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Marantz PM 68

End: 29.11. 2023 16:48:57 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 200.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:13:35
  • Item number: 355147039820
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Oberkirch,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM 68Marantz PM 68. Voll funktionsfhig ohne Brummen oder Knistern. An allen Eingngen getestet. L und R funktionsfhig. Mit Fernbedienung (funktionsfhig) und Original-Bedienungsanleitung. Optisch mit kleiner Gebrauchsspuren. Technisch einwandfrei. RECHTLICHER HINWEIS : Der Artikel wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben und wird von Privat verkauft. Mit der Abgabe dieses Gebotes erklren sie sich ausdrcklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach dem neuen EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Garantie, Rckgaberecht und Gewhrleistung bei Gebraucht- und Neuwaren vllig zu verzichten. Der Verkauf erfolgt als Privatperson unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmngelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzungen von Gesundheit, Krper oder Leben und grob fahrlssiger und/oder vorstzlicher Verletzungen meiner Pflichten als Verkufer bleibt davon unberhrt. Kaufensie erst dann, wenn sie mit RECHTLICHER HINWEIS einverstanden sind.

Original Fernbedienung MARANTZ RC-68PM für Verstärker PM-78 PM-68

End: 20.11. 2023 13:23:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 59.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 20:36:51
  • Item number: 145379886505
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Buxtehude,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,2 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Fernbedienung MARANTZ RC-68PM für Verstärker PM-78 PM-68 Fernbedienungen werden bei uns sehr gründlich gereinigt. Batterien liefern wir nicht mit, trotzdem folgender Hinweis: Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz (BattG):Im Lieferumfang vieler Geräte befinden sich Batterien oder Akkus, die zum Betrieb notwendig sind. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Verkauf dieser Batterien oder Akkus sind wir als Vertreiber gemäß dem Batteriegesetz (BattG) verpflichtet die Käufer aufmerksam zu machen: Altbatterien dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll. Verbraucher sind gesetzlich verpflichtet, Batterien bei einer geeigneten Sammelstelle abzugeben. Sie können ihre gebrauchten Batterien auch an uns zurück schicken (Agnieszka Paszek Am Rethtich 7 , 21614 Buxtehude ).Batterien und Akkus sind mit dem Symbol einer durchgekreuzten Mülltonne gekennzeichnet.Die Mülltonne bedeutet: Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll.Die Zeichen unter den Mülltonnen stehen für: Pb Batterie/Akku enthält Blei, Cd Batterie/Akku enthält Cadmium, Hg Batterie/Akku enthält Quecksilber. Gezeigte oder erwähnte Firmenzeichen, Firmenlogos, Firmennamen, Warenzeichen und Markennamen sind Eigentum des jeweiligen Herstellers oder Markeninhabers oder Rechteinhabers - ich verwende sie nur zur Identifizierung der Kaufsache.All copyrights and trademarks or registered Trademarks mentioned or shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker Verstärker Amplifier Vintage Audio

End: 08.11. 2023 18:07:28 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 100.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 21:29:50
  • Item number: 364558543072
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Heek,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker Verstärker Amplifier Vintage AudioIch verkaufe hier mein MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker Verstärker Amplifier Vintage Audio defekt defekt defekt Zustand (siehe Fotos).sie erhalten denn Artikel so wie auf dem Foto . Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewähr­leistung.

MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker / Amplifier

End: 05.11. 2023 05:55:44 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 269.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:17:36
  • Item number: 314869283434
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Niederlande Niederlande
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 20,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker / AmplifierFunktioniert einwandfrei, Gebrauchsspuren sind auf den bildern zu finden. Weitere Fotos finden Sie hier unter in der Beschreibung. wird ohne weiteres Zubehör geliefert.Ohne fernbedienung. Photo Gallery - click to enlarge

MARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defekt

End: 27.10. 2023 14:53:24 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155843661179
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: lisboa94 (76|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stahnsdorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defektMARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defekt.Info vom HiFi Geschäft:- Kondensator auf Platine defekt

MARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defekt

End: 22.10. 2023 14:52:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 99.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 4T 22:12:1
  • Item number: 155834229439
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Kleinmachnow,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defektMARANTZ PM-68 Verstärker, gebraucht, optisch guter Zustand, defekt.Info vom HiFi Geschäft:- Kondensator auf Platine defekt

Marantz PM-68 Integrated Stereo Amplifier

End: 18.09. 2023 14:42:31 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 239.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266383898129
  • Seller: fb_fan (1482|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bad Hönningen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 14,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM-68  Integrated Stereo AmplifierMarantz PM-68 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Zum Verkauf bieten wir ein Funktionsfähigen gebrauchten Verstärker mit Rücknahmegarantie. For sale we offer a functioning, used amplifier with a take-back guarantee. À la vente, nous proposons un amplificateur doccasion fonctionnel avec une garantie de reprise. Vendo amplificatore usato funzionante con garanzia di ritiro. Artikelbeschreibung: Stereo Integrated AmplifierPhonesSpeakers 1+2 Bass, Treble, Balance ReglerSource Direct Farbe Champagner Eingänge für Tape 1+2, Phono, CD, Tuner, Aux1+2 Abmessungen 435x160x370mm. (BxHxT)Original Bilder Zubehör:Ohne BedienungsanleitungOhne Fernbedienung Zustand:In guter Zustand Funktionsfähig Versand:Lieferzeit 2-3 WerktagenVersand innerhalb Deutschland 14,90 € Versand nach EU-Länder 29 €. Versicherte VersandSichere VerpackungVersendet wird mit DHL BezahlungBezahlung über EbayBarzahlung bei Abholung

Marantz PM 68 Stereo Verstärker - Ein Kanal Defekt

End: 11.09. 2023 18:24:04 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 99.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155765163206
  • Seller: cryptoguy21 (128|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Erlensee Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM 68 Stereo Verstärker - Ein Kanal DefektDer Marantz PM 68 Stereo Verstärker ist als Ersatzteil / defekt erhältlich. Ein Kanal ist defekt und benötigt eine Reparatur. Der Verstärker ist ideal für HiFi-Enthusiasten. Bei mir lief der Verstärker mit T+A 80. Mit seinen hochwertigen Komponenten und seinem eleganten Design ist der PM 68 ein Klassiker unter den Verstärkern. Aufgrund seines Defekts ist er jedoch ausschließlich für Bastler oder als Ersatzteil geeignet.

MARANTZ PM-68 hochwertiger Stereo Verstärker Amplifier + Phono + guter Zustand

End: 10.08. 2023 10:12:40 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 219.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364321778828
  • Seller: augusta-audio (3319|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Augsburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 33,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM-68 edler Stereo Vollverstärker Voll funktionsfähig Optisch guter Zustand, leichte Gebrauchsspuren, kleinere Kratzerchen, siehe Bilder. ansonsten Zustand wie abgebildet siehe Bilder. Bitte beachten Sie die Bilder, diese sind Teil der Artikelbeschreibung. Lieferumfang wie abgebildet Ohne weiteres Zubehör! Keine Anleitung! Keine Fernbedienung! Versandkosten beziehen sich auf den Versand innerhalb Deutschlands Internationale Versandkosten bitte vor dem Kauf erfragen! Worlwide Shipping!!! Please ask for the shipping costs to your Country : ) !

marantz verstärker pm 68

End: 03.08. 2023 16:19:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 116.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175837008621
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: benjamin_heideck (102|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: WENDELSTEIN Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 14,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    marantz verstrker pm 68. Sehr guter zustand sieht aus wir neu Keine Garantie Gekauft wie gesehen.

Marantz PM-68 Stereo Amplifier

End: 26.07. 2023 09:27:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 239.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295795720943
  • Seller: sound-53 (228|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bad Hönningen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 14,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM-68 Stereo Amplifier Artikelbeschreibung: Funktionsfähig Stereo Amplifier PhonesSpeakers 1, 2 Bass, Treble, Balance ReglerSource DirektTapeRec SelektorFarbe SchwarzMit Fernbedienung Eingänge für Phono, CD, Tuner, Aux 1+2, Tape 1+2 Optisch mit Gebrauchsspuren siehe BilderOriginal BilderAbmessungen 435x160x380mm. (BxHxT) Lieferumfang : 1x Amplifier 1x Fernbedienung Versand :Lieferzeit 2-3 WerktagenVersendet wird mit DHL-VersandVersandkosten innerhalb Deutschland mit Verpackungsmaterial 14,90 €.Versandkosten nach EU- Länder 29 €.Versichertes VersandSichere Verpackung Bei uns können Sie gebrauchte HiFi-Geräte kaufen, die Sie innerhalb von eine Monat zurück geben können. Geboten wird ein Verstärker der voll Funktionsfähig ist. You can buy used HiFi devices from us, which you can return within one month. An amplifier is available that is fully functional. Vous pouvez nous acheter des appareils HiFi doccasion, que vous pouvez retourner dans un délai dun mois. Un amplificateur est entièrement fonctionnel. Puoi acquistare da noi i dispositivi HiFi usati, che puoi restituire entro un mese. È disponibile un amplificatore perfettamente funzionante.


End: 15.07. 2023 14:03:20 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394629960588
  • Seller: www-technikhouse-de (2893|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Dresden Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Marantz PM68 Amplificateur Bolide Phono MM - Noir - Commerçant - Sauber

End: 11.07. 2023 09:53:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 257.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185956155051
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4699|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplificateur Bolide Phono MM - Noir - Commerçant - SauberCette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Amplificateur de puissance intégré Marantz PM68 à pleine puissance !!!! MARCHANDISES AU DÉTAIL VÉRIFIÉES AVEC GARANTIE !!!!!!!!! Hello mes chers vinylistes !!! OFFRANT UN GRAND AMPLIFICATEUR COMPLET DU FABRICANT PREMIUM MARANTZ !!!! GRAND AMPLIFICATEUR HIFI AVEC UNE BONNE CONNEXION PHONO MM POUR PLATINES - SI VOUS NEN AVEZ PAS, JE CONSTRUISRAI UN ENSEMBLE POUR VOUS 😂😂😂 Bolide de 12,3 KG avec 210 watts de puissance SATT ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ Épais - Noir - Mal ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ ?Ÿ’? AMPLIFICATEUR COMPLET HIFI - TOP SON ?Ÿ’? PRODUITS DE DÉTAILLANT VÉRIFIÉS AVEC GARANTIE !!! Condition: Lappareil est optiquement et techniquement en très bon état. Juste quelques rayures sur le dessus de lappareil ! Minimal sur le côté, tout se voit à peine. Mentionnez seulement !! La façade en particulier brille toujours magnifiquement dans un noir riche et diabolique ! Laluminium a lair extrêmement chic et élégant! Les pieds argentés complètent le panneau avant noble et sombre, cest vraiment une vraie beauté et lÅ“il mange avec !!! Techniquement absolument dans le meilleur état. Il ny a pas de claquement ou de bruit blanc sortant des haut-parleurs, juste ce qui est censé sortir. Jai nettoyé tous les potentiomètres avec des moyens pas trop durs, mais cela servait plus de profil, car cétait déjà top, mais il a été ouvert une fois et devait être nettoyé de toute façon. Cétait juste poussiéreux, mais vous pouvez voir la qualité là-bas, mais techniquement, tout sonnait bien. Mais ensuite obtenu un nettoyage. Les pots ont été nettoyés et tout a été poli à haute brillance ?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚ Je nappellerais pas ça révisé, il ny avait pas assez à faire, mais cest dépassé !  Comme toujours, nous nutilisons que des nettoyants de la plus haute qualité, qui ne sont généralement pas si agressifs !! Donc rien de WD40 ou ce que je connais comme remèdes ! Nos nettoyants nagissent que très peu de temps, nettoient efficacement, mais nattaquent pas les composants et vous pourrez donc en profiter longtemps après, normalement ! Le tout en valait vraiment la peine, pas un seul clic ne peut être entendu et cela de très silencieux à très fort !! Dun point de vue purement visuel, cest une pièce vraiment noble. Et le son était à nouveau absolument clair et riche. La large gamme de fréquences fait ressortir un son détaillé! Létage phono est vraiment excellent pour la gamme de prix et peut certainement être comparé à des appareils plus chers ! Tout dépend de Takko maintenant. État de rêve absolu quil manifeste à lâge de presque 30 ans. Mais cest vraiment dans ses meilleurs jours, ce qui est ici est vraiment, typiquement Marantz, la meilleure qualité absolue de classe et ne peut pas vraiment être comparé aux boîtes actuelles. Ce sont les meilleurs produits analogiques - des trucs disco messieurs - pour ceux qui savent ?Ÿ˜‚ ! Si vous cherchez un prince de rêve analogique dans une robe noble, ala Integra et toutes les forges haut de gamme, vous devriez certainement être heureux ici ! À LENDROIT QUE JE RECOMMANDE : REGARDEZ LES PHOTOS ORIGINALES - VOUS OBTENEZ CE QUE VOUS VOYEZ - PAS DE BULLSHIT !!! Description du produit: Audio 11/1997 : test individuel, classe supérieure, 3 oreilles. Son CD : 70 points (bon), son Phono MM : 65 points (bon). Le Marantz PM 68 est un excellent amplificateur intégré doté dun équipement somptueux, de circuits complexes et dun excellent son. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stéréo 1/1998 : Résultat du test Stéréo : excellent, 3 étoiles. Bravo : Pour 800 marks, Marantz offre la combinaison parfaite de différentes qualités. Ceux-ci incluent un bon confort avec de nombreuses options de connexion, une haute qualité technique, une puissance de sortie élevée et un excellent son. La dynamique, la résolution et léquilibre tonal du PM 68 sont convaincants. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Données: Général Marque : Marantz Modèle : PM-68 Type : amplificateur intégré Années de construction : 1996 - 1998 Fabriqué en : Japon Couleur : noir, champagne Consommation dénergie: Dimensions : 439 x 159 x 375 mm (LxHxP) Poids : 12,3 kg Prix ​​neuf environ : 800 DM nombre dentrées bande 1 bande 2 CD tuner AUX1 AUX2 Sensibilité/Impédance (tous sauf phono) : 150mV/40k ohms): Rapport signal/bruit : 88 dB Réponse en fréquence : 10Hz-65KHz PhonoMM Sensibilité/impédance : 2,5 mV/47 k ohms Précision de la réponse en fréquence : 0,5 dB Rapport signal/bruit : 85 dB Nombre de sorties : bande 1 bande 2 2 paires denceintes Spécifications techniques: Puissance continue (au facteur de distorsion) RMS 8 ohms : 2x 95 W (0,03 %) DIN 8 ohms : 2x 105 W performances dynamiques 8 ohms : 2x 122 W 4 ohms : 2x 185 W 2 ohms : 2x 198 W Distorsion harmonique totale : (1 dB / à pleine puissance) : 0,05% / 0,2% (informations selon Stéréo 1/98, p.46) Facteur damortissement : 150 Réponse en fréquence : voir entrées Rapport signal sur bruit : voir entrées Séparation des canaux stéréo (1 kHz/10 kHz, source directe) > 80/70 dB contrôle de tonalité Basse (100Hz): +/- 8dB Aigu : (10kHz) : +- 8dB Intensité : non Filtre haut : non Filtre bas (subsonique): non Muet : oui Direct/ligne droite : Oui Équipement spécial Sélecteur denregistrement (enregistrement séparé et sélecteur dentrée) 2 boucles de bande et boucle pour lutilisation dun processeur de signal Capteur intégré contrôlable à distance SourceDirect Modules damplification de sortie HDAM Contenu de la livraison : Amplificateur Marantz PM68 Copie du manuel dutilisation service manuel Avec garantie - achat sans regrets - sûr et de qualité ! Option : SYSTÈMES - PETITE SÉLECTION : Shuré Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton époque 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Certains AKG Ortofonse Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E et bien plus encore. Différent Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Édition Limitée - 13eav - AT12XE SUPPLÉMENTS: HE vif - Notre nettoyeur daiguilles, spécialement fabriqué dans une petite usine, pour prolonger la durée de vie du système, fabriqué à partir deau ultra pure issue dun milieu médical pour ne laisser absolument aucun résidu sur la bonne pièce. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de lapplicateur, car il trouve le juste équilibre entre dureté, bon nettoyage et souplesse, cest-à-dire doux pour les zones délicates. Plus un set de vis phono haut de gamme pour 9,99 € dans un emballage écologique et réutilisable ! Bien sûr démagnétisé !! Balances de bras de lecture qui rendent inutile le réglage ennuyeux du poids déquilibrage, où vous ne savez toujours pas sil est correct de toute façon. Raccrochez, lisez, profitez !! fileur: Divers Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony et bien dautres. jamais tout dans la baie ou ailleurs - celui qui demande gagne !!! Repos: AMPLIFICATEUR AVEC PHONO UTILISÉ BOÃ?TES HIFI CASQUE TECHNICS DJ 1210 CASQUE TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 CASQUE TECHNICS DJ 1200 CASQUE SENNHEISER - HD25 CASQUE BLUETOOTH HAUTE RÉSOLUTION écrivez moi que je crée un article personnalisé Écrivez simplement après ce que cela devrait être et je créerai un article personnalisé pour vous !!! Donc top offre, avec garantie - alors achetez sans regrets ! TOUS SOUS RÉSERVE DE DISPONIBILITÉ - SI PAS LÀ PAS LÀ  NOUS AIMONS AUSSI ÉCOUTER VOS SUGGESTIONS SUR VOTRE ANCIEN ÉQUIPEMENT BONS PRIX ÉQUITABLES  IMPORTANT SUR LE PROCESSUS : Un emballage approprié est une évidence. Daprès une expérience de près de 20 ans, il existe définitivement une méthode demballage de haute qualité. Si disponibles, les vis de transport sont serrées, les plaques et les contrepoids sont retirés et emballés séparément. La cartouche et tout le reste sont emballés dans des sacs ESD antistatiques, qui empêchent la décharge et protègent la cartouche et lappareil !! Tout extrêmement bien emballé. Dans la mesure du possible, nous utilisons des matériaux anciens pour des raisons écologiques afin dutiliser le moins de plastique possible. Nous considérons quil est de notre devoir de protéger non seulement le cercle noir, mais aussi le cercle bleu et déviter le gaspillage dans la mesure du possible. Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne le souhaitez pas, veuillez nous en informer à lavance. Je suis heureux de vous aider si vous avez des problèmes! Pour des raisons defficacité, les articles sont emballés en vrac le vendredi, ce qui signifie quil existe différents délais de livraison de 1 à 6 jours, tout est possible. Je tiens également à souligner que la qualité et les délais de livraison rapides ne vont pas ensemble. De nombreux appareils font lobjet dune maintenance et il existe également de longues chaînes de test, etc. pp Donnez-nous le temps que vous vous êtes certainement accordé lors de la prise de décision dachat et laissez-nous vous livrer la qualité que vous voulez et méritez. Je ne pense pas quil y ait une jambe cassée pendant quelques jours ou pas. Profitez simplement de lanticipation !!! Le stress, trépidant et rapide, rapide ne permet pas la qualité !!! demander un diamant ;-) Merci pour votre confiance !!! pan!! NOUS VOUS LIVRONS : Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, raretés, platines, disques, hardcore, gabber, aiguille de rechange, circuit imprimé, portacápsulas , porte-système, porte-cartouche, fixation de cellule, système de micro, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, r Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Marantz PM68 Amplificatore Bolide Audio MM - Nero - Commerciante - Sauber

End: 11.07. 2023 09:53:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 255.28 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175808012833
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4710|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplificatore Bolide Audio MM - Nero - Commerciante - SauberLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. Amplificatore integrato Marantz PM68 a piena potenza!!!! MERCE AL DETTAGLIO VERIFICATA CON GARANZIA!!!!!!!!! Ciao miei cari vinilisti!!! OFFRIRE UN GRANDE AMPLIFICATORE COMPLETO DAL PREMIUM PRODUTTORE MARANTZ!!!! GRANDE AMPLIFICATORE HIFI CON BUONA CONNESSIONE PHONO MM PER GIRADISCHI - SE NON NE HAI TI COSTRURO UN PACCHETTO PER TE ?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚ Bolide da 12,3 KG con 210 watt di potenza SATT ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ Spesso - Nero - Male ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ ?Ÿ’? AMPLIFICATORE COMPLETO HIFI - SUONO SUPERIORE ?Ÿ’? MERCE RIVENDITORE VERIFICATO CON GARANZIA!!! Condizione: Il dispositivo è otticamente e tecnicamente in ottime condizioni. Solo qualche graffio sulla parte superiore del dispositivo! Minimo sul lato, tutto difficilmente si vede. Solo menzione!! Il frontalino in particolare brilla ancora magnificamente in un nero ricco e malvagio! Lalluminio sembra estremamente elegante ed elegante! I piedi dargento completano il pannello frontale nobile e scuro, è davvero una vera bellezza e locchio mangia con esso!!! Tecnicamente assolutamente nelle migliori condizioni. Non ci sono scoppiettii o rumori bianchi che escono dagli altoparlanti, solo quello che dovrebbe uscire. Ho pulito tutti i potenziometri con mezzi non troppo duri, ma questo serviva più da profilo, perché era già alto, ma era aperto una volta e andava pulito lo stesso. Era solo polveroso, ma puoi vedere la qualità lì, ma tecnicamente tutto suonava alla grande. Ma poi ho avuto una pulizia. Le pentole sono state pulite e tutto è stato lucidato a specchio 😂😂 Non lo definirei rivisto, non cera abbastanza da fare, ma è obsoleto!  Come sempre, utilizziamo solo detergenti della migliore qualità, che di solito non sono così aggressivi!! Quindi niente WD40 o quello che so per i rimedi! I nostri pulitori funzionano solo per un tempo molto breve, puliscono in modo efficace, ma non attaccano i componenti e quindi puoi goderne davvero a lungo, normalmente! Ne è valsa assolutamente la pena, non si sente un solo clic e quello da molto basso a molto forte!! Da un punto di vista puramente visivo è un pezzo davvero nobile. E il suono era di nuovo assolutamente chiaro e ricco. Lampia gamma di frequenze mette in risalto un suono dettagliato! Lo stadio phono è davvero ottimo per la fascia di prezzo e può sicuramente essere paragonato a dispositivi più costosi! Adesso tocca a Takko. Stato di sogno assoluto che mostra alletà di quasi 30 anni. Ma è davvero nei suoi giorni migliori, quello che cè qui è davvero, tipicamente Marantz, la migliore qualità assoluta della classe e non può davvero essere paragonato alle scatole attuali. Questo è il miglior prodotto analogico - roba da discoteca signori - per chi lo sa ?Ÿ˜‚! Se stai cercando un principe dei sogni analogico in una veste nobile, ala Integra e tutte le fucine di fascia alta, dovresti sicuramente essere felice qui! AL LUOGO CHE CONSIGLIO: GUARDA LE FOTO ORIGINALI - OTTIENI QUELLO CHE VEDI - NIENTE CAZZATE!!! Descrizione del prodotto: Audio 11/1997: prova individuale, classe superiore, 3 spighe. Suono CD: 70 punti (buono), suono Phono MM: 65 punti (buono). Il Marantz PM 68 è un ottimo amplificatore integrato dotato di apparecchiature sontuose, circuiti complessi e un suono eccellente. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stereo 1/1998: Risultato del test stereo: eccellente, 3 stelle. Bravo: per 800 marchi, Marantz offre la perfetta combinazione di diverse qualità. Questi includono un buon comfort con numerose opzioni di connessione, alta qualità tecnica, elevata potenza di uscita e un suono eccellente. La dinamica, la risoluzione e lequilibrio tonale del PM 68 sono convincenti. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Dati: Generale Marca: Maranta Modello: PM-68 Tipo: amplificatore integrato Anni di costruzione: 1996 - 1998 Prodotto in: Giappone Colore: nero, champagne Consumo di energia: Dimensioni: 439 x 159 x 375 mm (LxAxP) Peso: 12,3 kg Nuovo prezzo circa: 800 DM numero di ingressi nastro 1 nastro 2 CD sintonizzatore AUX1 AUX2 Sensibilità/Impedenza (tutti tranne phono): 150mV/40k ohm): Rapporto segnale/rumore: 88 dB Risposta in frequenza: 10Hz-65KHz Fono MM Sensibilità/impedenza: 2,5 mV/47k ohm Precisione della risposta in frequenza: 0,5 dB Rapporto segnale/rumore: 85 dB Numero di uscite: nastro 1 nastro 2 2 coppie di altoparlanti Specifiche tecniche: Potenza continua (al fattore di distorsione) RMS 8 ohm: 2x 95 W (0,03%) DIN 8 ohm: 2x 105 W prestazioni dinamiche 8 ohm: 2x 122 W 4 ohm: 2x 185 W 2 ohm: 2x 198 W Distorsione armonica totale: (1 dB / a piena potenza): 0,05% / 0,2% (informazioni secondo Stereo 1/98, p.46) Fattore di smorzamento: 150 Risposta in frequenza: vedi ingressi Rapporto segnale/rumore: vedi ingressi Separazione canali stereo (1kHz/10kHz, Source Direct): >80/>70dB controllo del tono Bassi (100Hz): +/- 8dB Alti: (10kHz): +- 8dB Rumorosità: no Filtro alto: no Filtro basso (subsonico): no Muto: sì Diretto/Linea Retta: sì Equipaggiamento speciale Selettore di registrazione (registrazione separata e selettore di ingresso) 2 loop a nastro e loop per lutilizzo di un processore di segnale Sensore integrato controllabile a distanza SourceDirect Moduli amplificatori di uscita HDAM Fornitura: Amplificatore Marantz PM68 Copia del manuale utente manuale di servizio Con garanzia - acquisto senza rimpianti - sicuro e di qualità! Opzioni: SISTEMI - PICCOLO SELEZIONE: sicuro Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton epoca 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Alcuni AKG Ortofons Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E e molto altro. Philips diversi OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Edizione Limitata - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRA: Vivido LUI - Il nostro pulitore per aghi, appositamente prodotto in una piccola fabbrica, per prolungare la vita del sistema, realizzato con acqua ultrapura proveniente da un ambiente medico per non lasciare assolutamente residui sul pezzo buono. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi dellapplicatore, in quanto trova il giusto equilibrio tra durezza, buona pulizia e flessibilità, cioè delicato sulle zone delicate. Più un set di viti fono superiore per € 9,99 in una confezione ecologica e riutilizzabile! Ovviamente smagnetizzato!! Bilance a braccio che rendono superflua la fastidiosa regolazione del contrappeso, dove si è sempre incerti se sia comunque giusto. Riattacca, leggi, divertiti!! filatore: Vari Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony e molti altri. mai tutto nella Baia o da qualche altra parte - vince chi chiede!!! Riposo: AMPLIFICATORE CON PHONO USATO SCATOLE HIFI TECHNICS DJ 1210 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ 1200 CUFFIE CUFFIE SENNHEISER - HD25 CUFFIE BLUETOOTH AD ALTA RISOLUZIONE scrivimi che creo un articolo personalizzato Basta scrivere dopo come dovrebbe essere e creerò un articolo personalizzato per te!!! Quindi lofferta migliore, con garanzia - quindi acquista senza rimpianti! TUTTO SOGGETTO A DISPONIBILITA - SE NON CÈ NON CÈ  CI PIACE ANCHE ASCOLTARE I VOSTRI SUGGERIMENTI SULLE VECCHIE ATTREZZATURE BUONI PREZZI GIUSTI  IMPORTANTE SUL PROCESSO: Limballaggio adeguato è una cosa ovvia. Dallesperienza di quasi 20 anni, esiste sicuramente un metodo di imballaggio di alta qualità. Se disponibili, le viti di trasporto vengono serrate, le piastre ei contrappesi vengono rimossi e imballati separatamente. La cartuccia e tutto il resto è confezionato in sacchetti ESD antistatici, che ne impediscono lo scarico e proteggono la cartuccia e il dispositivo!! Tutto estremamente ben confezionato. Ove possibile, utilizziamo vecchi materiali per motivi ecologici in modo da utilizzare meno plastica possibile. Consideriamo nostro obbligo non solo proteggere il cerchio nero, ma anche il cerchio blu ed evitare sprechi ove possibile. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non lo desideri, faccelo sapere in anticipo. Sono felice di aiutarti se hai problemi! Per motivi di efficienza, gli articoli vengono imballati alla rinfusa il venerdì, il che significa che ci sono tempi di consegna diversi da 1 a 6 giorni, tutto è possibile. Vorrei inoltre sottolineare che qualità e tempi di consegna rapidi non vanno di pari passo. Molti dispositivi ricevono manutenzione e ci sono anche lunghe catene di test, ecc. pp Dacci il tempo che sicuramente ti sei concesso quando prendi la decisione di acquisto e lasciaci offrire la qualità che desideri e meriti. Non credo che ci sia una gamba rotta per alcuni giorni o meno. Goditi lattesa!!! Stress, frenetico e veloce, veloce non permette la qualità!!! chiedi un diamante ;-) Grazie per la tua fiducia!!! scoppio!! TI CONSEGNIAMO: Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabber, ago di ricambio, circuito stampato, portacapsule , supporto sistema, supporto cartuccia, fissaggio cellule, sistema pickup, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoca II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Cinghia dentata, grammofono, fonografo, Giradischi, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Marantz Hifi Stereoanlage | ST-59 | CD-67mkIISE | PM-68

End: 02.07. 2023 19:29:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 160.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354873407904
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: urlaubsguru123 (5|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 16,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Verkauft wird eine Marantz Hifi Anlage bestehend aus: - Synthesizer Stereo Tuner ST-59 - Comapct Disc Player CD-67mkIISE + Fernbedienung - Integrated Stereo Amplifier PM-68 + Fernbedienung Alle 3 Geräte funktionieren (siehe Bilder in der Beschreibung) Bei dem PM-68 und dem ST-59 fehlen jeweils die Stecker. Getestet wurden sie in dem ich einen provisorischen Stecker angebaut habe und somit die Anlage testen konnte. Den Zustand entnehmen sie bitte aus den Bildern heraus. Gebrauchsspuren sind vorhanden. Gesamtgewicht mit Karton beträgt: 23.1 kg Für weitere Fragen stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung. Da es ein Privatkauf ist besteht keine Rücknahme sowie Garantie. Die Bilder gehören zur Beschreibung.

Marantz PM-68 - Integrated Stereo Amplifier Vollverstärker Verstärker (6142)

End: 30.06. 2023 16:00:01 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 58.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314659579000
  • Bids: 14
  • Seller: emw-elektro-media-world (35713|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wilhelmshaven Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    International bidders are welcome Please ask your questions before bidding / buying! Marantz PM-68 Integrated Stereo Amplifier / Vollverstärker / Verstärker Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer. Vollverstärker von Marantz, Modell 74PM68/02B. Optischer Zustand: Das Gerät befindet sich optisch in einem gebrauchten Zustand mit sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren / Kratzern (sehen Sie sich die Fotos vor dem Kauf bitte genau an). Technischer Zustand: Das Gerät funktioniert nur über CD Direct - bitte beachten! Der Verkauf erfolgt als Ersatzteilträger/defekt an Bastler. Ohne Fernbedienung For International bidders: Technical condition: The device only works via CD Direct - please note! The sale takes place as a spare part carrier/defective to hobbyists. Without remote control Technische Daten Fertigungsjahre: 1996-98Dauerleistung (bei Klirrfaktor): RMS 8 Ohm: 2x 95 W (0,03%), DIN 8 Ohm: 2x 105 WDynamikleistung: 8 Ohm: 2x 122 W, 4 Ohm: 2x 185 W, 2 Ohm: 2x 198 WMute: jaDirect/Line-Straight: jaKlangregler: Bass, HöhenAbmessungen in mm B/H/T: 439/159/375Gewicht: 12,3 kg (6142) Unsere Geräte sind mit einem Siegel gekennzeichnet. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die Gewährleistung / Rücknahme erlischt, wenn das Siegel beschädigt oder entfernt wird. Lieferumfang: wie abgebildet / OHNE weiteres Zubehör Gute und sichere Verpackung wird garantiert. Sollte sich ein Problem ergeben... ... Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, bevor Sie sich an eBay wenden oder uns eine negative Bewertung geben! Denn für jedes Problem gibt es eine Lösung! Unser Service-Team beantwortet gerne Ihre Fragen! Wir werden uns um Ihre Zufriedenheit bemühen und das Problem lösen. Should a problem arise... ... Please contact us before contacting eBay or giving us negative feedback! Because for every problem there is a solution! Our service team will be happy to answer your questions! We will strive for your satisfaction and solve the problem.

Vintage Marantz PM-68 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Tested Working Good Condition!

End: 30.06. 2023 01:46:40 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 124.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204375844336
  • Seller: onehundr-40 (3|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ephrata, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Marantz PM-68 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Tested Working Good Condition!. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Parcel Select Ground.

EDEL Marantz PM-68 High-end Stereo Verstärker Amplifier origininal Fernbedienung

End: 28.06. 2023 10:09:05 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 180.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175744414428
  • Seller: 20hobby12 (226|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nürnberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Funktionsgeprüfter und gewarteter Marantz PM-68 High-end Stereo Verstärker Amplifier Das Gerät wurde pfleglich in einem Privathaushalt betrieben und immer mal gewartet / instandgesetzt.Funktioniert somit tadellos.Der optischer Zustand ist sehr gut minimalste Gebrauchtspuren - siehe die OriginalbilderBesonderheiten :Teilweise vergoldete ChincheingangsbuchsenPhonoeingang8x Leistungstransistoren in der Endstufe für hohe Leistungsbereitschaft.Loudness MutingGebürstete Metallfrontblende.Auftrennbarer Vor-EndverstärkerTech. Daten aus dem Netz Power output: 125 watts per channel into 4? (stereo) Power output: 95 watts per channel into 8? (stereo) Frequency response: 10Hz to 65kHz Total harmonic distortion: 0.03% Damping factor: 150 Input sensitivity: 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line) Signal to noise ratio: 85dB (MM), 88dB (line) Channel separation: 70dB (line) Dimensions: 439 x 159 x 375mm Weight: 12.3kg

Marantz PM68 Amplifier Bolide Phono MM - Black - Dealer - Sauber

End: 22.06. 2023 08:03:34 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 288.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175773222298
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 38,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 integrated amplifier power amp with full power!!!! VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A GREAT FULL AMPLIFIER FROM THE PREMIUM MANUFACTURER MARANTZ!!!! GREAT HIFI AMPLIFIER WITH GOOD MM PHONO CONNECTION FOR TURNTABLES - IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY, ILL BUILD A BUNDLE FOR YOU 😂😂😂 12.3 KG bolide with 210 watts of power SATT ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ Thick - Black - Evil ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ ?Ÿ’? HIFI FULL AMPLIFIER - TOP SOUND ?Ÿ’? VERIFIED RETAILER GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!! Condition: The device is optically and technically in very good condition. Just a few scratches on the top of the device! Minimal on the side, everything can hardly be seen. Mention only!! The faceplate in particular still shines beautifully in rich, evil black! The aluminum looks extremely classy and stylish! The silver feet round off the noble, dark front panel, is really a real beauty and the eye eats with it!!! Technically absolutely in the best condition. Theres no popping or white noise coming out of the speakers, just whats supposed to come out. I cleaned all the potentiometers with not too harsh means, but this served more as a profile, because it was already top, but it was open once and had to be cleaned anyway. It was just dusty, but you can see the quality there, but technically everything sounded great. But then got a cleaning. Pots were cleaned and everything was polished to a high gloss 😂😂 I wouldnt call it revised, there wasnt enough to do, but its outdated!  So, as always, we only use the highest quality cleaners, which are usually not that harsh!! So nothing WD40 or what I know for remedies! Our cleaners only work for a very short time, clean effectively, but do not attack the components and so you can really enjoy them for a long time afterwards, normally! The whole thing was absolutely worth it, not a single click can be heard and that from very quiet to very loud!! From a purely visual point of view it is a really noble piece. And the sound was absolutely clear and rich again. The wide frequency range brings out a detailed sound! The phono stage is really excellent for the price range and can definitely be compared with more expensive devices! Its all up to Takko now. Absolute dream state that he shows at the age of almost 30. But its really in its best days, whats on here is really, typically Marantz, absolute best class quality and cant really be compared with current boxes. This is analogue best goods - disco stuff gentlemen - for those who know 😂! If you are looking for an analogue dream prince in a noble robe, ala Integra and all the hi-end forges, you should definitely be happy here! AT THE PLACE I RECOMMEND: LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT!!! Product description: Audio 11/1997: individual test, upper class, 3 ears. CD sound: 70 points (good), Phono MM sound: 65 points (good). The Marantz PM 68 is a great integrated amplifier that comes up with lavish equipment, complex circuitry and excellent sound. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stereo 1/1998: Stereo test result: excellent, 3 stars. Bravo: For 800 marks, Marantz offers the perfect combination of different qualities. These include good comfort with plenty of connection options, high technical quality, high output power and excellent sound. Dynamics, resolution and tonal balance of the PM 68 are convincing. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Data: General Brand: Marantz Model: PM-68 Type: integrated amplifier Years of construction: 1996 - 1998 Manufactured in: Japan Colour: black, champagne Power Consumption: Dimensions: 439 x 159 x 375 mm (WxHxD) Weight: 12.3kg New price approx.: 800 DM number of inputs tape 1 tape 2 CD tuner AUX1 AUX2 Sensitivity/Impedance (all except phono): 150mV/40k ohms): Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 88dB Frequency Response: 10Hz-65KHz Phono MM Sensitivity/Impedance: 2.5mV/47k ohms Frequency Response Accuracy: 0.5dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 85dB Number of exits: tape 1 tape 2 2 pairs of speakers Technical specifications: Continuous power (at distortion factor) RMS 8 ohms: 2x 95 W (0.03%) din 8 ohms: 2x 105 W dynamic performance 8 ohms: 2x 122 W 4 ohms: 2x 185 W 2 ohms: 2x 198 W Total harmonic distortion: (1 dB / under full power): 0.05% / 0.2% (information according to Stereo 1/98, p.46) Damping factor: 150 Frequency response: see inputs Signal-to-noise ratio: see inputs Stereo Channel Separation (1kHz/10kHz, Source Direct): >80/>70dB tone control Bass (100Hz): +/- 8dB Treble: (10kHz): +- 8dB Loudness: no High filter: no Low filter (subsonic): no Mute: yes Direct/Line Straight: Yes Special equipment Record selector (separate record and input selector) 2 tape loops and loop for using a signal processor Remote controllable, built-in sensor SourceDirect HDAM output amplifier modules Scope of delivery: Amplifier Marantz PM68 Copy of user manual service manual With warranty - purchase without regrets - safe and with quality! Options: SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Shure Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton epoch 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Some AKGs Ortofonse Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRAS: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment in order to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Plus a top phono screw set for €9.99 in environmentally friendly, reusable packaging! Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, sony and many more. never everything in the Bay or somewhere else - whoever asks wins!!! Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item Just write afterwards what it should be and Ill create a personalized article for you!!! So top offer, with warranty - so buy without regrets! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY - IF NOT THERE NOT THERE  WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT GOOD FAIR PRICES  IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. The cartridge and everything else is packed in anti-static ESD bags, which prevent discharge and protect the cartridge and device!! Everything extremely well packed. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! For reasons of efficiency, the items are packed in bulk on Fridays, which means that there are different delivery times of 1 - 6 days, anything is possible. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. I dont think theres a broken leg for a few days or not. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! bang!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system holder, Cartridge holder, cellule fixation, pickup system, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, record

Marantz PM68 Amplificateur Bolide Phono MM - Noir - Commerçant - Sauber

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:31 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 288.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175774570200
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplificateur Bolide Phono MM - Noir - Commerçant - SauberCette fiche produit a été automatiquement traduite. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Amplificateur de puissance intégré Marantz PM68 à pleine puissance !!!! MARCHANDISES AU DÉTAIL VÉRIFIÉES AVEC GARANTIE !!!!!!!!! Hello mes chers vinylistes !!! OFFRANT UN GRAND AMPLIFICATEUR COMPLET DU FABRICANT PREMIUM MARANTZ !!!! GRAND AMPLIFICATEUR HIFI AVEC UNE BONNE CONNEXION PHONO MM POUR PLATINES - SI VOUS NEN AVEZ PAS, JE CONSTRUISRAI UN ENSEMBLE POUR VOUS 😂😂😂 Bolide de 12,3 KG avec 210 watts de puissance SATT ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ Épais - Noir - Mal ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ ?Ÿ’? AMPLIFICATEUR COMPLET HIFI - TOP SON ?Ÿ’? PRODUITS DE DÉTAILLANT VÉRIFIÉS AVEC GARANTIE !!! Condition: Lappareil est optiquement et techniquement en très bon état. Juste quelques rayures sur le dessus de lappareil ! Minimal sur le côté, tout se voit à peine. Mentionnez seulement !! La façade en particulier brille toujours magnifiquement dans un noir riche et diabolique ! Laluminium a lair extrêmement chic et élégant! Les pieds argentés complètent le panneau avant noble et sombre, cest vraiment une vraie beauté et lÅ“il mange avec !!! Techniquement absolument dans le meilleur état. Il ny a pas de claquement ou de bruit blanc sortant des haut-parleurs, juste ce qui est censé sortir. Jai nettoyé tous les potentiomètres avec des moyens pas trop durs, mais cela servait plus de profil, car cétait déjà top, mais il a été ouvert une fois et devait être nettoyé de toute façon. Cétait juste poussiéreux, mais vous pouvez voir la qualité là-bas, mais techniquement, tout sonnait bien. Mais ensuite obtenu un nettoyage. Les pots ont été nettoyés et tout a été poli à haute brillance ?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚ Je nappellerais pas ça révisé, il ny avait pas assez à faire, mais cest dépassé !  Comme toujours, nous nutilisons que des nettoyants de la plus haute qualité, qui ne sont généralement pas si agressifs !! Donc rien de WD40 ou ce que je connais comme remèdes ! Nos nettoyants nagissent que très peu de temps, nettoient efficacement, mais nattaquent pas les composants et vous pourrez donc en profiter longtemps après, normalement ! Le tout en valait vraiment la peine, pas un seul clic ne peut être entendu et cela de très silencieux à très fort !! Dun point de vue purement visuel, cest une pièce vraiment noble. Et le son était à nouveau absolument clair et riche. La large gamme de fréquences fait ressortir un son détaillé! Létage phono est vraiment excellent pour la gamme de prix et peut certainement être comparé à des appareils plus chers ! Tout dépend de Takko maintenant. État de rêve absolu quil manifeste à lâge de presque 30 ans. Mais cest vraiment dans ses meilleurs jours, ce qui est ici est vraiment, typiquement Marantz, la meilleure qualité absolue de classe et ne peut pas vraiment être comparé aux boîtes actuelles. Ce sont les meilleurs produits analogiques - des trucs disco messieurs - pour ceux qui savent ?Ÿ˜‚ ! Si vous cherchez un prince de rêve analogique dans une robe noble, ala Integra et toutes les forges haut de gamme, vous devriez certainement être heureux ici ! À LENDROIT QUE JE RECOMMANDE : REGARDEZ LES PHOTOS ORIGINALES - VOUS OBTENEZ CE QUE VOUS VOYEZ - PAS DE BULLSHIT !!! Description du produit: Audio 11/1997 : test individuel, classe supérieure, 3 oreilles. Son CD : 70 points (bon), son Phono MM : 65 points (bon). Le Marantz PM 68 est un excellent amplificateur intégré doté dun équipement somptueux, de circuits complexes et dun excellent son. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stéréo 1/1998 : Résultat du test Stéréo : excellent, 3 étoiles. Bravo : Pour 800 marks, Marantz offre la combinaison parfaite de différentes qualités. Ceux-ci incluent un bon confort avec de nombreuses options de connexion, une haute qualité technique, une puissance de sortie élevée et un excellent son. La dynamique, la résolution et léquilibre tonal du PM 68 sont convaincants. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Données: Général Marque : Marantz Modèle : PM-68 Type : amplificateur intégré Années de construction : 1996 - 1998 Fabriqué en : Japon Couleur : noir, champagne Consommation dénergie: Dimensions : 439 x 159 x 375 mm (LxHxP) Poids : 12,3 kg Prix ​​neuf environ : 800 DM nombre dentrées bande 1 bande 2 CD tuner AUX1 AUX2 Sensibilité/Impédance (tous sauf phono) : 150mV/40k ohms): Rapport signal/bruit : 88 dB Réponse en fréquence : 10Hz-65KHz PhonoMM Sensibilité/impédance : 2,5 mV/47 k ohms Précision de la réponse en fréquence : 0,5 dB Rapport signal/bruit : 85 dB Nombre de sorties : bande 1 bande 2 2 paires denceintes Spécifications techniques: Puissance continue (au facteur de distorsion) RMS 8 ohms : 2x 95 W (0,03 %) DIN 8 ohms : 2x 105 W performances dynamiques 8 ohms : 2x 122 W 4 ohms : 2x 185 W 2 ohms : 2x 198 W Distorsion harmonique totale : (1 dB / à pleine puissance) : 0,05% / 0,2% (informations selon Stéréo 1/98, p.46) Facteur damortissement : 150 Réponse en fréquence : voir entrées Rapport signal sur bruit : voir entrées Séparation des canaux stéréo (1 kHz/10 kHz, source directe) > 80/70 dB contrôle de tonalité Basse (100Hz): +/- 8dB Aigu : (10kHz) : +- 8dB Intensité : non Filtre haut : non Filtre bas (subsonique): non Muet : oui Direct/ligne droite : Oui Équipement spécial Sélecteur denregistrement (enregistrement séparé et sélecteur dentrée) 2 boucles de bande et boucle pour lutilisation dun processeur de signal Capteur intégré contrôlable à distance SourceDirect Modules damplification de sortie HDAM Contenu de la livraison : Amplificateur Marantz PM68 Copie du manuel dutilisation service manuel Avec garantie - achat sans regrets - sûr et de qualité ! Option : SYSTÈMES - PETITE SÉLECTION : Shuré Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton époque 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Certains AKG Ortofonse Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E et bien plus encore. Différent Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Édition Limitée - 13eav - AT12XE SUPPLÉMENTS: HE vif - Notre nettoyeur daiguilles, spécialement fabriqué dans une petite usine, pour prolonger la durée de vie du système, fabriqué à partir deau ultra pure issue dun milieu médical pour ne laisser absolument aucun résidu sur la bonne pièce. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de lapplicateur, car il trouve le juste équilibre entre dureté, bon nettoyage et souplesse, cest-à-dire doux pour les zones délicates. Plus un set de vis phono haut de gamme pour 9,99 € dans un emballage écologique et réutilisable ! Bien sûr démagnétisé !! Balances de bras de lecture qui rendent inutile le réglage ennuyeux du poids déquilibrage, où vous ne savez toujours pas sil est correct de toute façon. Raccrochez, lisez, profitez !! fileur: Divers Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony et bien dautres. jamais tout dans la baie ou ailleurs - celui qui demande gagne !!! Repos: AMPLIFICATEUR AVEC PHONO UTILISÉ BOÃ?TES HIFI CASQUE TECHNICS DJ 1210 CASQUE TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 CASQUE TECHNICS DJ 1200 CASQUE SENNHEISER - HD25 CASQUE BLUETOOTH HAUTE RÉSOLUTION écrivez moi que je crée un article personnalisé Écrivez simplement après ce que cela devrait être et je créerai un article personnalisé pour vous !!! Donc top offre, avec garantie - alors achetez sans regrets ! TOUS SOUS RÉSERVE DE DISPONIBILITÉ - SI PAS LÀ PAS LÀ  NOUS AIMONS AUSSI ÉCOUTER VOS SUGGESTIONS SUR VOTRE ANCIEN ÉQUIPEMENT BONS PRIX ÉQUITABLES  IMPORTANT SUR LE PROCESSUS : Un emballage approprié est une évidence. Daprès une expérience de près de 20 ans, il existe définitivement une méthode demballage de haute qualité. Si disponibles, les vis de transport sont serrées, les plaques et les contrepoids sont retirés et emballés séparément. La cartouche et tout le reste sont emballés dans des sacs ESD antistatiques, qui empêchent la décharge et protègent la cartouche et lappareil !! Tout extrêmement bien emballé. Dans la mesure du possible, nous utilisons des matériaux anciens pour des raisons écologiques afin dutiliser le moins de plastique possible. Nous considérons quil est de notre devoir de protéger non seulement le cercle noir, mais aussi le cercle bleu et déviter le gaspillage dans la mesure du possible. Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne le souhaitez pas, veuillez nous en informer à lavance. Je suis heureux de vous aider si vous avez des problèmes! Pour des raisons defficacité, les articles sont emballés en vrac le vendredi, ce qui signifie quil existe différents délais de livraison de 1 à 6 jours, tout est possible. Je tiens également à souligner que la qualité et les délais de livraison rapides ne vont pas ensemble. De nombreux appareils font lobjet dune maintenance et il existe également de longues chaînes de test, etc. pp Donnez-nous le temps que vous vous êtes certainement accordé lors de la prise de décision dachat et laissez-nous vous livrer la qualité que vous voulez et méritez. Je ne pense pas quil y ait une jambe cassée pendant quelques jours ou pas. Profitez simplement de lanticipation !!! Le stress, trépidant et rapide, rapide ne permet pas la qualité !!! demander un diamant ;-) Merci pour votre confiance !!! pan!! NOUS VOUS LIVRONS : Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, raretés, platines, disques, hardcore, gabber, aiguille de rechange, circuit imprimé, portacápsulas , porte-système, porte-cartouche, fixation de cellule, système de micro, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Platines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, rPlatines tourne-disques doccasion et neuves, cartouches doccasion et neuves, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartouche céramique, stylet, aiguilles, porte-cellule, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Fil de plomb, disque, slipmat, alignement, jauge, ceintures, dj, lp, phono, casques, équipement DJ, casques DJ, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyle, classiques, r Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Marantz PM68 Amplifier Bolide Phono MM - Black - Dealer - Sauber

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:30 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 361.05 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175773221337
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 21,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplifier Bolide Phono MM - Black - Dealer - SauberThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Marantz PM68 integrated amplifier power amp with full power!!!! VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A GREAT FULL AMPLIFIER FROM THE PREMIUM MANUFACTURER MARANTZ!!!! GREAT HIFI AMPLIFIER WITH GOOD MM PHONO CONNECTION FOR TURNTABLES - IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY, ILL BUILD A BUNDLE FOR YOU 😂😂😂 12.3 KG bolide with 210 watts of power SATT 👿👿👿 Thick - Black - Evil 👿👿👿 ?Ÿ’? HIFI FULL AMPLIFIER - TOP SOUND ?Ÿ’? VERIFIED RETAILER GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!! Condition: The device is optically and technically in very good condition. Just a few scratches on the top of the device! Minimal on the side, everything can hardly be seen. Mention only!! The faceplate in particular still shines beautifully in rich, evil black! The aluminum looks extremely classy and stylish! The silver feet round off the noble, dark front panel, is really a real beauty and the eye eats with it!!! Technically absolutely in the best condition. Theres no popping or white noise coming out of the speakers, just whats supposed to come out. I cleaned all the potentiometers with not too harsh means, but this served more as a profile, because it was already top, but it was open once and had to be cleaned anyway. It was just dusty, but you can see the quality there, but technically everything sounded great. But then got a cleaning. Pots were cleaned and everything was polished to a high gloss 😂😂 I wouldnt call it revised, there wasnt enough to do, but its outdated!  So, as always, we only use the highest quality cleaners, which are usually not that harsh!! So nothing WD40 or what I know for remedies! Our cleaners only work for a very short time, clean effectively, but do not attack the components and so you can really enjoy them for a long time afterwards, normally! The whole thing was absolutely worth it, not a single click can be heard and that from very quiet to very loud!! From a purely visual point of view it is a really noble piece. And the sound was absolutely clear and rich again. The wide frequency range brings out a detailed sound! The phono stage is really excellent for the price range and can definitely be compared with more expensive devices! Its all up to Takko now. Absolute dream state that he shows at the age of almost 30. But its really in its best days, whats on here is really, typically Marantz, absolute best class quality and cant really be compared with current boxes. This is analogue best goods - disco stuff gentlemen - for those who know 😂! If you are looking for an analogue dream prince in a noble robe, ala Integra and all the hi-end forges, you should definitely be happy here! AT THE PLACE I RECOMMEND: LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT!!! Product description: Audio 11/1997: individual test, upper class, 3 ears. CD sound: 70 points (good), Phono MM sound: 65 points (good). The Marantz PM 68 is a great integrated amplifier that comes up with lavish equipment, complex circuitry and excellent sound. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stereo 1/1998: Stereo test result: excellent, 3 stars. Bravo: For 800 marks, Marantz offers the perfect combination of different qualities. These include good comfort with plenty of connection options, high technical quality, high output power and excellent sound. Dynamics, resolution and tonal balance of the PM 68 are convincing. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Data: General Brand: Marantz Model: PM-68 Type: integrated amplifier Years of construction: 1996 - 1998 Manufactured in: Japan Colour: black, champagne Power Consumption: Dimensions: 439 x 159 x 375 mm (WxHxD) Weight: 12.3kg New price approx.: 800 DM number of inputs tape 1 tape 2 CD tuner AUX1 AUX2 Sensitivity/Impedance (all except phono): 150mV/40k ohms): Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 88dB Frequency Response: 10Hz-65KHz Phono MM Sensitivity/Impedance: 2.5mV/47k ohms Frequency Response Accuracy: 0.5dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 85dB Number of exits: tape 1 tape 2 2 pairs of speakers Technical specifications: Continuous power (at distortion factor) RMS 8 ohms: 2x 95 W (0.03%) din 8 ohms: 2x 105 W dynamic performance 8 ohms: 2x 122 W 4 ohms: 2x 185 W 2 ohms: 2x 198 W Total harmonic distortion: (1 dB / under full power): 0.05% / 0.2% (information according to Stereo 1/98, p.46) Damping factor: 150 Frequency response: see inputs Signal-to-noise ratio: see inputs Stereo Channel Separation (1kHz/10kHz, Source Direct): >80/>70dB tone control Bass (100Hz): +/- 8dB Treble: (10kHz): +- 8dB Loudness: no High filter: no Low filter (subsonic): no Mute: yes Direct/Line Straight: Yes Special equipment Record selector (separate record and input selector) 2 tape loops and loop for using a signal processor Remote controllable, built-in sensor SourceDirect HDAM output amplifier modules Scope of delivery: Amplifier Marantz PM68 Copy of user manual service manual With warranty - purchase without regrets - safe and with quality! Options: SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Shure Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton epoch 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Some AKGs Ortofonse Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRAS: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment in order to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Plus a top phono screw set for €9.99 in environmentally friendly, reusable packaging! Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, sony and many more. never everything in the Bay or somewhere else - whoever asks wins!!! Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item Just write afterwards what it should be and Ill create a personalized article for you!!! So top offer, with warranty - so buy without regrets! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY - IF NOT THERE NOT THERE  WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT GOOD FAIR PRICES  IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. The cartridge and everything else is packed in anti-static ESD bags, which prevent discharge and protect the cartridge and device!! Everything extremely well packed. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! For reasons of efficiency, the items are packed in bulk on Fridays, which means that there are different delivery times of 1 - 6 days, anything is possible. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. I dont think theres a broken leg for a few days or not. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! bang!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system holder, Cartridge holder, cellule fixation, pickup system, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, record Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Marantz PM68 Amplificatore Bolide Audio MM - Nero - Commerciante - Sauber

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 286.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942574089
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 38,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplificatore Bolide Audio MM - Nero - Commerciante - SauberLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. Amplificatore integrato Marantz PM68 a piena potenza!!!! MERCE AL DETTAGLIO VERIFICATA CON GARANZIA!!!!!!!!! Ciao miei cari vinilisti!!! OFFRIRE UN GRANDE AMPLIFICATORE COMPLETO DAL PREMIUM PRODUTTORE MARANTZ!!!! GRANDE AMPLIFICATORE HIFI CON BUONA CONNESSIONE PHONO MM PER GIRADISCHI - SE NON NE HAI TI COSTRURO UN PACCHETTO PER TE ?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚ Bolide da 12,3 KG con 210 watt di potenza SATT ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ Spesso - Nero - Male ?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿?Ÿ‘¿ ?Ÿ’? AMPLIFICATORE COMPLETO HIFI - SUONO SUPERIORE ?Ÿ’? MERCE RIVENDITORE VERIFICATO CON GARANZIA!!! Condizione: Il dispositivo è otticamente e tecnicamente in ottime condizioni. Solo qualche graffio sulla parte superiore del dispositivo! Minimo sul lato, tutto difficilmente si vede. Solo menzione!! Il frontalino in particolare brilla ancora magnificamente in un nero ricco e malvagio! Lalluminio sembra estremamente elegante ed elegante! I piedi dargento completano il pannello frontale nobile e scuro, è davvero una vera bellezza e locchio mangia con esso!!! Tecnicamente assolutamente nelle migliori condizioni. Non ci sono scoppiettii o rumori bianchi che escono dagli altoparlanti, solo quello che dovrebbe uscire. Ho pulito tutti i potenziometri con mezzi non troppo duri, ma questo serviva più da profilo, perché era già alto, ma era aperto una volta e andava pulito lo stesso. Era solo polveroso, ma puoi vedere la qualità lì, ma tecnicamente tutto suonava alla grande. Ma poi ho avuto una pulizia. Le pentole sono state pulite e tutto è stato lucidato a specchio 😂😂 Non lo definirei rivisto, non cera abbastanza da fare, ma è obsoleto!  Come sempre, utilizziamo solo detergenti della migliore qualità, che di solito non sono così aggressivi!! Quindi niente WD40 o quello che so per i rimedi! I nostri pulitori funzionano solo per un tempo molto breve, puliscono in modo efficace, ma non attaccano i componenti e quindi puoi goderne davvero a lungo, normalmente! Ne è valsa assolutamente la pena, non si sente un solo clic e quello da molto basso a molto forte!! Da un punto di vista puramente visivo è un pezzo davvero nobile. E il suono era di nuovo assolutamente chiaro e ricco. Lampia gamma di frequenze mette in risalto un suono dettagliato! Lo stadio phono è davvero ottimo per la fascia di prezzo e può sicuramente essere paragonato a dispositivi più costosi! Adesso tocca a Takko. Stato di sogno assoluto che mostra alletà di quasi 30 anni. Ma è davvero nei suoi giorni migliori, quello che cè qui è davvero, tipicamente Marantz, la migliore qualità assoluta della classe e non può davvero essere paragonato alle scatole attuali. Questo è il miglior prodotto analogico - roba da discoteca signori - per chi lo sa ?Ÿ˜‚! Se stai cercando un principe dei sogni analogico in una veste nobile, ala Integra e tutte le fucine di fascia alta, dovresti sicuramente essere felice qui! AL LUOGO CHE CONSIGLIO: GUARDA LE FOTO ORIGINALI - OTTIENI QUELLO CHE VEDI - NIENTE CAZZATE!!! Descrizione del prodotto: Audio 11/1997: prova individuale, classe superiore, 3 spighe. Suono CD: 70 punti (buono), suono Phono MM: 65 punti (buono). Il Marantz PM 68 è un ottimo amplificatore integrato dotato di apparecchiature sontuose, circuiti complessi e un suono eccellente. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stereo 1/1998: Risultato del test stereo: eccellente, 3 stelle. Bravo: per 800 marchi, Marantz offre la perfetta combinazione di diverse qualità. Questi includono un buon comfort con numerose opzioni di connessione, alta qualità tecnica, elevata potenza di uscita e un suono eccellente. La dinamica, la risoluzione e lequilibrio tonale del PM 68 sono convincenti. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Dati: Generale Marca: Maranta Modello: PM-68 Tipo: amplificatore integrato Anni di costruzione: 1996 - 1998 Prodotto in: Giappone Colore: nero, champagne Consumo di energia: Dimensioni: 439 x 159 x 375 mm (LxAxP) Peso: 12,3 kg Nuovo prezzo circa: 800 DM numero di ingressi nastro 1 nastro 2 CD sintonizzatore AUX1 AUX2 Sensibilità/Impedenza (tutti tranne phono): 150mV/40k ohm): Rapporto segnale/rumore: 88 dB Risposta in frequenza: 10Hz-65KHz Fono MM Sensibilità/impedenza: 2,5 mV/47k ohm Precisione della risposta in frequenza: 0,5 dB Rapporto segnale/rumore: 85 dB Numero di uscite: nastro 1 nastro 2 2 coppie di altoparlanti Specifiche tecniche: Potenza continua (al fattore di distorsione) RMS 8 ohm: 2x 95 W (0,03%) DIN 8 ohm: 2x 105 W prestazioni dinamiche 8 ohm: 2x 122 W 4 ohm: 2x 185 W 2 ohm: 2x 198 W Distorsione armonica totale: (1 dB / a piena potenza): 0,05% / 0,2% (informazioni secondo Stereo 1/98, p.46) Fattore di smorzamento: 150 Risposta in frequenza: vedi ingressi Rapporto segnale/rumore: vedi ingressi Separazione canali stereo (1kHz/10kHz, Source Direct): >80/>70dB controllo del tono Bassi (100Hz): +/- 8dB Alti: (10kHz): +- 8dB Rumorosità: no Filtro alto: no Filtro basso (subsonico): no Muto: sì Diretto/Linea Retta: sì Equipaggiamento speciale Selettore di registrazione (registrazione separata e selettore di ingresso) 2 loop a nastro e loop per lutilizzo di un processore di segnale Sensore integrato controllabile a distanza SourceDirect Moduli amplificatori di uscita HDAM Fornitura: Amplificatore Marantz PM68 Copia del manuale utente manuale di servizio Con garanzia - acquisto senza rimpianti - sicuro e di qualità! Opzioni: SISTEMI - PICCOLO SELEZIONE: sicuro Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton epoca 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Alcuni AKG Ortofons Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E e molto altro. Philips diversi OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Edizione Limitata - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRA: Vivido LUI - Il nostro pulitore per aghi, appositamente prodotto in una piccola fabbrica, per prolungare la vita del sistema, realizzato con acqua ultrapura proveniente da un ambiente medico per non lasciare assolutamente residui sul pezzo buono. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi dellapplicatore, in quanto trova il giusto equilibrio tra durezza, buona pulizia e flessibilità, cioè delicato sulle zone delicate. Più un set di viti fono superiore per € 9,99 in una confezione ecologica e riutilizzabile! Ovviamente smagnetizzato!! Bilance a braccio che rendono superflua la fastidiosa regolazione del contrappeso, dove si è sempre incerti se sia comunque giusto. Riattacca, leggi, divertiti!! filatore: Vari Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, Sony e molti altri. mai tutto nella Baia o da qualche altra parte - vince chi chiede!!! Riposo: AMPLIFICATORE CON PHONO USATO SCATOLE HIFI TECHNICS DJ 1210 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 CUFFIE TECHNICS DJ 1200 CUFFIE CUFFIE SENNHEISER - HD25 CUFFIE BLUETOOTH AD ALTA RISOLUZIONE scrivimi che creo un articolo personalizzato Basta scrivere dopo come dovrebbe essere e creerò un articolo personalizzato per te!!! Quindi lofferta migliore, con garanzia - quindi acquista senza rimpianti! TUTTO SOGGETTO A DISPONIBILITA - SE NON CÈ NON CÈ  CI PIACE ANCHE ASCOLTARE I VOSTRI SUGGERIMENTI SULLE VECCHIE ATTREZZATURE BUONI PREZZI GIUSTI  IMPORTANTE SUL PROCESSO: Limballaggio adeguato è una cosa ovvia. Dallesperienza di quasi 20 anni, esiste sicuramente un metodo di imballaggio di alta qualità. Se disponibili, le viti di trasporto vengono serrate, le piastre ei contrappesi vengono rimossi e imballati separatamente. La cartuccia e tutto il resto è confezionato in sacchetti ESD antistatici, che ne impediscono lo scarico e proteggono la cartuccia e il dispositivo!! Tutto estremamente ben confezionato. Ove possibile, utilizziamo vecchi materiali per motivi ecologici in modo da utilizzare meno plastica possibile. Consideriamo nostro obbligo non solo proteggere il cerchio nero, ma anche il cerchio blu ed evitare sprechi ove possibile. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non lo desideri, faccelo sapere in anticipo. Sono felice di aiutarti se hai problemi! Per motivi di efficienza, gli articoli vengono imballati alla rinfusa il venerdì, il che significa che ci sono tempi di consegna diversi da 1 a 6 giorni, tutto è possibile. Vorrei inoltre sottolineare che qualità e tempi di consegna rapidi non vanno di pari passo. Molti dispositivi ricevono manutenzione e ci sono anche lunghe catene di test, ecc. pp Dacci il tempo che sicuramente ti sei concesso quando prendi la decisione di acquisto e lasciaci offrire la qualità che desideri e meriti. Non credo che ci sia una gamba rotta per alcuni giorni o meno. Goditi lattesa!!! Stress, frenetico e veloce, veloce non permette la qualità!!! chiedi un diamante ;-) Grazie per la tua fiducia!!! scoppio!! TI CONSEGNIAMO: Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, dischi, hardcore, gabber, ago di ricambio, circuito stampato, portacapsule , supporto sistema, supporto cartuccia, fissaggio cellule, sistema pickup, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoca II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, ErsättningsnÃ¥l, Reservenaald, 交æ?›é‡?, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Cinghia dentata, grammofono, fonografo, Giradischi, 唱头, 唱针, 唱盘Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi,Giradischi giradischi usati e nuovi, testine usate e nuove, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge , Cartuccia in ceramica, stilo, aghi, portatestina, Audio Technica MM e MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, Sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, allineamento, gauge, cinture, dj, lp, phono, cuffie, attrezzatura per DJ, cuffie per DJ, techno, house, elettronica, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael Jackson , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinile, classici, rarità, giradischi, Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Marantz PM68 Amplifier Bolide Phono MM - Black - Dealer - Sauber

End: 22.06. 2023 08:02:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 290.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185942573967
  • Seller: vinylistica-viola (4691|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz PM68 Amplifier Bolide Phono MM - Black - Dealer - SauberThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Marantz PM68 integrated amplifier power amp with full power!!!! VERIFIED RETAIL GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!!!!!!!! Hello my dear vinylists!!! OFFERING A GREAT FULL AMPLIFIER FROM THE PREMIUM MANUFACTURER MARANTZ!!!! GREAT HIFI AMPLIFIER WITH GOOD MM PHONO CONNECTION FOR TURNTABLES - IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY, ILL BUILD A BUNDLE FOR YOU 😂😂😂 12.3 KG bolide with 210 watts of power SATT 👿👿👿 Thick - Black - Evil 👿👿👿 ?Ÿ’? HIFI FULL AMPLIFIER - TOP SOUND ?Ÿ’? VERIFIED RETAILER GOODS WITH WARRANTY!!! Condition: The device is optically and technically in very good condition. Just a few scratches on the top of the device! Minimal on the side, everything can hardly be seen. Mention only!! The faceplate in particular still shines beautifully in rich, evil black! The aluminum looks extremely classy and stylish! The silver feet round off the noble, dark front panel, is really a real beauty and the eye eats with it!!! Technically absolutely in the best condition. Theres no popping or white noise coming out of the speakers, just whats supposed to come out. I cleaned all the potentiometers with not too harsh means, but this served more as a profile, because it was already top, but it was open once and had to be cleaned anyway. It was just dusty, but you can see the quality there, but technically everything sounded great. But then got a cleaning. Pots were cleaned and everything was polished to a high gloss ?Ÿ˜‚?Ÿ˜‚ I wouldnt call it revised, there wasnt enough to do, but its outdated!  So, as always, we only use the highest quality cleaners, which are usually not that harsh!! So nothing WD40 or what I know for remedies! Our cleaners only work for a very short time, clean effectively, but do not attack the components and so you can really enjoy them for a long time afterwards, normally! The whole thing was absolutely worth it, not a single click can be heard and that from very quiet to very loud!! From a purely visual point of view it is a really noble piece. And the sound was absolutely clear and rich again. The wide frequency range brings out a detailed sound! The phono stage is really excellent for the price range and can definitely be compared with more expensive devices! Its all up to Takko now. Absolute dream state that he shows at the age of almost 30. But its really in its best days, whats on here is really, typically Marantz, absolute best class quality and cant really be compared with current boxes. This is analogue best goods - disco stuff gentlemen - for those who know 😂! If you are looking for an analogue dream prince in a noble robe, ala Integra and all the hi-end forges, you should definitely be happy here! AT THE PLACE I RECOMMEND: LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL PICTURES - U GET WHAT U SEE - NO BULLSHIT!!! Product description: Audio 11/1997: individual test, upper class, 3 ears. CD sound: 70 points (good), Phono MM sound: 65 points (good). The Marantz PM 68 is a great integrated amplifier that comes up with lavish equipment, complex circuitry and excellent sound. (Audio 11/97, p.11) Stereo 1/1998: Stereo test result: excellent, 3 stars. Bravo: For 800 marks, Marantz offers the perfect combination of different qualities. These include good comfort with plenty of connection options, high technical quality, high output power and excellent sound. Dynamics, resolution and tonal balance of the PM 68 are convincing. (Stereo 1/98, p.46). Data: General Brand: Marantz Model: PM-68 Type: integrated amplifier Years of construction: 1996 - 1998 Manufactured in: Japan Colour: black, champagne Power Consumption: Dimensions: 439 x 159 x 375 mm (WxHxD) Weight: 12.3kg New price approx.: 800 DM number of inputs tape 1 tape 2 CD tuner AUX1 AUX2 Sensitivity/Impedance (all except phono): 150mV/40k ohms): Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 88dB Frequency Response: 10Hz-65KHz Phono MM Sensitivity/Impedance: 2.5mV/47k ohms Frequency Response Accuracy: 0.5dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 85dB Number of exits: tape 1 tape 2 2 pairs of speakers Technical specifications: Continuous power (at distortion factor) RMS 8 ohms: 2x 95 W (0.03%) din 8 ohms: 2x 105 W dynamic performance 8 ohms: 2x 122 W 4 ohms: 2x 185 W 2 ohms: 2x 198 W Total harmonic distortion: (1 dB / under full power): 0.05% / 0.2% (information according to Stereo 1/98, p.46) Damping factor: 150 Frequency response: see inputs Signal-to-noise ratio: see inputs Stereo Channel Separation (1kHz/10kHz, Source Direct): >80/>70dB tone control Bass (100Hz): +/- 8dB Treble: (10kHz): +- 8dB Loudness: no High filter: no Low filter (subsonic): no Mute: yes Direct/Line Straight: Yes Special equipment Record selector (separate record and input selector) 2 tape loops and loop for using a signal processor Remote controllable, built-in sensor SourceDirect HDAM output amplifier modules Scope of delivery: Amplifier Marantz PM68 Copy of user manual service manual With warranty - purchase without regrets - safe and with quality! Options: SYSTEMS - SMALL SELECTION: Shure Ultra VST V Shure V15VxMR Shure Me97HE Shure M97Xe Stanton epoch 2 Audio Technica AT20Sla Some AKGs Ortofonse Shure M44-7/M44G Ortofon Concorde DJ & Hifi Broadcast E and much more. Different Philips OMB 10 20 Audio Technica AT20Sla SS Limited Edition - 13eav - AT12XE EXTRAS: Vivid HE - our needle cleaner, specially manufactured in a small factory, to extend the life of the system, made from ultrapure water from a medical environment in order to leave absolutely no residue on the good piece. We are particularly proud of the applicator, as it finds the right balance between hard, good cleaning and flexibility, i.e. gentle on delicate areas. Plus a top phono screw set for €9.99 in environmentally friendly, reusable packaging! Of course degaussed!! Tonearm scales that make the annoying adjustment of the balance weight, where you are always unsure whether it is right anyway, unnecessary. Hang up, read, enjoy!! spinner: Various Dual, Thorens, Technics, Marantz, Onkyo , Grundig, sony and many more. never everything in the Bay or somewhere else - whoever asks wins!!! Rest: AMPLIFIER WITH PHONO USED HIFI BOXES TECHNICS DJ 1210 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ EAH 1200 HEADPHONES TECHNICS DJ 1200 HEADPHONES HEADPHONES SENNHEISER - HD25 HIGH RES BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES write me than i create a personalized item Just write afterwards what it should be and Ill create a personalized article for you!!! So top offer, with warranty - so buy without regrets! ALL SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY - IF NOT THERE NOT THERE  WE ALSO LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR OLD EQUIPMENT GOOD FAIR PRICES  IMPORTANT ABOUT THE PROCESS: Proper packaging is a matter of course. From experience of almost 20 years, there is definitely a high-quality packing method. If available, transport screws are tightened, plates and counterweights are removed and packed separately. The cartridge and everything else is packed in anti-static ESD bags, which prevent discharge and protect the cartridge and device!! Everything extremely well packed. Wherever possible, we use old materials for environmentally friendly reasons in order to use as little plastic as possible. We see it as our obligation not only to protect the black circle, but also the blue circle and to avoid waste wherever possible. If you do not want this, for whatever reason, please let us know in advance. Im happy to help if you have any problems! For reasons of efficiency, the items are packed in bulk on Fridays, which means that there are different delivery times of 1 - 6 days, anything is possible. I would also like to point out that quality and fast delivery times do not go together. Many devices get maintenance and there are also lengthy test chains etc. pp Give us the time that you certainly gave yourself when making the purchase decision and let us deliver the quality that you want and deserve. I dont think theres a broken leg for a few days or not. Just enjoy the anticipation!!! Stress, hectic and fast, fast do not allow quality!!! ask a diamond ;-) Thanks for your trust!!! bang!! WE DELIVER TO YOU: Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records, hardcore, gabber, spare needle, circuit board, portacápsulas, system holder, Cartridge holder, cellule fixation, pickup system, Shure Ultra VST M97xe V15-III M95ED Me97he VN35E,Stanton Epoch II, Pick up, Cellule Polyvalente, Testina fonografica Diamond stylus, Replacement Stylus, Pointe de Lecture, Ersättningsnål, Reservenaald, ???, Aguja, Puntina, Aiguille Pitch Belt, Toothed belt, gramophone, phonograph, Record player, ??, ??, ??Turntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, recordsTurntable deck record players used and new, cartridges used and new, Van den Hul, Dual CS 731Q, Dual 721, Dual 704, 701, 601, 626, 510, 491, Pro-Ject, Saba, Telefunken, Yamaha, Moving Magnetic Cartridge, Ceramic Cartridge, Stylus, Needles, Headshell, Audio Technica MM & MC, Technics 1210 MK2 M3D M5G, Linn, Sansui, Revox, Luxman, Kenwood, Bang & Olufson, Marantz, sony , Reloop 6000, 700, 8000, Pioneer DJM, Lead wire, record, slipmat, alignment, gauge, belts, dj, lp, phono, headphones, DJ equipment, DJ headphones, techno, house, electro, ambient, rock, daft punk, Aphex Twin, Bonzai Records, Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos , Richie Hawtin, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Michael JACKSON , Queen, Prince, David Bowie, Madonna, U96, Alex Christensen, vinyl, classics, rarities, turntables, records Marke Marantz Phonoeingang Ja Beschreibung des Paketinhalts Siehe Artikelbeschreibung Lieferumfang Besonderheiten Analog Besonderheiten 12,3 Kg Bolide Besonderheiten Top Gepflegt Besonderheiten Einen Vorbesitzer Besonderheiten MM Phono Eingang Für Plattenspieler Besonderheiten HDAM Ausgangsverstärkung Besonderheiten Source direct Besonderheiten Fernbedienbar Besonderheiten Bi Amp Verstärkerklasse A Herstellernummer PM68 Audioeingänge AUX Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioeingänge Tuner Audioeingänge Cd Audioeingänge 2x Tape Audioeingänge Phono Plattenspieler MM Audioeingänge Phono/Turntable Line Straight Ja Produktart HiFi Verstärker Anzahl der Ausgänge 4 Unterstützte Modulation Keine Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Audioausgänge Bananen-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Leistung 210 W Modell PM68 Angebotspaket Ja Anzahl der Einheiten 1 Herstellergarantie 12 Monate Gewährleistung Surroundtonformate Keine Farbe Schwarz EAN 8710895506960 Herstellungsjahr 1990-1999 Kompatibles Produkt Kabel Maßeinheit Einheit Empfängerkombo-Funktionen Nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Japan Anzahl der Eingänge 7

Portable MD Player PMD650 Model PMD650 MARANTZ _63683

End: 16.06. 2023 13:10:13 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 851.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225593329269
  • Seller: japan-good-goods (1024|96.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: chiba Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DescriptionAuthenticity: 100% AUTHENTIC! If you have any question about the condition, accessories, or anything about the product,Please feel free to message us. We are glad to answer all your concerns. ShippingDHL, Fedex Fastshipping3-10 business days after shipment(Tracking number + Insurance.)PaymentPlease give me the payment within 3days from the date of bid.About UsWe sell our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Japan at the same time.If the item was sold out before your purchase, your order will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued immediately. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you.