination only has an impact on resonance and vibration coming from the plinth (engine vibration and music waves) tonal arms are offered on the market, which cost well over $ 15,000 and are advertised that give the materials the highest in technology (space travel, NASA ect) the geometry of a perfect tonearm with the lowest distorsions consists of: 1) effective length2) overhang3) offset angle nothing more and nothing less these 3 parameters are dependent on each other. This is mathematics and is based on formulas that have absolutely nothing to do with materials. With existing PC calculation programs, anyone can see if their tonearm has the least distortion due to the armtube geometry. This is the only objective method and not the subjective belief in exotic materials or great promises..**************************************************************** positive feedbacks Aligned. It is in an aftermarket VTA tower made for the Groovmaster IIti that was on the table before your arm. I will not going back to the GM!!! Only my $11,000 Glanz MH124 is superior and not by $10,000! I am thrilled at this arms performance richness of tone is its major strong point. Bass is tight super extended and the too end extended and sweet. No ringing or tonal artifacts with this arm. Vocals are on par with the best of the best. Rich defined and harmonical. Thank you sir. Well done! Robin WyattMiyajima Labs USA importer. _______________________________ My Ortofon tonearms go over the SME 3012 and SME 3012R, which costs about 5000 euros. It is only surpassed by a GLANZ for $11,000. Thats not what Im saying, but my customers.see here original mailsDear mr. BokrandI gave myself some time to make sure I wasn’t too hasty in judging. After many hours of listening to my favorite records, which I know very well, I can say that your arm holds up very well the comparison with my beloved SME 3012R, indeed, with the Ortofon SPU is superior in clarity, dynamics (!!!), soundness of bass...Thanks for everythingMassimo Longoni________________________________________________________________________ screw for setting Azimuth 2 DIFFERENT COUNTER WEIGHTS 2 WEIGHTS TOGETHER FOR ORTOFON SPU-G CARTRIDGS UP TO 35 GRAMS or BIG COUNTER WEIGHT SINGLY FOR CARTRIDGES UP TO 20 GRAMS With this construction you have an enormous range of applications for all Cartridges _________________________________________________ liftlever is modified by me in the vintage Ortofon style like the Ortofon Hi Jack.I like this classic timeless style ******************************** TONEARM COMES WITH :MOUNTING TEMPLATEMANUALSCREWS AND WASHERS FOR MOUNTING COLLARALLEN KEY FOR ADJUST LIFT DEVICESCREW DRIVER FOR WEIGHTSSCREW DRIVER FOR AZIMUTH ADJUST in the manual you will always find an original sample of the internal wiring WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPPINGTRACKING AND REGISTERED POST------------------------------------------- reviews from customers( Original text e-mails) from HiFi Wigwam:The Ortofon arm is one of the ones off ebay done by a German guy in Spain (Alfred Bokrand), based on the old (Danish-made) Ortofon AS212/309 bearing housing and anti-skate mechanism, with an arm tube and weights of his own design. I think its a wonderful bit of kit, I prefer it to the Thomas Schick arm that I used to have, which I had bias problems with, this is properly adjustable. Its a ridiculous bargain for the £500 or so hes charging for it. This 301 has a very special tonearm. It was made by Alfred Bokrand from an Ortofon AS-212 on which he has placed a 12? wand. The workmanship is first class and it tracks like a dream. This model of Ortofon arm is known for its pivot set up- it has wonderful bearings, it has a two part counter weight that will allow for a SPU with built in transformer......============================================================== Dear Alfred. I finally set up the tonearm and I am more than satisfied with the results. It has been a huge improvement in my musical experience. The tonearm is piece of beauty and perfect enginered for music reproduction. The classical records sound heavenly good and Jazz albums never as intimate. The severe wrapped records do never miss the track. The bass response is clean and solid. Great. Thanks for your patience with my issues and I am very grateful for send me another cable. Happy new year Afectuosamente Ignacio Enviado desde mi iPhone (email from 28.12.2016)Hi Alfred Just letting you know that the tonearm arrived safe and sound.I have installed it on a 16 broadcast turntable and it sounds great (and looks good as well). Thank you very much. Wolfgang (email from 30.12.2016) Hello Alfred, I have been wanting to tell you that I have been enjoying your tonearm so very much ! The set up was easy, thank you for the template and alignment tool, it is very precise. The quality of the tonearm is excellent, of course, and I have already found the split counterweight very useful. I have been trying the arm with a Denon 103 and an Ikeda 9C cartridge, and both sound wonderful. The Ikeda requires much more attention to alignments, and your tonearm makes that very simple. It is also nice to have the anti skate adjustment too, which helps a lot with the ikeda. More than anything, Im enjoying music, which is more important than any technicalities. I will send you photos soon of my turntable setup so you may see everything in its happy state. My turntable is a Garrard 401. With many thanks again, in gratitude for your fine work and dedication, S.M New York 17.Sept. 2014 Hallo Alfred, es ist vollbracht. In ca. 3 Tagen habe ich die Zarge für den Neuen aufgebaut.Die ersten Platten drehen sich seit gestern auf dem Ortofon-Bokrand Sp-15.Schon erstaunlich was da aus meinen Eckhörnern kommt.Ich kann ihn nur mit meinem EMT 948 vergleichen mit dem ich seit ca. 1 Jahr sehr intensiv höre.Ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gespann des Neuen sehr nahe an Perfektion ist und das für ca. 1/3 des Preises des 948!Vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit an dem Tonarm! Thomas K.(Germany) 28.12.2012 ORTOFON 12 long with TECHNICS SP-15 from Thomas K. Hi Alfred. I have been using this tone arm with my Garrard 301 / mono Ortofon Spu cartridge. It sounds absolutely superb. I must congratulate you on your fine work. Have you had a chance to post the Ortofon Head shell yet? I am looking forward to using this with my Shure V15mxr cartridge. Many thanks. John ----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:23 PM Subject: AW: Re: Ortofon Tone Arm Dear Alfred I have finally set up the tonearm and listened to LPs with it. I have to say that it is better than some of my other arms, possibly because of the strong arm tube.(FROM FSK HONG KONG)Hi Alfred, Glad to tell you that I have received and installed the tonearm after some hard work. Sound is great ! Still take some time for the cartridge to break-in but the tracking ability is extraordinary which allows any music to sing beautifully. Otherwise, it seems perfect to me. Thank you for your help ! Hi Alfred, The system actually sounds better and better from day to day. Impressive particular for old LPs. While writing to you, I am listening to the original Moon River of Andy William. The Exdous Song has never sound so good before - Superb !(Original text email from Japan)Dear Alfred I have at last set up your arm and can now give you an early impression of the sound. Beautifully balanced throughout the frequency range, no irritating frequencies stand out. Air and focus are superb. It is very musical with excellent pitch. Tonal range is very even handed and smooth. However the overall feeling is best summed up by saying that it sounds right in particular piano takes on the feel of one you have grown to recognise from your days in school plays.(Original text of the email from UK)---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Alfred, I received the new cable yesterday afternoon.Thank you very much for your fast and kindly support.At last, I was able to listen to the sound of your special tonearm. WOW ! Excellent !! I love it.I always use DENON DL103-LC2(?? as a standard cartridgetesting the change of the sound. It was still the result of the short time test, but I felt the sound wassplendid.Lower background-noise, wide and deep sound-stage, particularlythe sonority is very natural and clear.(original mail from Mr.T. Japan)_______________________________________________________ Good morning Alfred, Well, yesterday I mounted your arm on the plinth with the SPU Meister Silver. Mounting was a breeze using my tool for determining the spindle to pivot distance. Using the dual counterweight it is also very easy to tune for optimal stylus pressure, at least far more easy than when using one counterweight. So that is a practical plus for the dual counterweights above the ability for mounting less heavy cartridges as well.I asked you before how your tonearm would compare to the Schick and you were modest. No need to! It is so much better than the Schick when using the heavy SPU.. really, it performs better on from low up to the high frequencies. I have been listening, or actually rediscovering, lots of records sinds yesterday afternoon. I always found that the SPU had at some records a bit of harsh highs but these are completely gone now. So that must have been the combination with the Schick, is my guess. Resonances are way better suppressed now and I do believe that the heavy and sturdy construction does not allow for any other movement of the cartridge/needle than lateral movement.I bow deep for your expertise as that must be the basis of the reconstructed Ortofon! We are really impressed here! My suggestion is that I buy two more arms from you. So I keep the one that is on my turntable now and you send over two complete tonearms. These two consist of the one that you customised for me and another one.I want to replace the Schick with a second AB309 and the third will be for a friend who started dancing in my room when he heard your tonearm..So all together:1. I will keep the tonearm I currently have. This one will go to my friend as he likes the J-shaped armtube.2. The customised arm by you, complete with mounting stuff and counterweights, will replace the one that will go to my friend.3. The third tonearm will replace the Schick tonearm on my plinth. So that is a whole new arm.DHT Rob Netherland 02/12/2018 pictures received from satisfied customers IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED,MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***************************************

micro seiki AX-4G Turntable Tonearm Board For Sme3012R V12 312 Ortofon 309

End: 08.07. 2023 20:05:31 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 181.76 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266319998952
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: makiyo2008 (1212|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: HK Hong Kong
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 27,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    micro seiki AX-4G Turntable Tonearm Board For Sme3012R V12 312 Ortofon 309 Ship DHL FedEx or ems