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Technics Kassette Deck Rs-M13 Funktionstüchtig

End: 08.02. 2024 05:49:09 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 187.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116057595092
  • Seller: dr_nine (1358|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 73,51 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics Kassette Deck Rs-M13 FunktionstüchtigTechnics Kassette Deck Rs-M13 FunktionstüchtigDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten e Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand Sony UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Service Manual Instructions for Technics RS-M13, Original

End: 02.02. 2024 00:30:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Sehr Gut
  • Price: 10.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364610987412
  • Seller: viktorion (28988|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sulzbach-Rosenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 8,7 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

      Service Manual guide for Technics/ Panasonic(schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!   Service Manual guide for Technics/ Panasonic (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!Service Manual guide for Technics/ Panasonic (schematics, settings... - what you need to repair a device) It is an ORIGINAL !!! Good condition! By all means take me in yours favorites on! Have fun and good luck with the repair!!!

Solides Vintage Kassettendeck Technics RS-M13

End: 14.01. 2024 17:49:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 50.01 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355356471829
  • Bids: 15
  • Seller: jumper.77 (500|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Krefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Solides Vintage Kassettendeck Technics RS-M13Solides Vintage Kassettendeck Technics RS-M13 Hier biete ich mein Tape Deck, ein Technics RS-M13 an. Es müsste so aus dem Jahr 1980 sein. Das Deck ist voll funktionsfähig. Optisch gibt es normale Gebrauchsspuren. Sauber und 100% wohnzimmertauglich. Das Kassettendeck besitzt einen guten Gleichlauf (0,05% WRMS) durch eine große Schwungmasse. Features: - manueller Bandsortenwähler - analoge Nadel-VU-Meter - mechanisches Zähllaufwerk, rückstellbar - Eingänge für Micro - Rauschunterdrückung Dolby B - Drehregler für Rec-Level - Ein/Ausgänge in DIN und Chinch - Kopfhörerausgang - 2 Tonköpfe (1 x Aufnahme und Wiedergabekombikopf (MX), 1 x Löschkopf) ) Alles in allem ein solides, einfaches Kassettendeck mit schöner Retro Optik. Abmessungen: 430 x 119 x 246 mm (B x H x T) Gewicht: 4,3 kg Lieferumfang: - Tape Deck Technics RS-M13 Viel Erfolg beim Bieten! Da ich Privatverkäufer bin, weise ich darauf hin, dass ich keine Garantie und Gewährleistung übernehmen kann!Versand nur innerhalb von Deutschland. Da es sich hier um ein empfindliches elektronisches Gerät handelt, empfehle ich eine Abholung. Wenn Sie einen Versand wünschen, werde ich das Gerät angemessen und sorgfältig verpacken (schauen Sie sich gerne auch meine Bewertungen an). Leider habe ich keinen Einfluss darauf, wie DHL das Paket behandelt. Daher kann ich keine Haftung für Transportschäden übernehmen. Durch Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich mit der Übernahme des Transportrisikos einverstanden.

1P-0169X00-4013 or 0180CAS08E00 main board Vizio E75-E3 / E80-E3 M13

End: 06.01. 2024 00:37:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 110.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126213025020
  • Seller: msul173 (1358|96.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Roselle, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    1P-0169X00-4013 or 0180CAS08E00 main board Vizio E75-E3 / E80-E3 M13. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.

Onn 75" M21144-MT Main Board M13 MT90100-ZC01-01 515C90100M13 100044717 Video

End: 30.12. 2023 03:52:06 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 15.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 23:15:39
  • Item number: 395031597800
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Walled Lake,MI,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 9,99 USD
  • on EBAY


End: 29.12. 2023 03:55:52 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 97.02 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 16:59:13
  • Item number: 126211390131
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Roselle,IL,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SHARP PN-UH551 COMPLETE REPAIR PARTS KIT M13. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.

Onn 100012584 Main Board M13-100012584

End: 10.12. 2023 16:01:54 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 36.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 14:8:5
  • Item number: 155402246439
  • Seller: michiganserviceparts (43480|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lansing, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Part Info: Brand: OnnPart Number: M13-100012584Board Number: MT90100-ZC01-01Compatible Models: 100012584Important Notes: Partial part number (M13) can be found on a sticker on the front of the board. The part number MUST match the part number from the board you are replacing, or this will NOT work for your TV even if the model listed is correct. If you are unsure of how or where to find the part number, please message us for assistance BEFORE making any purchases, we would be happy to assist you. Our circuit boards are generally removed from Brand New, Tested, Working TVs that were damaged in shipping and beyond repair. Circuit boards do not include any manufacturer packaging and may show signs of prior installation. Parts are New or Like New! - The TVs we get our parts from are coming from Major Retailers. Parts are generally pulled from TVs that were damaged in shipping or during setup and never used. Rarely parts are from TVs with some use, however they would need to be returned within the retailers return timeframe, so used parts generally have under 3 months of use on them.

Olevia SC0-P408201-M13 (EPC-P412101-000, PPKA0412) Main Board

End: 27.11. 2023 17:20:05 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 19.49 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:33:14
  • Item number: 256271925815
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Onn 75" M21144-MT Main Board M13 MT90100-ZC01-01 515C90100M13 100044717 Video

End: 16.11. 2023 19:47:28 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 0.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394720300325
  • Seller: tvpartscenter (3065|95.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Walled Lake, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,4 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    MUST ORDER BY PART NUMBER ONLY!!!!! THERE CAN BE MANY VERSIONS WITHIN THE SAME MODEL NUMBER THAT ARE NOT COMPATIBLE!!!! PLEASE MAKE SURE THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED PRIOR TO ORDERING, WE DO NOT DO RETURNS. PLEASE ASK BEFORE ORDERING IF UNSURE. WE WILL TRY AND GET BACK TO YOU AS SOON AS TIME ALLOWS.We ship 100s of items per day, and harvest 1000s of parts per week. It does not leave us much time for messages, please be patient. We will try and respond and soon as we can.Works only for the model numbers listed.Does not come with cables, screws, or cord unless stated otherwise. DESRIBED ITEM onlyItem may or may not come in original packaging. Ebay does not allow multiple listings of the same part number. If the pictured item is sold, an identical/compatible item will be sent to you.every TV model number can have multiple versions, connors, cables, & part variations. it is CRITICAL TO ORDER BY PART NUMBER ONLY!Please check your TV and make sure this is what you need prior to purchasing. WE DO NOT DO RETURNS!Motherboard Input Video Unit Works only for the model numbers listed. Does not come with cables, screws, or cord unless stated otherwise. Boards only Item may or may not come in original packaging. Ebay does not allow multiple listings of the same part number. If the pictured item is sold, an identical item will be sent to you. every TV model number can have multiple versions & part variations. Please check your TV and make sure this is what you need prior to purchasing. We do not do returns

Onn M22223-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717

End: 07.11. 2023 03:54:05 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 48.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334947517738
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 16,8 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M22223-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22223-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M22223-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22223-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Onn M22214-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012584

End: 07.11. 2023 03:54:03 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 24.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334947517764
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 18,73 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M22214-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012584 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22214-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100012584 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M22214-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012584 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22214-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100012584 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Onn M22176-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012588

End: 07.11. 2023 03:54:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 73.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334919531220
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|98.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,76 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M22176-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012588 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22176-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100012588 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M22176-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100012588 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22176-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100012588 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Onn M22234-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717

End: 07.11. 2023 03:54:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 75.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334947518421
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 17,25 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M22234-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22234-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M22234-MT Main (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) for 100044717 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22234-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Onn M22233-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)

End: 07.11. 2023 03:54:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 78.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334919531354
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|98.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 22,86 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M22233-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22233-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M22233-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M22233-MT TV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13 TV Part Type: Main Board TV Models: Onn 100044717 Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Onn 100012584 Kit (514C3904M05, M22214-MT M13, T43UHD-IVP1 J184001A0F)

End: 07.11. 2023 03:53:39 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 82.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334947435347
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn 100012584 Kit (514C3904M05, M22214-MT M13, T43UHD-IVP1 J184001A0F) *IMPORTANT* Mulitple versions of kits may be sold for your TV model. You MUST verify the part and board numbers provided for EACH part in this kit. You MUST open your TV to verify this information. If you are not comfortable doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop and do not purchase until you are given the correct information. DO NOT order by TV model alone as this is often the cause of incorrect parts ordered. We state this because the most common return reason is one or more parts were not compatible or did not fit the TV. VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. Due to eBays policies, you will be required to return the entire kit even if one of the individual parts work for you. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful, descriptive, and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us directly if you are unsure at any point. Direct TV Parts is only a TV parts seller, not a repair shop. We unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues remotely or give repair advice. Please consult a local TV repair shop regarding the issues you are facing. However, if you need help identifying the parts in your TV to ensure you are buying the correct part/kit, message us with any clear images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST (excluding USPS holidays). If you message us after hours, over the weekend, or on a holiday, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *SPECIAL NOTE* If you are looking for a part in this kit that we are not selling/or out of stock individually, message us and we may be able to help. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: KT-100012584-V9TV KIT INCLUDES: TV T-Con Board: T43UHD-IVP1 (GSD-T-0009, J184001A0F) TV Main Board: M22214-MT (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) TV Power Supply: 514C3904M05 (M05, TV3904-ZC02-01) TV Models: Onn 100012584 (Must Match Your Version) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. THIS TV KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE: WI-FI, CABLES, RIBBONS, OR WIRES. ONLY BOARDS ARE INCLUDED. Note: NO PARTIAL RETURNS. ALL PURCHASES SOLD AS A KIT MUST BE RETURNED AS A KIT. RETURNS MUST INCLUDE ALL PARTS IN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. PARTIAL RETURNS WILL BE DENIED. OUR BOARDS ARE WATERMARKED TO INSURE THAT WE RECEIVE OUR BOARDS BACK IF RETURNED. ANY ITEMS RETURNED WITHOUT THE STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is a STOCK photo. The board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn 100012584 Kit (514C3904M05, M22214-MT M13, T43UHD-IVP1 J184001A0F) *IMPORTANT* Mulitple versions of kits may be sold for your TV model. You MUST verify the part and board numbers provided for EACH part in this kit. You MUST open your TV to verify this information. If you are not comfortable doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop and do not purchase until you are given the correct information. DO NOT order by TV model alone as this is often the cause of incorrect parts ordered. We state this because the most common return reason is one or more parts were not compatible or did not fit the TV. VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. Due to eBays policies, you will be required to return the entire kit even if one of the individual parts work for you. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful, descriptive, and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us directly if you are unsure at any point. Direct TV Parts is only a TV parts seller, not a repair shop. We unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues remotely or give repair advice. Please consult a local TV repair shop regarding the issues you are facing. However, if you need help identifying the parts in your TV to ensure you are buying the correct part/kit, message us with any clear images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST (excluding USPS holidays). If you message us after hours, over the weekend, or on a holiday, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *SPECIAL NOTE* If you are looking for a part in this kit that we are not selling/or out of stock individually, message us and we may be able to help. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: KT-100012584-V9TV KIT INCLUDES: TV T-Con Board: T43UHD-IVP1 (GSD-T-0009, J184001A0F) TV Main Board: M22214-MT (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13) TV Power Supply: 514C3904M05 (M05, TV3904-ZC02-01) TV Models: Onn 100012584 (Must Match Your Version) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. THIS TV KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE: WI-FI, CABLES, RIBBONS, OR WIRES. ONLY BOARDS ARE INCLUDED. Note: NO PARTIAL RETURNS. ALL PURCHASES SOLD AS A KIT MUST BE RETURNED AS A KIT. RETURNS MUST INCLUDE ALL PARTS IN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. PARTIAL RETURNS WILL BE DENIED. OUR BOARDS ARE WATERMARKED TO INSURE THAT WE RECEIVE OUR BOARDS BACK IF RETURNED. ANY ITEMS RETURNED WITHOUT THE STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is a STOCK photo. The board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × × × × × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

JVC LT-55maw705 Kit (M13 tv5507-ZC02-01, M07 ms16010-ZC01-01, RUNTK0135za/zz)

End: 07.11. 2023 03:49:22 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 66.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 334914503352
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5387|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 28,12 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    JVC LT-55maw705 Kit (M13 tv5507-ZC02-01, M07 ms16010-ZC01-01, RUNTK0135za/zz) *IMPORTANT* Mulitple versions of kits may be sold for your TV model. You MUST verify the part and board numbers provided for EACH part in this kit. You MUST open your TV to verify this information. If you are not comfortable doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop and do not purchase until you are given the correct information. DO NOT order by TV model alone as this is often the cause of incorrect parts ordered. We state this because the most common return reason is one or more parts were not compatible or did not fit the TV. VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. Due to eBays policies, you will be required to return the entire kit even if one of the individual parts work for you. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful, descriptive, and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us directly if you are unsure at any point. Direct TV Parts is only a TV parts seller, not a repair shop. We unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues remotely or give repair advice. Please consult a local TV repair shop regarding the issues you are facing. However, if you need help identifying the parts in your TV to ensure you are buying the correct part/kit, message us with any clear images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST (excluding USPS holidays). If you message us after hours, over the weekend, or on a holiday, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *SPECIAL NOTE* If you are looking for a part in this kit that we are not selling/or out of stock individually, message us and we may be able to help. TV Part Number: LT-55MAW705-V1 TV KIT INCLUDES: TV T-Con Board: RUNTK0135ZA or RUNTK0135ZZ, CCPD-TC550-001 V1.0 TV Main Board: M07, MS16010-ZC01-01 must have M07 TV Power Supply: M13, TV5507-ZC02-01 must have M13 TV Models: JVC LT-55MAW705 (Must Match Your Version) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. THIS TV KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE: WI-FI, CABLES, RIBBONS, OR WIRES. ONLY BOARDS ARE INCLUDED. NOTE: NO PARTIAL RETURNS. ALL PURCHASES SOLD AS A KIT MUST BE RETURNED AS A KIT. RETURNS MUST INCLUDE ALL PARTS IN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. PARTIAL RETURNS WILL BE DENIED. OUR BOARDS ARE WATERMARKED TO INSURE THAT WE RECEIVE OUR BOARDS BACK IF RETURNED. ANY ITEMS RETURNED WITHOUT THE STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is a STOCK photo. The board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. TV Part Number:  LT-55MAW705-V1 TV KIT INCLUDES: TV T-Con Board:  RUNTK0135ZA or RUNTK0135ZZ, CCPD-TC550-001 V1.0 TV Main Board:    M07, MS16010-ZC01-01 must have M07 TV Power Supply: M13, TV5507-ZC02-01 must have M13 TV Models:    JVC LT-55MAW705 (Must Match Your Version) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. THIS TV KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE: WI-FI, CABLES, RIBBONS, OR WIRES. ONLY BOARDS ARE INCLUDED. NOTE: NO PARTIAL RETURNS. ALL PURCHASES SOLD AS A KIT MUST BE RETURNED AS A KIT. RETURNS MUST INCLUDE ALL PARTS IN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE. PARTIAL RETURNS WILL BE DENIED. OUR BOARDS ARE WATERMARKED TO INSURE THAT WE RECEIVE OUR BOARDS BACK IF RETURNED. ANY ITEMS RETURNED WITHOUT THE STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is a STOCK photo. The board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × × × × × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Technics RS-M13 *Schöner Zustand* *Verschleißteile und Riemen sind neu*

End: 21.10. 2023 11:24:42 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 59.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175849790306
  • Seller: may.sha (54|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nidderau Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics RS-M13 *Schöner Zustand* *Verschleißteile und Riemen sind neu*Technics RS-M13 *Schöner Zustand* *Verschleißteile und Riemen sind neu*. Wir bieten dieses optisch schön erhaltene Technics RS-M13 an. Den guten Zustand können Sie auch den Bildern entnehmen.Das Gerät arbeitet Technics-typisch sehr zuverlässig und ist mit Dolby-Rauschunterdrückung ausgestattet. Bei dem Deck wurden kürzlich die Antriebsriemen erneuert, außerdem die Beleuchtung, sowie defekte Elkos ist also topfit für die nächsten Jahre. Bei Rückfragen gerne melden. Anbei noch die technischen Daten: SpecificationsType: 2-head, single compact cassette deckTrack System: 4-track, 2-channel stereoTape Speed: 4.8 cm/sHeads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x eraseTape Type: type I, FeCr, CrO2, MetalNoise Reduction: BFrequency Response: 20Hz to 18kHz (Metal tape)Signal to Noise Ratio: 67dB (dolby B)Wow and Flutter: 0.05%Input: 60mV (line), 0.25mV (mic)Output: 0.42V (line)Dimensions: 430 x 119 x 246mmWeight: 4.3kgYear: 1980

Technics RS-M13 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck Player Silver free shipping from Japan

End: 10.10. 2023 17:01:46 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 169.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404473272507
  • Seller: omotenashi_japan2023 (78|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chiba ken Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Shipping DHL or FedEx or Japan Post. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Important Point If you refuse to pay customs duties, we cannot refund the product cost. If you would like to request a return due to damage, malfunction, loss, or any other reason, please contact the store before opening the case.

Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587

End: 21.09. 2023 21:03:49 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 52.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334957424767
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5375|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 18,84 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M21070-MTTV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13TV Part Type: Main BoardTV Models: Onn 100012587 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M21070-MTTV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13TV Part Type: Main BoardTV Models: Onn 100012587 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

-M13 Portable Speaker Speaker with TF U0P3

End: 20.07. 2023 13:19:57 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 23.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364281081170
  • Seller: lmls-12 (7835|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Middlesex, UK Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This speaker is lightweight and portable. and with TF port and it will deliver clear and stereo sound.Do not miss it. Features: Superior Sound Quality.Gamut speaker with the latest passive bass delivers clear and stereo sound,releasing the sound of . Support TF Player.With TF port,you can restore ,and then just and .Support common mainstream file format. Material & Compact Body. Skin-friendly material offers comfortable hand experience. designed body makes the speaker lightweight and portable. Considerate Design.-slip pad at the bottom keeps the speaker stable and lanyard hole is convenient for you to carry the product everywhere. Universal Compatibility.Widely compatible with most iOS and Android audio output devices. Specifications: Brand: Model:-M13 Material: alloy+ABS Color:///Black (Optional) Type:Rechargeable Lithium Capacity:500mAh Voltage:DC5±0.25V :2.5H Mic Sensitivity:-42±3dB Speaker :3W Talking :?14H Playing:?5H Standby :?60days Transmission Distance:10M Frequency Response:40Hz-20000Hz Item Size:85*85*30mm/3.35*3.35*1.18in Item Weight:138g/4.87oz Package Size:108*108*109mm/4.25*4.25*4.29in Package Weight:323g/11.39oz Package List: PAE0744P 1* Speaker 1*Micro-USB Cable 1*AUX Cable 1*Lanyard 1*User Manual

Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587

End: 18.07. 2023 17:06:47 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 46.17 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334939619640
  • Seller: directtvparts704 (5256|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 16,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M21070-MTTV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13TV Part Type: Main BoardTV Models: Onn 100012587 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. Onn M21070-MT Main Board (M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13)100012587 *IMPORTANT* You MUST AT MINIMUM match the Part and Board number of the original board that is in your TV. This will require opening the back of your TV. If you are not comfortable with doing so, please seek assistance from a local TV repair shop. Do not purchase if you have not looked inside your TV. Do not purchase by TV model alone. Do not purchase by the image of the board alone. Do not purchase by a singular number. These are the most common causes of incorrect parts ordered. While we do accept returns, we do require return shipping is paid. We do not charge additional deductions or fees as long as the correct return reason is selected and you are truthful and honest. Many brand TVs and their parts are very complicated. If you admit mistakes and communicate, we will absolutely help you. Message us if you unsure about your order at any point. Direct TV Parts unfortunately cannot diagnose your TVs issues and give repair advice. However, if you need part identification assistance, message us with images of your original boards and we can help. We are available Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you message us after hours or over the weekend, we will respond promptly on the next business day. Thank you for reading. *Please see pics for highlights and arrows showing important part/board numbers. TV Part Number: M21070-MTTV Board Numbers: M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, 515C90100M13TV Part Type: Main BoardTV Models: Onn 100012587 (MUST MATCH YOUR VERSION) Note: YOU MUST MATCH THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING TO THE ONE FOUND ON THE STICKER ON THE BACK OF YOUR TV, IF WE PROVIDE THE SERIAL OR VERSION IN OUR LISTING. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TV’s PART NUMBERS, TV MODEL AND TV VERSION BEFORE ORDERING. ALL OF OUR TV PARTS ARE STAMPED/WATERMARKED. ANY TV PARTS RETURNED WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP OR WATERMARK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE WILL DISPUTE RETURNS WITHOUT THE DIRECT TV PARTS STAMP/WATERMARK ON THE PLATFORM THAT YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE FROM. This is a STOCK photo. The TV board that you receive may vary in color, markings and removable cables. Please read details before ordering your TV part. Policies & Additional Details: - We list all parts as Open Box, never Brand New. All boards are stripped from cracked screen TVs that were not sold to any previous consumer. Minimal usage for testing is expected. - TV models are listed for REFERENCE ONLY. We still require matching whenever possible. HOWEVER, if your TV model is NOT listed BUT the part and board numbers match, you may proceed with the purchase. The TV model list is based on publicly available information or in-house knowledge and can sometimes be incomplete. - Orders placed by 12pm PST / 3pm EST will ship same day. Orders placed after this cutoff will ship next business day. E.g. Orders placed after the cutoff Friday will ship on Monday (excluding holidays). - Order cancellations must be made by 12:45pm PST / 3:45pm EST if your item is scheduled to ship that day. This is when our carriers arrive for pickup. After this deadline, we can no longer cancel your order. If eBay is preventing you from cancelling, message us ASAP! - If you are intending to make a defective, damaged, or wrong part sent return request, please MESSAGE US FIRST. If we find we are at fault, we will resolve your claim with a replacement or refund in full, without a return necessary, typically same day. However, if you make a eBay return request, you must complete eBays instructions to receive a refund and you are no longer eligible for faster solutions. We will not reach out regarding any information once a Not as Described return request is submitted. - Invalid Doesnt Match Photos or Description, Doesnt Work or Defective, or Wrong Item Sent eBay return requests will be subject to deductions up to 30% to cover lost value of the part(s) and retesting. --- *Wrong Item Sent Claims* Do not select Wrong Item Sent for reasons such as boards not fitting or some parts look different than your original. If we sent the correct board(s) that matches the part and board number(s) listed above, select Doesnt Fit or Changed Mind instead to avoid the above deduction. --- *Defective Claims* Recheck your part and board numbers to ensure you are not installing an incompatible part as this is the most common case regarding defective claims. Please do not only state Doesnt Work in your return request description and/or submit irrelevant/stock photos. Please state why you believe our part is defective. It does not have to be technical or very descriptive. We want to understand your reasons so we can quickly toss the part without retesting. Without relevant information, if we find the part is fully functional upon return, we will charge the above deduction for lost value and retesting. This will also include a report to eBay for false claims. × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Akai, Sony 32 Inch TV Backlight Inverter 19.26006.197 (PCB2775, A06-127065) Sony/Samsung/Sharp 19.40T04.001 Backlight Inverter (VIT71880.00) Sony Models: KDL-46, Backlight Inverter 19.46T02.002 (F10V0490-05) LG Model 42LE5400-UC AUSDLUR, T-Con 55.42T09.C15 (31T12-C04, T315HW05) Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Direct TV Parts Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Buyer will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

LCD Display For Samsung Galaxy M13 4G M135 M135F M135F/DS Touch Screen Digitizer

End: 16.07. 2023 07:40:48 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 17.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314594793529
  • Seller: purefilters (173|98.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: SHENZHEN China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    LCD + Touchscreen Shipment: When you place an order, please choose a shipping method and pay for the order including the shipping fee. We will send the items within 3 days once your payment is completed.We do not uarantee delivery time on all international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect how quickly your product is inspected. Returns: We do our best to serve our customers the best that we can.We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of your receipt of the items for any reason. However, the buyer should make sure that the items returned are in their original conditions. If the items are damaged or lost when they are returned, the buyer will be responsible for such damage or loss, and we will not give the buyer a full refund.The buyer should try to file a claim with the logistic company to recover the cost of damage or loss. Warranty & Maintenance: We offer the 1month free replacement. Buyers may request for a replacement within 15 days from your receipt of the product. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return.We also provide 12monthfree maintenance. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. If any part is required to be replaced, the buyer should also pay for the costs of the parts to be replaced.Before returning the items, please confirm the return address and the logistics method with us. After you give the items to the logistic company, please send us the tracking number. As soon as we receive the items, we will repair or exchange them ASAP. Feedback: Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services.If you have any problems with our items or services, please feel free to contact us first before you leave negative feedback. We will do our best to solve any problems and provide you with the best customer services.

Sony HCD-LX40i iPod Dock & Speakers Black M13

End: 27.06. 2023 19:24:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 6.94 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204372267885
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: isabelhospice (98270|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Welwyn Garden City Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 19,07 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PLEASE READ BEFORE BIDDING ON THIS ITEM.CollectionsOur collection point is open 9.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday from:Hall Grove, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4PH. We accept PayPal, card or cash. If you are collecting over 5 items please give us ‘48 hours’ notice’ before arriving. REPLYING TO QUESTIONSAny questions will be answered during our 9am - 5pm office working hours Monday to Friday.Please read all the details to our FAQs below and remember to add us to your favourite sellers! Payments Payment & collection within 7 days please - we do not have space to hold items for any longer.Paid items must be collected within 4 weeks of their original purchase date or they will unfortunately be relisted, unless formally agreed in advance by a member of our team. Feel free to message us if you have any issues regarding our policies. Electrical Goods/Computers/Video Game Machines Please note all the electrical goods we sell have been PAT tested on receipt of the donation. However, we strongly recommend that you recheck the item when you have either collected it or had it delivered to make sure it is still safe. We encourage our donors to clear memory details on all of the computers/video game machines we sell but remind buyers to double check this when they receive the item. Delivery & ExclusionsWe will always try to combine UK postage whenever possible, which makes it cheaper for customers and better for the environment too. If you do require combined postage please do not pay for any of your items until you finish bidding on all items and message us requesting a combined invoice. Buy NowWe do not have a buy it now price on our auction style items, we will not end these auctions early, sorry. Collection Only ItemsIf an item is listed as collection only, this is because the item is oversized for our courier service, too fragile for transit or that we do not have the resources to package the item. These items cannot be sent by our team or packaged for third-party couriers, sorry. Due to the delicate nature of paintings, if they are above a certain size we will have to send each one separately – we will let you know if this is the case.Regrettably, we no longer post to the Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Northern Ireland, PO Box-postcodes BT, IM, TR21-25 due to the high cost we are charged. Terms & Conditions If you have any problems with your purchase, please do get in touch with us immediately through the item first before leaving feedback. We are a well-respected non-profit charity seller, we list our items as accurately and honestly as we possibly can. We want all of our customers to be completely happy with their items and we will always try to resolve any problems for you.Items listed as spares or repair or as untested are items that are faulty or simply that we cant test at our warehouse, so please bid accordingly. We recommend that electrical items are tested by a professional electrician. International CustomersFor International shipping, we have enrolled in eBays Global Shipping Programme. We are no longer are responsible for the prices of International delivery, the prices quoted are eBays prices and they themselves will send an invoice & combine shipping for you. All our items are very kindly donated to us here at Isabel Hospice to sell on eBay. Thank you for supporting our hospice – it helps to fund our incredible services to the local community!

Main Board FOR Onn (515C90100M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, M13) 100068378

End: 25.06. 2023 01:51:25 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 19.04 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134591187994
  • Seller: elco_parts (8|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Main Board FOR Onn (515C90100M13, MT90100-ZC01-01, M13) 100068378.