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DIGITUS Cat-6A Patchpanel 12 Ports RJ45-Buchsen 10-Zoll Rack-Mount 1HE LSA Audio

End: 30.10. 2023 12:32:27 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 4T 11:34:44
  • Item number: 126071919103
  • Seller: mountain-electronic-deals (3657|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DIGITUS Cat-6A Patchpanel 12 Ports RJ45-Buchsen 10-Zoll Rack-Mount 1HE LSA AudioAusführliche Beratung Schneller Versand nach Zahlungseingang Großes Sortiment zu super Preisen Navigation ? x Unser Shop Bewertungen Kontakt

LSA 1 Speaker Super Rare by Chris Moon

End: 29.10. 2023 15:16:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 350.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 22:23:21
  • Item number: 145332910997
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Summerfield,FL,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 40,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    These gems of a speaker were my 1st pair of High-End Audiophile speakers that were given to me by a client of mine 3 years ago which led me on my journey into the world of HIFI Audio. LSA stands for Living Sounds Audio and their products can only be bought from Underwood HiFi and if you’ve never heard of LSA…then that’s why and since there’s no middleman such as Sales Reps for other Audio Stores, this enables LSA products to keep their prices at super fair and reasonable prices. The speakers are the original LSA-1 reference model that rolled out in 2016 but this particular pair that I’m selling are super rare as they were rebranded by Chris Moon who is currently the owner of HigherFi Audio and the former owner of Moon Audio. To keep it simple, the speakers are Made by LSA but Chris changed the impedence from 6ohm to 8ohm and lowered the frequency range from 42hz to 40hz. Other than that, there’s no other difference from the original LSA-1 and retailed for $1295. The speakers sound amazing! I have done A/B testing with Martin Logan, Wharfdale, Elac, and there’s no comparison, the LSA blows them away….Crisp highs, warm mids, and tight bass…No subwoofer necessary unless you’re a Basshead. So there’s a little chip on one of the speakers on the top left towards the back edge…A buddy of mine bumped into the speaker by accident and it took a little dive off of my 24” speaker stand while not in use and damaged the tweeter internally. However, there’s a silver lining and I sent them to the Speaker Exchange in Tampa and had both of the tweeters replaced which were an upgrade to the original tweeters ($300 for parts/labor) The chip on the speaker never really bothered me because you can’t see it when sitting down while they’re on a speaker stand but you can easily fix the chip by 2 methods. 1) Use wood filler, paint, and clear coat 2) Use welding glue, paintable clear coat, paint, and high gloss clear coat over the paint The speakers come with the original double box/packaging and velvet bags. $350 or Best Offer is an Absolute Steal!

LSA 101 CATV Drop Amp

End: 13.10. 2023 17:22:32 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.66 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115932311256
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: garymck (294|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kenabeek, Ontario Kanada
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Lindsay Broadband INC LSA 101 CATV Drop Amplifier

LSA 1 Speaker Super Rare by Chris Moon

End: 27.09. 2023 01:05:04 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 323.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145326350576
  • Seller: andrew518andrew (43|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Summerfield, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    These gems of a speaker were my 1st pair of High-End Audiophile speakers that were given to me by a client of mine 3 years ago which led me on my journey into the world of HIFI Audio. LSA stands for Living Sounds Audio and their products can only be bought from Underwood HiFi and if you’ve never heard of LSA…then that’s why and since there’s no middleman such as Sales Reps for other Audio Stores, this enables LSA products to keep their prices at super fair and reasonable prices. The speakers are the original LSA-1 reference model that rolled out in 2016 but this particular pair that I’m selling are super rare as they were rebranded by Chris Moon who is currently the owner of HigherFi Audio and the former owner of Moon Audio. To keep it simple, the speakers are Made by LSA but Chris changed the impedence from 6ohm to 8ohm and lowered the frequency range from 42hz to 40hz. Other than that, there’s no other difference from the original LSA-1 and retailed for $1295. The speakers sound amazing! I have done A/B testing with Martin Logan, Wharfdale, Elac, and there’s no comparison, the LSA blows them away….Crisp highs, warm mids, and tight bass…No subwoofer necessary unless you’re a Basshead. So there’s a little chip on one of the speakers on the top left towards the back edge…A buddy of mine bumped into the speaker by accident and it took a little dive off of my 24” speaker stand while not in use and damaged the tweeter internally. However, there’s a silver lining and I sent them to the Speaker Exchange in Tampa and had both of the tweeters replaced which were an upgrade to the original tweeters ($300 for parts/labor) The chip on the speaker never really bothered me because you can’t see it when sitting down while they’re on a speaker stand but you can easily fix the chip by 2 methods. 1) Use wood filler, paint, and clear coat 2) Use welding glue, paintable clear coat, paint, and high gloss clear coat over the paint The speakers come with the original double box/packaging and velvet bags. $350 or Best Offer is an Absolute Steal!

LSA 101 CATV Drop Amp

End: 18.09. 2023 16:47:51 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.85 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115910541259
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: garymck (290|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kenabeek, Ontario Kanada
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Lindsay Broadband INC LSA 101 CATV Drop Amplifier

DIGITUS Patchpanel 19 Zoll Cat 6A 24 Port RJ45 Geschirmt LSA Patch Feld Cables

End: 01.09. 2023 09:37:45 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 35.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305011156452
  • Seller: bambini-factory-deals (6695|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Grünhain-Beierfeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ausführliche Beratung Schneller Versand nach Zahlungseingang Großes Sortiment zu super Preisen Navigation ? x Unser Shop Bewertungen Kontakt

DIGITUS Cat-6A Patchpanel 12 Ports RJ45-Buchsen 10-Zoll Rack-Mount 1HE LSA Audio

End: 01.09. 2023 09:37:32 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 20.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305071659814
  • Seller: bambini-factory-deals (6867|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Beierfeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DIGITUS Cat-6A Patchpanel 12 Ports RJ45-Buchsen 10-Zoll Rack-Mount 1HE LSA AudioAusführliche Beratung Schneller Versand nach Zahlungseingang Großes Sortiment zu super Preisen Navigation ? x Unser Shop Bewertungen Kontakt

DIGITUS Cat-6A Patchpanel 12 Ports RJ45-Buchsen 10-Zoll Rack-Mount 1HE LSA Audio

End: 30.08. 2023 11:22:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125968478872
  • Seller: mountain-electronic-deals (3362|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 2,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ausführliche Beratung Schneller Versand nach Zahlungseingang Großes Sortiment zu super Preisen Navigation ? x Unser Shop Bewertungen Kontakt

DIGITUS Patchpanel 19 Zoll Cat 6A 24 Port RJ45 Geschirmt LSA Patch Feld Cables

End: 25.08. 2023 07:27:21 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 35.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275914252307
  • Seller: retourenwelt (73716|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DIGITUS Patchpanel 19 Zoll Cat 6A 24 Port RJ45 Geschirmt LSA Patch Feld Cables Neuwertig neuwertiger Artikel, evtl. minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Die Originalverpackung ist unter Umständen nicht mehr vorhanden oder war bereits geöffnet. Artikel ist 2. Wahl, B-Ware oder neu, unbenutzt, aber mit kleinen Fehlern. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel finden sie in unserem Angebot. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • • • SKU: N1/ kostenfreier Versand sofort lieferbar Sofort-Kaufen Frage stellen N1/3585 Beschreibung Kaufabwicklung Batteriegesetzhinweise Beschreibung Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: Allgemeine Informationen zu unseren Angeboten Bei unseren Angeboten handelt es sich außer bei „Neuware um Kundenretouren. Kundenretouren sind Waren, die zuvor an einen Verbraucher verkauft und dann zurückgegeben wurden und sich unter Umständen noch im Garantiezeitraum des Herstellers befinden. D. h. der Artikel ist möglicherweise schon einmal ausgepackt worden oder war kurze Zeit in Betrieb genommen. Dadurch weisen manche Produkte mehr oder weniger an Gebrauchsspuren auf. Den genauen Zustand der Ware entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Artikelbeschreibung und den entsprechenden Produktbildern. Über den Umfang des vorherigen Gebrauchs sowie die Nutzungsdauer und die Anzahl der Vorbesitzer können wir keine Angaben machen. Eine Ausnahme bilden Artikel mit Betriebsstundenzähler. Versandinformation Artikel, welche aufgrund Ihrer Beschaffenheit nicht sicher mit dem Standardversand transportiert werden können, werden mit einem alternativen Versanddienstleister verschickt. Bitte geben Sie dem Versanddienstleister?keine Abstellvollmacht, da wir in diesem Fall bei Verlust der Ware keine Schadensansprüche übernehmen. Batteriegesetzhinweise Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. QualitätsCheck TopPreise PremiumVersand 30 TageRückgabe Nutze die attraktiven Vorteile der Retourenwelt und schenke Produkten ein neues Leben nach dem Retourenschein. Jeder unserer Artikel ist mit Sorgfalt von Hand geprüft. Beschädigte Originalverpackungen werden durch umweltfreundliche Verpackungen ersetzt. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • • • SKU: N1/

Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote

End: 11.08. 2023 09:02:35 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 104.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354917704032
  • Seller: icad57 (288|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ruislip Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 29,65 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote. Few scratches and very small dents.

LSA 101 CATV Drop Amp

End: 21.07. 2023 13:11:50 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 13.56 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115856816259
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: garymck (287|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kenabeek, Ontario Kanada
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Lindsay Broadband INC LSA 101 CATV Drop Amplifier

LSA Group LSA-1 Signature Loudspeakers - Black Oak

End: 18.07. 2023 13:27:29 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 737.83 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175807653376
  • Seller: quaturbo (1795|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bunnell, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 49,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    LSA Group set out to design and build speakers listeners would love. Head designer John Tucker used drivers found in speaker costing as much as 10X more, while maintaining a quality signal path through an advanced crossover. In the Signature Edition of the LSA1 Monitors, John Tucker performs modifications by hand, including:Upgrade tweeter to Vifa dual ring radiator, flat frequency response past 35 KHz.Upgrade crossover capacitors to Dynamicap metalized polypropyleneUpgrade acoustic treatments inside cabinet from synthetic polyfill to lambs wool The Signature monitors are an improvement on what is already a great success in the world of loudspeakers. While the external appearance is the same, performance is not. Increased clarity, openness, bass definition, and inner detail are immediately apparent. FEATURES -Spectacular ring radiator tweetersHi-end components in crossover networkHeavy plated binding postsBi-wire-able AMPLIFIER SPECIFICATIONS -DIMENSIONS - (LxWxH) 14 x 8.5 x 13.5WEIGHT: 14 Lbs CONDITION - These speakers were well cared for by their previous owner and are very clean and dust free. No sign of smoke, pets or kids. SHIPPING - We ship worldwide with UPS, Fed-Ex and various truck freight lines. All items are packed and padded with care if the original packaging is deemed insufficient. We know how exciting it is to anticipate the arrival of new gear and we want your item to arrive in the same condition it left our facility. $1799 Retail

Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote

End: 16.07. 2023 09:58:04 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.87 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354855024150
  • Seller: icad57 (282|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ruislip Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 33,48 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote. Few scratches and very small dents.

Barrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 112682 gris Barrettes de...

End: 30.06. 2023 14:06:50 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.38 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266274054728
  • Seller: elektro4000-hagen (22151|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: FR
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 jours ouvrables et expédition dans lUEShopKontaktBewertungen-->Plus de 52 736 articlesDes produits de marque à des prix abordablesVous recevrez votre facture incluant la TVAPayez seulement 1 fois les frais dexpédition !Illustration similaire.Veuillez prêter attention aux données techniques et à lEAN du produit. Barrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 112682 gris Barrettes de télécommunication Barrette de connexion LSABarrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 112682 gris Barrettes de télécommunication Barrette de connexion LSA CobiNet Barrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 112682 gris Barrettes de télécommunication Barrette de connexion LSACobiNet112682Numéro du fabricant : 112682Bornier LSAEAN : 4057227126828 7,38 eurosIncl. T.V.A. Réglette de raccordement CobiNet LSA 112682 gris Réglettes de télécommunication Réglette de raccordement LSA - description Barrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 2/10 à 10 paires 112682Fabricant:CobiNetDésignation:Barrette de connexion LSA 2/10 à 10 pairesTaper:112682Exécution:borniertype de connexion:LSA PlusOption dinstallation pour la protection contre les surtensions :OuiAvec marquage barre :OuiCouleur:GrisLongueur:38,8 mmLarge:129,5 mmHauteur:21,3 mmMax. Nombre de paires (DA) :dixBarrette de raccordement CobiNet LSA 112682 : plus de détailsBarrette de connexion LSA 2/10 à 10 paires avec code couleur pour plateau/canal de montage EAN : 4057227126828Livré : Barrette de connexion CobiNet LSA 2/10 à 10 paires 112682, unité de conditionnement : 1 pièce, EAN : 4057227126828. Veuillez noter le droit de rétractation légal, nos termes et conditions avec les informations client et notre politique de confidentialité au bas de cette offre.

Belt Riemen für Sony MDS-LSA 1 MiniDisc Player MD Recorder

End: 27.06. 2023 06:03:27 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 9.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166085693756
  • Seller: revox_de (77764|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Holzminden Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Das angebotene Produkt ist NICHT für andere ähnliche Modelle geeignet ! Die genaue Bezeichnung Ihres Gerätes finden Sie entweder auf der Gerätefront, Geräterückseite, Geräteunterseite oder in den seitlichen Kabelfächern. The offered product may NOT be used for any other similar models ! The accurate name of your device can be found either on the front, rear or bottom side or at side cable trays.Riemen für Sony MDS LSA 1 MiniDisc Player1 VierkantriemenBelt for Sony MDS LSA 1 MD Recorder1 square beltBlackReel Angebotsnummer 25660.25 - 69252

Kit 5 für Sony MDS-LSA 1 MiniDisc Player MD Recorder

End: 27.06. 2023 06:03:27 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 19.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134565358517
  • Seller: revox_de (77764|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Holzminden Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 14,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Das angebotene Produkt ist NICHT für andere ähnliche Modelle geeignet ! Die genaue Bezeichnung Ihres Gerätes finden Sie entweder auf der Gerätefront, Geräterückseite, Geräteunterseite oder in den seitlichen Kabelfächern. The offered product may NOT be used for any other similar models ! The accurate name of your device can be found either on the front, rear or bottom side or at side cable trays.Kit 5 für Sony MDS LSA 1 MiniDisc Player1 Sinterlager Öl 10ml1 VierkantriemenKit 5 for Sony MDS LSA 1 MD Recorder1 glide bearing oil 10ml1 square beltBlackReel Angebotsnummer 25660.30 - 69253

10x Netzwerk Verbindungsbox / Anschlussbox LSA CAT 5e / STP; NET LSA BOX CAT 5e

End: 25.06. 2023 12:42:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 32.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175744088942
  • Seller: computerhandlung24 (220421|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Chemnitz Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    10x Netzwerk Verbindungsbox / Anschlussbox LSA CAT 5e / STP; NET LSA BOX CAT 5e (x10) Box zum verbinden von zwei Netzwerk-Installationskabeln Geeignet für CAT 5e Netzwerke LSA Anschlussleisten STP geschirmt Version mit metalisiertem Kunststoffgehäuse Einfache Verbindung von zwei Netzwerk- Installationskabel Produktmerkmale Netzwerk Verbindungs-/ Anschlussbox CAT 5e (100MHz) STP geschirmtNetzwerk Verbindungs-/ Anschlussbox CAT 5e (100MHz) STP geschirmt - Box zum Verbinden von zwei Netzwerk-InstallationskabelnBox zum Verbinden von zwei Netzwerk-Installationskabeln Goobay Netzwerk Verbindungs-/ Anschlussbox CAT 5e (100MHz) STP geschirmt, Plastiktüte - Box zum Verbinden von zwei Netzwerk-Installationskabeln mit metalisiertem Kunststoffgehäuse LSA Anschlussleisten vorhanden werkzeugfreie Montage möglich STP geschirmt für Kabel mit AWG 22-26 Länge: 6,58 cmBreite: 3,58 cmHöhe: 2,58 cmSpezifikation: CAT 5eGeeignet für CAT 5e NetzwerkeEinfache Verbindung von zwei Netzwerk- InstallationskabelLSA AnschlussleistenSTP geschirmt Versionmit metalisiertem Kunststoffgehäuse Dazu passende Produktvarianten: 0,25m 0,5m 1m 1,5m 2m 3m 5m 7,5m 10m 15m 20m 25m 30m 40m 50m Blau 0,25m 1,5m 2m 7,5m 15m 25m 30m 40m 50m Gelb 0,25m 0,5m 1m 1,5m 2m 7,5m 50m Grau 0,25m 0,5m 1m 1,5m 2m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m Grün 0,25m 1,5m 2m 7,5m 15m 20m 25m 30m 40m 50m Orange 0,25m 1,5m 20m 25m 30m 40m 50m Rot 0,5m 1m 1,5m 2m 3m 5m 7,5m 25m 30m 50m Schwarz 0,25m 1,5m 5m 7,5m 20m 25m 40m 50m Transparent 0,25m 1m 1,5m 7,5m 15m 20m 25m 30m 40m 50m Violett 1,5m 20m 25m 30m 50m Weiß 0,25m 0,5m 1m 1,5m 2m 7,5m 20m 25m Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. Ähnliche Produkte, die Sie auch interessieren können: CAT 5e Universaldose 2 x RJ45, geschirmt; NET DOSE CAT 5e UNI WEISS PL CAT 6 Universaldose 2xRJ45, geschirmt; NET DOSE CAT 6 UNI WEISS PL Goobay Modularkupplung CAT 5 RJ45 2xF CROSSOVER PL Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG BEIGE PL-2 Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG BLAU PL-2 Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG EINFÄDEL-HILFE Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG GRAU Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG GRÜN PL-2 Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG ROT PL-2 Modularstecker RJ45 geschirmt; CAT 5 RJ45/8P8C PLUG SCHWARZ PL-2 Viel Spaß beim Kaufen!

Base di montaggio Corning LSA-Plus DE620022181 Listelli per...

End: 19.06. 2023 18:20:25 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 180.66 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266258322774
  • Seller: elektro4000-hagen (22200|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 giorni lavorativi e spedizione UEShopKontaktBewertungen-->Oltre 52.736 articoliProdotti di marca a prezzi convenientiRiceverai la tua fattura IVA inclusaSpedizione gratuitaIllustrazione simile.Si prega di prestare attenzione ai dati tecnici e allEAN del prodotto. Base di montaggio Corning LSA-Plus DE620022181 Listelli per telecomunicazioni LSA-PlusCorning Vassoio di montaggio LSA-Plus DE620022181 Strisce di telecomunicazione LSA-Plus Corning Base di montaggio Corning LSA-Plus DE620022181 Listelli per telecomunicazioni LSA-Plusin arrivoDE620022181Numero del produttore: DE620022181LSA PlusEAN: 4059496520703 EUR 180,66incl. I.V.A. Base di montaggio Corning LSA-Plus DE620022181 Strisce per telecomunicazioni LSA-Plus - descrizione Corning LSA-Plus sottopiastra R27.5 T49 f.55+1 Le. DE620022181Produttore:in arrivoDesignazione:Vassoio di montaggio LSA-Plus R27.5 T49 f.55+1 Le.Tipo:DE620022181Numero di strisce di connessione installabili:56Pece:27,5 mmLunghezza:1575 mmAmpio:105 mmProfondità:69 mmVassoio di montaggio Corning LSA-Plus DE620022181: maggiori dettagliVassoio di montaggio per strisce SID-CT o LSA-Plus 2, passo: 27,5 mm, profondità: 49 mm per 55+1 strisce, EAN: 4059496520703: Corning Vassoio di montaggio LSA-Plus R27.5 T49 f.55+1 Le. DE620022181, unità di imballo: 1 pezzo, EAN: 4059496520703. Si prega di notare il diritto di recesso legale, i nostri termini e condizioni con le informazioni sui clienti e la nostra politica sulla privacy in fondo a questa offerta.

Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote

End: 17.06. 2023 06:15:17 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 140.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354795456379
  • Seller: icad57 (279|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ruislip Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 28,85 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Glensound Seattle 7 GS LSA 001 IP eight zone power amplifier. No remote. Few scratches and very small dents.

TRU COMPONENTS Listelli LSA serie 2 Contenuto: 1 pz. Per linseriment TC-9878232

End: 14.06. 2023 13:44:41 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 14.6 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125946637340
  • Seller: eeemarket (24640|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Cabonara di Nola Italien
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 9,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Spediamo dal nostro magazzino in Italia / We ship Worldwide]-->Store LinksSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOTC-9878232 TRU COMPONENTS Listelli LSA serie 2 Contenuto: 1 pz. Brand new item, with 2 years warranty (unless otherwise specified in title or description). Prodotto Nuovo di fabbrica, nella sua confezione originale di vendita (o bulk se specificato altrove), mai aperto, mai usato.Spedizione Corriere Espresso, con assicurazione inclusa SEMPRE! Codice Prodotto eeemarket: R-BD2469558 DESCRIZIONE / DESCRIPTION TC-9878232 TRU COMPONENTS Listelli LSA serie 2 Contenuto: 1 pz.Per linserimento in vasche di montaggio LSA. Lato del cavo e lato di manovra collegati elettricamente in modo ben saldo.AWG max.: 26 ? AWG min.: 20 ? Numero Poli (num): 10 ? Sezione (min.): 0.4 mm ? Sezione Max: 0.6 mm Please note: home appliances (shavers, kitchen machines, coffee machines, ecc.) on sale at our store are intended for use at 220-240 Volts and in some cases at 100-240 Volts as well. If you live in a region with 100-110 Volts outlets, please contact us before buying. For more information about voltage by country, click here.SPEDIZIONE / SHIPPINGPAGAMENTI / PAYMENTSRESI / RETURNSPERCHE NOI / WHY EEEMARKETImballiamo (con cura) e spediamo ogni giorno in tutto il mondo. Le spedizioni partono dall Italia e sono sempre assicurate contro danni e smarrimenti. Spediamo lo stesso giorno del pagamento o entro 4 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione del pagamento. Vuoi sapere quando ti sara consegnato lordine? Controlla i tempi stimati da ebay nella sezione Spedizione e Pagamenti. Shipping leave from Italy: import duties, taxes, customs charges are not included in the item price nor the shipping cost (within the EU there are no customs fees). These charges are at buyers responsibility. For special EU member states territories (Canarias, Madeira, Azores, Ceuta Y Melilla, etc.) and other remote areas or for high-volume/high-weight items, an extra fee for freight charges may be requested. Accettiamo e preferiamo Paypal (senza alcun supplemento). Accettiamo anche bonifico bancario su conto Unicredit o Deutsche Bank. Paypal accepted and preferred. We accept bank transfer too: in USD to an American bank account, in GBP to a UK bank account and in Euro to an Italian bank account. Dormi sonni tranquilli: se i prodotti si rivelano difettosi, se non sono compatibili, se non corrispondono alla descrizione o se semplicemente non ti piacciono, contattaci entro 60 giorni dalla ricezione. Ti aiuteremo a restituirceli per un cambio o un rimborso. Sleep peacefully: if the goods are faulty, not fit for purpose, dont match description or you just dont like them, please contact us by 60 days from delivery receiving. Well be very glad to assist you on how to return the goods and get a replacement or a refund.Descrizioni precise dei prodottiProdotti 100% originali, nuovi di zecca - eeemarket non vende prodotti usati o contraffatti - MAI!60 giorni per ripensarciLasciamo il feedback positivo per primiPagamento sicuro tramite PaypalAssistenza Clienti di comprovata esperienza ed eccellente livelloPrezzi competitivi Siamo appassionati di Hi-Tech. Partner di eBay dal 2011...e siamo ancora pazzi di questo lavoro. Ci auguriamo tu possa apprezzare la nostra seriet? ed affidabilit?. Potrai sempre contare su di noi. Per qualunque esigenza, noi siamo qui, puoi contarci! We are the Hi-Tech Lovers. Weve been online as eBay-partners since 2011...and were keeping on loving this job! Hope you will appreciate our seriousness and reliability. You can always count on us! For any information, were here!eeemarket Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Natur Inhalt 1 St. 12.4 cm TC-6283944

End: 14.06. 2023 13:44:40 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125946637207
  • Seller: eeemarket (24640|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Cabonara di Nola Italien
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 9,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Spediamo dal nostro magazzino in Italia / We ship Worldwide]-->Store LinksSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOTC-6283944 Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Natur Inhalt 1 St. Brand new item, with 2 years warranty (unless otherwise specified in title or description). Prodotto Nuovo di fabbrica, nella sua confezione originale di vendita (o bulk se specificato altrove), mai aperto, mai usato.Spedizione Corriere Espresso, con assicurazione inclusa SEMPRE! Codice Prodotto eeemarket: R-BD1570986 DESCRIZIONE / DESCRIPTION TC-6283944 Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Natur Inhalt 1 St.12.4 cmConrad Electronic SE TC-6283944 LSA Plus 2 Natur Inhalt 1 St. 12.4 cm Please note: home appliances (shavers, kitchen machines, coffee machines, ecc.) on sale at our store are intended for use at 220-240 Volts and in some cases at 100-240 Volts as well. If you live in a region with 100-110 Volts outlets, please contact us before buying. For more information about voltage by country, click here.SPEDIZIONE / SHIPPINGPAGAMENTI / PAYMENTSRESI / RETURNSPERCHE NOI / WHY EEEMARKETImballiamo (con cura) e spediamo ogni giorno in tutto il mondo. Le spedizioni partono dall Italia e sono sempre assicurate contro danni e smarrimenti. Spediamo lo stesso giorno del pagamento o entro 4 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione del pagamento. Vuoi sapere quando ti sara consegnato lordine? Controlla i tempi stimati da ebay nella sezione Spedizione e Pagamenti. Shipping leave from Italy: import duties, taxes, customs charges are not included in the item price nor the shipping cost (within the EU there are no customs fees). These charges are at buyers responsibility. For special EU member states territories (Canarias, Madeira, Azores, Ceuta Y Melilla, etc.) and other remote areas or for high-volume/high-weight items, an extra fee for freight charges may be requested. Accettiamo e preferiamo Paypal (senza alcun supplemento). Accettiamo anche bonifico bancario su conto Unicredit o Deutsche Bank. Paypal accepted and preferred. We accept bank transfer too: in USD to an American bank account, in GBP to a UK bank account and in Euro to an Italian bank account. Dormi sonni tranquilli: se i prodotti si rivelano difettosi, se non sono compatibili, se non corrispondono alla descrizione o se semplicemente non ti piacciono, contattaci entro 60 giorni dalla ricezione. Ti aiuteremo a restituirceli per un cambio o un rimborso. Sleep peacefully: if the goods are faulty, not fit for purpose, dont match description or you just dont like them, please contact us by 60 days from delivery receiving. Well be very glad to assist you on how to return the goods and get a replacement or a refund.Descrizioni precise dei prodottiProdotti 100% originali, nuovi di zecca - eeemarket non vende prodotti usati o contraffatti - MAI!60 giorni per ripensarciLasciamo il feedback positivo per primiPagamento sicuro tramite PaypalAssistenza Clienti di comprovata esperienza ed eccellente livelloPrezzi competitivi Siamo appassionati di Hi-Tech. Partner di eBay dal 2011...e siamo ancora pazzi di questo lavoro. Ci auguriamo tu possa apprezzare la nostra seriet? ed affidabilit?. Potrai sempre contare su di noi. Per qualunque esigenza, noi siamo qui, puoi contarci! We are the Hi-Tech Lovers. Weve been online as eBay-partners since 2011...and were keeping on loving this job! Hope you will appreciate our seriousness and reliability. You can always count on us! For any information, were here!eeemarket Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Rot Inhalt 1 St. Rot TC-6282424

End: 14.06. 2023 13:43:56 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125945239549
  • Seller: eeemarket (24629|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Cabonara di Nola Italien
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 9,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Spediamo dal nostro magazzino in Italia / We ship Worldwide]-->Store LinksSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOSEGUICICONTATTACIFEEDBACKCHI SIAMOTC-6282424 Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Rot Inhalt 1 St. Brand new item, with 2 years warranty (unless otherwise specified in title or description). Prodotto Nuovo di fabbrica, nella sua confezione originale di vendita (o bulk se specificato altrove), mai aperto, mai usato.Spedizione Corriere Espresso, con assicurazione inclusa SEMPRE! Codice Prodotto eeemarket: R-BD1570606 DESCRIZIONE / DESCRIPTION TC-6282424 Conrad Electronic SE LSA Plus 2 Rot Inhalt 1 St.RotConrad Electronic SE TC-6282424 LSA Plus 2 Rot Inhalt 1 St. Rot Please note: home appliances (shavers, kitchen machines, coffee machines, ecc.) on sale at our store are intended for use at 220-240 Volts and in some cases at 100-240 Volts as well. If you live in a region with 100-110 Volts outlets, please contact us before buying. For more information about voltage by country, click here.SPEDIZIONE / SHIPPINGPAGAMENTI / PAYMENTSRESI / RETURNSPERCHE NOI / WHY EEEMARKETImballiamo (con cura) e spediamo ogni giorno in tutto il mondo. Le spedizioni partono dall Italia e sono sempre assicurate contro danni e smarrimenti. Spediamo lo stesso giorno del pagamento o entro 4 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione del pagamento. Vuoi sapere quando ti sara consegnato lordine? Controlla i tempi stimati da ebay nella sezione Spedizione e Pagamenti. Shipping leave from Italy: import duties, taxes, customs charges are not included in the item price nor the shipping cost (within the EU there are no customs fees). These charges are at buyers responsibility. For special EU member states territories (Canarias, Madeira, Azores, Ceuta Y Melilla, etc.) and other remote areas or for high-volume/high-weight items, an extra fee for freight charges may be requested. Accettiamo e preferiamo Paypal (senza alcun supplemento). Accettiamo anche bonifico bancario su conto Unicredit o Deutsche Bank. Paypal accepted and preferred. We accept bank transfer too: in USD to an American bank account, in GBP to a UK bank account and in Euro to an Italian bank account. Dormi sonni tranquilli: se i prodotti si rivelano difettosi, se non sono compatibili, se non corrispondono alla descrizione o se semplicemente non ti piacciono, contattaci entro 60 giorni dalla ricezione. Ti aiuteremo a restituirceli per un cambio o un rimborso. Sleep peacefully: if the goods are faulty, not fit for purpose, dont match description or you just dont like them, please contact us by 60 days from delivery receiving. Well be very glad to assist you on how to return the goods and get a replacement or a refund.Descrizioni precise dei prodottiProdotti 100% originali, nuovi di zecca - eeemarket non vende prodotti usati o contraffatti - MAI!60 giorni per ripensarciLasciamo il feedback positivo per primiPagamento sicuro tramite PaypalAssistenza Clienti di comprovata esperienza ed eccellente livelloPrezzi competitivi Siamo appassionati di Hi-Tech. Partner di eBay dal 2011...e siamo ancora pazzi di questo lavoro. Ci auguriamo tu possa apprezzare la nostra seriet? ed affidabilit?. Potrai sempre contare su di noi. Per qualunque esigenza, noi siamo qui, puoi contarci! We are the Hi-Tech Lovers. Weve been online as eBay-partners since 2011...and were keeping on loving this job! Hope you will appreciate our seriousness and reliability. You can always count on us! For any information, were here!eeemarket Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste

End: 14.06. 2023 12:04:47 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354802262563
  • Seller: elektro4000-hagen (22071|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 Werktage und EU-Versand ShopKontaktBewertungen--> Über 52.736 ArtikelMarkenprodukte zum gÜnstigen PreisIhre Rechnung erhalten Sie inklusive ausgewiesener MehrwertsteuerZahlen Sie nur 1x Versandkosten! Abbildung ähnlich.Bitte achten Sie auf die technischen Daten und die EAN des Produkts. CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet 112621 Herstellernummer: 112621 LSA-Trennleiste EAN: 4057227126217 EUR 7.67inkl. Mehrwertsteuer CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste - Beschreibung CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA 112621Hersteller:CobiNetBezeichnung:LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DATyp:112621Ausführung:TrennleisteAnschlussart:LSA ProfilMit Leistenmarkierung:jaFarbe:weißLänge:38,8 mmBreite:129,5 mmHöhe:21,3 mmMax. Anzahl der Doppeladern (DA):10CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112621: weitere DetailsLSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA mit Farbcode für Rundstangen und Montagewanne EAN: 4057227126217Geliefert wird: CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA 112621, Verpackungseinheit: 1 Stück, EAN: 4057227126217. Bitte beachten Sie das gesetzliche Widerrufsrecht, unsere AGB mit Kundeninformationen sowie unsere Datenschutzerklärung im unteren Bereich dieses Angebots.

CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679 weiß Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste

End: 09.06. 2023 00:05:50 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266270563408
  • Seller: elektro4000-hagen (22086|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    2 Werktage und EU-Versand ShopKontaktBewertungen--> Über 52.736 ArtikelMarkenprodukte zum gÜnstigen PreisIhre Rechnung erhalten Sie inklusive ausgewiesener MehrwertsteuerZahlen Sie nur 1x Versandkosten! Abbildung ähnlich.Bitte achten Sie auf die technischen Daten und die EAN des Produkts. CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679 Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679 Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679 Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste CobiNet Herstellernummer: 112679 LSA-Trennleiste EAN: 4057227126798 EUR 7.67inkl. Mehrwertsteuer CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679 Fernmeldeleisten LSA-Trennleiste - Beschreibung CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA 112679Hersteller:CobiNetBezeichnung:LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DATyp:112679CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 112679: weitere DetailsLSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA ohne Farbcode für Montagewanne/-kanal EAN: 4057227126798Geliefert wird: CobiNet LSA-Trennleiste 2/10 zu 10 DA 112679, Verpackungseinheit: 1 Stück, EAN: 4057227126798. Bitte beachten Sie das gesetzliche Widerrufsrecht, unsere AGB mit Kundeninformationen sowie unsere Datenschutzerklärung im unteren Bereich dieses Angebots.