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Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 03.01. 2025 17:09:56 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1360.68 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 396061539529
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2820|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape, but one footer doesnt stay on. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Marantz SC-8 Stereo Pre Amplifier Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 Volts Good Look

End: 03.01. 2025 09:06:08 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2540.82 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334907233357
  • Seller: technogold (1565|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 199,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SC-8 Stereo Pre Amplifier Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 Volts Good LookLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. MARANTZ SC-8 Stereo Preamplificatore Vintage 1982 Hi Fi funzionante 220 Volts di bellaspetto Articolo originale realizzato per il mercato giapponese, originale a 100 volt, ma è predisposto con trasformatore interno per funzionare in europa a 220/240 volt Condizioni pari al nuovo da collezione, funziona perfettamente senza nessun problema Marantz SC-8120.000 yen (intorno al 1982) Amplificatore di controllo che porta la qualità del suono che continuava a essere lucidata e una funzionalità variegata in un design simmetrico. eseguire una perfetta composizione del flusso push pull sullintera pagina dallamplificatore principale MC allamplificatore piatto: il miglioramento di una proprietà di nudità e la riduzione di NFB a TIM è considerato il design a basso TIM che bandisce una distorsione dinamica allinizio . Lamplificatore di testa MC costituisce il perfetto circuito push-pull di una composizione di flusso di pietra a canale 9 a lato singolo dal primo rango di un transistor 2 push pull parallelo a bassissimo rumore a uno stadio di uscita SEPP. Inoltre, lamplificatore telefonico ha una perfetta composizione del circuito push-pull influenzata dalla variazione di impedenza dellingresso/uscita e il resistore a film metallico inferiore all1% di un errore e meno del 2% del condensatore in polipropilene sono adottati come elemento equalizzatore . Lamplificatore piatto è un circuito push-pull originale a tutta pagina e viene utilizzato come puro amplificatore di classe A. Viene adottato lo schema Darlington a due fasi, in particolare secondo un transistor di potenza fT super alto (200-250 MHz) in uno stadio finale. Il selettore Phono è dotato di un selettore di caricamento della cartuccia per mese-uomo di tre posizioni diverse dalla posizione dellhead amplifier MC. Sono disponibili un controllo del tono indipendente destro e sinistro, la funzionalità di doppiaggio reciproco dei due deck, un controllo del volume di commutazione in due fasi e un interruttore di due uscite e funzionalità, come un filtro per auto subsonico High/EQ. Viene trasportato il punto di commutazione del tono che bypassa un braccio e può ottenere la semplificazione. Viene adottato il circuito stampato da 70 micrometri che ha reso lo spessore della lamina di rame due volte normale. Inoltre, il miglioramento della qualità del suono è mirato adottando una nave di rame ad alta conduttività priva di ossigeno e un cavo coassiale come percorso del segnale. Inoltre, vengono adottati componenti di qualità, come un condensatore a lamina a basso fattore di scala che riduce limpedenza della sorgente, uno chassis placcato in rame e un cavo di alimentazione da 15 A. Amplificatore di controllo FormStereo Sensibilità/impedenza di ingresso Phono1 uomo-mese: 2,2 mV / 27 kohm, 47 kohm, 100 kohm Phono2 uomo-mese: 2,2 mV / 47 kohm Phono1 MC: 0,12 mV/100 ohm Livello SFT elevato: 150 mV / 40 kohm A Potenza/impedenza di uscita 1,5 V/100 ohm THD0.005% Distorsione di modulazione incrociata0,003% Caratteristica di frequenza20Hz-20kHz?}0,2dB (RIAA) Rapporto SN (IHF-A) Phono MM: 86dB Phono MC:73dB Alto livello: 104dB Dimensioni Larghezza 474 x altezza 172 x profondità di 266 mm Peso 8,5 kgeseguire una perfetta composizione del flusso push pull sullintera pagina dallamplificatore principale MC allamplificatore piatto: il miglioramento di una proprietà di nudità e la riduzione di NFB a TIM è considerato il design a basso TIM che bandisce una distorsione dinamica allinizio . Inoltre, lamplificatore telefonico ha una perfetta composizione del circuito push-pull influenzata dalla variazione di impedenza dellingresso/uscita e il resistore a film metallico inferiore all1% di un errore e meno del 2% del condensatore in polipropilene sono adottati come elemento equalizzatore . Viene adottato il circuito stampato da 70 micrometri che ha reso lo spessore della lamina di rame due volte normale. Inoltre, il miglioramento della qualità del suono è mirato adottando una nave di raeseguire una perfetta composizione del flusso push pull sullintera pagina dallamplificatore principale MC allamplificatore piatto: il miglioramento di una proprietà di nudità e la riduzione di NFB a TIM è considerato il design a basso TIM che bandisce una distorsione dinamica allinizio . Inoltre, lamplificatore telefonico ha una perfetta composizione del circuito push-pull influenzata dalla variazione di impedenza dellingresso/uscita e il resistore a film metallico inferiore all1% di un errore e meno del 2% del condensatore in polipropilene sono adottati come elemento equalizzatore . Viene adottato il circuito stampato da 70 micrometri che ha reso lo spessore della lamina di rame due volte normale. Inoltre, il miglioramento della qualità del suono è mirato adottando una nave di ra Características Término análogo Número de canales 2 Garantía del fabricante Sin garantía Tipo Pre Amplifier High End Hi Fi EAN No aplicable Color Plata Marca Marantz Entradas de audio Estéreo RCA Año de fabricación 1982 País/Región de fabricación Japón Cantidad de unidades 1 Tipo de unidad Unidad Salidas de audio Estéreo L/R RCA Modelo SC-8 Número de salidas 2 Clase de amplificador A

Marantz SC-8 Stereo Pre Amplifier Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 Volts Good Look

End: 03.01. 2025 08:40:33 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 2561.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235032472473
  • Seller: technogold (1571|97.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 339,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ SC-8 Stereo Pre Amplifier Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 Volts Good Look Original item made for the Japanese market, Original in 100 volts, but it is prepared with an internal transformer to work in Europe on 220/240 volts Condition like new from collection, works perfect without any problem Marantz SC-8120,000yen(around the 1982 time) Control amplifier which carries the tone quality which kept being polished, and a variegated functionality in a symmetrical design. performing a perfect push pull stream composition to the whole page from MC head amplifier to flat amplifier -- the improvement in a nakedness property, and the reduction in NFB a TIM it is considered as the Low-TIM design which banishes a dynamic distortion at first . MC head amplifier constitutes the perfect push-pull circuit of a single-sided channel 9 stone stream composition from the first rank of a super-low-noise transistor 2 parallel push pull to a SEPP output stage. Furthermore, phone amplifier has perfect push-pull-circuit composition influenced by the impedance variation of the input/output, and the metal film resistor of less than 1% of an error and less than 2% of polypropylene capacitor are adopted as an equalizer element . Flat amplifier is an original whole page push-pull circuit, and is used as pure Class-A amplifier. The two-step Darlington scheme especially according to a super high fT (200-250MHz) power transistor in a final stage is adopted. The Phono selector carries man-month cartridge loading selector of three positions other than MC head amplifier position. A right-and-left independent tone control, the mutual dubbing functionality of the two decks, a two-step switchover loudness control, and two outputs switch, and functionalities, such as a High/EQ Subsonic car filter, are carried. The tone switchpoint which bypasses a tone arm and can attain simple-ization is carried. The 70-micrometer printed circuit board which made thickness of the Copper foil twice usual is adopted. Furthermore, the improvement in a tone quality is aimed at by adopting an oxygen-free-high-conductivity-copper ship and a coaxial cord as a signal path. Furthermore, quality parts, such as a low scaling-factor foil capacitor which reduced source impedance, a copper plating chassis, and a power cord of 15A, are adopted. FormStereo control amplifier Input sensitivity/impedance Phono1 man-month: 2.2mV / 27kohm, 47kohm, 100kohm Phono2 man-month: 2.2mV / 47kohm Phono1 MC: 0.12mV/100 ohms High SFT Level: 150mV / 40kohm An Output power/impedance1.5V/100 ohm THD0.005% Cross modulation distortion0.003% Frequency characteristic20Hz-20kHz?}0.2dB (RIAA) SN ratio (IHF-A)Phono MM:86dB Phono MC:73dB High Level:104dB DimensionsWidth 474x height 172x depth of 266mm Weight8.5kgperforming a perfect push pull stream composition to the whole page from MC head amplifier to flat amplifier -- the improvement in a nakedness property, and the reduction in NFB a TIM it is considered as the Low-TIM design which banishes a dynamic distortion at first . Furthermore, phone amplifier has perfect push-pull-circuit composition influenced by the impedance variation of the input/output, and the metal film resistor of less than 1% of an error and less than 2% of polypropylene capacitor are adopted as an equalizer element . A right-and-left independent tone control, the mutual dubbing functionality of the two decks, a two-step switchover loudness control, and two outputs switch, and functionalities, such as a High/EQ Subsonic car filter, are carried. The 70-micrometer printed ci

Marantz SC-8 Stéréo Pré Amplificateur Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 - Good Look

End: 03.01. 2025 08:03:59 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2519.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235045639701
  • Seller: technogold (1565|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marbella Spanien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 199,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SC-8 Stéréo Pré Amplificateur Vintage 1982 Hi Fi Working 220 - Good LookCette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. MARANTZ SC-8 Préamplificateur stéréo vintage 1982 Hi Fi fonctionnant 220 Volts Good Look Article original fabriqué pour le marché japonais, Original en 100 volts, mais il est préparé avec un transformateur interne pour fonctionner en Europe sur 220/240 volts Etat comme neuf de collection, fonctionne parfaitement sans aucun problème Marantz SC-8120 000 yens (vers 1982) Amplificateur de contrôle qui offre une qualité sonore constamment perfectionnée et une fonctionnalité variée dans un design symétrique. effectuant une composition de flux push pull parfaite sur toute la page, de lamplificateur de tête MC à lamplificateur plat - lamélioration dune propriété de nudité et la réduction de NFB en TIM, elle est considérée comme la conception Low-TIM qui bannit une distorsion dynamique dans un premier temps . Lamplificateur de tête MC constitue le circuit push-pull parfait dune composition de flux de pierre à canal 9 simple face depuis le premier rang dun transistor 2 push-pull parallèle à très faible bruit jusquà un étage de sortie SEPP. De plus, lamplificateur téléphonique a une composition de circuit push-pull parfaite influencée par la variation dimpédance de lentrée/sortie, et la résistance à film métallique de moins de 1 % derreur et moins de 2 % de condensateur en polypropylène sont adoptées comme élément dégalisation. . Lamplificateur plat est un circuit push-pull original dune page entière et est utilisé comme amplificateur de classe A pur. Le schéma Darlington en deux étapes, en particulier selon un transistor de puissance fT très élevée (200-250 MHz) dans un étage final, est adopté. Le sélecteur Phono comporte un sélecteur de chargement de cartouche par mois-homme de trois positions autres que la position du préampli micro MC. Un contrôle de tonalité indépendant droite et gauche, la fonctionnalité de doublage mutuel des deux platines, un contrôle de volume de commutation en deux étapes et un commutateur de deux sorties, ainsi que des fonctionnalités telles quun filtre de voiture High/EQ Subsonic, sont présents. Le point de commutation de tonalité qui contourne un bras de lecture et peut atteindre une simplification est réalisé. Le circuit imprimé de 70 micromètres qui rend lépaisseur de la feuille de cuivre deux fois habituelle est adopté. En outre, lamélioration de la qualité sonore vise à adopter un navire en cuivre à haute conductivité sans oxygène et un câble coaxial comme chemin de signal. De plus, des pièces de qualité, telles quun condensateur à feuille à faible facteur déchelle qui réduit limpédance de la source, un châssis cuivré et un cordon dalimentation de 15 A, sont adoptés. Amplificateur de contrôle FormStereo Sensibilité/impédance dentrée Phono1 mois-homme : 2,2 mV / 27 kohm, 47 kohm, 100 kohm Phono2 homme-mois : 2,2 mV / 47 kohm Phono1 MC : 0,12 mV/100 ohms Niveau SFT élevé : 150 mV/40 kohm Une puissance de sortie/impédance1,5 V/100 ohm THD0,005% Distorsion de modulation croisée0,003 % Caractéristique de fréquence20 Hz-20 kHz?}0,2 dB (RIAA) Rapport SN (IHF-A)Phono MM:86dB Phono MC : 73 dB Haut niveau : 104 dB DimensionsLargeur 474x hauteur 172x profondeur de 266mm Poids8,5kgeffectuant une composition de flux push pull parfaite sur toute la page, de lamplificateur de tête MC à lamplificateur plat - lamélioration dune propriété de nudité et la réduction de NFB en TIM, elle est considérée comme la conception Low-TIM qui bannit une distorsion dynamique dans un premier temps . De plus, lamplificateur téléphonique a une composition de circuit push-pull parfaite influencée par la variation dimpédance de lentrée/sortie, et la résistance à film métallique de moins de 1 % derreur et moins de 2 % de condensateur en polypropylène sont adoptées comme élément dégalisation. . Un contrôle de tonalité indépendant droite et gauche, la fonctionnalité de doublage mutuel des deux platines, un contrôle de volume de commutation en deux étapes et un commutateur de deux so Características Término análogo Número de canales 2 Garantía del fabricante Sin garantía Tipo Pre Amplifier High End Hi Fi EAN No aplicable Color Plata Marca Marantz Entradas de audio Estéreo RCA Año de fabricación 1982 País/Región de fabricación Japón Cantidad de unidades 1 Tipo de unidad Unidad Salidas de audio Estéreo L/R RCA Modelo SC-8 Número de salidas 2 Clase de amplificador A

Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 21.12. 2024 15:23:10 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1346.35 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326371798287
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2819|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape, but one footer doesnt stay on. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Marantz Sc-7 Control Amplifier

End: 21.12. 2024 10:44:35 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1101.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226463916242
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (1101|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 140,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Marantz SC-9 Esotec Series Stereo Control Console Vintage Rare

End: 16.12. 2024 01:25:23 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1297.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 267054879887
  • Seller: mj_trimble (159|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Le Roy, Kansas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For sale is a vintage Marantz SC-9 Stereo Control Console. The unit appears to be in beautiful condition. I dont have a means to test the phono functions, but aux and tuner inputs sound great. This is a vintage piece and is sold as is, no guarantee the phono works. The faceplate is excellent; just one small nick on the top edge. See photos for condition--overall cosmetics are great.

(Kostenloser Versand) Marantz SC-7S2, Reinigungs- und Funktionstest...

End: 30.11. 2024 17:48:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3355.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 375701938714
  • Seller: lequtto (170|97.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: JP Japan
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    (Kostenloser Versand) Marantz SC-7S2, Reinigungs- und Funktionstest...ZustandsbeschreibungArbeitsprüfung, Inspektion und Reinigung sind abgeschlossen. Zubehör: Handbuch, Ladekabel und Fernbedienung. Über uns Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf unserer Seite. Wir sind japanischer Verkäufer und handeln mit 100 % authentischen Produkten. Wir versenden ein Paket aus Japan. Aus Sicherheitsgründen fügen wir eine Sendungsnummer bei, überprüfen Sie daher bitte die Artikel ohne Sorgen. Produktdetails entnehmen Sie bitte den Bildern und dem Abschnitt Technische Daten! Wenn Sie Fragen haben, senden Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht! Richtlinie ZahlungAuf Basis der Zahlungsabwicklung bei eBay können Sie verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden nutzen. Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Abgaben sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren trägt der Käufer.Widerruf & RückgabeWiderruf oder Rücknahme werden nur akzeptiert, wenn der Artikel ein offensichtliches Problem aufweist, das nicht in der Angebotsbeschreibung erwähnt wurde. Wenn ja, teilen Sie uns bitte innerhalb von 3 Tagen mit, dass Sie den Artikel erhalten haben. Der Käufer ist verantwortlich für die Versandkosten und alle anfallenden Gebühren für den Rückversand der Produkte.Internationale KäuferEinfuhrzölle, Steuern und Abgaben sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren trägt der Käufer. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kaufen bei den Zollbehörden Ihres Landes, welche zusätzlichen Kosten anfallen. Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandunternehmen) oder bei Abholung des Artikels erhoben - verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.Versand1. Wir versenden den Artikel immer mit einer Sendungsnummer. Geben Sie also bitte eine Bestellung ohne Bedenken bei der Lieferung auf. Sie können den Lieferstatus jederzeit verfolgen. 2. Versand ist nur an die bei eBay hinterlegte Adresse möglich. Wenn Sie möchten, dass wir eine andere Adresse senden, ändern Sie bitte Ihre Adresse bei eBay und geben Sie dann eine Bestellung auf. 3. Versand ist von Montag bis Freitag möglich. Wochenenden sind nicht möglich, da Fracht(Versand-)Unternehmen geschlossen sind. 4. Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter Wert oder kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke - japanische, US-amerikanische und internationale Regierungsvorschriften verbieten ein solches Verhalten.

(Free Shipping) Marantz SC-7S2, Cleaning & Working Test Completed

End: 30.11. 2024 17:48:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3338.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 375658992310
  • Seller: lequtto (173|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: JP Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Condition DescriptionWorking test, inspection and cleaning are completed. Accessories: Manual, Charging Cable and Remote Control. About Us Thank you for visiting our page. We are Japanese seller and deal in 100% authentic products. We will send a package from Japan. For safety transaction, we attach tracking number, so please check the items with no worries. Please refer to the images and the Specification section for product details! If you have any question, fell free to message us! Policy PaymentYou can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Cancellations & ReturnsCancellation or returns will be accepted only if the item has an obvious problem that was not mentioned in the listing description. If that, please let us know within 3 days you got the item. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs and any charge incurred shipping products back.International BuyersImport duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.Shipping1. We always send the item with a tracking number. So please place an order without any concern on delivery. You can always track the delivery status. 2. Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay. If you want us to send another address, please change your address on eBay and then place an order. 3. Shipping is available from Monday to Friday. Weekends are not available because freight (shipping) companies are closed. 4. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” – Japan, US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

MARANTZ SC-80 Stereo Control Amplifier Verstärker Vorverstärker Champagner

End: 24.11. 2024 21:55:55 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 100.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146218502807
  • Seller: berg.n.rose (325|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ SC-80 Stereo Control Amplifier Verstärker Vorverstärker ChampagnerVerkaufe einen Vorverstärker von Marantz Model SC-80Leider funktioniert er nicht, deswegen wird er als defekt verkauft.Die Schrauben, die die Verkleidung des Gehäuses halten sollen, sind nicht mehr vorhanden.Zustand Siehe Bilder. Fernbedienung und User Guide werden mitgeschickt. In einem anderen Angebot verkaufe ich eine dazu passende Endstufe - Marantz SM-80 Privatverkauf ausdrücklich unter Ausschluss der Sachmängelhaftung! Keine Rücknahme/Garantie oder Nachverhandlung. Bieten Sie nur, wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind! Rascher, versicherter Versand mit der DHL

Marantz SC-7 Control Amplifier Rated output PRE-OUT: 1.5V/100Ω free shipping

End: 20.11. 2024 20:53:52 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 1048.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 176656398043
  • Seller: infinity_japan (2047|95.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: JP Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    shipping policy Condition DescriptionCondition Used, suitable for everyday use Minor scratches and marks Rated Output PRE-OUT: 1.5V / 100? Features and Remarks Inherits the classic American Marantz sound quality shipping shipping from Japan. We will ship via Fedex, DHL, or Japan Post. Import duties are to be borne by the customer. Shipping is free of charge, however, we will charge an additional fee for high shipping cost areas. Policy Payment You can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Cancellations & Returns Cancellation or returns will be accepted only if the item has an obvious problem that was not mentioned in the listing description. If that, please let us know within 3 days you got the item. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs and any charge incurred shipping products back.International Buyers Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.

MARANTZ SC-1000 + SM-1000 Amplifier System ** EXTREMELY RARE ** FLAGSHIP **

End: 18.11. 2024 10:13:17 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12900.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186731359555
  • Seller: analogue-dk (450|96.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Aalborg Dänemark
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ SC-1000 + SM-1000 Amplifier System ** EXTREMELY RARE ** FLAGSHIP **Welcome to Analogue-dk Ebay Store Analouge-dk Store New listed Ending soon Feedback Contact Worldwide Shipping Safe and Insured shipping Money Back Guarantee Full refund up to 14 days Dealer Guarantee min. 6 month of full product guarantee Professional Workshop Danish High Quality service workshop Categories Speakers Cassette Decks Reel to Reels Amplifiers Turntables Tubes Antique Equipment Tapes / Reels Cd-players Microphones Remotes Tuners Cables Other Amplifiers Item ID: 4990 Title: Marantz SC-1000 + SM-1000 Amplifiers Category: Amplifiers * 6 MONTHS 100% DEALER GUARANTEE * * 14 DAYS OF 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE * * WORLDWIDE SHIPPING * * SERVICED IN PROF. WORKSHOP * Description Specification Shipping & Handling Additional Description KEYWORDS: Marantz 2500, Marantz 2600, Marantz SM-1000, Marantz SC-1000. SM1000, SC1000. Description: Legendary and super rare Marantz flagship amplifier system from 1979-81. Outstanding design. Very few set ever made. This is the first complete system we have seen in 20 years! These amps has been serviced professionally according to original specs and are in outstanding visual and technical condition! 100% Original. 1.500.000 Yen in 1981, which is equal to 45.000usd in todays value. ** **** ** ** Welcome ** Product Condition Technically:100% Original. Serviced condition. 100% working. 6 month of 100% guarantee. Visually:Very very good visual condition. Minor patina on the cabinets. Specification Weight: .. Dimension: .. Country of origin: .. JAPAN Effect: .. Other: .. Shipping & Handling WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AVAILABLE!!! Shipping Prices: GERMANY: 180€ WORLDWIDE: 200€ - 400€ For countries outside europe, please ask for specific shipping costs if needed. Payment Delivery Return Policy Sales & Guarantee About Contact Payment All payments are taken care off by Ebay. You can pay with the method which suits you the best. For international transfer it is possible to make a payment directly to our business account (IBAN/ SWIFT/SEPA). If you choose this payment option, we will discount you with 3% of the total purchase amount. Please take contact for more information. Delivery *The shipping cost mentioned in the listing, covers Europe in general. There might be exceptions even in europe, as some destinations are far from Denmark. If you want a specific price please contact us directly with your country and postal code. We ship worldwide. For shipments outside europe, please contact us ahead of bidding for exact shipping calculation for your destination. The shipping price includes a fee, which covers materials and handling. All shipments sent out from Analogue, Denmark, are covered by insurance. It is important to check the package upon arrival, to insure that no damage has occurred during shipping. If any boxing looks damaged upon arrival, it is important that you take contact to us right away. Please also take good pictures of the damage and tell the driver that you have noticed this damage. Return Policy All purchases are eligible for a 14 day 100% money back guarantee. Expect stock clearance sales. The money back guarantee means that if you as a buyer are not happy with a certain purchase, you are welcome to return the item within 14 days and receive a full refund. However the product must be returned in the same condition as received. After the 14 days the product cant be returned unless the product has a fault. Then it is eligible for a guarantee process. Please take contact for more information. Sales & Guarantee Coming soon... About Coming soon... Contact Company: Analogue - Denmark Address: Rebslagervej 1 9000 Aalborg Denmark Business ID: Official Registration VAT ID: DK42435759 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08am-5pm. © 2022 Analogue. All Rights Reserved Store Feedback Contact -->

Marantz SC-9 Contorol Stereo Console Amplifier in Very Good Condition.

End: 14.11. 2024 07:42:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1091.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155927446567
  • Seller: unisound (3674|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Yokohama shi Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    eBay listing template by - Try for Free!

Marantz SC-9 Contorol Stereo Console Amplifier in Very Good Condition.

End: 14.11. 2024 07:34:59 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1096.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 156172520067
  • Seller: unisound (3677|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Yokohama shi Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    eBay listing template by - Try for Free!

Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 03.11. 2024 22:16:42 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1589.94 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326317475658
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2817|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. This is simple though, having them packed by the UPS Store at the cost of $60 with shipping being additional. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Marantz SC-7 Kontrolle Verstärker Vintage Aktiv

End: 01.11. 2024 09:18:31 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1207.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296757584474
  • Seller: take1016 (2740|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: FKUOKA, null Japan
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SC-7 Kontrolle Verstärker Vintage AktivMarantz SC-7 Kontrolle Verstärker Vintage AktivDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf unserer Site. Wir versenden Artikel aus Japan.BeschreibungFür den täglichen Gebrauch verwendet/leicht beschädigtNennausgang: PRE-OUT: 1,5 V/100 ?Bitte schauen Sie sich die Einzelheiten auf den Bildern an.Wenn Sie Fragen haben, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden.ZahlungKredit- und Debitkarten, Apple Pay, Google Pay und PayPal?Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Versand an Adressen, die nicht bei Paypal registriert sind, nicht zulässig ist.VersandWir versenden mit Tracking-Nummer wie Fedex, DHL, EMS.e-packetNormalerweise erfolgt der Versand innerhalb von 2 - 5 Werktagen.Die voraussichtliche tatsächliche Lieferzeit kann je nach Land oder Region der Lieferadresse unterschiedlich sein.Je nach Flugplan oder Zollbedingungen kann es bei Economy-Versand manchmal einen Monat oder länger dauern.Um einen günstigen Preis anbieten zu können, werden einige Produkte ohne Sendungsverfolgungsnummer versendet.Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis in dieser Angelegenheit. Internationale Käufer - Bitte beachten Sie:Wir befinden uns in Fukuoka, Japan.Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie mit der Unterbreitung unserer empfohlenen Artikel glücklich zu machen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu den Artikeln haben, können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden.?Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.   ?Bitte erkundigen Sie sich beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden, bevor Sie ein Gebot abgeben bzw. einen Kauf tätigen. ? Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Frachtfirma (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben. Verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.   ?Wir kennzeichnen Waren nicht unter Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel auch nicht als „Geschenke“. US-amerikanische und internationale Regierungsvorschriften verbieten ein solches Verhalten.Für den täglichen Gebrauch verwendet/leicht beschädigtNennausgang: PRE-OUT: 1,5 V/100 ?Bitte schauen Sie sich die Einzelheiten auf den Bildern an.Wenn Sie Fragen haben, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden. Brand Marantz Type Control Amplifier Unit Type Unit Color Silver Model SC-7 Year Manufactured 1979 Country/Region of Manufacture Japan UPC Does not apply

Marantz SC-7S2 Stereo Control Amplifier 100V USED JAPAN preamplifier audio RARE

End: 21.10. 2024 13:26:26 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4154.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196393517429
  • Seller: reimyo777 (1648|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Kakamigahara-shi, Gifu-ken Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SC-7S2 Stereo Control Amplifier Size : W459 x H136 x D461mmWeight : 21.8kg Our price is 100% negotiable! The price just means ASK!Please make an offer and we will give you the best price! Payment PayPal ONLY. Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. Shipping We ONLY ship to buyers Paypal registered address. Please Note International Buyers Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer responsibility. Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. I do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts- US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Marantz SC-8 Vorstufe Preamplifier

End: 21.10. 2024 12:28:49 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 899.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235783460006
  • Seller: stereo4you (1341|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kronau Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SC-8 Vorstufe PreamplifierGeprüftes Gerät, in gutem Zustand. Alle Ein und Aushänge wurden auf Funktion geprüft. Es gibt altersbedingte Gebrauchsspuren welche man auf den Bildern erkennt. Inkl Netzkabel.

Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 20.10. 2024 19:09:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1543.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 395794841949
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2814|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. This is simple though, having them packed by the UPS Store at the cost of $60 with shipping being additional. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

MARANTZ Model number: SC-7 control lifier

End: 18.10. 2024 05:48:10 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1437.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235789636595
  • Seller: japancollection5th (136|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Please contact us for size and details.We only sell genuine and authentic products.Please message us if you would like to see the size details.We can only communicate in English. Please contact us in English.Description As shown in the photo. MARANTZ Model number: SC-7 control amplifier SABCDrelease date 1979 Features/Notes Rated output: PRE-OUT:1.5V/100? Features/Notes This is a preamplifier that inherits the sound of the American Marantz, which was designed in the United States and manufactured in Japan. *Width for jackets, T-shirts, sweatshirts, blousons, coats, etc. is measured in pit to pit. *If you have any questions about an item, such as its condition or size, please be sure to ask before purchasing.Please do not ask questions after purchase.We will answer questions such as size and condition immediately.PaymentPlease pay as soon as you purchase the item.If you cant pay immediately, dont buy the item. Currently, the collection of DHL and FedEx is unstable due to seasonal factors and the influence of Global virus damage. We will give you the tracking number once the shipment is complete. ShippingPlease message me anything you would like to know about the item.Shipping from JAPAN with fully insured trackable online. via FedEx or DHL or EMS/ Expedited shipping services!* Economy shipping may occur when shipping items with a selling price of 100 USD or less. * If you are in a hurry to receive the cargo, please contact us before purchasing. We send a product with careful packing. Shipping is only available to the address registered in eBay.Please note that any address not registered in eBay is not acceptable to ship. After confirm your payment, Well ship this item within 3-10 business days.(except for Saturday, Sunday and national holiday in JAPAN) Terms of Sale Money back guarantee available if customer want return. About Us Money back guarantee available if customer want return.We are located in Japan. If you have any questions or request about items, please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts. The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Marantz Sc-7 Control Amplifier

End: 17.10. 2024 10:35:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1135.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226362046735
  • Seller: jp-shop2018 (1061|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 200,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAll items are shown in the pictures. If you cannot tell from the pictures please contact us. Due to differences in region codes some games CDs DVDs etc. may not ?be available. The voltage of some electrical products may be different. Please make sure to check before purchasing. PaymentPlease pay within 2 days of winning the auction. Shipping There have been delays in delivery due to the global pandemic. There may be a significant delay in the scheduled delivery date. Delivery Time Economy delivery? 3 to 4 weeks (Tracking numbers are not reflected in Australia Canada and some regions.) Standard delivery 2 to 3 weeks Terms of Sale If payment is not confirmed within 2 days of purchase the order will be cancelled. Returns are accepted within 60 days.International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. Duties and taxes are not collected by the shipping company. Please check with your countrys customs office for additional costs before bidding or purchasing. The act of declaring goods at a lower value or declaring goods as gifts is prohibited by international governments.

Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 12.10. 2024 18:44:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1546.42 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 395763297245
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2814|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. This is simple though, having them packed by the UPS Store at the cost of $60 with shipping being additional. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Marantz Musiclink Class A MA-24 Amplifiers (2) & SC-22 Preamp

End: 01.10. 2024 13:18:42 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1545.92 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326281751520
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: porschecab (2814|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering a pair (two monoblocks) of the Marantz MA-24 monoblock amplifiers, and the SC-22 preamplifier. These amps are in good physical condition with superficial marks here or there. You will notice one of the two has a small on/off button. The small button is not permanently attached. It rather sits there but does turn the amp on and off. They are functionally as they should be. The SC-22 is also in fine shape. I have an MA22 box and packaging for the SC22 but no boxes for the amps. This is simple though, having them packed by the UPS Store at the cost of $60 with shipping being additional. These amps produce outstanding sound quality with deep, tight punchy bass and clean, smooth mids/highs. These wonderful amplifiers sound much larger than their size and rated power. Outstanding build quality with large torodial transformers, factory Black Gates capacitors, cooper bottom panels, and gold plated male RCA inputs. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!

Klipsch Full System SB-3 SC-1 SS-1 KSW-10 Marantz DTR 6.3

End: 28.09. 2024 22:12:27 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 353.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256655343354
  • Seller: caaudio1 (553|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: La Habra, California USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is a all matching Klipsch system Great starter setup. All speakers are working without any issues at all. Happy to demo for local buyer. Klipsch SB-3 Bookshelves Klipsch SC-1 Center Klipsch SS-1 Rear Surrounds Klipsch KSW-150 Subwoofer Marantz DTR 6.3 with original remote and manual