### The Audio Board: - The Search Tool for Used High-End Audio Equipment### For sale is a BIG and HEAVY, Melos TM-90ST II Stereo Tube Power Amplifier No tubes are included. I managed to acquire all the needed tubes and powered it up. Unfortunately, it blew fuse. So I stopped there. This amp needs services/repair to bring it back to service. Please bid accordingly. I uploaded a few pictures to show the circuitry. It appeared to be all OK, no burning sign. This project is beyond me. I have to sell it as is, for repair/service. Physical condition is good, of course far from being pristine. There are wear, scratches, etc. The meshed cover has some areas pushed out (indented) by the transformers inside. Otherwise, it is complete and all in one piece. This sale includes the amplifier only, as shown in the pictures. Nothing else is included. Ill ship worldwide. Local cash and carry is great. This thing is big and heavy. I have other audio equipment, like Accuphase, Acurus, Adcom, Aragon, Arcam, Audio Research, Audioquest, Ayre, B&K, B&O, Bang Olufson, B&W, Bowers Wilkins, Bryston, California Audio Labs, Cary, Classe, Cambridge, Carver, Conrad Johnson, Creek, Denon, Dynaco, Dynaudio, Goldmund, Infinity, Jadis, JBL, Jolida, JM Lab, Kef, Kimber, Klipsch, Krell, Levinson, Lexicon, Linn, Marantz, Martin Logan, Mccormack, Mcintosh, Meridian, MIT, Musical Fidelity, Music Hall, NAD, Naim, Nakamichi, NHT, Paradigm, Parasound, Pass, Pioneer, Proceed, PS Audio, PSB, Quad, Rega, Revel, Rotel, Rowland, Sonic Frontiers, Sonus Faber, Spendor, Sunfire, Tandberg, Tannoy, Theta, Thiel, Threshold, Totem, Transparent, Vandersteen, Vmps, VPI, VTL, Velodyne, AR, Audio, Audiophile, Amplifier, Amps, Arcam, Acurus, Aragon, Adcom, ADS, Advent, Bose, Boston, Beovox, Bryston, Bedini, B&K, B&0, B&W, Bowers & Wilkins, Celestion, Counterpoint, Canton, Cello, Creek, Cerwin Vega, Dahlquist, Denon, Dcm, Dynaco, Dynaudio, Ess, Spica, Epicure, Ensemble, Electrostatic, Elite, Fisher, Fosgate, Harman kardon , Harbeth , Integra, Infinity, JBL, Jadis, Jolida, Linn, Luxman, KEF, Klipsch , KLH, Krell, Kenwood, Martin Logan, McIntosh, Mirage, Mission, Monitor Audio, Nad , Onkyo , Paradigm, Proac, Sony, Pioneer, Polk-Audio, Preamplifier, Quad ,Rogers, Rotel, Rega, Stanton, Speakers, Audio,Stereo,Studio, Vandersteen,, Snell, Spendor, Thorens, Vandersteen, Wharfedale, Yamaha, Speakers, Turntable, M&K, Accuphase, Dali, Wilson Audio, Sonus Faber, Definitive Technology, PSB, NHT, Magnepan, Eminent Technology, Monitor Audio, Vienna Acoustic, Meridian, Behringer, Acoustat, Genesis, Opera, Mirage, Energy, Pinnacle, Musical Fidelity, Sonic Frontiers, Cambridge Audio, Sunfire, Velodyne, SVS, HSU Research, Audio Research, Tannoy, Subwoofer, McCormack, Meadowlark, Conrad Johnson, Parasound, Magneplanar, Audible Illusions, Mark Levinson, Vintage, REL, Revel, Nakamichi, ESS, Emotiva.
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