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NAD Stereo Tuner 4225

End: 29.10. 2023 21:34:08 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355113291652
  • Seller: aixsellent (139762|97.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Würselen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Stereo Tuner 4225Shop Bewertungen Kontakt weitere InfosMarke: NAD Modell: 4225 Stereo Tuner Farbe: Anthrazit Zustand  gebraucht, in gutem Zustand (s. Fotos)     Weitere Informationen Über uns ID: 578961 aix0 Zusätzliche Informationen Als Verkaufsagentur bieten wir auch Artikel im Kundenauftrag an. Diese Artikel unterliegen der Differenzbesteuerung nach §25 UStG. Mehrwertsteuer ist darin enthalten, wird aber auf der Rechnung nicht ausgewiesen. (On the Invoice is no Vat reported) Dies gilt insbesondere für die gebrauchten Artikel sowie Antiquitäten in unserem Angebot auf eBay. Über uns Seit August 2006 ermöglichen wir sowohl Privatkunden, als auch Händlern und Herstellern den einfachen Verkauf Ihrer Artikel über eBay. Hierdurch ist ein reichhaltiges Sortiment an Neuware, Restposten, aber auch Sammlerstücken, Antiquitäten und gebrauchter Ware aus nahezu allen Bereichen entstanden. Wir verkaufen diese Artikel in Kommission und versuchen hierbei stets dem Käufer, wie auch unserem Mandanten gerecht zu werden und die Artikel neutral und entsprechend des Zustands zu beschreiben. Durch die hohe Vielfalt an Artikeln können wir nicht in allen Bereichen Fachhandels-Auskünfte erteilen, versuchen aber gerne offene Fragen bestmöglich zu beantworten. Seiten eBay Shop Kontakt Newsletter Tragen Sie sich in unseren Newsletter ein und verpassen Sie keine günstigen Angebote mehr von uns! Newsletter Abonnement Template Gallium © BullMedia Interne Vermerke: ToH #aix0, qqetopelogooffqq 46 - etope 8

NAD 4225 High End Stereo Tuner - GEPRÜFT - 1 Jahr Gewährleistung

End: 23.10. 2023 09:18:29 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 109.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 8:35:58
  • Item number: 334883788949
  • Seller: acwsoft (7941|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rees Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Nobody does it better :-) Hier finden Sie alle bei acwsoft verfügbaren Stereo-Tuner. In eigener Sache: An unsere deutschen Kunden KEINE TELEFONATE MÖGLICH / BENUTZEN SIE BITTE DAS MESSAGE SYSTEM !!! KEINE REPARATUREN FÜR BEI DRITTEN BEZOGENE GERÄTE. Der Kauf eines Vintage Gerätes will überlegt sein: Vermeiden Sie also bitte Spontankäufe, die dann widerrufen werden. Sowohl hinter der Revision wie auch hinter der Abwicklung des Kaufes steckt Riesenarbeit, die beide (Sie und mich) zufrieden stellen soll. Ein paar Regeln waren überfällig: Es gibt keine automatischen Zuschläge bei Preisvorschlägen mehr, ich schaue mir jeden einzelnen genau an.Sollten Sie weniger als insgesamt 5 positive Bewertungen haben, können Sie bei acwsoft keine Vintage Audio Geräte kaufen. Ich behalte mir kraft neuer AGB das Recht vor, solche Sofortkäufe (meist von Gast Nobodys) binnen 24 Stunden ohne Angabe von Gründen zu stornieren. Vermeiden Sie Käufe aus Torschlusspanik oder Reservierungs-Gebote! Man kauft nicht, um anderen zuvorzukommen. Man kauft nicht das weniger favorisierte Gerät B, weil das favorisierte Gerät A gerade an jemand anderen ging. Es kommen immer wieder neue Geräte. Passt das Gerät technisch zu meiner Anlage? Tapedecks brauchen Receiver / Amps mit Line Out Ausgang, wenn man aufnehmen will. Ein AV Receiver hat sowas oft nicht. Reine DIN Tapedecks (was im Angebot hervorgehoben wird) lassen sich regelmäßig nicht gut auf Cinch adaptieren. Plattenspieler brauchen Amps / Receiver mit Phono-Magnet-Eingang und einen Massekabel-Anschluss. Passt das Gerät optisch zu meiner Anlage? Bitte Marke, Design, Maße vergleichen.Haben Sie eine spezielle Anwendungsidee (von der ich nichts wissen kann)? Dann bitte vor Bestellung fragen (Ebay-Message).Bei Vergleichen beachten: Sie zahlen hier vor allem Zeit für Arbeit (die sich der Privatverkäufer meist nicht gemacht hat) und für die Absicherung Ihres Kaufes mit 12 Monaten Gewährleistung.Ich versuche, ausgereifte Geräte in perfektem Wartungszustand abzuliefern. Ich erwarte aber auch etwas Reife bei meinen Kunden. NAD 4225, 1 Jahr Gewährleistung Hochwertiger digitaler Stereo Tuner aus NADs 1988er Serie. Verkaufspreis war damals 498,00 DM. Das Gerät ist Nachfolger des Modell 4220, das mit dem Ehrgeiz entwickelt wurden, einen Digital-Tuner mit guten Empfangsleistungen unter Alltags-Bedingungen zu einem vertretbaren Preis anbieten zu könne. 1988 kostete der NAD 4225 in Deutschland 498 DM. Empfangsstarker Quartz PLL Synthesizer Tuner (UKW/MW), Festsenderspeicher für für 14 Stationen, aufgeteilt über 2 Bänke mit je 7 Tasten. Empfindlichkeit 2 uV, Rauschspannungsabstand 80dB (FM), Klirrfaktor 0,09%, Trennschärfe 65dB (Werte gelten bei FM). Da wir gerade den fast zeitgleich erschienenen Kenwood KT-5020L (ebenfalls ein hochwertiger Ditigaltuner) im Angebot haben, kann man hier im Vergleich schön das minimalistische / puristische Design-Konzept von NAD veranschaulichen: Wo Kenwood die ganze Breite an digitalem Anzeigekomfort im FL Display auffährt, würde NAD am liebsten noch die digitale Frequenzanzeige verstecken. :-) Es gibt Knöpfe für alles, 5 LEDs für Tuning, Stereo und gewählte Senderspeicher-Bank. Thats it. Kenne ich ja so schon von den NAD Tapedecks z.B. Modell 6100. Das sieht natürlich sehr aufgeräumt aus. Features, die nicht wirklich wichtig sind, fehlen ganz einfach. Und können auch nicht verwirren. Mir gefällt es. Bei diesem Gerät wurde eine 75 Ohm Koax Buchse nachgerüstet, um den Anschluss an Antennensteckdosen zu erleichtern. Informationen zum Vorläufer Modell NAD 4220 Die Maße sind 42 x 7,62 x 25 cm (B x H x T). Optischer Zustand: Kunststoff Faceplate ist sauber, Haube wurde neu mattschwarz lackiert. Bilder Gewährleistung Innerhalb der einjährigen Gewährleistungsfrist werden technische Mängel von uns kostenlos behoben, wobei der Kunde den Versand zu uns trägt, wir tragen innerhalb Deutschlands den Rückversand zum Kunden. Bei Versand von und nach EU-Ausland trägt der Kunde die Kosten beider Versandwege. Das Siegel am Gerät muss unverletzt sein. Gewährleistung ist nicht Garantie, nach 6 Monaten trägt der Kunde die Beweislast, dass ein gerügter Mangel von Anfang an bestand. Ausgeschlossen von der Gewährleistung sind Verschleissteile wie Lampen: Hier leisten wir Ersatz in Form der Lampe, können aber keine Versandkosten stemmen. Wir warten Ihr Gerät kostenpflichtig auch nach der Gewährleistung, sofern das Siegel unverletzt ist. Dieses Angebot gilt natürlich nur für über acwsoft gekaufte Geräte. Darüberhinaus bieten wir keine Reparaturen an. Berechnung und Versand Kleinunternehmer-Status, daher wird für diesen Artikel keine Umsatzsteuer ausgewiesen. Wir versenden diesen Artikel - sorgfältig verpackt - als versichertes DHL Paket. Transportschäden sind uns unverzüglich anzuzeigen. Ferner müssen Sie innerhalb der 7 Tage Frist Schadensanzeige bei Ihrer DHL Filiale vornehmen (diese muss durch den Empfänger - also Sie - erfolgen), d.h.: Verpackung und Gerät mitnehmen und mit einem DHL Mitarbeiter das Schadensaufnahme Formular ausfüllen. Bitte kreuzen Sie an Die Sendung soll nach der Schadensbegutachtung... [X] den Absender zurückgesandt werden. Wenn Sie hier nicht kooperieren, dann besteht keine Chance, vom Versandunternehmen den Schaden ausgeglichen zu bekommen. Ebensowenig gleichen wir ihn aus. Entsprechend AGB ist Gefahrenübergang mit Ablieferung des Pakets an der DHL Filiale Rees d.h. das Risiko eines Transportschadens liegt immer beim Käufer. Wir leisten Unterstützung bei der Geltendmachung von Ansprüchen gegen das Versandunternehmen, aber wir haften bei Transportschäden nicht selbst. NAD 4225, 1 year warranty Classy 1988 NAD digital stereo tuner. It is well built and has upper class specs such as 2 uV sensivity, 0,09% total harmonic distortion, 80 dB signal/noise-ratio and 65 dB interference resistance. Dimensions 42 x 7,62 x 25 cm (W x H x D). Plastic faceplate. Optical state is fine. Warranty We offer 1 year warranty (from date of purchase) for this item. Warranty is not the same as manufacturers guarantee. Warranty according to German law means that after 6 months client has to prove that a reclaimed defect existed from the beginning, otherwise repair will be charged. Warranty void when seals are broken. Client has to pay shipment both from his EU country to our German shop and shipment back. Please note that wear parts as lamps are not covered by warranty. We will send you a fresh lamp if one fails but cannot cover freight and work. We offer support for this item after end of warranty, as well (of course repairs will be charged) if seals are not broken. No more shipment to EU countries outside Germany: Why? We had a case when an EU client abused Paypals one month buyer protection by claiming / faking (?) a defect in order - to enforce a return though the return period had expired, - to make us pay freight costs in both directions which in case of return or warranty repair would have been his own costs Thus we had to pay twice international freight (we have to offer a freight label for sending back + later have to refund prior freight charge for sending item to client) which may range from 2x 20,99 EUR to 2x 30,99 EUR depending on the weight of the parcel. - Do we want to lose in worst case scenario 62,00 EUR on one single troublemaker ??? - Or do we prefer not to have international shipment at all thus avoiding high freight costs risks ??? So the sad outcome is that a single s-hole killed the vintage fun for all of us. Ill keep the English description for those of you who are interested in my work and dont understand German. I love you all, but I have to protect my business.

NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner Tested, Working, With Orig Instruction Manual

End: 11.10. 2023 16:45:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175955890884
  • Seller: suzeinstyle (61|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Syosset, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Get the most out of your music with this NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner. Designed to support FM and AM modes, this charcoal grey tuner boasts a digital interface and audio outputs for stereo L/R RCA. With a model year of 1988, this vintage device is a must-have for any audio enthusiast looking for a high-quality listening experience. Enjoy your favorite radio stations with ease and style, all while immersing yourself in crystal-clear sound. The NAD brand is renowned for its exceptional audio equipment, and this tuner is no exception. Elevate your home audio system today with the NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner. Inspect photos carefully for condition Original owner Tested & in Working order Ships to contiguous US street addresses only, please See our other listing for the accompanied NAD preamplifier

Tuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfrei

End: 11.09. 2023 19:05:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266406018250
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: gartenmoebel2006 (80|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg-Pfaffengrund Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfreiTuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfreiGebraucht – aber in sehr gutem Zustand (siehe Bilder). Wurde in letzter Zeit selten benutzt – aber jetzt noch einmal gründlich vom Fachmann geprüft. Funktioniert einwandfrei.Für Details siehe folgende Seiten: wird:Tuner NAD 4225, einwandfreiPrivatverkauf, keine Garantie oder Rücknahme.Abholung in 69123 Heidelberg oder versicherter Versand mit DHL Paket mit Sendungsverfolgung, Versand bezahlt der Käufer, ebay-Gebühren übernehme ich.

NAD Stereo Tuner 4225......

End: 11.09. 2023 16:02:12 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314593336580
  • Seller: stehai-9451 (62|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gloucester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,07 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Stereo Tuner 4225.......

NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Digital Tuner

End: 10.09. 2023 08:50:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 36.94 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186062411546
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peterbishop1 (1701|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Royston Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 12,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is an auction for a NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Digital Tuner Item is working in good condition Im selling a complete system so checkout my other items to find more hidden gems. Over 100 items available. If you would like more photos, please drop me a message. Comes from a smoke and pet free home Highly rated seller. No returns are available, sold as seen by the pictures. Please ensure you are happy with the item before bidding. No bidders accepted with less than 15 Feedback.

Tuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfrei

End: 09.09. 2023 17:00:01 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266390499541
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gartenmoebel2006 (80|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Heidelberg-Pfaffengrund Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfreiTuner NAD 4225 – vom Fachmann getestet, einwandfreiGebraucht – aber in sehr gutem Zustand (siehe Bilder). Wurde in letzter Zeit selten benutzt – aber jetzt noch einmal gründlich vom Fachmann geprüft. Funktioniert einwandfrei.Für Details siehe folgende Seiten: wird:Tuner NAD 4225, einwandfreiPrivatverkauf, keine Garantie oder Rücknahme.Abholung in 69123 Heidelberg oder versicherter Versand mit DHL Paket mit Sendungsverfolgung, Versand bezahlt der Käufer, ebay-Gebühren übernehme ich.

NAD Tuner 4225

End: 06.09. 2023 11:43:00 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175747868483
  • Seller: barney-malti (5006|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nienburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kein Versand an Packstation NAD TUNER 4225Der Tuner funktioniert einwandfrei!Bis auf die Kratzer auf der Oberseite,wie auf dem zweiten Foto zusehen ist,befindet sich der Tuner Optisch im sehr guten Zustand. Der Tuner kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt.Für den Versand wird das Gerät sorgfältig Verpackt!

NAD 4225 Stereo Tuner

End: 03.09. 2023 14:42:35 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.06 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195954199337
  • Bids: 7
  • Seller: j_toms (306|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Morden Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD 4225 FM Stereo TunerThis is a vintage NAD 4225 FM Stereo/AM Tuner, boxed. It is in fabulous working order and produces a lovely rich FM stereo sound, especially with a good aerial connection.It also looks bright and lovely when tuned to a station. It has switchable mono and high blend functionsTwo banks of 7 presets on both FM and AM. It comes with its original box. There is no AM or FM aerial supplied, There is a small scratch on the top of the tuner, but it is otherwise in very good condition.All the LEDs work as expected. The pictures show it when connected to an FM aerial.Unlike many other examples, the tuning arrows accurately match the frequency. This is shown in the photos.

NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Digital Tuner

End: 03.09. 2023 08:48:20 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 36.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186051835893
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: peterbishop1 (1699|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Royston Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 12,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is an auction for a NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Digital Tuner Item is working in good condition Im selling a complete system so checkout my other items to find more hidden gems. Over 100 items available. If you would like more photos, please drop me a message. Comes from a smoke and pet free home Highly rated seller. No returns are available, sold as seen by the pictures. Please ensure you are happy with the item before bidding. No bidders accepted with less than 15 Feedback.

NAD 4225 Stereo-AM/FM-Tuner / RJ38

End: 21.08. 2023 14:23:04 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145250611893
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: sebari_5790 (41|95.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Meckenheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD 4225 Stereo-AM/FM-Tuner / RJ38NAD 4225 Stereo-AM/FM-Tuner / RJ38voll funktionsfähig Zustand siehe Bilder

NAD 4225 Vintage Tuner

End: 16.08. 2023 19:13:16 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305011432930
  • Seller: essjott (120|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gronau Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkaufe wegen Systemumstellung meinen Vintage Stereo Tuner NAD 4225. Gebraucht, ohne Fernbedienung, Verpackung und Bedienungsanleitung. Keine Defekte und Macken. Weiteres im www oder hifi-wiki...

NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner

End: 13.08. 2023 19:42:39 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 195905002211
  • Seller: sizzlindealsllc (9054|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Citra, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 40,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner. Preowned in good condition, shows normal signs of use. I am liquidating a large amount deadstock of car/ home audio inventory so check out my other listings!! See pictures for more details! Any questions? Feel free to ask. Thanks for looking and good luck bidding. Check out my store for more Sizzlin Deals. I combine shipping. **I guarantee fast shipping and excellent customer service** **Check my feedback and bid with confidence.** Returns: If you have any problems with the item(s) you purchase I offer a full money back guarantee upon return of the item(s). Customer Service: I am always willing to work with people to keep them happy. If you are unsatisfied in any way or have any questions please contact me before leaving negative or neutral feedback. Please use the messaging system with questions or concerns. Shipping: I always package and ship packages within 48 hours of end of listing, most of the time the next day. I also offer combined shipping so check out all listings to bundle on great deals and save on shipping. Payments: Please make payment within 48 hours of end of listing. If it takes a little longer I understand but please contact me and let me know. Check out my other listings, thanks for shopping with Sizzlin Deals, LLC.

NAD Stereo Tuner 4225......

End: 12.08. 2023 11:04:31 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354971849480
  • Seller: mikeaudio1981 (1308|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 28,12 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Stereo Tuner 4225......Nad 4225 tuner has some small marks please check pictures. Its in fully working condition and sound fantastic comes with manual no original box. More then welcome a demo at my shop in south norwood Se256ef collection from this address too. Shipping with ups 48 hour fully insured International shipping welcome but please only through ebay International shipping Please check my other hifi items

NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner - Works Great, Vintage ~1988

End: 11.08. 2023 18:16:58 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 36.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134649274390
  • Seller: thejoyofvintage (259|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 58,64 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Model 4225 AM/FM Stereo Tuner - Works Great. This model, manufactured approximately 1988, is still going strong. Been using it with a NAD amp and pre-amp and it works fine. It does have some cosmetic blemishes on the front which you can see in the photos — small gouges and some scratches. The metal top has been repainted somewhere along the way, so its almost entirely free of visible scratches. Includes 14 preset stations and manual and automatic tuning.

NAD 4225 AM/FM Stereo Radio Tuner

End: 06.08. 2023 09:57:55 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295842136074
  • Seller: neliinfleetwood (2040|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fleetwood Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD 4225 AM/FM Stereo Radio Tuner In good condition, fully tested and working. The case has some bad scratches (see pictures). From a smoke free home. Usually dispatched the same day (if a week day and ordered before 12pm)Dispatched next day for orders after 12pmDue to delivery delays some next day deliveries may take 2 days.

NAD 4225 Radio AM/FM Tuner

End: 02.08. 2023 18:01:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.15 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204409262491
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: guym-p (240|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,88 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD 4225 AM/FM Radio Tuner Specification This is an analogue radio tuner, frequencies supported are 522-1611 kHz (AM) and 87.5-108.0 MHz (FM). Tuning is by a rocker switch. With AM, this can only be done manually. With FM, LED indicators under the frequency display (left/centre/right) help to get manual tuning spot-on. With the scan button pushed in, pressing the rocker switch momentarily will cause the tuner to search for the next station. I found this to be a little too sensitive, stopping too frequently, like an all stops train when I wanted main stations only. It has a total of 14 presets in 2 banks. An LED indicator shows either green or amber dependent on which bank is selected. AM is mono only. On FM, if a stereo signal is present and the signal is strong enough, a stereo decoder cuts in automatically, confirmed by a green LED. If the signal is only just strong enough for stereo, theres likely to be background noise (hiss). Pressing mono bypasses the decoder, which usually gets rid of the hiss, but you lose stereo. Pressing blend reduces only the high frequencies to mono, lessening the hiss, while keeping some stereo effect. Aerial connection is by a row of bare wire spring terminals: a single socket for AM, three sockets for FM: earth plus a choice for either 75 ohm (co-ax) or 300 ohm (twin shielded) wiring. There is no co-ax socket. It does not support any digital services, such as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)It does not support and programme information services, such as Radio Data System (RDS) This is suitable for UK 240V 50Hz mains supply only.There is no voltage selector to change input voltage on this particular model. History I bought this new in 1989 and used it until 1997 when I upgraded to a Linn system. The NAD tuner was then packed away in its original box and stowed in the attic for 26 years ... until now! Cosmetic Condition The buttons and switches, the front of the fascia panel and even the acrylic covering the LED display are in excellent condition. Defects are: Minor abrasion on the edges of the fascia where the paint has worn away;Scratches down to the metal on the lid caused by me carrying it with the 13A plug balanced on top;The mains cable was cut to half length to fit a cabinet. I shall replace that before despatch. Ive highlighted abrasions and scratches in the photographs. Functional Condition It works very nicely, all buttons, all lights, all functions. After 26 years, the presets had lost their memory. They keep it when the tuner is connected to the mains, and even when unplugged, they appear to hold it for a few days. The tuner is surprisingly tolerant of a low quality signal using a cheap indoor T aerial. The stereo light came on, though with some hiss. With a proper roof-mounted directional aerial, FM stereo reception is clean and clear. A high end (very much more expensive) valve tuner might have more excitement and sense of ambience, but the NAD 4225 is a great little tuner nonetheless. Live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3 sound natural and very enjoyable. I tested it for about an hour with no issues. Reason for Sale The attic floor is groaning under the weight of stuff kept in case it came in useful again. Im having a clear out. Apart from a cosmetic scratch on the lid and a rather short power lead, this is a nice clean example that deserves to be used and enjoyed. International Post To any international buyers, I am relying on eBays Global Shipping Program for international post. This is where I simply post it to a UK warehouse and eBay take responsibility for the entire shipment from that point on: customs declaration, customs fees, shipping and delivery. I dont get to see or calculate those prices or delivery dates, but you do. I will simply promise to despatch it within 2 days of receiving payment in full.

NAD 4225 Radio AM/FM Tuner

End: 26.07. 2023 18:00:01 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.47 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204402044845
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: guym-p (240|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,88 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD 4225 AM/FM Radio Tuner Specification This is an analogue radio tuner, frequencies supported are 522-1611 kHz (AM) and 87.5-108.0 MHz (FM). Tuning is by a rocker switch. With AM, this can only be done manually. With FM, LED indicators under the frequency display (left/centre/right) help to get manual tuning spot-on. With the scan button pushed in, pressing the rocker switch momentarily will cause the tuner to search for the next station. I found this to be a little too sensitive, stopping too frequently, like an all stops train when I wanted main stations only. It has a total of 14 presets in 2 banks. An LED indicator shows either green or amber dependent on which bank is selected. AM is mono only. On FM, if a stereo signal is present and the signal is strong enough, a stereo decoder cuts in automatically, confirmed by a green LED. If the signal is only just strong enough for stereo, theres likely to be background noise (hiss). Pressing mono bypasses the decoder, which usually gets rid of the hiss, but you lose stereo. Pressing blend reduces only the high frequencies to mono, lessening the hiss, while keeping some stereo effect. Aerial connection is by a row of bare wire spring terminals: a single socket for AM, three sockets for FM: earth plus a choice for either 75 ohm (co-ax) or 300 ohm (twin shielded) wiring. There is no co-ax socket. It does not support any digital services, such as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)It does not support and programme information services, such as Radio Data System (RDS) This is suitable for UK 240V 50Hz mains supply only.There is no voltage selector to change input voltage on this particular model. History I bought this new in 1989 and used it until 1997 when I upgraded to a Linn system. The NAD tuner was then packed away in its original box and stowed in the attic for 26 years ... until now! Cosmetic Condition The buttons and switches, the front of the fascia panel and even the acrylic covering the LED display are in excellent condition. Defects are: Minor abrasion on the edges of the fascia where the paint has worn away;Scratches down to the metal on the lid caused by me carrying it with the 13A plug balanced on top;The mains cable was cut to half length to fit a cabinet. I shall replace that before despatch. Ive highlighted abrasions and scratches in the photographs. Functional Condition It works very nicely, all buttons, all lights, all functions. After 26 years, the presets had lost their memory. They keep it when the tuner is connected to the mains, and even when unplugged, they appear to hold it for a few days. The tuner is surprisingly tolerant of a low quality signal using a cheap indoor T aerial. The stereo light came on, though with some hiss. With a proper roof-mounted directional aerial, FM stereo reception is clean and clear. A high end (very much more expensive) valve tuner might have more excitement and sense of ambience, but the NAD 4225 is a great little tuner nonetheless. Live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3 sound natural and very enjoyable. I tested it for about an hour with no issues. Reason for Sale The attic floor is groaning under the weight of stuff kept in case it came in useful again. Im having a clear out. Apart from a cosmetic scratch on the lid and a rather short power lead, this is a nice clean example that deserves to be used and enjoyed. International Post To any international buyers, I am relying on eBays Global Shipping Program for international post. This is where I simply post it to a UK warehouse and eBay take responsibility for the entire shipment from that point on: customs declaration, customs fees, shipping and delivery. I dont get to see or calculate those prices or delivery dates, but you do. I will simply promise to despatch it within 2 days of receiving payment in full.

NAD Stereo Tuner 4225 - Tested & Working - AM -FM

End: 26.07. 2023 09:27:14 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 29.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374816208224
  • Seller: p707 (1425|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Norwich Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 24,27 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Please See Photos Nice Red Display! Unused for some years Test ran it for a couple of hours - no problems (Sorry, no ariel cables)

NAD Tuner 4225

End: 19.07. 2023 12:36:52 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285378012448
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: leo1207 (170|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Tuner 4225.

NAD Stereo Tuner 4225 - Tested & Working - AM -FM

End: 16.07. 2023 09:46:22 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 28.97 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374761896166
  • Seller: p707 (1423|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Norwich Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 24,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Please See Photos Nice Red Display! Unused for some years Test ran it for a couple of hours - no problems (Sorry, no ariel cables)

NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Analog TUNER w. Digital display. SUPERB SOUND FULLY TESTED

End: 09.07. 2023 11:27:58 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 40.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305008830499
  • Seller: rolandrockgig (250|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Maidenhead Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,58 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully tested, superb sound. Supplied with original Owners Manual Facia near mint but a but a small scuff to the top which I found difficult to show up in photos. Display, as photos show, is bright and crisp. All buttons operate smoothly. FM and AM fully tested. This has been in storage for many years so should have plenty of life left. I have fully tested FM stereo. I was about to make a temporary FM dipole but as soon as I inserted one length (2 metres) of wire I was getting a full signal with the stereo LED showing. I was going to shorten the wire to the recommended dipole configuration, but the stations were already coming in loud and clear and switching to full stereo. I was amazed at the FM sensitivity and even with low strength stations the Blend button allows filtering of noise in distant or weak FM stereo stations but maintaining some stereo separation. I found I could get a good listenable signal with weak transmissions by using the “Blend” function. For even weaker signals you can switch to mono. AM tested with same length of single wire about 2 metres long. The originally supplied indoor aerials for AM and FM are NOT included, but as an enthusiast you will probably want to use an external aerial unless you are very close to a transmitter. This is one of the classic FM analog stereo receivers. Although Analog there is a digital display of frequency, but just to be clear - it will not receive digital DAB transmissions and there is no RDS station display. Very useful arrow pointers indicating when the tuned frequency is receiving a channel but off-centre. Tapping the tuning rocker enables tuning to the exact frequency. The lower of the two buttons on the right of the facia enables switching the tuner into SEARCH mode to scan for stations. This skips frequencies until a strong signal is received. You will need a good strong signal for this to function. There are 14 presets in two banks and you can store FM and AM stations in any order. Very simple memory function to store presets. Presets are held in memory even if unplugged for a few days so you can move the tuner without losing your presets. Specifications Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Digital FM Tuning Range: 87.5 to 108 MHz Sensitivity: 2.0uV (FM), 5uV (MW) Signal to Noise Ratio: 75dB (FM), 45dB (MW) Distortion: 0.25% (FM), 0.3% (MW) Selectivity: 65dB (FM), 35dB (MW) Frequency response: 30Hz to 15kHz (FM) Dimensions: 420 x 76.2 x 250mm Weight: 3.2kg There is no remote function for this model.


End: 07.07. 2023 16:35:07 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.07 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325714469124
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: slawomirkurrek (552|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Banff Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 27,63 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    no power button

NAD 4225 Stereo FM/AM Analog TUNER w. Digital display. SUPERB SOUND FULLY TESTED

End: 03.07. 2023 18:36:36 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 46.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304989594288
  • Seller: rolandrockgig (248|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Maidenhead Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 26,92 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully tested, superb sound. Supplied with original Owners Manual Facia near mint but a but a small scuff to the top which I found difficult to show up in photos. Display, as photos show, is bright and crisp. All buttons operate smoothly. FM and AM fully tested. This has been in storage for many years so should have plenty of life left. I have fully tested FM stereo. I was about to make a temporary FM dipole but as soon as I inserted one length (2 metres) of wire I was getting a full signal with the stereo LED showing. I was going to shorten the wire to the recommended dipole configuration, but the stations were already coming in loud and clear and switching to full stereo. I was amazed at the FM sensitivity and even with low strength stations the Blend button allows filtering of noise in distant or weak FM stereo stations but maintaining some stereo separation. I found I could get a good listenable signal with weak transmissions by using the “Blend” function. For even weaker signals you can switch to mono. AM tested with same length of single wire about 2 metres long. The originally supplied indoor aerials for AM and FM are NOT included, but as an enthusiast you will probably want to use an external aerial unless you are very close to a transmitter. This is one of the classic FM analog stereo receivers. Although Analog there is a digital display of frequency, but just to be clear - it will not receive digital DAB transmissions and there is no RDS station display. Very useful arrow pointers indicating when the tuned frequency is receiving a channel but off-centre. Tapping the tuning rocker enables tuning to the exact frequency. The lower of the two buttons on the right of the facia enables switching the tuner into SEARCH mode to scan for stations. This skips frequencies until a strong signal is received. You will need a good strong signal for this to function. There are 14 presets in two banks and you can store FM and AM stations in any order. Very simple memory function to store presets. Presets are held in memory even if unplugged for a few days so you can move the tuner without losing your presets. Specifications Type: Mono/Stereo Tuner Tuning Bands: FM, MW Tuning Scale: Digital FM Tuning Range: 87.5 to 108 MHz Sensitivity: 2.0uV (FM), 5uV (MW) Signal to Noise Ratio: 75dB (FM), 45dB (MW) Distortion: 0.25% (FM), 0.3% (MW) Selectivity: 65dB (FM), 35dB (MW) Frequency response: 30Hz to 15kHz (FM) Dimensions: 420 x 76.2 x 250mm Weight: 3.2kg There is no remote function for this model.