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Alienware Tri-Mode Wireless Gaming Headset AW920H - Lunar Light

End: 04.06. 2023 14:26:32 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 90.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256083519104
  • Seller: flypixe (2771|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Alienware Tri-Mode Wireless Gaming Headset AW920H - Lunar Light

Alienware Tri-Mode Wireless Gaming Headset AW920H - Lunar Light

End: 04.06. 2023 14:26:30 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 126.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256083519111
  • Seller: flypixe (2771|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 31,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Alienware Tri-Mode Wireless Gaming Headset AW920H - Lunar Light

Detector Lunar Risco DT AM Grado 3 RK150DTG3

End: 04.06. 2023 13:19:23 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 14.9 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225594897776
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: progr6140 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Barcelona Spanien
  • Ships to: ES
  • Shipping: 3,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Detector Lunar Risco DT AM Grado 3 RK150DTG3. Los detectores LuNAR RK150DTG3 son lo último en detectores de movimiento de techo para instalaciones profesionales, incorporando las Tecnologías de Anti-Enmascaramiento y Anti-Cloak™ (ACT™, Anti-camuflaje). Incorpora resistencias final de línea (RFL) para simplificar la instalación. El detector emplea una lente Fresnel gran angular de 110°, cubriendo un patrón de detección de campo visual de 360°.

**Cambridge Audio AXA25 Integrated Amplifier (Lunar Grey)** - FULLY WORKING

End: 03.06. 2023 20:01:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.96 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185922448734
  • Seller: 2003bluecat (337|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stourbridge Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 7,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    **Cambridge Audio AXA25 Integrated Amplifier (Lunar Grey)** - FULLY WORKING. In excellent used condition. Barley used and around 12 months old. Comes fully boxed with all original accessories and paperwork.

Sonos Roam SL Lunar white (neu/ovp)

End: 03.06. 2023 16:52:40 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 119.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256089262565
  • Seller: medimax-mettmann (13049|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Talstraße 10 Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 3,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    --> --> MEDIMAX Mettmann Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Sa: 10:00 - 19:00 --> Einzelstücke Restposten Ausstellungsstücke Sonderposten Einzelstücke Restposten Sonderposten --> Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Sonos Roam SL Lunar white (neu/ovp) MEDIMAX – Einfach gut beraten, ein Anspruch, den wir täglich leben. Unsere Ambition ist es, Sie als Kunde bei der Überforderung durch die heutige Angebotsmenge zu unterstützen. Wir glauben fest daran, diesem Anspruch mit herausragenden Beratungs- und Serviceleistungen, einem qualitätsorientiertem Produktsortiment sowie einer fairen Preisgestaltung gerecht zu werden. Kundenzufriedenheit bedeutet für uns eben mehr als nur das Gerät zu finden, welches Sie gerade suchen. Denn MEDIMAX schafft durch Orientierung und Sicherheit bei der Kaufentscheidung positive Kundenerlebnisse. Die hohe Beratungskompetenz und die Bereitschaft der MEDIMAX Verkäuferinnen und Verkäufer, für jeden Kunden eine individuelle Lösung zu finden, sind unser Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Artikelbeschreibung Allgemeine Hinweise Altgerätentsorgung & Batteriegesetz Online-Streitbeteiligung Multiroom-Lautsprecher, AirPlay, AirPlay 2, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Audio Streaming, Multiroom-Unterstützung, W-LAN, per App steuerbar, Ethernet, Akkubetrieb, Akkulaufzeit: bis zu 10 Stunden, Gehäuse IP67 (staubdicht und Schutz gegen zeitweiliges Untertauchen) • Streame Musik und mehr über WLAN und Bluetooth • Bis zu 10 Stunden lang ununterbrochener Sound mit nur einer Akkuladung • Leichtes, robustes und wasserdichtes Design • Einfache Steuerung mit der Sonos App und Apple AirPlay 2* • Mit allen kabellosen Qi Ladestationen aufladbar • Verbinde zwei Speaker für noch großartigeren Stereo Sound • Erstelle mit mehreren Sonos Speakern dein perfektes Home Sound System* *Feature über WLAN verfügbar Art Multiroom-Lautsprecher Kabellose Verbindungen AirPlay AirPlay 2 Bluetooth Bluetooth Audio Streaming Multiroom-Unterstützung W-LAN Smart Home per App steuerbar Anschlüsse Ethernet Stromversorgung Akkubetrieb Akkulaufzeit: bis zu 10 Stunden Gehäuse IP67 (staubdicht und Schutz gegen zeitweiliges Untertauchen) Netto-Artikelmaße Breite: 6.2 cm Höhe: 16.8 cm Tiefe: 6 cm Gewicht: 0.43 kg Logistikmaße mit Verpackung Breite: 10 cm Höhe: 9 cm Tiefe: 22.5 cm Gewicht: 4.5 kg Versandbedingungen: Wir senden Ihnen die Ware gerne innerhalb Deutschlands zu. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass MEDIMAX ausschließlich an die bei eBay hinterlegte Lieferadresse versendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit Ihrer Lieferadresse vor oder während der Kaufabwicklung, weil nachträgliche Änderungswünsche aufgrund von PayPal-Vorschriften nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden können. Bitte geben Sie den Versand- oder Abholwunsch innerhalb der Kaufabwicklung an. Sie können die Ware alternativ auch zu den angegebenen Öffnungszeiten im verkaufenden MEDIMAX Markt abholen. Bitte beachten Sie: - Abholung nur möglich mit gültigem Reisepaß oder Personalausweis - Abholung durch Dritte nur mit Vollmacht möglich - Abholung zu den angegebenen Öffnungszeiten Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! Verbraucherinformationen zur Altgeräteentsorgung Nach dem Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG) ist jeder Verbraucher dazu verpflichtet, Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte (Altgeräte) sowie Leuchtstoff- und Energiesparlampen ordnungsgemäß und getrennt vom Hausmüll zu entsorgen. Altgeräte enthalten einerseits Wertstoffe, die recycelt werden können, und andererseits - genauso wie Leuchtstoff- und Energiesparlampen - Schadstoffe, die die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit gefährden können und daher nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgt werden dürfen. Das Zeichen mit der durchkreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie die damit gekennzeichneten Geräte nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen. Altbatterien und Altakkumulatoren (Akkus), die aus dem Altgerät entnommen werden können, müssen getrennt abgegeben werden. Sie sind für die Löschung personenbezogener Daten auf den zu entsorgenden Altgeräten eigenverantwortlich. Im Falle des Kaufes Ihres Elektro-/Elektronikgerätes in einem MEDIMAX Markt gilt das Folgende: In jedem MEDIMAX Markt finden Sie eine gekennzeichnete Tonne für die Rückgabe von Altgeräten mit einer Kantenlänge von bis zu 25 cm. Solche Altgeräte können in haushaltsüblichen Mengen kostenlos bei MEDIMAX zurückgegeben werden. Größere Altgeräte (mindesten eine Kantenlänge größer als 25 cm) können in jedem MEDIMAX Markt kostenlos abgegeben werden, sofern ein Artikel der gleichen Geräteart im MEDIMAX-Markt gekauft wird. Sofern Sie bei der Anlieferung eines Neugerätes die gleichzeitige Entsorgung des Altgerätes wünschen, bitten wir Sie, dies im Vorfeld dem Markt mitzuteilen. Daneben ist für private Haushalte eine kostenfreie Rückgabe von Altgeräten bei den kommunalen Sammelstellen möglich. Für nähere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihre Stadt oder Gemeinde. Sollten Sie Ihr Elektro-/Elektronikgerät in unserem MEDIMAX-ebay-Shop gekauft haben, gilt das Folgende: MEDIMAX hat die Firma Interseroh damit beauftragt, die bundesweite Rücknahme von Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräten gemäß § 17 ElektroG durchzuführen. Interseroh betreibt zu diesem Zweck ein flächendeckendes Netzwerk an Rücknahmestellen, an denen Sie ausgediente Altgeräte kostenlos abgeben können. Die Rücknahmestellen sind unter dem Link veröffentlicht. Bitte beachten Sie dazu Folgendes: Kleingeräte (alle Kantenlängen kleiner/gleich 25 cm) dürfen in haushaltsüblichen Mengen an den Rücknahmestellen abgegeben werden. Großgeräte (mindestens eine Kantenlänge größer als 25 cm) dürfen im Tausch „Alt gegen Neu“ an den Rücknahmestellen abgegeben werden – das heißt: Kaufen Sie ein Neugerät in unserem MEDIMAX ebay Shop, dürfen Sie ein Altgerät, das im Wesentlichen die gleichen Funktionen wie das Neugerät erfüllt, an einer der Rücknahmestellen abgeben, sofern Sie den Kauf des Neugerätes gegenüber der Rücknahmestelle entsprechend nachweisen können. Um diesen Nachweis erbringen zu können, gehen Sie bitte wie folgt vor: Übermitteln Sie Ihren Rückgabewunsch unter Angabe der Geräteart für das abzugebende Altgerät (Kühlgerät, Waschmaschine, Elektroherd, Fernseher, etc.) bitte zusammen mit einer Kopie der Rechnung für das erworbene Neugerät auf der Webseite der Interseroh unter Batteriegesetz Da Warensendungen Batterien und Akkus enthalten können, weist MEDIMAX nach dem Batteriegesetz auf folgendes hin: Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus verpflichtet. Altbatterien können u. a. Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei einer nicht sachgemäßen Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten u. a. auch wichtige Rohstoffe (Eisen, Zink, Mangan, Nickel) und können verwertet werden. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder an uns zurückzusenden oder in Ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe (z. B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen oder in unserem Versandlager) unentgeltlich zurückzugeben. Die Rückgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei für Endnutzer auf die übliche Menge sowie Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat. Das Zeichen mit der durchkreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen. Unter diesem Verzeichnis finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung: Pb: Batterie enthält Blei Cd: Batterie enthält Cadmium Hg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber Interseroh prüft anhand der von Ihnen übermittelten Daten, ob Sie zur Abgabe an einer der Interseroh Sammelstellen berechtigt sind. Ist dies der Fall, stellt Interseroh Ihnen ebenfalls per Email einen Beleg zur Verfügung, der mindestens folgende Informationen enthält: Kaufdatum + Geräteart des Neugerätes Interseroh-Vertragsnummer des Auftraggebers Interseroh-Logo Möglicher Rückgabezeitraum Mit dem ausgestellten Beleg können Sie nun Ihr Altgerät an einer der Interseroh Rücknahmestellen in Ihrer Nähe kostenlos abgeben. Bitte beachten Sie: Bei fehlenden Kaufnachweis für das Neugerät ist die Rücknahmestelle nicht verpflichtet, das Altgerät anzunehmen! Die Rücknahmestelle kann auch die Annahme von Altgeräten ablehnen, die aufgrund einer Verunreinigung eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Menschen darstellen. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die EU-Kommission zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten, die sich aus online getätigten Käufen ergeben können, eine Internetplattform zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Die Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung ist über den Link erreichbar. Unsere E-Mailadresse entnehmen Sie bitte den „Rechtlichen Informationen des Verkäufers. Wir sind nicht bereit und nicht verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.

Fitbit Flyer Bluetooth Earphones with Mic - Lunar Grey / Twilight Blue - New

End: 03.06. 2023 08:50:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 23.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256080823716
  • Seller: todaytechnology (460|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: bristol Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fitbit Flyer Bluetooth Earphones with Mic - Lunar Grey / Twilight Blue PRODUCT Original Retail Box WHAT IS IN THE BOX Fitbit Flyer Bluetooth Earphone with Mic - Twilight Blue PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Flyer gives you the freedom and motivation you want during workouts with powerful audio, a comfortable fit and durability you can count on. Choose from two dynamic sound settings: Signature or Power Boost. Power Boost is enhanced by waves technology and amplifies the bass for a stereo-style experience. You dont stay in place during workouts, but your headphones should. Thanks to innovative wings and fins that hug the natural shape of your ear, Flyer will. With up to 6 hours of normal playtime, plus a 15-minute quick charge that gives you an extra hour, Fitbit Flyer has the battery life you need to boost every workout. Flyer can connect to two Bluetooth devices at once, so you can switch from hearing music on your laptop to answering a call on your smartphone. The adjustable cable on Flyer ensures that your headphones stay comfortable and secure during high-intensity workouts and all day. PRODUCT INFORMATION Brand - Fitbit Connectivity technology - Wireless Form factor - In Ear Noise control - Sound Isolation Item weight - 0.45 Pounds Special feature - With microphone

Cambridge Audio CXC V2 Lunar Grey

End: 02.06. 2023 17:08:01 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 351.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256089356325
  • Bids: 25
  • Seller: mirpums (905|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kiel Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 16,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Zum Verkauf steht ein einwandfrei funktionierendes CD Laufwerk mit S/PDIF- Koaxial- und optischem Ausgang.Verkauf wegen Umstieg auf All in One Anlage.Der passende Verstärker wird in einer anderen Auktion ebenfalls angeboten.Versand im Originalkarton

Cambridge Audio AXA25 Stereo Amplifier (Lunar Grey)

End: 02.06. 2023 08:23:45 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 80.1 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 334887448816
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: neilrbenn (248|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Andover, Hampshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    No bells and whistles, just great soundInside the AXA25 you’ll find quality components and short signal paths for the best sound quality in its class. Careful circuit design reduces the signal path, giving higher purity sound and less distortion. Other quality engineering components include a high-spec heat sink that is die-cast rather than pressed steel and a damped power supply – reducing the chance of annoying transformer hum and buzz.All the features you needAlthough Cambridge Audio hasn’t wasted money on gimmicks, the AXA25 still has all the basic features you need. Balance, Bass and Treble controls let you tailor the sound to your preference, without overly distorting it as EQ presets can do. There are also a wide range of inputs.Plenty of inputs – including one at the frontFour RCA phono inputs are ideal for a CD player, streamer, games console and turntable (with built-in pre-amp). There’s also a 3.5mm AUX input at the front that’s handy for temporary connections – such as an MP3 player or smartphone. The audio output lets you take a signal out to an external processor or recorder.Power your music player or Bluetooth receiverNext to the audio inputs you’ll also find a handy USB power socket. This is perfect for powering Bluetooth receivers or smart audio streaming devices, such as the Google Chromecast Audio, without having to find another spare mains socket.Sleek new styleThe entire Cambridge AX Series has a fresh new look that catches the eye. The Lunar Grey front panel contrasts with the black top and sides, making it ‘pop’ into crisp focus. The minimalist button count give a timeless style that’s typical of the Cambridge Audio brand. The teardrop facia with wedge foot mirrors the CX Series, showing a strong family link between ranges.

Cambridge Audio AXA25 (Lunar Grey) - Used V Good Condition

End: 01.06. 2023 11:16:15 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 128.02 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166130900111
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: rzmm530 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 6,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio AXA25 (Lunar Grey) - Used V Good Condition. Item does not come in original packaging but in perfect working condition and without any scratches / visual defects. This is one of the best amplifiers at this price range. New ones go around £250. Please let me know if any questions.

Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Gray

End: 01.06. 2023 03:12:24 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 185.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185902471790
  • Seller: jpcollec3 (109|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for visiting.Please read the following contents before purchasing. Description AfterShokz Aeropex Lunar Gray Collar Style: No Collar True Wirele: NOT TRUE WIRED: NO WIRED Wireless Color: GRAY Cordless Type: Increased HP Sports Compatible band type: Ne Cook Band Type Headset Attribute: Mobile Phone Mike Delivery Type: Bluetooth External sound import function: Open type #voxlinc #Aftershokz It is a bone conduction earphone purchased in 2020. Attach a charging cable and accessories. We are waiting for your purchase. Color ... gray Item Condition RANK : BNote: A: NewB: Used. There is no problem in useC: Junk Item*Anything not shown in the photos is not included. Payment Please pay within 3 days after your purchase. * When receiving the item, customs duties may be charged in addition to the product price. Shipping Shipping fee : freeDelivery Time : about 10-20 days after shipmentTracking number : provided Shipping fee : $20Delivery Time : about 3-5 days after shipmentTracking number : provided *We usually ship within 5-10 business days of receiving cleared payment. (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not included in business days.) International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Gray

End: 01.06. 2023 03:12:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 202.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185902471789
  • Seller: jpcollec3 (109|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for visiting.Please read the following contents before purchasing. Description AfterShokz Aeropex Lunar Gray Collar Style: No Collar True Wirele: NOT TRUE WIRED: NO WIRED Wireless Color: GRAY Cordless Type: Increased HP Sports Compatible band type: Ne Cook Band Type Headset Attribute: Mobile Phone Mike Delivery Type: Bluetooth External sound import function: Open type #voxlinc #Aftershokz I wanted to try bone conduction earphones and purchased. It will be exhibited because you switched earphones without using it for a while. * The rubber case has a little shine. Item Condition RANK : BNote: A: NewB: Used. There is no problem in useC: Junk Item*Anything not shown in the photos is not included. Payment Please pay within 3 days after your purchase. * When receiving the item, customs duties may be charged in addition to the product price. Shipping Shipping fee : freeDelivery Time : about 10-20 days after shipmentTracking number : provided Shipping fee : $20Delivery Time : about 3-5 days after shipmentTracking number : provided *We usually ship within 5-10 business days of receiving cleared payment. (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not included in business days.) International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Gray

End: 01.06. 2023 03:12:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 179.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185902471774
  • Seller: jpcollec3 (109|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for visiting.Please read the following contents before purchasing. Description It has been used for about 2 years. It is exhibited for replacement. Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Gray Collar Style: NO COLLAR TRUE WIRELESS: NOT TRUE WIRELE WIRED: NO WIRED WIRELESS COLOR: GRAY Cordless type: Increased HP sports compatible band type type: Neck band type Headset attribute: Mobile phone microphone with transmission type: Bluetooth external sound import function: open type #voxlinc #voxlinc #voxlinc Durable: Waterproof / Dipproof compatible weight: 10g to 30g Color: Gray gaming: Gaming compatible Shape: Other type: ear structure: Bone conduction Item Condition RANK : BNote: A: NewB: Used. There is no problem in useC: Junk Item*Anything not shown in the photos is not included. Payment Please pay within 3 days after your purchase. * When receiving the item, customs duties may be charged in addition to the product price. Shipping Shipping fee : freeDelivery Time : about 10-20 days after shipmentTracking number : provided Shipping fee : $20Delivery Time : about 3-5 days after shipmentTracking number : provided *We usually ship within 5-10 business days of receiving cleared payment. (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not included in business days.) International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Cambridge Audio CXA61 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Lunar Grey Mint Condition

End: 31.05. 2023 13:26:30 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 559.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115815722274
  • Seller: marcinblaze75 (36|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Broxbourne Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Mint condition, has only run for a few hours, purchased from Richer Sounds on 10th Feb 2023, receipt and original box.

Lunar One Model L1 Speakers Sound System

End: 30.05. 2023 14:01:34 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 373.52 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185910377569
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cashnw (24261|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lacey, Washington USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    **PLEASE READ ALL BEFORE BIDDING** The pictures in this auction are of the actual item(s) you will receive. This Lunar One Model L1 Speakers Sound System is NEW in an open box all the parts are still wrapped. This will come with the NEW in an Open Box Lunar One Model L1 Speakers Sound System Only. 18175-1R WE DONT DO BUY IT NOW (BIN) AUCTIONS,WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OFFERS ON OUR AUCTIONS AND WE WILL NOT END AN AUCTION EARLY TO SELL IT. PLEASE DO NOT ASK.... We ONLY ship to the continental UNITED STATES. We are a pawnshop and most of our items are things we either bought through the shop or things a customer was unable to return for. All sales are AS IS with no returns UNLESS the item is not as described or damaged in shipping. AS of January 1, 2019 Ebay will collect ALL SALES TAXES from you. Please read our entire description and terms before bidding. If you have any questions please ask them BEFORE you bid. We do our best to present accurate information about every item we sell. We strive to provide strong customer satisfaction and a positive experience for each bidder. However, it is the responsibility of the BIDDER to carefully review all item photos and descriptions. By bidding on this item YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE TERMS STATED BELOW. TERMS: Items are sold as is - refunds only allowed if item(s) are not as described. Payment must be received within 3 days of the end of each auction. If payment IS NOT received within 3 days of close of auction we will cancel the sale to re-coup our listing fees and the item will be relisted. PAYMENT METHODS: We ONLY accept PAYPAL and we ONLY ship to CONFIRMED Paypal addresses. If you need it shipped to a different address YOU will have to update the address in YOUR Paypal account BEFORE we can ship your package. WE WILL NOT CHANGE A ADDRESS. SHIPPING: We do allow free local pickup BUT you must contact us BEFORE making payment to let us know you are coming in to the store to pickup. Otherwise your item will get shipped. We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. Although most of our auctions are free shipping we will combine shipping charges (if there are any) if multiple auctions are won. If your auction ends for $250.00 or more we will include insurance at no cost to you. If YOU wish to have insurance on any item LESS than $250.00 it will be YOUR responsibility to let us know before paying so that we can add this into YOUR cost. We do our best to have each item shipped by 5:00 pm the next business day from the time payment is made and cleared through paypal. We appreciate your business!! Thank you for bidding and GOOD LUCK!!

AfterShokz Aeropex On the Ear Wireless Headphones - Lunar Gray [DO2R]

End: 30.05. 2023 11:55:38 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 54.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404291121118
  • Seller: mainly-electronics (96539|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Niagara Falls, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 24,36 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AfterShokz Aeropex On the Ear Wireless Headphones - Lunar Gray [DO2] Functional Condition: Tested and Functional With IssueISSUE: Rattling Sound In Left Speaker. Minor Paint Peel ON Right Side Near Speaker. Cosmetic Condition: This is a Used Item and Normal Wear (Scuffs & Scratches) is Expected. Items included in this listing:BoxHeadphonesCharging CableCase Items NOT included in this listing:N/A Thank you for Shopping with Us! ENJOY Free Shipping in USA & Low Cost Shipping to CANADA! Terms of Sale NOTE: Our Listings only include items as pictured - Please do not assume any item is included if its not pictured. We will try our best to picture all items included in this listing as well as its cosmetic condition.We Guarantee & Stand Behind our product and commitment to provide you with only Original, Branded, OEM & Genuine Products ShippingA complete and correct shipping address is essential. We cannot guarantee the shipping address can be changed after checkout. Sales Tax will be charged to all Canadian & USA Buyers. Combined shipping is not guaranteed. We are unable to change any content of your order based on the eBay checkout note or PayPal message. Customers with shipping addresses outside of the U.S.A and Canada are responsible for all duties and import taxes. Please contact your customs for informationBiddingAll items are accurately described and pictured. Please ensure you are consciously bidding on the items as described. PaymentPayments are expected at the time of purchase or in case of Auctions, at the end of auctions.Payments are managed via eBay Managed PaymentsContact UsYour positive feedbacks are extremely valuable to us. If you have any concerns about your order, please contact us through eBay message to resolve any issues before leaving a negative feedback or opening a dispute. We will reply within 24 HoursReturn PolicyAll items are in used condition unless specified.

Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Grey Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - New Sealed UK

End: 30.05. 2023 11:11:25 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 151.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175731095110
  • Seller: bfxonline (47|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stoke-on-Trent Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 14,05 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AFTERSHOKZ Aeropex Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - Lunar Grey - New Sealed UK Brand New Factory Sealed (as shown in pictures) SHOKZ AEROPEX WIRELESS BONE CONDUCTION HEADPHONES - protective seals intact, as seen in the photos - 2 Years SHOKZ Manufacturer Warranty as standard eBay 30 days money back guarantee. Fast + Free Same Day dispatch (RM Special delivery for next day) Honest and Trustworthy Seller - Offers over £110 -(RRP £139 - Argos, Currys) Contents:- Aftershokz Aeropex Wireless Bluetooth Headphones- USB cable- Pouch- Quick start guide Technical specifications for AFTERSHOKZ Aeropex Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - Lunar GreyConnectivityJackNoBluetooth / wireless range10 mBluetoothBluetooth 5.0Noise reductionPassive noise-isolatingNoActive noise-cancellingNoGeneralManufacturer’s guarantee1 yearBox contents- Aftershokz Aeropex Wireless Bluetooth Headphones- USB cable- PouchWeight26 gOverviewTypeBone conductingColourLunar GreyImpedance8.5 OhmsFrequency response20 - 20,000 HzMaximum input power5 VSensitivity105 dBOther sound featuresMinus 38 dB microphoneDesign featuresAcoustic systemOpenFoldableYesResistanceSweat & water resistant (IP67 certified)Ear-hookYesEarpad / ear tip materialPlasticControlsMicrophoneYesPlayback / functions controlNoControl positioningIn-lineVolume controlYesControl compatibility- iOS- AndroidCompatible voice assistant- Google Assistant- SiriPowerBattery lifeUp to 8 hoursBatteryInternal Lithium-polymerCharging time2 hoursCharging methodUSB---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCAMMERS / FRAUDSTERS STAY AWAY - I WILL NOT BE FOOLED! ANY ATTEMPTS TO SCAM OR DEFRAUD -WILL BE REPORTED TO EBAY, ACTION FRAUD and POLICE! (All imei/serial numbers are noted with proof of Manufacturer/warranty and authenticity / proof of postage stored etc - scammers dont waste your and my time - stay away) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note - I am an honest and trustworthy Business seller.All items are exactly as described.Non paying bidders will be reported to eBay.Immediate payment is required, unless notified in advance.Item will be posted via RM Special delivery same day unless stated otherwise (orders before 1pm)Any questions please contact me...

Sonos Roam Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Lunar White) S27

End: 29.05. 2023 18:08:31 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 91.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256088409591
  • Seller: nathanm1334 (243|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Anderson, South Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 28,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sonos Roam Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Lunar White) S27. Sonos roam in like new condition. Only used a couple of times. Includes original box

Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (Lunar Grey) Network Streamer Mint & Boxed worth £799

End: 28.05. 2023 22:08:59 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 589.81 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275863569273
  • Bids: 21
  • Seller: davewaldie (62118|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Galashiels Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (Lunar Grey) Network Music Streamer Mint & Boxed worth £799 Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (Lunar Grey) Network Streamer Mint & Boxed worth £799 Click images to enlarge Description Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (Lunar Grey) Network Music Streamer Mint & Boxed worth £799 Mint and boxed used for less than 30 minutes. Purchased brand new from Richer Sounds on 13th January 2023 and has remained packed away in its box ever since. We can provide the winning bidder with a VAT receipt. Payment BIDDING ON MULTIPLE LOTS If you are bidding on multiple lots please do not pay for each item individually. We kindly ask that you wait for or request a combined invoice when you have finished bidding. A single combined invoice saves time, paper, admin costs, as well as lower postage costs and reduced eBay fees. This principal applies even if you are bidding on lots over many days. Just drop us a note to confirm that you are interested in bidding on some future lots and we will hold everything for you. When you have finished bidding let us know and a combined invoice will sent by return. eBay allows up to 40 items/lots to be combined on a single invoice. A recent eBay Policy change suggests that all items purchased should be paid for within four days of the sale ending. However, this rule can be extended so long as the buyer and seller have agreed that waiting a while longer for payment is in the best interest of both parties. If paying by personal cheque please make it payaable to Philatelink Ltd DELAYED DISPATCH OF ORDERS FOR BUYERS WHO ARE AWAY FROM HOME If you win an item(s) whilst away from home and wish us to hold the dispatch date until you return then please DO NOT PAY immediately. If you do pay whilst away eBay will expect us to send the package within a day of receiving your payment. We actually get penalised by eBay for late dispatch even if the buyer asks us to delay shipment. This does happen now and again and if more than 3.00% of orders get dispatched late then eBay can remove the sellers Top-Rated status. Action: Let us know that you are away from home and we will be happy to wait for payment. You can send payment when you return, or perhaps the day before you return for faster dispatch. NON-PAYMENT AND NO COMMUNICATION FOLLOWING A SALE As mentioned above eBay expect items to be paid for within four days of the item being sold unless communications between the buyer and seller agreed otherwise. However, in situations where, after four days, there has been no communication or payment made from the buyer then the transaction can be cancelled by the seller and a NON PAYMENT CASE RECORDED on the non payers account. We ask eBay users to avoid this situation. Please be aware that eBay do take action against non paying users. WE ALWAYS REPORT NON-PAYING USERS - ALL ITEMS ARE THERE TO BE SOLD. Shipping Specific shipping information is provide for every lot we sell on eBay. Terms of Sale IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL BUYERS 1. Buyers must contact us within 14 days of making payment if you think there could be a problem with the order e.g. the package has not been delivered, has arrived damaged, or is not as described; 2. Most items we sell on eBay are sold on behalf of clients via our Internet selling service. It is our policy to pay clients 21 days after the buyer has paid. This gives the buyer sufficient time to report any issues with their order (see 1 above). If we are aware of a problem we can hold making payment to our client until the issue is resolved; 3. We may not be able refund buyers if they do not contact us within the 14 day period. We pay our clients the proceeds from their eBay sales in good faith assuming that buyers have received and are happy with the goods they have received. Once a client has been paid it is often impossible to claim back the payment from them. Many thanks for your co-opertation with terms and conditions. David Waldie - Managing Director Philatelink Ltd About Us Philatelink are eBay Top-Rated Business Seller and Premium Service Provider. We have been selling on eBay since 2004. We offer our clients a Bespoke eBay Low Cost Selling Service and have many regular clients and vendors. If you interested in our selling services please just ask a question. Our selling commission rates are very competitive. Contact Us eBay Policy states that communication can only be done through the ASK A QUESTION link. Images sell! Get Supersized Images & Free Image HostingCreate your brand with Auctivas Customizable Templates. Attention Sellers - Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at

Detector Lunar Risco DT AM Grado 3 RK150DTG3

End: 28.05. 2023 13:19:04 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 14.9 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225585834620
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: progr6140 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Barcelona Spanien
  • Ships to: ES
  • Shipping: 3,3 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Detector Lunar Risco DT AM Grado 3 RK150DTG3. Los detectores LuNAR RK150DTG3 son lo último en detectores de movimiento de techo para instalaciones profesionales, incorporando las Tecnologías de Anti-Enmascaramiento y Anti-Cloak™ (ACT™, Anti-camuflaje). Incorpora resistencias final de línea (RFL) para simplificar la instalación. El detector emplea una lente Fresnel gran angular de 110°, cubriendo un patrón de detección de campo visual de 360°.

Sonos Roam Tragbarer Lautsprecher - Lunar White

End: 25.05. 2023 10:33:59 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 100.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 334877978162
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: shug00 (32|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Markt Berolzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Zum Verkauf steht ein Sonos Roam Lautsprecher. Dieser tragbare Lautsprecher ist in einwandfreiem Zustand und liefert einen hervorragenden Klang. Er wurde jedoch kaum genutzt und muss deswegen gehen. Hauptmerkmale: - Abmessungen: Hhe: 168 mm, Breite: 62 mm, Tiefe: 60 mm - Staub- und wasserdicht (IP67) der Lautsprecher kann bis zu 30 Minuten in 1 m Wasser eingetaucht werden - Automatisches Trueplay passt den Klang des Lautsprechers kontinuierlich an seine Umgebung und den Audioinhalt an - Verstellbarer EQ ber die Sonos-App fr Bass, Hhen und Lautstrke - Wi-Fi-Konnektivitt mit jedem 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2.4 oder 5 GHz sendefhigen Router OVP/Dock nicht enthalten.Achtung, nicht die SL Variante. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies ein Privatverkauf ist, daher kann ich keine Garantie oder Rcknahme anbieten. Bei Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfgung.

Sonos Roam SL Lunar White Lautsprecher NEU OVP

End: 23.05. 2023 15:33:44 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 134.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185904704843
  • Seller: mkasel-shop (932|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Marke: SonosArtikel: Roam SLFarbe: Lunar WhiteArtikelzustand: Neu Detailreicher Klang mit der Klarheit, Tiefe und Fülle, der die Erwartungen an einen Lautsprecher dieser Größe übertrifftVerbindet sich zuhause über WLAN mit dem Rest des Sonos System und wechselt unterwegs automatisch in den Bluetooth ModusStereo Betrieb zusammen mit einem weiteren Roam oder Roam SL im WLANBis zu 10 Stunden ununterbrochene Wiedergabe sowie bis zu 10 Tage im Ruhemodus. Für noch längere Akkulaufzeit kann der Batteriesparmodus aktiviert werdenStaub- und wasserdicht nach IP67Kompakte Größe und hochwertiger Sound für zuhause und unterwegs mit diesem leichten, mobilen Speaker. Hinweis zum Batteriegesetz:Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien und Akkus und von Geräten, die Batterien oder Akkus enthalten, möchten wir Sie gemäß § 18 des Batteriegesetzes (BattG) auf Folgendes hinweisen:Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden. Sie sind als Endverbraucher gesetzlich zur Rückgabe verbrauchter Batterien und Akkus verpflichtet. Sie können diese nach Gebrauch wahlweise bei Ihren kommunalen Sammelstellen, im Handel oder direkt bei uns (Anschrift siehe Impressum) zur kostenfreien Entsorgung zurückgeben.Altbatterien enthalten möglicherweise Schadstoffe oder Schwermetalle, die Umwelt und Gesundheit schaden können. Batterien können wieder verwertet werden, da sie wichtige Rohstoffe wie Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel enthalten.Batterien und Akkus, die Schadstoffe enthalten, sind mit dem Symbol einer durchkreuzten Müll­tonne sowie der chemischen Bezeichnung des Schadstoffes gekennzeichnet. Hierbei stehen Cd für Cadmium, Hg für Quecksilber und Pb für Blei. Die Mehrwertsteuer wird auf meinen Rechnungen separat ausgewiesen.

Aftershokz Aeropex Lunar Gray

End: 23.05. 2023 02:28:16 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 200.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185902471764
  • Seller: jpcollec3 (109|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thank you for visiting.Please read the following contents before purchasing. Description AfterShokz Aeropex Lunar Gray Collar Style: No Collar True Wirele: NOT TRUE WIRED: NO WIRED Wireless Color: GRAY Cordless Type: Increased HP Sports Compatible band type: Ne Cook Band Type Headset Attribute: Mobile Phone Mike Delivery Type: Bluetooth External sound import function: open type #voxlinc #Aftershokz Item Condition RANK : BNote: A: NewB: Used. There is no problem in useC: Junk Item*Anything not shown in the photos is not included. Payment Please pay within 3 days after your purchase. * When receiving the item, customs duties may be charged in addition to the product price. Shipping Shipping fee : freeDelivery Time : about 10-20 days after shipmentTracking number : provided Shipping fee : $20Delivery Time : about 3-5 days after shipmentTracking number : provided *We usually ship within 5-10 business days of receiving cleared payment. (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not included in business days.) International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Cambridge Audio CXA81 (Lunar Grey) New Unused worth £999

End: 22.05. 2023 02:59:51 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 749.46 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275852225433
  • Bids: 33
  • Seller: davewaldie (62084|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Galashiels Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio CXA81 (Lunar Grey) New Unused worth £999 Cambridge Audio CXA81 (Lunar Grey) New Unused worth £999 Description Cambridge Audio CXA81 (Lunar Grey) Opened Box but Unused worth £999? Unused Cambridge Audio CXA81 amplifier. Purchased from Richer Sounds a while ago but has been sitting in its box since it arrived. I ended up buying a Naim Uniti Nova at the same time so no use now for this amplifier. The accessory pack is still sealed.? We can provide the winning bidder with a VAT receipt. Payment BIDDING ON MULTIPLE LOTS If you are bidding on multiple lots please do not pay for each item individually. We kindly ask that you wait for or request a combined invoice when you have finished bidding. A single combined invoice saves time, paper, admin costs, as well as lower postage costs and reduced eBay fees. This principal applies even if you are bidding on lots over many days. Just drop us a note to confirm that you are interested in bidding on some future lots and we will hold everything for you. When you have finished bidding let us know and a combined invoice will sent by return. eBay allows up to 40 items/lots to be combined on a single invoice. A recent eBay Policy change suggests that all items purchased should be paid for within four days of the sale ending. However, this rule can be extended so long as the buyer and seller have agreed that waiting a while longer for payment is in the best interest of both parties. If paying by personal cheque please make it payaable to Philatelink Ltd DELAYED DISPATCH OF ORDERS FOR BUYERS WHO ARE AWAY FROM HOME If you win an item(s) whilst away from home and wish us to hold the dispatch date until you return then please DO NOT PAY immediately. If you do pay whilst away eBay will expect us to send the package within a day of receiving your payment. We actually get penalised by eBay for late dispatch even if the buyer asks us to delay shipment. This does happen now and again and if more than 3.00% of orders get dispatched late then eBay can remove the sellers Top-Rated status. Action: Let us know that you are away from home and we will be happy to wait for payment. You can send payment when you return, or perhaps the day before you return for faster dispatch. NON-PAYMENT AND NO COMMUNICATION FOLLOWING A SALE As mentioned above eBay expect items to be paid for within four days of the item being sold unless communications between the buyer and seller agreed otherwise. However, in situations where, after four days, there has been no communication or payment made from the buyer then the transaction can be cancelled by the seller and a NON PAYMENT CASE RECORDED on the non payers account. We ask eBay users to avoid this situation. Please be aware that eBay do take action against non paying users. WE ALWAYS REPORT NON-PAYING USERS - ALL ITEMS ARE THERE TO BE SOLD. Shipping Specific shipping information is provide for every lot we sell on eBay. Terms of Sale IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL BUYERS 1. Buyers must contact us within 14 days of making payment if you think there could be a problem with the order e.g. the package has not been delivered, has arrived damaged, or is not as described; 2. Most items we sell on eBay are sold on behalf of clients via our Internet selling service. It is our policy to pay clients 21 days after the buyer has paid. This gives the buyer sufficient time to report any issues with their order (see 1 above). If we are aware of a problem we can hold making payment to our client until the issue is resolved; 3. We may not be able refund buyers if they do not contact us within the 14 day period. We pay our clients the proceeds from their eBay sales in good faith assuming that buyers have received and are happy with the goods they have received. Once a client has been paid it is often impossible to claim back the payment from them. Many thanks for your co-opertation with terms and conditions. David Waldie - Managing Director Philatelink Ltd About Us Philatelink are eBay Top-Rated Business Seller and Premium Service Provider. We have been selling on eBay since 2004. We offer our clients a Bespoke eBay Low Cost Selling Service and have many regular clients and vendors. If you interested in our selling services please just ask a question. Our selling commission rates are very competitive. Contact Us eBay Policy states that communication can only be done through the ASK A QUESTION link. Pictures sell! Auctiva offers Free Image Hosting and Editing.300+ Listing Templates! Auctiva gets you noticed! The complete eBay Selling Solution.

Cambridge Audio AXA25 Integrated Amplifier Lunar Grey - VGC

End: 21.05. 2023 18:12:06 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 101.6 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374704780007
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: soltec03 (480|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Folkestone Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cambridge Audio AXA25 Integrated Amplifier Lunar Grey - VGC. In very good condition and full working order. Please check the photos.