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Marantz AV Pre Tuner AV8801 Excellent Condition W/Remote Control & Phono Stage

End: 12.06. 2024 01:17:07 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 385.15 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204817777925
  • Bids: 26
  • Seller: spattingsnag (1350|98.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Austin, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 59,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz AV Pre Tuner AV8801 Excellent Condition W/Remote Control & Phono Stage. Excellent condition. Fully functional. Some small scuffs & scratches here and there, I did my best to show them in pics. More pics available upon request. Original power cable & remote control are included.

Marantz SR8012 11.2 A/V-Receiver Dolby Atmos schwarz OVP

End: 11.06. 2024 18:47:28 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1399.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386761918343
  • Seller: a.k.19.22 (400|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Werneuchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SR8012 11.2  A/V-Receiver Dolby Atmos schwarz OVPHallo. Ich biete hier meinen Marantz SR8012 A/V-Receiver. Zustand: bei dem Artikel handelt es sich um eine Gebrauchtware. Der Receiver befindet sich in einem guten bis sehr guten Zustand. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren sind vorhanden. Technisch funktioniert er einwandfrei. Aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt. AURO 3 D ist an Board. Lieferumfang: wie abgebildet. Versand: Versand ist nur innerhalb Deutschlands. Kein Versand ins Ausland. shipping only within germany. no shipping to abroad. Der Rechnungsbetrag enthält Umsatzsteuer, die nicht gesondert ausgewiesen ist. Der Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung gemäß § 25a UStG. Der Marantz SR8012 ist schon beinahe eine Legende. Schon einige Zeit auf dem Markt, wird er durch Updates und Upgrades frisch gehalten und präsentiert sich mit elf sehr leistungsstarken Endstufen, dem edlen, komplett verkupferten Chassis, monolithischem Endstufenaufbau, dem riesigen Ringkern-Transformator und natürlich mit Decodern für Auro-3D, Dolby Atmos und DTS:X auf einem Stand, der bei Ausstattung und Qualität immer noch Maßstäbe setzt. Der SR8012 beweist seine Position als Spitzenmodellunter den Marantz AV-Receivern durch eine hochfeine Bauteilqualität, wie zum Beispiel die erlesenen Digital-Analog-Konverter oder die großen Kühlkörper für eine effektive Wärmeableitung. Die Marantz Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Module (HDAM) sind traditionelles Merkmal der Luxus-Modelle des Hauses. Satte 205 Watt leisten die elf eingebauten Endstufen pro Stück. Extrem leistungsstarke DSP-Prozessoren verarbeiten auch rechenintensive 3D-Audiodaten souverän und verteilen die Audio-Objekte in Echtzeit auf die angeschlossenen Lautsprecher. Selbstverständlich sind im SR8012 auch die sogenannten Audio-Upscaler oder Upmixer Dolby Surround, DTS Neural:X und Auro-Matic verbaut. So kann konventionelles Material hochskaliert werden, dass die Höhen-Kanäle für 3D-Audio mit in Betrieb sind. Aufgrund der Cross Upmixing-Funktion hat man die Wahl und kann Eingangs-Tonformat und Upmixer frei miteinander kombinieren. Decoder für IMAX Enhanced (setzt IMAXEnhanced-codierte Software voraus) und DTS Virtual:Xfehlen ebenfalls nicht – wie schon erwähnt, hält Marantz sein AVR-Flaggschiff stets durch Updates auf neuestem Stand. Dank des On Screen-Assistenten für die Ersteinrichtung und der übersichtlichen Fernbedienung ist der SR8012 ein idealer Partner, denn er stellt selbst weniger versierte Anwender kaum vor Probleme. Das integrierte Heos-Modul für umfangreiche Streaming- und Multiroom-Funktionen steuert man mit der Heos-Appfür Smartphone oder Tablet. Wahlweise kann man mit einer AV-App auch die Funktionen der Vorstufe über das Smartphone/Tablet bedienen. Apple AirPlay 2, die Kompatibilität zu Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant und Apple Siri sowie die Kompatibilität zu gängigen Hi-Res-Audioformaten gehören beim SR8012 selbstverständlich zum Ausstattungsumfang. Die Anschlusssektion hält unter anderem acht HDMI-Eingänge und drei HDMI-Ausgänge bereit. HDR10, Dolby Vision und HLG werden unterstützt. Der Marantz AV-Receiver überzeugt zudem mit einem leistungsfähigen Video-Processing. Eingehende Videosignale in 480/576i(p), 720p und 1.080i(p) werden auf bis auf 4Khochgerechnet. Ein Video-EQ inklusive zahlreicher Bild-Modi fehlt ebenfalls nicht. Sogar ISF-Bildmodi für Tag und Nacht sind vorhanden. Der Marantz SR8012 in Stichpunkten AV-Receiver im 11.2 Layout 9 x 205 Watt HDAM-Module, großer Ringkern-Trafo Decoder für Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, Auro-3D IMAX Enhanced und DTS Virtual:X Audio-Upscaler Dolby Surround, DTS Neural:X und Auro-Matic Kupferbeschichtetes Chassis 8 HDMI-Eingänge, 3 HDMI-Ausgänge, inclusive Kompatibilität zu HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision und HDCP 2.2 Phono-Eingang Erstklassiger Einrichtungsassistent hilft bei der ersten Inbetriebnahme Bewährtes, zuverlässiges Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Lautsprechereinmesssystem mit Einmessung an bis zu 8 Hörpositionen, Mikrofon im Lieferumfang Video-Processing: Eingehende Signale in 480/576i (p), 720p und 1.080i/p können auf bis zu 4K hochskaliert werden Video-EQ mit ISF-Bildmodi für Tag&Nacht Dualband-WiFi und Bluetooth, Ethernet-Anschluss Eingebautes Heos-Streaming-Modul: Mittels der Heos-App Zugriff auf Streamingdienste, Musik aus dem Netzwerk (PC, Mac, NAS-Systeme, Home Server), Musik vom Smartphone/Tablet, USB Hi-Res-Audio-kompatibel (FLAC, WAV, ALAC, DSD) Kompatibel zu Apple AirPlay 2 und Apple Siri Sprachsteuerung Kompatibel zu Amazon Alexa und Google Assistant Integrationsmöglichkeit in Steuerungslösungen von Drittanbietern und IR Fernbedienung, serieller RS-232C-Anschluss und Creston Connected für externe Steuerung Technik-Features des Marantz SR8012 Mit diesen wichtigen Ausstattungsmerkmale ist der Marantz SR8012 bestückt ... Reichhaltige Auswahl an Decodern Decoder für alle drei 3D-Audioformate, Audio-Upcaler plus Cross-Upmixing sowie Decoder für IMAX Enhanced und DTS Virtual:X markieren aktuelles State Of The Art-Niveau. Ausgewählte Marantz & Denon-Modelle bringen nicht nur die gängigen Decoder für Dolby Atmos und DTS:X mit, sondern darüber hinaus auch einen Auro 3D-Decoder. Mit dabei sind auch die zugehörigen Audio-Upmixer Dolby Surround, DTS Neural:X und das von Experten hochgelobte Auro-Matic. Mittels der Upmixer oder Audio-Upscaler ist man in der Lage, konventionelles Material, das zum Beispiel in Dolby Digital oder auch in DTS-HD vorliegt. Dank des sogenannten „Cross-Upmixings“ kann man selbst bestimmen, welchen Audio-Upscaler man verwenden möchte. Beispiel: Es ist möglich, Dolby Digital-Inhalte mit Dolby Surround, Auro-Matic oder DTS Neural:X zu bearbeiten. Hier schlägt dann die große Stunde von Auro-Matic, denn viele Experten halten diesen Algorithmus für den besten. Wer IMAX Enhanced-Software besitzt, kann zudem den auf DTS:X fußenden IMAX Enhanced-Decoder nutzen, inklusive speziellem Bassmanagement. Ist das Boxen-Setup noch nicht vollständig, kann man DTS Virtual:X verwenden. Genialer Assistent für die Ersteinrichtung Marantz&Denon AV-Receiver, AV-Vorstufen und AV-Verstärker machen es dem Anwender leicht, die Erstinstallation vorzunehmen. In übersichtlichen Schritteninklusive grafischer Unterstützung durch erklärende Bilder wird man komplett durch die erste Inbetriebnahme begleitet: Lautsprecher-Setup und Lautsprecher-Anschluss, Lautsprecher-Einmessung, Herstellung einer Netzwerkverbindung, Herstellung einer Verbindung zum TV-Gerät, Anschlusszuweisung – alles ist enthalten. Immense Kraft & vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten Dank der eingebauten 11 Endstufen können auch große Lautsprechersetups betrieben werden. Mittels On Screen Menü ist es auf übersichtliche Form möglich, die eingebauten Endstufen passend zuzuweisen. Auch Front Bi-Amping oder eine Powered Zone 2 sind kein Problem. Die neun analogen Endstufen bekommen dank des großen Ringkern-Transformators stets genug Strom angeliefert. Für kurzzeitige Stromspitzen stehen speziell gefertigte Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren als Kurzzeit-Stromspeicher mit hoher Kapazität bereit. Multimedial höchste Flexibilität Dass schnelles und stabiles Dualband-WiFi, Ethernet-Anschluss und Bluetooth vorhanden sind, bedarf heute eigentlich kaum noch der Erwähnung. Wertvolles Ausstattungsmerkmale ist das eingebaute HEOS-Modul, das sorgfältig abgeschirmt im Inneren des Gerätes seiner Streaming-Arbeit nachgeht. Lädt man sich die komfortabel zu handhabende Heos-App auf Smartphone oder Tablet und erstellt sich ein Heos-Konto, kann es umgehend losgehen: Der Zugriff auf nahezu alle relevanten Streaming-Musikdienste (wie Spotify, Tidal oder Deezer sowie Internet Radio (Abonnements erforderlich) ist ebenso möglich wie das Abspielen von Musik-Bibliotheken, die auf PC- oder Mac-Computern, NAS-Systemen oder Home Servern abgelegt sind. Auch die Musik, die auf dem Tablet oder Smartphone gespeichert ist, auf dem die App läuft, kann über das Heos-Modul wiedergegeben werden. Dabei zeigen sich die Denon&Marantz-Modelle hochauflösendem Audiogegenüber aufgeschlossen: WAV, ALAC, FLAC und DSD werden wiedergegeben. Einfach ist auch die Einbindung in ein Heos Multiroom-Setup. Und wer auf Apple vertraut: Natürlich besteht auch Kompatibilität zu AirPlay 2, dem ersten Multiroom-Standard von Apple. Wer möchte, kann die Denon&Marantz Komponente darüber hinaus per Sprachbefehl steuern (separater Lautsprecher mit eingebautem Mikrofon erforderlich) – ganz gleich, ob Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa oder Google Assistant, überall funktioniert die Zusammenarbeit. Bewährtes Audyssey MultEQXT32 Lautsprechereinmess-System Schon seit Generationen sorgt Audyssey MultEQ XT für eine zuverlässige sowie präzise automatische Lautsprechereinmessung. Stetig verfeinert und optimiert, ist dieses leicht zu handhabende System in den genialen Einrichtungsassistenten bei Denon und Marantz integriert. Ein sensibles Mikrofon ist stets im Lieferumfang enthalten. An bis zu 8 Hörpositionen kann eingemessen werden, damit man auch bei mehreren Zuhörern ein perfektes Klangbild erhält. Zahlreiche zusätzliche Funktionen komplettieren die Audyssey-Suite: Dynamic Volume und Dynamic EQ, LFC und Sub EQ HT für die optimale Einmessung des Subwoofers. Wer es professionell angehen möchte, kann sogar optional eine Audyssey Editor-App für Smartphone oder Tablet downloaden und damit unzählige weitere raumakustische Optimierungen vornehmen. Großes Angebot an HDMI-Anschlüssen Gleich acht HDMI-Eingänge (sieben davon hinten, einer vorne) und drei HDMI-Ausgänge (z.B. einer Video, einer Audio, einer Zone 2) eröffnen hohe Flexibilität. Natürlich kompatibel zu HDR10, HLG und Dolby Vision. Verbindung zum TV mittels HDMI-eARC.

Marantz AV8801 pre-amp tuner surround processor-one owner-GREAT CONDITION!

End: 10.06. 2024 01:30:23 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 531.82 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235591836665
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jeffbecky (634|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 100,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner of this pre-amp. It is in perfect working order. Firmware is up to date. It has been reset to factory settings. It includes a full manual(198 pages)that I printed out from the cd-rom included with the preamp. The cd-rom is the only full manual that comes included with the preamp. The full manual is also available on line in PDF form. Pre-amp comes from a smoke free/pet free environment. It is in near mint condition. The only flaws are some superficial scratches on the back by the HDMI inputs where I had reached around while it was in my equipment rack to hook up different HDMI cables. It comes with all original accessories. The remote is in like new condition as it was only used for adjusting settings on pre-amp as I use a Logitech Harmony remote to control my system. Also included is a Netgear wnc2001 universal wifi adapter and instructions which I used to connect pre-amp to internet through wifi. Pre-amp will be shipped in original carton which will be double boxed. I will only ship to lower 48 states. Shipping will be UPS ground with signature required upon delivery. Shipping will be a flat $100.00. If shipping cost is less I will issue a refund for the difference. If shipping cost is more, I will pay the difference. This is a great sounding pre-amp tuner with many very positive reviews available online. Product highlights:Processing:Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included)Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakersAudyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levelsAudyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumesAudyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response4K pass-throughThis receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content.4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVsDigital music options:optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required)Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone®free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devicesAirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router.DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computerplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution)Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiverMulti-room audio/video:analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zonesone HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3Audio performance features:192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channelsdirect mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner soundMarantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital libraryConnections:11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputsdedicated 7.1-channel preamp input1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out)1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CECAudio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMIcomponent video switching (3 in, 2 out)iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front paneldigital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial8 audio/video inputs, including:1 front-panel input with composite video3 rear-panel inputs with composite video8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable)phono input4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable componentsGeneral features:on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presetsmultibrand, backlit, learning remote17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16Dweight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz SR8015 | 13.2-Kanal AV-Verstärker Silber/Gold - inkl. MultEQ-X Lizenz

End: 06.06. 2024 20:58:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296444037232
  • Seller: der-steuerberater (303|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: NRW Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SR8015 | 13.2-Kanal AV-Verstärker Silber/Gold - inkl. MultEQ-X LizenzMarantz SR8015 | 13.2-Kanal AV-Verstärker Silber/Gold - inkl. Audyssey MultEQ-X Lizenz Zustand: Gebraucht (sehr gepflegt) mit Originalverpackung aus tierfreiem Nichtraucherhaushalt (Ursprüngliche Rechnung vom deutschen Fachhandel wird zwecks Garantie beigelegt, erworben in 2022) Den Verstärker habe ich rechtzeitig bei Marantz für die exklusive 5 Jahre Garantielaufzeit registriert. Somit ist noch ausreichend Restgarantie vorhanden, die der Käufer übernimmt (Belege werden mitgegeben). Ich habe zu diesem Verstärker die Audyssey MultEQ-X Lizenz im Wert von ca. 200 EUR erworben. Diese ist an das Gerät gebunden. Die Zugangsdaten sind separiert und werden nach dem Kauf mitgegeben. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die korrekte Lieferanschrift während der Kaufabwicklung verwendet wird. Eine nachträgliche Änderung der Lieferanschrift ist nach dem Kauf nicht mehr möglich! Versand erfolgt in Produktverpackung als versichertes Paket innerhalb Deutschlands. Abholung ist ebenfalls nach Terminvereinbarung möglich. Ich biete auch einen Verkauf bzw. Versand innerhalb der EU an, allerdings berechnet ebay hierfür sehr hohe Gebühren. Privatverkauf, ohne Rücknahme, Gewährleistung und jeglicher Haftung!

Marantz 11.2 AV Pre-Amp Tuner AV8801 Used

End: 06.06. 2024 00:00:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 361.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 387057664375
  • Seller: jaciesl28 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Aspen, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Opened but unused. No cables or remotes

marantz SR8012 Quick Start Guide

End: 04.06. 2024 06:07:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 405014858578
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: progrockmania (119|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Feldmühle Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    marantz SR8012 Quick Start GuideArtikel, der gebraucht wurde, sich aber in einem guten Zustand befindet.Tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt.

marantz SR8012 Quick Start Guide

End: 03.06. 2024 15:11:20 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 405005004796
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: progrockmania (113|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Feldmühle Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    marantz SR8012 Quick Start GuideArtikel, der gebraucht wurde, sich aber in einem guten Zustand befindet.Tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt.

Marantz AV8801 pre-amp tuner surround processor-one owner-GREAT CONDITION!

End: 03.06. 2024 01:30:00 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 552.69 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235581024176
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jeffbecky (633|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 100,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner of this pre-amp. It is in perfect working order. Firmware is up to date. It has been reset to factory settings. It includes a full manual(198 pages)that I printed out from the cd-rom included with the preamp. The cd-rom is the only full manual that comes included with the preamp. The full manual is also available on line in PDF form. Pre-amp comes from a smoke free/pet free environment. It is in near mint condition. The only flaws are some superficial scratches on the back by the HDMI inputs where I had reached around while it was in my equipment rack to hook up different HDMI cables. It comes with all original accessories. The remote is in like new condition as it was only used for adjusting settings on pre-amp as I use a Logitech Harmony remote to control my system. Also included is a Netgear wnc2001 universal wifi adapter and instructions which I used to connect pre-amp to internet through wifi. Pre-amp will be shipped in original carton which will be double boxed. I will only ship to lower 48 states. Shipping will be UPS ground with signature required upon delivery. Shipping will be a flat $100.00. If shipping cost is less I will issue a refund for the difference. If shipping cost is more, I will pay the difference. This is a great sounding pre-amp tuner with many very positive reviews available online. Product highlights:Processing:Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included)Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakersAudyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levelsAudyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumesAudyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response4K pass-throughThis receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content.4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVsDigital music options:optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required)Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone®free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devicesAirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router.DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computerplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution)Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiverMulti-room audio/video:analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zonesone HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3Audio performance features:192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channelsdirect mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner soundMarantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital libraryConnections:11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputsdedicated 7.1-channel preamp input1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out)1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CECAudio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMIcomponent video switching (3 in, 2 out)iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front paneldigital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial8 audio/video inputs, including:1 front-panel input with composite video3 rear-panel inputs with composite video8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable)phono input4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable componentsGeneral features:on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presetsmultibrand, backlit, learning remote17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16Dweight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz AV Pre Tuner AV8801

End: 31.05. 2024 00:53:13 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1165.72 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126427562023
  • Seller: mandalo-92 (11|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Fort Worth, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent condition, one owner. No dings or dents. Shipping from Fort Worth, Texas United states. Works, please message for any questions. Smoke free home No remote and no calibration component.

Marantz SR8015 11.2 Home Theater Receiver w/ Atmos, Wi-Fi, AirPlay 2 (Preowned)

End: 27.05. 2024 14:34:12 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1655.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296449646245
  • Seller: audiolab-since_1958 (1169|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Morrisville, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SR8015 11.2 Home Theater Receiver w/ Atmos, Wi-Fi, AirPlay 2 (Preowned) TESTED AND WORKING - GREAT CONDITION *** MISSING 1 OF THE WIFI / BLUETOOTH ANTENNAS *** Power and processing: 11-channel amplifier 140 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD, with 2 channels driven Marantzs Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Modules (HDAM) offer exquisite detail and dynamic range while reducing noise Dolby, DTS, and Auro-3D surround sound decoding Dolby Atmos processing for use with in-ceiling or height speakers for more enveloping home theater sound Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization and DTS Virtual:X create three-dimensional effects without height speakers IMAX Enhanced reproduces the full dynamic range of specially encoded IMAX soundtracks from compatible sources analog-to-HDMI video conversion upscales standard-definition video signals to HD and Ultra HD (up to 8K) Audyssey speaker calibration and system optimization includes: MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration delivers balanced, dynamic sound with enhanced surround performance Dynamic Volume anticipates loud sounds to keep volume levels even Dynamic EQ improves dialogue, bass response, and surround channel levels at lower volumes Sub EQ HT provides individual calibration for dual subwoofers, for even bass response throughout the room Low Frequency Containment reduces the amount of bass that bleeds into other rooms Audyssey MultEQ Editor app for further audio customization (paid app; not included) Digital and streaming music options: built-in Wi-Fi for listening to music from a networked PC, free internet radio, and music services HEOS Built-in technology wirelessly connects compatible HEOS components for whole home audio includes support for Pandora, SiriusXM, and Spotify (subscription required for some services) free HEOS app offers easy Wi-Fi control, settings adjustments, and music selection and playback works with and voice control assistants Apple AirPlay 2 lets you stream directly from an iPhone® or iPad® and ask Siri to play Apple Music supports multi-room audio with compatible wireless speakers built-in Bluetooth for wireless music listening with smartphones, tablets, and compatible computers Bluetooth transmission for sending audio from the receiver to Bluetooth-enabled headphones play audio through Bluetooth headphones only, or through Bluetooth headphones and connected speakers simultaneously plays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution; DSD up to 5.6 MHz) works as a Roon player (requires subscription and Roon Core running on your network) Roon Core is media server software that runs on your computer, NAS drive, or other compatible hardware Multi-room audio/video: three-room/three-source output powered stereo outputs for second and third rooms allow playback in three rooms at once All Zone Stereo mode ensures that all zones stay in sync when playing the same source All Zone TV Audio lets you play surround sound in your main room and downmixed stereo in your 2nd and 3rd rooms supports both analog and digital audio connections HDMI dual-zone switching for watching video content from different sources in two zones simultaneously Zone 2 compatible audio sources: HDMI audio, optical/coaxial digital inputs, analog audio inputs, AM/FM tuner, USB, Bluetooth, and HEOS music apps cannot select different USB/Bluetooth/network sources for each zone Connections: HDMI 2.1 audio/video switching: 8 in (includes 1 front-panel input), 3 out 1 input and 2 outputs support 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz video all inputs and outputs support 4K/60Hz video HDCP 2.3 technology ensures compatibility with Ultra HD sources and TVs HDR-compatible for extended picture contrast and brightness with compatible TVs and HDR-encoded content supports HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby Vision™, and HLG gaming-optimized video processing technologies for a smooth, lag-free gaming experience Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Quick Frame Transport (QFT) reduce or eliminate lag and frame tearing supports ARC (Audio Return Channel) and eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel) eARC receives uncompressed surround sound signals including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X via the HDMI connection with your compatible TV component video switching: 3 in, 1 out composite video switching: 4 in, 2 out digital audio inputs: 2 Toslink optical, 2 coaxial 6 analog stereo RCA audio inputs MM (moving magnet) phono input for connecting a turntable 7.1-channel preamp inputs 13.2-channel preamp outputs two discrete line-level subwoofer outputs for more precise multi-subwoofer setups front-panel USB port for audio playback from USB flash drives Ethernet port for network connection outputs for 13 speakers (Front L/R, Center, Surround L/R, Surround Back L/R, Height1 L/R, Height2 L/R, Height3 L/R) receiver can power a maximum of 11 channels at once RS-232C and IR (infrared) remote connections for use with optional third-party controllers dual 12-volt trigger outputs full-sized headphone jack removable power cord General features: free Marantz AVR Remote app lets you use your Apple® or Android™ device as a Wi-Fi remote Marantz Setup Assistant guides you through the initial connection process and settings HDMI standby pass-through allows HDMI switching without powering up receiver AM/FM tuner remote control 17-5/16W x 7-5/16H x 18-1/8D (9-13/16H with Wi-Fi antennas raised) weight: 38.4 lbs.   Shipping Shipping cost:Free Shipping in USA (Non-International) Delivery time:Free 2-3 Day Shipping Payment We accept the following payment methods:  Cash On Pickup Please contact us if you have any questions. Shipping Policy Most orders are shipped via UPS and USPS within 2 business days. Any orders with Guaranteed Delivery will be shipped in time to arrive on the expected date. Whenever possible, products are double-boxed to further protect the contents of the package. All packages are shipped with shipping insurance. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a notification with your tracking information. Please allow 1-5 business days for delivery depending on what part of the country the order is being shipped to.  All orders over $250 we add signature confirmation to for security against package theft. By placing an order in that amount you agree to accept all responsibilities related to accepting and signing for your packages. *Products returned as undeliverable will have the full cost of shipping and up to a 15% restocking fee subtracted from the refund.* Return Policy Please message us to receive a return authorization or RA. An RA allows us to track your return and provide a timely refund. You may return any purchased item within 30 days of purchase for a refund as long as it is in the original box with all the packing and accessories. Shipping charges may be incurred by Audiolab and can be deducted from any refund even if they were provided at no cost on the original purchase. Shipping charges are based on the cost of shipping the item both ways. Opened items must be in new condition and although rare they may incur a restocking fee of no more than 10% if item is used or not complete. Please message us if you have any questions about returning an item. Defective merchandise may be exchanged or repaired, as per the manufacturers policies and warranties. Thank you.

Marantz AV8801 pre-amp tuner surround processor-one owner-GREAT CONDITION!

End: 25.05. 2024 23:01:13 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 581.47 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235570457275
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jeffbecky (647|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 90,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner of this pre-amp. It is in perfect working order. Firmware is up to date. It has been reset to factory settings. It includes a full manual(198 pages)that I printed out from the cd-rom included with the preamp. The cd-rom is the only full manual that comes included with the preamp. The full manual is also available on line in PDF form. Pre-amp comes from a smoke free/pet free environment. It is in near mint condition. The only flaws are some superficial scratches on the back by the HDMI inputs where I had reached around while it was in my equipment rack to hook up different HDMI cables. It comes with all original accessories. The remote is in like new condition as it was only used for adjusting settings on pre-amp as I use a Logitech Harmony remote to control my system. Also included is a Netgear wnc2001 universal wifi adapter and instructions which I used to connect pre-amp to internet through wifi. Pre-amp will be shipped in original carton which will be double boxed. I will only ship to lower 48 states. Shipping will be UPS ground with signature required upon delivery. Shipping will be a flat $100.00. If shipping cost is less I will issue a refund for the difference. If shipping cost is more, I will pay the difference. This is a great sounding pre-amp tuner with many very positive reviews available online. Product highlights:Processing:Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included)Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakersAudyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levelsAudyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumesAudyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response4K pass-throughThis receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content.4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVsDigital music options:optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required)Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone®free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devicesAirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router.DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computerplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution)Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiverMulti-room audio/video:analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zonesone HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3Audio performance features:192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channelsdirect mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner soundMarantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital libraryConnections:11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputsdedicated 7.1-channel preamp input1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out)1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CECAudio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMIcomponent video switching (3 in, 2 out)iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front paneldigital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial8 audio/video inputs, including:1 front-panel input with composite video3 rear-panel inputs with composite video8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable)phono input4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable componentsGeneral features:on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presetsmultibrand, backlit, learning remote17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16Dweight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz SR8012 11.2-Channel Home Theater - Black Very little usage

End: 24.05. 2024 01:33:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1397.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375365641680
  • Seller: my_dream (116|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hopewell Junction, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience phenomenal home theater performance with this Marantz SR8012 11.2-channel home theater receiver. It has an impressive array of audio inputs, including digital coaxial RCA, USB, stereo L/R RCA, digital optical TOSLINK, and HDMI, among others. This black receiver is in excellent condition and has had very little usage. Enjoy the immersive sound of Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital Surround EX, and other surround sound formats. It also comes with banana speaker jacks for easy connectivity. This home theater receiver is perfect for your entertainment needs.

Marantz AV8801 pre-amp tuner surround processor-one owner-GREAT CONDITION!

End: 11.05. 2024 23:00:01 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 670.93 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235548541404
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jeffbecky (647|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 90,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner of this pre-amp. It is in perfect working order. Firmware is up to date. It has been reset to factory settings. It includes a full manual(198 pages)that I printed out from the cd-rom included with the preamp. The cd-rom is the only full manual that comes included with the preamp. The full manual is also available on line in PDF form. Pre-amp comes from a smoke free/pet free environment. It is in near mint condition. The only flaws are some superficial scratches on the back by the HDMI inputs where I had reached around while it was in my equipment rack to hook up different HDMI cables. It comes with all original accessories. The remote is in like new condition as it was only used for adjusting settings on pre-amp as I use a Logitech Harmony remote to control my system. Also included is a Netgear wnc2001 universal wifi adapter and instructions which I used to connect pre-amp to internet through wifi. Pre-amp will be shipped in original carton which will be double boxed. I will only ship to lower 48 states. Shipping will be UPS ground with signature required upon delivery. Shipping will be a flat $90.00. If shipping cost is less I will issue a refund for the difference. If shipping cost is more, I will pay the difference. This is a great sounding pre-amp tuner with many very positive reviews available online. Product highlights:Processing:Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included)Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakersAudyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levelsAudyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumesAudyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response4K pass-throughThis receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content.4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVsDigital music options:optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required)Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone®free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devicesAirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router.DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computerplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution)Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiverMulti-room audio/video:analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zonesone HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3Audio performance features:192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channelsdirect mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner soundMarantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital libraryConnections:11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputsdedicated 7.1-channel preamp input1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out)1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CECAudio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMIcomponent video switching (3 in, 2 out)iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front paneldigital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial8 audio/video inputs, including:1 front-panel input with composite video3 rear-panel inputs with composite video8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable)phono input4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable componentsGeneral features:on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presetsmultibrand, backlit, learning remote17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16Dweight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz AV8801 11.2 Channel Home Theater Processor; MM Phono; Black

End: 11.05. 2024 17:17:47 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 910.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225768455153
  • Seller: tmraudio (12892|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 54,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Marantz AV8801 11.2 Channel Home Theater Processor; MM Phono; Black Product SKU: 53307 Voltage: 120V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 15001407002569 Age: 9 Years Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $3599 Cosmetic Description: Good cosmetic condition with some minor visible cosmetic wear including a few scratches on the top surface of the chassis, as well as a minor nick on the right hand side front edge of the chassis.  This item shows some wear consistent with its age but is still presentable and sounds wonderful. What is Included: Processor, Remote, Audyssey room correction system, AM / FM antenna, Manual, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: Integrated MM phono stage. Often, these features come at the expense of being able to provide music playback that strikes the balance of being musical and accurate or movie playback that is truly engaging, but thats not so with the Marantz AV8801 - it delivers both performance and features. Kudos to Marantz to providing a real contender. -Home Theater Review Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $55- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming

End: 06.05. 2024 11:35:12 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 0.01 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 23:33:33
  • Item number: 315323348004
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Northampton,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Marantz AV8801 Audio Video Preamplifier

End: 05.05. 2024 19:23:50 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 391.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266771527733
  • Seller: howards_electronics (265|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Wilmington, Delaware USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used, but 10/10 condition/aesthetic, all functionality operational. Each input/output tested, airplay and network tested. Comes with compatible marantz remote and power cablez Here's Marantz at its best. From the first look, the Marantz AV8801 preamp/processor radiates capability, competence and clarity of purpose. Its mission? To corral the unruly mix of high-end components, streaming audio, and video sources at your disposal, from Blu-rays to Netflix® to... well, most any form of entertainment you can imagine, even your digital camera's videos. Once tamed by the AV8801's versatile connections and logical controls, your source signals will be pampered, polished and prepared for delivery to your power amplifier, for ultra-lifelike sound in up to an 11.2-channel configuration. It must be experienced to be believed, because the total effect is like being at the center of your personal entertainment universe. High-res audio The future is calling And Marantz is ready, with features like support for 4K upconversion of standard-definition and high-definition sources, so you'll be ready for the coming generation of Ultra High Definition TVs. Streaming services of many stripes have a home in the '8801, from Internet radio to Apple AirPlay®. A four-port Ethernet switch on the back allows you to connect your network-capable components. And advanced home theater processing, including the latest from DTS®, Dolby® and Audyssey®, makes your movies and music sound as full, nuanced and immersive as they did when the artists were first realizing their vision. Plus, each audio channel is equipped with high-resolution 192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) for the ultimate in fidelity from your digital sources. The Marantz AV8801 preamp/processor features 13 individual HDAM amplifier modules - one for each channel The Marantz AV8801 preamp/processor features discrete circuitry for all 13 channels Built to dish it out If you could take a peek inside the AV8801 (and you can, just press the enlarge function on the pictures displayed up top), you'd see more evidence of the exquisite build quality that projects from the solid, streamlined exterior: a massive toroidal transformer, for clean, regulated power. Discrete circuit assemblies for the 13 individual channels. A copper-lined chassis, to eliminate vibration, electrical noise and RF interference. Top quality components and clever circuit design are surrounded by solid, classic black aluminum panels that add rigidity and stability to the structure. Marantz AV8801 preamp/processor connections Marantz AV8801 preamp/processor connections Around back, you'll find connectors for every audio and video source you can bring to the table. There are a few conveniently located up front, too. The '8801 features professional-quality XLR connectors for use with compatible amplifiers like Marantz's power amps, in addition to the classic RCA variety. And the preamp/processor supports up to four zones, so you can watch (or listen to) multiple stereo programs in different locations around your house. READ LESS Product highlights: Processing: Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24 Audyssey Laboratories' MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included) Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakers Audyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levels Audyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumes Audyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response 4K pass-through This receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content. 4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology 3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVs Digital music options: optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required) Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone® free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devices AirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router. DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computer plays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution) Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiver Multi-room audio/video: analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zones one HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4 component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3 Audio performance features: 192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channels direct mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner sound Marantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital library Connections: 11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputs dedicated 7.1-channel preamp input 1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out) 1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4 HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CEC Audio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTV's tuner via HDMI component video switching (3 in, 2 out) iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front panel digital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial 8 audio/video inputs, including: 1 front-panel input with composite video 3 rear-panel inputs with composite video 8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable) phono input 4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable components General features: on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs 100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presets multibrand, backlit, learning remote

Marantz AV8801 pre-amp tuner surround processor-one owner-GREAT CONDITION!

End: 03.05. 2024 17:20:04 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 715.66 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235538541029
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jeffbecky (647|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 90,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am the original owner of this pre-amp. It is in perfect working order. Firmware is up to date. It has been reset to factory settings. It includes a full manual(198 pages)that I printed out from the cd-rom included with the preamp. The cd-rom is the only full manual that comes included with the preamp. The full manual is also available on line in PDF form. Pre-amp comes from a smoke free/pet free environment. It is in near mint condition. The only flaws are some superficial scratches on the back by the HDMI inputs where I had reached around while it was in my equipment rack to hook up different HDMI cables. It comes with all original accessories. The remote is in like new condition as it was only used for adjusting settings on pre-amp as I use a Logitech Harmony remote to control my system. Also included is a Netgear wnc2001 universal wifi adapter and instructions which I used to connect pre-amp to internet through wifi. Pre-amp will be shipped in original carton which will be double boxed. I will only ship to lower 48 states. Shipping will be UPS ground with signature required upon delivery. Shipping will be a flat $90.00. If shipping cost is less I will issue a refund for the difference. If shipping cost is more, I will pay the difference. Product highlights:Processing:Dolby® TrueHD, DTS-HD™ Master Audio, Dolby® Digital Plus, DTS-HD™ High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic® IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included)Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakersAudyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levelsAudyssey Dynamic EQ™ for fuller surround sound at lower volumesAudyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response4K pass-throughThis receiver is not HDCP 2.2-compliant and will not support copy-protected 4K video content.4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVsDigital music options:optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora®, Spotify®, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required)Apple AirPlay® networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad® or iPhone®free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple® and Android™ devicesAirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router.DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computerplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution)Bluetooth® streaming with optional RX-101 receiverMulti-room audio/video:analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zonesone HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3Audio performance features:192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channelsdirect mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner soundMarantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital libraryConnections:11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputsdedicated 7.1-channel preamp input1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out)1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CECAudio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMIcomponent video switching (3 in, 2 out)iPod® / iPhone® / iPad® compatible USB input on front paneldigital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial8 audio/video inputs, including:1 front-panel input with composite video3 rear-panel inputs with composite video8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable)phono input4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable componentsGeneral features:on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presetsmultibrand, backlit, learning remote17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16Dweight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz AV8801 Audio Video Preamplifier

End: 30.04. 2024 18:59:45 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 371.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116133615631
  • Seller: tweetymp4 (548|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Elevate your home audio experience with this top-of-the-line Marantz AV8801 Audio Video Preamplifier. With 11.2 channels of pure audio power, this AV preamp is perfect for even the most demanding audiophiles. The sleek black design fits seamlessly into any home entertainment setup, and the advanced features like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X make for an immersive and dynamic listening experience. Whether youre watching movies, listening to music, or gaming, the Marantz AV8801 delivers exceptional performance. This AV preamp is specifically designed for use with high-end audio equipment, ensuring that every detail of your favorite media is reproduced with stunning clarity. Dont settle for anything less than the best – upgrade your home audio system with the Marantz AV8801 today. Ships to USA only, sold as is in pictures with power cord and NO REMOTE. Used in good condition

Marantz AV8801 Home Theater AV Pre-amp/Processor 11.2 Channels Used Unit

End: 29.04. 2024 04:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 285.58 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285823323408
  • Bids: 20
  • Seller: 8-o_o-8 (1287|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Mateo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Gently used unit, in perfect working order, replaced recently with Emotiva RMC-1L. All accessories, including Audyssey calibration microphone. Original packaging and shipping box. Manufacturers info from Main Features •Current Feedback circuitry with Marantz HDAM• 11.2 channel enhanced surround processing withAudyssey DSX and DTS Neo:X• 11.2 ch XLR balanced & RCA un-balanced output•High grade build quality with 3 piece top cover•Copper plated chassis•Full 4k compatibility – Scaling – Pass through – GUI overlay•DLNA1.5 Network audio streaming and Internet radio•FLAC HD 192/24 and Gapless playback by firmware update•AirPlay and music services Spotify and installed•Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Pro, Audyssey Sub EQ HT Dualsubwoofer EQ processing and Audyssey LFC• 6+1 in / 3 out HDMI (3D/ARC/CEC)• Independent HDMI out for 2nd room•Front HDMI input for quick connection of tablet,iPad/iPhone, camera, etc. supporting MHL TM• iPod/iPhone compatible USB input incl. iPad charging•Multi room/Multi source including HDMI Video• Easy Remote Control and Marantz Remote App foradvanced media browsing• Phono MM amplifier

Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming

End: 27.04. 2024 03:08:37 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 0.01 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 21:45:34
  • Item number: 315299660250
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Northampton,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY


End: 26.04. 2024 18:49:04 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 462.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 156166377849
  • Seller: amymoore1483 (304|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Morristown, Tennessee USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used in smoke free environment. All working perfectly! The remote is missing its battery cover and the front panel when open is loose or broken (see pic). Sold as is, mainly because of weight and shipping cost. This is a preamp and therefore has no Amplifier. Product highlights: Processing: Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS-HD High Resolution Audio, Pro Logic IIz, ES Discrete/Matrix, Neo:X, 96/24 Audyssey Laboratories MultEQ XT32 auto setup and room calibration system (microphone included) Audyssey DSX processing for enhanced surround sound height and width effects using additional front speakers Audyssey Dynamic Volume mode to maintain steady listening levels Audyssey Dynamic EQ for fuller surround sound at lower volumes Audyssey Sub EQ HT optimizes dual-subwoofer setups for smooth, dynamic response 4K pass-through This receiver is notHDCP 2.2-compliantand will not support copy-protected 4K video content. 4K upscaling of SD and HD sources for compatibility with emerging TV technology 3D pass-through for 3D programming on compatible HDTVs Digital music options: optional streaming services include SiriusXM Internet radio, Pandora, Spotify, and vTuner Internet radio (broadband connection required, services may vary depending on region, subscription may be required) Apple AirPlay networking built-in for easy streaming of digital music from your iPad or iPhone free downloadable system control/music playback apps available for Apple and Android devices AirPlay and app control require a wireless home network. Preamp/processor requires wired connection to your router. DLNA 1.5-certified to stream music (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and WMA) and photos from a compatible Windows computer plays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution) Bluetooth streaming with optionalRX-101receiver Multi-room audio/video: analog stereo audio outputs for second and third audio zones one HDMI output is dedicated to Zone 4 component/composite output dedicated to Zone 3 Audio performance features: 192kHz/32-bit digital-to-analog converters for all channels direct mode and Pure Direct mode switch off unnecessary circuitry to provide cleaner sound Marantz M-DAX function helps restore information lost in compressed digital music for richer sound from your digital library Connections: 11.2-channel balanced XLR preamp outputs dedicated 7.1-channel preamp input 1080p-compatible HDMI switching (7 in, 3 out) 1 HDMI input on front; 2 HDMI outputs are simultaneous signal, 1 output dedicated to Zone 4 HDMI version 1.4a with support for 3D video, Audio Return Channel, Deep Color, x.v.Color, auto lip-sync, and HDMI-CEC Audio Return Channel function receives digital audio signals from a compatible HDTVs tuner via HDMI component video switching (3 in, 2 out) iPod / iPhone / iPad compatible USB input on front panel digital audio inputs: 2 optical and 2 coaxial 8 audio/video inputs, including: 1 front-panel input with composite video 3 rear-panel inputs with composite video 8 audio-only inputs (1 XLR assignable) phono input 4-port ethernet switch for easy network integration and program streaming from multiple wired network-capable components General features: on-screen display for easy setup and operation available through all monitor outputs 100 FM/SIRIUS XM/Internet radio presets multibrand, backlit, learning remote 17-3/8W x 7-3/16H x 16-13/16D weight: 30.16 lbs.

Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming

End: 25.04. 2024 08:48:05 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1857.44 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315319398379
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: besthometheaterprices (56|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Northampton, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Buy it now prices include Overnight option! Items will be 100% as described! Please rely on description, and not pictures as I am almost totally blind, thank you. All sales going for a new $5795 Braille Tablet and custom built home theater speakers, see link for what Im getting with your help and check out my 1/1 Harry Potter autographed set!! I listed this as open box, because it is manufactured refurbished, however, everything is included, and it looks brand new! Bid with complete confidence, I will ship as soon as payment clears. Experience powerful and immersive audio with the Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming. This renewed A/V receiver is the perfect addition to your home audio setup, allowing you to enjoy high-quality sound from your favorite movies and music. With 11.2 channels, this receiver delivers exceptional sound quality, bringing all your entertainment to life. Plus, you can easily stream music with the HEOS app, giving you access to all your favorite songs. Get the most out of your audio experience with the Marantz SR8015. On Apr-02-24 at 01:37:55 PDT, seller added the following information: Guaranteed as described! Please do not rely on pictures, as I am almost totally blind, thank you. On Apr-02-24 at 04:22:41 PDT, seller added the following information: Item 100% as described! Along with the special tablet, all sales also going for custom home, theater speakers!

Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming

End: 24.04. 2024 21:52:17 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2786.16 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315319052033
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: besthometheaterprices (56|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Northampton, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Buy it now prices include Overnight option! Items will be 100% as described! Please rely on description, and not pictures as I am almost totally blind, thank you. All sales going for a new $5795 Braille Tablet and custom built home theater speakers, see link for what Im getting with your help and check out my 1/1 Harry Potter autographed set!! I listed this as open box, because it is manufactured refurbished, however, everything is included, and it looks brand new! Bid with complete confidence, I will ship as soon as payment clears. Experience powerful and immersive audio with the Marantz SR8015 11.2 Channel AV Receiver with HEOS Music Streaming. This renewed A/V receiver is the perfect addition to your home audio setup, allowing you to enjoy high-quality sound from your favorite movies and music. With 11.2 channels, this receiver delivers exceptional sound quality, bringing all your entertainment to life. Plus, you can easily stream music with the HEOS app, giving you access to all your favorite songs. Get the most out of your audio experience with the Marantz SR8015. On Apr-02-24 at 01:37:55 PDT, seller added the following information: Guaranteed as described! Please do not rely on pictures, as I am almost totally blind, thank you. On Apr-02-24 at 04:22:41 PDT, seller added the following information: Item 100% as described! Along with the special tablet, all sales also going for custom home, theater speakers!

Marantz SR8015 11.2ch 8K AV receiver with 3D Audio, HEOS® Built-in and Voice ...

End: 24.04. 2024 18:43:42 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1871.16 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296337798775
  • Seller: audiolab-since_1958 (1154|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Morrisville, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marantz SR8015 11.2ch 8K AV receiver with 3D Audio, HEOS® Built-in and Voice Control (Open-Box) OPEN-BOX / Tested and Working / Great condition. Minor scuff on the back corner of the unit. (See photo.) Enjoy exquisitely detailed home cinema with the Marantz SR8015 11.2 channel 8K UHD AV receiver. Delight in the most musical sound for any source — from home theater, to vinyl, to digital streaming. Completely immerse yourself in movies and TV with elevated surround sound formatting from Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, DTS:X Pro, IMAX Enhanced and Auro-3D. Enjoy seamless voice control from the leading voice agents, multi-room connectivity and the latest in HDMI technology. Features: Premium, power performing amplification: Delivers a masterful 140W per channel (8 ohms, 20Hz-20kHz, THD: 0.05%, 2 ch. driven) so you experience your entertainment in remarkable detail. 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz pass-through support for every entertainment need: With the latest technology in HDMI support, enjoy 8K quality video from your 8K source devices. Showcasing one dedicated 8K input and two outputs, enjoy 8K/60Hz or 4K/120Hz pass-through in amazing clarity. 8K upscaling is available on all eight HDMI ports. Featuring the most advanced object-based audio formats: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology, DTS:X, DTS Virtual:X, DTS:X Pro, IMAX Enhanced and Auro-3D processing are all supported to allow you to listen to all of your favorite audio styles. DTS:X Pro support: Available in a future firmware update, DTS:X Pro is capable of processing up to 13 channels, wowing listeners with the most cutting edge DTS technology. Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) HDMI support: Through the main HDMI output, connect your TV via eARC HDMI to allow uncompressed and object-based audio formats like Dolby Atmos® and DTS:X® directly from your smart TV app to your AV receiver. Bringing you the latest in video compatibility: The latest HDR format support including HDR10, HDR10+ (New in 2020), HLG, Dolby Vision, 4:4:4 color resolution and BT.2020, as well as Dynamic HDR, to provide miraculous picture quality for brightness, clarity and contrast. Experience the next scene in movie entertainment: With 8K/60Hz pass-through or upscaling, Dynamic HDR and Quick Media Switching (QMS), enjoy the most crystal clear and smoothest picture quality available. The latest in gaming thrills: With 4K/120Hz pass-through, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) and Quick Frame Transport (QFT), enjoy your gaming experience with amazing imaging with reduced lag and tearing. Stream music from your favorite sources: Play songs from Spotify, Pandora, TIDAL and more via AirPlay 2, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and the HEOS app. Specs Multichannel Surround DTS HD Master / DTS:X/ DTS:X Pro DTS Neural:X DTS Virtual:X Dolby TrueHD / Dolby Atmos/ Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Dolby Surround Auro 3D Multichannel Stereo Max Number of Processing (Preamp) Channels: 13.2 Sound Enhancements Discrete Power Amplifier Copper Plated Chassis Power Transformer: Toroidal Current Feedback Topology Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Modules (HDAM) Pure Direct Gold plated RCA terminals Clock Jitter Reducer Audyssey: MultEQ XT32 Audyssey Dynamic EQ / Dynamic Volume Audyssey LFC Compressed Audio Enhancer: MDAX2 Network HEOS Multi-room and Streaming Bluetooth Re-transmit for Bluetooth headphones Alexa / Google Voice Assistant / Apple HomePod Network Audio Sharing Lossy formats: MP3 / WMA / AAC Lossless formats: FLAC / ALAC / WAV Lossless formats: FLAC HD 192/24 / WAV 192/24 / ALAC 192/24 DSD Audio Streaming: 2.8/5.6MHz FLAC HD 192/24 WAV 192/24 ALAC 192/24 Gapless Playback: FLAC, WAV, ALAC ,DSD AirPlay Audio Streaming: AirPlay2 Internet radio: TuneIn Spotify (connect) / Pandora / SiriusXM Other Streaming Services *: Amazon Music HD / TIDAL / Deezer / iHeart Radio /Napster / Soundcloud /Mood Mix Compatible with Remote APP for Smart Phones: Marantz 2016 AVR Remote Compatible with Remote APP for Tablets: Android / iOS / Amazon Kindle Ethernet Ports Wi-Fi Bluetooth HDMI HDMI Inputs: Back / Front: 7 / 1 HDCP2.2 Support HDMI Outputs: Main / Zone: 2 / 1 Video Conversion Analog -> HDMI Analog to HDMI Scaling: 480i/576i up to 8K 60/50 HDMI to HDMI Scaling: up to 8K 60/50 GUI Overlay on HDMI HDMI: 3D / 4K / CEC / ARC Enhanced ARC HDR / HLG / Dolby Vision / HDR10+ / Dynamic HDR ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) Pass-through for gaming Variable Refresh Rate / Quick Flame Transport / Quick Media Switching 3D Signal Pass-Through 8K signal pass-through / scaling / GUI overlay 4K Signal Pass-Through / Scaling / GUI Overlay HDMI Pass-Through in Standby Mode Picture Adjust / Noise Reduction CEC DSD Audio Capability Audio Return Channel Auto Lip-Sync Multi-Room / CI HEOS Multi-Room Integrated HEOS Link Compatibility: IR/ IP Multi-Room Zones: 3 Zone Audio Source: HDMI (2ch) / Opt, Coax (2ch) / Network, USB / Analog Zone Audio Output: Speaker / Preout Zone HDMI Output from HDMI Source IP Control / RS232 Control / Web Control / App Control IR Flasher In Marantz Remote Bus DC Trigger Output: 2 HDMI Diagnostics Others Auto Speaker Setup by Microphone: Audyssey MultEQ XT32 FL Display: 2 lines + Port Hole Graphic User Interface - GUI: Advanced ISF Certification GUI Languages: 3 Setup Assistant Smart Select Firmware Update by Network / USB Variable Cross Over Optimized Bass Redirection Bass Sync ECO Mode Auto Power off Sleep Timer Video Inputs/Outputs Composite In / Out: 4+1 / 2 Component In / Out: 3 / 1 HDMI In / Out: 7+1 / 3 Multi-Room Video Out: Video / HDMI Audio Inputs/Outputs Analog In / Out: 6+1 / - Phono (MM) In Digital In: Optical / Coaxial: 2 / 2 Multi-Room Out: Analog / Digital: 2 / - Multichannel Pre Out: 11.2 Subwoofer Out: 2 (independent) 7.1 Multichannel Input Other Speaker Terminal: Gold Plated Screw Number of Speaker Terminals: 13 Speaker A / B: assignable Bi-Amp Drive: assignable Multi-Room Speaker Terminal: assignable Front Inputs: Audio / Composite / HDMI / USB USB Audio AM/FM Tuner General Power Number of Power amps channels 11 Power Output (8 ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.08% 2ch Drive): 140 W Power Output (6 ohm, 1 kHz, 0.7% 2ch Drive): 175 W Power Output (6 ohm, 1 kHz, 10% 1ch Drive): 250 W General Metal Front Panel System Remote Control: RC043SR Pre-Programmed / Learnable / LCD Display Power Consumption in W: 780 Power Consumption No-Sound (ECO on / off) in W: 65 W / 110 W Standby Consumption in W: 0.2 CEC Standby Consumption in W: 0.5 Network Standby Consumption in W: 3.5 Maximum Dimensions Antenna: Horizontal:(W x D x H): 17.3 x 18.1 x 7.3 Antenna: Vertical :(W x D x H): 17.3 x 18.1 x 9.8 W/o Antenna:(W x D x H): 17.3 x 17.7 x 7.3 Weight in lbs.: 38.4   Shipping Shipping cost:Free Shipping in USA (Non-International) Delivery time:Free 2-3 Day Shipping Payment We accept the following payment methods:  Cash On Pickup Please contact us if you have any questions. Shipping Policy Most orders are shipped via UPS and USPS within 2 business days. Any orders with Guaranteed Delivery will be shipped in time to arrive on the expected date. Whenever possible, products are double-boxed to further protect the contents of the package. All packages are shipped with shipping insurance. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a notification with your tracking information. Please allow 1-5 business days for delivery depending on what part of the country the order is being shipped to.  All orders over $250 we add signature confirmation to for security against package theft. By placing an order in that amount you agree to accept all responsibilities related to accepting and signing for your packages. *Products returned as undeliverable will have the full cost of shipping and up to a 15% restocking fee subtracted from the refund.* Return Policy Please message us to receive a return authorization or RA. An RA allows us to track your return and provide a timely refund. You may return any purchased item within 30 days of purchase for a refund as long as it is in the original box with all the packing and accessories. Shipping charges may be incurred by Audiolab and can be deducted from any refund even if they were provided at no cost on the original purchase. Shipping charges are based on the cost of shipping the item both ways. Opened items must be in new condition and although rare they may incur a restocking fee of no more than 10% if item is used or not complete. Please message us if you have any questions about returning an item. Defective merchandise may be exchanged or repaired, as per the manufacturers policies and warranties. Thank you.